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он хонлигида таълим тизими ва унда ва ф мулкларининг тутган рни
Қўқон хонлигида таълим тизими ва унда вақф мулкларининг тутган ўрни

Автор: М. Алихожиев

Mazkur kitobda Qo'qon xonligi madaniy-ma'naviy hayotining muhim tarmoqlaridan biri – maktab va madrasalar faoliyati hamda ularning davlat va jamiyat hayotida tutgan o'rni birlamchi manbalar va arxiv hujjatlari asosida yoritib berilgan. Kitob, tarixchilar, oliy o'quv yurti talabalari va magistrantlari uchun mo'ljallangan.

Цена: 108.71 руб.
ISBN: 978–9943–10–895–0


3D Modeling of Buildings
3D Modeling of Buildings

Автор: Rapha?le H?no

Conventional topographic databases, obtained by capture on aerial or spatial images provide a simplified 3D modeling of our urban environment, answering the needs of numerous applications (development, risk prevention, mobility management, etc.). However, when we have to represent and analyze more complex sites (monuments, civil engineering works, archeological sites, etc.), these models no longer suffice and other acquisition and processing means have to be implemented. This book focuses on the study of adapted lifting means for “notable buildings”. The methods tackled in this book cover lasergrammetry and the current techniques of dense correlation based on images using conventional photogrammetry.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118648896


Голубка. Три истории и одно наблюдение. Контрабас
Голубка. Три истории и одно наблюдение. Контрабас

Автор: Патрик Зюскинд

Патрик Зюскинд относится к числу самых популярных писателей ХХ века. Правда, нередко его называют автором лишь одного романа – «Парфюмер». Познакомившись с этой книгой, читатель легко убедится, что такое мнение ошибочно. Под одной обложкой собраны повесть «Голубка» («маленький шедевр в прозе»), четыре сравнительно коротких, но бесспорно интересных рассказа и пьеса «Контрабас», первое произведение Зюскинда, в котором поднимается тема «маленького» человека. Здесь автор раскрывается как великолепный психолог, мистификатор, человек, наделенный тонким чувством юмора и редкой фантазией. Patrick S?skind DIE TAUBE Copyright © 1987 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zurich DREI GESCHICHTEN UND EINE BETRACHTUNG Copyright © 1995 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zurich DER KONTRABASS Copyright © 1984 by Diogenes Verlag AG Zurich All rights reserved © Э. В. Венгерова, перевод, 1994, 2000 © О. Б. Дрождин, перевод, ℗ Концерн Группа Союз ℗ ИД СОЮЗ ℗ ИП Воробьев В.А. © Оформление. ООО «Издательская Группа „Азбука-Аттикус“», 2021 Издательство АЗБУКА®

Серия: Азбука-бестселлер

Исполнители: Анатолий Равикович

Цена: 344 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-389-20998-5


Жан Кристоф
Жан Кристоф

Автор: Ромен Роллан

Кітапта француз жазушысы Ромен Ролланның «Жан Кристоф» атты романы балалардың тіліне ыңғайланып, ықшамдалып берілген. Музыкаға жаны құмар бүлдіршіннің алғаш рет музыка әлемімен танысқаны, жас композитор атанғаны, тұңғыш рет сахнада өнер көрсеткені қызықты сюжеттер арқылы өріліп ұсынылады. Бұл кітап көкірегін құндылыққа толтырғысы келетін оқырман қауымға арналады.

Цена: 193.34 руб.
ISBN: 978-601-7558-79-6



Автор: Гулханий

Гулханийнинг машҳур ва ажойиб асари «Зарбулмасал»да халқ мақоллари (Гулханийнинг айтишича, 400 оммавий мақол), қисман Гулханийнинг ўзи яратган мақолсимон ҳикматли сўзлар, қисман сажлар (қофияли наср), қисман матал ва ривоятлар тўпланган. Булар тематик ва эпик жиҳатдан бир-бирига боғланиб, яхлит сюжетни ташкил этади. Асарнинг қаҳрамонлари асосан қушлардан иборатдир. Муаллиф мақоллар орқали бир-бирлари билан сўзлашган қушлар образида турли ижтимоий қатламларнинг салбий урф-одатлари, хулқ-атвори, муомала ва муносабатларини кулги қилади.

Цена: 116.9 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-19-447-2


Империя ускоряется
Империя ускоряется

Автор: Сергей Тамбовский

"Империя ускоряется" – фантастический роман Сергея Тамбовского, четвертая книга цикла «Империя у края», жанр альтернативная история, попаданцы. Герой с переменными успехами продолжает свои попытки помочь в реформировании СССР. Внимание! Фонограмма содержит нецензурную брань. Книга 1. Империя на краю. Книга 2. Империя отходит от края. Книга 3. Империя сосредотачивается. Книга 4. Империя ускоряется. Книга 5. Империя на марше. © Тамбовский Сергей © ИДДК

Серия: Империя у края

Исполнители: Роман Попов

Цена: 279 руб.


Методы исследований и обработки информации в природопользовании
Методы исследований и обработки информации в природопользовании

Автор: И. Д. Самсонова

В практикуме приводятся рекомендации к выполнению расчетно графических заданий по дисциплине «Методы исследований и обработки информации в природопользовании». В частности, приведена структура лабораторных работ, поясняется методика исследований, камеральная и статистическая обработка полученных данных, оценка стабильности развития древесных видов, видового разнообразия рекреационных ландшафтов, построение и анализ климадиаграмм, проведение районирования с использованием метода картографирования и обработка достоверной информации с применением пакета прикладных программ Excel. Рекомендуется студентам бакалавриата направления подготовки «Экология и природопользование», а также специалистам лесного и сельского хозяйства, природоохранной деятельности, экологам, научным работникам, аспирантам и студентам профильных вузов.

