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44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World
44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World

Автор: Zygmunt Bauman

This liquid modern world of ours, like all liquids, cannot stand still and keep its shape for long. Everything keeps changing – the fashions we follow, the events that intermittently catch our attention, the things we dream of and things we fear. And we, the inhabitants of this world in flux, feel the need to adjust to its tempo by being ‘flexible' and constantly ready to change. We want to know what is going on and what is likely to happen, but what we get is an avalanche of information that threatens to overwhelm us. How are we to sift the information that really matters from the heaps of useless and irrelevant rubbish? How are we to derive meaningful messages from senseless noise? We face the daunting task of trying to distinguish the important from the insubstantial, distil the things that matter from false alarms and flashes in the pan. Nothing escapes scrutiny so stubbornly as the ordinary things of everyday life, hiding in the light of deceptive and misleading familiarity. To turn them into objects of attention and scrutiny, they must first be torn out from that daily routine: the apparently familiar must be made strange. This is precisely what Zygmunt Bauman seeks to do in these 44 letters: each tells a story drawn from ordinary lives, but tells it in order to reveal an extraordinariness that we might otherwise overlook. Arresting, revealing, disconcerting, these snapshots of life by the most brilliant analyst of our liquid modern world will appeal to a wide readership.

Цена: 6753.22 руб.
ISBN: 9780745675718


73rd Conference on Glass Problems, Volume 34, Issue 1
73rd Conference on Glass Problems, Volume 34, Issue 1

Автор: Группа авторов

The 73rd Glass Problem Conference is organized according to the following themes: Glass Melting, Melting, Raw Materials, Batching, and Recycling, Coatings, Strengthening, and Other Topics, Refractories, and Process Control & Modeling

Цена: 9268.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118710890


Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств в нефтегазовой отрасли
Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств в нефтегазовой отрасли

Автор: С. В. Еремеев

В краткой и доступной форме изложены принципы построения систем автоматического регулирования (САР) в нефтяной и газовой промышленности. Рассмотрены схемы для улучшения качества регулирования, вопросы практической реализации нейронных сетей и регуляторов, использующих законы нечеткой логики. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов вузов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Управление в технических системах» и «Автоматизация технологических процессов и производств» по программе бакалавриата.

Цена: 455 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-7411-0


Биохимия: биологически активные вещества. Витамины, ферменты, гормоны
Биохимия: биологически активные вещества. Витамины, ферменты, гормоны

Автор: К. И. Мелконян

Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС ВО на основе рабочих программ по дисциплинам «Биохимия», «Биологическая химия», «Биологическая химия – биохимия полости рта». Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентам всех факультетов медицинских вузов, изучающим биологическую химию.

Цена: 585 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-9664-8


История науки и техники
История науки и техники

Автор: Э. М. Люманов

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов инженерных и других специальностей, изучающих дисциплину «История науки и техники». В данном учебном пособии рассмотрены основные направления и этапы развития различных отраслей техники: метрической и патентной систем, технологии металлов и машиностроения, транспорта, вычислительной техники и связи. Изучение глав учебного пособия позволит студентам повысить мировоззренческую и политехническую направленности с целью более объемного понимания сущности и основных направлений развития современной техники, неразрывно связанной со всеми сферами общественной жизни. Информация учебного пособия может быть использована для самостоятельного изучения дисциплины и подготовки к практическим занятиям.

Цена: 1248 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-9418-7


Мясное скотоводство. Практикум
Мясное скотоводство. Практикум

Автор: С. Л. Сафронов

В учебном пособии представлено описание биологических особенностей мясного скота; дана характеристика зарубежных и отечественных мясных пород; организация зоотехнического и племенного учета в мясном скотоводстве; представлена технология производства говядины; организация полноценного кормления мясного скота разного возраста и пола; оценка мясной продуктивности скота; развитие мясного скотоводства в малых формах хозяйствования и экономическая эффективность отрасли. Рассчитано на студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлениям «Зоотехния» (уровень бакалавриата), «Технология производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции» (уровень бакалавриата), «Зоотехния» (уровень магистратуры), аспирантов по направлению «Частная зоотехния, технология производства продуктов животноводства», слушателей курсов повышения квалификации, руководителей и специалистов сельскохозяйственных предприятий.

Цена: 1631.5 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-507-44522-6


Надежность электроснабжения
Надежность электроснабжения

Автор: С. И. Малафеев

Рассмотрены основные понятия теории надежности электро-снабжения технических систем. Приведены сведения о физических процессах нарушения работоспособности систем электроснабже-ния, математических методах расчетов надежности, мероприятиях, направленных на повышение надежности и живучести объектов. Даны примеры решения типовых задач надежности электроснаб-жения. Приведены задания для самостоятельной работы. Учебное пособие рекомендуется студентам колледжей, обуча-ющихся по специальностям «Электрические машины и аппараты», «Электроснабжение (по отраслям)».

