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1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions For Dummies
1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions For Dummies

Автор: Steven Rice M

1,001 opportunities to practice for the Series 7 Exam This comprehensive study guide takes you beyond the instruction offered in Series 7 Exam For Dummies, by giving you more practice and review of the major concepts covered in the exam. If you're prepping to take this intense six-hour exam, 1,001 Series 7 Exam Practice Questions For Dummies covers stocks, municipal and corporate bonds, and options—plus rules for acquiring customers and handling accounts and everything else you can expect to encounter on exam day! This books gives you 1,001 practice opportunities to prepare for the Series 7 Exam, each question explained by providing a detailed, step-by-step solution. If you're an aspiring financial professional, you'll find all the practice and helpful guidance you need to succeed!

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118891599


209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate
209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate

Автор: Tyler Hicks G

More fortunes are built in real estate on borrowed money than in any other business. And you can build your fortune in real estate using borrowed money too-if you follow the advice and tips in this book. Whether you're making your first foray into real estate investing or have invested for a number of years, 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate will show you how to acquire income-producing real estate and build your wealth by using borrowed money. Long-time real estate advisor Tyler Hicks offers proven strategies and real-world examples to illustrate how much MIF-Money in Fist-you can realistically earn by investing in real estate. A valuable guide for new, experienced, or affluent real estate investors, 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate covers all the bases, from finding loans to hiring an accountant and an attorney to help with the business. Letters from individuals who have successfully followed the strategies outlined in this book are also included to help you understand exactly what you must do to make this plan work for you. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate discusses important real estate topics-including creative financing, acquiring single-family homes, and becoming a private lender client-to allow you to make the most of your investments in real estate.

Цена: 2314.23 руб.
ISBN: 9780471690030


51 Success Stories from Canadian Real Estate Investors
51 Success Stories from Canadian Real Estate Investors

Автор: Don Campbell R

51 Success Stories from Canadian Real Estate Investors chronicles the incredible successes – and near-misses – of Canadian investors who employ strategies designed by Canada's best-selling real estate author, Don R. Campbell. In his first two best-sellers, Real Estate Investing in Canada and 97 Tips for Canadian Real Estate Investors, Campbell shows what it takes to succeed in real estate investing. In his third book, Campbell casts a spotlight on the success stories of investors as well as exploring examples of occasions when investing initiatives do not go so well. In his assessments, Campbell illustrates how to avoid these circumstances and what to learn from them. The end result is further proof that Campbell's time-proven techniques and in-depth knowledge are essential reading for every real estate investor in Canada.

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470156360


Ваш риэлтор, или Как самому сдать/продать недвижимость
Ваш риэлтор, или Как самому сдать/продать недвижимость

Автор: Екатерина Сергеевна Тюрина

Хотите продать/сдать недвижимость? На выгодных для вас условиях? В удобные для вас сроки? Без потерь и лишних затрат? Я расскажу вам как. Доброго времени суток. Меня зовут Екатерина. Я агент по недвижимости с 8-летним стажем работы. С 2015 года работала в агентстве недвижимости, но по семейным обстоятельствам ушла и решила рассказать о своем опыте работы в агентстве недвижимости в данной книге. Думаю, многим риэлторам данная книга не понравиться, т.к с помощью нее вы, уважаемые читатели, сможете легко и просто продать или сдать свою недвижимость без посредников.

Исполнители: Лариса Каленикова

Цена: 169 руб.


Двадцать два несчастья
Двадцать два несчастья

Автор: Наталья Косухина

Как непросто обыкновенной ведьме найти свое женское счастье! А что, если оно живет по соседству? Как не может такого быть? Нужно отбросить суеверия, присмотреться получше – и вот уже первая встреча. Что значит: с вампиром вам не по пути? Это же расовая дискриминация! Любовь негаданно нагрянет, когда ее совсем не ждешь. Поэтому готовься: твоя уже стоит на пороге!

Серия: Рассказы Натальи Косухиной

Исполнители: Надежда Головина

Цена: 149 руб.


Как продать недвижимость: дом, дачу, участок максимально дорого и быстро
Как продать недвижимость: дом, дачу, участок максимально дорого и быстро

Автор: Олег Жук

Для кого эта книга-руководство: Для собственников объектов недвижимости и специалистов по недвижимости. Что Вы получите: Пошаговое руководство для самостоятельной продажи объекта недвижимости по максимально возможной цене в кратчайшие сроки. Что это Вам даст: Если Вы продаете сами – позволит Вам максимизировать продажную цену объекта и/или продать его настолько быстро насколько это возможно. Если Вы наняли специалиста – понимать, что он делает, контролировать и корректировать его работу для решения именно Ваших задач. Если Вы эксперт в недвижимости – усилит Ваши компетенции по продаже объектов.

Цена: 176 руб.
ISBN: 9780887157257


Море и закат и другие рассказы
Море и закат и другие рассказы

Автор: Юкио Мисима

Величайший японский писатель Юкио Мисима прожил всего 45 лет, но за свою недолгую жизнь успел создать невероятно много: более тридцати романов, многие из которых были экранизированы еще до гибели писателя; несколько пьес, с успехом шедших в японских, американских и европейских театрах, десятки сборников рассказов и эссе – согласитесь, довольно впечатляющий итог недолгого литературного труда. В этом сборнике вас ждут аудиоверсии избранных новелл писателя. Море и закат 0:24:00 Любовь святого старца из храма Сига 0:45:00 Патриотизм 0:56:00 Смерть в середине лета 1:47:00 三島 由紀夫 / YUKIO MISHIMA 海と夕焼 / UMI TO YŪYAKE 志賀寺上人の恋 / SHIGATERA SHŌNIN NO KOI 憂国 / YŪKOKU 真夏の死 / MANATSU NO SHI Исполняет: Сергей Чонишвили ©&℗ ИП Воробьев В.А. ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ

Серия: Японская литература

Исполнители: Сергей Чонишвили

Цена: 344 руб.


Недвижимость и ипотека
Недвижимость и ипотека

Автор: Денис Шевчук

В данной публикации детально рассмотрены существующие на данный момент аспекты ипотечного кредитования, в т.ч. взносы, страхование ипотеки, кредитование ипотеки, первоначальный взнос, рынок недвижимости.

