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Disasters and Dilemmas
Disasters and Dilemmas

Автор: Группа авторов

The author presents a number of strategies for making decisions based on desires or values which are incompatible or which conflict with one another in various ways. Cases discussed include conflicts of first and second order desires, conflicts between desires for present and for future ends, problems deriving from anticipated changes of desire, risk-taking problems, and coordination problems. One central claim of the book is that the same dilemma-managing strategies can be applied to all of these. The book also argues that many of the characteristics of moral dilemmas appear in non-moral decision-making. The relations between these strategies and utility-maximizing decision rules are subtle, and are explored throughout the book. To some extent the strategies apply to cases which are too complicated for utility-maximization to apply. Some of them also apply to the early stages of decision-making where utility-maximization does not enter, for example, in selecting a list of options for serious consideration. In some tidy cases, though, the strategies give different recommendations. This book is meant to have both a theoretical and a practical appeal, deriving from our need for ways of making decisions that do not force us to find trade-offs between goods or values which are hard to compare. The strategies presented in the book are meant to be usable in situations which seem to force decision-makers to balance very different quantities, and the discussion of them is meant as a contribution to debates about incomparable values, moral dilemmas and rational decision.

Цена: 4604.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781119468127


Endlich ich
Endlich ich

Автор: Sebastian Wolfrum

Als Sebastian Wolfrum an einem Sonntag im Oktober 2017 vor der versammelten Gemeinde erkl?rt, dass er sich seit Kindertagen im falschen K?rper f?hlt und fortan als Mann leben wird, sorgt die Nachricht deutschlandweit f?r Schlagzeilen. An diesem Sonntag wird der kleinen fr?nkischen Gemeinde bewusst, dass Ihr keine Pfarrerin, sondern ein Pfarrer vorsteht. Doch was Gemeinde und Presse ?berrascht, ist f?r Sebastian Wolfrum nur der konsequente letzte Schritt einer lebenslangen Auseinandersetzung mit sich selbst, dem eigenen K?rper und Gott. In seinem Buch schreibt Wolfrum einf?hlsam und mitrei?end von seinem Leben als Mann in einem Frauenk?rper und dar?ber, was es bedeutet, als Teil der protestantischen Kirche mit dem gottgegebenen K?rper zu hadern.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783532600467


Environmental Ethics
Environmental Ethics

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635093


Environmental Ethics
Environmental Ethics

Автор: Группа авторов

The latest edition of an essential resource in the theory and applications of environmental ethics In the newly revised Third Edition of Environmental Ethics, internationally renowned philosopher Michael Boylan delivers another accessible introduction for students new to ethics, and an invaluable reference for scholars of all levels. The anthology includes important essays, both established and contemporary, as well as eight brand-new contributions commissioned specifically for this edition. This new material is the foundation for students# understanding of the most recent ethical debates on the environment and humanity's place within it. The balanced combination of new material on recent developments in the field and well-known, foundational articles appears alongside helpful pedagogical materials, including case studies and sample questions. The book brings students up to speed on all the main themes in the area, including worldview arguments for environmentalism, the anthropocentric vs. biocentric debate, and a variety of applied environmental problems. Environmental Ethics also offers: A thorough introduction to the theoretical background of environmental ethics, including discussions of ethical reasoning, nature, and the tragedy of the commons Comprehensive explorations of eco-feminism and social justice, aesthetics, and deep ecology Practical discussions of anthropocentric and biocentric justifications in environmental ethics In-depth examinations of applied environmental problems, including climate change, animal rights, sustainability, and public policy Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students studying topics in ethics, the environment, law, and policy, Environmental Ethics will also earn a place in the libraries of philosophers with an interest in applied or environmental ethics, and industry consultants to ecologists, environmental scientists, or environmental policymakers.

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635109


Ethics in Practice
Ethics in Practice

Автор: Группа авторов

The fourth edition of Ethics in Practice offers an impressive collection of 70 new, revised, and classic essays covering 13 key ethical issues. Essays integrate ethical theory and the discussion of practical moral problems into a text that is ideal for introductory and applied ethics courses. A fully updated and revised edition of this authoritative anthology of classic and contemporary essays covering a wide range of ethical and moral issues Integrates ethical theory with discussions of practical moral problems, and includes three essays on theory written specifically for this volume Nearly half of the essays are written or revised exclusively for this anthology, which now also features eleven essays new to this edition, as well as expanded sections discussing theory, reproductive technologies, war and terrorism, and animals Content allows teachers to discuss discrete practical issues (e.g., euthanasia), focus on the broader grouping of topics (e.g., life and death), or focus on common themes which bridge sections (sexism, moral standing, individualism and community) Section introductions not only outline the basic issues discussed in the essays, but relate them to theoretical perspectives and practical issues discussed elsewhere in the book. Guides students with supporting introductory essays on reading philosophy, theorizing about ethics, writing a philosophy paper, and a supporting web site at www.hughlafollette.com/eip4/

