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Юстиция 2/2018
Юстиция № 2/2018

Автор: Группа авторов

Журнал «Юстиция» – научно-практический журнал Всероссийского государственного университета юстиции (РПА Минюста России). Университет осуществляет проведение фундаментальных и прикладных научных исследований, информационно-аналитическое и экспертное обеспечение деятельности органов государственной власти, в том числе Правительства Российской Федерации, Министерства юстиции Российской Федерации, органов местного самоуправления и юридических лиц. Журнал «Юстиция» выходит четыре раза в год. Рубрики в номере: Цивилистический процесс Социальная политика и право Экспертная деятельность Адвокатура Частное право Предпринимательское право и экономика

Серия: Журнал «Юстиция»

Исполнители: Dominic Kolb

Цена: 250 руб.
Год: 2018


Я – алкоголика жена
Я – алкоголика жена

Автор: Сергей Викторович Уманский

Автор – практикующий врач-психотерапевт, доктор мед наук, профессор, хорошо знающий проблемы своих пациентов. История, рассказанная автором, родилась из маленькой тонкой тетрадки, которую принесла одна из пациенток по имени Татьяна, муж которой страдает алкогольной зависимостью. Наполненные болью, тревогой и страданиями, эти заметки – своего рода исповедь несчастной женщины. Не желая мирится с таким существованием Татьяна, пытается сохранить семью, а когда это не получается, начинает бороться за себя, за свою жизнь в прямом смысле этого слова и ищет пути выхода из алкогольного ада. Идя по наитию, совершая одну ошибку за другой, к ней приходит осознание. Но финал оказывается непредсказуем…. В представленной книге автор опирался на собственный врачебный опыт. Все истории, персонажи, события и даже некоторые медицинские приемы являются вымышленными. Любые совпадения случайны.

Цена: 164 руб.
Год: 2021


Я больше не боюсь. Невыдуманная психотерапевтическая история
Я больше не боюсь. Невыдуманная психотерапевтическая история

Автор: Светлана Шигорина

Аня – обычная девушка, которой хочется простого человеческого счастья. Но непростое прошлое напоминает о себе отпечатком панических атак и неприятных симптомов, с которыми ей придется научиться справляться. Книга "Я больше не боюсь" – не просто рассказ, основанный на реальных событиях, а инструкция для работы над собой, так как в ней содержатся эффективные психотерапевтические упражнения.

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2020


Я есть. И со мной все в порядке
Я есть. И со мной все в порядке

Автор: Елена Старикова

Эта книга про тех и для тех, кто однажды потерял себя. 7 понятных шагов, которые определяют меня и мое место в мире, взаимодействие с другими, источники силы для жизни. Книга позволит вернуться в точку отсчета своей души, в свое истинное «Я», а затем заново выбрать Путь. И двигаться дальше легко и уверенно, с новыми источниками силы и крепкими опорами. В каждом шаге много практических упражнений, чтобы ощутить все на уровне тела и применять в жизни. Читайте, практикуйте. Все уравновесится, все встанет на свои места. Все покажется простым и понятным. Расправляйте крылья и летите!

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2022


Я не лошадь: 100 самых частых вопросов врачу-психотерапевту
Я не лошадь: 100 самых частых вопросов врачу-психотерапевту

Автор: Геннадий Аверьянов

Надо ли сохранять отношения? Когда идти к психотерапевту? Есть ли у меня депрессия? Где найти достойного мужчину? Почему мы подсаживаемся на спорт? Должны ли толстые худеть? Надо ли делать с ребенком уроки? Почему мы попадаемся на уловки мошенников? Как пережить развод? Есть ли женская дружба? Нужно ли любить себя? Психотерапевтические ответы на эти жизненные вопросы изложены врачом-психотерапевтом в форме юмористических эссе. Слушаешь, понимаешь, смеешься и применяешь: ведь у каждого текста есть научное обоснование и многолетний врачебный опыт автора. Не загнаться как лошадь – главное, что человек может сделать для самого себя. Данная книга в этом может серьезно помочь.

Серия: Книги, улучшающие жизнь

Исполнители: Игорь Павлов

Цена: 519 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-04-170870-2


Я понимаю…
Я понимаю…

Автор: Юлия Молчанова

Книга «Я понимаю» написана по мотивам одноименного курса, который прошли начинающие психологи, коучи, астрологи, эзотерики и люди, влюбленные в психологию и профессию психолога, чтобы эффективно консультировать. В своей книге автор собрала эффективные методы современной психологической терапии с примерами, важные рекомендации по подготовке к сессии, по продвижению самих себя в социальных сетях и многое другое. «Мы в подробностях рассмотрим закулисье практикующего психолога и даже побываем в кабинете, где разберем с вами множество популярных запросов: Страхи, Зависимость, Обида, Личные границы и другие», – приглашает к прочтению своего труда автор Юлия Молчанова.