Цена: 761 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-6807-2


Основы семеноведения полевых культур
Основы семеноведения полевых культур

Автор: В. Т. Васько

В учебном пособии изложены современные вопросы семеноведения: морфология, физиология и биохимия семян, особенности формирования их разнокачественности. Поэтапно рассмотрен чрезвычайно важный с практической точки зрения период посев – всходы: набухание семян, формирование проростков, появление всходов. Практический и теоретический интерес представляют материалы, касающиеся периода покоя и прорастания семян. Рассмотрены адаптационные свойства, приобретаемые семенами в процессе набухания и формирования проростка. Представлены данные по обоснованию способов уборки и методов сушки семян, проанализированы современные методы оценки качества семян и посевного материала. Книга предназначена для студентов аграрных колледжей и техникумов, обучающихся по специальностям «Агрономия» и «Технология производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции», а также будет полезна агрономам, семеноводам, работникам контрольно-семенных инспекций.

Цена: 793 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-6611-5


Патологическая физиология и патологическая анатомия животных
Патологическая физиология и патологическая анатомия животных

Автор: А. В. Жаров

Раскрыты сущность болезни, ее этиология и патогенез, закономерности возникновения, развития и исходов патологических, функциональных и структурных изменений в больном организме. Рассмотрены атрофии, дистрофии, апоптоз и некроз, расстройства крово- и лимфообращения, воспалительные и компенсаторные процессы, генетическая патология, опухоли и лейкозы. Приведены изменения в органах и системах, характерные для незаразных, инфекционных, паразитарных и микотических болезней. Даны рекомендации по методике проведения лабораторно-практических занятий. Для бакалавров, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Биология» и «Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза».

Цена: 2041 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-507-44445-8


Товарное осетроводство
Товарное осетроводство

Автор: Евгений Хрусталев

В книге изложены материалы по экологии и биологии, ареале обитания осетровых рыб. Описаны современные методики оценки качества половых клеток и методы их получения. Подробно рассмотрены вопросы технического обеспечения предприятий аквакультуры, занимающихся выращиванием осетровых рыб. Также описаны основные этапы биотехники товарного выращивания осетровых рыб в различных типах рыбоводных хозяйств. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Издание предназначено для студентов колледжей и техникумов, обучающихся по специальности «Ихтиология и рыбоводство», а также может быть полезно специалистам рыбоводных и фермерских хозяйств.

Цена: 1196 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-507-44457-1



Автор: Викентий Вересаев

«Только что научился ходить. Идет неуверенно-пьяной походкой, вскидывая ножонки и крепко припечатывая их к полу. Если куда нужно поскорее, предпочитает привычный способ – ползет, быстро подбирая зад…»

Серия: Невыдуманные рассказы о прошлом

Исполнители: Марина Брёнинг

Цена: 89 руб.


A Companion to Sophocles
A Companion to Sophocles

Автор: Kirk Ormand

A Companion to Sophocles presents the first comprehensive collection of essays in decades to address all aspects of the life, works, and critical reception of Sophocles. First collection of its kind to provide introductory essays to the fragments of his lost plays and to the remaining fragments of one satyr-play, the Ichneutae, in addition to each of his extant tragedies Features new essays on Sophoclean drama that go well beyond the current state of scholarship on Sophocles Presents readings that historicize Sophocles in relation to the social, cultural, and intellectual world of fifth century Athens Seeks to place later interpretations and adaptations of Sophocles in their historical context Includes essays dedicated to issues of gender and sexuality; significant moments in the history of interpreting Sophocles; and reception of Sophocles by both ancient and modern playwrights

Цена: 25290.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781444356885


A Companion to the U.S. Civil War
A Companion to the U.S. Civil War

Автор: Группа авторов

A Companion to the U.S. Civil War presents a comprehensive historiographical collection of essays covering all major military, political, social, and economic aspects of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Represents the most comprehensive coverage available relating to all aspects of the U.S. Civil War Features contributions from dozens of experts in Civil War scholarship Covers major campaigns and battles, and military and political figures, as well as non-military aspects of the conflict such as gender, emancipation, literature, ethnicity, slavery, and memory

Цена: 44188.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781118802809


A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery
A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery

Автор: Hamish Denny

This successful book, first published in 1980 and now in its fourth edition, provides an authoritative guide for busy practitioners trying to keep pace with current trends in small animal orthopaedic surgery. In this new edition Hamish Denny and Steven Butterworth have retained the same practical approach but have completely rewritten and updated the book to provide a comprehensive review of orthopaedic and spinal conditions in the dog and cat. The illustrations have also undergone a major overhaul and the many line drawings are now combined with photographs and radiographs to clarify diagnostic and surgical techniques. Although the size of the book has increased, its regional approach to problems still enables the reader to use it as a rapid reference guide. It will prove an invaluable source of information for veterinary practitioners diagnosing and treating orthopaedic and spinal problems, while postgraduate students taking further qualifications in orthopaedics will find a sound basis for their studies and further reading provided here.

