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Вопросы развития туризма в регионе и зональная политика. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография
Вопросы развития туризма в регионе и зональная политика. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография

Автор: Халим Разикович Хамраев

Туризм как хозяйственная сфера служит интересам много миллиардного населения нашей планеты. Благодаря развитию туристской индустрии, в 2018 году более 1,3 миллиард людей путешествовали по всему миру. Посредством развития сферы туризма во многих страна мира создается новые рабочие места, туризм непосредственно способствует сохранению национальной культуры каждого региона нашей страны, стимулирует производство народных промыслов и продуктов общественного питания. Сегодня туризм оказывает положительное влияние и на экономику Узбекистана. Например, ощущается определенный рост ВВП за счет данного сектора, возрастает в иностранной валюте денежный поток. В 2018 году создана в стране более 375 тысяч дополнительных рабочих мест. Анализ статистических данных показывают, что в целях реализации Концепции развития сферы туризма в период до 2025 года, в стране осуществлена тщательная и успешная работа по увеличению численности туристов. В результате по состоянию на 1 октября 2019 года количество иностранных туристов по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года возросло на 26 и составило 4,9 млн. человек. При этом, количества иностранных туристов из Центральной Азии составило 24,1 и других стран СНГ 26,3 , а также из стран дальнего зарубежья составили 54,8 процентов. Для развития экономики и туризма в частности, центральной проблемой является увеличение объема въездного туризма. Решения названной проблемы во многом зависит от осуществления необходимых коренных изменений в процессе оказании сервисных услуг на местах, изменений в ценообразовании, а также от развития инфраструктуры туризма на международном уровне. В будущем одним из перспективных направлений экономики нашей страны является прогрессивное развитие туристической индустрии. Достижения хороших результатов обеспечивают решения многих социально-экономических проблем, существующих в стране. Данная монография рассчитана для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также других читателей, интересующихся актуальными вопросами развития туризма. Данная монография рассчитано для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также других читателей, интересующихся актуальными вопросами развития туризма.

Цена: 790 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466034776


Полисахариды в разработке биомедицинских материалов. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография
Полисахариды в разработке биомедицинских материалов. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография

Автор: Светлана Федоровна Андрусенко

В данной монографии рассматриваются важнейшие представители полисахаридов и вопросы их использования в медицинской практике, приводятся структурные формулы и некоторые свойства описываемых полисахаридов, В монографии отражен современный уровень знаний о некоторых возможностях физической и химической модификации полисахаридов. Изложены общие вопросы направлений и способов комбинации полисахаридов при создании биоматериалов для медицинских целей. Рассмотрены достоинства и недостатки полисахаридов, при применении их как компонента в разработке биомедицинских материалов. Работа будет интересна широкому кругу читателей и предназначена для студентов, аспирантов, научных работников и специалистов в области биотехнологии, химии полисахаридов, регенеративной медицины.

Цена: 790 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466045710


Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. (Специалитет). Учебник
Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. (Специалитет). Учебник

Автор: Владимир Васильевич Русановский

Курс «Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы» позволит изучить общие принципы и положения необходимые для усвоения знаний по проведению клинико-генетической и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. Изложены основные положения классической и молекулярной генетики: наследственные заболевания, генетические особенности человека, методы проведения молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов специалитета, обучающихся по специальности «Лечебное дело».

Цена: 990 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785466046366


Коммуникативные навыки в стоматологической практике. (Специалитет). Учебное пособие
Коммуникативные навыки в стоматологической практике. (Специалитет). Учебное пособие

Автор: Елена Юрьевна Васильева

Включает в себя материал, овладение которым позволит ординаторам освоить принципы и коммуникативные навыки партнерской модели общения с пациентами на различных этапах медицинской консультации и в ситуации сообщения пациенту о врачебной ошибке. Каждая глава содержит информационный, практический и контрольно-оценочный блоки, а также вопросы для самоконтроля и списки рекомендуемой литературы. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов специалитета, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология».

Цена: 999 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785406128428


Международное экономическое право. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебное пособие
Международное экономическое право. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебное пособие

Автор: Александр Николаевич Вылегжанин

Охарактеризовано содержание важнейших договорных источников международного экономического права, показаны межгосударственные механизмы регулирования торговых, инвестиционных, финансовых отношений, а также современные средства урегулирования споров государств, связанных с такими отношениями, в том числе тех, в которых участвуют юридические и физические лица. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся по направлениям «Международное экономическое право» и «Зарубежное регионоведение».

