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Я не мог ошибиться!
Я не мог ошибиться!

Автор: Юрий Николаевич Бойчук

Чем ты готов пожертвовать ради своей цели? Сколько нужно сделать шагов, чтобы мечта стала реальностью? Готов ли ты идти до конца, если предали самые близкие друзья? Готов ли ты пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы войти в историю? Сможете ли вы ответить для себя на эти вопросы, вместе с героем этого рассказа?

Цена: 49.9 руб.
Год: 2023


Я ненавижу тебя
Я ненавижу тебя

Автор: Venus Stella

Книга как проход в портал, где разные жанры и истории переплелись с психологией. Каждая глава раскрывает эмоции, способствующие принятию себя и своих чувств на пути к нормальной жизни.

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2024


Я служил на флоте
Я служил на флоте

Автор: Руслан Георгиевич Илаев

Книга состоит из шестнадцати рассказов. Рассказы написаны в подчеркнуто гротескном изложении, с острокомедийными ситуациями и с изрядной долей самоиронии. Действия рассказов происходят в Нижнем Новгороде, Севастополе, Средиземном море и Ленинграде в период развитого социализма и его внезапного заката. Автор дает широкий охватывающий анализ службы офицеров в ВМФ СССР и в повседневных житейских условиях, что делает книгу интересной для широкого круга читателей.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2024


Я тебя никому не отдам…
Я тебя никому не отдам…

Автор: Есения Светлая

Маленькой Маше, девочке из детского дома, срочно требуется операция. Приходящая няня Анечка пытается найти хирурга, который смог бы взяться за операцию в Новогодние праздники. Одновременно она случайно знакомится с молодым мужчиной на ледовом катке… Невидимые ниточки опутывают главных героев, и они еще не подозревают, что найдут гораздо большее, чем искали…История о том, что чудеса происходят в реальной жизни.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 119 руб.
Год: 2020


Я учусь учиться! Формирование учебной деятельности у школьников с дизорфографией
Я учусь учиться! Формирование учебной деятельности у школьников с дизорфографией

Автор: О. В. Елецкая

Вниманию специалистов и родителей предлагается рабочая тетрадь «Я учусь учиться!», которая является частью учебно-методического комплекта, в состав которого входит также пособие «Программа “Коррекция регуляторной дизорфографии у школьников”». Комплект пособий предназначен для учителей-логопедов, осуществляющих логопедическое сопровождение учащихся с трудностями освоения образовательной программы по русскому языку, учащихся с особыми образовательными потребностями, детей с ОВЗ на логопунктах общеобразовательных организаций. Комплект также может быть рекомендован учителям-логопедам коррекционных школ, студентам дефектологических факультетов, учителям начальных классов, а также родителям для организации работы по оказанию помощи детям в домашних условиях. Выполнение предложенных заданий и упражнений в системе логопедической работы позволяет преодолеть причины и устранить проявления дизорфографии у школьников с различными вариантами структуры дизорфографического дефекта. Разноуровневый по степени сложности материал делает возможным использование данного пособия на групповых и индивидуальных занятиях с учетом индивидуальных и возрастных особенностей школьников.

Серия: Школьный логопед

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 978-5-9500743-4-9


Ямайский флибустьер
Ямайский флибустьер

Автор: Виктор Губарев

Роман написан на основе реальных событий, происшедших в Вест-Индии в середине XVII века. Вожак ямайских флибустьеров Рок Бразилец, захватив поместье богатого кубинского плантатора, убивает всех пленных, кроме дочери плантатора – Глории. Девушку покупает компаньон Бразильца – буканьер Джон Боулз, который отдает ее в услужение своей тетушке. Спустя короткое время в шайку записывается молодой человек, назвавшийся португальцем Лоренсо Секейрой, но на самом деле это – Энрике Беррео, жених Глории, решивший отыскать ее и жестоко отомстить пиратам… Кровавые схватки на суше и на море, абордажи и дуэли, коварство, благородство и любовь – эти и иные атрибуты, приличествующие жанру, не оставят равнодушными истинных ценителей приключенческого жанра.

Цена: 164 руб.


