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Автор: Almaz Braev

In September 2012, the remains of Richard III, the last of the Plantagenet dynasty, were accidentally discovered in Leicester. He was killed in battle by representatives of the Tudors, another royal branch of Britain. His enemies stripped him, even cut off his feet out of fear. The honorable burial took place three years after the examinations. In the same year, there was a sensation. The local club Leicester became the champion of England for the 2015—2016 seasons.

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 9785006223332


Klavierspiel Anleitung f?r Anf?nger
Klavierspiel Anleitung f?r Anf?nger

Автор: Thomas Tabbert

Das Buch richtet sich an Klavieranf?nger*innen, die das Klavierspiel erlernen m?chten. Es eignet sich hervorragend als Lehrbuch f?r den Klavierunterricht. Durch die zahlreichen Abbildungen werden auch Autodidakten ihre Freude an dem Lehrwerk haben. Es wird gezeigt, wie man vor dem Klavier sitzt und wie man die Finger positioniert. Erst spielt man den ersten Ton; dann kommt ein weiterer Ton dazu. Am Anfang spielt man ganz leichte, kleine ?bungen. Allm?hlich erlangt man immer mehr Wissen und K?nnen. Schlie?lich lernt man, wie man Lieder spielt.

Цена: 1478.68 руб.
ISBN: 9783752904963


Kleine Hexe Klavi-Klack, Folge 8: Rettung f?r verlassene Tiere
Kleine Hexe Klavi-Klack, Folge 8: Rettung f?r verlassene Tiere

Автор: Joachim von Ulmann

Kleine Hexe Klavi-Klack ist eine H?rspielserie f?r Kinder, die von 1978 bis 1984 auf Schallplatte und Kassette im Maritim Verlag erschienen ist. Das Buch schrieb Joachim Ulmann nach einer Idee von Hans Englert. Sprecherin der Hexe Klavi-Klack war Ursela Monn. Regie bei allen Folgen f?hrte Toyo Tanaka. In der Serie geht es um die kleine Hexe Klavi-Klack, die bei der 537 Jahre alten Hexe Morgana wohnt und immer neugierig auf neue Erfahrungen ist.

Исполнители: Klaus Dittmann

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 4260147777418



Автор: Stacey Keltner

Julia Kristeva is one of the most creative and prolific writers to address the personal, social, and political trials of our times. Linguist, psychoanalyst, social and cultural theorist, and novelist, Kristeva's broad interdisciplinary appeal has impacted areas across the humanities and social sciences. S. K. Keltner's book provides the first comprehensive introduction to the breadth of Kristeva's work. In an original and insightful analysis, Keltner presents Kristeva's thought as the coherent development and elaboration of a complex, multidimensional threshold constitutive of meaning and subjectivity. The ‘threshold' indicates Kristeva's primary sphere of concern, the relationship between the speaking being and its particular social and historical conditions; and Kristeva's interdisciplinary approach. Kristeva's vision, Keltner argues, opens a unique perspective within contemporary discourses attentive to issues of meaning, subjectivity, and social and political life. By emphasizing Kristeva's attention to the permeable borders of psychic and social life, Keltner offers innovative readings of the concepts most widely discussed in Kristeva scholarship: the semiotic and symbolic, abjection, love, and loss. She also provides new interpretations of some of the most controversial issues surrounding Kristeva's work, including Kristeva's conceptions of intimacy, social and cultural difference, and Oedipal subjectivity, by contextualizing them within her methodological approach and oeuvre as a whole. Julia Kristeva: Thresholds is an engaging and accessible introduction to Kristeva's theoretical and fictional works that will be of interest to both students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745674933


L aristocratie de gauche. Socialiste
L‘aristocratie de gauche. Socialiste

Автор: Almaz Braev

Ce livre explique la catastrophe de tous les socialismes populaires. Le mouvement de gauche mondiale est aujourd’hui en crise ? cause de vieilles erreurs. La situation dans le monde est certainement diff?rente en ce moment. Mais, les partis de gauche ont aussi une aristocratie. Apr?s la mort des aristocrates de gauche, les socialismes populaires meurent aussi.

Цена: 120 руб.
ISBN: 9785005518712


La tradition contre le communisme
La tradition contre le communisme

Автор: Almaz Braev

La doctrine marxiste de la dictature du prol?tariat a ?t? utilis?e en Russie comme dictature de la tradition. Ce n’est qu’en Europe que la bourgeoisie a m?ri ? une dictature financi?re sur le monde, et en Russie, la nomenclature a m?ri ? une branche de la dictature financi?re mondiale.Pour le spectre politique de gauche, il faut une r?forme, une nouvelle id?e. Pour la gauche, il faut une r?forme aujourd’hui.

Цена: 20 руб.
ISBN: 9785005195579


Law, Ethics, and the War on Terror
Law, Ethics, and the War on Terror

Автор: Группа авторов

In recent years the mass murder of thousands of innocent civilians by al Qaeda terrorists has plumbed the depths of criminality and immorality. Yet it is the response to those attacks, particularly by the United States, that has provoked widespread accusations that the anti-terrorist cure may be worse than the terrorist disease. This book explores the key legal and ethical controversies that arose in the wake of the brutal attacks of 11 September 2001. After the Cold War, progress in human rights and limitations on warfare created an impression that «global civil society» had emerged to challenge the dominance of states and establish new norms to guide their behavior. The events of 9/11, however, witnessed a reassertion of state prerogatives, reflected in challenges to the Geneva Conventions and the stigma against torture. Focusing on core debates about preventive war and the implications of targeted assassination, kidnapping, indefinite detention, and the torture of suspected terrorists, Evangelista asks whether state practice will further undermine the very norms of international law and morality, or whether efforts to combat terrorism can be brought back into conformity with ethical and legal standards.

