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симликлар касалликлари ва зараркунандаларига арши кураш
Ўсимликлар касалликлари ва зараркунандаларига қарши кураш

Автор: Равшан Аюпов

Ушбу китобчада ўсимликларнинг касалликлари ва зараркунандаларига қарши кураш масалалари хар бир сабзавот ва ўсимлик турига мос равишда келтирилган. Унда сабзавот ва ўсимликларнинг асосий касалликлари ва зараркунандалари, касалланган ўсимликларнинг ташқи кўриниши ва белгилари, зараркунандаларнинг турлари ва бошқа фойдали маълумотлар келтирилган. Турли хил ўсимликларни касаллик ва зараркунандалардан қандай қилиб химоя қилиш мумкинлиги хамда бунда қандай кимёвий дорилардан фойдаланиш муаммолари ҳам батафсил кўриб ўтилган. Китобча барча қишлоқ хўжалигида банд бўлган меҳнаткаш инсонлар, шаҳсий томорқа эгалари, деҳқон-фермерлар ва бу иш билан қизиққан ватандошларимизга мўлжалланган. Унда бошқа маълумотлар билан бир қаторда касаллик ва зараркунандаларга қарши аёвсиз курашнинг агротехник, механик, биологик, кимёвий ва бошқа антиқа усуллари ҳам келтирилган. Ушбу китобчада аниқ кўрсатмалар сифатида келтирилган кўпчилик маълумотлар касаллик ва зараркунандалар безор қилган томорқа эгалари ва дала ховлисида сабзавот махсулотлари етиштиришни орзу қилганлар билан бир қаторда янги тузилган фермер хўжаликлари рахбарлари ва хизматчилари учун ҳам ўсимлик ва сабзавотларнинг касалликлари хамда зараркунандаларига қарши самарадор курашиш учун фойдали маълумотлар манбаи бўлиши мумкин.

Цена: 75.51 руб.


симликлар номларининг ис ача лу ати
Ўсимликлар номларининг қисқача луғати

Автор: Равшан Аюпов

Ushbu kitobda bir qancha shifobaxsh giyohlarning rasmlari va ularning o'zbekcha hamda ruscha nomlari keltirilgan. Lug'at barcha uchun ochiq bo'lgan internet manba'lari asosida tayyorlangan bo'lib, siz ularni o'zingizga mos ravishda kengaytirishnigiz, qo'shmcha ma'lumotlar bilan to'ldirishingiz mumkin. Agar bu lug'atda siz bilgan ko'pgina ma'lumotlar yo'q bo'lsa, ayni muddao – siz bu nodir malumotlarni ham qo'shgan holda lug'atni yangi nashrga tayyorlashingiz mumkin, chunki bu ko'pchilik uchun ayni kutilgan sovg'a bo'lgan bo'lar edi.

Цена: 165.93 руб.


Ватан шаъни
Ватан шаъни

Автор: Хидир Чоршанбиев

Цена: 75.51 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-08-723-1


Картошка етиштириш, са лаш ва айта ишлаш
Картошка етиштириш, сақлаш ва қайта ишлаш

Автор: Равшан Аюпов

Ушбу китобчада инсонларнинг энг севиб истеъмол қиладиган сабзавот маҳсулоти – картошка хақида қизиқарли ва фойдали маълумотлар берилган. Картошканинг бир қанча навлари, унинг кимёвий таркиби, озуқа сифатидаги қиймати, биологик ва дориворлик хусусиятлари қисқача келтирилган. Ундан ташқари китобчада картошканинг агротехникаси масалалари, уни сақлашнинг оддий ва хаммабоп усуллари, ўсимликнинг ривожланишини тезлаштиришга имкон берадиган препаратлар хамда усуллар, картошкани касаллик ва зараркунандалардан қандай қилиб ҳимоя қилиш мумкинлиги батафсил кўриб ўтилган. Китобча барча қишлоқ хўжалигида банд бўлган инсонлар, томорқа эгалари, фермерлар ва бу иш билан қизиққанларга мўлжалланган. Ушбу китобчада картошка экиш ва парваришлашнинг кўпчилик биладиган ва билмайдиган бир қанча сир-асрорлари келтирилади ва у томорқа эгалари хамда дала ховлида сабзавот маҳсулотларини етиштиришни орзу килганлар билан бир қаторда фермер хўжаликлари учун хам фойдали маълумотлар манбаъи бўлиши мумкин. Агар сиз сабзавотлардан юқори ва сифатли хосил олиб, фаровонликка эришишни истасангиз – демак, бу китоб худди сиз учун!

Цена: 75.51 руб.


Малышка на 1/2 миллиона. Сушку в массы!
Малышка на 1/2 миллиона. Сушку в массы!

Автор: Петр Агеев

Петр рассказал о том, кто такая малышка, и как она может нам помочь с сушкой зерна.

Цена: 26 руб.


Му иддин Дарвеш. исса ва ангомалар
Муҳиддин Дарвеш. Қисса ва ҳангомалар

Автор: Саид Анвар

Пулингизни ўмариб, унга ўзидан анча-мунча қўшиб, яна чўнта- гингизга солиб қўйган ўғрини ҳеч учратганмисиз? Муҳиддин қизиқ Дарвешов ана шунақа оммадан «ўғирлаб», чўнтагидан жиндай қўшиб халқнинг ўзига қайтарадиган «ўғри» эди. Ушбу китоб орқали ана шу машҳур "киссавурянинг ўғриликларидан кенг хабардор бўласиз. Шу билан бирга унинг болалигида кечган воқеалар, устозлари ва замондошлари билан юз берган ҳангомалар билан танишасиз.

Цена: 143.18 руб.


Общее земледелие
Общее земледелие

Автор: Саиджон Сидиков

Учебное пособие «Общее земледелие» содержит теоретические и практические основы дисциплины, в котором представлены описание и характеристика научных основ земледелия, сорняков и мер борьбы с ними, системы севооборотов, обработки почвы, семена, их качество и посев, современных систем земледелия. Раскрыта сущность и механизм формирования земледелия как самостоятельная наука в области современного почвоведения.Учебное пособие предназначено для подготовки бакалавров по направлениям 5141000-Почвоведение и 5410100-Агрохимия и агропочвоведение.

