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Spurgeon y la Vida Cristiana
Spurgeon y la Vida Cristiana

Автор: Michael Reeves

Charles Spurgeon ampliamente aclamado como el «pr?ncipe de los predicadores», es bien conocido por su poderosa predicaci?n, mente dotada, y personalidad irresistible. En el curso de casi cuatro d?cadas en la famosa Capilla New Park Street y Tabern?culo Metropolitano de Londres, Spurgeon predic? y escribi? palabras que contin?an resonando para la gente de Dios hasta el d?a de hoy.Organizada alrededor de las creencias principales que apoyaron su ministerio—la centralidad de Cristo, la importancia del nuevo nacimiento, la presencia interna del Esp?ritu, y la necesidad de la Biblia—esta introducci?n a la vida y pensamiento de Spurgeon desafiar? a los lectores a vivir sus vidas para la gloria de Dios."Sin importar si esta es tu introducci?n a Spurgeon o si ha sido tu h?roe durante d?cadas, ser?s alentado por este libro." DONALD S. WHITNEY, Decano Asociado y Profesor de Espiritualidad B?blica, Escuela de Teolog?a, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; autor, Disciplinas Espirituales para la Vida Cristiana y Orando la Biblia"Este libro es un magn?fico lugar para comenzar: un refrigerio preliminar extra?do de los profundos pozos de Spurgeon—justo lo que se necesita en nuestro d?a." MICHAEL A. G. HAYKIN, Profesor de Historia de la Iglesia y Espiritualidad B?blica, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary"Con pinceladas cuidadosas y precisas, Michael Reeves nos pinta un retrato tridimensional del predicador y nos deja cantando con Helmut Thielicke, 'Vende todo lo que tienes y compra Spurgeon." CHRISTIAN T. GEORGE, Curador, La Biblioteca de Spurgeon; Profesor Asistente de Teolog?a Hist?rica, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; editor, Los Sermones Perdidos de C. H. Spurgeon.

Цена: 837.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781629462202


St?mpfchenbrei, Luchsfritten und Schmugglersalz
St?mpfchenbrei, Luchsfritten und Schmugglersalz

Автор: Norbert Schimmelpfennig

Als Achtj?hriger ist Lukas am?siert, wie ein kleines Nashorn seine Pommes frites zerstampft, und nennt dieses Nashorn ST?MPFCHEN. Seine Mutter macht ihm Kartoffelbrei schmackhafter, indem sie diesen «St?mpfchenbrei» nennt.
Als Elfj?hriger trifft Lukas, der sich jetzt «Lukelf» nennt, auf die gleichaltrige Wanda Lina, die sich «Weidlina» nennt. Zun?chst vertragen sie sich nicht sonderlich, m?ssen sich aber zusammenraufen, als sie im Wald einen Luchs entdecken. Da diese Tierart stark gef?hrdet ist, wollen sie anregen, dass ein leer stehendes Haus zu einem Refugium f?r Luchse gemacht wird. Dann aber erfahren sie, dass dieses Haus zu einer Unterkunft f?r Asylbewerber, vor allem aus Syrien, werden soll. Zun?chst ?rgert sie das; bald aber treffen sie auf Jamila und Ali, zwei syrische Fl?chtlinge in ihrem Alter.
Zusammen mit diesen sowie der kleinen Erika und dem etwas j?ngeren Seppi geraten sie mit Schmugglern aneinander. Werden sie gemeinsam mit diesen Gaunern fertig werden?

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783738068245


SteamPunk 2 Erotics: Der Ritt auf der Maschine
SteamPunk 2 Erotics: Der Ritt auf der Maschine

Автор: Группа авторов

Серия: Steampunk

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783943570106


Stressberuf Sch?ler
Stressberuf Sch?ler

Автор: Alexander Martin

Alexander Martin erz?hlt aus der Sicht eines Mehrfachvaters ?ber den t?glichen Wahnsinn Schule, wie ihn Eltern erleben m?ssen. Er ?bt Man?verkritik und regt an, das Schulsystem so zu ver?ndern, dass statt Frust wieder Lust am Lernen entsteht. Reportageartig – mit der notwendigen Portion Humor – berichtet Martin ?ber den Schulalltag und die daraus resultierenden Probleme, aber auch Chancen. Durch die klare handfeste Sprache werden schonungslos Schw?chen des Schulsystems aufgedeckt und die Leser direkt erreicht.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783844268102


