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Decision Intelligence For Dummies
Decision Intelligence For Dummies

Автор: Pamela Baker

Learn to use, and not be used by, data to make more insightful decisions  The availability of data and various forms of AI unlock countless possibilities for business decision makers. But what do you do when you feel pressured to cede your position in the decision-making process altogether?  Decision Intelligence For Dummies  pumps the brakes on the growing trend to take human beings out of the decision loop and walks you through the best way to make data-informed but human-driven decisions. The book shows you how to achieve maximum flexibility by using every available resource, and not just raw data, to make the most insightful decisions possible.  In this timely book, you’ll learn to:  Make data a means to an end, rather than an end in itself, by expanding your decision-making inquiries Find a new path to solid decisions that includes, but isn’t dominated, by quantitative data Measure the results of your new framework to prove its effectiveness and efficiency and expand it to a whole team or company Perfect for business leaders in technology and finance,  Decision Intelligence For Dummies  is ideal for anyone who recognizes that data is not the only powerful tool in your decision-making toolbox. This book shows you how to be guided, and not ruled, by the data.

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119824862


Delphi в задачах и примерах (3-е издание)
Delphi в задачах и примерах (3-е издание)

Автор: Никита Культин

Книга представляет собой сборник примеров программ и задач для самостоятельного решения в среде программирования Delphi. Примеры различной степени сложности – от простейших до программ работы с графикой, звуком и базами данных – демонстрируют возможности среды разработки Delphi, назначение основных компонентов. Справочник содержит описание наиболее часто используемых компонентов и функций. В третьем издании обновлены старые и добавлены новые примеры. Проекты из книги размещены на сайте издательства. Для начинающих программистов.

Серия: В задачах и примерах

Цена: 127 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-9775-0811-7


Depository and Lending Institutions- Banks and Savings Institutions, Credit Unions, Finance Companies, and Mortgage Compani
Depository and Lending Institutions- Banks and Savings Institutions, Credit Unions, Finance Companies, and Mortgage Compani

Автор: AICPA

The 2018 edition of this financial institution industry standard resource offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues such as transfers and servicing, troubled debt restructurings, financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses, and fair value accounting. It also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters.

Цена: 9113.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119558293


Der B?ckermeister oder wie man ein Unternehmen f?hrt
Der B?ckermeister oder wie man ein Unternehmen f?hrt

Автор: Bodo Dreisbach

Basierend auf einem realen Projekt, behandelt dieses Buch am Beispiel eines B?ckereibetriebs leicht verst?ndlich und auf lockere Art alle relevanten Gebiete erfolgreicher Unternehmensf?hrung. Die beschriebenen Methoden wurden mit den Besitzern, B?ckern und Verk?uferinnen in Workshops angewendet, wie sie in gleicher oder ?hnlicher Form auch in mittleren und gro?en Unternehmen stattfinden. Die Lekt?re dieses Buchs ist nicht nur unterhaltsam, sondern f?r Unternehmer, F?hrungskr?fte, Mitarbeiter, Unternehmensberater oder Studenten extrem n?tzlich und lehrreich.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786044


Designing Strategic Cost Systems
Designing Strategic Cost Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Offering a multidisciplinary roadmap for the design, development, and implementation of a strategic cost system, this book shows how to design a cost system to become a more effective decision-making tool and a source of competitive advantage for the organisation. It describes how to structure a cost systems design project and discuss the issues that should be addressed upfront from a management, operations, and costing perspective. Includes a URL site containing key terms and helpful Excel templates. Highlights the logistics of putting together and managing the project team. Addresses the technical and political issues that may arise as the project unfolds.

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780471662693


Detecting Accounting Fraud Before It s Too Late
Detecting Accounting Fraud Before It's Too Late

Автор: Oriol Amat

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119566861


Detecting Fraud in Organizations. Techniques, Tools, and Resources
Detecting Fraud in Organizations. Techniques, Tools, and Resources

Автор: Joseph Petrucelli R

A savvy examination of where people and value meet, creating the opportunity for fraud An essential reference for all business professionals, Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources explains the process of how people commit fraud, as well as how to prevent and stop fraud from occurring in your organization. Organized by business processes which succinctly describe how fraud manifests itself on a daily basis, the authors explain ways in which everyone can help guard against fraud by familiarizing themselves with its building blocks and methods used to perpetrate and conceal it. Filled with situational examples the book is accompanied by a website featuring fraud simulations, business process maps, and other useful tools for combating fraud. Focuses on the people who perpetrate fraud and those who are tasked with preventing and detecting it Uniquely organized by business processes for more relevance and easier understanding by those people working within organizations Shows how subtle factors play a large role in identifying and ferreting out fraud in addition to the traditional knowledge of fraud schemes giving people and organizations the edge they need to be successful in prevention and deterrence Companion website includes additional fraud simulations, business process maps, and useful tools The price of fraud can be devastating to your business. Detecting Fraud in Organizations: Techniques, Tools, and Resources equips you and others in your organization with essential information and tools necessary to proactively catch fraud, reduce losses, improve efficiencies and develop actionable controls.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223925


Determination of Value. Appraisal Guidance on Developing and Supporting a Credible Opinion
Determination of Value. Appraisal Guidance on Developing and Supporting a Credible Opinion

Автор: Frank Rosillo

How to develop and support a credible opinion of value based on a foundational framework This book provides knowledge and guidance to valuation practitioners on achieving a new level of professionalism and credibility, as well as to those stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes. It introduces a well defined framework of key credibility concepts and procedures at each step of the appraisal process, including reasonableness tests, valuation methodologies, financial analysis, economic and industry analysis, engagement planning, and informed judgment. Provides needed guidance to valuation practitioners to enhance their valuation practice and improve the credibility of the appraiser's work product Offers guidance to stakeholders in the valuation process in need of assessing the credibility of an appraiser's work product for decision-making purposes Get foundational framework appraisal advice with the proven guidance found in Determination of Value.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333747


Diana Moden 01/2016
Diana Moden №01/2016

Автор: ИД «Бурда»

В каждом номере представлены модели на все случаи жизни с подробными инструкциями и безупречными выкройками: элегантные, классические, повседневные, спортивные и деловые. Все образы легко доступны для исполнения в домашних условиях. Журнал будет полезен всем женщинам, и тем, кто давно увлекается шитьем, и тем, кто решил попробовать шить впервые. Тема номера – «Эффектные цвета и силуэты». Выкройки прилагаются в качестве дополнительных материалов.

