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A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works
A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

This ebook comprises an inspirational readings for each day of the year, demonstrating why C.S. Lewis remains one of the world’s best-loved writers.Few people, whether children or adults, have not been touched by the incredible literary works of C.S. Lewis. Whether their lives have been touched by the Chronicles of Narnia, or the more spiritual Mere Christianity, Lewis continues to be one of the most influential authors and his ‘voice’ is as loud today as it ever was.An attractive and collectible gift book, this volume is perfectly designed for those interested in, and intrigued by, daily meditation. It collects material from across the breadth of Lewis’s writing talent, taking brief selections from many of his non-fiction works. These extracts are accompanied by brief and engaging snippets of biographical information, offering the reader a more intimate look at Lewis’s life in the context of his writings.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375769


After Anna
After Anna

Автор: Alex Lake

No.1 EBOOK BESTSELLER. A SUNDAY TIMES TOP 10 PAPERBACK BESTSELLER. A USA TODAY PAPERBACK BESTSELLER.The real nightmare starts when her daughter is returned…A bone-chilling psychological thriller that will suit fans of Gone Girl, The Couple Next Door and The Girl on the Train.A girl is missing. Five years old, taken from outside her school. She has vanished, traceless.The police are at a loss; her parents are beyond grief. Their daughter is lost forever, perhaps dead, perhaps enslaved.But the biggest mystery is yet to come: one week after she was abducted, their daughter is returned.She has no memory of where she has been. And this, for her mother, is just the beginning of the nightmare.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008150907


Aizraujo a eogr fija
Aizraujoša ģeogrāfija

Автор: Edgars Auziņš

Vai pastāv dzīve pēc dzīves? Protams, ka ir, ja esi spēcīgas burves inkarnācija un tevi banālajā pasaulē neaiztur nekas cits kā velna lāsts. Tomēr mīlestība, kas ir pārdzīvojusi gadsimtus, var izbeigt ciešanas. Lai kāds domā, ka esi miris, bet tava dzīve turpinās magu un burvju, alķīmiķu un nekromantu, neizsakāmu dzīvnieku un prātu aizraujošu feju plānā.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2024


Altri Mondi. Il Trono Dell Anima. Libro 1
Altri Mondi. Il Trono Dell'Anima. Libro 1

Автор: Elena Kryuchkova

Storia distopica di due ragazze Nel mondo di Geba ? in corso una guerra secolare tra la Confederazione dei Regni e l'Alleanza, le due principali forze del Continente Centrale. Una ragazza di nome Zima vive nella Confederazione dei Regni. Sogna di diventare un'operatore radio per l’esercito, e ha una relazione segreta e proibita con la sua amica Vera. Un’altra ragazza, Avril Edelweiss, vive nel Regno di Lutetia, uno dei paesi dell'Alleanza. Ama tutto ci? che ? bello, ed ? in realt? un genio nelle scienze esatte e nella magia. Ma non ha mai mostrato molto interesse ad approfondire questi studi, ritenendoli scontati e noiosi. Un giorno, Avril incontra uno strano gatto che la conduce in un luogo chiamato ”Trono dell'Anima”. Questa esperienza stimola la ragazza ad approfondire le sue conoscenze esoteriche, dato che in quel luogo misterioso ha visto delle formula magiche sorprendenti! Inoltre, aveva fatto conoscenza con uno strano bambino di nome Thoth, la ”divinit?” primordiale dell’intero mondo. Per avere facile accesso alle formule magiche che ha visto al Trono dell’Anima, Avril decide di entrare nell’Accademia Militare… Nel frattempo, nella Confederazione, la sorella di Zima, la giornalista Vesna, muore misteriosamente. Sembra che fosse riuscita a scoprire il terribile segreto delle sacerdotesse dagli occhi d'oro della Confederazione. Vesna aveva intuito che presto sarebbe morta e aveva lasciato un messaggio a sua sorella Zima, nascosto in un libro di favole per bambini… Dopo aver letto il messaggio e aver appreso il segreto delle sacerdotesse della Confederazione, Zima decide di indagare sull’assassinio di sua sorella. Supera gli esami per entrare nell’Accademia Militare come una delle soldatesse del “Nucleo” o “Core-Girls”, che lavorano a stretto contatto con i Piloti che comandano i Golem meccanici, rifornendoli di energia. I Golem sono dei robot umanoidi addestrati per andare in guerra che, privi dell’energia del nucleo, non possono muoversi e difendere i confini del Regno. I Piloti che li controllano sono solo maschi… Ben presto, le vite di Zima e Avril si intrecciano indissolubilmente. Riusciranno a scoprire il segreto delle sacerdotesse dagli occhi d'oro della Confederazione e la vera storia del Dio Thoth.

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788835428756


Apocalypse Unborn
Apocalypse Unborn

Автор: James Axler

Reborn primeval in the fires of thermonuclear hell, America's aftermath is one of manifest evil, savage endurance and lingering hope. Traversing the lawless continent on a journey without destination, Ryan Cawdor seeks humanity in an inhuman world. In the Deathlands, life is cheap, death is free and survival demands the highest price of all.Magus is a steel-eyed cybernetic sociopath whose bloodlust knows no bounds. Now, the savage Pacific isles above a long-submerged Southern California are his new arena. Ryan wants a second chance to chill Magus once and for all. But as the ringmaster of torture orchestrates his magnum opus, a stunning sideshow is under way. PreDark white coats believe they have found the key to turn back time and intercept the deed that erased human history.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472084620


Around the World in Eighty Days
Around the World in Eighty Days

Автор: Жюль Верн

HarperCollins is proud to present a range of best-loved, essential classics.'Phileas Fogg was one of those mathematically exact people, who, never hurried and always ready, are economical of their steps and their motions. He never made one stride too many, always going by the shortest route. He did not give an idle look. He did not allow himself a superfluous gesture.'When Phileas Fogg wagers a bet that he can travel across the globe in just 80 days, little does he know about the epic journey that he is about to undertake. With his faithful French servant, Passepartout, Phileas Fogg embarks on the adventure of a lifetime, travelling across four continents by whatever means he can – train, elephant, steam ship – and experiencing endless surprises and mishaps along the way.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007382590