Ящик с мылом
Ящик с мылом

Автор: Александр Грин

«Ленур, вахтенный, стоявший на баке, исчез неизвестным образом, между четырьмя и шестью часами утра. Отсутствие его, при общей тревоге, длилось двое суток. «Фрегат» под парусами шел к мысу Доброй Надежды…»

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1910


A Fairytale Christmas
A Fairytale Christmas

Автор: Susan Wiggs

Ace reporter Jack Riley loves his job, or at least he did until Madeleine Langston took over as publisher for the Courier. The perfect blonde ice queen is a daunting presence in the newsroom and an irresistible distraction, despite Jack’s determination to avoid her as often as possible. Even if it means boycotting her fancy Christmas party.Then a chance encounter with a stranger transforms Jack from a scruffy journalist into a debonair Texan in a tux, and he suddenly finds himself at the center of Madeleine’s attention. As they embark on a fairy-tale evening together, Jack realises that Madeleine isn’t the woman he thought she was…but unfortunately, she no longer recognises him in his new “Prince Charming” attire! Will Madeleine still be able to love the man behind the suit when she discovers who he really is?Previously published as Cinderfella.

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 181.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781474028448


A Galahad of the Creeks; The Widow Lamport
A Galahad of the Creeks; The Widow Lamport

Автор: Levett Yeats Sidney

Цена: Бесплатно


A Journey to Crete, Costantinople, Naples and Florence: Three Months Abroad
A Journey to Crete, Costantinople, Naples and Florence: Three Months Abroad

Автор: Annie Vivanti

Цена: Бесплатно


A Man to His Mate
A Man to His Mate

Автор: Dunn Joseph Allan

Цена: Бесплатно


A Rose of a Hundred Leaves: A Love Story
A Rose of a Hundred Leaves: A Love Story

Автор: Barr Amelia E

Цена: Бесплатно


A Samantha Owens Novel
A Samantha Owens Novel

Автор: J.T. Ellison

“The best yet in the series… a standout in the romantic thriller subgenre." Publishers WeeklyDear Dr. Owens,If you are reading this letter, I am dead and I would be most grateful if you could solve my murder…Forensic pathologist Dr. Samantha Owens thought life was finally returning to normal after she suffered a terrible personal loss. Settling into her new job at Georgetown University, the illusion is shattered when she receives a disturbing letter from a dead man imploring her to solve his murder. There’s only one catch. Timothy Savage’s death was so obviously the suicide of a demented individual that the case has been closed.When Sam learns Savage left a will requesting she autopsy his body, she feels compelled to look into the case. Sam’s own postmortem discovers clear signs that Savage was indeed murdered. And she finds DNA from a kidnapped child whose remains were recovered years earlier.The investigation takes Sam into the shadows of a twenty-year-old mystery that must be solved to determine what really happened to Timothy Savage. Nothing about the case makes sense, but it is clear someone is unwilling to let anyone, especially Samantha Owens, discover the truth.“Ellison excels at imaginative and terrifying plots, and this thriller is a fine example that sucks readers in and spits them out at the end, emotionally drained.”RT Book Reviews

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 718.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781472090522


A Sudden Sun (Unabridged)
A Sudden Sun (Unabridged)

Автор: Trudy J. Morgan-Cole

Исполнители: Lucy Brennan

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781550819540


Abenteurer unserer Zeit, Graf Zeppelin
Abenteurer unserer Zeit, Graf Zeppelin

Автор: Kurt Stephan

Abenteurer unserer Zeit ? die Kultserie aus dem bekannten M?rchenland-Katalog. Diese Folge pr?sentiert euch die Abenteuer aus der Pionierzeit der Luftfahrt, die mit der Erfindung des Luftschiffes des Grafen Zeppelin begannen und die mit den Weltreisen des Dr. Eckener ihren H?hepunkt fanden.

Исполнители: Kai Bronsema

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 4260507146021


Act Of War
Act Of War

Автор: Don Pendleton

When crisis demands skill, stealth and the kind of diplomacy that comes from a mandate to strike down terror, the call to action goes to Stony Man. Under presidential directive, the crack commando teams of Phoenix Force and Able Team, backed by the most sophisticated cybernetics team in the world, bring the fight to the enemy…and take no prisoners.Technology capable of exploding cached nuclear arsenals around the globe has fallen into the hands of a group of unidentified terrorists. Mushroom clouds are appearing from the deserts of New Mexico to the mountains of Asia, as warhead stockpiles become radioactive fallout. Facing an untenable decision on whether to disarm or stand and fight, the Oval Office can only watch and wait as Stony Man tracks the enemy to the far-flung reaches of the Balkans, where fifteen families of organized crime will be masters of the universe–or blow it out of existence.