Цена: 6622.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780745673295


Les dues cultures
Les dues cultures

Автор: C. P. Snow

Una reflexi? essencial sobre el divorci entre la literatura i la ci?ncia. Per primer cop en catal?, la important?ssima reflexi? de l'escriptor Charles P. Snow sobre el divorci entre les «dues cultures», la ci?ncia i els intel·lectuals de la literatura, segueix sent tan vigent com en 1959. Els cient?fics no escriuen per al p?blic general, i els professors d'humanitats ignoren la Segona Llei de la Termodin?mica, va dir C. P. Snow, perqu? consideren que la ci?ncia ?s una branca inferior del coneixement. Aquest llibre va ser el comen?ament d'un debat sobre la noci? del que ha de ser una educaci? lliberal, capa? de fer-nos avan?ar de la barb?rie a la civilitzaci?, i que segueix ben viu avui en dia. La uni? de les «dues cultures» encara ?s, malauradament, una tasca pendent.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788417743963


Liberal Terror
Liberal Terror

Автор: Brad Evans

Security is meant to make the world safer. Yet despite living in the most secure of times, we see endangerment everywhere. Whether it is the threat of another devastating terrorist attacks, a natural disaster or unexpected catastrophe, anxieties and fears define the global political age. While liberal governments and security agencies have responded by advocating a new catastrophic topography of interconnected planetary endangerment, our desire to securitize everything has rendered all things potentially terrifying. This is the fateful paradox of contemporary liberal rule. The more we seek to secure, the more our imaginaries of threat proliferate. Nothing can therefore be left to chance. For everything has the potential to be truly catastrophic. Such is the emerging state of terror normality we find ourselves in today. This illuminating book by Brad Evans provides a critical evaluation of the wide ranging terrors which are deemed threatening to advanced liberal societies. Moving beyond the assumption that liberalism is integral to the realisation of perpetual peace, human progress, and political emancipation on a planetary scale, it exposes how liberal security regimes are shaped by a complex life-centric rationality which directly undermines any claims to universal justice and co-habitation. Through an incisive and philosophically enriched critique of the contemporary liberal practices of making life more secure, Evans forces us to confront the question of what it means to live politically as we navigate through the dangerous uncertainty of the 21st Century.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676807


Libro socialista. ?lite. Parte 2. Para la nueva izquierda
Libro socialista. ?lite. Parte 2. Para la nueva izquierda

Автор: Almaz Braev

Nacionalistas y socialistas durante todo el siglo 20 han vivido como un gato con un perro. Acus?ndose unos a otros de incompetencia y de sabotaje y de c?mo equipar mejor a la sociedad. Hoy apareci? una tercera persona en el escenario, la situaci?n cambi?. Y algunos nacionalistas y socialistas se han Unido a la democracia decorativa en el tercer mundo, se sienten bien con las nuevas autocracias. El grupo y el ego?smo, el populismo y la ignorancia conducen a la batalla con la sombra.

Цена: 120 руб.
ISBN: 9785005383563


Los Ungidos
Los Ungidos

Автор: Elena G. de White

El ?nico Rey y Profeta que no pec? fue Jes?s, el Cordero de Dios. Y solamente ?l puede llevar los pecados del mundo, nuestros pecados. Sin embargo, podemos aprender de los ?xitos y los fracasos de los ungidos de Dios, conforme est? registrado en la Biblia. Los relatos de su vida revelan el gran amor y la paciencia que Dios tiene por todos nosotros, y su deseo de perdonarnos y darnos un nuevo coraz?n y una mente renovada, para que podamos vivir una vida mejor en este mundo y alcanzar la vida eterna en el mundo por venir.Resalta las grandes lecciones morales que deben aprenderse de los triunfos, las derrotas, las apostas?as, el cautiverio y las reformas de Israel.

Серия: Serie Conflicto

Исполнители: Александра Резник

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789877980233


M&A Titans. The Pioneers Who Shaped Wall Street s Mergers and Acquisitions Industry
M&A Titans. The Pioneers Who Shaped Wall Street's Mergers and Acquisitions Industry

Автор: Brett Cole

This book focuses on the 11 men, lawyers and bankers, who are responsible for the creation of Wall Street's merger industry. It specifically concentrates on the events and personalities who dominated Wall Street during the takeover battles of the 1970s and 1980s. Lawyers Joe Flom and Marty Lipton, the godfathers of modern M&A, educated bankers on takeover laws and regulations as well as tactics. Flom and Lipton were also superlative businessmen who built their own firms to become Wall Street powerhouses. The two men drew into their orbit a circle of bankers. Felix Rohatyn, Ira Harris, Steve Friedman, Geoff Boisi, Eric Gleacher and Bruce Wasserstein were close to Lipton. Robert Greenhill and Joe Perella were close to Flom. M&A Titans provides insight into the culture of the different investment banks and how each of the bankers influenced the firms they worked in as they became more powerful. Some such as Gleacher, Harris, Wasserstein, Perella and Greenhill clashed with the men running their firms and left. Others such as Friedman and Boisi stayed and profoundly influenced how the firm did business. The career of Michael Milken, perhaps the notorious name on Wall Street in the 1980s, is also examined as well as the actions and tactics of his firm, Drexel Burnham Lambert. Milken and Drexel paved the way for the growth of private equity and helped popularize attacks on management by investors such as Boone Pickens and Carl Icahn.

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470391587


Machiavelli: Philosophy in an Hour
Machiavelli: Philosophy in an Hour

Автор: Paul Strathern

Philosophy for busy people. Read a succinct account of the philosophy of Machiavelli in just one hour.Niccol? Machiavelli’s work remains misunderstood – synonymous with wicked scheming and underhand politics – nearly 350 years after his death. His philosophy of statecraft was scientific and highly rational, leaving sentiment, and ultimately morality, to one side. His advice is as relevant to modern politics as it was during the Renaissance – and reflects many profound and disturbing truths about the human condition.Here is a concise, expert account of Machiavelli’s life and philosophical ideas – entertainingly written and easy to understand. Also included are selections from Machiavelli’s work, suggested further reading, and chronologies that place Machiavelli in the context of the broader scheme of philosophy.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007463589


Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs
Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs

Автор: Almaz Braev

Maidan in Asia resembles a nomad campaign. The same motives. It is only interesting why the Maidan of the Kazakhs was ten years behind the Maidan of the Arabs – the same nomadic Sunnis. Kazakhs have rebuilt themselves perfectly, they have learned everything, according to the level of professional and scientific, they could quite arrogantly look at “backward Africa”. Such a rapid restructuring could happen precisely from stress. Is the high reflection of the Kazakhs the reason?