Цена: 156.61 руб.


Охрана почв. Учебник
Охрана почв. Учебник

Автор: Виталий Игоревич Савич

В учебнике изложены основные причины деградации почв и способы их охраны и оптимизации обстановки при разном уровне интенсификации сельскохозяйственного производства. Акцентировано внимание на проблемных ситуациях и не решенных пока вопросах, связанных с плодородием почв. Охрана почв повышает экологическую и экономическую эффективность использования земель. Предназначен для обучения широкого круга специалистов в области почвоведения, агрохимии, земледелия, экологии, землеустройства и стоимостной оценки земель.

Цена: 818 руб.
ISBN: 9785392213658


Патофизиология сельскохозяйственных культур. Учебное пособие
Патофизиология сельскохозяйственных культур. Учебное пособие

Автор: Евгений Иванович Кошкин

В учебном пособии рассмотрены нарушения физиологических процессов у растений под действием биотических и абиотических факторов, оценена их роль в формировании урожая и его качества. Приведены визуальные симптомы некоторых наиболее распространенных заболеваний. Изложены сведения о биохимии иммунитета растений. Особое внимание уделено использованию физиологических показателей в селекции на урожайность и качество урожая растений при патогенезе. Дано физиологическое обоснование некоторых приемов химической защиты растений от болезней и вредителей, показаны возможности использования для этих целей индукторов устойчивости. Приведены данные по генетической инженерии полевых культур с целью повышения устойчивости к инфекционным и неинфекционным заболеваниям. Предназначено для студентов агрономических специальностей, обучающихся по программам магистратуры, а также аспирантов, преподавателей, научных сотрудников, работников сельского хозяйства.

Цена: 1224 руб.
ISBN: 9785392189762


Помидор етиштириш ва айта ишлаш
Помидор етиштириш ва қайта ишлаш

Автор: Равшан Аюпов

Ўз боғи ёки ер майдони ҳақида орзу қилмайдиган инсонни учратиш амри маҳол. Айниқса, ерга интилиш ёш ўтгандан сўнг билиниб қолади. Ер майдони кичик бўлса ҳам, унда ниманидир ўз меҳнати орқали меҳр билан ўстириш ва уни оила аъзолари билан истеъмол қилиш ҳар қандай инсонга жуда катта маънавий хузур бағишлайди. Томорқа майдонларида ўстириладиган ўсимликларнинг ичида тарқалиши жиҳатидан энг олдинги ўринлардан бирида турувчи помидор деб айтсак, ҳеч ҳам янглишмаган бўлар эдик. Помидор барча севиб истеъмол қиладиган тўйимли ва мазали сабзавот туридир. Унинг таркибида биологик жиҳатдан қимматли моддалар (витаминлар, кислоталар, қанд) ва минерал тузлар бор. Ушбу китобчада помидор экиш ва парваришлашнинг бир қанча сир асрорлари келтирилади ва у томорқа эгалари ҳамда далаховлида сабзавот маҳсулотларини етиштиришни орзу қилганлар билан бир қаторда фермер хўжаликлари учун ҳам фойдали маълумотлар манбаъи бўлиши мумкин.

Цена: 75.51 руб.


Проблемы судебной практики в сфере корпоративного и коммерческого оборота. Монография
Проблемы судебной практики в сфере корпоративного и коммерческого оборота. Монография

Автор: Алексей Валерьевич Щеголев

В книге рассматриваются вопросы ответственности руководителя организации в форме возмещения убытков в гражданско-правовых отношениях, правовые последствия заключения сделок от имени руководителя организации. На основе анализа гражданского законодательства об уступке права требования (цессии) рассматриваются новеллы регулирования цессии и особенности совершения цессии неустойки в договорах долевого участия в строительстве, вопросы судебной практики в вещных и обязательственных правоотношениях, взыскания убытков при изъятии земельных участков для публичных нужд. Анализируется судебная практика в ходе несостоятельности (банкротства) организаций, посвященная текущим платежам, подозрительным сделкам, привлечению к субсидиарной ответственности руководителя организации. Особый акцент сделан на необходимости учета прав добросовестных участников гражданского оборота в судебной практике. Широко представлена практика Конституционного Суда РФ, Верховного Суда РФ, арбитражных судов округов. Законодательство и судебная практика представлены по состоянию на август 2015 г. Книга предназначена для судей, адвокатов, корпоративных юристов, ученых-цивилистов, будет полезна всем интересующимся проблемами судебной практики в современном гражданском обороте.

Цена: 214 руб.
ISBN: 9785392204205


Роль лесонасаждений в охране водных ресурсов
Роль лесонасаждений в охране водных ресурсов

Автор: А. Досахметов

Другие соавторы: Л.А.КаримоваНа основе многолетних комплексных (лесомелиоративных, эколого-лесоводственных и гидрологических) исследований дан анализ влияния лесонасаждений на режим грунтовых вод вдоль оросительных каналов в земляном русле и в бетонной облицовке, интенсивность их заиления, и на распределение солей в почвогрунтах и грунтовых водах. Показана роль насаждений в защите берегов водохранилищ от разрушения и загрязнения агрохимикатами и продуктами эрозии почв. Приведены рекомендации по технологии создания защитных насаждений вокруг водных объектов и их размещению в зависимости от типа лесорастительных условий и биологических особенностей древесных пород.Расчитана на научных и инженерно-технических работников в области лесного, водного и сельского хозяйства, экологии, студентов и преподавателей ВУЗов.

Цена: 116.9 руб.
ISBN: 978–9943–10–801–1


Ча ало ингиз со лом б лишини истайсизми?
Чақалоғингиз соғлом бўлишини истайсизми?