Stressfrei leben
Stressfrei leben

Автор: Sascha Katschemba

Stress ist ein weit verbreitetes Ph?nomen und im begrenzten Ma? sogar gesund. Doch zu viel Stress kann krank machen, so dass Betroffene auf fremde Hilfe angewiesen sind, um einen Ausweg aus dem Teufelskreis zu finden. Stressfrei leben ist kein Buch, das Ihnen mit erhobenem Zeigefinger aufzeigt, was Sie alles falsch machen. Es will vielmehr Ideen geben und Ihnen helfen, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen Ihres K?rpers zu werfen. Ergr?nden Sie, was in Ihrem K?rper in einer Stresssituation passiert, und entdecken Sie Ihre ma?geschneiderte L?sung f?r ein gesundes Stressmanagement. Das e-book sowie das H?rbuch sind ein Update zum im Jahr 2010 erschienenen gedruckten Buch.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783969175323


Structural Anthropology Zero
Structural Anthropology Zero

Автор: Claude Levi-Strauss

This volume of L?vi-Strauss's writings from 1941 to 1947 bears witness to a period of his work which is often overlooked but which was the crucible for the structural anthropology that he would go on to develop in the years that followed. Like many European Jewish intellectuals, L?vi-Strauss had sought refuge in New York while the Nazis overran and occupied much of Europe. He had already been introduced to Jakobson and structural linguistics but he had not yet laid out an agenda for structuralism, which he would do in the 1950s and 60s. At the same time, these American years were the time when L?vi-Strauss would learn of some of the world's most devastating historical catastrophes – the genocide of the indigenous American peoples and of European Jews. From the beginning of the 1950s, L?vi-Strauss's anthropology tacitly bears the heavy weight of the memory and possibility of the Shoah. To speak of 'structural anthropology zero' is therefore to refer to the source of a way of thinking which turned our conception of the human on its head. But this prequel to Structural Anthropology also underlines the sense of a tabula rasa which animated its author at the end of the war as well as the project – shared with others – of a civilizational rebirth on novel grounds. Published here in English for the first time, this volume of L?vi-Strauss’s texts from the 1940s will be of great interest to students and scholars in anthropology, sociology and the social sciences generally.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781509544998


Stumme Verzweiflung
Stumme Verzweiflung

Автор: Kerry Greine

Серия: Love in Boothbay Harbor

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783947634118


Sucedi? en Catan Lil
Sucedi? en Catan Lil

Автор: Celina Zingoni

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788468544083



Автор: Paul David Tripp

LA ETERNIDAD HACE LA DIFERENCIA?Qu? dif?cil es ver la bondad de Dios de cara a la tragedia y el sufrimiento! Sinti?ndonos abandonados, le gritamos, le preguntamos, nos alejamos de El, tal vez incluso lo maldecimos. Puede parecer que nos ha decepcionado— hemos hecho nuestra parte sigui?ndolo, pero nos traicion?.Paul David Tripp ayuda a las personas que sufren a ver sus circunstancias desde una perspectiva eterna. Descubriendo delicadamente los malos motivos, el razonamiento err?neo y las conclusiones equivocadas que pueden cegarnos a la verdad del amor y la bondad de Dios, Tripp nos enfoca en la gran imagen de la eternidad. Su enfoque compasivo y su consejo b?blico ayudar? a dar fortaleza y esperanza a las almas afligidas.La serie de tratados RECURSOS PARA CAMBIAR VIDAS por la Asociaci?n de Consejeros B?blicos Certificados (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, ACBC) utiliza la esperanza eterna en Cristo ante las luchas particulares del creyente moderno.

Серия: Recursos para cambiar vidas

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781629462226



Автор: Lars Tvede

Take a look into the future and discover the trends that are shaping our world Futurists are in the business of predicting the future. What do the most efficient futurists know? You’ll find the answer inside Supertrends: 50 Things You Need to Know About the Future. Discover how we can expect the world to evolve in terms of demographics, economics, technology, environment and beyond. Whatever it is that you do, you will be able to better prepare for the future if you can just get a clear view of it. These are turbulent times, and we all need to be ready for what’s coming if we hope to thrive. This book addresses what we can expect in the coming decades, and how companies and government should adapt to accelerating change. You will also see improvement in your own ability to predict the next big thing – a valuable skill in any walk of life. Discover the core principles of efficient forecasting Identify underlying drivers and recurring social patterns which help explain and predict events Learn about evolving and expected future technologies and lifestyles, and how they will be applied in the coming decades See how companies and governments can become more future-proof by adopting new and innovative management principles Author Lars Tvede is a serial entrepreneur and currently works as founding partner in the successful venture fund Nordic Eye, the think tank Futures Institute and the forecasting company Supertrends. Throughout his career, he has found success through his uncanny ability to predict the trends that will take our world forward. Read this book to benefit from his insights and get a handle on what’s coming next in our dynamic world. Anyone who needs to understand the future – from financial executives, industry leaders and entrepreneurs to journalists and politicians – will benefit from Supertrends.

