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100 уроков лидерства А.В. Суворова для бизнеса
100 уроков лидерства А.В. Суворова для бизнеса

Автор: Вячеслав Летуновский

Новая книга от автора бестселлера «Менеджмент по-Суворовски. Наука побеждать». 100 уроков лидерства от русского гения, величайшего полководца и воспитателя непобедимых. Эти уроки более чем актуальны сегодня – и для ведения бизнеса, и вообще для любого руководителя. Ведь «школа Суворова», его универсальная «формула успеха» и «наука побеждать» радикально отличались от заповедей его прославленных современников – Фридриха Великого и Наполеона Бонапарта. Прусский король считал, что «солдат должен бояться палки капрала больше, чем пули врага» и жесточайшей муштрой превращал свою армию в «живые механизмы». Суворов говорил: «Я своих солдат палками в бой не гоню, они у меня сами в бой рвутся», сделав ставку на личную инициативу подчиненных: «Каждый солдат должен знать свой маневр!» И суворовский стиль руководства доказал свое превосходство над европейским – ведь русские «чудо-богатыри» били и пруссаков, и поляков, и лучших генералов Наполеона. «Тщетно двинется на Россию вся Европа – она найдет здесь свой гроб!» – так говорил великий Суворов. И сегодня, когда мы, наконец, осознали, что не только государство, но и бизнес нуждаются в «национальной идее» и опоре на национальный характер, – сегодня уроки лидерства и бесценный опыт Александра Васильевича Суворова востребованы как никогда!

Серия: Побеждай в бизнесе! Менеджмент по-суворовски

Исполнители: Андрей Зверев

Цена: 209 руб.


“Nailed to the rolls of honour, crucified”: Irish Literary Responses to the Great War
“Nailed to the rolls of honour, crucified”: Irish Literary Responses to the Great War

Автор: Robert Starr

This book explores the war writings of Patrick MacGill, James Hanley, and Liam O’Flaherty, working class, Roman Catholic Irishmen, all of whom fought in the First World War as privates and who, collectively, it is argued, constitute a distinct trio of war writers. Through discussions focusing upon class, camaraderie, violence, religion, trauma, and the body, this book considers these Irish soldiers within a cultural, social, and historical context. Central to this examination is the idea that the motives for enlistment and the experience of army labor and even combat was such that military service was perceived as work rather than a duty or vocation undertaken in support of any prevailing doctrines of patriotism or sacrifice. The men’s Catholicism also shaped their aesthetic and philosophical responses to the war, even while the war conversely troubled their faith or confirmed their religious scepticism. The war writing of these men is located within both an Irish and a pan-European literary working class tradition, thereby permitting the texts to be viewed within a wider context than literature of the First World War, and from a perspective that goes beyond Ireland and Britain. These characteristics shape a perspective on the conflict very different from that of the canonical officer-writers, men such as Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves, or Edmund Blunden, whose work is considered alongside those of the three Irish soldier-writers.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783838273310


Легенда о трёхглавом змие
Легенда о трёхглавом змие

Автор: Крис Джостен

Что с того, что ты древний дракон, если в твоей груди бьется живое любящее сердце? Радомир сознает, что он чудовище, и пытается сопротивляться своему чувству к смертной девушке, но тщетно. Сама судьба связала их – Феодору, Радомира и его друзей, чтобы поставить заслон на пути могучего и страшного монстра – трехглавого дракона. Возродившись, тот хочет уничтожить мост, разделяющий мир живых и царство мертвых, чтобы поработить и тех, и других. Только маленький отряд во главе с Радомиром способен остановить Змия, но для этого храбрецам придется пережить немало опаснейших приключений…

Исполнители: Саша Петелин

Цена: 279 руб.


Недотрога для плейбоя
Недотрога для плейбоя

Автор: Анастасия Градцева

– Ты…ты поспорил на меня? – я стою, будто оплеванная, и больно так, что, кажется, сердце сейчас пополам порвется.– Крис, все не так, как ты думаешь, – Кирилл напряженно смотрит мне в глаза, но я больше ему не верю.– Зачем я тебе? Ты же получил от меня все, что хотел! Отпусти!– Может, мне плевать на это пари, и я просто хочу тебя. Себе. Навсегда.Кирилл меняет девчонок как перчатки, а незаметная отличница Крис ждет «того самого» и не согласна на компромиссы. Он решает ее добиться и пускает в ход весь свой опыт по завоеванию девичьих сердец. Как перед таким устоишь? Крис уже почти готова сдаться, но она не знает, что он на нее просто поспорил.Содержит нецензурную брань. https://audionautix.com/ Лицензия: Музыка Creative Commons Джейсона Шоу на Audionautix.com Музыка от Audionautix.com

Исполнители: Анна Летура

Цена: 199 руб.


Саммари на книгу «45 татуировок менеджера. Правила российского руководителя». Максим Батырев
Саммари на книгу «45 татуировок менеджера. Правила российского руководителя». Максим Батырев

Автор: Роман Сергеев

Цена: 49 руб.


A Guide to Online Course Design
A Guide to Online Course Design

Автор: Tina Stavredes

A Guide to Online Course Design offers faculty and professional staff a practical and easy-to-follow model for creating exceptional online courses that focuses on quality standards in instructional design, transparency in learning outcomes, and learner persistence. A comprehensive resource, the book includes effective, research-based instructional strategies to motivate online learners and help them become more self-directed. A Guide to Online Course Design emphasizes quality standards and removing barriers to learners’ persistence, which ensures online courses meet the needs of online learners as well as distance education initiatives. “All faculty members and course designers, regardless of experience level, content background, or technology skills, can benefit from applying the approaches defined in this book. The authors have imparted a wealth of knowledge that can improve the quality of any online class and I highly recommend this book for all those involved with online learning.” – Anton G. Camarota, faculty, University of Denver “Anyone involved in developing online courses should read this book! Packed with great insights and the research to back them up, Stavredes and Herder guide readers with practical information that will support online course development.” – Brenda Boyd, director of professional development and consulting, Quality Matters Program “The blend of theory and application makes A Guide to Online Course Design and indispensable resource for any professional seeking to create high quality, outcomes-based learning experiences. I loved the action steps that close each chapter, as they lead the reader through the entire process of course design from analysis to implementation.” – Kathe Kacheroski, dean of curriculum and instruction, Rasmussen College

