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El rey que no pod?a predicar
El rey que no pod?a predicar

Автор: Kimber Lantry

?George King deseaba predicar! ?l sent?a que hab?a sido llamado por Dios para hacer esa obra. Pero, toda vez que enfrentaba a un grupo de personas, tartamudeaba, balbuceaba y se olvidaba de lo que iba a decir. El joven Otho Godsmark asisti? al primer intento p?blico de George de predicar, exactamente en el living de los Godsmark, con la asistencia de toda la feligres?a. ?Pobre George! Fue tan frustrante su primera experiencia que todos coincidieron en que jam?s podr?a ser un predicador. Pero, iluminada divinamente, el Sra. Godsmark expres? la soluci?n: ?l ser?a un «predicador hogare?o»; ir?a de casa en casa, regalar?a folletos y hablar?a tranquilamente a la gente en sus hogares acerca del regreso de Jes?s. Despu?s de su primera semana yendo de puerta en puerta, King tuvo esta visi?n: mucha gente ir?a de puerta en puerta, y as? se iniciar?a la obra de difundir el evangelio de Jes?s por medio de personas conocidas como colportores. T? desear?s leer el relato hasta el mismo final mientras lo vayas viendo a trav?s de los ojos del joven Otho.

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9789877983449


Астрономичекий календарь для школьников на 2022/2023 учебный год
Астрономичекий календарь для школьников на 2022/2023 учебный год

Автор: М. Ю. Шевченко

73-й выпуск этого классического ежегодного издания станет помощником для школьников, а также для всех увлеченных астрономическими наблюдениями. Он поможет выбрать наилучшее время для наблюдения астрономических объектов и не пропустить важные астрономические события. Календарь дополнен развернутым словарем терминов и разделом «Памятные даты», знакомящим с историей одной из древнейших наук.

Серия: Как наблюдать за звездами

Цена: 279 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-17-148223-7


Darmgesunde Ern?hrung mit Kartoffelfasern, Inulin und Yac?n?
Darmgesunde Ern?hrung mit Kartoffelfasern, Inulin und Yac?n?

Автор: Katharina Rau

Die Darmgesundheit nimmt eine sehr wichtige Rolle in unserer Lebensweise ein. Wenn ihr nicht genug Beachtung geschenkt wird, r?cht sich das meistens. Die kleinen guten Bakterien im Darm wollen gef?ttert und gepflegt werden. Doch das ist gar nicht so leicht. Falsche Nahrungsmittel k?nnen das Wachstum von ung?nstigen Darmbakterien f?rdern. Wenn diese sich breitmachen, geht es uns meist nicht gut. Sicher fragen Sie sich, was Sie selbst f?r Ihre Darmgesundheit tun k?nnen. In meinem E-Book zeige ich Ihnen, was es zu beachten gibt, wie die t?gliche Ern?hrung gestaltet werden kann und gebe Ihnen neben Tipps und Tricks auch alltagstaugliche Rezepte mit an die Hand. Dieses E-Book soll Ihnen eine Hilfestellung f?r die Darmgesundheit bieten. Zudem zeigt es Ihnen einen Weg durch den Ern?hrungsdschungel in dem es auch um Kartoffelfasern, Inulin, Yac?n, intuitives Essen und mehr geht.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783750226814


Wie ich f?r Jan die Welt rettete oder so
Wie ich f?r Jan die Welt rettete oder so

Автор: Kristin Fieseler

Der schwarze Hirtenhund Herr Langrock ist Daniels Hund und hilft Jan zusammen mit dem kleinen, frechen Mischling Lucky bei den Beziehungsproblemen seiner Eltern. Herrn Langrocks Ideenreichtum kennt keine Grenzen, aber kann er wirklich die Eltern von Jan vers?hnen oder ist das eine Nummer zu gro? f?r ihn? Dieses Kinderbuch verspricht einen besonders schr?gen Lesegenu?, weil Herr Langrock die Dinge anders benennt als sein Restfellbesitzer Daniel.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783742769732


Секрет Нового года
Секрет Нового года

Автор: Орьол Каноза

Огоньки и звёзды, гирлянды и подарки… Скорее присоединяйтесь к семейству Полевых, чтобы раскрыть Секрет Нового года. До праздника осталось всего три дня, и маленький городок Верхние Горы занят подготовкой не покладая рук. Господин и госпожа Угловые, хозяева универмага, очень недовольны, что семья Градоначальниковых в этом году не потрудилась украсить ёлку на центральной площади. Господин Градоначальников тоже негодует: почему Угловые забыли про ель? Обе семьи даже не догадываются, кто на самом деле создаёт праздничное настроение в городе. Орьол Каноза – популярный испанский автор и владелец маленького книжного магазинчика в Барселоне. Когда он устаёт от покупателей, то идёт гулять. И между прочим, Орьол уже дважды успел обойти пешком всю Европу. «Секрет Нового года» – это загадочная и волшебная история о поддержке, дружеской помощи и, конечно, о самом любимом празднике в мире.

Серия: Книжка под ёлку

Цена: 319 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-17-123247-4


Итоги совещания производителей бутадиен-стирольных каучуков, отраслевых научно-исследовательских организаций и Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета
Итоги совещания производителей бутадиен-стирольных каучуков, отраслевых научно-исследовательских организаций и Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета

Автор: А. П. Рахматуллина

Содержание книги отражает состояние отрасли производства эмульсионных каучуков, латексов, эмульгаторов, текущее состояние и перспективы производства бутадиен-стирольных каучуков на российских предприятиях, достижения научно-исследовательских организаций по улучшению технологии производства эмульсионных каучуков, основные направления научных исследований в области эмульсионной полимеризации.

