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Возможно ли иметь трех родителей?
Возможно ли иметь трех родителей?

Автор: Иван Меренков

Разбираемся в том, возможно ли иметь сразу трех генетических родителей

Цена: 49 руб.


Дискретная математика: графы, матроиды, алгоритмы
Дискретная математика: графы, матроиды, алгоритмы

Автор: М. Асанов

В учебном пособии изложен ряд основных разделов теории графов и матроидов. Рассмотрены алгоритмы дискретной оптимизации на сетях и графах, наиболее часто используемые программистами. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов направлений подготовки «Информатика и вычислительная техника», «Информационные системы и технологии», «Прикладная информатика», «Программная инженерия». Книга также может быть полезной для аспирантов, специализирующихся в области компьютерных наук и информационной безопасности, для практикующих программистов, для всех желающих изучить основы современной дискретной компьютерной математики.

Цена: 904 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-4998-9


Домашние новости
Домашние новости

Автор: Александр Амфитеатров

«Гражданин Северо-Американских Соединенных Штатов Александр Николаевич Чилюк лежал на диване и сам себе не верил: неужели он опять в России, в захолустной деревушке своего отца, в том самом доме, откуда, двенадцать лет тому назад, ушел в свое всесветное бродяжничество?..»

Исполнители: Константин Иванов

Цена: 89 руб.


Как работают лазеры и зачем нужны волоконные лазеры
Как работают лазеры и зачем нужны волоконные лазеры

Автор: Иван Меренков

Физик доступно объясняет как работает лазер и в чем преимущества волоконного лазера

Цена: 49 руб.


Как ученые создают лекарство от рака
Как ученые создают лекарство от рака

Автор: Иван Меренков

Из этого подкаста вы узнаете как ученые создают лекарство от рака

Цена: 49 руб.


Компьютерные игры и успех в бизнесе
Компьютерные игры и успех в бизнесе

Автор: Иван Меренков

Небольшая беседа о том, как влияют компьютерные игры на успехи в других сферах жизни, например, в бизнесе

Цена: 49 руб.


Краткое Толкование Газов Крови
Краткое Толкование Газов Крови

Автор: Nicola Maria Vitola

Медицинская аргументация для врачей и медицинских работников. Книга содержит основные понятия для исследования газового анализа крови, поэтому они могут быть легко поняты, являются и стимулом для дальнейшего исследования, даже без опасений, что вопрос априори считается, справедливым или ошибочным, комплекс. Рассматриваются различные этапы интерпретации данных в ясным и лаконичным языком, с использованием диаграмм и сопроводительного текста,который легко читать.

Цена: 1182.75 руб.
ISBN: 9788885356009


Марихуана. Все что нужно знать
Марихуана. Все что нужно знать

Автор: Иван Меренков

О том, как марихуана может быть полезна в медицине и вредна ли она для людей

Цена: 49 руб.


Предупрежден Значит Вооружен. Хронический миелолейкоз
Предупрежден Значит Вооружен. Хронический миелолейкоз

Автор: Михаил Фоминых

Эта книга адресована пациентам с установленным гематологическим диагнозом «хронический миелолейкоз», их родственникам и близким. Людей интересуют не сухие данные о выживаемости и частоте побочных эффектов при приеме лекарств, а другие насущные вопросы: «Можно ли поехать с семьей на море?», «Как мне теперь питаться?», «Как мне рассказать о своем диагнозе близким?» В книге доступным языком описаны современные взгляды на кровь и кроветворение, актуальные методы диагностики и советы по правильной подготовке к ним, про революцию в терапии ранее смертельного заболевания и новейшие методы лечения. Так же автор подробно пишет про психологическую поддержку и помощь гематологическим пациентам, про нормальную дальнейшую жизнь с диагнозом: питание, занятия спортом, беременность и санаторно-курортное лечение. Про современные теории канцерогенеза и даже нетрадиционную медицину.

Цена: 26 руб.


Рак. Все что нужно о нем знать
Рак. Все что нужно о нем знать

Автор: Иван Меренков

Разбираемся что такое рак, откуда он берется и как его лечить. Разрушаем известные мифы

Цена: 49 руб.


Сестринская помощь при нарушениях психического здоровья. Алгоритмы манипуляций
Сестринская помощь при нарушениях психического здоровья. Алгоритмы манипуляций

Автор: А. А. Соловьева

Методические рекомендации содержат алгоритмы выполнения манипуляций по уходу за пациентами, имеющими психические или наркологические расстройства. Рекомендации составлены в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта по специальности «Сестринское дело». Настоящие рекомендации состоят из шести разделов специализированного сестринского ухода, соответствующих учебному плану профессионального модуля «Участие в лечебно-диагностическом процессе».