Цена: 4249.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781118791394


Accountable Leaders
Accountable Leaders

Автор: Vince Molinaro

Proven methods to push your organization to its maximum potential with responsible leadership Accountable Leaders is the real-world guide to propelling your business to extraordinary levels of performance and achievement. Leadership accountability is a major issue in organizations around the globe. Research has shown that teams and individual employees are overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the degree of accountability demonstrated by their leaders. Effective teams need responsible and accountable leaders—the solution seems simple. Yet, thousands of businesses are struggling with mediocre performance and widening gaps in leadership. This essential resource provides practical and no-nonsense strategies to transform any organization into a cohesive, highly motivated culture of accountable leaders and fully committed teams. Bestselling author Dr. Vince Molinaro shares his proven methods of optimal leadership accountability, providing a step-by-step blueprint for leaders in any organization. Developed from years of experience helping Fortune 500 companies build strong leaders and effective teams, this book will enable you to: Build strong leadership accountability to leverage competitive advantage, increase team performance, and close the leadership gap in your organization Understand why gaps in leadership occur and recognize accountability issues in your own organization Develop an effective strategy to instill a culture of accountability and responsibility in your business Identify and implement organizational practices that encourage accountable leadership throughout your management structure Accountable Leaders  is a vital guide for anyone who leads a team: from managers and supervisors, to CEOs and CHROs. This invaluable guide will provide the tools and knowledge to take you and your organization to incredible levels of performance and achievement.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119550150


Advanced Healthcare Materials
Advanced Healthcare Materials

Автор: Группа авторов

Advanced materials are attracting strong interest in the fundamental as well as applied sciences and are being extensively explored for their potential usage in a range of healthcare technological and biological applications. Advanced Healthcare Nanomaterials summarises the current status of knowledge in the fields of advanced materials for functional therapeutics, point-of-care diagnostics, translational materials, up and coming bio-engineering devices. The book highlights the key features which enable engineers to design stimuli-responsive smart nanoparticles, novel biomaterials, nano/micro-devices for diagnosis, therapy (theranostics).The leading contributor researchers cover the following topics: State-of-the-art of biomaterials for human health Micro- and nanoparticles and their application in biosensors The role of immunoassays Stimuli-responsive smart nanoparticles Diagnosis and treatment of cancer Advanced materials for biomedical application and drug delivery Nanoparticles for diagnosis and/or treatment of Alzheimers disease Hierarchical modelling of elastic behavior of human dental tissue Biodegradable porous hydrogels Hydrogels in tissue engineering, drug delivery and wound care Modified natural zeolites Supramolecular hydrogels based on cyclodextrin poly(pseudo)rotaxane Polyhydroxyalkanoate-based biomaterials Biomimetic molecularly imprinted polymers The book is written for readers from diverse backgrounds across chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering, medical science, pharmacy, biotechnology, and biomedical engineering. It offers a comprehensive view of cutting-edge research on advanced materials for healthcare technology and applications.

Цена: 21153.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118774007



Автор: Tom Finegan

Цена: 2199.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119794578


Apple Watch For Dummies
Apple Watch For Dummies

Автор: Marc Saltzman

Make your Apple Watch your new best friend! From accessing messages to getting quick directions, the latest smart watches do a whole lot more than just tell time. And the latest version of the Apple Watch is one of the most powerful iterations of these handy devices you can own. In Apple Watch For Dummies, you'll get step-by-step guidance on how to use all the best features of the Apple Watch. You'll learn how to make payments with a flick of your wrist using Apple Pay, keep track of your activity and sleep, monitor your heart health in real time, and even turn your watch into a digital walkie-talkie. This easy-to-read guide will also show you how to: Stay in touch by sending and receiving text messages and emails with your Apple Watch Track your fitness and sleep with Apple Watch, and have it monitor your health and even detect a sudden fall Learn how to stream Apple Music playlists and podcasts to wireless headphones Customize your watch face to look exactly the way you want it to look, from retro-chic to futuristic fun Apple Watch For Dummies is a must-read resource for Apple enthusiasts everywhere. Whether you're an Apple Watch newbie or you've been using one since they first came out and just need a refresher, this book has everything you need to get the most out of one of the coolest pieces of wearable tech on the market today.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119846468


