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7 секретов ICO. Или По ту сторону токенсейла
7 секретов ICO. Или По ту сторону токенсейла

Автор: Руслан Акст

В новой книге раскроется невидимая сторона тренда под названием ICO.Идеи, как использовать хаос вокруг токенсейла, приходят в голову многим. Но за их реализацию берутся лишь единицы.На страницах книги вы найдёте механизм процесса безграничного финансирования бизнеса на конкретных примерах.Рассматриваются поведения двух групп людей, устремивших свой взор на ICO, как на дополнительный источник дохода, и подробно освещаются правовые и технические препятствия, возникающие перед ними.

Исполнители: Руслан Акст

Цена: 340 руб.
ISBN: 9785449075482


Анатомия краудфандинга. или Феномен ICO
Анатомия краудфандинга. или Феномен ICO

Автор: Руслан Акст

Очередная книга из серии «Популярно о криптовалютах» позволит вам узнать на конкретных примерах, как устроен механизм краудфандинга. Перед читателем раскроются секреты привлечения денег в бизнес путём интеграции в краудфандинг цифровых блокчейн-технологий. В книге автор предлагает рассмотреть одно из самых загадочных явлений нашего времени, которым является ICO, и покажет возможные варианты его применения. От автора Глава 1. Краткая история краудфандинга Глава 2. Внутреннее строение краудфандинга Глава 3. Распространённые площадки краудфандинга Глава 4. Краудфандинговые решения на основе блокчейна Глава 5. Феномен ICO

Исполнители: Руслан Акст

Цена: 296 руб.
ISBN: 9785448550478


Избранные повести
Избранные повести

Автор: Иван Гончаров

Иван Александрович Гончаров (1812–1891) – выдающийся русский писатель и литературный критик. Член-корреспондент Петербургской академии наук по разряду русского языка и словесности, действительный статский советник. В сборник создателя хрестоматийного «Обломова» вошли аудиоверсии двух повестей, полных юмора и тонких наблюдений за жизнью современного автору общества. Герой «Лихой болести» приезжает в гости к своим знакомым Зуровым. Слух о том, что их тяга к загородным прогулкам обрела характер нездоровой страсти, он воспринимает как пустой наговор, ведь прочие соседи-помещики, не в пример Зуровым, ленивы и инертны. Как же он заблуждается! Повесть «Счастливая ошибка» – типичная комедия положений. Иногда и неверный шаг может вывести к удаче. Помещик Андрей Адуев после размолвки со своей возлюбленной испытывает это на себе. Вы заинтригованы? Хотите знать подробности? Слушайте! – Лихая болесть – Счастливая ошибка

Исполнители: Наталья Истарова

Цена: 249 руб.


Международные валютно-кредитные и финансовые отношения: в схемах и таблицах. Учебное пособие
Международные валютно-кредитные и финансовые отношения: в схемах и таблицах. Учебное пособие

Автор: Д. С. Лебедев

В учебном пособии рассматриваются вопросы теории и практики международных валютно-кредитных и финансовых отношений, определяется их место в мировой экономике и международных экономических отношениях (I глава), дается характеристика международных валютных отношений, мировой валютной системы (II глава), рассматривается международная кредитная система (III глава), раскрывается структура мирового рынка ценных бумаг и финансовых деривативов (IV глава), представлена сущность международных расчетов, их особенности и основные формы (V глава), характеризуется деятельность международных валютно-кредитных и финансовых организаций (VI глава), рассматривается платежный баланс страны как способ отражения ее внешнеэкономических связей (VII глава). Отличительной особенностью представления материала в пособии является его наглядность: вся информация содержится в виде схем и таблиц. Для лучшего усвоения материала в некоторых главах содержатся практические задачи. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов профилей «Мировая экономика» и «Финансы и кредит» направления бакалавриата «Экономика» и др. и будет интересно для преподавателей вузов, сотрудников банков, предприятий, предпринимателей, а также всех интересующихся данной тематикой.