Серия: Журнал Diana Moden 2016

Цена: 79 руб.
Год: 2016


Die Methode FERIX – Unternehmen einfach und exakt bewerten
Die Methode FERIX – Unternehmen einfach und exakt bewerten

Автор: Felix Huebner

Unternehmensbewertungen werden in der Regel von Unternehmensberatungen vorgenommen, die daf?r auf g?ngige Verfahren zur?ckgreifen. Dabei spielen subjektive Aspekte, etwa die Bewertung von Innovationen oder der Marktentwicklung, eine entscheidende Rolle – harte Kennzahlen des Unternehmens, wie etwa die Eigenkapitalquote, Rentabilit?t und Verschuldung, flie?en jedoch nicht selten kaum in die Bewertung ein. Das f?hrt oftmals nicht nur zu abenteuerlichen Ergebnissen, sondern macht die eingesetzten Verfahren auch unn?tig komplex und undurchsichtig.
Felix Huebner stellt in der vorliegenden Ver?ffentlichung eine g?nzlich neu entwickelte Methode zur Unternehmensbewertung vor: FERIX. Dabei erkl?rt er die einzelnen Schritte nachvollziehbar und wendet sie auf ein Unternehmensbeispiel an, sodass der Leser FERIX nach der Lekt?re selbst anwenden kann.
Das Buch richtet sich an Betriebswirte, Wirtschaftspr?fer und Unternehmensberater, die sich im Bereich der quantitativen Unternehmensbewertung weiterbilden m?chten.

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9783838275390


Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications
Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications

Автор: Группа авторов

Praise for Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications «In a globalized world, employers are confronted by a bewildering variety of professional qualifications, some valid, some less weighty and some spurious and fraudulent. This excellent compilation enables the reader to touch base with such organizations and explore their true credentials through access to their whereabouts including Web sites. It is additionally pleasing that updates will be provided via the publisher's own Web site.» –Professor Dr. Gerald Vinten Deputy Principal, Thames Graduate School, Ilford, London Past president, chairman and committee chair, and member of several professional bodies (including the Institute of Internal Auditors, Royal Society of Health, CIPFA, and AAT) «I've often wondered what the 'alphabet soup' after some colleagues' names means and how impressed I really should be. Now I can find out!…This directory will be a valuable reference guide for human resource professionals and anyone else who wants to know what those letters mean and how seriously to take them.» –James Roth, PhD, CIA, CCSA President, AuditTrends «The Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications by Lal Balkaran is an indispensable reference source for anyone involved in the international accounting, auditing, and business professions. It is global, comprehensive, accurate, and easy to use. It is like having a personal contact book to all the world's professional organizations.» –Belverd E. Needles Jr. Ernst & Young Alumni Professor, DePaul University Organized as a directory for easy reference of accounting and business designations, designatory letters, and contact information of all disciplines, Directory of Global Professional Accounting and Business Certifications contains over 960 bodies administering well in excess of 2000 designations and designatory letters in 145 countries. This handy, yet comprehensive, directory also provides an index with a country-by-country listing of the professional designations that exist there.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470165034


Double Your Income with Network Marketing. Create Financial Security in Just Minutes a Day without Quitting Your Job
Double Your Income with Network Marketing. Create Financial Security in Just Minutes a Day​without Quitting Your Job

Автор: Ty Tribble

Get a second stream of income without getting a second job! For anyone looking for a practical blueprint in creating an additional stream of home-based income, Double Your Income with Network Marketing is for you. This book offers a fresh look at the home-based business industry, offering an original step-by-step plan for home business success that includes a detailed look at the network marketing industry. By combining specific, turnkey strategies with inspiring stories of successful home based entrepreneurs readers will move through the author's «success blueprint» learning. Double Your Income with Network Marketing outlines a blueprint for success. How to create financial security in just a few focused hours a week Ways to turn a hobby or interest into a thriving home business Reveals the freedom that a home business/internet marketing lifestyle can provide Job security is dead. Join the many new entrepreneurs who are firing their boss in favor of the more flexible and healthier home business lifestyle.

Цена: 2020.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224656


Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies
Drawing Cartoons and Comics For Dummies

Автор: Brian Fairrington

A unique reference for creating and marketing original cartoons and comics An original American art form, comics thrill millions of people across the globe. Combining step-by-step instruction with expert tips and advice, Drawing Cartoons & Comics For Dummies is a one-stop reference for creating and marketing original cartoons and comics. While many books tend to focus on specific characters or themes, this thorough guide focuses instead on helping aspiring artists master the basic building blocks of cartoons and comics, revealing step by step how to create everything from wisecracking bunnies to souped-up super villains. It also explores lettering and coloring, and offers expert marketing advice. The book's color insert provides guidance on how to add color to cartoon creations.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470571071


Driving Your Company s Value
Driving Your Company's Value

Автор: Edi Osborne

Driving Your Company's Value: Strategic Benchmarking for Value is a step-by-step book presenting a valuation-oriented methodology that helps companies maximize shareholder value. It offers clear, concise, and concrete methods for management to create and preserve value, complete with case study applications. In an easy-to-read format, it brings together the aspects of the Financial Accounting Standards Boards' new performance measurements, the balanced scorecard, and the new guidelines on fraud detection and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). * Identifies the critical decisions that most effectuate growth and value. * Covers the easy and reliable ways to monitor value of an entity. * Demonstrates how management can apportion and allocate resources to achieve the highest value.

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780471708865


Due Diligence. An M&A Value Creation Approach
Due Diligence. An M&A Value Creation Approach

Автор: William Gole J

This nuts-and-bolts guide examines all aspects of an M&A due diligence–from coming to the decision to acquire a company, to who should be on the due diligence team, to the actual process and the final report and post-closing follow up. It advocates a focus on both risk mitigation and shareholder value creation, and emphasizes a holistic approach that spans from planning to post-acquisition integration. The tentative contents is: (1) Introduction; (2) Planning for value creation: growth strategy; (3) Engagement and pursuit; (4) Preparing for due diligence; (5) Validation of value: performing due diligence; (6) Assessment of due diligence results; (7) Optimizing value: post diligence negotiation; (8) Extracting value: post-transaction integration.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9780470502785


Dyslexia. A Practitioner s Handbook
Dyslexia. A Practitioner's Handbook

Автор: Gavin Reid

The main purpose of this new edition is to incorporate the most recent theoretical and practical research in the field of dyslexia and literacy and present it in a user friendly format for Practitioners. It refers to the most recent government reports on literacy and dyslexia in a number of countries such as, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Each chapter has a summary at the start and, at the end, key points and 'points to consider' are looked at.

