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збекистоннинг умурт али айвонлари ани лагичи
Ўзбекистоннинг умуртқали ҳайвонлари аниқлагичи

Автор: Ж. Лаханов

"Ushbu qo'llanma universitetlar biologiya fakultetining II kursida o'qitiladigan umurtqali hayvonlar zoologiyasi programmasi asosida yozilgan. Bu muayyan soha bo'yicha o'zbek tilida birinchi marta yozilgan qo'llanma bo'lib, respublikamizda tarqalgan umurtqali hayvonlarning sinfi, turkumi, oilasi, urug'i va turlarini aniqlash jadvali hisoblanadi. Har bir sinf va turkumni aniqlashdan oldin ularga qisqacha xarakteristika beriladi, so'ngra aniqlash jadvali boshlanadi. Ushbu qo'llanmadan, talabalardan tashqari, o'rta maktablarning biologiya o'qituvchilari, o'rmon va qishloq xo'jaligi xodimlari va hayvonlar hayoti bilan qiziquvchi har qanday kasb egalari foydalanishi mumkin."

Цена: 177.81 руб.
ISBN: 978–9943–10–983–4


50 weitere arch?ologische St?tten in Deutschland - die man kennen sollte
50 weitere arch?ologische St?tten in Deutschland - die man kennen sollte

Автор: Wolfram Letzner

Wer mit offenen Augen durch Deutschland reist, findet bedeutsame Spuren, die Menschen l?ngst vergangener Zeiten hinterlassen haben. Schon vor Jahrhunderten haben unsere Ur-Ur-Gro?v?ter arch?ologische St?tten erforscht und ihren Vorstellungen folgend konserviert oder rekonstruiert. Gro?artige Funde – etwa der Schatzfund von Eberswalde gelangten in die Museen und bilden dort aufgrund ihrer Einmaligkeit Highlights und wichtige Zeugnisse der Geschichte. Mit den „50 weitere arch?ologischen St?tten Deutschlands – die man kennen sollte“ werden jene Orte vorgestellt, die durch bedeutende Funde, historische Ereignisse oder eindrucksvolle Rekonstruktionen Zeugnis zur europ?ischen und deutschen Vergangenheit ablegen. R?mische Denkm?ler aus Regensburg und Schwarzenacker bis hin zu mittelalterlichen St?tten wie der karolingischen Kaiserpfalz von Paderborn. Dabei bedient sich der Band pr?ziser Texte, Pl?ne und eindrucksvoller Fotografien. Dar?ber hinaus gibt er Aufschluss dar?ber, wo heute die Funde aufbewahrt und ausgestellt werden und bietet umfassend Kontaktdaten (Adressen, Telefonnummer, Homepages).

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783945751657


Кто хозяин в лесу
Кто хозяин в лесу

Автор: Анатолий Кудактин

Книга доктора биологических наук профессора Анатолия Кудактина рассказывает об обитателях дикой природы – хищных животных северо-западного Кавказа. Тут и волки, и медведи, и даже леопарды. Кудактин объясняет, как правильно себя вести при случайной встрече в лесу с дикими зверями. Книга издана в 2015 году, аудиоверсия издана в сокращении. Аудиоверсия издана в сокращении. Кавказский заповедник выражает благодарность за помощь в подготовке аудиокниги: Анатолию Кудактину Ольге Тимошенко Андрею Макарову Марине Мавлютовой Дмитрию Андрееву, mountaindreams.ru Василию Симонову Сергею Теплову Юлии Ильницкой Сергею Трепету Фото: Сергей Трепет © Эвербук

Исполнители: Ксения Суркова

Цена: 249 руб.
ISBN: 9789152164815



Автор: А. В. Платова

Основная цель пособия, разработанного издательством Оксфордского университета и получившего признание во многих станах мира, – развить математические способности ребёнка. Книга содержит 20 занятий, каждое из которых состоит из 25 заданий. На одно занятие выделяется примерно 25 минут. На полях имеются кружочки для подсчёта очков, а в конце – график, который покажет результат, полученный после работы с книгой. Это наглядная демонстрация успехов дошкольника и хороший инструмент мотивации. Адресовано дошкольникам 6–7 лет, но будет интересно и актуально ученикам начальных классов, родителям, воспитателям ДОУ, преподавателям.

Серия: Детская академия речи. Нейротренажер для дошкольников

Цена: 159 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-04-105055-9


Ну и дурак же я
Ну и дурак же я

Автор: Шервуд Андерсон

Шервуд Андерсон начал публиковаться в 1914 году, а полностью посвятил себя литературе в 1923. Его сборники новелл «Уайнсбург, Огайо», «Торжество яйца», «Кони и люди» и др. принадлежат к лучшим страницам американской словесности и стали образцом для Уильяма Фолкнера, Томаса Вулфа, Эрнеста Хемингуэя и Рэя Брэдбери. Более того, именно Хемингуэю принадлежит пародия на Андерсона – повесть «Вешние воды», ознаменовавшая творческий разрыв между писателями. Обладатели Нобелевской премии по литературе Синклер Льюис и Джон Стейнбек называли Шервуда Андерсона более достойным этой награды. Братья И ещё сестра-смерть Незажжённые светильники Ну и дурак же я Яйцо Продюсер издания: Владимир Воробьёв ©&℗ ИП Воробьев ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ При подготовке материала использованы данные портала livelib.ru

Серия: Классика на все времена

Исполнители: Всеволод Кузнецов

Цена: 253 руб.