Цена: 33.99 руб.


Недвижимость, которая вас разоряет
Недвижимость, которая вас разоряет

Автор: Ирина Зайцева

Основное назначение данной книги – познакомить читателя с особенностями рынка недвижимости, правами на недвижимость и правилами сделок с ней, а также предостеречь от возможных ошибок при совершении данных сделок. Рынок недвижимости оперирует крупными денежными средствами, поэтому сделки с его объектами привлекают внимание мошенников и аферистов. Из данной книги вы узнаете об основных способах мошенничества, что позволит вам рационально оценивать ситуацию и быть уверенных, что сделка будет иметь благоприятный исход.

Серия: Опасности, которые вас подстерегают

Цена: 109 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9533-2499-1


Недвижимость. Как ее рекламировать
Недвижимость. Как ее рекламировать

Автор: Александр Назайкин

В книге рассматриваются основные моменты продажи объектов недвижимости с помощью рекламы. Автор подробно и популярно объясняет, что и как нужно сделать продавцу квартиры или дома для подготовки эффективной рекламы. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей: как на людей, впервые столкнувшихся с проблемой продажи недвижимости, так и на профессиональных агентов, маклеров и риелторов, решающих рекламные задачи ежедневно.

Цена: 176 руб.
ISBN: 5-9626-0166-1


Обзор книги «Управление недвижимостью» под редакцией С. Н. Максимова
Обзор книги «Управление недвижимостью» под редакцией С. Н. Максимова

Автор: Елена Шевчук

Наш эксперт Елена Шевчук – преподаватель Русской Школы Управления, эксперт в области коммерческой недвижимости – поделится своим мнением о том, почему именно эта книга важна для специалистов по коммерческой недвижимости. «В сегменте коммерческой недвижимости довольно сложно найти литературу, которая отражала бы какие-то фундаментальные теоретические знания и реальную ситуацию на рынке. Рынок этот довольно молодой, он развивается в России не более 20 лет, и еще несколько десятилетий мы будем двигаться к профессиональному рынку, на котором будут работать действительно крупные компании. Сейчас же мы всему учимся на собственном опыте, поэтому наличие в учебнике сочетания базовой теории и отражения этой теории на практике – это большой плюс». Книга позволяет восполнить недостаток знаний как теоретического, так и практического характера, необходимых в связи с быстрым развитием в России рынка недвижимости и потребностью в профессиональном управлении ею. Структура книги обеспечивает постепенный переход от теоретических знаний к практическим вопросам управления недвижимостью. В первых главах раскрываются природа недвижимости как особого экономического актива и основные подходы к управлению ею как объектом собственности, затем рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с экономическим обоснованием управленческих решений в сфере недвижимости, управлением процессами развития (девелопмента) недвижимости, организационно-экономическими основами управления доходной недвижимостью, в том числе управлением арендными отношениями. В завершающих главах анализируются организация деятельности управляющих компаний и роль государства и муниципалитетов в управлении недвижимостью. Слушайте проект Русской Школы Управления «Книжная полка», чтобы не утонуть в море бизнес-литературы!

Серия: Книжная полка Русской Школы Управления

Цена: 26 руб.


Охрана труда
Охрана труда

Автор: В. И. Коробко

Рассмотрены основы теории и практики охраны труда для обеспечения безопасности труда, сохранения жизни и здоровья работающих, сокращения количества несчастных случаев и заболеваний на производстве. Изложены нормативно-правовые основы охраны труда, структура системы управления охраной труда в Российской Федерации, факторы, влияющие на условия и безопасность труда, виды и условия трудовой деятельности человека, охрана труда на предприятии. Рассмотрены также вопросы гигиенического нормирования параметров микроклимата производственных помещений, средства индивидуальной защиты, гигиена труда женщин и подростков, оказания первой помощи пострадавшим. Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям «Экономика и управление на предприятии», «Государственное и муниципальное управление», «Менеджмент организации», «Безопасность жизнедеятельности», а также специалистов по охране труда и всех, чья профессиональная деятельность связана с принятием управленческих решений в области охраны труда в системах регионального и муниципального управления.

Серия: Профессиональный учебник

Цена: 700 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-238-01826-3


Перспективные направления развития инвестиционного процесса на российском рынке жилья
Перспективные направления развития инвестиционного процесса на российском рынке жилья

Автор: Л. Назметдинова

В монография рассматриваются концептуальные вопросы функционирования современного рынка жилья, основные модели инвестиционной деятельности на данном рынке, анализируется мировой опыт организации жилищного инвестиционного процесса, исследуются вопросы государственного регулирования инвестиционной активности на российском рынке жилой недвижимости, а также устанавливаются возможности развития инвестиционного процесса в жилищной сфере. Представляет интерес для научных работников, студентов и аспирантов экономических специальностей, преподавателей и специалистов, интересующихся вопросами функционирования рынка жилья, жилищного инвестирования и организации инвестиционной деятельности.

Цена: 149 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-94727-173-7


Экономика недвижимости
Экономика недвижимости

Автор: Людмила Сидоровна Васильева

В учебнике (имеет гриф Минобрнауки России) рассмотрены теоретические основы экономики недвижимости, методы оценки объектов недвижимости, общие понятия природного ресурса «земля». Приведены классификация рисков объектов недвижимости, основные принципы и особенности методов оценки риска операций с объектами недвижимости, а также классификация инвестиций, источники финансирования и методы оценки эффективности инвестиций в объекты недвижимости. Теоретический материал проиллюстрирован на большом количестве примеров из практики; после каждой главы даны контрольные вопросы, задания, тесты. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей экономических вузов, слушателей программ второго высшего образования, профессиональной подготовки и дистанционного обучения.