Автор: Равшан Аюпов

Хар бир ота-она ўз фарзандининг ақлли, чиройли ва соғлом бўлишини орзу қилади. Биз мамлакатимизда оналар ва келажагимиз гарови бўлган болалар саломатлигини сақлаш учун барча шарт-шароитлар хамда имкониятлар яратилганлиги билан ҳақли равишда фахрланамиз. Боланинг келажаги ота-онасининг хаёт тарзи, руҳий холати ва соғлиғига боғлиқ бўлади. Агар ота ёки она касал бўлса, бу боланинг соғлигига ҳам салбий таъсир кўрсатиши мумкин. Шунинг учун ҳам турмуш қуришдан олдин барча келин-куёвлар медицина назоратидан ўтадилар ва соғ-саломат эканликлари исбот этилгандан сўнггина турмуш қурадилар. Ота-онанинг ирсий касалликлари ва насл-насаби ҳам боланинг соғлом туғилишига таъсир қилади. Ичкиликка берилиш ва турли хил тамаки маҳсулотларини истеъмол қилиш ҳам бўлажак фарзандингизнинг соғлигига салбий таъсир қилади. Масалан, спиртли ичкиликларни кўп ичадиган ота-оналарнинг болаларида мия касалликлари, бўғимларнинг яхши ривожланмаганлиги, рухий касалликлар, Даун касаллиги ва бошқалар учраши мумкин. Бундай ота-оналарнинг болалари ёшлигида кўринишдан соғлом бўлсаларда, касаллик бола каттароқ бўлганида пайдо бўлиши ҳам мумкин. Хомиладорлик яхши ўтиши учун айллар биринчи навбатда гинеколог врачга учрашишлари шарт. «Тажрибали» қўни-қўшни ва қариндошларнинг маслаҳатларига кириб, ножўя ишлар қилиб қўйишдан сақланган маъқул. Сизнинг энг яхши маслаҳатчингиз – аёллар маслаҳатхонаси врачидир. У хар бир хомиладор аёлни доимий равишда кузатади, унинг организми хусусиятларини ҳисобга олган холда овқатланиш, тиббий кўрикдан ўтиш, турли хил муолажалар олиш хамда даволаш гимнастикалари билан шуғулланишда сизга яқиндан ёрдам беради. Хомиладорлик пайтида врач назоратисиз хеч қандай дорилар ёки қандайдир сунъий препаратлар қабул қилиш мумкин эмас. Чунки энди сиз нафақат ўзингизнинг, балки болангизнинг соғлиги учун ҳам масъулдирсиз. Хомиладор аёл учун салбий эмоциялар ҳам жуда зарарли ҳисобланади, чунки асаббузарлик шароити хомилага ҳам жиддий ва салбий таъсир қилади. Ушбу масала ва муаммоларнинг купчилиги бахоли-кудрат ушбу китобчада ёритилган.

Цена: 84.4 руб.


A Concise Guide to Clinical Trials
A Concise Guide to Clinical Trials

Автор: Allan Hackshaw

Clinical trials have revolutionized the way disease is prevented, detected and treated, and early death avoided, and they continue to be an expanding area of research. They are central to the work of pharmaceutical companies, and there are many academic and public sector organizations that conduct trials on a wide variety of interventions, including drugs, devices, surgical techniques, and changes in behaviour and lifestyle. A Concise Guide to Clinical Trials provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-read overview of the design, conduct and analysis of trials. It requires no prior knowledge on the subject as the important concepts are introduced throughout. There are chapters that distinguish between the different types of trials, and an introduction to systematic reviews, health-related quality of life and health economic evaluation. The book also covers the ethical and legal requirements in setting up a clinical trial due to an increase in governance responsibilities and regulations. This practical guidebook is ideal for busy clinicians and other health professionals who do not have enough time to attend courses or search through extensive textbooks. It will help anyone involved in undertaking clinical research, or those reading about trials. The book is aimed at: Those wishing to learn about clinical trials for the first time, or as a quick reference guide, for example as part of a taught course on clinical trials Health professionals who wish to conduct their own trials, or participate in other people’s studies People who work in pharmaceutical companies, grant funding organisations, or regulatory agencies

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9781444311716


A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV
A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV

Автор: Kenneth Dawson-Howe

Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developers to make use of this field due to the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV 2). This text is intended to facilitate the practical use of computer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between the theory and the practical implementation of computer vision. The book will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV library routines and will be accompanied by a full working program including the code snippets from the text. This textbook is a heavily illustrated, practical introduction to an exciting field, the applications of which are becoming almost ubiquitous. We are now surrounded by cameras, for example cameras on computers & tablets/ cameras built into our mobile phones/ cameras in games consoles; cameras imaging difficult modalities (such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRI) in hospitals, and surveillance cameras. This book is concerned with helping the next generation of computer developers to make use of all these images in order to develop systems which are more intuitive and interact with us in more intelligent ways. Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Offers an introduction to computer vision, with enough theory to make clear how the various algorithms work but with an emphasis on practical programming issues Provides enough material for a one semester course in computer vision at senior undergraduate and Masters levels Includes the basics of cameras and images and image processing to remove noise, before moving on to topics such as image histogramming; binary imaging; video processing to detect and model moving objects; geometric operations & camera models; edge detection; features detection; recognition in images Contains a large number of vision application problems to provide students with the opportunity to solve real problems. Images or videos for these problems are provided in the resources associated with this book which include an enhanced eBook

Цена: 7401.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118848784


Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials III, Volume 30, Issue 8
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials III, Volume 30, Issue 8

Автор: Группа авторов

This issue contains 25 invited and contributed papers, all peer reviewed according to the American Ceramic Society Review Process. The latest developments in processing and manufacturing technologies are covered, including smart processing, advanced composite manufacturing, novel forming and sintering technologies, microwave-processing, polymer-based processing, and film deposition technologies. These papers discuss the most important aspects necessary for understanding and further development of processing and manufacturing of ceramic materials and systems.