Цена: 507 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-9708-9


Немецкие бомбардировщики в небе Европы. Дневник офицера люфтваффе. 1940-1941
Немецкие бомбардировщики в небе Европы. Дневник офицера люфтваффе. 1940-1941

Автор: Готфрид Леске

Дневник нацистского летчика охватывает период с мая 1940 года, когда германская армия вторглась в Бельгию и Голландию, по январь 1941-го, когда юноша выпрыгнул из подбитого «хейнкеля» с парашютом. Записки пилота бомбардировщика, из которых становится ясным его отношение к родным, к жизни, сослуживцам, войне, противнику, высшему руководству страны, интересны тем, что типичны для многих жертв нацистской идеологии, поэтому стали важным документом, свидетельствующим против нацизма.

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: Бесплатно


Общий менеджмент
Общий менеджмент

Автор: Евгения Каз

Практикум «Эффективная организация» включает краткий обзор основных теоретических положений курса «Общий менеджмент», а также прикладные задания, проблемные ситуации, с которыми может столкнуться управленческий персонал компании, вопросы аналитического характера. Их изучение позволит обучающимся закрепить и расширить теоретические знания в области менеджмента, получить практические навыки самостоятельного принятия решений при формировании и реорганизации структур управления предприятиями, систем мотивации персонала, развить способности и укрепить навыки управления коллективом и работы в команде. Практикум соответствует требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования (ФГОС ВО 3++) по экономическим и управленческим специальностям и направлениям. Предназначен для организации и контроля аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Общий менеджмент», обучающихся по специальности 38.04.01 «Экономика», 38.04.02 «Менеджмент», 38.04.03 «Управление персоналом», 38.04.04 «Государственное и муниципальное управление». Может быть полезен слушателям факультетов повышения квалификации, преподавателям, менеджерам и специалистам различных отраслей.

Цена: 299 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-94621-972-3


Основы теории коммуникации
Основы теории коммуникации

Автор: Ольга Леонидовна Гнатюк

Раскрыты особенности междисциплинарного предмета курса «Основы теории коммуникации» (гуманитарно-социальной коммуникологии), его структура и методология исследования, сущность и уровни социальной коммуникации, ее формы и виды: межкультурная, корпоративная, PR- и рекламная. Отдельные главы посвящены личностным коммуникациям и проблемам эффективного общения. Рассмотрены основные виды массовой коммуникации: PR, реклама, журналистика, политические коммуникации. Для студентов бакалавриата, магистрантов и аспирантов коммуникативных направлений (реклама и связи с общественностью, журналистика), социологов, психологов, культурологов, педагогов, политологов.

Цена: 249 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-406-02524-6


Педагогик ма орат
Педагогик маҳорат

Автор: Ёкутхон Рахмонова


Цена: 89.99 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-08-613-5


Просто пишем о среде
Просто пишем о среде

Автор: Н.В. Шулепина

Цена: 127.91 руб.


Релейная защита электроэнергетических систем
Релейная защита электроэнергетических систем

Автор: Алексей Владимирович Куксин

Рассмотрены назначение релейной защиты, её основные элементы и источники оперативного тока. Дана классификация токовых защит ЛЭП и специальных типов релейных защит. Особое внимание уделено релейной защите элементов станций, подстанций и отдельных потребителей, а также автоматике и телемеханике в релейной защите. Для студентов электроэнергетических направлений подготовки, а также специалистов в области электроэнергетики и электротехники.

Цена: 970 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9729-0525-6


Роль лесонасаждений в охране водных ресурсов
Роль лесонасаждений в охране водных ресурсов

Автор: А. Досахметов

Другие соавторы: Л.А.КаримоваНа основе многолетних комплексных (лесомелиоративных, эколого-лесоводственных и гидрологических) исследований дан анализ влияния лесонасаждений на режим грунтовых вод вдоль оросительных каналов в земляном русле и в бетонной облицовке, интенсивность их заиления, и на распределение солей в почвогрунтах и грунтовых водах. Показана роль насаждений в защите берегов водохранилищ от разрушения и загрязнения агрохимикатами и продуктами эрозии почв. Приведены рекомендации по технологии создания защитных насаждений вокруг водных объектов и их размещению в зависимости от типа лесорастительных условий и биологических особенностей древесных пород.Расчитана на научных и инженерно-технических работников в области лесного, водного и сельского хозяйства, экологии, студентов и преподавателей ВУЗов.

Цена: 116.9 руб.
ISBN: 978–9943–10–801–1


Табобати муслимин
Табобати муслимин

Автор: Шайх Мансур

Сизларга мўъжаз туҳфa бўлиши учун биз Рамазон ойида овқатланиш тақвимини тузиб чиқдик ва эълон қилмоқдамиз. Буюк табиб Ибн Сино «касаллик оғиздан киради» детан эканлар. Дарҳақиқат шундай. Инсон онадан соғ туғилади, касаллик вақт ўтиши билан пайдо бўлади. Табиийки нотўғри овқатланиш инсон умрининг қисқаришига, турли касалликларнинг пайдо бўлишига олиб келади. Ҳар йил бир марта келадиган Рамазон ойида рўза тутиш, овқатланишни тартибга солиш баданни тозалашнинг энг муҳим тадбирларидан бири. Яна шу Рамазон ойининг ҳар йили ўн кун олдин келиши ҳам инсониятнинг ҳар йили бошқа-бошқа вақтларда, фаслларда ўз баданини тозалаш имкониятига эга бўлишини кафолатлайди.

