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John Sinclair, Folge 69: Der Ripper kehrt zur?ck
John Sinclair, Folge 69: Der Ripper kehrt zur?ck

Автор: Jason Dark

Jason Dark John Sinclair – Folge 69 Der Ripper kehrt zur?ck Ernie Shane ist tot. Unter dem Einfluss des Geistes von Jack The Ripper hatte Shane mehrere Frauen und schlie?lich sich selbst ermordet. Doch ist der Schrecken damit vorbei? Als in dem Vergn?gungs-Park «Horror-Land» das abgetrennte Haar einer Frauenleiche gefunden wird, ahnt Oberinspektor John Sinclair nicht, dass er bereits einer Spur folgt, die ihm sein Feind gelegt hat. Eine Spur, die Sinclair bis an den Rand des Wahnsinns f?hren wird. Besetzt mit den Synchronstimmen vieler Hollywood-Stars, aufwendig inszeniert mit Musik und atemberaubenden Schockeffekten garantiert dieses H?rspiel von Oliver D?ring pures Blockbuster-Kino f?r das Ohr. VON SINCLAIR-SCH?PFER JASON DARK PERS?NLICH EMPFOHLEN!

Исполнители: Carsten Wilhelm

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783838769172


Opa Draculas Gutenachtgeschichten, Folge 8: Mona Lisa
Opa Draculas Gutenachtgeschichten, Folge 8: Mona Lisa

Автор: Opa Dracula

Dracula ist in die Jahre gekommen. Er lebt nun als Rentner in seinem Schloss und erz?hlt seinen Enkeln, den Vampirkindern Pizzi und Morbi, jeden Abend von einem Vorfahren, der zur Zeit einer ber?hmten historischen Pers?nlichkeit lebte. Anstatt einzuschlafen, tricksen die beiden Kinder ihren Opa aus und machen sich auf zu einer Reise in die Vergangenheit Die Malerin Hanna Dracul?ch malt mit Farben, die Ger?usche von sich geben. Als Pizzi und Morbi sie besuchen, bereitet sie sich gerade auf ein Mal-Duell mit dem Platzhirsch der ?rtlichen K?nstlerszene, Leonardo da Vinci, vor. Pizzi und Morbi helfen ihr bei der Suche nach einem Modell und schlagen die Frau eines Kaufmanns vor. Ihr Name: Mona Lisa – und w?hrend des Duells entsteht eins der ber?hmtesten Bilder der Kunstgeschichte.

Исполнители: Wolfgang V?lz

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783838763446


Potz Blitz - Die Zauber-Akademie, Folge 2: Die verhexte Mitternachtsparty
Potz Blitz - Die Zauber-Akademie, Folge 2: Die verhexte Mitternachtsparty

Автор: Tatjana Auster

Flo, Finn, Jazz und ihre Freunde auf der Potz Blitz Zauberakademie f?r junge Hexen und Hexer haben etwas Geheimes geplant: eine Mitternachtsparty in einem abgelegenen Winkel des Schlosses. Doch gerade, als die Party richtig losgehen soll, geht alles m?chtig schief. Ein mysteri?ser Drache, ein unheimliches Tor und jede Menge verhexter Schabernack. Wie das geht? Finde es heraus!

Исполнители: Sascha Rotermund

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 4260147774608


Sherlock Holmes - Die geheimen F?lle des Meisterdetektivs, Folge 54: Tod eines Giftforschers
Sherlock Holmes - Die geheimen F?lle des Meisterdetektivs, Folge 54: Tod eines Giftforschers

Автор: Herman Cyril McNeile

Исполнители: Torsten M?nchow

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 4251777704295


Sherlock Holmes, Die neuen F?lle, Fall 36: Remis in zehn Z?gen
Sherlock Holmes, Die neuen F?lle, Fall 36: Remis in zehn Z?gen

Автор: Eric Niemann

Aus der Royal Gallery im Palace of Westminster wird der Sovereign's Orb gestohlen. Es handelt sich um eine mit Edelsteinen besetzte, goldene Hohlkugel, die einen zentralen Bestandteil der britischen Kr?nungsinsignien darstellt. Einer der Wachleute scheint verd?chtig. Hat der Mann etwas mit dem Diebstahl zu tun? Sherlock Holmes ist Besucher eines Schachwettkampfes im Palace of Westminster und ?bernimmt die Ermittlungen.

Исполнители: Harry K?hn

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 4260507153708


Sherlock Holmes Phantastik, Die unsichtbare Wand
Sherlock Holmes Phantastik, Die unsichtbare Wand

Автор: Markus Winter

1880, Dunwich, Massachusetts. Der junge Sherlock Holmes besucht seinen ehemaligen Studienfreund Basil Bishop. Im Landhaus der Bishops tauchen am ersten gemeinsamen Abend h?chst merkw?rdige G?ste auf, die schier unglaubliche Ereignisse hervorrufen. Der zuk?nftige Meisterdetektiv ger?t unversehens in seinen ersten Fall, der absolut unl?sbar scheint.

