банковское дело (страница 14)

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Экспертиза культурных ценностей
Экспертиза культурных ценностей

Автор: Т. Б. Михайлова

Учебно-методическое пособие посвящено комплексному рассмотрению вопросов атрибуции и экспертизы культурных ценностей. Особое внимание уделено методологии атрибуции, развитию и совершенствованию технологий экспертных исследований применительно к произведениям из керамики и стекла и к ювелирным изделиям. Предназначено для студентов департамента «Факультет искусствоведения и социокультурных технологий» дневной и заочной форм обучения, а также для студентов гуманитарного профиля, изучающих дисциплины, связанные с сохранением культурного наследия.

Цена: 500 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-9765-5064-3


Электронные деньги
Электронные деньги

Автор: Д. А. Кочергин

Учебное пособие написано в соответствии с программой специального учебного курса «Электронные деньги», разработанного с учетом требований Государственного образовательного стандарта по специальности «Финансы и кредит». В пособии изложены основные положения теории и практики электронных денег. Рассмотрены вопросы возникновения и развития электронных денег, функционирования систем электронных денег, организации расчетов электронными деньгами. Раскрыты основные направления влияния электронных денег на объем денежной массы, скорость денежного обращения, эмиссионный доход, деятельность кредитных институтов. Представлены инструменты денежно-кредитного регулирования оборота электронных денег и механизмы нормативного контроля над деятельностью их эмитентов, определены конкурентные преимущества электронных денег на рынке розничных платежей. Книга предназначена для студентов и преподавателей экономических вузов при изучении типовых учебных курсов: «Деньги. Кредит. Банки», «Банковское дело», а также дисциплин специализации: «Электронные деньги», «Платежные системы» и др. Книга рекомендуется профессионалам денежного рынка, участникам платежных систем, банковским служащим, использующим в своей профессиональной деятельности новые платежные инструменты.

Серия: Библиотека Центра исследований платежных систем и расчетов

Цена: 400 руб.
Год: 2011
ISBN: 978-5-94416-126-0


Электронные деньги в коммерческом банке. Практическое пособие
Электронные деньги в коммерческом банке. Практическое пособие

Автор: А. В. Пухов

С 2011 года в России действует Федеральный Закон от 27.06.2011 № 161-ФЗ «О национальной платежной системе» (далее – Закон № 161-ФЗ). Разные его нормы вступали в силу в течение 2011, 2012 и 2013 годов. С появлением данного закона «платежный ландшафт» в России существенно изменился: платежные системы зарегистрировались и стали поднадзорны Банку России, банковские платежные агенты получили специализированное законодательство, электронные кошельки преобразовались в небанковские кредитные организации или продали свой бизнес или стали партнерами с банками. Но самое главное – что банки в России, наконец заметили новый для себя сегмент – так называемые электронные деньги. Вполне возможно, что банки и раньше рассматривали данный сегмент как перспективный, но в условиях правового вакуума опасались вести операции с этим продуктом, активизировавшись с появлением специализированного законодательства. Для того, чтобы строить бизнес по работе с электронными деньгами в кредитной организации, вначале следует рассмотреть правовую основу такого бизнеса, начиная с трактовок законодательства. В данной книге приведены подробные комментарии специализированного законодательства с ссылками на конкретные разделы соответствующих нормативных актов.

Серия: Библиотека Центра исследований платежных систем и расчетов

Цена: 413 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-406-04397-4


Электронные деньги и мобильные платежи. Энциклопедия
Электронные деньги и мобильные платежи. Энциклопедия

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Энциклопедия содержит наиболее полную информацию по существующим платежным системам. Представлены классификация действующих платежных систем на основе электронных денег, их характеристика, краткая история становления, основы функционирования, отражены экспертные оценки текущего состояния и перспектив такой важной сферы, как платежи с использованием мобильных телефонов. В книге проанализирован российский и зарубежный опыт использования инновационных платежных продуктов, приведены примеры регулирования данных инновационных систем в разных странах, а также юридические основы их функционирования. Для специалистов-практиков, работающих в сфере электронной коммерции, может быть полезна преподавателям, аспирантам и студентам вузов, а также всем, кто интересуется развитием системы электронных денег и мобильных платежей.

Серия: Библиотека Центра исследований платежных систем и расчетов

Цена: 430 руб.
Год: 2009
ISBN: 978-5-390-00511-8


Электронные финансы. Мифы и реальность
Электронные финансы. Мифы и реальность

Автор: А. В. Пухов

Книга является наиболее детальным описанием электронных финансовых сервисов как с точки зрения технологий их работы, так и с позиции бизнес-применения данных продуктов. В издании раскрыт широкий круг вопросов в сфере работы с электронными деньгами: принципы их функционирования, порядок противодействия отмыванию доходов и финансированию терроризма в системах электронных денег, классификация систем электронных денег, виды наиболее популярных финансовых сервисов. Уделено внимание проблематике платежных сервисов, возможностям заработка в Интернете, развеяны многие мифы и даны рекомендации по получению доходов от работы в сфере электронной коммерции. Представлены экспертные оценки перспектив дальнейшего развития платежных инноваций в связи с принятием в России Федерального закона от 27 июня 2011 г. № 161-ФЗ «О национальной платежной системе» и введением регулирования данной области. Для сотрудников банков и других финансовых организаций, специалистов в области платежных технологий, экспертов, преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов экономических вузов.

