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География почв. Почвы России. Учебник
География почв. Почвы России. Учебник

Автор: Владимир Дмитриевич Наумов

Учебник «География почв. Почвы России» дает представление об основных типах почв и особенностях их географического расположения. Основой учебника является курс лекций «География почв», который читается автором в Тимирязевской академии более 25 лет. Материал излагается в соответствии со схемой почвенно-географического районирования РФ. Приводятся характеристика наиболее распространенных типов почв, условий почвообразования, их генетические, региональные особенности и возможности хозяйственного использования. В процессе изучения дисциплины студент получает знания о географическом распространении типов и подтипов почв, строении их почвенного профиля, представления о почвообразовательных процессах и особенностях их проявления в зависимости от факторов почвообразования, большое внимание уделяется морфологической и аналитической диагностике почв. Название почв приводятся на основе наиболее распространенных национальных классификационных построений («Классификация и диагностика почв СССР» (1977) и «Классификация и диагностика почв России» (2004)), а также Мировой коррелятивной базы почвенных ресурсов – WRB (World Reference Base for Soil Resources), которые широко используются в настоящее время. Учебник предназначен для студентов, бакалавров, магистров, аспирантов, научных работников, специалистов-почвоведов.

Цена: 974 руб.
ISBN: 9785392193783


История картографии
История картографии

Автор: Лео Багров

Лео (Лев Семенович) Багров – основатель международного картографического журнала «Imago Mundi», ученый, путешественник, опубликовал более 70 работ, послуживших основой для этой книги, собрал богатейшую коллекцию карт, в том числе уникальных. В книге отражены важнейшие этапы возникновения и развития картографии с древних времен вплоть до XVIII в. Рассматриваются рукописные и печатные карты Европы, России, Америки, Китая, Японии, Индии, Персии и Турции. Издание богато иллюстрировано и снабжено обширным списком известных картографов мира. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Цена: 419 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-227-09068-3


История русской картографии
История русской картографии

Автор: Лео Багров

История русской картографии охватывает период с начала появления первых сведений о русских землях вплоть до конца XVIII века. Подробно освещена эпоха рукописных карт, созданных картографами Европы и Азии до изобретения печатного станка, работы западноевропейских и русских картографов до конца XVIII века, когда в России был создан Департамент карт, где централизованно создавались все карты страны. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: Бесплатно


История русской картографии
История русской картографии

Автор: Лео Багров

История русской картографии охватывает период с начала появления первых сведений о русских землях вплоть до конца XVIII века. Подробно освещена эпоха рукописных карт, созданных картографами Европы и Азии до изобретения печатного станка, работы западноевропейских и русских картографов до конца XVIII века, когда в России был создан Департамент карт, где централизованно создавались все карты страны. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Цена: 469 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-227-09069-0


Йога-Васиштха. Книги 1 и 2
Йога-Васиштха. Книги 1 и 2

Автор: Вальмики

Монументальный шедевр ведантической мысли раннесредневековой Индии, представляющий собой систематическое изложение идей йоги и адвайта-веданты, переданных символическим языком притч и иносказаний в форме беседы юного Рамы с его духовным наставником Васиштхой. Это также высокохудожественное произведение, полное богатых и глубоких образов и изощренных поэтических украшений. Второе исправленное и дополненное издание

Серия: Сакральные тексты Древней Индии

Исполнители: Алевтина Пугач

Цена: 439 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-907059-83-2


Как остановить травлю?
Как остановить травлю?

Автор: Эндрю Мэтьюз

Эта книга адресована подросткам и их родителям. Проблема, которой она посвящена, может испугать и шокировать, однако ее невозможно обойти стороной. Это проблема издевательств, унижений и оскорблений в подростковой среде, которые приводят порой к роковым последствиям. Зачастую родители даже не догадываются, что происходит с их детьми за стенами дома, а дети, в свою очередь, стесняются или не решаются делиться проблемами. В книге подробно рассказывается, что нужно делать подросткам и их родителям в разных ситуациях – от «невинных» обид до угрожающих жизни и здоровью ребенка преследований. Книга учит детей и взрослых доверять друг другу, учиться вместе решать проблемы и в конечном счете останавливать любое зло. Как всегда – великолепные рисунки, легкий язык и никакого морализаторства, только откровенный разговор о том, что волнует всех.

Серия: Психология. Счастье по Мэтьюзу

Исполнители: Николай Шабуневич

Цена: 419 руб.


Облака и их трансформация
Облака и их трансформация

Автор: Ж. В. Рыбакова

Работа посвящена одному из удивительных атмосферных явлений – облакам. В ней содержатся сведения об условиях погоды, формирующих те или иные облака, о метеорологических величинах в различных облаках, их микрофизическом строении и особенностях пространственно-временного распределения. Настоящая работа адресована студентам-метеорологам, а также студентам естественнонаучного профиля, может быть интересна специалистам, работающим в области метеорологии и широкому кругу читателей.

