психиатрия (страница 3)

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Уголовный кодекс и психиатрия
Уголовный кодекс и психиатрия

Автор: Александр Иванович Алтунин

Автор в своей работе делает ссылки на отдельные статьи уголовного кодекса России применительно к психиатрии. Это касается и самого больного и его родственников, коллег по работе, соседей и всех прочих людей, так или иначе имеющих отношение к психически больному. Прошло много лет, но основные тезисы остались прежними.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Фармакологический тест
Фармакологический тест

Автор: Александр Иванович Алтунин

В работе врач-психиатр рассказывает о некоторых особенностях диагностики и лечения психических заболеваний. Можно сказать, делится своими профессиональными секретами.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Феномены мозга
Феномены мозга

Автор: Владимир Бехтерев

Вклад В. М. Бехтерева (1857–1927) в науку неоценим: он стал основоположником рефлексологии и патапсихологии, был выдающимся психиатром. «Феномены мозга» – это сборник о гипнозе, внушении и телепатии, который раскроет их влияние как на человеческое сознание, так и на общественную жизнь. Cохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Психология. Классика

Цена: 219 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-17-157498-7


Финансовая аналитика: проблемы и решения 29 (263) 2015
Финансовая аналитика: проблемы и решения № 29 (263) 2015

Автор: Группа авторов

Научно-практический журнал – информационно-аналитическое издание, посвященное вопросам повышения эффективности управления финансами как на макро-, так и на микроуровнях экономики. Отличительной особенностью публикаций является ориентация на передовые научные исследования и акцент на практическое применение их в сфере бизнеса. В номере: – Актуализация направлений фискального контроля на уровне субъекта федерации (на примере налога на прибыль организаций) – Развитие государственного финансового контроля в системе высших учебных заведений – Развитие банковского сектора России в условиях экономических санкций. Риски кредитования и ликвидность – Нейросетевой анализ динамики инновационной активности регионов Российской Федерации и многое другое!

Серия: Журнал «Финансовая аналитика: проблемы и решения» 2015

Цена: 750 руб.
Год: 2015


Фитотерапия психосоматических расстройств
Фитотерапия психосоматических расстройств

Автор: О. Г. Сыропятов

В пособии для психиатров и интернистов по диагностике и лечению соматоформных («психосоматических» расстройств) представлены основные понятия, клинические критерии и дифференциальная диагностика соматоформных расстройств. Изложены принципы терапии с использованием синтетических психофармакологических препаратов, более подробно – лекарственных трав и комплексных фитопрепаратов. Пособие является продолжением монографии авторов «Гомеопатия и антигомотоксикология в терапии психических расстройств». Авторы будут признательны за все конструктивные замечания и предлагают всем заинтересованным лицам и организациям сотрудничество по программе «Консультативная психиатрия и психотерапия в Восточной Европе».

Цена: 69.9 руб.
Год: 2001
ISBN: 966-7389-13-8


Футуризм и безумие (сборник)
Футуризм и безумие (сборник)

Автор: Александр Закржевский

В последнее время по мере ужесточения запретительных и цензурных законов, в дискуссию о том, что можно и что нельзя изображать в литературе, живописи, фотографии и других видах искусства, постепенно снова входит понятие психиатрической болезни и нормы. Мы хотим напомнить, что дискуссия между «нормальными» обывателями и «безумными» новаторами стара, как и наша цивилизация, и что хотя свободное творчество легко перелетает через бутафорские бумажные заборы, выставляемые учебниками психиатрии, спор о природе человеческого сознания всегда обогащался благодаря двум видам источников: художественным и научным. В данное издание вошли три книги, изданные в России в 1913–1914 гг. и с тех пор не переиздававшиеся. Сборник открывает книга Александра Закржевского «Рыцари безумия (футуристы)» (Киев, 1914 г.), элегантнейший гимн футуризму и футуристам с обзором актуальных на тот момент художественных тенденций. Вторая книга в нашем сборнике – работа психиатра Евгения Радина «Футуризм и безумие» СПб, 1914), довольно деликатное критическое исследование современного автору футуризма с точки зрения психиатрии. В третьей части представлена книга Николая Вавулина (СПб, 1913), о природе безумия и творчества – темы, бесспорно, исследованной еще недостаточно.

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 1914
ISBN: 978-5-9908592-8-9


Что можно сказать нормальным языком про ситуацию
Что можно сказать нормальным языком про ситуацию

Автор: Сергей Борисович Иванов

Это главная книга про ситуацию (голос плохой), здесь всё.Я сначала создал имидж, что я был человеком.Про ситуацию можно писать кратко, только с удобоваримой точки зрения. Вот пришло время, после того, как я создал имидж, что я был человеком, выставить книгу «Что можно сказать нормальным языком про ситуацию». Книга полностью всё – платно можно было бы распространять, чисто потому что эта книга представляет ценность для психиатрического обследования ситуации (голоса плохого).

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2022


Чумовой психиатр. Пугающая и забавная история психиатрии
Чумовой психиатр. Пугающая и забавная история психиатрии

Автор: Максим Малявин

Сумасшествие появилось много раньше, чем психиатрия стала самостоятельной дисциплиной, какой вы видите её сейчас. Но попытки починить голову предпринимались уже тогда, в незапамятные времена. Не верите? А вы начните читать – и обещаю, что вы не оторвётесь, пока не перевернёте последнюю страницу. История психиатрии просто не может быть скучной – и вы в этом сами убедитесь! В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.

