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Modern Standardization
Modern Standardization

Автор: Ron Schneiderman

This book includes a collection of standards-specific case studies. The case studies offer an opportunity to combine the teaching preferences of educators with the goals of the SEC (Standards Education Committee); providing students with “real-world” insight into the technical, political, and economic arenas of engineering. Encourages students to think critically about standards development and technology solutions Reinforces the usage of standards as an impetus for innovation Will help understand the dynamics and impacts of standards A curriculum guide is available to instructors who have adopted the book for a course. To obtain the guide, please send a request to: ieeeproposals@wiley.com.

Цена: 8878.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119043539


Molekularbiologie der Zelle
Molekularbiologie der Zelle

Автор: David Morgan

"Molekularbiologie der Zelle" ist das f?hrende Lehrbuch der Zellbiologie, international ebenso wie im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Studierende in den F?chern Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Zellbiologie, Biochemie und Biotechnologie begleitet dieses Buch durch das gesamte Studium, die Pr?fungen und dar?ber hinaus. Mit erstklassiger und bew?hrter Didaktik f?hrt die sechste Auflage sowohl in die grundlegenden Konzepte der Zellbiologie als auch in deren faszinierende Anwendungen in Medizin, Gentechnik und Biotechnologie ein. Sie vermittelt neue Erkenntnisse zu intrazellul?rer Organisation, Membranstruktur, Dynamik und Transport und stellt hochaktuelle Themen verst?ndlich dar, wie Nuclear Reprogramming und neu entdeckte Funktionen der RNA. Der unverwechselbare, zum Lesen verf?hrende «Alberts»-Stil wird erg?nzt durch ?ber 1400 Farbabbildungen und 21 gro?e Tafeln, die komplexe Vorg?nge, klassische Experimente und aktuelle Methoden verdeutlichen. Vertieft wird der Stoff durch das frei zug?ngliche Zusatzmaterial auf www.wiley-vch.de/home/MolBioZelle6. Kostenloses Bonusmaterial f?r Dozenten ist erh?ltlich auf www.wiley-vch.de/textbooks.

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527698455


MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications
MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications

Автор: Yasuhisa Omura

Helps readers understand the physics behind MOS devices for low-voltage and low-energy applications Based on timely published and unpublished work written by expert authors Discusses various promising MOS devices applicable to low-energy environmental and biomedical uses Describes the physical effects (quantum, tunneling) of MOS devices Demonstrates the performance of devices, helping readers to choose right devices applicable to an industrial or consumer environment Addresses some Ge-based devices and other compound-material-based devices for high-frequency applications and future development of high performance devices. «Seemingly innocuous everyday devices such as smartphones, tablets and services such as on-line gaming or internet keyword searches consume vast amounts of energy. Even when in standby mode, all these devices consume energy. The upcoming 'Internet of Things' (IoT) is expected to deploy 60 billion electronic devices spread out in our homes, cars and cities. Britain is already consuming up to 16 per cent of all its power through internet use and this rate is doubling every four years. According to The UK's Daily Mail May (2015), if usage rates continue, all of Britain's power supply could be consumed by internet use in just 20 years. In 2013, U.S. data centers consumed an estimated 91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, corresponding to the power generated by seventeen 1000-megawatt nuclear power plants. Data center electricity consumption is projected to increase to roughly 140 billion kilowatt-hours annually by 2020, the equivalent annual output of 50 nuclear power plants.» —Natural Resources Defense Council, USA, Feb. 2015 All these examples stress the urgent need for developing electronic devices that consume as little energy as possible. The book “MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications” explores the different transistor options that can be utilized to achieve that goal. It describes in detail the physics and performance of transistors that can be operated at low voltage and consume little power, such as subthreshold operation in bulk transistors, fully depleted SOI devices, tunnel FETs, multigate and gate-all-around MOSFETs. Examples of low-energy circuits making use of these devices are given as well. «The book MOS Devices for Low-Voltage and Low-Energy Applications is a good reference for graduate students, researchers, semiconductor and electrical engineers who will design the electronic systems of tomorrow.» —Dr. Jean-Pierre Colinge, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) «The authors present a creative way to show how different MOS devices can be used for low-voltage and low-power applications. They start with Bulk MOSFET, following with SOI MOSFET, FinFET, gate-all-around MOSFET, Tunnel-FET and others. It is presented the physics behind the devices, models, simulations, experimental results and applications. This book is interesting for researchers, graduate and undergraduate students. The low-energy field is an important topic for integrated circuits in the future and none can stay out of this.» —Prof. Joao A. Martino, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119107378


Multi-Agent Machine Learning
Multi-Agent Machine Learning

Автор: H. M. Schwartz

The book begins with a chapter on traditional methods of supervised learning, covering recursive least squares learning, mean square error methods, and stochastic approximation. Chapter 2 covers single agent reinforcement learning. Topics include learning value functions, Markov games, and TD learning with eligibility traces. Chapter 3 discusses two player games including two player matrix games with both pure and mixed strategies. Numerous algorithms and examples are presented. Chapter 4 covers learning in multi-player games, stochastic games, and Markov games, focusing on learning multi-player grid games—two player grid games, Q-learning, and Nash Q-learning. Chapter 5 discusses differential games, including multi player differential games, actor critique structure, adaptive fuzzy control and fuzzy interference systems, the evader pursuit game, and the defending a territory games. Chapter 6 discusses new ideas on learning within robotic swarms and the innovative idea of the evolution of personality traits. • Framework for understanding a variety of methods and approaches in multi-agent machine learning. • Discusses methods of reinforcement learning such as a number of forms of multi-agent Q-learning • Applicable to research professors and graduate students studying electrical and computer engineering, computer science, and mechanical and aerospace engineering

Цена: 11991.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781118884478


Multi-physics Modeling of Technological Systems
Multi-physics Modeling of Technological Systems

Автор: Marc Budinger

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119644309


Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Автор: Группа авторов

This handbook is aimed to deliver an up-to-date account of some of the recently developed experimental and theoretical methods in EPR, as well as a complete up-to-date listing of the experimentally determined values of multifrequency transition-ion spin Hamiltonian parameters by Sushil Misra, reported in the past 20 years, extending such a listing published by him in the Handbook on Electron Spin Resonance, volume 2. This extensive data tabulation makes up roughly 60% of the book`s content. It is complemented by the first full compilation of hyperfine splittings and g-factors for aminoxyl (nitroxide) radicals since 197 by Larry Berliner, a world expert on spin labeling, helping to identify and interpret substances and processes by means of EPR techniques. The book also includes coverage of the recently developed experimental technique of rapid-scan EPR by Sandra Eaton and Gareth Eaton, and a thorough review of computational modeling in EPR by Stefan Stoll, author of Easy Spin.