Цена: 199 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-94621-880-1


Приуральский край
Приуральский край

Автор: Группа авторов

Это издание незаслуженно забытого фундаментального труда большого коллектива российских историков XIX века под общей редакцией П.П. Семенова, председателя Императорского русского географического общества. Выполнена титаническая задача: собраны подробные исторические, географические, культурные и экономические сведения обо всех российских регионах и составлено описание нашей родины на высоком научном и художественном уровне. Уникально количество использованных материалов при подготовке книг, которые содержат много забытых или замалчиваемых сегодня сведений. Всего серия включает полтора десятка томов. В качестве иллюстративного ряда разработчики данного издания подготовили сотни цветных репродукций произведений русской исторической живописи, летописных миниатюр, фотографии артефактов, старинные гравюры. Текст дан в соответствии с нормами современного русского языка. Данный том содержит уникальную по объему и наглядности географическую, историческую, этнографическую и экономическую информацию об Уральском крае.

Серия: Живописная Россия

Цена: 349 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-7793-1291-2


Россия и Китай в Арктике
Россия и Китай в Арктике

Автор: Группа авторов

Книга посвящена взаимодействию и сотрудничеству Российской Федерации и КНР в Арктике в целях использования многопланового экономического и геополитического потенциала Арктического региона и в контексте климатических изменений на планете. Авторы детально рассматривают все аспекты этой важной проблемы, выявляя совпадающие и разнонаправленные интересы двух стран, обращая особое внимание на исключительное внимание Китая как «околоарктической державы» к потенциалу региона. В приложении к книге впервые приводится полный неофициальный перевод «Белой книги» по арктической политике Китая (2018).

Цена: 500 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-7777-0875-5


«Русская река»: Речные пути Восточной Европы в античной и средневековой географии
«Русская река»: Речные пути Восточной Европы в античной и средневековой географии

Автор: Т. Н. Джаксон

Монография представляет собой серию очерков, в которых обобщены результаты многолетней работы авторов по изучению речных путей Восточной Европы на основе античных, арабо-персидских и скандинавских нарративных источников, а также традиции изображения восточноевропейских рек в античной и средневековой картографии. В книге исследуются представления античных и средневековых авторов о гидрографии Восточной Европы и рассматривается роль речных путей региона в системе международных связей в различные исторические периоды. Первая глава, написанная А.В.Подосиновым, посвящена рекам Северного Причерноморья в античной и западноевропейской средневековой геокартографии. Вторая глава, подготовленная совместно Т.М.Калининой и И.Г.Коноваловой, включает в себя исследование рек Восточной Европы по данным арабо-персидской географической литературы. В третьей главе, написанной Т.Н.Джаксон, рассматривается гидрография Восточной Европы в свете древнескандинавских источников. Для специалистов в области отечественной и всеобщей истории, истории географии и картографии, топонимики. От редакции электронной версии: Внимание! Текст содержит фразы и слова более чем на 25 языках. Будьте уверены, что программа или устройство, которым вы пользуетесь для чтения этой книги, правильно отображает все символы Unicode. Рекомендуемый шрифт – Arial Unicode MS.

Цена: 99.9 руб.
ISBN: 5–9551–0209–4


Университетский город: политическая реальность новой эпохи
Университетский город: политическая реальность новой эпохи

Автор: Н. Г. Щербинина

В книге с позиций конструктивистского подхода рассматривается специфический вид поселенческой общности – университетский город. С парадигматическими изменениями конца ХХ столетия ценность индустриальных гигантов, финансовых центров, политических столиц резко пошла на убыль. Эпоха знания, сетевое общество поставили науку и высшее образование в первый ряд временного фронтира. Амбивалентность черт пограничной эпохи подтачивалась нелегальной миграцией, экстремизмом и популизмом, избравшими города полем битвы, расколом некогда единых государственных союзов. Наконец, вопрос о прежнем способе городского бытия сегодня поставлен в политическую повестку дня пока еще первыми последствиями COVID-19. Очевидно, что в подстройке институтов к ситуации и конкуренции институтов и сетевых сообществ, в борьбе за экономическое лидерство центры науки и экспорта образования более других готовы к новым вызовам. Каким образом должна быть обустроена политическая реальность университетского города в изменившихся условиях, на этот вопрос отвечает данная коллективная монография.