Цена: 96.49 руб.


Ударно-гидроабразивное изнашивание
Ударно-гидроабразивное изнашивание

Автор: К. Махкамов

В монографии изложены результаты исследований механизма ударно-гидроабразивного изнашивания, предложено нанесение на изнашиваемые поверхности защитные покрытия. Разработаны требования к материалам покрытий. Особенности изнашивания клапанных механизмов рассмотрены на примере агрегатов гидравлической системы тракторов.

Цена: 134.38 руб.
ISBN: 978–9943–10–669–7


Химия, биология и технология получения фитоэкдистероидов
Химия, биология и технология получения фитоэкдистероидов

Автор: Группа авторов

В монографии представлены результаты комплексных исследований малоизученного класса вторичных метаболитов растений – фитоэкдистероидов, являющихся структурными аналогами гормонов линьки и метаморфоза членистоногих. Уставновлены химические структуры экдистероидов, выделенных из растений родов Ajuga, Rhaponticum и Silene. Представлены данные по физико-химическим характеристикам реакционной способности метаболизму и биологической активности этих соединений. Высказаны соображения о роли экдистероидов в растениях и приведены данные об их фармакологических свойствах, рассмотрены вопросы использования фитоэкдистероидов в практической медицине и, соответственно, технологические аспекты получения на их основе лекарственных препаратов, биологически активных пищевых добавок общеукрепляющего типа действия.Монография рассчитана на специалистов в области биоорганической и органической химии, биохимии, биотехнологии, фармакологии. Представляет также интерес для научных работников разного профиля, преподавателей и студентов, интересующихся проблемами химии природных и физиологически активных веществ.

Цена: 101.8 руб.


Шифобахш гиё лар имояга му тож
Шифобахш гиёҳлар ҳимояга муҳтож

Автор: Ситора Аскарова

Bugungi kun yoshlari ancha izlanuvchan va tirishqoq. Qiziqqon mavzularida tadqiqot olib borish imkoniyati esa cheksiz. Shunday yoshlardan biri Sitora Asqarova. Tengdoshlaridan farqli o'laroq, tabiat va ekologiya tiyranroq nigoh tashlayotgan Sitora mazkur risolasi bilan o'simliklar dunyosini asrash va ulardan unumli foydalanishni tavsiya etadi. Risola keng kitobxonlar onnasiga mo'ljallangan.

Цена: 91.82 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-08-845-0


Экологически ориентированный минимализм. План по спасению себя и планеты
Экологически ориентированный минимализм. План по спасению себя и планеты

Автор: Стефани Мари Сефериан

Минимализм —не синоним экономии, не модная прихоть и не причуда обеспеченных людей. Это сознательный выбор и эффективный подход к формированию экологичного образа жизни с меньшим количеством вещей. Чем меньше вещей вокруг, тем больше свободного пространства и времени, тем выше скорость принятия решений, тем более продуктивно проходит наш день. Общество потребления формирует у нас зависимость сначала от покупки, а затем и от хранения вещей. Но как часто то, на что уходят наши трудом заработанные деньги, совсем скоро оказывается на свалке? Избегая ненужных трат, мы не только экономим деньги и время, но и обретаем ясность ума и финансовую стабильность, чтобы плотнее заняться своим здоровьем, образованием и повышение качества жизни. Если вы только задумались о переходе к минималистическому образу жизни и не знаете, с чего начать, Стефани Сефериан познакомит вас с основными принципами экологически ориентированного минимализма и поможет сделать первые шаги в этом направлении. Автор предлагает пошаговый план, основанный на методах и практиках, большинство из которых она успешно применяет сама. Он включает все аспекты организации быта и образа жизни современного человека: от гардероба, детских игрушек и питания до использования пластика, потребления электроэнергии и нового, более экологичного типа мышления. И помните, что есть еще одно огромное преимущество жизни с меньшими затратами, который часто замалчивают (но только не автор этой книги): минимализм – это ключ к сохранению драгоценных ресурсов Земли и в конечном счете – к спасению нашей планеты.

Исполнители: Татьяна Оверченко

Цена: 549 руб.
ISBN: 9785206000054


Экология фанидан амалий маш улот
Экология фанидан амалий машғулот

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 74.06 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-4084-4-9


A Companion to Environmental Geography
A Companion to Environmental Geography

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to Environmental Geography is the first book to comprehensively and systematically map the research frontier of 'human-environment geography' in an accessible and comprehensive way. Cross-cuts several areas of a discipline which has traditionally been seen as divided; presenting work by human and physical geographers in the same volume Presents both the current 'state of the art' research and charts future possibilities for the discipline Extends the term 'environmental geography' beyond its 'traditional' meanings to include new work on nature and environment by human and physical geographers – not just hazards, resources, and conservation geographers Contains essays from an outstanding group of international contributors from among established scholars and rising stars in geography

Цена: 5202.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781444305739


A Decolonial Ecology
A Decolonial Ecology

Автор: Malcom Ferdinand

The world is in the midst of a storm that has shaped the history of modernity along a double fracture: on the one hand, an environmental fracture driven by a technocratic and capitalist civilization that led to the ongoing devastation of the Earth’s ecosystems and its human and non-human communities and, on the other, a colonial fracture instilled by Western colonization and imperialism that resulted in racial slavery and the domination of indigenous peoples and women in particular. In this important new book, Malcom Ferdinand challenges this double fracture, thinking from the Caribbean world. Here, the slave ship reveals the inequalities that continue during the storm: some are shackled inside the hold and even thrown overboard at the first gusts of wind. Drawing on empirical and theoretical work in the Caribbean, Ferdinand conceptualizes a decolonial ecology that holds protecting the environment together with the political struggles against (post)colonial domination, structural racism, and misogynistic practices. Facing the storm, this book is an invitation to build a world-ship where humans and non-humans can live together on a bridge of justice and shape a common world. It will be of great interest to students and scholars in environmental humanities and Latin American and Caribbean studies, as well as anyone interested in ecology, slavery, and (de)colonization.

