воспитание детей (страница 34)

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Planning with Kids. A Guide to Organising the Chaos to Make More Time for Parenting
Planning with Kids. A Guide to Organising the Chaos to Make More Time for Parenting

Автор: Nicole Avery

The ultimate guide for parents who dream of having a little less chaos and a lot more time for the good things in life Written by mother of five, Nicole Avery, this book shows harried parents how, with just a bit of planning, family life can become easier to manage, less stressful, and decidedly more fun. «Dream on,» you say? «I might as well try to herd cats as to get my kids to follow a lot of arbitrary rules!» And Nicole would agree, which is why Planning with Kids isn't like any other parenting guide out there. It was inspired by Nicole's blog of the same name, which, over the past three years, has garnered a huge audience of likeminded parents who have achieved nothing short of miraculous results following her advice. While other prescriptive guides offer mums and dads cook-cutter solutions to the challenges of raising kids, this handbook focuses on one simple, straightforward idea: by implementing a few simple strategies for how you do things, you'll make more time for you to be you and your kids to be kids. You'll find strategies for streamlining and enhancing everything from the routines of daily life, to family relationships, to budgeting and finances, playtime and much more! Contains a full section on menus and cooking, including recipes, supported online by a planning-with-family meal planner Divided into sections so that readers can dip-in and dip-out for information as they need it as their family expands and grows up!

Цена: 3217.28 руб.
ISBN: 9780730375654


Poder Judicial y conflictos pol?ticos. Volumen I. (Chile: 1925-1958)
Poder Judicial y conflictos pol?ticos. Volumen I. (Chile: 1925-1958)

Автор: Brian Loveman

La verdad judicial que resulta de los casos aqu? estudiados, permite reconsiderar la historia oficial y ofrecer una visi?n distinta, y a veces sorprendente, sobre algunos acontecimientos cr?ticos de la historia nacional.

Исполнители: Ольга Куликова

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9789560013767


Practical Grammar Exercises of English for Students. Практическая грамматика английского языка для студентов. Сборник упражнений
Practical Grammar Exercises of English for Students. Практическая грамматика английского языка для студентов. Сборник упражнений

Автор: Александр Сергеевич Комаров

Цена: 255 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-5-89349-849-3


Prefigurative Politics
Prefigurative Politics

Автор: Paul Raekstad

Many of us wonder what we could possibly do to end oppression, exploitation, and injustice. People have studied revolutions and protest movements for centuries, but few have focused on prefigurative politics, the idea of 'building the new society within the shell of the old'.  Fed up with capitalism? Get organised and build the institutions of the future in radical unions and local communities. Tired of politicians stalling on climate change? Set up an alternative energy collective. Ready to smash racism and the patriarchy? Root them out in all areas of our lives, not just in 'high politics'.  This is the first book dedicated to prefigurative politics, explaining its history and examining the various debates surrounding it. How can collective decision-making be inclusive? In what ways are movements intersectional? Can prefigurative organisations scale up? It is a must-read for students of radical politics, anarchism, and social movements, as well as activists and concerned citizens everywhere.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509535927


PRO десерты
PRO десерты

Автор: Анастасия Залевская

Думаете, торт – это сложно? А зефир никогда не получится воздушным, а безе – хрустящим? На самом деле в приготовлении всеми любимых десертов нет никакой магии, достаточно найти хорошего наставника, заручиться терпением и… практиковаться и снова практиковаться! Анастасия Залевская – профессиональный кондитер. Благодаря ее рецептам вы научитесь печь удивительно вкусные торты, кексы, печенья, готовить муссы, маршмеллоу и другие вкусности. С первого раза! Причем готовка не займет много времени, ведь автор – мама двух дочек и фуд-блогер по совместительству, она знает не понаслышке, что скорость и качество – самое ценное для современного кондитера.

Серия: #Рецепты Рунета

Цена: 649 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-133350-8


Pro питание детей, если приходится быть дома. Как сохранить полезные привычки и исправить ошибки
Pro питание детей, если приходится быть дома. Как сохранить полезные привычки и исправить ошибки

Автор: Александра Ситнова

Александра Ситнова – нутрициолог, сертифицированный специалист по питанию детей UNICEF, Early Nutrition Academy, придерживающийся принципов доказательной медицины. Автор популярного блога в instagram @pro_appetit и курсов по питанию детей. Более 100 тысяч мам доверяют питание своих детей Александре каждый день. Питание ребёнка без стрессов, уговоров, самолетиков и паровозиков. Простые, пошаговые, реально работающие инструкции.

Серия: Сидим дома. Читаем книги

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-17-126668-4


PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров
PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров

Автор: Александра Ситнова

Простые, пошаговые, реально работающие инструкции в сотнях ситуаций. Александра Ситнова – нутрициолог, сертифицированный специалист по питанию детей UNICEF, Early Nutrition Academy, придерживающийся принципов доказательной медицины. Автор популярного блога в instagram @pro_appetit и курсов по питанию детей. Более 100 тысяч мам доверяют питание своих детей Александре каждый день. Питание ребёнка без стрессов, уговоров, самолетиков и паровозиков – от первого прикорма до школы. Эта книга содержит таблицы, графики и иллюстрации в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. © Ситнова А.В., 2020 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2020 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта

Серия: Доктор Блогер

Исполнители: Кабашова Екатерина

Цена: 419 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-17-120067-1


PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров
PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров

Автор: Александра Ситнова

Настольная книга для родителей, которые хотят приучить своего ребенка к здоровой и пита-тельной пище с самого раннего возраста. Из книги вы узнаете: – сколько должен есть ребенок; – нормальны ли колебания аппетита; – что делать, если ребенок ест слишком много или, наоборот, недостаточно; – должно ли питание вашего ребенка отличаться от вашего; – что должен есть ребёнок на завтрак и ужин; – может ли ребенок быть вегетарианцем; – как подружиться со сладким; – как оградить ребенка от нездоровой пищи. Александра Ситнова – нутрициолог, сертифицированный специалист по питанию детей UNICEF, Early Nutrition Academy, придерживающийся принципов доказательной медицины. Автор попу-лярного блога и курсов по питанию детей. Более 200 тысяч мам доверяют питание своих детей Александре каждый день. Питание ребенка без стрессов, уговоров, самолетиков и паровозиков – от первого прикорма до школы. Простые, пошаговые, реально работающие инструкции в сотнях ситуаций. Эта книга содержит таблицы, графики и иллюстрации в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. © Оформление ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2022

Серия: Код питания

Исполнители: Юлия Бочанова

Цена: 419 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-17-141235-7


PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров
PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров

Автор: Александра Ситнова

Александра Ситнова – нутрициолог, сертифицированный специалист по питанию детей UNICEF, Early Nutrition Academy, придерживающийся принципов доказательной медицины. Автор популярного блога и курсов по питанию детей. Более 200 тысяч мам доверяют питание своих детей Александре каждый день. Питание ребенка без стрессов, уговоров, самолетиков и паровозиков – от первого прикорма до школы. Простые, пошаговые, реально работающие инструкции в сотнях ситуаций. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Код питания

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-17-149278-6


PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров
PRO питание детей. Без слез и уговоров

Автор: Александра Ситнова

Александра Ситнова – нутрициолог, сертифицированный специалист по питанию детей UNICEF, Early Nutrition Academy, придерживающийся принципов доказательной медицины. Автор популярного блога и курсов по питанию детей. Более 100 тысяч мам доверяют питание своих детей Александре каждый день. Питание ребёнка без стрессов, уговоров, самолетиков и паровозиков – от первого прикорма до школы. Простые, пошаговые, реально работающие инструкции в сотнях ситуаций. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Доктор Блогер

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-120067-1


Problemes de g?nere
Problemes de g?nere

Автор: Judith Butler

Una obra capital, una refer?ncia ineludible per al moviment feminista Tot va comen?ar amb Problemes de g?nere, que ha esdevingut una obra capital per al moviment feminista. Amb aquest llibre Judith Butler, alhora brillant intel·lectual i activista militant, funda els estudis queer i marca el cam? a tots els pensadors que posteriorment han fet estudis sobre el g?nere. Poques obres de pensament han estat tan llegides, seguides i debatudes com aquesta en els darrers cinquanta anys.
Butler hi critica la idea essencialista segons la qual les identitats de g?nere s?n immutables i estan arrelades en el cos, en la naturalesa o en una heterosexualitat normativa. Afirma que conceptes com o no estan fixats biol?gicament sin? preestablerts culturalment. El g?nere, per tant, no prov? d'una realitat pr?via sin? que ?s el resultat d'una influ?ncia social reiterada.
Dialogant amb autors com Lacan, Freud, De Beauvoir o Foucault, i incorporant postulats avan?ats de l'antropologia, la psicologia o la filosofia, les idees recollides a Problemes de g?nere continuen sorprenent per la seva originalitat i la seva voluntat subversiva.

Цена: 1084.1 руб.
ISBN: 9788418197789


Quattroruote 11/2017
Quattroruote №11/2017

Автор: Группа авторов

Quattroruote (Кватроруте) – это великолепно изданный автомобильный журнал, охватывающий весь спектр машин, существующих в настоящее время на планете. Его главная цель – дать читателям самую объективную и исчерпывающую информацию обо всех автомобилях мира, представленных на российском рынке. Журнал Quattroruote имеет собственный автомобильный полигон, который находится на территории Италии, располагает отлично оборудованной скоростной трассой и великолепными условиями для самых разнообразных высокотехнологичных исследований. Всевозможные тесты автомобилей проводятся здесь постоянно, по самым высоким стандартам качества и выявляют все достоинства и недостатки каждой машины. Большое внимание журнал Quattroruote уделяет автокаталогу с техническими характеристиками и актуальными ценами на все новые автомобили и машины с пробегом. Каталог журнала Quattroruote пользуется большой популярностью как у автолюбителей, так и у опытных водителей-профессионалов со стажем. Важные темы каждого номера – lifestyle и путешествия. В номере: Проба руля Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross MINI Countryman plug-in Aston Martin DB11 Автополигон Jaguar F-Type SVR Сельская аристократия Volvo V90 CC – Mercedes E-Class All-Terrain Спецтест Можно ли верить лампе? Чего ждать Альянсы. Концерн FCA Прогноз. Программа-2040 Tesla Model 3 и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Quattroruote 2017

Цена: 69 руб.
Год: 2017


Does Wednesday Mean Mom s House or Dad s? Parenting Together While Living Apart
"Does Wednesday Mean Mom's House or Dad's?" Parenting Together While Living Apart

Автор: Marc Ackerman J

Thorough in coverage and updated with topics that affect today's families, Does Wednesday Mean Mom's House or Dad's?, Second Edition helps you keep your children in the number-one, priority spot before, during, and after your divorce. Nonjudgmental in tone, the new edition will show you how to put your kids' best interests first as you work with your spouse to parent together while living apart.