Исполнители: Tom Jacobs

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783960669005


Sigurd - Der ritterliche Held, Folge 2: Im Tal der Nebel
Sigurd - Der ritterliche Held, Folge 2: Im Tal der Nebel

Автор: Hansrudi W?scher

Sigurd – der Stolz seines Vaters Eckbert von Eckbertstein. Selten sah man einen tollk?hneren Helden. Kein Abenteuer ist dem jungen Ritter zu gef?hrlich, keine Aufgabe zu schwer. Erlebt in dieser Folge, den schier aussichtslosen Kampf gegen riesenhafte Monsterspinnen und andere Kreaturen. Staunt ?ber die Entdeckung von K?nig Ringans Schatz und werdet Zeuge, wie Sigurd von einem m?rderischen Strudel mitgerissen wird – seinem sicheren Tod entgegen.

Исполнители: David Turba

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783864730580


Sigurd - Der ritterliche Held, Folge 1: T?dliches Gold
Sigurd - Der ritterliche Held, Folge 1: T?dliches Gold

Автор: Hansrudi W?scher

Sigurd – der Stolz seines Vaters Eckbert von Eckbertstein. Selten sah man einen tollk?hneren Helden. Kein Abenteuer ist dem jungen Ritter zu gef?hrlich, keine Aufgabe zu schwer. Erlebt in dieser Folge, wie aus erbitterten Feinden, Freunde f?rs Leben werden. Wie Sigurd die Burg seines Vaters gegen den grausamen Eroberer Raos verteidigt. Werdet Zeuge der Errettung der holden Gerhild und begleitet Sigurd auf der atemberaubenden Suche nach K?nig Ringans Schatz.

Исполнители: David Turba

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783864730573


Sinclair, Staffel 1: Dead Zone, Folge 3: Zorn
Sinclair, Staffel 1: Dead Zone, Folge 3: Zorn

Автор: Dennis Ehrhardt

Ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt auf dem Meeresgrund. Eine r?tselhafte Mordserie. Die Opfer sind bestialisch entstellt. Eine uralte Macht, die nicht von dieser Welt zu sein scheint. Und ein Mann, der im Kampf gegen das B?se seine Berufung findet: John Sinclair. >>Sinclair – Dead Zone

Исполнители: Torben Liebrecht

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 4251625933518


Sinclair, Staffel 1: Dead Zone, Folge 1: Zeichen
Sinclair, Staffel 1: Dead Zone, Folge 1: Zeichen

Автор: Dennis Ehrhardt

Ein geheimnisvolles Artefakt auf dem Meeresgrund. Eine r?tselhafte Mordserie. Die Opfer sind bestialisch entstellt. Eine uralte Macht, die nicht von dieser Welt zu sein scheint. Und ein Mann, der im Kampf gegen das B?se seine Berufung findet: John Sinclair. «Sinclair – Dead Zone» ist der Auftakt der neuen Serie SINCLAIR und erz?hlt die Entstehungsgeschichte von John Sinclair – v?llig neu und von Anfang an. Noch nie war Sinclair zeitgen?ssischer, unheimlicher und d?sterer. Ideal f?r Neueinsteiger

Исполнители: Torben Liebrecht

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 4251535784934


Vampira, Folge 4: Landrus Ankunft
Vampira, Folge 4: Landrus Ankunft

Автор: Vampira

Sie sind auf der Flucht – der junge Priester-Aspirant und die Halb-Vampirin. Verfolgt von einer Macht, die ?ber Mittel und Wege verf?gt, die die beiden Fl?chtenden nicht einmal erahnen k?nnen. Der Weg hinter ihnen liegt in Scherben: Das Haus, in dem Lilith fast 100 Jahre lang geborgen war, ist versunken, Duncan Luthers Laufbahn zerst?rt. Und in der Stadt breitet sich das Grauen aus. Etwas Unheilvolles geht von der Paddington Street aus, das immer wei¬tere Kreise zieht. Doch das wahre Unheil hat noch gar nicht begonnen. Es nimmt erst seinen Lauf, als ein Wesen in Sydney eintrifft, dessen St?rke und Bosheit unbeschreiblich ist…

Исполнители: diverse

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783838764603


Von Blut & Magie
Von Blut & Magie

Автор: Melanie Lane

Grau, langweilig und ereignislos beschreibt Lillys Leben wohl am besten. Doch als Nick Callahan sie entf?hrt, ist die Verwirrung perfekt. Wenn man Nick Glauben schenkt, ist Lilly die verlorene Prinzessin der Anderswelt. Pl?tzlich sieht sie sich D?monen, Engeln und anderen mystischen Wesen einer magischen Parallelwelt gegen?ber. Lilly wird unvermittelt zur Zielscheibe der D?monen in einem jahrhundertealten Kampf um den Thron der Anderswelt. Wem kann sie in dieser neuen Welt ?berhaupt trauen? Und dann ist da noch Lucan Vale, der geheimnisvolle Krieger, und das verbotene Knistern zwischen ihnen.

