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Депутатский заказ
Депутатский заказ

Автор: Николай Леонов

В Москве застрелили крупного бизнесмена из города Славояра. Вроде ничего особенного – очередное заказное убийство. Одним больше, одним меньше – сейчас этим никого не удивишь. Но опытнейший сыщик Лев Гуров, сразу понял: тут не все так просто.

Серия: Полковник Гуров

Исполнители: Александр Егоров

Цена: 159 руб.


Методы исследования рыбы и рыбных продуктов
Методы исследования рыбы и рыбных продуктов

Автор: О. А. Николаенко

Учебное пособие содержит теоретические сведения и лабораторные работы, имеющие наибольшее значение для усвоения сложного курса, а также относящиеся к непосредственной организации исследования свойств и контроля качественных характеристик рыбы и продуктов ее переработки. Приводятся необходимые сведения по реактивам, оборудованию, необходимым для проведения исследований. Предназначено для обучающихся на дневной, очно-заочной, заочной и дистанционной формах обучения по направлениям подготовки «Биотехнология» (профиль «Пищевая биотехнология»), «Продукты питания животного происхождения» (профиль «Высокопродуктивные технологии обработки водных биологических ресурсов»), «Продукты питания животного происхождения» (профиль «Технологии продуктов из водного сырья»), а также аспирантов и инженерных работников.

Цена: 1157 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-4392-5


Серийные убийцы. Любопытные факты, которые заставят вас содрогнуться
Серийные убийцы. Любопытные факты, которые заставят вас содрогнуться

Автор: Мишель Камински

Идеальная книга для фанатов криминальных историй. Она раскроет дела самых известных убийц в мире, от погружения в их мрачные умы до малоизвестных подробностей о таких серийных убийцах, как Джон Уэйн Гейси и Тед Банди. Эта кровавая и абсолютно правдивая подборка фактов ужаснет и заинтригует ответами на такие вопросы: – Зачем некоторые серийные убийцы делают мыло из трупов своих жертв? – Как обычная бытовая проблема привела к аресту «Дуйсбургского людоеда»? – Кто такие убийцы-гедонисты и каков мотив их преступлений? – Как убийства навсегда изменили порядок продажи безрецептурных обезболивающих? – Влияет ли генетика на склонность к серийным убийствам? – Кто такие «Убийцы одиноких сердец»? – Какая пара серийных убийц шила «сувенирное» лоскутное одеяло из своих жертв?

Серия: Criminal Story. Психология преступления

Исполнители: Олег Томилин

Цена: 549 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-04-179474-3


Фармакология. Конспект лекций
Фармакология. Конспект лекций

Автор: В. Н. Малеванная

В данной книге предельно сжато изложен курс по общей фармакологии. Сведения наиболее полно систематизированы и конкретизированы. Благодаря четким определениям основных понятий, их признаков и особенностей студент может сформулировать ответ, за короткий срок усвоить и переработать важную часть информации, успешно сдать экзамен. Куре лекций будет полезен не только студентам, но и преподавателям при подготовке и проведении занятий.

Серия: Экзамен в кармане

Цена: 44.95 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-699-19675-3, 5-699-19675-7


Фитотоксикозы домашних животных
Фитотоксикозы домашних животных

Автор: Б. А. Королев

В книге подробно рассматриваются основные формы отравления животных биологически активными веществами (БАВ) ядовитых растений. Отражены клинические признаки, диагностика, лечебно-профилактические мероприятия при фитотоксикозах животных. Авторами представлены данные о вреде, наносимом животным ядовитыми растениями, и наиболее эффективных способах борьбы с ними. В книге дана классификация растительных ядов, их влияние на качество продукции животного происхождения (мясо, молоко и др.). Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов аграрных колледжей и техникумов, обучающихся по специальностям «Ветеринария», «Зоотехния», «Агрономия», «Технология производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции», для слушателей факультетов повышения квалификации, в качестве справочного материала для практических работников животноводства.

Цена: 800 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-5961-2


Школа для лесных зверей
Школа для лесных зверей

Автор: Карине Саакян

Читайте новые интересные и забавные истории ёжика Коржика, барсука Тук-Тука и белки Стрелки в лесу. Так как ёжик Коржик был учёным ежом, он решил открыть школу для зверей и поделиться своими знаниями со всеми желающими. Знания нужны всегда и везде! Даже в лесу. «В общем, это был необыкновенный лес. Здесь жили учитель, дизайнер и парфюмер!»

Исполнители: Татьяна Гордиенко

Цена: 199 руб.


Яд или лекарство? Как растения, порошки и таблетки повлияли на историю медицины
Яд или лекарство? Как растения, порошки и таблетки повлияли на историю медицины

Автор: Томас Хэджер

От пучков сушеных трав и алкогольных эликсиров к высокотехнологичным препаратам и многомиллионному бизнесу – такой путь проделали лекарства, которые мы принимаем каждый день. Научный журналист Томас Хэджер решил разобраться, какие гениальные открытия и случайные находки подарили нам обезболивающие, противозачаточные и антибиотики. Эта книга – биография десяти важнейших лекарств, изменивших медицину. Среди них вы не найдете «величайшие хиты», например, пенициллин или аспирин, ведь о них написано уже многое. Вместо этого автор познакомит вас с удивительными историями менее известных, но не менее значимых лекарств и покажет их двойственную природу. Вы побываете в кабинете средневекового алхимика и химической лаборатории, узнаете, что пытались лечить героином, а еще заглянете в будущее лекарств и осознаете, как случайные совпадения могут изменить жизни целых поколений.

