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24 Carat BOLD (Unabridged)
24 Carat BOLD (Unabridged)

Автор: Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Исполнители: Mindy Gibbins-Klein

Цена: 1281.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781908746467


Без любви жить легче
Без любви жить легче

Автор: Лев Толстой

«Без любви жить легче» – это воспоминания человека, который «убивал на дуэли, чтоб убить, проигрывал в карты, проедал труды мужиков, казнил их, блудил, обманывал», но вечно стремился к благу и, оценивая прошлое, искренне раскаивался во всем содеянном. Приступая к изложению «трогательной и поучительной» истории своей жизни, Л. Н. Толстой писал: «Я думаю, что такая написанная мною биография будет полезнее для людей, чем вся та художественная болтовня, которой наполнены мои 12 томов сочинений…» Перед вами исповедь горячего сердца, которое металось от безверия к отрицанию искусства, но вечно стремилось к внутренней правде: «Когда я подумал о том, чтобы написать всю истинную правду, не скрывая ничего дурного моей жизни, я ужаснулся перед тем впечатлением, которое должна была бы произвести такая биография.»

Серия: Эксклюзивные мемуары

Исполнители: Алексей Жилкин

Цена: 159 руб.


Логистика. Искусство управления цепочками поставок
Логистика. Искусство управления цепочками поставок

Автор: Гордон Франк Сандер

Основная мысль авторов книги заключается в их уверенности в том, что успех на поле коммерческих битв напрямую зависит от того, насколько продуктивна и эффективна выбранная компанией стратегия логистики. Еще пять лет назад в большинстве американских компаний логистике не придавали большого значения. Но теперь и логистика, и логисты вышли, и вполне заслуженно, на авансцену. Лидеры американского бизнеса вернулись к формуле, выведенной еще в начале XX века: для того чтобы обеспечить успех на рынке, недостаточно создать товар, нужно еще быстро и четко доставить его покупателю. Книга «Логистика. Искусство управления цепочками поставок» предназначена руководителям производственных и торговых компаний, специалистам по логистике, маркетологам, консультантам по менеджменту и бизнес-аналитикам. Благодаря историческому ракурсу рассмотрения предмета с позиции военного дела, книга также вызовет интерес у более широкой аудитории.

Цена: 899 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98995-027-0


Логистика. Учебное пособие для бакалавров
Логистика. Учебное пособие для бакалавров

Автор: Группа авторов

Учебное пособие соответствует государственным образовательным стандартам по специальностям 080506 «Логистика», 351300 «Коммерция», 061500 «Маркетинг». В пособии в сжатой и доступной форме изложена основная проблематика современной логистики, освещен весь комплекс концептуальных проблем логистики, включая становление науки, а также современные концепции ее развития. Даны многочисленные практические примеры. Для студентов и аспирантов вузов, а также ученых и специалистов в области логистики.

Цена: 741 руб.
ISBN: 9785392169818


Логистика: тренинг и практикум. Учебное пособие
Логистика: тренинг и практикум. Учебное пособие

Автор: Группа авторов

Учебное пособие содержит комплексный набор заданий и упражнений, развивающих практические навыки выработки эффективных управленческих решений на всем протяжении логистической цепи поставок, и строится в соответствии с рекомендованным государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования (ГОС ВПО). Ценной особенностью данного учебного пособия является наличие методических рекомендаций к выполнению курсовых проектов, домашних заданий, хозяйственных ситуаций и деловых игр, а также тестовых заданий и контрольных вопросов по отдельным дисциплинам специальности, предусмотренным учебными программами курсов. Практические задачи, деловые игры и ситуации могут быть использованы также в ходе проведения практических занятий при рассмотрении отдельных разделов дисциплины «Логистика» в рамках специальностей и специализаций «Менеджмент организации», «Управление инновациями», «Маркетинг», «Коммерция» и др. Для студентов, преподавателей, слушателей надвузовского образования, в частности, второго высшего образования, МВА, краткосрочных программ повышения квалификации по специальности «Логистика и управление цепями поставок».

Цена: 789 руб.
ISBN: 9785392010981



Автор: А. С. Ступин

В пособии освещены вопросы образования, строения и свойств семян с учетом их значительных различий в морфологическом и анатомическом строении, рассмотрены физиологические особенности семян. Рассмотрены процессы прорастания семян и становление проростка. Приведены сортовые и посевные качества семян. Особое внимание уделено требованиям к посевному материалу. Показано влияние экологических и агротехнических факторов на урожайность и качество семян. Освещены вопросы послеуборочной обработки семян, подготовки их к хранению и посеву. Даны основные методы определения посевных качеств семян. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Пособие предназначено для студентов аграрных колледжей, обучающихся по специальностям «Агрономия» и «Технология производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции».