Серия: Библиотека Центра исследований платежных систем и расчетов

Цена: 370.3 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-406-02186-6


Этика банков
Этика банков

Автор: Олег Ушерович Авис

Финансовый кризис, начавшийся в 2008 г., до сих пор не преодолен. Значительная вина произошедшего лежит на банках и других финансовых посредниках, которые в погоне за неумеренным обогащением злоупотребили доверительными отношениями со своими клиентами, способствовали гиперспекуляции и чрезмерному распространению финансовых пари. Финансовые институты перестали выполнять функции оказания услуг, предпочли максимизацию своих доходов и стоимости акций. По мнению автора, невидимая рука рынка промахнулась, классическая экономия финансового хозяйства исчерпала себя и подлежит замене этической экономией. Для этого им разработаны принципы этики банков и финансовых рынков в отношении кредитов, капитала, предпринимательского контроля и деривативов. Предлагаемая книга представляет несомненный интерес для ученых, исследующих проблемы философии рынка, существа финансов и кредита, истории банковского и биржевого дела, будет полезна менеджерам коммерческих банков при разработке и соблюдении стратегий и этических кодексов развития, рекомендуется студентам экономических и финансовых институтов и университетов для формирования более полного представления о современном финансовом рынке, а также рассчитана на всех, кто пытается разобраться в истинных причинах разразившегося мирового финансового кризиса.

Цена: 590 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-406-02049-4


Эффективное антикризисное управление 4-5 (103-104) 2017
Эффективное антикризисное управление № 4-5 (103-104) 2017

Автор: Группа авторов

«Эффективное антикризисное управление» – ведущий отечественный научно-практический журнал, посвященный вопросам непрерывности бизнес-процессов, обеспечения устойчивости бизнеса, профилактике возникновения и урегулирования кризисных ситуаций на предприятии. Издание освещает проблемы, связанные с диагностикой кризисных ситуаций на различных уровнях экономики и разработкой мер по их преодолению, а также обобщает опыт отечественной и зарубежной практики антикризисного управления. Журнал входит в перечень ведущих периодических изданий ВАК. Читайте в номере: – Методы обнаружения кризисных ситуаций в экономике на ранних стадиях – Стейкхолдерский подход при бенчмаркинге правление корпоративного риск-менеджмента – Новый тарифный режим для естественных монополий в России: каким он должен быть? – Современные тренды информатизации финансового маркетинга и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Эффективное антикризисное управление» 2017

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2017


Эффективное антикризисное управление 6 (93) 2015
Эффективное антикризисное управление № 6 (93) 2015

Автор: Группа авторов

«Эффективное антикризисное управление» – ведущий отечественный научно-практический журнал, посвященный вопросам непрерывности бизнес-процессов, обеспечения устойчивости бизнеса, профилактике возникновения и урегулирования кризисных ситуаций на предприятии. Издание освещает проблемы, связанные с диагностикой кризисных ситуаций на различных уровнях экономики и разработкой мер по их преодолению, а также обобщает опыт отечественной и зарубежной практики антикризисного управления. Журнал входит в перечень ведущих периодических изданий ВАК. Тема номера: «Качество управления и оценка эффективности деятельности»

Серия: Журнал «Эффективное антикризисное управление» 2015

Цена: 169 руб.
Год: 2015
ISBN: 2078-8886 06015


Эффективность – универсальная цель развития: от индивида до экономики
Эффективность – универсальная цель развития: от индивида до экономики

Автор: Д. Г. Сандлер

Именно эффективность объективно является ключевым понятием и единой целью как предприятий частного бизнеса, так и региона как субъекта хозяйствования, особенно с точки зрения согласованного повышения конкурентоспособности обоих в среднесрочном и долгосрочном периоде. Автор статьи в процессе исследования проблемы приходит к более широкому выводу: именно эффективность, принятая как цель, как показатель, как идеология, способна обеспечить синергетический эффект сразу на нескольких уровнях: от национальной экономики до региона, предприятия и, наконец, индивидуума.

Серия: Современная конкуренция. Научные статьи

Цена: 96 руб.
Год: 2008


A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues
A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues

Автор: Steven S. Rogers

Learn how to address racial wealth disparity in the United States today From the life, professional experiences, and research of former Harvard Business School professor Steven Rogers, comes his boldly stated, A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues . This informative epistle investigates the causes of racial wealth disparity in the United States and provides solutions for addressing it. Through extensive data and historical research, anecdotes, teaching, and case studies, it presents practical ways White people can work with and help the Black community. It teaches readers that eliminating the $153,000 wealth gap between Black and White people is the solution to over 75% of our problems and offers solutions to help improve Black-White racial relations in the United States. In straightforward language, filled with facts, stories, advice, and sometimes even humor, A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues encourages every White person to share his/her wealth with the Black community—plain and simple. This book recommends that you spend a portion of your annual household budget with Black-owned companies. If more money is spent at Black-owned businesses, those companies can grow and create more jobs for Black people. Rogers also proposes White people make large savings deposits into Black-owned banks. These are the financial institutions that are the backbone of the Black community that provide loans to the Black community for businesses, education, automobiles, and home mortgages. And finally, he resolutely encourages White people to support government reparations to Black Americans who are descendants of Black men and women, who were enslaved from 1619 to 1865. Those who read the book will: Understand the root causes of racial disparities in America Discover how you can personally contribute to reducing the inequality between Black and White people in the United States today Get concrete recommendations on how to redirect your spending to Black-owned institutions to help decrease the racial wealth gap This groundbreaking book provides financial recommendations that you can put into practice today, using his helpful instructions in most of the chapters, to address the systemic inequality between White and Black Americans. Read A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues and be part of the path forward.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119794783


Achieving Investment Excellence
Achieving Investment Excellence

Автор: Kees Koedijk

Цена: 7250.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119437697


Advances in Metallodrugs
Advances in Metallodrugs

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 31167.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119641018


Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)
Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice)

Автор: Mary Jane Sterling

Challenging and fun problems on every topic in a typical Algebra II course Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies gives you 1,001 opportunities to practice solving problems on all the major topics in Algebra II—in the book and online! Get extra help with tricky subjects, solidify what you’ve already learned, and get in-depth walk-throughs for every problem with this useful book. These practice problems and detailed answer explanations will get your advanced algebra juices flowing, no matter what your skill level. Thanks to Dummies, you have a resource to help you put key concepts into practice. Work through practice problems on all Algebra II topics covered in class Step through detailed solutions for every problem to build your understanding Access practice questions online to study anywhere, any time Improve your grade and up your study game with practice, practice, practiceThe material presented in Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies is an excellent resource for students, as well as parents and tutors looking to help supplement classroom instruction. Algebra II: 1001 Practice Problems For Dummies (9781119883562) was previously published as 1,001 Algebra II Practice Problems For Dummies (9781118446621). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119883586


