духовная литература (страница 5)

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Человек. Кто он
Человек. Кто он

Автор: Владимир Филиппович Токарев

Владимир Филиппович Токарев, врач, организатор здравоохранения высшей категории с 37-лет. стажем практической работы в качестве руководителя лечебно-профилактических учреждений различной мощности и ведомственной принадлежности. В ноябре 2000 года в Кировской газете «Из-Вестник» опубликовал статью «Начало пути. Новое мышление», полный текст которой был напечатан в шести номерах газеты под заголовком «Тонкое тело». В ней была сделана первая попытка привлечь внимание читателей к необходимости переосмысления всеми нами той цели, с которой человек появляется на свет, и на этой основе, с начала третьего тысячелетия, общими усилиями приступить к формированию нового пути человеческого развития, нового мышления. В 2006 году в издательстве «Дом печати – ВЯТКА» вышла его книга «Возвращение к первоистокам. Человекология». Книга «Звоню в колокола. Услышьте!», вышедшая в 2017 году, является логическим продолжением темы о Человеке как Личности в её первозданном виде, состоящей из Духа, души и тела.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Человек. Кто он
Человек. Кто он

Автор: Владимир Филиппович Токарев

Владимир Филиппович Токарев, врач, организатор здравоохранения высшей категории с 37-лет. стажем практической работы в качестве руководителя лечебно-профилактических учреждений различной мощности и ведомственной принадлежности. В ноябре 2000 года в Кировской газете "Из-Вестник" опубликовал статью "Начало пути. Новое мышление", полный текст которой был напечатан в шести номерах газеты под заголовком "Тонкое тело". В ней была сделана первая попытка привлечь внимание читателей к необходимости переосмысления всеми нами той цели, с которой человек появляется на свет, и на этой основе, с начала третьего тысячелетия, общими усилиями приступить к формированию нового пути человеческого развития, нового мышления. В 2006 году в издательстве «Дом печати – ВЯТКА» вышла его книга «Возвращение к первоистокам. Человекология». Книга «Звоню в колокола. Услышьте!», вышедшая в 2017 году, является логическим продолжением темы о Человеке как Личности в её первозданном виде, состоящей из Духа, души и тела.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Чудесный нектар славы Шри Нитьянанды Прабху Шри Шри Нитьянанда Махимамритам
Чудесный нектар славы Шри Нитьянанды Прабху Шри Шри Нитьянанда Махимамритам

Автор: Говинда Госвами

Божественные деяния Шри Нитьянанды Прабху, как они описаны в беседах с Его Божественной Милостью Шрилой Бхакти Сундаром Говиндой Дев-Госвами Махараджем К этой книге прилагаются оригинальные санскритские стихотворения, киртаны и молитвы, славящие Господа Нитьянанду.

Серия: Слово Учителя

Цена: 99.9 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98361-069-9



Автор: Шрила Бхактивинод Тхакур

Цена: 29.9 руб.
Год: 2007


Шекспир драмалари: Макбет. Юлий Цезарь. Жанжалкашнинг тийилиши. Венециялик савдогар. ирол Лир. Б рон
Шекспир драмалари: Макбет. Юлий Цезарь. Жанжалкашнинг тийилиши. Венециялик савдогар. Қирол Лир. Бўрон

Автор: Шекспир Уильям

Ҳар бир халқнинг маънавияти ўзга халқлар адабиёти, санъатидан баҳраманд бўлиш орқали қувватланиб боради. Бу борада эса бадиий таржималарнинг аҳамияти беқиёсдир… Драмаларда тирикликнинг устуни – яхшилик, меҳр-оқибат, ишонч, одамийлик, вафо, муҳаббат эканлиги ўз аксини топган.

Цена: 112.89 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-08-932-7


Шри Брахма-самхита
Шри Брахма-самхита

Автор: Сборник

«Брахма-самхита» – один из древнейших священных текстов, представляющий теистический взгляд на мироздание. Несмотря на сложность и философскую глубину этой небольшой книги, она признается своего рода азбукой. В ней раскрываются основные положения вайшнавской философии и в сжатой форме представлено духовное знание Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху. Значительной книгу делают подробные комментарии к ее стихам вайшнавского мыслителя начала XX века Шрилы Бхактивинода Тхакура. Еще одна уникальная черта этого издания состоит в том, что в его осуществлении принимало участие несколько вайшнавских миссий. Книга бесценна для тех, кто избрал путь преданности Богу и стремится следовать ему. Но она будет интересна и для ученых, философов и религиоведов, а также всех тех, кто находится в духовном поиске.

Цена: 99.9 руб.


Шри Гуру и Его Милость
Шри Гуру и Его Милость

Автор: Свами Б. Р. Шридхар

Шрила Шридхар Махарадж по праву считается мыслителем, раскрывшим всю глубину идей служения Богу в преданности и обретения на этом пути безграничной любви и подлинного счастья. Настоящая книга поможет каждому серьезному и искреннему читателю раскрыть таинства отношений ученика и духовного учителя, Гуру. Гуру имеет два проявления в этом мире. Он открывается для каждого живого существа как внутренний Гуру, голос сердца или совести. Но в нашем обусловленном, зависимом от всего поверхностного состоянии мы можем заблуждаться, принимая за голос сердца ложные представления своего ума. Поэтому милостивое проявление Бога в образе совершенного духовного наставника – единственная надежда и поддержка для нас. Однако прийти к подлинному учителю и правильно понять его наставления через служение мы можем только по милости нашего внутреннего Гуру. Это тот чистый голос сердца, который нас никогда не обманет и укажет верный путь.

Исполнители: Кришнапада Дас

Цена: 180 руб.