Цена: 439 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-00222-112-7


Я тебя отпускаю. Все, что нужно знать о любви, прощении и вере в себя
Я тебя отпускаю. Все, что нужно знать о любви, прощении и вере в себя

Автор: Хайди Прибе

Прошлое больше не сможет ранить. Оно станет теплой ностальгией, мудрым учителем, удивительной историей. Эта уже помогла тысячам читателей. Оставить привычную работу, чтобы найти любимую. Отпустить человека, с которым строили планы, чтобы встретить того, с кем они воплотятся. Простить себе прошлые ошибки и заблуждения, чтобы дышать полной грудью и двигаться вперед. Хайди Прибе знает, что вы чувствуете, и знает слова, которые придают сил в непростые моменты, когда нужно отпустить прошлое и дать шанс настоящему. В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: Психология на каждый день

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2016
ISBN: 978-5-4461-1832-8


Я, Лионель Месси
Я, Лионель Месси

Автор: Лукас Дельгадо

Эта книга – не сборник восторженных комплиментов, а правдивый рассказ о великом футболисте, о человеке, мужество которого заслуживает не меньшего восхищения, чем его талант. С ее страниц звучит голос самого Лионеля Месси, сопровождаемый авторскими комментариями. Редко кому из авторов удается оставаться в тени, не заглушая и не затмевая своего героя. Лукасу Дельгадо это удалось.

Серия: Звезда футбола

Исполнители: Александр Воробьев

Цена: 219 руб.


Языки программирования
Языки программирования

Автор: Петровна

Серия: Просто о сложном

Цена: 26 руб.



Автор: Владимир Евгеньевич Псарев

Краткий путь к самому себе. Каждое предложение в данном рассказе начинается одинаково, и при этом речевые обороты не повторяются.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2021


A Head Full of Everything
A Head Full of Everything

Автор: Gavin Oattes

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857089052


Agua oxigenada: aplicaciones y ?xitos curativos
Agua oxigenada: aplicaciones y ?xitos curativos

Автор: Jochen Gartz

Las notables propiedades del agua oxigenada se conocen desde hace m?s de 150 a?os: tiene un efecto desinfectante y desodorante, acelera la curaci?n de las heridas, acaba de forma fiable con todos los pat?genos, tambi?n los multirresistentes, y se descompone en dos sustancias cotidianas e inofensivas: agua y ox?geno. Adem?s, no se conocen alergias ni resistencias a esta sustancia econ?mica y disponible libremente. Lamentablemente, el H2O2 y sus derivados qu?micos han ca?do en el olvido, junto con las investigaciones internacionales que demuestran su eficacia. Jochen Gartz se propuso combatir esta amnesia colectiva con su libro anterior: Agua oxigenada: el remedio olvidado. A partir de la correspondencia mantenida con los lectores, ha compilado un libro pr?ctico en el que trata cuestiones adicionales y ejemplos de aplicaci?n. En este libro se describen tratamientos exitosos para los siguientes casos: • Picaduras de insectos, infecciones de herpes, heridas, verrugas, psoriasis y otras afecciones dermatol?gicas • Trastornos circulatorios • Pat?genos en tejidos mucosos: garganta, pulmones, cavidad bucal o zona genital • Enfermedades infecciosas, alergias, trastornos cardiovasculares, heridas de operaciones o fracturas ?seas mediante infusi?n intravenosa Los distintos ?xitos de tratamiento permiten extraer una conclusi?n clara: ?ya es hora de recuperar este remedio olvidado!

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783944887616


Ancient Greek Civilization
Ancient Greek Civilization

Автор: David Sansone

The third edition of Ancient Greek Civilization is a concise, engaging introduction to the history and culture of ancient Greece from the Minoan civilization to the age of the Roman Empire. Explores the evolution and development of Greek art, literature, politics, and thought across history, as well as the ways in which these were affected by Greek interaction with other cultures Now includes additional illustrations and maps, updated notes and references throughout, and an expanded discussion of the Hellenistic period Weaves the latest scholarship and archeological excavations into the narrative at an appropriate level for undergraduates

Цена: 4249.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119098140


Anti-intuition – a phenomenon unrecognized by science
Anti-intuition – a phenomenon unrecognized by science

Автор: Александр Бёрнс

Let's talk about SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES IN PSYCHIATRY. I discovered a phenomenon here, perhaps it will pull on the Nobel Prize … At least I think Carl Jung could appreciate and understand this, unlike Freud. So, let's consider the issue of ANTI-INTUITION, and intuition too.

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2022


Artificial Intelligent Techniques for Wireless Communication and Networking
Artificial Intelligent Techniques for Wireless Communication and Networking

Автор: Группа авторов

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING The 20 chapters address AI principles and techniques used in wireless communication and networking and outline their benefit, function, and future role in the field. Wireless communication and networking based on AI concepts and techniques are explored in this book, specifically focusing on the current research in the field by highlighting empirical results along with theoretical concepts. The possibility of applying AI mechanisms towards security aspects in the communication domain is elaborated; also explored is the application side of integrated technologies that enhance AI-based innovations, insights, intelligent predictions, cost optimization, inventory management, identification processes, classification mechanisms, cooperative spectrum sensing techniques, ad-hoc network architecture, and protocol and simulation-based environments. Audience Researchers, industry IT engineers, and graduate students working on and implementing AI-based wireless sensor networks, 5G, IoT, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and robotics in WSN, and related technologies.