Цена: 1200 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785406131138


Психология общения для гигиенистов стоматологического профиля (с практикумом). (СПО). Учебник
Психология общения для гигиенистов стоматологического профиля (с практикумом). (СПО). Учебник

Автор: Константин Вячеславович Зорин

Представлен современный взгляд на психологические аспекты поддержания стоматологического здоровья. Собранный материал призван помочь специалистам данной области ориентироваться в психологических категориях и терминах, выявлять и решать психологическими методами проблемы, связанные с предупреждением заболеваний и сохранением здоровья полости рта. В связи с этим важно понимать основы психологии общения, а также цели, принципы и методы пропаганды стоматологического здоровья. Содержание поможет осознать значение психологических знаний и умений для профессионального развития будущих медицинских работников. Соответствует ФГОС СПО последнего поколения. Для студентов среднего профессионального образования, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология профилактическая», и практикующих гигиенистов.

Цена: 1400 руб.
Год: 2024
ISBN: 9785406121429


Методы изучения охотничьих и охраняемых животных в полевых условиях
Методы изучения охотничьих и охраняемых животных в полевых условиях

Автор: Виктор Машкин

В пособии приведены прижизненные методы изучения охотничьих животных в полевых условиях: учеты численности и обездвиживание животных, живоотлов и строение убежищ, мониторинг состояния ресурсов животных и методы индивидуального мечения, определение пола и возраста и др. Пособие предназначено для студентов колледжей, обучающихся по специальности «Охотоведение и звероводство», а также может быть использовано экологами, учителями средних школ и преподавателями средних специальных учреждений, практическими работниками охотничьего хозяйства, природоохранных организаций, охотниками и любителями природы.

Цена: 1599 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-5647-5


Leading Wisely
Leading Wisely

Автор: Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Discover true leadership with this actionable guide from a world renowned leadership expert, psychoanalyst, and executive coach In Leading Wisely: Becoming a Reflective Leader in Turbulent Times, renowned leadership expert, psychoanalyst and executive coach Manfred Kets De Vries delivers an insightful and unique exploration of what it means to lead with wisdom. The book demonstrates that exclusive reliance on knowledge, data, and information yields a superficial leadership style lacking in depth and discernment. What's more important in the wisdom equation is possessing humility, judgment, empathy, compassion, and night vision. With eleven chapters full of anecdotes and tales from a variety of spiritual and cultural traditions that enrich and lend a deeper significance to the choices we make as leaders and members of organizations, Leading Wisely provides readers with: A thorough exploration of dealing with negative—but entirely natural motivations, like envy and greed An emphasis on the Golden Rule—treating others as we like to be treated ourselves An opportunity to be courageous—to consciously and intentionally pick our battles, saving energy for what really matters Lessons on how to listen intently and actively, truly hearing what our colleagues, friends, family, and followers are saying before reacting Finding happiness within ourselves Leading Wisely: Becoming a Reflective Leader in Turbulent Times is a startlingly incisive book, filled with messages that make the book required reading for anyone in a position of leadership or power. It also belongs in the libraries of well-being and health practitioners who frequently deal with businesspeople as clients or patients.

Цена: 1676.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119860402


Основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг. Учебное пособие для СПО
Основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг. Учебное пособие для СПО

Автор: С. В. Дмитриенко

В учебном пособии представлены материалы, раскрывающие основные морфологические и морфометрические особенности зубов и зубо-челюстных дуг человека. Описаны основные формы зубочелюстных дуг при физиологической окклюзии. Показана взаимосвязь формы и размеров зубочелюстных дуг с основными параметрами краниофациального комплекса. Представлены классификации аномалий формы и размеров зубов и зубочелюстных дуг. Показаны основные методы исследования зубов и зубных дуг в клинической стоматологии и основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг при различных вариантах формы и размеров зубных дуг с учетом индивидуальных особенностей челюстно-лицевой области. Издание иллюстрировано фотографиями, в том числе на основе собственных материалов авторов. Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с новыми учебными планами и программами по клинической анатомии челюстно-лицевой области, по пропедевтике стоматологических заболеваний, ортопедической стоматологии и ортодонтии, предусматривающими повышение качества обучения и по зубопротезной технике и полному съемному протезированию. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся медицинских колледжей по специальности «Ортопедическая стоматология» и является дополнением к учебникам по соответствующим дисциплинам специальностей.

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)

Исполнители: Александр Аравушкин

Цена: 1872 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-507-44768-8


GED Test For Students
GED Test For Students

Автор: Murray Shukyn

In the current job environment, people are looking for the biggest edge they can get over the competition, whether it's to find a new job or keep the one they already have. Education and earning a GED can provide people with an advantage over other candidates and the confidence to take the next step. The GED Test Prep for Students contains 25 percent new and updated content, including fresh and relevant example questions and even more hands-on training in each of the 5 subject areas to help test takers maximize success. Readers can complete 2 full practice tests and find detailed walk-throughs and explanations for every solution. In addition to the essential GED basics, readers will benefit from general information regarding test preparation–from registering and studying effectively to managing your time during the exam.

