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Хлебное прозрение
Хлебное прозрение

Автор: Александр Деревяшкин

Хлеб, чего только не содержится в нём, узнайте и удивитесь! Это важно всем знать!

Цена: 49.9 руб.
Год: 2023


Рабочая программа по английскому языку. 4 класс
Рабочая программа по английскому языку. 4 класс

Автор: Группа авторов

Пособие содержит рабочую программу по английскому языку для 4 класса к УМК «Английский в фокусе» Н.И. Быковой, Дж. Дули и др. (М.: Просвещение), составленную с опорой на материал учебника и требования Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта (ФГОС). В программу входят пояснительная записка, требования к знаниям и умениям учащихся, учебно-тематический план, включающий информацию об эффективных педагогических технологиях проведения разнообразных уроков: «открытия» нового знания, общеметодической направленности, рефлексии, развивающего контроля. А также сведения о видах индивидуальной и коллективной деятельности, ориентированной на формирование универсальных учебных действий у школьников. Настоящее электронное издание пригодно как для экранного просмотра, так и для распечатки. Предназначено для учителей-предметников, завучей, методистов, студентов и магистрантов педагогических вузов, слушателей курсов повышения квалификации.

Серия: Рабочие программы (Вако)

Цена: 157 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-408-04929-5


Большая книга подготовки к школе
Большая книга подготовки к школе

Автор: К. В. Шевелев

Подготовка ребёнка к школе – ответственное и сложное дело. От того, насколько естественно и легко малыш включится в образовательный процесс, во многом зависит его будущее. Зачастую родителям приходится самостоятельно решать эту непростую задачу, так как образовательные услуги недешёвые. А современные школьные программы рассчитаны на базовые знания детей. В этой книге собраны две авторские, проверенные временем методики обучения дошкольников с подсказками для родителей. Системы упражнений по формированию навыков смыслового чтения Г. Абдуловой и элементарных математических представлений К. Шевелева помогли добиться отличных результатов уже многим поколениям дошкольников. Методики прошли общественную экспертизу, пособия, созданные на их основе, издаются большими тиражами. Авторы не только дают готовую систему подготовки к школе по чтению и математике, но и объясняют, как правильно организовать занятия, чтобы добиться максимальных результатов и сохранить здоровье детей. Настольная книга для родителей, воспитателей, гувернёров.

Серия: Полный курс занятий в одной книге

Цена: 399 руб.
Год: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-17-116683-0


Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer
Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer

Автор: Karan Bilimoria

'Every bit as good as the beer itself.' Sir Richard Branson From selling the first cases of Cobra out of the back of a battered old Citroen 2CV along the streets of West London to exporting to over 40 countries around the world, Karan Bilimoria's vision of a less gassy beer has travelled a long way. Starting out with a heap of student debt, a complete lack of industry experience and parents desperate for their son to get a proper job, it could all so easily have gone wrong. But Karan's single-minded determination to succeed and his ability to inspire those around him to buy into his vision, turned Cobra, sip-by-sip, into the multi-million pound business it is today. Karan's story bottles the very essence of entrepreneurship: vision, drive, creativity and a relentless battle against all odds, to make the idea you so passionately believe in work. Against the Grain is packed with insights into finance, strategy, planning, luck, discipline, and generally doing the unexpected to build your own business, from someone who's been there and done it… and all with just a little less gas. 'Essential reading.' Richard Reed, Co-founder, Innocent Drinks 'An inspirational story.' Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer WPP 'Karan Bilimoria is one of the great entrepreneurs…' Jo Malone, founder of Jo Malone 'Inspiring! … worth the cover price for the «Financing Cobra» chapter alone.' Professor John Mullins, London Business School '… His story should inspire youth everywhere who are fired by the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.' Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group

Цена: 2073.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781906465483


The Book of Real-World Negotiations
The Book of Real-World Negotiations

Автор: Джошуа Вайсс

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119616160


2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies
2022 / 2023 ASVAB For Dummies

Автор: Angie Papple Johnston

Lock down the score you need to get the job you want!  The bestselling  ASVAB For Dummies  is back with an updated and expanded annual edition. Joining the military? Want to maximize your score and your job flexibility? Dummies to the rescue! With  2022/2023 ASVAB For Dummies , you’ve got access to an insane amount of test prep and study material, including 7 online practice tests, flashcards, hundreds of practice questions right in the book, and a lot more. Military recruiters trust the #1 Bestselling ASVAB study guide on the market to help their prospective enlistees score high on the test.  Check out these insider tips and tricks for test-day-success from an expert author, and practice with example problems until you feel confident. Learn at your own pace. It’s all possible. Next stop: basic training.  Learn what the ASVAB is all about, including all 10 test sections Practice with 7 online practice tests and countless more questions Identify the score you need to get the job you want—then get that score Work through at your own pace and emphasize the areas you need  ASVAB For Dummies  is a reliable study guide with proven results. You don’t need anything else. Get studying, recruit!

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119870197


Cybersecurity For Dummies
Cybersecurity For Dummies

Автор: Joseph Steinberg

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119867197


Rapid Mental Health Nursing
Rapid Mental Health Nursing

Автор: Grahame Smith

A concise, pocket-sized, A-Z rapid reference handbook on all the essential areas of mental health nursing, aimed at nursing students and newly qualified practitioners. Covers a broad range of mental health disorders, approaches interventions and conditions Easy to locate practical information quickly in a pocket sized, rapid reference format The topics and structure are mapped on to the NMC’s (2010) Standards for Pre-registration Nursing Education and their required essential skills and knowledge.