Цена: 354 руб.
ISBN: 9785392199792


Методология выбора экологически безопасных технологий подземного строительства
Методология выбора экологически безопасных технологий подземного строительства

Автор: Е. Куликова

Даны анализ современных подходов к обеспечению экологической безопасности городского подземного строительства и оценка влияния технологий строительства подземных сооружений на формирование факторов экологического риска. Приведены классификации подземных сооружений коммунального назначения, экологических рисков при освоении подземного пространства городов, критерии экологической безопасности для обоснования новых методологических подходов к выбору технологии строительства подземных сооружений. Показано влияние длительной эксплуатации подземных объектов города на их экологическую надежность. Изложены результаты эксперимента и методические основы определения безопасного состояния работы природно-технической системы «породный массив – технология – подземное сооружение». Для студентов вузов, обучающихся по основным образовательным программам магистров 550605 «Строительство шахт и подземных сооружений» и 550611 «Сооружение подземного пространства городов» направления подготовки магистров 550600 «Горное дело».

Цена: 349 руб.
ISBN: 5-7418-0374-1


Мировые финансовые центры. Учебное пособие
Мировые финансовые центры. Учебное пособие

Автор: Игорь Константинович Ключников

В учебной и научной литературе отсутствуют теоретические объяснения механизмов функционирования финансовых центров, нет и разработок условий их становления и развития. Вашему вниманию предлагается учебное пособие, состоящее из пяти разделов, призванное восполнить имеющиеся пробелы. Финансовые центры рассматриваются как высшая и территориально организованная форма финансового посредничества, ведущий элемент глобального оборота финансового капитала и благоприятная для работы транснациональных корпораций городская среда. Мировые финансовые центры – это сложный мир не только экономических коммуникаций. Узловые пункты и линии обмена – денежные, кредитные, финансовые, фондовые, товарные, банковские и биржевые – составляют неповторимую среду обитания столиц капитала. Но не менее важными являются люди в соответствующем городском пространстве с его архитектурой и транспортом, сложившейся культурной средой и качеством жизни. Для бакалавров и магистров, изучающих кредит, финансы, инвестиции, экономический рост, а также международные экономические отношения и мировое хозяйство.

Цена: 399 руб.
ISBN: 9785392145584


Национальная платежная система России: проблемы и перспективы. Монография
Национальная платежная система России: проблемы и перспективы. Монография

Автор: Коллектив авторов

В настоящей монографии проанализированы актуальные проблемы создания и функционирования национальной платежной системы в России. Освещены различные организационные, технические и финансовые аспекты, также возможные методы регулирования платежной системы. Даны авторские оценки некоторым перспективам адаптации национальной платежной системы. Законодательство приведено по состоянию на сентябрь 2015 г. Монография издается по результатам выполненной инициативной научно-исследовательской работы коллективом кафедры «Финансы и кредит» экономического факультета Российского университета дружбы народов.

Цена: 262 руб.
ISBN: 9785392205547


Одураченный хиромант
Одураченный хиромант

Автор: Аркадий Аверченко

«… – Тебе нужно непременно пойти к хироманту, – сказал мне дядя. – Он удивительно верно предсказывает настоящее, прошедшее и будущее… Мне, например, он предсказал, что я умру через 15 лет. – Не могу сказать, чтобы это было «удивительно верно», – возразил я. – Подождем! – Чего подождать? – Да 15 лет. Если он окажется прав – так и быть, пойду к нему. …»

Исполнители: Евгений Ос

Цена: 59 руб.


Сборник задач по курсу финансовых вычислений. 2-е издание
Сборник задач по курсу финансовых вычислений. 2-е издание

Автор: Владимир Алексеевич Уланов

В сборнике дан краткий обзор основных понятий, используемых в курсе финансовых вычислений, приведены вопросы для обсуждения. Представлены решения типовых примеров и задачи для самопроверки по изучаемому материалу. Сборник содержит также и основные формулы, необходимые для решения типовых задач. Материалы пособия могут использоваться в курсах «Финансовая математика», «Финансовый менеджмент», «Финансовый анализ». Для преподавателей и студентов экономических вузов, научных и практических работников, специализирующихся в области управления финансами и бухгалтерского учета.

Цена: 419 руб.
ISBN: 9785392150939


Финансовая наука в Санкт-Петербурге: исторические очерки
Финансовая наука в Санкт-Петербурге: исторические очерки

Автор: Коллектив авторов

В монографии обобщены результаты очередного этапа исследований по истории развития науки о финансах в общемировом и российском контекстах и вкладе петербургских (ленинград-ских) ученых в формирование российской финансовой школы. Рассмотрена роль одного из ста-рейших российских вузов – Санкт-Петербургского университета, показан вклад универсантов в становление финансовой мысли в России. Работа является дополнением к опубликованной ранее монографии «Очерки по истории финансовой науки» (М.: Проспект, 2010). Книга предназначена для студентов старших курсов, аспирантов и преподавателей эконо-мических вузов, научных и практических работников, интересующихся вопросами истории отечественной науки или специализирующихся в области управления финансами, бухгалтерского учета, финансового права.