Птицы. 60 птиц, которых должен знать каждый
Птицы. 60 птиц, которых должен знать каждый

Автор: Группа авторов

В книге «Птицы. 60 птиц, которых должен знать каждый» серии «Я познаю мир!» биолог Е. Снегирёва рассказывает только о самых обычных птицах, которых видел каждый, во всяком случае, слышал о них. Ведь многие птицы вошли в пословицы и поговорки. Однако уже с первых страниц читатель поймёт, насколько это удивительные животные. Имея под рукой эту замечательную книгу с яркими иллюстрациями, дети, их родители и учителя смогут не просто определить увиденных птиц, но и узнают о них очень много интересного. Для младшего школьного возраста.

Серия: Я познаю мир (АСТ)

Цена: 179 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-17-095703-3


Сайловларда сиёсий технологиялардан фойдаланиш
Сайловларда сиёсий технологиялардан фойдаланиш

Автор: Отабек Юлдашев

…Мазкур ишда ҳозирги даврда Ўзбекистон жамиятида такомиллашиб ва ривожланиб бораётган сайловлар жараёни таҳлил этилади, бу жараёнга кириб келаётган сайлов технологиялари тавсифланади. Мазкур иш демократик сайловларга қизиққан барча китобхонларга мўлжалланган.

Цена: 109.07 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-08-934-1


Хонакилаштирилган цесаркаларни парваришлаш б йича тавсиялар
Хонакилаштирилган цесаркаларни парваришлаш бўйича тавсиялар

Автор: Группа авторов

Брошюрада цесаркаларни келиб чиқиши, турлари, табиатда яшаш жойи, биологик хусусиятлари, ташқи кўриниши, маҳсулотларининг сифатлари ёритиб берилган. Шу билан бирга хонакилаштирилган цесаркалар ва уларнинг замонавий зотлари, маҳсулдорлиги, уларни парваришлаш, насл олиш, тухумини бостириш ёки инкубация қилиш, томорқада ва саноат услубида боқиш, гўштга боқиш услубларига қараб бир неча рацион турлари тавсия этилган. Ушбу тавсиялар парранда боқишни мақсад қилган кенг оммага мўлжалланган.

Цена: 94.32 руб.
ISBN: 978-9943-353-70-1


A Century of Parasitology
A Century of Parasitology

Автор: Группа авторов

Reviews key areas in ecological, medical and molecular parasitology Features essays from some of the world's leading parasitologists Each topic is set in context by featuring a key paper from the Journal of Paraistology over the past 100 years

Цена: 10440.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781118884782


A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know
A Pocket Guide to Risk Mathematics. Key Concepts Every Auditor Should Know

Автор: Matthew Leitch

This uniquely accessible, breakthrough book lets auditors grasp the thinking behind the mathematical approach to risk without doing the mathematics. Risk control expert and former Big 4 auditor, Matthew Leitch, takes the reader gently but quickly through the key concepts, explaining mistakes organizations often make and how auditors can find them. Spend a few minutes every day reading this conveniently pocket sized book and you will soon transform your understanding of this highly topical area and be in demand for interesting reviews with risk at their heart. «I was really excited by this book – and I am not a mathematician. With my basic understanding of business statistics and business risk management I was able to follow the arguments easily and pick up the jargon of a discipline akin to my own but not my own.» —Dr Sarah Blackburn, President at the Institute of Internal Auditors – UK and Ireland

Цена: 6238.29 руб.
ISBN: 9780470669136


Alle Tiere kommen in den Himmel
Alle Tiere kommen in den Himmel

Автор: Sylvia Browne

Der Tod eines Lieblingstieres ist oft schmerzhaft, manchmal herzzerrei?end. Doch was wie ein M?rchen klingt, ist schlicht Tatsache: Das Tier bleibt auch nach seinem Tod eng mit uns verbunden, wie die renommierte Seelenforscherin Sylvia Browne eindrucksvoll belegt. In Hunderten von gepr?ften Ereignissen – das Ergebnis 40-j?hriger Forschung – dokumentiert die New-York-Times-Bestseller-Autorin, wie die Tierseele weiterlebt, wie ihre Gegenwart uns besch?tzt – und wie wir Kontakt zu ihr aufnehmen und pflegen k?nnen. Ein kostbarer Trost f?r alle, die nach dem Weggang ihres Tiergef?hrten seine Liebe, Loyalit?t und einzigartige Pers?nlichkeit vermissen. Denn seine unsterbliche Seele begleitet weiterhin unser Leben. Auf Schritt und Tritt.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783941435964


Allegory in Early Greek Philosophy
Allegory in Early Greek Philosophy

Автор: Jennifer Lobo Meeks

Allegory in Early Greek Philosophy examines the role that allegory plays in Greek thought, particularly in the transition from the mythic tradition of the archaic poets to the philosophical traditions of the Presocratics and Plato. It explores how a mode of speech that «says one thing, but means another» is integral to philosophy, which otherwise seeks to achieve clarity and precision in its discourse. By providing the early Greek thinkers with a way of defending and appropriating the poetic wisdom of their predecessors, allegory enables philosophy to locate and recover its own origins in the mythic tradition. Allegory allows philosophy simultaneously to move beyond mythos and express the whole in terms of logos, a rational account in which reality is represented in a more abstract and universal way than myth allows.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783838274256


Antarctic Ecosystems
Antarctic Ecosystems

Автор: Группа авторов

Since its discovery Antarctica has held a deep fascination for biologists. Extreme environmental conditions, seasonality and isolation have lead to some of the most striking examples of natural selection and adaptation on Earth. Paradoxically, some of these adaptations may pose constraints on the ability of the Antarctic biota to respond to climate change. Parts of Antarctica are showing some of the largest changes in temperature and other environmental conditions in the world. In this volume, published in association with the Royal Society, leading polar scientists present a synthesis of the latest research on the biological systems in Antarctica, covering organisms from microbes to vertebrate higher predators. This book comes at a time when new technologies and approaches allow the implications of climate change and other direct human impacts on Antarctica to be viewed at a range of scales; across entire regions, whole ecosystems and down to the level of species and variation within their genomes. Chapters address both Antarctic terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and the scientific and management challenges of the future are explored.

