product placement

Электронные книги

Категория: - бизнес-книги - маркетинг, PR, реклама

Формат посмотра: Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Год

Рекламные предложения от интернет-магазина ""

Страницы: 1 2


Автор: ttttrt yerr


Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2024


ayayay kniga
ayayay kniga

Автор: poppy

Первый участник всегда добавляется с типом “Автор”. Основного автора можно сменить, но нельзя удалить.

Цена: 129 руб.
Год: 2024


Театральный фандрайзинг, или Как спонсоры и арт-проекты находят друг друга
Театральный фандрайзинг, или Как спонсоры и арт-проекты находят друг друга

Автор: Евгения Карпанина

Как убедить спонсоров поддержать арт-проект? Где найти ту самую компанию, которая захочет поддержать ресурсами вашу идею? Что написать в предложении о сотрудничестве, чтобы не упустить главное?Книга рассказывает, как менеджерам арт-проектов привлекать ресурсы, предлагает полезные упражнения. Вы поймете, как преодолевать психологические барьеры, которые мешают арт-менеджерам находить партнеров и спонсоров, а так же получите разбор вдохновляющих кейсов из практики современного российского театрального фандрайзера. Автор – Евгения Карпанина, эксперт по фандрайзингу и арт-проектированию, продюсер, член оргкомитета Вахтанговского фестиваля театральных менеджеров, создатель профессиональных медиа-площадок «Международный клуб театральных менеджеров» и «Работа со спонсорами», член Союза театральных деятелей России.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2022


Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом
Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом

Автор: Тим Скоренко

Книги по PR обычно пишут пиарщики. Проблема в том, что почти никто из них не бывал по другую сторону баррикад – не работал в журнале или на телевидении, не снимал популярных видеоблогов и не вёл корпоративных аккаунтов в соцсетях. Из-за этого между журналистами и пиарщиками постоянно возникают конфликты. Тим Скоренко, 10 лет проработав в журналистике, решил написать учебник по PR и рассказать о том, какие ошибки пиарщики совершают при работе с прессой и блогерами. И наоборот, когда журналисты неправы по отношению к PR-службе.

Серия: Звезда Рунета. Бизнес

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-119376-8


Укус ангела
Укус ангела

Автор: Павел Крусанов

Когда-то где-то на идиллической лесной дороге загадочный старик подарил юному Ивану Некитаеву, сыну русского офицера и китаянки-хунхузки, магический обжигающий талисман – артефакт, который сам выбрал будущего властителя державы. С тех пор начался его неумолимый путь к власти и славе. До слепой ревности влюбленный в собственную сестру, луноликую фею Ван Цзыдэн, бесстрашный и закаленный в боях воин, губернатор Царьграда и консул Гесперии, тайно ведомый своим приспешником Петром Легкоступовым, – он не остановится ни перед чем. Российская Империя, знавшая смуту, разделенная надвое и собранная вновь воедино, должна, наконец, обрести своего Императора… Модернистский роман петербургского писателя Павла Крусанова вышел в самом начале нового тысячелетия (2000) и разделил критиков и читателей на два лагеря. Кто-то возмутился его откровенной «имперскостью» и натурализмом, иные же восхитились смелой стилизацией и глубоким символизмом текста. В любом случае перед вами шикарный образец русской антиутопии и мистического реализма нового века. Со всеми своими превращениями, блуждающими по зеркалам неспокойными душами, раскладами Таро, томными чаепитиями на веранде усадьбы, философскими тетрадями, страшными обрядами и предательским запахом иланг-иланга… Книга понравится любителям жанра альтернативной истории, увлеченным мистикой и эзотерикой, а также всем ценителям языковых экспериментов.

Серия: Магистраль. Главный тренд

Исполнители: Всеволод Богомольный

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 1999
ISBN: 978-5-04-202659-1


Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом
Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом

Автор: Тим Скоренко

Уникальная аудиокнига для пиарщиков, записанная не пиарщиком. ЧИТАЕТ АВТОР Книги по PR обычно пишут пиарщики. Проблема в том, что почти никто из них не бывал по другую сторону баррикад – не работал в журнале или на телевидении, не снимал популярных видеоблогов и не вёл корпоративных аккаунтов в соцсетях. Из-за этого между журналистами и пиарщиками постоянно возникают конфликты. Тим Скоренко, 10 лет проработав в журналистике, решил написать учебник по PR и рассказать о том, какие ошибки пиарщики совершают при работе с прессой и блогерами. И наоборот, когда журналисты неправы по отношению к PR-службе. © Скоренко Т.Ю., 2019 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2019 Продюсер аудиозаписи: Татьяна Плюта