Цена: 320 руб.
Год: 2013


Синтонимы. Большой дневник
Синтонимы. Большой дневник

Автор: Мирай Медина

Перед вами большой дневник по вселенной «Синтонимов»! На его страницах вас ждут увлекательные задания, интересные факты о любимых персонажах, новые авторские иллюстрации и недатированный ежедневник для ваших записей. Составленный и отрисованный лично Мединой Мирай, этот творческий блокнот перенесет вас в яркий мир ее книг, а компанию вам составят Ангела, Рейден и их друзья.

Серия: Медина Мирай. Молодежные хиты

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-17-127102-2


Оператор лесопильных линий. Повышение квалификации. Учебное пособие для СПО
Оператор лесопильных линий. Повышение квалификации. Учебное пособие для СПО

Автор: И. Т. Глебов

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)

Цена: 624 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-507-47146-1


Физика и химия полимеров. Учебное пособие для вузов
Физика и химия полимеров. Учебное пособие для вузов

Автор: А. А. Леонович

Приводится классификация природных и синтетических высокомолекулярных соединений, методы синтеза и химические превращения полимеров, физические и химические свойства, структурно-морфологические особенности, определяющие полимерное состояние вещества. Рассматриваются физические (релаксационные) состояния, реология растворов, прочность и стабилизация полимерных материалов. Учебное пособие содержит именной указатель ученых, внесших важный вклад в становление и развитие предмета. Пособие предназначается для студентов лесотехнических и химикотехнологических вузов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки: «Химическая технология», «Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии», «Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств». Окажется полезным для инженерно-технических и научных работников предприятий деревообрабатывающей, мебельной и химической промышленности.

Серия: Высшее образование (Лань)

Цена: 787 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-507-47179-9



Автор: Mai Lyra

Ab 18 Jahren. Deutsch-Englisch. Hat der Mensch einen Hang zur Lyrik, entdeckt sie einen irgendwann immer, indem sie ihm wie durch den Wind oder bei anderer Gelegenheit zu- und eingefl?stert wird. Ist man vielf?ltig ausgebildet wie die Autorin, ist die Lyrik entsprechend gerichtet – wie von selbst! Viel Freude und Inspiration f?r das eigene Leben!

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783753189925


The Case for Economic Democracy
The Case for Economic Democracy

Автор: Andrew Cumbers

The idea that the people have a right to shape political decisions through democratic means is widely accepted. The same cannot be said of the decisions that impact on our everyday economic life in the workplace and beyond.

Andrew Cumbers shows why this is wrong, and why, in the context of the rising tide of populism and the perceived crisis of liberal democracy, economic democracy's time has come. Four decades of market deregulation, financialisation, economic crisis and austerity has meant a loss of economic control and security for the majority of the world's population. The solution must involve allowing people to 'take back control' of their economic lives. Cumbers goes beyond older traditions of economic democracy to develop an ambitious new framework that includes a traditional concern with workplace rights and collective bargaining, but shifts the focus to include consideration of individual economic rights and processes of public engagement and deliberation beyond the workplace.

This topical and original book will be essential reading for anyone interested in radical solutions for our economic and political crises.

Цена: 1337.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781509533862


101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2021 - 2022
101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2021 - 2022

Автор: Adrian Raftery

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780730391616


Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone
Gardening - Philosophy for Everyone

Автор: Группа авторов

Philosophy and gardens have been closely connected from the dawn of philosophy, with many drawing on their beauty and peace for philosophical inspiration. Gardens in turn give rise to a broad spectrum of philosophical questions. For the green-fingered thinker, this book reflects on a whole host of fascinating philosophical themes. Gardens and philosophy present a fascinating combination of subjects, historically important, and yet scarcely covered within the realms of philosophy Contributions come from a wide range of authors, ranging from garden writers and gardeners, to those working in architecture, archaeology, archival studies, art history, anthropology, classics and philosophy Essays cover a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from Epicurus and Confucius to the aesthetics and philosophy of Central Park Offers new perspectives on the experience and evaluation of gardens

Цена: 1740.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781444324570


The Left Case for Brexit
The Left Case for Brexit

Автор: Richard Tuck

Liberal left orthodoxy holds that Brexit is a disastrous coup, orchestrated by the hard right and fuelled by xenophobia, which will break up the Union and turn what’s left of Britain into a neoliberal dystopia.

Richard Tuck’s ongoing commentary on the Brexit crisis demolishes this narrative. He argues that by opposing Brexit and throwing its lot in with a liberal constitutional order tailor-made for the interests of global capitalists, the Left has made a major error. It has tied itself into a framework designed to frustrate its own radical policies. Brexit therefore actually represents a golden opportunity for socialists to implement the kind of economic agenda they have long since advocated. Sadly, however, many of them have lost faith in the kind of popular revolution that the majoritarian British constitution is peculiarly well-placed to deliver and have succumbed instead to defeatism and the cultural politics of virtue-signalling. Another approach is, however, still possible.

Combining brilliant contemporary political insights with a profound grasp of the ironies of modern history, this book is essential for anyone who wants a clear-sighted assessment of the momentous underlying issues brought to the surface by Brexit.