Цена: 2414.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781509546244


A Field Guide to the Carboniferous Sediments of the Shannon Basin, Western Ireland
A Field Guide to the Carboniferous Sediments of the Shannon Basin, Western Ireland

Автор: Группа авторов

The Carboniferous Shannon Basin of Western Ireland has become one of the most visited field areas in the world. It provides an ideal opportunity for examining a wide range of ancient sedimentary environments, including carbonate shelf, reefs and mud mounds, black shales and phosphates, and a spectrum of deep sea, shallow marine, fluvio-deltaic and alluvial siliciclastic sediments. The area boasts extensive outcrops and some of the most renowned sections through turbidites, large-scale soft sediment deformation features and sediments that display a response to tectonic and sea-level controls. This field guide provides the first synthesis of the principal localities in this area of Western Ireland, and presents an easily accessible handbook that will guide the reader to, and within, a wide range of sedimentary facies, allowing an understanding of the evolving nature of the fill of this Carboniferous basin and the context of its sedimentary and tectonic evolution. The guide summarizes recent and new work in the area by a range of authors and outlines issues of current debate concerning the Shannon Basin and its palaeoenvironmental interpretation. The field guide will find extensive use in teaching and research by academic researchers, professional and amateur geologists, as well as by applied geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers who use these outcrops as analogues for subsurface reservoirs in many areas of the world.

Цена: 5551.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781119257134


Abrupt Climate Change
Abrupt Climate Change

Автор: Группа авторов

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 193. Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Impacts brings together a diverse group of paleoproxy records such as ice cores, marine sediments, terrestrial (lakes and speleothems) archives, and coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models to document recent advances in understanding the mechanisms of abrupt climate changes. Since the discovery of the Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland ice cores and the subsequent discovery of their contemporary events in the marine sediments of the North Atlantic, the search for these abrupt, millennial-scale events across the globe has intensified, and as a result, the number of paleoclimatic records chronicling such events has increased. The volume highlights include discussions of records of past climate variability, meridional overturning circulation, land-ocean-atmosphere interactions, feedbacks in the climate system, and global temperature anomalies. Abrupt Climate Change will be of interest to students, researchers, academics, and policy makers who are concerned about abrupt climate change and its potential impact on society.

Цена: 13459.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118672280


Accounting Best Practices
Accounting Best Practices

Автор: Steven M. Bragg

Praise for previous editions of Accounting Best Practices «For a comprehensive, yet easy-to-read guide to fixing those all-too-common shortcomings in your accounting department, look no further than this excellent book. Steve Bragg provides hundreds of fixes, many of them requiring surprisingly little time or cost while providing a handy guide to common implementation pitfalls. . . . I would recommend this invaluable book to anyone who is looking to enhance their existing processes, whether due to growth in their business, compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley, or just as part of their ongoing improvement process.» —Martyn Webster, CPA, Director of Finance, XenoPort, Inc. «This book is critical to running an efficient and accurate accounting department. The use of RFID technology to track documents is one of many valuable tools in this latest edition. A required read for the demanding accounting manager's role.» —Jason Charet, CPA «I've used Steve Bragg's Accounting Best Practices books for years as a source of ideas for improvement. Like previous editions, this edition has a number of new, actionable best practices as well as refinements of those ideas reported in previous editions. The books are broad enough in their perspective so that nearly any organization could find ideas that could pay back the cost of the book many times over.» —John Temmerman, Controller, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America «What a great resource! I have been in the accounting field for over twenty years, and I was still able to gain insight into improving processes within my office. Thanks for putting it all in one book!» —Tina M. Thomas, CPA, CTP, Controller, Goodman & Company, LLP

Цена: 13163.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118421833


Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils
Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils

Автор: Jay H. Lehr

Provides the tools needed to analyze and solve acid drainage problems Featuring contributions from leading experts in science and engineering, this book explores the complex biogeochemistry of acid mine drainage, rock drainage, and acid sulfate soils. It describes how to predict, prevent, and remediate the environmental impact of acid drainage and the oxidation of sulfides, offering the latest sampling and analytical methods. Moreover, readers will discover new approaches for recovering valuable resources from acid mine drainage, including bioleaching. Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils reviews the most current findings in the field, offering new insights into the underlying causes as well as new tools to minimize the harm of acid drainage: Part I: Causes of Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage and Sulfate Soils focuses on the biogeochemistry of acid drainage in different environments. Part II: Assessment of Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage and Sulfate Soils covers stream characterization, aquatic and biological sampling, evaluation of aquatic resources, and some unusual aspects of sulfide oxidation. Part III: Prediction and Prevention of Acid Drainage discusses acid-base accounting, kinetic testing, block modeling, petrology, and mineralogy studies. It also explains relevant policy and regulations. Part IV: Remediation of Acid Drainage, Rock Drainage and Sulfate Soils examines both passive and active cleanup methods to remediate acid drainage. Case studies from a variety of geologic settings highlight various approaches to analyzing and solving acid drainage problems. Replete with helpful appendices and an extensive list of web resources, Acid Mine Drainage, Rock Drainage, and Acid Sulfate Soils is recommended for mining engineers and scientists, regulatory officials, environmental scientists, land developers, and students.