Цена: 234 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-5594-2


Сказание о Федоре-христианине и о друге его Абраме-жидовине
Сказание о Федоре-христианине и о друге его Абраме-жидовине

Автор: Николай Лесков

Повесть эта не есть баснословие, измышленное досугом писателя. Это есть истинная история, в древние годы действительно бывшая и в давние же годы писанная рукой современного богочтителя и человеколюбца. Ныне она от старых записей взята и в новом изложении подаётся для возможного удовольствия друзей мира и человеколюбия, оскорбляемых нестерпимым дыханием братоненавидения и злопомнения.

Исполнители: Семён Литвинов

Цена: 89 руб.


Спокойное место
Спокойное место

Автор: Екатерина Тюрина-Погорельская

Арсений Киреев, писатель ужасов, оказывается в таинственной деревне. В этом загадочном месте происходят странные вещи. Арсений сталкивается с необъяснимым, граница между реальностью и вымыслом стирается. Что заставляя его сомневаться в своем рассудке. Сцены из его собственных романов начинают повторяться в реальности, и Арсений оказывается в запутанном лабиринте между тем, что реально, и тем, что придумано им самим.Это странное путешествие поднимает вопросы о грани между творчеством и реальностью, об искусстве воздействовать на сознание и влиять на создателя. Все это создает атмосферу напряжения и загадки, отражающую темные стороны воображения и творчества.

Исполнители: Борис Клейнберг

Цена: 199 руб.


Спроси ученого. Почему так плохо, когда мы болеем?
Спроси ученого. Почему так плохо, когда мы болеем?

Автор: Иван Меренков

Спят ли рыбы? Можно ли есть золото? Можно ли с помощью хлороформа усыпить человека?

Цена: 49 руб.


Стефани Шталь. Ребенок в тебе… Комплект книг
Стефани Шталь. Ребенок в тебе… Комплект книг

Автор: Стефани Шталь

Комплект из двух аудиокниг Стефани Шталь – автора мировых бестселлеров по психологии. Стать по-настоящему взрослым и найти опору в себе самом – возможно! С помощью удивительной методики известного психиатра вы научитесь разрешать конфликты на работе и выстраивать гармоничные отношения в паре, обретете уверенность в своем выборе, избавитесь от детских паттернов, которые продолжают негативно влиять на жизнь, отпустите прошлые травмы и обиды и поможете своему внутреннему ребенку стать счастливым здесь и сейчас. В каждую книгу входят упражнения и рекомендации. В комплект входят аудиоверсии книг с профессиональной дикторской озвучкой: «Ребенок в тебе может найти любовь. Построить счастливые отношения, не оглядываясь на прошлое» и «Ребенок в тебе должен обрести дом. Вернуться в детство, чтобы исправить взрослые ошибки».

Серия: Осколки детских травм. Книги, которые заменят психолога

Исполнители: Ирина Воробьева

Цена: 699 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-04-197412-1


Теория и практика лабораторных гематологических исследований
Теория и практика лабораторных гематологических исследований

Автор: С. В. Лелевич

В пособии отражены вопросы общей и частной гематологии, основные правила организации и проведения гематологических исследований. Обсуждаются аспекты лабораторной диагностики заболеваний системы крови с учетом современного уровня развития науки, техники, технологий. Пособие предназначено для студентов направления «Лабораторная диагностика» медицинских колледжей и училищ.

Цена: 611 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-7765-4


Хирургические болезни уха
Хирургические болезни уха

Автор: Леонид Левин

Цена: 199 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-89677-026-8


A Brief History of Christianity
A Brief History of Christianity

Автор: Carter Lindberg

Charting the rise and development of Christianity, Carter Lindberg has succeeded in writing a concise and compelling history of the world’s largest religion. He spans over 2,000 years of colorful incident to give an authoritative history of Christianity for both the general reader and the beginning student. Ranges from the missionary journeys of the apostles to the tele-evangelism of the twenty-first century. Demonstrates how the Christian community received and forged its identity from its development of the Bible to the present day. Covers topics fundamental to understanding the course of Western Christianity, including the growth of the papacy, heresy and schism, reformation and counter-reformation. Includes an introduction to the historiography of Christianity, a note on the problems of periodization, an appendix on theological terms, and a useful bibliography. An authoritative yet succinct history, written to appeal to a general audience as well as students of the history of Christianity. Written by internationally regarded theologian, Carter Lindberg, who is the author of numerous titles on theology and Church history.

