архитектурные конструкции

Электронные книги

Категория: - знания и навыки - учебная и научная литература - технические науки - строительство

Формат посмотра: Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена

Сортировка: Наименование, Цена, Автор, Год

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Мосты - зеркало цивилизации. История мостостроения и мостостроительной науки
Мосты - зеркало цивилизации. История мостостроения и мостостроительной науки

Автор: Александр Ильич Васильев

Прослеживается история развития мостостроения и мостостроительной науки. Даётся характеристика каждому знаковому периоду этой истории. Приводятся краткие сведения об учёных и инженерах, внёсших значительный вклад в строительную механику, сопротивление материалов, теорию расчёта и нормирование мостовых сооружений. Анализируются достижения отечественных учёных и инженеров. Текст книги иллюстрируется фотографиями мостов – памятников своего времени. Для научных работников и инженеров, специализирующихся в области мостостроения, а также аспирантов и студентов, обучающихся по специальности «Мосты и транспортные тоннели». Издание заинтересует любознательных читателей, которые хотели бы узнать о мостах больше.

Цена: 1070 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9729-0631-4


Реставрация и строительство храмов, часовен и приходских строений
Реставрация и строительство храмов, часовен и приходских строений

Автор: Андрей Тутунов

Последние несколько тысяч лет религиозная архитектура, по крайней мере в Европе, развивалась достаточно эволюционно. Одни стили вырастали из других, и если и появлялось что-то неожиданно новое, тем не менее в нем всегда прочитывались те или иные элементы, использовавшиеся ранее. Попытки современных архитекторов волевым усилием создать что-то принципиально свое в церковной архитектуре, не имеющее корней в прошлом, обречено на неудачу. Нужно быть абсолютным гением, чтобы сказать инновационное слово в архитектуре. Пока мы таких гениев не видим. Все, что предлагается сегодня, – это попытки приспособить современную гражданскую архитектуру для церковного строительства. Пособие для священнослужителей и всех тех, кто задействован в строительстве, реставрации и консервации храмовых зданий, разработано архитектором и реставратором Андреем Сергеевичем Туту новым. Книга помогает увидеть весь процесс возведения церковных строений, вне зависимости от того, появляется ли оно на пустом месте или возрождается из руин. Издание поделено на пять тематических блоков, а также имеет три приложения, касающихся работ на часовнях, а также актуальных законодательно-правовых актов церковного и светского права. Автор готов к сотрудничеству и может вас безвозмездно проконсультировать, помочь с созданием проекта строительства и реставрации храма. Обращайтесь по электронной почте: andreitout@gmail.com. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Цена: 450 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-6045682-0-0


Индустриальное домостроение в трёхлучевой системе координат Дома «Лотос». Часть 2. Конструкции, технология
Индустриальное домостроение в трёхлучевой системе координат Дома «Лотос». Часть 2. Конструкции, технология

Автор: Артем Саркисович Зурабян

В книге показано, что нет оснований считать, что все сборные железобетонные конструкции многоэтажных жилых домов должны строиться в декартовой системе координат. Можно создать новую индустриальную систему строительства в трёхлучевой системе координат с необычными квартирами, существенно более экономичную, чем самые недорогие крупнопанельные дома. Казалось бы, без декартовых координат возникают непреодолимые трудности, но выясняется, что не только новые конструкции имеют преимущества, но и технология производства сборных элементов в итоге более простая. Практически выполнен анализ всех аспектов такого переворота в подходе к индустриальному строительству. Показано, что применив криволинейные стены, можно настолько снизить стоимость строительства, что это позволит населению сделать выбор между обычными квартирами или за те же средства приобретать необычное жильё, но значительно большее по площади, практически квартиру большую на одну комнату.

Цена: 490 руб.
Год: 2022


Краткое содержание «Владимир Шухов – универсальный гений»
Краткое содержание «Владимир Шухов – универсальный гений»

Автор: Библиотека КнигиКратко

Этот текст – сокращенная версия книги «Владимир Шухов – универсальный гений». Только самое главное: идеи, техники, ключевые цитаты. Утром 19 марта 1922 года приняли в эксплуатацию Шаболовскую башню, и на ней заработал первый радиопередатчик «радио Коминтерна». На сооружение у инженера Владимира Шухова ушло ровно 2 года и 5 дней. И почти вся жизнь, потому что он не должен был дожить до этого момента. Башня чуть было его не убила, но она же его и спасла. Когда мы говорим про Владимира Шухова, все сразу вспоминают Шаболовку. Реже – стекольные ажурные потолки ГУМа. Но Шуховское наследие несравненно богаче: за один только разработанный процесс крекинга нефти имя Шухова должно остаться в человеческой памяти на века. Как жил и работал гениальный инженер, читайте в кратком обзоре. Напоминаем, что этот текст – краткое изложение книги.

Серия: КнигиКратко

Цена: 150 руб.


High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab / Simulink Models
High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab / Simulink Models

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive guide to understanding AC machines with exhaustive simulation models to practice design and control Nearly seventy percent of the electricity generated worldwide is used by electrical motors. Worldwide, huge research efforts are being made to develop commercially viable three- and multi-phase motor drive systems that are economically and technically feasible. Focusing on the most popular AC machines used in industry – induction machine and permanent magnet synchronous machine – this book illustrates advanced control techniques and topologies in practice and recently deployed. Examples are drawn from important techniques including Vector Control, Direct Torque Control, Nonlinear Control, Predictive Control, multi-phase drives and multilevel inverters. Key features include: systematic coverage of the advanced concepts of AC motor drives with and without output filter; discussion on the modelling, analysis and control of three- and multi-phase AC machine drives, including the recently developed multi-phase-phase drive system and double fed induction machine; description of model predictive control applied to power converters and AC drives, illustrated together with their simulation models; end-of-chapter questions, with answers and PowerPoint slides available on the companion website www.wiley.com/go/aburub_control This book integrates a diverse range of topics into one useful volume, including most the latest developments. It provides an effective guideline for students and professionals on many vital electric drives aspects. It is an advanced textbook for final year undergraduate and graduate students, and researchers in power electronics, electric drives and motor control. It is also a handy tool for specialists and practicing engineers wanting to develop and verify their own algorithms and techniques.