Цена: 320 руб.
ISBN: 9785005683090


Man death ethics
Man death ethics

Автор: Walentin W. Wasielewski

…if a man could write a book on Ethics which really was a book on Ethics, this book would, with an explosion, destroy all the other books in the world.– Ludwig Wittgenstein, A Lecture on Ethics

Цена: 5.99 руб.
ISBN: 9785005615152


Man Death Ethics. Человек, смерть и этика
Man Death Ethics. Человек, смерть и этика

Автор: Валентин Василевский

…если бы человек был способен написать настоящую книгу по этике, то эта книга, подобно взрыву, уничтожила бы все другие книги в мире.Людвиг Витгенштейн. Лекция об этике

Цена: 5.99 руб.
ISBN: 9785005616920


Management in Action: a course of Global English. (Бакалавриат). Учебное пособие
Management in Action: a course of Global English. (Бакалавриат). Учебное пособие

Автор: Алеся Александровна Джиоева

Учебное пособие, являясь учебником английского языка, одновременно дает базовые знания по менеджменту в его самом разнообразном преломлении. Содержит курс повторения, основной курс с тестами для изучающего чтения, аннотирования, реферирования, письменного перевода, тексты для домашнего чтения, тексты-диалоги для воспроизведения и двустороннего перевода, а также упражнения и тесты, англо-русский словарь контекстуальных значений активной лексики. Учебное пособие снабжено различными видами заданий, нацеленных на овладение идиоматикой английской речи в данной конкретной сфере. Соответствует ФГОС ВО (СПО) последнего поколения. Для студентов бакалавриата высших учебных заведений.

Серия: Бакалавриат (КноРус)

Цена: 899 руб.
Год: 2017
ISBN: 9785406058831


Managing Social Service Staff for Excellence. Five Keys to Exceptional Supervision
Managing Social Service Staff for Excellence. Five Keys to Exceptional Supervision

Автор: Nancy Summers

An essential guide for those charged with supervision of nonclinical staffin programs, agencies, and units within social service organizations «As someone who has worked in social service agencies, consulted with hundreds of them, and who teaches social service professionals, Ms. Summers knows the issues faced by agencies firsthand. From this experience she has compiled a thoughtful and well-organized text that identifies the principles of effective supervision.» —Samuel Knapp, EdD Director of Professional Affairs, Pennsylvania Psychological Association From the Foreword The care of patients and clients of social service agencies is increasingly being performed by paraprofessionals or professionals with little experience. While there are many books written about giving quality clinical supervision, there is very little on supervising the least experienced frontline nonclinical and clinical staff to teach and promote positive and effective interaction with clients, and provide staff support and training that elevates quality care, improves job satisfaction, and minimizes staff turnover. Based on author Nancy Summers' many years of working with troubled social service agencies, Managing Social Service Staff for Excellence: Five Keys to Exceptional Supervision fills this need and offers numerous ideas for securing the best care for those served by social service agencies. Common problems faced by agencies are examined with regard to employee behavior and wellness, including staff teamwork, how to build healthy staff/client relationships, and the identification and prevention of routine disrespect of clients and their needs. Diagnostic techniques are presented for identifying these problems, as well as remedies and prevention programs that can be put in place without great expense. Filled with interviews and numerous case examples, Managing Social Service Staff for Excellence offers a step-by-step process for: creating good preventive measures to counteract negative practices that can occur; developing robust commitment and enthusiasm; and getting back on the right track after unfortunate incidents have taken place.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118089545


Mansfield Park
Mansfield Park

Автор: Джейн Остин

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘I pay very little regard…to what any young person says on the subject of marriage. If they profess a disinclination for it, I only set it down that they have not yet seen the right person.’Humble and lowly, a young Fanny Price goes to live with her wealthy Aunt and Uncle at their grand house, Mansfield Park. Growing up with her privileged and spoilt cousins, the Bertrams, she lives in the shadows of their glamorous lives, but manages to find an ally in her cousin, Edmund.When Henry and Mary Crawford come to visit, the house is thrown into disarray as romance flourishes between the young people, leading Fanny to finally confront the extent of her true feelings for Edmund.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007480531


Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer
Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer

Автор: Theodore Louis

An invaluable guide for problem solving in mass transfer operations This book takes a highly pragmatic approach to providing the principles and applications of mass transfer operations by offering a valuable, easily accessible guide to solving engineering problems. Both traditional and novel mass transfer processes receive treatment. As with all of the books in this series, emphasis is placed on an example-based approach to illustrating key engineering concepts. The book is divided into two major parts. It starts with the principles underlying engineering problems—showing readers how to apply general engineering principles to the topic of mass transfer operations. It then goes on to provide step-by-step guidance for traditional mass transfer operations, including distillation, absorption and stripping, and adsorption, plus novel mass transfer processes. Essential topics for professional engineering exams are also covered. Geared towards chemical, environmental, civil, and mechanical engineers working on real-world industrial applications, Mass Transfer Operations for the Practicing Engineer features: Numerous sample problems and solutions with real-world applications Clear, precise explanations on how to carry out the basic calculations associated with mass transfer operations Coverage of topics from the ground up for readers without prior knowledge of the subject Overview of topics relevant to the ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) for those taking the Professional Engineering (PE) exams Appendix containing relevant mass transfer operation charts and tables

Цена: 20104.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780470602584


Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries
Mediation Ethics. Cases and Commentaries