Цена: 1676.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119646853


Susanne - Lust, Bestrafung und Liebe
Susanne - Lust, Bestrafung und Liebe

Автор: Andrea G

Die neuesten erotischen Erlebnisse mit ihrem charismatischen Chef Tobias Bauer f?hren Susanne erneut an ihre Grenzen – und dar?ber hinaus. Sie bemerkt, dass ihre Welt zwischen Nippel Klemmen und der 18-z?gigen keine normale Beziehung zu ihren Freunden erlaubt. Wie soll sie sich entscheiden? Vor allem da ihr strenger Herr immer h?rtere Ma?nahmen ersinnt: In einer Mischung aus Angst und Lust lernt sie zum ersten Mal den Rohrstock kennen, Und dann begeht sie auf einer gemeinsamen Tagung einen fatalen Fehler …

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783738044492



Автор: Ray Rhodes Jr

«Esta es, sin duda, la descripci?n m?s detallada, hist?ricamente precisa y concluyente de la vida de mi tatarabuela Susie. Este libro te animar? a vivir la vida mirando a Cristo en espera de que ?l te supla y sea todo lo que necesitas mientras t? buscas servirlo para Su gloria».Susannah Spurgeon Cochrane, tataranieta de Charles y Susannah Spurgeon.La mayor?a de nosotros conoce el nombre de Charles Spurgeon, el predicador m?s famoso de Londres, pero pocos conocen el nombre (o historia) de su esposa, Susie. Sin embargo, ella merece ser conocida. En esta biograf?a definitiva, Ray Rhodes nos presenta a esta extraordinaria mujer. Fue amada en su ?poca, pero ahora, gracias a su notable trabajo, Susie ser? amada por toda una nueva generaci?n de cristianos.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781629463100


Sz?zadunk magyar irodalma k?pekben: Sz?chenyi f?ll?p?s?t l a kiegyez?sig
Sz?zadunk magyar irodalma k?pekben: Sz?chenyi f?ll?p?s?től a kiegyez?sig

Автор: Endrődi S?ndor

Цена: Бесплатно


Tagebuch Stress ade
Tagebuch Stress ade

Автор: Birgit Terletzki

Ein Tagebuch / Notizbuch zum Ausf?llen, Mitmachen und zum Finden der eigenen inneren Ruhe Mit diesem Tagebuch oder Notizbuch haben Sie die jetzt die M?glichkeit, durch gezielte Analysen Stress abzubauen und die eigenen Tankstellen f?r mehr Energie, innere Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu finden.Das E-Book dient nur zur besseren Sichtbarkeit. Im Idealfall und f?r einen nachhaltigeren Erfolg und eine bessere Umsetzung wird der Kauf des Taschenbuches empfohlen. Denn das Tagebuch soll aktiv genutzt werden, um eigene Gedanken und Gef?hle aber auch Erlebnisse hineinzuschreiben. Es ist Ihr ganz pers?nlicher Wegbegleiter, mit welchem Sie sich auf eine spannende Reise zu Ihrem Inneren Ich begeben und mehr Gelassenheit und Entspannung erfahren d?rfen. Das beinhaltet dieses Tagebuch:
– Analyse und Erkennen der eigenen Softskills – 6 Seiten St?rken- und Schw?cheanalyse – 7 Seiten zur Analyse der eigenen Stressfaktoren – 5 Seiten f?r das Erkennen der eigenen Energiespender – 31 Tage pers?nliche Stressanalyse anhand der Ampelmethode zum Ausf?llen, Erkennen, Reflektieren und Ausschalten – 31 Tage «G?nne dir eine Auszeit» – welche Dinge tanken Sie auf. – 31 Tage f?r bewusste Dankbarkeit – 51 Notizseiten zum Ausf?llen"Wenn sich's gut anf?hlt, dann mach es." G?nnen Sie sich dieses Tagebuch, um endlich wieder die Kontrolle ?ber Ihr Leben zu erhalten, Gl?ck und Zufriedenheit zu sp?ren und t?glich Dankbarkeit und Liebe zu sich zu erfahren.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783969444665


Tallinn MM-City Reisef?hrer Michael M?ller Verlag
Tallinn MM-City Reisef?hrer Michael M?ller Verlag