Цена: 23417.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470698457


A Handbook for the Assessment of Children s Behaviours
A Handbook for the Assessment of Children's Behaviours

Автор: Williams Jonathan O.H

Handbook for the Assessment of Children’s Behaviours with Wiley Desktop Edition This ground-breaking book takes a new approach to the assessment of behaviour in children and adolescents. Written by an expert author team, combining one (Jonathan Williams) with higher qualifications in general practice, child neuropsychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry, with one (Peter Hill) with higher qualifications in medicine, paediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry, the book draws on many thousands of multidisciplinary case discussions, at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in the Children’s Multispecialty Assessment Clinic in North London, and in private practice. The book is ideal for the busy mental health professional working in a small team. Organised to allow rapid look-up of behaviours with comprehensive lists of their possible causes, it synthesizes research evidence and clinical experience. The authors interpret behaviour broadly, including not just voluntary actions, but also actions whose voluntary nature is questionable (such as drop attacks, personal preferences, and pseudobehaviours). They also include problems that lead to referral through their behavioural manifestations (e.g. aggression, anxiety, or a poor relationship with mother). Overall, the book spans the behavioural, cognitive, social and emotional problems of children and adolescents. With the child and family in the room, and with detailed school reports and psychometric results available, it is usually possible to identify causes of symptoms that are specific to the child and his environment, and which can guide behavioural, cognitive, social, and family interventions. Purchasers of the book will also be entitled to a Wiley Desktop Edition—an interactive digital version featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note taking facilities, in-text searching, and linking to references and glossary terms.

Цена: 9831.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781119977469


A History of Vascular Surgery
A History of Vascular Surgery

Автор: Steven G. Friedman, MD

Since the publication of the first edition 15 years ago, vascular surgery has been transformed into a new specialty incorporating endovascular surgery and techniques. These innovations are detailed in this much anticipated second edition. Like the first edition, this new edition of A History of Vascular Surgery paints engaging portraits of the surgeons and scientists whose ideas and practices underlie, and continue to influence, vascular surgery as we know it today. Written for the practitioner and student alike, the second edition provides an in-depth, accessible history of this rapidly changing field.

Цена: 11151.4 руб.
ISBN: 9781405171298


A Practical Guide to Mechanical Ventilation
A Practical Guide to Mechanical Ventilation

Автор: Epstein S. K

A new, case-oriented and practical guide to one of the core techniques in respiratory medicine and critical care. Concise, practical reference designed for use in the critical care setting Case-oriented content is organised according to commonly encountered clinical scenarios Flow charts and algorithms delineate appropriate treatment protocols

Цена: 15906.9 руб.
ISBN: 9780470976593


A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy
A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy

Автор: Группа авторов

The revised and updated second edition of a multidisciplinary, evidence-based clinical guide for the care of pregnant women with diabetes The second edition of A Practical Manual of Diabetes in Pregnancy offers a wealth of new evidence, new material, new technologies, and the most current approaches to care. With contributions from a team of international experts, the manual is highly accessible and comprehensive in scope. It covers topics ranging from preconception to postnatal care, details the risks associated with diabetic pregnancy, and the long-term implications for the mother and baby. The text also explores recent controversies and examines thorny political pressures. The manual’s treatment recommendations are based on the latest research to ensure pregnant women with diabetes receive the best possible care. The text takes a multi-disciplinary approach that reflects best practice in the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy. The revised second edition includes: New chapters on the very latest topics of interest Contributions from an international team of noted experts Practical, state-of-the-art text that has been fully revised with the latest in clinical guidance Easy-to-read, accessible format in two-color text design Illustrative case histories, practice points, and summary boxes, future directions, as well as pitfalls and what to avoid boxes Multiple choice questions with answers in each chapter Comprehensive and practical, the text is ideal for use in clinical settings for reference by all members of the multi-disciplinary team who care for pregnant women with diabetes. The manual is also designed for learning and review purposes by trainees in endocrinology, diabetes, and obstetrics.

Цена: 17631.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119043775


AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2012
AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2012

Автор: Группа авторов

Based on the Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland's (AAGBI) continuing education lecture series, this clinical-oriented book covers the latest developments in research and the clinical application to anesthesia and pain control.