Arbeit im Wandel
Arbeit im Wandel

Автор: Jeff Schwartz

Die Zukunft der Arbeit erreichte uns fr?her als erwartet. Beschleunigt durch Covid-19 entstand ein dringender Bedarf an neuen Denkweisen, neuen Strategien – und vor allem an einem vertrauensw?rdigen Leitfaden, der uns auf dieser Reise begleitet. So eine Hilfe bietet Jeff Schwartz in seinem Buch. Als Gr?ndungspartner der Deloitte-Consulting-Praxis «Future of Work» liefert Schwartz Klarheit, Humor, Weisheit und praktische Ratschl?ge f?r die Zukunft der Arbeit, ein Thema, das leider oft von Fehlinformationen, Angst und Verwirrung gepr?gt und umgeben ist. Mit einem grundlegenden Glauben an die Kraft menschlicher Innovation und Kreativit?t pr?sentiert Schwartz die Schl?sselthemen, kritischen Entscheidungen und potenziellen Fallstricke, die auf jedermanns Radar sein m?ssen.  – Wenn Sie bef?rchten, dass Roboter Ihnen in Zukunft Ihre Arbeit wegnehmen k?nnten, werden Sie sich durch die realistische Perspektive, die faktenbasierten Erkenntnisse und die praktischen Schritte, die Schwartz anbietet, beruhigt f?hlen. – Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, wie Sie sich ?berhaupt vorbereiten sollen, folgen Sie seinen besonnenen Ratschl?gen und einfach zu befolgenden Aktionspl?nen. – Wenn Sie sich als F?hrungskraft in der Zwickm?hle zwischen Durchhalteverm?gen und Nachdenken ?ber die n?chsten Schritte befinden, werden Sie das Buch zu sch?tzen wissen. – Wenn Sie sich fragen, wie Covid-19 die Art und Weise und den Ort Ihrer Arbeit ver?ndern wird, dann lesen Sie dieses Buch. Geschrieben in einem Gespr?chsstil von Schwartz mit Suzanne Riss, einer preisgekr?nten Journalistin und Buchautorin, bietet «Arbeit im Wandel» eine willkommene Alternative zu B?chern ?ber das Thema, denen es an einer breiten Perspektive fehlt oder die sich eher mit den Problemen besch?ftigen als L?sungen anzubieten. Top-aktuell und aufschlussreich enth?lt das Buch die Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf unsere gegenw?rtige und zuk?nftige Arbeit. Interviews mit f?hrenden Denkern ?ber die Zukunft der Arbeit bieten zus?tzliche Perspektiven und Orientierungshilfen. Karikaturen, die der f?hrende Illustrator Tom Fishburne f?r das Buch erstellt hat, lassen die Reise des Lesers und die komplexen Fragen rund um das Thema lebendig werden.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836949


Be Less Zombie
Be Less Zombie

Автор: Elvin Turner

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780857088246


Biomass Valorization
Biomass Valorization

Автор: Группа авторов

Biomass Valorization Explore the potential of biomass-based chemicals with this comprehensive new reference from leading voices in the field With the depletion of fossil raw materials a readily ascertainable inevitability, the exploitation of biomass-based renewable derivatives becomes ever more practical and realistic. In Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals , accomplished researchers and authors Davide Ravelli and Chiara Samori deliver a thorough compilation of state-of-the-art techniques and most advanced strategies used to convert biomass into useful building blocks and commodity chemicals.Each chapter in this collection of insightful papers begins by detailing the core components of the described technology, along with a fulsome description of its advantages and limitations, before moving on to a discussion of recent advancements in the field. The discussions are grouped by the processed biomass, such as terrestrial biomass, aquatic biomass, and biomass-deriving waste.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to the role of biomass in the production of chemicalsAn exploration of biomass processing via acid, base and metal catalysis, as well as biocatalysisA practical discussion of biomass processing via pyrolysis and thermochemical-biological hybrid processesA concise treatment of biomass processing assisted by ultrasound and via electrochemical, photochemical and mechanochemical meansPerfect for chemical engineers, catalytic chemists, biotechnologists, and polymer chemists, Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals will also earn a place in the libraries of environmental chemists and professionals working with organometallics and natural products chemists.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527825035


Building a Digital Future
Building a Digital Future

Автор: Lipi Sarkar

2020 has been a challenging year worldwide for many businesses and we have not come out of that phase entirely in 2021. At the same time, we witnessed the acceleration of Cloud led Digital Transformation, changing the ways we work, communicate, collaborate, and share our workspace and creating a globally accepted new normal. More than ever before, senior management and leadership teams need to identify a rigorous approach, drive competitive advantage for their business, create value addition, and become more effective in this work from home, zoom-based collaboration and still achieve our business metrics, which have also naturally evolved due to the global pandemic. Effective disruption is dependent on fast universal adoption, then only it will be real and the transformation will be effective. Understanding the key drivers of change, leveraging the powerful capabilities from technologies with a collaborative platform can aid an organization to prepare for digital transformation. Building a Digital Future provides a clearly defined roadmap for executing this change. Based on their industry experience of leading and implementing digital transformation globally, authors Lipi Sarkar and Vinnie Bansal distil proven ideas, creating a blueprint of powerful and workable frameworks for executing a successful digital transformation with Dynamics 365 and accelerating businesses during a global pandemic. Each chapter of the book is curated with best practices, real life examples, pitfalls to avoid, and salient points to remember. This book enables organizations to truly embrace the benefits of digital transformation by anchoring Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform at the core of their business. The frameworks, examples and customer stories in the book revolves around how it drives faster disruption, enhances customer experiences, empowers overworked business users. The real-life customer stories across various sectors and countries (namely Virgin Atlantic, Etihad Airways, G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers, Breville, Heathrow Airport, Hickory Farms, Ste Michelle Wines and many more) brings an idea of key business challenges and the solutions implemented to address them. Building a Digital Future is written for C-suite stakeholders, senior management, Programme Directors or Managers, Implementation Consultants, and Business Managers who are considering a Digital Transformation to improve efficiencies across the business of finance and operation, supply chain, retail, and customer relationship management–sales, marketing, or services. This book covers Digital Transformation with the powerful technology platform Microsoft Dynamics 365 which offers process capabilities across all business areas, provides powerful tools to automate time-consuming tasks, and drives innovation and improvements through an evergreen system post implementation. The concepts of digital transformation are laid out and take you through a step-by-step transformation journey, highlighting any pitfall that you need to be aware of. Many Dynamics 365 books offer advice for implementation or mastering the system, but Building a Digital Future is the first complete playbook of how businesses can transform to thrive in the digital age. Building a Digital Future is the must-have guide to help your Dynamics 365 program.