Цена: 1163.5 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-507-44685-8


Эффективное уголовное судопроизводство
Эффективное уголовное судопроизводство

Автор: В. Т. Томин

Книга доктора юридических наук, профессора Валентина Тимофеевича Томина и кандидата юридических наук, полковника милиции Алексея Павловича Попова рассматривает вопросы теории и методологии и дает ряд разъяснений по теории и практике эффективного уголовного процесса. Работа представляет авторское видение параметров целесообразности уголовно-процессуального и материального уголовного права, профилактической, уголовнопроцессуальной, административной и оперативно-розыскной деятельности. В заключении авторы выделяют ключевые аспекты, необходимые для повышения эффективности уголовного судопроизводства.

Цена: 81 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-4475-3781-4


A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership

Автор: Miriam Carver Mayhew

The Carver Policy Governance® Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's «owners,» whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Ends and the Ownership helps boards distinguish between what an organization is for and what it does (ends versus means)—a basic feature of the innovative Policy Governance model. This important guide also discusses the concept of ownership and includes sample policies that can help board members effectively prioritize and govern. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.

Цена: 2225.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470620175


A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance

Автор: Miriam Carver Mayhew

The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's «owners,» whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Evaluating CEO and Board Performance offers board members information on the importance of evaluation as part of a greater systematic view of governance. The guide includes principles for effectively and honestly evaluating CEO and board performance. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.

Цена: 2130.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470481035


A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health
A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health presents a collection of readings that utilize a medical anthropological approach to explore the interface of humans and the environment in the shaping of health and illness around the world. Features the latest ethnographic research from around the world related to the multiple impacts of the environment on health and of societies on their environments Includes contributions from international medical anthropologists, conservationists, environmental experts, public health professionals, health clinicians, and other social scientists Analyzes the conditions of cultural and social transformation that accompany environmental and ecological impacts in all areas of the world Offers critical perspectives on theoretical and methodological advancements in the anthropology of environmental health, along with future directions in the field

Цена: 17756.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118787137


A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services
A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

Автор: Valerie Mathieu

The notion of customer orientation is becoming a necessity rather than a choice for many companies. It is a lasting response to competitive pressure and supports the company in a renewed definition of its mission, beyond direct economic gain. Within B2B services, the manager, through proximity to their team, their market and their client, is the essential actor in the deployment of this orientation.

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services provides managers with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement customer orientation themselves, with the involvement of their extended team. To this end, this book presents a four-step approach: understand the fundamentals of customer orientation in B2B services, know the customer, make the most of the offer and deliver the service.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119902423


A Guide to the Scientific Career
A Guide to the Scientific Career

Автор: Группа авторов

A concise, easy-to-read source of essential tips and skills for writing research papers and career management In order to be truly successful in the biomedical professions, one must have excellent communication skills and networking abilities. Of equal importance is the possession of sufficient clinical knowledge, as well as a proficiency in conducting research and writing scientific papers. This unique and important book provides medical students and residents with the most commonly encountered topics in the academic and professional lifestyle, teaching them all of the practical nuances that are often only learned through experience. Written by a team of experienced professionals to help guide younger researchers, A Guide to the Scientific Career: Virtues, Communication, Research and Academic Writing features ten sections composed of seventy-four chapters that cover: qualities of research scientists; career satisfaction and its determinants; publishing in academic medicine; assessing a researcher’s scientific productivity and scholarly impact; manners in academics; communication skills; essence of collaborative research; dealing with manipulative people; writing and scientific misconduct: ethical and legal aspects; plagiarism; research regulations, proposals, grants, and practice; publication and resources; tips on writing every type of paper and report; and much more. An easy-to-read source of essential tips and skills for scientific research Emphasizes good communication skills, sound clinical judgment, knowledge of research methodology, and good writing skills Offers comprehensive guidelines that address every aspect of the medical student/resident academic and professional lifestyle Combines elements of a career-management guide and publication guide in one comprehensive reference source Includes selected personal stories by great researchers, fascinating writers, inspiring mentors, and extraordinary clinicians/scientists A Guide to the Scientific Career: Virtues, Communication, Research and Academic Writing is an excellent interdisciplinary text that will appeal to all medical students and scientists who seek to improve their writing and communication skills in order to make the most of their chosen career.

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781118907269


A Head Full of Everything
A Head Full of Everything

Автор: Gavin Oattes

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857089052


A History of Germany 1918 - 2014
A History of Germany 1918 - 2014

Автор: Mary Fulbrook

The fourth edition of A History of Germany, 1918-2014: A Divided Nation introduces students to the key themes of 20th century German history, tracing the dramatic social, cultural, and political tensions in Germany since 1918. Now thoroughly updated, the text includes new coverage of the Euro crisis and a review of Angela Merkel’s Chancellorship. New edition of a well-known, classic survey by a leading scholar in the field, thoroughly updated for a new generation of readers Provides an overview of the turbulent history of Germany from the end of the First World War through the Third Reich and beyond, examining the character and consequences of war and genocide Treats German history from 1918 to 2014 from the perspectives of instability, division and reunification, covering East and West German history in equal depth Offers important reflections on Angela Merkel’s Chancellorship as it extends into a new term Concise, substantive coverage of this period make it an ideal resource for undergraduate students

Цена: 2911.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118776124


A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry
A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry

Автор: Gordon B. Gray

Цена: 15743.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119608431


Academic Entrepreneurship
Academic Entrepreneurship

Автор: Michele Marcolongo

The pathway to bringing laboratory discoveries to market is poorly understood and generally new to many academics. This book serves as an easy-to-read roadmap for translating technology to a product launch – guiding university faculty and graduate students on launching a start-up company. • Addresses a growing trend of academic faculty commercializing their discoveries, especially those supported by the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health • Offers faculty a pathway and easy-to-follow steps towards determining whether their discovery / idea / technology is viable from a business perspective, as well as how to execute the necessary steps to create and launch a start-up company • Has a light-hearted and accessible style of a step-by-step guide to help graduate students, post-docs, and faculty learn how to go about spinning out their research from the lab • Includes interviews by faculty in the disciplines of materials science, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, information technology, energy, and mechanical devices – offering tips and discussing potential pitfalls to be avoided

Цена: 6309.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118858929


Achieving Excellence in Fundraising
Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

Автор: Группа авторов

Strategies and concepts for mission-based fundraising From the world’s first school of philanthropy, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising is the leading fundraising textbook based on research and steeped in practical expertise. It has long been the go-to reference for fundraising principles, concepts, and techniques. Topics include donor motivations and behaviors, engaging donors at all levels, inclusive and ethical fundraising, and more, with contributions from noted experts in the field. You’ll gain insight into the practice of fundraising and the fundraising cycle, reinforced by discussion questions, application exercises, and research-based recommendations. This 5th edition of Achieving Excellence in Fundraising is reimagined to meet the needs of today’s fundraisers, their nonprofit employers, and the causes they serve, while maintaining key concepts that stand the test of time. Compelling and timely topics new to this edition include donor-advised funds, crowdfunding, raising money in challenging times, fundraising for social advocacy, and more. The needs of fundraising educators are also a central consideration in the book’s organization and contents. Discover why Achieving Excellence in Fundraising is the leading textbook and reference in the field! Learn the key principles and techniques of philanthropic fundraising, from the experts at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy Consider today’s most pressing issues in fundraising—using research and data to inform practice, engaging a diversity of donors, expressing gratitude effectively, and much more Utilize research-based fundraising strategies to enhance the success of your organization’s efforts and to achieve your professional goalsChapters are written by faculty, alumni, and associates of the prestigious Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. The newest edition of this trusted work is an essential source of information for anyone in the fundraising space.

Цена: 7185.28 руб.
ISBN: 9781119763765


Administrative Records for Survey Methodology
Administrative Records for Survey Methodology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 12654.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119272052


Advice for a Successful Career in the Accounting Profession
Advice for a Successful Career in the Accounting Profession

Автор: Jerry Maginnis

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119855309


Agile Organisation – Methoden, Prozesse und Strukturen im digitalen VUCA-Zeitalter
Agile Organisation – Methoden, Prozesse und Strukturen im digitalen VUCA-Zeitalter

Автор: Группа авторов

Vor dem Hintergrund unserer immer dynamischeren und komplexeren Welt, entwickelt sich die F?higkeit zur schnellen Anpassung und Entwicklung zunehmend zu dem entscheidenden Erfolgsfaktor von Unternehmen. Gefordert ist ein schnelles, kreatives, flexibles und kundenorientiertes Denken und Handeln – kurzum Agilit?t. In diesem praxisorientierten Herausgeberbuch erl?utern renommierte Praktiker, Wissenschaftler und Berater vielf?ltige Umsetzungskonzepte, Methoden, Beispiele und praktische Erfahrungen f?r eine agile(re) Ausgestaltung von Methoden, Prozessen und Strukturen. Das Buch m?chte die Leser bef?higen, kritisch ?ber Ans?tze f?r mehr – oder auch weniger – Agilit?t zu entscheiden. Durch seine reflektierte und undogmatische Ausrichtung unterscheidet es sich von anderen Agilit?ts-B?chern und liefert einen entscheidenden Mehrwert.
Das Buch richtet sich prim?r an klassisch ausgebildete bzw. sozialisierte Manager und Menschen, die nach Strukturierung und Systematik im zunehmend wichtigeren, aber auch extrem gehypten „Agilit?ts-Kosmos“ suchen. Diesen erfahrenen Praktikern, aber auch in die Praxis strebenden Studierenden und ihren Dozenten bietet das Buch ein – an die klassische Organisationslehre anschlussf?higes – Ordnungsger?st f?r die zentralen Begriffe und Konzepte einer agilen Organisationsgestaltung.
Inhalte: – Grundlagen und Charakteristika agiler Organisation – Agile Prozess- und Projektmethoden – Agile Skalierungsframeworks – Agile Strukturmodelle – Beispiele agiler Organisationen (z. B. Alois Heiler, B. Braun, ibo, NRW.BANK, R+V Versicherung, //SEIBERT/MEDIA, Siemens, TELE Haase) – Agile F?hrung und Kultur – Beidh?ndiges Zusammenspiel von klassisch-hierarchischen und agilen Ans?tzen – Vertiefungen wichtiger Themen.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Petry lehrt Unternehmensf?hrung an der Hochschule RheinMain. Als Berater, Coach, Referent und Trainer hilft er Unternehmen bei der Bew?ltigung der Managementherausforderungen des Digitalzeitalters.
Christian Konz begleitet als Trainer, Berater und Agile Coach seit vielen Jahren Unternehmen und Menschen in ihrer Entwicklung. Neben seiner Rolle als Gesch?ftsf?hrer der ibo Akademie ist er leidenschaftlicher Organisationsentwickler, Speaker und Buchautor.

