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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

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Meine pers?nliche Reformation
Meine pers?nliche Reformation

Àâòîð: Maria Katharina Moser

Sie sind katholisch getauft aufgewachsen – und haben sich entschieden, zum Protestantismus ?berzutreten. Wie war das, sich von einer Glaubenstradition zu l?sen und eine neue Haltung zu finden? Anl?sslich des Reformationsjubil?ums 2017 erz?hlen erstmals evangelische Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer in ?sterreich ?ber ihre „pers?nliche Reformation“. Eingeleitet wird der Band von Michael B?nker, Bischof der Evangelischen Kirche A.B. in ?sterreich, der nach der Bedeutung von „Konvertiten im Pfarramt“ in der Fu?stapfen Martin Luthers fragt.

Öåíà: 1774.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990404560


Mister God, This is Anna
Mister God, This is Anna

Àâòîð: Papas

Anna was four years old when Fynn, then only 16 himself, found her wandering round London’s Docklands one foggy night in the 1930s. Badly neglected and abandoned by her parents, he took her home to be cared for by his own family.The impact of this extraordinary child on Fynn, his friends and the people in their neighbourhood was to be immense. Nobody who met Anna could remain the same: this intelligent, lively, precocious chatterbox had an outlook on life which completely undercut adult pretensions and illusions.Anna’s influence continues today. Anyone dipping into her thought-processes falls under the spell of her luminous innocence, wisdom and intimate relationship with ‘Mister God’.

Öåíà: 1153.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007375677


N?o Estou Pronta Para Ser Escrava
N?o Estou Pronta Para Ser Escrava

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Chegou a hora das mulheres serem iguais aos homens nas diversas ?reas da vida. No mundo hoje, quase 90% das mulheres n?o est?o se encontrando na vida, elas est?o sofrendo apesar do fato de serem boas administradoras, ainda que lhes deem uma chance. A cultura, especialmente, na ?frica e no Oriente M?dio n?o est? ajudando a resolver esses problemas. As mulheres que t?m uma chance no setor p?blico e privado mostram um desempenho muito melhor do que os homens. As mulheres s?o confiantes, e deveriam poder escolher o que elas querem ser em rela??o ? sua vida pessoal e profissional. J? ? hora de percebermos que o preconceito de g?nero ? injustific?vel e errado em todos os n?veis. As mulheres deveriam viver uma vida livre de domina??o e stress. Elas deveriam ser amadas, paparicadas e livres para dar o seu melhor em todas as ?reas, tanto no setor p?blico quando no privado. Voc? ? uma mulher que ainda segue enfrentando esses desafios? Ent?o esse livro ? para voc?. Voc? ? dona de casa em tempo integral, desempregada e sente que quer desenvolver sua paix?o e causar um impacto no mundo?

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835411758


Never Again! A Protest and a Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe
Never Again! A Protest and a Warning Addressed to the Peoples of Europe

Àâòîð: Edward Carpenter

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî


No Cross No Crown
No Cross No Crown

Àâòîð: Gabriel Agbo

This little but powerful book is written to encourage and empower Christians who are going through tough times of trial. They should know that those unpleasant situations will serve as God's instruments of lifting them to their next phase of breakthrough. Here, we will see that our attitude can determine our altitude in our walk with God. And also, that there is always a profit in every adversity.

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835402206


O Aborto ? Um Homic?dio
O Aborto ? Um Homic?dio

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Para come?ar, gostaria de vos contar um epis?dio da vida de um meu amigo, sucedido mais ou menos h? 40 anos. ?ramos jovens, pod?amos ter por a? 18 anos. O meu amigo tinha uma amiga, digamos uma namorada. Dele sabia tantas coisas como acontece entre os amigos. Com esta namorada tinha umas rela??es sexuais. Um dia veio ao meu encontro para confidenciar-me que a sua namorada tinha ficado gr?vida e ele n?o sabia o que fazer. Lembro-me disso como se fosse hoje, estava desesperado! Contudo no fim, raciocinando um pouco, resolveu que a melhor solu??o era de falar com os seus progenitores e da namorada. E assim o fez. Fatalidade, o pai da sua namorada era ginec?logo… Na It?lia infelizmente existe a lei que permite abortar legalmente. Desta forma o estado toma sob a sua protec??o o homic?dio dos inocentes. A c?mara dos deputados e o senado da Rep?blica Italiana aprovaram a lei de aborto. O presidente da rep?blica1 promulga a seguinte lei desde 22 de Maio de 1978 n.1942. A vergonhosa lei come?a assim, de forma que pare?a a lei da vida e n?o da morte: “Artigo 1. O estado garante o direito ? procria??o consciente e respons?vel, reconhece o valor social da maternidade e tutela a vida humana a partir do seu in?cio”3. Absurdo dos absurdos! A lei que se contradiz s? por si – tutela a vida humana a partir do seu in?cio – e permite ao mesmo tempo matar acabar com a vida dos inocentes. O dia 22 de Maio de 1978 ? dia da vergonha! It?lia tornou-se o pa?s da morte!

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835433187


O Misterioso Tesouro De Roma
O Misterioso Tesouro De Roma

Àâòîð: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Se tivessem me contado, n?o teria acreditado. Quem diria, que uma viagem a trabalho poderia se transformar na minha maior aventura, e que gra?as a ela, pude salvar a vida da pessoa que tempos depois seria minha esposa por trinta felizes anos? Minha mem?ria ?s vezes me engana, e ? dif?cil me lembrar de lugares ou datas, portanto vou relatar os fatos da forma mais leg?tima poss?vel para que esse texto me sirva como um di?rio. Na minha vida, como presumo que na de todos, tive muitos momentos bons e felizes e tamb?m momentos dif?ceis e tristes, mas nenhum t?o relevante como o que me aconteceu naquela semana que tanto marcou minha maneira de pensar, e meu futuro.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409045


O Mundo Dos Blasfemadores
O Mundo Dos Blasfemadores

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

A palavra “blasf?mia” nasce do latim blasphemia, por sua vez derivada do grego βλασφημία, blasphem?a, voc?bulo composto pelo verbo βλάπτειν, bl?ptein, “injuriar”, e pelo substantivo φήμη/φάμα, ph?me/ph?ma, “reputa??o”. Injuriar reputa??o! A blasf?mia ? uma locu??o com conte?dos de desconsagra??o e desvaloriza??o para com Deus, para com os santos, ou mais em geral para com tudo o que pertence ao mundo de Deus. N?o sei qual ? o pa?s do mundo onde se blasfema mais? Certamente a It?lia ? um campe?o. Acho que pode estar tamb?m em primeiro lugar. Interessante que na It?lia existe a lei contra as blasf?mias. Art 7241 “Qualquer um que blasfema, com inventivas ou palavras injuriosas, contra a Divindade (ou os S?mbolos ou as Pessoas veneradas na religi?o do Estado) ? punido com a san??o administrativa pecuni?ria a partir de cinquenta e um euros at? trezentos e nove euros. A mesma san??o aplica-se a quem efectua qualquer manifesta??o p?blica injuriosa para com os defuntos”2. O Estado poderia ter um bom, melhor dizendo um excelente business. Dar as multas a todos que proferem blasf?mias. Toda blasf?mia 51€ como m?nimo, pode-se chegar mesmo a 309 €. Estou um pouco espantado pelo facto que o estado ainda n?o explorou esta possibilidade de obter ganhos f?ceis. Translator: Aderito Francisco Huo

