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Возможно ли иметь трех родителей?
Возможно ли иметь трех родителей?

Автор: Иван Меренков

Разбираемся в том, возможно ли иметь сразу трех генетических родителей

Цена: 49 руб.


Граф Булгаков. Книга 1. Укротить Аномалию
Граф Булгаков. Книга 1. Укротить Аномалию

Автор: Кирилл Геннадьевич Тесленок

«Укротить Аномалию» – роман Кирилла Тесленока, первая книга цикла «Граф Булгаков», жанр бояръ-аниме, попаданцы в магические миры, боевое фэнтези. Глава рода Булгаковых умер – и алчные аристократы бросились делить его наследие. Они не ожидали, что в теле старшего наследника переродился я – сын Тёмной Богини Подземного мира. И я умею такое, что никому из Одаренных и не снилось. Но даже для меня не будет легкой прогулки. Тайны рода Булгаковых окутаны мрачной завесой – и очень многие хотят протянуть к ним свои склизкие щупальца. Аристократы, бандиты, Аномалии, монстры, искусственные нейролюди, тайные организации – этот альтернативный мир Российской Империи огромен и причудлив. И в нем ни на секунду не утихает борьба. Книга 1. Укротить Аномалию Книга 2. Золотая Жила Книга 3. Блеск Отражения Книга 4. Аномалия Архидемон Книга 5. Видят ли нейродевочки сны? freepd.com Splintered Gypsy / Heavily Medicated © Тесленок Кирилл © ИДДК

Серия: Граф Булгаков

Исполнители: Никита Степаненко

Цена: 279 руб.


Дикие гены
Дикие гены

Автор: Хельга Хофман-Зибер

Эта книга представляет собой путешествие к тайнам жизни, в котором вы не раз встретитесь с ордами диких генов. Для широкого круга читателей.

Исполнители: Юлия Лушникова

Цена: 199 руб.


Дракон под снегом
Дракон под снегом

Автор: Дарья Кузнецова

Люди не умеют летать. Но некоторые из них готовы заплатить жизнью за несколько минут в небе. Вера из их числа. Крыло параплана – её собственный путь в облака. Единственный, как казалось. Но неожиданный порыв ветра резко меняет жизнь девушки и открывает новую дорогу. В новом мире, где Вера оказалась волей Мироздания, чтобы подняться в небо нужна самая малость – позволить себе полюбить одного обаятельного дракона. И согласиться лететь с ним вместе, крылом к крылу. До конца.

Серия: Драконьи истории

Исполнители: Валерия Егорова

Цена: 159 руб.


Йога. Есть ли польза?
Йога. Есть ли польза?

Автор: Иван Меренков

Что известно науке о йоге

Цена: 49 руб.


Можно ли отредактировать геном человека
Можно ли отредактировать геном человека

Автор: Иван Меренков

Ученый-генетик отвечает на вопросы, касающиеся редактирования генома человека

Цена: 49 руб.


Одинаковые или разные? Геномика
Одинаковые или разные? Геномика

Автор: Франсиско Хавьер Соберон Майнеро

Человек состоит из миллиардов клеток, и в каждой из них есть ядро с геномом, который является молекулой жизни, инструкцией по созданию каждого индивида. В этой книге ты прочтешь о ДНК, геноме и генах – самых загадочных феноменах современной науки.

Исполнители: ЮНА ОДИРЛЕЯ

Цена: 199 руб.



Автор: Франц Кафка

«Мы пятеро друзей, мы вышли однажды друг за дружкой из одного дома…»

Исполнители: Darkish Narrator

Цена: 26 руб.


Тест на ДНК. С чего все начиналось? О наследственности, изменчивости и эволюции
Тест на ДНК. С чего все начиналось? О наследственности, изменчивости и эволюции

Автор: Грегор Иоганн Мендель

В 1860-х годах австрийский монах-августинец увлекся изучением гибридизации растений и стал проводить опыты на горохе. Результатом этих исследований стали знаменитые законы Менделя, определившие вектор развития биологии, а чуть позже и генетики. Несколькими десятилетиями позже поклонник евгеники (кстати именно он предложил использовать этот термин) Ф. Гальтон решил изучить принципы наследственности у людей. Работы Г. Менделя и Ф. Гальтона рассказали миру о том, что представляет из себя загадочная наследственность, что на самом деле значит слово талант? В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.