Цена: 199 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-94621-907-5


A Companion to Aesthetics
A Companion to Aesthetics

Автор: Группа авторов

In this extensively revised and updated edition, 168 alphabetically arranged articles provide comprehensive treatment of the main topics and writers in this area of aesthetics. Written by prominent scholars covering a wide-range of key topics in aesthetics and the philosophy of art Features revised and expanded entries from the first edition, as well as new chapters on recent developments in aesthetics and a larger number of essays on non-Western thought about art Unique to this edition are six overview essays on the history of aesthetics in the West from antiquity to modern times

Цена: 4723.1 руб.
ISBN: 9781444310429


A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock
A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock

Автор: Группа авторов

The most comprehensive volume ever published on Alfred Hitchcock, covering his career and legacy as well as the broader cultural and intellectual contexts of his work. Contains thirty chapters by the leading Hitchcock scholars Covers his long career, from his earliest contributions to other directors’ silent films to his last uncompleted last film Details the enduring legacy he left to filmmakers and audiences alike

Цена: 19472.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781444397307


ABC of Common Soft Tissue Disorders
ABC of Common Soft Tissue Disorders

Автор: Группа авторов

Soft tissue problems are very common, with one in four people at any one time suffering with a musculoskeletal disorder. ABC of Soft Tissue Disorders is a practical, fully illustrated guide to their assessment and treatment. Structured by body part, each chapter provides guidance on assessment, treatment and management, and covers common conditions such as sprains and strains, tendinopathy, ligament injuries, and sciatica. With particular focus on shoulders, back and knee problems (reflecting the frequency and complexity of problems in these parts of the body), it provides guidance on the essential history and examination required to reach an accurate diagnosis. Written by an expert author team, ABC of Soft Tissue Disorders is important reading for all general practitioners, nurse practitioners, junior doctors and medical students working in a range of settings, including emergency, minor injury departments, as well as in orthopaedics and rheumatology.

Цена: 3752.44 руб.
ISBN: 9781118799765


Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics
Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics

Автор: David R. Cagna

Application of the Neutral Zone in Prosthodontics offers a step-by-step guide to successfully designing and placing complete and implant-retained dentures using neutral zone concepts. Illustrates every technique described with more than 300 color photos Covers all phases of complete denture therapy Presents a step-by-step assessment and examination protocol Details the importance of accurate diagnosis and prognosis prior to committing to treatment Describes an alternative to traditional impressioning procedures that can be accomplished in a single appointment Includes access to a companion website with video clips and student handouts, with teaching PowerPoints available for instructors

Цена: 9469.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119158165


Assembling Export Markets
Assembling Export Markets

Автор: Stefan Ouma

Assembling Export Markets explores the new ‘frontier regions’ of the global fresh produce market that has emerged in Ghana over the past decade. Represents a major and empirically rich contribution to the emerging field of the social studies of economization and marketization Offers one of the first ethnographic accounts on the making of global commodity chains ‘from below’ Denaturalizes global markets by unpacking their local engagement, materially entangled construction, need for maintenance, and fragile character Offers a trans-disciplinary engagement with the construction and extension of market relations in two frontier regions of global capitalism Critically examines the opportunities and risks for firms and farms in Ghana entering global fresh produce markets

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118632604



Автор: C. Barry Cox

Through nine successful editions, and for over 45 years, Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach has provided a thorough and comprehensive exploration of the varied scientific disciplines and research that are essential to understanding the subject. The text, noted for its clear and engaging style of writing, has been praised for its solid background in historical biogeography and basic biology, that is enhanced and illuminated by discussions of current research. This new edition incorporates the exciting changes of the recent years and presents a thoughtful exploration of the research and controversies that have transformed our understanding of the biogeography of the world. New themes and topics in this tenth edition include: Next generation genetic technologies and their use in historical biogeography, phylogeography and population genomics Biogeographical databases and biodiversity information systems, which are becoming increasingly important for biogeographical research An introduction to functional biogeography and its applications to community assembly, diversity gradients and the analysis of ecosystem functioning Updated case studies focusing on island biogeography, using the latest phylogenetic studies Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach reveals how the patterns of life that we see today have been created by the two great Engines of the Planet: the Geological Engine, plate tectonics, which alters the conditions of life on the planet, and the Biological Engine, evolution, which responds to these changes by creating new forms and patterns of life.

Цена: 8878.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119486848


Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic
Biogeography in the Sub-Arctic

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 10038.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118561331


Bodies, Affects, Politics
Bodies, Affects, Politics

Автор: Steve Pile

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118901953


Building Ecology. First Principles For A Sustainable Built Environment
Building Ecology. First Principles For A Sustainable Built Environment

Автор: Peter Graham

Buildings consume 40% of our planet’s materials and 30% of its energy. Their construction uses up to three million tonnes of raw materials a year and generates 20% of the soild waste stream. If we want to survive our urban future, there is no option but to build in ways which improve the health of ecosystems. Understanding the concept of ecological sustainability and translating it into practice as sustainable development is a key challenge for today’s built environment professionals. The skill and vision of those who shape our cities and homes is vital to achieving sustainable solutions to the many environmental, economic and social problems we face on a local, national and global scale. Peter Graham offers here a holistic view of ecologically sustainable building by drawing on established areas of knowledge, demonstrating their relevance to the environmentally-conscious building professional and putting the process, product and impact of building into context. Case studies illustrate how sustainable principles have been applied successfully and discussion topics are offered to stimulate thought. Building Ecology will help planners, surveyors, designers and builders to incorporate sustainability into their everyday practice by: · showing which styles of building are ecologically sustainable · providing fundamental knowledge for making decisions using the principles of ecologically sustainable building · explaining a complex subject in a clear, balanced way. Building Ecology sets out the current scientific view of how nature works and how buildings link with and affect nature. It provides fundamental knowledge for building in harmony with nature and keeping Earth’s life-supporting ecosystems healthy.