Цена: 15317.55 руб.
ISBN: 9781444347210


Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials
Antiviral Drugs. From Basic Discovery Through Clinical Trials

Автор: Wieslaw Kazmierski M

This book focuses on new small molecule approaches to combat viral infections. The chapters describe the discovery and development from bench through the clinic of relatively recently-approved antiviral drugs and compounds in advanced clinical development. Organized by a virus (such as HIV, HCV, RSV, influenza, HBV and CMV) and written by top academic and industrial authorities in the field, the book provides a unique opportunity to study, understand and apply discovery and development principles and learning without the need for an individual to research, analyze and synthesize all immense sourcing references. Topics showcase challenges and solutions of issues encountered, offering tremendous experience accumulated over many years of research that will be particularly useful to basic and bench scientists as well as clinicians as they continue discovering and developing new drugs and therapies.

Цена: 18883.91 руб.
ISBN: 9780470929346



Автор: M. V. Brian

Ants should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.Ants have always exercised a fascination that extends beyond the world of biology. They have attracted the attention of poets and dramatists, and also of those philosophers and political theorists who have envied their apparent industry and rigid and complex communal organisation. The social life of ants is indeed extraordinary. It forms the basis of their entire lives; an ant on its own has no chance of survival. Ants are the only group of insects in which there are no solitary species at all.In this book Dr Brian, the country's leading authority on ants, brings together the results of recent research (much of it his own) into the zoology, ecology and social life of the group. Dr Brian begins by discussing the relationship of ants to other insects, their anatomy and physiology, and then turns to the different species of British ant (with an identification key), feeding, including aphid 'farming' and the specialised role of the workers in acting as travelling food containers for the nest itself, the rearing of the young and the different caste systems (including the life history of the queen), the ecological significance of ants, and the role they play in the lives of other animals. Particular attention is paid to the importance of communication in the ant society, and there is a complete section of distribution maps – one for each of the 47 British Species – compiled according to the latest available data. There are 16 plates of black and white photographs and two colour plates of ant species specially painted for this volume by Gordon Riley.This book should provide both the amateur naturalist and the professional zoologist with a valuable source of reference, and a fascinating account of the lives of an intriguing group of insects.

Серия: Collins New Naturalist Library

Цена: 5590.99 руб.
ISBN: 9780007406470


Applied Ecology and Environmental Management
Applied Ecology and Environmental Management

Автор: Edward Newman I

This book explains ways that ecological science can be applied to solving some of the most crucial problems facing our world today. A major theme is how resources can be effectively managed and exploited in as near a sustainable manner as possible. The author draws together, in a single volume, major topics in environmental and resource management that have traditionally been dispersed among several different books. Applied Ecology starts with an analysis of our planet's basic natural resources – energy, water and soil; it moves on to the management of biological resources – fish, grazing lands and forests, and then to pest control and pollution. Finally, the book tackles conservation and management of wild species and the restoration of ecological communities. The second edition of this text has been radically redesigned and rewritten. Each chapter starts with a list of questions, setting out the various fundamental problems to be considered. Interwoven with these practical problems is a clear explanation of the underlying basic science – ecology – studied at scales ranging from global, landscape and ecosystem, down to the population and individual (and even their physiology and genetics). The science is illustrated by examples from every major geographic area of the world. This book is aimed primarily at undergraduate students taking courses in applied ecology, environmental science, environmental management and natural resources management. The author has extensive experience as a university teacher. Like his lectures, this book is scientifically rigorous yet clear and easy to understand. Draws together major topics in environmental and resource management, usually dispersed over many separate books. Questions, summaries and clearly structured chapters enhance usability. Emphasis on clarity and accessibility. Based on a proven and successful course.

Цена: 15128.12 руб.
ISBN: 9780470698174


Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement
Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement

Автор: Werner Kunz

Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte uber die Zukunft des Natur- und Artenschutzes, der zeigt, wie durch aktive Gestaltung von Lebensraumen die historische Artenvielfalt in Mitteleuropa erhalten werden kann.

Цена: 6025.22 руб.
ISBN: 9783527806218


Auf Augenh?he mit H?hnern
Auf Augenh?he mit H?hnern

Автор: Silke Braemer

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783895667992


Babaji - Unergr?ndlich tief wie das Meer
Babaji - Unergr?ndlich tief wie das Meer

Автор: Gertraud Reichel

In den unzug?nglichen H?hlen und Erdspalten des Himalaya meditieren seit Jahrtausenden g?ttliche Wesen, Yogis und Heilige in tiefer Versenkung und lenken die Geschicke der Menschheit.
1970 wurde Babaji von einem jungen Mann in einer H?hle am Fu?e des Kailash bei Haidakhan entdeckt. Er lebte und lehrte von 1979 bis 1984 unter uns. Seine Besucher und Anh?nger wurden auf die verschiedensten Weisen immer wieder mit seiner Gr??e und den ?bernat?rlichen Kr?ften des Meisters konfrontiert.
Dieses Buch enth?lt 108 kleinere und gr??ere Erlebnisberichte, die der Herausgeberin direkt von Indern und «Westlern» berichtet wurden. Ein bewegendes Buch.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783945574331