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835433279


O Plano De Sa?de De Deus
O Plano De Sa?de De Deus

Àâòîð: Andr? Cronje

O Plano de Sa?de de Deus: Mesmo com os melhores doutores, equipes e avan?os m?dicos do mundo, o ser humano continua a enfrentar doen?as e a morte. Os doentes procuram pela cura, e a esperan?a os mant?m vivos. Para muitos, a cura vem em r?tulos, po??es e at? mesmo em lugares inesperados. Por?m, onde termina a medicina, come?a a f? em Deus por um milagre.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423683


O Poder Da Ora??o Da Meia-Noite
O Poder Da Ora??o Da Meia-Noite

Àâòîð: Gabriel Agbo

Esse livro, ‘O Poder da Ora??o da Meia noite’, certamente ser? um dos livros mais completos e poderosos j? escritos com tem?tica espiritual. A escolha do t?tulo surgiu por conta de ricas experi?ncias, testemunhos e depoimentos impressionantes, e, claro, atrav?s do estudo meticuloso da Palavra de Deus. O livro, portanto, ? um trabalho bem rico e embasado. Tem sido descrito como um livro incr?vel. Nele, voc? ir? conhecer o grandioso, mas ainda pouco explorado, poder espiritual contido nas ora??es feitas entre as 23h e 3h. J? ouviu falar sobre o poder explosivo do louvor, ora??o e jejum? Conhece os pap?is desempenhados pelos anjos de Deus, Esp?rito Santo de Deus e o Fogo de Deus em nossa guerra contra as hostes das trevas? Este livro, “O Poder da Ora??o da Meia-Noite”, ser? certamente um dos livros mais completos e poderosos j? escritos com tem?tica espiritual. A escolha do t?tulo surgiu por conta de ricas experi?ncias, testemunhos e depoimentos impressionantes, e, claro, atrav?s do estudo meticuloso da Palavra de Deus. O livro, portanto, ? um trabalho bem rico e embasado. Tem sido descrito como ‘um livro incr?vel’. Nele, voc? ir? aprender o grandioso, mas ainda pouco explorado, poder espiritual contido nas ora??es feitas entre 23h e 3h. J? ouviu falar sobre o poder explosivo do louvor, ora??o e jejum? Conhece os pap?is desempenhados pelos anjos de Deus, Esp?rito Santo e o fogo de Deus em nossa guerra contra as hostes das trevas? Nesse livro, voc? saber? diretamente de antigos mestres ocultos a respeito do impacto destrutivo colossal que o nome e sangue de Jesus podem causar ao reino de Satan?s. O que ocorre quando Satan?s e seus dem?nios entram em contato direto com esses dois elementos mais poderosos do universo? Por que Satan?s cai de seu trono durante um culto quando o nome de Jesus ? mencionado? Voc? conhece as estrat?gias de guerra do inimigo contra a igreja, crist?os e ministros? Como ele sobrepuja, e ?s vezes mata ministros do evangelho? Quem s?o os agentes do reino das trevas na igreja? Quais os pap?is que os guerreiros da ora??o devem desempenhar? Qual o interesse do reino de Satan?s na carne e sangue humanos? O porqu? de sacrif?cios humanos no mundo oculto? Leia diversos depoimentos de ex-agentes de Satan?s e conhe?a os meios de sacrif?cio de humanos e outras pr?ticas terr?veis impublic?veis. Por que uma mulher arrancaria os olhos de uma crian?a de colo, a mataria mesmo diante de seu choro e gemidos, arrancaria sua carne e a comeria? Como o ocultismo usa o sexo? Podem esp?ritos do mal, pactos e maldi??es serem transmitidos atrav?s do sexo? Por que um homem dormiria com um menino, colocaria uma cobra em seu est?mago, apenas com a inten??o de adquirir poder, riqueza e prest?gio? Voc? tamb?m encontrar? outros t?picos bomb?sticos como batalha com Deus, amarra??es, libera??es, destrui??o de portais, portas abertas, armadura completa de Deus, portais do c?u e portas do inferno. Os vinte e um cap?tulos desse livro certamente ir?o te incendiar pela presen?a de Deus. Garanto que voc? nunca leu nada parecido com isso antes!

Öåíà: 738.85 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893986434


O Treinamento Da Motiva??o
O Treinamento Da Motiva??o

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Eis o novo tema do nosso percurso e a mim parece muito importante. Tenho vontade – ent?o fa?o? ? sempre assim? Do querer ao fazer h? um grande oceano… O que significa? Que n?o ? assim f?cil realizar aquilo que queremos. Dizem que as paredes do inferno s?o constru?dos pela boa vontade nunca realizada.. queria! gostaria! seria bom! MAS AQUI ACABA-SE NO MUNDO DOS SONHOS. Infelizmente, falta a concreticidade e a motiva??o. E no final, PARA TER AQUILO QUE DESEJO, N?O BASTA S? DESEJAR! N?o basta ficar no mundo dos sonhos! A MOTIVA??O!!! 1 O que ?? O que nos d?? Para que nos serve? A palavra motiva??o ? formada por duas palavras: 1. motivo – O que leva a fazer ou a n?o fazer algo, causa, motivo, 2. a??o – O fato de agir, operar. A palavra motiva??o deriva da palavra latina 'mover' – que significa colocar em movimento, levar. Antes de come?ar uma a??o, devo ter um motivo concreto que me leva a fazer ou n?o alguma coisa. Agora, as contas matem?tica. motivo + a??o = motiva??o. Os psic?logos indicam tr?s elementos da motiva??o: 1. a dire??o – que desejo realizar, onde quero chegar. 2. o esfor?o – o empenho que dedico para realiz?-la. 3. a const?ncia – o tempo que dedico para realiz?-la, n?o largo at? n?o conseguir.

Öåíà: 354.13 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788873041184


Off-Road Disciplines. Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders
Off-Road Disciplines. Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders

Àâòîð: Earl Creps

In Off-Road Disciplines, Earl Creps reveals that the on-road practices of prayer and Bible reading should be bolstered by the other kinds of encounters with God that occur unexpectedly—complete with the bumps and bruises that happen when you go “off-road.” Becoming an off-road leader requires the cultivation of certain spiritual disciplines that allow the presence of the Holy Spirit to arrange your interior life. Earl Creps explores twelve central spiritual disciplines—six personal and six organizational—that Christian leaders of all ages and denominations need if they are to change themselves and their churches to reach out to the culture around them.

Öåíà: 2204.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780787997946


On The Alexandrian War
On The Alexandrian War

Àâòîð: Andrea Pietro Cornalba

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835406723


Ora??es Poderosas Contra As Atividades De Satan?s
Ora??es Poderosas Contra As Atividades De Satan?s