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781405147545


Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine
Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine

Автор: Lynelle R. Johnson

This comprehensive reference provides readers with everything they need to know about diagnosing and treating canine and feline respiratory disease. Significantly updated and expanded, it focuses on localization of disease, efficient diagnostic testing, and appropriate therapy. With more images, discussion, and diagrams, this Second Edition includes more detail and new information throughout, particularly in the areas of antimicrobial guidelines, anti-fungal therapies, and ant-viral medications in cats. Logically organized for ease of use in the practice setting, Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine, Second Edition features problem-based learning to enhance working knowledge of the topics discussed. Chapters cover localization of disease, respiratory diagnostics, respiratory therapeutics, nasal disorders, and diseases of airways. Sections on parenchymal disease; pleural and mediastinal disease; and vascular disorders are also presented.  Offers a complete guide to the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory conditions in canine and feline patients—now expanded to include more detailed and advanced information Focuses on localization of disease, diagnostic testing, and appropriate therapy Thoroughly updated with new antimicrobial guidelines, the latest information on anti-fungal therapy, and new advances in ant-viral medications in cats Includes many new images and topics for discussion Features problem-based learning to support a working understanding of the topics discussed Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine is an essential resource for veterinary internal medicine specialists, general practitioners, and veterinary students.

Цена: 15175.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119482277


Carbon Based Solids and Materials
Carbon Based Solids and Materials

Автор: Pierre Delhaes

It is well known that solid carbons can be found in various guises with different forms of bulk phases (graphites, diamonds and carbynes) as well as more molecular forms (fullerenes,nanotubes and graphenes) resulting from recent discoveries. The cause of this rich polymorphism is analyzed in the first part of this book (chapters 1-5) with the propensity of carbon atoms for forming different types of homopolar chemical bonds associated with variable coordination numbers. Precursor organic molecules and parent compounds are also described to establish specific links with this rich polymorphism. Then in a second part (chapters 6-10) a comparative review of the main classes of bulk physical properties is presented. This approach emphasizes in particular the electronic behavior of (pi) polyaromatic systems organized in plane and curved atomic sheets. Finally in a third part (chapters 11-15) the surface and interface characteristics are introduced together with the texture and morphology of these multiscale carbon materials. An overview of the main field of applications is related showing the large use and interest for these solids.

Цена: 25517.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118600894


Clinical Cases in Gerodontology
Clinical Cases in Gerodontology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 8878.02 руб.
ISBN: 9781119226604


Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images
Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images

Автор: Paul M. Mather

Цена: 10038.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781119502968


Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change
Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change

Автор: Группа авторов

Two major challenges to continued global food security are the ever increasing demand for food products, and the unprecedented abiotic stresses that crops face due to climate change.Wild relatives of domesticated crops serve as a reservoir of genetic material, with the potential to be used to develop new, improved varieties of crops. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change integrates crop evolution, breeding technologies and biotechnologies, improved practices and sustainable approaches while exploring the role wild relatives could play in increasing agricultural output. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change begins with overviews of the impacts of climate change on growing environments and the challenges that agricultural production face in coming years and decades. Chapters then explore crop evolution and the potential for crop wild relatives to contribute novel genetic resources to the breeding of more resilient and productive crops. Breeding technologies and biotechnological advances that are being used to incorporate key genetic traits of wild relatives into crop varieties are also covered. There is also a valuable discussion on the importance of conserving genetic resources to ensure continued successful crop production. A timely resource, Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change will be an invaluable resource for the crop science community for years to come.

Цена: 21046.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118854372


Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar
Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar

Автор: Jiaguo Lu

Цена: 15737.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119564638


Design and Analysis of Composite Structures. With Applications to Aerospace Structures
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures. With Applications to Aerospace Structures

Автор: Christos Kassapoglou

Design and Analysis of Composite Structures enables graduate students and engineers to generate meaningful and robust designs of complex composite structures. Combining analysis and design methods for structural components, the book begins with simple topics such as skins and stiffeners and progresses through to entire components of fuselages and wings. Starting with basic mathematical derivation followed by simplifications used in real-world design, Design and Analysis of Composite Structures presents the level of accuracy and range of applicability of each method. Examples taken from actual applications are worked out in detail to show how the concepts are applied, solving the same design problem with different methods based on different drivers (e.g. cost or weight) to show how the final configuration changes as the requirements and approach change. Provides a toolkit of analysis and design methods to most situations encountered in practice, as well as analytical frameworks and the means to solving them for tackling less frequent problems. Presents solutions applicable to optimization schemes without having to run finite element models at each iteration, speeding up the design process and allowing examination of several more alternatives than traditional approaches. Includes guidelines showing how decisions based on manufacturing considerations affect weight and how weight optimization may adversely affect the cost. Accompanied by a website at www.wiley.com/go/kassapoglou hosting lecture slides and solutions to the exercises for instructors.