Серия: New Med

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 978-5-4461-2951-5


Шизофрен и Я
Шизофрен и Я

Автор: Алессандро

Беседы пациента с шизофренией и профессора психиатрии на пути к познанию себя. (18+)

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 2022


Шизофрения без страха: Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом
Шизофрения без страха: Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом

Автор: Наталья Керре

Она адресована людям, страдающим шизофренией, их родным, на которых ложится ответственность за жизнь и здоровье близких, и всем, кто интересуется темой психических заболеваний. Она также будет полезна начинающим врачам-психиатрам, психотерапевтам и психологам, занимающимся лечением и реабилитацией психически больных. Наталья Керре – дефектолог с огромным стажем, семейный психолог-консультант. В своей работе она неоднократно сталкивалась с неправильной и несвоевременной диагностикой шизофрении, в том числе у детей и подростков, и видела, к каким последствиям это приводит. Она помогла многим больным и их родным сформировать правильное отношение к диагнозу, научиться жить с ним и вести полноценную жизнь. Авторы затрагивают очень широкий спектр тем: различные теории возникновения шизофрении, характерные симптомы, методы диагностики и лечения, способы социальной реабилитации. Также здесь изложены реальные истории людей с диагнозом. Специальный раздел посвящен ответам на практические вопросы: как принять заболевание, как с ним жить, что делать, чтобы минимизировать риск обострения. В доступной форме рассказывается о том, как разобраться в особенностях заболевания, как относиться к людям с диагнозом, как взаимодействовать с ними и добиваться улучшения их состояния.

Исполнители: Оксана Архиреева

Цена: 599 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 9785961490787


Шизофрения без страха. Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом
Шизофрения без страха. Книга для людей с диагнозом и всех, кто рядом

Автор: Наталья Керре

Количество больных шизофренией в 1985–2021 гг., по данным ВОЗ, увеличилось на 30 %, основная часть заболевших – люди в возрасте от 15 до 30 лет. Цифры говорят о том, что с шизофренией может столкнуться любая семья. Несмотря на это, шизофрения до сих пор одна из самых пугающих и «запретных» в обществе тем, о которой боятся и не умеют говорить вслух. Мешает и то, что большинство доступной населению информации – на уровне слухов, мифов, «страшилок». Шизофрения – не яркость личности, не «раздвоение личности», не «демоны внутри». Шизофрения – болезнь. С которой можно и нужно научиться жить, если вовремя предпринять правильные шаги, которые касаются не только лечения, но и организации всей жизни в целом. Автор затрагивает широкий круг тем: теории возникновения шизофрении, наиболее характерные симптомы, методы диагностики и лечения с использованием антипсихотических лекарственных средств, социальная реабилитация людей, страдающих серьезными психическими расстройствами. Специальный раздел посвящен ответам на практические вопросы, которые волнуют больных и членов их семей: как принять заболевание, как с ним жить, как принимать препараты, что делать, чтобы минимизировать риск обострения. В книге доступно изложен материал, охватывающий все этапы и сферы жизни заболевших шизофренией и их близких: от первых «звоночков», на которые стоит обратить внимание до социальной реализации после постановки диагноза, от того, как сказать близким о диагнозе до возможных побочных эффектов от препаратов. В книге будут изложены интересные факты и жизненные истории (у нас много знакомых самых разных возрастов с этой проблемой, и они готовы поделиться своим опытом), но, в первую очередь она будет не развлекательной, а полезной, поэтому весь материал строго структурирован и изложен, основываясь на достижениях современной психологии. На страницах этой книги вы не найдёте сложных медицинских терминов, эзотерики, магии, погружения в пучины психоанализа, что делает её применимой на практике для абсолютно любого интересующегося этой темой читателя. Для кого Необходима больным людям, страдающим психическим расстройством, их родным, на которых ложится ответственность за жизнь близкого человека. Будет полезна начинающим врачам-психиатрам, психотерапевтам, психологам, занимающимся лечением и реабилитацией психически больных.

Цена: 549 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 9785206002386


Шизофрения. Найти и потерять себя
Шизофрения. Найти и потерять себя

Автор: Натан Файлер

Шизофрения. Будь то абстрактные ассоциации с этим словом или люди, на мысли о которых оно наводит, у всех нас так или иначе есть мнение на счет этого феномена. Как мы воспринимаем его и как относимся к людям, живущим в его контексте, – и есть суть нашего понимания психического здоровья. Но что мы знаем о шизофрении? Как много прочли или выслушали? Понимаем ли мы и в самом деле этот сложный и зачастую противоречивый диагноз? В этой книге Натан Файлер, квалифицированный медбрат психологического профиля и обладатель нескольких литературных премий, проведет нас по коридорам и кабинетам психиатрии как теории и как практики. Читатель приглашен на встречу с ведущими мировыми экспертами и некоторыми неординарными людьми, которые расскажут свои истории – подлинные, невыдуманные – о том, как им живется с этим странным и не до конца понятным заболеванием. Книга развеивает мифы, спорит с устоявшимися мнениями и предлагает по-новому взглянуть на безумие – и человечность. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Психология и психика

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-122336-6


Эпидемиология и профилактика психических расстройств
Эпидемиология и профилактика психических расстройств

Автор: Б. А. Казаковцев

В соответствии с классификацией ВОЗ (1983), профилактика психических расстройств делится на первичную (профилактика возникновения психических расстройств), вторичную (их своевременное выявление и лечение) и третичную (профилактика тяжелых последствий психических расстройств). Эффективность психообразовательной работы и когнитивно-поведенческой терапии при тяжелых и стойких психических расстройствах нередко оценивается лишь как временная или преходящая. Эффективность мер первичной профилактики психических расстройств оценивается более оптимистично. Предполагается, что будущие исследования этиологии психических расстройств, проводимые с использованием методов эпидемиологического анализа, могут способствовать развитию дополнительных стратегий первичной профилактики. Эти усилия могут оказать помощь в перераспределении ресурсов и принятии мер государственной политики. Меры первичной профилактики психических расстройств охватывают не только просвещение населения в области психического здоровья и медицинскую помощь в целом. Они включают борьбу с инфекциями, травмами и психогенными воздействиями, охватывают сферу деятельности медико-генетических консультаций, женских консультаций и системы родовспоможения, раннее выявление аномалий развития. Они в значительной мере относятся к воспитанию детей и подростков, предупреждению конфликтов, соблюдению режима труда и отдыха, психологическому консультированию, профилактике употребления психоактивных веществ. Рассчитано на организаторов здравоохранения, руководителей психиатрических организаций, врачей психиатров и психотерапевтов, клинических психологов, специалистов по социальной работе и социальных работников, аспирантов, клинических ординаторов, студентов лечебных и педиатрических факультетов, факультетов клинической психологии и социальной работы, а также на широкий круг читателей.