Цена: 4044.43 руб.
ISBN: 9783945997284


Altering Frontiers
Altering Frontiers

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119842392


An Introduction to Financial Markets
An Introduction to Financial Markets

Автор: Paolo Brandimarte

COVERS THE FUNDAMENTAL TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS, AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT THAT ARE REQUIRED FOR A THOROUGH STUDY OF FINANCIAL MARKETS This comprehensive yet accessible book introduces students to financial markets and delves into more advanced material at a steady pace while providing motivating examples, poignant remarks, counterexamples, ideological clashes, and intuitive traps throughout. Tempered by real-life cases and actual market structures, An Introduction to Financial Markets: A Quantitative Approach accentuates theory through quantitative modeling whenever and wherever necessary. It focuses on the lessons learned from timely subject matter such as the impact of the recent subprime mortgage storm, the collapse of LTCM, and the harsh criticism on risk management and innovative finance. The book also provides the necessary foundations in stochastic calculus and optimization, alongside financial modeling concepts that are illustrated with relevant and hands-on examples. An Introduction to Financial Markets: A Quantitative Approach starts with a complete overview of the subject matter. It then moves on to sections covering fixed income assets, equity portfolios, derivatives, and advanced optimization models. This book’s balanced and broad view of the state-of-the-art in financial decision-making helps provide readers with all the background and modeling tools needed to make “honest money” and, in the process, to become a sound professional. Stresses that gut feelings are not always sufficient and that “critical thinking” and real world applications are appropriate when dealing with complex social systems involving multiple players with conflicting incentives Features a related website that contains a solution manual for end-of-chapter problems Written in a modular style for tailored classroom use Bridges a gap for business and engineering students who are familiar with the problems involved, but are less familiar with the methodologies needed to make smart decisions An Introduction to Financial Markets: A Quantitative Approach offers a balance between the need to illustrate mathematics in action and the need to understand the real life context. It is an ideal text for a first course in financial markets or investments for business, economic, statistics, engi­neering, decision science, and management science students. PAOLO BRANDIMARTE is Full Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Politecnico di Torino in Italy, where he teaches Business Analytics and Financial Engineering. He is the author of several publications, including more than ten books on the application of optimization and simulation to diverse areas such as production and supply chain management, telecommunications, and finance.

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118594773


Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016 The third edition of Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease, the recognized gold-standard reference in this field, offers a major update and expansion of the textbook to reflect the ongoing development of the practice of pediatric and congenital cardiac anesthesia and the burgeoning knowledge base in this exciting field. Includes two new chapters addressing key areas; anesthetic and sedative neurotoxicity in the patient with congenital heart disease, and anesthesia in the patient with pulmonary hypertension Now in full color, with over 200 illustrations and photographs Multiple-choice questions accompany each chapter covering the most crucial learning points to optimize the learning experience for readers at all levels

Цена: 26314.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781118768129



Автор: Yi Huang

Antennas From Theory to Practice Comprehensive coverage of the fundamentals and latest developments in antennas and antenna design In the newly revised Second Edition of Antennas: From Theory to Practice, renowned researcher, engineer, and author Professor Yi Huang delivers comprehensive and timely coverage of issues in modern antenna design and theory. Practical and accessible, the book is written for engineers, researchers, and students who work with radio frequency/microwave engineering, radar, and radio communications. The book details the basics of transmission lines, radiowaves and propagation, antenna theory, antenna analysis and design using industrial standard design software tools and the theory of characteristic modes, antenna measurement equipment, facilities, and techniques. It also covers the latest developments in special topics, like small and mobile antennas, wide- and multi-band antennas, automotive antennas, RFID, UWB, metamaterials, reconfigurable and MIMO antennas, and more. The new edition includes up to date information on a wide variety of newly relevant topics and trends, like adaptive impedance matching, the theory of characteristic modes, antenna materials and fabrication processes, and over-the-air (OTA) antenna system measurements. Many questions and examples are provided which enhances the ­learning experience. The book covers: An introduction to circuit concepts and transmission lines, including lumped and distributed element systems, transmission line theory, and the Smith Chart An exploration of field concepts and radiowaves, including wave equations and solutions and radiowave propagation mechanisms, characteristics, and models Discussions of antenna basics and popular antennas, including wire-type antennas, aperture-type antennas, and antenna arrays Information about antenna manufacturing and measurements, including antenna measurement facilities and methods The use of industrial standard simulation tools for antenna design and analysis Perfect for engineers and researchers who work in RF engineering or radar and radio communications, Antennas: From Theory to Practice, Second Edition will also earn a place on the bookshelves of university students seeking a concise and practical introduction to the basics of antennas and antenna design.