Цена: 11565.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780470584385


Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer
Against the Grain. Lessons in Entrepreneurship from the Founder of Cobra Beer

Автор: Karan Bilimoria

'Every bit as good as the beer itself.' Sir Richard Branson From selling the first cases of Cobra out of the back of a battered old Citroen 2CV along the streets of West London to exporting to over 40 countries around the world, Karan Bilimoria's vision of a less gassy beer has travelled a long way. Starting out with a heap of student debt, a complete lack of industry experience and parents desperate for their son to get a proper job, it could all so easily have gone wrong. But Karan's single-minded determination to succeed and his ability to inspire those around him to buy into his vision, turned Cobra, sip-by-sip, into the multi-million pound business it is today. Karan's story bottles the very essence of entrepreneurship: vision, drive, creativity and a relentless battle against all odds, to make the idea you so passionately believe in work. Against the Grain is packed with insights into finance, strategy, planning, luck, discipline, and generally doing the unexpected to build your own business, from someone who's been there and done it… and all with just a little less gas. 'Essential reading.' Richard Reed, Co-founder, Innocent Drinks 'An inspirational story.' Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer WPP 'Karan Bilimoria is one of the great entrepreneurs…' Jo Malone, founder of Jo Malone 'Inspiring! … worth the cover price for the «Financing Cobra» chapter alone.' Professor John Mullins, London Business School '… His story should inspire youth everywhere who are fired by the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.' Ratan Tata, Chairman, Tata Group

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781906465483


Agricultural Development Policy
Agricultural Development Policy

Автор: Roger Norton D

Prepared under the aegis of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), this text presents a fresh and comprehensive look at agricultural development policy. It provides a clear, systematic review of important classes of policy issues in developing countries and discusses the emerging international consensus on viable approaches to the issues. The text is unique in its coverage and depth and it: Summarises hundreds of references on agricultural development policies Cites policy experiences and applied studies in more than 70 countries Provides guidance for policy makers giving examples of successes and failures Reviews issues related to the formulation of strategies and the requirements for making them successful Develops the conceptual foundations and illustrates policies that have worked, and some that have not, with explanations Topics covered include agriculture’s role in economic development, the objectives and strategies of agricultural policy, linkages between macroeconomic and agricultural policy, policies for the agricultural financial system and agricultural technology development. Upper level undergraduates taking courses in Economic Development and International Development and graduates taking courses in Agricultural Development, International and Economic Development, Natural Resource Management and specialised topics in agriculture will find this text of great interest. It also serves as a reference for professionals and researchers in the field of International Development.

Цена: 32802.44 руб.
ISBN: 9780470857809


Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century
Agricultural Policy for the 21st Century

Автор: Luther Tweeten G

Agricultural policy reform has become a very hot topic. Over the next couple of years we will see the funding for these programs being hotly debated. The thesis of this book is that a better-informed public is essential to bring rationality to farm policy. This book provides telling evidence that markets work, that competent commercial farmers will earn returns on their resources as high as those earned elsewhere in the absence of income transfer to farmers.

Цена: 15128.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470390344


Aircraft Performance Theory for Pilots
Aircraft Performance Theory for Pilots

Автор: Peter J. Swatton

The new European Joint Aviation Requirements (JARs) lay down rules governing the minimum levels of performance which must be attained by every type of public transport aeroplane. These rules cover matters such as weight, altitude and temperature, take-off and landing distance, cruise flight level and speed, and descent angle and rate. The subject of aircraft performance forms an important part of all JAR Flight Crew Licensing examinations for commercial and airline transport pilot licences, and this book provides a clear but authoritative text on a difficult topic. It will also be of interest to commercial pilots needing to upgrade their annual ground test to JAR standards, and to flight planners, operations controllers and airport operators.

Цена: 9825.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780470693056


An Introduction to Plant Breeding
An Introduction to Plant Breeding

Автор: Jack Brown

Plants have been successfully selectively bred for thousands of years, culminating in incredible yields, quality, resistance and so on that we see in our modern day crops and ornamental plants. In recent years the techniques used have been rapidly advanced and refined to include molecular, cell and genetic techniques. An Introduction to Plant Breeding provides comprehensive coverage of the whole area of plant breeding. Covering modes of reproduction in plants, breeding objectives and schemes, genetics, predictions, selection, alternative techniques and practical considerations. Each chapter is carefully laid out in a student friendly way and includes questions for the reader. The book is essential reading for all those studying, teaching and researching plant breeding.

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118685235


Aqua Shock, Revised and Updated. Water in Crisis
Aqua Shock, Revised and Updated. Water in Crisis

Автор: Susan Marks J

An objective look at America's rapidly shrinking water supply Once believed to be a problem limited to America's southwest, water shortages are now an issue coast to coast, from New England to California. In Aqua Shock: The Water Crisis in America, author Susan J. Marks provides a comprehensive analysis of the current conflicts being waged over dwindling water supplies. She presents the findings of university studies, think tanks, and research groups, as well as the opinions of water experts, including Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security. The book Explains where our water comes from and who controls it, as well as the cost of water on cash, commodities, and capitalism Describes the risks of running out of water Details how we can preserve and protect our most precious, yet most undervalued natural resource Right now, battles over water supplies rage across the country. Aqua Shock is an objective look at how we arrived at this crisis point and what we can do-and should be doing-to solve the water crisis in America.

Цена: 1560.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118141724


Bacterial Responses to pH
Bacterial Responses to pH

Автор: Gail Cardew

Microbial responses to acidic and alkaline pH are important in many areas of bacteriology. For example, the mechanisms of resistance to acidic pH are important in the understanding of the passage of human pathogens through the acid of the stomach; and an understanding of microbial degradation of alkaline industrial waste is important for the environment. Bringing together contributions from an international and interdisciplinary group of experts working on the many aspects of bacterial cellular responses to pH, this stimulating volume draws together new and innovative work in this area. It delineates both similarities and differences between mechanisms of tolerance and response, providing readers with an invaluable resource on the subject.

Цена: 17674.33 руб.
ISBN: 9780470515648


Breeding Major Food Staples
Breeding Major Food Staples

Автор: Manjit Kang

As the world’s population increases the need to produce greater quantities of major staple crops such as wheat, rice, maize, potato, cassava, soybean, sweet potato, barley, and banana in order to sufficiently feed the people of the world continues to grow. Breeding Major Food Staples covers improving yields and quality of these crops through breeding and the use of molecular biology tools such as gene transfer, genome mapping, biofortification, and bioinformatics. This book will be an important reference for anyone working in crop breeding.