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783954528325


Von Flammen & Verrat
Von Flammen & Verrat

Автор: Melanie Lane

Nach und nach beginnt Lilly ihre Rolle in der Anderswelt zu akzeptieren, nicht aber ohne Ver?nderungen anzusto?en. Doch die Intrigen gegen sie werden konkreter und fordern weitere Opfer. Gemeinsam mit ihren Verb?ndeten stellt sie sich den Gefahren, die nicht nur in Arcadia auf sie lauern. Dabei k?mpft sie nicht nur gegen alte, l?ngst ?berholte Traditionen, sondern auch gegen ihre eigenen Emotionen. Denn seit sie von ihrer einzigartigen Verbindung zu Lucan Vale – dem Assassinen-K?nig – wei?, spielen ihre Gef?hle komplett verr?ckt…

Цена: 592.69 руб.
ISBN: 9783954528332


Diario de un loco (Completo)
Diario de un loco (Completo)

Автор: Nikolai Gogol

Исполнители: Miguel Ugarte

Цена: 593.67 руб.
ISBN: 9798889440741


El extra?o caso de Benjamin Button (Completo)
El extra?o caso de Benjamin Button (Completo)

Автор: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Исполнители: Franco Pati?o

Цена: 593.67 руб.
ISBN: 9798889441106


The Redemption of Althalus
The Redemption of Althalus

Автор: David Eddings

A fabulous Eddings standalone fantasy, set in an entirely new magical world.Burglar, armed robber and sometime murderer, our hero Althalus is commissioned to steal a book from the House at the End of the World by a mysterious cloaked stranger named Ghend. At the House at the End of the World, he finds a talking cat… in the same room as the book Ghend described. What he can’t find once he’s in the house is the door by which he entered. Only 2467 years and an ice age later does Althalus re-emerge with the cat, Emmy. He’s read the book written by the god Deiwos, whose evil brother Daeva is trying to unmake the world. Emmy is in fact their sister and she’s setting out to save the world with Althalus to help her. No easy task. First there is a quest to unearth the magical knife that will enable Emmy to assemble her band of essential helpers: Eliar (young soldier), Andine (leader of a small country), Bheid (black-robed priest), Gher (ten-year old orphan), Leitha (telepath/witch). Battles follow against Gelta the Queen of Night and the armies of Daeva involving many devious manoeuvres in and out of the House where Doors can be opened to any place at any time. Daeva has his Doors, too. When Daeva can’t win through battle, he tries revolution. When Dweia (Emmy) can’t win any other way, Althalus will persuade her to lie, cheat and steal – reciprocating the lessons in truth, justice and morality Emmy has been giving him for some while. The existence of the world hangs in the balance and love cannot be guaranteed to triumph in this glorious epic fantasy.

Цена: 597.13 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375097


The Temeraire Series
The Temeraire Series

Автор: Naomi Novik

Naomi Novik’s stunning series of novels follow the adventures of Cpt Laurence and his dragon Temeraire as they travel from the shores of Britain to China and Africa.Laurence and Temeraire made a daring journey across vast and inhospitable continents to bring home a rare Turkish dragon from the treacherous Ottoman Empire.Kazilik dragons are firebreathers, and Britain is in greater need of protection than ever, for while Laurence and Temeraire were away, an epidemic struck British shores and is killing off her greatest defence – her dragon air force is slowly dying.The dreadful truth must be kept from Napoleon at all costs. Allied with the white Chinese dragon, Lien, he would not hesitate to take advantage of Britain's weakness and launch a devastating invasion.Hope lies with the only remaining healthy dragon – Temeraire cannot stay at home, but must once again venture into the unknown to help his friends and seek out a cure in darkest Africa.

Серия: The Temeraire Series

Цена: 597.13 руб.
ISBN: 9780007318582


Revenge In The Boardroom
Revenge In The Boardroom

Автор: Nina Harrington

Fonseca’s Fury by Abby Green The last time Luca Fonseca saw Serena DePiero he ended up in jail. The Brazilian billionaire has since clawed back his reputation, but he’s never forgotten her. So when Luca discovers Serena’s working for his charity his anger is reignited… As passion flares it may just consume them both!Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Boss? By Nina Harrington Scott Elstrom craves freedom…so leaving the wilds of Alaska behind to save the family company isn’t top on his list of priorities! And getting his portrait painted by one feisty, sexy fireball…? Never! But, Tori needs this commission so she won’t back down. This battle of wills is proving to be a bit too tempting!Unfinished Business by Cat Schield When it comes to Rachel, Max makes an exception to his take-no-prisoners rule. He’ll hold her hostage as his secretary and settle old scores from their brief affair. Rachel needs Max to keep her business alive so she can’t say no. But soon their reignited passion reveals the mystery of her past. Will Max be able to forgive her?

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 605.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781474079952


The Immortal Rules
The Immortal Rules

Автор: Julie Kagawa

‘Julie Kagawa is a strong new voice’ The Sunday ExpressWhat if having a chance to save humanity meant becoming what you hate and fear most?To survive in a ruined world, she must embrace the darkness…Allison Sekemoto survives in the Fringe, the outermost circle of a walled-in city. By day, she and her crew scavenge for food. By night, any one of them could be eaten. All that drives Allie is her hatred of them – the vampires who keep humans for food. Until the night Allie herself dies… and becomes a vampire.Forced to flee, Allie must pass for human as she joins a ragged group of pilgrims seeking a legend – the cure for the disease that killed off most of civilization and created the rabids, the bloodthirsty creatures who threaten human and vampire alike. And soon Allie will have to decide what – and who – is worth dying for… again.Enter Julie Kagawa’s dark and twisted world as an unforgettable dystopian journey begins. Perfect for fans of Holly Black, Sarah J Maas and Tomi Adeyemi.***********************************************Readers can’t get enough of The Immortal Rules:‘I could not put this book down.’‘a heart wrenching tale of survival’‘totally hooked’‘I loved this book, and would recommend it to nearly everyone!’‘kept me up all night!’‘keeps you enthralled from start to finish’***********************************************The Blood of Eden seriesBook One: The Immortal RulesBook Two: The Eternity CureBook Three: The Forever Song