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119747154


Building a Digital Future
Building a Digital Future

Автор: Lipi Sarkar

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119747161



Автор: Gaurav Gupta

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119815877



Автор: Gaurav Gupta

Transform your organization with speed and efficiency using this insightful new resource  Incremental improvement is no longer sufficient in helping organizations navigate the complexity, uncertainty and volatility of today’s world. In  Change: How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times , authors John P. Kotter, Vanessa Akhtar, and Gaurav Gupta explore how to create non-linear, dramatic change in your organization. You’ll discover the emerging science of change that teaches us about how to build organizations – from businesses to governments – that change and adapt rapidly.  In  Change  you’ll discover:  Why the ability of organizations to deal with threats and take advantage of opportunities in the face of ever greater complexity and uncertainty is being severely challenged In-depth, evidence-based, actionable solutions for dealing with institutional resistance to change Case studies and success stories that describe organizations who have successfully built the ability to change quickly into their DNA A universal approach for how to dramatically improve outcomes from various change efforts, including: strategy execution, digital transformation, restructuring, and more Perfect for managers, executives, and leaders at companies of all types and sizes,  Change  will also prove to be a valuable asset to other professionals who serve these organizations. This book is for anyone seeking a proven approach for delivering fast, sustainable and comprehensive results.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119815884


Change for Good - An Action-Oriented Approach for Businesses to Benefit from Solving the World s Most Urgent Social Problems (Unabridged)
Change for Good - An Action-Oriented Approach for Businesses to Benefit from Solving the World's Most Urgent Social Problems (Unabridged)

Автор: Paul Klein

Исполнители: Paul Klein

Цена: 2761.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781773059914


Clinical Problems in Oncology
Clinical Problems in Oncology

Автор: Daniel Lee O'C

Clinical Problems in Oncology: A Practical Guide to Management is an easy-to-use, compact reference with essential, practical information on managing oncological emergencies, as well as the side effects and complications of cancer and its treatment. Because patient responses can vary widely, depending on the type of treatment prescribed, this resource offers medical professionals the specific information they need to improve the evaluation and treatment of cancer patients at the point of care. The compact format includes a wide range of clinical information, from the dose of drugs that would typically be used, through guidance on the practical procedures that are frequently used to treat oncology patients. Some of the book’s highlights include: • Toxicity grading and management, including at-a-glance summaries of the most common toxicities associated with chemotherapy • Prescribing guidelines, including how to write up electrolyte replacement properly • Information on specialised oncology procedures (such as SIR spheres), and how to manage complications • Types of vascular access lines and how to check their position, access them and troubleshoot problems With an expert team of writers who have contributed materials in their areas of expertise, Clinical Problems in Oncology is an ideal reference for oncologists in training, oncologists in non-training positions, oncology registrars and general practitioners.

Цена: 8735.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118673867


Cracking the Leadership Code
Cracking the Leadership Code

Автор: Alain Hunkins

Become the effective, proactive leader you aspire to be with this practical tool kit for leading people and organizations Yes, you can learn the skills to effectively lead people, organizations, and employees. With the right motivation and knowledge, you can be a leader who knows what it takes to succeed. Throughout his extensive experience in training leaders, author Alain Hunkins discovered that many leaders shared a common trait. They were mainly focused on what they were doing but not so focused on how they were doing it, especially when it came to working with other people. By strengthening their leadership capabilities, they could become trusted leaders within their organization, improve employee communications, and build bridges across hierarchies. Cracking the Leadership Code shares the valuable principles and practices that Hunkins developed and refined during the 20+ years he’s worked with leaders. When you crack the code, you’ll have a new operating model for organizational leadership that will help your teams thrive in a 21st century economy. Discover the brain science behind leading people Get inspired by real life leadership stories Use a practical leadership tool kit to become a better leader Learn how to communicate, influence, and persuade others, more effectively than ever before With this book as a resource, you’ll have a new perspective, a new framework, and new tools at your disposal, readily available to guide your leadership. You’ll learn to establish proactive, leader-follower relationships. To do this, you’ll use the interconnected elements of Connection, Communication, and Collaboration. When you learn from the author’s insightful experiences working with organizations around the world, you can accelerate your leadership development and become the leader you’ve always aspired to be.

Цена: 2278.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119675556


DBT For Dummies
DBT For Dummies

Автор: Gillian Galen

Keep calm, be skillful—and take control!  Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one of the most popular—and most effective—treatments for mental health conditions that result from out-of-control emotions. Combining elements of Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Eastern mindfulness practice, DBT was initially used as a powerful treatment to address the suffering associated with borderline personality disorder. It has since proven to have positive effects on many other mental health conditions and is frequently found in non-clinical settings, such as schools. Whether you struggle with depression, anger, phobias, disordered eating, or want to have a better understanding of emotions and how to focus and calm your mind, DBT practice serves the needs of those facing anything from regular life challenges to severe psychological distress.  Written in a no-jargon, friendly style by two of Harvard Medical School’s finest,  DBT For Dummies  shows how DBT can teach new ways not just to reverse, but to actively take control of self-destructive behaviors and negative thought patterns, allowing you to transform a life of struggle into one full of promise and meaning. Used properly and persistently, the skills and strategies in this book will change your life: when you can better regulate emotions, interact effectively with people, deal with stressful situations, and use mindfulness on a daily basis, it’s easier to appreciate what’s good in yourself and the world, and then act accordingly. In reading this book, you will:  Understand DBT theory Learn more adaptive ways to control your emotions Improve the quality of your relationships Deal better with uncertainty Many of life’s problems are not insurmountable even if they appear to be. Life can get better, if you are willing to live it differently. Get  DBT For Dummies  and discover the proven methods that will let you take back control—and build a brighter, more capable, and promising future!

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119730163


Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition
Damaging Effects of Weapons and Ammunition

Автор: Igor A. Balagansky

Цена: 16193.51 руб.
ISBN: 9781119779544


Der Samurai-Manager
Der Samurai-Manager

Автор: Reinhard Lindner

Intuition war die h?chste Kunst der Samurai. Intuition ist auch die h?chste Kunst im Management. Viele erfolgreiche japanische Konzerne der ­Gegenwart haben ihren Ursprung in Samurai-Familien. Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg Japans nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wird nachweislich dem Geist und den gelebten Werten der Samurai zugeschrieben. Werte wie Ehre, Respekt, Mut, Entschlossenheit, H?flichkeit und Intuition haben den Samurai h?chstes gesellschaftliches Ansehen ?ber Jahrhunderte verliehen. Der Samurai Manager® l?ftet das Geheimnis dieses Erfolgs und transportiert dieses Wissen in das moderne Management. Der Unternehmensberater und Managementtrainer Reinhard Lindner bietet – ausgehend von den Prinzipien der japanischen Kampfkunst Budo – sofort umsetzbare, praktische Tipps f?r mehr Erfolg auf den Spuren der Samurai und stellt deren Prinzipien und ihre Bedeutung f?r das heutige westliche Berufs- und Wirtschaftsleben ins Zentrum seiner Ausf?hrungen.