Цена: 4888.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118222973


ABC of Clinical Haematology
ABC of Clinical Haematology

Автор: Drew Provan

This ABC has established itself as a popular introduction to Clinical Haematology, relevant both for postgraduate students and primary care practitioners. Now in its third edition, the ABC of Clinical Haematology has been thoroughly revised, featuring the latest treatments for leukemia, antithrombotics and drugs for lymphoma and covering the latest advances in hematology and bone marrow transplantation. With each chapter written by specialists in their respective fields, this is an ideal basic text for general practice and hospital staff with patients who have blood related problems, in particular GPs, hematology nurses, junior doctors, hematologists, and trainees in hematology.

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312683


ABC of Pleural Diseases
ABC of Pleural Diseases

Автор: Ian Hunt

Pleural diseases are frequently managed in primary care, but specialist knowledge is required to understand the full variety of presentations and available treatments in this rapidly developing field. ABC of Pleural Diseases is a brand new addition to the ABC Series which takes a unique approach to these conditions by dealing with them as a related group as well as in their individual manifestations. The book provides a unique and comprehensive overview of pleural disease, beginning with the anatomy and physiology of the pleura. It then covers a wide range of specific conditions in greater detail, including pneumothorax, pleural effusions, pleural infections, as well as chapters on radiology and pathology. Full coverage is given of mesothelioma, the most common pleural cancer. Written by a team of specialists, this reference guide to pleural diseases is a practical guide for General Practitioners, Junior Doctors, Specialist Nurses, Radiologists and all Healthcare Professionals working within chest medicine.

Цена: 5190.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118527115


AI in Healthcare
AI in Healthcare

Автор: Robert Shimonski

Цена: 5060.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781119680055


Adhesives for Wood and Lignocellulosic Materials
Adhesives for Wood and Lignocellulosic Materials

Автор: R. N. Kumar

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119605539


Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care
Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care

Автор: Creedon Jamie M

Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a comprehensive yet practical reference, providing hands-on information essential to veterinarians and veterinary technicians involved in emergency and critical care. Written by an expert team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians, this well-referenced book offers step-by-step protocols for performing advanced emergency and critical care procedures and monitoring techniques. Packed with practical guidance in an easy-to-use format, this book is ideally suited for quick access in emergency rooms or intensive care units. Organized primarily by body system, each chapter covers general principles, indications, equipment, techniques, basic interpretation, troubleshooting, and contraindications. Standardized protocols supply equipment lists and step-by-step instructions throughout, and a companion website offers images from the book in PowerPoint and protocols as downloadable Word files. Advanced Monitoring and Procedures for Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care is a valuable resource for any veterinary staff member with an interest in improving the standard of care in emergency and critical care medicine.

Цена: 15905.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118242209


Advances in Dairy Ingredients
Advances in Dairy Ingredients

Автор: Augustin Mary Ann

Advances in Dairy Ingredients provides an international perspective on recent developments in the area of dairy ingredients and dairy technology. Market and manufacturing trends and opportunities are aligned with the latest science tools that provide the foundation to successfully and rapidly capture these opportunities. Functional foods are emerging as key drivers of the global food economy and dairy ingredients and technology are at the forefront in these developments. Advances in Dairy Ingredients brings together food scientists, industry specialists, and marketers from around the world to provide unique insight into the scientific basis for the success of dairy ingredients in modern food products, and a glimpse into the future of new dairy ingredients and foods on the horizon.

Цена: 24296.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118448274


Advances in Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs and Cats
Advances in Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs and Cats

Автор: Группа авторов

Advances in Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs and Cats defines our present knowledge of this common clinical problem, compiling information related to the canine and feline intervertebral disc into a single resource. As a comprehensive, focused work, the book is an authoritative reference for understanding and treating disc disease, providing a sound scientific and clinical basis for decision making. Offering an objective synthesis of the current literature, the book supplies guidance on the approach to a potential disc rupture, surgical and medical strategies, and management of the patient. Offering a complete understanding of intervertebral disc disease, the book describes and discusses the controversies and issues surrounding this topic, acknowledging the gaps in our knowledge. Advances in Intervertebral Disc Disease in Dogs and Cats presents up-to-date, reliable information on this common condition for veterinary surgeons, neurologists, and general practitioners.

Цена: 13589.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118940365


Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement
Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement

Автор: Peck Jeffrey N

Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement provides an up-to-date, comprehensive examination of joint replacement in veterinary surgery. Part of the Advances in Veterinary Surgery series copublished with the ACVS Foundation, the book presents an evidence-based, multi-system examination of the current state of hip, knee, and elbow replacement in dogs and cats, including information on biomechanics and biomaterials not found in other sources. Written by an international group of experts, the book offers guidance on the history, indications, contraindications, clinical procedures, and a review of the current literature for these surgical techniques. Focusing on replacement of the hip, knee, and elbow, the book also covers disc, shoulder, carpus, and tarsus replacement, as well as information on the development of custom prostheses. Each section incorporates information on potential complications and outcomes assessment. Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement is an unparalleled repository of information for veterinary surgeons, residents, and practitioners with an interest in these procedures.

