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खतरनाक वस्तुएँ

Автор: Amy Blankenship

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835433866


500 Oraciones Que Garantizan Una Riqueza Autom?tica
500 Oraciones Que Garantizan Una Riqueza Autom?tica

Автор: Samson Olasoju

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835406778


Беш ва т намоз
Беш вақт намоз

Автор: Группа авторов

Ушбу китобнинг бошқа шундай китоблардан фарқи шуки, бунда намоз ўрганиш усуллари анча содда ва равон тилда берилган. Айниқса, эндигина саждага бош қўйишни ўрганаётганлар учун жуда яхши дарсликдир.

Цена: 74.06 руб.


Гуру Вачака Коваи. Собрание устных наставлений Рамана Махарши
Гуру Вачака Коваи. Собрание устных наставлений Рамана Махарши

Автор: Шри Муруганар

Рамана Махарши (1879–1950) – самый известный и почитаемый современный просветленный учитель адвайты. Муруганар, тамильский поэт, один из его самых известных учеников, публично признанный им как «упрочившийся в состоянии внутреннего Блаженства», записал в поэтической форме слова своего Учителя, «Гуру Вачака Коваи». Это наибольшее собрание устных высказываний Раманы Махарши, излагающих его учение, тщательно проверенных и исправленных им самим. Благодаря этому факту данная книга занимает в Рамана-библиотеке особое место.

Серия: Не-2. Серия недвойственности

Цена: 590 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-907059-40-5


Делай правильный выбор
Делай правильный выбор

Автор: Джашан Васвани

Дада Васвани был выдающимся духовным лидером. Чтобы почтить его память, миллионы людей во всем мире каждый год соблюдают две минуты молчания, сосредотачиваясь на прощении, в день его рождения – 2 августа. Распространению этой инициативы способствовал в частности Далай-лама. Книга основана на вдохновляющей лекции, которую Дада произнес в свой девяносто девятый день рождения в миссии Садху Васвани. Это было одно из его последних выступлений, в нем он резюмировал те принципы, которые помогли ему прожить жизнь в радости и заботе о других. Мы считаем, что вечные ценности – это не что-то, с чего стоит лишь периодически стряхивать пыль. Действуя в согласии с ними, мы выбираем работу, наполненную смыслом, и отношения, раскрывающие наши лучшие качества. И не соглашаемся на меньшее. Сделав выбор в пользу доброты, любви, прощения и благодарности – не на словах, а на деле – мы можем значительно улучшить нашу жизнь, и нам будет, что и кому сказать на наш собственный девяносто девятый день рождения.

Цена: 99 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9573-3554-2


За пределами известного
За пределами известного

Автор: Джидду Кришнамурти

Джидду Кришнамурти (1896–1986) – один из наиболее выдающихся духовных учителей нашего времени. Обнаруженный теософами еще мальчиком в Индии, он был подготовлен ими в качестве нового Мессии, от роли которого отказался, когда независимо стал вести свой собственный духовный поиск. Разъезжая по миру со своим учением, выступая с лекциями, он приобрел множество сторонников, включая видных государственных деятелей и интеллектуалов. Настоящий сборник выпушен к 100-летию со дня рождения Кришнамурти. В него вошли материалы разных периодов и направленности.

Цена: 349 руб.
ISBN: 5-87317-003-7


Заповедь Дня
Заповедь Дня

Автор: Dr. Olusola Coker

Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, направляющая и защищающая вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Заповедь дня-это утренняя молитва, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в предстоящей задаче дня. Вы сможете сосредоточить свое время и внимание на поиске Божьего плана на каждый день каждого месяца. Эта книга ценна для тех, кто нуждается в мире, поддержке, силе, защите, успехе, прорыве, исцелении, чуде и т. д. На каждый день. Вы обнаружите причины, по которым вам нужно управлять своим днем, и связанные с этим преимущества. Утренняя молитва дает вам направление туда, где она должна быть, чтобы вы не упустили свою цель. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, ваши умственные способности функционируют на пике своего развития, поэтому утренние молитвы освежают и заряжают вашу душу. Бог будет счастлив с вами, когда вы будете смотреть на него снизу вверх для выполнения предстоящей задачи на этот день. Утренние молитвы – это возможность приблизиться к Богу и поблагодарить его за его неутолимую любовь, благословения, прорывы исцеления и т.д. Когда вы просыпаетесь утром, чтобы помолиться Богу, молитесь с уверенностью и держите глаза открытыми для его ответов. Говоря по порядку, Не бойтесь, когда молитесь Богу, особенно утром. Согласно Книге Исаии 41.10, Господь говорит: ”Не бойтесь, ибо я с вами; не смущайтесь, ибо я ваш Бог; я укреплю вас, Я помогу Вам, я поддержу вас своей праведной десницей” будьте уверены, что утренние молитвы ведут Бога, нашего Творца, чтобы направлять и защищать вас в течение всего дня. Он любит вас и хочет для вас самого лучшего, поэтому, молясь утром, напомните Богу о его обещании вам.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835404712


Намоз ишни биласизми?
Намоз ўқишни биласизми?

Автор: Камолиддин Мухторов

[ul]Дин ҳақида тушунча Фарз ва суннат ҳақида Намоз аҳкомлари Намоз ўқиш тартиб Пайғамбарлар дуоси Аёлларга хос масалалар[/ul]

Цена: 189.11 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-26-972-9


Намоз к зимнинг нури
Намоз кўзимнинг нури

Автор: Файзуллоҳ Лутфуллоҳ ўғли, Шайх Абдулазиз МАНСУР

Азиз китобхон! Қўлингиздаги ушбу китоб намоз ва унга тегиш ли бўлган масалалар Ҳанафий мазҳаби асосида ўзига хос содда ва равон услубда баён этилган. Хусусан, намоз ўқиш тартиби чиройли шаклда расмлари билан келтирилган. Шунингдек, намоздаги баъзи хато ҳолатларга ойдинлик киритилган.

Цена: 189.11 руб.