Цена: 10310.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119969235


Mauerwerk Kalender 2009
Mauerwerk Kalender 2009

Автор: Группа авторов

Proven and new material: for 33 years, this has been the practical compendium for masonry construction: basics, examples, commentaries on standards, up-to-date and first hand. Main themes for 2009: building of masonry, load-bearing capacity of existing buildings.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433600313


International Handbook of Suicide Prevention
International Handbook of Suicide Prevention

Автор: Группа авторов

The International Handbook of Suicide Prevention showcases the latest cutting-edge research from the world’s leading authorities, and highlights policy and practice implications for the prevention of suicide. Brings together the world’s leading authorities on suicidal behaviour, renowned for their suicide prevention research, policy and practice Addresses the key questions of why people attempt suicide, the best interventions, treatments and care for those at risk, and the key international challenges in trying to prevent suicide Describes up-to-date, theoretically-derived and evidence-based research and practice from across the globe, which will have implications across countries, cultures and the lifespan

Цена: 18726.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119998563


Черное море. Маршруты и рецепты. Сквозь тьму и свет
Черное море. Маршруты и рецепты. Сквозь тьму и свет

Автор: Кэролайн Иден

Книга «Черное море. Маршруты и рецепты» – совершенно новый формат, сочетающий в себе повествование о путешествиях и книгу рецептов. Кэролайн Иден путешествует из Одессы в Бессарабию, Румынию, Болгарию и Черноморский регион Турции, изучая взаимосвязанные кулинарные культуры. Автор знакомит нас с еврейским столом Одессы, встречается с последней рыбачкой Болгарии, рассказывает о наследии русских эмигрантов в Стамбуле, а также о многом другом.

Серия: Кулинария. Вилки против ножей

Цена: 689 руб.
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-04-105898-2


Архитектура. Популярный иллюстрированный гид
Архитектура. Популярный иллюстрированный гид

Автор: Марина Яровая

Архитектура имеет огромную силу воздействия. Она может дарить ощущение гармонии или вызывать тревогу, подавлять или придавать уверенности, прославлять. Но она также отражает многочисленные факторы, многое рассказывая нам о прошлом и настоящем. Как в архитектурных стилях сочетаются представления о красоте и практическая польза? Как в них отражаются вкусы людей, дух эпохи, жизненные условия? Как понять скрытые в архитектуре смысл и эмоциональное содержание? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы найдете в этом иллюстрированном гиде.

Серия: Популярный иллюстрированный гид

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-17-137767-0


Насосы, вентиляторы, компрессоры
Насосы, вентиляторы, компрессоры

Автор: П. И. Дячек

Учебное пособие содержит сведения об основных типах нагнетателей, применяемых в области теплогазоснабжения, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха. Рассмотрены основы теории нагнетателей, дана информация об их конструктивных элементах и технологических параметрах. Представлены варианты исполнения и области применения, а также примеры анализа режимов работы и выбора в зависимости от условий использования и требований нормативных документов. Для студентов высших учебных заведений университетского профиля, изучающих вопросы теплогазоснабжения, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха. Издание полезно для проектировщиков и работников служб эксплуатации систем теплогазоснабжения, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха.

Цена: 363 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-93093-784-8


Архитектурно-градостроительное наследие советской эпохи в Монголии (XX в.)
Архитектурно-градостроительное наследие советской эпохи в Монголии (XX в.)

Автор: Т. Н. Манонина

Монгольская Народная Республика на протяжении 50 лет была надежным союзником для СССР. Эффективное экономическое и политическое сотрудничество в первой половине XX в. активизировало процесс индустриализации страны, что привело к крупномасштабному развитию строительного комплекса. Участие в этих процессах советских инженеров, градостроителей и архитекторов осталось малоизученной темой в отечественной теории и истории архитектуры. Непростой климат и сейсмическая активность территории Монголии позволили отечественным практикам накопить уникальный опыт в области проектирования городов, промышленных, инженерных, общественных и жилых сооружений. Масштабы участия СССР в создании индустриальной экономики Монгольской Народной Республики еще предстоит оценить по достоинству. В настоящем сборнике научных статей раскрыта тема архитектурно-градостроительной деятельности советских специалистов. Отражена степень влияния СССР на преобразование градостроительной отрасли Монголии. Наращивание материально-технического потенциала в области градостроительной деятельности тематически представлено в статьях о советско-монгольском периоде сотрудничества в 1920–1960 гг. Вопросы градостроительного развития, создания новой для Монголии структуры расселения отражены в публикациях об индустриальном этапе взаимодействия двух соседствующих стран.

Цена: 446 руб.
Год: 2022
ISBN: 978-5-6048769-8-5


Российская цивилизация: между Западом и Востоком
Российская цивилизация: между Западом и Востоком

Автор: Татьяна Пархоменко

Работа посвящена проблеме национально-культурной самоидентификации России, которая рассматривается с культурологической, исторической, философской, религиозной, социально-экономической, правовой, литературно-художественной точек зрения. В центре внимания исследования стоят такие понятия как «цивилизация», «культура», «духовность», «народность», «самобытность», «византизм», «европеизм», «панславизм», «евразийский мир», ставшие предметом обсуждения славянофилов, почвенников, западников, либералов, народников, а также современных представителей общественной мысли России. Особое внимание обращено на сочинения В. И. Ламанского, К. Н. Леонтьева, Н. Я. Данилевского, В. С. Соловьева, П. А. Флоренского, Н. Е. Трубецкого, Н. А. Бердяева, Г. П. Федотова, В. К. Кантора, Д. С. Лихачёва, А. С. Панарина. Работа состоит из двух разделов («Русский спор о России. Поиск национально-культурной идентичности» и «История и культура России: на перекрестке Европы и Азии, Запада и Востока»), предисловия, заключения, списка источников и литературы.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-86443-342-3


Self Compacting Concrete
Self Compacting Concrete

Автор: Ahmed Loukili

Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) is a relatively new building material. Nowadays, its use is progressively changing the method of concrete placement on building sites. However, the successful use of SCC requires a good understanding of the behavior of this material, which is vastly different from traditional concrete. For this purpose, a lot of research has been conducted on this area all over the world since 10 years. Intended for both practitioners and scientists, this book provides research results from the rheological behavior of fresh concrete to durability.