Цена: 15132.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781118462713


Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament
Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament

Автор: Peter Muir

Advances in the Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament, Second Edition presents in-depth, focused, and updated coverage of current knowledge on cruciate ligament rupture, using a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach. Presents a state-of-the-art summary of the most recent knowledge on this important cause of lameness in dogs Led by a highly respected surgeon and researcher, with chapters written by leading experts in the field Provides an update to the groundbreaking first edition, with six new chapters

Цена: 19176.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119261735


AeroMACS. An IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based Technology for the Next Generation of Air Transportation Systems
AeroMACS. An IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based Technology for the Next Generation of Air Transportation Systems

Автор: Behnam Kamali

This is a pioneering textbook on the comprehensive description of AeroMACS technology. It also presents the process of developing a new technology based on an established standard, in this case IEEE802.16 standards suite. The text introduces readers to the field of airport surface communications systems and provides them with comprehensive coverage of one the key components of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen); i.e., AeroMACS. It begins with a critical review of the legacy aeronautical communications system and a discussion of the impetus behind its replacement with network-centric digital technologies. It then describes wireless mobile channel characteristics in general, and focuses on the airport surface channel over the 5GHz band. This is followed by an extensive coverage of major features of IEEE 802.16-2009 Physical Layer (PHY)and Medium Access Control (MAC) Sublayer. The text then provides a comprehensive coverage of the AeroMACS standardization process, from technology selection to network deployment. AeroMACS is then explored as a short-range high-data-throughput broadband wireless communications system, with concentration on the AeroMACS PHY layer and MAC sublayer main features, followed by making a strong case in favor of the IEEE 802.16j Amendment as the foundational standard for AeroMACS networks. AeroMACS: An IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based Technology for the Next Generation of Air Transportation Systems covers topics such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), coded OFDMA, scalable OFDMA, Adaptive Modulation-Coding (AMC), Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems, Error Control Coding (ECC) and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) techniques, Time Division Duplexing (TDD), Inter-Application Interference (IAI), and so on. It also looks at future trends and developments of AeroMACS networks as they are deployed across the world, focusing on concepts that may be applied to improve the future capacity. In addition, this text: Discusses the challenges posed by complexities of airport radio channels as well as those pertaining to broadband transmissions Examines physical layer (PHY) and Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer protocols and signal processing techniques of AeroMACS inherited from IEEE 802.16 standard and WiMAX networks Compares AeroMACS and how it relates to IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based WiMAX AeroMACS: An IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based Technology for the Next Generation of Air Transportation Systems will appeal to engineers and technical professionals involved in the research and development of AeroMACS, technical staffers of government agencies in aviation sectors, and graduate students interested in standard-based wireless networking analysis, design, and development.

Цена: 19883.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781119281115


An Aid to the MRCP
An Aid to the MRCP

Автор: M. Afzal Mir

Allay your anxieties about the MRCP exams and increase your confidence with An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics. In order to pass the MRCP exams you will need to learn a large number of lists and key facts. This book provides the essential lists and facts you need to know together with memory aids to speed learning and recall. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to rapidly narrow your differential diagnosis and identify the most likely answer. This essential new MRCP title has been written by a recent candidate for the MRCP exams who used this technique to pass first time, in conjunction with Dr Bob Ryder, Dr Anne Freeman and Dr Mir Afzal; all established authorities in the MRCP field and authors of the two volumes of An Aid to the MRCP PACES. An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics presents memory aids, facts and lists that are based on questions faced whilst revising for, or encountered during the MRCP exams and also features a free audio revision tool at www.anaidtothemrcp.com with a summary of the mnemonics contained in the book.

Цена: 4723.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312607


An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat
An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and Cat

Автор: Coulson Arlene

This is the definitive reference for the small animal practitioner to normal radiographic anatomy of the cat and dog. With over forty years of experience between them, the authors have produced an invaluable reference atlas for the veterinary practitioner. The book is suitable for the general and referral based practitioner, undergraduate or postgraduate veterinary surgeon. Over 550 radiographic images analysed and explained More than 50 new figures added, with the quality of existing images enhanced Revised contents and page headers for easy-reference Clear informative line drawings to trace radiographic shadows and schematic drawings of underlying structures not seen in plain radiographs.

