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1. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part II. Book IV. Lacerations. Chapter 2.At His Father"s
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 12кб.
2. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part I. Book I. The History of a Family. Chapter 2. He Gets Rid of His Eldest Son
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 8кб.
3. Edward Carpenter. Days with Walt Whitman. With some Notes on his Life and Work. London. George Allen. 1906.
Сайт: http://chukovskiy.lit-info.ru Размер: 4кб.
4. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part II. Book VI. The Russian Monk. Chapter 1. Father Zossima and His Visitors
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 36кб.
5. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). His Legacy
Сайт: http://nabokov-lit.ru Размер: 7кб.

Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part II. Book IV. Lacerations. Chapter 2.At His Father"s
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 12кб.
Часть текста: two hours ago. "And my father?" "He is up, taking his coffee," Marfa answered somewhat drily. Alyosha went in. The old man was sitting alone at the table wearing slippers and a little old overcoat. He was amusing himself by looking through some accounts, rather inattentively however. He was quite alone in the house, for Smerdyakov too had gone out marketing. Though he had got up early and was trying to put a bold face on it, he looked tired and weak. His forehead, upon which huge purple bruises had come out during the night, was bandaged with a red handkerchief; his nose too was swollen terribly in the night, and some smaller bruises covered it in patches, giving his whole face a peculiarly spiteful and irritable look. The old man was aware of this, and turned a hostile glance on Alyosha as he came in. "The coffee is cold," he cried harshly; "I won't offer you any. I've ordered nothing but a Lenten fish soup to-day, and I don't invite anyone to share it. Why have you come?" "To find out how you are," said Alyosha. "Yes. Besides, I told you to come yesterday. It's all of no consequence. You need not have troubled. But I knew you'd come poking in directly." He said this with almost hostile feeling. At the same time he got up and looked anxiously in the looking-glass (perhaps for...
2. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part I. Book I. The History of a Family. Chapter 2. He Gets Rid of His Eldest Son
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 8кб.
Часть текста: of his matrimonial grievances, but simply because he forgot him. While he was wearying everyone with his tears and complaints, and turning his house into a sink of debauchery, a faithful servant of the family, Grigory, took the three-year old Mitya into his care. If he hadn't looked after him there would have been no one even to change the baby's little shirt. It happened moreover that the child's relations on his mother's side forgot him too at first. His grandfather was no longer living, his widow, Mitya's grandmother, had moved to Moscow, and was seriously ill, while his daughters were married, so that Mitya remained for almost a whole year in old Grigory's charge and lived with him in the servant's cottage. But if his father had remembered him (he could not, indeed, have been altogether unaware of his existence) he would have sent him back to the cottage, as the child would only have been in the way of his debaucheries. But a cousin of Mitya's mother, Pyotr Alexandrovitch Miusov, happened to return from...
3. Edward Carpenter. Days with Walt Whitman. With some Notes on his Life and Work. London. George Allen. 1906.
Сайт: http://chukovskiy.lit-info.ru Размер: 4кб.
Часть текста: (№2) 1907 Книга не искупает своих 187 страниц. В ней много лишнего и устаревшего. Статья, напр., «Эмерсон и Уитман» вся из материала, уже истрепленного биографами Уитмана; все то же письмо Эмерсона к Уитману, то же письмо к Карлайлю, тот же дневник Уитмана о споре с Эмерсоном, об обеде у Эмерсона, о смерти Эмерсона. Подобные компиляции имеют значение только тогда, когда они исчерпывают весь материал. Но и этого нет: заодно с книгой Карпентера вышла в Бостоне книга Горэса Траубеля «С Уитманом в Кэмдене», где приводятся драгоценные воспоминания и комментарии самого Уитмана, письмо О'Коннора по этому поводу (стр. 52-54), критика показаний Траубриджа о перемене отношений Эмерсона к Уитману (стр. 111) и т. д. Так что книга Карпентера запоздала при самом рождении. Правда, в этой статье есть слова Эмерсона, сказанные им лично самому Карпентеру, но они уже приводились в другом месте этой же книги (на стр. 48) и потому вряд ли способны обновить ее. То же и с заметкой «О детях ...
4. Dostoevsky. The Brothers Karamazov (English. Братья Карамазовы). Part II. Book VI. The Russian Monk. Chapter 1. Father Zossima and His Visitors
Сайт: http://dostoevskiy-lit.ru Размер: 36кб.
Часть текста: up in his chair and, though weak and exhausted, his face was bright and cheerful, he was surrounded by visitors and engaged in a quiet and joyful conversation. But he had only got up from his bed a quarter of an hour before Alyosha's arrival; his visitors had gathered together in his cell earlier, waiting for him to wake, having received a most confident assurance from Father Paissy that "the teacher would get up, and as he had himself promised in the morning, converse once more with those dear to his heart." This promise and indeed every word of the dying elder Father Paissy put implicit trust in. If he had seen him unconscious, if he had seen him breathe his last, and yet had his promise that he would rise up and say good-bye to him, he would not have believed perhaps even in death, but would still have expected the dead man to recover and fulfil his promise. In the morning as he lay down to sleep, Father Zossima had told him positively: "I shall not die without the delight of another conversation with you, beloved of my heart. I shall look once more on your dear face and pour out my heart to you once again." The monks, who had gathered for this probably last conversation with Father Zossima, had all been his devoted friends for many years. There were four of them: Father Iosif and Father Paissy, Father Mihail the warden of the hermitage, a man not very old and far from being learned. He was of humble origin, of strong will and steadfast faith, of austere appearance, but of deep tenderness, though he obviously concealed it as though he were almost ashamed of it. The fourth, Father Anfim, was a very old and humble little monk of the poorest peasant class. He was almost illiterate, and very quiet, scarcely speaking to anyone. He was the humblest of the humble, and looked as though he had been frightened by something great and awful beyond the scope of his intelligence. Father Zossima had a great...
5. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). His Legacy
Сайт: http://nabokov-lit.ru Размер: 7кб.
Часть текста: GMT) "He's very much a writer's writer and for that he will be remembered," says Galya Diment, Professor of Russian at University of Washington (CNN) - Scholars say Vladimir Nabokov will go down as one of the greatest original writers ever. He is the man who penned the most controversial novel of the 20th century, a book that has been termed both "the only convincing love story of our century" and "pornography," and still causes controversy 50 years after its release. But he also created a startling breadth of quality work that supports, matches and even surpasses the heights of talent he reached with the novel "Lolita." "He will be increasingly appreciated," says Jeff Edmunds, editor of Zembla, the Web site dedicated to Nabokov and his work. "He crosses national boundaries... he's not considered a modernist, or post-modernist... He's simply Nabokov." D. Barton Johnson, Professor Emeritus at University of California - Santa Barbara and former president of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society, agrees. "There can, I think, be no question that Nabokov is and will remain a prominent figure in the 20th Century canon...