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119821786


Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning

Автор: Sally Goddard Blythe

Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice. The package includes tests for children, a developmental movement programme, and information about online access to INPP video training materials. Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice Expands and revises an INPP manual which has previously only been available to training customers, and which is a foundation stone of the overall INPP approach Places emphasis on children's physical development and how neuro-motor skills provide the foundations for learning success. The package includes batteries of tests for younger and older children, a developmental movement programme This book may be supported and enhanced by INPP video training materials and score sheets, available for download purchase from the INPP website

Цена: 9937.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119945024


Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012. Официальный учебный курс
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012. Официальный учебный курс

Автор: Джеймс Вандезанд

Эта книга, написанная сертифицированными компанией Autodesk американскими специалистами, посвящена основам работы с программой Autodesk Revit на основе Revit Architecture 2012. Объясняется, как начать работу с Revit, что делать на первой (эскизной) стадии проектирования, как развивать и улучшать уже начатый проект, как создавать и оформлять спецификации и чертежи. Главная задача курса – помочь начинающему пользователю понять суть работы в Revit, принципы создания модели здания, основы проектной работы на базе технологии информационного моделирования зданий (BIM). Также большое место отводится вопросам организации проектирования в условиях внедрения BIM как на начальной, так и на последующих стадиях, взаимодействию членов коллектива, особенностям использования Revit, полезным советам и анализу возможных проблем. Издание будет полезно как начинающим, так и опытным пользователям, желающим хорошо разобраться в особенностях работы программы Revit Architecture 2012.

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-94074-830-4


Beyond Redundancy
Beyond Redundancy

Автор: Eric Bauer

How Geographic Redundancy Can Improve Service Availability and Reliability of Computer-Based Systems Enterprises make significant investments in geographically redundant systems to mitigate the very unlikely risk of a natural or man-made disaster rendering their primary site inaccessible or destroying it completely. While geographic redundancy has obvious benefits for disaster recovery, it is far less obvious what benefit georedundancy offers for more common hardware, software, and human failures. Beyond Redundancy provides both a theoretical and practical treatment of the feasible and likely benefits from geographic redundancy for both service availability and service reliability. The book is organized into three sections: Basics provides the necessary background on georedundancy and service availability Modeling and Analysis of Redundancy gives the technical and mathematical details of service availability modeling of georedundant configurations Recommendations offers specific recommendations on architecture, requirements, design, testing, and analysis of georedundant configurations A complete georedundant case study is included to illustrate the recommendations. The book considers both georedundant systems and georedundant solutions. The text also provides a general discussion about the capital expense/operating expense tradeoff that frames system redundancy and georedundancy. These added features make Beyond Redundancy an invaluable resource for network/system planners, IS/IT personnel, system architects, system engineers, developers, testers, and disaster recovery/business continuity consultants and planners.

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118104927


Cable System Transients
Cable System Transients

Автор: Akihiro Ametani

A systematic and comprehensive introduction to electromagnetic transient in cable systems, written by the internationally renowned pioneer in this field Presents a systematic and comprehensive introduction to electromagnetic transient in cable systems Written by the internationally renowned pioneer in the field Thorough coverage of the state of the art on the topic, presented in a well-organized, logical style, from fundamentals and practical applications A companion website is available

Цена: 15388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118702161


Circadian Medicine
Circadian Medicine

Автор: Christopher S. Colwell

Circadian rhythms, the biological oscillations based around our 24-hour clock, have a profound effect on human physiology and healthy cellular function. Circadian Rhythms: Health and Disease is a wide-ranging foundational text that provides students and researchers with valuable information on the molecular and genetic underpinnings of circadian rhythms and looks at the impacts of disruption in our biological clocks in health and disease. Circadian Rhythms opens with chapters that lay the fundamental groundwork on circadian rhythm biology. Section II looks at the impact of circadian rhythms on major organ systems. Section III then turns its focus to the central nervous system. The book then closes with a look at the role of biological rhythms in aging and neurodegeneration. Written in an accessible and informative style, Circadian Rhythms: Health and Disease,will be an invaluable resource and entry point into this fascinating interdisciplinary field that brings together aspects of neuroscience, cell and molecular biology, and physiology.

Цена: 13683.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118467800


Cognitive Mechanisms of Learning
Cognitive Mechanisms of Learning

Автор: Anh Nguyen-Xuan

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119750468


Cognitive Psychology For Dummies
Cognitive Psychology For Dummies

Автор: Peter J. Hills

Demystify the core concepts of cognitive psychology Written specifically for psychology students – and not other academics – Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is an accessible and entertaining introduction to the field. Unlike the dense and jargon-laden content found in most psychology textbooks, this practical guide provides readers with easy-to-understand explanations of the fundamental elements of cognitive psychology so that they are able obtain a firm grasp of the material. Cognitive Psychology For Dummies follows the structure of a typical university course, which makes it the perfect supplement for students in need of a clear and enjoyable overview of the topic. The complexities of a field that explores internal mental processes – including the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems – can be overwhelming for first-year psychology students. This practical resource cuts through the academic-speak to provide a clear understanding of the most important elements of cognitive psychology. Obtain a practical understanding of the core concepts of cognitive psychology Supplement required course reading with clear and easy-to-understand overviews Gain confidence in your ability to apply your knowledge of cognitive psychology Prepare for upcoming exams or topic discussions Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is the perfect resource for psychology students who need a clear and readable overview of the core concepts of cognitive psychology.