Цена: 11044.26 руб.
ISBN: 9781119092346


Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine
Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine

Автор: Abram S. Dorfman

Applications of mathematical heat transfer and fluid flow models in engineering and medicine Abram S. Dorfman, University of Michigan, USA Engineering and medical applications of cutting-edge heat and flow models This book presents innovative efficient methods in fluid flow and heat transfer developed and widely used over the last fifty years. The analysis is focused on mathematical models which are an essential part of any research effort as they demonstrate the validity of the results obtained. The universality of mathematics allows consideration of engineering and biological problems from one point of view using similar models. In this book, the current situation of applications of modern mathematical models is outlined in three parts. Part I offers in depth coverage of the applications of contemporary conjugate heat transfer models in various industrial and technological processes, from aerospace and nuclear reactors to drying and food processing. In Part II the theory and application of two recently developed models in fluid flow are considered: the similar conjugate model for simulation of biological systems, including flows in human organs, and applications of the latest developments in turbulence simulation by direct solution of Navier-Stokes equations, including flows around aircraft. Part III proposes fundamentals of laminar and turbulent flows and applied mathematics methods. The discussion is complimented by 365 examples selected from a list of 448 cited papers, 239 exercises and 136 commentaries. Key features: Peristaltic flows in normal and pathologic human organs. Modeling flows around aircraft at high Reynolds numbers. Special mathematical exercises allow the reader to complete expressions derivation following directions from the text. Procedure for preliminary choice between conjugate and common simple methods for particular problem solutions. Criterions of conjugation, definition of semi-conjugate solutions. This book is an ideal reference for graduate and post-graduate students and engineers.

Цена: 11470.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781119320739


Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 1
Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 1

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16027.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781119821571


Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2
Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2

Автор: Группа авторов

BIG DATA, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA ANALYSIS SET Coordinated by Jacques Janssen Data analysis is a scientific field that continues to grow enormously, most notably over the last few decades, following rapid growth within the tech industry, as well as the wide applicability of computational techniques alongside new advances in analytic tools. Modeling enables data analysts to identify relationships, make predictions, and to understand, interpret and visualize the extracted information more strategically. This book includes the most recent advances on this topic, meeting increasing demand from wide circles of the scientific community. Applied Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis 2 is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, engineers, mathematicians and statisticians, working on the front end of data analysis and modeling applications. The chapters cover a cross section of current concerns and research interests in the above scientific areas. The collected material is divided into appropriate sections to provide the reader with both theoretical and applied information on data analysis methods, models and techniques, along with appropriate applications.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119821625


Art in Theory
Art in Theory

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 4853.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119591412


Auf Russisch: Wege zur vollkommenen Freude
Auf Russisch: Wege zur vollkommenen Freude

Автор: Swami Omkarananda

Путь к безграничному счастью Ознакомление с мудрыми учениями Свами Омкарананда «В наше время люди настолько ограничили себя рамками собственного тела и материального мира, что теперь сомневаются даже и в существовании духовного. Все, что является реальностью всех реальностей, основной при- чиной существования интеллекта и рождения мыслей, отодвигается в сторону, как нечто нереальное. Как велико их неведение! … … По сравнению с бесконечностью вселенной планета Земля похожа на пылинку, а человек чувствует себя созданием этой пылинки. Но объем его внутрен него существа значительно переступает через меж звездные пространства космического откровения. Величие при- роды человека неоспоримо, наше положение по исти- не несокрушимо. Все способности, возможности и действенные силы человека основаны на безграничной, вечной Истине.» В данной книге посвященный мастер открывает полным решимости искателям методы и пути достижения нахо- дящегося в них Королевства Небес (переводы текстов мастера из английских подлинников).

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783796405327


Augmented Customer Strategy
Augmented Customer Strategy

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618249


Average Joe
Average Joe

Автор: Shawn Livermore

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119619055


BSL3 and BSL4 Agents
BSL3 and BSL4 Agents

Автор: Группа авторов

Unique coverage of proteomic and glycomic approaches to better distinguish highly dangerous pathogens, as well as using these to explore novel treatment and prevention options. The editors and authors are either part of a specialized European network initiated to develop fast and reliable detection and therapy options, or are associated with the core military research complex of the United States. With its description of the methods, their advantages and limitations, as well as the principle outcomes, this is a must-have resource for all professionals dealing with BSL3 and/or BSL 4 agents.