As Long аs I m With You
As Long аs I'm With You

Автор: Sergey Redkin

Комфортная жизнь Лиззи переворачивается с ног на голову, когда одним прекрасным утром на её глазах убивают её молодого человека, и она встречает точную копию себя из параллельной вселенной. Прежде чем она узнать о ней больше, другая Лиззи умирает, пытаясь спасти их обоих. Кто-то хочет их смерти, но кто?Казалось бы, в самый худший момент своей жизни Лиззи встречает двух человек, которых, как ей казалось, она потеряла. Она узнает об доселе неизвестном её уникальном качестве, которым она обладает. Со своими новыми знакомыми ей придется отправиться в другой мир, чтобы положить конец глобальной угрозе, о которой она даже и не подозревала. Сможет ли она сделать немыслимое, чтобы спасти мир?Короткий рассказ на английском с элементами драмы и научной фантастики. Специальная версия для изучающих язык. 170 сносок с переводом сложных слов и объяснениями интересных выражений и структур.Читайте продолжение истории в рассказе The Perfect Match.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2023


As Long аs I m With You
As Long аs I'm With You

Автор: Sergey Redkin

Короткий рассказ в трёх частях на английском с элементами драмы и научной фантастики. Специальная версия для изучающих язык. Более 150 сносок с переводом сложных слов и объяснениями интересных выражений и структур.Сюжет:Лиззи – молодая женщина, у которой есть все, что ей нужно – хорошая работа и любимый мужчина. Её жизнь кардинально меняется, когда одно мирное утро превращается в драматическую цепочку событий, которые перенесут её в другой мир и заставят принять трудные решения. Сможет ли она пройти через испытания и выполнить миссию, которую ее неожиданно поручили?Plot: Lizzy is a working young woman who has everything she needs – a good job and a man she loves. Her life changes dramatically when one peaceful morning turns into a dramatic chain of events that will take her to a different world and will force her to make some tough decisions. Will she be able to go through the ordeal and accomplish the mission that she was unexpectedly assigned for?.

Исполнители: Sergey Redkin

Цена: 159 руб.
Год: 2023


Asalto A Los Dioses
Asalto A Los Dioses

Автор: Stephen Goldin

En una misi?n comercial hacia un planeta atrasado, la capitana de nave espacial Ardeva Korrell se encuentra con una pelea entre sus manos; ella y su peque?o equipo deben batallar contra una armada de robots y vencer a los seres tir?nicos en forma de dioses que han esclavizado a la poblaci?n nativa. La tarea ante ellos es simplemente: ?Asaltar las puertas del mism?simo cielo! La capitana de nave Ardeva Korrell suele luchar contra los prejuicios, tanto por ser una mujer dentro de lo que normalmente es una l?nea de trabajo masculina, como por provenir de un mundo que posee una religi?n incomprendida. Pero ahora, en una misi?n comercial hacia un planeta atrasado, se encuentra con otro tipo de lucha entre sus manos; ella y su peque?o equipo deben batallar contra una armada de robots y vencer a los seres tir?nicos en forma de dioses que han esclavizado a la poblaci?n nativa. La tarea ante ellos es simplemente: ?Asaltar las puertas del mism?simo cielo!

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788873041542


Assassin s Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 2
Assassin's Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 2

Автор: Минодзи Курата

XVI век. Эпоха Мин. Шао Цзюнь, последний ассасин Китайского братства, после убийства всех своих собратьев придворными императора бежит за границу. Позже, вернувшись на родину, она убивает Гао Фэна, одного из Восьми тигров, приближённых нового императора. Ассасин отправляется и за остальными, чтобы отомстить и вернуть похищенное у неё сокровище. События, которые разворачиваются перед вами, – память предков, сохранившаяся в генах девушки Лизы из Японии. Она переживает из-за своей склонности к насилию и начинает проходить курс лечения под присмотром доктора Кагами из «Абстерго». Но, похоже, доктор преследует совсем другую цель…

Серия: Манга. Assassin’s Creed

Исполнители: Дмитрий Шабров

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-137612-3


Assassin s Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 1
Assassin's Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 1

Автор: Минодзи Курата

Увлекательное приключение в Китае по мотивам оригинальной видеоигры Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China от Ubisoft! 1526 год. Китай – огромная империя под властью династии Мин. Она процветает, однако буря, поднятая политической чисткой, которую проводит нынешний император, сеет хаос. Потеряв всех собратьев два года назад, девушка Шао Цзюнь – последний ассасин Китая – возвращается на родину. Она жаждет мести. И скрывает тайну…

Серия: Манга. Assassin’s Creed

Исполнители: Ксения Бржезовская

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-137611-6


Assassin s Creed. Династия. Том 2
Assassin's Creed. Династия. Том 2

Автор: Сюй Сяньчжэ

VIII век. Империя Тан охвачена пожаром войны. Генерал-губернатор Ань Лушань поднимает мятеж на границе и, возглавив огромную армию, отправляется в военный поход, чтобы покарать продажных прихвостней императора. Им движет жажда справедливости и возмездия, но ещё живы те, кто однажды видел истинный облик прославленного генерала. Ассасин Лиэ из уезда Цинхэ приходит на помощь семье Ян, сторонникам династии Тан, чтобы переломить ситуацию и спасти страну от неизбежно надвигающейся угрозы.

Серия: Манга. Assassin’s Creed

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-17-149234-2, 978-5-17-148912-0


Assassin s Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 4
Assassin's Creed: Меч Шао Цзюнь. Том 4

Автор: Минодзи Курата

XVI век. Эпоха Мин. Шао Цзюнь, последний ассасин Китайского братства, возвращается на родину, чтобы отомстить за убийство своих собратьев. Она преследует последних тамплиеров из «Восьми тигров» и хочет вернуть похищенное у неё сокровище, а также спасти свою подругу-императрицу из дворца. События, которые разворачиваются перед вами, – память предков, сохранившаяся в генах девушки Лизы из Японии, которая принимает решение вести собственную борьбу с Орденом тамплиеров в настоящем времени.