Цена: 2073.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781119295983


BBQ For Dummies
BBQ For Dummies

Автор: Carey Bringle

The complete year-round guide to BBQ and smoking! The BBQing and smoking industry is heating up! No longer reserved for warm weather occasions or backyard gatherings, firing up the grill or smoker is becoming ever-more popular in everyday American cooking.  Written by America’s Pit Master and award-winning restaurant owner Carey Bringle of Peg Leg Porker , one of the most famous BBQ spots in Nashville, this book features more than 50 recipes and provides tried-and-true advice on BBQing and smoking all types of meat, seafood, chicken, pork, and veggies.  Choose the right wood and get the best smoker or grill Get recipes for marinades, rubs, injections, and sauces Cook up hog, ribs, brisket, and chicken, and more Work with certain cuts of meat If you’re looking for a new guide to classic barbeque and more, look no further.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119592280



Автор: Tom Finegan

Цена: 2199.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119794578


Microsoft Teams For Dummies
Microsoft Teams For Dummies

Автор: Rosemarie Withee

Work seamlessly together with Microsoft Teams  It was only a matter of time before Microsoft 365 built an actual virtual office. And Microsoft Teams is it, rocketing from 13 to 75 million daily users in a single year. The new edition of  Microsoft Teams For Dummies  gives you an in-depth introductory tour through the latest version of the app, exploring the many different ways you can chat, call, meet, work remotely, and collaborate with others in real time—whether you’re using it as an all-in-one tool for working from home or as an extension to your brick-and-mortar office. Available as a stand-alone app or as part of Microsoft 365, it allows you to work seamlessly with almost any other Microsoft app.  The friendly onboarding provided by this book takes you from the basics of file-sharing, organizing teams, and using video to must-have insights into less obvious functionality, such as posting the same message to multiple channels, muffling background noise (useful if you’re working from home!), and choosing more than one feed to concentrate on when video-conferencing (allowing you to pay attention to the speaker and your team members at the same time). As well as clueing you in on how things work, you’ll also find advice on the most effective ways of using them, with best-practices recommendations and tips on integrating Microsoft Teams into your existing workflows.  Set up the interface Communicate on chat and video, inside and outside your org Integrate Microsoft Teams with your other Office apps Optimize your approach to meetings, working across large teams, and more! Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams for work, within your family, or for a collaborative hobby, you’ll find everything you need to get everyone on the same page in the same virtual room.

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119786269


Home Recording For Dummies
Home Recording For Dummies

Автор: Jeff Strong

Record on a tablet or in your home studio Capture live sounds or record virtual instruments Edit, mix, and master your final tracks Record like a pro—wherever you want You no longer need an expensive professional studio to record pitch-perfect music. Today, the tools to create high-fidelity, multi-track audio are found on computers, tablets, and even smartphones. This friendly, no-jargon guide from a master musician, composer, and recording engineer shows you how to use technology to lay down, edit, mix, and master your ideas. Along the way you'll get insider tips that help you create your sound and transform your good recordings into great ones. Inside… Acquire the right hardware Find the ideal recording space Get to know different mics Record live or virtual sounds Get rhythmic with tracks and loops Enhance and edit tracks Polish songs to perfection Distribute your finished product

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119711643


A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time
A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time

Автор: Группа авторов

What does a feminist urban theory look like for the twenty first century? This book puts knowledges of feminist urban scholars, feminist scholars of social reproduction, and other urban theorists into conversation to propose an approach to the urban that recognises social reproduction both as foundational to urban transformations and as a methodological entry-point for urban studies. Offers an approach feminist urban theory that remains intentionally cautious of universal uses of social reproduction theory, instead focusing analytical attention on historical contingency and social difference Eleven chapters that collectively address distinct elements of the contemporary crisis in social reproduction and the urban through the lenses of infrastructure and subjectivity formation as well as through feminist efforts to decolonize urban knowledge production Deepens understandings of how people shape and reshape the spatial forms of their everyday lives, furthering understandings of the 'infinite variety' of the urban Essential reading for academics, researchers and scholars within urban studies, human geography, gender and sexuality studies, and sociology

Цена: 2675.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781119789178


Youth Urban Worlds
Youth Urban Worlds

Автор: Julie-Anne Boudreau

Both theoretically informed and empirically rich, Youth Urban Worlds explores how urban cultures affect political action amongst youth. Argues that urban cultures challenge the very meaning and contours of the political process Includes ethnographies, delving into the perspectives and knowledges of racialized youth, urban farmers, and “voluntary risk takers,” like dumpster divers, building climbers, and student protestors Theorizes that aesthetics are an increasingly crucial form of political action in the contemporary urban setting and explains the impact of aesthetics on the political Examines the centrality of fun, warmth, aesthetics, and embodiment to these youth’s experience of being in the world Explains how youth are able to practically and concretely impact the political process through the performance of risky and disruptive behavior