Цена: 139 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-699-26391-2


A Companion to Anthropological Genetics
A Companion to Anthropological Genetics

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 21248.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118769195


A Manager s Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management
A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management

Автор: Daniel Cassidy

"Daniel Cassidy has written a detailed, comprehensive guide for managers to understand and succeed at the ongoing process of managing a company retirement plan. If motivating your employees is important to you as a manager, this book is an essential key to your success." –Josh Gordon, author of Presentations That Change Minds and Selling 2.0 Written by renowned retirement benefits planning specialist Daniel Cassidy, A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management focuses on current best practices regarding company-sponsored retirement plans within the United States. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this valuable guide will aid managers in applying strategic thinking to their retirement plan management activities–whether it be a 401(k) plan, investing in company stock, or a traditional defined benefit plan. It will also help you to view retirement plans in a holistic manner–ever more necessary given the unpredictable economy and recent troubles with companies such as Enron and WorldCom. Covering everything from administrative issues to financial and legal responsibilities, A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management will allow you to make the best decisions possible while managing this ongoing process and help you find solutions that best fit your organization's specific needs.

Цена: 5517.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780470039229


A Primer on Property Tax
A Primer on Property Tax

Автор: Группа авторов

'The chapters in this book explore in detail the choices regarding both the structure and administration of the property tax, drawing on the extensive knowledge the authors have acquired in studying property taxes around the world. The chapters provide a wide-ranging treatment of the design choices and administrative tasks, both in terms of the breadth of design options and administrative tasks covered and the depth of the discussion. The authors describe the range of design choices, discuss the associated issues and the advantages and disadvantages for each, and present the criteria to help choose among the options.’ From the book’s Foreword by David L. Sjoquist, Professor of Economics and Dan E. Sweat Scholar Chair in Educational and Community Policy, Georgia State University Property taxation is a key element in providing a solid foundation and a stable funding source for basic public services. Developing and implementing a property tax system is a complex task. This complexity is compounded by the diversity of legal, cultural and historical contexts of policymakers and tax administrators. The World Development Report (1999-2000), Entering the 21st Century puts fiscal decentralization at the top of the development agenda. This makes local taxation – and especially the property tax option – of critical importance to both tax and land policy, as well as the broader development agenda. A Primer on Property Tax: Administration and Policy provides the reader with an analysis of issues surrounding property tax, including economics, law, public finance, decentralisation, valuation, GIS and property tax reform. A key strength of the book lies in the vast international experience of the authors and the book will provide for the first time material which is topical, cutting-edge and highly relevant to many of the disciplines involved in property taxation. The authors examine the criteria applied to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of property tax, discuss the main valuation methods and the economic principles underpinning them and review the legal and administrative aspects of property tax worldwide.

Цена: 12109.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781118454268


A User s Manual to the PMBOK Guide
A User's Manual to the PMBOK Guide

Автор: Cynthia Stackpole Snyder

The must-have manual to understand and use the latest edition of the Fifth Edition The professional standard in the field of project management, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition) published by the Project Management Institute (PMI®) serves as the ultimate resource for professionals and as a valuable studying and training device for students taking the PMP® Exam. A User's Manual to the PMBOK® Guide takes the next logical step to act as a true user's manual. With an accessible format and easy-to-understand language, it helps to not only distill essential information contained in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, but also fills an educational gap by offering instruction on how to apply its various tools and techniques. This edition of the User's Manual: Defines each project management process in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, describes the intent, and discusses the individual ITTOs (inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs) Features examples, handy tips, and sample forms to supplement learning Contains a data flow diagram of each process in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition to show how information is distributed Is updated to provide deeper coverage of stakeholder management and to include new processes for scope, schedule, cost, and stakeholder management The User's Manual enables you to put the PMBOK Guide—Fifth Edition to work on your projects. It will help you implement the processes described in the PMBOK Guide—Fifth Edition and apply the tools and techniques to help make your projects successful. Thorough in coverage and rich in content, it is a worthy companion to augment the important strategies laid out in the PMBOK® Guide—Fifth Edition, and the one book that aspiring or professional project managers should never be without. Fully updated to align with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)–Fifth Edition Describes how to apply tools and techniques for projects and how to create process outputs Presents information by process group Expands upon the PMBOK® Guide with information on the sponsor's role and planning loops Integrates and describes interpersonal skills into the process where they are identified (PMBOK, PMI, PMP and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118546284


AC/DC. The Savage Tale of the First Standards War
AC/DC. The Savage Tale of the First Standards War

Автор: Tom McNichol

AC/DC tells the little-known story of how Thomas Edison wrongly bet in the fierce war between supporters of alternating current and direct current. The savagery of this electrical battle can hardly be imagined today. The showdown between AC and DC began as a rather straightforward conflict between technical standards, a battle of competing methods to deliver essentially the same product, electricity. But the skirmish soon metastasized into something bigger and darker. In the AC/DC battle, the worst aspects of human nature somehow got caught up in the wires; a silent, deadly flow of arrogance, vanity, and cruelty. Following the path of least resistance, the war of currents soon settled around that most primal of human emotions: fear. AC/DC serves as an object lesson in bad business strategy and poor decision making. Edison's inability to see his mistake was a key factor in his loss of control over the ?operating system? for his future inventions?not to mention the company he founded, General Electric.

Цена: 3424.4 руб.
ISBN: 9780787994884


Advanced Issues in Property Valuation
Advanced Issues in Property Valuation

Автор: Hans Lind

Цена: 5350.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781119796220


Advanced Safety Management
Advanced Safety Management

Автор: Fred A. Manuele

Цена: 11138.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781119605447



Автор: Christopher Walsh

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781555819316


Australia s Military History For Dummies
Australia's Military History For Dummies

Автор: David Horner

Created especially for the Australian customer! The simple and easy way to get your mind around Australia's military history More people are visiting Gallipoli and walking the Kokoda Trail each year – now find out why. This complete guide helps you trace the story of Australia's involvement in war, from the colonial conflicts with the Indigenous population, through the World Wars to peacekeeping initiatives in East Timor and the controversial conflict in Afghanistan. Find out the origins of Australia's military history – go all the way back to the arrival of the First Fleet and the conflicts with the Indigenous peoples Learn about the heroism of the Anzacs – discover the origins of the legend of Gallipoli, and how the brass bungled the campaign Discover the horrors of war – consider the suffering and huge losses on the Western Front Recognise the successful battles of World Wars I and II – follow the Diggers' exploits in Palestine and Syria, and at Tobruk and Alamein Marvel at the grim jungle battles – track the Diggersthrough New Guinea, Borneo, Malaya and Vietnam between 1942 and 1972 Admire Australia's efforts to repel possible invaders – learn how Australians defended their country against the Japanese during World War II See how the Cold War heated up – witness the fight against communism in the Korean and Vietnam Wars Appreciate the modern-day Australian Defence Force – acknowledge the courage of the men and women who protectus into the 21st century Open the book and find: New insights into the meaning of Anzac Day Simple explanations of the structure of Australia's military Details of who fought whom, where, when and why Stories of Australia's great military fighters and leaders Accounts of the iconic battles that established Australia's reputation Locations of Australia's peacekeeping operations around the world Ways in which war and conflict have shaped the nation Reasons why Australia goes to war Learn to: Comprehend the impact of waron Australia Appreciate the heroism at AnzacCove and other significant battlefields Understand the controversies ofrecent conflicts, including in Vietnam and Iraq