Серия: Манга. Assassin’s Creed

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-17-137614-7


Assassin’s Creed: Вальгалла. Кровные братья
Assassin’s Creed: Вальгалла. Кровные братья

Автор: Цзысу Фэн

IX век. Эпоха викингов. Незадолго до подвигов Эйвор Варинсдоттер, ярл Стенсон и его сыновья, Ульф и Бьёрн, отправляются в Англию по приказу Ивара Бескостного и Хальфдана Рагнарссона. Взволнованные и жаждущие крови братья горят желанием отправиться на войну с Этельредом и его англосаксонской армией. Но им не следует недооценивать то, что ждёт их на зелёных берегах Британии…

Серия: Манга. Assassin’s Creed

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-136197-6



Автор: Aziz Serhat Kural

I consider it an obligation to write a book about my benefactor after His physical departure from this world. This book is in English; it has certain sections updated so it does not follow the Turkish version textually but they are along the same line. If you like reading New Age books like the Castenadas and the Lobsang Rampas, this book is for you. If you are a musician you will also find sections that may interest you. Asst. Prof. Rahmi Oruc Guvenc was known as a musician and a Master of Music-Sufism connections in the West. In this book, you will find a concise rendition of his teachings, works, and endeavors. Enjoy the read! ”…this book is about Oruc Bey. If this book attracts attention and if there is demand, I would very much like to write about my apprenticeship with him. But my aim in this book is to outline the life and works of Rahmi Oruc Guvenc and provide insight into his teachings. I have no wish to crowd the book with details like dates, places, and names.”

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788835428848


Attacco Agli Dei
Attacco Agli Dei

Автор: Stephen Goldin

Durante una missione commerciale su un pianeta remoto, il capitano di una navicella spaziale Ardeva Korrell si ritrova a fronteggiare una battaglia; con il suo scarno equipaggio deve combattere un esercito di robot e sconfiggere gli esseri tirannici e divini che hanno schiavizzato la popolazione nativa. Il compito che si trovano di fronte ? inequivocabile: prendere d'assalto le porte dello stesso Paradiso! Il capitano della navicella spaziale Ardeva Korrell ? abituata a combattere i pregiudizi, sia perch? ? una donna in quello che ? un tipo di lavoro maschile, sia perch? viene da un mondo con una religione incompresa. Ma ora durante una missione commerciale su un pianeta remoto, si ritrova a fronteggiare una battaglia di tutt'altro genere; con il suo scarno equipaggio deve combattere un esercito di robot e sconfiggere gli esseri tirannici e divini che hanno schiavizzato la popolazione nativa. Il compito che si trovano di fronte ? inequivocabile: prendere d'assalto le porte dello stesso Paradiso!

Цена: 531.69 руб.
ISBN: 9788873044598


Beyond The Silver Threads
Beyond The Silver Threads

Автор: Lara Biyuts

Set in St-Petersburg, Beyond the Silver Threads is a story of one student’s night adventures and subsequently his first time, both lip-smacking good and uncanny. Set in St-Petersburg, the city quite cosmopolitan, Beyond the Silver Threads is about one youth of the name of Vadim who gets his uncle’s apartment at his disposal for the time of the winter holidays. Languor of Youth urges him to go out, on the clear night. In the street, he meets his old friend, and later, on the night, he gets his first time. Time of the story is the same as the Regency in England. Historical romance. Soft erotic. Paranormal adventure. The fairy, winter nightlong tale has got some reviews. “Woven with the aid of the rich and enchanting combination of history and human emotions, this literary tapestry is the best history fiction and paranormal adventure ever.” (Vlad Anghel, goodreads.com)

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9788893988599


BioYAR. Удивительный сон. Часть 3
BioYAR. Удивительный сон. Часть 3

Автор: Богдан Евгеньевич Зайцев

Подводный город – это место, где теперь живут опасные монстры, которые готовы разорвать живого человека, лишь для того, чтобы получить удовольствие, если кратко описать реальность. Во сне ты представляешь этот мир совсем иначе. Перед о мной была поставлена задача, но я так устал, что не смог отказаться от спиртного и через какое-то мгновенье уснул. Потом я ещё умудрился застрять в своём сне, где было спокойно и замечательно, что даже начинаешь привыкать к этому вымышленному миру, где сливаются твои воспоминания и фантазия. Но даже сон может быть опасен в такое время. Из-за любых допустимых мною ошибок я мог пострадать. Поэтому мне нужно было понять, как я мог бы выбраться из своего вымышленного мира и помочь своим друзьям. Эта часть является самой большой из всех мною написанных, которые я выпустил до этого дня.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-532-94939-3


BioYAR. Удивительный сон. Часть 3
BioYAR. Удивительный сон. Часть 3

Автор: Богдан Евгеньевич Зайцев

Подводный город – это место, где теперь живут опасные монстры, которые готовы разорвать живого человека, лишь для того, чтобы получить удовольствие, если кратко описать реальность. Во сне ты представляешь этот мир совсем иначе. Перед о мной была поставлена задача, но я так устал, что не смог отказаться от спиртного и через какое-то мгновенье уснул. Потом я ещё умудрился застрять в своём сне, где было спокойно и замечательно, что даже начинаешь привыкать к этому вымышленному миру, где сливаются твои воспоминания и фантазия. Но даже сон может быть опасен в такое время. Из-за любых допустимых мною ошибок я мог пострадать. Поэтому мне нужно было понять, как я мог бы выбраться из своего вымышленного мира и помочь своим друзьям. Эта часть является самой большой из всех мною написанных, которые я выпустил до этого дня.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2021



Автор: Andreas M. Sturm

Der Mord an einem windigen Anwalt gibt Karin Wolf und ihrem Team R?tsel auf. Waren es seine unsauberen Gesch?fte oder seine perversen Umtriebe, die ihm zum Verh?ngnis wurden? Doch der T?ter hat eine Nachricht hinterlassen. Die Parallelen zu einem weiteren Verbrechen legen den Verdacht nahe, dass es sich um einen Serienm?rder handelt. Geht in der Stadt ein M?rder um, der scheinbar wahllos und mit unvorstellbarer Grausamkeit t?tet?