Цена: 7064.21 руб.
ISBN: 9780470745496


Earnings Magic and the Unbalance Sheet. The Search for Financial Reality
Earnings Magic and the Unbalance Sheet. The Search for Financial Reality

Автор: Gary Giroux

Praise for Earnings Magic and the Unbalance Sheet «Gary Giroux brings a breezy, entertaining writing style that really helps the reader untangle arcane accounting practices, including stock options, pensions, off-balance sheet items, and the rest of his 'dirty thirty.'» —Edward Swanson, Durst Chair and Professor of Accounting, Texas A&M University «Earnings Magic and the Unbalance Sheet provides equity investors with clear explanations of today's financial environment together with specific analysis tools to assess the quality of earnings. Gary Giroux provides a valuable and easy-to-use scoring system where investors assign grades to help them in their investment decisions. Earnings Magic is a must-read for any investor in the Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow 30). Giroux thoroughly analyzes some of the biggest and best known companies.» —Andrew McLelland, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Auburn University YOUR KEY TO EVALUATING A COMPANY'S EARNINGS QUALITY Wouldn't you like to know as much as you could about a company before you invest in it? Financial information on companies is readily available, but not necessarily easy to interpret. With shrewd tips and state-of-the-art analytical tools, Earnings Magic and the Unbalance Sheet arms you with the key strategies and principles to help you evaluate whether a company's bottom line is headed toward excellence or financial abuse. This eye-opening guide expertly walks you through the tangle of potentially inflated earnings and misleading accounting disclosures to determine a company's financial reality.

Цена: 3677.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780471792697


Edison in the Boardroom Revisited. How Leading Companies Realize Value from Their Intellectual Property
Edison in the Boardroom Revisited. How Leading Companies Realize Value from Their Intellectual Property

Автор: Patrick Sullivan H

A revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking Edison in the Boardroom, highlighting the winning strategies today's biggest companies use to maximize the value of their intellectual property Now fully revised and expanded, Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition takes an in-depth look at the revolutionary concept of intellectual asset management (IAM). Incorporating stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world—such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Procter & Gamble, Rockwell, Dow, Ford and many others—Harrison and Sullivan have made an exhaustive study of IAM and its implications for today's businesses. Features updated interviews of companies, and a new treatment of the Profit Center Level Updates stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world Showcases a hierarchy of best practices that today's companies can integrate into their own business philosophies to gain the best return from their intellectual assets Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition compiles a wealth of knowledge and successful stories that illustrate how far businesses have come in their ability to leverage and monetize their intellectual assets.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118170120


Elevating the Human Experience
Elevating the Human Experience

Автор: Amelia Dunlop

Have you ever struggled to feel worthy at work? Do you know or lead people who do? When Amelia Dunlop first heard the phrase «elevating the human experience» in a leadership team meeting with her boss, she thought, «He is crazy if he thinks we will ever say those words out loud to each other much less to a potential client.» We've been conditioned to separate our personal and professional selves, but work is fundamental to our human experience. Love and worth have a place in work because our humanity and authentic identities make our work better. The acknowledgement of our intrinsic worth as human beings and the nurturing of our own or another's growth through love ultimately contribute to higher performance and organizational growth. Now as the Chief Experience Officer at Deloitte Digital, a leading Experience Consultancy, Amelia Dunlop knows we must embrace elevating the human experience for the advancement and success of ourselves and our organizations. This book integrates the findings of a quantitative study to better understand feelings of love and worth in the workplace and introduces three paths that allow individuals to create the professional experience they desire for themselves, their teams, and their clients. The first path explores the path of the self, an inward path where we learn to love ourselves when we show up for work, and examines the obstacles that hinder us. The second path centers around learning to love and recognize the worth of another in our lives, adding to the worth we feel and providing a source of meaning to our lives. The third path considers the community of work and learning to love and recognize the worth of those we meet every day at work, especially for those who may be systematically marginalized, unseen, or unrepresented. Drawing on her own personal journey to find love and worth at work in her twenty-year career as a management consultant, Amelia also weaves together insights from philosophers, theologians, and sociologists with the stories of people from diverse backgrounds gathered during her research. Elevating the Human Experience: Three Paths to Love and Worth at Work is for anyone who has felt the struggle to feel worthy at work, as well as for those who have no idea what it may feel like to struggle every day just to feel loved and worthy, but love people and lead people who do. It’s a practical approach to elevating the human experience that will lead to important conversations about values and purpose, and ultimately, meaningful change.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119791355


Employee Benefit Plans 2018
Employee Benefit Plans 2018

Автор: Группа авторов

Considered the industry standard resource, this guide provides practical guidance, essential information and hands-on advice on the many aspects of accounting and authoritative auditing for employee benefit plans. This new edition has been updated to include additional information related to the issuance of the going concern standard, revisions to provide further guidance related to limited-scope audits, a new illustrative auditor's report for 11-K audits, and has been revised for the recodification of the attestation standards. Updates include: Q&A section 2220.27, «Determining When the Practical Expedient is Not Used or Not Available» Q&A section 2220.28, «Definition of Readily Determinable Fair Value and Its Interaction with the NAV Practical Expedient» SAS No. 132, The Auditor's Consideration of an Entity's Ability to Continue as a Going Concern PCAOB Release No. 2015-008, ?€œImproving the Transparency of Audits?€? AS 3101, The Auditor's Report on an Audit of Financial Statements When the Auditor Expresses an Unqualified Opinion SSAE No. 18, Attestation Standards: Clarification and Recodification

Цена: 12040.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781119529064


Empowered by Data
Empowered by Data

Автор: Eva Murray

Цена: 2949.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119705697


Enterprise Risk Management and COSO. A Guide for Directors, Executives and Practitioners
Enterprise Risk Management and COSO. A Guide for Directors, Executives and Practitioners

