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M. Butterfly
M. Butterfly

Автор: David Henry Hwang

Исполнители: John Lithgow

Цена: 685.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781611233001



Автор: William Shakespeare

Исполнители: James Marsters

Цена: 685.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781580818391



Автор: Christina Lane

There are certain films and shows that resonate with audiences everywhere—they generate discussion and debate about everything from gender, class, citizenship and race, to consumerism and social identity. This new 'teachable canon' of film and television introduces students to alternative classics that range from silent film to CSI. Magnolia is one of those films students know and love. From the over-the-top performances by male and female leads to the «ripped from the pages of the Old Testament» conclusion, it is a cult favorite in American cinema This is the first book to examine the diverse themes, performances, and influences on this polarizing film, encouraging students to look beyond the film's style in order to fully engage with questions about its substance Lane develops a careful analysis of the film, its director, as well as the contemporary context in which it was produced – exploring topics including the role of the auteur, what constitutes cinema / media literacy in the digital age, the politics of postmodernism, and the film's critique of the mass media – in order to challenge students to ask themselves why they are so riveted by this controversial and unusual film

Цена: 9383.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781444395259


Martin R?tter Live - Der tut nix
Martin R?tter Live - Der tut nix

Автор: Martin R?tter

In seinem zweiten Live-Programm «DER TUT NIX!» begibt sich Martin R?tter erneut auf tierisch-menschliche Mission. Im Auftrag der Hunde und zur Aufkl?rung ihrer Menschen. Ob manisches Markierverhalten oder fadenscheinige Verharmlosungsstrategien, ob Sinnloses f?r Vierbeiner oder Aussichtsloses f?r Zweibeiner – Martin R?tter geht den Dingen auf den Grund.

Исполнители: Martin R?tter

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4251625974313


Matices De Vida
Matices De Vida

Автор: Lisbeth Lima Hechavarr?a

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835428145


Memo: Секреты создания структуры и персонажей в сценарии
Memo: Секреты создания структуры и персонажей в сценарии

Автор: Кристофер Воглер

Эта книга – результат многолетней работы Кристофера Воглера и Дэвида Маккенны. Будучи профессиональными экспертами, они проанализировали в общей сложности более 40 000 сценариев самых разных жанров. Свой совместный труд Воглер и Маккенна рассматривают не просто как полезный инструментарий сторителлинга, они считают его «спасительным» и для начинающих, и для активно пишущих авторов. Своим названием книга обязана методичке Memo, написанной когда-то Воглером для работы в сценарном отделе и ставшей легендарным руководством для многих поколений сценаристов. Но это лишь один из множества описанных в книге методов анализа и работы над структурой повествования и персонажами – от характеров Теофраста и морфологии волшебной сказки русского филолога Владимира Проппа до авторских методик самих Воглера и Маккенны. Авторы не только щедро делятся своими секретами и показывают на примерах успешных кинолент, как они используются, но и дают после каждой главы практические советы и конкретные задания для самостоятельной работы будущим сценаристам и писателям.

Исполнители: Иван Литвинов

Цена: 679 руб.
Год: 2011
ISBN: 978-91-7941-445-0


Memo: Секреты создания структуры и персонажей в сценарии
Memo: Секреты создания структуры и персонажей в сценарии

Автор: Кристофер Воглер

Эта книга – результат многолетней работы Кристофера Воглера и Дэвида Маккенны. Будучи профессиональными экспертами, они проанализировали в общей сложности более 40 000 сценариев самых разных жанров. Свой совместный труд Воглер и Маккенна рассматривают не просто как полезный инструментарий сторителлинга, они считают его «спасительным» и для начинающих, и для активно пишущих авторов. Своим названием книга обязана методичке Memo, написанной когда-то Воглером для работы в сценарном отделе и ставшей легендарным руководством для многих поколений сценаристов. Но это лишь один из множества описанных в книге методов анализа и работы над структурой повествования и персонажами – от характеров Теофраста и морфологии волшебной сказки русского филолога Владимира Проппа до авторских методик самих Воглера и Маккенны. Авторы не только щедро делятся своими секретами и показывают на примерах успешных кинолент, как они используются, но и дают после каждой главы практические советы и конкретные задания для самостоятельной работы будущим сценаристам и писателям.

