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Античность: как греки и римляне придумали Европу
Античность: как греки и римляне придумали Европу

Автор: Петр Мазаев

У современной европейской культуры есть три столпа: христианство, национальная память и Античность. И если с первыми двумя произошло много изменений, которые поколебали их значимость, античное наследие остается основой европейского мира до сих пор. Мы используем античные имена и названия, политическую структуру и правовые формулы, календарь, философские концепции, архитектурные принципы, стихотворные размеры и жанры. На лекции разберемся, что мы понимаем под Античностью, пройдемся по основным историческим периодам и попробуем понять, почему она осталась с нами дольше, чем любой другой исторический период. Это одна из лекций Петра Мазаева, историка, педагога, координатора IB DP в Европейской гимназии, заведующего гуманитарной кафедрой школы Le Sallay Диалог. Больше лекций по истории ищите на Level One www.levelvan.ru

Серия: Лекции Level One

Цена: 299 руб.


Бадиий фотографияда юрт мад и
Бадиий фотографияда юрт мадҳи

Автор: Султонбой Деҳқонов

Муаллиф ўзбек бадиий фотографиясининг тарихи ва мустақиллик йилларидаги тараққиёти, санъат кошонала­рида нур ва соя чизгилари орқали мафтункор гўзал ди­ёримизни мадҳ этаётган фоторассомларнинг ранг-баранг асарлари ҳақида тўлқинланиб ҳикоя қилади.Ушбу китоб замонавий ўзбек бадиий фотографиясига қизиқувчи китобхонларга мўлжалланган.

Цена: 80.03 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-20-291-7


Дневник «горячего башмака». Идеальная фотография со вспышкой
Дневник «горячего башмака». Идеальная фотография со вспышкой

Автор: Джо Макнелли

Все искусство съемки сводится к правильному освещению. Джо Макнелли – всемирно известный американский фотограф и фотокорреспондент – умеет обращаться со светом. Вот уже более тридцати лет его работы украшают страницы журналов National Geographic, Time, Life и Sports Illustrated. Джо знает, какими словами описать свет, как придать ему форму и оттенок, как контролировать и направить освещение. И самое главное – Джо может создать идеальный свет при помощи компактных вспышек типа «горячий башмак». В этой книге автор щедро делится своими секретами, которые были проверены на тысячах великолепных фотографий. Вооружившись вспышками Nikon Speedlight, Джо Макнелли приглашает вас сопровождать его в творческих поисках. На практических примерах – часто забавных, иногда серьезных, но всегда увлекательных – он демонстрирует профессиональные чудеса работы со светом. Снимает ли Джо гимнастку на Великой китайской стене, аллигатора в болоте или пожарную машину, несущуюся по Таймс-сквер, при помощи компактных вспышек автор создает великолепный свет, который делает его снимки живыми, придает им глубину и настроение.

Серия: Библиотека дизайнера

Цена: 290 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-93286-192-9


Египетский ребус
Египетский ребус

Автор: Холли Вебб

Папа Мейзи – моряк, все время в плаваниях, и девочка очень давно его не видела. Папа не забывает свою дочку, вот и сейчас прислал подарок – ожерелье с подвеской. Подвеска покрыта загадочными египетскими иероглифами, и Мейзи, как начинающему детективу, не терпится расшифровать надпись. Разумеется, тут требуется помощь знатока. Но у крупнейшего специалиста по Древнему Египту своя беда – пропал золотой скарабей, гордость его коллекции. «Так это целых два египетских ребуса!» – обрадовалась девочка и с жаром принялась за эти загадки.

Серия: Мейзи Хитчинс. Приключения девочки-детектива

Исполнители: Марина Никитина

Цена: 339 руб.


Еда в объективе
Еда в объективе

Автор: Татьяна Сапрыкина

Искусство фуд-фотографии увлекательное, многогранное. И не такое простое, как может показаться на первый взгляд, ведь оно требует от мастера понимания различных аспектов и принятия многих решений в момент создания кадра. Ваш успех в постижении этого искусства будет зависеть от теоретических знаний и практических навыков в равных долях. Эта книга даст вам систематизированные знания о главных аспектах жанра. Она призвана стать настольным пособием для тех, кто только начинает свой путь, и однажды станет настоящим мастером фуд-фотографии.

Цена: 852 руб.
ISBN: 978-617-7761-03-6


Лекция «Достоверный человек»
Лекция «Достоверный человек»

Автор: Юрий Рост

Юрий Рост – легендарный журналист и фотограф, создатель особого жанра, сочетающего фотографию и рассказ о ней. Среди людей, которых фотографировал Рост – Фаина Раневская, Алиса Фрейндлих, Галина Уланова, Булат Окуджава, академики Дмитрий Лихачев и Андрей Сахаров, Михаил Горбачев. Героями Роста становились и простые люди, потому что для репортера известность персонажа – далеко не самое главное. «Достоверный человек – это человек, написать про которого по-доброму не требует много усилий. Как правило, это люди потерпевшие или претерпевшие. Или – что-то добавившие этому миру. Вот таких людей я стараюсь выбирать для своих очерков и фотографий», – говорит Юрий Рост. Сам Юрий Михайлович совершенно точно добавил этому миру новые грани. Умный, тонкий, интеллектуальный, цельный – так говорят о нем. Многие признаются, что только благодаря фотографии Роста они смогли увидеть жизнь такой, какая она есть – поразительной, разнообразной и хрупкой. А на его очерках в «Комсомолке» и «Общей газете» выросло не одно поколение молодых журналистов. На встрече с Юрием Ростом поговорим о том, как фотограф и журналист выбирает героя и какие истории скрываются за каждым снимком или очерком. Юрий Михайлович поделится воспоминаниями о людях, с которыми ему довелось общаться во время работы журналистом, телеведущим, фоторепортером. Поверьте, рассказчик он совершенно удивительный. Юрий Рост – фотограф и журналист, писатель, актёр, телеведущий. Лауреат Государственной премии РФ в области литературы и искусства, лауреат независимой общенациональной премии «Триумф» и других. Член попечительского совета благотворительного фонда «Созидание».

Серия: Лекции по искусству Юрия Роста

Цена: 279 руб.