Цена: 15354.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118602140


The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Judaism
The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Judaism

Автор: Alan Levenson T

In The Wiley-Blackwell History of Jews and Judaism, a team of internationally-renowned scholars offer a comprehensive and authoritative overview of Jewish life and culture, from the biblical period to contemporary times. Provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the main periods and themes of Jewish history, from Biblical Israel, through medieval and early modern periods, to Judaism since the Holocaust, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Judaism today Brings together an international team of established and emerging scholars across a range of disciplines Discusses how to present Judaism – to both non-Jews and Jews – as a religious system on its own terms and with its own unique vocabulary Explores the latest scholarship on a range of issues, including folk practices, politics, economic structure, the relationship of Judaism to Christianity, and the nature of Zionism diaspora and its implications for contemporary Israel Considers Jewish historiography and the lives of ordinary people, the achievements of Jewish women, and the sustained interaction of Jews within the environments they inhabited Edited by a leading scholar in Jewish studies and history

Цена: 21319.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118232910


Building Structures
Building Structures

Автор: Ambrose Moyer James

The comprehensive reference on the basics of structural analysis and design, now updated with the latest considerations of building technology Structural design is an essential element of the building process, yet one of the most difficult to learn. While structural engineers do the detailed consulting work for a building project, architects need to know enough structural theory and analysis to design a building. Most texts on structures for architects focus narrowly on the mathematical analysis of isolated structural components, yet Building Structures looks at the general concepts with selected computations to understand the role of the structure as a building subsystem—without the complicated mathematics. New to this edition is a complete discussion of the LRFD method of design, supplemented by the ASD method, in addition to: The fundamentals of structural analysis and design for architects A glossary, exercise problems, and a companion website and instructor's manual Material ideally suited for preparing for the ARE exam Profusely illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs, and including new case studies, Building Structures, Third Edition is perfect for nonengineers to understand and visualize structural design.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781118067000


Primer on Transplantation
Primer on Transplantation

Автор: American Society of Transplantation

Produced in association with the American Society of Transplantation, this new edition is full of practical advice for the next generation of transplant professionals. In addition to 5 organ-specific chapters: kidney, pancreas, heart, lung and liver, the book includes essential information on: immunobiology pharmacology donor management infectious complications pediatric transplantation general principles of patient management Fully updated and redesigned to make it even more user-friendly, the book now contains clinical vignettes, key point boxes, and self-assessment multiple choice questions in each chapter. Primer on Transplantation, Third Edition is an invaluable resource for all health professionals in the transplant team including trainees, residents, fellows, physicians, surgeons, nurses and transplant co-ordinators. Purchasing this book entitles you to access to the companion website: www.astprimer.com The website includes: Interactive Multiple-Choice Questions for each chapter Figures from the book as Powerpoints for downloading All chapters online

Цена: 19436.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781444391756


Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction
Marketing and Selling Professional Services in Architecture and Construction

Автор: Basil Sawczuk

This practical book on selling and marketing will help architects, engineers, project managers, facilities managers, surveyors, and contractors ‘sell’ themselves to prospective clients. As clients become more sophisticated at both local and international level, and as competition in the construction industry increases, both contractors and consultants have to take a more professional approach to selling themselves. This is especially true for PFI bids where vast resources are committed to winning multi-million pound contracts. Through a simple-to-follow process, illustrated with plenty of diagrams and checklists, Marketing & Selling Professional Services in Architecture & Construction sets out the seven key aspects of selling and marketing professional services. It is full of applicable ideas and examples and is well structured to enable readers to dip into the section relevant to their current needs.

Цена: 8942.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781444309850


Advanced Structural Ceramics
Advanced Structural Ceramics

Автор: Basu Bikramjit

This book covers the area of advanced ceramic composites broadly, providing important introductory chapters to fundamentals, processing, and applications of advanced ceramic composites. Within each section, specific topics covered highlight the state of the art research within one of the above sections. The organization of the book is designed to provide easy understanding by students as well as professionals interested in advanced ceramic composites. The various sections discuss fundamentals of nature and characteristics of ceramics, processing of ceramics, processing and properties of toughened ceramics, high temperature ceramics, nanoceramics and nanoceramic composites, and bioceramics and biocomposites.

Цена: 20104.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781118037287


Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction
Extending and Improving Your Home. An Introduction

Автор: Billington M. J

Written for small builders and tradesmen such as bricklayers and carpenters, as well as householders wanting to provide more space and enhanced living conditions without the substantial cost of moving house. While there are many books that deal with the construction aspects of extending a house, there are few sources that combine the planning, construction and regulatory aspects into one easily accessible source. Extending and Improving a Home meets that need. By focussing on specific building elements – foundations, walls, roofs, services, finishes etc – the book neatly provides a comprehensive, accessible guide to the areas of home improvement that cause most concern for householders and small builders. Extending and Improving a Home will: Guide you through the maze of legislation that affects most building alterations and extensions; show how to go about getting a project realised in terms of design, choice of contractor and construction, successfully and to budget, and give sound technical solutions for all the elements of a project that also comply with Building Regulations.

Цена: 6180.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781118423387


High Temperature Corrosion. Fundamentals and Engineering
High Temperature Corrosion. Fundamentals and Engineering

Автор: C?sar A. C. Sequeira

Reviews the science and engineering of high-temperature corrosion and provides guidelines for selecting the best materials for an array of system processes High-temperature corrosion (HTC) is a widespread problem in an array of industries, including power generation, aerospace, automotive, and mineral and chemical processing, to name a few. This book provides engineers, physicists, and chemists with a balanced presentation of all relevant basic science and engineering aspects of high-temperature corrosion. It covers most HTC types, including oxidation, sulfidation, nitridation, molten salts, fuel-ash corrosion, H2S/H2 corrosion, molten fluoride/HF corrosion, and carburization. It also provides corrosion data essential for making the appropriate choices of candidate materials for high-temperature service in process conditions. A form of corrosion that does not require the presence of liquids, high-temperature corrosion occurs due to the interaction at high temperatures of gases, liquids, or solids with materials. HTC is a subject is of increasing importance in many areas of science and engineering, and students, researchers, and engineers need to be aware of the nature of the processes that occur in high-temperature materials and equipment in common use today, especially in the chemical, gas, petroleum, electric power, metal manufacturing, automotive, and nuclear industries. Provides engineers and scientists with the essential data needed to make the most informed decisions on materials selection Includes up-to-date information accompanied by more than 1,000 references, 80% of which from within the past fifteen years Includes details on systems of critical engineering importance, especially the corrosion induced by low-energy radionuclides Includes practical guidelines for testing and research in HTC, along with both the European and International Standards for high-temperature corrosion engineering Offering balanced, in-depth coverage of the fundamental science behind and engineering of HTC, High Temperature Corrosion: Fundamentals and Engineering is a valuable resource for academic researchers, students, and professionals in the material sciences, solid state physics, solid state chemistry, electrochemistry, metallurgy, and mechanical, chemical, and structural engineers.