Цена: 2982.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780470257203


R?mische Geschichte
R?mische Geschichte

Автор: Cassius Dio

Vollst?ndige Ausgabe aller erhaltener Texte Cassius Dio Cocceianus aus Nikaia in Bythinien (um 163 – nach 229 n. Chr.) war Sohn eines Senators und selbst r?mischer Konsul und Senator. Diese ?mter pr?gten sein Bewusstsein und seine Haltung als Politiker und Autor. Als Statthalter wirkte er in Afrika, Pannonien und Obergermanien unter den Kaisern Septimius Severus und Severus Alexander. Sein Hauptwerk als Schriftsteller ist die R?mische Geschichte, verfasst in griechischer Sprache und eingeteilt in 80 B?cher nach antiker Z?hlung. Das Werk reicht von der Gr?ndung Roms bis in die Lebens- und Wirkungszeit des Autors selbst. Anfang und Ende sind nur in Fragmenten erhalten. F?r einige Abschnitte der r?mischen Geschichte dazwischen stellt Cassius Dio allerdings die wichtigste, bisweilen sogar die einzige Quelle dar. Seine eigene Zeitgeschichte beschreibt Dio als Insider mit genauer Kenntnis aller Hintergr?nde, aber auch bei der Darstellung fr?herer Abschnitte ist sein Zugang zu Quellen ersten Ranges der Grund f?r die hohe Bedeutung seines Geschichtswerkes. Dass er in seine Erz?hlung ?fter auch Ger?chte und Klatschgeschichten aufnahm, macht zwar stets eine kritische Pr?fung seiner Ausf?hrungen n?tig, wirkte sich jedoch auf den Unterhaltungswert der Werke f?r Zeitgenossen wie f?r sp?tere Leser au?erordentlich positiv aus.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783843803038


Resimli elifbe. Азбука в картинках
Resimli elifbe. Азбука в картинках

Автор: Osman ISL?M

Азбука на крымскотатарском языке (латиница) с авторскими иллюстрациями и переводом на русский язык.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2020


Sangre en Atarazanas
Sangre en Atarazanas

Автор: Francisco Madrid

El libro que 'cre?' el barrio chino: un best seller de los a?os veinte que no se reeditaba en su versi?n original en castellano desde antes de la Guerra Civil. Una cr?nica de la zona portuaria de Barcelona, entre la Rambla y el Paralelo, sacudida por los conflictos sociales, hormigueante de la vida menuda de peque?os traficantes, taberneros y prostitutas.Mediante las t?cnicas del periodismo de investigaci?n y de infiltraci?n, y utilizando t?cnicas narrativas, Francisco Madrid capt? la transformaci?n del barrio: del vicio y el pistolerismo como formas elementales de supervivencia, al gangsterismo y los clanes europeos de la delincuencia organizada. Ofrece panoramas veraces de burdeles, locales nocturnos, comercio de coca?na, camas calientes. Y retratos de personajes inigualables: 'madames', travestidos, pistoleros, fabricantes de Terrassa y Sabadell en el torbellino de la mala vida.Esta edici?n, que ha contado con la colaboraci?n de la familia del escritor, pone orden a los textos de 'Sangre en Atarazanas', los ampl?a con una serie de reportajes in?ditos sobre la trata de blancas y establece un juego literario y visual entre dos grandes periodistas: Francisco Madrid y el fot?grafo Gabriel Casas i Galobardes.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788416372690


Sientes Mi Coraz?n?
Sientes Mi Coraz?n?

Автор: Andrea Calo'

Lograr?s superar, incluso, aquellos d?as en los que te sentir?s morir, esos en los que te encontrar?s terriblemente sola y fr?gil. Porque lo sabes, esto es lo que se hace: se sigue adelante, a pesar de todo. Y, al final, no importa qui?n has sido o qui?n ser?s. Lo que importa es seguir adelante, degustando el sabor agridulce de las emociones. Esas emociones que, d?a tras d?a, nos regala el espl?ndido viaje que los seres humanos llamamos vida. Desde los primeros a?os, la vida de Melanie est? marcada por la violencia. Su existencia consiste en la anulaci?n total de la mujer o de cualquier rasgo de personalidad. Pero como en un cuento, ya convencida de haber tocado fondo, llega a su vida la amistad sincera de Cindy, acompa?ada del amor verdadero de un hombre, un viejo amigo. Y entonces, todo cambia como por arte de magia. Todo renace y, finalmente, la vida desemboca en una primavera jam?s vivida.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835410171


Six Sigma Team Dynamics. The Elusive Key to Project Success
Six Sigma Team Dynamics. The Elusive Key to Project Success

Автор: George Eckes

A full, expert discussion of the last major component of Six Sigma implementation George Eckes' first two books on Six Sigma-The Six Sigma Revolution and Making Six Sigma Last-dealt with Six Sigma from a strategic level and from a cultural level, respectively. Six Sigma Team Dynamics covers the last component of Six Sigma-improving team processes. The successful completion of Six Sigma depends on teams working together and applying a proven methodology that defines, measures, analyzes, improves, and controls the process. These team dynamics and the roles and responsibilities of all constituencies are the last remaining key to successful Six Sigma implementation.

Цена: 6406.94 руб.
ISBN: 9780471263388


Smart Parenting for Smart Kids. Nurturing Your Child s True Potential
Smart Parenting for Smart Kids. Nurturing Your Child's True Potential

Автор: Eileen Kennedy-Moore

WINNER! Mom's Choice Gold Award for parenting books – Mom's Choice Awards: The best in family-friendly media «My kid is smart, but…» It takes more than school smarts to create a fulfilling life. In fact, many bright children face special challenges: Some are driven by perfectionism; Some are afraid of effort, because they're used to instant success; Some routinely butt heads with authority figures; Some struggle to get along with their peers; Some are outwardly successful but just don't feel good about themselves. This practical and compassionate book explains the reasons behind these struggles and offers parents do-able strategies to help children cope with feelings, embrace learning, and build satisfying relationships. Drawing from research as well as the authors’ clinical experience, it focuses on the essential skills children need to make the most of their abilities and become capable, confident, and caring people.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470939994