Цена: 2675.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781119582236



Автор: Мартина Лаученгко

Most tech companies get marketing wrong because they don't know how to do product marketing right. The next in the bestselling SVPG series, LOVED shows what leaders like Apple, Netflix, Microsoft, and Salesforce do well and how to apply it to transform product marketing at your company. The best products can still lose in the marketplace. Why? They are beaten by products with stronger product marketing. Good product marketing is the difference between “also-ran” products versus products that lead. And yet, product marketing is widely misunderstood. Although it includes segmenting customers, positioning your product, creating product collateral, and supporting sales teams, great product marketing achieves much more. It directs the best way to bring your product to market. It shapes what the world thinks about your product and category. It inspires others to tell your product’s story. Part of the bestselling series including INSPIRED and EMPOWERED, LOVED explains the fundamentals of best-in-class product marketing for product teams, marketers, founders and any leader with a product and a vision. Sharing her personal stories as a former product and marketing leader at Microsoft and Netscape, and as an advisor to Silicon Valley startups, venture capitalist, and UC Berkeley engineering graduate school lecturer, Martina Lauchengco distills decades of lessons gleaned from working with hundreds of companies to make LOVED the definitive guide to modern product marketing. With dozens of stories from the trenches of market leaders as well as newer startups with products just beginning their journey, the book shows you: the centrality of product marketing to any product’s success the key skills and actions required to do it well the four fundamentals of product marketing and how to apply them how to hire, lead, and organize product marketing how product marketers optimize crucial collaboration with other functions one-sheet frameworks, tools and agile marketing practices that help simplify and elevate product marketing LOVED is an invitation to rethink tired notions of product marketing and practice a more dynamic, customer and market-centric version that creates raving fans and helps products achieve their full market potential.

Цена: 2870.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119704362


The New Microbiology
The New Microbiology

Автор: Pascale Cossart

Microbiology has undergone radical changes over the past few decades, ushering in an exciting new era in science. In The New Microbiology , Pascale Cossart tells a splendid story about the revolution in microbiology, especially in bacteriology. This story has wide-ranging implications for human health and medicine, agriculture, environmental science, and our understanding of evolution. The revolution results from the powerful tools of molecular and cellular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics, which have yielded amazing discoveries, from entire genome sequences to video of bacteria invading host cells. This book is for both scientists and especially nonscientists who would like to learn more about the extraordinary world of bacteria. Dr. Cossart's overview of the field of microbiology research, from infectious disease history to the ongoing scientific revolution resulting from CRISPR technologies, is presented in four parts. New concepts in microbiology introduces the world of bacteria and some recent discoveries about how they live, such as the role of regulatory RNAs including riboswitches, the CRISPR defense system, and resistance to antibiotics. Sociomicrobiology: the social lives of bacteria helps us see the new paradigm by which scientists view bacteria as highly social creatures that communicate in many ways, for example in the assemblies that reside in our intestine or in the environment. The biology of infections reviews some of history's worst epidemics and describes current and emerging infectious diseases, the organisms that cause them, and how they produce an infection. Bacteria as tools introduces us to molecules derived from microbes that scientists have harnessed in the service of research and medicine, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome-editing technology. The New Microbiology takes us on a journey through a remarkable revolution in science that is occurring here and now.

Цена: 3042.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781683673019


How to Do Your Research Project
How to Do Your Research Project

Автор: Caroline Beardsmore

Getting involved in medical and biomedical research through necessity or personal choice can be a testing experience. Each step of the process brings its own challenges, from liaising with supervisors, to the lack of opportunities to promote completed research. This brand new How to provides a complete guide to the process: from the planning stages, to execution, write-up, preparation for the viva examination, and how to maximise the impact of your research. It ensures you get the most out of the experience, both in terms of personal development and academic achievement, and even provides guidance on what to do when things don’t quite go to plan. An ideal companion, written by an experienced postgraduate tutor, this concise and user-friendly manual is full of practical exercises, key points, and hints and tips, which will give you the edge when dealing with the more elusive realities of medical and healthcare research.