Оламларга ра мат пай амбар
Оламларга раҳмат пайғамбар

Автор: Роғиб Cаржоний

Қўлингиздаги ушбу китоб оламларга раҳмат Пайғамбар – Муҳаммад соллаллоҳу алайҳи васаллам ҳаётларидаги раҳмат мавзусига бағишланган. Ушбу китобда Набий соллаллоҳу алай ҳи васалламнинг муборак сийратларидан раҳм-шафқат ўрин лари ҳақида сўз юритилади. Китобни ўқиб чиққандан сўнг Расулуллоҳ соллаллоҳу алайҳи васалламга бўлган муҳаббатингиз янада ортади, у зотга уммат эканимиз нақадар улкан неъмат эканини яна бир бор ҳис қиласиз, у зотга муносиб уммат бўлишга интиласиз, иншаа Аллоҳ. Аллоҳ таоло барчамизга раҳм қилсин, ер юзидагиларга раҳм қиладиган бандаларидан айлаб, Охират да ҳам Ўзининг буюк фазлига эриштирсин. Омийн!

Цена: 189.11 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-6609-0-8



Автор: Народное творчество

Тарихда ўтган набий ва расулларнинг барчалари илоҳий интизом га содиқ ва собит танланган бандалардир. Бинобарин, анбиёлар ҳаё тини ўрганиш, динлар тарихини билишликдир. Ислом ва унгача бўлган ҳаётдан хабардор бўлишликдир. Бу нарса аҳли фаросат учун бир равшан чироқ бўлиб, адашув, чалғиш, турли ёт таъсирлардан сақланишнинг ойдин йўли ҳамдир. Мазкур “Пайғамбарлар тарихи”да пайғамбарларнинг (уларга салот-у саломлар бўлсин) насл-насаби, ҳаёти ва шахсияти, фазилатлари, уларнинг ўзлари юборилган қавм ларга нималарни етказгани, қандай қарши олингани, қавмларнинг ўз хатти-ҳаракатларига яраша қандай оқибатларга учрагани ишончли манбаларга таянган ҳолда изоҳланган, билиш лозим бўлган фойдали маълумотлар тақдим этилган.

Цена: 189.11 руб.


Русча тиббий терминларнинг збекча изо ли лу ати
Русча тиббий терминларнинг ўзбекча изоҳли луғати

Автор: Группа авторов

Ўрта тиббиёт ходимлари учун мўлжалланган ушбу қўлланмада соҳа вакиллари кундалик меҳнат фаолиятларида рўбару келадиган сўз ва терминлар жамланди. Мутахассислар томонидан келтирилган изоҳлар тиббиёт ходимлари учун дастуриламал, бўлади деган умиддамиз.

Цена: 139.63 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-27-340-5


Сийратни англаш
Сийратни англаш

Автор: Шайх Рамазон ал-Бутий

Цена: 189.11 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-6605-5-7


Сила Полуочной Молитвы
Сила Полуочной Молитвы

Автор: Gabriel Agbo

«Сила полуночной молитвы», безусловно, станет одной из самых полных и впечатляющих книг о духовной войне. Ее название основано на недюжинном опыте, свидетельствах и исповедях, от которых кровь стынет в жилах, а также на тщательном изучении Слова Божьего. Эта книга – результат действительно обширной и хорошо проделанной работы. О ней отзываются, как о невероятном произведении. Книга приоткроет секрет огромной, но еще не полностью раскрытой духовной силы, заложенной в молитвах, произносимых с 11 вечера до 3 утра. Насколько хорошо вы знаете о взрывной силе восхваления, молитвы и поста? Знаете ли вы о том, какую роль играют ангелы Божьи, Дух Божий и Огонь Божий в войне против царства тьмы? В этой книге вы узнаете непосредственно из слов бывших великих мастеров оккультизма о том, какое колоссальное разрушительное воздействие оказывают Имя и Кровь Иисуса на царство Сатаны. Что происходит, когда Сатана и его демоны вступают в контакт с этими двумя самыми могущественными элементами Вселенной? Почему при встрече Сатана упал с трона, как только было упомянуто имя Иисуса? Вы знаете о войне врага человечества против церкви, ее служителей и христиан? Как он низвергает, а иногда даже убивает служителей Евангелия? Кто такие подвижники темного царства в церкви? Какая роль отведена воинам молитвы? Для чего царству Сатаны человеческая плоть и кровь? Почему оккультному миру нужны человеческие жертвоприношения? Читайте исповеди бывших подвижников Сатаны и даже выдержки из СМИ, рассказывающие о приношениях людей в жертву и других страшных обрядах, о которых не всякий решится писать. Зачем женщине выкалывать глаза у ползающей девочки-младенца, убивать ее, плачущую и стонущую, истолочь ее плоть и съесть? Какое отношение оккультизм имеет к сексу? Могут ли одержимость злым духом, сделки и проклятия переходить к другим половым путем? Зачем мужчине спать с маленьким мальчиком, отложив в его чрево змею с целью приобрести власть, богатство и положение в обществе? В книге будут раскрыты и другие невероятные темы: борьба с Богом, связывание и освобождение, разрушение ворот, открытые двери, полные Господние Доспехи, ворота Рая и ворота Ада. Двадцать одна мощная глава этой книги, несомненно, воспламенит вашу душу для Бога. Уверен, что вы никогда не читали ничего подобного ранее.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412908


Танбе ул офилин
Танбеҳул ғофилин

Автор: Ал-Фақиҳ Абу Лайс ас-Самарқандий

Цена: 189.11 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-5197-3-2


Эр-хотинлик асослари
Эр-хотинлик асослари

Автор: Мухаммад Ахмад Канъон

Азиз ўқувчи! Сиз бу китобда кўрганингиз очиқлик бепарволикнинг бир тури ҳам, иззат пардасини йиртиш ҳам эмас, балки воқеликни борича тушунтиришдир. Эр-хотин муҳтож бўладиган ё турмушларида дуч келадиган масалалар шаърий ҳукмларининг баёнидир, холос. Албатта, бу китобни комил, тугал, масаланинг ҳамма томонини қамраб олган, демоқчи эмасмиз. Аммо Аллоҳ таолодан бу китобни шу ҳолида ҳам мусулмонларга фойдали қилишини сўраймиз. Ўзимизга дунё ва охиратда саломатлик, офият ва мағфират тилаб, пок динимизда эр-хотинлик ҳаётининг тўғри қиёфасини кўрсатишга, эр-хотинларни ва турмуш қуриш арафасида турганларни эр-хотинликнинг муҳим ва зарур масалаларидан огоҳ этишга кучимиз, имконимиз етганича ҳаракат қилдик.