Цена: 2662.42 руб.
ISBN: 9783990403228


Designing Urban Agriculture
Designing Urban Agriculture

Автор: April Philips

A comprehensive overview of edible landscapes—complete with more than 300 full-color photos and illustrations Designing Urban Agriculture is about the intersection of ecology, design, and community. Showcasing projects and designers from around the world who are forging new paths to the sustainable city through urban agriculture landscapes, it creates a dialogue on the ways to invite food back into the city and pave a path to healthier communities and environments. This full-color guide begins with a foundation of ecological principles and the idea that the food shed is part of a city's urban systems network. It outlines a design process based on systems thinking and developed for a lifecycle or regenerative-based approach. It also presents strategies, tools, and guidelines that enable informed decisions on planning, designing, budgeting, constructing, maintaining, marketing, and increasing the sustainability of this re-invented cityscape. Case studies demonstrate the environmental, economic, and social value of these landscapes and reveal paths to a greener and healthier urban environment. This unique and indispensable guide: Details how to plan, design, fund, construct, and leverage the sustainability aspects of the edible landscape typology Covers over a dozen typologies including community gardens, urban farms, edible estates, green roofs and vertical walls, edible school yards, seed to table, food landscapes within parks, plazas, streetscapes and green infrastructure systems and more Explains how to design regenerative edible landscapes that benefit both community and ecology and explores the connections between food, policy, and planning that promote viable food shed systems for more resilient communities Examines the integration of management, maintenance, and operations issues Reveals how to create a business model enterprise that addresses a lifecycle approach

Цена: 7895.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333075


Diatom Gliding Motility
Diatom Gliding Motility

Автор: Группа авторов

The book will cover a broad range of work describing our current state of understanding on the topic, including: historic knowledge and misconceptions of motility; evolution of diatom motility; diatom ecology & physiology; cell biology and biochemistry of diatom motility, anatomy of motile diatoms; observations of diatom motile behavior; diatom competitive ability, unique forms of diatom motility as found in the genus Eunotia; and Models of Motility. This volume is the first book attempting to gather such information surrounding diatom motility into one volume focusing on this single topic. Readers will be able to gather both the current state of understanding on the potential mechanisms and ecological regulators of motility, as well as possible models and approaches used to help determine how diatoms accomplish such varied behaviors as diurnal movements, accumulation into areas of light, niche partitioning to increase species success. Given the fact that diatoms remain one of the most ecologically crucial cells in aquatic ecosystems, our hope is that this volume will act as a springboard towards future research into diatom motility and even better resolution of some of the issues in motility.

Цена: 25201.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119526575


Difficult Decisions
Difficult Decisions

Автор: Eric Pliner

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119817086


Discovering the Leader in You
Discovering the Leader in You

Автор: Sara N. King

From the Center for Creative Leadership's most popular and best known leadership program Leadership Development Program comes a book for anyone who wants to have a competitive edge in today's complex marketplace. Discovering the Leader in You shows what it looks like to fit in a leadership role and provides a system of self-discovery that allows for exploration into the roles within an organization. The book includes illustrative cases examples and puts the spotlight on the transition from «the decision to lead» to «how to implement the decision to lead.»

Цена: 5622.75 руб.
ISBN: 9780470902257


Do You Care to Lead?
Do You Care to Lead?

Автор: Michael G. Rogers

Create loyal, engaged and results focused teams and organizations using a practical five-part servant leadership formula. Think of a world where people go to work completely engaged, are inspired to do more than they ever thought possible, remain 100% loyal to the teams and organizations they belong to, are achieving mind-blowing results, and gladly and even passionately follow their leader’s direction. Is that a world you want to be a part of? The reality is you really can! However, it’s not the world most people and leaders currently live in. When employees were asked in a Gallup poll whether their supervisor or anyone else at work cared about them, only 4 out of 10 strongly agreed with that statement. That is a startling number. We have a lot of work to do. Old leadership practices don’t work anymore. In his work with hundreds of leaders and teams, Michael Rogers has created a practical approach to leadership that works. It is the Care to Lead Leader™. Care to Lead Leaders are different than most leaders. Most leaders talk of caring with their lips but are far from actually leading with their hearts. Care to Lead Leaders lead from their heart. They understand that leading from the heart wins the hearts of those they lead, which makes leading more purposeful and a lot easier. Through Michael’s five-part SONIC leadership formula, you will become a Care to Lead Leader. You will discover: One simple Care to Lead Leader practice that can literally revolutionize the culture of your teams and/or organizations. How to build real trust on your teams and/or organizations and explode creativity and the volume of ideas. How to have more courage and second guess yourself less. Practical tips on skyrocketing individual performance. The secret to creating the most loyal followers on the planet! How to take your teams and/or organizations to unprecedent levels of achievement and results. In this book, Michael illustrates his ideas and concepts through introspective questions and inspiring stories that keep you engaged and have you regularly looking at your own leadership and asking; Am I the kind of leader people really want to follow? After reading this book, you’ll have the tools to apply practical servant leadership approaches that create buy-in into bigger visions, improve loyalty and engagement and move your teams and organizations to unprecedented levels of action.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119628446


Dog Music Lullabies (Relaxing Piano Music for Dogs and Soothing Sleeping Music for Pets)
Dog Music Lullabies (Relaxing Piano Music for Dogs and Soothing Sleeping Music for Pets)