Цена: 650 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-00172-248-9


Эффективное управление производственным предприятием. Практическое руководство
Эффективное управление производственным предприятием. Практическое руководство

Автор: Александр Борисович Водянкин

Написанная специалистом-производственником книга представляет собой руководство, включающее отработанный на практике комплекс методик, расчетов, схем, алгоритмов и рабочих документов, внедрение которых позволяет обеспечить максимальную эффективность предприятия как коммерческой структуры. В состав руководства входят такие актуальные разделы, как построение системы управления предприятием, в т.ч. его организационной структуры, маркетинговый анализ, прогнозирование спроса, управление запасами, оптимальное планирование производства на основе стандартов MRP и MRPII, функционально-стоимостной анализ, управление основным и оборотным капиталом, управленческий учет, инвестиции, управление персоналом, оплата труда. Книга предназначается предпринимателям, имеющим собственный производственный бизнес или собирающимся его открыть, руководителям разного уровня, инженерно-техническим и финансовым работникам, а также IT-специалистам. Она может быть также рекомендована студентам и лицам, самостоятельно изучающим производственный менеджмент с целью последующего практического использования полученных знаний.

Исполнители: Александр Воробьев

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9780369407092


Я досчитаю до пяти… Внушение и его роль в общественной жизни
Я досчитаю до пяти… Внушение и его роль в общественной жизни

Автор: Владимир Бехтерев

Бехтерев Владимир Михайлович – российский невролог, психиатр и психолог, основатель научной школы, автор фундаментальных трудов по анатомии, физиологии и патологии нервной системы, родоначальник социальной психологии в России и создатель первого Психоневрологического института в России. В книге раскрывается сущность внушения как психического феномена, механизмы возникновения психических эпидемий и роль различных видов внушения в их зарождении и распространении во время кризисных ситуаций в обществ. Это был первый опыт такого рода в отечественной науке. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Клинические рассказы

Цена: 389 руб.
Год: 1902
ISBN: 978-5-907363-25-0


A Companion to Applied Philosophy
A Companion to Applied Philosophy

Автор: Группа авторов

Applied philosophy has been a growing area of research for the last 40 years. Until now, however, almost all of this research has been centered around the field of ethics. A Companion to Applied Philosophy breaks new ground, demonstrating that all areasof philosophy, including epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind, can be applied, and are relevant to questions of everyday life. This perennial topic in philosophy provides an overview of these various applied philosophy developments, highlighting similarities and differences between various areas of applied philosophy, and examining the very nature of this topic. It is an area to which many of the towering figures in the history of philosophy have contributed, and this timely Companion demonstrates how various historical contributions are actually contributions within applied philosophy, even if they are not traditionally seen as such. The Companion contains 42 essays covering major areas of philosophy; the articles themselves are all original contributions to the literature and represent the state of the art on this topic, as well as offering a map to the current debates.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118869116


A Companion to Border Studies
A Companion to Border Studies

Автор: Wilson Thomas M

A Companion to Border Studies introduces an exciting and expanding field of interdisciplinary research, through the writing of an international array of scholars, from diverse perspectives that include anthropology, development studies, geography, history, political science and sociology. Explores how nations and cultural identities are being transformed by their dynamic, shifting borders where mobility is sometimes facilitated, other times impeded or prevented Offers an array of international views which together form an authoritative guide for students, instructors and researchers Reflects recent significant growth in the importance of understanding the distinctive characteristics of borders and frontiers, including cross-border cooperation, security and controls, migration and population displacements, hybridity, and transnationalism

Цена: 23633.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781118255247


A Handbook for the Assessment of Children s Behaviours
A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours

Автор: Williams Jonathan O.H

Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Williams) with higher qualifications in general practice, child neuropsychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry, with one (Peter Hill) with higher qualifications in medicine, paediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry, the book draws on many thousands of multidisciplinary case discussions, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in the Children’s Multispecialty Assessment Clinic in North London, and in private practice. The book is ideal for the busy mental health professional working in a small team. Organised to allow rapid look-up of behaviours with comprehensive lists of their possible causes, it synthesizes research evidence and clinical experience. The authors interpret behaviour broadly, including not just voluntary actions, but also actions whose voluntary nature is questionable (such as drop attacks, personal preferences, and pseudobehaviours). They also include problems that lead to referral through their behavioural manifestations (e.g. aggression, anxiety, or a poor relationship with mother). Overall, the book spans the behavioural, cognitive, social and emotional problems of children and adolescents. With the child and family in the room, and with detailed school reports and psychometric results available, it is usually possible to identify causes of symptoms that are specific to the child and his environment, and which can guide behavioural, cognitive, social, and family interventions. Purchasers of the book will also be entitled to a Wiley Desktop Edition—an interactive digital version featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms.

Цена: 9831.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781119977469


ABC of Dementia
ABC of Dementia

Автор: Coope Bernard

ABC of Dementia is a practical guide to help healthcare professionals develop knowledge, skills, confidence and an understanding of dementia, in order to support those with dementia to live well. It begins with the cognitive disabilities and underlying brain diseases that define dementia, before moving on to diagnostic assessment and early intervention for dementia. There is a focus on the experience of the person with dementia and their families, highlighting the journey from diagnosis to end of life, including the role of person-centred care, and the limited therapeutic options available. Separate chapters address dementia in acute hospital settings, primary care, and care for those with the most severe challenges, as well as the specific needs of younger people developing dementia. The ethical and legal context of dementia care is also outlined. From a multidisciplinary author team, ABC of Dementia is a valuable resource for general practitioners, family physicians and other health care professionals caring for patients with dementia and related disorders. It is also relevant for geriatricians, psychologists, specialist and practice nurses, and nursing home staff.