A Companion to D. W. Griffith
A Companion to D. W. Griffith

Автор: Charles Keil

The most comprehensive volume on one of the most controversial directors in American film history A Companion to D.W. Griffith offers an exhaustive look at the first acknowledged auteur of the cinema and provides an authoritative account of the director’s life, work, and lasting filmic legacy. The text explores how Griffith’s style and status advanced along with cinema’s own development during the years when narrative became the dominant mode, when the short gave way to the feature, and when film became the pre-eminent form of mass entertainment. Griffith was at the centre of each of these changes: though a contested figure, he remains vital to any understanding of how cinema moved from nickelodeon fixture to a national pastime, playing a significant role in the cultural ethos of America. With the renewed interest in Griffith’s contributions to the film industry, A Companion to D.W. Griffith offers a scholarly look at a career that spanned more than 25 years. The editor, a leading scholar on D.W. Griffith, and the expert contributors collectively offer a unique account of one of the monumental figures in film studies. Presents the most authoritative, complete account of the director’s life, work, and lasting legacy Builds on the recent resurgence in the director’s scholarly and popular reputation Edited by a leading authority on D.W. Griffith, who has published extensively on this controversial director Offers the most up-to-date, singularly comprehensive volume on one of the monumental figures in film studies

Цена: 25848.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118341216


A Grande Tigela Vegana – Livro De Receitas
A Grande Tigela Vegana – Livro De Receitas

Автор: Joseph P. Turner

Imagine que voc? est? numa festa. Voc? gosta de pegar e beliscar canap?s que s?o servidos por gar?ons entre as conversas. Com uma tigela, isso muda. As duas maiores vantagens das comidas em tigelas ? que ? mais dif?cil de derrubar e permitem que os convidados continuem interagindo. O problema de encontros sofisticados ? que os convidados precisam estar cuidadosamente sentados para que todos se divirtam, mas a comida em tigelas ajuda que os anfitri?es evitem esse inc?modo – todos convidados podem interagir sem retornar ? mesa para comer ou ficar ca?ando canap?s. Imagine que voc? est? numa festa. Voc? gosta de pegar e beliscar canap?s que s?o servidos por gar?ons entre as conversas. Com uma tigela, isso muda. As duas maiores vantagens das comidas em tigelas ? que ? mais dif?cil de derrubar e permitem que os convidados continuem interagindo. O problema de encontros sofisticados ? que os convidados precisam estar cuidadosamente sentados para que todos se divirtam, mas a comida em tigelas ajuda que os anfitri?es evitem esse inc?modo – todos convidados podem interagir sem retornar ? mesa para comer ou ficar ca?ando canap?s. Mesmo com as piadinhas, a tend?ncia continua crescendo. Em 2016, o site Business Insider reportou que a tend?ncia de comidas em tigelas aumentou aproximadamente 30% desde 2011. O crescimento das comidas em tigelas levou a varia??es da tend?ncia, como a Tigela de Buddha. Por causa das tigelas, quem est? comendo se torna mais atento ao que est? ingerindo, mastigando adequadamente e aproveitando a comida, se tornando quase como Buda. Voc? tem dificuldades em cozinhar uma deliciosa receita de comida vegana na tigela? Esse livro de receitas veganas na tigela vai ensinar a voc? as receitas passo a passo. Assim, voc? ter? dispon?vel uma variedade de comidas veganas para preparar para voc? e para sua fam?lia! Para quem serve esse livro de receitas veganas: – Qualquer pessoa que queira aprender a verdade sobre dieta vegana e preparo de refei??es – Qualquer pessoa que queira desenvolver massa muscular seguindo uma dieta vegana – Qualquer pessoa que deseje aprender a cozinhar deliciosas refei??es veganas proteicas em tigelas – Atletas veganos – Entusiastas de sa?de e bem estar veganos. Vamos iniciar o sucesso juntos! Role para cima e aperte o bot?o “Adicionar ao Carrinho” agora!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835415978


A Parliament of Owls
A Parliament of Owls

Автор: David Tipling

A unique collection of stunning photographs and detailed portraits of over fifty of the most striking owl species around the world.The less we know about something, the more we create a mythology around it. This is especially true for owls. Mainly nocturnal, generally silent, and reliant on the element of surprise in their attacks, they seldom encounter humans, but we have still created a vast body of legend around these mysterious avians – for some, they symbolise wisdom, for others they are the agents of evil or harbingers of death.Understanding these birds is a great challenge outstandingly met by award-winning natural history author Mike Unwin and David Tipling, one of Britain’s foremost photographers. Unwin, who has watched and admired owls all over the world, captures the essence of each species, while explaining the unique natural history that has made these silent assassins the most effective feathered predators of darkness. He describes a fascinating range of breeding and hunting behaviour, the unusual calls that have given rise to so much superstition, and the cultural impact of owls around the world. The stunning range of photographs, taken and compiled by David Tipling, captures the beauty of each species and the drama of the landscapes they inhabit.At once an investigation and a celebration, A Parliament of Owls looks at over fifty species of these infinitely fascinating birds, from the Snowy Owl hunting lemmings in the Arctic tundra to the rodent-eating Burrowing Owl of the dusty hollows beneath the South American pampas.

Цена: 1649.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780008206727


Anthropology For Dummies
Anthropology For Dummies

Автор: Cameron Smith M

Covers the latest competing theories in the field Get a handle on the fundamentals of biological and cultural anthropology When did the first civilizations arise? How many human languages exist? The answers are found in anthropology – and this friendly guide explains its concepts in clear detail. You'll see how anthropology developed as a science, what it tells us about our ancestors, and how it can help with some of the hot-button issues our world is facing today. Discover: How anthropologists learn about the past Humanity's earliest activities, from migration to civilization Why our language differs from other animal communication How to find a career in anthropology

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470430927


Beautiful Beasties
Beautiful Beasties

Автор: Jamie Pflughoeft

The book pet lovers have been waiting for: professional advice on pet photography Every pet parent knows how difficult it is to get that calendar-quality photo of a beloved cat or dog. This guide to pet photography is long overdue! Pet lovers will find terrific tips to help them capture their pets? personalities in photos, while professional photographers who want to extend their business opportunities will value advice on the unique challenges of working with animals and creating the portraits their clients want. With pet owners comprising more than 62 percent of Americans, there is an eager amateur market for a book that reveals how to get great photos of those furry family members Zeroes in on pet photography as a growing specialty among professional photographers, and this book offers advice for creating great pet portraits as well as tips on working with animals and their owners Explains how to capture expressions, avoid spooky eyes, edit for better images, work with multiple animals, and much more As the first serious guide to pet photography on the market, Beautiful Beasties has what pet parents and professional photographers need to capture memorable pet photos.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118221389


Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For Dummies
Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For Dummies