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527672448


Multifunctional Antennas and Arrays for Wireless Communication Systems
Multifunctional Antennas and Arrays for Wireless Communication Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15187.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119534976


Multivariate Time Series Analysis
Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Автор: Ruey S. Tsay

An accessible guide to the multivariate time series tools used in numerous real-world applications Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R and Financial Applications is the much anticipated sequel coming from one of the most influential and prominent experts on the topic of time series. Through a fundamental balance of theory and methodology, the book supplies readers with a comprehensible approach to financial econometric models and their applications to real-world empirical research. Differing from the traditional approach to multivariate time series, the book focuses on reader comprehension by emphasizing structural specification, which results in simplified parsimonious VAR MA modeling. Multivariate Time Series Analysis: With R and Financial Applications utilizes the freely available R software package to explore complex data and illustrate related computation and analyses. Featuring the techniques and methodology of multivariate linear time series, stationary VAR models, VAR MA time series and models, unitroot process, factor models, and factor-augmented VAR models, the book includes: • Over 300 examples and exercises to reinforce the presented content • User-friendly R subroutines and research presented throughout to demonstrate modern applications • Numerous datasets and subroutines to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the material Multivariate Time Series Analysis is an ideal textbook for graduate-level courses on time series and quantitative finance and upper-undergraduate level statistics courses in time series. The book is also an indispensable reference for researchers and practitioners in business, finance, and econometrics.

Цена: 14773.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118617793


Mutual Coupling Between Antennas
Mutual Coupling Between Antennas

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781119564881


NAND Flash Memory Technologies
NAND Flash Memory Technologies

Автор: Seiichi Aritome

Offers a comprehensive overview of NAND flash memories, with insights into NAND history, technology, challenges, evolutions, and perspectives Describes new program disturb issues, data retention, power consumption, and possible solutions for the challenges of 3D NAND flash memory Written by an authority in NAND flash memory technology, with over 25 years’ experience

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119132622


Nanoelectromechanical Systems
Nanoelectromechanical Systems

Автор: Laurent Duraffourg

This book will present the theoretical and technological elements of nanosystems. Among the different topics discussed, the authors include the electromechanical properties of NEMS, the scaling effects that give these their interesting properties for different applications and the current manufacturing processes. The authors aim to provide useful tools for future readers and will provide an accurate picture of current and future research in the field.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119177982


Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
Nanophysics and Nanotechnology

Автор: Edward L. Wolf

Long awaited new edition of this highly successful textbook, provides once more a unique introduction to the concepts, techniques and applications of nanoscale systems by covering its entire spectrum up to recent findings on graphene.

Цена: 7096.5 руб.
ISBN: 9783527684182


Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie
Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie

Автор: Edward L. Wolf

Noch hat das Motto “Alles muss kleiner werden” nicht an Faszination verloren. Physikern, Ingenieuren und Medizinern erschlie?t sich mit der Nanotechnologie eine neue Welt mit faszinierenden Anwendungen. E.L. Wolf, Physik-Professor in Brooklyn, N.Y., schrieb das erste einf?hrende Lehrbuch zu diesem Thema, in dem er die physikalischen Grundlagen ebenso wie die Anwendungsm?glichkeiten der Nanotechnologie diskutiert. Mittlerweile ist es in der 3. Aufl age erschienen und liegt jetzt endlich auch auf Deutsch vor. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine einzigartige, in sich geschlossene Einf?hrung in die physikalischen Grundlagen und Konzepte der Nanowissenschaften sowie Anwendungen von Nanosystemen. Das Themenspektrum reicht von Nanosystemen ?ber Quanteneff ekte und sich selbst organisierende Strukturen bis hin zu Rastersondenmethoden. Besonders die Vorstellung von Nanomaschinen f?r medizinische Anwendungen ist faszinierend, wenn auch bislang noch nicht praktisch umgesetzt. Der dritten Aufl age, auf der diese ?bersetzung beruht, wurde ein neuer Abschnitt ?ber Graphen zugef?gt. Die Diskussion m?glicher Anwendungen in der Energietechnik, Nanoelektronik und Medizin wurde auf neuesten Stand gebracht und wieder aktuelle Beispiele herangezogen, um wichtige Konzepte und Forschungsinstrumente zu illustrieren. Der Autor f?hrt mit diesem Lehrbuch Studenten der Physik, Chemie sowie Ingenieurwissenschaften von den Grundlagen bis auf den Stand der aktuellen Forschung. Die leicht zu lesende Einf?hrung in dieses faszinierende Forschungsgebiet ist geeignet f?r fortgeschrittene Bachelor- und Masterstudenten mit Vorkenntnissen in Physik und Chemie. Stimmen zur englischen Vorauflage „Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass Edward L. Wolf trotz der reichlich vorhandenen Literatur zur Nanotechnologie ein individuell gestaltetes einf?hrendes Lehrbuch gelungen ist. Es eignet sich – nicht zuletzt dank der enthaltenen ?bungsaufgaben – bestens zur Vorlesungsbegleitung f?r Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie auch spezieller nanotechnologisch orientierter Studieng?nge.“ Physik Journal „… eine sehr kompakte, lesenswerte und gut verst?ndliche Einf?hrung in die Quantenmechanik sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf die Materialwissenschaften …“ Chemie Ingenieur Technik