Цена: 354 руб.
ISBN: 9785392145904


Финансовый менеджмент в отрасли образования
Финансовый менеджмент в отрасли образования

Автор: Валентин Курочкин

Дисциплина ОПД.Ф.04 – Финансы и кредит – входит в федеральный компонент цикла общепрофессиональных дисциплин, и является обязательной для изучения по специальности «экономика и управление на предприятии (по отраслям)». Изучается студентами старших курсов экономических факультетов, так как обобщает и систематизирует ранее полученные студентами знания по специальным дисциплинам. Учебник имеет диагностико-квалиметрическое обеспечение, состоит из модулей, которые имеют самостоятельное значение. Учебный курс полностью соответствует государственному образовательному стандарту по данной дисциплине, и предназначен для студентов экономических факультетов образовательных учреждений высшего профессионального образования. Выполнен в соответствии с граном ЮФУ. Направление: «Инновационные образовательно-педагогические технологии. Педагогические технологии высшей школы». Название проекта – Учебник по дисциплине «Финансовый менеджмент в отрасли образования»

Цена: 334 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-4475-0442-7


A Foreign Exchange Primer
A Foreign Exchange Primer

Автор: Shani Shamah

Цена: 7197.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470864210


A Framework of Human Systems Engineering
A Framework of Human Systems Engineering

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 12654.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119698777


Activate Your Money
Activate Your Money

Автор: Janine Firpo

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119777106


Administrative Records for Survey Methodology
Administrative Records for Survey Methodology

Автор: Группа авторов

Addresses the international use of administrative records for large-scale surveys, censuses, and other statistical purposes Administrative Records for Survey Methodology is a comprehensive guide to improving the quality, cost-efficiency, and interpretability of surveys and censuses using administrative data research. Contributions from a team of internationally-recognized experts provide practical approaches for integrating administrative data in statistical surveys, and discuss the methodological issues—including concerns of privacy, confidentiality, and legality—involved in collecting and analyzing administrative records. Numerous real-world examples highlight technological and statistical innovations, helping readers gain a better understanding of both fundamental methods and advanced techniques for controlling data quality reducing total survey error. Divided into four sections, the first describes the basics of administrative records research and addresses disclosure limitation and confidentiality protection in linked data. Section two focuses on data quality and linking methodology, covering topics such as quality evaluation, measuring and controlling for non-consent bias, and cleaning and using administrative lists. The third section examines the use of administrative records in surveys and includes case studies of the Swedish register-based census and the administrative records applications used for the US 2020 Census. The book's final section discusses combining administrative and survey data to improve income measurement, enhancing health surveys with data linkage, and other uses of administrative data in evidence-based policymaking. This state-of-the-art resource: Discusses important administrative data issues and suggests how administrative data can be integrated with more traditional surveys Describes practical uses of administrative records for evidence-driven decisions in both public and private sectors Emphasizes using interdisciplinary methodology and linking administrative records with other data sources Explores techniques to leverage administrative data to improve the survey frame, reduce nonresponse follow-up, assess coverage error, mesaure linkage non-consent bias, and perform small area estimation. Administrative Records for Survey Methodology is an indispensable reference and guide for statistical researchers and methodologists in academia, industry, and government, particularly census bureaus and national statistical offices, and an ideal supplemental text for undergraduate and graduate courses in data science, survey methodology, data collection, and data analysis methods.

Цена: 12654.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119272069


Advanced Equity Derivatives
Advanced Equity Derivatives

Автор: Sebastien Bossu

In Advanced Equity Derivatives: Volatility and Correlation, S?bastien Bossu reviews and explains the advanced concepts used for pricing and hedging equity exotic derivatives. Designed for financial modelers, option traders and sophisticated investors, the content covers the most important theoretical and practical extensions of the Black-Scholes model. Each chapter includes numerous illustrations and a short selection of problems, covering key topics such as implied volatility surface models, pricing with implied distributions, local volatility models, volatility derivatives, correlation measures, correlation trading, local correlation models and stochastic correlation. The author has a dual professional and academic background, making Advanced Equity Derivatives: Volatility and Correlation the perfect reference for quantitative researchers and mathematically savvy finance professionals looking to acquire an in-depth understanding of equity exotic derivatives pricing and hedging.