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781742468938


Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud
Beginning Mobile Application Development in the Cloud

Автор: Richard Rodger

Learn how to build apps for mobile devices on Cloud platforms The marketplace for apps is ever expanding, increasing the potential to make money. With this guide, you'll learn how to build cross-platform applications for mobile devices that are supported by the power of Cloud-based services such as Amazon Web Services. An introduction to Cloud-based applications explains how to use HTML5 to create cross-platform mobile apps and then use Cloud services to enhance those apps. You'll learn how to build your first app with HTML5 and set it up in the Cloud, while also discovering how to use jQuery to your advantage. Highlights the skills and knowledge you need to create successful apps for mobile devices with HTML5 Takes you through the steps for building web applications for the iPhone and Android Details how to enhance your app through faster launching, touch vs. click, storage capabilities, and a cache Looks at how best to use JSON, FourSquare, jQuery, AJAX, and more Shares tips for creating hybrid apps that run natively If you're interested in having your application be one of the 200,000+ apps featured in the iPhone store or the 50,000+ in the Android store, then you need this book.

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118203330


Being The Best Man For Dummies
Being The Best Man For Dummies

Автор: Dominic Bliss

Being best man is both an honour and a huge responsibility – if you think it's just a case of buying a few beers on a lad's night out, think again! You'e got a lot of organising to do, there's etiquette to follow and, of course, the dreaded speech to make. Fear not, however, as Being the Best Man For Dummies is here to help. It's a humorous, yet information-packed step-by-step guide to your role and responsibilities, from organising the stag night (or weekend) right through to the big day itself. It also gives tips and advice for you to give the best speech you can.

Цена: 1822.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119996323


Beleuchtung in Innenr?umen - Human Centric Integrative Lighting
Beleuchtung in Innenr?umen - Human Centric Integrative Lighting

Автор: Tran Quoc Khanh

Ausf?hrliche Darstellung der technischen und nicht-technischen Aspekte der modernen Beleuchtungstechnik im Blick auf die Wirkung auf den Menschen! Die moderne Lichttechnik befasst sich nicht nur mit den technischen Aspekten von Beleuchtung in Innenr?umen, sondern auch mit der Wirkung unterschiedlicher Arten von Beleuchtung auf den Menschen. ?ber die genaue Kenntnis der physikalischen Eigenschaften von Licht und der Lichterzeugung hinaus werden dazu validierte physiologische und psychologische Wahrnehmungsmodelle ben?tigt, auf deren Basis Hersteller von Leuchtmitteln und Anbieter von Lichttechnikl?sungen Design- und Entwicklungsentscheidungen treffen k?nnen. Dieses Buch gibt einen ?berblick ?ber das Forschungsgebiet des Human Centric Integrative Lighting, also der menschzentrierten Innenraumbeleuchtungstechnik. Nach einer Zusammenfassung der Grundlagen der Lichttechnik im Zusammenspiel mit der menschlichen Wahrnehmung und dem aktuellen Stand der heutigen Innenraumbeleuchtung legen die Autoren die Grundprinzipien des Human Centric Integrative Lighting dar und schildern ausf?hrlich Aspekte wie visuelle Leistungen, Farbqualit?t und emotionale Wirkung sowie die Korrelation der relevanten Parameter. Im Anschluss diskutieren sie umfassende Lichtqualit?tsmodelle und leiten daraus Empfehlungen f?r die praktische Umsetzung des Konzepts des Human Centric Integrative Lighting ab. * Geballtes Expertenwissen: das Buch ist geschrieben von Deutschlands f?hrenden Wissenschaftlern auf dem Gebiet der Lichttechnik * Koh?rente Zusammenfassung des Forschungsstands: das Buch kombiniert die relevanten Forschungsergebnisse aus Zeitschriften, Patentschriften und Normen zu einem einheitlichen Ganzen * Praxisorientierter Ansatz: die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse werden zu Modellen kondensiert, die f?r Entwickler direkt nutzbar sind

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9783527831548


Blackwell s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult
Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult

Автор: Lowell Ackerman

Цена: 12145.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119442516


Boosting Self-Esteem For Dummies
Boosting Self-Esteem For Dummies

Автор: Rob Willson

Boosting Self-Esteem for Dummies Learn to: Leave behind negative modes of thinking Understand the psychology of self-esteem Use a variety of effective techniques to build self-esteem for a happier and healthier life Give yourself a boost with cognitive behavioural therapy Cognitive behavioural therapists Rethink your self-image and be comfortable in your own skin Fact: even individuals who radiate confidence on the outside can still have low self-esteem. Whether you're someone who puts on a front or a shy, retiring type who frets about what other people think, this practical guide can help you to conquer insecurities, get assertive and let your inner strength shine through. So what are you waiting for? Understand the theories – get to grips with what self-esteem means and how it affects your outlook Be honest with yourself – acknowledge your best bits (and your limitations) and identify the positive effects of your thoughts and actions Discover boosting techniques – banish feelings of inadequacy by indulging in exercises and hobbies that exhilarate you Give other people a break – understand when a compliment is a compliment and take criticism constructively Go all-out – reassess your day-to-day priorities and map out what you really want from life Open the book and find: Strategies for getting to the bottom of the real you Effective ways to record fluctuating moods and feelings CBT techniques for stimulating self-encouragement Advice on dealing with counter-productive comparisons Guidance on tackling social phobias, body dysmorphia and eating disorders Tips on maintaining self-discipline How to foster better relationships at home and at work