Автор: Mair William C

Praise for Enterprise Risk Management and COSO: A Guide for Directors, Executives, and Practitioners «Enterprise Risk Management and COSO is a comprehensive reference book that presents core management of risk tools in a helpful and organized way. If you are an internal auditor who is interested in risk management, exploring this book is one of the best ways to gain an understanding of enterprise risk management issues.» —Naly de Carvalho, FSA Times «This book represents a unique guide on how to manage many of the critical components that constitute an organization's corporate defense program.» —Sean Lyons, Corporate Defense Management (CDM) professional «This book provides a comprehensive analysis of enterprise risk management and is invaluable to anyone working in the risk management arena. It provides excellent information regarding the COSO framework, control components, control environment, and quantitative risk assessment methodologies. It is a great piece of work.» —J. Richard Claywell, CPA, ABV, CVA, CM&AA, CFFA, CFD «As digital information continues its exponential growth and more systems become interconnected, the demand and need for proper risk management will continue to increase. I found the book to be very informative, eye-opening, and very pragmatic with an approach to risk management that will not only add value to all boards who are maturing and growing this capability, but also will provide them with competitive advantage in this important area of focus.» —David Olivencia, President, Hispanic IT Executive Council Optimally manage your company's risks, even in the worst of economic conditions. There has never been a stronger need for sound risk management than now. Today's organizations are expected to manage a variety of risks that were unthinkable a decade ago. Insightful and compelling, Enterprise Risk Management and COSO reveals how to: Successfully incorporate enterprise risk management into your organization's culture Foster an environment that rewards open discussion of risks rather than concealment of them Quantitatively model risks and effectiveness of internal controls Best discern where risk management resources should be dedicated to minimize occurrence of risk-based events Test predictive models through empirical data

Цена: 11046.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470553800


Enterprise Risk Management. Today s Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow s Executives
Enterprise Risk Management. Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives

Автор: John Fraser

Essential insights on the various aspects of enterprise risk management If you want to understand enterprise risk management from some of the leading academics and practitioners of this exciting new methodology, Enterprise Risk Management is the book for you. Through in-depth insights into what practitioners of this evolving business practice are actually doing as well as anticipating what needs to be taught on the topic, John Fraser and Betty Simkins have sought out the leading experts in this field to clearly explain what enterprise risk management is and how you can teach, learn, and implement these leading practices within the context of your business activities. In this book, the authors take a broad view of ERM, or what is called a holistic approach to ERM. Enterprise Risk Management introduces you to the wide range of concepts and techniques for managing risk in a holistic way that correctly identifies risks and prioritizes the appropriate responses. This invaluable guide offers a broad overview of the different types of techniques: the role of the board, risk tolerances, risk profiles, risk workshops, and allocation of resources, while focusing on the principles that determine business success. This comprehensive resource also provides a thorough introduction to enterprise risk management as it relates to credit, market, and operational risk, as well as the evolving requirements of the rating agencies and their importance to the overall risk management in a corporate setting. Filled with helpful tables and charts, Enterprise Risk Management offers a wealth of knowledge on the drivers, the techniques, the benefits, as well as the pitfalls to avoid, in successfully implementing enterprise risk management. Discusses the history of risk management and more recently developed enterprise risk management practices and how you can prudently implement these techniques within the context of your underlying business activities Provides coverage of topics such as the role of the chief risk officer, the use of anonymous voting technology, and risk indicators and their role in risk management Explores the culture and practices of enterprise risk management without getting bogged down by the mathematics surrounding the more conventional approaches to financial risk management This informative guide will help you unlock the incredible potential of enterprise risk management, which has been described as a proxy for good management.

Цена: 9205.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470564233


Enterprise Supply Chain Management. Integrating Best in Class Processes
Enterprise Supply Chain Management. Integrating Best in Class Processes

Автор: Vivek Sehgal

Praise for Enterprise Supply Chain Management: Integrating Best-in-Class Processes «Enterprise Supply Chain Management: Integrating Best-in-Class Processes is a great primer on all things supply chain. This is a must-read for any IT, finance, business, or sales executive working for an organization where supply chain is a strategic discipline.» —David Landau, Vice President, Manhattan Associates «This book provides a comprehensive mapping of supply chain processes and associated solution architecture. Its clarity and concise language makes it a definite read for anyone with a need to understand the bigger picture on supply chain management solutions and best practices. Equally suited for supply chain managers, IT managers, architects, and students looking forward to a career in supply chain management.» —Yasser Alkazzaz, Senior Vice President of Supply Chain, Hatch Corporation (Canada) «Easily the best book for the practitioners who must understand the overall scope of supply chain functions, technology, and its impact on finance in an enterprise, without the need to get into the algorithms behind the supply chain solutions. The appendix on potential evolution of a green supply chain is thought-provoking for those pioneering carbon-aware supply chains.» —Pervinder Joharformer, CTO and Executive Vice President, Manhattan Associates «Great book and especially relevant in these times when reducing expenses is vital given the current economic times. The book clearly explains how implementing the correct supply chain processes can help you to achieve your cost-reduction goals; and if you are someone whose job depends on achieving these goals, this is for you.» —Henry Blum, Manager, Logistics Applications, Inc. Find out how your supply chain processes fit into your company's big picture—using best-in-class processes Clearly written and foundational in approach, this book builds on fundamental concepts including: Why the heart of your supply chain is the flow of merchandise The wide scope of supply chain functions in your enterprise Clearly explained industry terms that demystify the jargon The financial implications of supply chain management The ins and outs of demand and supply planning, transportation, and warehouse management, reverse logistics management, and collaboration Enterprise Supply Chain Management is filled with an abundance of examples that simplify and cover a wide scope of supply chain functions.

Цена: 4598.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470502815


Environmental Analysis Laboratory Handbook
Environmental Analysis Laboratory Handbook

Автор: Anshul Nigam

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119724810


Erfolgreich als Unternehmer f?r Dummies
Erfolgreich als Unternehmer f?r Dummies

Автор: Jan Evers

Sie brauchen keine Superkr?fte und auch kein BWL-Studium, um erfolgreich ein Unternehmen zu f?hren. In diesem Buch haben Jan Evers und Susanne Schreck wertvolles Erfahrungswissen und praktische Tipps f?r Ihren Unternehmeralltag zusammengefasst. Es hilft Ihnen, einen starken Kundennutzen zu schaffen, Ihr Gesch?ftsmodell aktuell zu halten, Kundenakquise und Vertrieb nicht aus dem Blick zu verlieren und Ihre Finanzen zu regeln. Wenn Sie Ihr Unternehmen so aufziehen, dass es zu Ihnen passt, wird Schweres auf einmal ganz leicht und selbst Krisen lassen sich meistern.