Автор: Maja Hoock

Серия: MM-City

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783956547003


Tao Te King
Tao Te King

Автор: Lao Tse

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783967247923


Tatort Hanau
Tatort Hanau

Автор: Dieter Kogel

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783863146412


Tatort Piusheim
Tatort Piusheim

Автор: Heinz Duthel

Tatort Piusheim Sexueller Missbrauch, Gewalt, Prostitution «Es tat wahnsinnig weh» Missbrauch von Heimkindern du jugendlichen, nachts kam der Pfarrer am Tag der Heimleiter. Tatort Piusheim . Missbrauch in einer «h?llischen Einrichtung» Nach Bekanntwerden massiver Missbrauchsvorw?rfe gegen ein katholisches Erziehungsheim melden sich immer mehr mutma?liche Betroffene zu Wort. Die bayerischen Beh?rden hatten schon seit Jahren Hinweise. Die bayerischen Beh?rden haben schon seit Jahren Hinweise auf m?glichen sexuellen Missbrauch in dem ehemaligen katholischen Piusheim in Baiern bei M?nchen. Bei der regionalen Anlauf- und Beratungsstelle f?r ehemalige Heimkinder in Bayern meldeten sich nach Angaben des Landesjugendamtes zwischen 2012 und 2018 insgesamt 28 fr?here Bewohner des Erziehungsheimes. Was genau sie angaben, im Piusheim erlebt zu haben, konnte der Leiter des Landesjugendamtes, Hans Reinfelder, allerdings nicht sagen. «Eine Differenzierung, ob deren Begr?ndung f?r eine Hilfestellung alleine auf sexuellem Missbrauch beruhte und ob die antragstellenden Personen in der Zeit von 1949 bis 1975 auch zus?tzlich in einem anderen Heim waren, k?nnen wir nicht leisten», teilte er auf Anfrage mit. Die Beratungsstelle wurde im Rahmen des Fonds «Heimerziehung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den Jahren 1949 bis 1975» zum 1. Januar 2012 beim Bayerischen Landesjugendamt eingerichtet. Zum Ende des Jahres 2018 lief dieser Fonds aus. Die Beratungsstelle wird seither vom Freistaat finanziert. Das Piusheim ist inzwischen ins Visier der Justiz geraten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft M?nchen II hat Vorermittlungen gegen einen ehemaligen Erzieher und einen damals angehenden Priester aufgenommen. Ein selbst wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs Angeklagter hatte vor Gericht von seiner Zeit im Piusheim berichtet und die Vorermittlungen damit angesto?en. Schon vor Jahren Hinweise auf m?glichen Missbrauch im Piusheim von Heinz Duthel, jedoch bezeichnete ihm das Landesversorgungsamt Bayreuth als Asozialer L?gner und selber schuldig auf Grund seines Verhaltens in der Jugend. (12 Jahre alt!) Die bayerischen Beh?rden haben schon seit Jahren Hinweise auf m?glichen sexuellen Missbrauch in dem ehemaligen katholischen Piusheim in Baiern im Landkreis Ebersberg. Das hat das Landesjugendamt best?tigt.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783750234109


Taunts, riddles and secrets
Taunts, riddles and secrets

Автор: Юрий Михайлович Низовцев

The truth is not revealed just like that, but its individual grains are scattered in some laconisms, which are brief wherefore that catch it. Science is unable to understand the essence of the extraordinary, which often goes beyond its research approach, and religion is silent about the true causes of the mysterious and incomprehensible. However, everything has meaning and explanation. See below.

Цена: 69.9 руб.
Год: 2019


Tausend Subjekte
Tausend Subjekte

Автор: Isabella Schlehaider

Sp?testens seit dem Ausbruch der COVID-19-Pandemie wurde offenkundig, dass das, was gemeinhin unter Natur verstanden wird, als eine Akteurin im internationalen Kraft- und Wirtschaftsgef?ge betrachtet und als solche nicht l?nger ignoriert werden kann. Dass ein Virus ganze L?nder vor den Ruin zu stellen und die globale Wirtschaft in eine ihrer tiefsten Krisen zu st?rzen vermag, verdeutlicht einmal mehr die besondere Aktualit?t kritisch posthumanistischer, neomaterialistischer Theoriebildung sowie der Philosophie Alfred North Whiteheads. Denn beide Ans?tze nehmen eine radikale Neubestimmung von Natur und Materie vor. Hierdurch, so die in Isabella Schlehaiders vorliegendem Buch vorgetragene These, tragen diese Ans?tze nicht nur dazu bei, hegemoniale Konzeptionen des Verh?ltnisses von Natur und Gesellschaft in Frage zu stellen, sondern ebenso dazu, zentrale philosophische und ebenso politisch-soziologische Kategorien und Konzepte wie Handlungsf?higkeit, Gesellschaftlichkeit, Subjektivit?t und Objektivit?t produktiv zu irritieren. Indem auf diese Weise handlungstheoretische Begrifflichkeiten wie Subjektivit?t und Akteur*innenschaft radikal neu konzeptualisiert und aus ihrer bewusstseinsphilosophisch-anthropozentrischen Verengung gel?st werden, er?ffnet sich ein theoretischer Raum, der nicht nur einen Ausweg aus der Kultur-Natur- und damit ebenso aus der Materie-Geist-Dichotomie zu weisen vermag, sondern dar?ber hinaus das Potenzial birgt, den Grundstein f?r eine politische ?kologie jenseits eines romantisierenden, letztlich verdinglichenden Naturschutzes zu legen.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783838274157