Серия: Wolf & K?nig

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783946734604



Автор: Micol Fusca

This book contains seven stories, of which I am the author, published in fantasy anthologies released by some publishing houses. In my opinion they are connected by a common thread. Love as an absolute feeling. I wanted to think of each story as a feather. Seven feathers, seven stories linked by a common thread: love in its many aspects. Brotherly, unfaithful, earthly, divine… Love is the force that moves the universe, no matter what form it takes. Seven feathers carried by the wind, destined to rest on the palm of your hand and then achieve the essence of dreams. You will meet wizards, witches, knights and warriors. Earthly creatures who bring the divine within themselves. You will meet the courage and the will to believe in feelings and be faithful to the feelings of your soul. The story ”Crocefissa”, (Crucified), already published in the anthology ”Storie di Immaginaria Realt? volume V” published by Giovane Holden Edizioni, was ranked second in the 2018 Streghe Vampiri & Co. Contest.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835424048



Автор: Dean Koontz

The stunning thriller from the bestselling author of Velocity and Relentless In the Colorado mountains something miraculous comes into the life of Grady Adams, a strong, gentle man whose past experiences have alienated him from the modern world and driven him to live in the wilds. When he sees it, he knows that one of Nature's great mysteries has been revealed to him. He takes his friend Cammy Rivers to bear witness to the phenomenal presence. As a scientist, she is stunned and awed. She emails photos to colleagues in far places to try and find a name for the wonderful beings. Before they know what is happening, Homeland Security has quarantined the wilderness around them and sent in assorted scientists to track down and 'neutralize' the threat to the known world. Grady and Cammy aren't sticking around to be mere witnesses to this atrocity – determined to prevent it, they go on the run, and a pursuit of hair-raising suspense is under way, with no happy ending in prospect… Breathless is a unique and riveting thriller from the master of suspense.

Цена: 1236.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780007290758



Автор: Walter Benjamin

gelesen von Johanna Wokalek und Martin Wuttke, kommentiert von Henri Lonitz

Исполнители: Johanna Wokalek

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783940018021


C. S. Lewis Bible: New Revised Standard Version
C. S. Lewis Bible: New Revised Standard Version

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

A beautiful ebook edition of the NRSV Bible, annotated with writings from the works of C. S. Lewis.For generations, readers have found insight from Lewis’s celebrated classics such as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and The Four Loves. The C. S. Lewis Bible pairs these timeless writings with the scripture, allowing readers to draw inspiration from his years of personal study.This high-quality ebook edition, featuring the authoritative New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) translation of the Bible, has many helpful features to guide and inspire your reading:– Over 600 readings drawn from C. S. Lewis’s spiritual classics, essays and letters- Essays on C. S. Lewis’s view of scripture and his journey of faith- Table of contents for finding book, chapter and verse- Search tool for finding specific passages using key words- Cross-referenced footnotes throughout- British text and adjustable font sizes for easy readability- Tools for highlighting, bookmarking, and writing notesInvite C. S. Lewis to be your companion during your Bible reading and experience how his unflinchingly honest insight will draw you deeper into the Bible.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780007446612


C. S. Lewis Essay Collection: Faith, Christianity and the Church
C. S. Lewis Essay Collection: Faith, Christianity and the Church

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

The definitive collection of religious essays by C.S. Lewis, plus a selection of letters, brought together in a substantial paperback volumeAs well as his many books, letters and poems, C.S. Lewis also wrote a great number of essays and shorter pieces on various subjects. He wrote extensively on Christian theology and the defence of faith, but also on various ethical issues and on the nature of literature and story-telling.This second volume (of two) collects together all Lewis’s religious essays. Grouped together by topic, there are over 50 essays covering The Search for God, Aspects of Faith, The Christian in the World, The Church, and also a selection of his Letters on the subject of Christianity.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007375776


Carrera Mortal
Carrera Mortal

Автор: January Bain

Venganza. Ambici?n. Masacre. Y una pasi?n insaciable. Silk O'Connor decide hacer justicia por mano propia en la escalinata de un juzgado de Los ?ngeles. La escoria que mat? a su hermana est? dando una rueda de prensa, liberada por un sistema judicial corrupto comprado por su rico padre. Inconcebible. No hay manera de que ella lo deje libre. Jake Marshall es un h?roe de guerra condecorado que est? de licencia, sustituyendo a un amigo en Sterling Security y protegiendo al mismo hombre que utiliz? su coche como arma y asesin? a la ?nica familia de Silk. La guerra le provoc? un trastorno de estr?s postraum?tico, luchando por salvar su propia cordura, y un francotirador es lo ?ltimo que necesita. Ambos chocan cuando Jake encuentra a Silk prepar?ndose para impartir justicia desde el tejado del juzgado. Y el mundo del tr?fico sexual, lleno de adrenalina, lleva a la pareja al extremo. Y cuando Silk se adentra en este antro de perversi?n, s?lo sabe una cosa: puede que nunca salga viva.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9781802500004


Cegados Parte I
Cegados Parte I

Автор: Frans?nchez

Una potente luz de origen desconocido deja a la mayor?a de la poblaci?n ciega. Solo unos pocos escapan a esta situaci?n. Unos se aprovechar?n de su ventaja, otros ayudar?n a los dem?s. La historia est? dividida en varios cap?tulos, la misma situaci?n vista por diferentes protagonistas. Una serie de relatos independientes entre s?, pero a la vez interrelacionados entre ellos. Llega hasta el final de los acontecimientos y descubre el origen de la cat?strofe y el devenir de sus protagonistas.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407089