Цена: 12151.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780470972717


Domesticating Neo-Liberalism
Domesticating Neo-Liberalism

Автор: Alena Rochovsk?

Based on in-depth research in Poland and Slovakia, Domesticating Neo-Liberalism addresses how we understand the processes of neo-liberalization in post-socialist cities. Builds upon a vast amount of new research data Examines how households try to sustain their livelihoods at particularly dramatic and difficult times of urban transformation Provides a major contribution to how we theorize the geographies of neo-liberalism Offers a conclusion which informs discussions of social policy within European Union enlargement

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781444325416


Dunes. Dynamics, Morphology, History
Dunes. Dynamics, Morphology, History

Автор: Andrew Warren

Dunes is the first book in over a decade to incorporate the latest research in this active and fast-developing field. It discusses the shapes, sizes, patterns, distribution, history and care of wind-blown dunes, and covers all aspects of dunes, terrestrial and in the Solar System. The only book to cover all dunes, terrestrial and in the Solar System, in deserts, on coasts, and in the past Represents the most current update on the research of dunes for over a decade Incorporates the latest research to come out of China where the field is most rapidly expanding Discusses the most recent range of skills and technology now focused on the study of dunes Brings up-to-date a rapidly expanding field

Цена: 10267.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118295816


Earth Observation for Land and Emergency Monitoring
Earth Observation for Land and Emergency Monitoring

Автор: Группа авторов

Earth Observation Science (EOS) is the study of the global Earth land-ocean-atmosphere system through observations. The principal tools for such studies are measurements from space since these provide the coverage of the planet that is necessary to capture the behaviour of the entire coupled system. In addition, surface observations, and measurements from aircraft, balloons and sounding rockets provide valuable contributors to what are now termed "integrated, global observing systems.” Coupled with models, the EOS measurement suites provide powerful tools for research into the factors controlling and changing the Earth system in which we live. The objectives of this book are to describe new methods and applications of satellite technology in the fields of land and emergency monitoring. It draws on new research outcomes from the European FP7 project GIONET (European Centre of Excellence in Earth Observation Research Training). GIONET combines industrial partners with universities and research institutes, and this book provides a perspective on Earth Observation applications that is motivated by the cross-fertilisation of both sectors. Hence, this book will find readers in both industry and academia. This book highlights a broad range of innovative uses of Earth Observation technology to support environmental management, decision making, crisis management and climate policies. It uses advanced concepts of multi-sensor image integration, multi-temporal analysis and synergies between data and models. This is a truly interdisciplinary subject that encompasses a range of applications in various fields which are discussed in detail throughout the text. If you are interested in remote sensing applications and looking for inspiration, this is the book for you.

Цена: 10440.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118793749


Economic Geography
Economic Geography

Автор: Brett Christophers

This volume in the celebrated Critical Introductions to Geography series introduces readers to the vibrant discipline of economic geography. The authors provide an original definition of the discipline, and they make a strong case for its vital importance in understanding the dynamic interconnections, movements, and emerging trends shaping our globalized world. Economic Geography addresses the key theories and methods that form the basis of the discipline, and describes its “communities of practice” and relations to related fields including economics and sociology. Numerous illustrative examples explore how economic geographers examine the world and how and why the discipline takes the forms it does, demonstrating the critical value of economic geography to making sense of globalization, uneven development, money and finance, urbanization, environmental change, and industrial and technological transformation. Engaging and thought-provoking, Economic Geography: A Critical Introduction is the ideal resource for students studying across a range of subject areas, as well as the general reader with an interest in world affairs and economics.