Серия: Gold Eagle Stonyman

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472085887


Adventures of Bindle
Adventures of Bindle

Автор: Jenkins Herbert George

Цена: Бесплатно



Автор: Don Pendleton

SHOCK WAVEMack Bolan is in Turkey to recover millions in stolen medical and relief supplies earmarked for displaced refugees in the civil-war-torn region. Racing to reclaim the cache before a violent insurgent group sells everything on the black market, Bolan finds his mission compromised when a massive earthquake rocks the region.Hunting his prey through a city in chaos–a hellzone where lethal aftershocks rip randomly through the crumbling urban landscape– Bolan remains determined to stop opportunists from profiting from their savagery. But he's up against two renegade paramilitary armies fueled by bloodlust. The Executioner faces several enemies, but his will to fight remains honed to a single, satisfying cause: justice.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474023535


Agent Of Peril
Agent Of Peril

Автор: Don Pendleton

COURSE OF ACTIONWithout warning, three U.S.-made tanks swoop down on an Israeli settlement with cannons blazing. When the attack is over, hundreds are dead. Mack Bolan's hard probe reveals that the tanks were missing from a U.S.-to-Egypt military aid package. Bolan's mission takes him to Cairo to find out who is selling American weapons to terrorists. But the enemy is organized and deadly, anticipating his arrival. He races across Egypt and Lebanon, facing highly trained commandos, Hezbollah hitmen, even a Syrian armored platoon.It all leads to an ancient copper mine, a squadron of nerve-gas bearing drones, and a countdown to the start of a bloody war between Egypt

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474023443


All the Beautiful Girls
All the Beautiful Girls

Автор: Elizabeth J Church

Heart Radio x Dreams Bedtime Bookclub April Book of the MonthThe dazzling, powerful story of a gutsy showgirl who tries to conquer her past amongst the glamour of 1960s Las Vegas – finding unexpected fortune, friendship and love.In the summer of 1968, Ruby Wilde is the toast of Las Vegas. Showgirl of the Year, in her feathers and rhinestones, five-inch heels and sky-high headdresses, she mesmerises audiences from the Tropicana to the Stardust. Ratpackers and movie stars, gamblers and astronauts vie for her attention and shower her with gifts.But not so long ago Ruby Wilde was Lily Decker from Kansas: an orphaned girl determined to dance her way out of her troubled past. When she was eight years old, Lily survived the car crash that killed her parents and sister. Raised by an aunt who took too little interest in her and an uncle who took too much, dancing was her solace, and her escape. When a mysterious benefactor pays for her to attend a local dance academy, Lily’s talent becomes her ticket to a new life.Now, as Ruby Wilde, the ultimate Sin City success story, she discovers that the glare of the spotlight cannot banish the shadows that haunt her. As the years pass and Ruby continues to search for freedom, for love and, most importantly, herself, she must learn the difference between what glitters and what is truly gold.

Цена: 1121.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780008267957


Alte Freunde - neue Feinde - Bernie Gunther ermittelt, Band 3 (ungek?rzte Lesung)
Alte Freunde - neue Feinde - Bernie Gunther ermittelt, Band 3 (ungek?rzte Lesung)

Автор: Philip Kerr

Исполнители: Frank Arnold

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4251888704146


An Autumn Affair
An Autumn Affair

Автор: Alice Ross

Autumn is coming. Anything could happen…Julia is contemplating an affair with ex-boyfriend Max after a chance meeting in the cereal aisle of the supermarket…and finding that he’s just as gorgeous as ever.Miranda has got it all: expensive clothes, a huge house and her enormously wealthy husband, Doug. So why does she feel as if something is missing?Faye is fed up of being treated like a child – she’s a teenager, and knows what she wants! She’s determined to escape her sleepy life at Primrose Cottage…Three women, each with two options, needing to make one choice. When it comes to affairs of the heart, nothing is ever simple!A perfect, feel-good read about love, life and family.Previously published as A Country Affair.Praise for Alice Ross:‘For lovers of Catherine Alliot, Erica James and Fiona Gibson…this one was brilliant!’ – Amazon Reviewer