Цена: 17950.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781119474425


Global Construction Success
Global Construction Success

Автор: Charles O'Neil

A guide to effective corporate and project management in the construction industry with a focus on the role that people play in the process Global Construction Success explores the importance that human dynamics play in risk management of construction projects. Every time a project is structured, designed and built, personal behaviours and inputs can either lead to success or be the cause of failure. With contributions from noted experts on the topic, the book offers insight into stakeholders’ reactions in a variety of situations, provides expert analyses of risk management and proposes potential solutions and recommendations in order to ensure effective construction management. The book explores common causes of project failure, outlines the key factors of successful projects, shows how to implement Public Private Partnerships, explores the different stages of structuring projects and reveals what it takes to manage difficult client/contractor relationships. International case studies of major projects clearly illustrate how communications and relationships can lead to helpful solutions to commonly encountered challenges to achieve positive results. This new and updated edition: Offers a comprehensive review of the impact human dynamics play in the success or failure of construction projects Stresses the importance of the leadership of senior management Offers a new chapter on managing and resolving conflicts Shows why the industry needs better risk management Includes new information for managing communications and relationships Explores new areas of technology that are being embraced by the construction industry Written for construction industry senior management in both the corporate and government sectors, project management professionals, consultants and supply chain participants, the second edition of Global Construction Success has been updated to include expanded material for minimizing risk and improving management quality and profitability when working with international construction projects.

Цена: 11930.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119440314


Audel Pipefitter s and Welder s Pocket Manual
Audel Pipefitter's and Welder's Pocket Manual

Автор: Charles McConnell N

This little book is big on answers Whether you're an apprentice in the piping trades or a seasoned tradesperson, you'll find this completely revised and updated guide has answers to the questions you'll encounter on the job. Get current, concise facts on * Metrics and conversions * Tungsten inert gas welding and arc welding * Steam heating, hot water, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems * Grooved end/plain end piping systems * Process piping using plastics * Automatic fire protection systems * Terms, BTU fuel values, abbreviations, angle calculations, and more

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780764549854


Green Extraction of Natural Products. Theory and Practice
Green Extraction of Natural Products. Theory and Practice

Автор: Chemat Farid

Extraction processes are essential steps in numerous industrial applications from perfume over pharmaceutical to fine chemical industry. Nowadays, there are three key aspects in industrial extraction processes: economy and quality, as well as environmental considerations. This book presents a complete picture of current knowledge on green extraction in terms of innovative processes, original methods, alternative solvents and safe products, and provides the necessary theoretical background as well as industrial application examples and environmental impacts. Each chapter is written by experts in the field and the strong focus on green chemistry throughout the book makes this book a unique reference source. This book is intended to be a first step towards a future cooperation in a new extraction of natural products, built to improve both fundamental and green parameters of the techniques and to increase the amount of extracts obtained from renewable resources with a minimum consumption of energy and solvents, and the maximum safety for operators and the environment.

Цена: 21651.05 руб.
ISBN: 9783527676798


Mean Girls Grown Up. Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees
Mean Girls Grown Up. Adult Women Who Are Still Queen Bees, Middle Bees, and Afraid-to-Bees

Автор: Cheryl PhD Dellasega

Almost every woman has experienced bullying. Whether her role was that of victim, aggressor, or bystander, the pain of relational aggression (female bullying) lasts long after the incident has passed. In Mean Girls Grown Up, Cheryl Dellasega explores why women are often their own worst enemies, offering practical advice for a variety of situations. Drawing upon extensive research and interviews, she shares real-life stories from women as well as the knowledge of experts who have helped women overcome the negative effects of aggression. Readers will hear how adult women can be just as vicious as their younger counterparts, learn strategies for dealing with adult bullies, how to avoid being involved in relational aggression, and more. Dellasega outlines how women can change their behavior successfully by shifting away from aggression and embracing a spirit of cooperation in interactions with others.

Цена: 1651.45 руб.
ISBN: 9780471784739


Goss s Roofing Ready Reckoner
Goss's Roofing Ready Reckoner

Автор: Chris Mindham N

Goss’s Roofing Ready Reckoner provides rafter dimensions for timber roofs of any span and pitch. Additional information is provided on wall plate and gable strapping, wind bracing, truss clips and other roofing metalwork, and tools and equipment. This new edition includes roof timber member design tables, information on warm and cold roofs, their ventilation and insulation, plus detailed drawings for tiling, slating and other roof coverings.

Цена: 3533.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780470697986


Praxis des Bauprozessmanagements. Termine, Kosten und Qualit?t zuverl?ssig steuern
Praxis des Bauprozessmanagements. Termine, Kosten und Qualit?t zuverl?ssig steuern

Автор: Christoph Motzko

The book shows how the efficiency of construction projects can be considerably improved through process optimisation, industrialisation and the use of new technologies (sensor technologies, digital communications, real time control etc.).

Цена: 2906.07 руб.
ISBN: 9783433603000


Code of Practice for Programme Management
Code of Practice for Programme Management

Автор: CIOB (The Chartered Institute of Building)

The CIOB Code of Practice Programme Management for Construction & Development is intended to complement the popular CIOB Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction and Development, providing practical coverage of general processes and procedures to be followed when managing a construction programme or portfolio of projects. It sets out the necessary requirements for effective and efficient programme management, but is not intended to be a manual of operating procedures for the manager of such programmes.

Цена: 9389.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781118717837


Disease Control in Crops. Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches
Disease Control in Crops. Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches

Автор: Dale Walters

The control of diseases in crops is still largely dominated by the use of fungicides, but with the increasing incidence of fungicide resistance, plus mounting concern for the environment resulting from excessive agrochemical use, the search for alternative, reliable methods of disease control is gaining momentum. The purpose of this important book is to examine the development and exploitation (or potential for exploitation) of a range of non-chemical approaches to disease control, with a focus on the need for a greater understanding of crop ecology as the basis for effective disease control in the field. Chapters in the book, written by international experts in the subject area, include coverage of: biological control methods host-plant resistance the exploitation of tolerance and the use of bacteriophages Carefully edited by Professor Dale Walters, widely respected for his work in the area of crop protection, Disease Control in Crops is an essential reference book for plant pathologists, microbiologists, plant and agricultural scientists and crop protection specialists, including those working within, and providing consultancy to, the agrochemical industries. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences and agriculture are studied and taught should have copies of this timely publication on their shelves.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312140


Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction
Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction

Автор: Daniel Halpin W

SUCCESSFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY BEGINS WITH THIS HANDS-ON GUIDE While construction professionals are skilled in the technical side of their work, they often find the financial management aspect of the business daunting. Financial Management and Accounting Fundamentals for Construction will help you better understand and navigate the financial decisions that are part of every construction project. This book is a compact summary of the basic financial skills that a construction professional must have to be successful in the management of a construction company and its projects. Its topics address many of the questions that any construction administrator will face, such as: How to organize and use a company's financial reports What amount of cash must be made available to the contractor to complete a project Why the early payment of supplier invoices can enhance profitability How to quantify the time value of money in financial decisions What tax amount is owed by a company and how it impacts the bottom line How to control project costs What financial sources are available to a construction contractor for capital expansion In this text, you will learn about accounting fundamentals, project-related financial matters, and company level financial issues—three factors that are key to your career success. An ideal reference for students of construction management and engineering, as well as professionals who need a quick refresher when dealing with cost control analysis and other financial issues, this text also offers: Easy-to-understand coverage of financial concepts specific to the construction industry, including business taxation, project control, engineering economy, and financial forecasting Numerous worked examples, plus end-of-chapter review questions and exercises Helpful appendices that present the structure of a typical chart of accounts, the flow of transactions through a construction accounting system, and tables required for computing interest and the time value of money

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118174678


Why Music Matters
Why Music Matters

Автор: David Hesmondhalgh

Listen to David Hesmondhalgh discuss the arguments at the core of 'Why Music Matters' with Laurie Taylor on BBC Radio 4's Thinking Allowed here. In what ways might music enrich the lives of people and of societies? What prevents it from doing so? Why Music Matters explores the role of music in our lives, and investigates the social and political significance of music in modern societies. First book of its kind to explore music through a variety of theories and approaches and unite these theories using one authoritative voice Combines a broad yet theoretically sophisticated approach to music and society with real clarity and accessibility A historically and sociologically informed understanding of music in relation to questions of social power and inequality By drawing on both popular and academic talk about a range of musical forms and practices, readers will engage with a wide musical terrain and a wealth of case studies

Цена: 10046.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118536070


Project Scheduling and Management for Construction
Project Scheduling and Management for Construction

Автор: David R. Pierce, Jr

First published in 1988 by RS Means, the new edition of Project Scheduling and Management for Construction has been substantially revised for students enrolled in construction management and civil engineering programs. While retaining its emphasis on developing practical, professional-level scheduling skills, the new edition is a relatable, real-world case study that can be used over the course of a semester. The book also includes classroom elements like exercises, quizzes, skill-building exercises, as well as an instructor's manual including two additional new cases.

Цена: 10494.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118420560


Heating Services in Buildings
Heating Services in Buildings

Автор: David Watkins E

Water based heating systems are efficient, flexible, versatile and offer many advantages over other heating systems. These advantages (fast response, good controllability, efficient zonal heating and largely silent operation) all require that initial design, installation, commissioning and maintenance be carried out to a high standard by competent engineers. Heating Services in Buildings provides the reader with a detailed and thorough understanding of the principles and elements of heating buildings using modern water based heating systems. A key theme of the book is that there is little difference, in the approach to the design and engineering, between domestic and commercial installations. The author’s detailed but highly practical approach to the subject ensures there is sufficient information for students from both a craft background and those with more academic backgrounds to understand the material. This approach is complemented by straightforward, easy-to-use diagrams. Heating Services in Buildings supports a range of educational courses, including degree level building services engineering; NVQ Level 4 Higher Professional Diploma in Building Services Engineering; City & Guilds supplementary heating course and the Heating Design and Installation Course accredited by the European Registration Scheme (ERS).

Цена: 8947.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781119971658


Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control. Theory and Practice
Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control. Theory and Practice

Автор: Debbie Weston

Reviews of first edition: “This book tells every healthcare professional all they need to know about infection control… A user-friendly, valuable source of knowledge on a subject that can be confusing and complicated.” Nursing Standard “A valuable contribution within any health or social environment." Journal of Community Nursing Infection prevention and control is an essential component of nursing care, and a crucially important subject area for both nursing students and qualified nurses. Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control gives readers a firm grasp of the principles of infection control, how they relate to clinical practice and the key issues surrounding the subject. It provides a comprehensive guide to the prevention, management and control of healthcare associated infections, and the basic elements of microbiology, immunology and epidemiology that underpin them. Thoroughly revised in line with current policy, this new edition contains brand-new chapters on a range of topics including the role of the Infection Prevention and Control Team, audit and surveillance, and the management of outbreaks. Also incorporating a range of case studies and examples as well as additional online content, it is essential reading for all nursing students as well as qualified nursing and healthcare professionals. Explores both principles and practice of a crucial subject area Accessible and user-friendly, with a range of features to help study including key definitions, links back to clinical practice, and chapter learning outcomes and summaries Accompanied by an online resource centre featuring MCQs, weblinks, case scenarios and downloadable fact sheets Features an increased clinical focus, with more application to practice This title is also available: as a Wiley E-Text, powered by VitalSource: an interactive digital version of the book featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note-taking facilities, book-marking, cross-referencing, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms instantly on CourseSmart at www.coursesmart.co.uk/9781118306659. CourseSmart offers extra functionality, as well as an immediate way to review the text. For more details, visit www.coursesmart.com/instructors or www.coursesmart.com/students

Цена: 4749.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781118307717


Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses
Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses

Автор: Donald Spiers E

Divided into logical easy-to-use sections, Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses is an up-to-date anthology of the latest knowledge on the genus Neotyphodium. This thorough text covers the molecular biology of Neotyphodium endophytes and their effects on grass hosts, invertebrate and vertebrate herbivores, and the plant communities in which they interact. The expert editors also include information on the commercial uses of endophytes in livestock and turf industries. Researchers and teachers in grass research, extension, agronomy, and animal toxicology, and university libraries with courses in these subjects should not be without this important text.