An Introduction to Banking. Liquidity Risk and Asset-Liability Management
An Introduction to Banking. Liquidity Risk and Asset-Liability Management

Автор: Moorad Choudhry

A great write-up on the art of banking. Essential reading for anyone working in finance. Dan Cunningham, Senior Euro Cash & OBS Dealer, KBC Bank NV, London «Focused and succinct review of the key issues in bank risk management.» Graeme Wolvaardt, Head of Market Risk Control, Europe Arab Bank plc, London The importance of banks to the world's economic system cannot be overstated. The foundation of consistently successful banking practice remains efficient asset-liability management and liquidity risk management. This book introduces the key concepts of banking, concentrating on the application of robust risk management principles from a practitioner viewpoint, and how to incorporate these principles into bank strategy. Detailed coverage includes: Bank strategy and capital Understanding the yield curve Principles of asset-liability management Effective liquidity risk management The role of the bank ALM committee Written in the author's trademark accessible style, this book is a succinct and focused analysis of the core principles of good banking practice.

Цена: 9279.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119993582


An Introduction to Equity Derivatives. Theory and Practice
An Introduction to Equity Derivatives. Theory and Practice

Автор: Sebastien Bossu

Everything you need to get a grip on the complex world of derivatives Written by the internationally respected academic/finance professional author team of Sebastien Bossu and Philipe Henrotte, An Introduction to Equity Derivatives is the fully updated and expanded second edition of the popular Finance and Derivatives. It covers all of the fundamentals of quantitative finance clearly and concisely without going into unnecessary technical detail. Designed for both new practitioners and students, it requires no prior background in finance and features twelve chapters of gradually increasing difficulty, beginning with basic principles of interest rate and discounting, and ending with advanced concepts in derivatives, volatility trading, and exotic products. Each chapter includes numerous illustrations and exercises accompanied by the relevant financial theory. Topics covered include present value, arbitrage pricing, portfolio theory, derivates pricing, delta-hedging, the Black-Scholes model, and more. An excellent resource for finance professionals and investors looking to acquire an understanding of financial derivatives theory and practice Completely revised and updated with new chapters, including coverage of cutting-edge concepts in volatility trading and exotic products An accompanying website is available which contains additional resources including powerpoint slides and spreadsheets. Visit www.introeqd.com for details.

Цена: 6996.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119969020


Anti-Money Laundering Transaction Monitoring Systems Implementation
Anti-Money Laundering Transaction Monitoring Systems Implementation

Автор: Derek Chau

Цена: 4212.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119381969


Audit and Accounting Guide
Audit and Accounting Guide

Автор: Группа авторов

With all the recent changes in state and local government audit and accounting, including changes to some of the more complex areas such as pensions and post-employment benefits other than pensions (OPEB), accountants and financial managers can't afford to be without the most current guidance. This authoritative guide provides complete coverage of audit and accounting considerations critical for both preparers and auditors. This edition includes two new schedules: Governmental Employer Participation in Single-Employer Plans: Illustrative Schedule of Pension Amounts and Report; and, Illustrative Notes to Schedule of Employer Allocations and Schedule of Pension Amounts. It also provides insights, comparisons, and best practices for financial reporting and the financial reporting entity, revenue and expense recognition, capital asset accounting, the elements of net position, accounting for fair value, municipal securities offerings, tax abatements and much more.

Цена: 15354.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119541189


Audit Risk Alert
Audit Risk Alert

Автор: Группа авторов

Developed by a task force consisting of current and former employee benefit plan expert panel members, this alert offers a range of topics such as master trust reporting, cybersecurity, new proposed auditor's reports, electronic information, limited-scope certification, and new auditing standards such as PCAOB AS 3101. The increasing complexity of employee benefit plan auditing and increased focus by the DOL have resulted in significant pressure for CPAs and firms performing EBP audits. To help accountants meet the challenge of performing quality audits in this unique and complex area, the AICPA has developed this alert to assist them in identifying current sources of risk within EBP audit engagements. Accountants will find a targeted discussion on new developments, issues auditors may face in their current audits, as well as a look at what's in the pipeline that may affect your engagements. Key benefits of this work include: Coverage of emerging practice issues, including direct versus indirect investment in fully benefit-responsive investment contracts, readily determinable fair value, disclosures for investments in certain entities that calculate NAV per share (or its equivalent), plan expenses, and repurchase agreements An in-depth look at master trust reporting, electronic information and the new PCAOB auditing standard AS 3101 Analysis of high risk areas specific to defined benefit pension plans, such as pension benefit guaranty corporation premiums and reporting, demographic and economic assumptions, and pension risk management Current developments on health and welfare plans, including health care reform and its effect on employee benefit plans Up-to-date information on regulatory development from both the DOL and IRS

Цена: 5412.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781119537694


Banker s Guide to New Small Business Finance. Venture Deals, Crowdfunding, Private Equity, and Technology
Banker's Guide to New Small Business Finance. Venture Deals, Crowdfunding, Private Equity, and Technology

Автор: Charles Green H

Detailed, actionable guidance for expanding your revenue in the face of a new virtual market Written by industry authority Charles H. Green, Banker's Guide to New Small Business Finance explains how a financial bust from one perfect storm—the real estate bubble and the liquidity collapse in capital markets—is leading to a boom in the market for innovative lenders that advance funds to small business owners for growth. In the book, Green skillfully reveals how the early lending pioneers capitalized on this emerging market, along with advancements in technology, to reshape small company funding. Through a discussion of the developing field of crowdfunding and the cottage industry that is quickly rising around the ability to sell business equity via the Internet, Banker's Guide to New Small Business Finance covers how small businesses are funded; capital market disruptions; the paradigm shift created by Google, Amazon, and Facebook; private equity in search of ROI; lenders, funders, and places to find money; digital lenders; non-traditional funding; digital capital brokers; and much more. Covers distinctive ideas that are challenging bank domination of the small lending marketplace Provides insight into how each lender works, as well as their application grid, pricing model, and management outlook Offers suggestions on how to engage or compete with each entity, as well as contact information to call them directly Includes a companion website with online tools and supplemental materials to enhance key concepts discussed in the book If you're a small business financing professional, Banker's Guide to New Small Business Finance gives you authoritative advice on everything you need to adapt and thrive in this rapidly growing business environment.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118940860