Цена: 12808.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781405148870


A Companion to Ancient Egypt
A Companion to Ancient Egypt

Автор: Alan Lloyd B

This companion provides the very latest accounts of the major and current aspects of Egyptology by leading scholars. Delivered in a highly readable style and extensively illustrated, it offers unprecedented breadth and depth of coverage, giving full scope to the discussion of this incredible civilization. Provides the very latest and, where relevant, well-illustrated accounts of the major aspects of Egypt?s ancient history and culture Covers a broad scope of topics including physical context, history, economic and social mechanisms, language, literature, and the visual arts Delivered in a highly readable style with students and scholars of both Egyptology and Graeco-Roman studies in mind Provides a chronological table at the start of each volume to help readers orient chapters within the wider historical context

Цена: 54900.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781444320060


A Companion to Paleopathology
A Companion to Paleopathology

Автор: Anne Grauer L

A Companion to Paleopathology offers a comprehensive overview of this rapidly growing sub- field of physical anthropology. Presents a broad overview of the field of paleopathology, integrating theoretical and methodological approaches to understand biological and disease processes throughout human history Demonstrates how paleopathology sheds light on the past through the analysis of human and non-human skeletal materials, mummified remains and preserved tissue Integrates scientific advances in multiple fields that contribute to the understanding of ancient and historic diseases, such as epidemiology, histology, radiology, parasitology, dentistry, and molecular biology, as well as archaeological, archival and historical research. Highlights cultural processes that have an impact on the evolution of illness, death and dying in human populations, including subsistence strategies, human environmental adaptations, the effects of malnutrition, differential access to resources, and interpersonal and intercultural violence

Цена: 24517.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781444345919


A Companion to Vergil s Aeneid and its Tradition
A Companion to Vergil's Aeneid and its Tradition

Автор: Farrell Joseph

A Companion to Vergil’s Aeneid and its Tradition presents a collection of original interpretive essays that represent an innovative addition to the body of Vergil scholarship. Provides fresh approaches to traditional Vergil scholarship and new insights into unfamiliar aspects of Vergil's textual history Features contributions by an international team of the most distinguished scholars Represents a distinctively original approach to Vergil scholarship

Цена: 26505.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781444318067


A Manual of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Nurses
A Manual of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery for Nurses

Автор: Группа авторов

This handbook details the nursing care of patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery. It deals with diseases, disorders and injuries of the mouth, jaw and face and provides information on the full spectrum of patient care from pre-admission to discharge planning. It is jointly written by nurses and consultants in the area of maxillofacial surgery, and combines elements of nursing care with medical and surgical information. It provides an attractive alternative to the heavier medical tomes that nurses have come to rely upon.

Цена: 15353.65 руб.
ISBN: 9780470698372


A Nurse s Guide to Caring for Cardiac Intervention Patients
A Nurse's Guide to Caring for Cardiac Intervention Patients

Автор: Eileen O'Grady, RN, Dip HE, BSc (Hons)

Cardiac intervention is a fast expanding field of medicine that is reducing the need for cardiac surgery. A Nurse's Guide to Caring for Cardiac Intervention Patients will enable nurses to fully prepare their patients and families for various cardiac intervention procedures. Coverage includes: Explanations of what the heart condition is and how the procedure may relieve that condition Descriptions of what the patient can expect to happen before, during and after the procedure What nurses should observe for post procedure, and how to address any complications that may occur Guidelines for discharge advice Outlines for a pre and post care plan for each procedure – based on the latest research and experience. Nurses will find the book informative on common interventional procedures, but it is also designed as a tool to be dipped into when caring for patients with more unusual procedures. This practical book includes chapters on: cardiac catheterisation; percutaneous coronary intervention; percutaneous balloon mitral valvuloplasty; removal of femoral sheaths; cardioversion; temporary and permanent pacemakers.

Цена: 8725.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780470059524


A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know
A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know

Автор: Matthew Leitch

This uniquely accessible, breakthrough book lets auditors grasp the thinking behind the mathematical approach to risk without doing the mathematics. Risk control expert and former Big 4 auditor, Matthew Leitch, takes the reader gently but quickly through the key concepts, explaining mistakes organizations often make and how auditors can find them. Spend a few minutes every day reading this conveniently pocket sized book and you will soon transform your understanding of this highly topical area and be in demand for interesting reviews with risk at their heart. «I was really excited by this book – and I am not a mathematician. With my basic understanding of business statistics and business risk management I was able to follow the arguments easily and pick up the jargon of a discipline akin to my own but not my own.» —Dr Sarah Blackburn, President at the Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland

Цена: 6627.87 руб.
ISBN: 9780470669136


A Practical Guide to Designing Phase II Trials in Oncology
A Practical Guide to Designing Phase II Trials in Oncology

Автор: Sarah R. Brown

How to identify optimal phase II trial designs Providing a practical guide containing the information needed to make crucial decisions regarding phase II trial designs, A Practical Guide to Designing Phase II Trials in Oncology sets forth specific points for consideration between the statistician and clinician when designing a phase II trial, including issues such as how the treatment works, choice of outcome measure and randomization, and considering both academic and industry perspectives. A comprehensive and systematic library of available phase II trial designs is included, saving time otherwise spent considering multiple manuscripts, and real-life practical examples of using this approach to design phase II trials in cancer are given. A Practical Guide to Designing Phase II Trials in Oncology: Offers a structured and practical approach to phase II trial design. Considers trial design from both an academic and industry perspective. Includes a structured library of available phase II trial designs. Is relevant to both clinical and statistical researchers at all levels Includes real life examples of applying this approach. For those new to trial design, A Practical Guide to Designing Phase II Trials in Oncology will be a unique and practical learning tool, providing an introduction to the concepts behind informed decision making in phase II trials. For more experienced practitioners, the book will offer an overview of new, less familiar approaches to phase II trial design, providing alternative options to those which they may have previously used.