Автор: Ellen Waldman

Mediation Ethics is a groundbreaking text that offers conflict resolution professionals a much-needed resource for traversing the often disorienting landscape of ethical decision making. Edited by mediation expert Ellen Waldman, the book is filled with illustrative case studies and authoritative commentaries by mediation specialists that offer insight for handling ethical challenges with clarity and deliberateness. Waldman begins with an introductory discussion on mediation's underlying values, its regulatory codes, and emerging models of practice. Subsequent chapters treat ethical dilemmas known to vex even the most experienced practitioner: power imbalance, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, attorney misconduct, cross-cultural conflict, and more. In each chapter, Waldman analyzes the competing values at stake and introduces a challenging case, which is followed by commentaries by leading mediation scholars who discuss how they would handle the case and why. Waldman concludes each chapter with a synthesis that interprets the commentators' points of agreement and explains how different operating premises lead to different visions of what an ethical mediator should do in a given case setting. Evaluative, facilitative, narrative, and transformative mediators are all represented. Together, the commentaries showcase the vast diversity that characterizes the field today and reveal the link between mediator philosophy, method, and process of ethical deliberation. Commentaries by Harold Abramson Phyllis Bernard John Bickerman Melissa Brodrick Dorothy J. Della Noce Dan Dozier Bill Eddy Susan Nauss Exon Gregory Firestone Dwight Golann Art Hinshaw Jeremy Lack Carol B. Liebman Lela P. Love Julie Macfarlane Carrie Menkel-Meadow Bruce E. Meyerson Michael Moffitt Forrest S. Mosten Jacqueline Nolan-Haley Bruce Pardy Charles Pou Mary Radford R. Wayne Thorpe John Winslade Roger Wolf Susan M. Yates

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118001325


Mis Versos Sobre Gatos
Mis Versos Sobre Gatos

Автор: Dr. Juan Mois?s De La Serna

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788893985994


Modern Political Ideologies
Modern Political Ideologies

Автор: Группа авторов

Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition provides a comprehensive account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries. Provides an expanded and thoroughly updated account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries, including liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism, fascism, feminism, environmentalism, and nationalism Features a brand new chapter on fundamentalism, along with greater emphasis on the global impact of ideologies in general Examines the complex overlap and interplay of ideas that exist both within and between ideologies Incorporates the newest developments and scholarship in the field, and includes a helpful new glossary of key terms

Цена: 6070.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311051



Автор: Группа авторов

The ideas of Hans Morgenthau dominated the study of international politics in the United States for many decades. He was the leading representative of Realist international relations theory in the last century and his work remains hugely influential in the field. In this engaging and accessible new study of his work, William E. Scheuerman provides a comprehensive and illuminating introduction to Morgenthau’s ideas, and assesses their significance for political theory and international politics. Scheuerman shows Morgenthau to be an uneasy Realist, uncomfortable with conventional notions of Realism and sometimes unsure whether his reflections should be grouped under its rubric. He was a powerful critic of the existing state system and defended the idea of a world state. By highlighting Morgenthau’s engagement with the leading lights of European political and legal theory, Scheuerman argues that he developed a morally demanding political ethics and an astute diagnosis of the unprecedented perils posed by nuclear weaponry. Believing that the irrationalities of US foreign policy were rooted partly in domestic factors, he sympathized with demands for radical political and social change. Scheuerman illustrates that Morgenthau’s thinking has been widely misunderstood by both disciples and critics and that it offers many challenges to contemporary Realists who discount his normative aspirations. With the advent of the cosmopolitan goal of international reform, Morgenthau’s work serves up an unsettling mix of sympathy and hard-headed skepticism which remains crucially important in the development of the field. Lucidly and persuasively written, this book will be a valuable resource for students and scholars seeking to understand the continued importance of Morgenthau’s thinking.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745674896


Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices
Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices

Автор: Richard Weber

In 1989 the first edition of this book set out Gittins' pioneering index solution to the multi-armed bandit problem and his subsequent investigation of a wide of sequential resource allocation and stochastic scheduling problems. Since then there has been a remarkable flowering of new insights, generalizations and applications, to which Glazebrook and Weber have made major contributions. This second edition brings the story up to date. There are new chapters on the achievable region approach to stochastic optimization problems, the construction of performance bounds for suboptimal policies, Whittle's restless bandits, and the use of Lagrangian relaxation in the construction and evaluation of index policies. Some of the many varied proofs of the index theorem are discussed along with the insights that they provide. Many contemporary applications are surveyed, and over 150 new references are included. Over the past 40 years the Gittins index has helped theoreticians and practitioners to address a huge variety of problems within chemometrics, economics, engineering, numerical analysis, operational research, probability, statistics and website design. This new edition will be an important resource for others wishing to use this approach.

Цена: 12423.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470980040


Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era
Nations and Nationalism in a Global Era

Автор: Группа авторов

In a world of transnational economics and mass communications, ethnic conflict and nationalism have recently re-emerged as major political forces. Is this due to the advance of modernity? Will a global culture supersede nationalism? In fact, the revolution of modernity has revitalized ethnic memories and communities, as people look for stability and meaning in an age of unprecedented change and return to their ethnic heritages. Ethnic nationalism challenges, but also reinforces the national state. By comparison, supra-national ideals seem vague and pale, and the dream of a cosmopolitan global culture is utopian. For all its shortcomings, Anthony Smith argues, the nation and its nationalism is likely to remain the only realistic and widespread popular ideal of community.