Автор: Michael Quinn

Jeremy Bentham – philosopher, theorist of law and of the art of government – was among the most influential figures of the early nineteenth century, and the approach he pioneered – utilitarianism – remains central to the modern world. In this new introduction to his ideas, Michael Quinn shows how Bentham sought to be an engineer or architect of choices and to illuminate the methods of influencing human conduct to good ends, by focusing on how people react to the various physical, legal, institutional, normative and cultural factors that confront them as decision-makers. Quinn examines how Bentham adopted utility as the critical standard for the development and evaluation of government and public policy, and explains how he sought to apply this principle to a range of areas, from penal law to democratic reform, before concluding with an assessment of his contemporary relevance. He argues that Bentham simultaneously sought both to facilitate the implementation of governmental will and to expose misrule by rendering all exercises of public power transparent to the public on whose behalf it was exercised. This book will be essential reading for any student or scholar of Bentham, as well as those interested in the history of political thought, philosophy, politics, ethics and utilitarianism.

Цена: 2272.77 руб.
ISBN: 9781509521944


Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea
Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea

Автор: Группа авторов

The deep sea covers over 60% of the surface of the earth, yet less than 1% has been scientifically investigated. There is growing pressure on deep-sea resources and on researchers to deliver information on biodiversity and the effects of human impacts on deep-sea ecosystems. Although scientific knowledge has increased rapidly in recent decades, there exist large gaps in global sampling coverage of the deep sea, and major efforts continue to be directed into offshore research. Biological Sampling in the Deep Sea represents the first comprehensive compilation of deep-sea sampling methodologies for a range of habitats. It reviews the real life applications of current, and in some instances developing, deep-sea sampling tools and techniques. In creating this book the authors have been able to draw upon the experiences of those at the ?coal face? of deep-sea sampling, expanding on the existing methodological texts whilst encompassing a level of technical detail often omitted from journal publications. Ultimately the book will promote international consistency in sampling approaches and data collection, advance the integration of information into global databases, and facilitate improved data analyses and consequently uptake of science results for the management and conservation of the deep-sea environment. The book will appeal to a range of readers, including students, early-career through to seasoned researchers, as well as environmental managers and policy makers wishing to understand how the deep-sea is sampled, the challenges associated with deep survey work, and the type of information that can be obtained.

Цена: 16690.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781118332559


Birds For Dummies
Birds For Dummies

Автор: Gina Spadafori

Your one-stop guide to caring for your avian companion Pet birds are intelligent, affectionate, and rewarding companions. No matter what bird you choose, you need to set up a happy home for him with the right stuff. You also need to keep your bird healthy by performing routine care and knowing what a healthy bird looks like and how he behaves. This friendly guide describes the birds that make the best pets, explains how to select the bird that's best for you, offers tips on bonding with your feathered friend, and provides expert advice on feeding and environmental enrichment that will keep these intelligent pets engaged. Benefit from a full-color guide to pet birds Choose the right bird based on your budget and lifestyle Create a bird-friendly environment that minimizes noise and mess Bond with your winged pet If you’re ready for your love of birds to take flight, this book has everything you need.

Цена: 2367.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781119643258


Bonding mit dem Pferd
Bonding mit dem Pferd

Автор: Patricia Backhus

Die Beziehung zwischen Pferd und Reiter ist eine ganz besondere. Geht man sie richtig an und betrachtet das Tier nicht nur als eine Art »Sportger?t«, so kann daraus eine innige Freundschaft werden, die auch ohne Worte funktioniert. Hierf?r ist bereits die erste Begegnung entscheidend, ebenso wie die richtige Haltung und die Herangehensweise an die gemeinsame Arbeit. Wichtig ist, dass man dabei die Bed?rfnisse des Pferdes nie aus den Augen verliert und diesen durch genaue Beobachtung und das Einhalten der eigenen, dem Charaktertyp des Pferdes entsprechenden Rolle gerecht wird. Denn je nachdem, ob es sich bei ihm um einen »Weisen«, einen »Kommandanten« oder einen »Beh?bigen« handelt, ben?tigt es mehr oder weniger Dominanz, Einf?hlungsverm?gen oder Freiheiten.
Die Autorin Durch ihre jahrelange Erfahrung mit »Problempferden« und deren hilfesuchenden Reitern kennt die Dipl. Psych. Reittherapeutin SG-TR Patricia Backhus diese Schwierigkeiten genau und wei?, dass diese h?ufig durch mangelnde Kommunikation entstehen. In »Bonding mit dem Pferd« erl?utert sie die n?tigen Hintergrundinformationen zu den verschiedenen Pferde-Charaktertypen und wie man am besten auf sie eingeht, um diese ganz besondere Verbindung zu seinem Pferd aufzubauen. Der Ratgeber richtet sich sowohl an erfahrene als auch an unerfahrene Reiter, vor allem aber an jene, die ihr Pferd gerne besser verstehen lernen m?chten.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783948108236



Автор: Vincenzo Marzo Di

‘Cannabinoids’ is a broad term covering a group of natural products from Cannabis sativa, one of which locks on to specific receptors – protein molecules on the surface of cells – known as cannabinoid receptors. Over the past decades scientists have found that cannabinoid receptors and their endogenous ligands, the endocannabinoids, are involved in a vast array of physiological functions, including helping to control brain activity, energy metabolism, heart function, the immune system and even reproduction. In Cannabinoids, Vincenzo Di Marzo has assembled contributions from international experts to provide the definitive guide to what continues to be a rapidly developing research field. After an introductory historical chapter, the book continues by looking at the biochemical, genetic and molecular elements of cannabinoids, followed by chapters covering their role in health and disease. The final chapter outlines the need for a new nomenclature to reflect the complex and multi-disciplinary nature of this area.