Серия: MIRA Ink

Цена: 605.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781408981436


The Black Hawks
The Black Hawks

Автор: David Wragg

Dark, thrilling, and hilarious, The Black Hawks is an epic adventure perfect for fans of Joe Abercrombie and Scott Lynch.Life as a knight is not what Vedren Chel imagined. Bound by oath to a dead-end job in the service of a lazy step-uncle, Chel no longer dreams of glory – he dreams of going home.When invaders throw the kingdom into turmoil, Chel finds opportunity in the chaos: if he escorts a stranded prince to safety, Chel will be released from his oath.All he has to do is drag the brat from one side of the country to the other, through war and wilderness, chased all the way by ruthless assassins.With killers on your trail, you need killers watching your back. You need the Black Hawk Company – mercenaries, fighters without equal, a squabbling, scrapping pack of rogues.Prepare to join the Black Hawks.

Серия: Articles of Faith

Цена: 620.17 руб.
ISBN: 9780008331429


A Fistful of Charms
A Fistful of Charms

Автор: Ким Харрисон

From New York Times best-selling author, Kim Harrison, comes the fourth book in her brilliant series, The Hollows; packed with vampires, werewolves and witches – don’t miss out on this sexy urban fantasy.There's no rest for the wicked, even when the taint on your soul isn't your fault.It would be wise for witch and bounty hunter, Rachel Morgan, to keep a low profile right now. Her new reputation for the dark arts has piqued the interest of Cincinnati's night-prowlers, who despise her and long to bring an end to her interference, one way or another.Nevertheless, Rachel must risk exposure. Her ex-boyfriend, Nick, has stolen a priceless Were artefact, and, as tempting as it may be to let the Weres him apart, Rachel feels obliged to attempt a rescue. But other sinister forces also covet the relic Nick has hidden. Some who desire it so badly, they will take the city – and everyone in it – apart to wield its frightening power.

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007301843


Blue Twilight
Blue Twilight

Автор: Maggie Shayne

They are drawn by his deception, then disappear into the darkness forever… Endover, New Hampshire, looks innocent. But below its surface an ancient powerful thirst lurks. And when two girls go missing, only one person can find them: private investigator Maxine Stuart. No other living mortal knows as much about the undead as Maxie.But the dark force controlling Endover will use that knowledge to strengthen his hold on the town – and on her. Not even Lou Malone, the man Maxie most desires, can convince her to abandon her crusade against a madman’s yearning for power…and resurrected love.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408928851


Bonded by Blood
Bonded by Blood

Автор: Laurie London

A choice between vengeance and love…No one can protect Mackenzie Foster-Shaw from the vampires who crave her rare blood type. Until she encounters an impossibly sexy stranger, a man she must trust with her life.For Dominic, Mackenzie satisfies a primal hunger – and the bond they share goes beyond heat, beyond love. She alone can supply the strength he needs to claim his revenge. But in doing so, he could destroy her…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408974476


Code of the Wolf
Code of the Wolf

Автор: Susan Krinard

Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.Lust and revenge are best served after sundown…Outlaw werewolves destroyed his home and killed his wife. But they made one mistake: they didn’t kill him too. Now, after ten lonely years honing his skills with a gun, Jacob Constantine is back in New Mexico, hell-bent on justice – until he’s ambushed by bandits and saved by an angel on her own deadly crusade.With a gun slung low across her seductive hips and vengeance in her eyes, Serenity Campbell isn’t who she seems to be. But neither is the mysterious bounty hunter who threatens to drive her desire into dangerous territory. Together they track their prey with the same intensity they circle one another. But will their growing passion be enough to right the wrongs of the past and bring two damaged hearts together?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408974865


Embraced by Blood
Embraced by Blood

Автор: Laurie London

Two vampire coalitions are waging war… …And Alfonso is a hunted man.He’s managed to elude the Darkbloods, vengeful foes who won’t rest until he’s dead. But he still craves one dangerous temptation: Lily, the sexy Guardian agent he’ll risk anything to protect. Lily is a wanted woman. Her talent for tracking Sweet – a rare blood type that’s addictive to vampires – makes her a target for enemy capture.Her only hope is the vampire who stole into her bed…then left her in despair. Lily won’t let Alfonso near her heart again – until an irresistible hunger threatens to draw them back together…and into an assassin’s snare.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408974773


Every Which Way But Dead
Every Which Way But Dead

Автор: Ким Харрисон

From New York Times best-selling author, Kim Harrison, comes the third book in her brilliant series, The Hollows; packed with vampires, werewolves and witches – don’t miss out on this sexy urban fantasy.If you make a deal with the devil, can you still save your soul?To avoid becoming the love-slave of a depraved criminal vampire, bounty-hunter and witch, Rachel Morgan, is cornered into a deal that could promise her an eternity of suffering.But eternal damnation is not Rachel's only worry. Her vampire roommate, Ivy, has rediscovered her taste for blood and is struggling to keep their relationship platonic, her boyfriend, Nick, has disappeared – perhaps indefinitely, and she's being stalked by an irate pack of werewolves.And then there's also the small matter of the turf war raging in Cincinnati's underworld; one that Rachel began and will have to finish before she has the smallest hope of preserving her own future.