Цена: 3054.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118642511


Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses
Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses

Автор: Carole Hollins

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781119785217


Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses
Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses

Автор: Carole Hollins

Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses An essential study aid for dental nursing students preparing for the NEBDN exam The newly revised Fourth Edition of Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses delivers a comprehensive and invaluable revision guide that covers the full curriculum of the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) National Diploma in Dental Nursing. It is fully updated and incorporates recent developments in dentistry and changes to relevant legislation and regulation. The included questions mimic the style of questions used in the NEBDN examination and the accompanying answers and explanations discuss why a given answer is the best one. All four General Dental Council development outcomes—formerly called “domains”—are covered in the book, allowing students to gauge their progress and understanding on all of the areas they’ll be tested on. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to communication in dental nursing, including obtaining consents and record keeping, handling complaints, raising concerns and oral health instruction Comprehensive explorations of management and leadership, including chairside support, practice management, and health and safety Practical discussions of clinical considerations, including infection prevention and control, oral anatomy and physiology, dental pathology and microbiology, and assessment and diagnosis In-depth examinations of professionalism in the dental nursing context, including GDC standards, legal and ethical issues, and equality and diversity Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses 4th Edition is an essential resource for dental nurse students enrolled in the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses National Diploma training course, as well as dental tutors, trainers, and educators preparing candidates for this qualification.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781119785224


Advanced Portfolio Management
Advanced Portfolio Management

Автор: Giuseppe A. Paleologo

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119789819


How to Develop Your Career in Dentistry
How to Develop Your Career in Dentistry

Автор: Janine Brooks

This innovative new book offers a user-friendly guide to securing a successful, varied, and fulfilling career in dentistry. Includes case studies of career trajectories across the full range of dental professions in the UK Advocates a portfolio approach to career development, illustrating the benefits of working in a matrix as opposed to climbing a ladder Showcases the opportunities inherent in specific areas of dentistry, what they can offer and what is required to successfully take advantage of them Written by one of the UK’s leading dental experts who has over 30 years in the profession, working on the local and national scale

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118913802


Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance
Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance

Автор: James Field

Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance provides a comprehensive and accessible guide to the basic operative skills and core clinical skills required of those about to embark on dental clinical training. It serves as the perfect illustrated introduction for pre-clinical students and a handy revision guide for subsequent undergraduate and postgraduate stages. Following the familiar, easy-to-use At a Glance format, each topic is presented as a double-page spread with text accompanied by clear colour diagrams and clinical photographs to support conceptual understanding. Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance is a valuable resource for students studying dentistry, dental hygiene, dental therapy or dental nursing, as well as skills-based assessments such as the Overseas Registration Exam or the Licence in Dental Surgery. Key features include: An illustrated introduction to the dental clinical environment, basic operative skills and core clinical skills Key concepts are explained and superbly illustrated enabling you to visualise the intended clinical endpoint Core clinical skills covered include controlling cross-infection, giving and receiving effective feedback, history taking and communication skills A companion website with self-assessment questions for students and teaching notes for instructors

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118766651


Mass-Customised Cities
Mass-Customised Cities

Автор: Tom Verebes

What happens when computational design and fabrication technologies ramp up to the urban scale? Though these innovative production processes are currently now largely limited to small-scale design projects, what will happen when they are applied to the vast scale of the 21st-century world city? Could new technologies enable an important shift away from mass production to increasingly bespoke and custom-designed systems? The introduction of standardisation and mass production processes in the 20th century saw the industrial city take on a repetitious and homogeneous quality through the duplication of component parts. Today non-standard, bespoke systems hold out the promise of realising a distinctive urbanism; characterized by the differentiation of serial production and the variation of simple parts that should lead to a more complex and compelling whole. Given the current pace and rate of urbanisation in Asia, the mass customization of the city is set to have imminent and far-reaching practical consequences for the rest of the developing and developed world.

Цена: 3551.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118915691


Who Owns You?. Science, Innovation, and the Gene Patent Wars
Who Owns You?. Science, Innovation, and the Gene Patent Wars

Автор: David Koepsell

The 2nd Edition of Who Owns You, David Koepsell’s widely acclaimed exploration of the philosophical and legal problems of patenting human genes, is updated to reflect the most recent changes to the cultural and legal climate relating to the practice of gene patenting. Lays bare the theoretical assumptions that underpin the injustice of patents on unmodified genes Makes a unique argument for a commons-by-necessity, explaining how parts of the universe are simply not susceptible to monopoly claims Represents the only work that attempts to first define the nature of the genetic objects involved before any ethical conclusions are reached Provides the most comprehensive accounting of the various lawsuits, legislative changes, and the public debate surrounding AMP v. Myriad, the most significant case regarding gene patents

Цена: 3841.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781118948491


Basic Guide to Dental Procedures
Basic Guide to Dental Procedures

Автор: Carole Hollins

Basic Guide to Dental Procedures, Second Edition provides an essential introduction to the core preventative and restorative treatments routinely carried out in the modern dental practice. Written as a guide for the whole dental team, ‘before and after’ colour photographs enable the reader to understand and explain the procedures to their patient with confidence. Each section is clearly structured to cover the reasoning behind the treatment described, the relevant dental background, the basics of how each procedure is carried out and any necessary aftercare information. Key features include: Colour photographs throughout combined with concise text to highlight the crucial points of each procedure Suitable for the whole dental team, from office support staff to the dentist explaining procedures to a patient Thoroughly updated and revised in line with the substantial changes to the role and professional obligations of the dental nurse, including a new chapter detailing extended duties The new images of tray set-ups means it is an ideal companion for trainee dental nurses studying for the NEBDN OSCE exam