Серия: Звезда Рунета. Бизнес

Исполнители: Тим Скоренко

Цена: 379 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-119376-8


11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding
11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding

Автор: Al Ries

As we move into the twenty-first century the most important question for businesses everywhere is: What are we going to do about the Internet? The two most qualified people in the country to answer that question may be Al Ries and Laura Ries. Not only are they the authors of the BusinessWeek bestseller The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, they are also consultants to dozens of Fortune 500 companies.This book is the result of their hands-on work with both large and small companies as well as Internet start-ups and established Internet brands. Brash, bold, and mercifully succinct, The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding is the definitive text for businesses eager to jump on the Internet expressway.In the book you'll learn why:The Internet can be a business or a medium for your brand, but not both.Interactivity is the single most important ingredient of any Internet site.The kiss of death for an Internet brand is a common name.Being second in a category is tantamount to being nowhere.You have to be fast. You have to be first. You have to be focused.Everyone is talking about convergence while just the opposite is happening.The 11 Immutable Laws of Internet Branding will also give you tangible information on how to successfully build your company, product, service, or self into a hot and profitable brand on the Internet. Specifically you'll learn how to:Build a brand that will dominate a category over an extended period of time.Find a proper name (instead of a common one) for your Website.Take your brand into the global marketplace.Avoid the biggest mistake in Internet branding: the belief that you can do everything.Take advantage of the transformations that will occur in all aspects of life, thanks to the power of the Internet.With characteristic counterculture observations and signature marketing savvy, Ries and Ries bring their expertise to branding on the Internet, the most challenging problem in the world of marketing today. No one who wants to turn a brand into a global phenomenon should ignore their sage advice.

Исполнители: Al Ries

Цена: 459 руб.
ISBN: 9780060859930


22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Автор: Джек Траут

The authors have distilled their 40-plus years of marketing expertise to provide the key to today's competitive marketplace, showing you what makes some products inordinately successful while others fall by the wayside.

Исполнители: Джек Траут

Цена: 459 руб.
ISBN: 9780060859992


Closing the Sale - 5 Sales Skills for Achieving Win-Win Outcomes and Customer Success (Unabridged)
Closing the Sale - 5 Sales Skills for Achieving Win-Win Outcomes and Customer Success (Unabridged)

Автор: Craig Christensen

Исполнители: Seth Podowitz

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781624616891


22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Автор: Джек Траут

There are laws of nature, so why shouldnt there be laws of marketing?As Al Ries and Jack Troutthe world-renowned marketing consultants and bestselling authors of Positioningnote, you can build an impressive airplane, but it will never leave the ground if you ignore the laws of physics, especially gravity. Why then, they ask, shouldnt there also be laws of marketing that must be followed to launch and maintain winning brands? In The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, Ries and Trout offer a compendium of twenty-two innovative rules for understanding and succeeding in the international marketplace. From the Law of Leadership, to The Law of the Category, to The Law of the Mind, these valuable insights stand the test of time and present a clear path to successful products. Violate them at your own risk.

Исполнители: David Drummond

Цена: 803.81 руб.
ISBN: 9780062351401


Secrets of Raising Super Kids
Secrets of Raising Super Kids

Автор: Брайан Трейси

Raise happy, healthy, self-confident children who will always love and respect you for doing an exceptional job as their parent! The biggest regrets that parents have later on in life is that they didn't spend enough time with their children and that they feel they didn't do a good enough job.The true measure of how good a parent you are is how well your children turn out. The great news is that it is never too late to become an exceptional mom or dad, and it's actually very simple. I am happy to share the secrets of what I learned many years ago. I will give you the tools that you need to be an absolutely outstanding parent.In this audio, you will learn how to:-Raise children with high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem so they can grow up capable and competent to create a wonderful life for themselves-Guide and correct them with love and sensitivity-Recognize and honor their unique differences-Build bridges of honesty and openness-Keep them off of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco-Make them feel terrific about themselves-Raise children with good health habits to sustain a long, healthy life-Raise children who are leaders, who rise to responsibility and are respected by othersYour children respond to the people who love them most. That is why you must become the greatest single source of love, encouragement, and reinforcement for your child. Become a super parent today.