Цена: 17116.48 руб.
ISBN: 9781118451250


Cats For Dummies
Cats For Dummies

Автор: Gina Spadafori

Everything you need to take care of your feline friend   Cats are the purrfect pets: they’re relatively easy to care for, a blast to play with, and sure to win the heart of every member of your family with their loving nature—and sometimes sassy demeanor! Cats For Dummies gives you expert insight into everything from cat behavior to what makes each type of feline unique. With this easy-to-understand guide, you'll be able to tackle those tough cat-astrophes from dealing with problem behaviors like scratching the furniture and missing the litter box—all while learning to understand what your cat is trying to tell you. Happily bring a cat or kitten into your life Keep your new four-legged family member comfortable and safe Live a happy feline-friendly life Keep your cat in prime health Whether you're looking to get your first kitten or adopt a senior cat, this book covers all the basics of feline cat care.

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119646280


Cazadores de nubes
Cazadores de nubes

Автор: Javier Enrique G?mez Rodr?guez

Cazadores de nubes es una recolecci?n de textos escritos durante la ?poca universitaria del autor y su paso por el taller literario de la Universidad del Magdalena «Tallium». Son textos de no ficci?n que representan y recrean la realidad del Caribe de Colombia. Algunos cuentos, como «Cazadores de nubes» o «El mejor escritor de Norteam?rica» han sobrevivido varias destrucciones a lo largo de los a?os. Otros, nacen a partir de alg?n suceso visto en alg?n peri?dico, como «Arc?ngel». Un texto, tal vez el m?s largo, «La reina», dio origen a otra serie de cuentos in?ditos, con los mismos personajes como protagonistas


Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9789587462470


Chemoecology of Insect Eggs and Egg Deposition
Chemoecology of Insect Eggs and Egg Deposition

Автор: Monika Hilker

This is the first book focusing on the chemoecology of insect eggs and egg deposition. It covers a wide range of different issues including herbivorous and carnivorous insects, social insects and those of medical and veterinary importance. The knowledge compiled in this book may promote future studies on evolutionary aspects on insect reproductive behaviour as well as on controlling insect pests by targeting the egg stage.

Цена: 22087.39 руб.
ISBN: 9780470759981


Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine
Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine

Автор: Lesley A. Colby

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119489634


Commerical Fishing
Commerical Fishing

Автор: Simon Jennings

Fishing provides food, income and employment for millions of people. However, fishing has environmental costs that threaten rare species, marine ecosystems and the sustainability of the resource. Based on the research expertise of leading scientists, Commercial Fishing: the Wider Ecological Impacts provides a lively, timely and accessible account of fishing activities and their impacts on marine habitats, biodiversity and species of conservation concern. It covers fishing methods that range from trawling in the Antarctic to fishing with dynamite in the tropics. The authors show how habitats such as the muddy sea beds of the deep sea, kelp forests and coral reefs are affected by fishing and how birds, mammals, turtles and sea snakes both suffer and benefit from fishing activities. They also look to the future, highlighting ways to make fishing gear 'environmentally friendly' and asking whether marine reserves will improve conservation.

Цена: 7285.14 руб.
ISBN: 9780470694855


DSP Applications Using C and the TMS320C6x DSK
DSP Applications Using C and the TMS320C6x DSK

Автор: Группа авторов

The TMS320C6x is Texas Instrument's next generation DSP found in over 60 percent of wireless devices from leading manufacturers such as Ericsson, Nokia, Sony, and Handspring Author has many years experience working with the TI line of TMS DSPs and his books are based on courses and seminars given at TI sponsored meetings All programs listed in the text will be available on the Wiley FTP site In addition to its wireless applications, the TMS DSP is tailored to enable a new generation of Internet media entertainment appliances

Цена: 17453.4 руб.
ISBN: 9780471464228


Darwin s Sciences
Darwin's Sciences

Автор: Peter Graham

A complete scientific biography of Darwin that takes into account the latest research findings, both published and unpublished, on the life of this remarkable man. Considered the first book to thoroughly emphasize Darwin’s research in various fields of endeavor, what he did, why he did it, and its implications for his time and ours. Rather than following a strictly chronological approach – a narrative choice that characteristically offers an ascent to On the Origin of Species (1859) with a rapid decline in interest following its publication and reception – this book stresses the diversity and full extent of Darwin’s career by providing a series of chapters centering on various intellectual topics and scientific specializations that interested Darwin throughout his life. Authored by academics with years of teaching and discussing Darwin, Darwin's Sciences is suited to any biologist who is interested in the deeper implications of Darwin's research.

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781119045786


Das digitale Bl?tenland
Das digitale Bl?tenland

Автор: Mark Ammern

Der ‚schmale‘ Band enth?lt f?nf Texte, die einen Umfang zwischen neun Seiten und einem Satz haben. Das zentrale Thema betrifft den Wechsel von einer papiernen Ausstattung von B?chern hin zu einer digitalen. Die Texte k?nnen auch als eine untergliederte Rede gelesen werden, in der eine ?berforderung im digital orientierten Segment ebenso zur Sprache kommt, wie die Marktprobleme der traditionell ausgerichteten Branche. Den Wechsel er?rtert Ammern pointiert im zweiten Text „Die Z?sur“, im dritten Text ger?t ‚Kultur‘ in massive Kritik, erst der vierte und vorletzte Text besch?ftigt sich mit dem ‚digitalen Bl?tenland‘, u.a. aus der Perspektive einer Quantenmechanik.