Цена: 2911.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119045014


You CAN Stop Stupid
You CAN Stop Stupid

Автор: Ira Winkler

Stopping Losses from Accidental and Malicious Actions Around the world, users cost organizations billions of dollars due to simple errors and malicious actions. They believe that there is some deficiency in the users. In response, organizations believe that they have to improve their awareness efforts and making more secure users. This is like saying that coalmines should get healthier canaries. The reality is that it takes a multilayered approach that acknowledges that users will inevitably make mistakes or have malicious intent, and the failure is in not planning for that. It takes a holistic approach to assessing risk combined with technical defenses and countermeasures layered with a security culture and continuous improvement. Only with this kind of defense in depth can organizations hope to prevent the worst of the cybersecurity breaches and other user-initiated losses. Using lessons from tested and proven disciplines like military kill-chain analysis, counterterrorism analysis, industrial safety programs, and more, Ira Winkler and Dr. Tracy Celaya's  You CAN Stop Stupid provides a methodology to analyze potential losses and determine appropriate countermeasures to implement.  Minimize business losses associated with user failings Proactively plan to prevent and mitigate data breaches Optimize your security spending Cost justify your security and loss reduction efforts Improve your organization’s culture Business technology and security professionals will benefit from the information provided by these two well-known and influential cybersecurity speakers and experts.

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119622048


Statistik ohne Albtr?ume
Statistik ohne Albtr?ume

Автор: Helmut van Emden

Endlich keine schlaflosen Nachte mehr fur alle Studenten der Bio- und Umweltwissenschaften, die genau wissen, dass ihr Studium ohne fundierte Statistikkenntnisse undenkbar ist. Als hilfreiches Mittel gegen das ?Angstfach? Statistik ist der internationale Bestseller ?Statistics for Terrified Biologists? endlich ins Deutsche ubersetzt worden. Der Autoren Helmut van Emden gelingt es, eine leicht verdauliche und doch fundierte Grundlage der Statistik fur die Biowissenschaften zu kreieren. Michael Knorrenschild, ein Mathematiker mit viel Lehrerfahrung ubersetzte und adaptierte das Buch fur die deutsche Studienrealitat.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783527688029


Continuity Model Generation
Continuity Model Generation

Автор: Justin B. Craig

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119759294


The Four Steps to the Epiphany
The Four Steps to the Epiphany

Автор: Steve Blank

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119690283


The Agility Factor
The Agility Factor

Автор: Edward E. Lawler, III

A research-based approach to achieving long-term profitability in business What does it take to guarantee success and profitability over time? Authors Christopher G. Worley, a senior research scientist, Thomas D. Williams, an executive advisor, and Edward E. Lawler III, one of the country's leading management experts, set out to find the answer. In The Agility Factor: Building Adaptable Organizations for Superior Performance the authors reveal the factors that drive long-term profitability based on the practices of successful companies that have consistently outperformed their peers. Of the 234 large companies across 18 industries that were studied, there were few companies that delivered sustained performance across the board. The authors found that across industries, the most successful companies were not the «usual suspects» found in the media, but companies who possessed a quiet agility that allowed them to quickly perceive and respond to changes so that they could continue to grow. Agility gives organizations the ability to adapt to fluctuations in the environment, test possible responses, and implement changes quickly. This book offers specific, research-based case studies to help organizational leaders use agility to achieve sustained profitability and performance while also becoming more adaptable to a changing marketplace. For executives, leaders, consultants, board members and all those responsible for the long-term health of organizations, this insightful guide outlines: The components of agility for business organizations How to successfully build agility within an organization How agility has its foundation in good management practices How to use agility to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace

Цена: 3847.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781118821398


The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme
The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme

Автор: Mike Stein

About to start the Foundation Programme? Making the transition from medical school to professional life? The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme, Fifth Edition is a practical guide for medical students and foundation doctors, dealing with the many challenges of the programme. With hints, tips and realistic advice on various aspects of the course, from self-care to prescribing, this guide provides invaluable support, with up-to-date information on postgraduate training and recruitment, practical management skills and career pathways to help build confidence, enabling you to hit the ground running. This edition features newly expanded sections on emergencies, psychiatric evaluation, the Situational Judgement Test, and the common calls and conditions you will encounter on a daily basis. The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme is a perfect companion to assist the junior doctor in preparing for the intellectual and emotional challenges of the foundation years. Take the stress out of the Foundation Programme with The Hands-on Guide!

Цена: 3882.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118767443


How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader
How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader

Автор: David Ashton

How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader is an indispensable guide for all nurses and midwives who wish to develop and improve their practice as leaders. Written in collaboration with the NHS Leadership Academy, this practical book draws on the real experience of over 10,000 nurses and midwives to bring leadership dilemmas to life in specific situations. Key learning features include: How to develop your self-awareness How to develop your personal impact and presence How to survive and thrive How to get your message across How to get the best out of others How to work with and lead other professionals and patients How to have courageous conversations How to balance conflicting demands and needs Containing exercises and reflective questions to help apply theory to leadership practice, How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader is an ideal companion for all nurses and midwives, whether you are newly qualified, or stepping into a team leader role.

Цена: 3906.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119187004


Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie
Nanophysik und Nanotechnologie