Автор: Pet Jones

Исполнители: Watkins Matthias Ernst

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 8244230446821


Drug Delivery Approaches
Drug Delivery Approaches

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119772743


Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition
Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing, and Nutrition

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 21401.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119777120


Earthquakes. Models, Statistics, Testable Forecasts
Earthquakes. Models, Statistics, Testable Forecasts

Автор: Yan Kagan Y

This book is the first comprehensive and methodologically rigorous analysis of earthquake occurrence. Models based on the theory of the stochastic multidimensional point processes are employed to approximate the earthquake occurrence pattern and evaluate its parameters. The Author shows that most of these parameters have universal values. These results help explain the classical earthquake distributions: Omori's law and the Gutenberg-Richter relation. The Author derives a new negative-binomial distribution for earthquake numbers, instead of the Poisson distribution, and then determines a fractal correlation dimension for spatial distributions of earthquake hypocenters. The book also investigates the disorientation of earthquake focal mechanisms and shows that it follows the rotational Cauchy distribution. These statistical and mathematical advances make it possible to produce quantitative forecasts of earthquake occurrence. In these forecasts earthquake rate in time, space, and focal mechanism orientation is evaluated.

Цена: 16630.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118637883



Автор: Nick Hays

Proven tools to take your team and yourself to the next level Elite: High Performance Lessons and Habits from a Former Navy SEAL is a practical, no-nonsense guide to elevate your leadership skills and drive your team to their maximum potential. Before you can push your team to the max, you must push yourself—elite teams require elite leaders. This invaluable guide supplies the tools you need to develop effective strategies to motivate, adapt, and overcome. Author Nick Hays combines military training with Harvard education to present a comprehensive program that will unlock the potential in yourself and your team. The business environment has changed dramatically over the last several decades. Volatile market conditions, disruptive innovation, and digital transformations across entire sectors have rendered traditional business methods obsolete. To thrive, businesses must be adaptable, agile, and lean. Policies and procedures may change, but strong leadership and shared goals ensure a source of strength and continuity. Providing real-world methods and effective strategies, this essential resource will allow you to: Embrace the Warrior Mindset to always be proactive, never a victim Develop the trust of your team through strength and shared experience Devise durable and sustainable business strategies and contingency plans that adapt to fluid situations Promote a culture of innovation and authenticity to deliver a solid foundation for your team Elite: High Performance Lessons and Habits from a Former Navy SEAL is a must-read guide for everyone from aspiring entrepreneurs to established business leaders. No matter the stage of your business—development, exploitation, or disruption— Elite will change your approach to business and unlock the warrior within.

Цена: 1854.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119538127


Epidemic Leadership
Epidemic Leadership

Автор: Larry McEvoy

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119787471


Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership
Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership

Автор: James M. Kouzes

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119686903


Exercising Influence
Exercising Influence

Автор: B. Kim Barnes

Change minds, guide opinions, and shape emotions with the power of effective influence Exercising Influence is your guide to accomplishing more with less effort. Demystifying the process of influencing others, this book shows you how to develop effective influence behaviors, plan an influence approach, set goals, resolve problems, and build better relationships. Revised and expanded to provide more actionable advice across industries and sectors, this third edition has updated examples and resources and features all-new chapters on influencing through social media, influencing your team, and applying research findings of neuroscience, and behavioral economics.. You'll create work, family, and community relationships that are more mutually rewarding as you apply a practical, real-world model for developing this seldom-taught skill. Influence is a skillset that everyone needs, yet the necessary techniques and fundamentals are rarely made explicit and shared. This book is a vital resource for anyone who wants to achieve better outcomes at work, at home, or in the world at large, helping you make important things happen and create relationships that matter. Develop a strategic and tactical approach to influence that gets results. Resolve problems and conflicts, and build more balanced relationships. Do more with less, increase your impact on others, and take greater charge of your life. Take advantage of new methodologies that build your skills as an influencer. Influence is a timeless topic for business leaders and others in positions of power, but the world has evolved to the point where everyone needs these skills. No matter your job, role, rank, or function, if you want to get things done you need to know how to influence up, down, across, and outside the organization. With improved skills, you can steer opinions, impact decisions, and sway the undecided. If you're ready to see what you're capable of, Exercising Influence will show you how to take charge of your professional and personal life in a powerful, ethical, and productive way. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119071585.html

Цена: 3444.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781119071709



Автор: Michael Pellny

Die meisten Menschen werden aufgrund ihrer Sachkompetenz zu Fuhrungskraften oder weil sie ein eigenes Unternehmen grunden; bei ihrer Fuhrungsaufgabe sind sie in der Regel auf sich allein gestellt. Mit diesem Buch konnen Fuhrungskrafte und Unternehmer Fuhrungskompetenz aufbauen und weiterentwickeln. Sie konnen damit ihr Verhalten als Fuhrungskraft reflektieren und effizient so verbessern, dass die Mitarbeiter sich gerne fur das Unternehmen und dessen Erfolg einsetzen. Alle wesentlichen Aspekte von Fuhrungskompetenz sind leicht lesbar, umfassend und gleichzeitig ohne Informationsballast dargestellt. Durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis wird das Wissen konkretisiert und leicht anwendbar. Dieses Buch resultiert aus dem Systemtraining Fuhrung des Weissman Instituts. Teilnehmer aus mehr als 1000 Unternehmen profitieren in der taglichen Praxis vom Konzept dieses Trainings und seinen Inhalten, viele der wertvollen Tipps sind sofort umsetzbar. Fuhrungstalenten liefert das Buch eine solide Grundlage fur ihre kunftige Arbeit.