Цена: 14169.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781118774847



Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119487982


Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment
Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment

Автор: Al Naqvi

Make AI technology the backbone of your organization to compete in the Fintech era The rise of artificial intelligence is nothing short of a technological revolution. AI is poised to completely transform asset management and investment banking, yet its current application within the financial sector is limited and fragmented. Existing AI implementations tend to solve very narrow business issues, rather than serving as a powerful tech framework for next-generation finance. Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment provides a strategic viewpoint on how AI can be comprehensively integrated within investment finance, leading to evolved performance in compliance, management, customer service, and beyond. No other book on the market takes such a wide-ranging approach to using AI in asset management. With this guide, you’ll be able to build an asset management firm from the ground up—or revolutionize your existing firm—using artificial intelligence as the cornerstone and foundation. This is a must, because AI is quickly growing to be the single competitive factor for financial firms. With better AI comes better results. If you aren’t integrating AI in the strategic DNA of your firm, you’re at risk of being left behind. See how artificial intelligence can form the cornerstone of an integrated, strategic asset management framework Learn how to build AI into your organization to remain competitive in the world of Fintech Go beyond siloed AI implementations to reap even greater benefits Understand and overcome the governance and leadership challenges inherent in AI strategy Until now, it has been prohibitively difficult to map the high-tech world of AI onto complex and ever-changing financial markets. Artificial Intelligence for Asset Management and Investment makes this difficulty a thing of the past, providing you with a professional and accessible framework for setting up and running artificial intelligence in your financial operations.

Цена: 4221.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119601845


Asset Allocation
Asset Allocation

Автор: William Kinlaw

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119817734


Asset Allocation and Private Markets
Asset Allocation and Private Markets

Автор: Cyril Demaria

Цена: 7250.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781119381013


Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics
Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics

Автор: Kate Williams

Some of the most important and best lessons in a doctor’s career are learnt from mistakes. However, an awareness of the common causes of medical errors and developing positive behaviours can reduce the risk of mistakes and litigation. Written for junior paediatric staff and consultants, and unlike any other paediatric clinical management title available, Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics identifies and explains the most common errors likely to occur in a paediatric setting – so that you won’t make them. The first section in this brand new guide discusses the causes of errors in paediatrics. The second and largest section consists of case scenarios and includes expert and legal comment as well as clinical teaching points and strategies to help you engage in safer practice throughout your career. The final section discusses how to deal with complaints and the subsequent potential medico-legal consequences, helping to reduce your anxiety when dealing with the consequences of an error. Invaluable during the Foundation Years, Specialty Training and for Consultants, Avoiding Errors in Paediatrics is the perfect guide to help tackle the professional and emotional challenges of life as a paediatrician.

Цена: 4450.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118441947


Baking Technology and Nutrition
Baking Technology and Nutrition

Автор: Stanley P. Cauvain

Цена: 19525.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119387121


Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies
Banks and Fintech on Platform Economies

Автор: Paolo Sironi

Цена: 3344.06 руб.
ISBN: 9781119756989


Be a Startup Superstar
Be a Startup Superstar

Автор: Steven Kahan

Find a job and quickly climb the ranks at a tech startup, even if you’re not a techie. Are you underemployed or struggling to find a fulfilling career? Stuck on a low rung of the corporate ladder and don’t see a way up anytime soon? You’re not alone. Like many recent college grads and people who feel stuck in their corporate jobs, you’ve probably never considered working for a technology company that’s just starting out, especially if you’re not a tech whiz. That doesn’t matter. Tech startups are desperate for talent and creativity in all kinds of fields from people with leadership skills and new ideas—people like you! If you’re looking to turn your general business know-how into a wildly successful career , Be a Startup Superstar is your guide. Yes, you can love your work, feel energized by your role, and earn the income of your dreams. Author Steven Mark Kahan left his safe corporate job to join his first tech startup, and since then he has helped seven startup companies sell or go public (meaning early employees usually score big). In this breakthrough book, Steve shows you how to: Look for five key traits when choosing a tech startup Get hired at a tech startup with your existing degree, skills, and experience Develop the leadership attributes and entrepreneurial mindset that can launch you to the top Make better decisions and get better outcomes in the tech startup world and beyond Be a Startup Superstar provides the expert insider guidance you need to ignite your career by joining the tech startup revolution.