Цена: 3551.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118790731


Ethics: The Basics, 2nd Edition
Ethics: The Basics, 2nd Edition

Автор: John Mizzoni

Updated and revised, Ethics: The Basics, Second Edition, introduces students to fundamental ethical concepts, principles, theories, and traditions while providing them with the conceptual tools necessary to think critically about ethical issues. Introduces students to core philosophical problems in ethics in a uniquely reader-friendly manner Lays out clearly and simply a rich collection of ethical concepts, principles, theories, and traditions that are prevalent in today’s society Considers western and non-western viewpoints and religious interpretations of ethical principles Offers a framework for students to think about and navigate through an array of philosophical questions about ethics

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119150695


History of Ethics
History of Ethics

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119235934


How to be Good
How to be Good

Автор: Nick Hornby

The abridged, downloadable audiobook edition of How to Be Good, Nick Hornbys No.1 bestseller in the UK and Ireland. Read by the actress Frances Barber.  According to her own complex moral calculations, Katie Carr has earned her affair. Shes a doctor, after all, and doctors are decent people, and on top of that, her husband David is the self-styled Angriest Man in Holloway. But when David suddenly becomes good – properly, maddeningly, give-away-all-his-money good – Katies sums no longer add up, and she is forced to ask herself some very hard questions.   How to Be Good offers a painfully funny account of modern marriage and parenthood, and asks that most difficult of questions: what does it mean to be good?

Исполнители: Frances Barber

Цена: 690.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780141806525


Integral Philosophy
Integral Philosophy

Автор: Johannes Heinrichs

This cumulative course on Johannes Heinrichs' philosophical works presents the essence of his previous publications: a rich, consistent, and novel system based on a common principle and method: reflection theory. Starting with an emphasis on implicit self-reflection as the basis of epistemology, Heinrichs clarifies the triad of body, soul, and spirit (rejecting the current dualism), which results in the sevenfold anthropology of Vedic and theosophical thinking, then moves on to presenting a summary of his well-known democracy model based on value-levels and, further on, unfolds his fundamental thesis in the area of philosophical semiotics: the big semiotic levels action, language, arts, and mystics. In addition, he presents his religious philosophy, followed by an outline of structural and integral ontology. Finally, an overview of ethical positions and on ethics as value reflection proves the fertility of his method.

Heinrichs developed a “reflection system theory” which is an original up-to-date development of German idealism, inspired by the multi-value logic of Gotthard G?nther. His reflection theory of language presents an alternative to the current language analysis as well as to Noam Chomsky's genetic way of universal grammar. By his systematic approach, he opposes the mere historicism of most Western philosophers. In spiritual respects, he is near to Sri Aurobindo.

Цена: 2267.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783838271484


Jetzt mal ehrlich
Jetzt mal ehrlich

Автор: Adrian Plass

In ihren Briefen erz?hlen die Querdenker von pers?nlichen Aufs und Abs, denken kritisch ?ber Christsein und die Gemeinde der Gegenwart nach, berichten von verr?ckten Erlebnissen auf und abseits der christlichen B?hnen und beschreiben den Kampf mit eigenen Zweifeln und Schw?chen.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783865065377


Leben - Wie geht das?
Leben - Wie geht das?

Автор: Matthias Beck

Wie geht Leben? Eine triviale Frage. Dennoch haben Menschen aller Zeiten danach gesucht. Die tiefere Frage lautet: Gibt es eine Anleitung zum Leben? Kann man Leben lernen, Leben ?ben, Orientierung finden? Kann es gelingen, gl?cken, gar zur F?lle gelangen? Und dann die Frage: Was ist Leben ?berhaupt? Besonders Biologie und Genetik lernen hier umzudenken. Leben ist komplexer als bisher gedacht. Die Information f?r das Leben ist mehrdimensional. Sie liegt nicht in den Genen allein. Gene m?ssen gesteuert werden. Die Information f?r das Leben, f?r Krankheit und Gesundheit ist wesentlich von sogenannten epigenetischen Faktoren abh?ngig: vom Innen­leben des Menschen, vom Denken und F?hlen, von der Umwelt. Die Selbstverantwortung nimmt zu. Leben hat mit psychischen Reifungsprozessen zu tun, mit Sinnfragen und der Suche nach dem letzten Grund. Das Buch will die existentielle, lebensentscheidende Dimension des Religi?sen herausarbeiten. Es will auch das Selbstverst?ndliche ans Licht holen, das oft ?bersehen wird. Es ist das G?ttliche.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990402306