Цена: 4965.38 руб.
ISBN: 9780745678108


Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes. Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs
Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes. Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs

Автор: S. Seo Niggol

A thorough explanation of the mathematical theories, philosophies, and economics of catastrophes with a view to how humanity should be prepared for events with catastrophic consequences This book presents a holistic view of natural and man-made catastrophes, from mathematical theories and philosophy through to economics and policy. It is both academic and applied in its approach, offering both empirical evidence and academic reflections to give a new perspective on an ever-developing topic, and providing many examples of public policy and catastrophe responses from around the world. Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs begins by introducing readers to numerous natural and man-made catastrophes and how catastrophe theories have played a pivotal role in designing policies and responses to them. It discusses hurricanes, earthquakes, nuclear disaster, asteroid collision, Large Hadron Collider, artificial intelligence, uncontrollable robots, global warming, infectious diseases without antibodies, and bioterrorism. It clarifies key mathematical and scientific theories—such as catastrophe theory, chaos, singularity, fractal, tipping point, unbounded variance, fat-tail, and Feigenbaum constant—on catastrophes. The book goes on to examine ancient and contemporary philosophies that have played critical roles in humanity’s understanding of catastrophic outcomes. The book critically builds the economics of catastrophic events 1) by consolidating the catastrophe literature in natural sciences, scientific theories, and philosophy; 2) by constructing global empirical catastrophe data and analytical models using historical data on hurricanes and earthquakes; 3) and by critically reviewing policy experiences on the aforementioned catastrophic events. Lays the foundation for the economic analyses and policy-making on potential humanity/universe threatening catastrophes Includes many examples of public policy and behavioral responses to catastrophes from around the world Provides a wide-ranging commentary on crucial implications of the studies, models, and concepts of catastrophes Synthesizes the catastrophe literature in mathematical theories, philosophical traditions, economic analyses, policy studies, and contemporary concerns. Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs is an important book for students, teachers, professionals, and policy makers who are involved in environmental research and disaster response.

Цена: 12841.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781119416814


Neglected Children and Their Families
Neglected Children and Their Families

Автор: Группа авторов

Those who work with children and young people have a responsibility to safeguard and promote their welfare. Recognizing and detecting signs of emotional abuse and neglect is an important responsibility as well as a key skill. As well as ensuring that children and young people are free from harm, it is equally important to ensure their well-being and quality of life. This new edition of Olive Stevenson’s highly respected text is updated throughout to include the latest policy and research developments, and expanded to include greater consideration of topics such as the impact of parental mental health, substance abuse and alcoholism on parental capacity and the issue of parents with learning disabilities. Providing clear guidelines for the assessment and intervention of child neglect, Neglected Children and Their Families is an invaluable resource for all those studying and working in childcare, including social workers, health visitors and child nurses. Includes recent policy and research developments in the field, and includes latest government initiatives Provides best-practice guidelines for the detection and assessment of neglect Written by a highly-respected authority in the area Evidence-based, accessible and practical in style

Цена: 6180.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780470691502


New and Old Wars. Organised Violence in a Global Era
New and Old Wars. Organised Violence in a Global Era

Автор: Mary Kaldor

Mary Kaldor's New and Old Wars has fundamentally changed the way both scholars and policy-makers understand contemporary war and conflict. In the context of globalization, this path-breaking book has shown that what we think of as war – that is to say, war between states in which the aim is to inflict maximum violence – is becoming an anachronism. In its place is a new type of organized violence or 'new wars', which could be described as a mixture of war, organized crime and massive violations of human rights. The actors are both global and local, public and private. The wars are fought for particularistic political goals using tactics of terror and destabilization that are theoretically outlawed by the rules of modern warfare. Kaldor's analysis offers a basis for a cosmopolitan political response to these wars, in which the monopoly of legitimate organized violence is reconstructed on a transnational basis and international peacekeeping is reconceptualized as cosmopolitan law enforcement. This approach also has implications for the reconstruction of civil society, political institutions, and economic and social relations. This third edition has been fully revised and updated. Kaldor has added an afterword answering the critics of the New Wars argument and, in a new chapter, Kaldor shows how old war thinking in Afghanistan and Iraq greatly exacerbated what turned out to be, in many ways, archetypal new wars – characterised by identity politics, a criminalised war economy and civilians as the main victims. Like its predecessors, the third edition of New and Old Wars will be essential reading for students of international relations, politics and conflict studies as well as to all those interested in the changing nature and prospect of warfare.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676166


Nik Software Captured
Nik Software Captured

Автор: Joshua Haftel A

Learn all the features and functionality of the complete Nik family of products Styled in such a way as to resemble the way photographers think, Nik Software Captured aims to help you learn to apply all the features and functionality of the Nik software products. With Nik Software Captured, authors and Nik Software, Inc. insiders Tony Corbell and Josh Haftel help you use after-capture software products easier and more creatively. Their sole aim is to ensure that you can apply the techniques discussed in the book while gaining a thorough understanding of the capabilities of programs such as Dfine 2.0, Viveza 2, Color Efex Pro 4.0, Silver Efex Pro 2, Sharpener Pro 3.0, and HDR Efex Pro. Helps you learn all the features and functionality of the Nik family of products Shares tips and techniques on retouching and exposure Offers a solid understanding of the importance of light Explores ways to save time in the digital workflow Answers the demand from readers to compile a variety of techniques conceived to help when using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, and Apple's Aperture With Nik Software Captured, you'll quickly benefit from the array of helpful techniques featured in this single resource.

Цена: 4417.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118222027


Nikon D3200 For Dummies
Nikon D3200 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

A full-color guide to Nikon's exciting new entry-level dSLR With its large 24.2 megapixel sensor, full HD video recording capability, and wireless options, the Nikon D3200 is very appealing! This full-color guide assumes no prior digital photography or dSLR knowledge and helps you start taking great pictures with your new Nikon right from the beginning. Popular author and photography instructor Julie Adair King shows you how to use all the settings, manage playback options, take control with manual modes, work with video, and edit and share your images. It's like a personal course in beginning dSLR photography. New dSLR users will quickly gain skills and confidence with the step-by-step, colorfully illustrated instructions in this beginner's guide to the Nikon D3200 camera Explains how to use all the new features of the Nikon D3200, including a 24-megapixel sensor, 11 autofocus points, 4 frame-per-second shooting, full HD video capabilities, and a WiFi feature that lets you control the camera remotely or preview images on your smartphone Covers auto and manual modes, playback options, working with exposure and focus, shooting video, editing and sharing photos, troubleshooting, and photography tips Popular author has written more than 15 For Dummies books on Nikon and Canon cameras Nikon D3200 For Dummies is the easy, full-color, and fun way to start making the most of your new camera right away.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118446782