Becoming an Urban Planner. A Guide to Careers in Planning and Urban Design
Becoming an Urban Planner. A Guide to Careers in Planning and Urban Design

Автор: Майк Байер

Becoming an Urban Planner answers these key questions: What do urban planners do? What are the educational requirements? How do I enter the field? How do I choose between the different types of planning, from land use planning to policy planning? What is the future of the urban planning profession? Here is a completely up-to-date guide to today's careers in urban planning—a clear and concise survey of the urban planning field and advice for navigating a successful career. Filled with interviews and guidance from leading urban planners, it covers everything from educational requirements to planning specialties and the many directions in which a career in urban planning can go.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118174746


Behavioral Finance for Private Banking
Behavioral Finance for Private Banking

Автор: Thorsten Hens

An essential framework for wealth management using behavioral finance Behavioral Finance for Private Banking provides a complete framework for wealth management tailored to the unique needs of each client. Merging behavioral finance with private banking, this framework helps you gain a greater understanding of your client’s wants, needs, and perspectives to streamline the decision making process. Beginning with the theoretical foundations of investment decision making and behavioral biases, the discussion delves into cultural differences in global business and asset allocation over the life cycle of the investment to help you construct a wealth management strategy catered to each individual’s needs. This new second edition has been updated to include coverage of fintech and neurofinance, an extension of behavioral finance that is beginning to gain traction in the private banking space. Working closely with clients entails deep interpersonal give and take. To be successful, private banking professionals must be as well-versed in behavioral psychology as they are in finance; this intersection is the heart of behavioral finance, and this book provides essential knowledge that can help you better serve your clients’ needs. Understand the internal dialogue at work when investment decisions are made Overcome the most common behavioral biases—and watch for your own Learn how fintech and neurofinance impact all aspects of private banking Set up a structured wealth management process that places the client’s needs front and center Private banking clients demand more than just financial expertise. They want an advisor who truly understands their needs, and can develop and execute the kind of strategy that will help them achieve their goals. Behavioral Finance for Private Banking provides a complete framework alongside insightful discussion to help you become the solution your clients seek.

Цена: 9941.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781119453734


Believe Us
Believe Us

Автор: Melissa Reddy

‘Our incredible story under a supreme manager shared in all its glory.’ Jordan HendersonThe definitive account of J?rgen Klopp’s astonishing revival of Liverpool Football Club.Liverpool Football Club’s stunning 2020 Premier League title victory deserves a place in the official record of great sporting achievements. The Reds became the first team in British history to hold the European Cup, Super Cup, World Club Cup and domestic league title simultaneously in a masterclass of free-scoring, full throttle footballing prowess.Journalist Melissa Reddy reveals the inside story of J?rgen Klopp’s astonishing revival of Liverpool, culminating in the club’s first domestic league trophy in thirty years. Featuring incisive and insightful reporting, and the thoughts of players, management and club hierarchy, Believe Us paints a vivid picture of this titanic sporting success. Reddy’s unparalleled access to the club brings interviews with everyone from fans and key backroom staff to players including talismanic captain Jordan Henderson, and of course Klopp himself.The perfect gift for any fan of the club or its inimitable leader, this is heavy metal football writing at its best.

Цена: 1562.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780008441975


Business Models For Dummies
Business Models For Dummies

Автор: Jim Muehlhausen

Write a business model? Easy. Business Models For Dummies helps you write a solid business model to further define your company's goals and increase attractiveness to customers. Inside, you'll discover how to: make a value proposition; define a market segment; locate your company's position in the value chain; create a revenue generation statement; identify competitors, complementors, and other network effects; develop a competitive strategy; and much more. Shows you how to define the purpose of a business and its profitability to customers Serves as a thorough guide to business modeling techniques Helps to ensure that your business has the very best business model possible If you need to update a business model due to changes in the market or maturation of your company,Business Models For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118612675


Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families
Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families

Автор: Группа авторов

Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families: A Handbook for Healthcare Professionals provides a guide for addressing the challenges of providing optimal general and routine care for the special needs population. More than just caring for the patients, the text stresses the importance of caring for their families as well. The book begins with chapters on common aspects of this population, including physical or sensory disabilities and developmental and learning disabilities. Subsequent chapters expound on more specific topics related to communication, mobility, emotional issues, quality of life, and end-of-life. Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families is a must-have book for family and pediatric nurse practitioners, registered nurses, healthcare technicians, physician assistants and social services professionals who see these patients regularly as part of their daily patient load.

Цена: 6960.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118517963


Carry On. Sound Advice from Schneier on Security
Carry On. Sound Advice from Schneier on Security

Автор: Брюс Шнайер

Up-to-the-minute observations from a world-famous security expert Bruce Schneier is known worldwide as the foremost authority and commentator on every security issue from cyber-terrorism to airport surveillance. This groundbreaking book features more than 160 commentaries on recent events including the Boston Marathon bombing, the NSA's ubiquitous surveillance programs, Chinese cyber-attacks, the privacy of cloud computing, and how to hack the Papal election. Timely as an Internet news report and always insightful, Schneier explains, debunks, and draws lessons from current events that are valuable for security experts and ordinary citizens alike. Bruce Schneier's worldwide reputation as a security guru has earned him more than 250,000 loyal blog and newsletter readers This anthology offers Schneier's observations on some of the most timely security issues of our day, including the Boston Marathon bombing, the NSA's Internet surveillance, ongoing aviation security issues, and Chinese cyber-attacks It features the author's unique take on issues involving crime, terrorism, spying, privacy, voting, security policy and law, travel security, the psychology and economics of security, and much more Previous Schneier books have sold over 500,000 copies Carry On: Sound Advice from Schneier on Security is packed with information and ideas that are of interest to anyone living in today's insecure world.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118790830


Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

The second edition of Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: New Challenges, is a practical, up-to-date handbook providing expert guidance on specific clinical dilemmas and areas of difficulty that the gastroenterologist regularly faces in day-to-day practice. In this new edition, 75% of the “dilemmas” are brand new dilemmas facing the IBD specialist concerning emerging treatment therapies, such as the use of cannabinoids and Viagra for Crohn’s disease. The remaining 25% of the dilemmas are fully updated from the previous edition, incorporating the latest clinical thinking. Each of the 57 evidence-based chapters contains clear learning points, addresses different topics, and provides sound guidance on subjects ranging from optimizing current management through to special management problems and novel treatments. This book is suitable for all medical professionals involved in the care of patients with IBD: established and trainee gastroenterologists, colorectal surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, specialist nurses, pharmacists, dieticians and counselors.

Цена: 8369.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781444342543



Автор: Gill Hasson

Communicate more easily and effectively in any situation! Every day, you have the opportunity to interact with people in different areas of your life; in public, at work and at home, with colleagues and clients, with friends and family. Your ability to exchange ideas and opinions with other people, understand their thoughts and feelings, their point of view and solve problems between you depends on how effectively you’re able to communicate. But being understood, and understanding others is not always easy! Communication is a dynamic, complex process, influenced by all the complexities and differences in human motivation and behaviour. Communication: How to Connect with Anyone will help you connect with others, build friendships and develop better relationships with colleagues and clients, friends and family. This engaging, practical guide shares everything you need to know to develop empathy and rapport with others, and feel confident about communicating with a diverse range of people. This book will help you: Identify, understand and overcome the barriers to communication Explain yourself clearly and be able to manage other people’s responses – whatever they are Know what to say to get others to open up to you Learn how to read between the lines and get a better insight into how others feel, what they do and don’t want Learn how to persuade and influence others Communication: How to Connect with Anyone is a valuable guide for anyone who wishes to communicate effectively, clearly and successfully in all aspects of life.

Цена: 1272.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780857087430


Crash Proof 2.0. How to Profit From the Economic Collapse
Crash Proof 2.0. How to Profit From the Economic Collapse

Автор: John Downes

A fully updated follow-up to Peter Schiff's bestselling financial survival guide-Crash Proof, which described the economy as a house of cards on the verge of collapse, with over 80 pages of new material The economic and monetary disaster which seasoned prognosticator Peter Schiff predicted is no longer hypothetical-it is here today. And nobody understands what to do in this situation better than the man who saw it coming. For more than a decade, Schiff has not only observed the economy, but also helped his clients restructure their portfolios to reflect his outlook. What he sees today is a nation facing an economic storm brought on by growing federal, personal, and corporate debt; too little savings; and a declining dollar. Crash Proof 2.0 picks up right where the first edition-a bestselling book that predicted the current market mayhem-left off. This timely guide takes into account the dramatic economic shifts that are reshaping the world and provides you with the insights and information to navigate the dangerous terrain. Throughout the book, Schiff explains the factors that will affect your future financial stability and offers a specific three step plan to battle the current economic downturn. Discusses the measures you can take to protect yourself-as well as profit-during these difficult times Offers an insightful examination of the structural weaknesses underlying the economic meltdown Outlines a plan that will allow you to preserve wealth and protect the purchasing power of your savings Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Crash Proof 2.0 will help you survive and thrive during the coming years of economic uncertainty.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118281642


Credit Risk Management
Credit Risk Management

Автор: Группа авторов

The importance of managing credit and credit risks carefully and appropriately cannot be overestimated. The very success or failure of a bank and the banking industry in general may well depend on how credit risk is handled. Banking professionals must be fully versed in the risks associated with credit operations and how to manage those risks. This up-to-date volume is an invaluable reference and study tool that delves deep into issues associated with credit risk management. Credit Risk Management from the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB)discusses the various ways through which banks manage risks. Essential for candidates studying for the HKIB Associateship Examination, it can also help those who want to acquire a deeper understanding of how and why banks make decisions and set up processes that lower their risk. Topics covered in this book include: Active credit portfolio management Risk management, pricing, and capital adequacy Capital requirements for banks Approaches to credit risk management Structural models and probability of default Techniques to determine loss given default Derivatives and structured products

Цена: 5799.39 руб.
ISBN: 9780470827512


Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short
Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short

Автор: Frank Buytendijk

Observing how business management is obsessed with analysis and numbers, Dealing with Dilemmas shows there is an entire class of problems that cannot be solved by analysis: business dilemmas. Dilemmas, representing a large part of strategic decision-making, require the opposite approach of analysis; synthesis. Dealing with Dilemmas shows how popular performance management methodologies can be used in new and previously unexplored ways. It authoritatively shows you how your business can move forward strategically in ways previously impossible. Shows dangers in current thinking around analytics and performance management Includes practical case examples and interviews with C-level executives and government officials world-wide, both in commercial enterprise and public sector Makes the most nebulous of management processes, strategy formulation, insightful and links it tightly to strategy execution and performance management. Filled with case studies and examples, this book reveals how your business can start solving dilemmas and move forward strategically.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470768464


DeFi и будущее финансов. Как технология децентрализованных финансов трансформирует банковскую систему
DeFi и будущее финансов. Как технология децентрализованных финансов трансформирует банковскую систему

Автор: Кэмпбелл Р. Харви

Перед вами лаконичный, но исчерпывающий гид по децентрализованным финансам (DeFi). Цель этой книги – рассказать вам о состоянии дел в стремительно растущей сфере DeFi, ее возможностях и преимуществах, а также о тех проблемах современной экономики, которые решает эта технология. Внутри вы найдете подробную информацию о том, из чего состоят децентрализованные финансы, как использовать их без боязни потерять деньги и почему нельзя представить себе ближайшее будущее без DeFi. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Библиотека цифровой трансформации

Цена: 509 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-04-187282-3


Die Geschichten der Ungern und ihrer Landsassen. T. 4
Die Geschichten der Ungern und ihrer Landsassen. T. 4

Автор: Ignatius Aurelius Fessler

Полный вариант заголовка: «Die Geschichten der Ungern und ihrer Landsassen. T. 4 : Die Ungern unter K?nigen aus verschiedenen H?usern, Bd. 2 / erz?hlt von I. A. Fessler».