Цена: 2012.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781509542291


Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies
Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Douglas Gray

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119716198


Hacking For Dummies
Hacking For Dummies

Автор: Kevin Beaver

Learn to think like a hacker to secure your own systems and data Your smartphone, laptop, and desktop computer are more important to your life and business than ever before. On top of making your life easier and more productive, they hold sensitive information that should remain private. Luckily for all of us, anyone can learn powerful data privacy and security techniques to keep the bad guys on the outside where they belong. Hacking For Dummies takes you on an easy-to-follow cybersecurity voyage that will teach you the essentials of vulnerability and penetration testing so that you can find the holes in your network before the bad guys exploit them. You will learn to secure your Wi-Fi networks, lock down your latest Windows 11 installation, understand the security implications of remote work, and much more. You’ll find out how to: Stay on top of the latest security weaknesses that could affect your business’s security setup Use freely available testing tools to “penetration test” your network’s security Use ongoing security checkups to continually ensure that your data is safe from hackers Perfect for small business owners, IT and security professionals, and employees who work remotely, Hacking For Dummies is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to keep their data safe.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119872214


iPad and iPad Pro For Dummies
iPad and iPad Pro For Dummies

Автор: Paul McFedries

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119880479


Statistik f?r Mediziner und Pharmazeuten
Statistik f?r Mediziner und Pharmazeuten

Автор: Philip Rowe

Gute Daten + gute Statistik = gute Ergebnisse! Mit diesem Buch haben falsche Statistiken keine Chance mehr. ?bersichtlich gegliedert in 6 Teile mit zusammen 20 Kapiteln werden hier alle wichtigen Typen von Daten und die Verfahren zu deren Auswertung erkl?rt. Die erkl?rte Maxime des Autors ist es, dass sich eine statistische Auswertung immer an der Art und Qualit?t der Daten orientieren muss, damit diese nicht fehl- oder ?berinterpretiert werden. Komplizierte Mathematik ist dabei weder n?tig noch erw?nscht, denn meistens sind die einfachsten Verfahren die aussagekr?ftigsten. Ein positiver Lerneffekt stellt sich bereits nach wenigen Seiten ein, denn hier werden genau die Fragen gestellt (und beantwortet!), mit denen ein angehender Mediziner oder Pharmazeut w?hrend der Ausbildung konfrontiert wird. Mit seinem ungezwungenen und direkten Stil gelingt es dem Autor, dass die Statistik vom ungeliebten Kind zum effizienten Werkzeug wird, auch ohne mathematische Begabung beim Leser. * Leicht verst?ndliche Texte (fast) ohne Formeln * Alle Beispiele kommen aus der Medizin oder der Pharmazie * Warnhinweise auf h?ufi ge Fehler und auf den unsachgem??en Einsatz von Statistiken Als leicht verst?ndliche Einf?hrung in die statistischen Grundlagen und Verfahren, die in der Medizin und in der Pharmazie eingesetzt werden, ist dieses Buch bestens geeignet f?r alle, die eine Ausbildung im medizinischpharmazeutischen Bereich absolvieren.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527669721



Автор: Mike White

Kompakt und »verdammt clever« auf den Punkt gebracht – vermittelt Molekularbiologie das unverzichtbare Grundwissen zu Struktur, Biosynthese und Funktion von DNA und RNA und erkl?rt, wie diese untereinander und mit Proteinen interagieren. Endlich ein ma?geschneidertes Kurzlehrbuch f?r Studenten, die auf der Suche nach einer knappen Einf?hrung in dieses grundlegende Fachgebiet sind: • Ideal f?r Einsteiger! Beschr?nkt sich auf die wirklich wichtigen Themen der Molekularbiologie und fasst die wesentlichen Fakten und Begriffe f?r jedes Thema zusammen. • Einpr?gsam! Klare Abbildungen erleichtern das Lernen und Verstehen, Querverweise auf verwandte Kapitel zeigen Zusammenh?nge auf und f?rdern so das Verst?ndnis. • Ausgezeichnete Pr?fungsvorbereitung! Erm?glicht strukturiertes Lernen und schnelles Wiederholen durch einzigartigen Kapitelaufbau – mit ?ber 70 Fragen und Antworten.

Цена: 2675.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783527672103


DevOps For Dummies
DevOps For Dummies

Автор: Emily Freeman

Цена: 2693 руб.
ISBN: 9781119552239


Education and the Growth of Knowledge
Education and the Growth of Knowledge

Автор: Группа авторов

Education and the Growth of Knowledge is a collection of original contributions from a group of eminent philosophers and philosophers of education, who sketch the implications of advances in contemporary epistemology for education. New papers on education and social and virtue epistemology contributed by a range of eminent philosophers and philosophers of education Reconceives epistemology in the light of notions from social and virtue epistemology Demonstrates that a reconsideration of epistemology in the light of ideas from social and virtue epistemology will in turn re-invigorate the links between epistemology and education

Цена: 2781.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118721308


College Completion for Latino/a Students: Institutional and System Approaches
College Completion for Latino/a Students: Institutional and System Approaches

Автор: Melissa L. Freeman

Latino/as are the fastest growing demographic in the United States. Despite recent gains in postsecondary enrollment, the Latino/a population is severely underrepresented when it comes to baccalaureate attainment. Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) will play a critical role in turning the tide, but there is little existing research about these institutions. This volume synthesizes: Existing research on HSIs, emerging HSIs, as well as research about Latino/a students themselves, A wide range of best practices across institutional types, and Examples of service to undocumented students in states where they do and do not quality for in-state tuition benefits. Topics include Latino/a undergraduate student success, graduate student success, community colleges, four-year institutions, financial aid, and undocumented students. This is the 172nd volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Higher Education. Addressed to presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other higher education decision makers on all kinds of campuses, it provides timely information and authoritative advice about major issues and administrative problems confronting every institution.

