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Ðåêëàìíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îò èíòåðíåò-ìàãàçèíà "Litres.ru"

Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5

Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing
Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing

Àâòîð: Jakob J. van Zyl

Öåíà: 15187.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119523123


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Öåíà: 2022.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119838531


Japanese Character Writing For Dummies
Japanese Character Writing For Dummies

Àâòîð: Hiroko M. Chiba

Learn to write 100 Japanese characters If you want to join the ranks of more than 128 million speakers of Japanese worldwide, this book should be your first stop! Whether studying for school, business, or travel, learning to write the Japanese Kanji characters is essential to gain a working knowledge of this language. Japanese is considered to be the most complicated writing system in the world, with tens of thousands of characters. But with Japanese Character Writing For Dummies , you’ll find easy step-by-step instructions for writing the first 100 Japanese Kanji characters with ease. Includes online bonus content featuring videos, downloadable flashcards, and printable writing pages Offers easy-to-follow instruction for writing 100 Japanese characters Helps you take your understanding of the language to a new level Shows you how to use the written word to communicate with native speakers Learning to write Japanese Kanji characters is fun – and now it’s fast and easy too!

Öåíà: 1351.43 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119475453



Àâòîð: Patrick Schollmeyer

„Bin ihnen begegnet, den G?ttern und Halbg?ttern“ … unter strahlend blauem Himmel, in zerkl?fteter, unber?hrter Landschaft und mit atemberaubendem Blick auf das ?g?ische Meer. Dieses Bild senkt sich im Kopf, denkt man an die Inselgruppe der Kykladen vor der griechischen K?ste. Hier spielten sie eine tragende Rolle. Denn die Kykladen, mit ihren Mythen, sind die heiligen Inseln der olympischen G?tter. Sie finden ihren Niederschlag in der Dichtung und Literatur eines Archilochos, Thukydides, Herodot und Ovid. Delos lud als Geburtsinsel des Gottes Apollon mit ausgefeilter Wohnkultur zu n?chtlichem Gelage; einem Luxus der auf den Ertr?gen aus grausamem Sklavenhandel auf den M?rkten der Insel gr?ndete. Naxos erz?hlt die Geschichte einer verratenen Liebe; Ariadne, verlassen vom treuelosen Theseus, gerettet von Dionysos, der auf Naxos in Yria ein bedeutendes Heiligtum besa?. Sein g?ttlicher Halbbruder Apollon sollte gar einen kolossalen Tempel erhalten, den man zwar nie fertigstellte, dessen Tor aber zum Wahrzeichen der Insel wurde. Melos durch Obsidian-Vorkommen seit Urzeiten reich, ist Schauplatz eines vom Historiker Thukydides im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. in Szene gesetzten Dialogs, in dem es um Macht und Recht geht. Wunder gibt es immer wieder! Das zeigt die Gottesverehrung auf Tenos. Einst war es Poseidon, auf den Verzweifelte und Kranke alle Hoffnung setzten und dabei nicht selten durch wundersame Heilungen belohnt wurden. Heute ist es die Gottesmutter Maria, deren wundert?tiges Bildnis in einer Wallfahrtskirche verehrt wird. Und dann ist da noch Thera / Santorin, deren unbeschreibliche Sch?nheit das Ergebnis einer der gr??ten Naturkatastrophen aller Zeiten war – die uns aber gleichzeitig Momentaufnahmen des Lebens vor ?ber 3.000 Jahren geschenkt hat.