Автор: Edward L. Wolf

Noch hat das Motto “Alles muss kleiner werden” nicht an Faszination verloren. Physikern, Ingenieuren und Medizinern erschlie?t sich mit der Nanotechnologie eine neue Welt mit faszinierenden Anwendungen. E.L. Wolf, Physik-Professor in Brooklyn, N.Y., schrieb das erste einf?hrende Lehrbuch zu diesem Thema, in dem er die physikalischen Grundlagen ebenso wie die Anwendungsm?glichkeiten der Nanotechnologie diskutiert. Mittlerweile ist es in der 3. Aufl age erschienen und liegt jetzt endlich auch auf Deutsch vor. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine einzigartige, in sich geschlossene Einf?hrung in die physikalischen Grundlagen und Konzepte der Nanowissenschaften sowie Anwendungen von Nanosystemen. Das Themenspektrum reicht von Nanosystemen ?ber Quanteneff ekte und sich selbst organisierende Strukturen bis hin zu Rastersondenmethoden. Besonders die Vorstellung von Nanomaschinen f?r medizinische Anwendungen ist faszinierend, wenn auch bislang noch nicht praktisch umgesetzt. Der dritten Aufl age, auf der diese ?bersetzung beruht, wurde ein neuer Abschnitt ?ber Graphen zugef?gt. Die Diskussion m?glicher Anwendungen in der Energietechnik, Nanoelektronik und Medizin wurde auf neuesten Stand gebracht und wieder aktuelle Beispiele herangezogen, um wichtige Konzepte und Forschungsinstrumente zu illustrieren. Der Autor f?hrt mit diesem Lehrbuch Studenten der Physik, Chemie sowie Ingenieurwissenschaften von den Grundlagen bis auf den Stand der aktuellen Forschung. Die leicht zu lesende Einf?hrung in dieses faszinierende Forschungsgebiet ist geeignet f?r fortgeschrittene Bachelor- und Masterstudenten mit Vorkenntnissen in Physik und Chemie. Stimmen zur englischen Vorauflage „Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass Edward L. Wolf trotz der reichlich vorhandenen Literatur zur Nanotechnologie ein individuell gestaltetes einf?hrendes Lehrbuch gelungen ist. Es eignet sich – nicht zuletzt dank der enthaltenen ?bungsaufgaben – bestens zur Vorlesungsbegleitung f?r Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie auch spezieller nanotechnologisch orientierter Studieng?nge.“ Physik Journal „… eine sehr kompakte, lesenswerte und gut verst?ndliche Einf?hrung in die Quantenmechanik sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf die Materialwissenschaften …“ Chemie Ingenieur Technik

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9783527413348


The Mysteries of Bilingualism
The Mysteries of Bilingualism

Автор: Francois Grosjean

Eleven critical issues in the study of bilingualism: Insightful analyses by renowned expert Fran?ois Grosjean The majority of people living around the world today are able to speak more than one language, yet many aspects of the nature and experience of bilingualism raise unresolved questions for researchers. Who exactly is bilingual? What is the extent of bilingualism? How do infant bilinguals who acquire two languages at the same time manage to separate them? Does language processing work differently when bilinguals are interacting with monolinguals and with bilinguals? When a speaker changes their language, do they also change aspects of their personality? In The Mysteries of Bilingualism , eminent scholar Fran?ois Grosjean provides a comprehensive examination of individual bilingualism that delves into unanswered questions and challenges many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding bilingualism. Through insightful analyses of eleven key questions, this book offers a unique combination of personal reflection, literature review, personal testimony, and case studies to explore these mysteries. Altogether, this text offers: Comprehensive explorations of the linguistic aspects of bilingualism, including who is bilingual, describing bilinguals, accented speech, and language loss Practical discussions of speech and language processing, including language choice and mixed speech perception and production In-depth examinations of personality and culture in relation to bilingualism and biculturalism Perfect for undergraduate and graduate students of bilingualism, multilingualism, second language acquisition, and applied linguistics, The Mysteries of Bilingualism offers an up-to-date view of the leading research questions in the study of bilingualism today.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119602415


Natural Gas
Natural Gas

Автор: Вацлав Смил

Natural gas is the world’s cleanest fossil fuel; it generates less air pollution and releases less CO2 per unit of useful energy than liquid fuels or coals. With its vast supplies of conventional resources and nonconventional stores, the extension of long-distance gas pipelines and the recent expansion of liquefied natural gas trade, a truly global market has been created for this clean fuel. Natural Gas: Fuel for the 21st Century discusses the place and prospects of natural gas in modern high-energy societies. Vaclav Smil presents a systematic survey of the qualities, origins, extraction, processing and transportation of natural gas, followed by a detailed appraisal of its many preferred, traditional and potential uses, and the recent emergence of the fuel as a globally traded commodity. The unfolding diversification of sources, particularly hydraulic fracturing, and the role of natural gas in national and global energy transitions are described. The book concludes with a discussion on the advantages, risks, benefits and costs of natural gas as a leading, if not dominant, fuel of the 21st century. This interdisciplinary text will be of interest to a wide readership concerned with global energy affairs including professionals and academics in energy and environmental science, policy makers, consultants and advisors with an interest in the rapidly-changing global energy industry.

Цена: 4018.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781119012856


Readings in Planning Theory
Readings in Planning Theory

Автор: Группа авторов

Featuring updates and revisions to reflect rapid changes in an increasingly globalized world, Readings in Planning Theory remains the definitive resource for the latest theoretical and practical debates within the field of planning theory. Represents the newest edition of the leading text in planning theory that brings together the essential classic and cutting-edge readings Features 20 completely new readings (out of 28 total) for the fourth edition Introduces and defines key debates in planning theory with editorial materials and readings selected both for their accessibility and importance Systematically captures the breadth and diversity of planning theory and puts issues into wider social and political contexts without assuming prior knowledge of the field

Цена: 4143.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119045083


Anatomy at a Glance
Anatomy at a Glance

Автор: Simon Blackburn

Following the familiar, easy-to-use at a Glance format, and in full-colour, this new edition provides an accessible introduction and revision aid for medical, nursing and all health sciences students. Thoroughly updated and now fully supported by a set of web-based flashcards, Anatomy at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of anatomy to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. Anatomy at a Glance: Addresses the basic concepts of anatomy in an highly visual, easy-to-remember way Features two new chapters outlining anatomical terminology and basic embryology Includes more coverage of imaging techniques such as CT and MRI Offers free online flashcards for self-assessment and revision at www.wiley.com/go/anatomyataglance This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play or the MedHand Store. To find out more about the at a Glance series, please visit www.ataglanceseries.com