Sparks. How Parents Can Ignite the Hidden Strengths of Teenagers
Sparks. How Parents Can Ignite the Hidden Strengths of Teenagers

Автор: Peter Benson L

In this practical book, Dr. Peter Benson, a leading authority on childhood and adolescence, describes a simple yet powerful plan for awakening the spark that lives inside each and every young person. Sparks—when illuminated and nurtured—give young people joy, energy, and direction. They have the power to change a young person’s life from one of “surviving” to “thriving.” Grounded in new research with thousands of teenagers and parents, Sparks offers a step-by-step approach to helping teenagers discover their unique gifts, and works for all families, no matter their economic status, parenting situation, or ethnic background.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384251


Spectrum (Gek?rzt)
Spectrum (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Ethan Cross

August Burke ist anders. Irgendwie seltsam, geradezu wunderlich. Doch Burke ist auch ein Genie: Er erkennt Zusammenh?nge, die allen anderen verborgen bleiben. Als es in einer Bank zu einer Geiselnahme kommt, wendet das FBI sich an ihn. Denn die T?ter verhalten sich extrem ungew?hnlich und verschwinden schlie?lich sogar unbemerkt aus dem umstellten Geb?ude. Mit Burkes Hilfe entdeckt das FBI den Zugang zu einem Geheimlabor unter der Bank – das eigentliche Ziel des ?berfalls. Was haben die R?uber dort gesucht? Und haben sie es gefunden? Zusammen mit Special Agent Carter folgt Burke ihrer Spur – und bekommt es mit einem Feind zu tun, der bereit ist, tausende Menschenleben zu opfern -

Исполнители: Thomas Balou Martin

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838784205


Step by Step Tarot
Step by Step Tarot

Автор: Terry Donaldson

An excellent introductory course that demystifies the ancient art of tarot reading. With equal appeal for both the beginner and the more experienced student, this complete guide gives you all the training you need to start accessing the ancient wisdom of the tarot.This comprehensive workbook guides you through a practical step-by-step course that is fun and simple to use. It gives all the advice you need to choose the right pack and learn the meanings of each card. Various spreads are described, along with tips to help you achieve accurate readings.Whether you feel that you have psychic qualites you’d like to develop, or have a more down-to-earth interest, this book contains all you need to start working with the tarot. If you have been studying the subject but do not feel confident enough to read for other people, this is the ideal book to help you develop your skills.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007498260


Super-папа. Пособие для будущих отцов
Super-папа. Пособие для будущих отцов

Автор: Светлана Тарасова

Родительство начинается с понимания своей роли, с отношения к семье и с семейных ценностей. Это пособие для тех, кто хочет понять, что делать со своей новой ролью – ролью отца. Вы узнаете, для чего нужно быть хорошим отцом, как помочь супруге и при этом остаться самим собой, что делать с новорожденным ребенком. Только основная суть отцовства, только самые важные моменты, которые интересуют современного папу.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2019


Superpower. How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results
Superpower. How to Think, Act, and Perform with Less Effort and Better Results

Автор: Ford Saeks

A road map to better decision-making and a better life! Do you want more out of your life and your job with less effort and better results? Have you ever felt that there just has to be a better way to get there? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people, just like you, are faced with many challenges in their professional and personal lives on their journey to success. Superpower! takes you on a journey where you'll discover seven principles that will help you solve problems faster, make better decisions, and improve your professional and personal life. Develop the common sense insights and critical thinking strategies to unlock your personal power and performance at work and in life. Leverage common sense insights to develop your critical thinking and decision making skills, thus improving your performance and results in the business world Discover ways to make better decisions, implement them faster, get more done with less effort, and enjoy a better quality of life at work In today's competitive, information-overloaded, and challenging economic conditions, there is no such thing as job security—only skills security. The more you learn, the more you can earn and this book gives you the ultimate roadmap for how to think, act, and perform with less effort and better results.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333471


Teaming. How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy
Teaming. How Organizations Learn, Innovate, and Compete in the Knowledge Economy

Автор: Эми Эдмондсон

New breakthrough thinking in organizational learning, leadership, and change Continuous improvement, understanding complex systems, and promoting innovation are all part of the landscape of learning challenges today's companies face. Amy Edmondson shows that organizations thrive, or fail to thrive, based on how well the small groups within those organizations work. In most organizations, the work that produces value for customers is carried out by teams, and increasingly, by flexible team-like entities. The pace of change and the fluidity of most work structures means that it's not really about creating effective teams anymore, but instead about leading effective teaming. Teaming shows that organizations learn when the flexible, fluid collaborations they encompass are able to learn. The problem is teams, and other dynamic groups, don't learn naturally. Edmondson outlines the factors that prevent them from doing so, such as interpersonal fear, irrational beliefs about failure, groupthink, problematic power dynamics, and information hoarding. With Teaming, leaders can shape these factors by encouraging reflection, creating psychological safety, and overcoming defensive interpersonal dynamics that inhibit the sharing of ideas. Further, they can use practical management strategies to help organizations realize the benefits inherent in both success and failure. Presents a clear explanation of practical management concepts for increasing learning capability for business results Introduces a framework that clarifies how learning processes must be altered for different kinds of work Explains how Collaborative Learning works, and gives tips for how to do it well Includes case-study research on Intermountain healthcare, Prudential, GM, Toyota, IDEO, the IRS, and both Cincinnati and Minneapolis Children's Hospitals, among others Based on years of research, this book shows how leaders can make organizational learning happen by building teams that learn.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118216774


The Apostle Paul - Christianity s Original Mystic (Unabridged)
The Apostle Paul - Christianity's Original Mystic (Unabridged)