Цена: 3900.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924563


Careers in Mental Health
Careers in Mental Health

Автор: Kim Metz

Accessible and unbiased, Careers in Mental Health introduces upper-level high school students and beginning undergraduates to the different aspects of various mental health professions. Contains essential career advice for anyone considering an advanced degree in one of the “helping” professions within mental health Covers clinical psychology, counseling psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse counseling, and school psychology Clarifies the distinctions between professions by discussing the history and philosophy of each field, requirements for advanced education, licensing, available jobs, salary potential, and more Includes a section with practical information applicable to all the professions, such as characteristics for success, ethical issues, the importance of critical thinking, applying to graduate school, and current issues affecting the field of mental health

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119221111


Dental Public Health at a Glance
Dental Public Health at a Glance

Автор: Ivor G. Chestnutt

Dental Public Health at a Glance presents a richly-illustrated introduction to dental and oral health issues in communities and populations. Each topic is presented in an easy-to-comprehend two-page spread with essential facts clearly summarized and accompanied by tables, illustrations and diagrams Comprehensive coverage of wide range of key concepts including: evidence-based dentistry, oral health promotion, the relationship of fluoride, diet, smoking, and alcohol to oral health, and considerations for a dental public health career Written by an expert in dental public health and offering illuminating insights into oral health at the population level A must-have introductory textbook and revision guide for dentistry and dental hygiene and therapy students

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118629376


The Dental Foundation Interview Guide
The Dental Foundation Interview Guide

Автор: Zahid Siddique

The Dental Foundation Interview Guide: with Situational Judgement Tests offers an indispensable step-by-step guide to the dental foundation training application process. Explains the application and recruitment process and includes essential interview tips Offers a wealth of practice questions with detailed answers to ensure familiarity with the process Highlights the importance of professionalism, leadership and management within the dental practice Written by recent graduates who understand the pressures of the application process

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119109150


Levison s Textbook for Dental Nurses
Levison's Textbook for Dental Nurses

Автор: Carole Hollins

Цена: 4379.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119401315


Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education
Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education

Автор: Chloe Foxhall

Ideal study aid for the NEBDN Certificate in Oral Health Education Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education comprehensively and efficiently prepares students for the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) Certificate in Oral Health. Written by a dental tutor and course administrator, as well as a certified NEBDN examiner, this revision guide includes tips and techniques to help students with the test. It also includes examples of mock examination questions along with answers and explanations to further students’ understanding of the material contained within. Presented in question-and-answer format to aid with retention and learning, Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education contains the most up-to-date regulations, policies, and oral health guidance. Full of useful information to better cater to each student’s unique style of learning, it features: An introduction to the exam process and exam structure, including the style of questions a test-taker is likely to see A discussion of legislation and General Dental Council standards and guidance A summary of the material contained within the book along with website links for further, supplementary study Treatments of a wide variety of topics, including plaque, sugars, erosion, fluoride, and more Questions and Answers in Oral Health Education is perfect for qualified dental nurses seeking to extend their duties with a post-registration qualification like the NEBDN Certificate in Oral Health Education.

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119647300


Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry
Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry

Автор: Prateek Biyani

A must-have resource for those preparing for the MJDF, MFDS, ORE, and other dental examinations Single best answer (SBA) questions are widely used in dental examinations including the Membership of the Joint Dental Faculties (MJDF), Member of the Faculty of Dental Surgery (MFDS), and the Overseas Registration Exam (ORE). Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry is a comprehensive revision tool designed to help dental students be thoroughly prepared on exam day. Each clearly written SBA question is accompanied by an accurate answer and a full explanation, providing students with a quick and easy-to-access way to revise. The SBAs cover a broad range of specialties within dentistry such as restorative dentistry, oral surgery, oral pathology, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, periodontology, oral medicine, and more. All terms throughout the book conform to the latest evidence and guidelines, such as the most recent classification of periodontal disease, and match the level of knowledge required for success on current dental examinations. Written by a leading dental practitioner, this valuable resource: Comprises 10 chapters, organised by specialty, each containing 20 to 30 SBAs with their associated answers and explanations Covers various dental specialties and topics including restorative dentistry, radiology, pharmacology, human disease, and dental materials Presents a simple and efficient question-and-answer format that is ideal for exam revision Helps strengthen students’ skills in clinical problem solving and decision making Containing more than 280 questions of varying difficulty levels as well as numerous high-quality images and radiographs, Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry is essential reading for all dental students and a useful tool for practicing dentists wanting to test or refresh their knowledge.