Цена: 6830.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118763629


ABC of Asthma
ABC of Asthma

Автор: John Rees

Asthma is a common condition with increasing prevalence. This new edition of the highly regarded ABC of Asthma has been thoroughly revised with reference to the latest British Thoracic Society guidelines on the management of asthma in children and adults. It covers the advances in practice and methods, with a new emphasis on delivery systems, self-dose assessment and delivery of care with different pharmacological approaches. The ABC of Asthma is a concise, up-to-date overview of all aspects of asthma and includes two new chapters focussing on GP practice issues including clinical management and organisation of asthma care. It is ideal for GPs, junior doctors and medical students, nurses, and anyone dealing with the treatment of asthma in children and adults.

Цена: 4083.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781444316988


ABC of Clinical Communication
ABC of Clinical Communication

Автор: Группа авторов

Clinical communication underpins safe patient care. The effective health professional sees illness through the patient’s eyes and understands what matters most to him or her. Effectiveness means gathering hard clinical data about the physical changes affecting the patient, understanding why the patient is concerned, conveying this to other health care professionals and involving the patient at every stage of management decisions. The evidence for good clinical communication is well established, although there are challenges. While listening is the basis of sound diagnosis and clinical reasoning, its absence affects patient outcomes particularly when patients are not permitted to make their concerns known or when there are gaps in information flow or communication between the professionals caring for them. The ABC of Clinical Communication considers the evidence pertinent to individual encounters between patients and their health professionals, how to achieve efficient flow of information, the function of clinical teams and developing a teaching programme. Topics covered include: The consultation Clinical communication and personality type Shared decision making Communication in clinical teams Communication in medical records Communication in specific situations, including mental health and end of life Teaching clinical communication The chapter authors are clinicians involved in communicating with patients, research and training healthcare professionals of the future. This team reflects the multidisciplinary approach required to develop effective clinical communication.

Цена: 4255.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119246978


ABC of Clinical Professionalism
ABC of Clinical Professionalism

Автор: Группа авторов

Clinical professionalism is a set of values, behaviours and relationships which underpins the public’s trust in healthcare providers both as individuals and organisations. ‘First, do no harm’ is expressed most clearly today in the patient safety movement and the imperative for transparency and candour in the delivery of healthcare. Professional conduct is essential for safe and high quality clinical care. The ABC of Clinical Professionalism considers recent evidence on how healthcare practitioners maintain professionalism including how values are developed and affected by the working environment, the challenges of maintaining personal and organisational resilience and the ethical and regulatory framework in which practice is conducted. Topics covered include: Acquiring and developing professional values Patient-centred care Burnout and resilience Confidentiality and social media The culture of healthcare Ensuring patient safety Leadership and collaboration Ethical and legal aspects of professionalism Teaching and assessing professionalism Regulation of healthcare professionals The chapter authors come from a range of countries and have experience of working in multidisciplinary clinical teams, research, and in the training of future healthcare practitioners including their development as professionals.

Цена: 4255.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781119266686


ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis
ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis

Автор: Fletcher Alan

A practical guide to the diagnosis and treatment of acute symptoms and conditions, the ABC of Emergency Differential Diagnosis provides a step-by-step guide to emergency differential diagnosis for non-specialists in a hospital or primary care setting. This new title in the ABC series covers the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and management of the most common symptoms with 'walk through' diagnosis, clear learning outcomes, and easy to find treatment options. Using the familiar problem-based teaching approach for rapid assimilation of information, case studies in each chapter allow the reader to be sure that they have synthesised the information given and can apply it to clinical cases.

Цена: 6953.74 руб.
ISBN: 9781444391251


ABC of Multimorbidity
ABC of Multimorbidity

Автор: Группа авторов

ABC of Multimorbidity is the first title to provide primary care practitioners with a practical approach to the complex issues of treating and managing patients with more than one morbidity. Ageing populations and earlier diagnosis of chronic conditions mean more people are living longer with multimorbidity. However, treatment guidelines are often designed for treatment in isolation of other morbidities. Multimorbidity management therefore requires a more patient centred approach and greater knowledge and coordination of existing services. Effective multimorbidity management both improves overall patient well-being and reduces the overall demand on health services. ABC of Multimorbidity examines how multimorbidities can be addressed within primary care, from the GP and family physician consultation through to the effective use of a range of health care services. It addresses complex issues such as polypharmacy, mental health, patient safety, patient involvement in self-management, and the role of the practitioner. It then provides guidance on how multimorbidities can be best treated and managed within primary care through specific interventions to improve outcomes. From an international, primary care editor and contributor team, ABC of Multimorbidity is a practical resource for general practitioners, family physicians, practice and specialist nurses, and others caring for multimorbid patients. It is also relevant for junior doctors, medical trainees and students.