Серия: Respectus. Путешествие к современной медицине

Исполнители: Амир Шакиров

Цена: 579 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-04-178446-1


A Clinical Trials Manual From The Duke Clinical Research Institute. Lessons from a Horse Named Jim
A Clinical Trials Manual From The Duke Clinical Research Institute. Lessons from a Horse Named Jim

Автор: Davis Kate

The publication of the second edition of this manual comes at an important juncture in the history of clinical research. As advances in information technology make it possible to link individuals and groups in diverse locations in jointly seeking the answers to pressing global health problems, it is critically important to remain vigilant about moral and ethical safeguards for every patient enrolled in a trial. Those who study this manual will be well aware of how to ensure patient safety along with fiscal responsibility, trial efficiency, and research integrity. —Robert Harrington, Professor of Medicine, Director, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) is one of the world's leading academic clinical research organizations; its mission is to develop and share knowledge that improves the care of patients around the world through innovative clinical research. This concise handbook provides a practical «nuts and bolts» approach to the process of conducting clinical trials, identifying methods and techniques that can be replicated at other institutions and medical practices. Designed for investigators, research coordinators, CRO personnel, students, and others who have a desire to learn about clinical trials, this manual begins with an overview of the historical framework of clinical research, and leads the reader through a discussion of safety concerns and resulting regulations. Topics include Good Clinical Practice, informed consent, management of subject safety and data, as well as monitoring and reporting adverse events. Updated to reflect recent regulatory and clinical developments, the manual reviews the conduct of clinical trials research in an increasingly global context. This new edition has been further expanded to include: In-depth information on conducting clinical trials of medical devices and biologics The role and responsibilities of Institutional Review Boards, and Recent developments regarding subject privacy concerns and regulations. Ethical documents such as the Belmont Report and the Declaration of Helsinki are reviewed in relation to all aspects of clinical research, with a discussion of how researchers should apply the principles outlined in these important documents. This graphically appealing and eminently readable manual also provides sample forms and worksheets to facilitate data management and regulatory record retention; these can be modified and adapted for use at investigative sites.

Цена: 9936.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781444315226


A Companion to Augustine
A Companion to Augustine

Автор: Mark Vessey

A Companion to Augustine presents a fresh collection of scholarship by leading academics with a new approach to contextualizing Augustine and his works within the multi-disciplinary field of Late Antiquity, showing Augustine as both a product of the cultural forces of his times and a cultural force in his own right. Discusses the life and works of Augustine within their full historical context, rather than privileging the theological context Presents Augustine’s life, works and leading ideas in the cultural context of the late Roman world, providing a vibrant and engaging sense of Augustine in action in his own time and place Opens up a new phase of study on Augustine, sensitive to the many and varied perspectives of scholarship on late Roman culture State-of-the-art essays by leading academics in this field

Цена: 24296.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118255452


A Dictionary of Postmodernism
A Dictionary of Postmodernism

Автор: Niall Lucy

A Dictionary of Postmodernism presents an authoritative A-Z of the critical terms and central figures related to the origins and evolution of postmodernist theory and culture. Explores the names and ideas that have come to define the postmodern condition – from Baudrillard, Jameson, and Lyotard, to the concepts of deconstruction, meta-narrative, and simulation – alongside less canonical topics such as dialogue and punk Includes essays by the late Niall Lucy, a leading expert in postmodernism studies, and by other noted scholars who came together to complete and expand upon his last work Spans a kaleidoscope of postmodernism perspectives, addressing its lovers and haters; its movers and shakers such as Derrida; its origins in modernism and semiotics, and its outlook for the future Features a series of brief essays rather than fixed definitions of the key ideas and arguments Engaging and thought-provoking, this is at once a scholarly guide and enduring reference for the field

Цена: 8369.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781118902165


ADME and Translational Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics of Therapeutic Proteins
ADME and Translational Pharmacokinetics / Pharmacodynamics of Therapeutic Proteins

Автор: Honghui Zhou

With an emphasis on the fundamental and practical aspects of ADME for therapeutic proteins, this book helps readers strategize, plan and implement translational research for biologic drugs. • Details cutting-edge ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion) and PKPD (pharmacokinetic / pharmacodynamics) modeling for biologic drugs • Combines theoretical with practical aspects of ADME in biologic drug discovery and development and compares innovator biologics with biosimilar biologics and small molecules with biologics, giving a lessons-learned perspective • Includes case studies about leveraging ADME to improve biologics drug development for monoclonal antibodies, fusion proteins, pegylated proteins, ADCs, bispecifics, and vaccines • Presents regulatory expectations and industry perspectives for developing biologic drugs in USA, EU, and Japan • Provides mechanistic insight into biodistribution and target-driven pharmacokinetics in important sites of action such as tumors and the brain

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781118898802


Absorption and Drug Development. Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State
Absorption and Drug Development. Solubility, Permeability, and Charge State

Автор: Alex Avdeef

Explains how to perform and analyze the results of the latest physicochemical methods With this book as their guide, readers have access to all the current information needed to thoroughly investigate and accurately determine a compound's pharmaceutical properties and their effects on drug absorption. The book emphasizes oral absorption, explaining all the physicochemical methods used today to analyze drug candidates. Moreover, the author provides expert guidance to help readers analyze the results of their studies in order to select the most promising drug candidates. This Second Edition has been thoroughly updated and revised, incorporating all the latest research findings, methods, and resources, including: Descriptions and applications of new PAMPA models, drawing on more than thirty papers published by the author's research group Two new chapters examining permeability and Caco-2/MDCK and permeability and the blood-brain barrier Expanded information and methods to support pKa determination New examples explaining the treatment of practically insoluble test compounds Additional case studies demonstrating the use of the latest physicochemical techniques New, revised, and expanded database tables throughout the book Well over 200 drawings help readers better understand difficult concepts and provide a visual guide to complex procedures. In addition, over 800 references serve as a gateway to the primary literature in the field, facilitating further research into all the topics covered in the book. This Second Edition is recommended as a reference for researchers in pharmaceutical R&D as well as in agrochemical, environmental, and other related areas of research. It is also recommended as a supplemental text for graduate courses in pharmaceutics.