Серия: Кот Шредингера

Цена: 299 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-907351-59-2


Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology
Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology

Автор: Группа авторов

Finding new materials for copper/low-k interconnects is critical to the continuing development of computer chips. While copper/low-k interconnects have served well, allowing for the creation of Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI) devices which combine over a billion transistors onto a single chip, the increased resistance and RC-delay at the smaller scale has become a significant factor affecting chip performance. Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology is dedicated to the materials and methods which might be suitable replacements. It covers a broad range of topics, from physical principles to design, fabrication, characterization, and application of new materials for nano-interconnects, and discusses: Interconnect functions, characterisations, electrical properties and wiring requirements Low-k materials: fundamentals, advances and mechanical properties Conductive layers and barriers Integration and reliability including mechanical reliability, electromigration and electrical breakdown New approaches including 3D, optical, wireless interchip, and carbon-based interconnects Intended for postgraduate students and researchers, in academia and industry, this book provides a critical overview of the enabling technology at the heart of the future development of computer chips.

Цена: 19069.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119963240


Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes
Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 55647.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119418047


BSL3 and BSL4 Agents
BSL3 and BSL4 Agents

Автор: Группа авторов

Unique coverage of proteomic and glycomic approaches to better distinguish highly dangerous pathogens, as well as using these to explore novel treatment and prevention options. The editors and authors are either part of a specialized European network initiated to develop fast and reliable detection and therapy options, or are associated with the core military research complex of the United States. With its description of the methods, their advantages and limitations, as well as the principle outcomes, this is a must-have resource for all professionals dealing with BSL3 and/or BSL 4 agents.

Цена: 12713.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783527638215



Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781119335962


Community College Finance
Community College Finance

Автор: Christopher M. Mullin

Smart financial management means more students served Community College Finance provides an introduction to best practices for community college leaders and their boards, with guidance on the complex regulations, processes, and considerations surrounding the financial management of these unique institutions. As community colleges continue to increase in importance, this book provides non-technical yet extensive information to guide current and future leaders toward the establishment of effective processes to secure and maintain the funding that is so crucial to the education and future of millions of students nationwide. Readers will gain insight into the background and foundation of community college finance and learn the essentials of practice in today's economic and political climate. The discussion covers student financial aid, tuition, budgeting, and more, and explores the future of federal policy and what it means for the institutions that play such a critical role in the nation's educational system. Over eight million students attend more than a thousand community colleges in the United States today, and those colleges are now facing the retirement of their founding generation of leadership. Meanwhile, the balance between traditional funding sources is shifting as new models and approaches are being implemented, and comprehensive, guiding resources are lacking. This book fills that need with expert insight reflecting current realities and a true understanding of the challenges community colleges face. Readers will: Delve into factors affecting funding and the cost of attendance Develop a budgeting style and process that serves the institution Learn to manage fiscal crises effectively without reducing standards Consider the future of federal policy and how it will affect budgeting At a time when a difficult economy raises questions about the value of higher education, the value that community colleges offer becomes ever more clear. Community College Finance provides the guidance leaders need to help their institutions flourish.

Цена: 4557.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781118954959


Cytogenetic Laboratory Management
Cytogenetic Laboratory Management

Автор: Susan Mahler Zneimer

Cytogenetic Laboratory Management: Chromosomal, FISH and Microarray-Based Best Practices and Procedures is a practical guide that describes how to develop and implement best practice processes and procedures in the genetic laboratory setting. The text first describes good laboratory practices, including quality management, design control of tests and FDA guidelines for laboratory developed tests, and pre-clinical validation study designs. The second focus of the book describes best practices for staffing and training, including cost of testing, staffing requirements, process improvement using Six Sigma techniques, training and competency guidelines and complete training programs for cytogenetic and molecular genetic technologists. The third part of the text provides step-wise standard operating procedures for chromosomal, FISH and microarray-based tests, including pre-analytic, analytic and post-analytic steps in testing, and divided into categories by specimen type, and test-type. All three sections of the book include example worksheets, procedures, and other illustrative examples that can be downloaded from the Wiley website to be used directly without having to develop prototypes in your laboratory. Providing both a wealth of information on laboratory management and molecular and cytogenetic testing, Cytogenetic Laboratory Management will be an essential tool for laboratorians world-wide in the field of laboratory testing and genetics testing in particular. This book gives the essentials of: Developing and implementing good quality management programs in laboratories Understanding design control of tests and pre-clinical validations studies and reports FDA guidelines for laboratory developed tests Use of reagents, instruments and equipment Cost of testing assessment and process improvement using Six Sigma methodology Staffing training and competency objectives Complete training programs for molecular and cytogenetic technologists Standard operating procedures for all components of chromosomal analysis, FISH and microarray testing of different specimen types This volume is a companion to Cytogenetic Abnormalities: Chromosomal, FISH and Microarray-Based Clinical Reporting. The combined volumes give an expansive approach to performing, reporting and interpreting cytogenetic laboratory testing and the necessary management practices, staff and testing requirements.