Серия: Made for Success

Исполнители: Made for Success

Цена: 918.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781483092768


PROP?SITO - Por qu? a las marcas con un prop?sito les va mejor e importan m?s
PROP?SITO - Por qu? a las marcas con un prop?sito les va mejor e importan m?s

Автор: David Hieatt

Исполнители: Marcelo Pintos

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 4066004643892


Leader in Me
Leader in Me

Автор: Стивен Кови

From the multimillion-copy bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen R. Covey illustrates how his principles of leadership can be applied to children of all ages. In today's world, we are inundated with information about who to be, what to do, and how to live. But what if there was a way to learn not just what to think about, but how to think? A program that taught young people how to manage priorities, focus on goals, and be a positive influence in their schools? The Leader in Me is that program. In this bestseller, Stephen R. Covey took the 7 Habits that have already changed the lives of millions of readers and showed that even young children can use them as they develop. These habits are being adapted by schools around the country in leadership programs, most famously at the A.B Combs Elementary school in Raleigh. Not only do the programs work, but they work better than anyone could have imagined. This book is full of examples of how the students blossom under the programfrom the classroom that decided to form a support group for one of their classmates who had behavioral problems to the fourth grader who overcame his fear of public speaking and took his class to see him compete in a national story telling competition. Perfect for individuals and corporations alike, The Leader in Me shows how easy it is to incorporate these skills into daily life so kids of all ages can be more effective, goal-oriented, and successful.

Исполнители: Стивен Кови

Цена: 1028.49 руб.
ISBN: 9780743583091


Bora l?, assuma a lideran?a - 22 estrat?gias para chegar ao topo (Integral)
Bora l?, assuma a lideran?a - 22 estrat?gias para chegar ao topo (Integral)

Автор: Pedro Camargo

Исполнители: Leobaldo Prado

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9786599099816


101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2022-2023
101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2022-2023

Автор: Adrian Raftery

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119883197


Der Pumpkin Plan: Die Strategie f?r Unternehmenswachstum
Der Pumpkin Plan: Die Strategie f?r Unternehmenswachstum

Автор: Mike Michalowicz

Viele Unternehmen scheitern – oft innerhalb der ersten f?nf Jahre nach Gr?ndung. In diesem Existenzkampf sehen die Selbstst?ndigen f?r sich h?ufig nur den Ausweg des Selbst-und-st?ndig-Arbeitens. Sie jagen im Hamsterrad in hohem Tempo durch den Alltag und kommen doch nicht voran. Das f?hrt zu Frust, zu Ersch?pfung und niemals aus der Sackgasse. Mike Michalowicz kennt dies aus eigener Erfahrung: Sein erstes Unternehmen machte ordentliche Ums?tze – und doch war nie genug Geld ?brig. Er war im Dauereinsatz, k?mpfte um jeden Kunden und um jeden Auftrag. In dieser Situation der best?ndigen ?berforderung stie? er pl?tzlich und unerwartet auf eine Quelle der Inspiration: K?rbisbauern. Mike Michalowicz erkannte, was ein erfolgreicher K?rbisz?chter mit erfolgreichen Unternehmenslenkern gemein hat. Und entwickelte daraus den Pumpkin Plan. Denn die gleiche Systematik, mit der gigantische Riesenk?rbisse gez?chtet werden, l?sst sich hervorragend anwenden, um ein erfolgreiches und gesundes Unternehmen zu f?hren – langfristig, mit Freude und Lebensqualit?t.

Серия: budrich Inspirited

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9783847410126


The New Rules of Marketing and PR
The New Rules of Marketing and PR

Автор: David Meerman Scott

The seventh edition of the pioneering guide to generating attention for your idea or business, packed with new and updated information In the Digital Age, marketing tactics seem to change on a day-to-day basis. As the ways we communicate continue to evolve, keeping pace with the latest trends in social media, the newest online videos, the latest mobile apps, and all the other high-tech influences can seem an almost impossible task. How can you keep your product or service from getting lost in the digital clutter? The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR provides everything you need to speak directly to your audience, make a strong personal connection, and generate the best kind of attention for your business. An international bestseller with more than 400,000 copies sold in twenty-nine languages, this revolutionary guide gives you a proven, step-by-step plan for leveraging the power of technology to get your message seen and heard by the right people at the right time. You will learn the latest approaches for highly effective public relations, marketing, and customer communications—all at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising! The latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR has been completely revised and updated to present more innovative methods and cutting-edge strategies than ever. The new content shows you how to harness AI and machine learning to automate routine tasks so you can focus on marketing and PR strategy. Your life is already AI-assisted. Your marketing should be too! Still the definitive guide on the future of marketing, this must-have resource will help you: Incorporate the new rules that will keep you ahead of the digital marketing curve Make your marketing and public relations real-time by incorporating techniques like newsjacking to generate instant attention when your audience is eager to hear from you Use web-based communication technologies to their fullest potential Gain valuable insights through compelling case studies and real-world examples Take advantage of marketing opportunities on platforms like Facebook Live and Snapchat The seventh edition of The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Content Marketing, Podcasting, Social Media, AI, Live Video, and Newsjacking to Reach Buyers Directly is the ideal resource for entrepreneurs, business owners, marketers, PR professionals, and managers in organizations of all types and sizes.