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527413348


Nanoscale Microwave Engineering
Nanoscale Microwave Engineering

Автор: Charlotte Tripon-Canseliet

This book targets new trends in microwave engineering by downscaling components and devices for industrial purposes such as miniaturization and function densification, in association with the new approach of activation by a confined optical remote control. It covers the fundamental groundwork of the structure, property, characterization methods and applications of 1D and 2D nanostructures, along with providing the necessary knowledge on atomic structure, how it relates to the material band-structure and how this in turn leads to the amazing properties of these structures. It thus provides new graduates, PhD students and post-doctorates with a resource equipping them with the knowledge to undertake their research.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118925393


Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics 2

Автор: Mohamed Zakaria Kurdi

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a scientific discipline which is found at the intersection of fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, and Cognitive Psychology. This book presents in four chapters the state of the art and fundamental concepts of key NLP areas. Are presented in the first chapter the fundamental concepts in lexical semantics, lexical databases, knowledge representation paradigms, and ontologies. The second chapter is about combinatorial and formal semantics. Discourse and text representation as well as automatic discourse segmentation and interpretation, and anaphora resolution are the subject of the third chapter. Finally, in the fourth chapter, I will cover some aspects of large scale applications of NLP such as software architecture and their relations to cognitive models of NLP as well as the evaluation paradigms of NLP software. Furthermore, I will present in this chapter the main NLP applications such as Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval (IR), as well as Big Data and Information Extraction such as event extraction, sentiment analysis and opinion mining.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119419723


Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics
Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics

Автор: Mohamed Zakaria Kurdi

Natural language processing (NLP) is a scientific discipline which is found at the interface of computer science, artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. Providing an overview of international work in this interdisciplinary field, this book gives the reader a panoramic view of both early and current research in NLP. Carefully chosen multilingual examples present the state of the art of a mature field which is in a constant state of evolution. In four chapters, this book presents the fundamental concepts of phonetics and phonology and the two most important applications in the field of speech processing: recognition and synthesis. Also presented are the fundamental concepts of corpus linguistics and the basic concepts of morphology and its NLP applications such as stemming and part of speech tagging. The fundamental notions and the most important syntactic theories are presented, as well as the different approaches to syntactic parsing with reference to cognitive models, algorithms and computer applications.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119145561


Neurobiological Basis of Migraine
Neurobiological Basis of Migraine

Автор: Группа авторов

Published with the New York Academy of Sciences A timely, broad-ranging exploration of the neurobiological basis and molecular mechanisms of migraines Migraines impact the lives of a significant portion of the world's population, afflicting sufferers with severe pain, nausea, and often visual impairment. The WHO views migraines as an important public health issue, and ranks them in its top twenty most disabling illnesses. Neurobiological Basis of Migraine reviews the latest advances made in our understanding of the primary basic mechanisms of migraine headache and provides valuable insights into how these findings are being translated into novel treatment and prevention strategies around the world. Written for researchers and clinicians alike, the book features edited contributions from distinguished experts in the field, taking a focused, yet wide-ranging approach to the subject. It begins by exploring the pathways and networks mediating migraine headaches, their underlying physiological mechanisms, characteristics of visceral pain, and the concept of dural neurogenic inflammation. From there the authors delve into the mechanisms sustaining the head pain and photophobia associated with migraines, and they review the pharmacology of newly discovered migraine treatments. These basic chapters are followed by clinical and genetic studies linking to key issues, including cortical spreading depression, ion channels, transporters, and epilepsy. Reviews of the latest advances in our understanding of the neurobiological basis of migraine Translates important research findings from around the globe into novel treatments strategies currently being investigated Provides researchers and clinicians with a deep understanding of the primary mechanisms of migraine from migraine modeling to clinical applications Includes contributions by many of the most respected researchers in the field, world-wide Discusses exciting recent developments in migraine mutations and their role in CSD, as well as the role of CSD in aura and trigeminal activation Timely, comprehensive, and authoritative, Neurobiological Basis of Migraine is an indispensable working resource for clinicians and migraine, headache, and pain researchers, including neurobiologists, neuropharmacologists, neurologists, and vascular neurobiologists, as well as graduate students in those fields who are involved in researching migraine headaches.

Цена: 13683.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118967218


New Autonomous Systems
New Autonomous Systems

Автор: Alain Cardon

The idea of autonomous systems that are able to make choices according to properties which allow them to experience, apprehend and assess their environment is becoming a reality. These systems are capable of auto-configuration and self-organization. This book presents a model for the creation of autonomous systems based on a complex substratum, made up of multiple electronic components that deploy a variety of specific features. This substratum consists of multi-agent systems which act continuously and autonomously to collect information from the environment which they then feed into the global system, allowing it to generate discerning and concrete representations of its surroundings. These systems are able to construct a so-called artificial corporeity which allows them to have a sense of self, to then behave autonomously, in a way reminiscent of living organisms.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119287865


New Challenges for Knowledge
New Challenges for Knowledge

Автор: Renaud Fabre

Digital technologies are reshaping every field of social and economic lives, so do they in the world of scientific knowledge. “The New Challenges of Knowledge” aims at understanding how the new digital technologies alter the production, diffusion and valorization of knowledge. We propose to give an insight into the economical, geopolitical and political stakes of numeric in knowledge in different countries. Law is at the center of this evolution, especially in the case of national and international confusion about Internet, Science and knowledge.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119378105


Next Generation Wireless Communications Using Radio over Fiber
Next Generation Wireless Communications Using Radio over Fiber