Шри Чайтанья Бхагавата. Деяния Шри Чайтаньи. Ади-кханда. Том 1
Шри Чайтанья Бхагавата. Деяния Шри Чайтаньи. Ади-кханда. Том 1

Автор: Шрила Вриндаван дас Тхакур

Поэма «Шри Чайтанья Бхагавата» – подлинный шедевр религиозной мысли и мировой литературы. Она рассказывает о жизни и учении Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху – проповедника чистой любви к Богу, совершившего настоящий переворот в духовной жизни Индии. Чайтанья Махапрабху почитается последователями как Верховная Личность Бога. Автор поэмы Шрила Вриндаван дас Тхакур – современник Шри Чайтаньи и ученик его ближайшего сподвижника Ннтьянанды Прабху. Поэма воспевает первую половину жизни Махапрабху и состоит из трех частей: «Ади-кханда», «Мадхья-кханда» и «Антья-кханда». Данное издание представляет собой первую часть поэмы. Книга содержит оригинальный бенгальский текст, транслитерацию (выделена курсивом), перевод на русский язык (выделен жирным шрифтом) и комментарии Шрилы Бхактисиддханты Сарасвати Тхакура – великого мыслителя, проповедника вайшнавизма и религиозного реформатора XIX века. Основой перевода стало первое издание книги, опубликованное Шри Чайтанья Гаудия Матхом в 1987 г.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2006
ISBN: 5-98361-016-3


Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху: его жизнь и наставления
Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху: его жизнь и наставления

Автор: Шрила Бхактивинод Тхакур

К XV-му веку религия (не только в Индии, но и в Европе) стала такой же разобщенной, как и общество, – считалось, что чем выше социальный статус человека, тем больше у него прав на доступ к божественной истине и тем больше у него шансов достичь царства Божия. Даже представители высшей касты в индийском обществе – брахманы – разделились на группы и по-разному толковали священные тексты. Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху – великий вайшнавский святой, аватара (воплощение) Кришны, пришел в этот мир в 1486 году. Цель всей Его жизни – установить новый стандарт поклонения Богу. Каста, уровень достатка, прошлые поступки – ничего не имеет значения. Милость Бога проливается на каждого, и каждый может развить в себе прему – чистую искреннюю любовь к Богу. Махапрабху объединил десятки тысяч людей по всей Индии в движении санкиртаны – совместного воспевания имен Бога. Последователи распространили его идеи по всему миру. Эта книга кратко представляет биографию Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху и основные идеи его учения. Тем, кого заинтересуют философия и необычные деяния великого вайшнавского святого, рекомендуем также к прочтению «Шри Чайтанья Бхагавату».

Исполнители: Сергей Русскин

Цена: 180 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98361-191-7


Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху: его жизнь и наставления
Шри Чайтанья Махапрабху: его жизнь и наставления

Автор: Шрила Бхактивинод Тхакур

Жизнь и наставления Шри Чайтаньи Махапрабху

Цена: 79.98 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98361-191-7


Шрила Гуру Махарадж. Его божественные деяния и наставления
Шрила Гуру Махарадж. Его божественные деяния и наставления

Автор: Шрипад Б.А. Сагар Махарадж

Шрила Гуру Махарадж: его божественные деяния и наставления вкратце.

Цена: 49.9 руб.
Год: 2007


Экология Души
Экология Души

Автор: Сергей Александрович Петрюков

Экология это наука, изучающая основные природные закономерности, взаимодействия живых и неживых организмов. Но человек является неотъемлемой частью природы, а его Душа на протяжении всей жизни играет партию, где фигурами являются наш разум, воля, чувства, эмоции, желания, стремления… Как правильно их выстроить, делать верные и точные ходы, пожинать плоды победы и успеха в жизни, повествует эта книга !

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


A Traveller’s Life
A Traveller’s Life

Автор: Eric Newby

A chronicle of travels, some homely some exotic, from the man who can make a schoolboy holiday in Swanage as colourful as a walk in the Hindu Kush.Eric Newby's life of travel began in 1919, on pram-ride adventures with his mother into the dark streets of Barnes and the chaotic jungles of Harrods, and progressed to solo, school-bound adventures around the slums of darkest Hammersmith. His interest piqued, Newby's wanderlust snowballed, and his adventures multiplied, as he navigated the London sewer system, bicycled to Italy and meandered the wilds of New York's Broadway. Whether travelling abroad as a high-fashion buyer for a British department store or for pure adventure as a travel writer, even when reluctantly participating in a tiger shoot in India, Newby chronicles his adventures with verve, humour and infectious enthusiasm.After nine years as the travel editor for the Observer, Newby reluctantly gave up the post, eschewing the new form of human-as-freight travel. However, this change was certainly no pity for his readers, as the latter-day Newby continued on his unwavering quest for fascinating detail and adventure wherever he roamed, whether on two feet or two wheels. ‘A Traveller's Life’ chronicles the incredible adventures of one of the best-loved tour guides in the history of travel writing.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007508167


An Angel in Your Pocket
An Angel in Your Pocket

Автор: Rosemary Guiley Ellen

They don’t wear wings, they don’t live on clouds, but they do come into our lives. Angels are more than figments of our imagination – they are real and have changed the lives of many ordinary people.Throughout history artists have painted them, poets have written about them, and films have portrayed them. This beautiful gift book looks at the history of angels and how they have been depicted throughout history. It answers many questions, such as `who are they? what are they? and where do they come from?’ This pocket guide will include:the history of angels• how they have been depicted throughout history• the changing image of angels• Guardian angels and spirit guides• how angels come among us

Цена: 370.9 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388462


An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore
An Angel Treasury: A Celestial Collection of Inspirations, Encounters and Heavenly Lore