Цена: 4192.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118473993


ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis
ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis

Автор: Fletcher Alan

A practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of acute symptoms and conditions, the ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis provides a step-by-step guide to emergency differential diagnosis for non-specialists in a hospital or primary care setting. This new title in the ABC series covers the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the most common symptoms with 'walk through' diagnosis, clear learning outcomes, and easy to find treatment options. Using the familiar problem-based teaching approach for rapid assimilation of information, case studies in each chapter allow the reader to be sure that they have synthesised the information given and can apply it to clinical cases.

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781444391251


ABC of Mental Health
ABC of Mental Health

Автор: Davies Teifion

Mental health services have changed completely in the UK, and the new edition of ABC of Mental Health has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect this. Providing clear practical advice on how to recognise, diagnose and manage mental disorders successfully and safely, with sections on selecting drugs and psychological treatments, and improving compliance, ABC of Mental Health also contains information on the major categories of mental health disorders, the mental health needs of vulnerable groups (such as the elderly, children, homeless and ethnic minorities) and the psychological treatments. Fully up to date with recent mental health legislation, this new edition is as comprehensive as it is invaluable. By covering the mental health needs of special groups, this ABC equips GPs, hospital doctors, nurses, counsellors and social workers with all the information they need for the day to day management of patients with mental health problems.

Цена: 6511.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781444316995


Agricultural Survey Methods
Agricultural Survey Methods

Автор: Группа авторов

Due to the widespread use of surveys in agricultural resources estimation there is a broad and recognizable interest in methods and techniques to collect and process agricultural data. This book brings together the knowledge of academics and experts to increase the dissemination of the latest developments in agricultural statistics. Conducting a census, setting up frames and registers and using administrative data for statistical purposes are covered and issues arising from sample design and estimation, use of remote sensing, management of data quality and dissemination and analysis of survey data are explored. Key features: Brings together high quality research on agricultural statistics from experts in this field. Provides a thorough and much needed overview of developments within agricultural statistics. Contains summaries for each chapter, providing a valuable reference framework for those new to the field. Based upon a selection of key methodological papers presented at the ICAS conference series, updated and expanded to address current issues. Covers traditional statistical methodologies including sampling and weighting. This book provides a much needed guide to conducting surveys of land use and to the latest developments in agricultural statistics. Statisticians interested in agricultural statistics, agricultural statisticians in national statistics offices and statisticians and researchers using survey methodology will benefit from this book.

Цена: 14488.93 руб.
ISBN: 9780470665466


Alzheimer s Disease
Alzheimer's Disease

Автор: Bengt Winblad

Alzheimer's Disease is an ever present problem affecting millions of people around the world and, as people's average lifespan lengthens, its prevalence is set to increase. A global effort is needed to combat the disease, including research to investigate the causes, development of effective treatments and, ultimately, prevention of the disease. Published every two years, these timely books discuss the very latest research. This new volume provides a unique source of reference to the important work being done in this field, it gives academics and clinicians an opportunity to learn about cutting edge developments and covers all aspects of Alzheimer's Disease, including diagnosis, clinical course, epidemiological course and therapeutics and disease mechanisms. Alzheimer's Disease: Advances in Etiology, Pathogenesis and Therapeutics will provide essential information for basic and clinical researchers in Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias as well as for those who care for patients.

Цена: 101075.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780470851746


Anthology of French Language Psychiatric Texts
Anthology of French Language Psychiatric Texts

Автор: Francois-Regis Cousin

Цена: 6732.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986721


Anthology of Italian Psychiatric Texts
Anthology of Italian Psychiatric Texts

Автор: Mario Maj

Цена: 7732.52 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986707


Bacteria and Intracellularity
Bacteria and Intracellularity

Автор: Philippe Sansonetti

Bacteria and Intracellularity clearly demonstrates that cellular microbiology as a field has reached maturity, extending beyond the strictly cellular level to infections of various organs and tissues. Decades of intense investigation into host-bacterial pathogen interactions have highlighted common concepts in intracellularity but also very diverse mechanisms underlying the various infections produced by bacteria. This book offers a wide-ranging look at the latest studies, including: foodborne pathogens, including how, when, and where bacteria interact with the gut and its microbiota infections of the urogenital tract, endothelial barriers, and the nervous system major advances in work with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and M. leprae subcellular microbiology, including metabolism of infected cells, nuclear biology, and microRNAs endosymbionts, in particular the latest work with Wolbachia and its effect on insect transmission of viral pathogens research into cell autonomous defense pathways that has led to major insights into immunology and innate immunity the latest developments in technology, for the next steps in the study of intracellularity All facets of cellular physiology, within the entire scope of cells and host tissues, can be targeted by pathogens. This book offers to researchers, students, and laboratorians a valuable overview of the state of current research into the cellular microbiology of host-pathogen interactions.

Цена: 15187.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781683670261


Bioactive Glasses and Glass-Ceramics
Bioactive Glasses and Glass-Ceramics

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 25201.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119724889


Biological Psychiatry
Biological Psychiatry

Автор: Trimble Michael R

Biological psychiatry has dominated psychiatric thinking for the past 40 years, but the knowledge base of the discipline has increased substantially more recently, particularly with advances in genetics and neuroimaging. The third edition of Biological Psychiatry has been thoroughly updated taking into account these developments. As in the earlier editions of the book, there are comprehensive reviews and explanations of the latest advances in neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, genetics and brain imaging— descriptions not only of methodologies but also of the application of these in clinical settings. It is within this context that there is a considerable emphasis in the book on brain–behaviour relationships both within and without the clinical setting. This edition has been enhanced by the inclusion of new chapters, one on anxiety and another on motivation and the addictions. The chapter that relates to treatments has been extended to include the latest information on brain stimulation techniques. The overall book is well illustrated in order to help with an understanding of the text. For the third edition, Professor Michael Trimble has been joined by Professor Mark George as co-author. These are two of the world's leading biological psychiatrists who both have considerable clinical as well as research experience which they have brought to the book. Unlike multiauthored texts, it has a continuity running through it which aids understanding and prevents repetition. This book is strongly recommended for all practising psychiatrists and trainees wishing for an up-to-date, authoritative, easy to digest and acessible review of the latest advances and conceptualizations in the field. It will also appeal to neurologists interested in neuropsychiatry and biological psychiatry or the psychiatric aspects of neurological disorders, as well as other practising clinicians (psychologists, social workers, nurses) in the mental health field.