Серия: Countryside Dreams

Цена: 139.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781474033619


APROSITUS. Ненайденный
APROSITUS. Ненайденный

Автор: Антон Сорокко

Современный человек даже не предполагает, что в его жизни могут произойти какие-то экстраординарные события. Он едет в отпуск, не подозревая, что буквально за стеклом его авиалайнера могут скрываться вселенские тайны. И уж точно не допускает мысли, что сам может стать участником захватывающего приключения. Роман Aprositus – это водоворот событий до последней страницы, хитроумная головоломка, разгадывать которую вы будете вместе с главными героями, таинственная легенда, волнующая пытливые умы вот уже более пятисот лет и обретающая в романе неожиданное объяснение! И конечно, это увлекательный водитель по Тенерифе, после прочтения которого вам очень захочется отправиться на Канарские острова. Автор с 1999 живет в Испании. Он описывает места и события, известные только местным жителям, о которых не прочтешь в официальных путеводителях. Роман переведен на испанский и английский языки. Рекомендован для широкого круга читателей.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2008


Armed Resistance
Armed Resistance

Автор: Don Pendleton

When the Oval Office needs covert rapid response to avert disaster, Stony Man gets the call. Handpicked, the best of the best in cyber-intelligence and commando warfare, this elite squad fights by a code of duty and dedication to holding the line between the free world and violent extremists.Sudan's political situation is a nightmare. Guerilla forces specializing in human trafficking and black market arms rule in the violence-torn region. With members undercover inside a military arms depot in Mississippi, weapons are being diverted to the rebels profiteering on human misery. Able Team moves in stateside, while Phoenix Force goes deep into the bloodiest regions of Sudan and Uganda. It's a grim race to find a kidnapped CIA agent, a cache of human cargo and an arsenal of stolen weapons bound for illegal sale. Stony Man is hunting predators who kill for profit and pleasure–battling long odds to bring some justice to a ruthless land.

Серия: Gold Eagle

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084354


Assassin s Tripwire
Assassin's Tripwire

Автор: Don Pendleton

VOLATILE RELATIONSA new era of friendship between the Syrian and U.S. governments is threatened when American high-tech weapons go missing en route overseas. Determined to destroy the stolen arms before they can be used, Mack Bolan discovers nothing is what it seems between the Syrian regime and the loyalists–including the beautiful double agent working with him.Getting to the weapons alive is only one of Bolan's problems. Tracking down the enemy behind the theft–without starting a war–will put his years of experience to the test. But discretion is of the utmost importance, and the lives of millions are at stake, which makes the Executioner the only man for this mission.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 319.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781474029018


Back in the U.S.S.R. Подлинная история рока в России
Back in the U.S.S.R. Подлинная история рока в России

Автор: Артемий Троицкий

*НАСТОЯЩИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ (ИНФОРМАЦИЯ) ПРОИЗВЕДЕН, РАСПРОСТРАНЕН И (ИЛИ) НАПРАВЛЕН ИНОСТРАННЫМ АГЕНТОМ ТРОИЦКИМ АРТЕМИЕМ КИВОВИЧЕМ, ЛИБО КАСАЕТСЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ИНОСТРАННОГО АГЕНТА ТРОИЦКОГО АРТЕМИЯ КИВОВИЧА. Впервые книга «Back in the U.S.S.R.» была опубликована в 1987 году в Англии. В последующие годы ее выпустили в США, Японии и нескольких европейских странах. И лишь спустя двадцать лет книга «Назад в СССР: Подлинная история рока в России» была издана в России. Эта книга не энциклопедическая и даже не аналитическая. Практически все, что описано в ней, базируется на личном опыте тех, кто делал историю советского рока. Эта книга – не просто яркий и живой отчет о тяготах и испытаниях российских музыкантов 80-х годов прошлого века; это также рассказ о доселе не описанной социальной революции, отраженной сквозь призму рок-музыки. «Квадро», «АВИА», «Пикник» – для нового поколения эти рок-группы, равно как и имена Алексея Козлова, Александра Градского или Жанны Агузаровой, практически ничего не значат. А группы «Машина времени» или «Браво» воспринимаются как «оркестр Утесова» из 70-х. А ведь каких-то двадцать-тридцать лет назад они были кумирами миллионов. Рок был для них религией, криком свободы и оружием сопротивления. Рок преследовали власти – он был опасен. Рок не продавался – он был бескорыстен. За двадцать лет наша страна изменилась неузнаваемо. Новая музыка тоже стала другой: музыкой изначально свободных людей, а не людей, отчаянно пытающихся утвердить свою свободу. © А. Троицкий ©&℗ ИП Воробьев В.А. ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ

Серия: Портреты с натуры

Исполнители: Артемий Троицкий

Цена: 253 руб.