Цена: 3663.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118383872


ABC of Transfer and Retrieval Medicine
ABC of Transfer and Retrieval Medicine

Автор: Low Adam

ABC of Transfer and Retrieval Medicine provides the key information required to help health care professionals involved in the movement of critically ill patients to do so safely, correctly and with confidence. Beginning with the practical and clinical considerations to be taken into account during patient transfer and an overview of transfer equipment, it then addresses pharmacological aspects of patient transfer, the roles and responsibilities of the transfer team, and the requirements of neonatal, paediatric and specialist transfers. Mapped against the syllabus for the Diploma of Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh), it has been developed as a core resource for the diploma whilst providing an invaluable resource for any healthcare professional involved in the transfer of critically ill patients including anaesthetists, intensivists, nurses from ICU/ED and paramedics. It also includes frameworks for radiology and arterial blood gas interpretation, guidance on patient triage, transfer checklists and equipment checklists, and a summary of the relevant national guidelines. From a multidisciplinary international author team, this new addition to the ABC series is a useful resource for all health care professionals involved in the transfer of patients. It is relevant to anaesthetists, intensivists, paramedics, critical care and emergency department nursing staff who are required to take part in intra and inter hospital transfers.

Цена: 4633.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118719749


ACA Ethical Standards Casebook
ACA Ethical Standards Casebook

Автор: Gerald Corey

“This practical guide is ideal both for teaching future members of the profession about their ethical responsibilities and for reinforcing ethical competence among current professionals. We strongly recommend this book.” Jeffrey E. Barnett, PsyD, ABPP W. Brad Johnson, PhD Loyola University Maryland United States Naval Academy Coauthors, Ethics Desk Reference for Counselors, 2nd Edition “Herlihy and Corey’s text boosts the reader’s ethical understanding leaps and bounds above mere reading of the ACA Code of Ethics. With multifaceted case study examples and an integrated approach to tackling ethical dilemmas, this book is a must-read for students, counselors, counselor educators, and supervisors.” Shannon Hodges, PhD Michael Knight Niagara University Graduate Student, Niagara University ACA Ethics Revision Task Force Member The seventh edition of this top-selling text provides a comprehensive resource for understanding the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and applying its principles to daily practice. Each individual standard of the Code is presented with an explanatory case vignette, and a Study and Discussion Guide is provided at the beginning of each major section of the Code to stimulate thought and discussion. Common ethical concerns, with instructive case studies, are then explored in individual chapters. Topics addressed include client rights and informed consent, social justice and counseling across cultures, confidentiality, counselor competence, working with minor clients, managing boundaries, client harm to self or others, counselor training and supervision, research and publication, and the intersection of ethics and law. Chapters new to this edition examine managing value conflicts and the issues surrounding new technology, social media, and online counseling. The Casebook also contains an Inventory of Attitudes and Beliefs About Ethical Issues to assist counselors in developing a personal ethical stance. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Цена: 7670.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781119025511


Acetaldehyde-Related Pathology
Acetaldehyde-Related Pathology

Автор: Jamie Goode A

Part of the prestigious Novartis Foundation, this is the first book to review the pathology associated with acetaldehyde, a known toxic agent found in cigarette smoke and other pollutants and derived from ingested alcohol, amongst other sources. In the body, acetaldehyde affects several tissues, particularly the brain and liver, causing various diseases, including cancer, alcoholic liver disease and Alzheimer’s. Acetaldehyde-Related Pathology describes the toxic effects of acetaldehyde at the tissue and cellular levels, reviewing enzyme biochemistry, transgenic mouse models of alcohol dehydrogenase mutants, and the cell-signalling pathways implicated in alcohol-related pathology. It explores the mechanisms of acetaldehyde-induced damage to tissues, often a first step in carcinogenesis, including the oral cavity, the human airway, and the GI tract. The book considers pharmacological strategies and treatments for reducing oral and intestinal acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde-Related Pathology features in-depth, round-table discussions by an international array of scientists from major laboratories worldwide involved in studies of acetaldehyde-related pathology. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the effects of this compound – pathologists, biochemists, toxicologists, cell and molecular biologists.