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783929899252


Das tierfreundliche Kochbuch
Das tierfreundliche Kochbuch

Автор: Группа авторов

Der vegane Klassiker! Gutes, das gesund ist und schmeckt, muss nicht kompliziert und aufwendig sein. Schritt f?r Schritt erfahren Sie, wie Sie ganz leckere Gerichte auf den Tisch bringen k?nnen. Es gibt unz?hlige Variationsm?glichkeiten, Spielraum f?r Ihre Kreativit?t und individuellen Vorlieben – so wird das Kochen zum Vergn?gen! Vegetarisch-vegane Gerichte – schmackhaft und abwechslungsreich, lecker und gesund – von ?pfeln bis Zwiebeln. Herzhafte Rezepte, wie z.B. Gem?segerichte, deftige K?rbisspezialit?ten, Nudeln, italienische und weitere internationale Gerichte, Salate, Backrezepte ohne Milch und Ei. Inkl. einer Brosch?re «Saucen, Dressings & Dips».

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783892017295


Der Engel an meiner Seite
Der Engel an meiner Seite

Автор: David Frei

Mike Lingenfelter war am Ende. Nach zwei Infarkten und einer riskanten Herzoperation hat der eben noch erfolgreiche Ingenieur mit seinem Leben abgeschlossen. Seine ?rzte versuchen ihn zu ermutigen und raten ihm, sich einen Therapiehund anzuschaffen. Doch Lingenfelter will keinen Hund mehr – er will sterben! Es passiert, was unvorstellbar schien: Dakota, ein rotgoldener Golden Retriever, selbst gerettet, tritt in sein Leben. «Cody» gewinnt Mikes Liebe und lernt schnell sein Herrchen zu warnen, wenn eine neue Herzattacke bevorsteht.
"Cody" rettete vielen Menschen auf seine besondere Art das Leben und gab Mike seine W?rde, seinen Stolz und sein Leben zur?ck. Er war sein pers?nlicher Schutzengel.
Lingenfelters fesselnder Bericht machte in den USA nicht nur bei Tierfreunden, sondern auch bei Wissenschaftlern, Therapeuten und Medizinern Furore.

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9783941435827


Der gro?e H?hner-Ratgeber
Der gro?e H?hner-Ratgeber

Автор: Kathy Shea Mormino

Schritt f?r Schritt zum selbstversorger
Selbstversorgung und artgerechte Tierhaltung sind wieder in aller Munde. Immer mehr Familien w?nschen sich frische Eier von gl?cklichen H?hnern, die f?r viele Kinder wiederum schnell zu geliebten Haustieren werden.
KATY SHEA MORMINO, international bekannt als The Chicken Chick, ist eine absolute Expertin auf dem Gebiet der privaten H?hnerhaltung. Ihr preisgekr?nter Blog ist mittlerweile der Dreh- und Angelpunkt f?r Millionen von Fans dieser ungew?hnlichen Haustiere. In DER GRO?E H?HNER-RATGEBER behandelt sie alle Aspekte, die f?r deren selbstst?ndige und verantwortungsbewusste Haltung im eigenen Garten n?tig sind: von der Auswahl der Tiere und deren Stallung ?ber F?tterung und Eierproduktion bis hin zu Gesundheit und Schutz vor nat?rlichen Feinden. Besonders hilfreich gerade f?r Einsteiger sind ihre praktischen Hinweise, was vor der Anschaffung der ersten H?hner unbedingt zu bedenken ist.
Ihr aus der Praxis erworbenes Wissen kombiniert Mormino mit den aktuellsten Erkenntnissen von Tier?rzten, Ern?hrungswissenschaftlern und Biologen. Eigene Sonderkapitel widmet sie dem Verhalten der Tiere und wie man zu Hause ein attraktives H?hnergehege anlegt. Mit brillanten Fotos ihrer ?ber 50 H?hner ist dieser praktische Leitfaden nicht nur unterhaltsam und informativ, sondern macht direkt Lust, im eigenen Garten aktiv zu werden.
„Endlich ein Buch ?ber H?hnerhaltung im eigenen Garten, das von einer wirklichen Expertin geschrieben wurde. Sie halten einen interessant geschriebenen und faktengepr?ften Ratgeber in den H?nden – eine echte Bereicherung f?r Ihr B?cherregal!“ —Dr. Mike Petrik, Veterin?rmediziner, bekannt als „Mike, The Chicken Vet“

Цена: 1774.62 руб.
ISBN: 9783962571801


Der katzegorische Imperativ
Der katzegorische Imperativ

Автор: Karin Tamcke

Wie kommt der Schnee ins Badezimmer? Warum besetzen Katzen Briefmarken? Wieso schlafen Katzenbesitzer in Ballett-Positionen? Und vor allem: Was ist ein kat(z)egorischer Imperativ? Diese und andere Fragen beantwortet das Buch in 38 temperamentvollen Anekdoten, die sich um Deutschlands beliebtestes Haustier ranken. Es geht um Katzen mit ihren liebenswerten Marotten, wovon H?henangst, eine pazifistische Einstellung zur M?usejagd und ihre Affinit?t zu Tapeten nur die Spitze des Eisberges sind. Am Ende ist jedem klar, der es bisher noch nicht wusste: Im Miteinander von Katze und Mensch bleibt die Katze unweigerlich der Sieger.