Цена: 22091.99 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384695


The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning
The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning

Автор: Donna Gollnick M

Provides a comprehensive reference for scholars, educators, stakeholders, and the general public on matters influencing and directly affecting education in today’s schools across the globe This enlightening handbook offers current, international perspectives on the conditions in communities, contemporary practices in schooling, relevant research on teaching and learning, and implications for the future of education. It contains diverse conceptual frameworks for analyzing existing issues in education, including but not limited to characteristics of today’s students, assessment of student learning, evaluation of teachers, trends in teacher education programs, technological advances in content delivery, the important role for school leaders, and innovative instructional practices to increase student learning. The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning promotes new, global approaches to studying the process of education, demonstrates the diversity among the constituents of schooling, recognizes the need for and presents a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, and details exemplary practices in education. Divided into four sections focused on general topics—context and schooling; learners and learning; teachers and teaching; and educators as learners and leaders—and with all-new essays that look at what has been, what is, and what could be, this book is destined to inspire thoughtful contemplation from readers about what it means to teach and learn. Examines teaching, learners, and learning from a contemporary, international perspective, presenting alternative views and approaches Provides a single reference source for teachers, education leaders, and agency administrators Summarizes recent research and theory Offers evidence-based recommendations for practice Includes essays from established and emerging U.S. and international scholars Each chapter includes a section encouraging readers to think ahead and imagine what education might be in the future Scholars from around the world provide a range of evidence-based ideas for improving and modifying current educational practices, making The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning an important book for the global education community and those planning on entering into it.

Цена: 19331.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781118955888


Alchemists of Loss. How modern finance and government intervention crashed the financial system
Alchemists of Loss. How modern finance and government intervention crashed the financial system

Автор: Dowd Kevin

An engaging look at how modern finance almost destroyed our global economy Over the last thirty years, capital markets have been restructured through the tenets of modern finance. This has been enormously profitable for the financial services sector. However, these innovations, coupled with unsound risk and regulatory practices have proved disastrous for the global economy. In a clear and accessible style, ex-investment banker and financial journalist Martin Hutchinson, and highly respected academic, Kevin Dowd show how modern finance combined with easy money threatened to bring down the world financial system. At the heart of the book is modern finance as a U.S. invention, the theories and practices associated with them, and the changes they made in business models and risk management on Wall Street and other major financial centers. Breaks down the events involved in the 2007-08 financial collapse Reveals how botched policy response made a bad situation worse Focuses on lessons that the practice of finance must learn from recent events The Alchemists of Loss will help you to understand how our financial system crashed and show you what it will take to make sure this won't happen again as we move forward.

Цена: 3534.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470972083


Labour Conditions for Construction
Labour Conditions for Construction

Автор: Edmundo Werna

This authoritative guide promotes safe, healthy and non-exploitative working conditions for the construction industry. It combines theoretical analysis and case-studies from around the world, offering recommendations for best practice. The book results from a project funded by the Geneva International Academic Network, with staff from the International Labour Office and the University of Geneva. It presents and discusses the challenges and potential of local authorities to promote decent work in construction. Existing literature on decent work focuses mainly on the roles and responsibilities of actors in the private sector but the contribution of the public sector should not be ignored. Local authorities play a crucial role in economic development through a range of policies and programmes in the construction sector and related services. Labour Conditions for Construction: decent work, building cities & the role of local authorities includes a methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative information. It defines and validates a set of criteria to evaluate the capacity of local authorities, combining criteria about decent work, the construction sector and the policies and programmes of the local authority in each case study city. The book fills an important gap in focussing on the role of local authorities in creating and promoting decent work and will be of interest to managers and policy-makers in construction, health and safety and labour relations as well as to researchers and students in construction management.

Цена: 22313.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781444306453


Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films. Concepts and Applications for Microsystems
Integration of Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Thin Films. Concepts and Applications for Microsystems

Автор: Emmanuel Defa?

This book contains four parts. The first one is dedicated to concepts. It starts with the definitions and examples of what is piezo-pyro and ferroelectricity by considering the symmetry of the material. Thereafter, these properties are described within the framework of Thermodynamics. The second part described the way to integrate these materials in Microsystems. The third part is dedicated to characterization: composition, structure and a special focused on electrical behaviors. The last part gives a survey of state of the art applications using integrated piezo or/and ferroelectric films.

Цена: 25296.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118616758


Barry s Introduction to Construction of Buildings
Barry's Introduction to Construction of Buildings

Автор: Emmitt Stephen

Robin Barry's Construction of Buildings was first published in 1958 in 5 volumes, rapidly becoming a standard text on construction. In its current 2 volume format Barry remains hugely popular with both students and lecturers of construction and related disciplines. The third edition of Barry’s Introduction to Construction of Buildings provides the basic material you will need to understand the construction process for the majority of low rise buildings. Construction technology is explained and illustrated through the key functional and performance requirements for the main elements common to all buildings. With a stronger focus on building efficiency and meeting the challenges posed by limiting the environmental impact of buildings, you will find the text fully up to date with the latest building regulations and construction technologies. Particular attention has been paid to the careful integration of all topics, helping you to link concepts and follow related material. The new edition, with supporting website at www.wiley.com/go/barrysintroduction, provides the ideal introduction to construction technology

Цена: 5186.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118856680


Construction Technology. An Illustrated Introduction
Construction Technology. An Illustrated Introduction

Автор: Eric Fleming

This new textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to every aspect of the technology of low-rise construction. It includes sub-structure (site work, setting out and foundations) and superstructure (flooring, roofs, finishes, fittings and fixtures). The material here covers the first year course requirement of all courses on which construction technology is taught – no matter what the ultimate qualification. It offers tried and tested solutions to a range of construction problems and is organised following the sequence of construction. It will show what has been done in the past, demonstrating good practice – what works and what doesn't – and common faults. There are summaries of the more important BSI documents and reference to the latest building regulations. Lengthy explanations are avoided by relying heavily on hundreds of illustrations, pairing detail drawings with clear photographs to show real life construction situations. The supporting spreadsheet referred to in the book can be found at this link http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pdf/fleming/Fleming_spreadsheet.xls

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781405148160


Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology
Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology

Автор: Eric Toone J

This book covers important advances in enzymology, explaining the behavior of enzymes and how they can be utilized to develop novel drugs, synthesize known and novel compounds, and understand evolutionary processes. Advances in Enzymology focuses on enzymes, the primary catalysts of life processes. The explanation of the behavior of enzymes can be found via studies of their chemical mechanisms and can be utilized to develop novel drugs, synthesize known and novel compounds, and understand evolutionary processes. The transglutaminases, first described in 1957, are a large, widely-distributed family of enzymes canonically responsible for the amidation/transamidation of protein side chains. The extraordinary diversity of names associated with various enzymatic activities now recognized and aggregated as transglutaminase bears witness to the remarkable diversity of biological roles associated with the activity, including myriad human diseases.