Цена: 24964.99 руб.
ISBN: 9780470511831


Achieving High Quality Care
Achieving High Quality Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Drawing on the experience of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Achieving High Quality Care is a practical guide on how to recognise and implement high quality evidence and guidance. This new title provides an overview of the evidence behind successful initiatives designed to change practice and improve the quality of health care. It provides an overall picture of change management, from understanding the barriers to change to how these barriers can best be overcome. It presents a concise summary of the evidence for change, plus examples of specific initiatives drawn from experience of putting NICE guidance into practice. The book includes a wide range of examples of positive change – plus key practical points highlighted throughout the text – to help readers achieve improvements in patient care. Finally, it shows how to measure change, assess improvement to agreed standards and to manage the ongoing process of change towards improving health care. Achieving High Quality Care is a helpful guide for busy health care professionals wanting to improve services and patient care. It is relevant to everyone involved in the organisation and provision of quality health care, including clinicians and health care managers, who are trying to lead change and improve care through implementing evidence-based guidance.

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118543597


Acute Cardiac Care. A Practical Guide for Nurses
Acute Cardiac Care. A Practical Guide for Nurses

Автор: Quinn Tom

Acute Cardiac Care provides nurses with a comprehensive understanding of the current practice and principles underlying the care and management of acute cardiac conditions. It addresses the management of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) with an emphasis on evidence-based pharmacological management, cardiac emergencies (cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, acute pulmonary oedema, cardiogenic shock), current diagnostic and interventional modalities for the management of ACS, including risk stratification, and the ethical, political, social and economic factors that impact upon the provision of acute cardiac services in Australia and the UK. Edited by renowned academics and clinicians in the field, this practical text will encourage nurses to think critically about evidence and management of acute coronary conditions, and provide a guide on how and where to look for up-to-date evidence and guidelines. KEY FEATURES: A comprehensive and practical guide to the current practice and principles underlying the nursing care of acute cardiac conditions Edited by leading authorities in the field with a wealth of experience in acute cardiac care and resuscitation Has an emphasis on evidence-based practice, encouraging nurses to critically think about their practice Contains learning objectives, key points and activities and further reading guidelines

Цена: 6847.88 руб.
ISBN: 9781444309836


Acute Medicine
Acute Medicine

Автор: John Chambers B

This extremely popular title has become the definitive pocket guide to the management of medical emergencies for front-line hospital doctors. It provides detailed guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of all common conditions and includes a step-by-step guide to the nine most important practical procedures in acute medicine.

Цена: 9383.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780470691205


Acute and Critical Care Nursing at a Glance
Acute and Critical Care Nursing at a Glance

Автор: Helen Dutton

Цена: 6185.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118815151


Advanced Clinical Skills for GU Nurses
Advanced Clinical Skills for GU Nurses

Автор: Jonathan Davies

This book has been developed to help nurses who are in nurse practitioner roles by supporting them to develop their ‘advanced practice skills’. This book is intended to build on skills and knowledge that nurses will have acquired at staff nurse level. It is intended that this book will develop skills and knowledge which until recently have been more in the medical domain, such sexual history taking and physical assessment.

Цена: 9388.57 руб.
ISBN: 9780470030684


Advanced Renal Care
Advanced Renal Care

Автор: Группа авторов

Individuals with renal disease require continuing support and care throughout their lives from renal nurses and other members of the inter-professional renal team. Advanced Renal Care is for all those who work in nephrology, dialysis and transplantation as it addresses current challenges in caring for those with renal failure, and examines recent trends and likely future developments. The book also explores key issues in staff recruitment and development. It goes beyond the basic texts on renal care by discussing topical issues such as anaemia management, care of older people on dialysis, diabetes and renal failure, infection control and sexual dysfunction in renal disease.

Цена: 11266.46 руб.
ISBN: 9780470693209


Advances in Health Care Organization Theory
Advances in Health Care Organization Theory

Автор: Shay Patrick D

Explore the evolution of organization theory in the health care sector Advances in Health Care Organization Theory, 2nd Edition, introduces students in health administration to the fields of organization theory and organizational behavior and their application to the management of health care organizations. The book explores the major health care developments over the past decade and demonstrates the contribution of organization theory to a deeper understanding of the changes in the delivery system, including the historic passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Taking both a micro and macro view, editors Stephen S. Mick and Patrick D. Shay, collaborate with a roster of contributing experts to compile a comprehensive volume that covers the latest in organization theory. Topics include: Institutional and neo-institutional theory Patient-centered practices and organizational culture change Design and implementation of patient-centered care management teams Hospital-based clusters as new organizational structures Application of social network theory to health care

Цена: 9389.49 руб.
ISBN: 9781118862780


Aerospace Actuators
Aerospace Actuators

Автор: Группа авторов

This book is the third in a series dedicated to aerospace actuators. It uses the contributions of the first two volumes to conduct case studies on actuation for flight controls, landing gear and engines. The actuation systems are seen in several aspects: signal and power architectures, generation and distribution of hydraulic or mechanical power, control and reliability, and evolution towards more electrical systems. The first three chapters are dedicated to the European commercial airplanes that marked their era: Caravelle, Concorde, Airbus A320 and Airbus A380. The final chapter deals with the flight controls of the Boeing V-22 and AgustaWestland AW609 tiltrotor aircraft. These address concerns that also apply to electromechanical actuators, which should be fitted on more electrical aircraft in the future. The topics covered in this series of books constitute a significant source of information for individuals and engineers from a variety of disciplines, seeking to learn more about aerospace actuation systems and components.