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961760374


Legion?r in der r?mischen Armee
Legion?r in der r?mischen Armee

Àâòîð: Ôèëèïï Ìàòûøàê

Weltreiche erobern leicht gemacht! Was Legion?re wissen m?ssen Wie gro? muss ich sein, um Soldat im r?mischen Heer werden zu k?nnen? Wie schwinge ich ein Schwert? Wie ?berlebe ich einen Feldzug und wie verhalte ich mich, wenn Rom meine Legion mit einem Triumphzug ehrt? Berufliche Entscheidungen wollen gut ?berlegt sein: In diesem etwas anderen Buch ?ber Soldaten im alten Rom erfahren Sie alles Notwendige f?r eine erfolgreiche milit?rische Karriere im r?mischen Kaiserreich! Witzig und informativ: R?mische Geschichte, lebendig pr?sentiert! 20 Jahre Dienst: Die Stationen vom jungen Rekruten bis zur wohlverdienten Pensionierung Wo Sie mit den richtigen Beziehungen hinkommen: Dienstgrade in der r?mischen Armee Die Rache der r?mischen B?rokratie: Umgang mit Deserteuren, Sklaven und Verbrechern Wie Sie sich im Kampfget?mmel nicht blamieren: Die Waffen eines Legion?rs Soldatenleben im alten Rom: So unterhaltsam kann ein Geschichtsbuch sein! Von der angemessenen Kleidung auf dem Schlachtfeld bis zu Waffenkunde und den Unterschieden zwischen den Legionen: Mit diesem Ratgeber passiert Ihnen auch im gr??ten Schlachtenget?mmel kein peinlicher Fauxpas! Lernen Sie, wie man ein Katapult abfeuert und wie sie Berber und Pikten unterscheiden k?nnen – sie werden es f?r ihre Karriere im r?mischen Heer ben?tigen. Der Historiker Philip Matyszak nimmt seine Leser mit auf eine Zeitreise in die Milit?rgeschichte – ein Buch, das in keinem Marschgep?ck fehlen sollte!

Öåíà: 1281.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783534747016


Numerical Methods in Computational Finance
Numerical Methods in Computational Finance

Àâòîð: Daniel J. Duffy

This book is a detailed and step-by-step introduction to the mathematical foundations of ordinary and partial differential equations, their approximation by the finite difference method and applications to computational finance. The book is structured so that it can be read by beginners, novices and expert users. Part A Mathematical Foundation for One-Factor Problems Chapters 1 to 7 introduce the mathematical and numerical analysis concepts that are needed to understand the finite difference method and its application to computational finance. Part B Mathematical Foundation for Two-Factor Problems Chapters 8 to 13 discuss a number of rigorous mathematical techniques relating to elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations in two space variables. In particular, we develop strategies to preprocess and modify a PDE before we approximate it by the finite difference method, thus avoiding ad-hoc and heuristic tricks. Part C The Foundations of the Finite Difference Method (FDM) Chapters 14 to 17 introduce the mathematical background to the finite difference method for initial boundary value problems for parabolic PDEs. It encapsulates all the background information to construct stable and accurate finite difference schemes. Part D Advanced Finite Difference Schemes for Two-Factor Problems Chapters 18 to 22 introduce a number of modern finite difference methods to approximate the solution of two factor partial differential equations. This is the only book we know of that discusses these methods in any detail. Part E Test Cases in Computational Finance Chapters 23 to 26 are concerned with applications based on previous chapters. We discuss finite difference schemes for a wide range of one-factor and two-factor problems. This book is suitable as an entry-level introduction as well as a detailed treatment of modern methods as used by industry quants and MSc/MFE students in finance. The topics have applications to numerical analysis, science and engineering. More on computational finance and the author’s online courses, see www.datasim.nl.

Öåíà: 9363.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119719724


Persian Expedition
Persian Expedition

Àâòîð: Xenophon

Xenophon, after being exiled from Athens, spent the last years of his life hunting, writing, and recalling in his books the great days of the Persian expedition. This record of one of the most famous marches in history contains an account of the day-to-day life of ordinary men and soldiers. It demonstrates how Greek theories of government and morality worked out in practice-for with his admiration for the great, Xenophon had a rare ability to understand and describe the outlook of lesser men. His own fortunes, too, are intensely moving. Cool, calculating, brilliant, and intensely pious, he is one of the most fascinating characters of history, and his account of his own doings is so far from being self-conscious that he seems to be one of the very few Greeks whose ways and manners have been accurately documented.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Pat Bottino