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2011
ISBN: 9785961452525


Mis memorias
Mis memorias

Автор: Manuel Castillo Quijada

Manuel Castillo fue durante toda su vida un republicano convencido. Desde muy joven se comprometi? con un ideal que marc? su trayectoria personal y profesional hasta obligarle a tomar el camino del exilio, primero en Francia y, definitivamente, en M?xico. Pocos a?os antes de morir redact? un relato autobiogr?fico en el que reuni? sus experiencias durante la Espa?a de la Restauraci?n, de la Segunda Rep?blica y del exilio. De su mano se evocan desde la vida en un barrio popular madrile?o en tiempos de la Primera Rep?blica, a la lucha pol?tica en la Salamanca de los a?os noventa del siglo XIX, pasando por las huellas de su vocaci?n pol?tica, docente y period?stica desarrollada con intensidad en C?ceres y Valencia hasta su huida de Espa?a. Finalmente, las Memorias de Manuel Castillo permiten a los lectores recordar la quiebra de esperanzas y proyectos que supuso la guerra civil, la derrota republicana y el exilio para varias generaciones de espa?oles. Su compromiso con la educaci?n y el desarrollo humano ha dejado huella en la sociedad valenciana a trav?s de su legado a la Universitat de Val?ncia, haciendo posible la creaci?n de su primer ?rgano de cooperaci?n universitaria al desarrollo: el Patronat Sud-Nord.


Исполнители: Fritz Eckenga

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788491343318



Автор: Максимилиан Волошин

«Хотя «Miserere» Юшкевича не имеет успеха в Художественном театре, однако наравне с хулителями у пьесы есть и горячие поклонники, которые ценят и ее символизм и реализм и утверждают даже, по слухам, что русский театр не давал ничего подобного со времен Чехова. Мы, однако, не разделяем этого мнения. Сам Юшкевич утверждает свою эволюцию от Чехова и отрицает свое родство с Метерлинком, хотя последнее, пожалуй, более заметно, чем первое…»

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 1910


Monitoring Polymerization Reactions
Monitoring Polymerization Reactions

Автор: Wayne F. Reed

Offers new strategies to optimize polymer reactions With contributions from leading macromolecular scientists and engineers, this book provides a practical guide to polymerization monitoring. It enables laboratory researchers to optimize polymer reactions by providing them with a better understanding of the underlying reaction kinetics and mechanisms. Moreover, it opens the door to improved industrial-scale reactions, including enhanced product quality and reduced harmful emissions. Monitoring Polymerization Reactions begins with a review of the basic elements of polymer reactions and their kinetics, including an overview of stimuli-responsive polymers. Next, it explains why certain polymer and reaction characteristics need to be monitored. The book then explores a variety of practical topics, including: Principles and applications of important polymer characterization tools, such as light scattering, gel permeation chromatography, calorimetry, rheology, and spectroscopy Automatic continuous online monitoring of polymerization (ACOMP) reactions, a flexible platform that enables characterization tools to be employed simultaneously during reactions in order to obtain a complete record of multiple reaction features Modeling of polymerization reactions and numerical approaches Applications that optimize the manufacture of industrially important polymers Throughout the book, the authors provide step-by-step strategies for implementation. In addition, ample use of case studies helps readers understand the benefits of various monitoring strategies and approaches, enabling them to choose the best one to match their needs. As new stimuli-responsive and «intelligent» polymers continue to be developed, the ability to monitor reactions will become increasingly important. With this book as their guide, polymer scientists and engineers can take full advantage of the latest monitoring strategies to optimize reactions in both the lab and the manufacturing plant.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118733806


Mr. Equivocado
Mr. Equivocado

Автор: Roger Hargreaves

Todo lo que hace Mr. Equivocado es un total, absoluto y completo error. No hace nada bien, ?por mucho que lo intente! No hay m?s que ver su casa, las ventanas est?n torcidas y la puerta est? del rev?s. Pero Mr. Equivocado encontrar? a alguien que intentar? echarle una mano con sus equivocaciones.

Серия: Mr. Men

Цена: 146.97 руб.
ISBN: 9788413308395


Nation s Favourite Children s Poems
Nation's Favourite Children's Poems

Автор: Various

From schooldays to summer holidays, and from childhood fantasies to nostalgic reminiscences, writers have provided us with a rich seam of children's poetry over the years.This delightful selection brings over seventy poems together, from such celebrated poets as A.A. Milne, Kenneth Grahame, Hilaire Belloc, Robert Louis Stevenson, Edward Lear, Michael Rosen, Roald Dahl, Lewis Carroll, Allan Ahlberg, Spike Milligan and Rudyard Kipling.It mixes classic titles such as 'The King's Breakfast', 'On the Ning Nang Nong', 'Teeth', 'The Jumblies' and 'Jabberwocky' with more recent entries including 'First Day at School', 'Aliens Stole my Underpants', 'Talking Turkeys!!' and 'The Computer's First Christmas Card'.Acknowledgments to: The Society of Authors as Literary Representative of the Estate of A.E. Housman, The Literary Trustees of Walter de la Mare, and the Society of Authors as their representative.Poems by Charles Causley taken from 'Collected Poems 1951 – 2000', published by Macmillan. 'A Child's Calendar' taken from 'Selected Poems' by George Mackay Brown, published by John Murray (Publishers) Ltd.'The Grass House' is from 'Out and About' Copyright 1988 Shirley Hughes.Recorded by permission of Walker Books Ltd., London.'Don't Call Alligator Long-Mouth Till You Cross River' is from 'Say It Again, Granny!' by John Agard, published by Bodley Head. Reprinted by permission of the Random House Group Ltd. Two Ogden Nash poems used by permission of Curtis Brown Ltd. Copyright 1936 by Ogden Nash, renewed. All rights reserved.