Цена: 18226.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118285961


Abuela Julieta (completo)
Abuela Julieta (completo)

Автор: Leopoldo Lugones

Исполнители: Mariana Godward

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 4066004042909


Advanced Drug Delivery
Advanced Drug Delivery

Автор: Kun Cheng

Provides both fundamentals and new and emerging applications Advanced Drug Delivery brings readers fully up to date with the state of the science, presenting the basics, formulation strategies, and therapeutic applications of advanced drug delivery. The book demonstrates how core concepts of pharmaceutical sciences, chemistry, and molecular biology can be combined and applied in order to spark novel ideas to design and develop advanced drug delivery systems for the treatment of a broad range of human diseases. Advanced Drug Delivery features contributions from an international team of pharmaceutical scientists. Chapters reflect a thorough review and analysis of the literature as well as the authors' firsthand experience developing drug delivery systems. The book is divided into four parts: Part I, Introduction and Basics of Advanced Drug Delivery, explores physiological barriers, stability, transporters, and biomaterials in drug delivery Part II, Strategies for Advanced Drug Delivery, offers tested and proven strategies for advanced delivery of both small molecules and macromolecules Part III, Translational Research of Advanced Drug Delivery, focuses on regulatory considerations and translational applications of advanced drug delivery systems for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, ophthalmic diseases, and brain diseases Part IV, Future Applications of Advanced Drug Delivery in Emerging Research Areas, examines stem cell research, cell-based therapeutics, tissue engineering, and molecular imaging Each chapter provides objectives and assessment questions to help readers grasp key concepts and assess their knowledge as they progress through the book. Advanced Drug Delivery is recommended for graduates and upper-level undergraduates in the pharmaceutical sciences who need a solid foundation in the basics. It is also recommended for pharmaceutical professionals who want to take advantage of new and emerging applications in advanced drug delivery systems.

Цена: 13553.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118662830


Alluvial Sedimentation (Special Publication 17 of the IAS)
Alluvial Sedimentation (Special Publication 17 of the IAS)

Автор: Puigdefabregas C

Most of the thirty-four papers contained in this Special Publication arise from the Fourth International Conference on Fluvial Sedimentology held in Spain in 1989. Sections deal with various aspects of sediment transport and hydraulics in flume experiments and modern rivers, the analysis of alluvial facies, geomorphic and structural controls on alluvial sedimentation, alluvial stratigraphy and basin analysis, and finally the exploration and exploitation of ores. A professional reference to the most recent research in fluvial sedimentology. An international expert authorship.

Цена: 16569.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781444304008


American Identities
American Identities

Автор: Группа авторов

American Identities is a dazzling array of primary documents and critical essays culled from American history, literature, memoir, and popular culture that explore major currents and trends in American history from 1945 to the present. Charts the rich multiplicity of American identities through the different lenses of race, class, and gender, and shaped by common historical social processes such as migration, families, work, and war. Includes editorial introductions for the volume and for each reading, and study questions for each selection. Enables students to engage in the history-making process while developing the skills crucial to interpreting rich and enduring cultural texts. Accompanied by an instructor's guide containing reading, viewing, and listening exercises, interview questions, bibliographies, time-lines, and sample excerpts of students' family histories for course use.

Цена: 4971.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781405150095


An Introduction to Statistics in Early Phase Trials
An Introduction to Statistics in Early Phase Trials

Автор: David Machin

All new medicines and devices undergo early phase trials to assess, interpret and better understand their efficacy, tolerability and safety. An Introduction to Statistics in Early Phase Trials describes the practical design and analysis of these important early phase clinical trials and provides the crucial statistical basis for their interpretation. It clearly and concisely provides an overview of the most common types of trials undertaken in early phase clinical research and explains the different methodologies used. The impact of statistical technologies on clinical development and the statistical and methodological basis for making clinical and investment decisions are also explained. Conveys key ideas in a concise manner understandable by non-statisticians Explains how to optimise designs in a constrained or fixed resource setting Discusses decision making criteria at the end of Phase II trials Highlights practical day-to-day issues and reporting of early phase trials An Introduction to Statistics in Early Phase Trials is an essential guide for all researchers working in early phase clinical trial development, from clinical pharmacologists and pharmacokineticists through to clinical investigators and medical statisticians. It is also a valuable reference for teachers and students of pharmaceutical medicine learning about the design and analysis of clinical trials.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470319178


Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics
Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics

Автор: Группа авторов

The definitive guide to the myriad analytical techniques available to scientists involved in biotherapeutics research Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics covers all current and emerging analytical tools and techniques used for the characterization of therapeutic proteins and antigen reagents. From basic recombinant antigen and antibody characterization, to complex analyses for increasingly complex molecular designs, the book explores the history of the analysis techniques and offers valuable insights into the most important emerging analytical solutions. In addition, it frames critical questions warranting attention in the design and delivery of a therapeutic protein, exposes analytical challenges that may occur when characterizing these molecules, and presents a number of tested solutions. The first single-volume guide of its kind, Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics brings together contributions from scientists at the leading edge of biotherapeutics research and manufacturing. Key topics covered in-depth include the structural characterization of recombinant proteins and antibodies, antibody de novo sequencing, characterization of antibody drug conjugates, characterization of bi-specific or other hybrid molecules, characterization of manufacturing host-cell contaminant proteins, analytical tools for biologics molecular assessment, and more. Each chapter is written by a recognized expert or experts in their field who discuss current and cutting edge approaches to fully characterizing biotherapeutic proteins and antigen reagents Covers the full range of characterization strategies for large molecule based therapeutics Provides an up-to-date account of the latest approaches used for large molecule characterization Chapters cover the background needed to understand the challenges at hand, solutions to characterize these large molecules, and a summary of emerging options for analytical characterization Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics is an up-to-date resource for analytical scientists, biologists, and mass spectrometrists involved in the analysis of biomolecules, as well as scientists employed in the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology industries. Graduate students in biology and analytical science, and their instructors will find it to be fascinating and instructive supplementary reading.