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1816


Die Gummib?rbande
Die Gummib?rbande

Автор: Mario Klotz

Sonderband Nr.1, Der Geisterm?nch mit dem Dudelsack:
In diesem Abenteuer verschl?gt es die Gummib?rbande auf eine abgelegene Insel. Auf ihr treibt sich der Geisterm?nch mit dem Dudelsack herum, der immer wieder wie aus dem Nichts auftaucht und Angst und Schrecken verbreitet. Anfangs wollten die Gummib?ren nur an einem Gesellschaftsspiel teilnehmen. Eine Schriftstellerin wurde aus einem verschlossenen Schlafgemach entf?hrt. Deshalb sollten sie im Schloss und auf der Insel nach Spuren suchen und die Bediensteten verh?ren. Zudem dient folgender Reim als Hinweis:
Der Geisterm?nch mit dem Dudelsack ist erwacht und hat Madam heimgesucht in d?sterer Nacht. Sie ist seitdem spurlos verschwunden, niemand hat sie bis jetzt gefunden. Du musst deine Angst ?berwinden, such Beweise und du wirst sie finden. Schon beginnt das schaurige Spiel, Madam zu finden ist das Ziel. Ein Tipp: Sieh genau von Oben hin, die Wahrheit steckt im Auge drin.
Die Bande bemerkt jedoch schnell bei ihren Ermittlungen, dass etwas auf der Insel ganz und gar nicht stimmt. Neyla findet eine Warnung auf ihrem Bett, die lautet: «Erste und letzte Warnung! Verschwindet, sonst geschieht ein t?tdliches Ungl?ck!» W?hrend ihren Nachforschungen finden die Gummib?ren heraus, dass etwas ganz anderes hinter dem Spiel steckt: ein grausames Ereignis aus lang vergangener Zeit! Und dann taucht mehrmals, wie aus dem Nichts, der Geisterm?nch vor ihnen auf! Dieser sollte laut dem Organisator nichts mit dem Spiel zu tun haben. Aber warum spukt ein echter Geist auf der Insel umher? Was hat es mit der mystischen Hexe, die ebenfalls auf der Insel haust, auf sich? Warum benehmen sich einige Teilnehmer des Spieles so seltsam? Verbergen diese ein Geheimnis? Was hat es mit den Pendeluhren auf sich, die sich immer zur selben Stunden wie durch Zauberei von selbst verstellen? Welches Geheimnis verbirgt dieser seltsame Reim? Wer hat sich unter falschem Namen in das Spiele eingeschleust? Und was hat es mit dem Sarg auf sich, der Sam wie von Geisterhand anzieht? Hilf der Gummib?rbande und l?st gemeinsam den Fall!
Liebe Freunde der Gummib?ren,
tauche in die Welt der Gummib?rbande ein. Erlebe mit Neyla, Trixi, Jack, Mao und Sam die Abenteuer deines Lebens. Durschaue geheimnisvolle R?tsel und knacke die kniffligsten Codes. Decke mit den Gummib?ren mysteri?se Vorf?lle auf, l?se schwierige F?lle und ?berf?hre gef?hrliche Verbrecher. Du willst ein Ehrenmitglied der Gummib?rbande werden und in einem Buch mitwirken? Das geht ganz einfach! Teile deinen Wunsch deinen Eltern mit und diese m?ssen dich nur per E-Mail anmelden.

Серия: Die Gummib?rbande

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783742715593


Dietary Polyphenols
Dietary Polyphenols

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 25296.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119563716


Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity
Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity

Автор: Николай Камзин

In order to develop production and expand markets for all interested in handling financial resources. Own funds are limited because actual borrowed funds of credit institutions. Loan is secured by collateral, for which execution is levied for improper fulfillment of financial obligations. When activated, deposit procedures arises business process by which the performance of collateral, encumbered with outstanding financial obligation, it becomes a catalyst for dispersion of its value among the involved credit institutions affiliated to it the same structures, and the borrower, the owner of the collateral, forced to pay for their services. Registry of collateral individual credit institution is the value of having a monetary value, or more precisely register the debt, the return of the collateral is provided, during the implementation procedures of the collateral is an extremely topical issue of cost. Affiliated bank structure use a "ready" for implementation of the collateral as a financial instrument whose value is dynamic in time.

Цена: 33.99 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-3-8484-1860-2


Employee Resource Group Excellence
Employee Resource Group Excellence

Автор: Robert Rodriguez

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119813767


Engine of Inequality
Engine of Inequality

Автор: Karen Petrou

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119727538


Engine of Inequality
Engine of Inequality

Автор: Karen Petrou

The first book to reveal how the Federal Reserve holds the key to making us more economically equal, written by an author with unparalleled expertise in the real world of financial policy Following the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy placed much greater focus on stabilizing the market than on helping struggling Americans. As a result, the richest Americans got a lot richer while the middle class shrank and economic and wealth inequality skyrocketed. In Engine of Inequality, Karen Petrou offers pragmatic solutions for creating more inclusive monetary policy and equality-enhancing financial regulation as quickly and painlessly as possible. Karen Petrou is a leading financial-policy analyst and consultant with unrivaled knowledge of what drives the decisions of federal officials and how big banks respond to financial policy in the real world. Instead of proposing legislation that would never pass Congress, the author provides an insider's look at politically plausible, high-impact financial policy fixes that will radically shift the equality balance. Offering an innovative, powerful, and highly practical solution for immediately turning around the enormous nationwide problem of economic inequality, this groundbreaking book: Presents practical ways America can and should tackle economic inequality with fast-acting results Provides revealing examples of exactly how bad economic inequality in America has become no matter how hard we all work Demonstrates that increasing inequality is disastrous for long-term economic growth, political action, and even personal happiness Explains why your bank's interest rates are still only a fraction of what they were even though the rich are getting richer than ever, faster than ever Reveals the dangers of FinTech and BigTech companies taking over banking Shows how Facebook wants to control even the dollars in your wallet Discusses who shares the blame for our economic inequality, including the Fed, regulators, Congress, and even economists Engine of Inequality: The Fed and the Future of Wealth in America should be required reading for leaders, policymakers, regulators, media professionals, and all Americans wanting to ensure that the nation’s financial policy will be a force for promoting economic equality.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119730057