Исполнители: Michael Maloney

Цена: 575.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781445834924


Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics
Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics

Автор: Ivor Ebenezer

Neuropsychopharmacology is a relatively new subject area in the neurosciences. It is a field of study that describes the effects of drugs from the molecular to the behavioural level and requires integration and synthesis of knowledge from various disciplines including neuroanatomy, physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology and the behavioural sciences. The principal aims of this book are to provide students with a clear understanding of CNS disorders, and an appreciation of how basic and clinical research findings can be translated into therapeutics. After an introduction to the subject area, the remaining chapters are focused on reviewing the main psychiatric and neurological disorders that are covered in most courses. They are discussed in terms of their clinical symptoms, epidemiology, pathology, aetiology, underlying neurobiological and neurochemical mechanisms, pharmacotherapy, adjunctive non-pharmacological treatments, and clinical outcomes. Each chapter of the book is a ‘stand-alone’ chapter and is written in a clear, accessible style. Written by an author with many years teaching and research experience, this textbook will prove invaluable for students of pharmacology, pharmacy and the medical sciences needing a truly integrated introduction to this exciting field.

Цена: 7214.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118385784


NightWash Live, April 2022
NightWash Live, April 2022

Автор: Sven Bensmann

Исполнители: Sven Bensmann

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484655


NightWash Live, April 2019
NightWash Live, April 2019

Автор: Sven Bensmann

Исполнители: Sven Bensmann

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484587


NightWash Live, Februar 2023
NightWash Live, Februar 2023

Автор: Sandra Schmidt

Исполнители: Sandra Schmidt

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004526768


NightWash Live, Januar 2022
NightWash Live, Januar 2022

Автор: Sven Bensmann

Исполнители: Sven Bensmann

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004445410


NightWash Live, Juni 2019
NightWash Live, Juni 2019

Автор: Carl Weber Josef

Исполнители: Carl Weber Josef

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484594


NightWash Live, September 2019
NightWash Live, September 2019

Автор: Costa

Исполнители: Costa

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484600


NightWash Live, September 2021
NightWash Live, September 2021

Автор: Sven Bensmann

Исполнители: Sven Bensmann

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004424828


Non-Neoplastic Hematopathology and Infections
Non-Neoplastic Hematopathology and Infections

Автор: Hernani Cualing

Most books on hematopathology are neoplastic in scope and offer little non-neoplastic content. In Non-Neoplastic Hematopathology and Infections, the authors fully describe the hematologic manifestations in tissue and blood of infectious agents, including many rare and exotic diseases found in both Western and Eastern hemispheres, in order to assist pathologists and medical laboratory professionals all over the world in better diagnosing and treating such infections. Thoroughly illustrated with photographs, tables and text, this book features a wide range of non-neoplastic hematologic disorders, as well as reactive patterns of non-infectious and infectious agents. Comprehensive and state-of-the-art diagnostic materials are described, as are the epidemiology, pathobiology, clinical and pathologic manifestations in blood and lymphatic organs—as well as the approaches to treatment. In addition, Non-Neoplastic Hematopathology and Infections: Contains detailed information on the pathology and patterns of blood, lymph node, and a number of bone marrow and splenic infections and infectious agent manifestations Thoroughly updates the classic pathology of reactive lymphadenopathies and extends this pattern-based approach to tropical and emergent infections Promotes the multidisciplinary integration of hematopathologists and microbiologists in the analysis and diagnostic work-up of tissue and blood Complements current major treatises on such tropical diseases as Manson's, Ashworth's, and Doerr's and updates the classic tomes of William St. Clair Symmers and current texts on neoplastic hematopathology Non-Neoplastic Hematopathology and Infections is an important book for any medical professional interested in non-neoplastic hematology, infections and tissue hematopathology, infectious diseases and tropical medicine, and tropical hematopathology.

Цена: 21981.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118158531


Occupational Therapy and Stroke
Occupational Therapy and Stroke

Автор: Judi Edmans

Occupational Therapy and Stroke guides newly qualified occupational therapists (and those new to the field of stroke management) through the complexities of treating people following stroke. It encourages and assists therapists to use their skills in problem solving, building on techniques taught and observed as an undergraduate. Written and edited by practising occupational therapists, the book acknowledges the variety of techniques that may be used in stroke management and the scope of the occupational therapist's role. Chapters span such key topics as early intervention and the theoretical underpinnings of stroke care, as well as the management of motor, sensory, cognitive and perceptual deficits. They are written in a user-friendly style and presented in a form that enables the therapist to review the subject prior to assessment and treatment planning. Complex problems are grouped together for greater clarity. This second edition has been fully revised and updated in line with the WHO ICF model, National Clinical Guidelines and Occupational Therapy standards. It is produced on behalf of the College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section – Neurological Practice.