Цена: 189.11 руб.
ISBN: 987-9943-12-291-8


A Brief History of Christianity
A Brief History of Christianity

Автор: Carter Lindberg

Charting the rise and development of Christianity, Carter Lindberg has succeeded in writing a concise and compelling history of the world’s largest religion. He spans over 2,000 years of colorful incident to give an authoritative history of Christianity for both the general reader and the beginning student. Ranges from the missionary journeys of the apostles to the tele-evangelism of the twenty-first century. Demonstrates how the Christian community received and forged its identity from its development of the Bible to the present day. Covers topics fundamental to understanding the course of Western Christianity, including the growth of the papacy, heresy and schism, reformation and counter-reformation. Includes an introduction to the historiography of Christianity, a note on the problems of periodization, an appendix on theological terms, and a useful bibliography. An authoritative yet succinct history, written to appeal to a general audience as well as students of the history of Christianity. Written by internationally regarded theologian, Carter Lindberg, who is the author of numerous titles on theology and Church history.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781405148870


A Brief History of Heresy
A Brief History of Heresy

Автор: Группа авторов

This short and accessible book introduces readers to the problems of heresy, schism and dissidence over the last two millennia. The heresies under discussion range from Gnosticism, influential in the early Christian period, right through to modern sects. The idea of a heretic conjures up many images, from the martyrs prepared to die for their beliefs, through to sects with bizarre practices. This book provides a remarkable insight into the fraught history of heresy, showing how the Church came to insist on orthodoxy when threatened by alternative ideals, exploring the social and political conditions under which heretics were created, and how those involved were 'tested' and punished, often by imprisonment and burning. Engaging written, A Brief History of Heresy is enlivened throughout with fascinating examples of individuals and movements. A short, accessible history of heresy. Spans the last two millennia, from the Gnostics through to modern sects. Considers heresy in relation to ecclesial separatism, doctrinal disagreement, church order, and basic metaphysics. Enlivened with intriguing examples of individuals and movements. Written by a leading academic in the field of Religious History.

Цена: 13913.01 руб.
ISBN: 9780470776827


A Brief History of Saints
A Brief History of Saints

Автор: Группа авторов

A Brief History of Saints follows the rise of the cult of saints in Christianity from its origin in the age of the martyrs down to the present day. Refers to both well-known saints, such as Joan of Arc, and lesser-known figures like the ‘holy fools’ in the Orthodox tradition Ranges over subjects as diverse as the history of canonization processes, the Reformation critique of the cult of saints, and the role of saints in other religious traditions Discusses the relevance of sainthood in the postmodern era Two appendices describe patron saints and the iconography of saints in art.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470777145


A Companion to Roman Religion
A Companion to Roman Religion

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive treatment of the significant symbols and institutions of Roman religion, this companion places the various religious symbols, discourses, and practices, including Judaism and Christianity, into a larger framework to reveal the sprawling landscape of the Roman religion. An innovative introduction to Roman religion Approaches the field with a focus on the human-figures instead of the gods Analyzes religious changes from the eighth century BC to the fourth century AD Offers the first history of religious motifs on coins and household/everyday utensils Presents Roman religion within its cultural, social, and historical contexts

Цена: 26505.97 руб.
ISBN: 9780470766453


A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists. Musings on Why God Is Good and Faith Isn t Evil
A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists. Musings on Why God Is Good and Faith Isn't Evil

Автор: David Myers G

A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists helps readers—both secular and religious—appreciate their common ground. For those whose thinking has moved from the religious thesis to the skeptical antithesis (or vice versa), Myers offers pointers to a science-respecting Christian synthesis. He shows how skeptics and people of faith can share a commitment to reason, evidence, and critical thinking, while also embracing a faith that supports human flourishing—by making sense of the universe, giving meaning to life, connecting us in supportive communities, mandating altruism, and offering hope in the face of adversity and death.

Цена: 1872.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470381557


A New History of Shinto
A New History of Shinto

Автор: Teeuwen Mark

This accessible guide to the development of Japan’s indigenous religion from ancient times to the present day offers an illuminating introduction to the myths, sites and rituals of kami worship, and their role in Shinto’s enduring religious identity. Offers a unique new approach to Shinto history that combines critical analysis with original research Examines key evolutionary moments in the long history of Shinto, including the Meiji Revolution of 1868, and provides the first critical history in English or Japanese of the Hie shrine, one of the most important in all Japan Traces the development of various shrines, myths, and rituals through history as uniquely diverse phenomena, exploring how and when they merged into the modern notion of Shinto that exists in Japan today Challenges the historic stereotype of Shinto as the unchanging, all-defining core of Japanese culture

Цена: 12145.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781444317206


A Ora??o
A Ora??o

Автор: Yeyazel

Цена: 354.13 руб.
ISBN: 9788873046943


Active and Passive Vibration Damping
Active and Passive Vibration Damping

Автор: Amr Baz M

Цена: 18558.05 руб.
ISBN: 9781118537589


Adieu to God. Why Psychology Leads to Atheism
Adieu to God. Why Psychology Leads to Atheism

Автор: Mick Power

Adieu to God examines atheism from a psychological perspective and reveals how religious phenomena and beliefs are psychological rather than supernatural in origin. Answers the psychological question of why, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, do religions continue to prosper? Looks at atheism and religion using a fair and balanced approach based on the latest work in psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry and medicine Acknowledges the many psychological benefits of religion while still questioning the validity of its supernatural belief systems and providing atheist alternatives to a fulfilling life

Цена: 11372.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119950875


Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book
Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book

Автор: Fynn

Though her short life was vividly presented in Mister God, This is Anna, its huge success led to Fynn being inundated to write more about his experiences with her.Anna and the Black Knight introduces us to Mister John, a veteran of World War I and local schoolmaster, who was to have a profound effect on Anna. Anna's astonishing capacity for looking at things from fresh perspectives, and her fascination with mathematics and Mister God, stands her in good stead as her life is opened up to new things, such as school, priests and motor cars.This sequel also includes the full text of Anna’s Book, reproductions of her own letters and writings. Her artless and transparent conversations speak to the heart and are recorded using her own unique and colourful spellings. The book is again illustrated throughout with Papas’s unequalled drawings.