Цена: 2484.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119996880


Broker to Broker. Management Lessons From America s Most Successful Real Estate Companies
Broker to Broker. Management Lessons From America's Most Successful Real Estate Companies

Автор: Robert Freedman

Praise for Realtor? Magazine's BROKER to BROKER «By providing best practice management tips with thought-provoking ideas, Broker to Broker offers invaluable guidance on virtually every aspect of our dynamic industry. The book's easy-to-read format, with in-depth supporting material available online, is an innovative approach to helping the country's brokers and managers find effective solutions to today's challenges.» –Ron Peltier, President and CEO, HomeServices of America, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota «This compilation of the latest Realtor? Magazine articles on real estate brokerage management could be of help to brokers and managers looking for practical ideas to boost their operations. The book quotes extensively from veteran brokers and managers who are trying new ways to build sales and tackle problems. Within the book's range of articles could be helpful ideas for you.» –J. Lennox Scott, Chairman and CEO, John L. Scott Real Estate, Seattle, Washington «The editors did their homework. The pace of change in our business is a constant challenge. Even if you don't want to lead the charge in industry change, brokers would do well to study the innovative concepts (such as the employee-agent model) illustrated here. The section on operations is particularly useful for brokers of a multi-office/multi-region operation.» –Steve Brown, ABR?, CRB, Vice President and General Manager, Crye-Leike, Realtors?, Memphis, Tennessee «The editors of Realtor? Magazine do a fantastic job of keeping Realtors? on top of all real estate concerns. No issue is more timely or essential to building good business than brokerage practices.» –Blanche Evans, Publisher, Agent News, and Editor, Realty Times, Dallas, Texas

Цена: 4860.43 руб.
ISBN: 9780471786528


Business Etiquette For Dummies
Business Etiquette For Dummies

Автор: Sue Fox

Make no mistake, etiquette is as important in business as it is in everyday life – it’s also a lot more complicated. From email and phone communications to personal interviews to adapting to corporate and international cultural differences, Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, keeps you on your best behavior in any business situation. This friendly, authoritative guide shows you how to develop good etiquette on the job and navigate today’s diverse and complex business environment with great success. You’ll get savvy tips for dressing the part, making polite conversation, minding your manners at meetings and meals, behaving at off-site events, handling ethical dilemmas, and conducting international business. You’ll find out how to behave gracefully during tense negotiations, improve your communication skills, and overcome all sorts of work-related challenges. Discover how to: Make a great first impression Meet and greet with ease Be a good company representative Practice proper online etiquette Adapt to the changing rules of etiquette Deal with difficult personalities without losing your cool Become a well-mannered traveler Develop good relationships with your peers, staff, and superiors Give compliments and offer criticism Respect physical, racial, ethnic, and gender differences at work Learn the difference between “casual Friday” and sloppy Saturday Develop cubicle courtesy Avoid conversational faux pas Business etiquette is as important to your success as doing your job well. Read Business Etiquette For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and make no mistake.

Цена: 2539.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780470386101


Buying U.S. Real Estate. The Proven and Reliable Guide for Canadians
Buying U.S. Real Estate. The Proven and Reliable Guide for Canadians

Автор: David Franklin

I would consider this the bible for any Canadians wanting to invest in US real estate. —W. Brett Wilson, Entrepreneur, Recipient of the Order of Canada, and former Dragon The thought of buying property in the United States has been on your mind. Perhaps family members or friends already own real estate in the Sunbelt and you've enjoyed the occasional visit. You sense the market isn't as frenzied as it once was but there is still very good value to be found. Whether you are looking for a vacation home or an investment property, you are certainly not alone. Canadians continue to buy U.S. real estate at a record pace. But as the economy and laws change around ownership of U.S. property, Canadians need to have the most current information possible at their fingertips. Buying U.S. Real Estate: The Proven and Reliable Guide for Canadians is written by experts who own U.S. property and addresses the many cross-border issues and requirements, such as: How to begin your search and find relevant data Finding the experts you need on your side Knowing that a property meets your lifestyle needs and wants Knowing all of your finance options How to proceed with renovations or upgrades What you need to know about U.S. tax laws What type of ownership is best aligned with your strategy How to create an estate plan For Canadians generally, and boomers especially, the right property in the right destination point is integral to their life-rich philosophy. Buying U.S. Real Estate: The Proven and Reliable Guide for Canadians puts all of the pieces of the puzzle together and is an essential guide to reaching one's ultimate destination.

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118439777


Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies
Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Tony Ioannou

Buying and selling a home are the biggest financial transactions most people will ever tackle. Well, help has arrived. This revised edition of Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies prepares you to get what you need and want when buying a new home or selling the one you're in. Everything from arranging your finances and hiring an agent, to inspecting prospective homes and assessing home values, to making or fielding offers is presented in a clear and humorous way to help you get the most out of the process.

Цена: 3221.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780470951972


Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies
Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Douglas Gray

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119716198


C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies
C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: Bill Sempf

800+ pages of top-notch coverage; perfect for learning the fundamentals of C#! C# is a complex programming language for building .NET-connected software for Microsoft Windows, cloud computing, the Web, and a wide range of devices. Today's developers use it to develop Azure and Windows Phone apps, and Android applications using Mono. Novice programmers can get up and running quickly on C# using this practical guide. Crammed with 800+ pages of information, this all-in-one book helps you quickly create a C# program while learning C# and object-oriented programming fundamentals, Windows and Windows phone programming, and more. Helps novice programmers learn C# programming and create their first C# program Explains how to create Windows applications with C# and Visual Studio Delves into Windows Phone programming, as well as object-oriented programming basics Covers debugging, errors, comparisons with C++ and Java, classes and arrays, variables, and more Includes access to a companion website with sample code and bonus materials Everything you need to make the move to C# programming is right here, in C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies.