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781118297087


Rapid Medicines Management for Healthcare Professionals
Rapid Medicines Management for Healthcare Professionals

Автор: Paul Deslandes

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119397755


Real-Time Analytics
Real-Time Analytics

Автор: Byron Ellis

Construct a robust end-to-end solution for analyzing and visualizing streaming data Real-time analytics is the hottest topic in data analytics today. In Real-Time Analytics: Techniques to Analyze and Visualize Streaming Data, expert Byron Ellis teaches data analysts technologies to build an effective real-time analytics platform. This platform can then be used to make sense of the constantly changing data that is beginning to outpace traditional batch-based analysis platforms. The author is among a very few leading experts in the field. He has a prestigious background in research, development, analytics, real-time visualization, and Big Data streaming and is uniquely qualified to help you explore this revolutionary field. Moving from a description of the overall analytic architecture of real-time analytics to using specific tools to obtain targeted results, Real-Time Analytics leverages open source and modern commercial tools to construct robust, efficient systems that can provide real-time analysis in a cost-effective manner. The book includes: A deep discussion of streaming data systems and architectures Instructions for analyzing, storing, and delivering streaming data Tips on aggregating data and working with sets Information on data warehousing options and techniques Real-Time Analytics includes in-depth case studies for website analytics, Big Data, visualizing streaming and mobile data, and mining and visualizing operational data flows. The book's «recipe» layout lets readers quickly learn and implement different techniques. All of the code examples presented in the book, along with their related data sets, are available on the companion website.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118837931


Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Therapy Practice
Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Therapy Practice

Автор: Jan McAllister

This practical introduction to linguistics is a must-have resource for all speech and language therapy students, providing you with the fundamental theory needed as a foundation for practice. Written by authors with extensive experience in both research and teaching, Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Practice equips you with a practical understanding of relevant linguistic concepts in the key language areas of morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse and pragmatics. Each chapter opens by explaining why the information is of relevance to the speech language therapist, and this integrated approach is emphasised via reference to relevant clinical resources. Exercises throughout each chapter also allow you to test your understanding of key principles and apply this knowledge to other areas of your study. This concise, readable guide is a core text for all undergraduate and postgraduate students of speech and language therapy, and is also ideal for qualified therapists wanting to enrich their understanding of the linguistic assessments they use in practice.

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118571958


Lebensmittelsicherheit und Lebensmitteluberwachung
Lebensmittelsicherheit und Lebensmitteluberwachung

Автор: Группа авторов

Expertenwissen fur jedermann: Diese Auskopplung aus dem «Handbuch der Lebensmitteltoxikologie» beschreibt umfassend und kompetent heute verwendeten Methoden und Verfahren der Lebensmitteluberwachung.

Цена: 5019.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783527653041


Environmental Ethics
Environmental Ethics

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 5054.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781119635093


The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children s Nursing Practices
The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children's Nursing Practices

Автор: Группа авторов

Clinical skills are a fundamental aspect of nursing care of children and young people. The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children's Nursing Practices is an evidence-based manual of practical skills in children's nursing which builds on the extensive expertise developed at Great Ormond Street Hospital. It encompasses all aspects of children's nursing from the most basic aspects of everyday practice to advanced practice in high dependency and intensive care to provide a comprehensive resource for all qualified nurses, students, and other health-care professionals involved in caring for children, both in the hospital and the community setting. Children's and young people's nursing presents unique challenges. The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual utilises the latest clinical research and expert clinical knowledge to address these challenges, and provides the underlying theory and evidence for nursing care of children. It provides a definitive guide to clinical skills procedures in children's and young people's nursing which enables nurses working with children and young people to practice confidently and deliver clinically effective family-centred care. Key features Offers access to clinical procedures developed through the extensive expertise from Great Ormond Street Hospital Contains evidence-based recommendations for expert care Encompasses all aspects of children's care Contains procedures guidelines students can rely on and effectively use in practice following qualfication Highlights specific needs of neonates and adolescents Placed in the context of inter-disciplinary care of the child Includes the rationale for each procedure – the 'why' as well as 'how' Information presented in a similar way to The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures – offering continuity to those working in both adult and paediatric settings This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 5320.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118274224


Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing
Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing

Автор: Группа авторов

Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing is an accessible evidence-based introduction to the role of the mental health nurse. This comprehensive overview explores concepts of mental health and distress, ethics and accountability, key nursing models to be aware of, and the prevalence, predisposing factors and features of the most commonly occurring mental health problems. KEY FEATURES: Places mental health conditions and interventions within a wider holistic context Situates recovery at the centre of mental health nursing practice Links key concepts to mental health across the lifespan Contains learning outcomes in each chapter and includes vignettes, activities and reflective exercises to root concepts in real life practice Information is placed in a practice context from the outset, making this an essential guide to both the theory and the practice of mental health nursing. It is ideal for students on courses relating to mental health care, as well as for registered nurses and health care practitioners looking to revise their knowledge of key concepts. www.wiley.com/go/fundamentalsofmentalhealth Interactive multiple-choice questions Links to online resources Chapter summary sheets Dr Andrew Clifton is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at De Montfort University. Dr Steve Hemingway is Senior Lecturer in Mental Health Nursing at the University of Huddersfield. Dr Anne Felton is Associate Professor in Mental Health and Social Care and Dr Gemma Stacey is Associate Professor in Mental Health and Social Care, both at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham. For more information on the complete range of Wiley nursing publishing, please visit: www.wileynursing.com To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at www.wiley.com/email

Цена: 5326.81 руб.
ISBN: 9781118880234



Автор: Sara E. Mortimore

Readers of this accessible book – now in a revised and updated new edition – are taken on a conceptual journey which passes every milestone and important feature of the HACCP landscape at a pace which is comfortable and productive. The information and ideas contained in the book will enable food industry managers and executives to take their new-found knowledge into the workplace for use in the development and implementation of HACCP systems appropriate for their products and manufacturing processes. The material is structured so that the reader can quickly assimilate the essentials of the topic. Clearly presented, this HACCP briefing includes checklists, bullet points, flow charts, schematic diagrams for quick reference, and at the start of each section the authors have provided useful key points summary boxes. HACCP: a Food Industry Briefing is an introductory-level text for readers who are unfamiliar with the subject either because they have never come across it or because they need to be reminded. The book will also make a valuable addition to material used in staff training and is an excellent core text for HACCP courses.