Ballistic Force
Ballistic Force

Автор: Don Pendleton

A raid on Korean gang activity in California takes a dangerous turn into a world crisis, when Mack Bolan uncovers intelligence involving North Korea's nuclear weapons program.A group of high-level defectors from the Project Kanggye Nuclear Team– scientists with first-hand knowledge of North Korean missile strike capabilities–is being systematically abducted back to their homeland.Unable to stop the kidnappers before they complete their mission, Bolan and elite Stony Man team members track the enemy to the Changchon Mountains, where North Korea's despotic leader is about to achieve pre-emptive strike capability with enough hidden nuclear warheads to sprout mushroom clouds all across America.

Серия: Gold Eagle Superbolan

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474023870


Beautiful Revenge
Beautiful Revenge

Автор: J L Morris

Heaven is a place on Earth…Well, kind of. Kaarl is a Demon who changed his ways, left Hell behind him and now works on Earth to save the souls Lucifer had sent him to claim. In Los Angeles he has wealth and power and in Heaven he has the chance for a new start. Being a Demon freshman in a university built exclusively for Angels has its challenges but other than that things are looking promising…With Kaarl lost to the other side, Lucifer has found another way to prey on Humanity. He sends his daughter, Persephone, along with the terrifying Four Horsemen of Apocalypse to tear the Mortal world apart and bring it to the brink of starvation. While the Horsemen are forcing the Mortals to sin to survive, reaping countless souls in the process, Persephone is forcing her way in to Kaarl’s heart with her sights set firmly on revenge.Faced with Lucifer’s wrath, Persephone’s schemes and the seemingly unstoppable Horsemen, Kaarl is running out of options and the Mortal realm is running out of time. The past he has been so desperate to bury may hold his only chance at the saving the realm he now calls home…

Серия: Selfish Beings

Цена: 498.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474007542


Beneath the Wake - A Dr. Zol Szabo Medical Mystery, Book 4 (Unabridged)
Beneath the Wake - A Dr. Zol Szabo Medical Mystery, Book 4 (Unabridged)

Автор: Ross Pennie

Исполнители: Dan Willmott

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781773057637


Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever

Автор: Kaira Rouda Sturdivant

‘Compelling’ Hello!‘[A] deliciously dark story shot through with black humour.’ Sunday MirrorA loving husband. The perfect killer?‘I wonder if Mia thinks I have a dark side. Most likely as far as she knows, I am just her dear loving husband.’Paul Strom has spent years building his perfect life: glittering career, beautiful wife, two healthy boys and a big house in the suburbs.But he also has his secrets. That’s why Paul has promised his wife a romantic weekend getaway. He proclaims this day, a warm Friday in May, will be the best day ever.Paul loves his wife, really, he does. But he also wants to get rid of her. And with every hour that passes, Paul ticks off another stage in his elaborately laid plan…Behind Closed Doors meets Liane Moriarty in this creepy, fast-paced psychological thriller with a twist you won’t see coming!

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 718.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781474064682


Blood Play
Blood Play

Автор: Don Pendleton

When Intelligence sources link two suspicious deaths in New Mexico with a move by the Russian mafiya to infiltrate the Native American casinos, the national security risk runs dangerously deep. Control of this resort area guarantees possession of the tribal reservations' nuclear waste plant.Now the mob's primary objective is under way: processing plutonium for nuclear warheads in America's own backyard. Mack Bolan is on the move with members of the Stony Man commando teams, locked in the crosshairs of the Russian gangsters and racing against time and the odds. This treacherous field operation involves kidnapping, murder, classified secrets and a killing spree that won't end until Bolan claims victory–or forfeits his final fight to death.

Серия: Gold Eagle Superbolan

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472086112


Blue Mars
Blue Mars

Автор: Kim Stanley Robinson

The final novel in the worldwide bestselling Mars trilogy, now part of the Voyager Classics collection.Mars has grown upIt is fully terraformed – genetically engineered plants and animals live by newly built canals and young but stormy seas.It is politically independent. A brave and buzzing new world. Most of the First Hundred have died. Those that remain are like walking myths to Martian youth.Earth has grown too muchChronic overpopulation, bitter nationalism, scarce resources. For too many Terrans, Mars is a mocking utopia. A dream to live for, fight for… perhaps even die for.