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Agora ? o momento de n?s, crist?os, tomarmos posse do poder que Deus nos deu, a informa??o certa atrav?s das Escrituras para vencermos os ataques sat?nicos. Deus est? do nosso lado! As armas para nossa batalha s?o as Escrituras, e se a usarmos da forma correta, o mundo, a carne, e o diabo ser?o todos derrotados. O Senhor Jesus Cristo nos deu essa vit?ria. Ele usou as mesmas ferramentas que nos forneceu para vencermos a batalha. Sua vit?ria ? nossa vit?ria! Ent?o, ? nossa responsabilidade usar as armas contidas nas Escrituras a nosso favor. Quando voc? usar as Escrituras em qualquer situa??o em que se encontrar, vai agradecer a Deus por essas ferramentas da vit?ria. Na vida, existem inimigos cujo objetivo ? usar a dor e o prazer para nos cegar e tornar nossas vidas miser?veis. Quem ? esse inimigo? ? o Diabo ou Satan?s. De acordo com o livro de Apocalipse 12:9–10 que diz: Este grande Drag?o – a antiga serpente chamada Diabo, ou Satan?s, aquele que engana o mundo todo – foi jogado para a terra com todo o ex?rcito dele. Depois ouvi uma forte voz que bradava pelos c?us: ”Por fim aconteceu! A salva??o, e o poder, e o dom?nio de Deus, e a autoridade do seu Cristo finalmente se manifestaram aqui; porque o Acusador dos nossos irm?os foi jogado do c?u na terra (…)”. Uma das estrat?gias de Satan?s contra voc? ? que ele mente, e ? o pai da mentira. Uma vez que voc? saiba que Satan?s ? um mentiroso e o pai da mentira, ele come?a a ser derrotado. De acordo com o livro de Jo?o 8:44 que diz: “Quando ele mente, fala conforme sua natureza, pois ? um mentiroso e pai da mentira.” Em Jo?o 8:44 tamb?m encontramos que Satan?s “n?o tem parte com a verdade, pois nele n?o habita a verdade”. Estamos lidando com a ess?ncia da falsidade e decep??o. A segunda estrat?gia de Satan?s ? controlar e cegar as mentes dos incr?dulos. De acordo com o livro de 2 Cor?ntios 4:4, o deus desse mundo cegou as mentes dos incr?dulos, para que n?o possam ver a luz do evangelho que descortina a gl?ria de Cristo, o qual ? a imagem de Deus. A terceira estrat?gia ? que Satan?s tamb?m ? capaz de operar sinais e prod?gios. De acordo com o livro de 2 Tessalonicenses 2:9, esse homem do pecado vir? como instrumento de satan?s cheio de poder sat?nico, e iludir? a muitos fingindo operar sinais e maravilhas. A quarta estrat?gia de Satan?s ? tentar as pessoas ao pecado. De acordo com o livro de Lucas 22:3-6, “Ent?o Satan?s entrou em Judas Iscariotes, um dos doze disc?pulos. E ele foi falar com os sacerdotes principais e capit?es da guarda do templo para discutir qual o melhor jeito de lhes entregar Jesus.Todos ficaram muito satisfeitos, naturalmente, de saber que ele queria ajuda-los e lhe prometeram uma recompensa. Ent?o Judas come?ou a procurar uma boa oportunidade em que eles pudessem prender Jesus calmamente, quando o povo n?o estivesse em volta.”

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835412755


Oraciones Contra Los Esp?ritus Marinos
Oraciones Contra Los Esp?ritus Marinos

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Ha llegado el momento de poner fin a las actividades de los Esp?ritus Marinos. En los ?ltimos tiempos los Esp?ritus Marinos han causado muchos da?os a la raza humana, incluyendo a las Iglesias, al influir en su patr?n de comportamiento. Los Esp?ritus Marinos llevan a cabo sus operaciones dentro de las aguas y han hecho de los oc?anos, r?os, mares, arroyos y lagos su fortaleza. Sin embargo, es extremadamente dif?cil detectar a los Esp?ritus Marinos que cualquier otro Esp?ritu incluyendo el de la brujer?a. A diferencia de los esp?ritus de brujer?a que son agresivos e impacientes en su operaci?n, el Esp?ritu Marino es diferente, son pacientes, bien educados y cultos en su operaci?n. ?Est? encontrando soluciones a alguno o a todos los problemas de abajo pero le resulta dif?cil? Entonces este libro es para ti Sexo incontrolable Masturbaci?n incontrolable Ver videos pornogr?ficos Ha llegado el momento de poner fin a las actividades de los Esp?ritus Marinos. En los ?ltimos tiempos los Esp?ritus Marinos han causado muchos da?os a la raza humana, incluyendo a las Iglesias, al influir en su patr?n de comportamiento. Los Esp?ritus Marinos llevan a cabo sus operaciones dentro de las aguas y han hecho de los oc?anos, r?os, mares, arroyos y lagos su fortaleza. Sin embargo, es extremadamente dif?cil detectar a los Esp?ritus Marinos que cualquier otro Esp?ritu incluyendo el de la brujer?a. A diferencia de los esp?ritus de brujer?a que son agresivos e impacientes en su operaci?n, el Esp?ritu Marino es diferente, son pacientes, bien educados y cultos en su operaci?n. ?Est? encontrando soluciones a alguno o a todos los problemas de abajo pero le resulta dif?cil? Entonces este libro es para ti Sexo incontrolable Masturbaci?n incontrolable Ver videos pornogr?ficos Enojo cr?nico en ti1 1. Muerto en todo en la vida de un hombre, por ejemplo, cerebro muerto, ?rganos muertos, vida espiritual muerta. 2. El debilitamiento del poder de los pastores para realizar un milagro o expulsar demonios. 3. Incapacidad de casarse a tiempo. 4. Divorcio frecuente 5. Bancarrota 6. Esposa del esp?ritu 7. Esposo del esp?ritu 8. Sexo en el sue?o Por favor, encuentre a continuaci?n las caracter?sticas de los Esp?ritus Marinos. Los Esp?ritus Marinos son malvados como esp?ritus de brujer?a. Los Esp?ritus Marinos pueden esperar durante a?os para destruir a sus v?ctimas. Los Esp?ritus Marinos vienen en forma de bellas damas y trabajan con un prop?sito en mente. Los Esp?ritus Marinos son siempre materialistas. Los Esp?ritus Marinos pueden hacer a sus v?ctimas ricas temporalmente pero despu?s tratan con ellas sin piedad Los esp?ritus marinos tienen sus agentes en todas partes, especialmente en las iglesias, que se esconden bajo la cobertura de la iglesia y conducen a la gente a la inmoralidad, la fornicaci?n, el lesbianismo, los homosexuales y as? sucesivamente. En algunos casos, los agentes de los esp?ritus marinos pueden ser pastores, supervisores generales, l?deres de iglesias, etc. Tales pastores se involucran en varias formas de actos inmorales con los miembros de la iglesia. Debes tener cuidado con la iglesia a la que asistes. El Esp?ritu Marino ejecuta sus planes poseyendo a un hombre o a una mujer. El reino marino est? encabezado por la reina de la costa. Los Esp?ritus Marinos poseen m?s mujeres que hombres. Hay dos tipos de Esp?ritus Marinos. Son conscientes e inconscientes. Los formales saben que est?n pose?dos, mientras que los segundos no. Los esp?ritus marinos usan el sexo para oprimir a los hombres y dispersar los hogares a trav?s del poder del sexo. Los Esp?ritus Marinos est?n muy a la moda, se visten para atraer a prop?sito, caminan para atraer a prop?sito. La mayor?a de las damas que salen con hombres casados sin remordimiento son Esp?ritus Marinos. Disfrutan rompiendo los corazones de sus v?ctimas para hacerlas emocionalmente inestables. Hacen que sus v?ctimas tomen decisiones equivocadas que har?n su vida in?til. Los agentes de los Esp?ritus Marinos son muy inestables en las relaciones y no pueden mantener una relaci?n por mucho tiempo. Los agentes de Esp?ritus Marinos son buenos simuladores. Lo peor que le puede pasar a un hombre es enamorarse de una dama pose?da por Esp?ritus Marinos. Si un hombre decide terminar la relaci?n, la dama pose?da con esp?ritu marino comienza a comportarse bien y en el momento en que el hombre cambia de opini?n, ella comienza a atormentar la emoci?n del hombre, frustr?ndolo constantemente. El lesbianismo, la homosexualidad y la pornograf?a son iniciaciones marinas. Los agentes de Esp?rtu Marino son fiesteros.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835407584


Oraciones Poderosas Contra Las Actividades De Sat?n
Oraciones Poderosas Contra Las Actividades De Sat?n