Цена: 6737.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781444323818


Only Fools and Horses
Only Fools and Horses

Автор: Richard Webber

The best jokes, gags and scenes from a true British comedy classic.Del: You were gun running during the Spanish Civil War?Grandad: Well…that was the best time to do it!‘A man like you needs something to reflect your image – I've got a lovely Skoda in the forecourt.'Boycie (…trying to sell a used car to Del)In the history of British comedy classics, there is no better example than the hugely popular and critically-acclaimed Only Fools and Horses. Set in Peckham, inner London, it chronicles the adventures and exploits of ambitious market trader Derek 'Del Boy' Trotter, his gormless younger brother Rodney, and a host of other unusual misfit characters, in their attempts to get rich selling anything and everything to anyone who'll buy it.Written and created by comic genius John Sullivan, the classic British sitcom had an incredible cast, including, most notably, legendary actor Sir David Jason.Between 1981 and 1991 seven series of the show were broadcast in the UK, with sporadic Christmas specials until 2003. Even now it remains the most-watched British sitcom of all time, holding the record for the highest UK audience for a sitcom episode for the 1996 special 'Time On Our Hands'.The Best of British Comedy – Only Fools and Horses includes:• The History: an overview of how Only Fools and Horses was born and developed• Gags and Catchphrases: a collection of classic quotes• Did You Know?: snippets of info about the show, cast, etc.• Favourite scenes: the most memorable scenes in full• An OFAH quiz'I'm depressed because of the state of my life at the moment. I've got this 'orrible feeling that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, knowing my luck, I'll come back as me!'Rodney'I heard a rumour that Mickey Mouse wears a Rodney Trotter wristwatch.'Boycie

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007483433


Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth
Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

Автор: Adrian Becker

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth provides its readers with a gold-standard resource to tackle common, complex and multi-factorial clinical scenarios. Rooted firmly in the scientific reality, it also provides a valuable repository of the evidence-base for this subject area. The third edition of this classic text has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest advances in research and clinical practice. It discusses recent developments in the periodontal outcome of surgical exposure of impacted teeth, and also incorporates more protocols for routine cases. This enables clinicians to develop their skills in the simpler cases, as well as to improve their understanding of complex and rare presentations. An especially useful chapter looks at failure and impending failure, providing a valuable insight into the real life management of impacted teeth. The author describes how to recognize failure and proposes ways to avoid it, frequently illustrating them with cases from his own clinic. KEY FEATURES • Fully revised and updated classic • Coverage expanded to include protocols for routine, as well as complex cases • Includes new chapter on extreme tooth displacement and complicating factors • Provides unparalleled coverage of the evidence base • Highly illustrated in full colour

Цена: 20324.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781444355703


Our Dark Side. A History of Perversion
Our Dark Side. A History of Perversion

Автор: Elisabeth Roudinesco

Where does perversion begin? Who is perverse? Ever since the word first appeared in the Middle Ages, anyone who delights in evil and in the destruction of the self or others has been described as 'perverse'. But while the experience of perversion is universal, every era has seen it and dealt with it in its own way. The history of perversion in the West is told here through a study of great emblematic figures of the perverse – Gilles de Rais, the mystical saints and the flagellants in the middle ages, the Marquis de Sade in the eighteenth century, the masturbating child, the male homosexual and the hysterical woman nineteenth century, Nazism in the twentieth century, and the complementary figures of the paedophile and the terrorist in the twenty-first. The perverse are rarely talked about and when they are it is usually only to be condemned. They are commonly viewed as monstrous and cruel, as something alien to the very nature of being human. And yet, perversion can also attest to creativity and self-transcendence, to the refusal of individuals to submit to the rules and prohibitions that govern human life. Perversion fascinates us precisely because it can be both abject and sublime. Whether they are sublime because they turn to art or mysticism, or abject because they surrender to their murderous impulses, the perverse are part of us because they exhibit something that we always conceal: our own negativity and our dark side.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745683690