Цена: 16323.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781118749128


Act now! - Reflexionen in existenziellen Zeiten (Ungek?rzt)
Act now! - Reflexionen in existenziellen Zeiten (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Martin Rees

Исполнители: Walter Sittler

Цена: 789.16 руб.
ISBN: 4251888714732


Air Pollution, Clean Energy and Climate Change
Air Pollution, Clean Energy and Climate Change

Автор: Anilla Cherian

AIR POLLUTION, CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Anthropogenic climate change is a globally recognized threat multiplier. Yet, decades of intergovernmental negotiations have failed to curb toxic levels of fossil fuel energy-related air pollution which the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified as the world's largest, single environmental health risk. Lying in plain view are the troubling truths about the morbidity and ill-health burdens associated with anthropogenic climate change that are borne by those who have done the least to contribute to per capita emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. Ignoring the nexus between air pollution, lack of access to clean energy and climate adversities represents a collective failure of the UN's ambitious, universally agreed upon 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDA) which pledged ' to leave no one behind '. This book highlights the air pollution crisis that emanates from the heavy reliance on polluting forms of energy and the urbanization of poverty in developing countries. It provides a framework for understanding why the broader sustainable development community needs to address the more neglected intersection between adverse climatic impacts and energy-related air pollution which devastates the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us, especially young children, women and the elderly. It focuses on the importance of breaking down persistent global silos and goals on sustainable energy for all, and climate change reflected in the UN's 2030 SDA, and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Integrating clean air and climate mitigation measures that specifically include curbing short lived climate pollutants such as black carbon via innovative partnerships/modalities are seen as vital to clean energy and climate responsive action. This book argues that linked actions by non-nation state actors aimed at reducing air pollution and ameliorating short term climate pollutants in the most populous cities, particularly in countries like India where annual average particulate matter pollution levels consistently exceed WHO guidelines are essential in reducing grave health costs and disease burdens. Air Pollution, Clean Energy and Climate Change will be of particular interest to policy makers, researchers, environmental advocates, civil society stakeholders and practitioners who want to understand the urgency of addressing linkages between climate change, fossil fuel energy, air pollution and public health risks. The cover image is an oil painting by Anilla Cherian, which incorporates tree bark and twigs, and serves as a reminder of the daily energy sources used by millions who lack access to clean energy and are exposed to high levels of household air pollution. It is the second-part of a series, with the first one serving as the cover image to Energy and Global Climate Change (Cherian, 2015). Photograph of painting by Alison Sheehy Photography.

Цена: 13376.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781119771609


Airport Engineering
Airport Engineering

Автор: Saleh Mumayiz

First published in 1979, Airport Engineering by Ashford and Wright, has become a classic textbook in the education of airport engineers and transportation planners. Over the past twenty years, construction of new airports in the US has waned as construction abroad boomed. This new edition of Airport Engineering will respond to this shift in the growth of airports globally, with a focus on the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), while still providing the best practices and tested fundamentals that have made the book successful for over 30 years.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118005293


An Introduction to Human-Environment Geography
An Introduction to Human-Environment Geography

Автор: William G. Moseley

This introductory level text explores various theoretical approaches to human-environment geography, demonstrating how local dynamics and global processes influence how we interact with our environments. Introduces students to fundamental concepts in environmental geography and science Explores the core theoretical traditions within the field, along with major thematic issues such as population, food and agriculture, and water resources Offers an engaging and unique view of the spatial relationships between humans and their environment across geographical locations around the world Includes a variety of real-world policy questions and emphasizes geography’s strong tradition of field work by featuring prominent nature-society geographers in guest field notes

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781118241004


Antenna Design for Mobile Devices
Antenna Design for Mobile Devices

Автор: Zhijun Zhang

Expanded and updated, this practical guide is a one-stop design reference containing all an engineer needs when designing antennas Integrates state-of-the-art technologies with a special section for step-by-step antenna design Features up-to-date bio-safety and electromagnetic compatibility regulation compliance and latest standards Newly updated with MIMO antenna design, measurements and requirements Accessible to readers of many levels, from introductory to specialist Written by a practicing expert who has hired and trained numerous engineers

Цена: 13376.22 руб.
ISBN: 9781119132356


Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation
Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation

Автор: Группа авторов

The book advances knowledge about climate change adaptation practices through a series of case studies. It presents important evidence about adaptation practices in agriculture, businesses, the coastal zone, community services, disaster management, ecosystems, indigneous populations, and settlements and infrastructure. In addition to 38 case studies across these sectors, the book contains horizon-scoping essays from international experts in adaptation research, including Hallie Eakin, Susanne Moser, Jonathon Overpeck, Bill Solecki, and Gary Yohe. Australia’s social-ecological systems have a long history of adapting to climate variability and change, and in recent decades has been a world-leader in implementing and researching adaptation, making this book of universal relevance to all those working to adapt our environment and societies to climate change.