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Es hora de que los cristianos nos demos cuenta de que Dios nos ha dado el poder, la informaci?n correcta a trav?s de las Escrituras para superar los ataques sat?nicos. Dios est? de nuestro lado. El arma de nuestra guerra son las Escrituras y si la usamos bien, el mundo, la carne y el diablo ser?n continuamente derrotados. El Se?or Jesucristo ha provisto todas nuestras victorias. Us? las mismas herramientas que nos ha proporcionado para ganar la batalla. Su victoria es nuestra victoria. Por lo tanto, es nuestra responsabilidad usar estas armas, las escrituras, para nuestro beneficio. Cuando uses las escrituras en cualquier situaci?n en la que te encuentres, agradecer?s a Dios por las herramientas de victoria que ha provisto. En la vida, hay enemigos cuyo objetivo es usar el dolor y el placer para hacernos ciegos y miserables de por vida. ?Qui?n es este enemigo? Es el Diablo y Satan?s. Seg?n el libro de Apocalipsis 12:9-10 que dice: ”El gran drag?n fue arrojado abajo, esa antigua serpiente llamada el diablo o Satan?s, que lleva a todo el mundo por el mal camino”. Fue arrojado a la tierra y sus ?ngeles con ?l. Entonces o? una fuerte voz en el cielo que dec?a: ”Ahora ha llegado la salvaci?n y el poder y el reino de nuestro Dios, y la autoridad de su Mes?as. Porque el acusador de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, que los acusa ante nuestro Dios d?a y noche, ha sido arrojado. Una de las estrategias de Satan?s contra ti es que miente, y es el padre de la mentira. Si saben que Satan?s es un mentiroso y el padre de todas las mentiras, entonces ya est? derrotado. Seg?n el abucheo de Juan 8:44 que dice, ”Cuando miente, habla seg?n su naturaleza, porque es mentiroso y padre de la mentira”. Tambi?n en Juan 8:44 que dice, Satan?s ”no tiene nada que ver con la verdad, porque no hay verdad en ?l” Estamos tratando con la esencia de la falsedad y el enga?o. La segunda estrategia es que Satan?s controla y ciega las mentes de los incr?dulos Seg?n el libro de 2? Corintios 4:4 que dice, El dios de este siglo ha cegado las mentes de los incr?dulos para que no puedan ver la luz del evangelio que muestra la gloria de Cristo, que es la imagen de Dios. La tercera estrategia es que Satan?s tambi?n hace se?ales y maravillas. Seg?n el libro de 2 Tesalonicenses 2:9, que dice: La venida del inicuo ser? por la forma en que trabaja Satan?s. ?l usar? todo tipo de despliegues de poder a trav?s de se?ales y maravillas que sirven a la mentira, La cuarta estrategia es que Satan?s tienta a la gente a pecar. Seg?n el libro de Lucas 22:3-6 que dice: ”Entonces Satan?s entr? en Judas, llamado Iscariote, uno de los Doce. Y Judas fue a los jefes de los sacerdotes y a los oficiales de la guardia del templo y discuti? con ellos c?mo podr?a traicionar a Jes?s. Estaban encantados y acordaron darle dinero. ?l consinti? y busc? la oportunidad de entregarles a Jes?s cuando no hubiera multitud.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835411949


Papa Francesco Idolatra? Pachamama
Papa Francesco Idolatra? Pachamama

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988780


Pearls Of Poetry
Pearls Of Poetry

Àâòîð: Andr? Cronje

Pearls of Poetry are a compilation of stories and poetry on various topics. Like a potter molds his clay, so he forms and shapes his thoughts on a variety of subjects braving social, moral, and spiritual issues that affect all of society. Translator: Andr? Cronje

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835430353



Àâòîð: Massimo Longo

Serie : Scrivo per te Massimo e Maria Grazia sono una coppia nella vita e nella scrittura. Amano scrivere insieme storie fantastiche dedicate a lettori di tutte le et?. Questa serie nasce dall’idea di trasformare in libri le favole e le fiabe che hanno inventato per i loro bambini.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835425694


Piel de ?bano. Versi?n Completa (Completo)
Piel de ?bano. Versi?n Completa (Completo)

Àâòîð: Marco T. Robayo

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jos? Castillejo Duarte

Öåíà: 2071.54 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781611542899


Pioggia In Rime
Pioggia In Rime

Àâòîð: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Gocce d’acqua che cadete dolcemente il terreno arido vi sta aspettando. Irrigate i campi siete le prime la vostra acqua gli piacer?. Acqua che scorre attraverso il campo bagna la terra vita gli dai. AMORE Raccolta di poesie dedicate alla pioggia e alle sensazioni che essa provoca sugli uomini, gli animali e tutte le cose del nostro mondo. JUAN MOISES DE LA SERNA, Dottore in Psicologia e professore universitario, relatore e divulgatore scientifico. Viaggiatore instancabile, che gli ha permesso di entrare in contatto con culture diverse come quella degli aborigeni australiani, o degli inuit canadesi, per conoscere le varie motivazioni che spingono gli umani a reagire e a comportarsi in situazioni diverse creando le basi per rifletterlo nei suoi scritti. Il lettore ? coinvolto fin dal primo momento in un'atmosfera di riflessione personale, poich? gli eventi pi? sconosciuti che ognuno di noi pu? affrontare in un dato momento si verificano.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409106


Pocket Guide to the Bible. A Little Book About the Big Book
Pocket Guide to the Bible. A Little Book About the Big Book

Àâòîð: Jason Boyett

"Jason Boyett's Pocket Guides are smart and hilarious. And they're sneaky too: You don't realize how much you're learning because you're having so much fun." —AJ Jacobs, author, The Year of Living Biblically Americans consistently identify the Bible as the most influential book in history, but seriously: are you really reading it? Probably not. If all you know about the Bible are a few Psalms and the Christmas story, then you're missing out on a book that's wilder, weirder, and more entertaining than you ever imagined. With a stealthy combo of entertainment and insight, Jason Boyett's Pocket Guide to the Bible fills the gaps in your religious education. It introduces you to the characters you must know, reveals the thrilling development of the biblical canon, and details the less-churchy parts of Scripture (hello, sex and violence!). Don't miss out on discovering How God employs talking donkeys, mentally unstable prophets, and helpful prostitutes in his master plan Which moral failures may result in an old-fashioned smiting Why Catholic Bibles include books some Protestants refuse to recognize Whether your New International Version of the Bible may in fact be demonic With Pocket Guide to the Bible, you'll finally realize what's so good about the Good Book.

Öåíà: 1430.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470498781


Power Of Midnight Prayer
Power Of Midnight Prayer

Àâòîð: Gabriel Agbo

This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? This book ‘Power of Midnight Prayer’ will certainly be one of the most comprehensive and most powerful books written on spiritual warfare. The choice of the title came from a wealth of experience, chilling testimonies and confessions, and a careful study of the word of God. It is indeed a very rich and well-researched work. It has been described as an incredible book. Here, you will learn of the enormous but yet to be fully tapped spiritual power embedded in the prayers done between 11:00pm and 3:00am. Do you know enough about the explosive powers of praise, prayer and fasting? Do you know what roles the angels of God, the Spirit of God and the fire of God play in our war against the kingdom of darkness? In this book, you will hear directly from the former grand occult masters of the colossal destructive impact that the name and the blood of Jesus cause in Satan’s kingdom. What happens when Satan and his demons come directly in contact with these two most powerful elements in the universe? Why did Satan fall from his chair in a meeting because the name of Jesus was mentioned? Do you know about the enemy’s war strategies against the church, the Christians and the ministers? How does he bring down and sometimes kill ministers of the gospel? Who are the agents of the dark kingdom in the church? What roles should the prayer warriors play? What is the interest of the kingdom of Satan in human flesh and blood? Why human sacrifices in the occult world? Read various accounts from the former agents of Satan and even the media on sacrificing of humans and other chilling unprintable practices. Why would a woman pluck off the eyes of a crawling baby, slaughter her with all her crying and groaning, and then pound her flesh and eat? What does the occult do with sex? Can evil spirits, covenants and curses be transmitted through sex? Why would a man sleep with a little boy, depositing snake in his stomach just to acquire power, wealth and position? You will also find other explosive topics like wrestling with God, binding and loosing, smashing the gates, open doors, whole armor of God, gates of heaven and gates of hell. The twenty-one power-loaded chapters of this book will surely set you on fire for God. I bet you have never read anything like this before.