Цена: 12703.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119505501


Allergy and Allergic Diseases
Allergy and Allergic Diseases

Автор: Группа авторов

Reserve your copy now This two volume book is an outstanding reference source on all aspects of allergy and allergic diseases. Covering virtually every allergic condition, from the immunological and molecular basis of the allergic response to future trends in allergic disease prevention, this new international editorial team (A.B.Kay, Jean Bousquet, Pat Holt and Allen Kaplan) have completely revised and updated the text, from both a scientific and clinical perspective. References will continue to be added to the text until it goes to press making this the most up-to-date book available in the field. This second edition consists of more than 1,800 pages contained within 98 chapters. The price includes a fully searchable companion CD ROM with the complete text and over 300 images from the book in full colour.

Цена: 46449.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781444300925


Aluminium in Biology and Medicine
Aluminium in Biology and Medicine

Автор: Julie Whelan

Prominent contributors address issues regarding the toxicity of aluminum which causes an encephalopathy in renal dialysis patients and is also known to damage animals and plants via acid rain. Examines the chemistry and biology of aluminum compounds focusing on the evidence for and against aluminum's role in Alzheimer's disease.

Цена: 20767.34 руб.
ISBN: 9780470514313


Amore A Distanza
Amore A Distanza

Автор: A. C. Meyer

Una storia di seconde possibilit? e di speranza, che si svolge durante la pandemia del Coronavirus. Mentre il mondo ? devastato da una pandemia, Babi si ritrova intrappolata nel suo incubo personale. Sola in casa, depressa per la direzione che sta prendendo la sua vita e terrorizzata dalla malattia che sta affliggendo il mondo, decide di nascondersi nella casa di famiglia nelle campagne del Minas. A seguito di una profonda crisi creativa, Eric si ? allontanato da tutto e da tutti da poco pi? di un anno, credendo che, lontano dai riflettori e dalle pressioni dei fan, possa riscoprire la sua passione per la musica. Quando nulla sembra funzionare, decide di ritornare nel luogo in cui ha scoperto il suo amore per la chitarra e per la composizione, la vecchia casa del suo migliore amico ? vuota e avr? avuto tutta la tranquillit? necessaria per ritrovare la sua strada. Quando Babi ed Eric si rincontrano, riaffiorano tutti quei sentimenti dolorosi del passato…cos? come la passione. Riusciranno a riconciliarsi con il passato o ? ormai troppo tardi per ricominciare? Grazie alla sua capacit? di affrontare argomenti difficili in modo spensierato, A. C. Meyer, autrice della serie Cadu e Mari e After Dark, in Amore a distanza presenta una storia che parla di seconde occasioni e di nuovi inizi in uno dei momenti pi? difficili che l’umanit? abbia mai dovuto affrontare.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835419259


An Aid to the MRCP
An Aid to the MRCP

Автор: M. Afzal Mir

Allay your anxieties about the MRCP exams and increase your confidence with An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics. In order to pass the MRCP exams you will need to learn a large number of lists and key facts. This book provides the essential lists and facts you need to know together with memory aids to speed learning and recall. Armed with this knowledge you will be able to rapidly narrow your differential diagnosis and identify the most likely answer. This essential new MRCP title has been written by a recent candidate for the MRCP exams who used this technique to pass first time, in conjunction with Dr Bob Ryder, Dr Anne Freeman and Dr Mir Afzal; all established authorities in the MRCP field and authors of the two volumes of An Aid to the MRCP PACES. An Aid to the MRCP: Essential Lists, Facts and Mnemonics presents memory aids, facts and lists that are based on questions faced whilst revising for, or encountered during the MRCP exams and also features a free audio revision tool at www.anaidtothemrcp.com with a summary of the mnemonics contained in the book.

Цена: 4723.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312607


An Evidence Base for Ophthalmic Nursing Practice
An Evidence Base for Ophthalmic Nursing Practice

Автор: Группа авторов

The first reference of its kind, An Evidence Base for Ophthalmic Nursing Practice alleviates the need for every ophthalmic practice area to develop diverse, often contradictory, guidelines. This book informs guidelines and protocols and provides up to date, evidence based information, covering: condition management (lice infestation, conjunctivitis, recurrent corneal erosion, removing foreign bodies, chalazion, pain management, acute glaucoma); techniques (padding, taking eye swabs, irrigation, administering eye drops, keratometry); and other topics, including papillary dilation, standards for driving, screening, topical anaesthesia and the eye, and prescribing.