Автор: Jorg Juretzka

Серия: Ein Kristof-Kryszinski-Roman

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783867895859


Technological Change
Technological Change

Автор: Clotilde Coron

Technological change is exciting as much as it is daunting. The arrival of new digital tools affects consumption patterns, types of employment and working conditions, and can pose challenges to organizations and individuals alike. Indeed, although technological change is a factor for economic growth, it can also be an amplifier, or even a catalyst, of inequality. It is also a social change and interacts in complex ways: technology is both the source and the consequence of social transformation. To understand technological change and to harness its effects, this book studies transformations at different levels (societal, organizational and individual). In its analysis of the subject, it also draws on a number of disciplines of the human and social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology and psychology.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119721321


Tecnopol?tica econ?mica
Tecnopol?tica econ?mica

Автор: Germ?n Alarco Tosoni

Цена: 442.91 руб.
ISBN: 9789972573200


Tempted By The Roguish Lord
Tempted By The Roguish Lord

Автор: Mary Brendan

The earl has a propositionHe wants her as his mistress!Miss Emma Waverley will do anything for her family – especially since she was the one to ruin their reputations with her failed elopement years ago! They desperately need money and rakish Lance, Earl of Houndsmere, offers his financial support.But in exchange, he expects Emma in his bed! Of course, she must turn him down. Yet Lance’s fine figure and commanding features are all too tempting…

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 517.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781474088794


Tener por cierto
Tener por cierto

Автор: Eleonora Dell'Elicine

Серия: Estudios del Mediterr?neo Antiguo / PEFSCEA

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788418095160


Teor?a y pr?ctica educativa de los derechos humanos
Teor?a y pr?ctica educativa de los derechos humanos

Автор: Enrique Ferrari Nieto

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9788416349128


Testamento vital
Testamento vital

Автор: Jos? Carlos Bermejo Higuera

Серия: Pastoral

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788428825047


The best of PornoStorno Vol. 2
The best of PornoStorno Vol. 2

Автор: Penny Swatch

Wenn es um die sch?nste Nebensache der Welt geht, verlieren viele M?nner jeglichen Respekt vor Frauen; zumindest in eindeutigen Internetforen. Aber auch die holde Weiblichkeit schl?gt mit ziemlich unkonventionellen Mitteln zur?ck. Und ?brig bleiben all jene, die h?flich sind und es mit ihrer Suche nach einer Aff?re oder einem Seitensprung ernst meinen.

Серия: The best of PornoStorno

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783742768155


The Carousel of Time
The Carousel of Time

Автор: Bernard Ancori

Based around the image of a carousel, this book uses epistemological theory to tackle the paradoxical acceleration and deceleration of time that is experienced by many. The consequence of this paradox is the observance of the past, present and future coinciding, where acceleration is combined with perfect immobility. The Carousel of Time proposes a model that focuses on a complex network of individual actors, and their relation to the analysis, structure and evolution of our socio-cognitive space–time. The first part of the book, «Foundations», presents the key bases of this model, as well as the notions that must be understood and integrated. The book then analyzes the concept of «Space», defining the parameters of the network’s boundaries, and finishes with an exploration of «Time». This third part links the temporality of the network to its spatial characteristics and studies its evolution.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119681441