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893987745


Powerful Prayers Against The Activities Of Satan
Powerful Prayers Against The Activities Of Satan

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

It is now time we Christians realize that God has given us the power, the right information through the Scriptures to overcome satanic attacks. God is on our side. The weapon of our warfare is the scriptures and if we use it right, the world, the flesh, and the devil will be continuously defeated. The Lord Jesus Christ has provided all of our victories. He used the same tools He has provided us in winning the battle. His victory is our victory. It is, therefore, our responsibility to use these weapons the scriptures to our advantage. When you use the scriptures in any situation you find yourself, you’ll thank God for the tools of victory He has provided. In life, there are enemies whose aim is to use pain and pleasure to make us blind and miserable for life. Who is this enemy? It is the Devil and Satan. According to the book of Revelation 12:9–10 which says, The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ”Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. One of the strategies of Satan against you is that He lies, and is the father of lies. Onces you know that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies, then He is already defeated. According to the boo of John 8:44 which says, ”When he lies, he speaks according to his nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” Also in John 8:44 which says, Satan “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” We are dealing with the essence of falsehood and deception. The second strategy is Satan controls and blinds the minds of unbelievers According to the book of 2nd Corinthians 4:4 which says, The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. The third strategy is Satan also does signs and wonders. According to the book of 2 Thessalonians 2:9, which says, The coming of the lawless one will be by how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, The fourth strategy is Satan tempts people to sin. According to the book of Luke 22:3–6 which says, Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835409380


Powers and Submissions
Powers and Submissions

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

In this book Sarah Coakley confronts a central paradox of theological feminism – what she terms 'the paradox of power and vulnerability'. Confronts a central paradox of theological feminism – what Coakley terms 'paradox of power and vulnerability'. Explores this issue through the perspective of spiritual practice, philosophical enquiry and doctrinal analysis. Draws together an essential collection of Sarah Coakley's work in this field. Offers an original perspective into contemporary feminist theology.

Öåíà: 16453.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470692684


Prayers Against Marine Spirits
Prayers Against Marine Spirits

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

"The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos The time has come to put a final stop on the activities of Marine Spirits. In recent times Marine Spirits has caused a lot of damages to the human race including Churches by influencing their behavioral pattern. Marine Spirits conduct their operation inside waters and made the oceans, rivers, seas, streams, and lakes their stronghold. However, it is extremely difficult to detect Marine Spirits than any other Spirits including witchcraft spirit. Unlike Witchcraft spirits who are aggressive and impatient in their operation, Marine Spirit is different, they are patient, well mannered and cultured in their operation. Are you finding solutions to any or all of the problems below but you find it difficult? Then this book is for you Uncontrollable sex Uncontrollable masturbation Watching of pornographic videos Chronic Anger in You 1. Dead in everything in a man's life, eg, dead brain, dead organs, dead spiritual life. 2. The weakening of pastors power to perform a miracle or cast out demons 3. Inability to get married on time 4. Frequent divorce 5. Bankruptcy 6. Spirit wife 7. Spirit husband 8. Sex in the dream Please find below the characteristics of Marine Spirits Marine Spirits are wicked as witchcraft spirits Marine spirits can wait for years to destroy their victims Marine Spirits come in the form of beautiful ladies and they work with a purpose in mind Marine Spirits are always materialistic Marine Spirits can make victim wealthy temporarily but later deal with them ruthlessly. Marine spirits have their agents everywhere especially in Churches, who hide under the cover of church and lead people into immorality, fornication, lesbianism, homosexuals and so on. In some cases, Marine Spirit agents could be pastors, general overseer, and church leader and so on. Such pastors engage in various forms of an immoral act with Church members. You have to be careful about which church you attend. Marine Spirit executes their plans by possessing either a man or a woman. The marine kingdom is headed by the queen of the coast. Marine Spirits possess female than male There are two types of Marine Spirits. They are conscious and unconscious. The formal know they are possessed, while the latter doesn't. Marine spirits use sex to oppress men and scatter homes through the power of sex. Marine Spirits are extremely fashion-crazy, they dress to attract on purpose, they walk to attract on purpose. Most ladies that date married men without remorse are Marine Spirits. They enjoy breaking the hearts of their victims so as to render them emotionally unstable. They make their victims take wrong decisions that will render their life useless. Marine Spirits agents are very unstable in relationships and they cannot keep a relationship for too long. Marine Spirits agents are good pretenders. The worse thing that can happen to a man is to fall in love with a lady possessed with Marine Spirit. If a man decides to end the relationship, the lady possessed with Marine spirit begins to behave well and the moment the man changes his mind, she starts tormenting the emotion of the man, constantly frustrating the man. Lesbianism, homosexuality, and pornography are marine initiations Marine Spirit agents are partygoers "

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835407430


Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons
Prayers That Routs Satan And Demons

Àâòîð: Dr. Olusola Coker

Satan is highly interested in putting fear, anxiety, and discouragement into your mind and soul. We're in a battle in this world and Satan is all out to destroy us, so you have to be vigilant and be at alert to defeat Him. The Bottom line is that you must not allow Him to win. Are you a believer that is not strong enough to face Satan, or you are afraid of Him? Then this book you are holding will give you the boldness to overcome Satan and Demons. Don't allow Satan and demons to hurt your direction. Remember that God reminds us in His word to stay aware of Satan's schemes, to be at alert in this world, and to stay close to Him. The prayer in this book is targeted towards not only defeating Satan and demons but, particularly overthrowing the kingdom of darkness. God has given us the sword, that is the word of God, to stand against the enemy's lies. He equips us with strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong in the spiritual warfare battle. God always listens to us through prayer and worship and He gives us the opportunity to know Him more. With the word of God, we will be able to distinguish from what is right and wrong; hence Satan will find it difficult to deceive us. In this world, either you like it or not every human being has a supernatural enemy from various quarters who make life unbearable for people. Satan is regarded as our number one enemy. The Bible calls him ”the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world . . . the accuser” (Revelation 12:9–10), ”the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and ”the god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan is a Deceiver Scriptures: Genesis 3:13: And the LORD God said to the woman, ”What is this you have done?” The woman said, ”The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Ephesians 6:11-12: Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. How Satan can Deceive Believers Satan deceives the people of God. We all have our own natural desires and do you know what? Satan takes advantage of that to deceive Christians. Satan is very clever and knows the things that are appealing to believers. In some cases, Satan comes as an Angel of light with pleasant, flattering words and a smile on his face, and then it is very difficult for believers not to be deceived. Please note that Satan is very desperate and will continue to persist until He achieves his aims of leading people to his Kingdom, so, as a Christian, you must be vigilant and have full knowledge of the world of God. You have to make a decision today to serve God because you cannot serve both Satan and God. Strategies of Satan against you. Satan turns the minds of unbelievers against God so that they don't even think of worshiping the Almighty.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835411994