Автор: Jacky Newcomb

The ultimate guide to all things angelic from the UK's leading angel expert.Contents:This unique compendium tells you everything you ever wanted to know about angels. Acknowledged angel expert ‘The Angel Lady’ offers a wealth of facts, real-life angel stories, tips, advice, angelic inspiration and background information.This ultimate angelic guide is designed to be dipped into whenever inspiration strikes – the perfect gift for anyone wanting to know how to bring angelic wisdom and magic into their lives.From real-life stories of angel encounters to instructions on how to communicate with your own guardian angel, this book will appeal to the serious angel investigator and the new explorer alike.Includes quotes about angels from history and literature as well as information on:• The different angels you will encounter• Angel Almanac• Healing with the angels• Angel astrology• Angel names and their meanings• Hierarchy and Fallen Angels• Angels in culture• Working and communicating with angels

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007396030


Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you ve always been looking for
Are You Psychic?: Find the answers you've always been looking for

Автор: Dorothy Chitty

Psychic Dorothy Chitty shares her experiences of the spirit world and gives practical exercises, interwoven with powerful inspirational stories, to show how you can open up to your own intuitive gifts. Tap in to universal wisdom every day to create the life you were destined to lead.Contents:• Dorothy reveals how she developed her psychic abilities, and shares her incredible personal encounters with guides, spirits, earth beings, and beings from other worlds• What really happens when we die? The secrets of life after death, according to the spirits.• Practical exercises that really work, on how anyone can tap into their own gifts of intuition to see the future and attract the right people to you.• Freewill and your destiny – how to contact your guides to help you follow your destined path.• How healing with the spirits is all powerful.• Ways to communicate with animals on a deeper level.• How child spirits can help us recover our childhood memories of the spirit world.• A highly personal and practical book for anybody looking for answers from the spirit world.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007373062


Aryans and We
Aryans and We

Автор: Archi Devi Dasi (Ekmekchjan Adelaida)

Community living arrangements require correct understanding of human psychology. Daily wants of a human are not different from those of animals, but a human inherently is gifted with much more developed intelligence. If a human is another species with the purpose to assure existence by means of natural selection, then the question arises: why are we given the intelligence and the emotional life which do not stop searching for recipes of happiness and justice? Every nation at some point of its evolution feels as having found this recipe. What was it like for the Aryans? The Aryans are among those rare nations with the culture addressing the inner life of all living beings in this creation. This Book invites you to travel to the world of the Aryans. Hope, it will be enjoyable and helpful. We are sure that every “traveler” will be delighted at and respectful of the inner life of the Aryans and will find solutions for many psychological problems which hitherto have seemed nonsolvable.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2007


At the Close of Play
At the Close of Play

Автор: Ricky Ponting

Love him or loathe him, Ricky Ponting is one of the biggest names in cricket, having been at the heart of so many memorable Ashes and Test encounters over the years. Coinciding with the end of Ponting’s spectacular career, ‘At the Close of Play’ is a must-read for all cricket fans.For so long the scourge of English cricket, Ricky Ponting – unarguably one of cricket’s all-time greats – looks back on the story of his remarkable life and career.With his customary honesty and candour, Ponting reflects on a lifetime at the crease – from childhood prodigy to the highs and lows of his extraordinary international career.But beyond the triumphs, scandals and his own private struggle to maintain his later form, this remarkable autobiography will offer rare insights into an elite sporting career with Ricky’s reflections on leadership, captaincy, winning, defeat, competitiveness, teamwork, the greats of the game and the lessons learned at the helm of Australia’s cricket team.This autobiography, of a very private man, and one who the English public loved to hate, will resonate with lovers of cricket as well as anyone who strives to reach the top of their chosen field.

Цена: 534.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544776


Cartes de poblament valencianes modernes
Cartes de poblament valencianes modernes

Автор: AAVV

Aquest ?s el primer volum d'una obra que, de manera novedosa, edita exhaustivament les cartes de poblaci? valencianes dels segles XVI-XVIII. Les cartes pobles s?n els documents que utilitz? el poder feudal (monarquia, noblesa laica i eclesi?stica) per a dirigir els processos de repoblament i colonitzaci?. Durant el temps de les conquestes medievals de les terres d'Al-?ndalus foren un instrument usual en el marc del que anomenem la repoblaci? dels segles XII al XIV, i el mateix torn? a passar en un episodi crucial i traum?tic com l'expulsi? dels moriscos valencians al principi del segle XVII. Per? cal tenir en compte que tamb? foren utilitzades per la noblesa o la corona al llarg dels segles en processos m?s locals de fundaci? de noves viles i localitats, de la posada en explotaci? de zones no cultivades fins aleshores i, en general, per regular o modificar les condicions de poblament dels vassalls d'una senyoria concreta.

Серия: Fonts Hist?riques Valencianes

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9788437098487


Collins French Visual Dictionary
Collins French Visual Dictionary

Автор: Collins Dictionaries

Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in French! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to French language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains a French-English and English-French Index.Everyday words are arranged by theme with attractive, up-to-date images to guide you.Each topic presents the most practical phrases to support your first steps in French.Helpful cultural and country information is included to enhance your appreciation of France and its people.Sections Include:The EssentialsTransportIn The HomeAt the ShopsDay to Day LifeLeisureSport and FitnessHealthTechnologyPlanet EarthCelebrations and Festivals

Цена: 990.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780008319991


Come Play With Me Again: A Mischief Erotica Collection
Come Play With Me Again: A Mischief Erotica Collection

Автор: Justine Elyot

The sequel to our most popular collection of original erotica.Ten new erotica stories from Mischief’s celebrated authors exploring sexual fantasies.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008190255