Автор: Mark Chambers L

If you’ve dreamed about having a customized multimedia PC or one tricked out for your favorite games, build your own and make your dreams come true! Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For Dummies makes it easy. Not only is building your own PC a really rewarding project, it can also save you a nice chunk of cash. This step-by-step guide helps you decide what you need, teaches you what all those computer terms mean, and tells you exactly how to put the pieces together. It shows you: What tools you need (not as many as you might think!) All about operating systems How to install CD and DVD drives The scoop on sound and video, and how to put a sound system together from start to finish How to connect a monitor and install a modem All about setting up and configuring the hard drive Secrets for securing your system, and more Included is a bonus DVD showing you how to install the motherboard, CPU, RAM, ports, hard drive, video and sound cards, a DVD drive, and more. With Build Your Own PC Do-It-Yourself For Dummies, you can have the computer you want plus the satisfaction of doing it yourself! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470462164


Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Digital Field Guide
Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Digital Field Guide

Автор: Charlotte Lowrie K

Learn to use every feature of your Canon T3/1100D and get great shots every time Digital Field Guides offer step-by-step information about digital camera controls as well as tips and techniques for getting great photos in various common situations. This handy guide, perfectly sized to fit in a camera bag, explains how to use every button, dial, and setting on your Rebel T3/1100D and also covers using the improved HD video features, and in-camera movie editing options. Illustrated with the author's outstanding photos, the book provides recipes for getting the photo you want in any environment. The EOS Rebel T3/1100D is Canon's newest entry-level dSLR camera, offering a streamlined and simplified experience for new dSLR users This book explains every camera control, showing you how to use all the buttons, dials, and settings Cover the exciting new HD video features and offers suggestions for getting outstanding shots in common shooting situations Small-trim design makes it easy to take this guide along whenever you use your camera Includes a gray card and color checker card used to maintain accurate color and white balance New dSLR camera users will get up to speed quickly with the easy-to-follow guidance in this handy field guide.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118132463


Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide
Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide

Автор: Michael Corsentino

Get enlightened with this detailed coverage of Canon's Speedlite system If you use a digital SLR camera, then you understand just how critical it is to have a capable flash. A Canon Speedlite shines a whole new light on taking photos with a Canon DSLR. This full-color, in-depth guide takes you beyond the standard manual that accompanies a Canon Speedlite and shows you the types of settings you can use on your camera when working with off-camera flashes. You'll explore the possibilities of wireless lighting with multiple speedlites as well as the creative effects you can achieve. Author, teacher, and professional photographer Michael Corsentino demystifies setting up a speedlite, synchronizing the speedlite equipment, and determining lighting ratios. He provides you with detailed, real-world information on using all of Canon's various Speedlite models including the new 600EX-RT and covers other Canon lighting system components such as the ST-E2 Wireless Transmitter, Macro Ring Lite, and Macro Twin Lites and OC-E3 Off-Camera Shoe Cord. Highlights how the Canon Speedlite system is a must-have accessory for exploring a new world of digital photo possibilities Covers a number of Canon's Speedlites, including the 600EX-RT, 580 EX II, 430 EX II, 270 EX and 270 EX II, and the 320 EX Shows you how to create an inexpensive and portable wireless studio lighting system that can go where you go Demystifies setting up the speedlite, synchronizing the equipment, and figuring out lighting ratios Canon Speedlite System Digital Field Guide, 3rd Edition is a handy guide that shares real-world information and untangles the complexities of using the Canon Speedlite system.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118224175


Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D For Dummies
Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

An easy-to-follow guide to Canon's first touchscreen dSLR Canon calls the EOS Rebel T4i/650D its most consumer-friendly dSLR, but there's still a lot to learn. Expert author and photography instructor Julie Adair King handles the subject in a step-by-step style that will boost your confidence. If this is your first dSLR, you'll find all the information you need to get going with your new camera and start taking great pictures. More than 300 fabulous full-color photos illustrate all the camera features and also show you what you and your Rebel T4i/650D can achieve. Canon's EOS Rebel T4i/650D is a consumer-friendly dSLR with touchscreen controls, expanded autofocus features, and improved low-light shooting capabilities; this friendly guide explains all the controls and helps you gain confidence with the Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D camera Bestselling author Julie Adair King covers using auto, live view, and playback modes; how to dial in exposure and lighting controls; and how to manipulate focus and color Offers advice on situational shots, explains how to get images onto a computer for editing, and shows how to print photos or post them online Presents professional editing tips and plenty of beautiful full-color images showing what you can achieve Popular author has written more than 15 For Dummies books on Nikon and Canon cameras Canon EOS Rebel T4i/650D For Dummies is the perfect how-to guide for anyone venturing into dSLR photography with this popular new model.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118461921


Collins Complete Photography Course
Collins Complete Photography Course

Автор: John Garrett

A practical, affordable and accessible home photography tutor. This inspiring project-based course book covers everything from basic composition to the latest digital darkroom techniques.Learn at your own pace as this practical, comprehensive course helps you develop your key photographic techniques. Contents include: step-by-step projects on exposure, aperture, lenses, light, filters, colour, black and white and image enhancement; plus professional secrets and stunning shots from around the world.The fully interactive and project-based approach of Collins Complete Photography Course will help you to raise both your camera confidence and your level of photography.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007372522


Collins Complete Photography Projects
Collins Complete Photography Projects

Автор: John Garrett

The book all amateur digital photographers need – learn how to take the perfect photograph every time, from the authors of the bestselling Collins Complete Photography Course.In this book, John and Graeme apply their years of experience as professional photographers and instructors to teaching you the techniques and tips for capturing your friends and family, children and pets, holidays, sports days, celebrations, parties, festivals, weddings, births and birthdays. This book will show you the best way to photograph them all – every important person, place and memory you’ll want to treasure.Using the same practical, project based course structure that helped so many amateur photographers get to grips with their cameras in their bestselling Collins Complete Photography Course, John and Graeme will give you the confidence to get out your camera and start taking photos. Includes tips and advice on how to get the best out of your iphone and other mobile and point-and-shoots cameras as well as your digital SLR.John and Graeme’s warm and encouraging style will build your confidence, inspire your creativity and get you experimenting with your photos. With specially shot case studies and projects, step-by-steps, troubleshooting and project reviews you’ll be learning as you shoot right from the get go.Collins Complete Photography Projects is the natural follow-up to the Collins Complete Photography Course, benefiting those who have worked their way through the first one, but it will stand alone with a concise technical section that will bring new readers up to speed. A must have photography book for anyone with a digital camera and a little imagination.