Цена: 5676.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118427217


Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention
Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention

Автор: Группа авторов

Improve academic learning outcomes with accurate working memory assessment and evidence-based interventions Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention is an accessible, practical guide to accurately and efficiently assessing working memory. This comprehensive resource explains the theories of working memory, with an emphasis on cognitive load theory, and provides step-by-step guidelines for organizing a cross-battery assessment, selecting appropriate instruments, interpreting results, and formulating individualized interventions and educational programming. In-depth case studies illustrate typical profiles found in children and adolescents with working memory deficits, and the companion CD features worksheets, testing charts, and other useful resources. Reader-friendly design elements including Rapid Reference, Caution, and Don't Forget boxes, and practice questions, bullet points, and icons make this guide useful for both study and desk reference. Working memory deficits are the main reason why students with disabilities are unable to successfully respond to regular education interventions. Given the strong relationship between working memory and all areas of academic learning, a deeper understanding of working memory and the related assessments and interventions can facilitate greater achievement. This book helps readers: Understand the development and neuroanatomy of working memory Learn techniques for improving working memory in the classroom Examine strategies for brain-based working memory training Effectively utilize working memory assessment measures By examining the critical functions of working memory and its relationship with specific learning disabilities, then providing strategies for assessment and detailed intervention guidance, this book helps educatorsand professionals guide their students and clients toward improved cognitive functioning, , reduced frustration, and improved academic performance . For those seeking a practical approach to working memory, Essentials of Working Memory Assessment and Intervention provides the tools and information they need.

Цена: 5800.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118705575


Statistical Methods for Food Science
Statistical Methods for Food Science

Автор: John A. Bower

The recording and analysis of food data are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Consequently, the food scientist in industry or at study faces the task of using and understanding statistical methods. Statistics is often viewed as a difficult subject and is often avoided because of its complexity and a lack of specific application to the requirements of food science. This situation is changing – there is now much material on multivariate applications for the more advanced reader, but a case exists for a univariate approach aimed at the non-statistician. This second edition of Statistical Methods for Food Science provides a source text on accessible statistical procedures for the food scientist, and is aimed at professionals and students in food laboratories where analytical, instrumental and sensory data are gathered and require some form of summary and analysis before interpretation. It is suitable for the food analyst, the sensory scientist and the product developer, and others who work in food-related disciplines involving consumer survey investigations will also find many sections of use. There is an emphasis on a ‘hands-on’ approach, and worked examples using computer software packages and the minimum of mathematical formulae are included. The book is based on the experience and practice of a scientist engaged for many years in research and teaching of analytical and sensory food science at undergraduate and post-graduate level. This revised and updated second edition is accompanied by a new companion website giving the reader access to the datasets and Excel spreadsheets featured in the book. Check it out now by visiting www.wiley.com/go/bower/statistical or by scanning the QR code below.

Цена: 6261.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781118541609


The Therapeutic Powers of Play
The Therapeutic Powers of Play

Автор: Charles E. Schaefer

"Focusing on the specific ingredients that activate clinical change, this book is enhanced by current research, more ample scope, and an array of contributions in contemporary and relevant topic areas. It is full of inspiration, direction, and grounding. This is a stunning contribution to the field of child therapy." —Eliana Gil, PhD, Gil Institute for Trauma Recovery and Education A practical look at how play therapy can promote mental health wellness in children and adolescents Revised and expanded, The Therapeutic Powers of Play, Second Edition explores the powerful effects that play therapy has on different areas within a child or adolescent's life: communication, emotion regulation, relationship enhancement, and personal strengths. Editors Charles Schaefer and Athena Drewes—renowned experts in the field of play therapy—discuss the different interventions and components of treatment that can move clients to change. Leading play therapists contributed to this volume, supplying a wide repertoire of practical techniques and applications in each chapter for use in clinical practice, including: Direct teaching Indirect teaching Self-expression Relationship enhancement Attachment formation Catharsis Stress inoculation Creative problem solving Self-esteem Filled with clinical case vignettes from various theoretical viewpoints, the second edition is an invaluable resource for play and child therapists of all levels of experience and theoretical orientations.

Цена: 6332.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118420201


FSMA and Food Safety Systems
FSMA and Food Safety Systems

Автор: Jeffrey T. Barach

The FDA's (Food and Drug Administration) FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act) is the most sweeping reform of United States food safety laws in more than 70 years. The key to successful implementation of FSMA rules depends on building a comprehensive Food Safety System with effective prerequisite programs in place and a well-designed Food Safety Plan that incorporates risk-based preventive controls to mitigate hazards. This book provides essential guidance for small to mid-sized businesses on how to design, implement, and maintain a world-class Food Safety Plan that conforms to FSMA regulations. With practical and up-to-date advice, the author offers a straight forward approach for readers to successfully migrate into FSMA. The inclusion of fully developed Food Safety Plans as well as examples of hazards and preventative controls make this a must-read not only for those that are new to the regulations, but also those with a plan already in place. FSMA and Food Safety Systems: A Guide to Understanding and Implementing the Rules is an indispensable resource for all those managing the manufacture of FDA regulated products, food safety regulators and educators, as well as scientists and students of food science and technology.