Цена: 782.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780007542901



Автор: T. K. Falco

Alanna Blake est une ado fugueuse qui ?gale en intelligence un groupe de hackers extr?mistes dans AntiAmerica. Disponible en ebook, audiobook et format papier. AntiAmerica se dresse au coeur du plus grand soul?vement anarchiste des Etats-Unis depuis cent ans. Lorsque le groupe d'hacktivistes AntiAmerica pirate la plus grosse banque de la nation, l'industrie financi?re se retrouve chancelante, au bord de l'implosion. L'ado fugueuse pirate Alanna Blake est recrut?e de force par le gouvernement afin de traquer l'unique lien pouvant mener ? AntiAmerica, son ex petit-ami port? disparu, Javier. Elle s'appuie sur chaque ?tincelle de ses ressources mentales en mati?re d'ing?nierie sociale pour y voir clair dans une conspiration tiss?e de mensonges et de tromperie mettant ? la fois en p?ril la vie de ceux qui lui sont les plus proches et les secrets d'un pass? qu'elle aurait voulu enterr? ? jamais.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835417620


Are You Still Single?
Are You Still Single?

Автор: Dr. Olusola Coker

Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Are you still single? And you are unhappy about it. Every day of the year; you keep on asking yourself some questions, when am I going to get married? Another day has dawned and here you are… single as the day you were born. Sure, no one needs someone else in order to be happy, but if we’re trying to be honest with ourselves, love, validation and some bedroom activities really do help. So maybe it’s time to stop crying into your pizza and wondering why, why, why you’re going to be alone with a bottle of red wine every Friday night from here to eternity. This book is specially prepared for you to get married as soon as possible especially if you are 30 years old and above. There are also 800 prayer points designed to reveal your life partner to you. You will discover reasons you are yet unmarried and solutions to be in married club as soon as possible. Are you the type that you don’t like meeting new people? Do you always reject any proposal for a date? Do youed and you don’t believe in give and take? Are you a negative person? Are you the despe assume or feel that all the good ones are all engaged? Are you always to yourself, self centerrate type? If you find yourself in one or all of the above attitude, then you may not get married throughout the rest of your life. Are you 30 years and above and you are still single? Does it ever seem like everybody else on the planet is happily paired off with a perfect partner except you? Don’t panic, this does not mean there’s anything “wrong” with you. Nonetheless, if you are still single please find below reasons you are still single Scripture: Psalm 37:4: Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desire. Isaiah 54:5: The Lord All-Powerful, the Holy God of Israel, rules all the earth. He is your Creator and husband, and he will rescue you. You are too ambitious and want to do everything. Are you the type that devotes all your time and attention to your work? Then you have to adjust if you want to get married. If you tend to concentrate on your work and neglect relationship part, you may not get married on time. A relationship is a big investment in time, energy, and emotion (if you’re doing it right). What good is a partner if you’re too busy to spend any time with them? Love and romance as a married couple is the best gift of life. Scripture: Luke 1:45: The Lord has blessed you because you believed that he will keep his promise.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407058


Ayaklar n H?km?
Ayakların H?km?

Автор: Olusegun Festus Remilekun

Ayakları yıkamak Allaha iman edenlerin şerrin hakkından gelmek i?in kullandıkları irfanlardan biridir. Bu esas egzersizdir. Ayakları yıkamak ”Allahın gizli ger?ekleri” anlamını veren bir gizemdir. Ancak gizemi ??ze bilenler onun faydalarından yararlana bilir. V?cudunuzun her hissesinin dini ?nemi vardır. Baş kaderin simgesidir. Eller yaratıcılık simgesidir. Ayaklarınız hayatınızı kurmanızın anahtarıdır; ayaklarınız d?şmanlarınız ?zerinde h?k?ml?l?k kuracaktır. Adem h?k?ml?l?y?n? kayb ettiğinde yılana onun topuklarına saldırmak talimatı verildi. Kirli ayak hayatta başarı kazanmaz. Ayağınız sizin koruyucu ve y?nverici ara?ınızdır. Bacaklarınız varlığınızı simgeler. Ayaklarınız kutsal ve g?zel oldukta hayatta t?m savaşları kazanacaksınız ve hayatta sahip olduğunuz t?m varlığınız sizin olucaktır.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835420187


Baby Boomers and Beyond. Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50
Baby Boomers and Beyond. Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50

Автор: Amy Hanson

How ministry leaders can help older adults be a vital part of Christian community With the explosion of the older adult population, this important book explores the opportunities and challenges that this presents for the Christian community. Amy Hanson challenges us to let go of many old stereotypes regarding aging and embrace a new paradigm that sees older adults as active, healthy and capable of making significant contributions. Debunks the myths of aging that keep us from fully embracing the potential of people in life's second half Offers suggestions on how to re-invent ministry with older adults Focuses on unleashing older adults to serve and make an impact on churches and congregations A volume in the Leadership Network series The author shows church leaders how they can unleash the power of the baby boomer population to strengthen their congregations.