Цена: 2357.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781119660705


Best Practices in School Neuropsychology
Best Practices in School Neuropsychology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 12523.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781119790549


Biomolecules from Natural Sources
Biomolecules from Natural Sources

Автор: Группа авторов

Biomolecules from Natural Sources An up-to-date exploration of new and novel biomolecules In Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications, a team of accomplished researchers delivers up-to-date information on various bioresources, bioprocessing, production, mechanisms of action for selective bioactivity, biochemistry, targeted therapeutic roles and the advancements made on their bioactive potentials of new and novel biomolecules. The book presents recent trends in new and novel biomolecules and their identification, characterization, and potential applications. The selected contributions canvas a variety of breakthroughs in the understanding and applications of naturally derived biomolecules. Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications is an exhaustive collection of research and information, as well as an insightful and interdisciplinary treatment of a rapidly developing field. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to phenolics from natural sources and plant-based natural artemisinin and its biomedical applications Comprehensive explorations of protein structure, function, and specificity and the pharmacological potential of pigments Practical discussions of biomolecules obtained through food biotechnology and the biological activities of natural glycosides In-depth examinations of biomolecules from basil and their pharmacological significance Perfect for biotechnologists, food technologists, and plant biologists, Biomolecules from Natural Sources: Advances and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of bioprocessing engineers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of biochemistry.

Цена: 19401.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781119769613


Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics
Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetics

Автор: Ismo V. Lindell

Цена: 14678.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119632412


Business Financial Information Secrets
Business Financial Information Secrets

Автор: Tage C. Tracy

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119779032


Business Funding For Dummies
Business Funding For Dummies

Автор: Helene Panzarino

Get the business funding you need to secure your success The issue of funding is one of the biggest pain points for small- and medium-sized businesses—and one that comes up on a daily basis. Whether you're unsure about how to go about getting a loan, unfamiliar with the different options available to you or confused as to which would be the right solution for your particular business, Business Funding For Dummies provides plain-English, down-to-earth guidance on everything you need to successfully fund your business venture. Friendly, authoritative, and with a dash of humor thrown in for fun, this hands-on guide takes the fear out of funding and walks you step-by-step through the process of ensuring your business is financially viable. From crowd funding and angels to grants and friends, families, and fools, it covers every form of funding available—and helps you hone in on and secure the ones that are right for your unique needs. Includes mini case studies, quotes, and plenty of examples Offers excerpts from interviews with financiers and entrepreneurs Topics covered include all forms of funding Covers angels in the UK and abroad If you're the owner or director of a small-to-medium-sized business looking to start an SME, but have been barking up the wrong tree, Business Funding For Dummies is the fast and easy way to get the funds you need.

Цена: 2556.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781119111610


C# for Financial Markets
C# for Financial Markets

Автор: Daniel J. Duffy

A practice-oriented guide to using C# to design and program pricing and trading models In this step-by-step guide to software development for financial analysts, traders, developers and quants, the authors show both novice and experienced practitioners how to develop robust and accurate pricing models and employ them in real environments. Traders will learn how to design and implement applications for curve and surface modeling, fixed income products, hedging strategies, plain and exotic option modeling, interest rate options, structured bonds, unfunded structured products, and more. A unique mix of modern software technology and quantitative finance, this book is both timely and practical. The approach is thorough and comprehensive and the authors use a combination of C# language features, design patterns, mathematics and finance to produce efficient and maintainable software. Designed for quant developers, traders and MSc/MFE students, each chapter has numerous exercises and the book is accompanied by a dedicated companion website, http://www.datasimfinancial.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=196&sid=f30022095850dee48c7db5ff62192b34, providing all source code, alongside audio, support and discussion forums for readers to comment on the code and obtain new versions of the software.

Цена: 8570.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781118502815


Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers
Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers

Автор: John L. Person

Цена: 5908.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119295587


Card Games For Dummies
Card Games For Dummies

Автор: Barry Rigal

The perfect book for when you’re ready to move beyond 52-card pickup  Feeling rummy? Ready to bridge the gap? In the mood to go fish?  Card Games For Dummies  is your source for rules, strategy, and fun. You’ll learn everything you need to know to play and win at your family’s favorite games, plus a bunch of others that are probably new to you. If you’re the gambling kind, you can get started with poker, blackjack, and other casino favorites, right here. This handy guide takes card game enthusiasm to the next level and explains the tips and tricks that can turn game night into some serious competition.  Learn the official rules for all your favorite card games Discover strategies for winning at bridge, poker, hearts, and many more Play easy games that are perfect for the whole family Get started in the world of online card gaming  Card Games For Dummies  will whet your appetite for play. Start shuffling!