Цена: 16017.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781118105801


Hamas. The Islamic Resistance Movement
Hamas. The Islamic Resistance Movement

Автор: Farrell Stephen

Declared a terrorist menace yet elected to government in a free election, Hamas now stands as the most important Sunni Islamist group in the Middle East. How did Hamas grow to be so powerful? Who supports it? What is its future? This essential insight into Hamas answers these questions. Milton-Edwards and Farrell have between them spent decades researching and reporting from the heartlands of the Hamas movement and gained unrivalled access to the world of Islamic resistance and radical Islam in its potent Palestinian form. Drawing on their frontline experiences of recent events, their access to secret documents from the western intelligence community and interviews with leaders, militants, and commanders of Hamas' armed battalions, they reveal the full story of Hamas and the future of political Islam in the Middle East. Milton-Edwards and Farrell show Hamas to be a broad and thus more powerful regional phenomenon than previously thought, and by doing so contend that it is now time to rethink the war and the nature of Islam and its role in the Middle East. Beverley Milton-Edwards is Professor in the School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy at Queens University, Belfast. She is the author of books such as Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (2006) and The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: a People's War (2009). Prize-winning journalist Stephen Farrell is Foreign Correspondent for the New York Times and was previously Middle East correspondent for The Times.

Цена: 8831.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780745673554


Signal Processing with Free Software. Practical Experiments
Signal Processing with Free Software. Practical Experiments

Автор: Fran?ois Auger

An ideal resource for students, industrial engineers, and researchers, Signal Processing with Free Software Practical Experiments presents practical experiments in signal processing using free software. The text introduces elementary signals through elementary waveform, signal storage files and elementary operations on signals and then presents the first tools to signal analysis such as temporal and frequency characteristics leading to Time-frequency analysis. Non-parametric spectral analysis is also discussed as well as signal processing through sampling, resampling, quantification, and analog and digital filtering. Table of Contents: 1. Generation of Elementary Signals. Generation of Elementary Waveform. – Elementary Operations on the Signals. – Format of Signal Storage Files. 2. First tools of Signal Analysis. Measurement of Temporal and Frequency Characteristics of a Signal. Time-Frequency Analysis of a Signal. 3. Non-parametric Spectral Analysis. 4. Signal Processing. Sampling. – Resampling. – Quantification. – “Analog” Filtering. Digital Filtering

Цена: 6959.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781118579602


Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk
Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk

Автор: Ghassem Homaifar A

A comprehensive guide to managing global financial risk From the balance of payment exposure to foreign exchange and interest rate risk, to credit derivatives and other exotic options, futures, and swaps for mitigating and transferring risk, this book provides a simple yet comprehensive analysis of complex derivatives pricing and their application in risk management. The risk posed by foreign exchange transactions stems from the volatility of the exchange rate, the volatility of the interest rates, and factors unique to individual companies which are interrelated. To protect and hedge against adverse currency and interest rate changes, multinational corporations need to take concrete steps for mitigating these risks. Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk offers a thorough treatment of price, foreign currency, and interest rate risk management practices of multinational corporations in a dynamic global economy. It lays out the pros and cons of various hedging instruments, as well as the economic cost benefit analysis of alternative hedging vehicles. Written in a detailed yet user–friendly manner, this resource provides treasurers and other financial managers with the tools they need to manage their various exposures to credit, price, and foreign exchange risk. Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk covers various swaps in this geometrically growing field with notional principal in excess of $120 trillion. From caplet and corridors to call and put swaptions this book covers the micro structure of the swaps, options, futures, and foreign exchange markets. From credit default swap and transfer and convertibility options to asset swap switch and weather derivatives this book illustrates their simple pricing and application. To show real-world examples, each chapter includes a case study highlighting a specific problem, as well as a set of steps to solve it. Numerous charts accompanied with actual Wall Street figures provide the reader with the opportunity to comprehend and appreciate the role and function of derivatives, which are often misunderstood in the financial market. This detailed resource will guide the individual, government and multinational corporations safely through the maze of various exposures. A must-read for treasures, controllers, money mangers, portfolio managers, security analyst and academics, Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk represents an important collection of up-to-date risk management solutions. Ghassem A. Homaifar is a professor of financial economics at Middle Tennessee State University. He has Master of Science in Industrial Management from State University of New York at Stony Brook and PhD in Finance from University of Alabama in 1982. He is the author of numerous articles that have appeared in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Weltwirtschsftliches Archiv Review of World Economics, Advances in Futures and Options Research,Applied Financial Economics, Applied Economics, International Economics, and Global Finance Journal.

Цена: 7359.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780471557333


Managing Construction Projects
Managing Construction Projects

Автор: Graham Winch M

Project management is of critical importance in construction, yet its execution poses major challenges. In order to keep a project on track, decisions often have to be made before all the necessary information is available. Drawing on a wide range of research, Managing Construction Projects proposes new ways of thinking about project management in construction, exploring the skills required to manage uncertainty and offering techniques for thinking about the challenges involved. The second edition takes the information processing perspective introduced in the first edition and develops it further. In particular, this approach deepens the reader’s understanding of the dynamics in the construction project process – from the value proposition inherent in the project mission, to the functioning asset that generates value for its owners and users. Managing Construction Projects is a unique and indispensible contribution to the available literature on construction project management. It will be of particular benefit to advanced students of construction and construction project management, as well as contractors and quantity surveyors. Reviews of the First edition: «A massive review of the art and science of the management of projects that has the great virtue of being a good read wherever it is touched. It spills the dirt on things that went wrong, elucidates the history so you can understand the industry's current stance, draws on other countries experience and explains the latest management processes. Throughout it is liberally sprinkled with anecdotes and case histories which amply illustrate the dos and don't for practitioners wishing to deliver projects on time to expected quality and price. A valuable book for students and practitioners alike.» —John D Findlay, Director, Stent «This is a valuable source for practitioners and students. It covers the A-Z of project management in a confident contemporary manner, and provides a powerful and much needed conceptual perspective in place of a purely prescriptive approach. The engaging presentation introduces a range of challenges to established thinking about project management, often by making comparisons between practices in the UK and those of other countries.» —Peter Lansley, Professor of Construction Management, University of Reading «A refreshing and unique study of information management and its impact upon international construction project management.... The book is well presented and written, logical and succinct and is flexible enough to allow readers to either read from start to finish or to dip into selected chapters. This book deserves to be an established text for any construction or civil engineering under – and/or postgraduate course.» —CNBR, 25th November 2003 «Generous use is made of anecdotes andc case histories throughout to support the theory. the book illustrates the mistakes made by others, and the means to deliver projects on time and to cost.» —Building Services Journal, April 2004