Цена: 2572.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119953906



Автор: Леонид Сергеевич Акимкин

Covid 19. Вирус, который изменил жизнь всего человечества, и две тысячи двадцатый год показал, насколько мы готовы или не готовы к переменам. Но что, если на этом изменения в жизни общества не закончились? Что, если вирус разделил общество на касты. На свободных людей с повышенным иммунитетом и на тех, у кого только базовый? И все это привело к новому крепостному праву, к закрепощению тех, чей «ковидный» статус равен «девятнадцати». Все это только для их спасения. Или все не так просто? Главный герой ищет ответы на эти и другие вопросы. Содержит нецензурную брань.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 149 руб.
Год: 2021


Creazion. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби 1/2023
Creazion. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби №1/2023

Автор: Группа авторов

«Моё любимое хобби. Creazion» предлагает практичные и одновременно креативные модели европейских дизайнеров по вязанию крючком и спицами для всей семьи, а также не менее интересные идеи для украшения интерьеров изделиями, связанными своими руками. Укрупненные фото отдельных фрагментов дают читателю полное представление о модели. Краткое описание на фотографии обращает внимание читателя на важные технологические и эстетические аспекты. В этом выпуске: Кое-где еще метут метели, а природа уже готовится к приходу самого прекрасного времени года… Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию коллекцию трикотажа нового сезона, в которой успешно сочетаются базовые и оригинальные модели, связанные на спицах или крючком. Привлекательные детали, а также разнообразные узоры – жаккардовые, ажурные, рельефные – придутся по вкусу самым искушенным любителям вязания. Порадуют вас и замечательные комплекты, занимающие особое место на страницах этого выпуска, и классные, комфортные вещи для дорогих мужчин и ребятишек. Поэтому принимайтесь скорее за работу, которая, без сомнения, подарит вам массу удовольствия и весеннее настроение!

Серия: Журнал «Creazion. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби» 2023

Цена: 159 руб.
Год: 2023


Das erste Tagebuch 1958 - Black Stiletto, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Das erste Tagebuch 1958 - Black Stiletto, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Raymond Benson

Исполнители: Stefan Lehnen

Цена: 1376.09 руб.
ISBN: 9783969830079


Das F?nfte Versprechen - Wie man richtig zuh?rt (Ungek?rzt)
Das F?nfte Versprechen - Wie man richtig zuh?rt (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Don Miguel Ruiz

Исполнители: Markus Meuter

Цена: 1672.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781628611786


Das Ziel - Ein Roman ?ber Prozessoptimierung (Ungek?rzt)
Das Ziel - Ein Roman ?ber Prozessoptimierung (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Джефф Кокс

Исполнители: Michael Reffi

Цена: 2559.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781628610406


Developing Cognitive Control Processes
Developing Cognitive Control Processes

Автор: Группа авторов

The collected papers from the most prestigious symposia in the field of child development provide scholars, students, and practitioners with access to the work of key researchers in human development. This volume focuses on changes in our understanding of cogisnitive control processes—constructs important to the field since Wundt and Freud. Our understanding of these constructs has advanced dramatically in recent years—both empirically and conceptually. This collection brings generalists and specialists alike up-to-date on this central process of human development and the implications for this new knowledge on school success and other areas.

Цена: 15613.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118417799


Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Автор: Mark H. Johnson

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 4th Edition, is a revised and updated edition of the landmark text focusing on the development of brain and behaviour during infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Offers a comprehensive introduction to all issues relating to the nature of brain-behaviour relationships and development New or greatly expanded coverage of topics such as epigenetics and gene expression, cell migration and stem cells, sleep and learning/memory, socioeconomic status and development of prefrontal cortex function Includes a new chapter on educational neuroscience, featuring the latest findings on the application of cognitive neuroscience methods in school-age educational contexts Includes a variety of student-friendly features such as chapter-end discussion, practical applications of basic research, and material on recent technological breakthroughs

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118938102


Developmental Psychopathology, Theory and Method
Developmental Psychopathology, Theory and Method

Автор: Группа авторов

The seminal reference for the latest research in developmental psychopathology Developmental Psychopathology is a four-volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume One: Theory and Method focuses on the theoretical and empirical work that has contributed to dramatic advancements in understanding of child and adult development, including findings in the areas of genetics and neurobiology, as well as social and contextual factors. Now in its third edition, this comprehensive reference has been fully updated to reflect the current state of the field and its increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature and the increasing importance of translational research. Contributions from expert researchers and clinicians provide insight into how multiple levels of analysis may influence individual differences, the continuity or discontinuity of patterns, and the pathways by which the same developmental outcomes may be achieved. Advances in developmental psychopathology have burgeoned since the 2006 publication of the second edition ten years ago, and keeping up on the latest findings in multiple avenues of investigation can be burdensome to the busy professional and researcher from psychology and related fields. This reference solves the problem by collecting the best of the best, as edited by Dante Cicchetti, a recognized leader in the field, into one place, with a logical organization designed for easy reference. Get up to date on the latest research from the field Explore new models, emerging theory, and innovative approaches Learn new technical analysis and research design methods Understand the impact of life stage on mental health The complexity of a field as diverse as developmental psychopathology deepens with each emerging theory and new area of study, as made obvious by the exciting findings coming out of institutions and clinics around the world. Developmental Psychopathology Volume One: Theory and Method brings these findings together into a cohesive, broad-reaching reference.