Цена: 1686.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119880448


Chemical Process Design and Integration
Chemical Process Design and Integration

Автор: Robin Smith

Written by a highly regarded author with industrial and academic experience, this new edition of an established bestselling book provides practical guidance for students, researchers, and those in chemical engineering. The book includes a new section on sustainable energy, with sections on carbon capture and sequestration, as a result of increasing environmental awareness; and a companion website that includes problems, worked solutions, and Excel spreadsheets to enable students to carry out complex calculations.

Цена: 7694.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118699096


Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology
Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Dermatology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119226321


Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB
Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB

Автор: Stephen Westland

Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB 2nd Edition offers a practical, problem-based approach to colour physics. The book focuses on the key issues encountered in modern colour engineering, including efficient representation of colour information, Fourier analysis of reflectance spectra and advanced colorimetric computation. Emphasis is placed on the practical applications rather than the techniques themselves, with material structured around key topics. These topics include colour calibration of visual displays, computer recipe prediction and models for colour-appearance prediction. Each topic is carefully introduced at three levels to aid student understanding. First, theoretical ideas and background information are discussed, then explanations of mathematical solutions follow and finally practical solutions are presented using MATLAB. The content includes: A compendium of equations and numerical data required by the modern colour and imaging scientist. Numerous examples of solutions and algorithms for a wide-range of computational problems in colour science. Example scripts using the MATLAB programming language. This 2nd edition contains substantial new and revised material, including three innovative chapters on colour imaging, psychophysical methods, and physiological colour spaces; the MATLAB toolbox has been extended with a professional, optimized, toolbox to go alongside the current teaching toolbox; and a java toolbox has been added which will interest users who are writing web applications and/or applets or mobile phone applications. Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB 2nd Edition is an invaluable resource for students taking courses in colour science, colour chemistry and colour physics as well as technicians and researchers working in the area. In addition, it acts a useful reference for professionals and researchers working in colour dependent industries such as textiles, paints, print & electronic imaging. Review from First Edition: “…highly recommended as a concise introduction to the practicalities of colour science…” (Color Technology, 2004)

Цена: 11713.07 руб.
ISBN: 9780470710906


Copper, Brass, and Bronze Surfaces
Copper, Brass, and Bronze Surfaces

Автор: L. William Zahner

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119541677


Cultural Algorithms
Cultural Algorithms

Автор: Robert G. Reynolds

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119403098


Decision Intelligence For Dummies
Decision Intelligence For Dummies

Автор: Pamela Baker

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119824855


Demographics Unravelled
Demographics Unravelled

Автор: Amlan Roy

Discover what demographics can tell us about the economy, markets, and the future  In  Demographics Unravelled , renowned Macro-Demographics expert Amlan Roy delivers an insightful and timely exploration of the impact that “people characteristics” have on national economies. Considering factors like gender, race, migrant status, family background, and education, the author delves deeply into a subject that drives market behavior and economic variables, including growth, debt, inflation, employment, and productivity. These have national and international policy implications.  In this one-of-a-kind book, you’ll discover:  Why the study of demographics is the hidden key to understanding economic growth, asset prices, and capital flows How to use detailed demographics to forecast future scenarios in economics, socioeconomics, geopolitics, and the environment The short-, medium-, and long-term effects of consumer and worker behavior How understanding demographics is key to understanding health, pensions, migration, sustainability and social policies. It is intimately linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN—Gender, Climate, Poverty and Inequality Perfect for institutional investors, insurance professionals, economists, and business leaders,  Demographics Unravelled  will also earn a place in the libraries of academics and students studying a variety of economic disciplines and seeking a one-stop and in-depth discussion of demographics-driven macroeconomic effects.