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527638215


Be a Startup Superstar
Be a Startup Superstar

Автор: Steven Kahan

Find a job and quickly climb the ranks at a tech startup, even if you’re not a techie. Are you underemployed or struggling to find a fulfilling career? Stuck on a low rung of the corporate ladder and don’t see a way up anytime soon? You’re not alone. Like many recent college grads and people who feel stuck in their corporate jobs, you’ve probably never considered working for a technology company that’s just starting out, especially if you’re not a tech whiz. That doesn’t matter. Tech startups are desperate for talent and creativity in all kinds of fields from people with leadership skills and new ideas—people like you! If you’re looking to turn your general business know-how into a wildly successful career , Be a Startup Superstar is your guide. Yes, you can love your work, feel energized by your role, and earn the income of your dreams. Author Steven Mark Kahan left his safe corporate job to join his first tech startup, and since then he has helped seven startup companies sell or go public (meaning early employees usually score big). In this breakthrough book, Steve shows you how to: Look for five key traits when choosing a tech startup Get hired at a tech startup with your existing degree, skills, and experience Develop the leadership attributes and entrepreneurial mindset that can launch you to the top Make better decisions and get better outcomes in the tech startup world and beyond Be a Startup Superstar provides the expert insider guidance you need to ignite your career by joining the tech startup revolution.

Цена: 2357.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781119660705


Beyond Crisis
Beyond Crisis

Автор: Gill G. Ringland

"If you want to know how countries, companies and individuals can master the winds and the waves that will dominate the next decade, this is the book for you." —Rupert Pennant-Rea, former editor of the Economist, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England «'If leading your organisation sometimes feels like changing the front wheel of a bicycle whilst toy are still pedalling it as fast as you can, this is a book you should read.» —Sir David Brown, former Chairman, Motorola UK «Beyond Crisis is full of compelling reasons, clear advice and practical models to help almost any enterprise remain viable beyond the deeply unsettling systemic failures that characterise today's business environment.» —Professor Richard David Hames, Dhurakilpundit University, Founding Director Asian Foresight Institute «We are in uncharted territory. There are few people who any longer think that the world post-crisis will be anything like the world before. Ringland, Sparrow & Lusting provide a clear description of the way that leaders need to think in this new reality. In doing so, they give us hope.» —Estelle Clark, Business Assurance Director, Lloyds Register The next decade will present organisational challenges on an unprecedented scale. Beyond Crisis shows how you can build a 'purposefully self-renewing organisation' which will survive and succeed in the midst of this chaos. The book shows how financial and economic crisis has blighted organisations in every sector, and then provide a range of tools and future scenarios for diagnosing problems and creating solutions. This is a welcome dose of clarity in uncertain times.

Цена: 2817.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780470663660


Beyond Secular Order
Beyond Secular Order

Автор: John Milbank

Beyond Secular Order is the first of a two-volume work that expands upon renowned theologian John Milbank’s innovative attempt to understand both theology and modern thought begun in his previously published classic text Theology and Social Theory. Continues Milbank’s innovative attempt to understand both theology and modern thought begun in Theology and Social Theory – considered a classic work in the development of systematic theology Authored by one of the world’s most influential and highly regarded contemporary theologians Draws on a sweep of ideas and thinkers to argue that modern secularism is a form of Christian heresy that developed from the Middle Ages and can only be overcome by a renewed account of Christendom Shows how this heresy can be transformed into a richer blend of religion, modernity and politics Reveals how there is a fundamental homology between modern ideas about ontology and knowledge and modern ideas about political action, expressed in both theory and practice

Цена: 4255.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118825310


Beyond Team Building
Beyond Team Building

Автор: W. Gibb Dyer, Jr

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119551393


Biorefineries and Chemical Processes
Biorefineries and Chemical Processes

Автор: Jhuma Sadhukhan

As the range of feedstocks, process technologies and products expand, biorefineries will become increasingly complex manufacturing systems. Biorefineries and Chemical Processes: Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis presents process modelling and integration, and whole system life cycle analysis tools for the synthesis, design, operation and sustainable development of biorefinery and chemical processes. Topics covered include: Introduction: An introduction to the concept and development of biorefineries. Tools: Included here are the methods for detailed economic and environmental impact analyses; combined economic value and environmental impact analysis; life cycle assessment (LCA); multi-criteria analysis; heat integration and utility system design; mathematical programming based optimization and genetic algorithms. Process synthesis and design: Focuses on modern unit operations and innovative process flowsheets. Discusses thermochemical and biochemical processing of biomass, production of chemicals and polymers from biomass, and processes for carbon dioxide capture. Biorefinery systems: Presents biorefinery process synthesis using whole system analysis. Discusses bio-oil and algae biorefineries, integrated fuel cells and renewables, and heterogeneous catalytic reactors. Companion website: Four case studies, additional exercises and examples are available online, together with three supplementary chapters which address waste and emission minimization, energy storage and control systems, and the optimization and reuse of water. This textbook is designed to bridge a gap between engineering design and sustainability assessment, for advanced students and practicing process designers and engineers.