Цена: 2032.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119651604


Pitching and Closing
Pitching and Closing

Автор: Alex Taub

Earn huge profits in today's business-development startup boomDriving the most successful startups today is Business Development (BD), which includes strategic partnerships, content licensing, product distribution, data partnership, monetization, and acquisitions.Pitching and Closing reveals how to master the specific skills that people in BD at today's startups need to succeed, including forging relationships, pitching a company's product, building network, sourcing deals, dealing with rejection, and closing large deals.

Исполнители: Kate Rudd

Цена: 2068.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781491535158


Data-First Marketing
Data-First Marketing

Автор: Janet Driscoll Miller

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119701262


Pick Up The Phone and Sell
Pick Up The Phone and Sell

Автор: Alex Goldfayn

Unlock the power of a simple phone call to boost your sales with guidance from a world-renowned expert   In Pick Up The Phone and Sell: How Proactive Calls To Customers and Prospects Can Double Your Sales , sales expert, consultant, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Alex Goldfayn delivers a comprehensive roadmap to one of the most important weapons in any salesperson’s arsenal: the phone. From the author of Selling Boldly and 5-Minute Selling , the book teaches you techniques to supercharge your sales by making the proactive call the tip of your selling spear. In addition to critical advice on how to call people you don’t know, this timely and important book includes: A thorough introduction to the power of a proactive phone call and links to free call planners and trackers at Direction on how to use text messaging as an adjunct to phone sales Instructions on the appropriate role of social media, including LinkedIn, in boosting telephone sales Guidance on how to stop being afraid of phone calls and how to effectively warm up any cold call. Perfect for new and experienced salespeople alike, who are more comfortable with email, videoconferencing, social media, and text than they are with the telephone, Pick Up The Phone and Sell is an indispensable guide to one of the most important and lucrative tools in the selling profession.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119814658


Sales Engagement
Sales Engagement

Автор: Max Altschuler

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119584308


Smart Calling
Smart Calling

Автор: Art Sobczak

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119676737


The Altman Close
The Altman Close

Автор: Josh Altman

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119560104


The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing
The Six Disciplines of Agile Marketing

Автор: Jim Ewel

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119712053


The YouTube Formula
The YouTube Formula

Автор: Derral Eves

Learn the secrets to getting dramatic results on YouTube Derral Eves has generated over 60 billion views on YouTube and helped 24 channels grow to one million subscribers from zero. In The YouTube Formula: How Anyone Can Unlock the Algorithm to Drive Views, Build an Audience, and Grow Revenue , the owner of the largest YouTube how-to channel provides the secrets to getting the results that every YouTube creator and strategist wants. Eves will reveal what readers can't get anywhere else: the inner workings of the YouTube algorithm that's responsible for determining success on the platform, and how creators can use it to their advantage. Full of actionable advice and concrete strategies, this book teaches readers how to: Launch a channel Create life-changing content Drive rapid view and subscriber growth Build a brand and increase engagement Improve searchability Monetize content and audience Replete with case studies and information from successful YouTube creators, The YouTube Formula is perfect for any creator, entrepreneur, social media strategist, and brand manager who hopes to see real commercial results from their work on the platform.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119716037


The Customer Catalyst
The Customer Catalyst

Автор: Daniel Bausor

How organisations can drive growth in the Customer Economy The Digital Revolution has changed the business landscape in remarkable ways and will continue to do so. Organisations across industries and around the world are being disrupted and digitised at increasing pace – putting far more power in the hands of both customers and end-consumers. The traditional inside-out, functionally-siloed business model, typical of the product and sales-led growth era is over. The Customer Catalyst shows how organisations can put customers truly at the heart of their business and catalyse genuine, sustainable growth. Future business models are no longer about functions – they are beginning to revolve around customers. Customer-led companies will, over time, unpack their static functional activities and transform their structure. Customer advocates already wield massive influence in a customer’s buying process, and this is only set to increase. This is already changing the role and nature of business functions and Sales is no longer seen as the only source of growth. The Customer Economy is placing greater demands on businesses and offers greater rewards to the businesses that meet and exceed customer expectations. This invaluable book will enable readers to: Lead their organisations to more profitable and sustainable growth Transform their organisations to become truly customer-centric with the C-change growth engine Explore in-depth stories from leaders of companies such as Zoom, Signify, Starling Bank, Ritz Carlton, Microsoft and Finastra with frank advice and practical steps to achieve success Help their companies adapt to, and profit from, the new realities of the Customer Economy Gain important insights from business leaders on best practice in key customer-centric growth areas The Customer Catalyst shows businesses how to survive the transition to the Customer Economy, transform to align around today’s dynamic customer needs, and ultimately, drive sustainable business growth.