Цена: 880.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780007509270


Collins Complete Dog Manual
Collins Complete Dog Manual

Автор: Collins Dictionaries

A comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide to all aspects of owning a dog.All of the aspects of dog ownership are covered in the comprehensive Collins Complete Dog Manual. From choosing which breed is right for you, to all elements of looking after your dog, training your dog and building a meaningful relationship with your dog, this book is the most complete and most authoritative guide to caring for and living with your beloved pet.The book offers an appealing combination of accurate and practical information and stunning photography.Includes:Which Breed?Finding a DogRescue DogsThe Perfect PuppySettling into a New HomeDog Breed GuideThe Most Popular BreedsDog BehaviourHuman/Dog RelationshipCommunication MechanismsCuring Common ProblemsTrainingDaily CareHealthcareAdvanced Dog Care

Цена: 1977.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780007513116


Das IPhone 12 Pro Fotografie Benutzerhandbuch
Das IPhone 12 Pro Fotografie Benutzerhandbuch

Автор: Wendy Hills

Eine vollst?ndige Anleitung zur Verwendung der iPhone 12 Pro-Kamera Die beste Kamera f?r den Job ist die, die Sie in der Hand haben, wenn es eine Gelegenheit f?r ein Fotoshooting gibt, besonders wenn diese Kamera das iPhone 12 Pro ist. Maximieren Sie die Verwendung Ihres iPhone 12, um gro?artige Aufnahmen zu machen Eine vollst?ndige Anleitung zur Verwendung der iPhone 12 Pro-Kamera Die beste Kamera f?r den Job ist die, die Sie in Ihren H?nden haben, wenn es eine Gelegenheit f?r ein Fotoshooting gibt, besonders wenn diese Kamera das iPhone 12 Pro ist. Die Frage ist also, ob Sie das Beste aus diesem leistungsstarken Werkzeug in Ihrer Tasche herausholen. Scheinen die Fotos, die Sie machen, von einem Amateur zu stammen, weil sie unscharf aussehen und sich stark von der Art von Bild unterscheiden, die Sie eigentlich machen wollten? Wenn es Ihnen so geht und Sie in der Lage sein wollen, mit Ihrem iPhone unglaubliche Fotos zu machen, dann ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige f?r Sie. Am Ende dieses Buches sollten Sie in der Lage sein, mit Ihrem iPhone 12 Pro auch bei schlechten Lichtverh?ltnissen gro?artige Aufnahmen zu machen. Sie werden auch mit den F?higkeiten ausgestattet sein, die Sie ben?tigen, um gro?artige Portr?tfotos von Menschen aufzunehmen und Ihre Komposition so festzulegen, dass andere staunen, wie professionell Ihre Bilder durchweg aussehen, w?hrend Sie atemberaubende Landschafts-, Essens- und Reisefotos von den Veranstaltungen erstellen, an denen Sie beteiligt sind. Das Buch beginnt damit, einige grundlegende Dinge ?ber das iPhone 12 Pro und die Relevanz einiger dieser Funktionen auf dem iPhone zu behandeln und wie sie die Qualit?t der damit aufgenommenen Bilder beeinflussen. In k?rzester Zeit, nachdem Sie mit diesem Buch begonnen haben, werden Sie anfangen, mit Ihrer Kamera zu knipsen, und zwar mit viel mehr Selbstvertrauen und Geschicklichkeit als andere, die einfach nur ihre Kamera auf ein Objekt richten und Bilder machen, ohne einige dieser grundlegenden Kenntnisse und F?higkeiten. Einige Inhalte, die Sie in diesem Buch erwarten k?nnen, sind: – Wie Sie Animojis erstellen und sogar Memoji mit anderen Telefonbenutzern teilen – Wie Sie atemberaubende Bilder f?r Ihre Social-Media-Plattformen aufnehmen – Wie Sie atemberaubende Bilder mit dem Portr?tmodus aufnehmen und vieles mehr Mit diesem Buch in Ihren H?nden k?nnen Sie sich von einem mittelm??igen iPhone-Basisbenutzer zu einem iPhone-Fotospezialisten entwickeln. Es wird Ihnen die Zeit und Energie ersparen, ?ber einige dieser Funktionen zu stolpern, indem es Sie ganz bewusst mit diesen Features und Funktionen vertraut macht. Wenn Sie ein Nachschlagewerk zu Themen rund um die iPhone-Fotografie suchen, dann ist dies ein gro?artiges Nachschlagewerk f?r Sie, ganz anders als ein generisches iPhone 12 Pro-Handbuch, da solche B?cher verschiedene Themen grob behandeln. Nicht nur das, sondern Sie k?nnen dieses Buch auch als Geschenk f?r einen Freund, Sohn, Tochter oder einen geliebten Menschen bestellen, um ihnen zu helfen, schnell mit der Nutzung ihres Telefons zu beginnen, sobald sie anfangen, die Seiten dieses Buches zu erkunden. Besonderer Bonus Das ist noch nicht alles, am Ende dieses Buches haben wir ein besonderes Geschenk f?r Sie, von dem wir glauben, dass Sie es lieben werden. Klicken Sie auf ”In den Warenkorb”, um das Buch zu kaufen, oder klicken Sie auf ”Jetzt kaufen”, um mindestens ein Exemplar jetzt zu erwerben.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835415749


Destination Unknown
Destination Unknown

Автор: Агата Кристи

A young woman with nothing to live for is persuaded to embark on a suicide mission to find a missing scientist…When a number of leading scientists disappear without trace, concern grows within the international intelligence community. Are they being kidnapped? Blackmailed? Brainwashed?One woman appears to have the key to the mystery. Unfortunately, Olive Betteron now lies in a hospital bed, dying from injuries sustained in a Moroccan plane crash.Meanwhile, in a Casablanca hotel room, Hilary Craven prepares to take her own life. But her suicide attempt is about to be interrupted by a man who will offer her an altogether more thrilling way to die…

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007422296


Dickens: History in an Hour
Dickens: History in an Hour

Автор: Kaye Jones

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.Charles Dickens remains – 200 years after his birth – arguably Britain’s most successful writer. Works such as Great Expectations and Oliver Twist have amused and inspired readers in all languages since their original publication in the nineteenth century, and have been adapted countless times for the stage and screen.Dickens: History in an Hour covers all the major facts and events surrounding Dickens’s life; the poverty of his childhood, his experience in Warren’s Blacking Factory, the evolution of his novels, his tours around America and Europe and his sometimes scandalous private life. Dickens: History in an Hour tells you everything you need to know about Charles Dickens in just one hour.Know your stuff: read about Dickens in just one hour.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007237548


Digital Photography For Dummies
Digital Photography For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Photographers! Your guide is here! The demand for high-quality photographs is higher than ever. Whether you’re building your influencer rating online, capturing the moments of a child’s life, or are looking for ways to improve your skills, photography know-how is a must-have skill.  Digital Photography For Dummies helps you do more than pointing, shooting, and hoping for the best or slapping a filter on a camera phone shot. This book introduces you to the camera settings and techniques that separate okay pictures from frame-worthy portraits. It then explains how to apply those skills to capturing your own portraits, landscape shots, and high-action photos.  Develop a better eye for image composition Discover how to light photos better, including using natural light Learn to get quick results in auto settings or take full control in manual mode Discover the elements of exposure and how they influence the final product Find instructions on taking a formal or casual portrait Apply basic editing techniques to finalize your image Go beyond photo apps and apply the techniques pros use for their images.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119609650