Öåíà: 2294.12 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781481578202


Power of Moments
Power of Moments

Àâòîð: ×èï Õèç

The New York Times bestselling authors of Switch and Made to Stick explore why certain brief experiences can jolt, elevate and change us – and how we can learn to create such extraordinary moments in our life and work.What  if a teacher could design a lesson that he knew his students would  remember twenty years later? What if a doctor or nurse knew how to  orchestrate moments that would bring more comfort to patients? What if  you had a better sense of how to create memories that matter for your  children? Many of the defining moments in our lives are the  result of accident or luck – but why leave our most meaningful,  memorable moments to chance when we can create them?In The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath explore the stories of people who have created standout  moments, from the owners who transformed an utterly mediocre hotel into one  of the best-loved properties in Los Angeles by conjuring moments of  magic for guests, to the scrappy  team that turned around one of the worst elementary schools in the  country by embracing an intervention that lasts less than an hour.Filled with remarkable tales and  practical insights, The Power of Moments proves we all have the power to transform  ordinary experiences into unforgettable ones.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Jeremy Bobb

Öåíà: 1149.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781473556461


Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion
Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion

Àâòîð: Ziad Al-Ani

PRACTICAL PROCEDURES IN DENTAL OCCLUSION A robust and accessible resource on occlusion for general dental practitioners Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion delivers a solid and reliable exploration of dental occlusion. The book offers practical and accessible information about evidence-based techniques applicable to everyday clinical situations encountered in general practice. The authors provide a straightforward guide to the optimisation of restorative treatment outcomes, including occlusion in simple and advanced restorative care. The inclusion of questions at the end of the book, a glossary of useful terms and phrases in occlusion encourages self-assessment. Readers will also find: Thorough introductions to common prosthodontic terms, neuromuscular ­philosophies, and the equipment and techniques used in occlusal examination Practical explorations of typical problems faced by practitioners when recording occlusal contacts using different articulating papers Overviews of “high crown” clinical scenarios, including the importance of opposing alginate impressions and cast mounting An insightful treatment of the clinical scenario of a fractured upper central incisor composite restoration Perfect for undergraduate dental students and general dental practitioners, Practical Procedures in Dental Occlusion is a valuable resource for those seeking a systematic and logical treatment of the management of occlusal problems.

Öåíà: 10700.98 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119678526


Product Realization
Product Realization

Àâòîð: Anna C. Thornton

Öåíà: 8605.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119649663


Reception of Mesopotamia on Film
Reception of Mesopotamia on Film

Àâòîð: Maria de Fatima Rosa

Öåíà: 5060.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119778660


Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere
Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere

Àâòîð: Marco Tedesco

The cryosphere, that region of the world where water is temporarily or permanently frozen, plays a crucial role on our planet. Recent developments in remote sensing techniques, and the acquisition of new data sets, have resulted in significant advances in our understanding of all components of the cryosphere and its processes. This book, based on contributions from 40 leading experts, offers a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the methods, techniques and recent advances in applications of remote sensing of the cryosphere. Examples of the topics covered include: • snow extent, depth, grain-size and impurities • surface and subsurface melting • glaciers • accumulation over the Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets • ice thickness and velocities • gravimetric measurements from space • sea, lake and river ice • frozen ground and permafrost • fieldwork activities • recent and future cryosphere-oriented missions and experiments All figures are in color and provide an excellent visual accompaniment to the technical and scientific aspect of the book. Readership: Senior undergraduates, Masters and PhD Students, PostDocs and Researchers in cryosphere science and remote sensing. Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere is the significant first volume in the new Cryosphere Science Series. This new series comprises volumes that are at the cutting edge of new research, or provide focussed interdisciplinary reviews of key aspects of the science.

Öåíà: 10440.56 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118368886


SEO Management
SEO Management

Àâòîð: V?ronique Duong

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is arguably the most significant tool that marketeers have to push online content. As the hub of the computational engineering fields, SEO encompasses technical, editorial and link-building strategies, and is an integral part of our daily lives. As important as it is ubiquitous, SEO is needed for the development of a brand's website and online reputation. When a website is live, one of its priorities is to drive organic traffic towards it, in order to attract visibility. In order to achieve such an aim, many proactive measures must be put in place, advice followed and tips implemented. There should also be an understanding of the holistic connection between a website's HTML sources, content management system and its relationship with external websites too (SEO off-site). There are many different search engines in the world and depending on the international boundary, one web browser usually dominates the landscape. Google features prominently in SEO Management, but this book also goes into detail regarding Baidu SEO (China), Yandex SEO (Russia) and Naver SEO (South Korea). There is also guidance given on how to manage a SEO project.