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119384427


Animal Behaviour and Drug Action
Animal Behaviour and Drug Action

Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Цена: 11377.85 руб.
ISBN: 9780470716854


Animal Models for Human Cancer
Animal Models for Human Cancer

Автор: Группа авторов

Based on results from the past ten years, this ready reference systematically describes how to prepare, carry out, and evaluate animal studies for cancer therapies, addressing the widely recognized lack of reliable and reproducible results. Following a short historical introduction and a discussion of the ethics surrounding animal experiments, the book describes correct study design as well as the handling and housing of animals. It then goes on to describe the animal models available for different cancer types, from natural cancer models in mice and dogs to humanized animals. An evaluation of previously unpublished long-term data from the Swiss canine and feline cancer registry is also included. The final part of the book reviews the lessons learned over the last decade on how to interpret data from animal studies for improving human therapy and gives recommendations for future drug development.

Цена: 14050.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783527695911


Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic Resistance

Автор: Jamie Goode A

Antibiotic Resistance: Origins, Evolution, Selection and Spread Chairman: Stuart B. Levy, 1997 Over the last 50 years, the rapid increase in the use of antibiotics, not only in people, but also in animal husbandry and agriculture, has delivered a selection unprecedented in the history of evolution. Consequently, society is facing one of its gravest public health problems-the emergence of infectious bacteria with resistance to many, and in some cases all, available antibiotics. This book brings together a multidisciplinary group of experts to discuss this problem. It begins by examining the origins of resistance and goes on to look at how the use of antibiotics in human medicine and farming/agriculture has selected for resistant bacteria. Separate chapters describe the evolution of resistance determinants and how these are spread both within and between bacterial species. Finally, the book contains discussions on strategies for countering the threat of antibiotic resistance. A major re-thinking of our approach to the treatment of infectious diseases is proposed-that antibiotic resistance should be seen as a problem created by the disruption of normal microbial ecology. To restore efficacy to earlier antibiotics, and to maintain the success of new antibiotics that are introduced, we need to use these drugs in a way that ensures an ecological balance that favours the predominance of susceptible bacteria.

Цена: 20767.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470515365



Автор: Группа авторов

Most of the antibiotics now in use have been discovered more or less by chance, and their mechanisms of action have only been elucidated after their discovery. To meet the medical need for next-generation antibiotics, a more rational approach to antibiotic development is clearly needed. Opening with a general introduction about antimicrobial drugs, their targets and the problem of antibiotic resistance, this reference systematically covers currently known antibiotic classes, their molecular mechanisms and the targets on which they act. Novel targets such as cell signaling networks, riboswitches and bacterial chaperones are covered here, alongside the latest information on the molecular mechanisms of current blockbuster antibiotics. With its broad overview of current and future antibacterial drug development, this unique reference is essential reading for anyone involved in the development and therapeutic application of novel antibiotics.

Цена: 16726.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527659715


Antibiotics Manual
Antibiotics Manual

Автор: David L. Schlossberg

A comprehensive compendium of all commonly used antibiotics, including indications, side effects, dosage information, and drug/food interactions Antibiotics Manual: A Guide to Commonly Used Antimicrobials, Second Edition is a unique, user-friendly guide made for all who prescribe antibiotics. It’s the only book available that takes a 100% drug-listed approach to 200 of the most common antibiotics prescribed to patients each day. Presented in full color, it’s also a convenient reference for every clinician to consult once the decision to use a particular antibiotic has been reached. This edition of Antibiotics Manual includes newer antibiotics that have been released since the publication of the First Edition and updates prescribing information for the older antibiotics. This all-new Second Edition: Has a color-coded interior design which provides quick and easy point of care access for the user Includes 200 of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics, listed by both brand and generic names Features important recently-released antibiotics such as ceftaroline, tedizolid, and bedaquiline Antibiotics Manual: A Guide to Commonly Used Antimicrobials, Second Edition is a welcome book for physicians in all specialties of medicine who prescribe antibiotics. It is also a handy tool for pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who want more information on the drugs they administer.

Цена: 10055.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119220770


Antiparasitic and Antibacterial Drug Discovery. From Molecular Targets to Drug Candidates
Antiparasitic and Antibacterial Drug Discovery. From Molecular Targets to Drug Candidates

Автор: Paul Selzer M

Addressing parasitic diseases and those caused by bacteria, this much needed reference and handbook provides a unique insight into the approach adopted by commercial science towards infectious diseases, including the work of medicinal chemists. Many of the authors are scientists with hands-on experience of drug discovery units within the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the text covers efforts towards drug development in infectious diseases from academic groups and non profit organizations.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9783527626823


Antiviral Drug Strategies
Antiviral Drug Strategies

Автор: Группа авторов

By focusing on general molecular mechanisms of antiviral drugs rather than therapies for individual viruses, this ready reference provides the critical knowledge needed to develop entirely novel therapeutics and to target new viruses. It begins with a general discussion of antiviral strategies, followed by a broad survey of known viral targets, such as reverse transcriptases, proteases, neuraminidases, RNA polymerases, helicases and primases, as well as their known inhibitors. The final section contains several cases studies of recent successful antiviral drug development. Edited by Erik de Clercq, the world authority on small molecule antiviral drugs, who has developed more new antivirals than anyone else.

Цена: 18726.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783527635979


Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials
Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials

Автор: Wieslaw Kazmierski M

This book focuses on new small molecule approaches to combat viral infections. The chapters describe the discovery and development from bench through the clinic of relatively recently-approved antiviral drugs and compounds in advanced clinical development. Organized by a virus (such as HIV, HCV, RSV, influenza, HBV and CMV) and written by top academic and industrial authorities in the field, the book provides a unique opportunity to study, understand and apply discovery and development principles and learning without the need for an individual to research, analyze and synthesize all immense sourcing references. Topics showcase challenges and solutions of issues encountered, offering tremendous experience accumulated over many years of research that will be particularly useful to basic and bench scientists as well as clinicians as they continue discovering and developing new drugs and therapies.