Цена: 3018.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783895789205


Fewer, Richer, Greener
Fewer, Richer, Greener

Автор: Laurence B. Siegel

How the world has become much better and why optimism is abundantly justified Why do so many people fear the future? Is their concern justified, or can we look forward to greater wealth and continued improvement in the way we live? Our world seems to be experiencing stagnant economic growth, climatic deterioration, dwindling natural resources, and an unsustainable level of population growth. The world is doomed, they argue, and there are just too many problems to overcome. But is this really the case? In Fewer, Richer, Greener , author Laurence B. Siegel reveals that the world has improved —and will continue to improve—in almost every dimension imaginable. This practical yet lighthearted book makes a convincing case for having gratitude for today’s world and optimism about the bountiful world of tomorrow. Life has actually improved tremendously. We live in the safest, most prosperous time in all human history. Whatever the metric—food, health, longevity, education, conflict—it is demonstrably true that right now is the best time to be alive. The recent, dramatic slowing in global population growth continues to spread prosperity from the developed to the developing world. Technology is helping billions of people rise above levels of mere subsistence. This technology of prosperity is cumulative and rapidly improving: we use it to solve problems in ways that would have be unimaginable only a few decades ago. An optimistic antidote for pessimism and fear, this book: Helps to restore and reinforce our faith in the future Documents and explains how global changes impact our present and influence our future Discusses the costs and unforeseen consequences of some of the changes occurring in the modern world Offers engaging narrative, accurate data and research, and an in-depth look at the best books on the topic by leading thinkers Traces the history of economic progress and explores its consequences for human life around the world Fewer, Richer, Greener: Prospects for Humanity in an Age of Abundance is a must-read for anyone who wishes to regain hope for the present and wants to build a better future.

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119526933


Fiber Optic and Atmospheric Optical Communication
Fiber Optic and Atmospheric Optical Communication

Автор: Shlomo Engelberg

Цена: 14678.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119602026


Fix Me - TAT: A Rocker Romance, Book 7 (Unabridged)
Fix Me - TAT: A Rocker Romance, Book 7 (Unabridged)

Автор: Melanie Walker

Исполнители: Jameson Adams

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624616105


Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2
Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces 2

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119902980


Handbuch F?hrung
Handbuch F?hrung

Автор: Quint Studer

Pr?gnanter, leicht verst?ndlicher Leitfaden ?ber die Grundlagen guter F?hrung! Unabh?ngig davon, ob Sie neu in Ihrer Rolle als F?hrungskraft sind oder ?ber jahrelange Erfahrung verf?gen, bietet dieses Handbuch f?r vielbesch?ftigte F?hrungskr?fte eine schnelle und einfache Ressource, die mit den «How-to»-Strategien gef?llt ist, die sofort in die Tat umgesetzt werden k?nnen. Die Inhalte des Buches sind f?r hart arbeitende F?hrungskr?fte gedacht, die wenig Zeit haben und nach einem Leitfaden suchen, um die Basics richtig zu machen und die kleinen Dinge zu unternehmen, die schlussendlich eine gro?e Auswirkung auf die Gesamtleistung haben k?nnen. Jedes Kapitel des Handbuchs ist mit eigenst?ndigen Best Practices, Tools, Tipps und Methoden gef?llt, um Mitarbeiter einzubeziehen, Unternehmenskulturen neu zu beleben, Kunden zu begeistern und Hochleistungsunternehmen aufzubauen. Das Handbuch wurde von dem Unternehmer, Vision?r und Wall-Street-Journal-Bestsellerautor Quint Studer verfasst und st?tzt sich auf seine ?ber 30-j?hrige Erfahrung in der Beratung von Organisationen aller Gr??en und F?hrungspers?nlichkeiten auf allen Ebenen beim Erreichen von Spitzenleistungen. Das Buch enth?lt die Ans?tze, die sich immer wieder als erfolgreich erwiesen haben. Studer erforscht die wichtigsten F?hrungsqualit?ten und -verhaltensweisen, die hervorragende F?hrungskr?fte in der Regel besitzen. Die Entwicklung und Verfeinerung dieser F?higkeiten geben jeder F?hrungskraft die F?higkeit, die Beste zu sein, die sie sein kann. Der Autor zeigt auch auf, was F?hrungskr?fte ben?tigen, um die Leistung ihrer Mitarbeiter zu optimieren. Versierte F?hrungskr?fte schaffen Umgebungen, in denen Menschen wachsen und gedeihen k?nnen und in denen sie einen starken Sinn finden. F?hrungskr?fte, die eine positive, engagierte und produktive Arbeitsplatzkultur entwickeln, geben ihren einzelnen Mitarbeitern und Teammitgliedern die M?glichkeit, wie nie zuvor zu gl?nzen.

Цена: 2545.03 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836222


Hidden Truths
Hidden Truths

Автор: David Fubini

Цена: 2525.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119682356


High-Impact Tools for Teams
High-Impact Tools for Teams

Автор: Александр Остервальдер

Цена: 2959.34 руб.
ISBN: 9781119602804


ICP Emissionsspektrometrie f?r Praktiker
ICP Emissionsspektrometrie f?r Praktiker

Автор: Joachim N?lte

Die Neuauflage dieser beliebten, leicht verst?ndlichen und anwenderorientierten Einf?hrung in die ICP-Emissionspektrometrie umfa?t die praxisrelevanten Grundlagen, ger?tetechnische Informationen, eine Anleitung zur Methodenentwicklung sowie viele praktische Anwendungsbeispiele.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783527823673


Interactions on Digital Tablets in the Context of 3D Geometry Learning
Interactions on Digital Tablets in the Context of 3D Geometry Learning