Ense?anza del Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera - ELE -,
Ense?anza del Espa?ol como Lengua Extranjera - ELE -,

Автор: Alberto Ram?rez Avenda?o

Ense?anza del Espa?ol como lengua extranjera-ELE-, a trav?s del lenguaje de las fiestas colombianas es un libro resultado de investigaci?n que implic? un ejercicio riguroso de planeaci?n, de ejecuci?n con experimentaci?n mediante prueba piloto y, finalmente, de sistematizaci?n de la informaci?n recolectada, que se recoge en el informe final de la investigaci?n. Los autores han asignado a este proyecto y producto su genio para garantizar la originalidad y la innovaci?n en la ense?anza y el aprendizaje de ELE, en el Nivel C del Marco Com?n de Referencia para Europa MCRE, a trav?s del lenguaje corriente, que circula en nueve de las grandes fiestas populares colombianas (Carnaval de Negros y Blancos (Pasto), Feria de Manizales, Carnaval de Barranquilla, Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata (Valledupar), Torneo Internacional del Joropo (Villavicencio), Festival Folcl?rico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco (Neiva), Feria de las Flores (Medell?n), Aguinaldo Boyacense (Tunja) y Feria de Cali), en las que la lengua manifiesta tal riqueza de sentidos que llega a ser un reto motivador tanto para el hablante nativo, como para el aprendiente del Espa?ol. Con esta propuesta did?ctica se busca dinamizar las competencias comunicativa e intercultural, de modo que los hablantes no nativos del Espa?ol tengan acceso a los significados y sentidos que otorgan los hablantes de las regiones en las que se realizan las fiestas mencionadas; esto, en la perspectiva de un aprendizaje realmente contextualizado y significativo.

Серия: Investigaci?n

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9789586605861


Essentials of Banking
Essentials of Banking

Автор: Deborah Dilley K

The essential guide for finance professionals in all industries for quick answers to banking questions, Essentials of Banking provides a nuts and bolts presentation explaining the regulatory, business, and people facts of the business of banking in a handy, concise format. It is the only guide you will need containing all the relevant facts of banking, all in one place.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470332269


Fermenting For Dummies
Fermenting For Dummies

Автор: Marni Wasserman

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119594222


Financial Statement Analysis
Financial Statement Analysis

Автор: Martin S. Fridson

Цена: 8605.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781119457190


Foreign Currency Financial Reporting from Euro to Yen to Yuan. A Guide to Fundamental Concepts and Practical Applications
Foreign Currency Financial Reporting from Euro to Yen to Yuan. A Guide to Fundamental Concepts and Practical Applications

Автор: Robert Rowan

The first A-to-Z guide for successfully working in foreign currency environments Destined to become an essential desktop tool helping professionals build a solid foundation in the background, history, and fundamental mechanics of foreign currency and exchange rates, this must-have guide allows you to report past transactions accurately and also to forecast the impacts that volatile exchange rates could have on your business. Packed with everything you need to know about exchange rate requirements, including world currency formats and key links to additional resources, this is the single source you'll want to have at your side to understand and successfully use foreign currency reporting concepts. Get from Yen to Euro without losing your way Clarifies an intimidating topic into practical application Helps you function effectively in the multicurrency reporting environment Addresses common points of confusion Demystifies IFRS Your company could swing from profit to loss without a single change in operations, simply by movement of exchange rates. Get ready with the on-the-spot foreign currency answers you need in Foreign Currency Financial Reporting from Euro to Yen to Yuan. It's the easy-to-use, definitive source you can turn to for a clear, concise, practical understanding of multicurrency environments.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118056660


Forex: От простого к сложному
Forex: От простого к сложному

Автор: Игорь Морозов

О чем книга: О состоянии и устройстве мирового валютного рынка. Немало места занимает описание организационных структур крупнейших банков США и Европы, действия которых прямо отражаются на денежной политике рынка. Почему книга достойна прочтения: – Идеальная подборка советов, фактов и примеров для построения собственной торговой стратегии; – Современный подход к управлению валютными операциями, без оглядки на традиционные стили и устаревшие примеры великих трейдеров, оставшимися великими в истории трейдинга; – Доступность изложения для любого рода специалистов в силу отсутствия "заумностей" и метафоричности высказываний; – Полное соответствие формы и содержания: тема "от простого к сложному" раскрыта как в историческом плане, так и в плане практическом. Для кого эта книга: Адресована экономистам, финансистам, непосредственно трейдерам, а также тем, кто интересуется организацией банковских систем крупнейших стран мира или историей формирования мировой системы валютных отношений. 5-е издание.