Цена: 32476.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118691243


An Introduction to Language
An Introduction to Language

Автор: Kirk Hazen

An Introduction to Language offers an engaging guide to the nature of language, focusing on how language works – its sounds, words, structures, and phrases – all investigated through wide-ranging examples from Old English to contemporary pop culture. Explores the idea of a scientific approach to language, inviting students to consider what qualities of language comprise everyday skills for us, be they sounds, words, phrases, or conversation Helps shape our understanding of what language is, how it works, and why it is both elegantly complex and essential to who we are Includes exercises within each chapter to help readers explore key concepts and directly observe the patterns that are part of all human language Examines linguistic variation and change to illustrate social nuances and language-in-use, drawing primarily on examples from English Avoids linguistic jargon, focusing instead on a broader and more general approach to the study of language, and making it ideal for those coming to the subject for the first time Supported by additional web resources – available upon publication at www.wiley.com/go/hazen/introlanguage – including student study aids and testbank and notes for instructors

Цена: 4936.18 руб.
ISBN: 9781118560099


Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses

Автор: Robin Sturtz

Anatomy and Physiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses: A Clinical Approach is a comprehensive resource on the anatomy and physiology of dogs and cats, with comparisons to horses, birds, and ruminants. Organized by body system with a comparative approach, the book follows a unique format by addressing anatomy separately from physiology for clarity and improved comprehension. Each anatomy chapter has a corresponding physiology chapter, complete with illustrations, charts, and boxes to promote understanding. Written specifically for veterinary technicians and nurses, the book applies anatomy and physiology to clinical practice, with case examples demonstrating clinical relevance. The figures from the book, additional questions and answers, labeling quizzes, teaching PowerPoints, and a dissection video are available online at www.wiley.com/go/sturtz. This introduction to body system analysis of normal structure and function is a must-have resource for students of veterinary technology and nursing, as well as a useful quick review for the busy professional.

Цена: 5468.86 руб.
ISBN: 9781118405857


Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals
Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals

Автор: R. Michael Akers

Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Second Edition offers a detailed introduction to the foundations of anatomy and physiology in a wide range of domestic species. Well illustrated throughout, the book provides in-depth information on the guiding principles of this key area of study for animal science students, fostering a thorough understanding of the complex make-up of domestic animals. This Second Edition includes access to supplementary material online, including images and tables available for download in PowerPoint, a test bank of questions for instructors, and self-study questions for students at www.wiley.com/go/akers/anatomy. Taking a logical systems-based approach, this new edition is fully updated and now provides more practical information, with descriptions of anatomic or physiological events in pets or domestic animals to demonstrate everyday applications. Offering greater depth of information than other books in this area, Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals is an invaluable textbook for animal science students and professionals in this area.

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118688663


Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals

Автор: Christianne Magee

Revised and updated, the eighth edition of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals remains the essential resource for detailed information on farm animal anatomy and physiology. Offers a revised edition to this comprehensive guide to the anatomy and physiology of farm animals Presents learning objectives in each chapter for the first time Adds new material on endocrine and metabolic regulation of growth and body composition Features additional illustrations to enhance comprehension Includes a companion website that offers supplemental content, including word roots, clinical cases, study and practice questions, the images from the book and additional images, diagrams, and videos to enhance learning.

Цена: 11045.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781119239734


Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff
Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618492


Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff
Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff

Автор: Группа авторов

Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff A comprehensive resource to understand the behavioral considerations for intake, management, and rehoming of dogs and cats Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff [/i]provides readers with comprehensive information addressing the behavior of both animals and humans associated with the intake, management, and rehoming of dogs and cats. To aid in practical application, the book covers specific behavior considerations in both dogs and cats. Topics are separated by animal to allow for easy accessibility by professionals who are actively working in the field. Sample topics covered within the book include: The behavior issues that are a common cause of pet relinquishment Behavioral assessment, behavior modification, the integration of behavioral well-being into sheltering Welfare assessment, psychopharmacology, safety net programs, and caring for animals during long-term legal holds Equine care and caring for small mammals Animal Behavior for Shelter Veterinarians and Staff is a must-have reference for evidence-based practical tips, techniques, and protocols for everyday use in animal shelters by shelter volunteers and staff, as well as professional trainers, behaviorists, and veterinarians working with shelters.

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119618508


Animal Biology and Care
Animal Biology and Care

Автор: Sue Dallas

The perfect study companion, Animal Biology and Care, 3rd Edition is specifically designed for students on animal care, animal nursing assistant and veterinary care assistant courses. This edition is fully updated with new course content, a refreshed design and colour illustrations throughout. Basic biological theory is introduced with diagrams for visual learners while photographs demonstrate the common practical procedures carried out by animal care assistants. Key features include: New content on exotic species, recognising the increasing number of these animals kept as pets. Extensive coverage of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and recent advances in animal welfare. Written in line with course curricula, chapter summaries help you to remember key points and learning objectives. A companion website has interactive MCQs to help you test your knowledge. Divided into three main sections covering animal science and genetics, health and husbandry and nursing procedures, this book will help lay the foundations for a successful career in animal care and management!