Цена: 18883.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470929346


Applications of Microdialysis in Pharmaceutical Science
Applications of Microdialysis in Pharmaceutical Science

Автор: Tung-Hu Tsai

Discover new and emerging applications for microdialysis in drug evaluation Microdialysis is a highly valuable sampling tool that can be used in vivo to measure free, unbound analyte concentrations located in interstitial and extracellular spaces. This book explores the full range of clinical applications for microdialysis, focusing on its use in different organ and tissue systems for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies. Readers gain a full understanding of the underlying science of microdialysis, current techniques and practices, as well as its many applications in pharmaceutical research. Applications of Microdialysis in Pharmaceutical Science starts with an introduction to basic principles and then covers analytical considerations, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies, clinical aspects, and special applications. Topics include: Role of microdialysis in drug development, including crucial sampling considerations and applications for nervous system diseases Continuous measurement of glucose concentrations in diabetics Applications for clinical evaluation and basic research on organ systems, including monitoring exogenous and endogenous compounds in the lungs Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of anticancer drugs Comparison of microdialysis with imaging approaches to evaluate in vivo drug distribution Special applications of microdialysis in studies of cell culture assays, drug-drug interactions, and environmental monitoring Throughout the book, readers will find simple models that clarify complex concepts and easy-to-follow examples that guide them through key applications in pharmaceutical research. In short, this book enables pharmaceutical researchers to take full advantage of microdialysis techniques for the preclinical and clinical evaluation of drugs and much more.

Цена: 18883.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781118011270


Aspartic Acid Proteases as Therapeutic Targets
Aspartic Acid Proteases as Therapeutic Targets

Автор: Группа авторов

In this ground-breaking practical reference, the family of aspartic acid proteases is described from a drug developer's perspective. The first part provides a general introduction to the family of aspartic acid proteases, their physiological functions, molecular structure and inhibition. Parts two to five present various case studies of successful protease inhibitor drug design and development, as well as current and potential uses of such inhibitors in pharmaceutical medicine, covering the major therapeutic targets HIV-1 protease, renin, beta-secretase, gamma-secretase,plasmepsins and fungal proteases. A ready reference aimed primarily at professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as for anyone studying proteases and their function.

Цена: 20739.06 руб.
ISBN: 9783527630950


Assessing and Managing the Acutely Ill Adult Surgical Patient
Assessing and Managing the Acutely Ill Adult Surgical Patient

Автор: Fiona McArthur-Rouse

Assessing and managing the acutely ill adult surgical patient focuses on major surgical conditions and interventions commonly encountered in District General Hospitals which potentially require intensive monitoring and intervention. It emphasizes the importance of thorough assessment and interpretation of clinical data, and provides the necessary knowledge to help nurses make sense of their findings and to integrate theory and practice in relation to surgical care. Part one addresses principles of surgical care for all patients undergoing surgery – including pre-operative assessment and preparation, the peri-operative period and post-operative recovery, post-operative pain management and psychosocial aspects of surgery – which underpin the knowledge and rationale for practice. Part two considers specific surgical conditions and interventions, organised according to surgical specialities. Each chapter considers the underlying patho-physiology, investigation and diagnosis, assessment, monitoring and management of common acute surgical conditions within that specialty.

Цена: 9167.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780470691243


Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Attrition in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Автор: Dennis A. Smith

With a focus on case studies of R&D programs in a variety of disease areas, the book highlights fundamental productivity issues the pharmaceutical industry has been facing and explores potential ways of improving research effectiveness and efficiency. • Takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to the problems and potential solutions to drug compound attrition • Tackles a problem that adds billions of dollars to drug development programs and health care costs • Guides discovery and development scientists through R&D stages, teaching requirements and reasons why drugs can fail • Discusses potential ways forward utilizing new approaches and opportunities to reduce attrition

Цена: 14216.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118819449


BACE. Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer s Disease
BACE. Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Disease

Автор: Varghese John

BACE inhibitors and their use in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease BACE (β-site of APP cleaving enzyme) is a critical component in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), and the development of BACE inhibitors shows great potential as a therapy for the disease. BACE: Lead Target for Orchestrated Therapy of Alzheimer's Disease covers virtually all aspects of BACE from initial identification, discovery of inhibitors, and challenges in clinical development, while providing a global understanding essential for productive and successful drug discovery. This book details the story of the discovery of BACE and its role in AD and comprehensively discusses: The development of BACE inhibitors as therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease The research that led to the identification of BACE New BACE inhibitors currently being clinically tested ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion) and clinical trial design—topics not addressed in current field literature Cutting-edge technology such as high-throughput screening, structure-based drug design, and QSAR in context of BACE inhibitors and Alzheimer's drug discovery Other approaches to BACE inhibition based on interaction with the precursor protein APP By enhancing the reader's understanding of the various aspects of the BACE drug-discovery process, this much-needed reference will serve as a key resource for all scientists involved in Alzheimer's research—and inspire new approaches to treatment of AD.

Цена: 14139.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470594070


Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing

Автор: Fiona Grist

An updated second edition of the essential reference for any dental nurse undertaking the NEBDN qualification in Orthodontic Dental Nursing The revised second edition of Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is a comprehensive guide that offers an introduction for students seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of this core area of clinical practice. Written in a clear and accessible format, it covers key subjects such as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding and retention. It also contains information on care prior to treatment including the requirements for a first appointment and a helpful guide on maintaining motivation particularly for young patients and their parents. Presents essential information on orthodontic dental nursing Is written for trainee dental nurses undertaking the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) qualification in Orthodontic Dental Nursing Covers key topics such as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding and retention Includes colour illustrations and updated photographs throughout Designed to reflect sections of the syllabus of the NEBDN Certificate in Orthodontic Dental Nursing, the second edition of Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is an invaluable resource for all dental nurses with an interest in orthodontics.