Precautionary Principle, Pluralism and Deliberation
Precautionary Principle, Pluralism and Deliberation

Автор: Bernard Reber

This volume tackles the burden of judgment and the challenges of ethical disagreements, organizes the cohabitation of scientific and ethical argumentations in such a way they find their appropriate place in the political decision. It imagines several forms of agreements and open ways of conflicts resolution very different compared with ones of the majority of political philosophers and political scientists that are macro-social and general. It offers an original contribution to a scrutinized interpretation of the precautionary principle, as structuring the decision in interdisciplinary contexts, to make sure to arrive this time to the “Best of the Worlds”.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119335757


Right and Wrong
Right and Wrong

Автор: Thomas I. White

The newly updated Right and Wrong 2nd Edition is an accessible introduction to the major traditions in western philosophical ethics, written in a lively and engaging style. It is designed for entry-level ethics courses and includes real-life ethical scenarios chosen to appeal directly to students. Greatly expanded and improved, this successful text introduces students to the major ethical traditions, and provides a simple methodology for resolving ethical dilemmas Treats teleological and deontological approaches to ethics as the two most important traditions, but now includes chapters on virtue ethics and the ethics of care The very accessible writing style speaks directly to students’ own experience Draws examples from three types of real-life ethical scenarios submitted by students: academic dishonesty, partying, and personal relationships Provides a concise treatment of this notoriously complex subject, perfect for entry-level ethics and applied ethics courses

Цена: 9031.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119099307


The Virtue Ethics of Hume and Nietzsche
The Virtue Ethics of Hume and Nietzsche

Автор: Christine Swanton

This ground-breaking and lucid contribution to the vibrant field of virtue ethics focuses on the influential work of Hume and Nietzsche, providing fresh perspectives on their philosophies and a compelling account of their impact on the development of virtue ethics. A ground-breaking text that moves the field of virtue ethics beyond ancient moral theorists and examines the highly influential ethical work of Hume and Nietzsche from a virtue ethics perspective Contributes both to virtue ethics and a refreshed understanding of Hume’s and Nietzsche’s ethics Skilfully bridges the gap between continental and analytical philosophy Lucidly written and clearly organized, allowing students to focus on either Hume or Nietzsche Written by one of the most important figures contributing to virtue ethics today

Цена: 8369.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118939376


Was sich bew?hrt hat
Was sich bew?hrt hat

Автор: Inge Friedl

Uns geht es gar nicht gut. In einer Zeit, die uns durch Stress, Hektik und Burnout zu ?berfordern scheint, werden wir mit st?ndig neuen L?sungsans?tzen ?berflutet: Ratgeber, Seminare und selbst gebastelte „Religionen“ stellen sich als letzte Hoffnungsschimmer dar. Da kommt dieses Buch gerade recht: Es ist ein Pl?doyer f?r einen neuen Lebensstil mit altem Wissen. Hier steht der Erfahrungsschatz unserer Vorfahren im Mittelpunkt. Ganz nach der Devise: Hausverstand statt Psycho-Tricks, Lebensklugheit statt teurer Management-Workshops und Miteinanderreden statt E-Mail-Flut. Inge Friedl ist eine Kennerin des „alten Lebens“. Sie zeigt auf, wie wir unser Leben entschleunigen und dabei wieder hoch aktuelle Tugenden, etwa „Zufriedenheit“ oder „Bescheidenheit“, neu entdecken k?nnen. Wieso ist es sinnvoll, am Sonntag auszuruhen? Warum macht es gl?cklich, wenige Dinge zu besitzen? Wie schafft man es, eines nach dem anderen zu tun? Ist dumm, wer bescheiden lebt? Mit gro?artigem Hintergrundwissen und unterhaltsamen Geschichten ist dieses Buch durchaus geeignet, die Augen zu ?ffnen …

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783990403761


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