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007301850


Forever Vampire
Forever Vampire

Автор: Michele Hauf

AN UNDYING QUEST FOR REVENGE… Vail is a pure-blooded vampire. But, raised by Faery, he has neither home nor peace and, when he’s enlisted to track a paranormal thief, Vail’s price is information. Specifically, the whereabouts of his accursed father. His goal is revenge and the supernaturally sexy Lyric, the icy blonde vampiress he’s assigned to work with, is a distraction he can’t afford.Lyric has her own secrets. Desperate to break free from her criminal family, she aligns herself with the brooding Vail. Together they seek justice while each secretly works for freedom and a fresh start. For Lyric that means staying away from her kind, even from the smouldering blue-eyed Vail. For Vail, it means a battle to the death for revenge – and for a temptress he can’t deny.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408975084


Lord of the Wolfyn
Lord of the Wolfyn

Автор: Jessica Andersen

Dayn: The Dark Wolf Reda couldn’t explain how she’d been catapulted into another realm – face-to-fang with a legendary werewolf. A wolf who transformed into a dark, gorgeous man… Dayn despised the Sorcerer who’d turned him wolfyn and damned him to a lonely fate. As a beast, he mated with many women to gain strength, strength that would help to rescue his royal parents. Even though in his heart the only touch he craved was Reda’s.Now, saving his kingdom means embracing his inner wild wolf, but to find true love and happiness with Reda he’ll have to use all his power to fight his true animal nature.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408928974


Lord of the Vampires
Lord of the Vampires

Автор: Gena Showalter

Nicolai: The Dark Seducer Dangerously sexy vampire Nicolai was renowned for his virility, but now fate has turned against The Dark Seducer. Cast out from his home, Nicolai has been doomed to become a sex slave in the magical kingdom of Delfina. Stripped of his memory all that remains of Nicolai’s mind is the primal need for freedom, revenge – and the only woman who can help him.The vampire calls to Jane Parker in her dreams, drawing her to his dark sensuality – and towards Delfina. Yet life is anything but a fairytale for humans in the mystical land. And while Jane may be the key to unlocking Nicolai’s memory, exploiting her means dooming the only mortal he craves.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408928912


Night of the Wolves
Night of the Wolves

Автор: Heather Graham

A victory for evil? Guided by visions as she hunts for her father’s murderer, Alexandra Gordon returns to Victory, Texas – and lands straight in the arms of fearsome lawman Cody Fox. A dedicated soldier in the war against evil, Cody wears his battle scars with honour, all the while hiding a shameful secret from perceptive Alexandra.Their attraction is instant and unstoppable, but soon it may cost Alex her life. For an ancient evil has been awakened and is stalking the townsfolk after dark…To protect Alex, Cody must choose between a showdown with the devil – and the fiery beauty whose kisses soothe his tormented soul.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408974926



Автор: Linda Winstead Jones

They live among us… They are more than human…INFERNOby New York Times bestseller Linda HowardThe Raintree clan are under attack and, as king – with fire at his fingertips – it’s up to Dante Raintree to protect his family. Then Lorna Clay walks into his life. Dante faces a battle against the wizards of the Ansara. Is he powerful and ruthless enough to vanquish his enemies and claim his mate?HAUNTED by RITA® Award winner Linda Winstead JonesHomicide detective Gideon Raintree is on the trail of a relentless serial killer, a dark Ansara wizard, when he is given an alluring new partner he doesn’t want. Suddenly, even with all his ‘special talents’, they are in a race against time to save the whole Raintree family…and their unborn child.SANCTUARY by New York Times bestseller Beverly BartonFor Mercy Raintree, war means she must become the guardian of the Sanctuary – the secret Raintree home. Judah, leader of the Ansara, claims the right to kill Mercy, personally. But then he comes face to face with her – and her daughter, Eve. Will Mercy’s secret change the future? An incredible paranormal trilogy!

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408906132


Seducing the Vampire
Seducing the Vampire

Автор: Michele Hauf

A Vampire Like No Other… Courted by two dangerous vampire brothers, Viviane succumbs to handsome Rhys. Yet Viviane’s unaware that Rhys seeks vengeance against his brother, Constantine – and he intends to get it by stealing Viviane and tainting her with his blood. But just as Rhys is realising the depth of his love for Viviane, his brother takes his revenge.Constantine casts a spell that condemns her to living death in a glass coffin. Two centuries later, Rhys hears of the Snow White vampire – his lost love Viviane. He must find her and set her free, but can he save her from the evil still intent on destroying them?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408975060


Tall, Dark and Daring
Tall, Dark and Daring

Автор: Suzanne Brockmann

New York Times Bestselling Author Suzanne Brockmann thrills readers with tall, dark heroes who face the most daring adventure of all –falling in love.When a deadly consignment of biological weapons is stolen from military testing lab, it’s Admiral Jake Robinson’s job to recover them by any means necessary. Which means relying on Dr. Zoe Lang’s help – and denying the simmering attraction they share…Waking up with only an address, a .22 calibre pistol and no memory of who he is, Navy SEAL Mitchell Shaw is in trouble. Until the address leads him to beautiful Becca Keyes, who can help him solve the mystery of his past. And help him to believe in his future – with her.