Preocupa??es Do Cora??o
Preocupa??es Do Cora??o

Àâòîð: Job Mothiba

A maioria de n?s divaga pela vida com problemas dif?ceis em nosso cora??o. Estou falando mais do que apenas problemas m?dicos relacionados ao cora??o, tamb?m falo sobre os problemas espirituais e emocionais do cora??o. Esses problemas derivam como resultado de quando ignoramos uma grande variedade de experi?ncias do cora??o que passamos ao decorrer da vida, incluindo a perda, a m?goa, a tristeza, a alegria, a paz e o contentamento. A maioria de n?s divaga pela vida com problemas dif?ceis em nosso cora??o. Estou falando mais do que apenas problemas m?dicos relacionados ao cora??o, tamb?m falo sobre os problemas espirituais e emocionais do cora??o. Esses problemas derivam como resultado de quando ignoramos uma grande variedade de experi?ncias do cora??o que passamos ao decorrer da vida, incluindo a perda, a m?goa, a tristeza, a alegria, a paz e o contentamento. Portanto, nossas b?n??os reais frequentemente aparecem em forma de dor, perda e decep??o, pois Deus frequentemente fala por meio desses sentimentos. Se Ele carrega voc? at? esses sentimentos ? para que voc? um dia possa virar para tr?s e ajudar algu?m a superar esses sentimentos tamb?m. E nada ? mais bonito do que um sorriso que lutou por meio das l?grimas. “Bendito seja o Deus e Pai de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, o Pai das miseric?rdias e Deus de toda a consola??o, que nos consola em toda a nossa tribula??o, para que tamb?m possamos consolar os que estiverem em alguma tribula??o, pela consola??o com que n?s mesmos somos consolados por Deus.” (2 Cor?ntios 1:3-4).

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893988551


Prophetic Literature. From Oracles to Books
Prophetic Literature. From Oracles to Books

Àâòîð: Ronald Troxel L

Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books presents an in-depth introduction to the origins and development of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament, including an examination of the literary structure, authorship, and editorial processes that produced each book. The only introductory textbook that explores both how the prophetic books were composed and edited Accessible and engaging, the book contains numerous student features to encourage learning, including introductions, summaries, tables and boxes, etc Based on international scholarship on the individual prophetic books, including German scholarship that is otherwise inaccessible to most English readers

Öåíà: 3087.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444354126


Protestants: The Radicals Who Made the Modern World
Protestants: The Radicals Who Made the Modern World

Àâòîð: Alec Ryrie

Protestant Christianity began with one stubborn monk in 1517. Now it covers the globe and includes almost a billion people. On the 500th anniversary of Luther’s theses, a global history of the revolutionary faith that shaped the modern world.Five hundred years ago an obscure monk challenged the authority of the pope with a radical vision of what Christianity could be. The revolution he set in motion inspired one of the most creative and destructive movements in human history. It has toppled governments, upended social norms, and transformed millions of people’s understanding of their relationship with God. In this dazzling global history of innovation and change, Alec Ryrie makes the case that Protestants made the modern world.‘Protestants’ introduces us to the men and women who defined and redefined this quarrelsome faith. Some turned to their newly accessible Bibles to justify bold acts of political opposition; others to support a new understanding of who they were and what they could and should do. Above all, Protestants were willing to fight for their beliefs. If you look at the great confrontations of the last five centuries, you will find Protestants defining the debate on both sides: for and against colonialism, slavery, fascism, communism, women’s rights, and more. Protestants have also fought among themselves. What unites them all is their passion for God and a vital belief in the principle of self-determination. Protestants are people who love God and take on the world.Protestants have set out for all four corners of the globe, embarking on courageous journeys into the unknown to set up new communities and experiment with new systems of government. Protestants created America and defined its special brand of entrepreneurial diligence, but they also can be found behind the brutality of apartheid and Nazi Germany. They are resourceful innovators, making new converts every day in China, Africa, and Latin America. Whether you are yourself a Protestant, or even a Christian, you live in a world, and are guided by principles and ideas, shaped by Protestants.

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008182137


Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 2
Psalms Through the Centuries, Volume 2

Àâòîð: Susan Gillingham

Psalms Through the Centuries: Volume Two provides the first ever extensive commentary on the Jewish and Christian reception history of the first two books of the Psalter (Psalms 1-41 and 42-72). It explores the various uses of the Psalms, over two millennia, in translation and commentary, liturgy and prayer, study and preaching, musical composition and artistic illustration, poetic and dramatic imitation, and contemporary discourse. With lavish illustrations, using examples from both music and art, Psalms Through the Centuries: Volume Two offers a detailed commentary on each psalm, with an extensive bibliography, a large glossary of terms, and helpful indices. It is an ideal resource both for students and scholars in the academy and for lay people and ministers in church and synagogue. Psalms Through the Centuries is published within the Wiley Blackwell Commentary series. Further information about this innovative reception history series is available at www.bbibcomm.info

Öåíà: 5084.14 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118830543


Purificazione Della Memoria. Giovanni Paolo II E La Guarigione Intergenerazionale
Purificazione Della Memoria. Giovanni Paolo II E La Guarigione Intergenerazionale

Àâòîð: Andrzej Stanislaw Budzinski

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788893986885


George Grosz freigesprochen
"George Grosz freigesprochen"

Àâòîð: Moritz Goldstein

Moritz Goldstein war in den letzten Jahren der Weimarer Republik Gerichts-Berichterstatter der Vossischen Zeitung, einer der wichtigsten Zeitungen Berlins. Vom nebens?chlichsten Vorfall ?ber Streitereien mit Prominenten (wie Marlene Dietrich oder Olga Tschechowa), bis zu politisch heftig umk?mpften Prozessen (mit George Grosz und Arnold Zweig, Goebbels und Hitler) beschreibt und kommentiert Goldstein in kurzen und ?u?erst pr?zisen Texten das Geschehen in den Gerichtss?len. Er entwirft so ein lebendiges und facettenreiches Bild dieser f?r Deutschland so entscheidenden Jahre. In der Tradition des ber?hmten Paul Schlesinger der die Gerichtsreportage zu einer kritischen und demokratischen Kontrollinstanz der noch vom obrigkeitsstaatlichen Denken beherrschten Weimarer Justiz gemacht hatte, wurde Goldstein mit seinem Pseudonym 'Inquit' schnell zu einer der f?hrenden Pers?nlichkeiten der Presse, solange diese noch eine bedeutende Rolle in Gesellschaft und Politik wahrnehmen konnte. Durch seine Gerichtsreportagen entsteht ein lebendiges und facettenreiches Bild der Weimarer Republik.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783863935221


Raumfalken, Episode 1, Folge 2: Feldzug gegen unbekannt
Raumfalken, Episode 1, Folge 2: Feldzug gegen unbekannt

Àâòîð: Greg Sutton

Anno 2236 ist die Erde von einer au?erirdischen Macht besetzt. Sieben Jahre ist es her, seit die Schlachtschiffe des Colcord Ephemeridis den blauen Planeten eroberten und die milit?rische F?hrung ?bernahmen. In dieser Zeit wurden Hunderttausende Menschen f?r die Kampftruppen des Imperiums, das seinen Sitz jenseits des Milchstra?enzentrums hat, rekrutiert. Doch der Widerstand auf der Erde ist nicht zu unterdr?cken. Terry Caumont, Anf?hrer der Partisanengruppe 'Native Soil', wird unerwartet zum Kommandanten der Forschungsstation BULGE auf dem Neptunmond Proteus erhoben. Dieser vergessene Au?enposten konnte in den vorangegangenen Jahrzehnten revolution?re technische Fortschritte erzielen und besitzt das Potenzial, als autarker St?tzpunkt wirksam gegen das Colcord Ephemeridis und die mit ihm verb?ndete Erdregierung vorzugehen. Fortan tragen die 5.000 Bewohner des BULGE die Bezeichnung 'Raumfalken' – symbolhafter Ausdruck f?r Mut, Entschlossenheit und Durchsetzungsverm?gen.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Reent Reins