Patient Safety
Patient Safety

Автор: Charles Vincent

When you are ready to implement measures to improve patient safety, this is the book to consult. Charles Vincent, one of the world's pioneers in patient safety, discusses each and every aspect clearly and compellingly. He reviews the evidence of risks and harms to patients, and he provides practical guidance on implementing safer practices in health care. The second edition puts greater emphasis on this practical side. Examples of team based initiatives show how patient safety can be improved by changing practices, both cultural and technological, throughout whole organisations. Not only does this benefit patients; it also impacts positively on health care delivery, with consequent savings in the economy. Patient Safety has been praised as a gateway to understanding the subject. This second edition is more than that – it is a revelation of the pervading influence of health care errors, and a guide to how these can be overcome. «… The beauty of this book is that it describes the complexity of patient safety in a simple coherent way and captures the breadth of issues that encompass this fascinating field. The author provides numerous ways in which the reader can take this subject further with links to the international world of patient safety and evidence based research… One of the most difficult aspects of patient safety is that of implementation of safer practices and sustained change. Charles Vincent, through this book, provides all who read it clear examples to help with these challenges» From a review in Hospital Medicine by Dr Suzette Woodward, Director of Patient Safety. Access 'Essentials of Patient Safety – Free Online Introduction': www.wiley.com/go/vincent/patientsafety/essentials

Цена: 9163.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781444323863


Patty s Industrial Hygiene, Hazard Recognition
Patty's Industrial Hygiene, Hazard Recognition

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 32884.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781119816171



Автор: Florian Bald

Исполнители: Gisela Fritsch

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783943046717


Person-centred Nursing. Theory and Practice
Person-centred Nursing. Theory and Practice

Автор: McCormack Brendan

The concept of 'person-centredness' has become established in approaches to the delivery of healthcare, particularly with nursing, and is embedded in many international healthcare policy frameworks and strategic plans. This book explores person-centred nursing using a framework that has been derived from research and practice. Person-centred Nursing is a theoretically rigorous and practically applied text that aims to increase nurses' understanding of the principles and practices of person-centred nursing in a multiprofessional context. It advances new understandings of person-centred nursing concepts and theories through the presentation of an inductively derived and tested framework for person-centred nursing. In addition it explores a variety of strategies for developing person-centred nursing and presents case examples of the concept in action. This is a practical resource for all nurses who want to develop person-centred ways of working.

Цена: 5853.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781444390490


Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals
Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals

Автор: Группа авторов

Physical Assessment for Health Care Professionals offers a practical and comprehensive guide to best clinical practice when taking patient history and physical examination. This accessible text is structured in accordance with the competencies for advanced practice in assessment, diagnosis and treatment as published by the RCN. Following a systematic, systems-based approach to patient assessment, it includes a summary of the key clinical skills needed to develop and improve clinical examination in order to confidently assess, diagnose, plan and provide outstanding care. In this revised edition, colour photographs and case studies have been included to assist health care practitioners in their assessment of the patient. This important guide: Includes a highly visual colour presentation with photographs and illustrations. Features a wide range of key learning points to help guide practice. Offers illustrative examples, applications to practice and case studies. Is available in a range of digital formats – perfect for ‘on the go’ study and reference. Written for health care students, newly qualified and advanced nurse practitioners, and those in the allied health professions, Physical Assessment for Health Care Professionals is the essential guide for developing the skills needed to accurately access patient history and physical examination.

Цена: 5800.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781119108986


Pictures of Perfection
Pictures of Perfection

Автор: Reginald Hill

For suspense, ingenuity and sheer comic effrontery this takes the absolute, appetizing biscuit’ Sunday TimesHigh in the Mid-Yorkshire Dales stands the traditional village of Enscombe, seemingly untouched by the modern world. But contemporary life is about to intrude when the disappearance of a policeman brings Detective Superintendent Andy Dalziel and DCI Peter Pascoe to its doors.As the detectives dig beneath the veneer of idyllic village life a new pattern emerges: of family feuds, ancient injuries, cheating and lies. And finally, as the community gathers for the traditional Squire’s Reckoning, it looks as if the simmering tensions will erupt in a bloody climax…

Цена: 857.22 руб.
ISBN: 9780007370313


Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY
Play for 1 human. My strangers life. DRAMA. COMEDY

Автор: Nikolay Lakutin

What is the life of an actor? Some of us can imagine or guess how the natives of the scene live. But the external life is very different from the internal life, and the actor, like no other, shows this polarization. Of course, the game of life is filled with certain positive components, which is not present in other professions, but it also has its own nuances. And these nuances, in a certain state of Affairs, can be very expensive for the player…

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2020


Plays for 1, 2 people. Collection 3
Plays for 1, 2 people. Collection №3

Автор: Nikolay Lakutin

I present the third collection of my plays for the period of 2019 and 2020. There are five plays with the number of actors of one and two people. Some of the plays included in the collection already have contracts for production in Russia and abroad.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-532-03571-3


Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection 4
Plays on the 5,6,7,8,9,10 people. Collection №4

Автор: Nikolay Lakutin

This collection contains modern classic, fantastic, new year's and extravagant plays of the 2019-2020s with the number of actors from five to ten people. Performances based on some of the plays listed in the collection are already being staged on the territory of the Russian Federation. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-532-03553-9