Der bleierne Sarg
Der bleierne Sarg

Автор: Thomas Frankenfeld

Mehr als drei Jahrhunderte lang hat das Grauen ?berdauert, eingeschlossen in einen bleiernen Sarg. Eine Chim?re –ein t?dlicher Erreger aus den Zeiten des Drei?igj?hrigen Kriegs, setzt eine skrupellose Terror-Organisation ein, um einen Massenm?rder aus der Haft freizupressen. In einem verzweifelten Rennen gegen die Zeit versuchen ein Arch?ologe und eine Kieler Hauptkommissarin die Drahtzieher aufzusp?ren und zugleich uralte Aufzeichnungen zu finden, die bei der Entwicklung eines Medikamentes helfen k?nnen. W?hrenddessen sterben immer mehr Menschen … Bioterrorismus gilt neben dem Atomkrieg als gr??te Gefahr f?r die Menschheit. In diesem erschreckend aktuellen und packenden Thriller hat Thomas Frankenfeld diese Bedrohung verarbeitet. W?hrend ihrer Suche geraten die beiden Protagonisten immer wieder inK?mpfe auf Leben und Tod, die beklemmend realistisch geschildert werden. Ein spannender und beeindruckend recherchierter Thriller mit vielen unerwarteten Wendungen.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783831910366


Diversify: A fierce, accessible, empowering guide to why a more open society means a more successful one
Diversify: A fierce, accessible, empowering guide to why a more open society means a more successful one

Автор: June Sarpong

‘A handbook for these troubled times’ Psychologies Magazine’Engaging and informative … highlights our common humanity’ Kofi Annan‘A passionately written polemic’ You MagazineThe truth is, inclusion is better for everyone. In this empowering call to arms, June Sarpong MBE proves why. Putting the spotlight on groups who are often marginalised in our society, including women, ethnic minorities, those living with disabilities, and the LGBTQ+ community, Diversify uncovers the hidden cost of exclusion and shows how a new approach to how we learn, live and do business can solve some of the most stubborn challenges we face.With unshakeable case studies, brand-new research from Oxford University, and six revolutionary steps to help you overcome unconscious bias, this book will help you become part of a better society.The old way isn’t working. This is a case for change.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008217051


Dostoevsky, Berdyaev, and Shestov. Three Russian Apostles of Freedom
Dostoevsky, Berdyaev, and Shestov. Three Russian Apostles of Freedom

Автор: Daniel Francis McNeill

Dostoevsky held on stubbornly to only what a free examination of what was human in himself revealed. Lev Shestov wrote, “To enter the world of the human soul in order to subordinate it to the laws that exist for the outside world means to voluntarily renounce in advance the right to see everything there and accept everything". In "The Brothers Karamazov" , Dostoevsky revealed that God himself demands that man be free. Nicholas Berdyaev wrote, “In true humanity not only is the nature of man revealed but God Himself is revealed also." Three great thinkers reveal the authentic path to freedom.

Цена: 59.9 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-532-04954-3


Fairy Magic: All about fairies and how to bring their magic into your life
Fairy Magic: All about fairies and how to bring their magic into your life

Автор: Rosemary Guiley Ellen

Fairy Magic provides practical instruction for seeing, communicating and working with fairies and is a natural companion to Rosemary Ellen Guiley’s An Angel in Your Pocket and Margaret Neylon’s Angel Magic.This ebook explains the fairy realm and provides material for communicating with fairies. Drawing upon her personal experiences with fairies and scholarly research, this mini guide includes:Fairies’ relationship to angelsFairy tales and folkloreHow to see fairiesCommunicating and working with fairiesFavours for fairies, their favourite foodsHousehold fairiesGarden fairiesFairies of naturePlanetary fairiesHealing work with fairiesThe special relationship between children and fairies

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388486


Grossopedia: A Startling Collection of Repulsive Trivia You Won’t Want to Know!
Grossopedia: A Startling Collection of Repulsive Trivia You Won’t Want to Know!

Автор: Rachel Federman

GRUESOME, DISGUSTING, AND ABSOLUTELY VILE! Loaded with hundreds of disgusting, repulsive, gruesome, and loathsome facts, this is by far the foulest collection of trivia around. Try not to gag as your read about bad breath, bile, burps, ear wax, scabs, sneezes, snot, spit, and sweat. Avert your eyes or discover the truth about flesh-eating bacteria, maggots, sour milk, rotten fruit, and toe jam. With gross-out facts about animals, the human body, the environment, cultures around the world, and the nasties of your very own home, you won’t be able to stop reading – though maybe you’ll wish you had! GROSS TOPICS: Animal kingdom, including fire-ant nests and shark’s spiral poop Human body, including bad breath, farts, pus, and rigor mortis Around the house, including dead skin cells and pillow mites History, including Black Plague and guillotine clean-up Environment, including the amount of pee in public pools, litter in outer space, and sewage in oceans Disgusting customs, including being buried alive, maggot-infested-cheese, and the Moose Dropping Festival Medicine, including maggot therapy and uses of crocodile poop

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007519453


Guided By Angels: Part 3 of 3: There Are No Goodbyes, My Tour of the Spirit World
Guided By Angels: Part 3 of 3: There Are No Goodbyes, My Tour of the Spirit World

Автор: Paddy McMahon

Guided by Angels can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 eBook-only parts.This is PART 3 of 3 (Chapters 11-17 of 17).Have you ever wondered if there is there life after death? Where do people go when they die? Whether it’s possible to keep in contact with your loved ones after they die? And are they able to help you? Will you meet them again? Guided by Angels provides answers and comfort for all of these questions, and more.For decades, Paddy McMahon has acted as a bridge between the spiritual and human realms, helping people to connect with their angels, or spirit guides. He believes that we are born with spiritual connections to one or more angels, and if we want their help in life we need to be open to receiving their assistance.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007577682


Guided By Angels: Part 1 of 3: There Are No Goodbyes, My Tour of the Spirit World
Guided By Angels: Part 1 of 3: There Are No Goodbyes, My Tour of the Spirit World

Автор: Paddy McMahon

Guided by Angels can either be read as a full-length eBook or in 3 eBook-only parts.This is PART 1 of 3 (Chapters 1-4 of 17).Have you ever wondered if there is there life after death? Where do people go when they die? Whether it’s possible to keep in contact with your loved ones after they die? And are they able to help you? Will you meet them again? Guided by Angels provides answers and comfort for all of these questions, and more.For decades, Paddy McMahon has acted as a bridge between the spiritual and human realms, helping people to connect with their angels, or spirit guides. He believes that we are born with spiritual connections to one or more angels, and if we want their help in life we need to be open to receiving their assistance.