Цена: 693.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780007402175


Brambleberry Shores
Brambleberry Shores

Автор: RaeAnne Thayne

THE DADDY MAKEOVER Eben Spencer learned long ago to keep his eye on the ball and his emotions under wraps. This philosophy has taken him to the pinnacle of success in business. But in his personal life, it led to a shattered marriage. So it's just him and his little girl…until he meets Sage Benedetto. She's warm, emotional, open–everything Eben is not. Sage's bewitching nature soon has this tycoon rethinking his future….HIS SECOND-CHANCE FAMILY As a teenager Julia Blair found more than fun in the sun at Cannon Beach. She found a home–in the arms of her first love, Will Garrett. A bright future stretched out in front of Julia…. Though life hadn't worked out as planned, here she is, back in Cannon Beach, with her two kids in tow. Only to find Will there, too. Julia believes Will can still make her dreams come true, but will he let her into his heart to do the same for him?

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

Цена: 551.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781474033046


Capital Offensive
Capital Offensive

Автор: Don Pendleton

Dedicated to a seek-and-destroy mandate when presidential directive sends them into the heat of battle, the cyber and commando teams of Stony Man hit hard and fast to remove threats of global magnitude.Now a secret terrorist organization has hacked its way into defence satellites–opening a trapdoor to Hell… America stands virtually defenceless as global security is compromised and nations prepare for the final conflagration that will end civilization. Stony Man gets a lead on a rogue Argentinean general and his twisted vision of a scorched and reborn planet Earth, but tracking the technology and the masters of destruction is a race where seconds count…and the loser will be humanity itself.

Серия: Gold Eagle Stonyman

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472086051


Captain of the Polestar
Captain of the Polestar

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

The Captain of the Pole-Star is a collection of strange mystery tales that are independent of each other, sometimes involving ship voyages, shipwrecks, amnesia, lost love, grand thefts, comedy, and fairy tales.

Цена: Бесплатно


Carnage Code
Carnage Code

Автор: Don Pendleton

Rogue ThreatWhen the CIA intercepts a coded message that reveals the delivery of nuclear materials to Sudan, the U.S. decides to investiage this North African hot spot. Mack Bolan's hard probe exposes a renegade faction deep within the Sudanese government that's planning to nuke its Ethopian neighbors into oblivion–an event that could lead to global war.Bolan is greeted in a hail of bullets as he enters Khartoum with a young journalist and an old spy as backup. Going on the offensive, he must smoke out an enemy operating undercover in the country's law enforcement, intelligence and diplomatic agencies. With a lethal shipment of plutonium to track down, the Executioner wastes no time using the kind of hard-core diplomacy that gets the job done.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472085368


Cast In Flight
Cast In Flight

Автор: Michelle Sagara

New York Times bestselling author Michelle Sagara returns to the city of Elantra with a thrilling tale rife with ancient magic, assassination attempts and political intrigue.Private Kaylin Neya already has Dragons and Barrani as roommates. Adding one injured, flightless Aerian to her household should be trivial. Sure, the Aerian is Sergeant Moran dar Carafel, but Kaylin's own sergeant is a Leontine, the definition of growly and fanged. She can handle one Aerian.But when a walk to the Halls of Law becomes a street-shattering magical assassination attempt on the sergeant, Kaylin discovers that it's not the guest who's going to be the problem: it's all of the people who suddenly want Moran dar Carafel dead. And though Moran refuses to tell her why she's being targeted, Kaylin is determined to discover her secret and protect her at all costs—even if keeping Moran safe means dealing with Aerian politics, angry dragons and something far more sinister.

Серия: MIRA

Цена: 85.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781474064408


China Crisis
China Crisis

Автор: Don Pendleton

When talks and negotiations stall, when rampant violence goes unchecked, the covert arm of the U.S. Justice Department enters the fray at Presidential command.United by an unspoken bond of commitment and patriotism, Stony Man operates for a just cause: the sanctity of the free world, even if keeping it safe demands the ultimate sacrifice. When a Chinese test missile crashes inside the Afghan desert, a conspiracy of global proportions explodes. The missile is fitted with stolen American technology and Beijing will be caught in diplomatic crosshairs unless they can retrieve the hardware. A Stony Man team is dispatched to get it first–and bring tough justice to the shadow organization deep within the U.S. government selling America's biggest military secret to the world.