Цена: 3681.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118603444


Canon EOS 70D For Dummies
Canon EOS 70D For Dummies

Автор: Julie Adair King

Start getting great photos with your Canon EOS 70D right away The Canon EOS 70D features upgraded focusing technology, a 20.2 megapixel sensor, and faster frame-per-second shooting. Whether you're new to dSLR photography or just getting acquainted with the 70D, this handy, full-color guide will have you taking great photos before you know it. You'll learn to use all the on-board controls, shoot in auto mode, use live view, control exposure and lighting, manipulate focus and color, transfer your images to the computer for editing, and share the results in prints or online. Colorful photos throughout illustrate what you can achieve. Upgraded features in the Canon EOS 70D include a new focusing technology that speeds up autofocus for video and live view shooting, a larger sensor, faster frame-by-frame shooting, and a wider ISO range This full-color guide explains how to take advantage of all the features; walks you through all the on-board controls, and shows how to shoot in auto mode Covers dSLR basics such as dialing in exposure and lighting controls, manipulating focus and color, and transferring your images from the camera to the computer Offers advice for shooting in various common situations and explains how to post your photos online, make prints, or share them in other ways Canon EOS 70D For Dummies makes it easy to get terrific photos with your Canon dSLR camera.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118461877


Cats For Dummies
Cats For Dummies

Автор: Gina Spadafori

Everything you need to take care of your feline friend   Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sassy demeanor! Cats For Dummies gives you expert insight into everything from cat behavior to what makes each type of feline unique. With this easy-to-understand guide, you'll be able to tackle those tough cat-astrophes from dealing with problem behaviors like scratching the furniture and missing the litter box—all while learning to understand what your cat is trying to tell you. Happily bring a cat or kitten into your life Keep your new four-legged family member comfortable and safe Live a happy feline-friendly life Keep your cat in prime health Whether you're looking to get your first kitten or adopt a senior cat, this book covers all the basics of feline cat care.

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119646280


Cloud Computing and Electronic Discovery
Cloud Computing and Electronic Discovery

Автор: Harry Cendrowski

Explore the frontier of electronic discovery in the cloud Cloud Computing and Electronic Discovery comprehensively covers the quickly-evolving realm of eDiscovery in cloud computing environments, a computing and legal frontier in which the rules and legal precedents are being developed anew seemingly by the day. The book delves into this fascinating and rapidly-developing topic to prepare fraud investigators, legal professionals, forensic accountants, and executives understand the ramifications of storing data with third party providers and how such storage mechanisms relate to the limits of discovery practices. This up-to-date resource also includes a complete discussion of the few existing legal precedents and current cases that are shaping interpretation of discovery laws in the cloud space, a perfect overview for executives storing their companies' data in the cloud and the legal professionals tasked with understanding and interpreting the discovery rules surrounding that data. The book is comprehensive in scope and includes: An overview of current trends in cloud computing, including potential information that should be considered in an investigation that involves data held by a cloud service provider Updates on current and proposed laws governing discovery of information held by a third party cloud service provider Updates on legal cases that address the issues of the Electronic Communication Privacy Act, the Federal law prohibiting release of information by a third party provider Practical guidance on how to consider the availability of cloud data relevant to an investigation, and how to include this data in discovery plans For business, accounting, and legal professionals, Cloud Computing and Electronic Discovery is an invaluable resource for understanding the nuanced development of cloud eDiscovery policies, practices, and law as they continue to unfold and develop.

Цена: 4142.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118947456


Commercial Real Estate Investing in Canada
Commercial Real Estate Investing in Canada

Автор: Pierre Boiron

Many investors include commercial real estate in their portfolio, yet there are few comprehensive resources available to those looking for information on how to profit in commercial real estate. Written by a father-and-son team with extensive experience in buying, selling and developing commercial real estate, Commercial Real Estate Investing in Canada is a must-have guide for all real estate investors. This one-of-a-kind compendium will guide readers on such topics as: The business of real estate Land-use controls Taxation of property Types of income-producing properties Renovations and repairs Property management Property appraisals Conducting due diligence Real estate contracts And much more! Commercial Real Estate Investing in Canada is a tremendously valuable and indispensable tool to all Canadian real estate investors, agents, brokers, property managers, landlords, loan officers, builders, and lawyers.

Цена: 25959.17 руб.
ISBN: 9780470156254


Commercial Real Estate Investing. A Creative Guide to Succesfully Making Money
Commercial Real Estate Investing. A Creative Guide to Succesfully Making Money

Автор: Dolf Roos de

Dolf de Roos’s Commercial Real Estate Investing reveals all the differences between residential and commercial investing and shows you how to make a bundle. De Roos explores the different sectors—retail, office space, industrial, hospitality, or specialist—to help you discover which is right for you. He shares key insights on finding tenants and avoiding vacancies, financing large investments, managing property, setting a tax-smart corporate structure, and take full advantage of tax breaks.

Цена: 2982.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780470267806


Corporate Property Management. Aligning Real Estate With Business Strategy
Corporate Property Management. Aligning Real Estate With Business Strategy

Автор: Edwards Victoria

Corporate property is routinely identified as the second biggest cost within a business organization after staff. Effective management of such a major asset requires a fundamental understanding of both the operation of the property markets and the operational requirements of the business occupier. This primer on strategic property management focuses on how property held as a corporate asset can be used to add value to the primary business activity of an organization. Rather than separate the needs of the business form the management of the business estate, the aim of Corporate Property Management is to enable the reader to directly support the primary business function through strategic management of corporate property, thereby adding value to the business as a whole. The book introduces a generic framework designed to assist in the analysis of any corporate property portfolio, working as a practical aid to decision making. The book is structured around this framework, providing a detailed review of its application and uses. This is then developed further through extensive use of five in-depth case studies that covers a wide variety of property types and property users – Borders bookshops; Cancer Research high street shops; The Youth Hostel Association; Clifford Chance’s move to Canary Wharf and the Ardtornish Rural Estate in Scotland.