Автор: At?lio Gameiro

Taking a coherent and logical approach, this book describes the potential use of co-ordinated multipoint systems supported by radio over fiber. It covers an impressive breadth of topics, ranging from components, subsystem and system architecture, to network management and business perspectives. The authors show the importance of radio over fiber in eliminating or mitigating against the current, perceived barriers to the use of co-ordinated multipoint, and the drivers for standardisation activities in future mobile/wireless systems over the next few years. The book brings together the system concept for centralized processing, including what is required for co-existence with legacy wireless systems, the algorithms that can be used for improving wireless bandwidth utilization at physical and MAC layers and the radio over fiber network and link design necessary to support the wireless system. Other important research is also covered as the authors look at compensating for radio over fiber impairments and providing simple network management functions. A study of service provision and the business case for such a future wireless system is also fully considered. This book comes at an important time for future wireless systems with standardization of fourth generation wireless systems still ongoing. The content enables readers to make key decisions about future standardisation and their own research work. The business analysis also makes the book useful to those involved in deciding the future directions of telecoms organisations. This information will be core to their decision-making as it provides technical knowledge of the state-of-the-art but also system level assessments of what is possible in a business environment.

Цена: 13920.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781118305997


Nitride Semiconductor Devices
Nitride Semiconductor Devices

Автор: Hadis Morkoc

This book gives a clear presentation of the necessary basics of semiconductor and device physics and engineering. It introduces readers to fundamental issues that will enable them to follow the latest technological research. It also covers important applications, including LED and lighting, semiconductor lasers, high power switching devices, and detectors. This balanced and up-to-date treatment makes the text an essential educational tool for both advanced students and professionals in the electronics industry.

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527649037


Noise in Radio-Frequency Electronics and its Measurement
Noise in Radio-Frequency Electronics and its Measurement

Автор: Fran?ois Fouquet

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119706694


Non-standard Antennas
Non-standard Antennas

Автор: Группа авторов

This book aims at describing the wide variety of new technologies and concepts of non-standard antenna systems – reconfigurable, integrated, terahertz, deformable, ultra-wideband, using metamaterials, or MEMS, etc, and how they open the way to a wide range of applications, from personal security and communications to multifunction radars and towed sonars, or satellite navigation systems, with space-time diversity on transmit and receive. A reference book for designers in this lively scientific community linking antenna experts and signal processing engineers.

Цена: 24112.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118601679


Nuclear Physics 1
Nuclear Physics 1

Автор: Ibrahima Sakho

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119881476


Obesogenic Environments
Obesogenic Environments

Автор: Группа авторов

In a world where obesity has now reached epidemic proportions, a thorough understanding of the underlying causes of the problem is essential if society, public health initiatives and government policies are to successfully address the issue. The obesogenic environment describes all the possible influences that our environment presents which encourage overweight and obesity in individuals and populations. Beginning with an overarching introduction to obesity and its implications for health and wellbeing, the book will move on to consider such crucial areas as eating behaviours and food environments, physical activity and the environment, the urban environment, methods, policy and future research directions. Brings together expertise from across a range of disciplines Written by a truly multidisciplinary team of international authors Presents some of the most innovative thinking in the battle against obesity This groundbreaking book brings together for the first time the knowledge of experts with backgrounds in nutrition and dietetics, policy, epidemiology, environmental sciences, medical sciences, town planning and urban design, transport, geography and physical activity in order to offer a multidisciplinary approach to public health, suggesting new and exciting ways to shape our environment to better support healthful decisions.

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781444323795


Occupational Group Therapy
Occupational Group Therapy

Автор: Rosemary Crouch

Occupational Group Therapy helps group leaders achieve a higher and more dynamic level of therapeutic intervention, gain a better understanding of foundational concepts and research, and utilise active techniques that have meaningful and lasting effects on their clients. This practical guide encourages readers to use and develop their skills creatively in a range of interventions, including hospital-based work with acutely ill clients, physical acute care, and rehabilitation. The text presents both the theoretical background and practical applications of occupational group therapy: core skills and concepts, styles of group leadership, clinical and ethical reasoning, and different models of therapy such as the functional group model, the model of human occupation (MOHO), and the occupational therapy interactive group model (OTIGM), alongside warm-up and ice-breaker techniques, role-play exercises, assertiveness and social skills training strategies, guidance on using psychodrama and the therapeutic spiral model (TSM) in group settings, and more. Develops the skills and self-confidence occupational therapists need to be effective group leaders Covers the functional and performance aspects necessary for occupational therapy intervention, including client handling, and structuring and communication skills Discusses new ways of addressing common concerns and issues in various intervention settings Offers ideas and techniques for using higher-level interventions, such as psychodrama and the Therapeutic Spiral model Helps readers to design effective group experiences that allow their clients to “work on themselves” both inside and outside of the group Written by an esteemed expert with decades of practical experience in the field, with a chapter from Louise Fouch?, an accomplished occupational group therapist and developer of OTIGM, and foreword by Professor Emerita Sharon Brintnell, former President of World Federation of Occupational Therapy (WFOT): Occupational Group Therapy is a must-have teaching manual and guide for undergraduate and post-graduate occupational therapy students, and for practitioners looking to increase their use of group work as a therapeutic intervention.

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119591528


Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide
Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide

Автор: Dan Sullivan

The proven Study Guide that prepares you for this new Google Cloud exam The  Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide , provides everything you need to prepare for this important exam and master the skills necessary to land that coveted Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification. Beginning with a pre-book assessment quiz to evaluate what you know before you begin, each chapter features exam objectives and review questions, plus the online learning environment includes additional complete practice tests.  Written by Dan Sullivan, a popular and experienced online course author for machine learning, big data, and Cloud topics,  Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Study Guide is your ace in the hole for deploying and managing analytics and machine learning applications.  • Build and operationalize storage systems, pipelines, and compute infrastructure • Understand machine learning models and learn how to select pre-built models • Monitor and troubleshoot machine learning models • Design analytics and machine learning applications that are secure, scalable, and highly available.  This exam guide is designed to help you develop an in depth understanding of data engineering and machine learning on Google Cloud Platform.