Playwriting For Dummies
Playwriting For Dummies

Автор: Angelo Parra

The easy way to craft, polish, and get your play on stage Getting a play written and produced is a daunting process. From crystallizing story ideas, formatting the script, understanding the roles of the director stagecraft people, to marketing and financing your project, and incorporating professional insights on writing, there are plenty of ins and outs that every aspiring playwright needs to know. But where can you turn for guidance? Playwriting For Dummies helps any writer at any stage of the process hone their craft and create the most dramatic and effective pieces. Guides you through every process of playwriting?from soliloquies, church skits, and one act plays to big Broadway musicals Advice on moving your script to the public stage Guidance on navigating loopholes If you're an aspiring playwright looking to begin the process, or have already penned a masterpiece and need trusted advice to bring it into the spotlight, Playwriting For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118120965


Progetti Per Costruire Il Proprio Studio Di Voice-Over
Progetti Per Costruire Il Proprio Studio Di Voice-Over

Автор: Ian King

is theQuesto libro ? una guida per aiutarvi a sviluppare gli strumenti necessari per PROFESSIONAL VOICE-OVER . Questo campo ? enorme! Tu fornisci il talento e io ti mostrer? cosa farne. Questi sono i piani progettati passo-passo, che mostrano esattamente come costruire il proprio Studio vocale domestico. ? pieno di foto a colori, conversioni di misure e piani tecnici che vi mostrer? esattamente come costruire questo importante strumento del commercio. La cosa fondamentale da tenere sempre a mente con la voce recitante e le opere audio ? quello di combattere il nemico principale delle registrazioni… Questo libro ? una guida per aiutarvi a sviluppare gli strumenti necessari per PROFESSIONAL VOICE-OVER . Questo campo ? enorme! Tu fornisci il talento e io ti mostrer? cosa farne. Questi sono i piani progettati passo-passo, che mostrano esattamente come costruire il proprio Studio vocale domestico. ? pieno di foto a colori, conversioni di misure e piani tecnici che vi mostrer? esattamente come costruire questo importante strumento del commercio. La cosa fondamentale da tenere sempre a mente con la voce recitante e le opere audio ? quello di combattere il nemico principale delle registrazioni… e questo ? il rumore. Ronzio elettronico, rumore dei ventilatori, urti, frange, maltempo, echi e tosaerba… pi? ne hai e pi? ne metti. Perci?, ho sviluppato un piccolo spazio di registrazione che ti d? un sacco di spazio per gesticolare selvaggiamente all'interno del tuo studio, e come si articola quell' audio pi? drammatico, e ancora si pu? alzarsi con il microfono per creare la propria opinione, creare la tua Voce per quel trailer del film per cui potresti essere scelto. E non dimenticare che c'? un'attrezzatura con cui dovrai condividere lo spazio. Questo Home Studio, ? solido, ben costruito e progettato con tutte le considerazioni possibili in mente. Questo libro ? pieno di consigli in tutto e vi allontaner? dai guai – per indirizzarvi verso questa miniera d'oro, piena di narratori di talento e doppiatori.

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 9788835433033


Puppies For Dummies
Puppies For Dummies

Автор: Sarah Hodgson

Цена: 1795.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119558484


Radio in the Global Age
Radio in the Global Age

Автор: Группа авторов

Radio in the Global Age offers a fresh, up-to-date, and wide-ranging introduction to the role of radio in contemporary society. It places radio, for the first time, in a global context, and pays special attention to the impact of the Internet, digitalization and globalization on the political-economy of radio. It also provides a new emphasis on the links between music and radio, the impact of formatting, and the broader cultural roles the medium plays in constructing identities and nurturing musical tastes. Individual chapters explore the changing structures of the radio industry, the way programmes are produced, the act of listening and the construction of audiences, the different meanings attached to programmes, and the cultural impact of radio across the globe. David Hendy portrays a medium of extraordinary contradictions: a cheap and accessible means of communication, but also one increasingly dominated by rigid formats and multinational companies; a highly 'intimate' medium, but one capable of building large communities of listeners scattered across huge spaces; a force for nourishing regional identity, but also a pervasive broadcaster of globalized music products; a 'stimulus to the imagination', but a purveyor of the banal and of the routine. Drawing on recent research from as far afield as Africa, Australasia and Latin America, as well as from the UK and US, the book aims to explore and to explain these paradoxes – and, in the process, to offer an imaginative reworking of Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum that radio is one of the world's 'hot' media. Radio in the Global Age is an invaluable text for undergraduates and researchers in media studies, communication studies, journalism, cultural studies, and musicology. It will also be of interest to practitioners and policy-makers in the radio industry.