The Early Foucault
The Early Foucault

Автор: Stuart Elden

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781509525973


The End
The End

Автор: Giovanbattista Tusa

Цена: 4687.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781509538133


The Expanse and Philosophy
The Expanse and Philosophy

Автор: Группа авторов

Enter The Expanse to explore questions of the meaning of human life, the concept of justice, and the nature of humanity, featuring a foreword from author James S.A. Corey The Expanse and Philosophy investigates the philosophical universe of the critically acclaimed television show and Hugo Award-winning series of novels. Original essays by a diverse international panel of experts illuminate how essential philosophical concepts relate to the meticulously crafted world of The Expanse , engaging with topics such as transhumanism, belief, culture, environmental ethics, identity, colonialism, diaspora, racism, reality, and rhetoric. Conceiving a near-future solar system colonized by humanity, The Expanse provokes a multitude of moral, ethical, and philosophical queries: Are Martians, Outer Planets inhabitants, and Earthers different races? Is Marco Inaros a terrorist? Can people who look and sound different, like Earthers and Belters, ever peacefully co-exist? Should science be subject to moral rules? Who is sovereign in space? What is the relationship between human progress and aggression? The Expanse and Philosophy helps you answer these questions—and many more. Covers the first six novels in The Expanse series and five seasons of the television adaptation Addresses the philosophical issues that emerge from socio-economics and geopolitics of Earth, Mars, and the Outer Planets Alliance Offers fresh perspectives on the themes, characters, and storylines of The Expanse Explores the connections between The Expanse and thinkers such as Aristotle, Kant, Locke, Hannah Arendt, Wittgenstein, Descartes, and Nietzsche Part of the popular Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, The Expanse and Philosophy is a must-have companion for avid readers of James S.A. Corey’s novels and devotees of the television series alike.

Цена: 1854.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119755623


The Hound of the Baskervilles / Собака Баскервилей
The Hound of the Baskervilles / Собака Баскервилей

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

История, леденящая кровь, о таинственной собаке, преследующей род Баскервилей, стала одной из визитных карточек знаменитого сыщика Шерлока Холмса и одним из самых популярных произведений Артура Конан Дойля. Владелец Баскервиль-холла сэр Чарльз Баскервиль умирает при загадочных обстоятельствах. Доктор Мортимер, сосед и друг сэра Чарльза, обращается за советом к Шерлоку Холмсу, чтобы уберечь от гибели его племянника, последнего из древнего рода Баскервилей. Повествование наполнено мистико-детективным колоритом!

Серия: Билингва Bestseller

Исполнители: Роман Волков

Цена: 259 руб.
Год: 1902
ISBN: 978-5-04-171256-3


The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner, with DSM 5 Updates

Автор: David J. Berghuis

This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 28 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most insurance companies and third-party payors The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payers, and state and federal review agencies. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans for the severely and persistently mentally ill Organized around 28 main presenting problems, from family conflicts to paranoia, parenting, health issues, and more Over 1,000 clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, and includes long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-5™ diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payers and accrediting agencies (including TJC and NCQA)

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119075066


The Life of the Author: John Milton
The Life of the Author: John Milton

Автор: Richard Bradford


An expansive biography of John Milton, including an assessment of his poetry and prose and an account of the ways in which he has been presented over the past three and a half centuries—written by a leading scholar in the field

It is hard to overstate the role that John Milton played in the historical, political and literary controversies of seventeenth century England; his writings and very life challenged the status quo. Living through one of the most tumultuous periods in British history, Milton was involved at every turn. Struggling to reconcile his private beliefs with his involvement with a radical political experiment, a republic which involved the killing of the monarch, his star rose and fell several times during his life. Married three times, struck blind at a cruelly early age, he was a famed pamphleteer and political activist whose revolutionary political credos placed him in mortal danger after the Restoration. Milton’s varied life makes for fascinating reading but it also produced some of the most important poetry in the English language. Paradise Lost, the only poem in English recognized as an epic, challenged conventional thinking on widespread topics from religion and gender equality to the fundamental question of why we behave as we do.

This fascinating new biography is divided into two parts. The first separates the man from the myth, and elucidates the complicated details of Milton’s life from his early years as a literary artist uncertain of his destiny, through his work as a propagandist for the Cromwellian republic, to his rewriting of the Old Testament story of the Fall as a poetic allegory of more recent history. The second looks at how biographers and critics from the seventeenth century to the present day have distorted and manipulated the personality of Milton to suit their biases. Balancing accessibility with academic rigor, this volume:

  • Examines the significant aspects of Milton’s life and work, including his poetry and prose, his government writings, his travels, and his final years
  • Explores Milton’s Protestant and republican influences in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and his other literary works
  • Highlights the differences and similarities between Milton’s poetry and political prose
  • Follows the history of biographical and critical presentations of Milton from the seventeenth century onwards, including his adoption as a hero of Romanticism and his survival in the twentieth century as, allegedly, a sceptical humanist
  • Addresses modern critiques of Milton in Marxism, Feminism, and other branches of Theory

The Life of the Author: John Milton. Poet and Revolutionary is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students, university lecturers, and academic researchers in relevant fields, particularly seventeenth century poetry and history, as well as literary biography and the history of criticism.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781119621621