Цена: 2120.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781119575061


The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide
The Ultimate LinkedIn Sales Guide

Автор: Daniel Disney

Цена: 2120.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781119787907


Tiny Noticeable Things
Tiny Noticeable Things

Автор: Адриан Вебстер

Цена: 2120.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781119780915


Growth Hacking For Dummies
Growth Hacking For Dummies

Автор: Anuj Adhiya

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119612179


Selling With Noble Purpose
Selling With Noble Purpose

Автор: Lisa Earle McLeod

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119700920


Selling With Noble Purpose
Selling With Noble Purpose

Автор: Lisa Earle McLeod

Don’t let anyone tell you that you have to choose  between making money and making a difference.    Selling  With Noble Purpose: How to Drive Revenue and Do Work That Makes You Proud, 2nd Edition  is an update of the acclaimed book that changed the game in sales. Using real-world data, compelling stories and psychological research,  Selling With Noble Purpose  explains why salespeople who genuinely understand how they can make a difference to customers outsell those who only focus on internal targets and quotas.  Sales leadership experts McLeod and Lotardo reveal how a Noble Sales Purpose (NSP) can drive a team to outstanding sales numbers. Whether you’re an executive, manager or aspiring sales leader, you’ll discover how to find your own Noble Sales Purpose and create a sales force of True Believers. This new edition covers:  How firms overcome ferocious competition and how you can do the same Why sales organizations with a clear NSP outperform traditional sales teams How to avoid the trap of behaving like a transactional salesperson Why well-intended leaders often unknowingly erode purpose and differentiation How to use your NSP to increase customer engagement Why an NSP gives you clarity during times of uncertainty In an era where organizations often believe that money is the primary way to motivate salespeople, Selling with Noble Purpose offers and exciting and sustainable alternative.

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119700890


Social Media Marketing For Dummies
Social Media Marketing For Dummies

Автор: Shiv Singh

Make friends and sell things to people through social media   Social media technology is restlessly inventive, providing thousands of awesome ways for you to market your business inexpensively and on a large scale—often directly into the pockets of consumers. But in the proliferating, ever-changing world of tweets, influencers, handles, and alerts, it can be hard to know where to begin and then to evaluate what’s actually working for you. In the new edition of Social Media Marketing for Dummies , leading SMM voices Shiv Singh and Stephanie Diamond clear away the confusion and show you the smartest, most effective ways to plan, launch, manage, and assess your campaigns—and then iterate and optimize for increased success. Incorporating the latest trends and presented in a friendly, easily digestible step-by-step style, you’ll find the ultimate blueprint for developing your best SMM strategy. In no time, you’ll find out how to line up with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google, develop a unique and compelling voice, and influence your key audience all the way to the bank. Choose the best SMM combination for you Avoid common mistakes and pitfalls Track your customers from awareness to retention Try out the latest stuff that really works Whether your organization is large or small, it simply doesn’t pay to be shy. Find your voice, get social, and chat your way to attracting and keeping new customers today!

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119617020


Way of the Wolf
Way of the Wolf

Автор: Джордан Белфорт

Исполнители: Джордан Белфорт

Цена: 2298.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781508233022


Elite Sales Strategies
Elite Sales Strategies

Автор: Anthony Iannarino

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858966


Elite Sales Strategies
Elite Sales Strategies

Автор: Anthony Iannarino

Accelerate your sales career with this how-to book from an expert in sales In Elite Sales Strategies , expert sales leader Anthony Iannarino offers his philosophy about becoming a commercial success. This guidebook provides unique insights into how to approach every sale by serving your clients from a position of authority and expertise. As Iannarino himself notes, this technique speaks to an ethical obligation towards your client, combining ethics and tactics to help place you in a position where your strengths can be fully utilized. This guidebook suggests putting yourself in a “one-up” position, where you, as the salesperson, come to a client in a position of authority and strength, where you yourself are qualified to offer nuanced and helpful advice to companies that have put themselves in a “one-down” position, whether that be by bad decision-making, poor understanding of the marketplace, or bad luck. At its heart, this book suggests you find the advantages that you can provide that will, in turn, help your client become “one-up” themselves in their own field and ensure they achieve the better results they need. In addition, Elite Sales Strategies provides readers with: A step-by-step approach for how to become “one-up” yourself and what you provide to your clients A healthy analysis of what makes a person or a company “one-down” and tips on how to course correct Strategies, tactics, and talk tracks that will provide you with what you need to become “one-up” Terminology and vocabulary so that you can approach your client with tact and decorum while still addressing the weaknesses of their system As a successful international speaker, author, and sales leader, Anthony Iannarino brings a unique set of skills to bear in this book. Iannarino's tried-and-true methodology is an ideal resource for sales professionals in all fields, as well as for executives and managers looking to improve their sales success and position within the business world.