Цена: 8394.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781405147842


Crowdfunding. A Guide to Raising Capital on the Internet
Crowdfunding. A Guide to Raising Capital on the Internet

Автор: Steven Dresner

A groundbreaking book on the growing trend of crowdfunding Crowdfunding has gained considerable traction over the last few years. By combining the Internet/social media with equity-based financing, it is poised to usher in a new asset class that will change how early stage and small business financing transactions are consummated. Author Steven Dresner, Founder and CEO of Dealflow.com, understands the nuances of how crowdfunding can help companies gain much needed access to capital, and now he shares those insights with you. Engaging and informative, this book will serve the needs of a global audience comprising entrepreneurs, financiers, and other professionals. It skillfully addresses the market dynamics that are catapulting crowdfunding into the mainstream and explores essential issues ranging from planning an online campaign, post-transaction management, and business planning to securities law and tax issues. Puts the business of crowdfunding in perspective with a look at the current marketplace, overview of important data, and legitimate concerns Examines effective techniques for communicating with the crowd Details equity-based financing and other sources such as debt instruments Contains contributions from a wide array of individuals involved in the worlds of finance, law and accounting, social media, marketing, as well as DealFlow Media's own staff Crowdfunding affords-start ups and other smaller businesses better access to capital via the Internet/social media. It also allows an investor of any size to back a business of their choosing. This new book will show you what this process entails and how it can benefit everyone involved.

Цена: 5523.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781118746851


Data Science in Theory and Practice
Data Science in Theory and Practice

Автор: Maria Cristina Mariani

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119674702


Disciplined Dreaming. A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity
Disciplined Dreaming. A Proven System to Drive Breakthrough Creativity

Автор: Josh Linkner

A 5-part process that will transform your organization – or your career – into a non-stop creativity juggernaut We live in an era when business cycles are measured in months, not years. The only way to sustain long term innovation and growth is through creativity-at all levels of an organization. Disciplined Dreaming shows you how to create profitable new ideas, empower all your employees to be creative, and sustain your competitive advantage over the long term. Linkner distills his years of experience in business and jazz – as well as hundreds of interviews with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and artists – into a 5-step process that will make creativity easy for you and your organization. The methodology is simple, backed by proven results. Empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to meet creative challenges posed by the marketplace Turns the mystery of creativity into a simple-to-use process Shows how creativity can be used for everything from innovative, game-shifting breakthroughs to incremental advances and daily improvements to business processes Offers dozens of practical exercises, thought-starters, workouts to grow «creative muscles,» and case studies Disciplined Dreaming shows even the stuffiest corporate bureaucracies how to cultivate creativity in order to become more competitive in today's shifting marketplace. • #4 New York Times Best Seller (Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous) • #8 New York Times Best Seller (Hardcover Business) • #2 Wall Street Journal Best Seller (Hardcover Business) • #9 Wall Street Journal Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #9 Washington Post Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #1 USA Today Best Seller (Money) • #10 Entertainment Weekly Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction) • #10 Publishers Weekly Bestseller (Hardcover Nonfiction)

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118001691


Dynamics of Housing in East Asia
Dynamics of Housing in East Asia

Автор: Bertrand Renaud

This book is the first to evaluate the organisation, behaviour and performance of six major East Asian real estate markets. It offers a unique analysis of the growth and transformation of the real estate sector across East Asia. The authors examine the interactions between volatility in the sector and the overall stability of the economy, in particular during the Asia financial crisis of 1997-98, and the global financial crisis of 2008-09. draws on the best available theoretical and empirical literature applies analytic tools in the context of East Asian institutions and policies helps understand factors affecting resilience and stability in East Asian real estate markets.

Цена: 12512.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119073642


Emerging Real Estate Markets. How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas
Emerging Real Estate Markets. How to Find and Profit from Up-and-Coming Areas

Автор: David Lindahl

Praise for Emerging Real Estate Markets «In this book, you'll discover how to snatch real estate opportunities at low prices, before their value becomes common knowledge. Buy all the copies on the bookshelf before your competitor does!» –Frank McKinney, «The Maverick Daredevil Real Estate Entrepreneur» and author of Frank McKinney's Maverick Approach to Real Estate Success «I've never seen another real estate book even come close to laying out a profit road map the way this one does. If your local economy is too hot or too cold, Lindahl's guide will show you how to invest in the up-and-coming markets with the greatest profit potential.» –Stacy Kellams, President, www.RealEstateCourseReviews.com «Lindahl shows you how to look into the future and see where the next hot real estate markets will be. It's the closest thing I've found to a real estate crystal ball.» –Jeff Adams, President, www.FreeRealEstateMentoring.com «The brilliant thing about this book is Lindahl's approach to investing by 'remote control.' He has a real-world system for living in one place and making money from investments in another.» –William Bronchick, attorney and coauthor of Flipping Properties «In the crowded field of real estate gurus, Lindahl stands head-and-shoulders above the rest. This book is must reading for any serious investor–beginner or veteran.» –Justin Ford, author of Seeds of Wealth and Main Street Millionaire

Цена: 2535.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470191507


Exile on Wall Street. One Analyst s Fight to Save the Big Banks from Themselves
Exile on Wall Street. One Analyst's Fight to Save the Big Banks from Themselves

Автор: Mike Mayo

An insider points out the holes that still exist on Wall Street and in the banking system Exile on Wall Street is a gripping read for anyone with an interest in business and finance, U.S. capitalism, the future of banking, and the root causes of the financial meltdown. Award winning, veteran sell side Wall Street analyst Mike Mayo writes about one of the biggest financial and political issues of our time – the role of finance and banks in the US. He has worked at six Wall Street firms, analyzing banks and protesting against bad practices for two decades. In Exile on Wall Street, Mayo: Lays out practices that have diminished capitalism and the banking sector Shares his battle scars from calling truth to power at some of the largest banks in the world and how he survived challenging the status quo to be credited as one of the few who saw the crisis coming Blows the lid off the true inner workings of the big banks and shows the ways in which Wall Street is just as bad today as it was pre-crash. Analyzes the fallout stemming from the market crash, pointing out the numerous holes that still exist in the system, and offers practical solutions. While it provides an education, this is no textbook. It is also an invaluable resource for finance practitioners and citizens alike.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118203644


Faculty Members Scholarly Learning Across Institutional Types
Faculty Members' Scholarly Learning Across Institutional Types