Цена: 4018.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781118874301


Enterprising Nature. Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics
Enterprising Nature. Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics

Автор: Jessica Dempsey

Enterprising Nature explores the rise of economic rationality in global biodiversity law, policy and science. To view Jessica's animation based on the book's themes please visit http://www.bioeconomies.org/enterprising-nature/ Examines disciplinary apparatuses, ecological-economic methodologies, computer models, business alliances, and regulatory conditions creating the conditions in which nature can be produced as enterprising Relates lively, firsthand accounts of global processes at work drawn from multi-site research in Nairobi, Kenya; London, England; and Nagoya, Japan Assesses the scientific, technical, geopolitical, economic, and ethical challenges found in attempts to ‘enterprise nature’ Investigates the implications of this ‘will to enterprise’ for environmental politics and policy

Цена: 10488.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118640548


Environmental Modelling
Environmental Modelling

Автор: Группа авторов

Simulation models are an established method used to investigate processes and solve practical problems in a wide variety of disciplines. Central to the concept of this second edition is the idea that environmental systems are complex, open systems. The authors present the diversity of approaches to dealing with environmental complexity and then encourage readers to make comparisons between these approaches and between different disciplines. Environmental Modelling: Finding Simplicity in Complexity 2nd edition is divided into four main sections: An overview of methods and approaches to modelling. State of the art for modelling environmental processes Tools used and models for management Current and future developments. The second edition evolves from the first by providing additional emphasis and material for those students wishing to specialize in environmental modelling. This edition: Focuses on simplifying complex environmental systems. Reviews current software, tools and techniques for modelling. Gives practical examples from a wide variety of disciplines, e.g. climatology, ecology, hydrology, geomorphology and engineering. Has an associated website containing colour images, links to WWW resources and chapter support pages, including data sets relating to case studies, exercises and model animations. This book is suitable for final year undergraduates and postgraduates in environmental modelling, environmental science, civil engineering and biology who will already be familiar with the subject and are moving on to specialize in the field. It is also designed to appeal to professionals interested in the environmental sciences, including environmental consultants, government employees, civil engineers, geographers, ecologists, meteorologists, and geochemists.

Цена: 11002.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781118366103


Everyday Peace?
Everyday Peace?

Автор: Philippa Williams

Winner of the 2016 Julian Minghi Distinguished Book Award of the Political Geography Specialty Group at the AAG Providing important insights into political geography, the politics of peace, and South Asian studies, this book explores everyday peace in northern India as it is experienced by the Hindu-Muslim community. Challenges normative understandings of Hindu-Muslim relations as relentlessly violent and the notion of peace as a romantic endpoint occurring only after violence and political maneuverings Examines the ways in which geographical concepts such as space, place, and scale can inform and problematize understandings of peace Redefines the politics of peace, as well as concepts of citizenship, agency, secular politics, and democracy Based on over 14 months of qualitative and archival research in the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118837795


Excel Macros For Dummies
Excel Macros For Dummies

Автор: Dick Kusleika

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119844440


Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography
Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography

Автор: Christopher D. Lloyd

Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography provides a conceptual and practical guide to issues of spatial scale in all areas of the physical and social sciences. Scale is at the heart of geography and other spatial sciences. Whether dealing with geomorphological processes, population movements or meteorology, a consideration of spatial scale is vital. Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography takes a practical approach with a core focus on real world problems and potential solutions. Links are made to appropriate software environments with an associated website providing access to guidance material which outlines how particular problems can be approached using popular GIS and spatial data analysis software. This book offers alternative definitions of spatial scale, presents approaches for exploring spatial scale and makes use of a wide variety of case studies in the physical and social sciences to demonstrate key concepts, making it a key resource for anyone who makes use of geographical information.

Цена: 11138.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118526798



Автор: Om V. Singh

Explores the utility and potential of extremophiles in sustainability and biotechnology Many extremophilic bio-products are already used as life-saving drugs. Until recently, however, the difficulty of working with these microbes has discouraged efforts to develop extremophilic microbes as potential drug reservoirs of the future. Recent technological advances have opened the door to exploring these organisms anew as sources of products that might prove useful in clinical and environmental biotechnology and drug development. Extremophiles features outstanding articles by expert scientists who shed light on broad-ranging areas of progress in the development of smart therapeutics for multiple disease types and products for industrial use. It bridges technological gaps, focusing on critical aspects of extremolytes and the mechanisms regulating their biosynthesis that are relevant to human health and bioenergy, including value-added products of commercial significance as well as other potentially viable products. This groundbreaking guide: Introduces the variety of extremophiles and their extremolytes including extremozymes Provides an overview of the methodologies used to acquire extremophiles Reviews the literature on the diversity of extremophiles Offers tools and criteria for data interpretation of various extremolytes/extremozymes Discusses experimental design problems associated with extremophiles and their therapeutic implications Explores the challenges and possibilities of developing extremolytes for commercial purposes Explains the FDA's regulations on certain microbial bio-products that will be of interest to potential industrialists Extremophiles is an immensely useful resource for graduate students and researchers in biotechnology, clinical biotechnology, microbiology, and applied microbiology.