Цена: 2935.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119193777


Developing Ethical Leaders
Developing Ethical Leaders

Автор: Группа авторов

The call for our schools and universities to develop ethical leaders has never been stronger. This volume offers new approaches to equipping our student leaders with the skills, competencies, and courage to act in an ethical manner, even in the face of peer pressure, tradition, or convention. Each chapter includes: Ideas and strategies to help student leaders become more ethically fit Ways to challenge students to pursue what is ethical and right rather than simply avoiding what is wrong or illegal Examples of words, phrases, and red flag situations, along with effective responses, that can be practiced and taught Six different leadership models to help understand the dynamics and potentials of ethics-related leadership The Jossey-Bass quarterly report series New Directions for Student Leadership explores leadership concepts and pedagogical topics of interest to high school and college leadership educators. Issues are grounded in scholarship and feature practical applications and best practices in youth and adult leadership education.

Цена: 2935.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119100713



Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 2949.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119116813


Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150
Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150

Автор: Dionne Rosser-Mims

This volume is the continuation of a two-part series that focuses on salient topics and issues affecting Black males as they engage in adult education and learning. Considering the historical and current effects on the way these men participate in adult education, this volume broadens the conversations around adult Black males’ educational experiences by utilizing academic research as well as program descriptions and personal narratives with a concern for the “lived experiences.” More specifically, the authors explore: the agency of Black men in carving out pathways to success, the programs that support these endeavors, and the role of civil society in facilitating or inhibiting their progress. Topics covered include the digital divide, sports, professional career development, sexuality, role of religion, college as a choice, and the Black Lives Matter initiative. Practitioners will be encouraged to reflect on their own practices as they work toward engagement of Black males in learning communities. This is the 150th volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.

Цена: 3203.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119284109



Автор: Michael Hensel

The current trend for constructing experimental structures is now an international phenomenon. It has been taken up worldwide by design professionals, researchers, educators and students alike. There exist, however, distinct and significant tendencies within this development that require further investigation. This issue of AD takes on this task by examining one of the most promising trajectories in this area, the rise of intensely local architectures. In his seminal essay of 1983, Kenneth Frampton redefined Critical Regionalism by calling for an intensely local approach to architectural design. Today, Frampton’s legacy is regaining relevance for a specific body of work in practice and education focused on the construction of experimental structures. Could this ultimately provide the seeds for a compelling and alternative approach to sustainable design? Contributors include: Barbara Ascher, Peter Buchanan, Karl Otto Ellefsen, David Jolly Monge, Lisbet Harboe, David Leatherbarrow, Areti Markopoulou, Philip Nobel, Rodrigo Rubio, S?ren S S?rensen, Defne Sunguro?lu Hensel. Featured practices: Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Rintala Eggertsson, SHoP, Studio Mumbai, TYIN tegnestue.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781118700532


How Cities Learn
How Cities Learn

Автор: Astrid Wood

How Cities Learn  traces the circulation of bus rapid transit (BRT) to understand how and why it was widely adopted in South Africa. Investigates the global proliferation and localization of BRT Examines the production and distribution of transportation knowledge in the global south Addresses the spatial and social legacy of apartheid in South African cities Reveals a new way of understanding the intersections between policy, people and place Essential reading for scholars of geography, politics, sociology and transportation, as well as urban planners and practitioners

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781119794301


Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)

Автор: Mark Zegarelli

Absolutely everything you need to get ready for Algebra Scared of square roots? Suspicious of powers of ten? You’re not alone. Plenty of school-age students and adult learners don’t care for math. But, with the right guide, you can make math basics “click” for you too! In Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies, you’ll find everything you need to be successful in your next math class and tackle basic math tasks in the real world. Whether you’re trying to get a handle on pre-algebra before moving to the next grade or looking to get more comfortable with everyday math—such as tipping calculations or balancing your checkbook—this book walks you through every step—in plain English, and with clear explanations—to help you build a firm foundation in math. You’ll also get: Practice quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your comprehension and understanding A bonus online quiz for each chapter, with answer choices presented in multiple choice format A ton of explanations, examples, and practice problems that prepare you to tackle more advanced algebraic conceptsFrom the different categories of numbers to mathematical operations, fractions, percentages, roots and powers, and a short intro to algebraic expressions and equations, Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies is an essential companion for anyone who wants to get a handle on the foundational math concepts that are the building blocks for Algebra and beyond.