Цена: 2675.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836581


Escritos pol?ticos
Escritos pol?ticos

Автор: Maurice Blanchot

Серия: Acuarela & A. Machado

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491141006


Essential Forensic Biology
Essential Forensic Biology

Автор: Alan Gunn

A completely revised and updated edition that teaches the essentials of forensic biology, with increased coverage of molecular biological techniques and new information on wildlife forensics, wound analysis and the potential of microbiomes as forensic indicators This fully revised and updated introduction to forensic biology carefully guides the reader through the science of biology in legal investigations. Full-colour throughout, including many new images, it offers an accessible overview to the essentials of the subject, providing balanced coverage of the range of organisms used as evidence in forensic investigations, such as invertebrates, vertebrates, plants and microbes. The book provides an accessible overview of the decay process and discusses the role of forensic indicators like human fluids and tissues, including bloodstain pattern analysis, hair, teeth, bones and wounds. It also examines the study of forensic biology in cases of suspicious death. This third edition of Essential Forensic Biology expands its coverage of molecular techniques throughout, offering additional material on bioterrorism and wildlife forensics. The new chapter titled ‘Wildlife Forensics’ looks at welfare legislation, CITES and the use of forensic techniques to investigate criminal activity such as wildlife trafficking and dog fighting. The use of DNA and RNA for the identification of individuals and their personal characteristics is now covered as well, along with a discussion of the ethical issues associated with the maintenance of DNA databases. Fully revised and updated third edition of the successful student-friendly introduction to the essentials of Forensic Biology Covers a wide variety of legal investigations such as homicide, suspicious death, neglect, real and fraudulent claims for the sale of goods unfit for purpose, the illegal trade in protected species of plants and animals and bioterrorism Discusses the use of a wide variety of biological material for forensic evidence Supported by a website that includes numerous photographs, interactive MCQs, self-assessment quizzes and a series of questions and topics for further study to enhance student understanding Includes a range of important, key case studies in which the difficulties of evaluating biological evidence are highlighted Essential Forensic Biology, Third Edition is an excellent guide for undergraduates studying forensic science and forensic biology.

Цена: 8616.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781119141419


Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance
Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance

Автор: Annie Mills

A fully updated edition of the definitive guide to financial regulation In recent years, not only has the compliance field become firmly established, but it has seen staggering growth, thanks to never-ending changes in the regulatory environment. As regulation increases still further, the demand for clear guidance on navigating daily compliance issues is greater than ever. Now in its second edition, the highly successful Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance has been updated with the latest compliance strategies and regulatory information, making it indispensable for compliance officers, legal firms, and anyone else working with the financial services compliance function. Non-compliance represents a significant material risk for any financial services firm that fails to understand and appropriately apply regulatory standards. This Second Edition of Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance makes it easy to digest complex information on the regulatory framework. But this book is far from solely theoretical. A balanced approach means that both the concepts and their application are within reach. Annie Mills and Peter Haines deliver solid advice that can be applied on a day-to-day basis to manage any compliance issues that may arise. Read this book to: Understand the conceptual basis of compliance and the current regulatory environment applicable to the financial services industry Quickly and thoroughly learn the accepted best practices for everyday compliance Get up to date information on the current financial regulatory environment with this new edition Reference detailed advice as issues arise in day-to-day operations This update to the popular first edition of Essential Strategies for Financial Services Compliance will help eliminate non-compliance risk and ensure that your firm is entirely current on its ability to navigate the maze of financial services regulation.

Цена: 5983.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118906187


Essentials of Accounts Payable
Essentials of Accounts Payable

Автор: Mary Schaeffer S

ESSENTIALS OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments, and technologies in accounts payable. «A real-world approach, with great insights and practical wisdom on all aspects of the accounts payable process. Essentials of Accounts Payable provides accounts payable professionals with a framework for action in a rapidly changing environment.» -Tom Nichols, Division Manager, Accounts Payable Operations, AT&T «Mary Schaeffer has combined her considerable knowledge of the accounts payable process with the learning and benchmark statistics from top companies to produce a world-class guide to the AP process. Without Mary Schaeffer, and IOMA, AP would still be a neglected financial process without any formal reading to explain the complexities of a process that most companies think is simply paying the bills. This book is a must-read for anyone working in, directing, or managing AP operations, both seasoned professionals and those new to the process.» -Linda Sawyer Sisko, Programs Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc. «This book does an excellent job of explaining the often complicated basics of the accounts payable functions. It provides a quick snapshot for busy executives who need to know how an accounts payable department should run. It is an excellent update for those executives who need to keep up to date on numerous issues that affect this rapidly evolving profession.» -Adrienne Glasgow, Chief Financial Officer, American Red Cross in Greater New York The Wiley Essentials Series-because the business world is always changing…and so should you.

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780471272809


Essentials of Corporate Governance
Essentials of Corporate Governance

Автор: Sanjay Anand

Praise for Essentials of Corporate Governance «Mr. Anand's book is a practical study of the complicated issues surrounding the world of corporate governance. He includes excellent case studies and best practice solutions for improving governance programs within all types of organizations.» -Chrisan Herrod V.P. Marketing and Business Development Compliance Spectrum «This book is a highly practical, accessible guide to post-Enron reforms and an essential resource for managers who want more than just to comply with SOX; this book will help them benefit from it.» -Nell Minow Editor and cofounder The Corporate Library Written by Sanjay Anand, one of the world's leading corporate governance, risk management, and regulatory compliance experts, this simple-to-use book is designed with appreciation for demanding professional obligations, with information easy to find and at your fingertips. This professional guide's nuts-and-bolts presentation examines why corporate governance is important, to put you in a better position to understand its successful implementation for your organization. Essentials of Corporate Governance will challenge your concept of corporate governance and provide you with an understanding of: * The concept of governance * The competing goals that corporations may have * Why there is a call for corporations to be more ethical * The various forms of corporate structure * Corporate governance in emerging markets * Corporate governance within nonprofit organizations Communicating the idea of corporate governance as a process and an ideal rather than a set of criteria, this accessible and relevant book is the resource and reference guide you will turn to time and again for the knowledge you need to make corporate governance work for your corporation.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780470195413


Essentials of Forensic Accounting
Essentials of Forensic Accounting

Автор: Carl Pacini

The highly experienced authors of the Essentials of Forensic Accounting define and explain the disciplined approaches to forensic accounting that lead to a thorough knowledge of the varied specialties within forensic accounting. Through illustrative examples and explanations, this book makes abstract concepts come to life for both seasoned professionals and students and it will help them understand and navigate successfully in this multifaceted area. The Essentials of Forensic Accounting is an indispensable resource delivering matchless knowledge to practitioners, financial managers and students in understanding the complex elements and factors that impact the forensic accounting practice areas. This vital reference resource focuses the elements that must come together to effectively diminish the incidence and impact of fraudulent activities. The book addresses the main themes of Professional Responsibilities and Practice Management Fundamental Forensic Knowledge, Laws, Courts, and Dispute Resolution Specialized Forensic Knowledge, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, and Reorganization

Цена: 14249.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119552260


Essentials of Knowledge Management
Essentials of Knowledge Management

Автор: Bryan Bergeron

Chock-full of valuable tips, techniques, illustrative real-world examples, exhibits, and best practices, this handy and concise paperback will help you stay up to date on the newest thinking, strategies, developments and technologies in knowledge management. Order your copy today!