North and South in the World Political Economy
North and South in the World Political Economy

Автор: Rafael Reuveny

A broad yet distinctive analysis of the growing political, economic, and social gap existing between the world’s northern and southern hemispheres. Featuring papers selected by the ISA President from the 2006 annual meeting, this upper-level volume examines the genesis of the North-South divide, the ongoing policy problems between developed and lesser developed states, and how these issues influence current and future world politics. An upper-level text ideal for academic libraries, think tanks, and libraries of policy institutions Organized into three distinct focus clusters: Problems afflicting the global South – trade, development, financial crises, structural adjustment, democratization, human rights, disease; Specific conflicts between North and South – energy, terrorism, weak states, nuclear weapon proliferation; Solutions to reduce the North-South gap – foreign aid programs, global media, democratization, political power in the United Nations, the emerging powers phenomenon, transnational social movements, and Northern foreign policy adjustments Tackles the tough questions likely to dominate international relations discourse for decades to come

Цена: 14907.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781444302943


Not Saved
Not Saved

Автор: Peter Sloterdijk

One can rightly say of Peter Sloterdijk that each of his essays and lectures is also an unwritten book. That is why the texts presented here, which sketch a philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger, should also be characterized as a collected renunciation of exhaustiveness. In order to situate Heidegger's thought in the history of ideas and problems, Peter Sloterdijk approaches Heidegger's work with questions such as: If Western philosophy emerged from the spirit of the polis, what are we to make of the philosophical suitability of a man who never made a secret of his stubborn attachment to rural life? Is there a provincial truth of which the cosmopolitan city knows nothing? Is there a truth in country roads and cabins that would be able to undermine the universities with their standardized languages and globally influential discourses? From where does this odd professor speak, when from his professorial chair in Freiburg he claims to inquire into what lies beyond the history of Western metaphysics? Sloterdijk also considers several other crucial twentieth-century thinkers who provide some needed contrast for the philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger. A consideration of Niklas Luhmann as a kind of contemporary version of the Devil's Advocate, a provocative critical interpretation of Theodor Adorno's philosophy that focuses on its theological underpinnings and which also includes reflections on the philosophical significance of hyperbole, and a short sketch of the pessimistic thought of Emil Cioran all round out and deepen Sloterdijk's attempts to think with, against, and beyond Heidegger. Finally, in essays such as «Domestication of Being» and the «Rules for the Human Park,» which incited an international controversy around the time of its publication and has been translated afresh for this volume, Sloterdijk develops some of his most intriguing and important ideas on anthropogenesis, humanism, technology, and genetic engineering.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745697000


Nothing Serious - A Bound Book (Unabridged)
Nothing Serious - A Bound Book (Unabridged)

Автор: Jessica Jarman

Исполнители: Greg Boudreaux

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781624619274


Nova Doctrina. Prima Pars
Nova Doctrina. Prima Pars

Автор: Йен Кевин О'Кинг

Первая (demo) часть фундаментальной философской, социальной и экономико-политической доктрины XXI века. Цель demo части – привлечение инвестиций для завершения проекта из двух томов в кротчайшие сроки.

Цена: 5.99 руб.
ISBN: 9785005986863


Nuda veritas. Публицистика
Nuda veritas. Публицистика

Автор: Сергей Самсошко

В данной книге содержатся размышления на политические темы: о том, каким, на мой взгляд, должно выглядеть процветающее государство, как избежать ядерной войны и многое другое… Книга содержит нецензурную брань.

Цена: 20 руб.
ISBN: 9785449086358


NАТО точка Ру
NАТО точка Ру

Автор: Дмитрий Олегович Рогозин

Дмитрий Олегович Рогозин, в прошлом сопредседатель политического объединения «Родина», а ныне – посол РФ в НАТО, в своей очередной книге рассказывает о жесткой борьбе за национальные интересы России, которая идет сейчас на международной арене. Силы НАТО неотвратимо приближаются к нашим границам: базы Североатлантического блока уже есть в Прибалтике, Грузии, Киргизии. Возможно, скоро базой НАТО станет Севастополь. Представляет ли все это прямую угрозу безопасности России, не находимся ли мы в преддверии новой мировой войны? Возможно ли договориться об этом с Североатлантическим блоком? Дмитрий Рогозин дает исчерпывающие ответы на данные и другие вопросы.

Серия: Если завтра война

Цена: 69.9 руб.
Год: 2009
ISBN: 978-5-6993-8400-6, 978-5-699-38400-6


Objectivity in Journalism
Objectivity in Journalism

Автор: Steven Maras

Objectivity in journalism is a key topic for debate in media, communication and journalism studies, and has been the subject of intensive historical and sociological research. In the first study of its kind, Steven Maras surveys the different viewpoints and perspectives on objectivity. Going beyond a denunciation or defence of journalistic objectivity, Maras critically examines the different scholarly and professional arguments made in the area. Structured around key questions, the book considers the origins and history of objectivity, its philosophical influences, the main objections and defences, and questions of values, politics and ethics. This book examines debates around objectivity as a transnational norm, focusing on the emergence of objectivity in the US, while broadening out discussion to include developments around objectivity in the UK, Australia, Asia and other regions.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676326


Offenbarung 23, Folge 16: Krauts und R?ben
Offenbarung 23, Folge 16: Krauts und R?ben

Автор: Jan Gaspard

Eine Postkarte aus Saarbr?cken – das sieht nicht nach einer Chiffre vom toten Hacker Tron aus. Und doch macht sich der Student Georg Brand auf den Weg. Er schlittert dabei in den schlimmsten politischen Sumpf Nachkriegsdeutschlands. Verborgene Netzwerke, brutale Seilschaften – die auch vor politischem Mord nicht zur?ckschrecken. Ist das wirklich die Realit?t? Die Wahrheit scheint diesmal nicht nur in schwarzen Koffern verborgen zu sein; und sie enth?llt, warum der einst m?chtigste Mann unseres Landes an zwei Punkten seiner Biografie bis heute eisern schweigt!