Автор: Vicki L. Baker

Explore an important, yet understudied concept: faculty scholarly learning. Taking a broad view, this volume explains how scholarly learning is defined and conceptualized by scholars. The authors synthesize the recent literature and organize the findings according to Boyer?s four forms of scholarship (discovery, teaching, engagement, and integration). They then offer a counternarrative to faculty scholarly learning and the ways in which it is enacted and supported. Recommendations for developing, supporting, and evaluating faculty scholarly learning are also presented. This volume answers: What does scholarly learning look like at different types of institutions? What contexts and/or supports hinder or help faculty members? scholarly learning at the different institutional types? What challenges are noted in the extant literature on faculty work around further study or better understanding of faculty members? scholarly learning across institutional types? This is the second issue of the 43rd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

Цена: 2935.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119448174


Finding the Uncommon Deal
Finding the Uncommon Deal

Автор: Adam Bailey Leitman

Take advantage of today's real estate market to find great properties at incredible prices Our recent economic meltdown transformed real estate from a popular investment to financial kryptonite. Too many people purchased homes with mortgages they simply could never afford. The good news: Great deals are out there for the taking. Finding the Uncommon Deal gives you the secrets to discovering and successfully negotiating the lowest prices for the most prized properties available. Discover how to go beyond Internet listings to get on-the-ground intelligence on the best deals Get proven negotiating skills to close the deal at a rock-bottom price The author has assisted thousands in purchasing homes as a lawyer, broker, and investor; has been ranked by internationally esteemed publication Chambers and Partners as one of the leading real estate lawyers; and regularly appears as a real estate authority in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal If you're successful enough to afford a home, then you probably have the skills needed to get a great deal in today's market. Finding the Uncommon Deal gives you the keys to leverage your skills for success and savings, opening the door to today's best properties and lowest prices.

Цена: 2203.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781118028025


Flexibility and Real Estate Valuation under Uncertainty
Flexibility and Real Estate Valuation under Uncertainty

Автор: David Geltner

Provides a revolutionary conceptual framework and practical tools to quantify uncertainty and recognize the value of flexibility in real estate development This book takes a practical «engineering» approach to the valuation of options and flexibility in real estate. It presents simple simulation models built in universal spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel®. These realistically reflect the varying and erratic sources of uncertainty and price dynamics that uniquely characterize real estate. The text covers new analytic procedures that are valuable for existing properties and enable a new, more profitable perspective on the planning, design, operation, and evaluation of large-scale, multi-phase development projects. The book thereby aims to significantly improve valuation and investment decision making. Flexibility and Real Estate Valuation under Uncertainty: A Practical Guide for Developers is presented at 3 levels. First, it introduces and explains the concepts underlying the approach at a basic level accessible to non-technical and non-specialized readers. Its introductory and concluding chapters present the important “big picture” implications of the analysis for economics and valuation and for project design and investment decision making. At a second level, the book presents a framework, a roadmap for the prospective analyst. It describes the practical tools in detail, taking care to go through the elements of the approach step-by-step for clarity and easy reference. The third level includes more technical details and specific models. An Appendix discusses the technical details of real estate price dynamics. Associated web pages provide electronic spreadsheet templates for the models used as examples in the book. Some features of the book include: • Concepts and tools that are simple and accessible to a broad audience of practitioners; • An approach relevant for all development projects; • Complementarity with the author's Commercial Real Estate Analysis & Investments—the most-cited real estate investments textbook on the market. Flexibility and Real Estate Valuation under Uncertainty: A Practical Guide for Developers is for everyone studying or concerned with the implementation of large-scale or multi-phase real estate development projects, as well as property investment and valuation more generally.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119106456


Flipping Confidential. The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit In Any Market
Flipping Confidential. The Secrets of Renovating Property for Profit In Any Market

Автор: Kirsten Kemp

Master the art of flipping with KIRSTEN KEMP, host of the hit TV show Property Ladder! «This book establishes a new standard for real estate authors. Kemp gives her readers delightfully written prose packed with her wealth of experiences. She lays out so many profit-generating (and loss-avoiding) ideas that while reading the manuscript my highlighter never got a rest.» —Gary Eldred, Trump University Professor of Real Estate, coauthor of the bestseller Investing in Real Estate Real estate isn't just for the rich! And this book proves it. In Flipping Confidential, Kirsten Kemp, the host of TLC's runaway hit show, Property Ladder, gives first-time investors the guidance and inside tips to buy cheap, fix fast, and sell high. With a positive attitude and a healthy dose of humor, Kirsten Kemp walks you through every step of a successful flip–from finding the right house to getting your financing in order, from making big improvements to pricing the home to sell. If you've ever seen Property Ladder, you know that successfully fixing and flipping a property can be a deeply rewarding experience–both personally and financially–when you do it right. Kemp makes sure you do it right in Flipping Confidential, revealing all the inside knowledge she has amassed as a successful flipper. You'll learn how Kemp became a successful flipper and much more, including how to: Get started with little savings or free time Find great leads and follow up on them Clean up your credit and find financing Sign up a great agent, lender, or contractor Learn when you can do it yourself, and when to hire a pro Keep costs down during renovations Set schedules and plan for costs and fees Master home staging for higher profits Manage mistakes before they become disasters Real estate is the key to your financial freedom, and flipping is the fastest way to unlock that door. If you want to get out of the office, be your own boss, spend more time with your family, and make a truckload of money in the process, this is the ultimate guide to your new life. The key to financial success isn't a secret, it's Flipping Confidential.

Цена: 3313.94 руб.
ISBN: 9780470107027


Flipping Houses For Dummies
Flipping Houses For Dummies

Автор: Joseph Kraynak

Buy it, fix it, flip it! Are you a wanna-be flipper looking to get the property, get the job done, and get out—all while maximizing your profit? Not just another house-flipping book, this hands-on guide shows you how to roll up your sleeves and find the perfect property, secure a mortgage, negotiate with condo associations, increase curb appeal, and much more. Flipping a house is more than just buying, updating, and selling. To be successful, you have to be a bit fearless, highly organized, and, at times, creative. This new edition of Flipping Houses For Dummies gives you practical guidance on the risks and rewards of flipping properties; helps you determine whether you have the time, energy, cash, and other resources to be successful; and then conveys the expert knowledge you need to succeed in a very competitive market. Find, fix, and sell houses for profit Score bank-owned and foreclosed properties Identify the best improvements for maximum ROI Get quick makeover solutions If you're ready for hard work and big profits, start flipping!

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119363101


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