Cegados Parte II
Cegados Parte II

Автор: Fran S?nchez

Una gran cat?strofe asola a la humanidad. Una intensa luz cegadora ilumina por unos instantes el cielo azul mediterr?neo. Casi todos los habitantes se quedan ciegos, solo unos pocos logran escapar a esta situaci?n. La novela, dividida en varias historias, narra c?mo viven y reaccionan de forma diferente varios personajes en esta situaci?n apocal?ptica. Imag?nate ciego, todo en el m?s absoluto negro, perdido en medio de la ciudad o en casa. Ning?n servicio p?blico funciona, nadie para socorrerte…

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407553



Автор: Fran S?nchez

Una gran cat?strofe asola a tu ciudad. Una intensa luz cegadora ilumina por unos instantes el cielo. Casi todos los habitantes se han quedado ciegos, solo unos pocos logran escapar a esa situaci?n. Imag?nate afectado, en un pa?s entero de ciegos, todo en el m?s absoluto negro, perdido en medio de la ciudad o en casa. Ning?n servicio p?blico funciona, ?nadie para socorrerte? Descubre el origen de esta cat?strofe y el destino final de los protagonistas.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835408031


Checking Him Out (Unabridged)
Checking Him Out (Unabridged)

Автор: Devyn Morgan

Исполнители: Kirk Hall

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4066004318073


Cherry Pie
Cherry Pie

Автор: George Saoulidis

Hector formou seu time e ? agora o orgulhoso propriet?rio de duas atletas Cyberpink. Ele ainda n?o tem ideia do que fazer e como avan?ar, e os inimigos que ele j? fez est?o tentando tir?-lo do jogo antes mesmo de ele chegar ? linha de partida. Cherry se acostuma ? sua nova casa, e o passado de Pickle volta para atorment?-la. Ir? o time rec?m-formado conseguir vencer sua primeira partida? Conseguir? Pickle manter seu segredo? Descubra no segundo livro desta emocionante hist?ria onde a popularidade ? soberana e o sangue corre cor-de-rosa. Blood Runs Pink Rollerball encontra GLOW na confus?o sangrenta desta hist?ria esportiva. Hector formou seu time e ? agora o orgulhoso propriet?rio de duas atletas Cyberpink. Ele ainda n?o tem ideia do que fazer e como avan?ar, e os inimigos que ele j? fez est?o tentando tir?-lo do jogo antes mesmo de ele chegar ? linha de partida. Cherry se acostuma ? sua nova casa, e o passado de Pickle volta para atorment?-la. Ir? o time rec?m-formado conseguir vencer sua primeira partida? Conseguir? Pickle manter seu segredo? Descubra no segundo livro desta emocionante hist?ria onde a popularidade ? soberana e o sangue corre cor-de-rosa. Este ? o livro 2 da s?rie Cyberpink. Encontre mais hist?rias e curiosidades em https://cyberpinktournament.com AVISO: ”Cherry Pie” cont?m conte?do expl?cito, uso de drogas, pouca inibi??o, xingamentos em v?rios idiomas, ortografia brit?nica, o 'politicamente correto' europeu, uma tonelada de coisas medidas no sistema m?trico, sangue cor-de-rosa, sangue vermelho, sangue seco, adora??o a deuses corporativos inventados, refer?ncias a partes do corpo masculino e feminino, bebida, abuso, assassinato por esporte, assassinato de aluguel, tentativa de homic?dio, fanboys lascivos diretamente do 4chan, poliamoria, gangsterismo, servid?o por d?vida (o tipo de escravid?o n?o-sexual), transumanismo, cita??es imprecisas do Doctor Who, personagens LGBT, diversidade, sonhos e esperan?as destru?dos, consumo de picles em grandes quantidades, consumo de ouzo (bebida grega a base de anis) em grandes quantidades, coisas mal nomeadas, cenas de banheiro (Hitchcock ficaria orgulhoso) e a hist?ria de um her?i que est? apenas tentando fazer a coisa certa enquanto reclama disso.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788893988070


Child Of Slaughter
Child Of Slaughter

Автор: James Axler

MORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But they aren't just fighting the local muties. They're also up against the area's terrifying terrain, which shifts and morphs at a moment's notice. With their options dwindling in this mazelike region that doesn't obey the laws of physics, the team joins forces with a beautiful and deadly woman who evens the odds on the battlefield. But while this warrior seems to be on their side, she has a secret agenda that could spell the end for them all…THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARESince the nukecaust, the American dream has been reduced to a daily fight for survival. In the hellish landscape of Deathlands, few dare to dream of a better tomorrow. But Ryan Cawdor and his companions press on, driven by the need for a future less treacherous than the present.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474036955


Christian Reflections
Christian Reflections

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

A collection of Lewis’s essays against ‘the new morality’ – a fine collection representing Lewis at his most brilliant.Published shortly after his death, aiming to make available some of his writings which were not at that time publicly accessible, and to counter the prevailing new morality of the sixties, ‘Christian Reflections’ gives a robust defence of the Christian Gospel.Now, fifty years later, when Christian communities are, in our own day, struggling to come to terms with a shifting morality, this little volume will be a comforting reminder of the never-changing truths of the faith.As ever, Lewis’s clear and eloquent mind gives plenty of food for thought, especially as he aims his intellectual ammunition at the modern myths still so prevalent in our post-modern culture.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780008228552



Автор: Carol Lynne

Ein schwuler Highschool-Footballtrainer zu sein, ist nicht einfach, besonders in einer Kleinstadt. F?nf Jahre lang hat Justin seine Sexualit?t verdr?ngt, um den Job zu behalten, den er liebt. Seine einzige ernsthafte Versuchung ist der Vater seines Star-Running Backs. Zwischen den beiden M?nnern fliegen die Funken, und an einem Freitagabend nach einem siegreichen Spiel kann Justin einfach nicht Nein sagen.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781802500073


Collected Letters Volume One: Family Letters 1905–1931
Collected Letters Volume One: Family Letters 1905–1931