Цена: Бесплатно
ISBN: 9780007577675


Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis

Автор: J. Vance D

A SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERWaterstones Nonfiction Book of the Month (June)‘THE POLITICAL BOOK OF THE YEAR’ Sunday Times‘You will not read a more important book about America this year’ Economist‘A memoir of life in the Trump-voting white working class is the political book of the year’ Sunday Times‘Hillbilly Elegy’ is a passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis – that of white working-class Americans. The decline of this group, a demographic of the United States that has been slowly disintegrating over forty years, has been reported on with growing frequency and alarm, but has never before been written about as searingly from the inside. J. D. Vance tells the true story of what a social, regional, and class decline feels like when you were born with it hung around your neck.The Vance family story begins hopefully in post-war America. J. D.’s grandparents were “dirt poor and in love,” and moved north from Kentucky’s Appalachia region to Ohio in the hopes of escaping the dreadful poverty around them. They raised a middle-class family, and eventually their grandchild (the author) would graduate from Yale Law School, a conventional marker of their success in achieving generational upward mobility.But as the family saga of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ plays out, we learn that this is only the short, superficial version. Vance’s grandparents, aunt, uncle, sister, and, most of all, his mother, struggled profoundly with the demands of their new middle-class life, and were never able to fully escape the legacy of abuse, alcoholism, poverty, and trauma so characteristic of their part of America. Vance piercingly shows how he himself still carries around the demons of their chaotic family history.A deeply moving memoir with its share of humour and vividly colourful figures, ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of the country.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008219758


How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are
How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are

Автор: Филип Болл

A cutting-edge examination of what it means to be human and to have a 'self' in the face of new scientific developments in cloning, gene-splicing and neural downloading.After seeing his own cells used to grow clumps of new neurons – essentially mini-brains – Philip Ball begins to examine the concepts of identity and consciousness. Delving into humanity's deep evolutionary past to look at how complex creatures like us emerged from single-celled life, he offers a new perspective on how humans think about ourselves. In an age when we are increasingly encouraged to regard the 'self' as an abstract sequence of genetic information, or as a pattern of neural activity that might be 'downloaded' to a computer, I return us to the body – to flesh and blood – and anchor a conception of personhood in this unique and ephemeral mortal coil. How to Build a Human brings us back to ourselves – but in doing so, it challenges old preconceptions and values. It asks us to rethink how we exist in the world.

Цена: 2473.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780008331795


In the Night Wood
In the Night Wood

Автор: Dale Bailey

A FOREST. A BOOK. A MISSING GIRL.Charles Hayden has been fascinated by a strange Victorian fairy tale, In the Night Wood, since he was a child. When his wife, Erin – a descendant of the author – inherits her ancestor’s house, the couple decide to make it their home. Still mourning the recent death of their daughter, they leave America behind, seeking a new beginning in the English countryside.But Hollow House, filled with secrets and surrounded by an ancient oak forest, is a place where the past seems very much alive. Isolated among the trees, Charles and Erin begin to feel themselves haunted – by echoes of the stories in the house’s library, by sightings of their daughter, and by something else, as old and dark as the forest around them.A compelling and atmospheric gothic thriller, In the Night Wood reveals the chilling power of myth and memory.

Цена: 1153.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780008329174


Indian Head Massage: Discover the power of touch
Indian Head Massage: Discover the power of touch

Автор: Narendra Mehta

Ebook edition of the hardback bestseller. A full colour, step by step guide to the techniques and secrets of Indian Head Massage.Discover the secret of Indian head massage and feel fabulous.Indian Head Massage is a wonderfully relaxing therapy that involves massage of the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face. The massage is safe, simple to learn and effective. It can provide relief from aches and pains and stress symptoms, promote hair growth, soothe, comfort and rebalance your skin and give you a sense of deep calmness and tranquility.This book looks at the history of Indian Head Massage, introduces the power and importance of touch and takes you step by step through the basic methods of champissage. Each step is fully illustrated and there are clear instructions for different massage techniques for the upper back, shoulders, neck, head and face – all of which you can practice on yourself, or with a partner.Learn how a simple circular temple rub can release your tension headache, how to ‘iron down’ into a state of relaxation, and how to send a tingle down your lover’s spine with a sensual ear massage.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780007404407