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119702375


Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry
Single Best Answer Questions for Dentistry

Автор: Prateek Biyani

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119702344


Solar Politics
Solar Politics

Автор: Oxana Timofeeva

Цена: 4687.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781509552009


Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Автор: Nicola Rogers

An illustrated guide to oral and maxillofacial surgery, written by dental nurses for dental nurses Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will help you understand the role of the dental nurse in oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures. Written in a highly accessible style, comprehensive coverage includes anatomy of the head and neck, pain and anxiety control, assessment clinics, equipment selection, extractions, soft tissue lesions, and trauma and more complex procedures. Key features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter, and full-colour photographs and line drawings throughout An overview of the maxillofacial team, the referral process and the legal aspects of maxillofacial procedures Clear explanations of the various duties performed by dental nurses during oral and maxillofacial surgery Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is suitable for dental nurses working in practice or specialist maxillofacial units, and is also ideal for student dental nurses working towards the NEBDN National Diploma in Dental Nursing.

Цена: 4729.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118925065


Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice
Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice

Автор: Philip Jevon

The Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice is a must-have book for all dental care professionals and general dentists. Written in a clear and accessible style, this second edition has been fully revised and updated in line with the latest guidelines. Chapters cover such key topics as the ABCDE approach to patient assessment, resuscitation equipment, respiratory and cardiac disorders, paediatric emergencies, and legal and ethical issues. Readers will also find two brand new chapters on the principles of first aid, and drugs for medical emergencies. Follows Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines Companion website with self-assessment exercises, serving as revision as well as non-verifiable CPD credit Over 50% new images Student friendly colourful layout with learning outcomes

Цена: 4729.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118688823


CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide
CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide

Автор: Jeff T. Parker

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119477716


Ergonomics in the Dental Office
Ergonomics in the Dental Office

Автор: Susan S. Parker

Helps everyone on the dental team work in a more comfortable and less painful way Dental health providers commonly struggle with chronic back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle tension, strained eyes, and other work-related musculoskeletal problems. Ergonomics in the Dental Office provides clear guidance on alleviating or eliminating the pain and discomfort caused by strains put on the body in daily practice. This easy-to-read book explains the principles of ergonomics, identifies specific causes of musculoskeletal problems, and presents simple—yet effective—techniques to address the physical stresses that might be occurring in the dental office. Concise, highly visual chapters demonstrate correct postures, clock positions, instrument transfer, head and neck placement, instrumentation techniques, office design, and more. The author emphasizes the importance of daily exercises, rest breaks, and disciplines that relieve both physical and emotional stress such as yoga and Tai Chi. Topics include occupational health issues and research, treating disabled patients, developing ergonomic awareness, seat positioning for tall and short operators, integrated intervention planning, and signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Presents ways to improve body positioning and instrumentation techniques, including basic ergonomic principles of proper four-handed dentistry Discusses exercises to reduce stress and reduce muscle fatigue, such as Pilates, free weights, and aquatic activities Covers all key aspects of ideal dental office ergonomics, including furniture, equipment, office layout and design, and practice assessment Designed to address a problem all dental professionals face, Ergonomics in the Dental Office is an invaluable book for dentists, dental hygienists, dental assistants, and dental students and trainees.

Цена: 5066.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119131397


Ergonomics in the Dental Office
Ergonomics in the Dental Office

Автор: Susan S. Parker

Цена: 5066.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119131380


World Literature in Theory
World Literature in Theory

Автор: Группа авторов

World Literature in Theory provides a definitive exploration of the pressing questions facing those studying world literature today. Coverage is split into four parts which examine the origins and seminal formulations of world literature, world literature in the age of globalization, contemporary debates on world literature, and localized versions of world literature Contains more than 30 important theoretical essays by the most influential scholars, including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Hugo Meltzl, Edward Said, Franco Moretti, Jorge Luis Borges, and Gayatri Spivak Includes substantive introductions to each essay, as well as an annotated bibliography for further reading Allows students to understand, articulate, and debate the most important issues in this rapidly changing field of study

Цена: 5090.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118597279


Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry
Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry

Автор: Caroline L. Pankhurst

A practical step-by-step guide for all members of the dental team Thoroughly updated, this new edition ensures all members of the dental team are up to speed on the practical aspects of infection prevention and control. It provides step-by-step guidance on the safe running of a dental practice, clear and concise explanations of the key issues and concepts, an overview of the evidence base, and coverage of legal and regulatory issues about which all staff members need to be aware. With more colour photographs and illustrations than the first edition, it also includes appendices full of useful practical and clinical information, and a companion website offering helpful instructional videos and self-assessment questions. Key topics include communicable diseases, occupational health and immunization, sharp safe working, hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, disinfection of dental instruments, surface decontamination, dental unit waterlines, clinical waste management, and pathological specimen handling. An indispensable working resource for the busy dental practice, Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry, 2nd Edition is also an excellent primer for dental students.