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

This collection brings together the best of C.S. Lewis’s letters – some published for the first time. Arranged in chronological order, this is the first volume covering Family Letters: 1905-1931.C.S. Lewis was a most prolific letter writer and his personal correspondence reveals much of his private life, reflections, friendships and feelings. This collection, carefully chosen and arranged by Walter Hooper, is the most extensive ever published.In this great and important collection are the letters Lewis wrote to J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, Owen Barfield, Arthur C. Clarke, Sheldon Vanauken and Dom Bede Griffiths. To some particular friends, such as Dorothy L. Sayers, Lewis wrote over fifty letters alone. The letters deal with all of Lewis’s interests: theology, literary criticism, poetry, fantasy, children’s stories as well as revealing his relationships with family members and friends.This first volume of Family Letters: 1905-1931 covers Lewis’s boyhood and early manhood, his army years, undergraduate life at Oxford and his election to a fellowship at Magdalen College. Lewis became an atheist when he was 13 years old and his dislike of Christianity is evident in many of his letters. The volume concludes with a letter describing an evening spent with J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson when he came to see that he was wrong to think of Christianity as one of ‘many myths.’ ‘What Dyson and Tolkien showed me was that… the story of Christ is simply a true myth… but with this tremendous difference that it really happened.’

Цена: 2473.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780007332656


Collected Letters Volume Two: Books, Broadcasts and War, 1931–1949
Collected Letters Volume Two: Books, Broadcasts and War, 1931–1949

Автор: Клайв Стейплз Льюис

This three-volume collection brings together the best of C.S. Lewis’s letters – some published for the first time. This second volume covers the years from 1931–1949, charting Lewis’ emergence as a great Christian thinker and apologist.C.S. Lewis was a most prolific letter writer and his personal correspondence reveals much of his private life, reflections, friendships and feelings. This collection, carefully chosen and arranged by Walter Hooper, is the most extensive ever published.In this great and important collection are the letters Lewis wrote to J.R.R. Tolkien, Dorothy L. Sayers, Owen Barfield, Arthur C. Clarke, Sheldon Vanauken and Dom Bede Griffiths. To some particular friends, such as Dorothy L. Sayers, Lewis wrote over fifty letters alone. The letters deal with all of Lewis’s interests: theology, literary criticism, poetry, fantasy, children’s stories as well as revealing his relationships with family members and friends.The second volume begins with Lewis quietly trying to lead a Christian life and writing his first major work of literary history, The Allegory of Love. He was unknown during the 1930s and at this time wrote some of his finest letters, mainly to his brother Warren and to his boyhood friend Arthur Greeves. Then he is ‘discovered’ by the BBC and the publishers Geoffrey Bles, resulting in the most popular works of Christian apologetics ever written. C.S. Lewis became a household name and from the 1940s onwards some of his greatest theological letters were written.

Цена: 3132.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007332663


Commencing Our Descent
Commencing Our Descent

Автор: Suzannah Dunn

Sadie is in a tailspin: will anyone break her fall?Having had more than her share of misfortune, Sadie Summerfield seems to have finally ended up lucky. She has the perfect homelife. For the first time in a very long time, she has a future.So when another man, a cautious, subdued man, so very different from her own warm-hearted husband, drifts into Sadie’s life, she must ask herself the question: Is she ready to risk everything for the sake of love? And besides, shouldn’t affairs begin with a shiver of danger, with the thrill of the chase, rather than this?In Commencing Our Descent Suzannah Dunn proves she has unrivalled access to the most hidden, most intimate workings of our lives and longings, our marriages and affairs, our secrets and lies. Wry, sharp and witty, this is her most astute and affecting novel yet.Suzannah here combines the sharpness and tautness of her short stories with the warmth and detail of her novels, and achieves perfect balance.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007393510


Comment Surmonter La Crise De La Quarantaine : Plaquez Tout Et R?cup?rez Votre Vie
Comment Surmonter La Crise De La Quarantaine : Plaquez Tout Et R?cup?rez Votre Vie

Автор: Cinzia Gravili

De nombreuses femmes, ? un certain moment de leur existence, regardent en arri?re et s'aper?oivent qu'elles vivent la vie d'une autre, souvent diff?rente et peu ressemblante ? celle dont elles ont r?v?. Probablement, mais tout n’est pas perdu : il est possible de changer et de plaquer notre vie monotone pour en construire une nouvelle et plus int?ressante. Je l’ai fait. Vous voulez savoir comment ? Lisez ce « guide » et vous le d?couvrirez. De nos jours, les femmes qui ont atteint l’?ge fatidique de la quarantaine semblent, ? certains ?gards (relatifs ? la carri?re professionnelle et aux relations interpersonnelles) souvent plus s?res d’elles que les femmes plus jeunes. Cependant, il subsiste fondamentalement une crainte r?pandue : vieillir. L’une est terrifi?e par le vieillissement du corps, l’autre craint davantage la s?nescence de l’esprit. Souvent, ces pr?occupations li?es au vieillissement peuvent se r?percuter sur la capacit? ? g?rer une famille, le travail et ce que l’on ch?rit. Mais ce qui est plus grave encore, c’est que lorsque l’on regarde en arri?re, on s’aper?oit que l’on vit la vie d’une autre, souvent diff?rente et peu ressemblante ? celle dont on a r?v?. ? un certain moment de notre vie, nous analysons notre parcours en dressant le bilan de notre existence, tout en regardant devant nous et en nous apercevant combien la « vieillesse » est proche. Les enfants, d?sormais grands, ont moins besoin de nous. Nous nous rendons souvent compte que les ann?es sont pass?es et que nous souhaiterions r?aliser encore tant de choses, regrettant ce que nous ne pourrons plus avoir ou faire. Peut-?tre avons-nous le sentiment de ne pas avoir pris les bonnes d?cisions au cours de notre vie dans le domaine du travail, des ?tudes ou au niveau personnel, et qu’il n’est plus possible d’y rem?dier. Nous prenons alors conscience de nos erreurs. La crise qui caract?rise l’?poque historique actuelle au niveau mondial peut-elle engendrer encore plus d’incertitudes ? Probablement, mais tout n’est pas perdu : il est possible de changer et de plaquer notre vie monotone pour en construire une nouvelle et plus int?ressante. Je l’ai fait. Vous voulez savoir comment ? Lisez ce « guide » et vous le d?couvrirez.