Digital Wedding Photography. Capturing Beautiful Memories
Digital Wedding Photography. Capturing Beautiful Memories

Автор: Glen Johnson

Fully revised and updated! Full-color guide to capturing great wedding images and building a successful photography business This full-color book from acclaimed professional wedding photographer Glen Johnson not only teaches you how to take memorable photos, it also shows you how to start a wedding photography business. Packed with great tips and savvy advice, this new edition helps you set up efficient workflows, choose camera equipment, manipulate images, make impressive presentations, and launch smart, photo-based marketing strategies to build your business. Best of all, it's loaded with new, superb photos that illustrate photography techniques. Shows you how to set up and capture beautiful photos, posed or candid, in all kinds of settings, for weddings and other special events Offers practical marketing strategies for building your own photography business, including how to build a fantastic Web site that attracts clients Covers current camera equipment and accessories, post-shoot digital darkroom techniques, digital editing software, and how to print your images successfully Gives you invaluable insights and tips from the author, who is one of the country's top wedding and special events photographers Capture better pictures of some of life's most memorable events—and build a sucessful photography business—with this indispensable guide!

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118121696


Digital Photography For Dummies
Digital Photography For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119609674


Dog Photography For Dummies
Dog Photography For Dummies

Автор: Sarah Sypniewski

Tips and tricks for capturing your canine's personality with every click of the camera Simply snapping a picture may not capture the playfulness or spontaneity of a dog. Knowing what kind of equipment, angle, and composition to use while photographing a dog can make all the difference in the character captured in the photo. Dog Photography For Dummies gives you practical and fun guidance for capturing your dog's personality and turning ordinary shots into priceless memories that will last a lifetime. Covering all the latest and greatest gadgets and accessories available to capture and alter photos of your favorite pooch, Dog Photography For Dummies offers techniques that amateurs and intermediates alike can use to improve their photography skills. This hands-on guide features great examples of dog portraiture, plus tons of ideas for fun new places to pose your furry friend, such as the beach, the park, the car, in the snow, and more. Detailed discussions of color versus black-and-white, indoors versus outdoors, composition, and capturing movement Advice on how to get a dog to sit still Considerations for photographing a shy dog who is scared of the camera Guidance on making the most of natural light Tips for photographing dogs with black (or dark) coats How to photograph people and dogs together Whether for decorating, memories, or holiday cards, Dog Photography For Dummies makes it easy to capture the best of your four-legged friend.

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118170779


Food Styling and Photography For Dummies
Food Styling and Photography For Dummies

Автор: Alison Parks-Whitfield

Discover how to style and photograph food like the pros Whether you're taking shots for a foodie blog, advertisements, packaging, menus, or cookbooks, Food Styling & Photography For Dummies shows you how to take the next step in your passion for food and photography. This attractive, informative, and fun guide to the fundamentals of food styling provides information on the tools and techniques used by some of the most successful industry professionals. Food Styling & Photography For Dummies provides you with the fundamentals of food styling and gives you the inside scoop on the tools and techniques used by some of the most successful industry professionals. Shows you how to translate taste, aroma, and appeal through color, texture, and portion Includes techniques such as extreme close-ups, selective focus, and unique angles to create dramatic effect Detailed coverage on lighting and composition Tips for choosing the proper equipment and mastering the use of camera settings, lenses, and post-production software Advice for creating a professional personality and getting your food photography business off the ground Whether you're an amateur or professional food photographer, Food Styling & Photography For Dummies is a fun and informative guide to photographing and arranging culinary subject matter.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223680


Fotograf?a Digital R?flex
Fotograf?a Digital R?flex

Автор: Paolo Gallo

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356405


From Photon to Pixel
From Photon to Pixel

Автор: Henri Ma?tre

The digital camera conceals remarkable technological innovations that affect the formation of the image, the color representation or automated measurements and settings. ** From photon to pixel photon ** describes the device both from the point of view of the physics of the phenomena involved, as technical components and software it uses. Based on the perceptual properties of the visual system as well as on standard transmission and representation, analyzes the solutions to meet the demands of the photographer on the development, contrast, white balance or stabilization of image. The advanced architectures adopted in mobile phones and developments of computational photography are also presented, foreshadowing the features of the future device.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119238638


In der Welt - nicht von der Welt
In der Welt - nicht von der Welt

Автор: Alex Lefrank

Die Jesuiten gelten als weltoffen. Was aber hei?t «weltoffen»? Wie kann es heute gelingen, sich in der Welt zu orientieren, sich zu engagieren und dennoch nicht in ihr aufzugehen? Die dr?ngenden und ungel?sten Fragen unserer Zeit sp?ren wir alle t?glich. Wir leben nicht nur in der Welt, wir sind ein Teil von ihr. Welches Verh?ltnis zu dieser Welt inspiriert unsere Antwortversuche?
Das Buch ?ffnet im R?ckgriff auf das Neue Testament die Augen f?r gesellschaftliche Systeme und zeigt, wie Ignatius von Loyola in den Exerzitien dazu anleitet, die Welt heute aktiv mitzugestalten und f?r alle zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.