Цена: 6747.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119573708


Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Автор: Группа авторов

Updated with new chapters and topics, this book provides a comprehensive description of all essential topics in contemporary pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. It also features interactive computer simulations for students to experiment and observe PK/PD models in action. • Presents the essentials of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a clear and progressive manner • Helps students better appreciate important concepts and gain a greater understanding of the mechanism of action of drugs by reinforcing practical applications in both the book and the computer modules • Features interactive computer simulations, available online through a companion website at: http://www.uri.edu/pharmacy/faculty/rosenbaum/basicmodels.html • Adds new chapters on physiologically based pharmacokinetic models, predicting drug-drug interactions, and pharmacogenetics while also strengthening original chapters to better prepare students for more advanced applications • Reviews of the 1st edition: “This is an ideal textbook for those starting out … and also for use as a reference book …." (International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics) and “I could recommend Rosenbaum’s book for pharmacology students because it is written from a perspective of drug action . . . Overall, this is a well-written introduction to PK/PD …. “ (British Toxicology Society Newsletter)

Цена: 8499.23 руб.
ISBN: 9781119143161


Becoming a Reflective Practitioner
Becoming a Reflective Practitioner

Автор: Christopher Johns

From Reviews of the second edition: 'Christopher Johns is an internationally recognised pioneer of reflective practice in nursing and health care. The first edition of this book was an excellent resource and this updated version is equally impressive. This is a superb resource for nurses and all those eager to enhance their knowledge and skills in reflective practice. It is well presented, user-friendly and stimulating.' Nursing Standard Becoming a Reflective Practitioner is a practical guide to using reflection in every day clinical practice. It explores the value of using models of reflection, with particular reference to Christopher Johns' own model for structured reflection. Becoming a Reflective Practitioner includes accounts of everyday practice to guide the reader through the stages of reflective practice within the context of care, 'desirable practice', and the caring relationship. This third edition reflects significant developments in reflective theory and gives greater attention to different approaches to reflection including the use of narrative dialogue. New chapters are included on ensuring quality and managing conflict. Exemplars are included throughout and further references and reflected reading are included at the end of each chapter. Reflective practice is acknowledged as an effective approach to developing nursing care which evolves as the practitioner develops his or her own practice. This book will therefore be of interest to all nurses involved in developing their clinical practice. A practical guide to developing reflective practice Reflects significant developments in reflective theory Examines Christopher Johns’ own model for structured reflection Centred on care and the caring relationship Challenges practitioners to question their practice

Цена: 5743.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781444316476


Benefit-Risk Appraisal of Medicines
Benefit-Risk Appraisal of Medicines

Автор: Stuart Walker

Benefit-risk assessment is at the centre of the approval process for every new medicine. The ability to assess the risks of a new medicine accurately and to balance these against the benefits the medicine could bring is critical for every regulatory authority and pharmaceutical company. Despite this there are very few tried and tested evaluative models currently available. The authors of this book have developed a new, pioneering tool for the assessment of benefits and risks for new medicines in development. This model utilises a multi-criteria decision analysis which involves selecting, scoring and weighting key benefit and risk attributes and leads to an overall appraisal of benefits and risks of medicines. Benefit-Risk Appraisal of Medicines establishes the background and criteria required to assess benefit and risk in general and reviews the current practices by regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry, including those models currently available. It outlines the development and evaluation of the authors’ new model and analyses the implications of its implementation. Describes an innovative, systematic model which leads to transparent and responsible benefit-risk decision making Contributes important ideas to the debate on benefit-risk appraisal Provides a future framework for benefit-risk appraisal of medicines Benefit-Risk Appraisal of Medicines covers the entire process from the discovery of new medicines to their marketing and is ideal for all those who work in the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities,, as well as post-graduate students of pharmaceutical medicine and clinical pharmacology.

Цена: 11612.45 руб.
ISBN: 9780470748121


Bioisosteres in Medicinal Chemistry
Bioisosteres in Medicinal Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

Written with the practicing medicinal chemist in mind, this is the first modern handbook to systematically address the topic of bioisosterism. As such, it provides a ready reference on the principles and methods of bioisosteric replacement as a key tool in preclinical drug development. The first part provides an overview of bioisosterism, classical bioisosteres and typical molecular interactions that need to be considered, while the second part describes a number of molecular databases as sources of bioisosteric identification and rationalization. The third part covers the four key methodologies for bioisostere identification and replacement: physicochemical properties, topology, shape, and overlays of protein-ligand crystal structures. In the final part, several real-world examples of bioisosterism in drug discovery projects are discussed. With its detailed descriptions of databases, methods and real-life case studies, this is tailor-made for busy industrial researchers with little time for reading, while remaining easily accessible to novice drug developers due to its systematic structure and introductory section.

Цена: 18933.86 руб.
ISBN: 9783527654338


Biological Drug Products
Biological Drug Products

Автор: Группа авторов

Tested and proven solutions to the challenges of biological drug product development Biological drug products play a central role in combating human diseases; however, developing new successful biological drugs presents many challenges, including labor intensive production processes, tighter regulatory controls, and increased market competition. This book reviews the current state of the science, offering readers a single resource that sets forth the fundamentals as well as tested and proven development strategies for biological drugs. Moreover, the book prepares readers for the challenges that typically arise during drug development, offering straightforward solutions to improve their ability to pass through all the regulatory hurdles and deliver new drug products to the market. Biological Drug Products begins with general considerations for the development of any biological drug product and then explores the strategies and challenges involved in the development of specific types of biologics. Divided into five parts, the book examines: Part 1: General Aspects Part 2: Proteins and Peptides Part 3: Vaccines Part 4: Novel Biologics Part 5: Product Administration/Delivery Each chapter has been prepared by one or more leading experts in biological drug development. Contributions are based on a comprehensive review and analysis of the current literature as well as the authors' first-hand experience developing and testing new drugs. References at the end of each chapter serve as a gateway to original research papers and reviews in the field. By incorporating lessons learned and future directions for research, Biological Drug Products enables pharmaceutical scientists and students to improve their success rate in developing new biologics to treat a broad range of human diseases.

Цена: 19685.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781118695036


Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters
Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119564683


Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters
Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters

Автор: Группа авторов

A comprehensive primer and reference, this book provides pharmacists and health practitioners the relevant science and policy concepts behind biologics, biosimilars, and biobetters from a practical and clinical perspective.