Цена: 6386.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119258087


Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management

Автор: Graeme Caughley

To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a single coherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbance A thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples. A new online study aid – a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management. The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition is also valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and those working in ecotourism.

Цена: 6510.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118348246


Death of a Traveller
Death of a Traveller

Автор: Didier Fassin

Цена: 6523.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781509548071


The Addiction Progress Notes Planner
The Addiction Progress Notes Planner

Автор: David J. Berghuis

Save hours of time-consuming paperwork The Addiction Progress Notes Planner, Fifth Edition provides prewritten session and patient presentation descriptions for each behavioral problem in the Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition. The prewritten progress notes can be easily and quickly adapted to fit a particular client need or treatment situation. Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized progress notes Organized around 44 behaviorally based presenting problems including depression, gambling, nicotine abuse/dependence, chronic pain, and eating disorders Features over 1,000 prewritten progress notes summarizing patient presentation, themes of session, and treatment delivered Provides an array of treatment approaches that correspond with the behavioral problems and DSM-5 diagnostic categories in The Addiction Treatment Planner, Fifth Edition Offers sample progress notes that conform to the latest ASAM guidelines and meet the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies, including CARF, TJC, COA, and the NCQA Incorporates new progress notes language consistent with Evidence-Based Treatment Interventions

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118817766


The School Counseling and School Social Work Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates, 2nd Edition
The School Counseling and School Social Work Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates, 2nd Edition

Автор: David J. Berghuis

This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 33 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The School Counseling and School Social Work Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions including coverage of disruptive classroom behaviors, reinforcing student success, bullying, peer conflict, and school violence Organized around 33 behaviorally based presenting problems in treating students who experience social and emotional difficulties, including social maladjustment, learning difficulties, depression, substance abuse, family instability, and others Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventions—plus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Documentation Sourcebooks provide the forms and records that mental health??professionals need to??efficiently run their practice. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at: www.wiley.com/practiceplanners

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119064091


Abriss der Bierbrauerei
Abriss der Bierbrauerei

Автор: Ludwig Narziss

Das Lehrbuch zur Bierbrauerei von Ludwig Narzi? ist seit vielen Jahren das Standardwerk auf diesem Gebiet. Die neue, achte Auflage wurde komplett uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Fur Studenten ist das Buch ein kurz gefasster Leitfaden, der jedoch alle wesentlichen Aspekte abdeckt. Der bereits im Betrieb tatige Praktiker erhalt eine Fulle von Anregungen und einen umfassenden Uberblick uber den heutigen Stand der Brauereitechnologie sowie der naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Bierbrauerei. Neu in dieser Auflage: * das Kapitel «Die Deutschen Biertypen» * das Kapitel «Malze aus anderen Getreidearten und deren Verarbeitung» * weiterfuhrende Literatur ab Kapitel 3 Das Autorenteam ist um drei hervorragende Fachleute auf dem Gebiet der Bierbrauerei erweitert worden. Werner Back, Martin Zarnkow und Martina Gastl (alle Technische Universitat Munchen, Weihenstephan) stehen fur die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung dieses Lehrbuches.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783527696727


Digital Life
Digital Life

Автор: Tim Markham

Conventional wisdom suggests that the pervasiveness of digital media into our everyday lives is undermining cherished notions of politics and ethics. Is this concern unfounded?

In this daring new book, Tim Markham argues that what it means to live ethically and politically is realized through, not in spite of, the everyday experience of digital life. Drawing on a wide range of philosophers from Hegel and Heidegger to Levinas and Butler, he investigates what is really at stake amid the constant distractions of our media-saturated world, the way we present ourselves to that world through social media, and the relentless march of data into every aspect of our lives.

A provocation to think differently about digital media and what it is doing to us, Digital Life offers timely insights into distraction and compassion fatigue, privacy and surveillance, identity and solidarity. It is essential reading for scholars and advanced students of media and communication.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781509541072


Clinical Nutrition in Practice
Clinical Nutrition in Practice

Автор: Группа авторов

An easy-to-use book with questions on clinical nutrition clearly posed and answers based on real-life studies, this is a ready reference for the busy healthcare professional. Clinical Nutrition in Practice opens with introductory chapters on the basis of healthy nutrition, malnutrition and nutritional assessment. These are followed by chapters addressing the nutritional needs of patients with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid and neurologic disorders, as well as diseases of various organ systems, such as the GI tract, renal and pulmonary systems. Special attention is given to describing nutrition in cancer patients and those with HIV/AIDS and the book concludes with a discussion of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Nutritionists, dietitians and other health professionals working with patients with impaired nutrition or special nutritional requirements, such as diabetologists, endocrinologists (especially those treating obesity), cardiologists and oncologists will find this a refreshing approach to an important subject. Nurses, medical students and those working in the food industry will also find this a handy guide. Easy-to-follow style with questions clearly posed and answers based on real-life case studies Outlines the basics of healthy nutrition, malnutrition and nutritional assessment Detailed consideration of the nutritional needs of patients with a variety of chronic diseases, e.g. cardiovascular or rheumatoid disorders, cancer and HIV/AIDS Uses an interesting contemporary approach that health professionals will find a refreshing change

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781444325003


Food Safety, Risk Intelligence and Benchmarking
Food Safety, Risk Intelligence and Benchmarking

Автор: Sylvain Charlebois

This book comprehensively argues for more future benchmarking between nations. Since the initial food safety benchmarking report was published in 2008, the sharing of data and protocols among nations has dramatically increased. It was intended to identify and evaluate common elements among global food safety systems. More specifically, benchmarking identifies those countries that employ comparatively best practices to assess, manage, and communicate the risks related to the safety of food and their respective food systems. The overarching intent of this benchmarking assessment, however, is to stimulate exchange and discussion on food safety performance among nations.