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-9614-2791-2


Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL
Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL

Автор: David Coderre

"When people ask me what they can do to better utilize ACL, I tell them, 'Take an instructor lead course, participate in the ACL Forum, and study (not read, study) David Coderre's Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL.' I studied this book, and would not be where I am today without it. Even without the anti-fraud material, the book is worth the investment as a tool to learning ACL!"e; Porter Broyles, President and founder of the Texas ACL User Group, Keynote Speaker at ACL's 2009 San Francisco Conference, Official ACL Super User «e;For individuals interested in learning about fraud analysis techniques or the art of ACL scripting, this book is a must-read. For those individuals interested in learning both, this book is a treasure.»e; Jim Hess, Principal, Hess Group, LLC Your very own ACL Fraud Toolkit at your fingertips Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL offers auditors and investigators: Authoritative guidance from David Coderre, renowned expert on the use of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques in fraud detection A website containing an educational version of ACL from the world leader in fraud detection software An accompanying website containing a thorough Fraud Toolkit with two sets of customizable scripts to serve your specific audit needs Case studies and sample data files that you can use to try out the tests Step-by-step instructions on how to run the tests A self-study course on ACL script development with exercises, data files, and suggested answers The toolkit also contains 12 'utility scripts' and a self-study course on ACL scripting which includes exercises, data files, and proposed answers. Filled with screen shots, flow charts, example data files, and descriptive commentary highlighting and explaining each step, as well as case studies offering real-world examples of how the scripts can be used to search for fraud, Fraud Analysis Techniques Using ACL is the only toolkit you will need to harness the power of ACL to spot fraud.

Цена: 26511.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780470508466


Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen - Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 4.6 Altbergbau
Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen - Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 4.6 Altbergbau

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783433610169


H. C. Andersen: S?mtliche M?rchen und Geschichten, Ein Bild vom Festungswall
H. C. Andersen: S?mtliche M?rchen und Geschichten, Ein Bild vom Festungswall

Автор: Ганс Христиан Андерсен

"Ein Bild vom Festungswall" ist eines von insgesamt 165 M?rchen des ber?hmten d?nischen Schriftstellers Hans Christian Andersen.

Исполнители: Julia Preu?

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783960971405


Help, I m Rich!. Your Compass to a Value-Adding Private Banking Experience
Help, I'm Rich!. Your Compass to a Value-Adding Private Banking Experience

Автор: Kees Stoute

Manage and protect your wealth with the help of a private bank Help! I'm Rich! is a detailed examination of how private banking services can help high net worth individuals take charge over their wealth and protect their assets. Designed to increase the ability to discern between 'adding value' and 'self-orientation' and thus improve the professional relationship between private bankers and clients, this reader-friendly guide explains the concerns that typically come along with wealth, and the various ways in which private banks can help clients deal with these challenges effectively. You will learn what private banks do, which services they offer, and how to find and approach a private bank. Case studies illustrate the various scenarios presented, and graphs, tables, cartoons and diagrams help facilitate a true understanding of what private banks can do for you. A detailed description of the various asset classes explains the reasons for – and risks of – investing at each level, giving you a better idea of the wealth management methods that have proven effective for others in your class. Whether you are new to wealth or are newly tasked with the money management aspect of it, it's vital for you to understand the ways in which your high net worth changes the game. This book is an indispensable guide to understanding the common challenges of the wealthy, and the crucial role private banks play in dealing with these challenges. Understand the challenges wealth brings to money management Discover how private banks can help address specific concerns Learn the questions you should ask your private banker Make better financial decisions by having an expert in your corner The more money you have, the more attention it requires, and the solutions tend to get more complicated. The support of a professional services provider seems not only unavoidable but highly desirable. Help! I'm Rich! shows you how to gain the most out of your private banking experience, with detailed guidance and expert advice.

Цена: 4602.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119020530


High Level Investing For Dummies
High Level Investing For Dummies

Автор: Paul Mladjenovic

Enhance your investment portfolio and take your investments to the next level! Do you have an investment portfolio set up, but want to take your knowledge of investing a step further? High-Level Investing For Dummies is the resource you need to achieve a more advanced understanding of investment strategies—and to maximize your portfolio's profits. Build upon your current knowledge of investment, particularly with regard to the stock market, in order to reach a higher level of understanding and ability when manipulating your assets on the market. This approachable resource pinpoints key pitfalls to avoid and explains how to time your investments in a way that maximizes your profits. Investing can be intimidating—but it can also be fun! By building upon your basic understanding of investment strategies you can take your portfolio to the next level, both in terms of the diversity of your investments and the profits that they bring in. Who doesn't want that? Up your investment game with proven strategies that help increase profits and minimize risks Avoid common pitfalls of stock speculating to make your investment strategy more impactful Understand how to time the market to maximize returns and improve your portfolio's performance Uncover hidden opportunities in niche markets that can bring welcome diversity to your portfolio High-Level Investing For Dummies is the perfect follow-up to Stock Investing For Dummies, and is a wonderful resource that guides you through the process of beefing up your portfolio and bringing home a higher level of profits!

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119140825


High Ten
High Ten

Автор: Martin Rooney

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119806189


High Ten
High Ten

Автор: Martin Rooney

Harness the power of Martin Rooney's acclaimed «Culture Coach» philosophy to build the culture of your dreams  Building a great team culture doesn't happen overnight. Culture is hard to create, and even harder to change. Great culture is a key component for success at home, on the sports field, and at the workplace. In a time when people seem to be more divided than ever, leaders who can build strong and lasting cultures are essential. No one knows this better than internationally-renowned coach, in-demand speaker, and bestselling author Martin Rooney—dedicating his life to coach elite athletes, Fortune 500 executives, military leaders, and every kind of team imaginable to their highest level of performance.  In  High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture , Martin draws from his extensive experience developing top-level teams around the world to help leaders of all kinds foster and sustain winning cultures. This engaging, easy-to-read parable shows you that every business, sports team, and family has a culture. Whether you deliberately created it or not, it's always there and it didn’t come with a manual. That's where  High Ten  comes in. This must-have book is your personal leadership manual. Stop spending your day unhappy or complaining about a dream that hasn’t come true.  High Ten  will help you:  Create an environment where your people work towards common goals with friends they trust—have fun doing it Develop clarity about the culture you want and put the processes in place to make it happen Ensure your culture reflects core values and aligns with your organization’s mission and vision Transform your culture into the «immune system» for your team or business Learn about the «3 Cornerstones of Culture» and eliminate the «5 Culture Killers»  High Ten: An Inspiring Story About Building Great Team Culture  is an invaluable resource for all coaches and leaders striving to achieve the highest level of culture—one where everyone feels like a valuable part of the team and consistently produces exceptional results.

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119806172


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