  • Explains what pharmacists need to discuss the equivalence, efficacy, safety, and risks of biosimilars with physicians, health practitioners, and patients about
  • Guides regulators on pragmatic approaches to dealing with these drugs in the context of rapidly evolving scientific and clinical evidence
  • Balances scientific information on complex drugs with practical information, such as a checklist for pharmacists

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119564669


Biomarkers in Drug Discovery and Development
Biomarkers in Drug Discovery and Development

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22763.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119187516


Biomaterials Surface Science
Biomaterials Surface Science

Автор: Группа авторов

At the interface of biology, chemistry, and materials science, this book provides an overview of this vibrant research field, treating the seemingly distinct disciplines in a unified way by adopting the common viewpoint of surface science. The editors, themselves prolific researchers, have assembled here a team of top-notch international scientists who read like a «who's who» of biomaterials science and engineering. They cover topics ranging from micro- and nanostructuring for imparting functionality in a top-down manner to the bottom-up fabrication of gradient surfaces by self-assembly, from interfaces between biomaterials and living matter to smart, stimuli-responsive surfaces, and from cell and surface mechanics to the elucidation of cell-chip interactions in biomedical devices. As a result, the book explains the complex interplay of cell behavior and the physics and materials science of artificial devices. Of equal interest to young, ambitious scientists as well as to experienced researchers.

Цена: 14542.2 руб.
ISBN: 9783527649631


Biomedical Signal Analysis
Biomedical Signal Analysis

Автор: Rangaraj M. Rangayyan

The book will help assist a reader in the development of techniques for analysis of biomedical signals and computer aided diagnoses with a pedagogical examination of basic and advanced topics accompanied by over 350 figures and illustrations. Wide range of filtering techniques presented to address various applications 800 mathematical expressions and equations Practical questions, problems and laboratory exercises Includes fractals and chaos theory with biomedical applications

Цена: 15779.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781119068013


Biopharmaceutical Production Technology, 2 Volume Set
Biopharmaceutical Production Technology, 2 Volume Set

Автор: Ganapathy Subramanian

Cost-effective manufacturing of biopharmaceutical products is rapidly gaining in importance, while healthcare systems across the globe are looking to contain costs and improve efficiency. To adapt to these changes, industries need to review and streamline their manufacturing processes. This two volume handbook systematically addresses the key steps and challenges in the production process and provides valuable information for medium to large scale producers of biopharmaceuticals. It is divided into seven major parts: – Upstream Technologies – Protein Recovery – Advances in Process Development – Analytical Technologies – Quality Control – Process Design and Management – Changing Face of Processing With contributions by around 40 experts from academia as well as small and large biopharmaceutical companies, this unique handbook is full of first-hand knowledge on how to produce biopharmaceuticals in a cost-effective and quality-controlled manner.

Цена: 61860.15 руб.
ISBN: 9783527653126



Автор: Группа авторов

Explore the latest research in biopharmaceutics from leading contributors in the field  In Biopharmaceutics – From Fundamentals to Industrial Practice , distinguished Scientists from the UK's Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences Biopharmaceutica Focus Group deliver a comprehensive examination of the tools used within the field of biopharmaceutics and their applications to drug development. This edited volume is an indispensable tool for anyone seeking to better understand the field of biopharmaceutics as it rapidly develops and evolves.  Beginning with an expansive introduction to the basics of biopharmaceutics and the context that underpins the field, the included resources go on to discuss how biopharmaceutics are integrated into product development within the pharmaceutical industry. Explorations of how the regulatory aspects of biopharmaceutics function, as well as the impact of physiology and anatomy on the rate and extent of drug absorption, follow.  Readers will find insightful discussions of physiologically based modeling as a valuable asset in the biopharmaceutics toolkit and how to apply the principles of the field to special populations. The book goes on to discuss:  Thorough introductions to biopharmaceutics, basic pharmacokinetics, and biopharmaceutics measures Comprehensive explorations of solubility, permeability, and dissolution Practical discussions of the use of biopharmaceutics to inform candidate drug selection and optimization, as well as biopharmaceutics tools for rational formulation design In-depth examinations of biopharmaceutics classification systems and regulatory biopharmaceutics, as well as regulatory biopharmaceutics and the impact of anatomy and physiology Perfect for professionals working in the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries,  Biopharmaceutics – From Fundamentals to Industrial Practice  is an incisive and up-to-date resource on the practical, pharmaceutical applications of the field.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781119678373


Biophysical Methods for Biotherapeutics
Biophysical Methods for Biotherapeutics

Автор: Группа авторов

With a focus on practical applications of biophysical techniques, this book links fundamental biophysics to the process of biopharmaceutical development. • Helps formulation and analytical scientists in pharma and biotech better understand and use biophysical methods • Chapters organized according to the sequential nature of the drug development process • Helps formulation, analytical, and bioanalytical scientists in pharma and biotech better understand and usestrengths and limitations of biophysical methods • Explains how to use biophysical methods, the information obtained, and what needs to be presented in a regulatory filing, assess impact on quality and immunogenicity • With a focus on practical applications of biophysical techniques, this book links fundamental biophysics to the process of biopharmaceutical development.

Цена: 13589.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118354674


Biosimulation in Drug Development
Biosimulation in Drug Development

Автор: Martin Bertau

This first comprehensive survey to cover all pharmaceutically relevant topics provides a comprehensive introduction to this novel and revolutionary tool, presenting both concepts and application examples of biosimulated cells, organs and organisms. Following an introduction to the role of biosimulation in drug development, the authors go on to discuss the simulation of cells and tissues, as well as simulating drug action and effect. A further section is devoted to simulating networks and populations, and the whole is rounded off by a look at the potential for biosimulation in industrial drug development and for regulatory decisions. Part of the authors are members of the BioSim Network of Excellence that encompasses more than 40 academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authorities dealing with drug development; other contributors come from industry, resulting in a cross-disciplinary expert reference.