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119867265


(ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Practice Tests
(ISC)2 CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Practice Tests

Автор: Mike Chapple

Full-length practice tests covering all CISSP domains for the ultimate exam prep The (ISC)2 CISSP Official Practice Tests is a major resource for (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) candidates, providing 1300 unique practice questions. The first part of the book provides 100 questions per domain. You also have access to four unique 125-question practice exams to help you master the material. As the only official practice tests endorsed by (ISC)2, this book gives you the advantage of full and complete preparation. These practice tests align with the 2021 version of the exam to ensure up-to-date preparation, and are designed to cover what you will see on exam day. Coverage includes: Security and Risk Management, Asset Security, Security Architecture and Engineering, Communication and Network Security, Identity and Access Management (IAM), Security Assessment and Testing, Security Operations, and Software Development Security. The CISSP credential signifies a body of knowledge and a set of guaranteed skills that put you in demand in the marketplace. This book is your ticket to achieving this prestigious certification, by helping you test what you know against what you need to know. Test your knowledge of the 2021 exam domains Identify areas in need of further study Gauge your progress throughout your exam preparation Practice test taking with Sybex’s online test environment containing the questions from the book The CISSP exam is refreshed every few years to ensure that candidates are up-to-date on the latest security topics and trends. Currently-aligned preparation resources are critical, and periodic practice tests are one of the best ways to truly measure your level of understanding.

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119787648


Project Management All-in-One For Dummies
Project Management All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: Stanley E. Portny

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119700272


Physikalische Chemie
Physikalische Chemie

Автор: David Smith

Цена: 3681.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783527820337


Developing Reflective Practice
Developing Reflective Practice

Автор: Judy McKimm

The ability to reflect on practice is a fundamental component of effective medical practice. In a sector increasingly focused on professionalism and patient-centred care, Developing Reflective Practice is a timely publication providing practical guidance on how to acquire the reflective skills necessary to become a successful clinician. This new title draws from a wide range of theoretical and practical multidisciplinary perspectives to assist students, practitioners and educators in embedding reflection in everyday activities. It also offers structures and ideas for more purposeful and meaningful formal reflections and professional development. Developing Reflective Practice: Focuses on the developing practitioner and their lifelong learning and the development of professional identity through reflection Provides practical how-to information for students, practitioners and educators, including realistic case examples and practice-based hints and tips Examines and explains the theoretical and conceptual approaches to reflective practice, including its models and frameworks.

Цена: 3787.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119064756


Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance
Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance

Автор: Ian Peate

Everything you need to know about Pathophysiology… at a Glance! From the publishers of the market-leading at a Glance series, and from the authors of the successful Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology textbook comes the ideal revision guide for all the key diseases and conditions that nursing and healthcare students need to be aware of. Combining superb illustrations with accessible and informative text, this book is perfect for all nursing and healthcare students, and anyone who is looking for an overview of pathophysiology. Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance covers all the key diseases and disease processes affecting each body system, and key concepts encountered from the start of the pre-registration nursing or healthcare course. Key features: Superbly illustrated, with full colour illustrations throughout Written specifically for nursing and healthcare students with all the information they need Self-assessment questions provided for each chapter Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance is ideal for nursing and healthcare students as well as qualified practitioners, providing a comprehensive yet accessible overview of human pathophysiology.

Цена: 4143.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118746196


Implementing Cryptography Using Python
Implementing Cryptography Using Python

Автор: Shannon W. Bray

Цена: 4221.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119612223



Автор: Andrew Carnie

Цена: 4300.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119569183


The BIM Manager s Handbook, Part 2
The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 2

Автор: Dominik Holzer

ePart 2 Change Management: A BIM Manager might be hired for their technical skills, but their success relies heavily on their ability to be an agent of change within their organisation, facilitating transition to BIM processes and mentoring staff through the cultural and procedural shifts. This ePart outlines strategies to manage an organisation’s transition to BIM successfully and to master supporting its continuous evolution. Based on accounts from top practitioners, it highlights how the BIM manager might approach interfacing with their organisation’s leadership by successfully lobbying and leading on BIM from the inside, while overcoming change-resistance and managing teams’ expectations. It concludes with a ‘Tips and Tricks’ section that provides in-depth advice for running BIM audits and for setting up in-house BIM workshops, which are instrumental for any BIM Manager seeking a better understanding of their organisational context and to raise the level of awareness of the BIM knowledge of key decision-makers. Obook ISBN: 9781119092308; ePub ISBN: 9781118987797; ePDF ISBN: 9781119092292; published April 2015

Цена: 4492.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781119092292


Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance
Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance

Автор: Aled Rees

Recognising a need to promote and enhance teaching of clinical endocrinology and diabetes in UK medical schools, the Society for Endocrinology, in collaboration with Diabetes UK and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, created a national curriculum that sets out the minimum recommended standards for undergraduate medical education. Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance corresponds to the curriculum and covers all important areas of diabetes and endocrinology in a clinically relevant and concise manner, with complementary figures to ensure principles are explained clearly. It highlights key practical skills for undergraduates in line with the GMC recommendations that medical graduates should be well prepared for their Foundation posts. There is also emphasis on the importance of multidisciplinary teams in the management of endocrine diseases and diabetes. These include sections on structured education programmes, psychosocial aspects, and patient self-management and monitoring. Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance will serve as a valuable resource for medical students and junior doctors treating patients with these conditions.