Цена: 26314.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119125433


Developmental Psychopathology, Risk, Resilience, and Intervention
Developmental Psychopathology, Risk, Resilience, and Intervention

Автор: Группа авторов

Examine the latest research merging nature and nurture in pathological development Developmental Psychopathology is a four-volume compendium of the most complete and current research on every aspect of the field. Volume Four: Genes and Environment focuses on the interplay between nature and nurture throughout the life stages, and the ways in which a child's environment can influence his or her physical and mental health as an adult. The discussion explores relationships with family, friends, and the community; environmental factors like poverty, violence, and social support; the development of coping mechanisms, and more, including the impact of these factors on physical brain development. This new third edition has been fully updated to incorporate the latest advances, and to better reflect the increasingly multilevel and interdisciplinary nature of the field and the growing importance of translational research. The relevance of classification in a developmental context is also addressed, including DSM-5 criteria and definitions. Advances in developmental psychopathology are occurring increasingly quickly as expanding theoretical and empirical work brings about dramatic gains in the multiple domains of child and adult development. This book brings you up to date on the latest developments surrounding genetics and environmental influence, including their intersection in experience-dependent brain development. Understand the impact of childhood adversity on adulthood health Gauge the effects of violence, poverty, interparental conflict, and more Learn how peer, family, and community relationships drive development Examine developments in prevention science and future research priorities Developmental psychopathology is necessarily interdisciplinary, as development arises from a dynamic interplay between psychological, genetic, social, cognitive, emotional, and cultural factors. Developmental Psychopathology Volume Four: Genes and Environment brings this diverse research together to give you a cohesive picture of the state of knowledge in the field.

Цена: 26314.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119125532


Die geheimen Briefe des M?nchs, der seinen Ferrari verkaufte - Eine Parabel vom Suchen und Finden (Ungek?rzt)
Die geheimen Briefe des M?nchs, der seinen Ferrari verkaufte - Eine Parabel vom Suchen und Finden (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Robin Sharma

Исполнители: Markus Meuter

Цена: 2263.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781628611762


Die Stadt der gl?sernen Tr?ume (Ungek?rzt)
Die Stadt der gl?sernen Tr?ume (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Linda Rottler

Исполнители: Funda Vanroy

Цена: 1178.8 руб.
ISBN: 9783969830024


Drawing Geological Structures
Drawing Geological Structures

Автор: J?rn H. Kruhl

Despite the modern dominance of computer graphics programs and digital cameras, the ability todraw geological structures manually remains a necessity in academic geology and beyond. Drawings serve for quick and simple documentation in the field or at the microscope. They can be applied as a language of their own as well as be adapted to suit specific requirements. Moreover, geological drawing improves observational ability and contributes to the understanding of geological structures and structure-forming processes. Geological drawing is assisted scientific thinking. Drawing Geological Structures provides undergraduate as well as graduate and practicing geologists with a thorough, step-by-step practical guide to the art of geological drawing. Beginning with the basics, the book covers thin sections, sample sections, samples and geological stereograms. The chapters provide examples of how drawings evolve and are complemented by exercises, allowing the reader to practice their drawing prior to going out into the field or working at the microscope. Users of this unique guide will develop their knowledge and technical vocabulary whilst also improving their drawing skills.

Цена: 4616.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119387237


Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems
Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems

Автор: Группа авторов

During the nineteenth century, ivory hunting caused a substantial decrease of elephant numbers in southern Africa. Soon after that, populations of many other large and medium-sized herbivores went into steep decline due to the rinderpest pandemic in the 1890s. These two events provided an opportunity for woodland establishment in areas previously intensively utilized by elephants and other herbivores. The return of elephants to currently protected areas of their former range has greatly influenced vegetation locally and the resulting potential negative effects on biodiversity are causing concern among stakeholders, managers, and scientists. This book focuses on the ecological effects of the increasing elephant population in northern Botswana, presenting the importance of the elephants for the heterogeneity of the system, and showing that elephant ecology involves much wider spatiotemporal scales than was previously thought. Drawing on the results of their research, the authors discuss elephant-caused effects on vegetation in nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor savannas, and the potential competition between elephants on the one hand and browsers and mixed feeders on the other. Ultimately this text provides a comprehensive review of ecological processes in African savannas, covering long-term ecosystem changes and human-wildlife conflicts. It summarises new knowledge on the ecology of the sub-humid African savanna ecosystems to advance the general functional understanding of savanna ecosystems across moisture and nutrient gradients.