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618454


OLED Display Fundamentals and Applications
OLED Display Fundamentals and Applications

Автор: Takatoshi Tsujimura

This new edition specifically addresses the most recent and relevant developments in the design and manufacture of OLED displays Provides knowledge of OLED fundamentals and related technologies for applications such as displays and solid state lighting along with processing and manufacturing technologies Serves as a reference for people engaged in OLED research, manufacturing, applications and marketing Includes coverage of white + color filter technology, which has become industry standard technology for large televisions

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119187325


OLED Displays and Lighting
OLED Displays and Lighting

Автор: Mitsuhiro Koden

Explains the fundamentals and practical applications of flat and flexible OLEDs for displays and lighting Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have emerged as the leading technology for the new display and lighting market. OLEDs are solid-state devices composed of thin films of organic molecules that create light with the application of electricity. OLEDs can provide brighter, crisper displays on electronic devices and use less power than conventional light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal displays (LCDs) used today. This book covers both the fundamentals and practical applications of flat and flexible OLEDs. Key features: Covers all of the aspects necessary to the design and manufacturing of OLED displays and lighting. Explains the fundamental basic technologies and also related technologies which might contribute to the next innovation in the industry. Provides several indications for future innovation in the OLED industry. Includes coverage of OLED vacuum deposition type and solution type materials. The book is essential reading for early career engineers developing OLED devices and OLED related technologies in industrial companies, such as OLED device fabrication companies.

Цена: 9742.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119040507


One-Dimensional Superconductivity in Nanowires
One-Dimensional Superconductivity in Nanowires

Автор: Fabio Altomare

The book introduces scientists and graduate students to superconductivity, and highlights the differences arising from the different dimensionality of the sample under study. It focuses on transport in one-dimensional superconductors, describing relevant theories with particular emphasis on experimental results. It closely relates these results to the emergence of various novel fabrication techniques. The book closes by discussing future perspectives, and the connection and relevance to other physical systems, including superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensates, and possibly cosmic strings.

Цена: 11375.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783527649075


Optical Fibre Sensors
Optical Fibre Sensors

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 14169.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119534778


Optimization for Engineering Problems
Optimization for Engineering Problems

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119644606


Organic Photovoltaics
Organic Photovoltaics

Автор: Группа авторов

The versatility of organic photovoltaics is already well known and this completely revised, updated, and enlarged edition of a classic provides an up-to-date overview of this hot topic. The proven structure of the successful first edition, divided into the three key aspects of successful device design: materials, device physics, and manufacturing technologies, has been retained. Important aspects such as printing technologies, substrates, and electrode systems are covered. The result is a balanced, comprehensive text on the fundamentals as well as the latest results in the area that will set R&D trends for years to come. With its combination of both academic and commercial technological views, this is an optimal source of information for scientists, engineers, and graduate students already actively working in this field, and looking for comprehensive summaries on specific topics.

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527656943


Organic Thin Film Transistor Integration
Organic Thin Film Transistor Integration

Автор: Flora Li

Research on organic electronics (or plastic electronics) is driven by the need to create systems that are lightweight, unbreakable, and mechanically flexible. With the remarkable improvement in the performance of organic semiconductor materials during the past few decades, organic electronics appeal to innovative, practical, and broad-impact applications requiring large-area coverage, mechanical flexibility, low-temperature processing, and low cost. Thus, organic electronics appeal to a broad range of electronic devices and products including transistors, diodes, sensors, solar cells, lighting, displays, and electronic identification and tracking devices A number of commercial opportunities have been identified for organic thin film transistors (OTFTs), ranging from flexible displays, electronic paper, radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags, smart cards, to low-cost disposable electronic products, and more are continually being invented as the technology matures. The potential applications for «plastic electronics» are huge but several technological hurdles must be overcome. In many of these applications, transistor serves as a fundamental building block to implement the necessary electronic functionality. Hence, research in organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) or organic field effect transistors (OFETs) is eminently pertinent to the development and realization of organic electronics. This book presents a comprehensive investigation of the production and application of a variety of polymer based transistor devices and circuits. It begins with a detailed overview of Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs) and discusses the various possible fabrication methods reported so far. This is followed by two major sections on the choice, optimization and implementation of the gate dielectric material to be used. Details of the effects of processing on the efficiency of the contacts are then provided. The book concludes with a chapter on the integration of such devices to produce a variety of OTFT based circuits and systems. The key objective is to examine strategies to exploit existing materials and techniques to advance OTFT technology in device performance, device manufacture, and device integration. Finally, the collective knowledge from these investigations facilitates the integration of OTFTs into organic circuits, which is expected to contribute to the development of new generation of all-organic displays for communication devices and other pertinent applications. Overall, a major outcome of this work is that it provides an economical means for organic transistor and circuit integration, by enabling the use of a well-established PECVD infrastructure, while not compromising the performance of electronics. The techniques established here are not limited to use in OTFTs only; the organic semiconductor and SiNx combination can be used in other device structures (e.g., sensors, diodes, photovoltaics). Furthermore, the approach and strategy used for interface optimization can be extended to the development of other materials systems.

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527634460


Overhead Distribution Lines
Overhead Distribution Lines

Автор: Lawrence M. Slavin

This book provides expert knowledge to those in the power and communication utility industry in how to design power and communication distribution lines. Information is presented on the physical characteristics of various types of utility poles, overhead supply and communication cables, installation practices, joint-usage issues and safety rules, including national standards and other related documents. It provides critical details on industry software to guide engineers in its effective use. Care is taken to describe the critical requirements to select the proper poles for specific applications. The author includes a final chapter that describes comprehensive examples of the information introduced earlier.