Цена: 5202.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119164968


Guidelines for Reporting Health Research
Guidelines for Reporting Health Research

Автор: Группа авторов

Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a practical guide to choosing and correctly applying the appropriate guidelines when reporting health research to ensure clear, transparent, and useful reports. This new title begins with an introduction to reporting guidelines and an overview of the importance of transparent reporting, the characteristics of good guidelines, and how to use reporting guidelines effectively in reporting health research. This hands-on manual also describes over a dozen internationally recognised published guidelines such as CONSORT, STROBE, PRISMA and STARD in a clear and easy to understand format. It aims to help researchers choose and use the correct guidelines for reporting their research, and to produce more completely and transparently reported papers which will help to ensure reports are more useful and are not misleading. Written by the authors of health research reporting guidelines, in association with the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network, Guidelines for Reporting Health Research is a helpful guide to producing publishable research. It will be a valuable resource for researchers in their role as authors and also an important reference for editors and peer reviewers.

Цена: 5202.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118715628


Survival Techniques for the Practicing Engineer
Survival Techniques for the Practicing Engineer

Автор: Anthony Sofronas

Providing engineers with the tools and skills to survive and become successful in the work place Gives experience-based, highly realistic guidance to a cross-section of young and even established engineers Delivers practical guidance and acts as a handy resource so that lessons do not have to be learned the hard way with numerous errors, and costly problems Includes real world examples and case studies from a 45 year veteran in the engineering field

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781119250500


Basics of Dental Technology
Basics of Dental Technology

Автор: Tony Johnson

Now available in a second edition, Basics of Dental Technology is a complete reference for the current techniques and materials used in dental technology. Retains the accessible, task-based approach and step-by-step guidance of the first edition Features updates throughout, as well as a new chapter on digital dental technology and an interactive student website to support self-assessment Explains key competencies, concepts, instruments, and equipment, and also introduces more specialist techniques and procedures, such as denture prosthetics, fixed prosthodontics and orthodontic work Provides essential information for trainee dental technicians and students learning about dental technology, including study tips and strategies for working effectively within a dental team

Цена: 5563.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118886243


ABC of Child Protection
ABC of Child Protection

Автор: Sir Roy Meadow

The fourth edition of this important and highly praised guide has been substantially revised and updated, providing concise, practical information on a difficult and distressing area of paediatric medicine. This new edition of the ABC of Child Protection now includes additional chapters on abdominal injury, neglect and failure to thrive. It presents the latest information on the diagnosis and investigation of abuse, and explains the current roles of social services and the law in safeguarding children. Written by leading paediatricians, psychiatrists, social workers and lawyers, this comprehensive book is an invaluable reference for professionals concerned with children’s welfare, including general practitioners, emergency staff, paediatricians, police surgeons, psychiatrists, health visitors, social workers, and lawyers.

Цена: 5883.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312676


Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion

Автор: Alison Chapman

The thoroughly revised third edition of a Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as an Oral Health Educator. It will help readers confidently educate patients about diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity, and support their prevention, treatment, and management. Designed with an accessible layout to enhance learning, this course companion is divided into six sections covering: the structure and functions of the oral cavity; diseases and conditions; disease prevention; effective communication; treating specific patient groups, and oral health promotion and society. Invaluable to all members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in educating and promoting oral health, this key text: Offers a guide for dental nurses taking a post-registration Certificate in Oral Health Education Is fully updated to reflect changes in the industry, science, and course syllabus Incorporates information on the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases Contains new information on topics including dementia, denture advice, and burning mouth syndrome Includes an expanded section on promotion

Цена: 5918.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119591702


Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion

Автор: Alison Chapman

Цена: 5918.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119591597


Endodontology at a Glance
Endodontology at a Glance

Автор: Shanon Patel

Цена: 5918.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118994719


Clinical Supervision for Nurses
Clinical Supervision for Nurses

Автор: Judith Parker

Clinical supervision provides a framework within which nurses can reflect on their practice, enabling them to face professional challenges with renewed energy and a clearer perspective. Clinical Supervision for Nurses is an accessible, practical guide to clinical supervision itself and implementing the supervision process in nursing practice. Clinical Supervision for Nurses explores the role of clinical supervision, its contribution to practice development and implementation in practice. It discusses the range of approaches to clinical supervision and models of supervision, organisational readiness and other factors influencing success, legal and ethical issues, and perspectives of supervisors and the supervisees.

Цена: 5989.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781444309492


Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement
Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement

Автор: Werner Kunz

Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte uber die Zukunft des Natur- und Artenschutzes, der zeigt, wie durch aktive Gestaltung von Lebensraumen die historische Artenvielfalt in Mitteleuropa erhalten werden kann.

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783527806218


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