Цена: 10772 руб.
ISBN: 9781118858592


Energy Production and Storage
Energy Production and Storage

Автор: Группа авторов

Energy production and storage are central problems for our time. In principle, abundant energy is available from the sun to run the earth in a sustainable way. Solar energy can be directly harnessed by agricultural and photovoltaic means, but the sheer scale of the energy demand poses severe challenges, for example any major competition between biomass production and food production would simply transfer scarcity from energy to food. Indirect use of solar energy in the form of wind looks also promising, especially for those regions not blessed with abundant sunlight. Other modes such as tidal and wave energy may well become important niche players. Inorganic chemistry plays a decisive role in the development of new energy technologies and this Volume covers some promising modes of alternative energy production and storage that minimize the atmospheric burden of fossil-derived carbon monoxide. No one production or storage mode is likely to dominate, at least at first, and numerous possibilities need to be explored to compare their technical feasibility and economics. This provides the context for a broad exploration of novel ideas that we are likely to see in future years as the field expands. This Volume covers a wide range of topics, such as: – Water splitting, only water is a sufficiently cheap and abundant electron source for global exploitation; – Energy conversion by photosynthesis; – Molecular catalysts for water splitting; – Thermochemical water splitting; – Photocatalytic hydrogen production; – Artificial photosynthesis, progress of the Swedish Consortium; – Hydrogen economy; – Reduction of carbon dioxide to useful fuels; – Conversion of methane to methanol; – Dye sensitized solar cells; – Photoinitiated electron transfer in fuel cells; – Proton exchange membranes for fuel cells; – Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells; – Direct Ethanol fuel cells; – Molecular catalysis for fuel cells; – Enzymes and microbes in fuel cells; – Li-Ion batteries; – Magic Angle Spinning NMR studies of battery materials; Supercapacitors and electrode materials. About EIC Books The Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry (EIC) has proved to be one of the defining standards in inorganic chemistry, and most chemistry libraries around the world have access either to the first or second print edition, or to the online version. Many readers, however, prefer to have more concise thematic volumes, targeted to their specific area of interest. This feedback from EIC readers has encouraged the Editors to plan a series of EIC Books, focusing on topics of current interest. They will appear on a regular basis, and will feature leading scholars in their fields. Like the Encyclopedia, EIC Books aim to provide both the starting research student and the confirmed research worker with a critical distillation of the leading concepts in inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry, and provide a structured entry into the fields covered. This volume is also available as part of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry, 5 Volume Set. This set combines all volumes published as EIC Books from 2007 to 2010, representing areas of key developments in the field of inorganic chemistry published in the Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. Find out more.

Цена: 18632 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632659


Essentials of Intellectual Disability Assessment and Identification
Essentials of Intellectual Disability Assessment and Identification

Автор: Linda Wilmshurst

Brue’s Essentials Intellectual Disability is a concise, up-to-date overview of intellectual disability evaluation and assessment. This text offers a practical, concise overview of the nature of intellectual disability and adaptive skills functioning in children, adolescents, and adults. Coverage includes the latest information on prevalence, causes, differential diagnoses, behavioral and social concerns, test instruments, and the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. The discussion promotes a deeper understanding of the use of assessment data to inform interventions in clinical practice. Designed for easy navigation, each chapter highlights important points and key cautions to allow quick reference without sacrificing depth. A sample assessment report illustrates how findings should be communicated to better inform treatment, giving you a practical reference to ensure comprehensive reporting. In 2013, the DSM-5 conceptualization of intellectual disabilities was significantly changed. It's important for professionals to have access to the most current guidelines from a variety of sources, and this book compiles them all into a single reference.

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781118875643


Essentials of WMS-III Assessment
Essentials of WMS-III Assessment

Автор: Elizabeth Lichtenberger O

This one-stop guide offers state-of-the-art practical and interpretive guides for the Wechsler Memory Scales, used to interpret intellectual and memory function in dementia patients, substance-abusing patients, and individuals recovering from head trauma, among others.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780471200178


Game Play
Game Play

Автор: Группа авторов

The essential guide to game play therapy for mental health practitioners The revised and updated third edition of Game Play Therapy offers psychologists and psychiatrists a guide to game play therapy’s theoretical foundations and contains the practical applications that are appropriate for children and adolescents. Game playing has proven to invoke more goal-directed behavior, has the benefit of interpersonal interaction, and can perform a significant role in the adaptation to one's environment. With contributions from noted experts in the field, the third edition contains information on the time-tested, classic games and the most recent innovations and advances in game play approaches. Game Play Therapy’s revised third edition (like the previous editions) continues to fill a gap in the literature by offering mental health practitioners the information needed to understand why and how to use this intervention effectively. The contributors offer advice for choosing the most useful games from the more than 700 now available and describe the fundamentals of administering the games. This important updated book: Contains material on the recent advances in the field including information on electronic games and disorder-specific games Includes illustrative case studies that explore the process of game therapy Reviews the basics of the underlying principles and applications of game therapy Offers a wide-range of games with empirical evidence of the effectiveness of game therapy Written for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health clinicians, the revised third edition of Game Play Therapy offers a guide that shows how to apply game therapy techniques to promote socialization, encourage the development of identity and self-esteem, and help individuals master anxiety.