Автор: Harvey D. Egan

Исполнители: Harvey D. Egan

Цена: 3254.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781632513694


The Best Job in the World. How to Make a Living From Following Your Dreams
The Best Job in the World. How to Make a Living From Following Your Dreams

Автор: Ben Southall

The true story of the man with the Best Job in the World The Best Job in the World is the story of how following your passions can lead to life-changing opportunities. Adventurer Ben Southall shares his experiences and lessons learned as the winner of the inaugural Tourism Queensland's Best Job in the World campaign, and reveals how this has led to ongoing opportunities since. Part autobiography, part insight into the power of a unique marketing campaign, this book follows Ben's journey—from leaving the UK on his own expedition around Africa to his new role as caretaker of Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef. You'll learn about the skills and experiences that shaped Ben's path, together with the inevitable pitfalls that he faced along the way to living his dream. The sole winner of the Best Job in the World campaign, Ben's perspective is a unique one to share the serious challenges that arose from being catapulted into a high profile job in an idyllic location. Humorous and poignant, the story is as much holistic life guide as travel guide, providing a motivational and inspirational tale that may just be the push you need to: Get inspired—see the opportunities around you and grab them with both hands Embrace the unknown, overcome life's obstacles and challenge expectations Live out your dreams and be your authentic self Climb out of the rut and take part in the world around you In The Best Job in the World, Ben Southall answers the questions everyone is asking: «What is it like? Is it really the best job in the world?» You'll learn how to transform your interests and passions into a flexible, long-term career, and how following the road less travelled can lead to living your best life. If you're dissatisfied, stuck in a rut or merely curious, The Best Job in the World is a must-read tale of aspiration, inspiration and motivation.

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780730313793


The Big Book of Parenting Solutions. 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges and Wildest Worries
The Big Book of Parenting Solutions. 101 Answers to Your Everyday Challenges and Wildest Worries

Автор: Мишель Борба

Today show's Michele Borba's cures for difficult childhood behaviors In this down-to-earth guide, parenting expert Michele Borba offers advice for dealing with children's difficult behavior and hot button issues including biting, temper tantrums, cheating, bad friends, inappropriate clothing, sex, drugs, peer pressure, and much more. Written for parents of kids age 3-13, this book offers easy-to-implement advice for the most important challenges parents face with kids from toddlers to tweens. Includes immediate solutions to the most common childhood problems and challenges Written by Today Show's resident parenting expert Michele Borba Offers clear step-by-step guidance for solving difficult childhood behaviors and family conflicts Contains a wealth of advice that is easy-to-follow and gets quick results Author has written outstanding parenting books including Building Moral Intelligence, No More Misbehavin', Don't Give Me that Attitude, and more Each of the 101 issues includes clear questions, specific step-by-step solutions, and advice that is age appropriate.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470488096


The Complete Parenting Collection
The Complete Parenting Collection

Автор: Steve Biddulph

Australian writer and lecturer Steve Biddulph presents his bestselling parenting guides Raising Boys and Raising Girls, available for the first time in a single eBook-only volume.In the global phenomenon Raising Boys, Steve Biddulph shares and gives practical and honest advice to parents so they can recognise the different stages of boyhood and learn how to raise happy, confident and kind young men. Biddulph has updated his classic book to explore more important topics and to offer parents real-life situations, thought-provoking insights, humour and help.Raising Girls acts as both a guidebook and a call-to-arms for parents. The five key stages of girlhood are laid out so that you know exactly what matters at which age, and how to build strength and connectedness into your daughter from infancy onwards. It is both fierce and tender in its mission to help girls more at every age. It’s a book for parents who love their daughters deeply, whether they are newborns, teenagers, young women – or anywhere in between.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007577699


The Fathers Book. Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century
The Fathers Book. Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century

Автор: David Cohen

What does being a dad in the 21st Century really mean? Men today want to play an active role in the upbringing of their children; that means knowing how to cope with them, play with them, control them and love them. Becoming a father however, can be an extremely daunting prospect, after all it is completely uncharted territory. This wonderful book is not only for expectant and new fathers but covers the whole range of issues dads encounter from conception through to teenage traumas. Situations such as step-fatherhood and the changing relationship with partners are also discussed in a sensitive and informative style. The stresses imposed by modern lifestyles on fathers and kids are looked at as well as the problems and benefits encountered by the fact that kids today are often very sophisticated and clued-up. Chapters include: * I'm Going to be a Dad * Bonding for Fathers * Discipline * Learning to Play Again * Teenage Traumas Written in a light-hearted yet informative style, and including numerous interviews with fathers themselves, this book reflects the latest thinking and theories on how to be a good father.

Цена: 2535.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470849354


The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five
The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting your high-need child from birth to five

Автор: Martha Sears

The best-selling authors of The Baby Book (Dr William and Martha Sears) have created a supportive and practical guide to coping with difficult and fussy children. The book contains proven methods for dealing with a multitude of difficulties you may encounter.Parents of fussy or difficult children, take heart, best-selling childcare experts William and Martha Sears have written a book just for you. Drawing on more than twenty years of paediatric practice and their experiences with their own high-need children, they provide:– Creative ways to soothe a fussy baby- Information on medical causes of infant fussiness – from infections to food sensitivities- Effective ways of coping with common high-need personality traits and behaviour- Proven strategies for discipline – getting connected to your child early, providing structure, setting limits, knowing when to say yes and when to say no- Tips on learning how to talk and listen- Real-life stories and advice from parents of high-need childrenIn The Fussy Baby Book Dr. William and Martha Sears acknowledge the difficulties you face but show you how responsive parenting can turn these challenges into advantages for both you and your child. The Searses prove that difficult children can provide the most rewarding parenting experiences of all.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007374311


The GL Diet For Dummies
The GL Diet For Dummies

Автор: Nigel Denby

If you’re sick of no-carb diets, or just looking for a healthy eating plan, then the GL Diet is for you. No more calculations, no calorie-counting and no more cravings for carbs – as long as you stick to foods that are low in GL, you can stay healthy and lose weight without having to go without. The GL Diet For Dummies explains the science behind the plan, helps you to incorporate GL into your everyday life and gives readers 80 recipes to try.