The Long Sixties
The Long Sixties

Автор: Christopher B. Strain

The Long Sixties is a concise and engaging treatment of the major political, social, and cultural developments of this tumultuous period. A comprehensive yet concise overview that offers coverage of a variety of topics, from the beginnings of the Cold War shortly after World War II, through the civil rights, women’s, and Chicano civil rights movements, to Watergate, an event that transpired in 1974 but capped the “Long Sixties.” A detached and unprejudiced look at this turbulent decade, that is both lively and revelatory Timelines are included to help students understand how particular episodes transpired in quick succession, and how topics intertwined and overlapped Nicely complemented by Brian Ward’s The 1960s: A Documentary Reader (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), The Long Sixties book matches the documentary reader chapter-by-chapter in theme and periodization

Цена: 10629.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119150411


The Meaning of Thought
The Meaning of Thought

Автор: Markus Gabriel

From populist propaganda attacking knowledge as ‘fake news’ to the latest advances in artificial intelligence, human thought is under unprecedented attack today. If computers can do what humans can do and they can do it much faster, what’s so special about human thought? 

In this new book, bestselling philosopher Markus Gabriel steps back from the polemics to re-examine the very nature of human thought. He conceives of human thinking as a ‘sixth sense’, a kind of sense organ that is closely tied our biological reality as human beings. Our thinking is not a form of data processing but rather the linking together of images and imaginary ideas which we process in different sensory modalities. Our time frame expands far beyond the present moment, as our ideas and beliefs stretch far beyond the here and now. We are living beings and the whole of evolution is built into our life story. In contrast to some of the exaggerated claims made by proponents of AI, Gabriel argues that our thinking is a complex structure and organic process that is not easily replicated and very far from being superseded by computers. 

With his usual wit and intellectual verve, Gabriel combines philosophical insight with pop culture to set out a bold defence of the human and a plea for an enlightened humanism for the 21st century. This timely book will be of great value to anyone interested in the nature of human thought and the relations between human beings and machines in an age of rapid technological change.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781509538379


The Media Manifesto
The Media Manifesto

Автор: Des Freedman

Our media systems are in crisis. Run by unaccountable corporations and dominated by agendas and algorithms that are shrouded in mystery, these formerly trusted sources of information and entertainment have lost their way. As consumers, we have plenty of choice, but as citizens we have an abundance of misinformation and misrepresentation.

In this incisive manifesto, four prominent media scholars and activists put forth a roadmap for radical reform of concentrated media power. They argue that we should put media justice, economic democracy and social equality at the heart of our scholarship and our campaigning.

The Media Manifesto delivers a sharp analysis of our communications crisis and a passionate call for urgent change. It provides resources of hope for media reform movements across the globe.

Цена: 1337.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781509538072


The Memoirs of General Ulysses S. Grant, Part 2
The Memoirs of General Ulysses S. Grant, Part 2

Автор: Ulysses S. Grant

The Memoirs of General Ulysses S. Grant, Part 2 libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742956910


The Metaphysics of German Idealism
The Metaphysics of German Idealism

Автор: Martin Heidegger

This volume comprises the lecture course that Heidegger gave in 1941 on the metaphysics of German Idealism. The first part of the lecture course contains a preliminary consideration of the distinction between ground and existence. The elucidation of the conceptual history includes a striking confrontation with Kierkegaard’s and Jaspers’ concepts of existence, as well as an elucidation of the concept of existence in Being and Time , which Heidegger distinguishes from the former concepts. Heidegger’s self-interpretation is not an end in itself, however, but rather a way of pointing to Schelling’s distinction between ground and existence, whose root and inner necessity and whose various versions Heidegger discusses subsequently. The second part of the lecture course is focused on Schelling’s “freedom treatise,” which Heidegger regards as the pinnacle of the metaphysics of German Idealism. Heidegger’s consideration of Schelling’s distinction between ground and existence finds its guiding thread in the introduction of the realms of being – eternal or finite, each being is a joining of the ground of existence and existence itself. In a subsequent overview, Heidegger discusses the relation of the distinction between ground and existence to the essence of human freedom and to the essence of the human. On the basis of this discussion, it becomes possible to grasp the connection between freedom and evil in Schelling’s system. This important work by Heidegger, published here in English for the first time, will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and to anyone interested in Heidegger’s work.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781509540129