Серия: Ignatianische Impulse

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783429060152


In Valnerina Nel Tempo Sospeso
In Valnerina Nel Tempo Sospeso

Автор: Remigio Venanzi

Polino. In questo tempo sospeso, una piazza nuova. Accadde in Umbria, in Valnerina, in un piccolo lembo di terra fatto di donne e di uomini, di tradizioni e sensazioni, di misticit?, di duro lavoro e spesso anche di miseria. Consapevoli e fieri di appartenere a una terra vera e leale, che sa raccontarsi anche attraverso vecchi ricordi immortalati in una semplice foto. Oggi, dove tutto corre veloce, uno strano fenomeno ci obbliga a vivere un tempo sospeso, relegati in casa, rischiamo di perdere l'identit? sociale. L'idea di questa pubblicazione nasce da semplici considerazioni: in un momento dove i rapporti interpersonali rischiano di perdersi, le relazioni e gli scambi di esperienze si annullano e con questi anche i contatti che, soprattutto nei piccoli paesi, avvenivano nella piazza principale, abbiamo creato una ”piazza nuova” un luogo virtuale che annulla tempo e spazio ponendoci di nuovo a contatto, facendo incontrare i paesani di una volta, che le vicende della vita hanno portato anche lontano dal paese natio, con quelli di oggi. ? su questa ”piazza nuova”, costruita su un profilo social, che giovani e anziani si sono incontrati e parlati di nuovo: confrontandosi e ritrovandosi, in questo tempo sospeso, attraverso semplici vecchie foto, che sono diventate la trasposizione dell'identit? antica e presente. Un tempo sospeso che non ? stato perso, al contrario, ha dato un frutto nuovo: i vecchi cassetti hanno restituito e condiviso contenuti che, diversamente, sarebbero rimasti confinati e forse persi per sempre. Questo tempo sospeso ci ha rubato molti anziani: la nostra memoria, le nostre radici! Questa “piazza nuova”, tutta virtuale, contribuisce a restituire la memoria e l'identit? portandole avanti nel tempo e nello spazio. Il profilo social ”Poiino, com’era raccontato con le vecchie foto” ha il merito, soprattutto in questo tempo, di costituire una sorta di esperimento sociale che connette il passato con il presente, attraverso i ricordi e le testimonianze di chi c’era e di chi c’? ancora, proiettandoci in un futuro di incertezze e dubbi, ma ricco e sicuro dei valori che abbiamo rispolverato e condiviso con queste vecchie foto, duro lavoro, coesione, dignit?, onest? morale, aprendo una finestra sul nostro passato, proiettando in avanti le esperienze e mettendo a frutto identitario e comunitario questo tempo sospeso. I proventi netti delle vendite di questa opera saranno impiegati per restaurare alcuni affreschi dell'eremo di sant'Antonio di Polino.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9788835427421


Kevin Kubota s Lighting Notebook
Kevin Kubota's Lighting Notebook

Автор: Kevin Kubota

Get professional advice from one of the world's top wedding photographers Creative use of lighting is a hallmark of quality photography. Kevin Kubota has been listed among the world's top 10 wedding photographers by American Photo magazine and named a Legend Behind the Lens by Nikon. This guide features dozens of his unique lighting and post-production recipes and techniques, each illustrated with a spectacular image. Author Kevin Kubota enjoys a cult-like following among professional photographers and has earned numerous accolades for his talent Includes the author's unique lighting and post-production recipes and techniques that reinforce the theory that good lighting is the key to quality photography Presents a number of shooting scenarios with behind-the-scenes setup, a description of the photographer's objective, the equipment used, and the resulting image for each Features a companion app that will enable the photographer to search and find lighting suggestions by subject, style, budget, equipment, and other guidelines, all while in the field Kevin Kubota's Lighting Notebook for Digital Photographers is almost like having the famous photographer sharing his secrets with you one on one.

Цена: 3865.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781118160480


New York Bad Boys - Liam: Verliebt in ein Model - Yearn for, Band 4 (ungek?rzt)
New York Bad Boys - Liam: Verliebt in ein Model - Yearn for, Band 4 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Allie Kinsley

Исполнители: Tina Marie Kunter

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4066004662206


Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop
Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop

Автор: Alan Hess

Finally! A resource that sheds light on the unique challenges of night and low-light photography With their unique sets of challenges, night and low-light photography are often touted as some of the most difficult and frustrating genres of digital photography. This much-needed guide demystifies any murky topics provides you with all the information you need to know from choosing the right gear and camera settings to how to best edit your photos in post-production. Renowned photographer Alan Hess shares techniques and indispensable tips that he has garnered from years of experience. Helpful projects and full-color stunning photos in each chapter serve to educate and inspire, while assignments at the end of every chapter encourage you to practice your skills and upload your photos to a website so you can share and receive critiques. Details best practices for taking portraits, landscapes, and action shots in night or low light Features specific coverage of concert photography and low-light event photography Answers the most frequent questions that photographers face while tackling this challenging technique Packed with invaluable advice and instruction, Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop doesn?t leave you in the dark.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118213100


Nik Software Captured
Nik Software Captured

Автор: Joshua Haftel A

Learn all the features and functionality of the complete Nik family of products Styled in such a way as to resemble the way photographers think, Nik Software Captured aims to help you learn to apply all the features and functionality of the Nik software products. With Nik Software Captured, authors and Nik Software, Inc. insiders Tony Corbell and Josh Haftel help you use after-capture software products easier and more creatively. Their sole aim is to ensure that you can apply the techniques discussed in the book while gaining a thorough understanding of the capabilities of programs such as Dfine 2.0, Viveza 2, Color Efex Pro 4.0, Silver Efex Pro 2, Sharpener Pro 3.0, and HDR Efex Pro. Helps you learn all the features and functionality of the Nik family of products Shares tips and techniques on retouching and exposure Offers a solid understanding of the importance of light Explores ways to save time in the digital workflow Answers the demand from readers to compile a variety of techniques conceived to help when using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, and Apple's Aperture With Nik Software Captured, you'll quickly benefit from the array of helpful techniques featured in this single resource.

Цена: 4417.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118222027


Nikon Z fc For Dummies
Nikon Z fc For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119873181


Nikon D7100 For Dummies
Nikon D7100 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

A must-have, full-color guide to the Nikon D7100 The Nikon D7100 is an ideal camera for beginning photographers who may lack structured photography training but are still eager and determined to take great photos. And that?s where this fun-and-friendly guide comes in handy! Packed with more than 300 full-color photos, this introductory guide begins by helping you get a feel for the camera, get comfortable shooting in auto mode, managing playback options, and handle basic troubleshooting strategies. Veteran author Julie Adair King walks you through the D7100's features and encourages you to take creative control so that you can start capturing stunning pictures immediately. Packs in more than 300 full-color photos that exemplify the basic photo skills needed to get great shots Shares a wealth of information from one of the most popular digital photography authors Walks you through adjusting manual settings to get better results from exposure, lighting, focus, and color Contains an entire chapter on video mode Explains how to send images to a computer for organizing, editing, and sharing Nikon D7100 For Dummies helps you get a grasp on your camera's controls so you can start taking memorable photos today!

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118530559


Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide
Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide

Автор: J. Thomas Dennis

Everything you need to know to take amazing photographs using your new DSLR The Nikon D5300 Digital Field Guide is filled with everything you need to know to take fantastic photos with your new Nikon. In full color, this portable guide covers all of the essential controls, features, and functions of the Nikon D5300, using step-by-step instructions and providing full-color images of each menu screen. Nikon users will love this comprehensive field guide—it's just the right size to fit into a camera bag, so you'll be able to take it wherever your photography adventures take you. The guide goes beyond camera settings, offering you a refresher course in digital photography principles, and covering the essentials of lighting, composition, and exposure. This perfectly sized field guide features: Compact size, allowing photographers to carry it wherever they go Professional advice on everything from composing a variety of shots to choosing lenses Colorful example images, along with detailed instructions on how to get the most from each of the camera's features Filled with amazing examples, this handy guide offers a variety of tips and tricks. You'll learn how to capture portraits, take character-filled candid shots, frame sports action, document travel, work with macro photography, and much more!