Цена: 10026.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119699200


Part 2 MRCOG: Single Best Answer Questions
Part 2 MRCOG: Single Best Answer Questions

Автор: Andrew Sizer

Part 2 MRCOG: SBA Questions contains invaluable preparation and practice for candidates undertaking the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Part 2 MRCOG examination. It contains 400 practice questions written by a highly experienced team of MRCOG question writers, alongside detailed answers referencing each question to either an RCOG, NICE or WHO guideline, or an article in the professional journal ‘The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist’. This will enable candidates to understand the reasoning and knowledge base behind the question, as well as giving them a clear reference should they wish to read further around the subject. The first part of the book introduces and explains the new format of the Part 2 MRCOG exam, giving insightful advice on the skills required to write a good SBA question. The second part of the book contains chapters matched to the 15 of the 19 modules of the core curriculum, giving a comprehensive range of questions and answers with detailed explanations and references. For anyone preparing for the Part 2 MRCOG exam, this book will provide extensive and comprehensive practice and guidance from an expert author team.

Цена: 4888.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781119160632


Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models
Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models

Автор: Cristian Mahulea

Offers an integrated presentation for path planning and motion control of cooperative mobile robots using discrete-event system principles Generating feasible paths or routes between a given starting position and a goal or target position—while avoiding obstacles—is a common issue for all mobile robots. This book formulates the problem of path planning of cooperative mobile robots by using the paradigm of discrete-event systems. It presents everything readers need to know about discrete event system models—mainly Finite State Automata (FSA) and Petri Nets (PN)—and methods for centralized path planning and control of teams of identical mobile robots. Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models begins with a brief definition of the Path Planning and Motion Control problems and their state of the art. It then presents different types of discrete models such as FSA and PNs. The RMTool MATLAB toolbox is described thereafter, for readers who will need it to provide numerical experiments in the last section. The book also discusses cell decomposition approaches and shows how the divided environment can be translated into an FSA by assigning to each cell a discrete state, while the adjacent relation together with the robot's dynamics implies the discrete transitions. Highlighting the benefits of Boolean Logic, Linear Temporal Logic, cell decomposition, Finite State Automata modeling, and Petri Nets, this book also: Synthesizes automatic strategies based on Discrete Event Systems (DES) for path planning and motion control and offers software implementations for the involved algorithms Provides a tutorial for motion planning introductory courses or related simulation-based projects using a MATLAB package called RMTool (Robot Motion Toolbox) Includes simulations for problems solved by methodologies presented in the book Path Planning of Cooperative Mobile Robots Using Discrete Event Models is an ideal book for undergraduate and graduate students and college and university professors in the areas of robotics, artificial intelligence, systems modeling, and autonomous control.

Цена: 12654.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119486367


Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular Biology
Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular Biology

Автор: Mourad Elloumi

A comprehensive overview of high-performance pattern recognition techniques and approaches to Computational Molecular Biology This book surveys the developments of techniques and approaches on pattern recognition related to Computational Molecular Biology. Providing a broad coverage of the field, the authors cover fundamental and technical information on these techniques and approaches, as well as discussing their related problems. The text consists of twenty nine chapters, organized into seven parts: Pattern Recognition in Sequences, Pattern Recognition in Secondary Structures, Pattern Recognition in Tertiary Structures, Pattern Recognition in Quaternary Structures, Pattern Recognition in Microarrays, Pattern Recognition in Phylogenetic Trees, and Pattern Recognition in Biological Networks. Surveys the development of techniques and approaches on pattern recognition in biomolecular data Discusses pattern recognition in primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures, as well as microarrays, phylogenetic trees and biological networks Includes case studies and examples to further illustrate the concepts discussed in the book Pattern Recognition in Computational Molecular Biology: Techniques and Approaches is a reference for practitioners and professional researches in Computer Science, Life Science, and Mathematics. This book also serves as a supplementary reading for graduate students and young researches interested in Computational Molecular Biology.

Цена: 14725.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119078852


Pedestrian Inertial Navigation with Self-Contained Aiding
Pedestrian Inertial Navigation with Self-Contained Aiding

Автор: Andrei M. Shkel

Explore an insightful summary of the major self-contained aiding technologies for pedestrian navigation from established and emerging leaders in the field  Pedestrian Inertial Navigation with Self-Contained Aiding  delivers a comprehensive and broad treatment of self-contained aiding techniques in pedestrian inertial navigation. The book combines an introduction to the general concept of navigation and major navigation and aiding techniques with more specific discussions of topics central to the field, as well as an exploration of the future of the future of the field: Ultimate Navigation Chip (uNavChip) technology.  The most commonly used implementation of pedestrian inertial navigation, strapdown inertial navigation, is discussed at length, as are the mechanization, implementation, error analysis, and adaptivity of zero-velocity update aided inertial navigation algorithms. The book demonstrates the implementation of ultrasonic sensors, ultra-wide band (UWB) sensors, and magnetic sensors. Ranging techniques are considered as well, including both foot-to-foot ranging and inter-agent ranging, and learning algorithms, navigation with signals of opportunity, and cooperative localization are discussed. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:  A thorough introduction to the general concept of navigation as well as major navigation and aiding techniques An exploration of inertial navigation implementation, Inertial Measurement Units, and strapdown inertial navigation A discussion of error analysis in strapdown inertial navigation, as well as the motivation of aiding techniques for pedestrian inertial navigation A treatment of the zero-velocity update (ZUPT) aided inertial navigation algorithm, including its mechanization, implementation, error analysis, and adaptivity Perfect for students and researchers in the field who seek a broad understanding of the subject,  Pedestrian Inertial Navigation with Self-Contained Aiding  will also earn a place in the libraries of industrial researchers and industrial marketing analysts who need a self-contained summary of the foundational elements of the field.