Цена: 11671.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781118845059


Bennett s Cardiac Arrhythmias
Bennett's Cardiac Arrhythmias

Автор: David H. Bennett

Reviews of previous editions: «…a well conceived practical guide to the interpretation and treatment of the main cardiac rhythm disturbances.» —Lancet «This book presents a concise and simplified approach to the diagnosis and management of abnormalities in cardiac rhythm.... One of the book's strengths is the number and quality of electrocardiographic tracings» —New England Journal of Medicine «…this book provides an excellent foundation for all those involved in the care of arrhythmia patients» —British Journal of Hospital Medicine «…would recommend it unreservedly to anaesthetists who wish to improve their knowledge of cardiac arrhythmias» —British Journal of Anaesthesia «This book about cardiac arrhythmias is of much educational value» —European Heart Journal A trusted source for junior doctors, students, nurses and cardiac technicians for over 30 years, the new edition of this classic reference continues the winning formula of previous editions while at the same time incorporating essential new content on today's most important clinical topics, including: Atrial fibrillation: ablation, drugs, rate control versus rhythm control, risk of systemic embolism, prognosis Indications for and management of implantable defibrillators including complications such as arrhythmia storms Indications for pacemaker implantation Anticoagulant therapy (for atrial fibrillation) Long QT syndromes and other channelopathies Recently-approved anti-arrhythmia drugs The 8th edition also features the latest guidelines on ECG screening of athletes and clear guidance for anaesthetists and surgeons dealing with patients with arrhythmias an/or implantable devices. Rich with example ECGs and designed for ease of access to information, Bennett's Cardiac Arrhythmias is the reference you can trust to help you master arrhythmia diagnosis and provide optimal treatment of any patient under your care.

Цена: 3900.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118432402


Bienenleben - Vom Gl?ck, Teil der Natur zu sein (Gek?rzt)
Bienenleben - Vom Gl?ck, Teil der Natur zu sein (Gek?rzt)

Автор: Sarah Wiener

"Am Schicksal der Bienen ist all das zu beobachten, was das Beziehungsgeflecht Mensch – Tier – Pflanze ausmacht." Sarah Wiener. Sarah Wiener, K?chin, Nachhaltigkeitsikone, Biob?uerin, Imkerin entf?hrt uns in die faszinierende Welt der Bienen, die ein ma?geblicher Indikator f?r die Gesundheit unseres Lebensraumes sind. Ihr Credo: Bienenv?lker sind komplexe Pers?nlichkeiten, sie verf?gen ?ber spezifische Charaktere und Eigenschaften, und sie k?nnen uns lehren, wie ein funktionierendes Gemeinwesen mit Werten wie Solidarit?t, Vertrauen, Arbeitsteilung und Demokratie entsteht. Sarah Wiener nimmt uns mit auf eine abenteuerliche Reise durch den Lebenszyklus eines Bienenvolkes und beschreibt, welche Bedeutung das Imkern und die Besch?ftigung mit den Bienen f?r sie haben.

Исполнители: Ulrike Kapfer

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9783945733905


Biomolecular Engineering Solutions for Renewable Specialty Chemicals
Biomolecular Engineering Solutions for Renewable Specialty Chemicals

Автор: Группа авторов

Исполнители: Paula Jai Parker

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119771937


Biosorption for Wastewater Contaminants
Biosorption for Wastewater Contaminants

Автор: Группа авторов

Pollution due to various anthropogenic activities continues to increase. In terms of water pollutants, organic and inorganic pollutants are the most problematic. Although several measures have been proposed and implemented to prevent or reduce contamination, their increased concentration in water bodies has created serious concerns. Over the years, the problem has been aggravated by industrialization, urbanization and the exploitation of natural resources. The direct discharge of wastewater contaminants and their geographical mobilization have caused an increase in concentration in ground, surface, fluvial and residual waters. Extensive information about detection and disposal methods is needed in order to develop technological solutions for a ­variety of environments, both urban and rural. This book provides up-to-date information on wastewater contaminants, aimed at researchers, engineers and technologists working in this field. Conventional physicochemical techniques used to remove contaminants from wastewater include ion exchange, precipitation, degradation, coagulation, coating, membrane processes and adsorption. However, these applications have technological and economic limitations, and involve the release of large amounts of chemical reagents and by-products that are themselves difficult to remove. Biosorption – the use of organically generated material as an adsorbent – is attracting new research and scholarship. Thermally-treated calcined biomaterials may be treated to remove heavy metals from wastewater. To ensure the elimination of these contaminants, existing solutions must be integrated with intelligent biosorption functions. Biosorption for Wastewater Contaminants will find an appreciative audience among academics and postgraduates working in the fields of environmental biotechnology, environmental engineering, wastewater treatment technology and environmental chemistry.

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: 15720.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119737612


Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future
Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future

Автор: Группа авторов

Explore the state-of-the-art in biosurfactant technology and its applications in environmental remediation, biomedicine, and biotechnology  Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future  explores recent developments in biosurfactants and their use in a variety of cutting-edge applications. The book opens a window on the rapid development of microbiology by explaining how microbes and their products are used in advanced medical technology and in the sustainable remediation of emerging environmental contaminants.  The book emphasizes the different techniques that are used for the production of biosurfactants from microorganisms and their characterization. Various aspects of biosurfactants, including structural characteristics, developments, production, bio-economics and their sustainable use in the environment and biomedicine, are addressed, and the book also presents metagenomic strategies to facilitate the discovery of novel biosurfactants producing microorganisms. Readers will benefit from the inclusion of:  A thorough introduction to the state-of-the-art in biosurfactant technology, techniques, and applications An exploration of biosurfactant enhanced remediation of sediments contaminated with organics and inorganics A discussion of perspectives for biomedical and biotechnological applications of biosurfactants A review of the antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibiofilm potential of biosurfactants against multi-drug-resistant pathogens. An examination of biosurfactant-inspired control of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus Perfect for academic researchers and scientists working in the petrochemical industry, pharmaceutical industry, and in the agroindustry,  Biosurfactants for a Sustainable Future  will also earn a place in the libraries of scientists working in environmental biotechnology, environmental science, and biomedical engineering.