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408981351


Tempted by Blood
Tempted by Blood

Автор: Laurie London

Secrets of a deadly natureHe might be known for his effortless charm, but Guardian Jackson Foss is hiding a terrible secret. For months, he has battled the emergence of his dark nature – deadly urges that threaten to consume him. Those cravings intensify when he meets Arianna Wells.The human he’s assigned to protect is smart, perceptive; she doesn’t seem like a dangerous temptress. Yet she awakens in him an unstoppable need that, if left unchecked, will brand him a traitor…punishable by death.But soon their bond is her only hope. As stalking her in the shadows is a merciless enemy – one who will stop at nothing to claim her completely…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408974988


The Farseer Trilogy
The Farseer Trilogy

Автор: Robin Hobb

‘Fantasy as it ought to be written’ George R.R. MartinThe second volume in Robin Hobb’s internationally bestselling Farseer Trilogy.Honesty is the bedrock for any relationship. But how can Fitz – royal bastard, trainee assassin, holder of secrets crucial to the security of the kingdom – bare his soul to his beloved Molly?Danger lies all around him – from the raiders savaging the coastal towns, and from within the court. The king has been struck down by a mystery illness and his eldest son, Verity, is bound up in the defence of the realm.When Verity leaves the court in search of the mythical Elderlings, Fitz finds himself friendless apart from his wolf, Nighteyes, and the king’s strange, motley-clad fool, exposed to Prince Regal’s malign ambitions. He will be asked to sacrifice everything – his heart, his hope, even his life – for the sake of the realm.

Серия: The Farseer Trilogy

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007383443


The Italian s Summer Seduction
The Italian's Summer Seduction

Автор: Karen Van Der Zee

The Italian’s Price Diana HamiltonCesare Saracino is bent on revenge! He doesn’t realise that the woman he forces back to Italy is not the one he sought but her identical twin, Milly. When desire unexpectedly flares between them, Milly can’t refuse Cesare’s advances…The Sicilian Duke’s Demand Madeleine Ker The Duke of Mandal?’s self-made millions, combined with his suave Sicilian heritage, make him dangerously attractive. Isobel Roche knew this before she even met Alessandro, but nothing prepared her for his skilful seduction.The Italian’s Seduction Karen Van Der Zee When Charli Olson finds herself stranded, gorgeous Massimo Castellini offers her a room in his luxurious Italian villa. He’ll amuse himself over the summer with her – until the casual affair becomes a dark battle of desire…

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408905920


The Liveship Traders
The Liveship Traders

Автор: Robin Hobb

‘As addictive as morphine’ THE TIMESFrom the author of the classic Farseer trilogy, SHIP OF MAGIC is the first part of the Liveship Traders. Set in a land bordering the Six Duchies, Robin Hobb begins her epic tale of pirates, talking ships, magic, sea serpents, slave revolts, dashing heroes and bloody battles.On the northernmost point of the Cursed Shores lies Bingtown, a bustling hub of exotic trade and home to a proud merchant nobility famed for its extraordinary vessels.Only Bingtown liveships can negotiate the perilous waters of the Rain Wild River and plunder the riches found upstream, but such vessels are made from the most precious commodity in the world – a material with the ability to become sentient – and so are extremely rare.The fortunes of one of Bingtown’s oldest families rest on the newly awakened liveship Vivacia. For Althea Vestrit, the ship is her rightful legacy. But the fate of Vivacia – and the Vestrits – may ultimately lie in the hands of the dark and charming pirate, Kennit, who lusts after such a ship and has plans of his own . . .

Серия: The Liveship Traders

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007383467


The Masters of Time
The Masters of Time

Автор: Бренда Джойс

Ruthless Highlander Black Macleod has refused his destiny. His life is revenge for the massacre of his family. But fate is impatient and, when a woman from another time summons him, he cannot resist her powers – or her…A schoolteacher by day, Tabitha Rose uses her magic to protect others at night. When the vision of a Highlander appears to her, she knows she must help. What she doesn’t expect is to be taken against her will to his dark, violent time.And when evil begins to stalk her, Tabby realises she must fight for more than his destiny – she must fight for her love…

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781472041623


The Masters of Time
The Masters of Time

Автор: Бренда Джойс

Black Royce is a battle-hardened soldier of the gods. His vow to protect innocence throughout the ages is his life – until he’s sent to New York City to protect beautiful, feisty heiress Allie Monroe from danger. He knows she’ll be his only weakness…Allie Monroe is more than an heiress. She’s a Healer, willing to do anything to save victims of the evil that lurks in the city at night. Alone, she can do only so much – until destiny sends her Royce.Then evil strikes…Now Allie will do anything to save Royce – even if it means going back in time to a dark, dangerous world.Confronting their enemies could cost not only their lives, but their love – for all eternity.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781472006752


The Masters of Time
The Masters of Time

Автор: Бренда Джойс

Her Seduction.His Salvation.Feared by all and trusted by none, Aidan hunts alone, seeking vengeance against the evil that destroyed his son. He has abandoned the Brotherhood and not saved an Innocent in sixty-six years – until he hears Brianna Rose’s scream across the centuries and leaps to modern-day Manhattan to rescue her…Brie is an empathy who fights evil from the safety of her laptop – and fantasises about the medieval Highlander she once met. When Aidan suddenly appears, Brie cannot believe how dark and dangerous her fantasy man has become.She knows she should be afraid, but instead she will fight across time for his redemption… and his love.