The New Advanced Society
The New Advanced Society

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119884385


The Philosopher s Toolkit
The Philosopher's Toolkit

Автор: Julian Baggini

A new edition of the bestselling guide to the study of philosophy: the ideal intellectual ‘toolkit’ for sharpening analytical skills and building philosophical acuity Whether used as a guide to basic principles or a resource for key concepts and methods,  The Philosopher's Toolkit  equips readers with all the intellectual ‘tools’ necessary for engaging closely with philosophical argument and developing fluency in the methods and language of philosophical inquiry. Featuring accessible explanations, practical examples, and expert guidance, this text empowers readers to understand traditional philosophical thinking and to engage with new ideas. Focuses on the practical methods and concepts necessary for philosophical inquiry Presents a versatile resource for both novice and advanced students in areas of philosophy, critical theory, and rhetoric Adopts a pluralistic approach to teaching philosophy, making this a suitable resource for many courses Delivers extensive cross-referenced entries, recommended readings, and updated online resources Covers an array of topics, from basic tools of argumentation to sophisticated philosophical principles Fully revised and updated to include new topics and entries as well as expanded recommended reading lists to encourage further study

Цена: 1676.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119103233


The Philosophy of Art
The Philosophy of Art

Автор: Группа авторов

Now available in a fully revised and updated second edition, this accessible and insightful introduction outlines the central theories and ongoing debates in the philosophy of art. Covers a wide range of topics, including the definition and interpretation of art, the connections between artistic and ethical judgment, and the expression and elicitation of emotions through art Includes discussion of prehistoric, non-Western, and popular mass arts, extending the philosophical conversation beyond the realm of Fine Art Details concrete applications of complex theoretical concepts Poses thought-provoking questions and offers fully updated annotated reading lists at the end of each chapter to encourage and enable further research

Цена: 3645.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119091776


The Philosophy of Style
The Philosophy of Style

Автор: Spencer Herbert

The Philosophy of Style by Herbert Spencer
libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742956798


The Physiological Effects of Ageing
The Physiological Effects of Ageing

Автор: Alistair Farley

The Physiological Effects of Ageing is a comprehensive resource for all nurses working with older people, enabling them to apply their knowledge of the ageing process to their practice, and, in doing so, enhance care delivery. This book emphasizes the normal ageing changes before considering possible effects of ageing on body systems, using as its framework Roper, Logan and Tierney’s activities of living. Although problems associated with ageing are identified, nursing assessment and interventions are considered which can help reduce the impact these changes have on a person’s functional ability. Special Features: Explores current theories of ageing Makes use of reflective points and points of practice Looks at key topics of maintaining a safe environment and communication Discusses error theory, free radical theory and the immune theory A highly accessible text which encourages holistic patient-centred care

Цена: 4723.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781118275900


The Playboy Doctor Claims His Bride
The Playboy Doctor Claims His Bride

Автор: Janice Lynn

Серия: Mills & Boon Medical

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472059291


The Political Vocation of Philosophy
The Political Vocation of Philosophy

Автор: Donatella Di Cesare

It is time for philosophy to return to the city. In today’s crisis-ridden world of globalised capitalism, increasingly closed in on itself, it may seem harder than ever to think of ways out. Philosophy runs the risk of becoming the handmaiden of science and of a hollowed-out democracy. Donatella Di Cesare calls on philosophy instead to return to the political fray and to the city, the global p?lis , from which it was banished after the death of Socrates. Suggesting a radical existentialism and a new anarchism, Di Cesare shows that Western philosophy has been characterised by a political vocation ever since its origins in ancient Greece, and argues that the separation of philosophy from its political roots robs it of its most valuable and enlightening potential. But critique and dissent are no longer enough. Mindful of a defeated exile and an inner emigration, philosophers should return to politics and forge an alliance with the poor and the downtrodden. This passionate defence of the political relevance of philosophy and its radical potential in our globalised world will be of great interest to students and scholars of philosophy and to a wide general readership.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509539437


The Populist Century
The Populist Century

Автор: Pierre Rosanvallon

Populism is an expression of anger; its appeal stems from being presented as the solution to disorder in our times. The vision of democracy, society, and the economy it offers is coherent and attractive. At a time when the words and slogans of the left have lost much of their power to inspire, Pierre Rosanvallon takes populism for what it is: the rising ideology of the twenty-first century. In  The Populist Century  he develops a rigorous theoretical account of populism, distinguishing five key features that make up populist political culture; he retraces its history in modern democracies from the mid-nineteenth century to the present; and he offers a well-reasoned critique of populism, outlining a robust democratic alternative. This wide-ranging and insightful account of the theory and practice of populism will be of great interest to students and scholars in politics and the social sciences and to anyone concerned with the key political questions of our time.

Цена: 2414.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781509546305


The Populist Century
The Populist Century

Автор: Pierre Rosanvallon

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781509550340


The Problems of Philosophy
The Problems of Philosophy

Автор: Bertrand Russell

The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742956576


The Science of Reading
The Science of Reading

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119705123


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