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470632925


Best Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom
Best Loved Prayers and Words of Wisdom

Автор: Martin Manser

A timeless collection of prayers, quotes, poems and speeches for every occasion. Complete with a brief introduction to each piece and its author, this book features words and prayers from 300BC to the present day. It provides a great source of inspiration when planning a speech or ceremonial occasion or can be used for personal devotions.This carefully chosen selection of the best loved prayers and words of wisdom is a staple for any bookshelf.The many contributors include C. S. Lewis, Florence Nightingale, St Francis of Assisi, John & Charles Wesley, Mother Teresa, John Stott, Oswald Chambers, G. K. Chesterton and Julian of Norwich. From The Lord's Prayer and Footprints, to excerpts from A Pilgrims Progress and A Christmas Carol, this compilation is a useful for individuals to read and reference, and a great source of inspiration when planning for a ceremonial occasion, speech, wedding or funeral.Each reading is introduced with a brief history to the piece and its author, providing new levels of interest and a sense of context.The 300 hand-picked pieces have been arranged alphabetically, so that selecting a favourite work is easy. This guide is also accompanied by a set of indexes which detail first lines, themes, Bible references, and authors, so that each entry is thoroughly cross-referenced, enabling you to make the most of this fabulous selection.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007461059


Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement
Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement

Автор: Phil Cousineau

If we harbor thoughts of violence or hatred, or seek revenge or retribution, we are contributing to the wounding of the world; if we transform those thoughts into forgiveness and compassion, and then move beyond them to actually make amends or restitution, we are contributing to the healing of the world. This timely, powerful and compassionate book helps show us the way. —Deepak Chopra «Nothing will help us survive the present age more than breaking the tragic cycles of violence and revenge that threaten our very existence. To do so, we must honor our soul's desire for deeper forms of reconciliation, a process that Phil Cousineau reveals here as being on the other side of forgiveness, in the ancient ritual of atonement. His book is a profoundly important contribution to the healing of the world, and I give it my blessing.» —Robert A. Johnson, author of Transformation, Inner Work and Owning Your Own Shadow As indispensable as forgiveness has been to the healing process throughout history, there is another equally profound action that is needed for ultimate reconciliation, which Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, calls “the other side of the coin.” Turning over the coin of forgiveness, we discover atonement, the half-hidden, much-overlooked other half of the reconciliation process. Beyond Forgiveness shows how acts of atonement—making amends, providing restitution, restoring balance—can relieve us of the pain of the past and give us a hopeful future. This rich and powerful book includes 15 thoughtful contributions by high-profile thinkers and activists including Huston Smith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Azim Khamisa, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jacob Needleman, Michael Nagler, Diane Hennacy Powell, James O’Dea, Arun Gandhi, Kate Dahlstedt, Ed Tick, Richard J. Meyer, Rev. Heng Sure, Douglas George-Kanentiio and Katharine Dever. Atonement is put forward as a process that we must all learn to practice—from individuals to nations—if we are to heal our wounds and move forward.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9780470940037


Biochemistry For Dummies
Biochemistry For Dummies

Автор: Richard Langley H

Grasp biochemistry basics, apply the science, and ace your exams Are you baffled by biochemistry? If so here's the good news ? you don't have to stay that way! Biochemistry For Dummies shows you how to get a handle on biochemistry, apply the science, raise your grades, and prepare yourself to ace any standardized test. This friendly, unintimidating guide presents an overview of the material covered in a typical college-level biochemistry course and makes the subject easy to understand and accessible to everyone. From cell ultrastructure and carbohydrates to amino acids, proteins, and supramolecular structure, you'll identify biochemical structures and reactions, and send your grades soaring. Newest biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and scientific discoveries Updated examples and explanations Incorporates the most current teaching techniques From water biochemistry to protein synthesis, Biochemistry For Dummies gives you the vital information, clear explanations, and important insights you need to increase your understanding and improve your performance on any biochemistry test.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118103951


Bir d qiq axmaql q
Bir dəqiqə axmaqlıq

Автор: Энтони де Мелло

Bu kitaba d?nya xalqlarının prit?alarını, m?xtəlif dini təlimləri, eləcə də lətifələri, Molla Nəsrəddin haqqında rəvayətləri sintez etməsi ilə məşhurlaşan yazı?ı Entoni de Mellonun topladığı m?drik hekayətlər toplanıb.

Серия: Hikmət

Цена: 131.38 руб.
ISBN: 9789952242935


Bir d qiq m?driklik
Bir dəqiqə m?driklik

Автор: Энтони де Мелло

Bu kitaba d?nya xalqlarının prit?alarını, m?xtəlif dini təlimləri, eləcə də lətifələri, Molla Nəsrəddin haqqında rəvayətləri sintez etməsi ilə məşhurlaşan yazı?ı Entoni de Mellonun topladığı m?drik hekayətlər toplanıb.

Серия: Hikmət

Цена: 131.38 руб.
ISBN: 9789952242799


C.S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis

Автор: Группа авторов

In this engaging book David Clark guides the reader through the theology of CS Lewis and illuminates the use and understanding of scripture in the works of this popular author. Examines his life, work, world view, and the implications of his theology in relation to his other writings Looks at Lewis’ beliefs on the topics of redemption, humanity, spiritual growth, purgatory, and resurrection Examines the different perspectives on Lewis and his work: as prophet, evangelist, and as a spiritual mentor Explores the range and influence of Lewis’ work, from the bestselling apologetic, Mere Christianity, to the world-famous Chronicles of Narnia Features specially-commissioned artwork throughout Written in an accessible style for general readers, students, and scholars, and will introduce Lewis’ theology to a wider audience.

Цена: 11151.4 руб.
ISBN: 9780470765883


Catholicism For Dummies
Catholicism For Dummies

Автор: John Trigilio

A comprehensive and definitive guide to the Catholic faith Whether you're a member of the faith or just interested in it, Catholicism For Dummies, 3rd Edition offers a casual, straightforward introduction to the ins and outs of the contemporary church. It explores the moral foundations of Catholicism and explains such sacraments as weddings, Baptisms, funerals, Confirmations, and First Communions. It also covers the basics of Catholic belief, including the story of creation, the origin of sin, and even the end of the world. New to this edition, the book covers the succession of Pope Francis, the «People's Pope,» whose message of reconciliation among religions and focus on social issues like poverty and inequality have made him immensely popular, even among non-Catholics. Explains where the church and the Pope stand on important moral and social issues Covers modern questions of moral importance to Catholics, like gay marriage, abortion, and the death penalty Reveals what modern life is like in the priesthood Written by the co-hosts of the popular weekly television program «Crash Course of Catholicism» In this accessible guide, you'll take a full and rich look at this diverse and vibrant religion and understand what it is to be a Catholic today.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119295617


Christ and Culture
Christ and Culture

Автор: Группа авторов

Leading theologian Graham Ward presents a stimulating series of reflections on Christ and contemporary culture. Takes as its starting point Niebuhr’s famous volume on ‘Christ and Culture’ published in the 1970s Explores representations of Christ from sources as diverse as the New Testament and twentieth-century continental philosophy Considers Christ and culture in the light of contemporary categories such as the body, gender, desire, politics and the sublime Develops an original and imaginative Christology rooted in Scriptural exegesis and concerned with today’s cultural issues The author has been described as ‘the most visionary theologian of his generation’.