Цена: 10772 руб.
ISBN: 9781118698136


Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future
Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future

Автор: Группа авторов

Explore the state-of-the-art in biosurfactant technology and its applications in environmental remediation, biomedicine, and biotechnology  Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future  explores recent developments in biosurfactants and their use in a variety of cutting-edge applications. The book opens a window on the rapid development of microbiology by explaining how microbes and their products are used in advanced medical technology and in the sustainable remediation of emerging environmental contaminants.  The book emphasizes the different techniques that are used for the production of biosurfactants from microorganisms and their characterization. Various aspects of biosurfactants, including structural characteristics, developments, production, bio-economics and their sustainable use in the environment and biomedicine, are addressed, and the book also presents metagenomic strategies to facilitate the discovery of novel biosurfactants producing microorganisms. Readers will benefit from the inclusion of:  A thorough introduction to the state-of-the-art in biosurfactant technology, techniques, and applications An exploration of biosurfactant enhanced remediation of sediments contaminated with organics and inorganics A discussion of perspectives for biomedical and biotechnological applications of biosurfactants A review of the antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibiofilm potential of biosurfactants against multi-drug-resistant pathogens. An examination of biosurfactant-inspired control of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus Perfect for academic researchers and scientists working in the petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and in the agroindustry,  Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future  will also earn a place in the libraries of scientists working in environmental biotechnology, environmental science, and biomedical engineering.

Цена: 21401.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119671053


Blandy s Urology
Blandy's Urology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22129.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781118863367



Автор: Reid Hoffman

Цена: 1148.01 руб.
ISBN: 9780008303662


Bridging Organization Design and Performance
Bridging Organization Design and Performance

Автор: Gregory Kesler

Five practical steps to enhance organization effectiveness on a global scale Bridging Organization Design and Performance is a handbook for leaders looking to enhance the success of their organizations and themselves. Companies that compete globally require organizational operating models as robust as their strategies. Many companies have created elegant designs and consider their worldwide, matrix organizations sources of competitive advantage. However, the reality is that these complex structures bring many challenges and senior executives are often frustrated by the difficulties of delivering growth in organizations that span numerous brands, products, and geographic regions. After working closely with over twenty large US and Europe based global companies during the past decade, Gregory Kesler and Amy Kates concluded that the problem is not in the fundamental design of these operating models. The matrix is not going away. The challenge is to effectively and completely activate the organization to deliver the strategy. This book shares the five practical actions that bring complex organizations to life and help companies gain sustainable results from their global operating models.

Цена: 4249.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119064497


Bridging the Distance - A Kindred Tales Novel (Unabridged)
Bridging the Distance - A Kindred Tales Novel (Unabridged)

Автор: Evangeline Anderson

Исполнители: Mackenzie Cartwright

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624616037


Buffalo, Barrels, & Bourbon
Buffalo, Barrels, & Bourbon

Автор: F. Paul Pacult

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119599937


Build Your Business In 90 Minutes A Day
Build Your Business In 90 Minutes A Day

Автор: Nigel Botterill

A super practical guide to building a successful business by spending ninety minutes a day on the stuff that really matters. Have you got a brilliant business idea, but are not sure how to find the time to start making it a reality? Or perhaps you have your dream up and running but you need help to grow? Join best-selling author and multi-award winning entrepreneur, Nigel Botterill, and his co-author Martin Gladdish, as they explore the history, wisdom and uncanny natural phenomena that surrounds each 90 minute chunk of time that we live in and equip you with the tools to think big, grow fast and build your successful business in those 90–minute chunks! Build Your Business in 90 Minutes A Day reveals lessons from the true stories of everyday entrepreneurs who dedicate 90 minutes a day to building their success. Woven amongst these inspirational tales are the remarkable accounts of world-changing events from English history, space and popular culture, that were determined in just 90 minutes. Amidst pages of startling science fact surrounding this magical number, you will learn just how powerful it can be when applied to your life. An hour and a half will never seem quite the same again. Nigel has built eight separate million pound+ businesses from scratch and won a shed full of awards in the process. No one knows better than him what it takes to build big businesses fast! Designed to be read in just 90 minutes (plus a few extra bits) Packed with tools to help you think big, grow fast and build a successful business A mixture of wisdom, teaching and success stories from Nigel Botterill and the entrepreneurs he has helped

Цена: 1740.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780857086037


Building People, Volume 4
Building People, Volume 4

Автор: Mun Leong Liew

Eavesdrop on a top business leader to learn the secrets of great leadership Building People provides a glimpse into the mind of one of Asia’s keenest and most effective business leaders. Before becoming Chairman of Changi Airport Group and Surbana Jurong, author Mun Leong Liew was named Best CEO in Singapore, Best CEO in Asia, CEO of the Year, Outstanding CEO of the Year, and more—but his successes are not based strictly upon the numbers. This book reveals the personal and professional philosophy behind this extraordinarily effective leader, in the context of frank and insightful emails to his staff. Touching on everything from honour and potential to training and mentorship, these messages paint a clear picture of the difference between good and great leadership. Effective leaders build companies, but legendary leaders build people—by strengthening the heart of your organisation, you enable robust growth and dynamic stability from the inside out. These emails go beyond mere public relations to lay open the true nature of a man who is honestly, deeply committed to his job, his responsibility, his organisation, and most of all, his people. Learn why work-life balance is not a zero-sum game Discover what pragmatism and commitment truly mean in business Realise the importance of good partnerships and unsung heroes Manage change effectively and employ it wisely for sustainable success By eavesdropping on a leader’s communications with the people he serves, you get a real sense of the man behind the success. Great leadership is rooted in a philosophy of “building up” instead of tearing down, and motivated by the sincere belief that we bring our own purpose into everything we do. Building People brings great leadership to life, and inspires action over theory through the insights of Mun Leong Liew.