Цена: 886.82 руб.
ISBN: 9783927708945


Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Design of Unmanned Aerial Systems

Автор: Mohammad H. Sadraey

Цена: 16335.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119508694


Designing the Rural. A Global Countryside in Flux
Designing the Rural. A Global Countryside in Flux

Автор: Christiane Lange

The rural is not what it used to be. No longer simply a site for agricultural production for the city, the relationship between the rural and urban has become much more complex. Established categories such as rural /urban and village/city no longer hold true. Rural and urban conditions have become increasingly blurred, so how can we identify and distinguish their specific characteristics? Where is the rural, and what role does it play in an urbanised world? In developing countries the countryside is a volatile and contradictory landscape: legally designated rural areas look like dense slums; factories intersect fields and farmers no longer farm. In contrast, in developed regions, the rural has become a highly controlled landscape of production and consumption: industrialised agriculture coexists with leisure landscapes for tourism, retirement and recreation. This issue of AD investigates how architects and researchers are critically engaging with the rural as an experimental field of exploration. Contributors: Neil Brenner, Christiane Lange, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Sandra Parvu, Cole Roskam, Grahame Shane, Deane Simpson, and Milica Topalovic and Bas Princen Architects: Anders Abraham, Joshua Bolchover and John Lin (Rural Urban Framework), Ambra Fabi and Giovanni Piovene (Piovenefabi), Rainer Hehl, Stephan Petermann (OMA), Huang Sheng Yuan (FieldOffice), and Sandeep Virmani (Hunnarshala)

Цена: 4153.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781118951064


Diary of Samuel Pepys - Complete 1668 N.S
Diary of Samuel Pepys - Complete 1668 N.S

Автор: Samuel Pepys

Diary of Samuel Pepys – Complete 1668 N.S. Edited by Richard Griffin Braybrooke and Henry B. Wheatley. Translated by Mynors Bright libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783742940537


Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management
Dictionary of Zoo Biology and Animal Management

Автор: Paul A. Rees

This dictionary is intended as a guide to the terminology used in a wide range of animal-related programmes of study including agriculture, animal care, animal management, animal production, animal welfare, veterinary nursing, wildlife conservation and zoo biology. In total it contains over 5,300 entries. It contains a wide range of terms used in the fields of veterinary science, physiology and zoology, as students whose primary interests are animal welfare or zoo biology also need to have some understanding of disease, how animal bodies function and how animals are classified. It also contains some legal terms, and reference to some legal cases, to help students understand how the protection, use and conservation of animals is regulated by the law. Some people, famous animals, literature and films have influenced the way we think about, and behave towards, animals. For this reason, the book includes references to important books about animals, famous animals who have starred in films or been the subject of scientific studies, along with short biographies of famous scientists and others who have studied animals or established conservation or animal welfare organisations.

Цена: 7451.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781118500477


Die 8te Pforte
Die 8te Pforte

Автор: Akron Frey

Die 8te Pforte ist der Folgeband zum Buch «Die 7 Pforten des Geistes» und ist eine multidimensionale Erz?hlung auf der Schwelle von Leben und Tod.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783906925011


Die Entwicklung von Wald-Bioz?nosen nach Sturmwurf
Die Entwicklung von Wald-Bioz?nosen nach Sturmwurf

Автор: Anton Fischer

Das Werk stellt allen mit Landschaftsgestaltung und Landschaftsplanung befassten Organisationen sowie der Fortwirtschaft Informationen bereit, die zu einer langfristig nachhaltigen Forstlichen Landnutzung beitragen. Berucksichtigt werden das erhohte Sturmwurfrisiko sowie die Anforderungen an Naturnahe und Biodiversitat.

Цена: 3750.27 руб.
ISBN: 9783527625819


Die Geisterfalle
Die Geisterfalle

Автор: Ines Schumann

Mutig zu sein, muss man erst lernen. Daf?r gibt es einfach kein Rezept. Das riecht auch manchmal nach ?rger. Und den bekommt Moises am Amazonas, wenn er nicht auf die Stimme des Regenwaldes h?rt, ebenso wie Mariama aus Afrika, wenn sie eine bestimmte Regel nicht einh?lt. Ach ja, und dann gibt es auch noch Freunde, die beim Mutigsein helfen. Wie zum Beispiel Hanna, die ihren besten Freund Julius vor der grausamen Selma besch?tzen will.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960088271


Direction Dependence in Statistical Modeling
Direction Dependence in Statistical Modeling

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119523130


Doodle Dogs For Dummies
Doodle Dogs For Dummies

Автор: Miriam Fields-Babineau

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119822264


Ecological Modeling
Ecological Modeling

Автор: Todd Swannack M

Ecological Modeling:A Commonsense Approach to Theory and Practice explores how simulation modeling and its new ecological applications can offer solutions to complex natural resource management problems. This is a practical guide for students, teachers, and professional ecologists. Examines four phases of the modeling process: conceptual model formulation, quantitative model specification, model evaluation, and model use Provides useful building blocks for constructing systems simulation models Includes a format for reporting the development and use of simulation models Offers an integrated systems perspective for students, faculty, and professionals Features helpful insights from the author, gained over 30 years of university teaching «I can strongly recommend the book as textbook for all courses in population dynamic modeling particularly when the course is planned for the second or third year of a bachelor study in ecology, environmental science or ecological engineering. It uncovers very clearly for the readers the scientific idea and thinking behind modeling and all the necessary steps in the development of models.» Ecological Modeling Journal, 2009