Цена: 14796.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780470777244



Автор: Richard Wentk

Develop applications for Mac OS X with this Developer Reference guide Make a clean transition to programming in Apple environments using the elegant and dynamic programming API Cocoa and this practical guide. Written by aseasoned Mac expert, this book shows you how to write programs in Cocoa for the rapidly expanding world of Macintosh users. Part of the Developer Reference series, this book prepares you for a productive programming experience on today's fastest-growing platform. Cocoa is a programming framework for developing in Apple environments, including Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard This book covers all the major information you need to start developing dynamic applications for Mac OS X Master all Cocoa tools, including Xcode and working with Objective-C Includes full coverage of the Cocoa API, Xcode, and Objective-C, as well as programming for Apple's latest OS X, Snow Leopard Companion Web site includes all code files Programming for Apple's Macintosh is a growing career field. This essential guide, one of the most comprehensive on Cocoa, will help you quickly become productive.

Цена: 4601.77 руб.
ISBN: 9780470937150


Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Автор: Steven Hayes C

This practical book provides empirically supported techniques that are effective for a wide range of problems, including enuresis, panic disorder, depression, and skills acquisition for the developmentally delayed. * Presents 60 chapters on individual therapies for a wide range of problems, such as smoking cessation, stress management, and classroom management * Chapters are authored by experts in their particular treatment approach. * Provides tables that clearly explain the steps of implementing the therapy

Цена: 8837.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780471429852


Command The Day
Command The Day

Автор: Dr. Olusola Coker

Command the Day is a morning prayer to guide and protect you for the day’s task ahead. You will be able to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for each day of every month. This book is valuable for those that need peace, encouragement, strength, protection, success, breakthrough, healing, Miracle etc for each day. You will discover reasons you need to command your day and the benefits attached to it. Prayer in the morning gives you direction to where it needs to be, so you don’t miss your target. When you wake up in the morning, your mental ability function at its peak, so prayers in the morning refresh and recharge your soul. God will be happy with you when you look up to him for the day’s task ahead. Morning prayers are an opportunity to get closer to God and thank him for his unquenchable love, blessings, breakthroughs healing etc. When you wake up in the morning to pray to God, pray with confidence and keep your eyes open for his answers. In order words, do not be afraid when you are praying to God especially in the morning. According to the Book Isaiah 41.10, the Lord says, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am Your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Be rest assured that prayers in the morning lead God our Creator to guide and protect you throughout the day. He loves you and he wants the best for you, so praying in the morning remind God of his promise to you.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412885


Commandez Le Jour
Commandez Le Jour

Автор: Dr. Olusola Coker

Command the Day est une pri?re matinale qui vous guide et vous prot?ge pour la t?che du jour qui vous attend. Vous pourrez ainsi concentrer votre temps et votre attention sur la recherche du plan de Dieu pour chaque jour du mois. Ce livre est pr?cieux pour ceux qui ont besoin de paix, d'encouragement, de force, de protection, de succ?s, de perc?e, de gu?rison, de miracle, etc. pour chaque jour. Vous d?couvrirez les raisons pour lesquelles vous devez commander votre journ?e et les avantages qui y sont li?s. Command the Day est une pri?re matinale qui vous guide et vous prot?ge pour la t?che du jour qui vous attend. Vous pourrez ainsi concentrer votre temps et votre attention sur la recherche du plan de Dieu pour chaque jour du mois. Ce livre est pr?cieux pour ceux qui ont besoin de paix, d'encouragement, de force, de protection, de succ?s, de perc?e, de gu?rison, de miracle, etc. pour chaque jour. Vous d?couvrirez les raisons pour lesquelles vous devez commander votre journ?e et les avantages qui y sont li?s. La pri?re du matin vous donne la direction ? suivre pour ne pas manquer votre cible. Lorsque vous vous r?veillez le matin, votre capacit? mentale fonctionne ? son maximum, alors les pri?res du matin vous rafra?chissent et rechargent votre ?me. Dieu sera heureux avec vous lorsque vous le regarderez pour la t?che de la journ?e ? venir. Les pri?res du matin sont l'occasion de se rapprocher de Dieu et de le remercier pour son amour insatiable, ses b?n?dictions, ses avanc?es dans le domaine de la gu?rison, etc. Lorsque vous vous r?veillez le matin pour prier Dieu, priez avec confiance et gardez les yeux ouverts pour ses r?ponses. En d'autres termes, n'ayez pas peur lorsque vous priez Dieu, surtout le matin. Selon le livre Esa?e 41.10, le Seigneur dit : ”Ne craignez pas, car je suis avec vous ; ne soyez pas effray?s, car je suis votre Dieu ; je vous fortifierai, je vous aiderai, je vous soutiendrai de ma droite juste”. Soyez assur?s que les pri?res du matin conduisent Dieu notre Cr?ateur ? vous guider et ? vous prot?ger tout au long de la journ?e. Il vous aime et il veut le meilleur pour vous, alors la pri?re du matin rappelle ? Dieu la promesse qu'il vous a faite.

Цена: 344.27 руб.
ISBN: 9788835405634


Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers
Construction Management for Industrial Projects. A Modular Guide for Project Managers

Автор: Mohamed El-Reedy A

This book presents techniques for effective and successful project management across all phases of the project, covering all of the management tools and leadership skills for any industrial project. It presents advanced modern tools for use by management and engineers in decision making, and it covers the gap between project management theories of the actual project. This volume is a «one-stop shop» for project and construction management of industrial projects, for engineers, managers, owners, and anyone else working on the project.