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118867136


Nikon Z fc For Dummies
Nikon Z fc For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Say cheese! Explore this beginner-friendly guide to digital photography with the Nikon Z fc camera With a design that looks like an old-school film camera, the Nikon Z fc makes photographers want to grab this very-modern model off the shelf and start taking photos. But if you really want to set your pictures apart from the average snapshot, you need Nikon Z fc For Dummies . This book takes you on a comprehensive and user-friendly tour of the Nikon Z fc camera, its settings, and all of its automatic and manual options. You’ll learn to accessorize your camera with custom lenses and flash units and control the color and clarity of your images. You’ll also get: Accessible instruction on tried and tested photography techniques Instruction on how to adjust color and exposure settings Strategies for when to use your camera’s auto options to when to take full control of settings Ideal for anyone who wants to get the most out of their Nikon Z fc camera, Nikon Z fc For Dummies covers the photography basics you need to understand to take fantastic pictures along with how to apply those techniques to the Nikon Z fc.

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119873198


Nikon D3200 For Dummies
Nikon D3200 For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

A full-color guide to Nikon's exciting new entry-level dSLR With its large 24.2 megapixel sensor, full HD video recording capability, and wireless options, the Nikon D3200 is very appealing! This full-color guide assumes no prior digital photography or dSLR knowledge and helps you start taking great pictures with your new Nikon right from the beginning. Popular author and photography instructor Julie Adair King shows you how to use all the settings, manage playback options, take control with manual modes, work with video, and edit and share your images. It's like a personal course in beginning dSLR photography. New dSLR users will quickly gain skills and confidence with the step-by-step, colorfully illustrated instructions in this beginner's guide to the Nikon D3200 camera Explains how to use all the new features of the Nikon D3200, including a 24-megapixel sensor, 11 autofocus points, 4 frame-per-second shooting, full HD video capabilities, and a WiFi feature that lets you control the camera remotely or preview images on your smartphone Covers auto and manual modes, playback options, working with exposure and focus, shooting video, editing and sharing photos, troubleshooting, and photography tips Popular author has written more than 15 For Dummies books on Nikon and Canon cameras Nikon D3200 For Dummies is the easy, full-color, and fun way to start making the most of your new camera right away.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118446782


On the Logic of the Social Sciences
On the Logic of the Social Sciences

Автор: Jurgen Habermas

In this wide-ranging work, now available in paperback, Habermas presents his views on the nature of the social sciences and their distinctive methodology and concerns. He examines, among other things, the traditional division between the natural sciences and the social sciences; the characteristics of social action and the implications of theories of language for social enquiry; and the nature, tasks and limitations of hermeneutics. Habermas' analysis of these and other themes is, as always, rigorous, perceptive and constructive. This brilliant study succeeds in highlighting the distinctive characteristics of the social sciences and in outlining the nature of, and prospects for, critical theory today.

Цена: 3197.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780745692654


Praktische F?lle zum Kommunalrecht Nordrhein-Westfalen
Praktische F?lle zum Kommunalrecht Nordrhein-Westfalen

Автор: Ernst-Dieter B?sche

Das Buch stellt die vielf?ltigen kommunalrechtlichen Probleme anhand von praktischen F?llen dar, vermittelt durch deren L?sung tiefere Einblicke in die Rechtsanwendung und schafft ein gr??eres Verst?ndnis f?r die Zusammenh?nge. Es veranschaulicht, welche Sachverhalte in der Praxis auftreten k?nnen sowie welche Fallgestaltungen denkbar sind, und dient somit nicht zuletzt der Vorbereitung auf Klausuren. Die F?lle sind so konzipiert, dass jeweils mit einem Fall ein Problem skizziert und bearbeitet wird. Dar?ber hinaus kann auch die Bearbeitung umfangreicherer F?lle, die verschiedene Problembereiche umfassen, selbst erprobt und anschlie?end anhand der vorgegebenen L?sung leicht verst?ndlich nachvollzogen werden.

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9783792201596


QuickBooks 2017 For Dummies
QuickBooks 2017 For Dummies

Автор: Stephen L. Nelson

The perennial bestseller—updated for the latest release of QuickBooks If you're like most people involved with a small business, accounting isn't necessarily your strong suit, and certainly isn't the reason you got involved with your venture. Luckily, this bestselling guide shows you just how easy it is to use QuickBooks to keep your ducks in a row—so you can spend less time worrying about finances and more time concentrating on other aspects of your growing business. With easy-to-follow guidance and plain-English explanations that cut through confusing financial jargon, QuickBooks 2017 For Dummies assumes no prior knowledge of the software and gets you started at the very beginning. In no time, you'll discover how to install the software and configure QuickBooks for your business needs, set up payroll reminders, download bank and credit card transactions, pay bills online, keep track of your checkbook and credit cards, and so much more. Organize all of your business finances in one place Create invoices and credit memos, record sales receipts, and pay the bills Track inventory, calculate job costs, and monitor your business reports Make tax time easier Written by a CPA who knows QuickBooks and understands your unique business needs, this is your go-to guide for getting past the paperwork and putting the program to work for you.

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119281481



Автор: David Woodfall

A hopeful yet practical collection of essays exploring the many opportunities and benefits of rewilding and how to get involved today. Highly illustrated with nature photography tracing landscape change over thousands of years. Rewilding has become the key talking point in the modern conservation movement. But it’s commonly misunderstood as a campaign to fill the forests with lynxes, wolves and bears, when in fact the ethos guiding the British rewilding movement is much more nuanced, and much broader in scope. It’s also much more complicated, requiring an in-depth understanding of the complexity of regional ecosystems.Naturalist and photographer David Woodfall has spent years canvassing converts actually working in the countryside, meeting the people on the frontline of rewilding and collecting their stories. The result is a passionate chorus of voices from all facets of the movement. More than 50 contributors share stories of successful examples like the Knepp and Alladale estates, of unique species like the North Atlantic Salmon under threat, of the essential NGOs and trusts, of government agencies and policies, and so much more. Illustrated with Woodfall’s stunning nature photography, Rewilding offers at once an in-depth understanding of an essential movement and the people leading it; and of British ecosystems in all their terribly fragility and intricate beauty.