Серия: Gold Eagle Stonyman

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472086068


Chocolate. History, Culture, and Heritage
Chocolate. History, Culture, and Heritage

Автор: Grivetti Louis E

International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) 2010 Award Finalists in the Culinary History category. Chocolate. We all love it, but how much do we really know about it? In addition to pleasing palates since ancient times, chocolate has played an integral role in culture, society, religion, medicine, and economic development across the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe. In 1998, the Chocolate History Group was formed by the University of California, Davis, and Mars, Incorporated to document the fascinating story and history of chocolate. This book features fifty-seven essays representing research activities and contributions from more than 100 members of the group. These contributors draw from their backgrounds in such diverse fields as anthropology, archaeology, biochemistry, culinary arts, gender studies, engineering, history, linguistics, nutrition, and paleography. The result is an unparalleled, scholarly examination of chocolate, beginning with ancient pre-Columbian civilizations and ending with twenty-first-century reports. Here is a sampling of some of the fascinating topics explored inside the book: Ancient gods and Christian celebrations: chocolate and religion Chocolate and the Boston smallpox epidemic of 1764 Chocolate pots: reflections of cultures, values, and times Pirates, prizes, and profits: cocoa and early American east coast trade Blood, conflict, and faith: chocolate in the southeast and southwest borderlands of North America Chocolate in France: evolution of a luxury product Development of concept maps and the chocolate research portal Not only does this book offer careful documentation, it also features new and previously unpublished information and interpretations of chocolate history. Moreover, it offers a wealth of unusual and interesting facts and folklore about one of the world's favorite foods.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470411308


Citadel Of Fear
Citadel Of Fear

Автор: Don Pendleton

STONY MANAmerica's elite black ops team Stony Man Farm is dedicated to protecting the innocent. Acting on orders of the President, these soldiers and cyber techs are the nation's best defense against violence and terror across the globe.COASTAL CRISISAdding insult to injury, terrorists are discovered laundering money through Liberty City, an economic free zone in Grenada, sending Able Team undercover to follow the money trail. It doesn't take long to discover the free city has provided a haven for building homemade ballistic missiles. Phoenix Force arrives just in time to provide backup, but the missiles have already been shipped to a rogue group with their sights disturbingly set on the California coast. Both teams must join forces to avert disaster, because failure could mean the death of the President and thousands of Americans.

Серия: Gold Eagle Stonyman

Цена: 319.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781474029070


Cold Fury
Cold Fury

Автор: Don Pendleton

ARCTIC FIRESTORMA mass grave in an icy Alaskan field. A murdered state trooper. And maximum-damage Soviet weaponry at the scene indicates to the Executioner that he’s after something more lethal than just a smuggling ring. And he’s right—as a ruthless Russian colonel transports his diabolical cargo across the Arctic, he also threatens to unleash a deadly biological agent on American soil. With time running out, the Executioner must rescue the innocent and destroy the evil crime ring with hellfire justice!

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 333.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780008900632


Contagion Option
Contagion Option

Автор: Don Pendleton

IRON FISTMack Bolan finds himself in a brutal war with a deadly international cartel that has been operating in secret for years. A terrorist group armed with nerve gas from one of America's largest bioweapons caches has set the stage for an endgame that could consign an entire city of innocents to an agonizing death. Bolan is surprised to learn that the containers were made in the U.S., but according to Stony Man records, they were destroyed in Utah more than four decades earlier. The trail leads the Executioner to Asia and back to Salt Lake City, where one false move, one stray shot could unleash a lethal cloud on a city of millions.

Серия: Gold Eagle Superbolan

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781474023948


Courage, True Hearts: Sailing in Search of Fortune
Courage, True Hearts: Sailing in Search of Fortune

Автор: Stables Gordon

Цена: Бесплатно


Coyote Tales of the Northwest (Unabridged)
Coyote Tales of the Northwest (Unabridged)

Автор: Thomas Bettany George

Исполнители: Nimet Kanji

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781926696973


Critical Intelligence
Critical Intelligence

Автор: Don Pendleton

Operating under covert presidential directive, the clandestine antiterrorist organization Stony Man doesn't officially exist. Unofficially, they fight the fires bureaucracy can't or won't touch.Off the grid, under the radar and 100 percent deniable, the commando and cyber specialists of Stony Man are the ultimate problem solvers–and the best defense the nation has….Stony Man launch teams are rolling hot as convergent threats erupt across the globe. From South America to Somalia, Toronto and Kiev, the action is raging. Colombian narco-terrorists, Chinese Tongs, African warlords, a Russian kingpin, a cutthroat Saudi prince and a corrupt American lawyer are linked as agents of a shadow group called Seven. The ties and power of this nebulous organization go deep and dark–with the strength to leverage the ultimate power play against Stony Man itself.