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780471453796


Essentials of Patents
Essentials of Patents

Автор: Bob DeMatteis

While there are many books on «how to patent» and patent law, Essentials of Patents delivers practical advice on how to leverage patents as a powerful competitive corporate tool. This is not your «ordinary patent book». It's emphasis is directed to patent management with the express emphasis of increasing shareholder value, and it's audience, each with its own chapter, includes the CEO / ICO, CFO, CTO, and cross functional managers of HR, Engineering, Manufacturing and IT. Essentials of Patents is arguably one of the first works on intellectual property that drives home the importance of patent creation, protection and exploitation throughout the enterprise. Gibbs and DeMatteis show how patents can enhance competitive intelligence, product development cost reduction, product line expansion, and revenue streams, making this guide a must-have for the savvy manager. In it, the authors introduce a new management methodology: Patent Quality Management, or «PQM». With public company market values more than 90% attributable to the value of intangible assets and patents, the time has come for all corporate managers, not just R&D and legal counsel, to master intellectual property management in this competitive global market (and shareholders are demanding it).

Цена: 4694.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780471456612


Essentials of Sarbanes-Oxley
Essentials of Sarbanes-Oxley

Автор: Sanjay Anand

What is the importance of Sections 302 and 404? «Implementing» SOX using COSO and COBIT SOX's impact on foreign companies andnonprofits Achieving cost-effective sustainable compliance The evolving role of the SEC and the PCAOB Praise for ESSENTIALS OF SARBANES-OXLEY «Since its enactment in 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and its Section 404 internal control requirements have caused many a great deal of 'pain and suffering!' With its emphasis on what Sanjay Anand frequently reminds us is the 'real world,' this book should reduce some of that pain as it provides a practical and very realistic approach for an effective implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley internal control processes. The book has references to the new changes in auditing standards and emphasizes achieving sustainable compliance-practical and realistic approaches.» —Robert R. Moeller, President, Compliance & Control Systems, Inc. «Sanjay Anand has provided what every busy executive needs, a concise overview of Sarbanes-Oxley Act essentials. His book is a terrific reference text that I recommend to anyone who needs to quickly understand the substance of the Act.» —Scott Green, Chief Administration Officer Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP «If you are looking to put together the various pieces-finance, accounting, audit, legal, IT, ethics-and understand the 'big picture' of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, there is no other book like this. With 'Tips & Techniques' and 'In the Real World' examples, this book brings lively, practical, tangible, and compressible dimensions to a complex, multifaceted (and often dry) subject. This is essential reading for those new to the process and old hands going into their third and fourth years of SOX. It will also help those in other countries adopting SOX-like internal controls and regulations.» —Dr. Anthony Tarantino, Governance, Risk, and Compliance Center of Excellence, IBM, Financial Services Sector, Silicon Valley and New York City Written by Sanjay Anand, one of the world's leading corporate governance, risk management, and regulatory compliance experts, this simple to use book is designed with appreciation for demanding professional obligations, with information always easy to find and at your fingertips. Essentials of Sarbanes-Oxley equips you with the knowledge you and all your company members need to initiate a SOX project, allocate a budget, and help your company achieve compliance.

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9780470175408


Excel 2007 для менеджеров и экономистов: логистические, производственные и оптимизационные расчеты
Excel 2007 для менеджеров и экономистов: логистические, производственные и оптимизационные расчеты

Автор: Александр Трусов

Экономические и производственные расчеты, выбор оптимальных вариантов, принятие решений – с подобными проблемами часто сталкиваются работники различного уровня – от рядовых менеджеров до руководителей крупных компаний. Эта книга является практическим руководством по использованию и разработке в среде Excel 2007 расчетных решений, предназначенных для автоматизации логистических, производственных, экономических расчетов, а также решения оптимизационных задач. Освоив материал книги, вы научитесь быстро решать сложные задачи транспортной логистики, эффективно управлять закупками и запасами, автоматизировать процесс составления документов, бланков и технических спецификаций, управлять инвестициями и ценными бумагами и многому другому. И все это – с помощью знакомого большинству офисных работников Excel! Мультимедийный диск прилагается только к печатному изданию книги.

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2009
ISBN: 978-5-388-00527-4


Excel для экономистов. 10 статей про отчеты, сверки, сопоставления
Excel для экономистов. 10 статей про отчеты, сверки, сопоставления

Автор: Наталья Лидл

Таблицы Excel являются основным инструментом экономиста при работе с данными. Они позволяетют систематизировать данные, искать в них ошибки, делать расчеты и отчеты. В этих статьях я собрала личный практический опыт работы в Excel с экономическими данными. В моих примерах нет сложных формул, они не требуют знаний по программированию, в 10 статьях я делюсь своим практическим опытом для облегчения ежедневной работы.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2020


Expert Fraud Investigation
Expert Fraud Investigation

Автор: Группа авторов

A fraud investigation is aimed at examining evidence to determine if a fraud occurred, how it happened, who was involved, and how much money was lost. Investigations occur in cases ranging from embezzlement, to falsification of financial statements, to suspicious insurance claims. Expert Fraud Investigation: A Step-by-Step Guide provides all the tools to conduct a fraud investigation, detailing when and how to investigate. This guide takes the professional from the point of opening an investigation, selecting a team, gathering data, and through the entire investigation process. Business executives, auditors, and security professionals will benefit from this book, and companies will find this a useful tool for fighting fraud within their own organizations.

Цена: 7732.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780470447833


Explicit Cost Dynamics
Explicit Cost Dynamics

Автор: Группа авторов

GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THE BOTTOM LINE Traditional cost management systems typically defeat their own purpose by leading corporations to make decisions that ultimately do not optimize performance. These systems are the foundation for decisions that are made throughout the corporation. In order for organizations to increase performance beyond current capabilities, a new approach is needed that addresses issues such as understanding the true impact of various actions on the bottom line-and eliminating methods that distort numbers and narrow options. Explicit Cost Dynamics (ECD) offers such an alternative, and this expertly written, revolutionary book provides an indispensable introduction to the subject. Informative and easy-to-read, Explicit Cost Dynamics: Provides an alternative view and understanding of the impact of costs, actions, and time on the bottom line of a corporation Explains how this new theory can lead to an overall profit maximization Shows that costs can be considered as either a function of activities performed, as a function of resources expended, or of time Shows that the difference between explicit dollars flowing into and out of a company is equal to the rate of change of cash . . . and much more to help CEOs, CFOs, controllers, cost managers, financial managers, and others involved in the decision-making process improve their organizations' overall bottom lines.