Цена: 4379.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781118276051


Animal Biology and Care
Animal Biology and Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Following the success of the first edition, this new edition has been expanded to include more information on small mammals, birds and fish. Intended as a foundation text for those on animal care, nurse auxiliary and veterinary care assistant courses, it introduces essential theoretical background information and clearly outlines the practical skills necessary when embarking on the care of any animal. Designed specifically to meet the requirements of animal care, pre-veterinary nursing auxiliary and care students; Provides basic training in animal biology and care, with particular attention given to those subjects that students find difficult to understand, such as anatomy and physiology; New chapter additions on fish and birds. Clearly and simply laid out, with over 150 illustrations, Animal Biology and Care 2e will be invaluable to all those training or working in animal care.

Цена: 6295.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118691052


Animal Crisis
Animal Crisis

Автор: Alice Crary

Leading philosophers Alice Crary and Lori Gruen offer a searing and desperately needed response to systems of thought and action that are failing animals and, ultimately, humans too. In the wake of global pandemics, mass extinctions, habitat destruction, and catastrophic climate change, they issue a clarion call to address the intertwined problems we face, arguing that we must radically reimagine our relationships with other animals. In stark contrast to traditional theories in animal ethics, which abstract from social mechanisms harmful to human beings,  Animal Crisis  makes the case that there can be no animal liberation without human emancipation. Borrowing from critical theories such as ecofeminism, Crary and Gruen present a  critical animal theory  for understanding and combating the structural forces that enable the diminishment of so many to the advantage of a few. With seven case studies   of complex human-animal relations, they make an urgent plea to dismantle the “human supremacism” that is devastating animal lives and hurtling us toward ecocide.

Цена: 2142.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781509549696


Animal Cruelty Investigations
Animal Cruelty Investigations

Автор: Группа авторов

Animal Cruelty Investigations: A Collaborative Approach from Victim to Verdict provides a framework for the experts who respond to animal cruelty cases: veterinarians, law enforcement agencies, animal care and control organizations, and prosecutors. This book is a practical guide which provides insight and direction for every phase of an animal cruelty investigation. The step-by-step guidance on responding to particular issues and challenges related to animal cruelty cases is bolstered by the extensive library of checklists, form templates, specific case protocols, and lists of available resources. This book is designed to empower readers to respond to animal cruelty cases confidently and effectively by: Introducing veterinarians to their critical role in animal cruelty investigations including forensic examination and necropsy, crime scene response, report writing, and testimony. Included are detailed Specific Case Protocols for common animal cruelty scenarios. Helping animal shelters navigate the challenges of holding animals in protective custody, housing unusual species, and placing evidence animals in foster care. Offering law enforcement agencies useful methods for investigating animal cruelty such as search and seizure protocols, witness interview techniques, and valuable forms and templates necessary to strengthen and ensure proper search warrant execution, evidence collection and handling, and chain of custody; all with a focus on animals as both victims and evidence. Guiding prosecutors through the steps necessary to utilize the veterinarian’s findings during trial and providing insight into issues to be considered when reviewing search warrants, filing charges, proposing plea agreements, or filing pre-conviction forfeiture motions. This book is a must-have reference and guide for veterinarians, technicians, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and all those involved in the protection of animals’ health and wellbeing. The successful investigation of animal crimes relies on each of these disciplines, not only carrying out their professional duties, but having a collective understanding of what each other needs in order to meet that expectation.

Цена: 10120.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119764908


Animal Disease Surveillance and Survey Systems
Animal Disease Surveillance and Survey Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

This valuable text presents methods and techniques for conducting an animal disease surveillance program, and developing an animal health moitoring system. The text is a 'recipe book' for these techniques as it explains modern techniques, while emphasizing the fundamentals and principles of using these techniques.The book is targeted to epidemiologists and other animal health authorities who are working in national, regional, and international programs. The book can be used as a text for professional and postgraduate training curricula. This text will be of value in veterinary epidemiology and regulatory medicine, where there is need for a concise collection of material on animal disease monitoring, surveillance, and reporting strategies. This need arises from a new era of international trade regulations based on animal diseases, new demands for accountability in utilization of research funds, and calls for prioritizing and economically justifying animal health regulatory and diagnostic activities.