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858959


Marketing 5.0
Marketing 5.0

Автор: Philip Kotler

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119668572


The Conversion Code
The Conversion Code

Автор: Крис Смит

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119875826


The Conversion Code
The Conversion Code

Автор: Крис Смит

The new edition of the bestselling book for real estate agents, loan officers, SaaS and small businesses. In this revision, The Conversion Code: A Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing and Sales that Will Grow Your Business Faster, Second Edition, digital marketing and lead conversion expert Chris Smith delivers the ultimate exploration of the marketing and advertising tactics that are successfully generating higher quality leads that are easier for salespeople to convert. Smith researches and tests the latest and most popular platforms, including TikTok, YouTube and Instagram, while also studying the most effective sales techniques, tools, and scripts. In this book, you'll learn to: Increase your lead conversion rate, reduce your cost per lead and improve your overall ROI from marketing and sales Generate an endless supply of high-quality leads from social media that are easy to convert into closed sales Stop chasing leads and start attracting clients with amazing marketing and clever ads Adapt to the consumer privacy changes that have made targeting ads and getting leads to answer the phone harder than ever Differentiate your brand in a way that positions you as the authority and gets people contacting you who are already sold An invaluable reference and easy to follow guide for real estate agents, loan officers, SaaS and small businessescompeting in the hyper-competitive online environment. The Conversion Code , Second Edition, is also a fantastic resource for sales leaders, marketing managers, business owners and anyone else with a team who is responsible for growing revenue.

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119875819


Leading Equity
Leading Equity

Автор: Sheldon L. Eakins

Цена: 2466.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781119840992


Hidden Truths
Hidden Truths

Автор: David Fubini

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119682356


Horses For Dummies
Horses For Dummies

Автор: Audrey Pavia

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119589556


Das Praxisbuch f?r den modernen Au?endienst
Das Praxisbuch f?r den modernen Au?endienst

Автор: Ralf Koschinski

Vier Situationen aus dem Leben eines Au?endienstmitarbeiters: Er hat in wenigen Minuten einen wichtigen Termin. Er steht vor einem bedeutenden Jahresgespr?ch mit einem Stammkunden. Er will ein Angebot schreiben, das verkauft. Er m?chte einen Kunden strategisch entwickeln. Mit dem vorliegenden Buch kann er sich nun auf die Situationen vorbereiten, er geht top vorbereitet in den jeweiligen Kundenkontakt. Ralf Koschinski legt mit seinem umsetzungsfokussierten Ratgeber eine Arbeitshilfe f?r Au?endienstmitarbeiter und Verkaufsf?hrungskr?fte vor, die ihre Mitarbeiter systematisch weiterentwickeln wollen. Das Arbeitshandbuch beschreibt mit der Au?endienst-Viertakt-Strategie (AVS) eine schl?sselfertige Systematik, mit der ein Umsatzwachstum nach Plan m?glich ist und Kundenauftr?ge sich vom Zufall befreien lassen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die vier entscheidenden Prozesse im Au?endienst: Akquisitionsprozess, Beratungsprozess, Verkaufsprozess und Entwicklungsprozess. Bei jedem der vier Prozesse (deshalb Quattro) stehen drei Managementbereiche im Fokus. Zu jedem der Managementbereiche gibt es drei Themen, zu denen der Autor rasch und sofort einsetzbares Knowhow, Umsetzungstipps und individualisierbare Checklisten pr?sentiert, die der Au?endienstmitarbeiter zur systematischen Selbststeuerung nutzen kann. Au?endienstler erhalten so rasch und einfach umsetzbare Probleml?sungen f?r alle Herausforderungen, die ihnen im Au?endienst begegnen, und k?nnen sich mit den Arbeitshilfen (Checklisten und Umsetzungstipps) des Praxiskompendiums zielorientiert, effektiv und zeitsparend auf ihre Kundenkontakte vorbereiten. Die klare Systematik sorgt daf?r, dass der Leser Souver?nit?t, Sicherheit und Gelassenheit gewinnt.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527837670