Цена: 12206.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780471047117


Fair Value Measurements
Fair Value Measurements

Автор: Группа авторов

A hands-on volume for financial executives with guidance on the fair value measurement process In today's dynamic and volatile markets, whether buying or selling, what corporate officers need to know is the worth of an asset today, a task that for many has become complex and at times confusing. Fair Value Measurements: Practical Guidance and Implementation demystifies this topic, offering you a nuts-and-bolts guide of the most recent developments in preparing financial statements using fair value measurements. This straightforward book covers the best practices on measuring fair value in a business combination and how to subsequently test the value of these assets for impairment. Filters complicated insider concepts into easy-to-understand information on the valuation specialist's function Discusses the many new FASB pronouncements involving fair value Instantly familiarizes you on the ins and outs of fair value financial disclosure Well-written, conversational in tone, and filled with valuable insights, Fair Value Measurements: Practical Guidance and Implementation lifts the veil of confusion from the substantial and growing requirements for fair value disclosures.

Цена: 11040.93 руб.
ISBN: 9780470588758


Fair Value Measurement. Practical Guidance and Implementation
Fair Value Measurement. Practical Guidance and Implementation

Автор: Mark Zyla L

FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENT Practical Guidance and Implementation «Writing Fair Value Measurement was a monumental task fraught with controversy not only in the U.S., but also abroad. Having coauthored a book with Mark as well as written one myself, I was even more impressed that Mark was able to navigate these fair value minefields and produce a work that will be a tremendous help to accountants and non-accountants alike. If you are looking for a 'one-stop' book on fair value measurement, this is it!» —Neil J. Beaton, CPA/ABV, CFA, ASA, Managing Director, Valuation Services, Alvarez & Marsal «In recent years, the FASB and the IASB have added many requirements for various assets and liabilities to be measured at fair value. In this book, Zyla clearly describes how to implement fair value measurement and how investors and creditors should interpret it. The crisp writing and illuminating analysis will help readers to grasp the essence of fair value accounting and to apply it wisely.» —J. Edward Ketz, Associate Professor of Accounting, Pennsylvania State University «The focus of the book is on fair value measurement based on level 3 inputs. This is a critical area of valuations for financial reporting due to a false comfort given by routine application of evaluating models and assumptions without real possibilities of calibration. Mark Zyla offers an extraordinary help in understanding the reliability of the inputs and the outputs of the different methodologies and the inherent biases in each of them. The book is a precious support for better valuation both in U.S. GAAP and in IFRS fair value reporting.» —Mauro Bini, Full Professor of Corporate Finance, Bocconi University; Chairman, Management Board OIV (Organismo Italiano di Valutazione) Essential guidance on the fair value measurement process Now in a second edition, Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation helps you succeed in understanding the fair value accounting rules that entities must follow. The result is a resource that you can rely on to understand the importance of valuation and the concepts that define it. In basic, nontechnical language, author Mark Zyla presents practical direction for best practices of financial valuation as well as for understanding the many FASB pronouncements involving fair value. An essential guide for auditors and valuation specialists, Fair Value Measurement: Practical Guidance and Implementation, Second Edition brings you up to speed on what fair value really means.

Цена: 10125.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118284568


Family Capital. Working with Wealthy Families to Manage Their Money Across Generations
Family Capital. Working with Wealthy Families to Manage Their Money Across Generations

Автор: Gregory Curtis

The lifelong guide to effective family wealth management strategy Family Capital provides a unique and practical lesson on wealth management. Instead of lectures and dry discussion, this engaging book follows an archetypal wealthy family through several generations and collateral family units to show you what effective family capital management looks like long-term. You will actually listen in on meetings between the family and its wealth advisor as they grapple with the many challenges family investors face. Expert wealth advisor Gregory Curtis provides advice and insight along the way, explaining why each strategy is effective, and how you can put it to work for you. You'll learn how to find an advisor you can trust, how to evaluate their performance, and how you can take the lead role in managing your wealth with the right advisor by your side. Estate planning and portfolio design are explored thoroughly to help you understand what makes sense for your family, and the companion website provides important forms and additional resources that help you put your plan into action. You've worked hard and done well, but the work isn't over. It's important to protect your wealth and make the right decisions to ensure that your family capital remains strong enough to benefit future generations. This book gives you a lifelong guide to effective wealth management, with expert insight to answer your most pressing questions. Find your ideal wealth advisor Design and build your investment portfolio Monitor your investments and your advisor's performance Utilize trusts and other estate planning vehicles to your fullest benefit The best way to learn something new is to hear lived experiences alongside expert commentary. Family Capital provides real-world perspective balanced by professional context, so you can tailor your next move to best suit your own situation.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119094111


Family Trusts. A Plain English Guide for Australian Families of Average Means
Family Trusts. A Plain English Guide for Australian Families of Average Means

Автор: N. Renton E

This is a plain English manual for ordinary Australian families and small business proprietors. It will help them to decide whether to set up a family trust, to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this useful legal concept and to discuss the issues more intelligently with their professional advisers. All aspects of setting up and running a family trust are dealt with in this book, including investment aspects and the taxation and social security rules affecting trusts and their beneficiaries. It discusses discretionary and unitised trusts, as well as trust deeds and the roles of the settlor and the trustees. The use of trusts for children with an intellectual disability, philanthropic foundations and the winding up of trusts are also covered. The fourth edition of Family Trusts has been greatly expanded. In addition to the updated real-life case studies that help to flesh out this important subject, there is new material on the qualifications needed by trustees, hybrid trusts, the risks of borrowing by trustees, non-resident beneficiaries, resettlements, minutes of trustee meetings, protecting assets against creditors, bankruptcy and divorce.

Цена: 4197.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781742169002


Fast Close
Fast Close

Автор: Группа авторов

Written for controllers, CFOs, accounting managers, and business managers, Fast Close incorporates Steven Bragg’s own personally tested guidelines to help professionals speed up the closing process, especially in response to Sarbanes-Oxley’s more time-sensitive requirements. Bragg outlines numerous key improvements that, when gradually implemented together, are guaranteed to shrink the closing process down to as little as one day. Chock-full of helpful flowcharts and checklists to help readers prevent delays and bring accounting department closing procedures up to date, Fast Close explores specific instructions for closing faster, common areas of delay and how to overcome them, required controls to keep financials accurate despite the fast close, and much more. Create financial statements faster . . . much faster . . . with the expert guidance found in Steven Bragg’s Fast Close.