Цена: 21401.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119671053


Climate Change For Dummies
Climate Change For Dummies

Автор: Elizabeth May

Master the hottest—and most chilling—topic in the world today More and more frequent extreme weather events occur each year, and wildlife everywhere is increasingly endangered. Science fiction or science fact, most climate experts see this as our world on climate change—and, according to polls, a majority of people around the globe agree. Climate Change For Dummies allows you to investigate this hottest of hotly debated issues for yourself—examining its causes, the way it affects our lives, and what we can all do to make a difference. This straightforward guide—cowritten by the former leader of Canada's Green Party and the Canadian Chief of Staff to the Minister of Natural Resources—sifts the fact from the fiction: Is climate change caused by human activity or by natural elements beyond our control? What contribution can clean energy make? What are our best and worst-case scenarios? What are the likely long- and short-term effects? How can human activity can impact the environment? Can individuals and governments help reverse the possible effects? Which are the best sources of cleaner energy? With the IPCC predicting a 2.5–10°F warming over the next century, this complex subject will be making temperatures soar for years to come—on both sides of the debate. Climate Change For Dummies is the ideal tool to navigate these increasingly choppy waters—and to make an informed difference where you can.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119703129


Climate Governance in the Developing World
Climate Governance in the Developing World

Автор: David Held

Since 2009, a diverse group of developing states that includes China, Brazil, Ethiopia and Costa Rica has been advancing unprecedented pledges to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, offering new, unexpected signs of climate leadership. Some scholars have gone so far as to argue that these targets are now even more ambitious than those put forward by their wealthier counterparts. But what really lies behind these new pledges? What actions are being taken to meet them? And what stumbling blocks lie in the way of their realization? In this book, an international group of scholars seeks to address these questions by analyzing the experiences of twelve states from across Asia, the Americas and Africa. The authors map the evolution of climate policies in each country and examine the complex array of actors, interests, institutions and ideas that has shaped their approaches. Offering the most comprehensive analysis thus far of the unique challenges that developing countries face in the domain of climate change, Climate Governance in the Developing World reveals the political, economic and environmental realities that underpin the pledges made by developing states, and which together determine the chances of success and failure.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9780745678740


Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119793380


Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management
Climate Impacts on Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Автор: Группа авторов

CLIMATE IMPACTS ON SUSTAINABLE NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Climate change has emerged as one of the predominant global concerns of the 21st century. Statistics show that the average surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 1.18°C since the late 19th century and the sea levels are rising due to the melting of glaciers. Further rise in the global temperature will have dire consequences for the survival of humans on the planet Earth. There is a need to monitor climatic data and associated drivers of changes to develop sustainable planning. The anthropogenic activities that are linked to climate change need scientific evaluation and must be curtailed before it is too late. This book contributes significantly in the field of sustainable natural resource management linked to climate change. Up to date research findings from developing and developed countries like India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the USA have been presented through selected case studies covering different thematic areas. The book has been organised into six major themes of sustainable natural resource management, determinants of forest productivity, agriculture and climate change, water resource management and riverine health, climate change threat on natural resources, and linkages between natural resources and biotic-abiotic stressors to develop the concept and to present the findings in a way that is useful for a wide range of readers. While the range of applications and innovative techniques is constantly increasing, this book provides a summary of findings to provide the updated information. This book will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental sciences, remote sensing, geographical information system, meteorology, sociology and policy studies related to natural resource management and climate change.

Цена: 20076.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781119793397


Clinical Arrhythmology
Clinical Arrhythmology

Автор: Antoni Bay?s de Luna

The second edition of Clinical Arrhythmology provides a fresh, clear, and authoritative overview that will guide readers from a solid understanding of the mechanisms behind cardiac arrhythmias – which is fundamental to their identification – to diagnosis via electrocardiograms and other tools, to specific management options for each of the arrhythmias that cardiologists and other clinicians will encounter in clinical practice. Organized in a clear, intuitive manner; introducing the reader to an understanding of the anatomical and electrophysiological bases of arrhythmias, then to a comprehensive review of how to diagnose the full range of rhythmic abnormalities, and then to a discussion of specific clinical syndromes in which arrhythmias play a part Highly illustrated chapters ensure key concepts are simpler to understand Detailed appendices provide quick reference values for diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and pharmacotherapeutic agents, and Recommendations

Цена: 16560.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119212836


Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy

Автор: Ingrid Sochting

With coverage of the latest theory and research, this is a complete guide to implementing cognitive behavioral group therapy for practitioners and trainees in a range of mental health disciplines. Presents evidence-based protocols for depression, panic, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, posttraumatic stress, OCD, compulsive hoarding, psychosis, and addiction Provides innovative solutions for achieving efficient, effective therapy as mandated by emerging health care priorities, as well as trouble-shoots for common problems such as dropouts Details unique strategies for working with ethnic minorities and clients across the age spectrum, along with material on mindfulness augmentation and transdiagnostic approaches Includes clear, accessible instructions, complete with references to DSM-5 diagnostic changes, real-life clinical examples, and group session transcripts

Цена: 5794.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118510278


Coin Collecting For Dummies
Coin Collecting For Dummies

Автор: Neil S. Berman

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119862680


Compendium of Biophysics
Compendium of Biophysics

Автор: Andrey B. Rubin

Following up on his first book, Fundementals of Biophysics, the author, a well-known scientist in this area, builds on that foundation by offering the biologist or scientist an advanced, comprehensive coverage of biophysics. Structuring the book into four major parts, he thoroughly covers the biophysics of complex systems, such as the kinetics and thermodynamic processes of biological systems, in the first part. The second part is dedicated to molecular biophysics, such as biopolymers and proteins, and the third part is on the biophysics of membrane processes. The final part is on photobiological processes. This ambitious work is a must-have for the veteran biologist, scientist, or chemist working in this field, and for the novice or student, who is interested in learning about biophysics. It is an emerging field, becoming increasingly more important, the more we learn about and develop the science. No library on biophysics is complete without this text and its precursor, both available from Wiley-Scrivener.