Цена: 13802.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470689400


Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy. Caring for the Patient
Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy. Caring for the Patient

Автор: Akiskal Hagop S

If a colleague were to ask me, What would you recommend I read if I want to become a real expert on bipolarity?" I would respond Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy: Caring for the Patient." Journal of Bipolar Disorders And the second edition is even better! Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy covers both pharmacotherapy and the supportive role of psychotherapy, psychoeducation and social approaches to provide a broad integrative philosophy of care for bipolar patients. Extensive coverage is given to special management issues such as the pharmacological care of women with bipolar disorder, children and the elderly, as well as bipolar depression and suicide prevention. The mood swings that characterize bipolar disorder can now be better stabilized in most patients than in the past, but the illness must be carefully managed throughout a person's life. Pharmacotherapy is central to the acute treatment and long-term management and as there are several classes of drugs which are often prescribed concurrently, treatment issues are complex. This essential reference work features critical reviews of the existing literature, plus information on new treatments that have been reported at peer reviewed scientific meetings, often written by the pioneering experts on a particular treatment. The second-generation antipsychotics are now covered in separate chapters to provide in-depth coverage of these agents. There are also new chapters on the pharmacological treatments of mixed states and rapid cycling and novel therapeutic vistas.

Цена: 16785.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470975107


Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy
Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy

Автор: Mauricio Tohen

Bipolar disorder is often not recognized as an illness, and people may suffer for years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. Like diabetes or heart disease, bipolar disorder is a long-term illness that must be carefully managed throughout a person's life. Pharmacotherapy is central to the acute treatment and long-term management of the disorder and as there are several classes of drugs, which are often prescribed concurrently, treatment issues are complex. This essential reference work examines major pharmacological treatments in the different phases of bipolar disorder. Chapters are devoted to commonly use pharmacological treatments with a critical review of the existing literature. Each chapter includes information not only on studies that have been published but also on new treatments that have been reported in peer reviewed scientific meetings. Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy covers both pharmacotherapy and the role of psychotherapy, psychoeducation and social approaches to provide a broad integrative philosophy of care for bipolar patients. Extensive coverage is given to special management issues such as the care of women with bipolar disorder, children and the elderly, as well as bipolar depression and suicide prevention. With contributions from the pioneers in the field and an expert editor team, Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy provides psychiatrists and all mental health practitioners with an invaluable guide to the management of these complex patients. From the reviews: “If a colleague were to ask me, “What would you recommend I read if I want to become a real expert on bipolarity?” I would respond ‘Bipolar Psychopharmacotherapy: Caring for the Patient’.” JOURNAL OF BIPOLAR DISORDERS «… a very useful reference on the pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder that is written in a very practical and user-friendly format… a must for anyone dealing with patients with bipolar disorder.» DOODY'S HEALTH SERVICES «… a multifaceted text with broad clinical value… recommended as an in-office reference for the practicing physician who treats the bipolar patients… to all Health Science libraries as a general reference text.» THE ELECTRIC REVIEW

Цена: 13476.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780470032305


Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine
Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine

Автор: Lynelle R. Johnson

This comprehensive reference provides readers with everything they need to know about diagnosing and treating canine and feline respiratory disease. Significantly updated and expanded, it focuses on localization of disease, efficient diagnostic testing, and appropriate therapy. With more images, discussion, and diagrams, this Second Edition includes more detail and new information throughout, particularly in the areas of antimicrobial guidelines, anti-fungal therapies, and ant-viral medications in cats. Logically organized for ease of use in the practice setting, Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine, Second Edition features problem-based learning to enhance working knowledge of the topics discussed. Chapters cover localization of disease, respiratory diagnostics, respiratory therapeutics, nasal disorders, and diseases of airways. Sections on parenchymal disease; pleural and mediastinal disease; and vascular disorders are also presented. Offers a complete guide to the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions in canine and feline patients—now expanded to include more detailed and advanced information Focuses on localization of disease, diagnostic testing, and appropriate therapy Thoroughly updated with new antimicrobial guidelines, the latest information on anti-fungal therapy, and new advances in ant-viral medications in cats Includes many new images and topics for discussion Features problem-based learning exercises to support a working understanding of the topics discussed Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine is an essential resource for veterinary internal medicine specialists, general practitioners, and veterinary students.

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119482291


Central European Stream Ecosystems
Central European Stream Ecosystems

Автор: Группа авторов

Probably the best-studied stream on earth. The result of unmatched long-term data taken by the Max-Planck outstation in Schlitz from the nearby Breitenbach stream since 1949, the special focus in this handbook and ready reference is on animal and microorganism occurrence and variation, as well as chemical and physical parameters. An invaluable data basis for modeling purposes for anyone dealing with stream ecology.

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527634675


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Автор: Goodman Robert

An introduction to child psychiatry which draws on clinical experience as well as the latest research findings. Child Psychiatry includes many practical tips on successful assessment and treatment techniques. Its companion website features over 200 multiple choice questions and answers to assist those preparing for examinations, including MRCPsych Written in an accessible style by international experts in child psychiatry.