Цена: 4024.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781119799153


Der gr??te Crash aller Zeiten - Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesellschaft. Wie Sie jetzt noch Ihr Geld sch?tzen k?nnen (Gek?rzt)
Der gr??te Crash aller Zeiten - Wirtschaft, Politik, Gesellschaft. Wie Sie jetzt noch Ihr Geld sch?tzen k?nnen (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Matthias Weik

Исполнители: Robert Frank

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783838792439



Автор: Keith Cuthbertson

Three experts provide an authoritative guide to the theory and practice of derivatives Derivatives: Theory and Practice and its companion website explore the practical uses of derivatives and offer a guide to the key results on pricing, hedging and speculation using derivative securities. The book links the theoretical and practical aspects of derivatives in one volume whilst keeping mathematics and statistics to a minimum. Throughout the book, the authors put the focus on explanations and applications. Designed as an engaging resource, the book contains commentaries that make serious points in a lighthearted manner. The authors examine the real world of derivatives finance and include discussions on a wide range of topics such as the use of derivatives by hedge funds and the application of strip and stack hedges by corporates, while providing an analysis of how risky the stock market can be for long-term investors, and more. To enhance learning, each chapter contains learning objectives, worked examples, details of relevant finance blogs technical appendices and exercises.

Цена: 6688.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781119595625


Digital Human
Digital Human

Автор: Chris Skinner

Digital Human explores the way in which human and business relationships are changing in this digital age, and provides clear lessons on how to evolve existing businesses to be digital businesses relating to their digital human customers. Specifically, this book explores what the fourth age of humanity means for business, banking, society and government. The themes explored include how bitcoin and the network are altering and challenging government and control mechanisms; the rise of global digital giants and how the Chinese giants are far more imaginative than their American counterparts; the rise of the most fundamental innovations being notable in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Philippines and other emerging markets, and how these markets will educate those of Europe and America over time; and the challenge to govern a globalized world when we live in nation states. The book concludes with the world’s first in-depth English case study of Ant Financial and Alipay, the largest payments processing company on Earth. The company has a stated ambition of bringing onboard all of those people excluded from financial services today.

Цена: 3349.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781119511878


Digital Media Ethics
Digital Media Ethics

Автор: Charles Ess

The original edition of this accessible and interdisciplinary textbook was the first to consider the ethical issues of digital media from a global, cross-cultural perspective. 

This third edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the latest research and developments, including the rise of Big Data, AI, and the Internet of Things. The book’s case studies and pedagogical material have also been extensively revised and updated to include such watershed events as the Snowden revelations, #Gamergate, the Cambridge Analytica scandal, privacy policy developments, and the emerging Chinese Social Credit System.

New sections include “Death Online,” “Slow/Fair Technology”, and material on sexbots. The “ethical toolkit” that introduces prevailing ethical theories and their applications to the central issues of privacy, copyright, pornography and violence, and the ethics of cross-cultural communication online, has likewise been revised and expanded. Each topic and theory are interwoven throughout the volume with detailed sets of questions, additional resources, and suggestions for further research and writing. Together, these enable readers to foster careful reflection upon, writing about, and discussion of these issues and their possible resolutions.

Retaining its student- and classroom-friendly approach, Digital Media Ethics will continue to be the go-to textbook for anyone getting to grips with this important topic.

Цена: 2272.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781509533459


Don t Fall For It
Don't Fall For It

Автор: Ben Carlson

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119605195


Don t Fall For It
Don't Fall For It

Автор: Ben Carlson

Learn financial and business lessons from some of the biggest frauds in history Why does financial fraud persist? History is full of sensational financial frauds and scams. Enron was forced to declare bankruptcy after allegations of massive accounting fraud, wiping out $78 billion in stock market value. Bernie Madoff, the largest individual fraudster in history, built a $65 billion Ponzi scheme that ultimately resulted in his being sentenced to 150 years in prison. People from all walks of life have been scammed out of their money: French and British nobility looking to get rich quickly, farmers looking for a miracle cure for their health ailments, several professional athletes, and some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. No one is immune from getting deceived when money is involved. Don’t Fall For It is a fascinating look into some of the biggest financial frauds and scams ever. This compelling book explores specific instances of financial fraud as well as some of the most successful charlatans and hucksters of all-time. Sharing lessons that apply to business, money management, and investing, author Ben Carlson answers questions such as: Why do even the most intelligent among us get taken advantage of in financial scams? What make fraudsters successful? Why is it often harder to stay rich than to get rich? Each chapter in examines different frauds, perpetrators, or victims of scams. These real-life stories include anecdotes about how these frauds were carried out and discussions of what can be learned from these events. This engaging book: Explores the business and financial lessons drawn from some of history’s biggest frauds Describes the conditions under which fraud tends to work best Explains how people can avoid being scammed out of their money Suggests practical steps to reduce financial fraud in the future Don’t Fall For It: A Short History of Financial Scams is filled with engrossing real-life stories and valuable insights, written for finance professionals, investors, and general interest readers alike.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119605188