Цена: 8173.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781444314694


The Wiley Handbook of Art Therapy
The Wiley Handbook of Art Therapy

Автор: Gussak David E

The Wiley Handbook of Art Therapy is a collection of original, internationally diverse essays, that provides unsurpassed breadth and depth of coverage of the subject. The most comprehensive art therapy book in the field, exploring a wide range of themes A unique collection of the current and innovative clinical, theoretical and research approaches in the field Cutting-edge in its content, the handbook includes the very latest trends in the subject, and in-depth accounts of the advances in the art therapy arena Edited by two highly renowned and respected academics in the field, with a stellar list of global contributors, including Judy Rubin, Vija Lusebrink, Selma Ciornai, Maria d' Ella and Jill Westwood Part of the Wiley Handbooks in Clinical Psychology series

Цена: 23197.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118306567


Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls

Автор: Hugo S. L. Hens

Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompasses all building-related physical properties and qualities that are predictable during the design stage and controllable during and after construction. The term «predictable» demands calculation tools and physical models that allow evaluating a design, whereas «controllable» presumes the existence of measuring methods available on site. The basis for a system of performance arrays are the functional demands, the needs for accessibility, safety, well-being, durability, energy efficiency and sustainability and the requirements imposed by the usage of a building. In continuation of Vol. 1 this second volume discusses light-weight construction with wooden and metal elements, roofing systems, facades, and ends with finishes and the overall risk analysis. Most chapters build on a same scheme: overview, overall performance evaluation, design and construction. The work is absolutely recommended to undergraduates and graduates in architectural and building engineering, though also building engineers, who want to refresh their knowledge, may benefit. The level of discussion assumes the reader has a sound knowledge of building physics, along with a background in structural engineering, building materials and building construction. Where and when needed, input and literature from over the world was used, reason why each chapter ends listing references and literature.

Цена: 8942.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602485


Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls
Performance Based Building Design 2. From Timber-framed Construction to Partition Walls

Автор: Hugo S. L. Hens

Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970ies. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompasses all building-related physical properties and qualities that are predictable during the design stage and controllable during and after construction. The term «predictable» demands calculation tools and physical models that allow evaluating a design, whereas «controllable» presumes the existence of measuring methods available on site. The basis for a system of performance arrays are the functional demands, the needs for accessibility, safety, well-being, durability, energy efficiency and sustainability and the requirements imposed by the usage of a building. In continuation of Vol. 1 this second volume discusses light-weight construction with wooden and metal elements, roofing systems, facades, and ends with finishes and the overall risk analysis. Most chapters build on a same scheme: overview, overall performance evaluation, design and construction. The work is absolutely recommended to undergraduates and graduates in architectural and building engineering, though also building engineers, who want to refresh their knowledge, may benefit. The level of discussion assumes the reader has a sound knowledge of building physics, along with a background in structural engineering, building materials and building construction. Where and when needed, input and literature from over the world was used, reason why each chapter ends listing references and literature.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602485


Performance Based Building Design 1. From Below Grade Construction to Cavity Walls
Performance Based Building Design 1. From Below Grade Construction to Cavity Walls

Автор: Hugo S. L. Hens

Just like building physics, performance based building design was hardly an issue before the energy crises of the 1970s. With the need to upgrade energy efficiency, the interest in overall building performance grew. The term «performance» encompasses all building-related physical properties and qualities that are predictable during the design stage and controllable during and after construction. The term «predictable» demands calculation tools and physical models that allow evaluating a design, whereas «controllable» presumes the existence of measuring methods available on site. The basis for a system of performance arrays are the functional demands, the needs for accessibility, safety, well-being, durability, energy efficiency and sustainability and the requirements imposed by the usage of a building. As the first of two volumes, this book applies the performance rationale, advanced in applied building physics, to the design and construction of buildings. After an overview of materials for thermal insulation, water proofing, air tightening and vapour tightening and a discussion on joints, building construction is analysed, starting with the excavations. Then foundations, below and on grade constructions, typical load bearing systems and floors pass the review to end with massive outer walls insulated at the inside and the outside and cavity walls. Most chapters build on a same scheme: overview, overall performance evaluation, design and construction. The book is absolutely recommended to undergraduates and graduates in architectural and building engineering, though also building engineers, who want to refresh their knowledge, may benefit. The level of discussion assumes the reader has a sound knowledge of building physics, along with a background in structural engineering, building materials and building construction. Where and when needed, input and literature from over the world was used, reason why each chapter ends listing references and literature.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783433601969


Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems. Modeling, Control, and Applications
Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems. Modeling, Control, and Applications

Автор: Iravani Reza

Presents Fundamentals of Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Electric Power Converters for Power System Applications Electronic (static) power conversion has gained widespread acceptance in power systems applications; electronic power converters are increasingly employed for power conversion and conditioning, compensation, and active filtering. This book presents the fundamentals for analysis and control of a specific class of high-power electronic converters—the three-phase voltage-sourced converter (VSC). Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems provides a necessary and unprecedented link between the principles of operation and the applications of voltage-sourced converters. The book: Describes various functions that the VSC can perform in electric power systems Covers a wide range of applications of the VSC in electric power systems—including wind power conversion systems Adopts a systematic approach to the modeling and control design problems Illustrates the control design procedures and expected performance based on a comprehensive set of examples and digital computer time-domain simulation studies This comprehensive text presents effective techniques for mathematical modeling and control design, and helps readers understand the procedures and analysis steps. Detailed simulation case studies are included to highlight the salient points and verify the designs. Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems is an ideal reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students in power engineering programs, practicing engineers who deal with grid integration and operation of distributed energy resource units, design engineers, and researchers in the area of electric power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780470551561


Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 2. Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls
Audel HVAC Fundamentals, Volume 2. Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls

Автор: James Brumbaugh E

Your guide to keeping the heat on Whether you're an apprentice or a veteran HVAC technician, you know that technology changes and you need to keep up. This fully revised guidebook covers everything you need to know to install, maintain, and repair the components that run, regulate, and fuel both old and new systems. From oil burners and steam line controls to the newest chip-based technology and environmental regulations, Volume 2 helps you keep the heat on. * Install and repair thermostats, humidistats, automatic controls, and oil or gas burner controls * Review pipes, pipe fittings, piping details, valve installation, and duct systems * Find new calculations and environmental guidelines * Learn the best ways to handle hydronics and steam line controls * Deal with solid fuels and understand coal firing methods * Refer to data tables with conversions, formula cross-references, and manufacturers' lists The Audel HVAC Library Vol. 1: Heating Systems, Furnaces, and Boilers Vol. 2: Heating System Components, Gas and Oil Burners, and Automatic Controls Vol. 3: Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, and Distribution Systems

Цена: 4970.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780764574368


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