Цена: 7289.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781119941002


Clinical Child Psychiatry
Clinical Child Psychiatry

Автор: Kay Jerald

Making a psychiatric diagnosis in children can be challenging: some clinicians say the incidence of some childhood disorders, such as bipolar disorder and ADHD, is over-diagnosed while others saying they are undiagnosed, undertreated, and are a large burden on society. The drug treatment of child psychiatric disorders can also be controversial in children and adolescents. This book fulfills the need for an objective, clinically relevant source to dispel this confusion. Clinical Child Psychiatry is a textbook of current clinical practice in child and adolescent psychiatry. It is designed as a reference for clinicians that is both easily usable and authoritative, a “chairside” reference for the consultation room. This book addresses a defined series of clinical entities that represent the bulk of current treatment modalities and disorders encountered in 21st century practice. It is authoritative in the areas addressed while at the same time being rapidly accessible in format. To facilitate access, it presents disorders in declining order of frequency. The authors believe that worthwhile clinical work must be informed by both evidence-based practice and by psychiatry’s traditional attention to internal and interpersonal dynamics. They are committed to an approach that is broadly biopsychosocial while based on current clinical evidence for a pragmatic, clinical focus. The book is divided into four sections. The first, Fundamentals of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Practice, addresses assessment, treatment modalities, and planning. Common Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders and Developmental Disorders cover the diagnosis and treatment of the large majority of disease entities encountered in practice. The final section, Special Problems in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, includes a variety of topics such as foster care and adoption, loss and grief, and forensics. The book also includes: New evidence relating to the areas of depression, psychosis, trauma. New insights from genetics, genomics, and proteomics cleverly integrated into chapters on the individual disease with focus on their clinical application. New chapter on consultation and collaboration within systems of care The book addresses a need for clinicians, many of whom are beginners, non-psychiatrists, or psychiatrists entering unfamiliar territory, to come up to speed rapidly in providing more than perfunctory service to needy populations. This challenge grows ever greater. The book has a companion website with questions to facilitate learning.

Цена: 12145.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781119962212


Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction
Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction

Автор: Richard Rosner

Since 1960, the burden of adolescent illness has shifted from the traditional causes of disease to the more behavior-related problems, such as drinking, smoking and drug abuse (nearly half of American adolescents have used an illicit drug sometime during their life). Instilling in adolescents the knowledge, skills, and values that foster physical and mental health will require substantial changes in the way health professionals work and the way they connect with families, schools, and community organizations. At the same time, the major textbooks on addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry devote relatively little attention to the special problems of diagnosing and treating adolescent addicts. Similarly, the major textbooks on general and child and adolescent psychiatry direct relatively little attention to the issues surrounding adolescent addiction. The Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction is one response to the challenge of meeting the mental health needs and behavior-related problems of addicted teenagers. The work has been edited as an independent project by members of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, the oldest professional organization of psychiatrists devoted solely to the mental health care and treatment of teenagers in the USA. The forensic psychiatry perspective permeates the entire book. It will help to produce health providers with a deep and sensitive understanding of the developmental needs and behavior-related problems of adolescents. The Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction is a practical tool for all those who help adolescents: practitioners of family medicine, general psychiatrists, child/adolescent psychiatrists, adolescent psychiatrists, addiction psychiatrists, non-psychiatric physicians specializing in addiction medicine, forensic psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, mental health administrators, Court/Probation/ Parole/Correctional health workers. The book is organized in a user-friendly format so that readers can easily locate the chapters that provide the information that is required. In some instances, topics of special importance deliberately have been addressed in more than one chapter, to illuminate the topics from a variety of vantage points. One aim of the editors is to move the topic from being a specialist area to a generalist one by providing tools for generalist to use.

Цена: 10935.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118340882


Clinical Trials in Psychiatry
Clinical Trials in Psychiatry

Автор: Simon Wessely

At last – a new edition of the highly acclaimed book Clinical Trials in Psychiatry This book provides a concise but thorough overview of clinical trials in psychiatry, invaluable to those seeking solutions to numerous problems relating to design, methodology and analysis of such trials. Practical examples and applications are used to ground theory whenever possible. The Second Edition includes new information regarding: Recent important psychiatric trials More specific discussion of psychiatry in the USA and the particular problems of trials in the USA, including comments about the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) An extended chapter on meta-analysis Further discussion of sub-group analysis Special features include appendices outlining how to design and report clinical trials, what websites and software programs are appropriate and an extensive reference section. From the reviews of the First Edition: “Everitt & Wessely are to be congratulated on producing an excellent guide to help overcome the snags in clinical trial research. Clearly written and in an engrossing style, the book is likely to become a classic textbook on clinical trials, and not just in psychiatry. The authors’ enthusiasm and grasp of clinical trial research make for a gripping and insightful read…it is one of the very best books that has been written on clinical trials.” THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY "The experience of both authors in this area gives the book a very pragmatic approach grounded in reality, with theoretical overviews invariably being followed by practical examples and applications… an invaluable companion to anyone involved in, or contemplating undertaking, clinical trials research.” PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE

Цена: 13587.14 руб.
ISBN: 9780470723845


Culture to the Max!
Culture to the Max!

Автор: Danielle Ross

Цена: 2762.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119832430


CVD of Compound Semiconductors. Precursor Synthesis, Developmeny and Applications
CVD of Compound Semiconductors. Precursor Synthesis, Developmeny and Applications

Автор: Jones Anthony C

Chemical growth methods of electronic materials are the keystone of microelectronic device processing. This book discusses the applications of metalorganic chemistry for the vapor phase deposition of compound semiconductors. Vapor phase methods used for semiconductor deposition and the materials properties that make the organometallic precursors useful in the electronics industry are discussed for a variety of materials. Topics included: * techniques for compound semiconductor growth * metalorganic precursors for III-V MOVPE * metalorganic precursors for II-VI MOVPE * single-source precursors * chemical beam epitaxy * atomic layer epitaxy Several useful appendixes and a critically selected, up-to-date list of references round off this practical handbook for materials scientists, solid-state and organometallic chemists, and engineers.