Dynamic Digital Marketing
Dynamic Digital Marketing

Автор: Dawn McGruer

8 powerful ways to market your business online to consistently generate an abundance of leads that convert into profitable customers. Dynamic Digital Marketing teaches any business or individual how to increase online visibility and presence, attract their target audience, generate leads, and convert them into profitable customers. Author Dawn McGruer is an expert at making businesses and brands shine online. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and businesses maximise their digital marketing profits by developing digital skills which scale and grow their businesses and accelerate their success. Most entrepreneurs and businesses fully understand the importance of digital marketing, yet many do not know where to start or, worse, continue to spend time, money, and effort on strategies that fail to provide the best results for their investment. To remedy this situation, Dawn developed her multi-award-winning digital marketing framework, Dynamic Digital Marketing Model. Offering step-by-step guidance, this book shows you how to use this model to market your business online whilst transforming yourself into a proficient digital marketer. This must-read book will help you: Gain invaluable insights on what works – and what doesn’t – based on the author’s 20 years’ experience in digital marketing Avoid pitfalls and missteps by implementing the same proven success strategies used by key influencers Harness the power of search engine optimisation (SEO), social media, content marketing, online video, and more Amplify your brand, cultivate customers, and increase profits Incorporate e-mail marketing, customer analytics, strategic web design, and influencer partnerships in your overall digital marketing strategy Dynamic Digital Marketing: Master the world of online and social media marketing to grow your business is an indispensable resource for business leaders, business owners, marketing and sales professionals, digital strategists and consultants, entrepreneurs, and students in business and marketing programmes.

Цена: 2673.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635932


Magic of Positive Parenting
Magic of Positive Parenting

Автор: Larry Iverson

Listen to the experts as they weigh in with time-tested advice on preparing your children for a brilliant future.Parenting great kids doesn't happen by accident, and with the proper training, anyone can raise positive, motivated children. In today's fast-paced culture, vast amounts of information bombard our children from all sides, competing for their attention. Nevertheless, research demonstrates that a parent's involvement is the number-one contributing factor to the ultimate respectfulness and motivation of kids.So the question is, how do you structure your communications and activities with your children to create a positive attitude with a bright future? In The Magic of Positive Parenting, you will learn modern child-rearing techniques from doctors, psychologists, parenting experts, and bestselling authors. In this easy-to-digest program, leading professional speakers offer quick, thirty-minute segments that you can listen to while in the car, working out, or relaxing at home.

Исполнители: Брайан Трейси

Цена: 2752.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781483091365


Account-Based Marketing
Account-Based Marketing

Автор: Chris Golec

Цена: 2870.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119572046


Accounting Disrupted
Accounting Disrupted

Автор: Al Bhimani

Цена: 2949.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119720119


Next Level Sales
Next Level Sales

Автор: Christopher Held

Analog orientierter Vertrieb ist in Deutschland aktuell noch sehr stark verbreitet. Zwar haben einige Unternehmen bereits erkannt, dass der digitale Vertrieb die Zukunft ist, doch bislang nur ein Bruchteil. Der Umbau zum digitalen Vertrieb wird dabei aktuell durch die Corona-Pandemie beschleunigt, ist aber bereits seit Jahren ein weltweit bestehender Trend, der sich nun auch in Deutschland rasant ausbreitet. «Next Level Sales» ist ein Leitfaden f?r den Umbau eines analog orientierten Vertriebs in einen virtuellen/digitalen Vertrieb. Christopher Held stellt die strategisch notwendigen Schritte f?r solch einen Umbau dar und erkl?rt eine potenzielle Implementierung Schritt f?r Schritt. Von einem Piloten mit einem kleinen Teil des Vertriebsteams bis zum Roll-out f?r eine gesamte Vertriebsmannschaft deckt das Buch alle Facetten ab. Auch der zugeh?rige Change-Management-Prozess wird erl?utert. Christopher Held gibt Vertrieblern und deren Managern Tipps und Tricks an die Hand, mit denen sie diesen Weg erfolgreich gestalten k?nnen. «Next Level Sales» ist gepr?gt von vielen Praxiserfahrungen und Fallbeispielen w?hrend der COVID-19-Krise und davor. Es enth?lt viele Abbildungen und Erl?uterungen aus dem «echten» (Vertriebs-)Leben. Das Buch von Christopher Held ist branchen?bergreifend einsetzbar und legt den Fokus auf den B2B (Business to Business)-Vertrieb, deckt aber auch relevante B2C (Business to Customer)-Thematiken ab. Die dargestellten Methoden und Techniken k?nnen auch auf verwandte Gebiete wie Marketing, Customer Care und Service angewandt werden.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836369