Цена: 31813.79 руб.
ISBN: 9783527622689


Blasse Spuren - Leonore Goldmann ermittelt, Band 1 (ungek?rzt)
Blasse Spuren - Leonore Goldmann ermittelt, Band 1 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Timo Leibig

Исполнители: Lisa Boos

Цена: 1474.74 руб.
ISBN: 4251703570062


Blood-Brain Barrier in Drug Discovery
Blood-Brain Barrier in Drug Discovery

Автор: Группа авторов

Focused on central nervous system (CNS) drug discovery efforts, this book educates drug researchers about the blood-brain barrier (BBB) so they can affect important improvements in one of the most significant – and most challenging – areas of drug discovery. • Written by world experts to provide practical solutions to increase brain penetration or minimize CNS side-effects • Reviews state-of-the-art in silico, in vitro, and in vivo tools to assess brain penetration and advanced CNS drug delivery strategies • Covers BBB physiology, medicinal chemistry design principles, free drug hypothesis for the BBB, and transport mechanisms including passive diffusion, uptake/efflux transporters, and receptor-mediated processes • Highlights the advances in modelling BBB pharmacokinetics and dynamics relationships (PK/PD) and physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) • Discusses case studies of successful CNS and non-CNS drugs, lessons learned and paths to the market

Цена: 16323.72 руб.
ISBN: 9781118788547


British Politics For Dummies
British Politics For Dummies

Автор: Julian Knight

Your updated and revised guide to British politics So, you want to be knowledgeable about British politics but don't know where to start? You've come to the right place! British Politics For Dummies is your essential guide to understanding even the trickiest questions surrounding politics in the UK. In no time, you'll have the confidence to discuss the ins and outs of past and present elections, political leaders, parties and ideologies. Packed with understandable information on the origins, history and structure of the UK parliamentary system, British Politics For Dummies offers a fascinating glimpse into the rollercoaster world of politics. Explaining everything from key political ideologies and the spread of democracy to the current election process and the differences between political parties, this hands-on, friendly guide is an ideal companion to British politics and elections. Includes expanded coverage of coalition governments, devolution and independence efforts Provides updated information on UKIP and Britain's place in Europe Serves as a helpful guide to elections and British political parties—electoral systems, voting behaviour and trends and the role of pressure groups and the media Offers a fascinating examination of British politics on the world stage Whether you want to get to grips with British politics and government or build your knowledge beyond the basics, this updated edition of British Politics For Dummies is the place to start.

Цена: 2402.98 руб.
ISBN: 9781118971512


Cable Supported Bridges. Concept and Design
Cable Supported Bridges. Concept and Design

Автор: Gimsing Niels J

Fourteen years on from its last edition, Cable Supported Bridges: Concept and Design, Third Edition, has been significantly updated with new material and brand new imagery throughout. Since the appearance of the second edition, the focus on the dynamic response of cable supported bridges has increased, and this development is recognised with two new chapters, covering bridge aerodynamics and other dynamic topics such as pedestrian-induced vibrations and bridge monitoring. This book concentrates on the synthesis of cable supported bridges, suspension as well as cable stayed, covering both design and construction aspects. The emphasis is on the conceptual design phase where the main features of the bridge will be determined. Based on comparative analyses with relatively simple mathematical expressions, the different structural forms are quantified and preliminary optimization demonstrated. This provides a first estimate on dimensions of the main load carrying elements to give in an initial input for mathematical computer models used in the detailed design phase. Key features: Describes evolution and trends within the design and construction of cable supported bridges Describes the response of structures to dynamic actions that have attracted growing attention in recent years Highlights features of the different structural components and their interaction in the entire structural system Presents simple mathematical expressions to give a first estimate on dimensions of the load carrying elements to be used in an initial computer input This comprehensive coverage of the design and construction of cable supported bridges provides an invaluable, tried and tested resource for academics and engineers.

Цена: 21761.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119978220


Cannabis und Cannabinoide
Cannabis und Cannabinoide

Автор: Franjo Grotenhermen

Die neuen gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen, die eine medizinische Verwendung von Cannabis erm?glichen, fordern ein praxisorientiertes Fachbuch f?r alle Health Professionals, die mit Patient/-innen arbeiten, f?r die Cannabis und Cannabinoide positive Effekte entfalten k?nnen. Das Buch ist eine praxisorientierte Anleitung f?r die medizinische Verwendung von Cannabis und cannabisbasierten Medikamenten und liefert eine Vielzahl von Tipps zur Verschreibung und Kosten?bernahme durch die Krankenkasse.
Als Fachbuch beschreibt es dezidiert die Grundlagen der Medikation, die Wirkungsweise und Pharmakokinetik, die Dosierung und Einnahme von Cannabinoiden und die Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Substanzen. Dar?ber hinaus werden auch kontroverse Themen wie psychische Nebenwirkungen und Fragen der Fahrsicherheit diskutiert. Abschnitte zum Einsatz von Cannabinoiden bei Kindern oder dem Abh?ngigkeitspotenzial vervollst?ndigen das Buch.
Folgende und viele weitere Fragen werden besprochen:
Wann ist eine Verschreibung ?berhaupt erlaubt?
Welche Indikationen bestehen?
Welche Nebenwirkungen und Wechselwirkungen sind klinisch relevant?
Welche Pr?parate sind verschreibungsf?hig und was ist dabei zu beachten?
Wie gehe ich im konkreten Einzelfall vor?
Das Herausgeber-Team z?hlt zu den erfahrensten Wissenschaftler/-innen und ?rzt/-innen im Bereich Cannabis als Medizin in Deutschland. Es ist ihnen gelungen, zusammen mit zahlreichen weiteren, f?hrenden Expert/-innen aus Medizin, Pharmazie, Wissenschaft, Recht und Soziologie das Thema von allen Seiten zu beleuchten und so die erste umfassende deutschsprachige Darstellung vorzulegen.

Цена: 5917.7 руб.
ISBN: 9783954665488


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