Цена: 23965.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118107232


Conversation Analysis. An Introduction
Conversation Analysis. An Introduction

Автор: Jack Sidnell

Combining the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of this central approach to language and social interaction, along with real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, Conversation Analysis is the ideal student guide to the field. Introduces the main findings, methods and analytic techniques of conversation analysis (CA) – a growing interdisciplinary field exploring language and social interaction Provides an engaging historical overview of the field, along with detailed coverage of the key findings in each area of CA and a guide to current research Examines the way talk is composed, and how conversation structures highlight aspects of human behavior Focuses on the most important domains of organization in conversation, including turn-taking, action sequencing, repair, stories, openings and closings, and the effect of context Includes real-life examples and step-by-step explanations, making it an ideal guide for students navigating this growing field

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444317510


Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside. Live Your Legacy Now
Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside. Live Your Legacy Now

Автор: Gloria Burgess J

In this inspirational book, Gloria Burgess uses the touching story of her father's relationship with William Faulkner as a starting point to explore a classic topic: how to bring forth the character qualities of love, wisdom, trust, faith, gratitude, creative action, vision, and integrity. Burgess declares the sacred promises of legacy living as part of a transformational process that helps us connect to our past by honoring those who came before us, living with intention in the present, and freeing our talents so we can realize our potential. Dare to Ware Your Soul on the Outside also includes practical exercises for fostering greater authenticity and purpose in our lives.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9780470388549


Darwinism and the Divine. Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology
Darwinism and the Divine. Evolutionary Thought and Natural Theology

Автор: Alister E. McGrath

Darwinism and the Divine examines the implications of evolutionary thought for natural theology, from the time of publication of Darwin's On the Origin of Species to current debates on creationism and intelligent design. Questions whether Darwin's theory of natural selection really shook our fundamental beliefs, or whether they served to transform and illuminate our views on the origins and meaning of life Identifies the forms of natural theology that emerged in 19th-century England and how they were affected by Darwinism The most detailed study yet of the intellectual background to William Paley's famous and influential approach to natural theology, set out in 1802 Brings together material from a variety of disciplines, including the history of ideas, historical and systematic theology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, sociology, and the cognitive science of religion Considers how Christian belief has adapted to Darwinism, and asks whether there is a place for design both in the world of science and the world of theology A thought-provoking exploration of 21st-century views on evolutionary thought and natural theology, written by the world-renowned theologian and bestselling author

Цена: 12145.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118697764


Dawkins GOD
Dawkins' GOD

Автор: Группа авторов

Alister E. McGrath is one of the world’s leading theologians, with a doctorate in the sciences. Richard Dawkins is one of the bestselling popular science writers, with outspoken and controversial views on religion. This fascinating and provoking work is the first book-length response to Dawkins’ ideas, and offers an ideal introduction to the topical issues of science and religion. Addresses fundamental questions about Dawkins’ approach to science and religion: Is the gene actually selfish? Is the blind watchmaker a suitable analogy? Are there other ways of looking at things? Tackles Dawkins’ hostile and controversial views on religion, and examines the religious implications of his scientific ideas, making for a fascinating and provoking debate Written in a very engaging and accessible style, ideal to those approaching scientific and religious issues for the first time Alister McGrath is uniquely qualified to write this book. He is one of the world’s best known and most respected theologians, with a strong research background in molecular biophysics A superb book by one of the world’s leading theologians, which will attract wide interest in the growing popular science market, similar to Susan Blackmore’s The Meme Machine (1999).

Цена: 3529.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781118724903


Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology. Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients
Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology. Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients

Автор: Mario Lacouture E

The first book focusing specifically on frequent and frequently disabling side effects involving the skin, hair and nails in cancer patients According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately thirty million people living with a diagnosis of cancer – the majority of whom will receive surgery, systemic therapy, and/or radiation, and who will suffer from dermatologic adverse events. Dermatologists and oncologists are only beginning to grapple with these events, which pose serious quality-of-life issues with so many patients, and will become more prevalent as survival rates improve, thanks in part to new cancer treatments and drug regimens. Concentrating on a topic that has only been briefly touched upon by other texts, this book offers a focused perspective on the clinical presentation, underlying pathophysiologic mechanisms, and management of skin, hair, and nail conditions for oncologists, dermatologists, and allied practitioners. Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology: Conditions of the Skin, Hair, and Nails in Cancer Patients: • Covers in detail the dermatologic adverse events of oncologic therapies, clinical presentations, and treatment recommendations • Enables dermatologists and other practitioners to significantly improve the care of patients with cancer • Addresses the dermatologic adverse events of cancer therapies used globally, of which a large number are found in developing countries • Emphasizes prophylactic measures – based on treatments used and type of cancer – to prevent the appearance of adverse events • Provides built-in discussions on patient education for practical counseling during therapies • Offers rapid-reference sections on topical dermatology drugs The first book to present dermatologic conditions in cancer patients and survivors in a uniform and in-depth manner, Dermatologic Principles and Practice in Oncology is ideal for oncologists, oncology nurses, and dermatologists who wish to take better care of those with adverse skin, hair, and nail conditions.