Цена: 3338.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119553755


Great Myths of Aging
Great Myths of Aging

Автор: Joan T. Erber

Great Myths of Aging looks at the generalizations and stereotypes associated with older people and, with a blend of humor and cutting-edge research, dispels those common myths. Reader-friendly structure breaks myths down into categories such as Body, Mind, and Living Contexts; and looks at myths from “Older people lose interest in sex” to “Older people are stingy” Explains the origins of myths and misconceptions about aging Looks at the unfortunate consequences of anti-aging stereotypes for both the reader and older adults in society

Цена: 9162.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781118521465


Great Myths of Child Development
Great Myths of Child Development

Автор: Stephen Hupp

Great Myths of Child Development reveals the latest evidence-based science behind the myths and misconceptions about the developing child. Shatters the most commonly-held child development myths Reveals the science behind such topical issues as twin-telepathy, sex-prediction, and imaginary friends Covers hot-button issues like childhood vaccines, spankings, “time-outs,” and breastfeeding of older children Features numerous pop culture references and examples drawn from popular TV shows and movies, such as Duck Dynasty, Modern Family and Mad Men Points to a wealth of supplementary resources for interested parents—from evidence-based treatments and self-help books to relevant websites

Цена: 8937.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781118521250


Great Myths of the Brain
Great Myths of the Brain

Автор: Кристиан Джарретт

Great Myths of the Brain introduces readers to the field of neuroscience by examining popular myths about the human brain. Explores commonly-held myths of the brain through the lens of scientific research, backing up claims with studies and other evidence from the literature Looks at enduring myths such as “Do we only use 10% of our brain?”, “Pregnant women lose their mind”, “Right-brained people are more creative” and many more. Delves into myths relating to specific brain disorders, including epilepsy, autism, dementia, and others Written engagingly and accessibly for students and lay readers alike, providing a unique introduction to the study of the brain Teaches readers how to spot neuro hype and neuro-nonsense claims in the media

Цена: 7658.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781118312681


Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2
Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2

Автор: Rhea Paul

The latest and most comprehensive resource on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter-century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has been the most influential reference work in the field. Volume 2 of this comprehensive work includes a wealth of information from the experts in their respective specialities within the larger field of autism studies: Assessment, Interventions, and Social Policy Perspectives. Within the three sections found in Volume 2, readers will find in-depth treatment of: Screening for autism in young children; diagnostic instruments in autism spectrum disorders (ASD); clinical evaluation in multidisciplinary settings; assessing communications in ASD; and behavioral assessment of individuals with autism, including current practice and future directions Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk; comprehensive treatment models for children and youth with ASD; targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with ASD; augmentative and alternative communication; interventions for challenging behaviors; supporting mainstream educational success; supporting inclusion education; promoting recreational engagement in children with ASD; social skills interventions; and employment and related services for adults with ASD Supporting adult independence in the community for individuals with high functioning ASD; supporting parents, siblings, and grandparents of people with ASD; and evidence-based psychosocial interventions for individuals with ASD Special topic coverage such as autism across cultures; autism in the courtroom; alternative treatments; teacher and professional training guidelines; economic aspects of autism; and consideration of alternative treatments The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118286838


Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics
Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics

Автор: Группа авторов

The Handbook of Developmental Science, Behavior, and Genetics brings together the cutting-edge theory, research and methodology that contribute to our current scientific understanding of the role of genetics in the developmental system. • Commemorates the historically important contributions made by Gilbert Gottlieb in comparative psychology and developmental science • Includes an international group of contributors who are among the most respected behavioral and biological scientists working today • Examines the scientific basis for rejecting the reductionism and counterfactual approach to understanding the links between genes, behavior, and development • Documents the current status of comparative psychology and developmental science and provides the foundation for future scientific progress in the field

Цена: 5291.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781444327649


Healthcare Analytics
Healthcare Analytics

Автор: Группа авторов

Features of statistical and operational research methods and tools being used to improve the healthcare industry With a focus on cutting-edge approaches to the quickly growing field of healthcare, Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement provides an integrated and comprehensive treatment on recent research advancements in data-driven healthcare analytics in an effort to provide more personalized and smarter healthcare services. Emphasizing data and healthcare analytics from an operational management and statistical perspective, the book details how analytical methods and tools can be utilized to enhance healthcare quality and operational efficiency. Organized into two main sections, Part I features biomedical and health informatics and specifically addresses the analytics of genomic and proteomic data; physiological signals from patient-monitoring systems; data uncertainty in clinical laboratory tests; predictive modeling; disease modeling for sepsis; and the design of cyber infrastructures for early prediction of epidemic events. Part II focuses on healthcare delivery systems, including system advances for transforming clinic workflow and patient care; macro analysis of patient flow distribution; intensive care units; primary care; demand and resource allocation; mathematical models for predicting patient readmission and postoperative outcome; physician–patient interactions; insurance claims; and the role of social media in healthcare. Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement also features: • Contributions from well-known international experts who shed light on new approaches in this growing area • Discussions on contemporary methods and techniques to address the handling of rich and large-scale healthcare data as well as the overall optimization of healthcare system operations • Numerous real-world examples and case studies that emphasize the vast potential of statistical and operational research tools and techniques to address the big data environment within the healthcare industry • Plentiful applications that showcase analytical methods and tools tailored for successful healthcare systems modeling and improvement The book is an ideal reference for academics and practitioners in operations research, management science, applied mathematics, statistics, business, industrial and systems engineering, healthcare systems, and economics. Healthcare Analytics: From Data to Knowledge to Healthcare Improvement is also appropriate for graduate-level courses typically offered within operations research, industrial engineering, business, and public health departments. HUI YANG, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. His research interests include sensor-based modeling and analysis of complex systems for process monitoring/control; system diagnostics/ prognostics; quality improvement; and performance optimization with special focus on nonlinear stochastic dynamics and the resulting chaotic, recurrence, self-organizing behaviors. EVA K. LEE, PhD, is Professor in the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of the Center for Operations Research in Medicine and HealthCare, and Distinguished Scholar in Health System, Health Systems Institute at both Emory University School of Medicine and Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include health-risk prediction; early disease prediction and diagnosis; optimal treatment strategies and drug delivery; healthcare outcome analysis and treatment prediction; public health and medical preparedness; large-scale healthcare/medical decision analysis and quality improvement; clinical translational