La Mentalidad Del Empresario
La Mentalidad Del Empresario

Автор: Willink Timothy

?Qu? te impide el ?xito que tanto deseas? ?Es tu mentalidad o tus habilidades? Contin?a leyendo… Siempre has querido empezar tu propio negocio. Pero el miedo, la duda y la falta de confianza en ti mismo siempre se te quedan grabados en la mente. Para ser un empresario, tienes que pensar como tal. Y eso requiere los pasos y el conocimiento necesarios. Este libro ”La mentalidad del empresario” revela un m?todo efectivo que puedes aplicar f?cilmente para empezar a reinventarte. Una vez que trabaje en una nueva mentalidad, sus objetivos ser?n m?s f?ciles de alcanzar, y estar? listo para comenzar su nuevo negocio. ?Sab?as que el salario promedio de un fundador es de alrededor de 50.000 d?lares al a?o? Hay 400 millones de empresarios en todo el mundo y, en contra de la creencia popular, los pa?ses m?s emprendedores no son los m?s desarrollados. Uganda y Tailandia encabezan la lista. En estos pa?ses hay m?s necesidades y por eso la gente es m?s inventiva para encontrar soluciones y crear e ?Qu? te impide el ?xito que tanto deseas? ?Es tu mentalidad o tus habilidades? Contin?a leyendo… Siempre has querido empezar tu propio negocio. Pero el miedo, la duda y la falta de confianza en ti mismo siempre se te quedan grabados en la mente. Para ser un empresario, tienes que pensar como tal. Y eso requiere los pasos y el conocimiento necesarios. Este libro ”La mentalidad del empresario” revela un m?todo efectivo que puedes aplicar f?cilmente para empezar a reinventarte. Una vez que trabaje en una nueva mentalidad, sus objetivos ser?n m?s f?ciles de alcanzar, y estar? listo para comenzar su nuevo negocio. ?Sab?as que el salario promedio de un fundador es de alrededor de 50.000 d?lares al a?o? Hay 400 millones de empresarios en todo el mundo y, en contra de la creencia popular, los pa?ses m?s emprendedores no son los m?s desarrollados. Uganda y Tailandia encabezan la lista. En estos pa?ses hay m?s necesidades y por eso la gente es m?s inventiva para encontrar soluciones y crear empresas. Por lo tanto, el secreto para ser un excelente empresario no es la cantidad de diplomas que cuelgan en la pared. En cambio, se trata de la forma en que piensas, tu nivel de confianza y tu deseo inquebrantable de convertirte en un empresario. ”Una vez que tu mentalidad cambie, todo en el exterior cambiar? junto con ella.” – Steve Maraboli Para empezar, este libro ”The Entrepreneur Mindset” te ense?a 7 secretos esenciales para construir una base fuerte de creencias. Aprender?s a eliminar los pensamientos negativos, a tener una actitud fuerte hacia tus metas y sue?os, y a construir una autodisciplina inquebrantable. Si has so?ado despierto con tener tu propio negocio durante mucho tiempo, debes saber que es hora de actuar. Tu futuro depende solo de tu habilidad para creer en ti mismo y luchar por tus metas. Vive la vida que siempre has querido y s? el empresario que siempre supiste que pod?as ser. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina.P.S. ?Qu? te detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de la gente se detiene ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerda, la mejor inversi?n que puedes hacer es en ti mismo. Invierte el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para hacer un salto cu?ntico en tu vida, riqueza, amor y felicidad. ?Act?a ahora!

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835403340


Le Cahier Gnostique : Tome Un
Le Cahier Gnostique : Tome Un

Автор: Lambert Timothy James

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788873046066


Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Автор: B. K. S. Iyengar

Note that due to the limitations of some ereading devices not all diacritical marks can be shown.BKS Iyengar’s translation and commentary on these ancient yoga sutras has been described as the “bible” of yoga.This edition contains an introduction by BKS Iyengar, as well as a foreword by Godfrey Devereux, author of Dynamic Yoga.Patanjali wrote this collection of yoga wisdom over 2,000 years ago. They are amongst the world’s most revered and ancient teachings and are the earliest, most holy yoga reference.The Sutras are short and to the point – each being only a line or two long. BKS Iyengar has translated each one, and provided his own insightful commentary and explanation for modern readers.The Sutras show the reader how we can transform ourselves through the practice of yoga, gradually developing the mind, body and emotions, so we can become spiritually evolved.The Sutras are also a wonderful introduction to the spiritual philosophy that is the foundation of yoga practise.The book is thoroughly cross-referenced, and indexed, resulting in an accessible and helpful book that is of immense value both to students of Indian philosophy and practitioners of yoga.

Цена: 1435.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780007381623


Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying
Manifesto: How To Get What You Want Without Trying

Автор: The Doctor Barefoot

Are you ready to get what you’ve always wanted – more money, a new job, better sex?Self-help guru and Observer columnist Barefoot Doctor brings you his witty and irreverent guide to understanding what you really want and getting it without trying.The Barefoot Doctor has just the prescription of Taoist theory and good old common sense to show you how to manifest exactly what you want!Manifesto is a unique Barefoot Doctor blend of relaxation, visualisation, and affirmation techniques for specific wants. It is written and delivered in true Barefoot Doctor style; variously witty, light hearted, compassionate, sexy, and friendly; full of wisdom and littered with encouragement and insights. It is a powerfully positive, quirky and humorous read. Dip in for daily guidance.Manifesto Includes techniques to clear negative and limiting thought patterns enabling you to change the way you think and feel. it also includes discussions on the topic of human desire, our underlying need to continually improve ourselves, understanding what it is we really want, AND, how we should enjoy the wanting as well as the getting!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007438365


Meditation: The only introduction you’ll ever need
Meditation: The only introduction you’ll ever need

Автор: Christina Feldman

This is the perfect introduction to meditation and covers the five main types of meditative practice, including a series of exercises that will improve and enhance your meditative skills.The ancient practice of meditation affects both mind and body, providing ways to let go of stress and anxiety. Some people meditate because it is part of their spiritual practice, while others simply want to reap the renowned health benefits.Whatever your interest, this practical ebook will help you develop inner peace, still your mind and focus on what you really want from life.Christina Feldman leads you through the five main types of meditation, from mindfulness to visualisation.Using examples from a variety of traditions, she will help you develop your own meditation practice and bring a sense of calm to your busy modern life.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007584581


Namoz o`qish qoidalari
Namoz o`qish qoidalari

Автор: Файзуллоҳ Лутфуллоҳ ўғли, Шайх Абдулазиз МАНСУР

Цена: 113.46 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-03-803-5


Qu? salvar? al mundo. Poes?a, prosa
Qu? salvar? al mundo. Poes?a, prosa

Автор: Протоиерей Олег Штельман

El libro es una colecci?n de poes?a y prosa espiritual del autor. Incluye una historia de los acontecimientos del Evangelio, instrucciones sobre la importancia y el poder de la oraci?n, historias sobre la vida y la fe de los santos de Dios, ejemplos de su ayuda a las personas en situaci?n de necesidad y dolor. Y es tanto el amor, la calidez y la comprensi?n que hay en cada l?nea de estos escritos que nadie puede permanecer indiferente a las palabras que fl uyen desde la profundidad del alma del autor, que curan las heridas del alma, mostrando el camino que conduce a la Luz y al Creador. La colecci?n est? destinada a un amplio c?rculo de lectores. En formato a4.pdf guardado dise?o editorial.