Цена: 10603.68 руб.
ISBN: 9780470344798


Animal Influenza
Animal Influenza

Автор: Группа авторов

Animal Influenza, Second Edition is a comprehensive text on animal influenza. Organized by species, coverage includes avian, swine, equine and mammals, with each section including data on influenza viruses, the infection and disease they cause, and strategies used in control. Covers the full range of topics within avian, swine, equine and mammalian influenzas in one comprehensive and authoritative text Provides a summarization of peer-reviewed and empirical data on influenza viruses, the infection, and diseases they cause Discusses strategies used in control of the disease Leading experts are drawn together to provide an international and multi-disciplinary perspective Fuses latest developments in basic scientific research with practical guidance on management of the disease

Цена: 19993.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118924327


Anomalous Effects in Simple Metals
Anomalous Effects in Simple Metals

Автор: Dresselhaus Gene

Using potassium as an example, this work presents a unique approach to the anomalous effects in metals, resulting in knowledge that can be applied to similar materials. Most theoretical predictions on the electric, magnetic, optical, and thermal properties of a simple metal do – surprisingly – not agree with experimental behavior found in alkali metals. The purpose of this volume is to document the many phenomena that have violated expectations. It collects in one place the research by Albert Overhauser, one of the pioneers of the field. His and his collaborators work has led to a unified synthesis of alkali metal peculiarities. The unique collection of 65 reprint papers, commented where necessary to explain the context and perspective, is preceded by a thorough and well paced introduction. The book is meant to advanced solid state physics and science historians. It might also serve as additional reading in advanced solid state physics courses. With a foreword by Mildred and Gene Dresselhaus

Цена: 32918.44 руб.
ISBN: 9783527631476


Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine
Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine

Автор: Группа авторов

The Fifth Edition of Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine, the most comprehensive reference available on veterinary antimicrobial drug use, has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the rapid advancements in the field of antimicrobial therapy. Encompassing all aspects of antimicrobial drug use in animals, the book provides detailed coverage of virtually all types of antimicrobials relevant to animal health. Now with a new chapter on antimicrobial therapy in zoo animals, Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine offers a wealth of invaluable information for appropriately prescribing antimicrobial therapies and shaping public policy. Divided into four sections covering general principles of antimicrobial therapy, classes of antimicrobial agents, special considerations, and antimicrobial drug use in multiple animal species, the text is enhanced by tables, diagrams, and photos. Antimicrobial Therapy in Veterinary Medicine is an essential resource for anyone concerned with the appropriate use of antimicrobial drugs, including veterinary practitioners, students, public health veterinarians, and industry and research scientists.

Цена: 16856.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781118675106


Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics

Автор: David R. Cagna

Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts. Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos Covers all phases of complete denture therapy Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors

Цена: 9469.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119158165


Applied Gas Dynamics
Applied Gas Dynamics

Автор: Ethirajan Rathakrishnan

Цена: 15862.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781119500384


Arbetarens hustru
Arbetarens hustru

Автор: Canth Minna

Цена: Бесплатно


Atlas of Clinical Imaging and Anatomy of the Equine Head
Atlas of Clinical Imaging and Anatomy of the Equine Head

Автор: Larry Kimberlin

Atlas of Clinical Imaging and Anatomy of the Equine Head presents a clear and complete view of the complex anatomy of the equine head using cross-sectional imaging. Provides a comprehensive comparative atlas to structures of the equine head Pairs gross anatomy with radiographs, CT, and MRI images Presents an image-based reference for understanding anatomy and pathology Covers radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging

Цена: 14796.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781118988985


Atlas of Comparative Diagnostic and Experimental Hematology
Atlas of Comparative Diagnostic and Experimental Hematology

Автор: Jarecki Alfred

A vital resource on blood and bone marrow cell morphology in laboratory animal medicine. This fully revised new edition is an essential reference for clinical pathologists in diagnostic laboratories, and medical or veterinary research. The atlas contains over 400 color images of cells from the peripheral blood and bone marrow from a variety of animals encountered in laboratory animal medicine, in health and disease. Key features: New chapter on flow cytometry and its application in terms of routine analyses as a means of identifying abnormalities in cell marker expression, which is of particular relevance for pre-clinical safety assessment Covers the most recent developments in laboratory animal hematology, including parameters measured by the latest generation of analyzers Coverage of a wide range of laboratory animal species, as well as those used in clinical veterinary trials Photomicrographs present normal and abnormal blood cells from a variety of hematological conditions along with descriptive text

Цена: 12702.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781444341713


Atlas of Urodynamics
Atlas of Urodynamics

Автор: Michael Chancellor

By pairing the highest quality images with succinct text, this fully revised atlas explains methods of diagnosis, evaluation and treatment Detailing how to set up a urodynamic laboratory and discusses equipment and individual urodynamic techniques Illustrating neurologic conditions, looking at the special problems of pediatric and geriatric patients With unique, carefully reproduced urodynamic tracings and scans show you what to expect in the lab The highly regarded author team is led by Dr. Jerry Blaivas, a recognized expert in the field who received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for Urodynamics and Female Urology.

Цена: 21866.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470765791


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