Серия: Gold Eagle

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084057


Cuentos de Ant?n Ch?jov
Cuentos de Ant?n Ch?jov

Автор: Ant?n Ch?jov

Исполнители: Staff Audiolibros Colecci?n

Цена: 887.8 руб.
ISBN: 9798889441069


Cuphead. Том 1. Красочные и курьёзные комиксы
Cuphead. Том 1. Красочные и курьёзные комиксы

Автор: Зак Келлер

Вы встретитесь с яркими обитателями Чернильных островов в этом собрании абсолютно новых похождений Чашека и Кружека: двух братьев, вечно попадающих в опасные передряги и захватывающие приключения. На сей раз они становятся героями серии коротких, но увлекательных сюжетов, которые предлагают свежий взгляд на мир чудесной видеоигры. Сборник содержит оригинальные истории в стилистике ретроанимации, что так полюбилась всем, кто играл в отмеченную множеством наград Cuphead! Не пропустите дебют Чашека и Кружека на страницах комиксов, написанных Заком Келлером и нарисованных Шоном Дикинсоном в духе мультфильмов 1930-х!

Серия: Комильфо. Комиксы по фильмам, играм и сериалам

Цена: 369 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-04-191130-0


Damage Radius
Damage Radius

Автор: Don Pendleton

A criminal kingpin has taken over the streets of New Orleans and he's not just dealing in guns, drugs and fixed fights–he's handing out death warrants to all who refuse his orders. Before any more people disappear, Washington decides it's time to shut this operation down, and Mack Bolan is just the man for the job.But infiltrating the organization comes with a price, as Bolan is put through a series of tests that challenge not only his moral code but also his life. He'll play the mobsters' games if he has to, but once he's on the inside the Executioner will be the man calling the shots–every last one of them.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084897


Dangerous Tides
Dangerous Tides

Автор: Don Pendleton

The large cruise ship is a haven of luxury and relaxation…until rogue sailors seize the ship. The raiders have taken the passengers and crew hostage. But when Mack Bolan infiltrates the vessel, he learns that this isn't a simple incident of nautical terrorism–the ocean liner is really a testing ground for a sinister chemical weapon.The toxic acid has been manufactured for one gruesome purpose: war on the West. Bolan finds himself up against ruthless pirates, compromised antiterrorist units and the delicate balance of international relations. The Executioner must tread lightly–and become deadlier still.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084903


Dark Alliance
Dark Alliance

Автор: Don Pendleton

From the lazy heat of Miami to the steamy Colombian jungles, Mack Bolan is on the trail of a missing American journalist. The woman was close to exposing the key players in a dangerous drug cartel, and Bolan figures they snatched her to protect their illicit empire.Each step pulls him further into an unforgiving world of guns and violence until he himself is captured.The vicious drug czar responsible for Bolan's plight reveals a carefully planned conspiracy that could topple a government…and an entire nation. Tortured and beaten, Bolan is only seconds away from escape…or death. His only advantage: the enemy isn't banking on the unrelenting force known as The Executioner.

Серия: Gold Eagle Executioner

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084910


Das Versprechen
Das Versprechen

Автор: Michaela Santowski

Mel und ihre beste Freundin Anna sind langsam frustriert. Gibt es denn keinen Mann in ganz Hannover, der ihren Anspr?chen gen?gt? Ihre letzten Dates waren Reinf?lle. Dabei wollen sie doch gar nicht viel: Er soll attraktive sein, gro?, Mitte bis Ende zwanzig und er soll sie umhauen! Dann taucht Oliver in ihrer Clique auf. Er ist alles das, was Mel an einem Mann mag – bis er den Mund aufmacht. Bereits sein erster Satz l?sst erkennen, wie wichtig er sich selber nimmt. Anna, die Psychologie studiert, stellt einen Zusammenhang her zwischen einem perfekten Kuss – oder eben einem nicht perfekten Kuss – und perfektem Sex – oder eben nicht perfektem Sex. Ab jetzt wird ein Mann nur noch in die Wohnung gelassen, wenn er k?ssen kann. Auf geht?s ins Partyleben! Oder kennt Mel diesen Mann bereits?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783753183282


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