Цена: 27389.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780470376355



Автор: Ronald Clarke

Coffee, one of the most commercially important crops grown, is distributed and traded globally in a multi-million dollar world industry. This exciting new book brings together in one volume the most important recent developments affecting the crop. Contributions from around 20 internationally-respected coffee scientists and technologists from around the world provide a vast wealth of new information in the subject areas in which they are expert. The book commences with three cutting-edge chapters covering non-volatile and volatile compounds that determine the flavour of coffee. Chapters covering technology follow, including comprehensive information on developments in roasting techniques, decaffeination, the science and technology of instant coffee and home / catering beverage preparation. The physiological effects of coffee drinking are considered in a fascinating chapter on coffee and health. Agronomic aspects of coffee breeding and growing are covered specifically in chapters concentrating on these aspects, particularly focussing on newly-emerging molecular and cellular techniques. Finally, recent activities of some international organisations are reviewed in a lengthy appendix. The editors of Coffee: Recent Developments have drawn together a comprehensive and extremely important book that should be on the shelves of all those involved in coffee. The book is a vital tool for food scientists, food technologists and agricultural scientists and the commercially important information included in the book makes it a 'must have reference' to all food companies involved with coffee. All libraries in universities, and research stations where any aspect of the coffee crop is studied or taught should have copies of the book available. R. J. Clarke, also co-editor of the widely-acclaimed six-volume work Coffee published between 1985 and 1988, is a consultant based in Chichester U. K. O. G. Vitzthum, formerly Director of Coffee Chemistry Research worldwide at Kraft, Jacobs, Suchard in Bremen, Germany is Honorary Professor at the Technical University of Braunsweig, Germany and Scientific Secretary of the Association Scientifique Internationale du Cafe (ASIC), in Paris France.

Цена: 37552.43 руб.
ISBN: 9780470680216


Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Core Principles for Practice
Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Core Principles for Practice

Автор: Fisher Jane E

Learn and apply the 14 core principles of cognitive behavior therapy In this invaluable guide, clinicians will find—identified and summarized by leading researchers and clinicians—fourteen core principles that subsume the more than 400 cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatment protocols currently in use, so they may apply them to their everyday practice. This unique contribution to the field provides practitioners with a balance of history, theory, and evidence-based applications. Edited by renowned experts in the field, Cognitive Behavior Therapy explores the core principles behind all CBT protocols including: Clinical functional analysis Skills training Exposure Relaxation Cognitive restructuring Problem solving Self-regulation A straightforward introduction to CBT principles with guidance for all mental health professionals seeking to improve the lives of clients spanning a range of psychological problems, Cognitive Behavior Therapy is designed for both new and experienced clinicians alike who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of CBT principles.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781118220481


Community Midwifery Practice
Community Midwifery Practice

Автор: Jenny Edwins

The role of the community midwife differs dramatically from that of a hospital based practitioner but many midwifes entering this area of practice may not feel well equipped for this diverse experience. Community Midwifery Practice is the first text specifically tailored to meet the needs of community midwives, providing a practical, skills-based guide to improving and underpinning their day-to-day practice with an emphasis on ‘normal’ birth and the importance of developing relationships with the women they are charged with helping. This accessible text includes information on the broad range of skills required by midwives working in community settings, providing practical guidance on issues such as supporting women with HIV/AIDS, issues surrounding domestic abuse, perinatal mental health, and pelvic girdle pain. Community Midwifery Practice will provide all midwives who work in community placements with a comprehensive, accessible tool designed to assist them in all aspects of their practice.

Цена: 7621.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781444309317


Control of Pests and Weeds by Natural Enemies
Control of Pests and Weeds by Natural Enemies

Автор: Mark Hoddle

Biological control – utilizing a population of natural enemies to seasonally or permanently suppress pests – is not a new concept. The cottony cushion scale, which nearly destroyed the citrus industry of California, was controlled by an introduced predatory insect in the 1880s. Accelerated invasions by insects and spread of weedy non-native plants in the last century have increased the need for the use of biological control. Use of carefully chosen natural enemies has become a major tool for the protection of natural ecosystems, biodiversity and agricultural and urban environments. This book offers a multifaceted yet integrated discussion on two major applications of biological control: permanent control of invasive insects and plants at the landscape level and temporary suppression of both native and exotic pests in farms, tree plantations, and greenhouses. Written by leading international experts in the field, the text discusses control of invasive species and the role of natural enemies in pest management. This book is essential reading for courses on Invasive Species, Pest Management, and Crop Protection. It is an invaluable reference book for biocontrol professionals, restorationists, agriculturalists, and wildlife biologists. Further information and resources can be found on the Editor’s own website at: www.invasiveforestinsectandweedbiocontrol.info/index.htm

Цена: 11482.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781444300413


Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology, Volume 2
Crop Post-Harvest: Science and Technology, Volume 2

Автор: Graham Farrell

Durable commodities are the raw products from which food can be made and are the staples on which most humans rely; with but a few exceptions they are the seeds of plants. Volume 1 of this ground-breaking book series (details below) explains how crops should be dried, handled, protected from pests and stored by smaller holders or large-scale enterprises. This second volume presents a series of case studies on how durable crops are actually stored and marketed. The compilation of this three-volume work has been supported and is endorsed by the Natural Resources Institute of the University of Greenwich, U.K. The editors of this comprehensive and thorough book are well known and respected in the world of post-harvest science and technology. They have drawn together 36 expert contributors from Europe, North America, Asia, Australasia, South America and Africa to provide a huge wealth of information on major world crops including rice, maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, beans, cowpea, oilseeds, peanuts, copra, coffee, cocoa, dried fruit and nuts, and dried fish. Crop Post Harvest, Volume 2 is an essential purchase for cereal technologists, food scientists and technologists, agricultural scientists, entomologists, post-harvest crop protection specialists and consultants, commercial growers, shippers and warehousing operatives, and personnel of packaging companies. Researchers and upper-level students in food science, food technology, post-harvest science and technology, crop protection, applied biology, and plant and agricultural sciences will find a huge amount of great use within this landmark publication and the three-volume series as a whole. All libraries in research establishments and universities where these subjects are studied and taught should have several copies of each on their shelves.