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781472006783


The Return of the King
The Return of the King

Автор: J. R. r. tolkien

The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS‘Extraordinarily imaginative, and wholly exciting’ The TimesThe armies of the Dark Lord are massing as his evil shadow spreads even wider. Men, Dwarves, Elves and Ents unite forces to battle against the Dark. Meanwhile, Frodo and Sam struggle further into Mordor in their heroic quest to destroy the One Ring.The devastating conclusion of J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic tale of adventure, begun in The Fellowship of the Ringand The Two Towers.

Серия: The lord of the rings

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007322558


The Shifters
The Shifters

Автор: Alexandra Sokoloff

Unleash the untamed passions of the underworld in these deliciously wicked tales of paranormal romance.The streets of New Orleans can be a dangerous place for the heartCharged with overseeing the city’s shapeshifters, Caitlin has her reasons to be wary of their kind. So when charismatic shifter Ryder shows up, claiming to be on the trail of malevolent entities called Walk-Ins, Caitlin has no reason to trust him. But as tourists start dropping dead Cait must work with Ryder to navigate his shadowy, ephemeral world…Ryder usually hunts alone – but this case requires an exception. To prevent a supernatural massacre, he needs a Keeper on his side. In his world, appearances can be deceiving and deadly. And the only way they’ll survive is if this woman who tempts him like no other trusts in him completely.

Серия: The Keepers

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408928776


The Time Ships
The Time Ships

Автор: Stephen Baxter

The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s THE TIME MACHINE, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke.Written to celebrate the centenary of the publication of H G Wells’s classic story The Time Machine, Stephen Baxter’s stunning sequel is an outstanding work of imaginative fiction.The Time Traveller has abandoned his charming and helpless Eloi friend Weena to the cannibal appetites of the Morlocks, the devolved race of future humans from whom he was forced to flee. He promptly embarks on a second journey to the year AD 802,701, pledged to rescue Weena. He never arrives! The future was changed by his presence… and will be changed again. Hurled towards infinity, the Traveller must resolve the paradoxes building around him in a dazzling temporal journey of discovery. He must achieve the impossible if Weena is to be saved.

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9780007397549


Twilight Prophecy
Twilight Prophecy

Автор: Maggie Shayne

Save the Vampire, Save the World An ancient prophecy tells of one chance to prevent the annihilation of the Undead. Twins James and Brigit, part human-part vampire, believe that they are that chance. In truth, the key lies with reclusive – and mortal – Lucy. As Armageddon approaches, anti-vampire sentiment fuels a war neither side can win, driving James to abandon his moral code and draw Lucy into deadly battle.But Lucy soon realises that she holds this powerful immortal’s soul in her hands, and that it’s her destiny not only to stop a war but to save him from his inner darkness. If she fails, his race will die – and so will her heart. Is the power of love strong enough to save the world?

Серия: Mills & Boon Nocturne

Цена: 631.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781408975145


The Sorceress of Belmair
The Sorceress of Belmair

Автор: Bertrice Small

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author and master of romance Bertrice Small transports readers to the magical, sensual realm of Hetar. A past awakened… Magic coursing through his blood, Dillon, son of the Domina of Hetar, follows his path to the forgotten world of Belmair. Summoned to marry the king’s daughter and inherit the throne, Dillon discovers Belmair is beautiful, enigmatic and seductive—as is his strong-willed new queen. What’s more, Hetar’s brightest star may hold the key to his people’s lost heritage—and his heart.A love unimagined… Cinnia, sorceress of Belmair, expected to claim her rightful place as ruler, not as the wife of a stranger from a faraway land. But the enchantment that seals their marriage of power and greatness does more than soothe her wounded pride. It allows her to use her magical gifts to uncover a passion she never dared to dream of…and the darkest secret of a mystical land."Small's newest novel is a sexily fantastical romp." —Publishers Weekly

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 635.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781408996089


The Twilight Lord
The Twilight Lord

Автор: Bertrice Small

From the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author and a master of romance, Bertrice Small continues her magical, sensual story of the World of Hetar.Lara, Domina of Terah, has mysteriously disappeared and Magnus Hauk is frantic to find his beloved wife. When no trace of her can be discovered, he turns to two strong allies—Prince Kaliq of the Shadows and Ilona, the most powerful of the faerie queens. Meanwhile, Kol–the Twilight Lord–revels in his victory.The exquisite Domina is now in his possession, and her powers will soon help him to conquer first Hetar and then Terah. But Lara will not stand for his treachery, even as she is seduced by his charisma. She calls on all of her strength—and the passion in her heart—to once again rise to the challenge of her destiny.“The third in the World of Hetar series has plenty of political intrigue, some fantastical characters, and lots of Small's unique brand of hot, boldly descriptive…romance.” –Booklist on THE TWILIGHT LORD

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 635.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781408995334


The Drowning Pool
The Drowning Pool

Автор: Syd Moore

After her world is shaken by a series of unexplained events, young widow Sarah Grey soon comes to realise that she is the victim of a terrifying haunting by her 19th century namesake … A classic ghost story with a modern twist by a talented new writer in the genre.Relocated to a coastal town, widowed teacher Sarah Grey is slowly rebuilding her life, along with her young son Alfie. But after an inadvertent s?ance one drunken night, her world is shaken when she starts to experience frightening visions. She tries to explain them as But Alfie sees them too and Sarah believes that they have become the targets of a terrifying haunting.Convinced that the ghost is that of a 19th Century local witch and namesake, Sarah delves into local folklore and learns that the witch was thought to have been evil incarnate. When a series of old letters surface, Sarah discovers that nothing and no-one is as it seems, maybe not even the ghost of Sarah Grey…