Цена: 9102.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119699897


Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges
Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges

Автор: William B. Rouse

Examines current and prospective challenges surrounding global challenges of education, energy, healthcare, security, and resilience This book discusses issues in large-scale systems in the United States and around the world. The authors examine the challenges of education, energy, healthcare, national security, and urban resilience. The book covers challenges in education including America's use of educational funds, standardized testing, and the use of classroom technology. On the topic of energy, this book examines debates on climate, the current and future developments of the nuclear power industry, the benefits and cost decline of natural gases, and the promise of renewable energy. The authors also discuss national security, focusing on the issues of nuclear weapons, terrorism and cyber security. Urban resilience is addressed in the context of natural threats such as hurricanes and floods. Studies the usage of a globalized benchmark for both student and pedagogical performance Covers topics such as surveillance, operational capabilities, movement of resources, and the pros and cons of globalization Examines big data, evolving medical methodologies and effects on the medical educational curriculum, and the positive effects of electronic records in healthcare data Perspectives on Complex Global Challenges: Education, Energy Healthcare, Security, and Resilience serves as a reference for government officials, personnel in security, business executives and system engineers.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118984109


Physics and Technology of Crystalline Oxide Semiconductor CAAC-IGZO
Physics and Technology of Crystalline Oxide Semiconductor CAAC-IGZO

Автор: Группа авторов

This book highlights the display applications of c-axis aligned crystalline indium–gallium–zinc oxide (CAAC-IGZO), a new class of oxide material that challenges the dominance of silicon in the field of thin film semiconductor devices. It is an enabler for displays with high resolution and low power consumption, as well as high-productivity manufacturing. The applications of CAAC-IGZO focus on liquid crystal displays (LCDs) with extremely low power consumption for mobile applications, and high-resolution and flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays, and present a large number of prototypes developed at the Semiconductor Energy Laboratory. In particular, the description of LCDs includes how CAAC-IGZO enables LCDs with extremely low refresh rate that provides ultra-low power consumption in a wide range of use cases. Moreover, this book also offers the latest data of IGZO. The IGZO has recently achieved a mobility of 65.5 cm2?}V-s, and it is expected to potentially exceed 100 cm2?}V-s as high as that of LTPS. A further two books in the series will describe the fundamentals of CAAC-IGZO, and the application to LSI devices. Key features: • Introduces different oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor designs and their impact on the reliability and performance of LCDs and OLED displays, both in pixel and panel-integrated driving circuits. • Reviews fundamentals and presents device architectures for high-performance and flexible OLED displays, their circuit designs, and oxide semiconductors as an enabling technology. • Explains how oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors drastically can improve resolution and lower power consumption of LCDs.

Цена: 13607.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781119247449


Piezoelectric ZnO Nanostructure for Energy Harvesting, Volume 1
Piezoelectric ZnO Nanostructure for Energy Harvesting, Volume 1

Автор: Yamin Leprince-Wang

Over the past decade, ZnO as an important II-VI semiconductor has attracted much attention within the scientific community over the world owing to its numerous unique and prosperous properties. This material, considered as a “future material”, especially in nanostructural format, has aroused many interesting research works due to its large range of applications in electronics, photonics, acoustics, energy and sensing. The bio-compatibility, piezoelectricity & low cost fabrication make ZnO nanostructure a very promising material for energy harvesting.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119007432


Planungsleitfaden f?r Energieverteilungsanlagen
Planungsleitfaden f?r Energieverteilungsanlagen

Автор: Hartmut Kiank

Bei der Planung einer industriellen Stromversorgungsanlage entscheiden die spezifischen Anforderungen des jeweiligen Fertigungsprozesses uber die Gestaltung und Betriebsweise des Netzes sowie die Auswahl und Bemessung der Betriebsmittel. Da die wirklichen technischen Risiken oftmals in der Tiefe der vielschichtigen Planungsaufgabe versteckt sind, sind Planungsentscheidungen wegen ihrer komplexen Auswirkungen auf Versorgungsqualitat und Energieeffizienz besonders verantwortungsvoll und umsichtig zu treffen. Das Buch wendet sich an Ingenieure und Techniker in der industriellen Energiewirtschaft, in Industrieunternehmen und Planungsburos. Es vermittelt ihnen netz- und anlagentechnisches Grundlagenwissen zur Planung, Errichtung und dem Betrieb sicherer und wirtschaftlicher Industrienetze. Studenten und Hochschulabsolventen ermoglicht es die Einarbeitung in das Gebiet. Einfach und verstandlich vermittelt das Buch in langjahriger Praxis erworbene Losungskompetenz. Daruber hinaus bietet es Planungsempfehlungen sowie Wissen uber Normen und Standards, deren Anwendung eine Gewahr dafur bietet, dass technische Risiken vermieden werden und produktions- und verfahrenstechnische Prozesse energieeffizient, zuverlassig und in hochster Qualitat gefuhrt werden konnen.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783895786648


Plates and Shells for Smart Structures
Plates and Shells for Smart Structures

Автор: Erasmo Carrera

Smart structures that contain embedded piezoelectric patches are loaded by both mechanical and electrical fields. Traditional plate and shell theories were developed to analyze structures subject to mechanical loads. However, these often fail when tasked with the evaluation of both electrical and mechanical fields and loads. In recent years more advanced models have been developed that overcome these limitations. Plates and Shells for Smart Structures offers a complete guide and reference to smart structures under both mechanical and electrical loads, starting with the basic principles and working right up to the most advanced models. It provides an overview of classical plate and shell theories for piezoelectric elasticity and demonstrates their limitations in static and dynamic analysis with a number of example problems. This book also provides both analytical and finite element solutions, thus enabling the reader to compare strong and weak solutions to the problems. Key features: compares a large variety of classical and modern approaches to plates and shells, such as Kirchhoff-Love , Reissner-Mindlin assumptions and higher order, layer-wise and mixed theories introduces theories able to consider electromechanical couplings as well as those that provide appropriate interface continuity conditions for both electrical and mechanical variables considers both static and dynamic analysis accompanied by a companion website hosting dedicated software MUL2 that is used to obtain the numerical solutions in the book, allowing the reader to reproduce the examples given as well as solve problems of their own The models currently used have a wide range of applications in civil, automotive, marine and aerospace engineering. Researchers of smart structures, and structural analysts in industry, will find all they need to know in this concise reference. Graduate and postgraduate students of mechanical, civil and aerospace engineering can also use this book in their studies. www.mul2.com