Цена: 117.39 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356146


Concrete Island
Concrete Island

Автор: Нил Гейман

Robert Maitland, a 35 year-old architect, is driving home from his London offices when a blow-out sends his speeding Jaguar hurtling out of control. Smashing through a temporary barrier he finds himself, dazed and disorientated, on a traffic island below three converging motorways. But when he tries to climb the embankment or flag-down a passing car for help it proves impossible – and he finds himself imprisoned on the concrete island. In this twisted version of ‘Robinson Crusoe’, Maitland must learn to survive – using only what he can find in his crashed car.As in all Ballard’s best work ‘Concrete Island’ provides an unnerving study of our modern lives and world. With his alienating ‘Ballardian’ view of normal events, this is a unique novel from one of our finest writers.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007321582



Автор: Nikolay Lakutin

In a nutshell, the book is based on real events, although it is unlikely that any of you will believe in the probability of time travel. My dear people, You have no idea what services exist in our world…

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2018


Cuentos De Invierno
Cuentos De Invierno

Автор: Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

Цена: 48.34 руб.
ISBN: 9782291076674


Daddy’s Little Princess and Will You Love Me 2-in-1 Collection
Daddy’s Little Princess and Will You Love Me 2-in-1 Collection

Автор: Cathy Glass

Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author and foster carer Cathy Glass’ moving memoir Will You Love Me now combined in a single volume with her heartbreaking title Daddy’s Little Princess, about a little girl who doesn’t understand what her father has done wrong.Daddy’s Little Princess tells the story of Cathy’s suspicions about there being something wrong with the relationship between Beth, aged 7, and her father Derek. Despite Cathy flagging her concerns to the social worker Jessie, no action is taken. Until Jessie accompanies Beth to the hospital to see her father… Then, suddenly, everything changes. All contact is stopped and Cathy is left to help pick up the pieces as poor Beth struggles to understand what her daddy has done wrong.Will You Love Me tells the true story of Cathy’s adopted daughter Lucy, who was abused and neglected for most of her childhood. When she comes to live with Cathy, it is thought the damage done is irreversible. But Cathy and her two children bond with Lucy in a way no-one else has been able to, finally showing her the loving home she never believed existed. Cathy and Lucy believe they were always destined to be mother and daughter – it just took them a little while to find each other.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007577132


Dal Vangelo Secondo Giuda
Dal Vangelo Secondo Giuda

Автор: Андреа Лепри

Anno 2178, il Progetto Cielo sta per cominciare. Sir Jonathan user? il Traslatore Spazio Temporale per andare a prelevare Ges? nell’anno 30 e portarlo nella sua epoca, vuole donargli il mondo per-fetto che egli non ? riuscito a realizzare duemila anni prima. Sir Jonathan ha scelto Nicole come compagna di Ges?, unendosi in matrimonio i due daranno origine a una stirpe perfetta, destinata a governare il mondo nei Secoli. Ges?, feroce tiranno di una lontana civilt? aliena, ? stato esiliato ed ? caduto con la sua astronave sul pianeta Terra. Qui riesce a sopravvivere trasformandosi in un essere umano, grazie a un proce-dimento di clonazione. Tutto ci? che vorrebbe ? tornare sul suo pianeta per vendicarsi dei rivoluzionari che hanno sterminato la sua famiglia, ma dopo l’incontro con Giovanni Battista comincer? il difficile cammino di redenzione che lo porter? a salire sulla croce in nome dell’Amore. Tutto questo accade mentre Giuda 1091 lotta per difendersi dagli intrighi di potere che Giuda 1091 ? un esemplare cittadino qualunque dell’anno 2178. Ha una bambina piccola, Jodie, e sua moglie Nicole ? in attesa del secondo figlio. Il pianeta Terra ? stato curato da quasi tutti i suoi mali, Giuda vive in un’epoca dove non ci sono delinquenza n? malattie e tutti quanti hanno una casa e un lavoro. Il Potere ? gestito da una casta di sacerdoti laici, che lo amministrano secondo semplici norme dettate dalla Bibbia e si trasmettono il titolo per discendenza. Sembrerebbe tutto semplice e bello, ma sotto quella crosta di perfezione e falso benessere si snoda un filo di intrighi, misteri, e falsit?. Il pi? potente dei sacerdoti, Sir Jonathan, porta avanti in gran segreto il Progetto Cielo: uno dei sui scienziati ha quasi ultimato la realizzazione della macchina del tempo, lui sogna di usarla per andare a prelevare Ges? nell’anno 30 e portarlo con s?, per donargli il mondo che egli non ? riuscito a realizzare duemila anni prima. In quel modo, Sir Jonathan sar? glorificato in eterno perch? potr? abbattere le antenne che tengono sotto un continuo stato di ipnosi i cittadini, rendendo loro la libert? per metterli di fronte a Dio in persona. Ges? ? stato il feroce tiranno di una civilt? extraterrestre, ? stato esiliato e la sua astronave ? caduta sulla Terra. Attraverso la clonazione della propria memoria su uno spermatozoo ? riuscito a rinascere in forma umana, dopo aver abbandonato il corpo originario alla morte. Vorrebbe veder passare in fretta il tempo necessario a ricaricare le batterie solari dell’astronave, per poter tornare al suo pianeta e vendicarsi di coloro che hanno sterminato la sua famiglia. Ma grazie all’incontro con Giovanni Battista, che lo guider? alla conversione, espier? i peccati commessi nell’altra vita e cercher? tra mille dubbi di insegnare l’Amore agli uomini. Lotter? con ardore e salir? sulla croce. Fred ? il migliore amico di Giuda, a sua insaputa ? a capo della Setta, un gruppo rivoluzionario. E’ l’unico che, grazie a suo nonno, sa dell’esistenza delle antenne. Le vuole distruggere per rendere la libert? agli uomini, per riuscirci sta preparando un gruppo di cittadini da guidare alla rivolta. Sir Jonathan ha individuato in Nicole, moglie di Giuda, la donna perfetta che dovr? essere la compagna di Ges?. Unendosi in matrimonio daranno origine ad una stirpe divina, destinata a governare il mondo nei secoli. Nicole, per mezzo di una messinscena ideata da Sir Jonathan e dai suoi collaboratori, si finge morta. Cos? facendo salva Giuda e Jodie dal ricatto letale di cui sono inconsapevolmente oggetto. Dopo avergli tolto anche la figlia, per?, Sir Jonathan decide di ibernare Giuda perch? teme che possa scoprire l’inganno. Fred, che ? anche membro del Nucleo Ibernazioni, lo avverte. Lui rapisce la bambina e fugge a bordo di una delle macchine del tempo. Nasce cos? un vortice di inseguimenti e tradimenti, combattimenti e rivoluzioni, che si sviluppano attraverso il tempo e lo spazio. Giuda finisce nell’Anno 30, l? incontra Ges? e si unisce a lui per proteggerlo, ma a causa dell’ennesimo ricatto da parte di Sir Jonathan sar? costretto a consegnarlo ai Romani. A quel punto dovr? fare di tutto per salvarlo, altrimenti la storia si ripeter? all’infinito. E cos?, in parallelo tra l’anno 30 ed il ventiduesimo Secolo, si svolgeranno gli scontri finali, gli esiti dei quali saranno incerti fino all’ultimo.