Исполнители: Dagmar Berghoff

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 4260507141781


OLED Display Fundamentals and Applications
OLED Display Fundamentals and Applications

Автор: Takatoshi Tsujimura

This book covers all of the aspects necessary to the design and manufacturing of OLED displays. Topics include emission mechanism, material selection, device processing, manufacturing issues and countermeasures and display design basics. In addition, the book defines elements of OLED such as Thin Film Transistor (TFT) backplane design and processing details, including Low Temperature Poly Silicon (LTPS) process and circuit integration, and high yield method to manufacturer. Researchers and developers are aiming at making large OLED televisions and companies such as Samsung and Apple are rumored to be using OLED display for new screens. In addition to discussing the current composition of OLED, the book also covers the future for OLED technologies and displays. The Society for Information Display (SID) is an international society, which has the aim of encouraging the development of all aspects of the field of information display. Complementary to the aims of the society, the Wiley-SID series is intended to explain the latest developments in information display technology at a professional level. The broad scope of the series addresses all facets of information displays from technical aspects through systems and prototypes to standards and ergonomics

Цена: 9279.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118173060


Only Daughter: A gripping thriller of deadly deceit
Only Daughter: A gripping thriller of deadly deceit

Автор: Anna Snoekstra

‘An impressive high-concept debut… might this just be the next The Girl on the Train?’ – The Daily MailIn 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared.She’d been enjoying her teenage summer break: working at a fast food restaurant, crushing on an older boy and shoplifting with her best friend. Mysteriously ominous things began to happen—blood in the bed, periods of blackouts, a feeling of being watched—though Bec remained oblivious of what was to come.Eleven years later she is replaced.A young woman, desperate after being arrested, claims to be the decade-missing Bec.Soon the imposter is living Bec’s life. Sleeping in her bed. Hugging her mother and father. Learning her best friends' names. Playing with her twin brothers.But Bec’s welcoming family and enthusiastic friends are not quite as they seem. As the imposter dodges the detective investigating her case, she begins to delve into the life of the real Bec Winter—and soon realizes that whoever took Bec is still at large, and that she is in imminent danger.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474055482


Optimal Learning
Optimal Learning

Автор: Ryzhov Ilya O

Learn the science of collecting information to make effective decisions Everyday decisions are made without the benefit of accurate information. Optimal Learning develops the needed principles for gathering information to make decisions, especially when collecting information is time-consuming and expensive. Designed for readers with an elementary background in probability and statistics, the book presents effective and practical policies illustrated in a wide range of applications, from energy, homeland security, and transportation to engineering, health, and business. This book covers the fundamental dimensions of a learning problem and presents a simple method for testing and comparing policies for learning. Special attention is given to the knowledge gradient policy and its use with a wide range of belief models, including lookup table and parametric and for online and offline problems. Three sections develop ideas with increasing levels of sophistication: Fundamentals explores fundamental topics, including adaptive learning, ranking and selection, the knowledge gradient, and bandit problems Extensions and Applications features coverage of linear belief models, subset selection models, scalar function optimization, optimal bidding, and stopping problems Advanced Topics explores complex methods including simulation optimization, active learning in mathematical programming, and optimal continuous measurements Each chapter identifies a specific learning problem, presents the related, practical algorithms for implementation, and concludes with numerous exercises. A related website features additional applications and downloadable software, including MATLAB and the Optimal Learning Calculator, a spreadsheet-based package that provides an introduc­tion to learning and a variety of policies for learning.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781118309827


Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. A Diagnostic Approach
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology. A Diagnostic Approach

Автор: David Macdonald

To the dentist or maxillofacial practitioner, radiology is an essential diagnostic discipline and a valuable tool for treatment planning. Now more than ever, dentists are often the first to encounter lesions of the face and jaws and are frequently held liable for recognizing pathologies and other sites of concern. Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology: A Diagnostic Approach provides clinicians of varied disciplines and skill levels a practical and systematic approach to diagnosing lesions affecting the face and jaws. Firmly grounded in evidence-based research, the book presents a clear understanding of the clinical impact of each lesion within a prospective diagnosis. Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology is logically organized, beginning with the basics of radiological diagnosis before discussing each of the advanced imaging modalities in turn. Modalities discussed include helical and cone-beam computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, and ultrasonography. Later chapters cover radiological pathologies of the jaw, and also those of the head and neck immediately outside the oral and maxillofacial region. Written by a recognized expert in the field, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology contains a multitude of clinical images, practical examples, and flowcharts to facilitate differential diagnosis.

Цена: 17452.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470958797



Автор: Teppo Kroger

Overstretched provides fresh perspectives on the reality of European family life where care and paid work need to be woven together on a daily basis, offering an opportunity to discuss and evaluate care policies in a new light. A collection of essays providing new perspectives on the reality of European family life where care and paid work need to be woven together on a daily basis. Focuses on families who live under strained conditions, such as lone parent families, immigrant families, and families who care simultaneously for both their children and an elderly family member. Based on interviews with families from Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and the UK. Develops methods for doing comparative qualitative analysis in practice. Offers new insights into the problems of gender balance in caring, and the significance of cultural notions and working hours. Offers an opportunity to discuss and evaluate care policies in a new light.