Цена: 7616.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781444308877



Автор: Michael Begon

A definitive guide to the depth and breadth of the ecological sciences, revised and updated The revised and updated fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems – now in full colour – offers students and practitioners a review of the ecological sciences.  The previous editions of this book earned the authors the prestigious ‘Exceptional Life-time Achievement Award’ of the British Ecological Society – the aim for the fifth edition is not only to maintain standards but indeed to enhance its coverage of Ecology. In the first edition, 34 years ago, it seemed acceptable for ecologists to hold a comfortable, objective, not to say aloof position, from which the ecological communities around us were simply material for which we sought a scientific understanding. Now, we must accept the immediacy of the many environmental problems that threaten us and the responsibility of ecologists to play their full part in addressing these problems. This fifth edition addresses this challenge, with several chapters devoted entirely to applied topics, and examples of how ecological principles have been applied to problems facing us highlighted throughout the remaining nineteen chapters.  Nonetheless, the authors remain wedded to the belief that environmental action can only ever be as sound as the ecological principles on which it is based. Hence, while trying harder than ever to help improve preparedness for addressing the environmental problems of the years ahead, the book remains, in its essence, an exposition of the science of ecology. This new edition incorporates the results from more than a thousand recent studies into a fully up-to-date text.  Written for students of ecology, researchers and practitioners, the fifth edition of Ecology: From Individuals to Ecosystems is anessential reference to all aspects of ecology and addresses environmental problems of the future.

Цена: 7457.54 руб.
ISBN: 9781119279310


Ecology and Behaviour of the Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae)
Ecology and Behaviour of the Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae)

Автор: Группа авторов

Ladybirds are probably the best known predators of aphids and coccids in the world, though this greatly underestimates the diversity of their biology. Maximising their impact on their prey is an important element in modern conservation biological control of indigenous natural enemies in contrast to the classical approach of releasing alien species. Ivo Hodek is one of the most internationally respected experts on coccinellids who has researched these insects for his entire career. He has now brought together 14 scientists of international standing to author 12 chapters, making this book the definitive treatment of coccinellid biology and ecology. This volume covers the rapid scientific developments of recent years in the understanding of coccinellid phylogeny, the semiochemicals influencing their behaviour and of molecular genetics. Recent insights in relation to intraguild predation and the assessment of the predatory impact of coccinellids are also covered. Other special features of the volume are the extensive references covering the literature from both East and West and a taxonomic glossary of the up-to-date nomenclature for species of coccinellids as well as of other organisms mentioned in the text. While aimed at researchers, university teachers and agricultural entomologists, the book is readable and appropriate for others who just have a liking for these interesting and attractive insects.

Цена: 19069.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223215


Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases
Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases

Автор: Группа авторов

A rapidly growing interdisciplinary field, disease ecology merges key ideas from ecology, medicine, genetics, immunology, and epidemiology to study how hosts and pathogens interact in populations, communities, and entire ecosystems. Bringing together contributions from leading international experts on the ecology of diseases among invertebrate species, this book provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state of the field. Beginning with an introductory overview of general principles and methodologies, the book continues with in-depth discussions of a range of critical issues concerning invertebrate disease epidemiology, molecular biology, vectors, and pathogens. Topics covered in detail include: Methods for studying the ecology of invertebrate diseases and pathogens Invertebrate pathogen ecology and the ecology of pathogen groups Applied ecology of invertebrate pathogens Leveraging the ecology of invertebrate pathogens in microbial control Prevention and management of infectious diseases of aquatic invertebrates Ecology of Invertebrate Diseases is a necessary and long overdue addition to the world literature on this vitally important subject. This volume belongs on the reference shelves of all those involved in the environmental sciences, genetics, microbiology, marine biology, immunology, epidemiology, fisheries and wildlife science, and related disciplines.

Цена: 13210.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781119256014


Ecology of Urban Environments
Ecology of Urban Environments

Автор: Kirsten M. Parris

Provides an accessible introduction to urban ecology, using established ecological theory to identify generalities in the complexity of urban environments. Examines the bio-physical processes of urbanization and how these influence the dynamics of urban populations, communities and ecosystems Explores the ecology of humans in cities Discusses practical strategies for conserving biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services in urban environments Includes case studies with questions to improve retention and understanding

Цена: 5563.56 руб.
ISBN: 9781119241096


berleben in Rios Stra?en
berleben in Rios Stra?en

Автор: Johannes Kunz

Sie wollen wirklich, dass ich Ihnen mein Leben erz?hle? Keine Ahnung, wen das interessiert, aber ich habe sowieso nichts Besseres zu tun und Sie wollen mir ja auch ein paar Riel daf?r geben, also abgemacht. Geld kann jeder gebrauchen. Wie alt ich bin? 17, sehe jung aus, oder? 36? Sie sehen j?nger aus. Wie 27. Okay, dann werde ich Sie duzen, dich meine ich. Wenn man von hier aus aufs Meer schaut und die fr?hlichen Menschen am Strand sieht, kann man sich nicht vorstellen, dass auch eine sehr h?ssliche Seite dieser Stadt existiert. Du bist der erste, der danach fragt und ich glaube, auch der letzte. Mein Leben war wirklich schlecht und dass ich noch nicht den Abflug gemacht und mich umgebracht habe, ist ein Wunder. Grund genug hatte ich auf jeden Fall. Ich traf Diego, 17 Jahre, Brasilianer, in einem Caf? in Rio de Janeiro. Er erz?hlte mir sein Leben, wie er aufwuchs, Stra?enkind wurde und ?berlebte. Diego berichtet ?ber Gewalt, Betteln, Diebstahl, Freundschaft, seine ersten Erfahrungen mit M?dchen und wie er mit einem Freund von ihm durchs Land tingelte auf der Suche nach Arbeit und einer Zukunft. Seine Geschichte fesselte mich so stark, dass es mir ein Anliegen war, diese aufzuschreiben.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783961451449


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