Цена: 8831.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780745677460


Rainfall. State of the Science
Rainfall. State of the Science

Автор: Gebremichael Mekonnen

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 191. Rainfall: State of the Science offers the most up-to-date knowledge on the fundamental and practical aspects of rainfall. Each chapter, self-contained and written by prominent scientists in their respective fields, provides three forms of information: fundamental principles, detailed overview of current knowledge and description of existing methods, and emerging techniques and future research directions. The book discusses Rainfall microphysics: raindrop morphodynamics, interactions, size distribution, and evolution Rainfall measurement and estimation: ground-based direct measurement (disdrometer and rain gauge), weather radar rainfall estimation, polarimetric radar rainfall estimation, and satellite rainfall estimation Statistical analyses: intensity-duration-frequency curves, frequency analysis of extreme events, spatial analyses, simulation and disaggregation, ensemble approach for radar rainfall uncertainty, and uncertainty analysis of satellite rainfall products The book is tailored to be an indispensable reference for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students who study any aspect of rainfall or utilize rainfall information in various science and engineering disciplines.

Цена: 15906.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118672143


Rapture Frequency
Rapture Frequency

Автор: Abbie Spallen

The Wire is BBC Radio 3's showcase for works that push the boundaries of drama and narrative. In Rapture Frequency, analyst Michael Shorthall is listening to the black box recording of an ill-fated transatlantic flight when he stumbles across an unexpected sound. Interference, white noise, or could it possibly be proof of something more celestial? A story of obsession and one man's extraordinary quest, starring Richard Dormer as Michael Shorthall. Also featuring Esther Hall, Shaun Dooley, Philip Jackson, Marty Maguire, Richard Howard, Paul Kennedy, Susie Kelly, Laura Conway and Abbie Spallen. Written by Abbie Spallen. Sound Design by Bill Maul, John Simpson and Matthew Laughlin. Producer/Director: Heather Larmour.

Исполнители: Cast Full

Цена: 383.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781445849126


Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 2
Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects 2

Автор: Andrew Robinson

Raspberry Pi is a UK Non Profit with the goal of creating a new generation of computer programmers. Observing how the UK Tech Industry was kickstarted by the availability in the 1980s of relatively cheap, very programmable computers such as the ZX81, the Commodore and the BBC Micro, the Raspberry Pi Foundation designed a ?15/$25 computer which encourages the user to play and to learn. Although intended for schools, it has also been adopted by hackers and geeks, and a whole ecosystem of software and hardware is being built around the Pi. With a million boards now sold, the goal of the Foundation is well underway.

Цена: 674.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118723906


Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

Автор: William Shakespeare

Исполнители: Darren Richardson

Цена: 685.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781580819015


Rund um das Jahr. Календарь российских немцев
Rund um das Jahr. Календарь российских немцев

Автор: Ксения Александрова

Представляем вашему вниманию уникальный проект – иммерсивный спектакль на тему семейных традиций российских немцев. Иммерсивный театр – одна из популярных форм современного интерактивного театра, где зрителя пытаются «погрузить» в разворачивающееся действие. Тематика спектакля будет очень интересна изучающим немецкий язык и немецкую культуру, информационная наполненность спектакля просто неоценима. А для тех, кто далёк от немецкого языка, этот сценарий будет вдохновляющим опытом для создания подобных проектов.По ходу разворачивания действия отмечен весь реквизит, вам остаётся только подобрать музыку!

Цена: 99.9 руб.
Год: 2023


Russia House
Russia House

Автор: Джон Ле Карре

In the third year of perestroika, London publisher Barley Blair is sent a manuscript from Moscow. Exposing Russian nuclear threats as a sham, the information – if it's genuine – could shatter East-West relations. Jazz-loving, hard-drinking Blair is hardly the spymasters' idea of the perfect agent, yet they are forced to send him to Moscow to make contact.   But the Cold War thaws when Barley meets Katya, the beautiful Russian intermediary who is equally sceptical of state ideology. Mere pawns in a deadly game of international espionage, they nevertheless represent the breakdown of hostilities and a future which poses a huge threat to the entrenched professionals on both sides…   Both a gripping spy saga and a poignant love story, The Russia House delivers all the excitement and tension expected from the master of espionage fiction.   This BBC Radio 4 adaptation was dramatised by Rene Basilico.

Исполнители: Cast Full

Цена: 670.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781408481363


Searching for New Frontiers
Searching for New Frontiers

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4413.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781119464860



Автор: Serdar Somuncu

Исполнители: Serdar Somuncu

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004484686


Selfies vom Mond - Bop Saga, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)
Selfies vom Mond - Bop Saga, Band 2 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Andr? Nagerski

"Douglas Adams lebt! […] Uneingeschr?nkte Leseempfehlung f?r alle Freunde der anarchistischen Science Fiction-Comedy. Mehr davon!" – so forderte es Amazon Bestseller-Autor Ralph Edenhofer im Namen vieler begeisterter Leser, und endlich hat das Warten ein Ende: Band Zwei der Bop-Saga liegt vor! Auch dieses Mal erleben die Helden der Geschichte irrwitzige Abenteuer. Roboter, Frauen, Aliens und mysteri?se Geistwesen – und mal eben das Universum retten: ein kurzweiliges Vergn?gen!