Автор: David Bertolo

Over the last few years, multi-touch mobile devices have become increasingly common. However, very few applications in the context of 3D geometry learning can be found in app stores. Manipulating a 3D scene with a 2D device is the main difficulty of such applications. Throughout this book, the author focuses on allowing young students to manipulate, observe and modify 3D scenes using new technologies brought about by digital tablets. Through a user-centered approach, the author proposes a grammar of interactions adapted to young learners, and then evaluates acceptability, ease of use and ease of learning of the interactions proposed. Finally, the author studies in situ the pedagogic benefits of the use of tablets with an app based on the suggested grammar. The results show that students are able to manipulate, observe and modify 3D scenes using an adapted set of interactions. Moreover, in the context of 3D geometry learning, a significant contribution has been observed in two classes when students use such an application. The approach here focuses on interactions with digital tablets to increase learning rather than on technology. First, defining which interactions allow pupils to realize tasks needed in the learning process, then, evaluating the impact of these interactions on the learning process. This is the first time that both interactions and the learning process have been taken into account at the same time.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119329961


Introduction to Adhesive Bonding
Introduction to Adhesive Bonding

Автор: Lucas Filipe Martins Da Silva

Цена: 10038.08 руб.
ISBN: 9783527830541


It s Time to Talk about Race at Work
It's Time to Talk about Race at Work

Автор: Kelly McDonald

Цена: 2199.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119790884


Konsequente F?hrung
Konsequente F?hrung

Автор: Thorsten Ebeling

"Konsequentes F?hren ist das Hauptdefizit in Organisationen!" Diese steile These von Thorsten Ebeling kommt nicht von ungef?hr. Er selbst musste erst die Erfahrung machen, was es bedeutet, inkonsequent zu f?hren. Das Ergebnis: Jeder Mitarbeiter macht, was er will, keiner macht, was er soll – und alle machen mit. Und warum das alles? Weil es den Mitarbeitern an Orientierung fehlt, an klaren Zielen und Strukturen, in denen sie sich bewegen k?nnen, und an einer F?hrungskraft, die ihr «Fels in der Brandung» ist. In seinen Coachings stellt Ebeling immer wieder fest, dass in vielen Unternehmen genau hier Nachholbedarf herrscht. In den Organisationen schwelen Konflikte, es mangelt an klarer Kommunikation und an schwarzen Zahlen. Doch k?nnen hierf?r nur die Mitarbeiter verantwortlich gemacht werden? Nein, wenn ein derartiges Chaos im Unternehmen herrscht, sollte die Pyramide von oben abgearbeitet werden. Getreu dem Motto «der Fisch stinkt vom Kopf» ist hier bei der F?hrungskraft anzusetzen. Denn oft ist sie sich ihrer Funktionen gar nicht bewusst. Sie ist weder in der Lage, eine vertrauensvolle Atmosph?re zu schaffen, noch Verantwortung abzugeben, um endlich das zu haben, was essenziell f?r den k?nftigen Erfolg des Unternehmens ist: mehr Zeit f?r F?hrung. Das Buch bietet Gesch?ftsf?hrern, Inhabern und CEOs eine Orientierungshilfe f?r erfolgreiche F?hrung. Wenn alles durcheinanderger?t, Chaos herrscht und die Zahlen den Bach hinuntergehen, dann ist es noch nicht zu sp?t, aber h?chste Zeit zum Handeln. Thorsten Ebeling bietet neben Zahlen, Daten und Fakten auch praktische Tipps f?r alle, die ihr Unternehmen wieder in die richtige Bahn lenken m?chten – und das gelingt nur ?ber konsequentes F?hren.

Цена: 2272.77 руб.
ISBN: 9783527836338



Автор: Thomas Sajdak

Jede Verkaufssituation ist genauso unterschiedlich wie die Menschen, die an diesem Prozess teilnehmen. Kein Kunde oder Verk?ufer verh?lt sich wie der andere. Erfolg im Vertrieb definiert sich nicht ?ber die eine Technik, die eine Methode oder den einen Trick. Auch wenn erfolgreiche Leute stetig lernen und sich weiterbilden sollten, kommt es neben all dem Wissen auf die pers?nliche Komponente an, die den letzten Feinschliff an Individualit?t gibt – angewendet zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Es ist nicht der Abschluss, der einen erfolgreichen Verk?ufer ausmacht, sondern der «Kundenschwarmeffekt». Spitzenverk?ufer wollen zum Schwarm ihrer Kunden werden. Sie wollen Kunden durch ihr Auftreten und Verhalten begeistern. Durch diese Einstellung erzielen sie herausragenden Verkaufserfolg und werden konstant weiterempfohlen. Wenn Verk?ufer zum Kundenschwarm werden wollen, m?ssen sie sowohl an ihrer Pers?nlichkeit arbeiten als auch ?berlegen, was sie tun k?nnen, um einen Schwarm an Kunden zu bekommen. Genau damit besch?ftigt sich Thomas Sajdak in seinem Buch. Die Leser erfahren, was erfolgreiche Verk?ufer wirklich auszeichnet, 8 Denkmuster von Kundenschw?rmen, die 12 besten Verkaufstechniken und die 6 Strategie-Faktoren, um Erfolg zu reproduzieren. Es wird Zeit f?r eine neue Denkweise und herausragenden Erfolg im Vertrieb!

Цена: 2272.77 руб.
ISBN: 9783527838103


Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis
Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis

Автор: David J. Bartholomew

Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis provides a comprehensive and unified approach to factor analysis and latent variable modeling from a statistical perspective. This book presents a general framework to enable the derivation of the commonly used models, along with updated numerical examples. Nature and interpretation of a latent variable is also introduced along with related techniques for investigating dependency. This book: Provides a unified approach showing how such apparently diverse methods as Latent Class Analysis and Factor Analysis are actually members of the same family. Presents new material on ordered manifest variables, MCMC methods, non-linear models as well as a new chapter on related techniques for investigating dependency. Includes new sections on structural equation models (SEM) and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for parameter estimation, along with new illustrative examples. Looks at recent developments on goodness-of-fit test statistics and on non-linear models and models with mixed latent variables, both categorical and continuous. No prior acquaintance with latent variable modelling is pre-supposed but a broad understanding of statistical theory will make it easier to see the approach in its proper perspective. Applied statisticians, psychometricians, medical statisticians, biostatisticians, economists and social science researchers will benefit from this book.

Цена: 9227.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119970590


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