Цена: 26207.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781119160267


Conservation Criminology
Conservation Criminology

Автор: Группа авторов

This important new text introduces conservation criminology as the interdisciplinary study of environmental exploitation and risks at the intersection of human and natural systems. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the book enhances understanding of the various human and organizational behaviors that pose risks to the environment, humans, and drive conservation crime. As human population growth, global market economies, climate change, deforestation, and illegal exploitation of natural resources continue to increase, academic research from numerous disciplines is needed to address these challenges. Conservation Criminology promotes thinking about how unsustainable natural resources exploitation is a cause and a consequence of social conflict. Case studies profiled in the book demonstrate this cause and effect type situation, as well as innovative approaches for reducing risks to people and the environment. This text encourages readers to consider how humans behave in response to environmental risks and the various mechanisms that constitute effective and ineffective approaches to enforcement of wildlife crimes, including environmental and conservation policy. Case studies from the USA, Latin America, Africa, and Asia highlight corruption in conservation, global trade in electronic waste, illegal fishing, illegal logging, human-wildlife conflict, technology and space, water insecurity, wildlife disease, and wildlife poaching. Taken together, chapters expand the reader’s perspective and employ tools to understand and address environmental crimes and risks, and to provide novel empirical evidence for positive change. With established contributors providing interdisciplinary and global perspectives, this book establishes a foundation for the emerging field of conservation criminology.

Цена: 8369.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118935491


Continuous Functions
Continuous Functions

Автор: Jacques Simon

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119777236


Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis
Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis

Автор: Группа авторов

This book reflects the increasing interest among the chemical synthetic community in the area of asymmetric copper-catalyzed reactions, and introduces readers to the latest, most significant developments in the field. The contents are organized according to reaction type and cover mechanistic and spectroscopic aspects as well as applications in the synthesis of natural products. A whole chapter is devoted to understanding how primary organometallics interact with copper to provide selective catalysts for allylic substitution and conjugate addition, both of which are treated in separate chapters. Another is devoted to the variety of substrates and experimental protocols, while an entire chapter covers the use on non-carbon nucleophiles. Other chapters deal with less-known reactions, such as carbometallation or the additions to imines and related systems, while the more established reactions cyclopropanation and aziridination as well as the use of copper (II) Lewis acids are warranted their own special chapters. Two further chapters concern the processes involved, as determined by mechanistic studies. Finally, a whole chapter is devoted to the synthetic applications. This is essential reading for researchers at academic institutions and professionals at pharmaceutical or agrochemical companies.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527664603


Death of a Traveller
Death of a Traveller

Автор: Didier Fassin

It is a simple story. A 37-year-old man belonging to the Traveller community is shot dead by a special unit of the French police on the family farm where he was hiding since he failed to return to prison after temporary release. The officers claim self-defense. The relatives, present at the scene, contest that claim. A case is opened, and it concludes with a dismissal that is upheld on appeal. Dismayed by these decisions, the family continues the struggle for truth and justice. Giving each account of the event the same credit, Didier Fassin conducts a counter-investigation, based on the re-examination of all the available details and on the interviews of its protagonists. A critical reflection on the work of police forces, the functioning of the justice system, and the conditions that make such tragedies possible and seldom punished, Death of a Traveller  is also an attempt to restore to these marginalized communities what they are usually denied: respectability.

Цена: 2084.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781509547425


Deep Adaptation
Deep Adaptation

Автор: Группа авторов

‘Deep adaptation’ refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for – and live with – a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives. They do not assume that our current economic, social and political systems can be made resilient in the face of climate change but, instead, they demonstrate the caring and creative ways that people are responding to the most difficult realization with which humanity may ever have to come to terms. Edited by the originator of the concept of deep adaptation, Jem Bendell, and a leading climate activist and strategist, Rupert Read, this book is the essential introduction to the concept, practice and emerging global movement of Deep Adaptation to climate chaos.

Цена: 2006.43 руб.
ISBN: 9781509546855


Die letzte Bl?te Roms
Die letzte Bl?te Roms

Автор: Peter Heather

Das Westr?mische Reich ist untergegangen. Das Ostr?mische Reich unterliegt im Krieg gegen die Perser, der Nika-Aufstand 532 n. Chr. st?rzt das Reich innenpolitisch in die Krise, Konstantinopel, die kaiserliche Hauptstadt, liegt in Schutt und Asche. Wie kommt es aus dieser verfahrenen Situation heraus zur letzten Bl?te Roms, zur gr??ten Ausdehnung des Reichs im 6. Jahrhundert? Peter Heather erz?hlt meisterhaft die Geschichte einer Umbruchzeit. Zwischen Antike und Mittelalter, zwischen Rom und Byzanz manifestiert sie sich vor allem in der Herrschaft eines Kaisers, der als Bauernsohn ein sozialer Aufsteiger war und sich selbst als „Herrscher von Gottes Gnaden“ verstand. Justinian (reg. 527-568) eroberte Nordafrika und Italien, Bauwerke wie die Hagia Sophia in Istanbul oder San Vitale in Ravenna gehen ebenso auf ihn zur?ck wie der Codex Iustinianus. Am Ende aber bleibt die Frage, wie hoch der Preis f?r Roms letzte Bl?te war.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783534746620


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