Öåíà: 16702.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119681403


Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture
Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture

Àâòîð: Marilyn B. Skinner

This agenda-setting text has been fully revised in its second edition, with coverage extended into the Christian era. It remains the most comprehensive and engaging introduction to the sexual cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Covers a wide range of subjects, including Greek pederasty and the symposium, ancient prostitution, representations of women in Greece and Rome, and the public regulation of sexual behavior Expanded coverage extends to the advent of Christianity, includes added illustrations, and offers student-friendly pedagogical features Text boxes supply intriguing information about tangential topics Gives a thorough overview of current literature while encouraging further reading and discussion Conveys the complexity of ancient attitudes towards sexuality and gender and the modern debates they have engendered

Öåíà: 5161.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118610817



Àâòîð: Reinhard Habeck

Val Camonica in Oberitalien ist ein magischer Ort. Hier liegt das gr??te Geschichtsarchiv Alteuropas: Bislang wurden ?ber 350.000 pr?historische Felszeichnungen freigelegt. Die merkw?rdigsten Motive zeigen Gesch?pfe, die frappant an Astronauten unserer Tage erinnern. Nicht weniger verbl?ffend: Steinplatten mit fixierten Gel?ndemarkierungen, die ein erstaunliches Wissen ?ber Topografie und Vermessungstechnik belegen. Ausgehend vom Val Camonica geht Reinhard Habeck diesen und anderen Fragezeichen der alpinen Vorgeschichte auf den Grund. Er hat verborgene und neu entdeckte Fundstellen pr?historischer Felskunst besucht, bedeutende Forscher zu den alpinen Steinwundern befragt und stellt provokante und ?berraschende Thesen zur Diskussion. Wer die pr?historischen R?tsel wie der Autor in der paradiesischen Landschaft vor die Kameralinse bekommen will, muss sich auf manche Strapazen gefasst machen – aber auch auf handfeste ?berraschungen… Aus dem Inhalt: Die „Steinzeit-Astronauten“ im Val Camonica (Lombardei) Die r?tselhaften Kreise von Carschenna (Schweiz) Die seltsamen Felsritzungen der Kienbachklamm (Salzkammergut) Das etruskische Schriftr?tsel am Schneidjoch (Nordtirol) Das Reich der F?nes in den Dolomiten (S?dtirol) Das „Tal der Wunder“ beim Monte B?go (Frankreich) u.v.a.m.

Öåíà: 1675.97 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990404102


The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy
The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy presents a series of essays that trace the Greeks’ path to democracy and examine the connection between the Greek polis as a citizen state and democracy as well as the interaction between democracy and various forms of cultural expression from a comparative historical perspective and with special attention to the place of Greek democracy in political thought and debates about democracy throughout the centuries. Presents an original combination of a close synchronic and long diachronic examination of the Greek polis – city-states that gave rise to the first democratic system of government Offers a detailed study of the close interactionbetween democracy, society, and the arts in ancient Greece Places the invention of democracy in fifth-century bce Athens both in its broad social and cultural context and in the context of the re-emergence of democracy in the modern world Reveals the role Greek democracy played in the political and intellectual traditions that shaped modern democracy, and in the debates about democracy in modern social, political, and philosophical thought Written collaboratively by an international team of leading scholars in classics, ancient history, sociology, and political science

Öåíà: 16323.72 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118561607


The Handbook of Psycholinguistics
The Handbook of Psycholinguistics

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Incorporating approaches from linguistics and psychology, The Handbook of Psycholinguistics explores language processing and language acquisition from an array of perspectives and features cutting edge research from cognitive science, neuroscience, and other related fields. The Handbook provides readers with a comprehensive review of the current state of the field, with an emphasis on research trends most likely to determine the shape of psycholinguistics in the years ahead. The chapters are organized into three parts, corresponding to the major areas of psycholinguists: production, comprehension, and acquisition. The collection of chapters, written by a team of international scholars, incorporates multilingual populations and neurolinguistic dimensions. Each of the three sections also features an overview chapter in which readers are introduced to the different theoretical perspectives guiding research in the area covered in that section. Timely, comprehensive, and authoritative, The Handbook of Psycholinguistics is a valuable addition to the reference shelves of researchers in psychology, linguistics, and cognitive science, as well as advanced undergraduates and graduate students interested in how language works in the human mind and how language is acquired.