Цена: 1876.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470058633


The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age ten
The Good Behaviour Book: How to have a better-behaved child from birth to age ten

Автор: Martha Sears

In THE GOOD BEHAVIOUR BOOK, Dr. William and Martha Sears, the paediatrics specialists whose books on birth, babies, and parenting have become widely praised best-sellers, provide a definitive guide to raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children.Disciplining children means equipping them with the tools to succeed in life. In this unique guide, seasoned parents of eight, Bill and Martha Sears draw on personal experience and their professional knowledge as childcare experts to provide an authoritative approach to a broad range of disciplinary issues and practices.With focus on preventing behaviour problems as well as managing them when they arise, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on everything parents need to know about disciplining young children. Believing that discipline starts at birth, the Searses discuss baby discipline, disciplining the toddler, mother-father roles in modern parenting, saying no, self-esteem as the foundation of good behaviour, helping a child to express feelings, the constructive use of anger, good nutrition for good behaviour, and sleep discipline.On handling problem behaviour, the Searses cover sibling rivalry, spanking and alternatives to spanking, breaking annoying habits, and eliminating bothersome behaviours like whining and talking back. The Searses strongly advocate teaching children values like apologising and sharing, and explain how to deal with such issues as lying, stealing, and cheating.In addition, the Searses address building healthy sexuality and discipline in special situations such as after divorce and in the single-parent household.

Цена: 1400.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780007374304


The High Commissioner
The High Commissioner

Автор: Jon Cleary

THE HIGH COMMISSIONER is the first novel in the Inspector Scobie Malone series, by award-winning Australian author Jon Cleary.When the High Commissioner is accused of murder, Sydney-based Inspector Scobie Malone is given the job of going to London and bringing him back.At the same time, the High Commissioner’s murder is being planned to create discord at the Peace Conference, and anarchy in Saigon.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007554300


The Killer Across the Table: Unlocking the Secrets of Serial Killers and Predators with the FBI’s Original Mindhunter
The Killer Across the Table: Unlocking the Secrets of Serial Killers and Predators with the FBI’s Original Mindhunter

Автор: Марк Олшейкер

‘John Douglas is the FBI's pioneer and master of investigative profiling, and one of the most exciting figures in law enforcement I've had the privilege of knowing’ Patricia Cornwell‘John Douglas knows more about serial killers than anybody in the world’ Jonathan Demme, Director of The Silence of the LambsThe legendary FBI criminal profiler, number-one New York Times bestselling author, and inspiration for the hit Netflix show Mindhunter delves deep into the lives and crimes of four of the most disturbing and complex predatory killers, offering never-before-revealed details about his profiling process, and divulging the strategies used to crack some of his most challenging cases.The FBI’s pioneer of criminal profiling, former special agent John Douglas, has studied and interviewed many of America’s most notorious killers – including Charles Manson, ‘Son of Sam Killer’ David Berkowitz and ‘BTK Strangler’ Dennis Rader. Twenty years after his famous memoir, the man who literally wrote the book on FBI criminal profiling opens his case files once again. In this riveting work of true crime, he spotlights four of the most diabolical criminals he’s confronted, interviewed and learned from.A glimpse into the mind of a man who has pierced the heart of human darkness, The Killer Across the Table unlocks the ultimate mystery of depravity and the techniques and approaches that have countered evil in the name of justice.

Цена: 2473.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780008338138


The Marriage Garden
The Marriage Garden

Автор: H. Goddard Wallace

Practical steps for making marriage last a lifetime Two noted relationship experts Wally Goddard and James Marshall offer down-to-earth advice for any couple who wants to strengthen their marriage and make it last a lifetime. In this important book the authors outline their six-step program-commit, grow, nurture, understand, solve, and serve-that has proven to be effective. Using a bountiful garden as a metaphor for a healthy marriage, the book encourages couples to invest time in growing their relationship, shine the light of encouragement on each other, deal with «bugs» and «thorns,» and share time and resources to make the whole world blossom. Shows how to turn differences into blessings and transform difficult times into rewarding experiences Authors are part of the National Extension Marriage and Education Network An honest and accurate look at relationships that offers couples a solid foundation for nurturing and growing their love.

Цена: 1982.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780470588826


The Minds of Boys. Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life
The Minds of Boys. Saving Our Sons From Falling Behind in School and Life

Автор: Michael Gurian

Michael Gurian's blockbuster bestseller The Wonder of Boys is the bible for mothers, fathers, and educators on how to understand and raise boys. It has sold over 400,000 copies, been translated into 17 languages, and sells over 25,000 every year, which is more than any other book on boys in history. To follow up on this first book, which launched the boy's movement, he has now written this revolutionary new book which confronts what he and a lot of other parents and teachers in this country truly believe to be a «boy's crisis». Here are the facts: Boys today are simply not learning as well as girls Boys receive 70% of the Ds and Fs given all students Boys cause 90% of classroom discipline problems 80% of all high school dropouts are boys Millions of American boys are on Ritalin and other mind-bending control drugs Only 40% of college students are boys And three out of four learning disabled students are boys So what can we do? Gurian has the answer in this enormously fascinating and practical book which shows parents and teachers how to help boys overcome their current classroom obstacles by helping to create the proper learning environment, understand how to help boys work with their unique natural gifts, nurture and expand every bit of their potential, and enabling them to succeed in life the way they ought to. Gurian presents a whole new way of solving the problem based on the success of his program in schools across the country, the latest research and application of neuro-biological research on how boys' brains actually work and how they can learn very well if they're properly taught. Anyone who cares about the future of our boys must read this book.