Цена: 25959.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783527614622


Data Analysis in High Energy Physics
Data Analysis in High Energy Physics

Автор: Группа авторов

This practical guide covers the essential tasks in statistical data analysis encountered in high energy physics and provides comprehensive advice for typical questions and problems. The basic methods for inferring results from data are presented as well as tools for advanced tasks such as improving the signal-to-background ratio, correcting detector effects, determining systematics and many others. Concrete applications are discussed in analysis walkthroughs. Each chapter is supplemented by numerous examples and exercises and by a list of literature and relevant links. The book targets a broad readership at all career levels – from students to senior researchers. An accompanying website provides more algorithms as well as up-to-date information and links. * Free solutions manual available for lecturers at www.wiley-vch.de/supplements/

Цена: 11002.83 руб.
ISBN: 9783527653447


Depression and Cancer
Depression and Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and cancer. Depression and Cancer is devoted to the interaction between these disorders. The book examines various aspects of this comorbidity and describes how the negative consequences of depression in cancer could be avoided or ameliorated, given that effective depression treatments for cancer patients are available. Renowned psychiatrists and oncologists summarize the latest evidence on the epidemiology, pathogenesis, screening and recognition, and cultural and public health implications of depression in persons with cancer, among other topics.

Цена: 5350.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780470972526


Depression and Heart Disease
Depression and Heart Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the multiple interrelationships between depression and various physical diseases. Patients with psychiatric problems, particularly depression, may be more susceptible to cardiovascular disorders. Depression and Heart Disease synthesizes current evidence, including some previously unpublished data, in a concise, easy-to-read format. The authors succinctly describe the epidemiology, pathogenesis (including cytokines and genetics), and risk factors of the comorbidity between depression and heart disease. The book also reviews the best pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches for people with this comorbidity.

Цена: 5421.51 руб.
ISBN: 9780470972298


Depressive Disorders
Depressive Disorders

Автор: Mario Maj M

Depressive disorders have profound social and economic consequences, owing to the suffering and disability they cause. They often occur together with somatic illness which worsens the prognosis of both. Prevention, detection and optimal treatment of these disorders are therefore of great clinical and economic importance. This edition of the first title in the acclaimed Evidence & Experience series from the World Psychiatric Association has been fully revised and features a new section on depression in primary care – the main channel for the management of these disorders in countries around the world. The format remains a systematic review of each topic, evaluating published evidence, complemented by up to six commentaries in which experts provide valuable insight gained from clinical experience. All the evidence, systematically reviewed and analysed, in one place. Practical context imparted in expert commentaries from around the world, which were highly popular in the previous edition. Provides an unbiased and reliable reference source for practising psychiatrists and physicians everywhere. Features a new section on the treatment of depression in primary care. Edited by a highly experienced, internationally renowned team. This book will be informative and stimulating reading for everyone working with people with depressive disorders in all countries and settings: psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians and other mental healthcare professionals. Review of the first edition “The discussion papers are excellent. I strongly recommend this masterfully edited book, which remarkably succeeds in combining research evidence and clinical experience. It is probably the most helpful update on depression available today, both for the researcher in mood disorders and the practising clinician.” S. Grandi in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2000

Цена: 10641.79 руб.
ISBN: 9780470745908


Depressive Disorders
Depressive Disorders

Автор: Norman Sartorius

From Chapter 1 «Depression, like many other mental disorders, is characterised by the presence of a number of symptoms which are changeable over time.» Among these symptoms are a depressed mood and a loss of interest; physical and cognitive changes may also occur. Because of difficulties in diagnosis (and varied criteria) only estimates in the global number of cases of depression can be made. Some estimates put it in front of chronic heart disease as a health problem and cause of death. This revised edition covers developments in diagnosis, theraphy, prognosis, economic evaluation and quality improvement. * Provides accompanying commentaries by an outstanding line up of contributors * Covers developments in diagnosis, therapy, prognosis, economic evaluation and quality improvement * Provides an unbiased and reliable reference point

Цена: 10162.74 руб.
ISBN: 9780470859261


Disasters and Mental Health
Disasters and Mental Health

Автор: Norman Sartorius

This title provides a comprehensive overview of clinical, epidemiological, psychobiological, psychosocial and service organization aspects of disaster psychiatry. It takes a practical approach and includes a series of reports on significant experiences made in this field in various regions of the world. An Unbiased and reliable reference point, endorsed by the WPA Includes contributions from internationally acclaimed experts

Цена: 21203.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780470021248


Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders
Early Detection and Management of Mental Disorders

Автор: Norman Sartorius

Research evidence concerning the precursors (a sign or symptom that heralds another) and prodromes (an early or premonitory symptom of a disease) of the various mental disorders is growing but is at present widely dispersed and inaccessible. Clinicians have to rely on their own experience, which is often limited, when faced with several delicate diagnostic and treatment issues. This book aims to approach for the first time in a comprehensive way this emerging area of clinical psychiatry. The World Health Organisation has found that mental disorders such as depression and psychosis rank in the top 10 of leading causes of disability in the world, creating a significant social, emotional and economic burden for young people, their families and society. Early detection of these potentially disabling disorders and treatment at the time of initial onset can greatly improve long-term outcomes and effect dramatic cost-savings. The related Birchwood title has sold nearly 2300 copies and is popular at psychiatry conferences. From an R&D perspective, industry have a stake in this area. Obviously, if biomarkers or other prodromal evidence can be determined in various disorders, then drugs will start to be dispensed earlier. The topic has increased in popularity as a subject for satellite symposia e.g Jeffrey Lieberman chaired the Bristol Myers Squibb symposia at the American Psychiatric Association. This dealt with early intervention in schizophrenia and the need for novel approaches in the prodromal phase. In addition, more symposia (and research) look at disorders «across the lifespan.» This phrase indicates an approach to research, diagnosis and treatment from a more quality-of-life vantage and early diagnosis is part of this movement.