Цена: 4498.2 руб.
ISBN: 9781119128724


Change Leadership in Higher Education
Change Leadership in Higher Education

Автор: Jeffrey L. Buller

Initiate innovation and get things done with a guide to the process of academic change Change Leadership in Higher Education is a call to action, urging administrators in higher education to get proactive about change. The author applies positive and creative leadership principles to the issue of leading change in higher education, providing a much-needed blueprint for changing the way change happens, and how the system reacts. Readers will examine four different models of change and look at change itself through ten different analytical lenses to highlight the areas where the current approach could be beneficially altered. The book accounts for the nuances in higher education culture and environment, and helps administrators see that change is natural and valuable, and can be addressed in creative and innovative ways. The traditional model of education has been disrupted by MOOCs, faculty unions, online instruction, helicopter parents, and much more, leaving academic leaders accustomed to managing change. Leading change, however, is unfamiliar territory. This book is a guide to being proactive about change in a way that ensures a healthy future for the institution, complete with models and tools that help lead the way. Readers will: Learn to lead change instead of simply «managing» it Examine different models of change, and redefine existing approaches Discover a blueprint for changing the process of change Analyze academic change through different lenses to gain a wider perspective Leading change involves some challenges, but this useful guide is a strong conceptual and pragmatic resource for forecasting those challenges, and going in prepared. Administrators and faculty no longer satisfied with the status quo can look to Change Leadership in Higher Education for real, actionable guidance on getting change accomplished.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118762233


Molekulare Diagnostik
Molekulare Diagnostik

Автор: Группа авторов

Endlich in zweiter Auflage: das erste deutschsprachige Lehrbuch, das sich umfassend mit der modernen Molekulardiagnostik im medizinischen Labor beschaftigt. Speziell fur medizinisch-technische Assistenten entwickelt, gibt das Buch nicht nur eine praxisnahe Einfuhrung in die Diagnostik, sondern vermittelt auch einen hervorragenden Einstieg in die Molekularbiologie und Genetik. Damit nimmt das Buch einen zentralen Platz in der MTA-Ausbildung ein. Beibehalten wurde der Uberblick uber die derzeit gangigen Methoden, deren theoretische Grundlagen sowie ihre Anwendungsgebiete in der taglichen Praxis. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Vor- und Nachteile der jeweiligen Untersuchungsmethoden bei Praktikabilitat, Sensitivitat und Spezifitat gelegt. Abgerundet wird der praxisnah geschriebene Leitfaden durch ein Glossar sowie eine Ubersicht der gesetzlichen Regelungen zur molekularen Labordiagnostik im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Цена: 4675.76 руб.
ISBN: 9783527688050


Computational Analysis of Communication
Computational Analysis of Communication

Автор: Carlos Arcila Calder?n

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119680277


Supply Chain Management Best Practices
Supply Chain Management Best Practices

Автор: David Blanchard

Learn from leaders across industries to develop a tech-enabled «best-in-class» supply chain Supply Chain Management Best Practices , Third Edition, is the long-awaited update to a classic resource. Since the second edition was published, the demands of the marketplace have radically shifted the dynamics of supply chain management. Transportation and fulfillment must now accommodate the technological gains that have transferred computing power from mainframes and workstations into smartphones in hands around the world. This updated book covers the new concepts, processes, and technologies that today’s supply chain professionals must know—including drones, the Internet of Things, same-day delivery, artificial intelligence, and more. Award-winning author David Blanchard discusses how companies are actively using these technologies and gaining competitive advantage through their implementation. Like its predecessors, this edition focuses on industry trends and case studies, offering the stories, recent examples of supply chain initiatives, and insights into new best practices. You'll learn proven methods for measuring the performance of a supply chain, including traditional core processes and new, extended strategies being used by today’s leading companies. Identifies proven strategies, solutions, and performance metrics for supply chain management best practices Shows how to manage supply chains in a global marketplace and how to choose third-party providers Includes new coverage of today’s game-changing supply chain technologies: drones, the Internet of Things, same-day delivery, omni-channel distribution, artificial intelligence, Uber-style freight transportation apps, blockchain, robotics, and more Discusses supply chain metrics, planning and forecasting, procurement, manufacturing, transportation, distribution, globalization, customer service, risk management, supply chain finance, and workforce management This invaluable guide for supply chain professionals, CFOs, CIOs, and others, also offers guidance on green supply chains and managing logistics in a global environment.

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119738190


The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide
The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide

Автор: Paige Hull Teegarden

Praise for The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide «This is an important book for consultants and managers who work with nonprofit organizations. The Nonprofit Organizational Culture Guide lays out basic theory about how nonprofits come to be and how they operate, and it demonstrates how important the concept of culture is to understanding this important sector of our society.» —Edgar H. Schein, professor of management, emeritus, MIT Sloan School of Management «This book is a must-read for nonprofit executives! The authors spell out the themes, beliefs, and assumptions that are unique to nonprofits, regardless of their size or mission, ultimately revealing how 'culture' manifests itself in organizations.» —Darryl A. Jones, Sr., CEO, Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations «This is the book that the nonprofit community has needed for a long time. The authors provide a compelling assessment tool that all organizations can use. This book is essential to understanding how nonprofits work and why they do, or do not, achieve the outcomes and missions they set for themselves.»—Flo Green, vice president, IdeaEncore Network «Anyone who works in a group and relies on others to get things done will benefit from this book. Readers will discover how the environment of an organization influences how decisions are made and, ultimately, how things get done.» —Natalie Abatemarco, director of North America community programs, Citigroup, Inc. «Every organization has culture, recognized or not. And that culture plays a powerful role in shaping the way people act within that context. The insights, frameworks, and tools in this book will help people become more astute within their organizational cultures.» —Brian Fraser, lead provocateur, Organization Jazzthink