Цена: 37005.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780470750377


Crop Protection and Sustainable Agriculture
Crop Protection and Sustainable Agriculture

Автор: Joan Marsh

The increase in the world population and changes in welfare have led to an enormously expanding demand for food. In the industrialized world, food surpluses rather than shortages are a problem together with adverse environmental impacts from the overuse of chemicals and excessive exploitation of agricultural land. In the developing world, food production cannot keep up with population growth and the gap between demand and supply is growing. This book explores the theme of sustainable agricultural development in the developing world, with a particular focus on crop protection. Includes chapters on the ecology of food production, on sustainable agriculture and crop protection methods, on the economics of food production and more.

Цена: 20767.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470514481


Disease Control in Crops. Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches
Disease Control in Crops. Biological and Environmentally-Friendly Approaches

Автор: Dale Walters

The control of diseases in crops is still largely dominated by the use of fungicides, but with the increasing incidence of fungicide resistance, plus mounting concern for the environment resulting from excessive agrochemical use, the search for alternative, reliable methods of disease control is gaining momentum. The purpose of this important book is to examine the development and exploitation (or potential for exploitation) of a range of non-chemical approaches to disease control, with a focus on the need for a greater understanding of crop ecology as the basis for effective disease control in the field. Chapters in the book, written by international experts in the subject area, include coverage of: biological control methods host-plant resistance the exploitation of tolerance and the use of bacteriophages Carefully edited by Professor Dale Walters, widely respected for his work in the area of crop protection, Disease Control in Crops is an essential reference book for plant pathologists, microbiologists, plant and agricultural scientists and crop protection specialists, including those working within, and providing consultancy to, the agrochemical industries. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological sciences and agriculture are studied and taught should have copies of this timely publication on their shelves.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312140


Exotic Pests and Diseases
Exotic Pests and Diseases

Автор: Frank Buck H

Exotic pests and diseases have long been an important concern in agriculture. The problem is becoming increasingly urgent and complex because agricultural trade has been liberalized worldwide, and as a consequence, the probability of spreading a disease or a pest through national borders has become a real threat, not only for the agricultural industry but also for human health and the natural environment. This edited volume’s list of international contributors reads like a Who’s Who of international agricultural research! This book includes ten interdisciplinary case studies that focus on specific pests or diseases that represent a range of threats to U.S. agriculture, wild lands and the urban landscape, and possible government responses to these threats. Each chapter combines, in an original fashion, biological foundations and implications for the public, giving powerful insights to a series of public policy issues of national and international relevance. In many instances, economic analysis of alternative policies is included. Exotic pest control is discussed in a public good general framework, and under the international regulatory laws comprised by the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Protocol of the WTO.

Цена: 17779.27 руб.
ISBN: 9780470289983


Food Waste to Animal Feed
Food Waste to Animal Feed

Автор: Michael Westendorf L

The magnitude of the food-waste disposal problem cannot be understated. Utilisation of food waste is of concern to the food processing industry, consumers, environmentalists, and regulators of handling and disposal systems. Food waste is not consistent in quality, is usually high in moisture content, and is only available locally. This book focuses on the challenges of utilising both wet and/or processed food waste. The regulatory environment relating to food waste, the perspective of the end-users, and practical use as animal feed is also discussed. One of the goals of this publication, other than to give a clear explanation of the subject of food waste and its uses as animal feed, is to stimulate a need for research.

Цена: 15128.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470290095


Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and Vegetables

Автор: Keith Thompson

The second edition of this very well-received book, which in its first edition was entitled Postharvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables, has been welcomed by the community of postharvest physiologists and technologists who found the first edition of such great use. The book covers, in comprehensive detail, postharvest physiology as it applies to postharvest quality, technology relating to maturity determination, harvesting, packaging, postharvest treatments, controlled atmosphere storage, ripening and transportation on a very wide international range of fruits and vegetables. The new edition of this definitive work, which contains many full colour photographs, provides key practical and commercially-oriented information of great use in helping to ensure that fruit and vegetables reach the retailer in optimum condition, with the minimum of loss and spoilage. Fruits and vegetables, 2nd edition is essential reading forfruit and vegetable technologists, food scientists and food technologists, agricultural scientists, commercial growers, shippers and warehousing operatives and personnel within packaging companies. Researchers and upper level students in food science, food technology, plant and agricultural sciences will find a great deal of use within this landmark book. All libraries in research establishments and universities where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies readily available for users. A. K. Thompson was formerly Professor and head of Postharvest Technology, Silsoe College, UK.

Цена: 38104.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781405147804


Government Policy and Farmland Markets
Government Policy and Farmland Markets

Автор: Charles Moss

Of immeasurable value to lenders, agricultural economists, and a host of agribusinesses this unique volume brings together leading farmland authorities in the United States and Canada to examine the economic determinants of land value and the consequences of change in land values. As the most basic factor of production in the agricultural enterprise, farmland dominates the agricultural balance sheet, accounting for an average of 70% of all agricultural assets. The authors of this timely book provide expert analysis and review of this subject.

Цена: 12476.97 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384770


Handbook of Erosion Modelling
Handbook of Erosion Modelling

Автор: Nearing Mark

The movement of sediment and associated pollutants over the landscape and into water bodies is of increasing concern with respect to pollution control, prevention of muddy floods and environmental protection. In addition, the loss of soil on site has implications for declining agricultural productivity, loss of biodiversity and decreased amenity and landscape value. The fate of sediment and the conservation of soil are important issues for land managers and decision-makers. In developing appropriate policies and solutions, managers and researchers are making greater use of erosion models to characterise the processes of erosion and their interaction with the landscape. A study of erosion requires one to think in terms of microseconds to understand the mechanics of impact of a single raindrop on a soil surface, while landscapes form over periods of thousands of years. These processes operate on scales of millimetres for single raindrops to mega-metres for continents. Erosion modelling thus covers quite a lot of ground. This book introduces the conceptual and mathematical frameworks used to formulate models of soil erosion and uses case studies to show how models are applied to a variety of purposes at a range of spatial and temporal scales. The aim is to provide land managers and others with the tools required to select a model appropriate to the type and scale of erosion problem, to show what users can expect in terms of accuracy of model predictions and to provide an appreciation of both the advantages and limitations of models. Problems covered include those arising from agriculture, the construction industry, pollution and climatic change and range in scale from farms to small and large catchments. The book will also be useful to students and research scientists as an up-to-date review of the state-of-art of erosion modelling and, through a knowledge of how models are used in practice, in highlighting the gaps in knowledge that need to be filled in order to develop even better models.