Цена: 17353.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118394120


Fluid Dynamics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Fluid Dynamics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Автор: M. Z. Rachinsky

Whether as a textbook for the petroleum engineering student or a reference for the veteran engineer working in the field, this new volume is a valuable asset in the engineer’s library for new, tested methods of more efficient oil and gas exploration and production and better estimating methods. In this book, the authors combine a rigorous, yet easy to understand, approach to petrophysics and how it is applied to petroleum and environmental engineering to solve multiple problems that the engineer or geologist faces every day. Useful in the prediction of everything from crude oil composition, pore size distribution in reservoir rocks, groundwater contamination, and other types of forecasting, this approach provides engineers and students alike with a convenient guide to many real-world applications. Fluid dynamics is an extremely important part of the extraction process, and petroleum geologists and engineers must have a working knowledge of fluid dynamics of oil and gas reservoirs in order to find them and devise the best plan for extraction, before drilling can begin. This book offers the engineer and geologist a fundamental guide for accomplishing these goals, providing much-needed calculations and formulas on fluid flow, rock properties, and many other topics that are encountered every day. The approach taken in Fluid Dynamics of Oil and Gas Reservoirs is unique and has not been addressed until now in a book format. Readers now have the ability to review some of the most well-known fields in the world, from the USA to Russia and Asia. Useful for the veteran engineer or scientist and the student alike, this book is a must-have for any geologist, engineer, or student working in the field of upstream petroleum engineering.

Цена: 27048.38 руб.
ISBN: 9781118999035


Fractal Geography
Fractal Geography

Автор: Andre Dauphine

Our daily universe is rough and infinitely diverse. The fractal approach clarifies and orders these disparities. It helps us to envisage new explanations of geographical phenomena, which are, however, considered as definitely understood. Written for use by geographers and researchers from similar disciplines, such as ecologists, economists, historians and sociologists, this book presents the algorithms best adapted to the phenomena encountered, and proposes case studies illustrating their applications in concrete situations. An appendix is also provided that develops programs written in Mathematica. Contents 1. A Fractal World. 2. Auto-similar and Self-affine Fractals. 3. From the Fractal Dimension to Multifractal Spectrums. 4. Calculation and Interpretation of Fractal Dimensions. 5. The Fractal Dimensions of Rank-size Distributions. 6. Calculation and Interpretation of Multifractal Spectrums. 7. Geographical Explanation of Fractal Forms and Dynamics. 8. Using Complexity Theory to Explain a Fractal World. 9. Land-use Planning and Managing a Fractal Environment.

Цена: 15354.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118603024


From World City to the World in One City
From World City to the World in One City

Автор: Tim Bunnell

From World City to the World in One City examines changing geographies of Liverpool through and across the lives of Malay seamen who arrived in the city during its final years as a major imperial port. Draws upon life histories and memories of people who met at the Malay Club in Liverpool until its closure in 2007, to examine changing urban sites and landscapes as well as the city’s historically shifting constitutive connections In considering the historical presence of Malay seamen in Liverpool, draws attention to a group which has previously received only passing mention in historical and geographical studies of both that city, and of multi-ethnic Britain more widely Demonstrates that Liverpool-based Malay men sustained social connections with Southeast Asia long before scholars began to use terms such as ‘globalization’ or ‘transnationalism’ Based on a diverse range of empirical data, including interviews with members of the Malay Club in Liverpool and interviews in Southeast Asia, as well as archival and secondary sources Accessibly-written for non-academic audiences interested in the history and urban social geography of Liverpool

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118827727


Frontier Road
Frontier Road

Автор: Sim?n Uribe

Frontier Road uses the history of one road in southern Colombia—known locally as “the trampoline of death”—to demonstrate how state-building processes and practices have depended on the production and maintenance of frontiers as inclusive-exclusive zones, often through violent means. Considers the topic from multiple perspectives, including ethnography of the state, the dynamics of frontiers, and the nature of postcolonial power, space, and violence Draws attention to the political, environmental, and racial dynamics involved in the history and development of transport infrastructure in the Amazon region Examines the violence that has sustained the state through time and space, as well as the ways in which ordinary people have made sense of and contested that violence in everyday life Incorporates a broad range of engaging sources, such as missionary and government archives, travel writing, and oral histories

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119100195


GIS For Dummies
GIS For Dummies

Автор: Michael DeMers N

GIS (geographic information system) is a totally cool technology that has been called “geography on steroids.” GIS is what lets you see the schools in your neighborhood or tells you where the nearest McDonald’s is. GIS For Dummies tells you all about mapping terminology and digital mapping, how to locate geographic features and analyze patterns such as streets and waterways, and how to generate travel directions, customer location lists, and much more with GIS. Whether you’re in charge of creating GIS applications for your business or you simply love maps, you’ll find GIS For Dummies is packed with information. For example, you can: Learn all the hardware and software necessary to collect, analyze, and manipulate GIS data Explore the difference between 2D and 3D maps, create a map, or manage multiple maps Analyze patterns that appear in maps and interpret the results Measure distance in absolute, comparative, and functional ways Recognize how spatial factors relate to geographic data Discover how GIS is used in business, the military, city planning, emergency services, land management, and more Find out how GIS can help you find out where flooding may occur Determine what your organization needs, do appropriate analyses, and actually plan and design a GIS system You’ll find dozens of applications for GIS queries and analyses, and even learn to create animated GIS output. Whether your goal is to implement a GIS or just have fun, GIS For Dummies will get you there! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470498750