Цена: 1467.32 руб.
ISBN: 9780008300487


Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies
Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: Joel Elad

The all-in-one guide to everything you need to know to start an online business Starting an online business can be a tricky undertaking. Luckily, Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition gives you the business savvy needed to make your online business boom. Cutting through technical jargon and hype, this plain-English guide arms you with everything you need to succeed, from developing a business plan and designing your website to making the most of marketing through social media—and everything in between. Plus, you'll get ideas for funding your online start-up, tips for moving your brick-and-mortar customers online, ways to breathe new life into a tired business, the latest on trademarks and copyrights, and much more. Includes updated information on web page design with HTML 5 and CSS, new analysis tools, and search engine optimization Gives you trusted information on Internet security Covers niche and advanced e-commerce topics If you're in the exciting position of planning, launching, or maintaining a successful online business, this all-encompassing guide will make you an online entrepreneur in no time.

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118926666


The Evolution of Photography
The Evolution of Photography

Автор: Werge John

Цена: Бесплатно


The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation and Reporting
The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation and Reporting

Автор: Laurence Scot

A complete and easy to understand guide to the fundamentals of how not-for-profit organizations are formed and run, as well as their structure and the unique accounting and reporting issues they face. Providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to maintain the «books» of a typical nonprofit entity and comply with numerous reporting requirements, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation & Reporting equips you with everything you need to know to form a Not-For-Profit, setup an accounting system, record financial transactions and report to donors and regulatory bodies. Topics include: Step-by-step guide to forming a Not-For-Profit and applying for tax exemption Becoming familiar with unique Not-For-Profit accounting rules such as classifying contributions/grants and recording restrictions, allocation of expenses to programs and supporting services and investment classification and reporting Budget development, payroll processing and accounting for personnel costs Shows how to prepare and understand required Not-For-Profit financial statement and their components Provides you with a broad understanding of the numerous filing requirement required by donors, grantors and government regulatory agencies Practical and comprehensive in scope, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation & Reporting offers a wealth of practical information to accountants and non-accountants alike for understanding Not-For-Profit financial transactions, financial statements and the many internal and external reports they must prepare.

Цена: 5062.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780470626443


Thinkquiry Toolkit 1. Reading and Vocabulary Strategies for College and Career Readiness
Thinkquiry Toolkit 1. Reading and Vocabulary Strategies for College and Career Readiness

Автор: PCG Education

Essential, easy-to-implement tools for teachers to help improve literacy across the content areas, as mandated by the CCSS. Thinkquiry Toolkit 1, Second Edition, is a collection of teacher instructional practices, student learning strategies, and collaborative routines that improves reading comprehension and vocabulary learning in grades 4 through 12. Each practice, strategy, or routine is research-based, high impact, multi-purpose and effective in improving student learning across multiple content areas. It addresses the importance of the ability to read, write, speak, listen, and think well enough to learn whatever one wants to learn, to demonstrate that learning, and to transfer that learning to new situations. Thinkquiry Toolkit 1 iscomprised of five sections: Overview of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy and the related instructional shifts Selecting the Right Tools for Maximum Learning Laying the Foundation Before Reading/Learning Building New Knowledge During Reading/Learning, and Expanding and Deepening Understanding After Reading/Learning If teachers collaboratively use these practices, strategies, and routines; teach them to students; and use them regularly across content areas, students will develop confidence and competence as readers, writers, and learners. A division of Public Consulting Group (PCG), PCG Education provides instructional and management services and technologies to schools, school districts, and state education agencies across the U.S. and internationally. They apply more than 30 years of management consulting expertise and extensive real-world experience as teachers and leaders to strengthen clients’ instructional practice and organizational leadership, enabling student success.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781119127789


Time of Transitions
Time of Transitions

Автор: Группа авторов

We live in a time of turbulent change when many of the frameworks that have characterized our societies over the last few centuries – such as the international order of sovereign nation-states – are being called into question. In this new volume of essays and interviews, Habermas focuses his attention on these processes of change and provides some of the resources needed to understand them. What kind of international order should we seek to create in our contemporary global age? How should we understand the political project of Europe and how can the democratic deficit of the EU be overcome? How should we understand the relation between democracy as popular sovereignty, which has become the defining principle of political legitimacy in the modern world, and the idea of basic human rights embodied in the rule of law? Habermas brings his formidable powers of analysis and his distinctive theoretical perspective to bear on these and other key questions of the modern age. His analysis is shaped throughout by his commitment to informed public debate and his powerful advocacy of a postnational renewal of the project of constitutional democracy. Time of Transitions will be essential reading for all students and scholars of sociology and politics, and it will be of interest to anyone concerned with the key social and political questions of our time.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745695105


Фотография как современное искусство
Фотография как современное искусство

Автор: Шарлотта Коттон

Фотография была изобретена почти двести лет назад. С тех пор она эволюционировала от документального инструмента до художественного медиума и сейчас занимает свое место в искусстве наравне с живописью и скульптурой. Шарлотта Коттон (род. 1970) в своей книге раскрывает наиболее важные особенности современной арт-фотографии на примерах работ почти двухсот пятидесяти фотографов, среди которых как признанные мастера – Иза Генцкен, Джефф Уолл, Софи Калль, так и художники, заявившие о себе сравнительно недавно, – Валид Бешти, Джейсон Эванс, Лукас Блалок и другие.

Цена: 500 руб.
Год: 2002
ISBN: 978-5-91103-518-1


Ансель Адамс. Камера. Негатив. Отпечаток
Ансель Адамс. Камера. Негатив. Отпечаток

Автор: Ансель Адамс

Первое издание на русском языке культовой трилогии о технике и искусстве фотографии легендарного Анселя Адамса подробно раскрывает все этапы создания аналогового художественного снимка – от визуализации изображения и построения кадра до обработки негатива и печати. Хотя камеры существенно изменились с 1980-х годов, основы ремесла остались прежними. Книга глубоко погружает в технику фотографии, учит видеть кадр и претворять свое в и дение в жизнь, а канонические снимки Адамса иллюстрируют теоретические принципы и вдохновляют выйти на новый уровень мастерства. На русском языке публикуется впервые.

Серия: Фотомастерская (МИФ)

Цена: 499 руб.
Год: 2003
ISBN: 9785001699750


Смотрим на чужие страдания
Смотрим на чужие страдания

Автор: Сьюзен Сонтаг

«Смотрим на чужие страдания» (2003) – последняя из опубликованных при жизни книг Сьюзен Сонтаг. В ней критик обращается к своей нашумевшей работе «О фотографии» (1977), дописывая, почти тридцать лет спустя, своего рода послесловие к размышлениям о природе фотографического изображения. На этот раз в центре внимания – военная фотография, документальные и постановочные снимки чужих страданий, их смысл и назначение. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Цена: 200 руб.
Год: 2003
ISBN: 978-5-91103-717-8


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