Цена: 19436.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781444328462


Induced Resistance for Plant Defence
Induced Resistance for Plant Defence

Автор: Dale Walters

Plant diseases worldwide are responsible for billions of dollars worth of crop losses every year. With less agrochemicals being used and less new fungicides coming on the market due to environmental concerns, more effort is now being put into the use of genetic potential of plants for pathogen resistance and the development of induced or acquired resistance as an environmentally safe means of disease control. This comprehensive book examines in depth the development and exploitation of induced resistance. Chapters review current knowledge of the agents that can elicit induced resistance, genomics, signalling cascades, mechanisms of defence to pests and pathogens and molecular tools. Further chapters consider the topical application of inducers for disease control, microbial induction of pathogen resistance, transgenic approaches, pathogen population biology, trade offs associated with induced resistance and integration of induced resistance in crop protection. The book concludes with a consideration of socio-economic drivers determining the use of induced resistance, and the future of induced resistance in crop protection.

Цена: 31476.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780470995976


Knott s Handbook for Vegetable Growers
Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers

Автор: Donald Maynard N

The leading one-stop reference for commercial vegetable growers for more than 50 years Rooted in tradition, branching out to the future. For more than half a century, Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers has provided generations of commercial growers with the most timely, accessible, and useful information available on the subject. The Fifth Edition of this highly regarded horticultural mainstay provides readers with the reliable growing and marketing information they've come to expect, while including new and updated material throughout to maintain its relevance in our ever-changing world. Filled with valuable information, largely in the form of tables and charts–from hard statistics on vegetable production and consumption to essential information for today's international markets, such as vegetable botanical names and vegetable names in nine languages–Knott's Handbook is part Farmer's Almanac, part encyclopedia, and part dictionary. It also provides detailed, practical specifics on planting rates, schedules, and spacing; soils and fertilizers; methods for managing crop pests; greenhouse vegetable and crop production; insect pest identification; harvesting and storage; and vegetable marketing. Now available in a new flexible cover designed for ease of use on the desk or in the field, this valuable workhorse features new information on: * World vegetable production * Best management practices * Organic crop production * Food safety * Pesticide safety * Postharvest problems * Minimally processed vegetables * Plus, hundreds of Web site links related to vegetable information

Цена: 12256.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118685884


Mites (Acari) for Pest Control
Mites (Acari) for Pest Control

Автор: Uri Gerson

Mites (Acari) for Pest Control is an extremely comprehensive publication, covering in depth the 34 acarine families that contain mites useful for the control of pest mites and insects, nematodes and weeds. In addition to providing information on each relevant acarine family, the book includes essential information on the introduction, culture and establishment of acarine biocontrol agents, the effects of the host plants, agrochemicals and environmental factors on mites used in biological control and discusses commercial and economic considerations in their use. Mites are now used in various ways for biological control, with a growing number of species being sold commercially throughout the world. The authors of this landmark publication, who have between them a huge wealth of experience working with mites in biological control programs, have put together a book that will for many years be the standard reference on the subject. The book will be of great value to all those working in crop protection and biological control both in research as well as in commercial operations, including acarologists, entomologists, integrated pest management specialists, agricultural and plant scientists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should all have copies on their shelves. Uri Gerson is at the Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, Hebrew University, Rehovot, Israel. Robert L. Smiley and Ronald Ochoa are at the Systematic Entomology Laboratory, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville, MD, USA

Цена: 45400.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781405150972


Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses
Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses

Автор: Donald Spiers E

Divided into logical easy-to-use sections, Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses is an up-to-date anthology of the latest knowledge on the genus Neotyphodium. This thorough text covers the molecular biology of Neotyphodium endophytes and their effects on grass hosts, invertebrate and vertebrate herbivores, and the plant communities in which they interact. The expert editors also include information on the commercial uses of endophytes in livestock and turf industries. Researchers and teachers in grass research, extension, agronomy, and animal toxicology, and university libraries with courses in these subjects should not be without this important text.

Цена: 22091.99 руб.
ISBN: 9780470384695


Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water
Pesticide Residues in Food and Drinking Water

Автор: Denis Hamilton

This book explores human exposure and consumer risk assessment in response to issues surrounding pesticide residues in food and drinking water. All the three main areas of consumer risk assessment including human toxicology, pesticide residue chemistry and dietary consumption are brought together and discussed. Includes the broader picture – the environmental fate of pesticides Takes an international approach with contributors from the European Union, USA and Australia Highlights the increasing concerns over food safety and the risks to humans

Цена: 37005.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780470091609



Автор: Graham Matthews

Over the last five decades pesticides have undoubtedly helped to increase agricultural production and control vectors of disease, however the environmental impact of long term agro-chemical use has been cause for concern along with the effects on human health. In Pesticides, Graham Matthews begins by looking at the developmental history of pesticides, and how crop protection was achieved before they were in use, how pesticides are registered for use and what happens to pesticides in food and the environment. Pesticide application and operator safety is investigated and the future of pesticides in light of the development of genetically modified crops is explored. Provides commercially important information for the agro-chemical industry Addresses all aspects of public concern relating to human health and the environment, including spray drift, bystander, resident and worker exposure Looks at the future of pesticides in light of the increasing prevalence of genetically modified crops Collecting together the most recent research in the area in a single volume, this book is a vital resource for agricultural scientists, agronomists, plant scientists, plant pathologists, entomologists, environmental scientists, public health personnel, toxicologists, crop protection personnel and all those involved in the agrochemical industry and government pesticide registration and legislation.

Цена: 24738.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781405172981



Автор: Peter Groenewegen

Despite a history of several decades of pesticide regulation, continuous innovation, and considerable practical experience with using pesticides in agriculture, the environmental impact of pesticide use continues to be of serious concern.