Цена: 4633.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781405151948


Packaging Terrorism
Packaging Terrorism

Автор: Группа авторов

Packaging Terrorism investigates how American media have identified and covered international terrorism and violence since September 11, 2001. Compares US coverage with that of British and Arab media Discusses the priorities, assumptions, political debates, deadline pressures and bottom-line considerations that will continue to influence coverage in the future Suggests how terrorism could be better covered by the media going forwards

Цена: 13471.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781444306057


Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing
Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing

Автор: Dixon Michaela

The needs of critically ill children are unique and highly specialized. Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing is an essential manual of care and an invaluable resource to all those involved in the care of critically ill children and young people. Covering all the key aspects of pediatric intensive care, it is a fully comprehensive textbook which provides an evidence-based and up-to-date guide for all nurses who work with critically ill children. Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing is divided into four user-friendly sections: The first section looks at the general background of paediatric intensive care Section two employs a systems approach, with each chapter focusing on a specific disease and following the same framework. This includes treating children with cardiac conditions, acute neurological dysfunction, musculoskeletal injuries and gastrointestinal and endocrine conditions Section three looks at the essential care of managing pain relief, transportation needs and treating wounds The final section explores the holistic aspects of nursing – nutrition and fluid management, infection control issues, safeguarding children and spirituality and bereavement Written by a team of experts in the field, Paediatric Intensive Care Nursing is indispensable reading for nurses and health care professionals working with critically ill children.

Цена: 6737.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118301869



Автор: Roy Cook T

Paradoxes are arguments that lead from apparently true premises, via apparently uncontroversial reasoning, to a false or even contradictory conclusion. Paradoxes threaten our basic understanding of central concepts such as space, time, motion, infinity, truth, knowledge, and belief. In this volume Roy T Cook provides a sophisticated, yet accessible and entertaining, introduction to the study of paradoxes, one that includes a detailed examination of a wide variety of paradoxes. The book is organized around four important types of paradox: the semantic paradoxes involving truth, the set-theoretic paradoxes involving arbitrary collections of objects, the Soritical paradoxes involving vague concepts, and the epistemic paradoxes involving knowledge and belief. In each of these cases, Cook frames the discussion in terms of four different approaches one might take towards solving such paradoxes. Each chapter concludes with a number of exercises that illustrate the philosophical arguments and logical concepts involved in the paradoxes. Paradoxes is the ideal introduction to the topic and will be a valuable resource for scholars and students in a wide variety of disciplines who wish to understand the important role that paradoxes have played, and continue to play, in contemporary philosophy.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745676692


Peace and Justice
Peace and Justice

Автор: Rachel Kerr

In recent years there has been a tendency to intervene in the military, political and economic affairs of failed and failing states and those emerging from violent conflict. In many cases this has been accompanied by some form of international judicial intervention to address serious and widespread abuses of international humanitarian law and human rights in recognition of an explicit link between peace and justice. A range of judicial and non-judicial approaches has been adopted in recognition of the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all model through which to seek accountability. This book considers the merits and drawbacks of these different responses and sets out an original framework for analysing transitional societies and transitional justice mechanisms. Taking as its starting point the post-Second World War tribunals at Nuremburg and Tokyo, the book goes on to discuss the creation of ad hoc international tribunals in the 1990s, hybrid/mixed courts, the International Criminal Court, domestic trials, truth commissions and traditional justice mechanisms. With examples drawn from across the world, including the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone, Uganda and the DRC, it presents a compelling and comprehensive study of the key responses to war crimes. Peace and Justice is a timely contribution in a world where an ever-increasing number of post-conflict societies are grappling with the complex issues of transitional justice. It will be a valuable resource for students, scholars, practitioners and policy-makers seeking to understand past violations of human rights and the most effective ways of addressing them.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745674780


Peace Operations
Peace Operations

Автор: Diehl Paul F

As peace operations become the primary mechanism of conflict management used by the UN and regional organizations, understanding their problems and potential is essential for a more secure world. In this revised and updated second edition, Paul Diehl and Alexandru Balas provide a cutting-edge analysis of the central issues surrounding the development, operation, and effectiveness of peace operations. Among many features, the book: Traces the historical development of peace operations from their origins in the early 20th century through the development of modern peacebuilding missions and multiple simultaneous peace operations. Tracks changes over time in the size, mission and organization of peace operations. Analyses different organizational, financial, and troop provisions for peace operations, as well as assessing alternatives. Lays out criteria for evaluating peace operations and details the conditions under which such operations are successful. Drawing on a wide range of examples from those between Israel and her neighbours to more recent operations in Bosnia, Somalia, Darfur, East Timor, and the Congo, this new edition brings together the body of scholarly research on peace operations to address those concerns. It will be an indispensable guide for students, practitioners and general readers wanting to broaden their knowledge of the possibilities and limits of peace operations today.

Цена: 7174.67 руб.
ISBN: 9780745684178


Peptide Drug Discovery and Development. Translational Research in Academia and Industry
Peptide Drug Discovery and Development. Translational Research in Academia and Industry

Автор: Castanho Miguel

Filling a real knowledge gap, this handbook and ready reference is both modern and forward-looking in its emphasis on the «bench to bedside» translational approach to drug development. Clearly structured into three major parts, the book stakes out the boundaries of peptide drug development in the preclinical as well as clinical stages. The first part provides a general background and focuses on the characteristic strengths and weaknesses of peptide drugs. The second section contains five cases studies of peptides from diverse therapeutic fields, and the lessons to be learned from them, while the final part looks at new targets and opportunities, discussing several drug targets and diseases for which peptide drugs are currently being developed.

Цена: 22866.16 руб.
ISBN: 9783527636754


Performance Coaching For Dummies
Performance Coaching For Dummies

Автор: Gladeana McMahon

Performance coaching is a modern and rapidly growing method used to assist development, and involves helping individuals to improve their performance in all areas of their life, with a particular emphasis on the workplace. Performance coaching draws parallels with NLP and often focuses on the psychology of excellence – making what’s good even better, and helping individuals keep ahead of the game. On an organisational level it can include helping managers to consider how to get the best from their staff, peers and superiors, as well as helping to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A performance coach assists individuals in building on their successes and helps to design, plan and instigate successful business/life strategies. Despite its popularity confusion still surrounds coaching. It is a relatively new area and there is still a lack of understanding about how best to use coaching and in what specific situations it will be most effective. In addition to this, anyone can assume a performance/professional/business/life coach title without holding any particular qualification or registration. With this increased awareness and confusion the need for a no-nonsense book on the topic that offers trusted advice is needed all the more, which is where Performance Coaching For Dummies steps in.

Цена: 2439.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119997665


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