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788873042419


Dark Matter
Dark Matter

Автор: Ian Douglas

The fifth book in the epic saga of humankind's war of transcendence…An enemy might just have to become an ally . . . in order to save humankindThe United States of North America is now engaged in a civil war with the Earth Confederation, which wants to yield to the demands of the alien Sh'daar, limit human technology, and become a part of the Sh'daar Galactic Collective. USNA President Koenig believes that surrendering to the Sh'daar will ultimately doom humankind.But when highly advanced, seemingly godlike aliens appear through an artificial wormhole in the Omega Centauri Cluster 16,000 light years from Earth, President Koenig is faced with a tremendous choice: continue fighting the Sh'daar . . . or ally with them against the newcomers in a final war that will settle the fate of more than one universe.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483785


Darkest Blackout
Darkest Blackout

Автор: Justin C. Skylark

Notgedrungen schl?gt Thor Fahlstr?m schl?gt den Weg zur Resozialisierung ein. Dylan und Erik unterst?tzen ihn, so gut sie k?nnen. Das Caf? mit der Galerie wird er?ffnet und ein Konzert ist geplant. Sogar Tony – mit Tochter Susan – sowie Carol, kommen nach Norwegen, um dort Urlaub zu machen. Doch nicht jeder ist ?ber Thors R?ckkehr erfreut und es kommt zu Ereignissen, die das Feuer sch?ren …

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783960894315


Das innere Navi (live von der WeQ Tour 2019)
Das innere Navi (live von der WeQ Tour 2019)

Автор: Vivian Dittmar

Исполнители: Vivian Dittmar

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 4260507160607


Das innere Navi (Ungek?rzt)
Das innere Navi (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Vivian Dittmar

In diesem H?rbuch stellt Erfolgsautorin Vivian Dittmar erstmals die f?nf Disziplinen des Denkens vor: Inspiration, Intuition, Herzintelligenz, Ratio und Absicht. Sie erkl?rt, worin sie sich unterscheiden, was die Funktionen der einzelnen Disziplinen sind, wie sie zusammenspielen und vor allem, wie sie erkannt und entwickelt werden k?nnen. Dieses H?rbuch bringt Klarheit.

Исполнители: Vivian Dittmar

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 4260507160140


Das M?dchen mit den blauen Augen (Ungek?rzt)
Das M?dchen mit den blauen Augen (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Michel Bussi

Исполнители: Kevin Kasper

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783961057153


Dead Lines
Dead Lines

Автор: Greg Bear

Ring, ring. You’re dead.We were all there in that city that draws its paycheck from the manufacture of ghosts, itself made of ghosts: Los Angeles. We were there when one man started handing out free talk. And we are there now, sad little dolls made of dust…Peter Russell lost a daughter to a serial killer. His marriage was the next casualty. Now he gets by as Mr Fixit for a film millionaire with a young wife on a big Hollywood estate infamous for its association with a historical scandal. The millionaire invests in a new kind of phone, the Trans. The problem with the Trans is that not only can you talk to your friends on it, you can also talk to the dead – though that wasn't part of the design spec.The Trans accesses forbidden channels. It has disrupted the exit routines of the recently dead to wherever they should have gone. At first, Russell is only haunted by his dead daughter. Now there are phantoms everywhere. Many are ghosts of the living, people with nothing inside them, called wraiths.A cascade of transgression and murder is unleashed as sales of the Trans take off. Harried near to death himself by his murdered child, Russell must find out who killed her and find a way to put an end to it all, if it kills him.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9780007457267


Dean Koontz 3-Book Thriller Collection: Breathless, What the Night Knows, 77 Shadow Street
Dean Koontz 3-Book Thriller Collection: Breathless, What the Night Knows, 77 Shadow Street

Автор: Dean Koontz

Three heart-stopping supernatural thrillers from the master of suspense.BREATHLESS: A thrilling novel of suspense and adventure, as the lives of strangers converge around a mystery unfolding high in the in the Colorado mountains—and the balance of the world begins to tilt…WHAT THE NIGHT KNOWS: A ghost story like no other you have read. In the Calvinos, Dean Koontz brings to life a family that might be your own, in a war for their survival against an adversary more malevolent than any he has yet created, with their own home the battleground.77 SHADOW STREET: A gripping journey to a place where nightmare visions become real—and where a group of singular individuals hold the key to humanity’s destiny. Welcome to 77 Shadow Street…

Цена: 2226.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780007549832


Der Hund (Ungek?rzt)
Der Hund (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Исполнители: Thomas Jahn

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783991163008


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