Цена: 32802.44 руб.
ISBN: 9780470995440


Plant Breeding
Plant Breeding

Автор: Jack Brown

This book, Plant Breeding, has it bases in an earlier text entitled An Introduction to Plant Breeding by Jack Brown and Peter Caligari, first published in 2008. The challenges facing today’s plant breeders have never been more overwhelming, yet the prospects to contribute significantly to global food security and farmers’ quality of life have never been more exciting and fulfilling. Despite this there has been a worrying decline in public funding for plant breeding-related research and support for international centers of germplasm development and crop improvement. In part, this has resulted in a serious reduction in the number of young people interested in devoting their professional careers to plant breeding as well as the number of universities offering plant breeding courses or conducting relevant research in plant breeding. The authors’ aim in writing this book is to provide an integrated and updated view of the current scientific progress related to diverse plant breeding disciplines, within the context of applied breeding programs. This excellent new book will encourage a new generation of students to pursue careers related to plant breeding and will assist a wider audience of agricultural students, agronomists, policy makers and those with an interest in agriculture in gaining insight about the issues affecting plant breeding and its key role in improving the quality of life of people and in securing sufficient food, at the quality required and at an affordable price. With comprehensive coverage including questions designed for students, and an accompanying website containing additional material to help in the study of the subject, Plant Breeding is an ideal text for all those studying plant and crop sciences, and a convenient reference source for professionals working in the area. All libraries within universities and research establishments where biological and agricultural sciences are studied and taught should have multiple copies of this book.

Цена: 17116.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118873519



Автор: Peter Lassman

The problem of value pluralism permeates modern political philosophy. Its presence can be felt even when it is not explicitly the central topic under investigation. Political thinkers such as Max Weber, Isaiah Berlin and Stuart Hampshire derive pessimistic, sometimes tragic, conclusions from their reflections upon pluralism. On the other hand, there is a more optimistic view represented by John Rawls and J?rgen Habermas that sees value pluralism as a problem that is easier to live with. This book presents the first accessible overview for both post- and undergraduate students of the way in which this problem has been understood and responded to by modern political thinkers.

Цена: 7727 руб.
ISBN: 9780745672809


Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture

Автор: Gregory Bock R

This book investigates new agricultural systems such as organic and green manuring, as well as integrated pest management practices, and looks at how they can improve farm productivity against the enhancements for the environment. Much of the information presented focuses on microinvestigation of the soil, and on the effects of soil variability within fields on yields and nutrient flows.

Цена: 20767.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470515426


Profitable Organic Farming
Profitable Organic Farming

Автор: Jon Newton

The demand for food produced from sustainable and organic farm enterprises continues to grow worldwide, with demand exceeding supply for many items. This second edition of an extremely well received and successful book covers every aspect of an organic farm enterprise that can have an influence on profitability. As such the book is an essential purchase for all those involved in organic and sustainable farming. Topics covered in this second edition of Profitable Organic Farming include grassland productivity, production systems for dairy, beef, sheep, pig, poultry and arable farms, farm size and enterprise combinations, organic standards, financial management, marketing, success factors and progress by organic farmers. The book concludes with a new chapter covering potential future scenarios for organic farming. Drawing on new information available in the area and including case studies from successful organic farm businesses, the author Jon Newton has written a book that is of great commercial use to a wide range of workers including organic farm managers and those wishing to commence organic farming operations. The book is also of great use and interest to agricultural scientists and students and those working in government and regional agricultural advisory services worldwide. Libraries in research establishments, universities and colleges where agricultural sciences are studied and taught should have several copies of this important and useful book on their shelves. Review of the first edition ‘It is an essential volume for any commercial organic farmers or budding organic farmers bookshelf. It will no doubt also be a very popular read and provide much food for thought amongst many agricultural students’: New Farmer & Grower. Jon Newton is an agricultural consultant specialising in organic and sustainable agriculture based in North Wales, UK.

Цена: 14575.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781405151047


Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research
Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research

Автор: Keith Fuglie O

An examination of technology transfer in agricultural research collaborations Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications examines the impact of the private-sector takeover of the field, and what it means for funding, research, technology, and more. Beginning with U.S. agricultural research financing, the discussion moves on to cover plant and animal research investments, collaborating institutions, and the international significance of technology spillover and transfer. From intellectual property rights and the CRADA Model to seed generation and other agricultural technology, this book offers a thought-provoking overview of global collaboration at this critical intersection of science and human welfare.

Цена: 11040.93 руб.
ISBN: 9780470376744


Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies
Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies

Автор: Scott Royer

The tools you need to raise and care for beef cattle Beef cattle farming is a business that continues to grow in the United States and around the world, and it will only grow larger as the demand for beef continues to increase. Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies provides you with an introduction to all aspects of raising beef cattle. Packed with expert tips from experienced farmers, it gives any level of cattle-raiser the tools needed to increase the quantity and quality of your farm's output and maintain a healthy herd. Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies is the go-to resource for aspiring cattle farmers. With important information on health, handling, and breeding, and detailed coverage of equipment and supplies, it is teeming with useful information that anyone interested in raising cattle should have. Advice on which beef cattle breeds to rear The prevention and treatment of common diseases Caring for pregnant heifers and calving procedures Dietary specifications dependent on breed Guidance on humane management Creating an open and safe pasture habitat If you're an aspiring cattle farmer looking to begin raising cattle or an established raiser interested in expanding your herd, Raising Beef Cattle For Dummies has you covered.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118089132


Raising Goats For Dummies
Raising Goats For Dummies

Автор: Cheryl Smith K

Raise goats and reap the rewards. Raising Goats For Dummies provides you with an introduction to all aspects of owning, caring for, and the day-to-day benefits of raising goats. Raising Goats For Dummies is your How-to guide for: Breaking down the complicated process of choosing and purchasing the right goat breed to meet your needs and getting facilities for your goat set up. Providing in-depth information on proper grooming, handling, feeding, and milking Covering the basics of goat health and nutrition Offering tips and advice for using your goat to produce milk, meat, fiber, and more Understand what makes these useful and delightful creatures so popular and gain the knowledge and skills to properly care for and utilize their many offerings.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470633786


Redefining Family Policy
Redefining Family Policy

Автор: Joyce Mercier M

Aimed at social scientists, this book discusses family policy in general and the New Federalism in particular, and experimental implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWOA) in the United States. Here, emphasis in family policy is shifted from a centralized entitlement approach to an exchange of personal responsibility, work, and training for better support services.

Цена: 8831.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780470290040


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