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260147777548


Raus aus der Garage! So wirst Du mit Musik ber?hmt und erfolgreich
Raus aus der Garage! So wirst Du mit Musik ber?hmt und erfolgreich

Àâòîð: Frank Pl?mer

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783955773205


Recover Your Losses By The Power Of God
Recover Your Losses By The Power Of God

Àâòîð: Peter I. O

This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can’t afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; “every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.” I don’t know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses. This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can’t afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; “every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.” I don’t know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses. Many people lose one thing or the other every day because Satan steals every day. As God gives us daily benefits, so Satan gives us daily problems. Unfortunately, the majority of these set of people who had lost great riches and virtues to Satan, are making little or no effort to recover their belongings from the Devil. In John 10:10 Jesus said; ”The thief does not come except to steal, and kill, and destroy” Many people are conversant with this scripture, yet they ignore this divine alarm. In this scripture, Jesus informed us that Satan is a thief and he comes to steal. It is the nature of Satan to steal. If he succeeds in stealing, it becomes easier for him to kill and destroy. This menace of Satan and his cohorts have reduced the potency of the virtues which God deposited in the lives of His people, and also render the destiny of many people useless. Satan has robbed many people of their salvation, gifts, talents, marriages, jobs, businesses, properties, and even their lives. There are certain facts about a thief you should know; A thief comes without notification. A thief comes to rob you of your goods and belongings. A thief can do anything to get what he wants, even if it means killing someone. A thief is cruel and wicked. A thief sees stealing as a business and not an act of evil. A thief comes each time he noticed that something good has come into someone's life. A thief is not mindful of your loss. He is mindful of his gain. Etc. These ungodly characteristics of a thief should call for your attention, and also awaken you into realizing the damages the Devil might have done in the lives of many people, and the destruction he may still cause if you slumber in sleep and merry in relaxation without praying down the mighty hand of God to put an end to these evil operations of the Devil. You must be mindful of whatever the Devil has stolen from you and quickly seek for recovery through divine intervention. In the same John 10:10 where Jesus informed us about evil plans of the Devil against us, Jesus also told us what He (Jesus) has come to do for us; ”I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” Satan came to steal, but Jesus came to recover and restore. Do you want to recover your losses? Then read this book meditatively and pray the prayers in it, and it will amaze you how God will miraculously recover your losses. In this book, you will gain the following revelation knowledge: UNDERSTANDING ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” HOW SATAN STEAL FROM PEOPLE HOW GOD RECOVER AND RESTORE OUR LOSSES OUR ROLES IN THE ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” HOW TO RETAIN WHAT WE HAVE RECOVERED No one enjoys losing something good. A pregnant woman is never happy when she experiences miscarriage during pregnancy, or loses her child after birth. Businessmen and women feel so sad whenever they fail in any business venture. In sports, no team feels happy whenever they lose a match or tournament to their opponent. This is a general and natural feeling in all ramifications of life. This book will enlighten you and equally help you to avoid those things which make Satan have the edge over you and steal from you. Avoid any form of distraction while reading this book and invite the Holy Spirit to conduct “Divine works of recovery” in your life. Study this book with adequate devotion. Pray the prayers in this book, and you will see God recover your losses.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835416524


Relational Intelligence. How Leaders Can Expand Their Influence Through a New Way of Being Smart
Relational Intelligence. How Leaders Can Expand Their Influence Through a New Way of Being Smart

Àâòîð: Steve Saccone

An insightful and practical guide for developing relational leadership skills and engaging new paradigms of influence Relational Intelligence reveals how leaders can become smarter in the way they conduct their relationships, and as a result, catalyze their impact. This book unwraps the hidden power of a relational genius and the practical pursuits that contribute to increasing one's relational quotient (RQ). Steve Saccone offers thought-provoking and compelling pathways into understanding the synergistic effect of relational intelligence, mission, and influence. He demonstrates how critical the art of relational intelligence is for leaders who desire to better serve those they lead, as well as the organizations and communities they love. Offers practical wisdom, engaging anecdotes, and compelling stories that show leaders how to develop relational intelligence Delineates the essential skills that make leaders relationally intelligent Unwraps six roles of a relational genius and how these transform our approaches to influence Includes Foreword by Erwin Raphael McManus A new book in the popular Leadership Network Series The author reveals how to increase one's awareness of the nuances in relational dynamics and suggests ways to help navigate relationships more intelligently and productively.

Öåíà: 2756.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470523445


Remembering Katyn
Remembering Katyn

Àâòîð: Simon Lewis

Katyn– the Soviet massacre of over 21,000 Polish prisoners in 1940 – has come to be remembered as Stalin’s emblematic mass murder, an event obscured by one of the most extensive cover-ups in history. Yet paradoxically, a majority of its victims perished far from the forest in western Russia that gives the tragedy its name. Their remains lie buried in killing fields throughout Russia, Ukraine and, most likely, Belarus. Today their ghosts haunt the cultural landscape of Eastern Europe. This book traces the legacy of Katyn through the interconnected memory cultures of seven countries: Belarus, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic States. It explores the meaning of Katyn as site and symbol, event and idea, fact and crypt. It shows how Katyn both incites nationalist sentiments in Eastern Europe and fosters an emerging cosmopolitan memory of Soviet terror. It also examines the strange impact of the 2010 plane crash that claimed the lives of Poland’s leaders en route to Katyn. Drawing on novels and films, debates and controversies, this book makes the case for a transnational study of cultural memory and navigates a contested past in a region that will define Europe’s future.

Öåíà: 6688.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780745676128


Rescuing the Bible
Rescuing the Bible

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

What is the future for the Bible, one of the most important books in the world? In this manifesto, Roland Boer explores the idea that the Bible is an unruly and uncontrollable text that has been colonized by church, synagogue, and state. Powerfully argues that the Bible needs to be rescued from its abuse by the religious and political right Considers the history of revolutionary readings of the Bible, from Gerrard Winstanley to the present Urges a role for the Bible in a new «worldly left»: an alliance between the religious and secular left that can promote more progressive readings of the text Concludes by offering a «political myth» from the Bible that condemns oppression, imagines a better society and celebrates the biblical themes of opposition and chaos.

Öåíà: 12808.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470765814


Responsibility at Work. How Leading Professionals Act (or Don t Act) Responsibly
Responsibility at Work. How Leading Professionals Act (or Don't Act) Responsibly

Àâòîð: Howard Gardner

Filled with original essays by Howard Gardner, William Damon, Mihaly Csikszenthmihalyi, and Jeanne Nakamura and based on a large-scale research project, the GoodWork® Project, Responsibility at Work reflects the information gleaned from in-depth interviews with more than 1,200 people from nine different professions—journalism, genetics, theatre, higher education, philanthropy, law, medicine, business, and pre-collegiate education. The book reveals how motivation, culture, and professional norms can intersect to produce work that is personally, socially, and economically beneficial. At the heart of the study is the revelation that the key to good work is responsilibilty—taking ownership for one’s work and its wider impact.