Цена: 119 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-907564-01-5


The Crackler: An Agatha Christie Short Story
The Crackler: An Agatha Christie Short Story

Автор: Агата Кристи

A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.Scotland Yard ask the Beresfords to infiltrate a gang to find the source of counterfeit money. Delighted at the chance to use the methods of Edgar Wallace, they revel in gambling, drinking and the affections of the opposite sex while chasing a trail of crisp counterfeit notes…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007526567


The Dalai Lama’s Book of Transformation
The Dalai Lama’s Book of Transformation

Автор: Далай-лама XIV

A little book to help inspire and transform heart and mind. Teachings such as meditations on generating compassion and calm are the core of this little book that will appeal to the growing number of people inspired by the Dalai Lama.A practical little book, to aid and inspire Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. It includes clear and simple meditation techniques which we can use to transform our attitudes, in order to generate love, compassion, understanding and wisdom. In plain, accessible language, it gives instructions for two meditation practices–lo-jong and tonglen meditation – that release anger and negative emotions and increase our ability to act with kindness.A follow-up to the bestseller The Dalai Lama’s Book of Wisdom this book should have wide appeal to all those seeking more happiness and peace.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007388370


The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace
The Dalai Lama’s Little Book of Inner Peace

Автор: Далай-лама XIV

A wonderful collection of inspirational thoughts on life, death and rebirth, giving the reader an intimate personal portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his own words. This ebook shows us how to embrace love and compassion in our everyday lives.This is a wonderful collection of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s thoughts on a wide range of important subjects, including the world today, the different world views of faith, science and religion and the nature of life, death and rebirth.The first section of the book is autobiographical, providing an intimate personal portrait of the Dalai Lama in his own words, discussing his studies, the invasion of Tibet, his meeting with Mao and his views on everything from travelling in China to his perspective on Gandhi.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007517527


The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychic World: The Ultimate A–Z of Spirits, Mysteries and the Paranormal
The Element Encyclopedia of the Psychic World: The Ultimate A–Z of Spirits, Mysteries and the Paranormal

Автор: Theresa Cheung

This is the definitive A-Z reference book on all things psychic, mysterious and paranormal – the marvels, secrets and mysteries of the visible and the invisible world. This wonderful guide covers everything you could want to know including ghosts, strange phenomena, people, places, events, and ideas.Featuring over 800 A-to-Z entries, this Psychic Encyclopedia is a fascinating compendium of worldwide paranormal activity. With explanations of strange phenomena from both folklore and modern scientific research.Factual information on and explanations of: mediums and spiritualists to near-death experience, ghosts, levitation, telepathy, astral travel, precognition, all forms of divination (tarot, runes, crystal balls, tea leaves, etc.), evidence for the afterlife, contacting spirit guides, haunted sites, famous historical figures, haunted places and documented experiments, and much more.A complete reference of paranormal myth and folklore – and the myths and legends surrounding ghosts and spirits in different cultures throughout the world, from famous ghost stories to various beliefs and superstitions that have taken root in different countries.

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780007387175


The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Hauntings: The Complete A–Z for the Entire Magical World
The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Hauntings: The Complete A–Z for the Entire Magical World

Автор: Theresa Cheung

This is the definitive A-Z reference book on all things psychic, mysterious and paranormal – the marvels, secrets and mysteries of the visible and the invisible world. This wonderful guide covers everything you could want to know including ghosts, strange phenomena, people, places, events, and ideas.Featuring hundreds of A to Z entries, The Element Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Hauntings is a fascinating compendium of worldwide paranormal activity, with explanations of strange phenomena from both folklore and modern scientific research.Featuring factual information on mediums and near–death experiences, ghosts, levitation, telepathy, astral travel, precognition, evidence for the afterlife, spirit guides, haunted sites, famous historical figures, documented experiments, and much more.Learn about the chilling story of Alcatraz prison and why Native Americans believed evil spirits resided there. Get the real story behind 50 Berkley Square, London’s most haunted house in the 19th century. Find out if anyone truly has ESP, how to identify ectoplasm, and why you shouldn’t be frightened if you see a ‘knocker.’A complete reference of paranormal myth and folklore–and the myths and legends surrounding ghosts and spirits in different cultures throughout the world, from famous ghost stories to various beliefs and superstitions that have taken root in different countries.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007385829


The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A–Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A–Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac

Автор: Adele Nozedar

Unlock the lost and hidden meanings of the world's ancient and modern signs and symbols with the latest in the hugely popular series of 'Element Encyclopedias'. This is the biggest A-Z reference book on symbolic objects you'll ever find.From the popular series of 'Element Encyclopedias', this is the largest, most definitive guide to the secret and ancient knowledge of signs and symbols, some of which has been lost over thousands of years.• Why is the eye believed to be a powerful symbol of protection by fishermen?• Why do Masonic Temples have a black and white chequered floor covering?• Why do Hindus use coloured rice powder to draw elaborate symbols in front of their homes, only to have these patterns destroyed every day by footprints?• What are the hidden meanings behind the symbols on the American dollar?• What is the most important symbol in the World?Divided into easy-to-follow A-Z themed sections, the book answers all these questions and more, from sections on Magic and Mystery, Deities and Rituals, the Animal and Plant Kingdom, Landscape and the Elements, to Food and Sacred Geometry.Find out about the secret Demonic alphabet and Script of the Magi, the Glastonbury Zodiac, the Masonic Compass, the Eye of Horus, Native American hunting symbols, the Caduceus and the Indian Diwali ritual.Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols is a fascinating compendium of the hidden meanings behind the most important visual symbols in the world.