Цена: 22197.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470010846


Edgar Wallace, Folge 15: Der Unheimliche
Edgar Wallace, Folge 15: Der Unheimliche

Автор: Edgar Wallace

Elsa Marlowe arbeitet gern bei «Amery & Amery». Aber pl?tzlich ist alles anders: Major Amery kehrt aus Indien zur?ck. Geh?rt der «Unheimliche» zu Soyokas Leuten? Und welche Rolle spielt ihr Vormund im Krieg der Rauschgiftbanden?

Исполнители: Eckart Dux

Цена: 590.88 руб.
ISBN: 4260507151186


Ein Schotte zum Verwechseln - Ein Schloss in den Highlands-Reihe, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)
Ein Schotte zum Verwechseln - Ein Schloss in den Highlands-Reihe, Band 1 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Katherine Collins

Исполнители: Anna-Lena Prinz

Цена: 1672.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783968176826


Essential Medical Genetics
Essential Medical Genetics

Автор: Edward S. Tobias

Adopted at Cambridge University Essential Medical Genetics provides students, clinicians, counsellors and scientists with the up-to-date information they need regarding the basic principles underlying medical genetics. It also provides guidance on how to apply current knowledge in clinical contexts, covering a wide variety of topics: from genome structure and function to mutations, screening and risk assessment for inherited disorders. This sixth edition has been substantially updated to include, for instance, the latest information on the Human Genome Project as well as several new molecular genetic and chromosome analysis techniques. In full colour throughout, it includes a number of brand new features, including: a large number of self-assessment questions; 'Essentials' chapter summaries; further reading suggestions; and case study scenarios introducing clinical situations. An invaluable new section gives illustrated practical advice regarding how to choose the best available online genetic databases and also, importantly, how to most easily and most efficiently use them, for a wide range of purposes. Essential Medical Genetics is the perfect resource for a course on medical genetics, and is now accompanied by a regularly updated website and the FREE enhanced Wiley Desktop Edition (upon purchase of the book). The companion website at www.wiley.com/go/tobias features figures from the book in PowerPoint format and a link to the authors' website with regularly updated links to genetic databases and additional self-test questions. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 6273.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118293713



Автор: Michael Pellny

Die meisten Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer Sachkompetenz zu Fuhrungskraften oder weil sie ein eigenes Unternehmen grunden; bei ihrer Fuhrungsaufgabe sind sie in der Regel auf sich allein gestellt. Mit diesem Buch konnen Fuhrungskrafte und Unternehmer Fuhrungskompetenz aufbauen und weiterentwickeln. Sie konnen damit ihr Verhalten als Fuhrungskraft reflektieren und effizient so verbessern, dass die Mitarbeiter sich gerne fur das Unternehmen und dessen Erfolg einsetzen. Alle wesentlichen Aspekte von Fuhrungskompetenz sind leicht lesbar, umfassend und gleichzeitig ohne Informationsballast dargestellt. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis wird das Wissen konkretisiert und leicht anwendbar. Dieses Buch resultiert aus dem Systemtraining Fuhrung des Weissman Instituts. Teilnehmer aus mehr als 1000 Unternehmen profitieren in der taglichen Praxis vom Konzept dieses Trainings und seinen Inhalten, viele der wertvollen Tipps sind sofort umsetzbar. Fuhrungstalenten liefert das Buch eine solide Grundlage fur ihre kunftige Arbeit.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783895789205


Forensic Child Psychology
Forensic Child Psychology

Автор: William T. O'Donohue

A guide to working effectively with children in the criminal justice system Uniquely designed to train psychology, criminology, and social work students to work with children in the criminal justice system—both in the courtroom and as clinical clients—Forensic Child Psychology presents current research and practice-based knowledge to improve the judicial and child welfare systems. Authors Matthew Fanetti, William T. O'Donohue, Rachel N. Happel, and Kresta N. Daly bring their combined expertise in child psychology, forensic interviewing, and criminal prosecution to bear on the process of obtaining accurate information from children involved in legal proceedings, preparing professionals to work with: Children who are victims of crime Children who are perpetrators of crime Children who are witnesses of crime The book also covers related topics, including mandated reporting, the structure of juvenile justice and advocacy systems, and contains sidebars, summaries, glossaries, and study questions to assist with material mastery. This is an excellent resource for students of child psychopathology in psychology, social work, nursing, and criminal justice at the graduate and late undergraduate stage of their educations.

Цена: 8428.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781118419588


Forensic Systems Engineering. Evaluating Operations by Discovery
Forensic Systems Engineering. Evaluating Operations by Discovery

Автор: William Stimson A

A systems-level approach to reducing liability through process improvement Forensic Systems Analysis: Evaluating Operations by Discovery presents a systematic framework for uncovering and resolving problematic process failures. Carefully building the causal relationship from process to product, the discussion lays out in significant detail the appropriate and tactical approaches necessary to the pursuit of litigation with respect to corporate operations. Systemic process failures are addressed by flipping process improvement models to study both improvement and failure, resulting in arguments and methodologies relevant to any product or service industry. Guidance on risk analysis of operations combines evaluation of process control, stability, capability, verification, validation, specification, product reliability, serial dependence, and more, providing a robust framework with which to target large-scale nonconforming products and services. Relevant to anyone involved in business, manufacturing, service, and control, this book: Covers process liability and operations management from both engineering and legal perspectives Offers analyses that present novel uses of traditional engineering methods concerning risk and product quality and reliability Takes a rigorous approach to system tactics and constraints related to product and service operations and identifies dysfunctional processes Offers both prescriptive and descriptive solutions to both the plaintiff and the defendant The global economy has created an environment in which huge production volume, complex data bases, and multiple dispersed suppliers greatly challenge industrial operations. This informative guide provides a practical blueprint for uncovering problematic process failures.

Цена: 17895.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119422761


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