Исполнители: Omid-Paul Eftekhari

Цена: 784.23 руб.
ISBN: 4251625974122


Spike Lee s America
Spike Lee's America

Автор: David Sterritt

Spike Lee has directed, written, produced, and acted in dozens of films that present an expansive, nuanced, proudly opinionated, and richly multifaceted portrait of American society. As the only African-American filmmaker ever to establish a world-class career, Lee has paid acute attention to the experiences of racial and ethnic minorities. But white men and women also play important roles in his movies, and his interest in class, race, and urban life hasn’t prevented his films from ranging over broad swaths of the American scene in stories as diverse as the audiences who view them. His defining trait is a willingness to raise hard questions about contemporary America without pretending to have easy answers; his pictures are designed to challenge and provoke us, not ease our minds or pacify our emotions. The opening words of his 1989 masterpiece Do the Right Thing present his core message in two emphatic syllables: “Wake up!” Spike Lee’s America is a vibrant and provocative engagement not only with the work of a great filmmaker, but also with American society and politics.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676258


Steven Spielberg s America
Steven Spielberg's America

Автор: Frederick Wasser

Steven Spielberg is known as the most powerful man in New Hollywood and a pioneer of the contemporary blockbuster, America’s most successful export. His career began a new chapter in mass culture. At the same time, American post war liberalism was breaking down. This fascinating new book explains the complex relationship between film and politics through the prism of an iconic filmmaker. Spielberg’s early films were a triumphant emergence of the Sunbelt aesthetic that valued visceral kicks and basic emotions over the ambiguities of history. Such blockbusters have inspired much debate about their negative effect on politics and have been charged as being an expression of the corporatization of life. Here Frederick Wasser argues that the older Spielberg has not fully gone this way, suggesting that the filmmaker recycles the populist vision of older Hollywood because he sincerely believes in both big time moviemaking and liberal democracy. Nonetheless, his stories are burdened by his generation’s hostility to public life, and the book shows how he uses filmmaking tricks to keep his audience with him and to smooth over the ideological contradictions. His audiences have become more global, as his films engage history. This fresh and provocative take on Spielberg in the context of globalization, rampant market capitalism and the hardening socio-political landscape of the United States will be fascinating reading for students of film and for anyone interested in contemporary America and its culture.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675046


Stromberg - Arbeit macht Arbeit
Stromberg - Arbeit macht Arbeit

Автор: Ralf Husmann

F?r seine Angestellten immer ein offenes Ohr haben! … und zwar an beiden Seiten des Gesichts. So k?nnen Sie sich Klagen, Beschwerden und Anregungen jederzeit durch den Kopf gehen lassen, ohne dass was h?ngenbleibt …" Bernd Stromberg Moses hat die zehn Gebote und der DFB-Pokal seine eigenen Gesetze. Nur in der Arbeitswelt kann jeder machen wie er lustig ist? Nein! Der beste Chef Deutschlands hat sich in seiner knappen Freizeit hingesetzt und die wichtigsten Regeln f?r den Job aufgeschrieben. Und weil der Arbeitsalltag deutlich komplexer ist als der Fu?ball oder die Bibel, sind es ein paar mehr geworden. Wer die beherzigt, kann schon mal die Karriereleiter aus dem Keller holen.

Исполнители: Christoph Maria Herbst

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4251625972104


Stromberg - das H?rspiel zum Film
Stromberg - das H?rspiel zum Film

Автор: Ralf Husmann

"Firmenfeiern sind wie das letzte Abendmahl. Immer zu wenig Weiber, das Essen ist schlecht und am Ende gibt's ?rger." Eine weise Vorahnung – und trotzdem macht sich Stromberg mit seinen Mitarbeitern aus der Schadensregulierung auf den Weg in ein Landhotel, in das die CAPITOL Versicherung die gesamte Belegschaft zur 50-Jahre- Jubil?umsfeier geladen hat. Das H?rspiel zum STROMBERG Kinoereignis mit den Stimmen von Christoph Maria Herbst als Bernd Stromberg, Bjarne M?del als Berthold «Ernie» Heisterkamp, Oliver Wnuk als Ulf Steinke, Diana Staehly als Tanja Steinke, Milena Drei?ig als Jennifer Schirrmann und vielen mehr.

Исполнители: Christoph Maria Herbst

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 4251625972043


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