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780471736400


Financial Accounting For Dummies
Financial Accounting For Dummies

Автор: Maire Loughran

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119758136


Financial Accounting For Dummies
Financial Accounting For Dummies

Автор: Maire Loughran

Your plain-English guide to navigating a financial accounting course Despite the economic landscape and job market, demand for accountants remains strong, and accountants will continue to see high demand for their services as the economy rebounds and businesses grow. Additionally, one of the effects of the economic downturn is a greater emphasis on accountability, transparency, and controls in financial reporting. With easy-to-understand explanations and real-life examples, Financial Accounting For Dummies provides students who are studying business, finance, and accounting with the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to interpret, analyze, and evaluate actual corporate financial statements. Covers traditional introductory financial accounting course material Explores concepts accountants and other business professionals use to prepare reports Details mergers and acquisitions purchase and pooling, free cash flow, and financial statement analysis Whether you're a student on your way to earning a bachelor's degree, MBA, or MAcc, Financial Accounting For Dummies gives you a wealth of information to grasp the subject and ace the course.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118063859


Financial Accounting For Dummies
Financial Accounting For Dummies

Автор: Maire Loughran

Learn to speak  fluent finance—and ace your exams!    Warren Buffett said that “accounting is the language of business.’’ And for many accounting and business students, the obscure terminology of finance makes fluency hard to achieve.  Financial Accounting For Dummies  can help to demystify abstract concepts in a straightforward, friendly way. With step-by-step examples and real-world scenarios practice, it helps you grasp the fundamentals of finance until you’re ready to interpret, analyze, and evaluate corporate financial statements like you’ve been doing it all your life.  Packed with easy-to-understand examples, this book takes you from the big three financial statements all the way through to income taxes. Or join the anti-fraud squad by discovering how to spot the ten most common accounting shenanigans.  Grasp introductory financial accounting course material Explore common concepts financial professionals use to compile reports Understand mergers and acquisitions, free cash flow, and statement analysis Know the ten industries with special accounting standards Whether you’re studying for your bachelor’s, MBA, or MAcc, you’ll find everything you need to speak the language of finance like a native—and use it to get to wherever you want to go!

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119758143


Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis

Автор: Группа авторов

The latest edition goes beyond ho-hum analysis techniques and provides concrete problem solving. The text is sprinkled with real-world problems (and the analytical tools to solve them) that will be familiar to accounting professionals everywhere. A must-have for anyone looking to improve their company's decision making . . . and their own role in it. —George R. MacEachern President, Grosvenor Financial Services «Steve Bragg has presented yet another comprehensive reference tool for the finance professional. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide is the perfect reference guide for today's controller, presenting not only traditional financial analysis information, but also various types of analyses that will benefit any type of organization. This book is a must-have for any financial professional desiring to make a relevant contribution to his/her organization.» —Jodi Nefzger, CPP Director of Finance, Masonic Home of Missouri Today's proactive controllers can soar past their mundane responsibilities and become active participants in their corporation's success with the visionary tools found in Steven Bragg's Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide, Second Edition. Now updated to include analyses of intangible asset measurement and performance improvement as well as evaluation methods to determine which products and services should be eliminated, Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide, Second Edition helps financial managers upgrade their skills so they can answer their organization's call for company operations reviews, investment evaluations, problem reporting, and special investigation requests. Controllers prepared to address this growing need for more innovative financial analysis will open doors to a variety of promotions and high-level interactions with other departments. Become a highly valued member of your company's infrastructure with the indispensable tools found in Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide, Second Edition.

Цена: 14360.39 руб.
ISBN: 9780470107911


Financial Crime Investigation and Control
Financial Crime Investigation and Control

Автор: K. Pickett H.Spencer

The indispensable guide to detecting and solving financial crime in the office Low-level financial crimes are a fact of life in the modern workplace. Individually these crimes are rarely significant enough to warrant the hiring of professional investigators, but if left unchecked, small crimes add up to big losses. In companies without dedicated fraud investigators, detecting and solving low-level crimes generally falls to managers and internal auditors. Financial Crime Investigation and Control offers tips, tools, and techniques to help professionals who lack investigative experience stem the tide of small financial crimes before it becomes a tsunami. Inside you'll find expert guidance on investigating and uncovering common types of fraud, including: * Credit card fraud * Consumer fraud * Kickbacks * Bid rigging * Inflated invoices * Inventory theft * Theft of cash * Travel and subsistence claims * Check fraud * ID fraud * Ghost employees * Misappropriation schemes * Computer-related crime * Financial statement fraud

Цена: 13255.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780471269779


Financial Darwinism. Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk
Financial Darwinism. Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk

Автор: Edmund S. Phelps

In Financial Darwinism, author Leo Tilman lays the groundwork for understanding the new financial order by introducing his evolutionary thesis and then outlines an actionable decision-making framework that enables financial institutions and investors to fully leverage the power of business strategy, corporate finance, investment analysis, and risk management. Financial Darwinism is an invaluable road map to today's financial world and an essential guide to surviving and thriving during these challenging times.

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470414767


Financial Expert Witness Communication. A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony
Financial Expert Witness Communication. A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony

Автор: Bradley Preber J

Learn what to expect—and what's expected—as an expert witness Serving as a financial expert witness or consultant in lawsuits is a stressful, challenging, and tough business. In Financial Expert Witness Communication: A Practical Guide to Reporting and Testimony, financial forensic expert Bradley J. Preber leverages more than 30 years of experience to create a practical guide for financial expert witnesses as they face litigation reporting and testimony. Financial Expert Witness Communication covers all areas of financial litigation including accounting, financial forensics, forensic technology, and damages—all from the point of view of an expert witness. The book is especially helpful for those who expect to be formally designated as an expert witness; however, it is also appropriate for financial forensic accountants, litigation consultants, and attorneys as they navigate the unique playing field of the financial litigation process. This book gives financial experts strategies to defend the analysis, conclusions, and expert opinions they have at their disposal. It also provides thorough explanations of compliance, data limitations, and due diligence as well as how to handle demanding legal counsel, with a goal of better preparing them for the entire legal process. The book is part of the Wiley Corporate F&A Series and was created as an educational resource for nonattorney financial experts involved with U.S.-based civil litigation or alternative dispute resolution proceedings. It takes a well-rounded approach by including special chapters on such concepts as retention, privilege, responsibilities, ethics, and testimony, all written by a nationally recognized expert. As a bonus, the companion website presents an additional expert witness case study and guidelines for fulfilling an expert witness role.

Цена: 8745.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781118753835


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