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119374664


Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan
Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan

Автор: Группа авторов

A practically focused guide to effective counseling of all clients Human Development Across the Life Span is a practical guide to human growth and development, moving beyond theory to include real-world applications for counselors who work with clients. Written by recognized authorities in mental health counseling and counselor education, this book is fully aligned with the American Counseling Association's accreditation standards and includes contributions by well-known and respected academics and practitioners. Based on an extensive review of course syllabi across CACREP-accredited programs, this book is organized to follow the way courses are typically taught and follows a consistent structure including pedagogical elements that help students learn. After a thorough examination of essential concepts and theories of life span development, the book moves through each stage of human growth and development to provide expert insight, short case studies, and practical applications to counseling. The full Instructor's package provides a useful set of tools, including a Respondus test bank, PowerPoint slides, and an Instructor's Manual. This book is the only text on human growth and development that emphasizes the key implications and applications for counselors, providing useful information and the insights of real experts in each subject area. Understand the developmental milestones at each life stage Appreciate clients' perspectives to better facilitate appropriate interventions Work more effectively with clients of any age, from toddlers to seniors Tailor your approach to meet the unique needs and abilities of each life stage As a counselor, you cannot approach a child's therapy the same way you approach an adult's. Even within each major category, each developmental stage includes a nuanced set of characteristics that, considered appropriately, will inform a more effective treatment plan. Human Development Across the Life Span is a comprehensive guide to understanding all of your clients, and providing the type of counseling that facilitates more positive outcomes.

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118984758


Idiot s Guide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Idiot's Guide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Автор: Dr. Jayme Albin

Серия: Complete Idiot's Guides

Исполнители: Jessica Ball

Цена: 1245.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780241453698


Ikigai. Dein Grund, morgens aufzustehen
Ikigai. Dein Grund, morgens aufzustehen

Автор: Frank Bonkowski

Warum bist du heute aufgestanden? Weil du musstest, obwohl du eigentlich lieber liegengeblieben w?rst? Oder konntest du es kaum erwarten, in diesen Tag zu starten, Neues zu entdecken und etwas zu tun, das dir wichtig ist – und vielleicht sogar diese Welt ein kleines St?ckchen besser macht? Gibt es eigentlich so etwas wie einen individuellen Lebenssinn? Eine Aufgabe, die nicht unbedingt leicht ist, aber dir unglaublich viel Freude, Energie und Sinn gibt? Die Japaner haben ein Wort f?r das, was dich morgens aus dem Bett steigen l?sst. Sie nennen es «Ikigai». «Ikigai» ist die innere Stimme, dass dieser Tag dir wichtig werden k?nnte, dass es etwas Neues zu entdecken gibt und irgendwo da drau?en eine Aufgabe auf dich wartet. Anhand biographischer und biblischer Portr?ts sowie Geschichten aus dem eigenen Leben zeigt Pastor Frank Bonkowski, wie man sein «Ikigai» finden kann.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783961400959


La pasi?n de Jes?s
La pasi?n de Jes?s

Автор: Euclides Eslava

El misterio de la pasi?n del Se?or ha removido muchas conciencias a lo largo de la historia. La fuerza del sacrificio del cordero pascual sigue confrontando a las personas que, al considerar esas escenas, caen en la cuenta de que no son simples relatos del pasado, sino que conservan su actualidad: que somos protagonistas de esos hechos, tanto porque formamos parte de la multitud culpable como porque somos beneficiarios de aquel holocausto.

Цена: 541.55 руб.
ISBN: 9789581205776


LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook
LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook

Автор: Xincheng Zhang

A comprehensive resource containing the operating principles and key insights of LTE networks performance optimization LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook is a comprehensive reference that describes the most current technologies and optimization principles for LTE networks. The text offers an introduction to the basics of LTE architecture, services and technologies and includes details on the key principles and methods of LTE optimization and its parameters. In addition, the author clarifies different optimization aspects such as wireless channel optimization, data optimization, CSFB, VoLTE, and video optimization. With the ubiquitous usage and increased development of mobile networks and smart devices, LTE is the 4G network that will be the only mainstream technology in the current mobile communication system and in the near future. Designed for use by researchers, engineers and operators working in the field of mobile communications and written by a noted engineer and experienced researcher, the LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook provides an essential guide that: Discusses the latest optimization engineering technologies of LTE networks and explores their implementation Features the latest and most industrially relevant applications, such as VoLTE and HetNets Includes a wealth of detailed scenarios and optimization real-world case studies Professionals in the field will find the LTE Optimization Engineering Handbook to be their go-to reference that includes a thorough and complete examination of LTE networks, their operating principles, and the most current information to performance optimization.

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119159001


Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis
Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis

Автор: Mark W. Leitman

Цена: 7090.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781119630623


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