Цена: 5161.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470918630


Prenatal Diagnosis
Prenatal Diagnosis

Автор: Miriam S. DiMaio

How can prenatal testing help your patients? In utero diagnosis has undergone an amazing revolution in recent years. More tests are available; the indications for prenatal diagnosis have expanded – you can now advise your patients about disorders you could not have previously detected. Medical training for obstetricians, medical geneticists, and genetic counselors has not kept pace with these developments. Clinical exposure to common and unusual problems in prenatal diagnosis is limited. Prenatal Diagnosis: Clinical Cases and Challenges, based on the authors’ several decades of experiences, fills this gap. Real cases portray diagnostic problems as a route to the underlying biology, the available testing options, and the results that might be obtained. The authors discuss the challenges of management, interpretation, and counseling. Cases used throughout emphasize three types of clinical problems: Chromosomal abnormalities Mendelian disorders Fetal structural abnormalities The decision to enter the world of prenatal diagnosis should be very carefully considered by any prospective mother. Prenatal Diagnosis: Clinical Cases and Challenges will help you discuss the issues in an informed manner with your patients.

Цена: 5551.72 руб.
ISBN: 9780470695517


Global Health
Global Health

Автор: Elizabeth A. Armstrong-Mensah

Global Health Lecture Notes: Issues, Challenges and Global Action provides a thorough introduction to a wide range of important global health issues and explores the resources and skills needed for this rapidly expanding area. Global Health is a growing area that reflects the increasing interconnectedness of health and its determinants. Major socio-economic, environmental and technological changes have produced new challenges, and exacerbated existing health inequalities experienced in both developed and developing countries. This textbook focuses on managing and preventing these challenges, as well as analysing critical links between health, disease, and socio-economic development through a multi-disciplinary approach. Featuring learning objectives and discussion points, Global Health Lecture Notes is an indispensable resource for global health students, faculty and practitioners who are looking to build on their understanding of global health issues.

Цена: 5563.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119110231


Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions
Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions

Автор: David Bradley

Emergency care professionals are increasingly expected to work autonomously when caring for patients with minor musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. They have to be able to competently and safely take a patient’s history, examine, diagnose and provide management of these conditions. Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions pulls together all these aspects of care into one practical, easy-to-read text. Aimed principally at students undertaking minor injury and emergency care courses, this title is a comprehensive manual of minor musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, highly illustrated throughout and containing a variety of activities and exercises. Key features: Includes material on study skills, distance and self-directed learning to support both students on formal courses and those working alone Extensive learning features, including a range of activities, hints and tips and multiple-choice questions Supported by a companion website with further self-assessment, downloadable X-ray PowerPoint slides, picture tutorials, practice history-taking documentation and legal scenarios Enables more effective management and care of patients with musculoskeletal injuries

Цена: 5681.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781118512845


Moderne Pharmakokinetik
Moderne Pharmakokinetik

Автор: Beat Ernst

In a clever didactic manner this textbook answers such essential pharmacokinetic questions as how drugs are distributed in the body, how do they reach their target, and how are they broken down and removed from the body. From the contents: – The active substance's path to the molecular target – Transporters and ion channels – Gastrointestinal absorption – Liver processes – Entering the brain: the Blood-brain barrier – Reaching the placenta – Elimination through the kidney With its attractive layout and mostly full-color illustrations, this is not only a must for all advanced students of pharmacology and related disciplines, but also a valuable guide for lecturers and those working in the pharmaceutical industry.

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783527663392


Statische Beurteilung historischer Tragwerke
Statische Beurteilung historischer Tragwerke

Автор: Stefan Holzer

Die Aufgabe der Beurteilung existierender Tragwerke stellt sich bei Umbauten oder Umnutzungen, und zunehmend auch bei der Einsch?tzung der Standsicherheit von ?ffentlich zug?nglichen Bauwerken. Bei realistischer Beurteilung k?nnen Tragreserven durch Reparaturma?nahmen aktiviert und somit die Eingriffe auf ein Mindestma? begrenzt werden, was besonders unter denkmalpflegerischen Randbedingungen erw?nscht ist. In Band 2 werden die handwerklichen Holztragwerke Mitteleuropas untersucht. Das Buch f?hrt kurz in den Holzwerkstoff ein. Die grunds?tzliche Vorgehensweise bei der Bestandsuntersuchung wird dargelegt, auch im Hinblick auf Identifikation und Datierung historischer Sch?den und Reparaturen. Handnahe Untersuchungen und zerst?rungsfreie Pr?fungen werden erl?utert, ebenso wie die Grundlagen der Standsicherheitsbeurteilung von Tragwerken mit langer Standzeit. Den Hauptteil des Werkes nimmt die detaillierte Diskussion der Konstruktionssysteme und Anschl?sse historischer Decken- und Dachtragwerke ein; das Tragverhalten wird an ?beraus zahlreichen Berechnungsbeispielen erl?utert.