Цена: 7658.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781119071099


Aquaculture and Behavior
Aquaculture and Behavior

Автор: Группа авторов

Modern aquaculture is faced with a number of challenges, including public concern about environmental impacts and the welfare of farmed fish. A fundamental understanding of fish biology is central to finding ways to meet these challenges and is also essential for maintaining the industry's sustainability. Furthermore, the behaviour of fish under culture situations has long been ignored despite heavy commercial losses that can result from fish stressed and hence disease-prone, due to bad husbandry techniques. This important book summarises the current understanding of the behavioural biology of farmed species and illustrates how this can be applied to improve aquaculture practice. Informative and engaging, Aquaculture & Behavior brings the reader up-to-date with major issues pertaining to aquaculture. Everyone from fish farmers to upper level students will find this book a valuable and practical resource. Libraries in universities and research establishments where animal behavior, aquaculture, veterinary and biological sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this work on their shelves.

Цена: 7860.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781444354584


The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions
The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions

Автор: Lauren L. Patton

With new medications, medical therapies, and increasing numbers of older and medically complex patients seeking dental care, all dentists, hygienists, and students must understand the intersection of common diseases, medical management, and dental management to coordinate and deliver safe care. This new second edition updates all of the protocols and guidelines for treatment and medications and adds more information to aid with patient medical assessments, and clearly organizes individual conditions under three headings: background, medical management, and dental management. Written by more than 25 expert academics and clinicians, this evidence-based guide takes a patient-focused approach to help you deliver safe, coordinated oral health care for patients with medical conditions. Other sections contain disease descriptions, pathogenesis, coordination of care between the dentist and physician, and key questions to ask the patient and physician.

Цена: 8440.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118929285


Disaster Response and Recovery
Disaster Response and Recovery

Автор: David A. McEntire

DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY The new edition of the standard textbook in the field, updated with new studies and practical guidelines for reacting to the complexities of today’s disasters Disaster Response and Recovery: Strategies and Tactics for Resilience provides a thorough overview of the challenges and functions of the emergency management profession, covering the various types of disasters, theoretical frameworks, the different individuals and agencies involved, technological tools, practical response measures, and more. Written by a recognized leader in the field, this comprehensive textbook offers clear guidance on developing disaster resilience through preparedness, planning, improvisation, leadership, and ??professionalism. Revised and updated throughout, the third edition addresses key response and recovery operations of the COVID-19 pandemic, including human attitudes, political issues, communication challenges, medical surges, and volunteer management. New examples and case studies also highlight lessons learned from Hurricane Irma, the California wildfires, brush fires in Australia, the Midwest derecho windstorm, the Beirut explosion, the Las Vegas shooting, riots and civil unrest in the United States, and other recent disasters. In addition, the book: Describes tools and techniques required to protect lives, reduce property damage, and minimize disruption Features new coverage of climate change, social media, drones and artificial intelligence, racial and social justice, recent legislation and regulations, and emergency management policies and procedures Discusses theoretical approaches to the management of disasters, strategies to revitalize affected communities, and mitigation methods to reduce future vulnerability Contains learning objectives, key term definitions, case studies, real-world examples, summary and review questions, and evaluation tools Includes access to a companion website with an instructor’s manual, a sample syllabus, chapter tests, PowerPoint slides, exam questions, and additional teaching resources Integrating the theory and practice of emergency management, public administration, policy, and sociology, Disaster Response and Recovery: Strategies and Tactics for Resilience, Third Edition is an invaluable resource for advanced students in emergency management programs as??well as emergency planners, emergency management coordinators, risk managers, and other practitioners in the field.

Цена: 8901.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119810056


Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics
Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics

Автор: Tapan K. Sengupta

Aerodynamics has seen many developments due to the growth of scientific computing, which has caused the design cycle time of aerospace vehicles to be heavily reduced. Today computational aerodynamics appears in the preliminary step of a new design, relegating costly, time-consuming wind tunnel testing to the final stages of design. Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics is aimed to be a comprehensive textbook, covering classical aerodynamic theories and recent applications made possible by computational aerodynamics. It starts with a discussion on lift and drag from an overall dynamical approach, and after stating the governing Navier-Stokes equation, covers potential flows and panel method. Low aspect ratio and delta wings (including vortex breakdown) are also discussed in detail, and after introducing boundary layer theory, computational aerodynamics is covered for DNS and LES. Other topics covered are on flow transition to analyse NLF airfoils, bypass transition, streamwise and cross-flow instability over swept wings, viscous transonic flow over airfoils, low Reynolds number aerodynamics, high lift devices and flow control. Key features: Blends classical theories of incompressible aerodynamics to panel methods Covers lifting surface theories and low aspect ratio wing and wing-body aerodynamics Presents computational aerodynamics from first principles for incompressible and compressible flows Covers unsteady and low Reynolds number aerodynamics Includes an up-to-date account of DNS of airfoil aerodynamics including flow transition for NLF airfoils Contains chapter problems and illustrative examples Accompanied by a website hosting problems and a solution manual Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, and is also aimed to be a useful resource book on aerodynamics for researchers and practitioners in the research labs and the industry.

Цена: 8972.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118787540


Food Industry R&D
Food Industry R&D

Автор: Helmut Traitler

Research and development represents a vast spread of topics and can be an arena for controversy. In academia, such controversy may stem from conflicting interpretations of data and subsequent conclusions, the question of who was first to discover a particular finding and whether or not the said finding is of any value to the scientific community. R&D in corporate environments is mostly defined and driven by costs and clearly identified, consumer-focused targets. There is, however, common ground between these two approaches as both strive to maximize knowledge, though for different reasons and in differnt ways. The equipment and scientific rigor may be similar or identical, however their usage, approach and interpretation are different. This book discusses the history and background of today's food industry R&D as seen by consumers, academia and the industry itself, with several chapters dedicated to new and disruptive approaches. A must-read for all professionals in the packaged goods industry as well as students who aspire to contribute to this new industry, forcefully driven by R&D.