Öåíà: 3125.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470175804


Rethinking Christian Identity. Doctrine and Discipleship
Rethinking Christian Identity. Doctrine and Discipleship

Àâòîð: Medi Volpe Ann

Recent decades have seen major shifts in our understanding of Christian identity. This timely book explores contemporary theological theory in asking what makes a Christian in the twenty-first century. Engages with developments in contemporary theological thought, assessing the work of leading figures Rowan Williams, John Milbank, and Kathryn Tanner Challenges accepted ideas of Christian identity by revealing largely unexplored perspectives on how sin affects its formation Contributes to vexed debates about Christian identity at a time when Christianity is expanding in some regions, yet in decline in many parts of the Western world

Öåíà: 11372.33 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118255643


Rewritten Theology
Rewritten Theology

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Responding to the recent upsurge of interest in Thomas Aquinas, this book goes straight to the heart of the contemporary debates about Thomism. Focuses on the concept of authority, both in terms of Aquinas’s own attitude to authority, and how the Church authorities have used Aquinas’s texts. Engages with appropriations of Aquinas’s work by a range of theologians, from liberal Catholics to the creators of radical orthodoxy. Argues for future readings of Aquinas which are substantially different from those which have gone before.

Öåíà: 14796.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470775387


Scripture and Metaphysics
Scripture and Metaphysics

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

This book makes a major contribution to contemporary theological and philosophical debates, bridging scriptural and metaphysical approaches to the triune God. Bridges the gap between scriptural and metaphysical approaches to biblical narratives. Retrieves Aquinas’s understanding of theology as contemplative wisdom. Structured around Aquinas’s treatise on the triune God in his ‘Summa Theologiae’. Argues that intellectual contemplation is part of a broader spiritual journey towards a better understanding of God. Contributes to the current resurgence of Thomistic theology in both Protestant and Catholic circles.

Öåíà: 16453.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781405143677


Seven Years to Seven Figures. The Fast-Track Plan to Becoming a Millionaire
Seven Years to Seven Figures. The Fast-Track Plan to Becoming a Millionaire

Àâòîð: Michael Masterson

In Seven Years to Seven Figures, self-made millionaire and renowned wealth coach Michael Masterson reveals the steps you can take to accumulate seven-figure wealth within seven years—or less. Seven Years to Seven Figures will give you the tools to increase your income, get the highest possible returns on investments, save wisely—and secure your financial future faster than you may have ever dreamed.

Öåíà: 1651.45 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470107812


Signs and Wonders. Why Pentecostalism Is the World s Fastest Growing Faith
Signs and Wonders. Why Pentecostalism Is the World's Fastest Growing Faith

Àâòîð: Paul Alexander

Combining personal stories and sound scholarship, Paul Alexander, a young scholar with a Pentecostal background, examines the phenomenal worldwide success of Pentecostalism. While most other works on the subject are either for academics or believers, this book speaks to a broader audience. Interweaving stories of his own and his family's experiences with an account of Pentecostalism's history and tenets, Alexander provides a unique and accessible perspective on the movement.

Öåíà: 2977.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470456378


Social Ethics in the Making
Social Ethics in the Making

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

In the early 1880s, proponents of what came to be called “the social gospel” founded what is now known as social ethics. This ambitious and magisterial book describes the tradition of social ethics: one that began with the distinctly modern idea that Christianity has a social-ethical mission to transform the structures of society in the direction of social justice. Charts the story of social ethics – the idea that Christianity has a social-ethical mission to transform society – from its roots in the nineteenth century through to the present day Discusses and analyzes how different traditions of social ethics evolved in the realms of the academy, church, and general public Looks at the wide variety of individuals who have been prominent exponents of social ethics from academics and self-styled “public intellectuals” through to pastors and activists Set to become the definitive reference guide to the history and development of social ethics Recipient of a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title for 2009 award

Öåíà: 20982.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781444305777


Sommario Di ”Padre Ricco Padre Povero”
Sommario Di ”Padre Ricco Padre Povero”

Àâòîð: Readtrepreneur Publishing

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835404163


Studia Culturae. Òîì 2 (40) 2019
Studia Culturae. Òîì 2 (40) 2019

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

 î÷åðåäíîé âûïóñê íàó÷íîãî ðåöåíçèðóåìîãî æóðíàëà «Studia Culturae» âîøëè íàó÷íûå ñòàòüè, ïîñâÿùåííûå èçó÷åíèþ àêòóàëüíûõ ïðîáëåì òåîðèè è èñòîðèè êóëüòóðû, ôèëîñîôèè êóëüòóðû, ýñòåòèêè è ôèëîñîôèè èñêóññòâà, èñòîðèè è êóëüòóðîëîãè îáëàñòíè÷åñòâà. Èçäàíèå ïðåäíàçíà÷åíî äëÿ âñåõ, èíòåðåñóþùèõñÿ ôèëîñîôèåé, êóëüòóðîé è èñêóññòâîì.

Ñåðèÿ: Æóðíàë «Studia Culturae»

Öåíà: 49.9 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2019


Studying Comics and Graphic Novels
Studying Comics and Graphic Novels

Àâòîð: Karin Kukkonen

This introduction to studying comics and graphic novels is a structured guide to a popular topic. It deploys new cognitive methods of textual analysis and features activities and exercises throughout. Deploys novel cognitive approaches to analyze the importance of psychological and physical aspects of reader experience Carefully structured to build a sequenced, rounded introduction to the subject Includes study activities, writing exercises, and essay topics throughout Dedicated chapters cover popular sub-genres such as autobiography and literary adaptation

Öåíà: 12482.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118499870


Sur Des Sentiers Solitaires De Poussi?re Et Autres Histoires
Sur Des Sentiers Solitaires De Poussi?re Et Autres Histoires

Àâòîð: Gift Foraine Amukoyo

Je venais de dire ? mon mari qu’il ne m’avait jamais amen? ? ce stade, que je me branlais pour apaiser l'envie de lui qui ?tait encore insatisfaite, que j'aurais fr?mit ? ses coups mous et ? ses pouss?es lentes, pour me faire crier son nom d'extase. Il quitta ? la h?te mes cuisses ?cart?es et m’accusa d’infid?lit?. – Qui est donc l’homme avec lequel tu as couch? ? Il m’aboya dessus, et il me tra?na par les cheveux hors du lit jusqu’? la salle ? manger. Il exigea que je jure sur la Sainte Bible sur la table centrale qu’aucun homme ne m’avait besogn?e en dehors de lui. Sur Des Sentiers Solitaires de Poussi?re et autres histoires est un recueil de quinze nouvelles impr?gn?es de frictions intrigantes de la soci?t? moderne. Ces histoires centr?es sur les personnages et l’intrigue dressent le portrait intransigeant d’?l?ments qui agitent la soci?t? et les individualit?s humaines. C’est une tumultueuse s?quence de th?mes universels suivant les luttes humaines, l’acceptation des valeurs et le renouvellement des normes. Les th?mes transpirent l’amour, la col?re, la frustration, la culture, l’audace, le crime, le d?nigrement humain, la discrimination de genre, l’espoir, la survie, la d?couverte de soi et la crise d’identit?, l’?mancipation politique et plus. L’humour est pourtant pr?sent dans ce recueil de reflexion ininterrompue, parsemant le texte comme un brumisateur humoristique.

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835413608


Sustainable Infrastructure. The Guide to Green Engineering and Design
Sustainable Infrastructure. The Guide to Green Engineering and Design

Àâòîð: S. Sarte Bry

As more factors, perspectives, and metrics are incorporated into the planning and building process, the roles of engineers and designers are increasingly being fused together. Sustainable Infrastructure explores this trend with in-depth look at sustainable engineering practices in an urban design as it involves watershed master-planning, green building, optimizing water reuse, reclaiming urban spaces, green streets initiatives, and sustainable master-planning. This complete guide provides guidance on the role creative thinking and collaborative team-building play in meeting solutions needed to affect a sustainable transformation of the built environment.

Öåíà: 9941.81 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470912935


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