Öåíà: 17045.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118829547


The Herodotus Encyclopedia
The Herodotus Encyclopedia

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 63756.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119113539


The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media
The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media

Àâòîð: Myron B. Allen, III

Öåíà: 13163.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119663867


The Roman Republic and the Hellenistic Mediterranean
The Roman Republic and the Hellenistic Mediterranean

Àâòîð: Allen Joel Asaph

Öåíà: 8513.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118959350


Ungel?ste R?tsel
Ungel?ste R?tsel

Àâòîð: Reinhard Habeck

Wie sind r?tselhafte Funde zu bewerten, die nicht ins vertraute Weltbild passen? Waren unsere Vorfahren weit fortschrittlicher, als wir vermuten? Reinhard Habeck st?berte rund um den Globus erstaunliche und kaum bekannte arch?ologische Artefakte auf. Er befragte Fachexperten zu den strittigen Entdeckungen und bietet neue, ?berraschende Antworten an. 33 der spektakul?rsten Mysterien wurden f?r dieses Buch ausgew?hlt. Vom „Urzeit-Computer“ aus dem antiken Griechenland, ?ber mysteri?se Fossilien aus S?damerika bis hin zur „Satellitenkarte“ aus dem Alten China: staunenswerte Wunderwerke, die es in dieser Form zu jener Zeit eigentlich nicht gegeben haben d?rfte. Die „regelwidrigen“ Entdeckungen sind dazu angetan, unsere Vorstellung ?ber den Werdegang des Lebens und die Entstehung der Zivilisation neu zu ?berdenken. Aus dem Inhalt: Pr?-Kolumbien: Eine „Steinscheibe“ beinhaltet „genetisches Wissen“ / Bronzezeitliche Himmelskarten auf dem Gipfel des Monte Bego / Menschenartige Fossilien aus der Dinosaurier-Epoche / Erdstall-R?tsel in ?sterreich: mehrst?ckige unterirdische Gangsysteme / Antike Steinwunder mit ungekl?rten Spuren der Bearbeitung / Hinweise auf ein pr?historisches GPS-System alpiner Urv?lker / Versteinertes High-Tech-Wissen der Pharaonen / Artefakte, die fr?he globale Kulturkontakte ?ber die Weltmeere belegen

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783990403921



Àâòîð: Thomas More

Öåíà: 1114.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780857088956



Àâòîð: Thomas More

What we can learn from a Renaissance nowhere  In 1516, a book was published in Latin with the enigmatic Greek-derived word as its title. Utopia—which could mean either “good-place” or “no-place”—gives a traveler’s account of a newly discovered island somewhere in the New World where the inhabitants enjoy a social order based purely on natural reason and justice. As the traveler describes the harmony, prosperity, and equality found there, a dramatic contrast is drawn between the ideal community he portrays and the poverty, crime, and often frightening political conditions of 16th century Europe. Written by Sir Thomas More (1477–1535)—then a rising intellectual star of the Renaissance and ultimately the advisor and friend of Henry VIII who was executed for his devoutly Catholic opposition to the king—Utopia is as complex as its author.  In the form of a Platonic dialogue,  Utopia  explores topics such as money, property, crime, education, religious tolerance, euthanasia, and feminism. Claimed as a paean to communism (Lenin had More’s name inscribed on a statue in Moscow) as often as it has been seen as a defense of traditional medieval values,  Utopia  began the lineage of utopian thinkers who use storytelling to explore new possibilities for human society—and remains as relevant today as when it was written in Antwerp 500 years ago. Explore the issues like feminism, euthanasia, and equality through Renaissance eyes Early communist tract or a defense of medieval values? You decide. Peer inside the enigmatic mind of the man who dared stand up to Henry VIII Appreciate the postmodern possibilities of Platonic dialogue Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this edition features an introduction from writer, economist, and historian Niall Kishtainy.

Öåíà: 1114.69 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780857088932


Women in Classical Antiquity
Women in Classical Antiquity

Àâòîð: Laura K. McClure

Öåíà: 8513.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118413647


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