The Summer of Theory
The Summer of Theory

Автор: Philipp Felsch

‘Theory’ – a magical glow has emanated from this word since the sixties. Theory was more than just a succession of ideas: it was an article of faith, a claim to truth, a lifestyle. It spread among its adherents in cheap paperbacks and triggered heated debates in seminar rooms and caf?s. The Frankfurt School, Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, Adorno, Derrida, Foucault: these and others were the exotic schools and thinkers whose ideas were being devoured by young minds. But where did the fascination for dangerous thoughts come from? In his magnificently written book, Philipp Felsch follows the hopes and dreams of a generation that entered the jungle of difficult texts. His setting is West Germany in the decades from the 1960s to the 1990s: in a world frozen in the Cold War, movement only came from big ideas. It was the time of apocalyptic master thinkers, upsetting reading experiences and glamorous incomprehensibility. As the German publisher Suhrkamp published Adorno’s Minima Moralia and other High Theory works of the Frankfurt School, a small publisher in West Berlin, Merve Verlag, provided readers with a steady stream of the subversive new theory coming out of France. By following the adventures of the publishers who provided the books and the reading communities that consumed and debated them, Philipp Felsch tells the remarkable story of an intellectual revolt when the German Left fell in love with Theory.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781509539871


Digital Government Excellence
Digital Government Excellence

Автор: Siim Sikkut

How to lead the digital transformation of governments Digital Government Excellence: Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders  delivers a fascinating treatment of digital leadership as governments around the world start or restart the digital transformation of their work and service delivery. The author provides a playbook on how to achieve digital excellence via interviews with 20 remarkable digital government leaders from around the world. Each one offers insights on strategies for how to incorporate the best of digital into public services and practical tips on leading digital reforms and delivery teams. The book also: Explores how to begin the task of making all of government to «go digital» or go deeper and bolder in this direction, including the first steps and beyond Highlights leadership styles and practices for effective and lasting delivery of digital strategies and reforms Provides food for thought about what it takes to be an impactful digital transformation leader – in government and beyond The book is ideal for Chief Digital/Information/Technology Officers or digital agency leaders in public service. Digital Government Excellence is also an indispensable resource for any practitioner, policymaker or political leader in governments at any level, as well as any student or advisor of governments looking into how to deliver digital transformation in the public sector.

Цена: 3797.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119858881


Das Digital Transformer s Dilemma
Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma

Автор: Hannah M. Mayer

Bringen Sie Ihr Unternehmen in das digitale Zeitalter, ohne Ihr Kerngesch?ft zu beeintr?chtigen! In ihrem Buch zeigen die Autoren Unternehmen, wie sie mit neuen und innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen digitaler werden sowie gleichzeitig ihr Kerngesch?ft vorantreiben k?nnen. Das Buch erl?utert, wie man das schwierige Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Aufbau eines neuen (digitalen) Gesch?fts und der Revitalisierung – und Digitalisierung – des Altgesch?fts findet. Der Kern des Buches konzentriert sich auf die tats?chliche Umsetzung der digitalen Transformation in beiden Gesch?ftsfeldern und bietet konkrete Tipps, Tricks, Tools und Aktionspl?ne in sechs Schl?sseldimensionen: – Aufbau einer flexiblen Organisation, – Nutzung von Technologie als Antrieb – Entwerfen der notwendigen Prozesse, – Aufbau von Transformationsf?hrern, – «Richtige Qualifizierung» der Arbeitskr?fte der Zukunft, – Befeuerung des kulturellen Wandels. «Das Digital Transformer's Dilemma» ist ein sehr visuelles Buch, gef?llt mit Dutzenden von ansprechenden Illustrationen, die die enthaltenen Konzepte auf jeder Seite zum Leben erwecken. Auf der Grundlage von mehr als 100 Interviews mit F?hrungskr?ften f?hrender Unternehmen (wie z. B. Nestl?, Novartis, Volkswagen und BASF) und kleineren Hidden Champions, zahlreichen erhellenden Fallstudien und den eigenen Erfahrungen der Autoren aus der Arbeit in der internationalen Managementberatung und jahrelanger akademischer Erfahrung beleuchtet das Buch die grundlegenden Prinzipien, die F?hrungskr?fte und Gesch?ftsleute ben?tigen, um traditionelle, alteingesessene Unternehmen in digitale, zukunftsf?hige Unternehmen zu verwandeln.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527835355


Marketing and Finance
Marketing and Finance

Автор: Malcolm McDonald

Written for marketing and finance directors, CEOs, and strategists, as well as MBA students, this practical book explains the principles and practice behind rigorous due diligence in marketing. It connects marketing plans and investment to the valuation of the firm and how it can contribute to increasing stakeholder value. Completely revised and updated throughout, the Second Edition features new case examples as well as a completely new first chapter containing the results of new research into risk and marketing strategies amongst Finance Directors and Chief Marketing Officers.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118748893


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