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783433603826


The Data Warehouse Toolkit
The Data Warehouse Toolkit

Автор: Ralph Kimball

Updated new edition of Ralph Kimball's groundbreaking book on dimensional modeling for data warehousing and business intelligence! The first edition of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit introduced the industry to dimensional modeling, and now his books are considered the most authoritative guides in this space. This new third edition is a complete library of updated dimensional modeling techniques, the most comprehensive collection ever. It covers new and enhanced star schema dimensional modeling patterns, adds two new chapters on ETL techniques, includes new and expanded business matrices for 12 case studies, and more. Authored by Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, known worldwide as educators, consultants, and influential thought leaders in data warehousing and business intelligence Begins with fundamental design recommendations and progresses through increasingly complex scenarios Presents unique modeling techniques for business applications such as inventory management, procurement, invoicing, accounting, customer relationship management, big data analytics, and more Draws real-world case studies from a variety of industries, including retail sales, financial services, telecommunications, education, health care, insurance, e-commerce, and more Design dimensional databases that are easy to understand and provide fast query response with The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 3rd Edition.

Цена: 6072.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118530771


Chemical Process Technology
Chemical Process Technology

Автор: Jacob A. Moulijn

With a focus on actual industrial processes, e.g. the production of light alkenes, synthesis gas, fine chemicals, polyethene, it encourages the reader to think “out of the box” and invent and develop novel unit operations and processes. Reflecting today’s emphasis on sustainability, this edition contains new coverage of biomass as an alternative to fossil fuels, and process intensification. The second edition includes: New chapters on Process Intensification and Processes for the Conversion of Biomass Updated and expanded chapters throughout with 35% new material overall Text boxes containing case studies and examples from various different industries, e.g. synthesis loop designs, Sasol I Plant, Kaminsky catalysts, production of Ibuprofen, click chemistry, ammonia synthesis, fluid catalytic cracking Questions throughout to stimulate debate and keep students awake! Richly illustrated chapters with improved figures and flow diagrams Chemical Process Technology, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction, linking the fundamental theory and concepts to the applied nature of the subject. It will be invaluable to students of chemical engineering, biotechnology and industrial chemistry, as well as practising chemical engineers. From reviews of the first edition: “The authors have blended process technology, chemistry and thermodynamics in an elegant manner… Overall this is a welcome addition to books on chemical technology.” – The Chemist “Impressively wide-ranging and comprehensive… an excellent textbook for students, with a combination of fundamental knowledge and technology.” – Chemistry in Britain (now Chemistry World)

Цена: 6392.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781118570746


Playing against Nature
Playing against Nature

Автор: Seth Stein

Defending society against natural hazards is a high-stakes game of chance against nature, involving tough decisions. How should a developing nation allocate its budget between building schools for towns without ones or making existing schools earthquake-resistant? Does it make more sense to build levees to protect against floods, or to prevent development in the areas at risk? Would more lives be saved by making hospitals earthquake-resistant, or using the funds for patient care? What should scientists tell the public when – as occurred in L’Aquila, Italy and Mammoth Lakes, California – there is a real but small risk of an upcoming earthquake or volcanic eruption? Recent hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis show that society often handles such choices poorly. Sometimes nature surprises us, when an earthquake, hurricane, or flood is bigger or has greater effects than expected from detailed hazard assessments. In other cases, nature outsmarts us, doing great damage despite expensive mitigation measures or causing us to divert limited resources to mitigate hazards that are overestimated. Much of the problem comes from the fact that formulating effective natural hazard policy involves combining science, economics, and risk analysis to analyze a problem and explore the costs and benefits of different options, in situations where the future is very uncertain. Because mitigation policies are typically chosen without such analysis, the results are often disappointing. This book uses general principles and case studies to explore how we can do better by taking an integrated view of natural hazards issues, rather than treating the relevant geoscience, engineering, economics, and policy formulation separately. Thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter invite readers to confront the complex issues involved. Readership: Instructors, researchers, practitioners, and students interested in geoscience, engineering, economics, or policy issues relevant to natural hazards. Suitable for upper-level undergraduate or graduate courses. Additional resources can be found at: http://www.wiley.com/go/Stein/Playingagainstnature

Цена: 6392.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781118620816


Fire on Earth
Fire on Earth

Автор: Stephen J. Pyne

Earth is the only planet known to have fire. The reason is both simple and profound: fire exists because Earth is the only planet to possess life as we know it. Fire is an expression of life on Earth and an index of life’s history. Few processes are as integral, unique, or ancient. Fire on Earth puts fire in its rightful place as an integral part of the study of geology, biology, human history, physics, and global chemistry. Fire is ubiquitous in various forms throughout Earth, and belongs as part of formal inquiries about our world. In recent years fire literature has multiplied exponentially; dedicated journals exist and half a dozen international conferences are held annually. A host of formal sciences, or programs announcing interdisciplinary intentions, are willing to consider fire. Wildfire also appears routinely in media reporting. This full-colour text, containing over 250 illustrations of fire in all contexts, is designed to provide a synthesis of contemporary thinking; bringing together the most powerful concepts and disciplinary voices to examine, in an international setting, why planetary fire exists, how it works, and why it looks the way it does today. Students, lecturers, researchers and professionals interested in the physical, ecological and historical characteristics of fire will find this book, and accompanying web-based material, essential reading for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in all related disciplines, for general interest and for providing an interdisciplinary foundation for further study. A comprehensive approach to the history, behaviour and ecological effects of fire on earth Timely introduction to this important subject, with relevance for global climate change, biodiversity loss and the evolution of human culture. Provides a foundation for the interdisciplinary field of Fire Research Authored by an international team of leading experts in the field Associated website provides additional resources

Цена: 6510.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118570715


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