Цена: 637.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781847563002


The Road to Jerusalem
The Road to Jerusalem

Автор: Ян Гийу

The epic story of one man’s fight for his love, his God and his CountryThe Road to Jerusalem – Book 1 in the Crusades Trilogy.Arn Magnusson, born into an aristocratic Swedish family, is raised in an old monastery because of an old promise made by his mother. From the start he shows the natural skill and aptitude of a born fighter, yet despite his strength he is innocent in the ways of the world. He is sent from the sheltered walls of the convent to experience something of real life. On his journeys Arn falls foul of various fighting groups, but is also delighted with the women he encounters. Seduced by one sister, he falls in love with the other and ends up sleeping with them both – a mortal sin in the medieval church. While his love is sent to a convent, Arn’s sentence is commuted to forced commitment to the cause of the Crusades, where he becomes a notable soldier and eventually a high ranking commander of the Knights Templar and both friend and enemy to the charismatic Saladin.Arn’s Story continues in the next two books: The Knight Templar and Kingdom at the End of the Road.

Цена: 637.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780007313952



Автор: Алекс Михаэлидес

ОТ АВТОРА БЕСТСЕЛЛЕРА № 1 В МИРЕ «БЕЗМОЛВНЫЙ ПАЦИЕНТ» МОМЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ БЕСТСЕЛЛЕР NEW YORK TIMES Завораживающий литературный триллер, сплетающий воедино греческую мифологию, психологию и убийство… Эдвард Фоска – убийца. В этом Мариана уверена. Харизматичный красавец-профессор преподает курс греческой трагедии в Кембридже. Его обожают коллеги и студенты – особенно студентки из тайного общества «Девы», готовые на все ради своего наставника. Ведомые мистическими учениями профессора, девушки устраивают оккультные игрища и ритуальные обряды. И вскоре одну из них находят мертвой с перерезанным горлом и выколотыми глазами… Мариана Андрос – талантливый психотерапевт с посттравматической депрессией из-за гибели мужа. Она ясно видит: Эдвард Фоска – нарциссичный социопат, умело манипулирующий людьми. Есть что-то зловещее в его одержимости культом Персефоны*, спустившейся, согласно мифу, в царство мертвых. И смерть студентки – буквальное воплощение путешествия богини-девы в загробный мир. Эдвард Фоска – убийца. Осталось это доказать… *Персефона – богиня плодородия и царства мертвых в греческой мифологии. По легенде, она вынуждена треть года проводить под землей, со своим мужем Аидом, а две трети – на земле, с матерью Деметрой. Миф символизирует смену времен года. «Восхитительно мрачное, элегантное, крайне влекущее чтение – с неожиданным поворотом в конце, просто поразившим меня. Этот роман понравился мне даже больше, чем „Безмолвный пациент“, – а это говорит о многом!» – Люси Фоли «Этот роман – пейдж-тернер высшего уровня». – Дэвид Болдаччи «Просто блестяще. Захватывающее чтение, когда сердце бьется где-то в горле». – Стивен Фрай «Михаэлидес – главный игрок на этом поле». – Publishers Weekly «Элегантный, зловещий, стильный и захватывающий, этот роман является ответом на вопрос, как соответствовать своему предшественнику – одному из лучших триллеров последнего десятилетия. Ответ: надо просто написать что-то лучшее». – Крис Уитакер

Серия: Главный триллер года

Исполнители: Дарья Белоусова

Цена: 639 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-04-157141-2


Cast in Flame
Cast in Flame

Автор: Michelle Sagara

Any day that starts with dragon arguments is going to be badKaylin returned from the West March in one piece. Now that piece is fraying. She's not at home in the Imperial Palace and she never intends to be. All she wants is normal garden-variety criminals and a place of her own. Of course, normal in her new life involves a dragon as a roommate, but she can handle that.She can't as easily handle the new residents to the city she polices, because one of them is Nightshade's younger brother. On a night when she should be talking to landlords in perfectly normal buildings, she's called to the fief by Teela. A small family disagreement has become a large, complicated problem: Castle Nightshade's latent magic is waking.And it's not the only thing.

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 643.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472098238


Flame Tree Road
Flame Tree Road

Автор: Shona Patel

From the acclaimed author of Teatime for the Firefly comes the story of a man with dreams of changing the world, who finds himself changed by love1870s India. In a tiny village where society is ruled by a caste system and women are defined solely by marriage, young Biren Roy dreams of forging a new destiny. When his mother suffers the fate of widowhood–shunned by her loved ones and forced to live in solitary penance–Biren devotes his life to effecting change.Biren's passionate spirit blossoms as wildly as the blazing flame trees of his homeland. With a law degree, he goes to work for the government to pioneer academic equality for girls. But in a place governed by age-old conventions, progress comes at a price, and soon Biren becomes a stranger among his own countrymen.Just when his vision for the future begins to look hopeless, he meets Maya, the independent-minded daughter of a local educator, and his soul is reignited. It is in her love that Biren finally finds his home, and in her heart that he finds the hope for a new world.

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 643.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474035194


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