Geographic Information Science for Land Resource Management
Geographic Information Science for Land Resource Management

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 22775.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119786368


Geographical Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora
Geographical Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora

Автор: Christian Sallaberry

This book addresses the field of geographic information extraction and retrieval from textual documents. Geographic information retrieval is a rapidly emerging subject, a trend fostered by the growing power of the Internet and the emerging possibilities of data dissemination. After positioning his work in this field in Chapter 1, the author makes proposals in the following two chapters. Chapter 2 focuses on spatial and temporal information indexing and retrieval in corpora of textual documents. Propositions for both spatial and temporal information retrieval (IR) are made. Chapter 3 tackles the use of generalized spatial and temporal indexes, which are produced from there in the framework of multi-criteria IR. Geographic IR (GIR) is discussed at length, since this IR combines the criteria of spatial, temporal and thematic research. The author provides a rich bibliographical study of the current approaches focused on the modeling and retrieval of spatial and temporal information in textual documents, and similarity measures developed thus far in the literature. The book concludes with a broad perspective of the remaining scientific challenges. Several areas of research are discussed, such as integration of a domain-based ontology, modeling of spatial footprints from the interpretation of spatial relation, and parsing of relations between features deemed relevant within a document resulting from a GIR process. Contents Foreword, Christophe Claramunt. 1. Access by Geographic Content to Textual Corpora: What Orientations ? 2. Spatial and Temporal Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora. 3. Multicriteria Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora. 4. General Conclusion. About the Authors Christian Sallaberry is currently Assistant Professor at the Law, Economics and Management Faculty in Pau, France. His current research interests are in the fields of geographical information retrieval (GIR) in textual corpora: spatial, temporal and thematic information recognition, analyzing, indexing and retrieval. He is interested in spatial, temporal and thematic criteria combinations within a GIR process.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781118790144


Geographies of Health
Geographies of Health

Автор: Anthony C. Gatrell

Setting out the debates and reviewing the evidence that links health outcomes with social and physical environments, this new edition of the well-established text offers an accessible overview of the theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and research in the field of health geography Includes international examples, drawn from a broad range of countries, and extensive illustrations Unique in its approach to health geography, as opposed to medical geography New chapters focus on contemporary concerns including neighborhoods and health, ageing, and emerging infectious disease Offers five new case studies and an fresh emphasis on qualitative research approaches Written by two of the leading health geographers in the world, each with extensive experience in research and policy

Цена: 4143.08 руб.
ISBN: 9781118274866


Geography For Dummies
Geography For Dummies

Автор: Jerry T. Mitchell

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119867135


Geomorphology and the Carbon Cycle
Geomorphology and the Carbon Cycle

Автор: Martin Evans

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119393283


Geopolitics and the Event
Geopolitics and the Event

Автор: Alan Ingram

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781119426035


Globalizing Responsibility
Globalizing Responsibility

Автор: Clive Barnett

Globalizing Responsibility: The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption presents an innovative reinterpretation of the forces that have shaped the remarkable growth of ethical consumption. Develops a theoretically informed new approach to shape our understanding of the pragmatic nature of ethical action in consumption processes Provides empirical research on everyday consumers, social networks, and campaigns Fills a gap in research on the topic with its distinctive focus on fair trade consumption Locates ethical consumption within a range of social theoretical debates -on neoliberalism, governmentality, and globalisation Challenges the moralism of much of the analysis of ethical consumption, which sees it as a retreat from proper citizenly politics and an expression of individualised consumerism

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781444390223


Hand in hand naar dromenland - Abel Originals, Season 1, Episode 5: Een verhaaltje voor het slapen gaan
Hand in hand naar dromenland - Abel Originals, Season 1, Episode 5: Een verhaaltje voor het slapen gaan

Автор: Abel Studios

Исполнители: Louis van Beek

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 4066004609782


Health Geographies
Health Geographies

Автор: Daniel Lewis

Health Geographies: A Critical Introduction explores health and biomedical topics from a range of critical geographic perspectives. Building on the field’s past engagement with social theory it extends the focus of health geography into new areas of enquiry. Introduces key topics in health geography through clear and engaging examples and case studies drawn from around the world Incorporates multi-disciplinary perspectives and approaches applied in the field of health geography Identifies both health and biomedical issues as a central area of concern for critically oriented health geographers Features material that is alert to questions of global scale and difference, and sensitive to the political and economic as well sociocultural aspects of health Provides extensive pedagogic materials within the text and guidance for further study

Цена: 3669.58 руб.
ISBN: 9781118738993


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