Цена: 2093.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780787980658


The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War
The Pike: Gabriele d’Annunzio, Poet, Seducer and Preacher of War

Автор: Lucy Hughes-Hallett

WINNER OF THE 2013 SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION, THE 2013 DUFF COOPER PRIZE, THE POLITICAL BOOK AWARDS POLITICAL BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEAR 2014 AND THE 2013 COSTA BOOK AWARDS BIOGRAPHY OF THE YEARThe story of Gabriele D’Annunzio, poet, daredevil – and Fascist.In September 1919 Gabriele D’Annunzio, successful poet, dramatist and occasional politician with an innate flair for the melodramatic, declared himself the Commandante of the city of Fiume in modern day Croatia. He intended to establish the utopian modern state upon his muddled fascist and artistic ideals and create a social paradigm for the rest of the world. It was a fittingly dramatic pinnacle to a career that had been essentially theatrical.In her new book Lucy Hughes-Hallett charts the enthralling but controversial life of D’Annunzio – acclaimed poet and author, legendary seducer and charmer – who lived an extravagant and debt-ridden life, and became a military and national hero. He evolved from an idealistic poet, who allied himself with the Romantic aesthetic, to an instigator of radical right-wing revolt against democratic authority. D’Annunzio’s colourful story is also a political parable: through his apparently contradictory nature and the eventual failure of the Fiume endeavour, a picture is created of the politically turbulent Europe of the early 20th century and of the poison of emergent fascism.As in the successful Heroes, Hughes-Hallett takes the story of a memorable character’s life to explore the society and politics of the times in which he lived. She raises questions concerning the figure of the ‘superman’, the cult of nationalism and the origins of political extremism and war. At the centre however stands the flamboyant and charismatic D’Annunzio: a figure as deplorable as he is fascinating.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780007356515


The Psychologist s Book of Personality Tests. 24 Revealing Tests to Identify and Overcome Your Personal Barriers to a Better Life
The Psychologist's Book of Personality Tests. 24 Revealing Tests to Identify and Overcome Your Personal Barriers to a Better Life

Автор: Louis Janda

FIND OUT HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE . . . Do you long for happiness? Do you worry too much? Are you content in your romantic relationships? Do you wish you felt better about yourself? Now you can discover exactly what's stopping you from living the life you long to lead-and what you can do about it. Based on the latest research, this inspiring guide by renowned author and psychologist Dr. Louis Janda presents twenty-four psychological tests that will help you identify the barriers standing between you and a more fulfilling personal and professional life-and figure out how you can overcome them. Developed by behavioral researchers for professional use, these tests are divided into three sections-personal barriers, interpersonal barriers, and one's capacity for change-and cover every aspect of personality, from self-esteem, impulsiveness, and self-efficacy, to intimacy, anger, and romantic relationships. Best of all, at the end of each test, Dr. Janda provides expert advice that will help you use your results to make changes for yourself or help you decide whether you should seek professional help. Refreshingly candid and insightful, The Psychologist's Book of Personality Tests will not only help you achieve greater personal and professional success-it will show you how to get what you want out of life.

Цена: 2319.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780471437239


The Road Back / Возвращение. Книга для чтения на английском языке
The Road Back / Возвращение. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Автор: Эрих Мария Ремарк

Вниманию читателя предлагается роман Эриха Марии Ремарка «Возвращение» в переводе на английский язык. Вчерашние мальчишки, вернувшиеся из окопов Первой мировой войны, пытаются найти свое место B мирной жизни. В книге приводится полный неадаптированный текст романа с комментариями и словарем.

Серия: Modern Prose

Цена: 165 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-9925-1272-4


The Secret of Happy Children: A guide for parents
The Secret of Happy Children: A guide for parents

Автор: Steve Biddulph

This book – a classic worldwide bestseller – aims to let parents be themselves and children grow up happy, full of self-esteem and feeling loved.Steve Biddulph lets you into the mind of your child to show how the positive ways in which you relate to a child will have a strong effect on growing self esteem, responsibility, stable emotions and present and future happiness.He shows how negative language will affect children and explains why children may rebel and how you should deal with any discipline problem that should occur.You will find out how kids experience emotions such as anger, fear, apathy. Other issues are discussed such as fathering, ages and stages, stopping tantrums before they start, and curing shyness.The book is full of scenarios, familiar dialogues and case histories with cartoons.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388318


The Snow Queen / Снежная королева
The Snow Queen / Снежная королева

Автор: Группа авторов

Сказка «Снежная королева» на английском языке поможет вашему ребенку в изучении английского. Текст адаптирован специально для детей. Книжка содержит английскую и русскую версию сказки, а также иллюстрированный англо-русский словарик. (Компакт-диск прилагается только к печатному изданию.)

Серия: Читаем по-английски (Мозаика-Синтез)

Цена: 88 руб.
Год: 2010
ISBN: 978-5-86775-777-9


The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck
The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck

Автор: Беатрис Поттер

Исполнители: merrymar

Цена: 26 руб.