Цена: 3077.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119288077


Bulleit Proof
Bulleit Proof

Автор: Tom Bulleit

The compelling story of how one man took a 150-year-old family recipe and disrupted the entire liquor industry one sip, one bottle, one handshake at a time Tom Bulleit stood on a stage before a thousand people inside a tent the size of a big-top. It was both his thirtieth wedding anniversary and his birthday. But there was another thing to celebrate: the dedication of the new Bulleit Distillery in Shelbyville, Kentucky. His great-great-grandfather, Augustus, created his first batch of Bulleit Bourbon around 1830. A century and a half later, Tom fulfilled his lifelong dream, revived the old family bourbon recipe, and started Bulleit Distilling Company. Eventually, Tom was named a member of the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, and elected to the Kentucky Bourbon Hall of Fame. Thinking back on all his achievements, Tom was overcome by a wave of emotion. He looked into the sea of faces and said, “I don't believe our lives are told in years. . . or months. . . or weeks. I believe we live our lives in moments." Tom’s book Bulleit Proof is just that—a life told in moments. Moments of joy, triumph, hardship, persistence, and success. His is a story of survival : in war, in business, in life. Tom faced death twice: in a foxhole and in a cancer ward. In Bulleit Proof , Tom reveals all, pulls no punches, and lets you into his heart. In this book, you will: Share Tom’s personal story, including his loves, losses, and struggles Learn the history of one of America’s most beloved and awarded brands Draw inspiration from the persistence and dedication Tom has shown throughout his life Explore how Bulleit Bourbon changed the liquor industry forever Bulleit Proof is a fast-paced page-turner—not only for fans of Bulleit Bourbon and admirers of Tom, but for anyone who loves an emotional, hilarious, inspirational, and deeply honest story.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119597759



Автор: Mei Xu

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119695943


Business Ethics
Business Ethics

Автор: Группа авторов

The fifth edition of Business Ethics addresses current, intriguing, often complex issues in corporate morality through 53 readings and 30 pertinent case studies. Now significantly updated, it includes new leading articles, related current cases, and mini-cases based on MBA student dilemmas. Addresses a broad range of the most current, intriguing, often complex issues and cases in corporate morality Provides impartial, point-counterpoint presentations of different perspectives on the most important and highly contended issues of business ethics Updated and significant case studies are included to reinforce student learning Now contains mini-cases based on actual MBA student dilemmas Each author has substantial experience in teaching, writing, and conducting research in the field

Цена: 6273.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781118722954


Business Plans For Dummies
Business Plans For Dummies

Автор: Paul Tiffany

Plan to succeed as an entrepreneur—we show you how Business Plans For Dummies can guide you, as a new or aspiring business owner, through the process of creating a comprehensive, accurate, and useful business plan. In fact, it is just as appropriate for an already up-and running firm that realizes it's now time for a full-bore check-up, to ensure the business is in tip-top shape to meet the challenges of the globalized, digitized, and constantly changing 21st Century. This edition of is fully updated, featuring the most recent practices in the business world. Let us walk you through each step of the planning process. You'll find everything you need in this one book, so you can finally stop googling, close all those browser tabs, and get organized and get going. Updates to this new revision include knowing how to pivot when your situation changes, recognizing the need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, where to tap the latest funding sources, and how to plan for a digital strategy, market disruption, and environmental sustainability. You'll also learn how today's globalized marketplace influences your business—and how you can use social media to influence your customers right back. Learn the ins and out of creating a business plan that will actually work Set effective goals and objectives so your business can find success Wow investors with your knowledge of today's important business trends Map out your finances, marketing plan, and operational blueprint—then confidently get to work! Challenge the traditional framework by building a business plan that's workable in today's reality. Dummies is here to help.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119866398


Business Plans For Dummies
Business Plans For Dummies

Автор: Paul Tiffany

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119866381


Business, Innovation and Responsibility
Business, Innovation and Responsibility

Автор: Sophie Pell?

Responsible Innovation. For some, this expression is only an oxymoron or, worse, a means of masking with a sheet of virtue economic practices that would otherwise appear selfish and self-interested. For others, theorists and actors of innovation, this expression represents a formidable lever of action and a rich conceptual source from which to draw new ways of innovating. The articulation between different levels of norms – economic and ethical, to which we can add the legal dimension – is not new, and is the subject of an in-depth reflection, decades old, around the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). By taking up some debates on CSR, most of which are foreign to the current authors of responsible innovation, this book examines the various justifications that CSR brings in order to convince economic players, subject to powerful market forces, of their responsible commitment. But these are not enough. The book also explores the specific contribution of the concept of responsible innovation to coping with the technological, social and political breakthroughs generated by innovation, and is based on philosophical resources such as the ethics of virtue and the ethics of “care”.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119341055


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