Dynamic Copula Methods in Finance
Dynamic Copula Methods in Finance

Автор: Umberto Cherubini

The latest tools and techniques for pricing and risk management This book introduces readers to the use of copula functions to represent the dynamics of financial assets and risk factors, integrated temporal and cross-section applications. The first part of the book will briefly introduce the standard the theory of copula functions, before examining the link between copulas and Markov processes. It will then introduce new techniques to design Markov processes that are suited to represent the dynamics of market risk factors and their co-movement, providing techniques to both estimate and simulate such dynamics. The second part of the book will show readers how to apply these methods to the evaluation of pricing of multivariate derivative contracts in the equity and credit markets. It will then move on to explore the applications of joint temporal and cross-section aggregation to the problem of risk integration.

Цена: 9635.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781119954514


Electronics For Dummies
Electronics For Dummies

Автор: Cathleen Shamieh

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119675600


Elementary Financial Derivatives
Elementary Financial Derivatives

Автор: Jana Sacks

A step-by-step approach to the mathematical financial theory and quantitative methods needed to implement and apply state-of-the-art valuation techniques Written as an accessible and appealing introduction to financial derivatives, Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applications provides the necessary techniques for teaching and learning complex valuation techniques. Filling the current gap in financial engineering literature, the book emphasizes an easy-to-understand approach to the methods and applications of complex concepts without focusing on the underlying statistical and mathematical theories. Organized into three comprehensive sections, the book discusses the essential topics of the derivatives market with sections on options, swaps, and financial engineering concepts applied primarily, but not exclusively, to the futures market. Providing a better understanding of how to assess risk exposure, the book also includes: A wide range of real-world applications and examples detailing the theoretical concepts discussed throughout Numerous homework problems, highlighted equations, and Microsoft® Office Excel® modules for valuation Pedagogical elements such as solved case studies, select answers to problems, and key terms and concepts to aid comprehension of the presented material A companion website that contains an Instructor’s Solutions Manual, sample lecture PowerPoint® slides, and related Excel files and data sets Elementary Financial Derivatives: A Guide to Trading and Valuation with Applications is an excellent introductory textbook for upper-undergraduate courses in financial derivatives, quantitative finance, mathematical finance, and financial engineering. The book is also a valuable resource for practitioners in quantitative finance, industry professionals who lack technical knowledge of pricing options, and readers preparing for the CFA exam. Jana Sacks, PhD, is Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting and Finance at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. A member of The American Finance Association, the National Association of Corporate Directors, and the International Atlantic Economic Society, Dr. Sack’s research interests include risk management, credit derivatives, pricing, hedging, and structured finance.

Цена: 10629.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119077138


Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 1
Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 1

Автор: Christian Goglin

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119801535


Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 1
Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 1

Автор: Christian Goglin

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119802075


Encyclopedia of Financial Models, Volume III
Encyclopedia of Financial Models, Volume III

Автор: Группа авторов

Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models The need for serious coverage of financial modeling has never been greater, especially with the size, diversity, and efficiency of modern capital markets. With this in mind, the Encyclopedia of Financial Models has been created to help a broad spectrum of individuals—ranging from finance professionals to academics and students—understand financial modeling and make use of the various models currently available. Incorporating timely research and in-depth analysis, Volume 3 of the Encyclopedia of Financial Models covers both established and cutting-edge models and discusses their real-world applications. Edited by Frank Fabozzi, this volume includes contributions from global financial experts as well as academics with extensive consulting experience in this field. Organized alphabetically by category, this reliable resource consists of forty-four informative entries and provides readers with a balanced understanding of today’s dynamic world of financial modeling. Volume 3 covers Mortgage-Backed Securities Analysis and Valuation, Operational Risk, Optimization Tools, Probability Theory, Risk Measures, Software for Financial Modeling, Stochastic Processes and Tools, Term Structure Modeling, Trading Cost Models , and Volatility Emphasizes both technical and implementation issues, providing researchers, educators, students, and practitioners with the necessary background to deal with issues related to financial modeling The 3-Volume Set contains coverage of the fundamentals and advances in financial modeling and provides the mathematical and statistical techniques needed to develop and test financial models Financial models have become increasingly commonplace, as well as complex. They are essential in a wide range of financial endeavors, and the Encyclopedia of Financial Models will help put them in perspective.

Цена: 41028.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781118539903


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