Цена: 9499.03 руб.
ISBN: 9780470986646


An Introduction to Modern CBT. Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems
An Introduction to Modern CBT. Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems

Автор: Stefan G. Hofmann

An Introduction to Modern CBT provides an easily accessible introduction to modern theoretical cognitive behavioral therapy models. The text outlines the different techniques, their success in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and important new developments in the field. • Provides an easy-to-read introduction into modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches with specific case examples and hands-on treatment techniques • Discusses the theoretical models of CBT, outlines the different techniques that have been shown to be successful in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and describes important new developments in the field • Offers useful guidance for therapists in training and is an invaluable reference tool for experienced clinicians

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781119973218


Anaesthesia at a Glance
Anaesthesia at a Glance

Автор: Fawcett William

Anaesthesia at a Glance is a brand new title that provides a concise and visually-orientated summary of a comprehensive lecture course in anaesthesia. Ideal for clinical undergraduate medical students and Foundation Programme doctors undertaking anaesthesia attachments, it gives a systematic, broad view of anaesthesia in various specialties, taking the reader through preparation, management and the pharmacology behind anaesthetic medicine. Anaesthesia at a Glance is supported by a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/anaesthesia containing interactive multiple-choice questions and answers together with a selection of interactive cases – perfect for study and revision. Whether you want to refresh your knowledge or need a thorough overview of the specialty, Anaesthesia at a Glance presents all the vital clinical information you need.

Цена: 5407.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781118765296


Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Systems Biology
Annual Plant Reviews, Plant Systems Biology

Автор: Guti?rrez Rodrigo

Plant Systems Biology is an excellent new addition to the increasingly well-known and respected Annual Plant Reviews. Split into two parts, this title offers the reader: A fundamental conceptual framework for Systems Biology including Network Theory The progress achieved for diverse model organisms: Prokaryotes, C. elegans and Arabidopsis The diverse sources of “omic” information necessary for a systems understanding of plants Insights into the software tools developed for systems biology Interesting case studies regarding applications including nitrogen-use, flowering-time and root development Ecological and evolutionary considerations regarding living systems This volume captures the cutting edge of systems biology research and aims to be an introductory material for undergraduate and graduate students as well as plant and agricultural scientists, molecular biologists, geneticists and microbiologists. It also serves as a foundation in the biological aspects of the field for interested computer scientists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and agricultural sciences are studied and taught and integrated with Computer Sciences should have copies of this important volume on their shelves.

Цена: 30261.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781444312232


Applied Functional Analysis
Applied Functional Analysis

Автор: Группа авторов

A novel, practical introduction to functional analysis In the twenty years since the first edition of Applied Functional Analysis was published, there has been an explosion in the number of books on functional analysis. Yet none of these offers the unique perspective of this new edition. Jean-Pierre Aubin updates his popular reference on functional analysis with new insights and recent discoveries-adding three new chapters on set-valued analysis and convex analysis, viability kernels and capture basins, and first-order partial differential equations. He presents, for the first time at an introductory level, the extension of differential calculus in the framework of both the theory of distributions and set-valued analysis, and discusses their application for studying boundary-value problems for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations and for systems of first-order partial differential equations. To keep the presentation concise and accessible, Jean-Pierre Aubin introduces functional analysis through the simple Hilbertian structure. He seamlessly blends pure mathematics with applied areas that illustrate the theory, incorporating a broad range of examples from numerical analysis, systems theory, calculus of variations, control and optimization theory, convex and nonsmooth analysis, and more. Finally, a summary of the essential theorems as well as exercises reinforcing key concepts are provided. Applied Functional Analysis, Second Edition is an excellent and timely resource for both pure and applied mathematicians.

Цена: 22866.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118030974


Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics
Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics

Автор: Daniel J. Denis

A clear and efficient balance between theory and application of statistical modeling techniques in the social and behavioral sciences Written as a general and accessible introduction, Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics provides an overview of statistical modeling techniques used in fields in the social and behavioral sciences. Blending statistical theory and methodology, the book surveys both the technical and theoretical aspects of good data analysis. Featuring applied resources at various levels, the book includes statistical techniques such as t-tests and correlation as well as more advanced procedures such as MANOVA, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. To promote a more in-depth interpretation of statistical techniques across the sciences, the book surveys some of the technical arguments underlying formulas and equations. Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics also features Demonstrations of statistical techniques using software packages such as R and SPSS® Examples of hypothetical and real data with subsequent statistical analyses Historical and philosophical insights into many of the techniques used in modern social science A companion website that includes further instructional details, additional data sets, solutions to selected exercises, and multiple programming options An ideal textbook for courses in statistics and methodology at the upper- undergraduate and graduate-levels in psychology, political science, biology, sociology, education, economics, communications, law, and survey research, Applied Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate Statistics is also a useful reference for practitioners and researchers in their field of application. DANIEL J. DENIS, PhD, is Associate Professor of Quantitative Psychology at the University of Montana where he teaches courses in univariate and multivariate statistics. He has published a number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and has served as consultant to researchers and practitioners in a variety of fields.

Цена: 13683.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632314


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