Цена: 9031.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781119089407


The Food Industry Innovation School
The Food Industry Innovation School

Автор: Helmut Traitler

Innovation and new product development are increasingly perceived as drivers of profits in the food industry. Companies are dedicating a large amount of resources to these areas and it is crucial that individuals understand how to be part of this new strategy. Food Industry Innovation School focuses on key skills needed to drive new ideas from initial concepts through to successful products on the shelf. The author argues that any individual can learn how to lead innovation within complex organizations utilizing companies? commercial and financial resources. The book focuses on the impact of single individuals on company successes. Case studies from the marketplace provide valuable examples of accomplishments and failures. Product development involves a plethora of activities such as R&D,innovation, engineering, packaging and design, manufacturing,logistics and supply chain management, as well as marketing, sales and finance, and the book addresses all these crucial functions undertaken by food companies and manufacturers of other packaged consumer goods. The learning principles and examples (based on the author's personal experience) are valid in many fast-moving consumer goods organizations and so the principles, best practices and solutions offered in the 12 chapters are relevant to a wide audience in the food industry and beyond, including those working in household products, retail, the automotive industry, computers and IT, furniture, and even media and publishing. Read more: http://www.innovationschool.co/

Цена: 9031.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118947630


Great Myths of Aging
Great Myths of Aging

Автор: Joan T. Erber

Great Myths of Aging looks at the generalizations and stereotypes associated with older people and, with a blend of humor and cutting-edge research, dispels those common myths. Reader-friendly structure breaks myths down into categories such as Body, Mind, and Living Contexts; and looks at myths from “Older people lose interest in sex” to “Older people are stingy” Explains the origins of myths and misconceptions about aging Looks at the unfortunate consequences of anti-aging stereotypes for both the reader and older adults in society

Цена: 9162.12 руб.
ISBN: 9781118521465


Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology

Автор: Группа авторов

Food Science and Technology, Second Edition is a comprehensive text and reference book designed to cover all the essential elements of food science and technology, including all core aspects of major food science and technology degree programs being taught worldwide. The book is supported by the International Union of Food Science and Technology and comprises 21 chapters, carefully written in a user-friendly style by 30 eminent industry experts, teachers, and researchers from across the world. All authors are recognized experts in their respective fields, and together represent some of the world’s leading universities and international food science and technology organizations. All chapters in this second edition have been fully revised and updated to include all-new examples and pedagogical features (including discussion questions, seminar tasks, web links, and glossary terms). The book is designed with more color to help enhance the content on each page and includes more photos and illustrations to bring the topics to life. Coverage of all the core modules of food science and technology degree programs internationally Crucial information for professionals in the food industry worldwide Chapters written by subject experts, all of whom are internationally respected in their fields A must-have textbook for libraries in universities, food science and technology research institutes, and food companies globally Additional interactive resources on the book's companion website, including multiple choice questions, web links, further reading, and exercises Food Science and Technology, 2nd Edition is an indispensable guide for food science and technology degree programs at the undergraduate and postgraduate level and for university libraries and food research facilities.

Цена: 9351.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118846247


Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development
Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development

Автор: Daniel Hellstr?m

Packaging design is a powerful vehicle for making our lives friendlier, our planet greener and our businesses richer. It is an essential link between the producer and the customer, where it contributes to the positioning and presentation of a product; and on many occasions, the use of the product after purchase. What is missing is a compass that can guide practitioners in the right direction. This is particularly so in the field of packaging where the routes you take may contradict rather than contribute to sustainable development. Managing Packaging Design for Sustainable Development: A Compass for Strategic Directions emphasizes the need to rethink packaging system design, by presenting a strategic packaging design tool; a compass. The compass encourages you to go off-road, to develop and innovate, and to remake the packaging design solution that previously was best practice. Theory and practical applications are balanced by outlining the most crucial tenets of packaging design for sustainability and by illustrating wide range of real-life cases that will inspire and challenge the mindsets of those who apply the compass in packaging design related projects. This is a must-have book for designers, engineers, logisticians, marketers, supply chain professionals and other managers who seek guidance on sustainable solutions through packaging design.

Цена: 9463.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119150985


Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications
Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications

Автор: Группа авторов

Complications from dental procedures are inevitable and encountered by all dental professionals. Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications: Best Practices in Dentistry is designed to address proper management of these situations in everyday practice. Covers a range of dental issues and complications found in daily practice Written by experts in each specialty Features tables and charts for quick information Includes clinical photographs and radiographs

Цена: 9469.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781118988039


The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes
The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes

Автор: Han Vinh Huynh

The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes describes various aspects of N-heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs) and their transition metal complexes at an entry level suitable for advanced undergraduate students and above. The book starts with a historical overview on the quest for carbenes and their complexes. Subsequently, unique properties, reactivities and nomenclature of the four classical NHCs derived from imidazoline, imidazole, benzimidazole and 1,2,4-triazole are elaborated. General and historically relevant synthetic aspects for NHCs, their precursors and complexes are then explained. The book continues with coverage on the preparation and characteristics of selected NHC complexes containing the most common metals in this area, i.e. Ni, Pd, Pt, Ag, Cu, Au, Ru, Rh and Ir. The book concludes with an overview and outlook on the development of various non-classical NHCs beyond the four classical types. Topics covered include: Stabilization, dimerization and decomposition of NHCs Stereoelectronic properties of NHCs and their evaluation Diversity of NHCs Isomers of NHC complexes and their identification NMR spectroscopic signatures of NHC complexes normal, abnormal and mesoionic NHCs The Organometallic Chemistry of N-heterocyclic Carbenes is an essential resource for all students and researchers interested in this increasingly important and popular field of research.

Цена: 9742.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118698808


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