Цена: 20099.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118590614


Die Krag Van Middernag Gebed
Die Krag Van Middernag Gebed

Автор: Gabriel Agbo

Hierdie boek, ‘Die Krag van Middernag Gebed’, sal beslis een van die omvattendste en kragtigste boeke oor geestelike oorlogvoering wees. Die titel-keuse kom van ʼn rykdom van ervaring, skrikwekkende getuienisse en belydenisse, en ʼn deeglike studie van die woord van God. Dit is inderdaad ʼn baie ryk en goed nagevorste werk. Dit is deur menigte as ʼn ongelooflike boek beskryf. In hierdie boek sal jy leer van die enorme, maar nie ten volle benut, geestelike krag wat in die gebede wat tussen 11:00nm en 3:00vm gebid word l?. Weet jy genoeg van die eksplosiewe mag van lofprysing, gebed en vas? Weet jy watter rolle die engele van God, die Gees van God en die vuur van God in ons oorlog teen die koninkryk van duisternis speel? Jy sal ook lees van die kolossale, vernietigende impak wat die naam en bloed van Jesus in Satan se koninkryk het – direk uit die monde van voormalige okkult meesters. Wat gebeur wanneer Satan en sy demone in kontak kom met die twee kragtigste elemente in die heelal? Hierdie boek, ‘Die Krag van Middernag Gebed’, sal beslis een van die omvattendste en kragtigste boeke oor geestelike oorlogvoering wees. Die titel-keuse kom van ʼn rykdom van ervaring, skrikwekkende getuienisse en belydenisse, en ʼn deeglike studie van die woord van God. Dit is inderdaad ʼn baie ryk en goed nagevorste werk. Dit is deur menigte as ʼn ongelooflike boek beskryf. In hierdie boek sal jy leer van die enorme, maar nie ten volle benut, geestelike krag wat in die gebede wat tussen 11:00nm en 3:00vm gebid word l?. Weet jy genoeg van die eksplosiewe mag van lofprysing, gebed en vas? Weet jy watter rolle die engele van God, die Gees van God en die vuur van God in ons oorlog teen die koninkryk van duisternis speel? Jy sal ook lees van die kolossale, vernietigende impak wat die naam en bloed van Jesus in Satan se koninkryk het – direk uit die monde van voormalige okkult meesters. Wat gebeur wanneer Satan en sy demone in kontak kom met die twee kragtigste elemente in die heelal? Waarom het Satan gedurende ʼn vergadering uit sy stoel uit geval omdat die naam van Jesus genoem was? Weet jy van die vyand se oorlog strategie? teen die kerk, Christene en predikante? Hoe breek hy predikante van die evangelie af of nog erger, hoe vermoor hy hulle soms? Wie is die agente van die donker koninkryk in die kerk? Watter rol moet die gebedstryders speel? Wat is die belang van die koninkryk van Satan in menslike vlees en bloed? Hoekom moet mense geoffer word in die okkult w?reld? Jy sal oor verskeie verhale van voormalige agente van Satan, en selfs van die media, lees oor die opoffering van mense en ander skrikwekkende gebruike wat nie gepubliseer mag word nie. Waarom sal ʼn vrou die o? van ʼn kruipende baba verwyder, haar slag, met die baba se gehuil en gekreun in haar ore, en dan die baba eet? Wat doen die okkult met seks? Kan bose geeste, verbonde en vloeke deur seks oorgedra word? Waarom sal ʼn man met ʼn klein seuntjie slaap en hom forseer om ʼn slang te eet, net om mag, rykdom en posisie te bekom? Jy sal ook lees oor ander eksplosiewe onderwerpe soos worsteling met God, binding en losmaking, breek van die poorte, oop deure, die volle wapenrusting van God, en die poorte van die hemel en hel. Die 21 kragtige hoofstukke van hierdie boek sal jou sekerlik aan die brand steek vir God. Ek is seker dat jy nog nooit vantevore so iets gelees het nie.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788893987431


Divine Intuition. Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity
Divine Intuition. Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity

Автор: Lynn Robinson A

A guide for getting in touch with the inner wisdom that can lead to a more abundant and successful life When you are in touch with your intuition, every moment in your life takes on a whole new dimension as intuitive wisdom pours in. Your ability to assess each situation for immediate guidance allows you to move smoothly on your chosen path. Decision-making becomes quick, easy, and fruitful. And you move closer and closer to your best life by divining what is true for you. Divine Intuition is more than simply a book about paying attention to your intuition. The book is filled with inspirational quotes, helpful exercises, and information on how to live a life you love. Offers practical wisdom for creating an abundant life of purpose and fulfillment Shows how to look within for guidance and build patience, faith, and trust Helps to identify the primary ways that you can tap your intuition This inspirational book will give you the practical tools you need to envision, attract, and create the abundant and successful life you were meant to live.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118225066


Domine O Dia
Domine O Dia

Автор: Dr. Olusola Coker

Command the Day ? uma ora??o da manh? para gui?-lo e proteg?-lo para a tarefa do dia seguinte. Voc? ser? capaz de concentrar seu tempo e aten??o na busca do plano de Deus para cada dia de cada m?s. Este livro ? valioso para aqueles que precisam de paz, encorajamento, for?a, prote??o, sucesso, avan?o, cura, milagre etc. para cada dia. Voc? descobrir? os motivos pelos quais precisa comandar o seu dia e os benef?cios a ele associados. Command the Day ? uma ora??o da manh? para gui?-lo e proteg?-lo para a tarefa do dia seguinte. Voc? ser? capaz de concentrar seu tempo e aten??o na busca do plano de Deus para cada dia de cada m?s. Este livro ? valioso para aqueles que precisam de paz, encorajamento, for?a, prote??o, sucesso, avan?o, cura, milagre etc. para cada dia. Voc? descobrir? os motivos pelos quais precisa comandar o seu dia e os benef?cios a ele associados. A ora??o da manh? indica aonde deve estar, para que voc? n?o perca seu objetivo. Quando voc? acorda de manh?, sua capacidade mental funciona no auge, de modo que as ora??es da manh? atualizam e recarregam sua alma. Deus ficar? feliz com voc? quando voc? olhar para ele para a tarefa do dia seguinte. As ora??es da manh? s?o uma oportunidade para se aproximar de Deus e agradec?-lo por seu amor inextingu?vel, b?n??os, descobertas de cura etc. Quando voc? acordar de manh? para orar a Deus, ore com confian?a e mantenha os olhos abertos para as respostas dele. Em outras palavras, n?o tenha medo quando estiver orando a Deus, especialmente de manh?. De acordo com o livro Isa?as 41.10, o Senhor diz: “N?o temas, porque estou contigo; n?o se assuste, porque eu sou o seu Deus; Eu te fortalecerei, eu te ajudarei, eu te sustentarei com a minha justa m?o direita ” Tenha certeza de que as ora??es da manh? levam Deus, nosso Criador, a gui?-lo e proteg?-lo ao longo do dia. Ele te ama e quer o melhor para voc?, ent?o orar pela manh? lembra a Deus sua promessa a voc?. A primeira coisa para orar pela manh? ? agradecer a Deus e agradecer a ele por tudo o que ele fez por voc? ontem, confessar e implorar pelo perd?o de todos os seus pecados, tanto aqueles que voc? cometeu com conhecimento ou sem saber.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835407591


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