Цена: 12109.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781119950011


Platform and Collective Intelligence
Platform and Collective Intelligence

Автор: Antoine Henry

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119808312


Politics and Aesthetics
Politics and Aesthetics

Автор: Jacques Ranciere

Цена: 4687.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781509538140


Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering
Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering

Автор: Группа авторов

Explore the diverse electrical engineering application of polymer composite materials with this in-depth collection edited by leaders in the field Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering delivers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental principles, state-of-the-art research, and future challenges of polymer composites. Written from the perspective of electrical engineering applications, like electrical and thermal energy storage, high temperature applications, fire retardance, power cables, electric stress control, and others, the book covers all major application branches of these widely used materials. Rather than focus on polymer composite materials themselves, the distinguished editors have chosen to collect contributions from industry leaders in the area of real and practical electrical engineering applications of polymer composites. The book's relevance will only increase as advanced polymer composites receive more attention and interest in the area of advanced electronic devices and electric power equipment. Unique amongst its peers, Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering offers readers a collection of practical and insightful materials that will be of great interest to both academic and industrial audiences. Those resources include: A comprehensive discussion of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites for power equipment, including GIS, bushing, transformers, and more) Explorations of polymer composites for capacitors, outdoor insulation, electric stress control, power cable insulation, electrical and thermal energy storage, and high temperature applications A treatment of semi-conductive polymer composites for power cables In-depth analysis of fire-retardant polymer composites for electrical engineering An examination of polymer composite conductors Perfect for postgraduate students and researchers working in the fields of electrical, electronic, and polymer engineering, Polymer Composites for Electrical Engineering will also earn a place in the libraries of those working in the areas of composite materials, energy science and technology, and nanotechnology.

Цена: 14737.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119719656


Position Sensors
Position Sensors

Автор: David S. Nyce

A resource on position sensor technology, including background, operational theory, design and applications This book explains the theory and applications of the technologies used in the measurement of linear and angular/rotary position sensors. The first three chapters provide readers with the necessary background information on sensors. These chapters review: the working definitions and conventions used in sensing technology; the specifications of linear position transducers and sensors and how they affect performance; and sensor output types and communication protocols. The remaining chapters discuss each separate sensor technology in detail. These include resistive sensors, cable extension transducers, capacitive sensors, inductive sensors, LVDT and RVDT sensors, distributed impedance sensors, Hall Effect sensors, magnetoresistive sensors, magnetostrictive sensors, linear and rotary encoders, and optical triangulation position sensors. Discusses sensor specification, theory of operation, sensor design, and application criteria Reviews the background history of the linear and angular/rotary position sensors as well as the underlying engineering techniques Includes end-of-chapter exercises Position Sensors is written for electrical, mechanical, and material engineers as well as engineering students who are interested in understanding sensor technologies.

Цена: 14725.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119069362


Power Generation, Operation, and Control
Power Generation, Operation, and Control

Автор: Allen J. Wood

A thoroughly revised new edition of the definitive work on power systems best practices In this eagerly awaited new edition, Power Generation, Operation, and Control continues to provide engineers and academics with a complete picture of the techniques used in modern power system operation. Long recognized as the standard reference in the field, the book has been thoroughly updated to reflect the enormous changes that have taken place in the electric power industry since the Second Edition was published seventeen years ago. With an emphasis on both the engineering and economic aspects of energy management, the Third Edition introduces central «terminal» characteristics for thermal and hydroelectric power generation systems, along with new optimization techniques for tackling real-world operating problems. Readers will find a range of algorithms and methods for performing integrated economic, network, and generating system analysis, as well as modern methods for power system analysis, operation, and control. Special features include: State-of-the-art topics such as market simulation, multiple market analysis, contract and market bidding, and other business topics Chapters on generation with limited energy supply, power flow control, power system security, and more An introduction to regulatory issues, renewable energy, and other evolving topics New worked examples and end-of-chapter problems A companion website with additional materials, including MATLAB programs and power system sample data sets

Цена: 14773.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118733844


Power Management Techniques for Integrated Circuit Design
Power Management Techniques for Integrated Circuit Design

Автор: Ke-Horng Chen

This book begins with the premise that energy demands are directing scientists towards ever-greener methods of power management, so highly integrated power control ICs (integrated chip/circuit) are increasingly in demand for further reducing power consumption. A timely and comprehensive reference guide for IC designers dealing with the increasingly widespread demand for integrated low power management Includes new topics such as LED lighting, fast transient response, DVS-tracking and design with advanced technology nodes Leading author (Chen) is an active and renowned contributor to the power management IC design field, and has extensive industry experience Accompanying website includes presentation files with book illustrations, lecture notes, simulation circuits, solution manuals, instructors’ manuals, and program downloads

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118896822


Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance
Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance

Автор: James Field

Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to the basic operative skills and core clinical skills required of those about to embark on dental clinical training. It serves as the perfect illustrated introduction for pre-clinical students and a handy revision guide for subsequent undergraduate and postgraduate stages. Following the familiar, easy-to-use At a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with text accompanied by clear colour diagrams and clinical photographs to support conceptual understanding. Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance is a valuable resource for students studying dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy or dental nursing, as well as skills-based assessments such as the Overseas Registration Exam or the Licence in Dental Surgery. Key features include: An illustrated introduction to the dental clinical environment, basic operative skills and core clinical skills Key concepts are explained and superbly illustrated enabling you to visualise the intended clinical endpoint Core clinical skills covered include controlling cross-infection, giving and receiving effective feedback, history taking and communication skills A companion website with self-assessment questions for students and teaching notes for instructors

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118766651


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