The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family. A Leadership Fable About Restoring Sanity To The Most Important Organization In Your Life
The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family. A Leadership Fable​ About Restoring Sanity To The Most Important Organization In Your Life

Автор: Патрик Ленсиони

In this unique and groundbreaking book, business consultant and New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni turns his sights on the most important organization in our lives—the family. As a husband and the father of four young boys, Lencioni realized the discrepancy between the time and energy his clients put into running their organizations and the reactive way most people run their personal lives. Having experienced the stress of a frantic family firsthand, he and his wife began applying some of the tools he uses with Fortune 500 companies at home, and with surprising results.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384084


The Vicar of Wakefield (Unabridged)
The Vicar of Wakefield (Unabridged)

Автор: Оливер Голдсмит

Исполнители: Arthur Bush

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004445144


They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning
They Are What You Feed Them: How Food Can Improve Your Child’s Behaviour, Mood and Learning

Автор: Dr Richardson Alex

Dr Alex Richardson, one of the UK's leading authority on how nutrition affects behaviour and learning, exposes the truth behind the foods we are feeding our children and offers simple, practical solutions all parents can use. An empowering book that will transform the lives of children and help them reach their full potential.Senior Research Fellow at Oxford University and former school teacher, Dr Alex Richardson is one of the UK's leading expert on how what we do and do not feed our children impacts their learning, concentration, co-ordination and behaviour.Empowering and extremely practical, this book sorts out food fact from food myth and shows parents how to bring the best choices into their children's everyday diets. Includes simple meal plans and recipes as well as practical guidance on other lifestyle factors, such as time spent in front of TV and computer screens.A highly influential book that offers concerned parents concrete information and real solutions.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007369157


Tod am Dreiherrenstein - Der Regional-Krimi Oberhof (Ungek?rzt)
Tod am Dreiherrenstein - Der Regional-Krimi Oberhof (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Renate Behr

Исполнители: Danoki Wilke

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990868560


Toddler Troubles. Coping with Your Under-5s
Toddler Troubles. Coping with Your Under-5s

Автор: Jo Douglas

As every parent knows, looking after young children is profoundly rewarding, but it can also be extremely exhausting and frustrating. Toddler Troubles covers a wide range of typical toddler behaviour and its associated dilemmas, from, eating, sleeping, potty-training and discipline, to more thought-provoking ideas like being a positive parent. Parent and Clinical Psychologist Jo Douglas has been working with families for over 25 years and understands how hard bringing up toddlers can be. In this wonderful new book, she provides a wealth of tools to help you through the ups and downs of bringing up under-5's, including Frequently Asked Questions, charts, and interviews. Toddler Troubles is the ideal companion for any parent as they negotiate the pleasures and perils of raising children. «…not simply another 'opinionated' child care text, but one that is evidence-led wherever possible.... I heartily recommend it.» —Professor Martin Herbert, Clinical Psychologist

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470855195


Trade-Up!. 5 Steps for Redesigning Your Leadership and Life from the Inside Out
Trade-Up!. 5 Steps for Redesigning Your Leadership and Life from the Inside Out

Автор: Rayona Sharpnack

Silicon Valley wunderkind Rayona Sharpnack has been a schoolteacher, tennis champion, manager and player for a women's professional softball team, and a celebrity who coaches some of the most successful leaders in business. Trade Up! draws on Sharpnack&'s experience, as well as stories of successful leaders she has worked with, to reveal how leaders limit themselves by holding on to ideas or assumptions about ourselves—what she calls your “context” —that are no longer valid. Trade Up! outlines the 5 steps to help leaders gain awareness of these assumptions and trade up from limiting beliefs and behaviors to those that will help them change the world. The 5 steps are Reveal your context: what do you believe about yourself? What holds you back? How do you impact others? Own your context: take stock of the upside and downside of your context, and examine the intended and unintended consequences of it! Design a new context that gets you what you want: begin by asking yourself «how good are you willing to have life be?» Sustain your new context: develop new practices to get this new context to stick! Activate your context and engage with the world: move out of your own concerns and into partnership and community with others to help change the world around you!

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470180624


Viral Churches. Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers
Viral Churches. Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers

Автор: Ed Stetzer

A groundbreaking guide for multiplying the impact of church plants Based on a study that was commissioned by the Leadership Network, this book reveals the best practices in church planting and uncovers the common threads among them. A much-needed resource, this book will inform, guide, and even catalyze today's many church planting leaders. The authors clearly show leaders how to plant churches that create a multiplication movement and offer inspiration for them to do so. The book addresses their questions about what to do next in their church planting strategies, in light of research on what's actually working best. Author Ed Stetzer heads up LifeWay Research Provides reliable, credible information about what church planting strategies work best A volume in the Leadership Network Series Offers a definitive guide for church planting and the burgeoning movement it is part of.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470590300


Vulg?re Erotic Stories - Sex? Was sonst!
Vulg?re Erotic Stories - Sex? Was sonst!

Автор: Simone Becker

Einfach nur vulg?re Erotic Stories, geschrieben in einer deutlichen und versauten Art und Weise. Alle erotischen Geschichten sind nur f?r Leser*innen ?ber 18 Jahren geeignet. Wer nur zarte Erotik bevorzugt, sollte dieses Ebook besser nicht lesen. Hier geht es wirklich nur um Sex.
Meine Sex Suchbegriffe: Vulg?re Geschichten mit sexueller Handlung Erotik Sex Sexgeschichten Erotische Geschichten Sexgeschichte Erotikroman unzensiert ab 18 deutsch Erotikromane Erotikgeschichten Erotic Stories Erotische Kurzgeschichten Sex Geschichten pervers Tabulos erotischer Roman f?r Frauen f?r M?nner Leseprobe Erotik Sexgeschichten Erotische Stories Erotische Liebesgeschichte Sex-Geschichten Porno Erotiek Deutsch Erotiek Roman Erotische B?cher

Серия: Erotische Romane

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783754185148


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