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283965


The Four Noble Truths
The Four Noble Truths

Автор: Далай-лама XIV

This book contains the essential guide to some of the central Buddhist teachings based on the recent UK lectures by his holiness.This volume includes:-‘The Four Noble truths’, one of the most central tenets of Tibetan Buddhism.The need to balance spiritual and material values.‘Compassion, the Basis for Human Happiness’

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780007518876


The Ghost Whisperer: A Real-Life Psychic’s Stories
The Ghost Whisperer: A Real-Life Psychic’s Stories

Автор: Katie Coutts

Renowned psychic and ghostbuster Katie Coutts really can talk to ghosts. In this book, she recounts her own ghostly experiences, with spine-tingling and often humorous case studies of notorious and not-so-notorious ghosts. She introduces to the ghosts she has known, from the phantom horseman to the ghost who made the bed!Contents:• Introduction Katie Coutts and her amazing paranormal work.• Katie's own encounters with ghosts, including the Germans soldiers who wouldn't go home and the car that moved by itself.• The ghostly experiences of some of her clients, such as the remorseful nun and the sister that never was.• Famous ghosts – Katie reinterprets many well-known ghost stories.• Ghost stories from readers of Katie's column in the Sun – the best 25 out of the thousands she has received.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008191498


The Intention Experiment: Use Your Thoughts to Change the World
The Intention Experiment: Use Your Thoughts to Change the World

Автор: Lynne McTaggart

Ever wondered if your intentions, prayers or wishes have a real, calculable effect on the world? Here, from Lynne McTaggart, groundbreaking author of ‘The Field’, comes riveting accounts of scientific investigations and real case histories with evidence that we are all connected and our intentions can be harnessed as a collective force for good.For the last 40 years renegade scientists, experimenting with the limits of quantum physics, have made seemingly impossible discoveries. 1966: a lie-detector expert accidentally discovers that plants can read thoughts. 1982: meditating Buddhist monks in the Himalayas turn their bodies into a human furnace. 1994: a psychologist's experiments reveal a stream of light flowing from healers during healing.These events form part of an extraordinary scientific story and revolutionary discovery – that thought is a thing that affects other things.In The Intention Experiment, Lynne McTaggart, author of the international bestseller The Field, joins forces with a team of international, renowned scientists to test the effects of focused group intention on scientifically quantifiable targets – animal, plant and human.The Intention Experiment is a truly revolutionary book that invites you, the reader, to take part in the greatest intention experiment in history. The results of McTaggart's 'global laboratory' started with the focused intention that made a geranium leaf glow to evidence to show that group intention is powerful enough to affect targets more than 5000 miles away and may even affect global warming.These remarkable results prove human thought and intention has the power to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities and improve the planet. This book also shows you how to harness that power to make changes in your own life.

Цена: 1070.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283873


The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan: A Hercule Poirot Short Story
The Jewel Robbery at the Grand Metropolitan: A Hercule Poirot Short Story

Автор: Агата Кристи

A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings are on holiday at the opulent Grand Metropolitan Hotel in Brighton, where they meet the wife of a wealthy stockbroker. As they discuss the jewels worn by Mrs Opalsen, the great detective relates his experiences in cases which have concerned some of the best-known jewels in the world. Excited by his anecdotes, the wealthy matron eagerly offers to show him a very expensive pearl necklace, but when she goes to retrieve it, she discovers that it has been stolen…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007486526


The Journey for Kids: Liberating your Child’s Shining Potential
The Journey for Kids: Liberating your Child’s Shining Potential

Автор: Brandon Bays

An invaluable tool for helping children to overcome any emotional and physical issues, The Journey for Kids presents simple imagery exercises that will appeal to children from 5-12.• This book offers a unique healing experience that will allow your child to feel more comfortable with their emotions and understand and accept their feelings; feelings which may previously have frightened them or held them back. The methods used have also been successful in healing a wide range of illnesses in children.• The book presents a simple guided exercise, which teaches children to envision an adventure inside their own body. Here they can recall memories and, using imaginary balloons full of qualities such as courage, sense of humour, confidence or understanding, forgive anyone, including themselves, for hurtful situations they have experienced.• The Journey for Kids process will appeal to any child from 5-12, and the book also offers a chapter on working with teenagers and a ‘fairy-tale’ story that can be read to younger children.• Includes details on the background of the Journey and case studies and testimonial letters of children’s success stories from all over the world.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.

Цена: 1318.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780007385775


The Magic of Labyrinths: Following Your Path, Finding Your Center
The Magic of Labyrinths: Following Your Path, Finding Your Center

Автор: Liz Simpson

The most comprehensive work on labyrinths yet written.Labyrinths have fascinated and enthralled mankind from the beginning of time. This illustrated book examines the phenomena of mazes and labyrinths, looking at their historical, cultural and spiritual significance, and at how we can use these ancient devices to enrich our modern lives.The Magic of Labyrinths is a journey, woven around four themes of voyage, trial, initiation and resurrection. It examines the importance of ritual and ceremony, the hero's quest, and dealing with the monsters within. Contents:Introduction to labyrinths• Labyrinths in mythology• Labyrinths in history• Different forms of labyrinth• Earth energies – rituals and ceremonies• Pilgrimage – a moving meditation – how labyrinths can facilitate your journey• Practical labyrinths – how to build or draw a labyrinth

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007502097


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