Цена: 13683.99 руб.
ISBN: 9781119069768


Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology
Dictionary of DNA and Genome Technology

Автор: Paul Singleton

DNA technology is evolving rapidly, with new methods and a fast-growing vocabulary. This unique dictionary offers current, detailed and accessible information on DNA technology to lecturers, researchers and students throughout the biomedical and related sciences. The third edition is a major update, with over 3000 references from mainstream journals and data from the very latest research – going well beyond the remit of most science dictionaries. It provides clear explanations of terms, techniques, and tests, including commercial systems, with detailed coverage of many important procedures and methods, and includes essay-style entries on many major topics to assist newcomers to the field. It covers topics relevant to medicine (diagnosis, genetic disorders, gene therapy); veterinary science; biotechnology; biochemistry; pharmaceutical science/drug development; molecular biology; microbiology; epidemiology; genomics; environmental science; plant science/agriculture; taxonomy; and forensic science.

Цена: 14323.21 руб.
ISBN: 9781118447550


Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation

Автор: Anup Maheshwari

Цена: 3373.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119540861


ESG Investing For Dummies
ESG Investing For Dummies

Автор: Brendan Bradley

Your guide to investing for a more sustainable world  Investing in one’s own future has always been a good financial move. But what if you want to ensure that the companies you have a financial interest in are also helping to improve the present and future of all of us—and of the planet? More than ever before, sustainable investors want to be confident that a company’s Environmental (net zero emissions target), Social (response to the Covid-19 pandemic), and Governance (no repeats of Enron and WorldCom) policies and actions are positively impacting the global outlook—and to identify ways that their dollar can incentivize business leaders to do even better. The worldwide rise of an Environmental, Socially Responsible, and Governance (ESG) approach to investing shows you’re not alone, and the $30+ trillion—and growing—committed in this way says it’s already become a transformative global movement. ESG provides a framework for evaluating companies that, unlike unrelated investment strategies, informs and guides sustainable investment.  Even if you’re a novice investor,  ESG For Dummies  will allow you to hit this new investing landscape running, providing you with measurable ways to factor ESG into company performance, see how these are reflected in your investment return, and show how you can monitor companies to ensure your money is being put to ethical use. You’ll also become familiar with the big names to follow in the ESG world, how they’re already effecting positive change, and how you can help.  Identify the drivers for each category of ESG Define and measure material ESG factors for investing success Understand principles for building a diversified sustainable portfolio Recognize material ESG factors effect on company performance ESG investing introduces powerful tools to do real and lasting good: this book shows you how to use them to help make everyone’s future, including your own, much more secure.

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119771111


Effective Writing in Psychology. Papers, Posters,and Presentations
Effective Writing in Psychology. Papers, Posters,and Presentations

Автор: Beins Bernard C

The second edition of Effective Writing in Psychology helps users produce crisp scientific communication, form concise unambiguous arguments, and render technical information clear and comprehensible. The new edition incorporates the latest guidelines contained within the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Clear guidelines on effective writing illustrate how to generate strong and compelling prose, even when the writing is not aimed at a research audience Incorporates changes to the guidelines contained in the 6th edition of the APA publication manual Includes material on how to adapt APA style for poster presentations using PowerPoint, and for oral presentations Contains a new section on using the Internet to present research papers and a new chapter on conducting a literature search, to guide students through databases, keywords, sources, and connections between articles Highlights methods for selecting a research topic and organizing papers Features a sample manuscript showing common deviations from correct APA style and a version demonstrating appropriate use of APA style

Цена: 11372.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781118242193


Electrophoresis in Practice
Electrophoresis in Practice

Автор: Reiner Westermeier

This fifth edition of the successful, long-selling classic has been completely revised and expanded, omitting some topics on obsolete DNA electrophoresis, but now with a completely new section on electrophoretic micro-methods and on-the-chip electrophoresis. The text is geared towards advanced students and professionals and contains extended background sections, protocols and a trouble-shooting section. It is now also backed by a supplementary website providing all the figures for teaching purposes, as well as a selection of animated figures tested in many workshops to explain the underlying principles of the different electrophoretic methods.

Цена: 11375.71 руб.
ISBN: 9783527695164


Fault Zone Dynamic Processes
Fault Zone Dynamic Processes

Автор: Группа авторов

Why do earthquakes happen? What properties control the dynamic rupture and what are the processes at play? Chapters in the present volume capture the current state of the art by displaying an overview of the existing knowledge on the physics of dynamic faulting and promote multidisciplinary contributions on the observational and experimental fault fabric and mechanics, the evolution of fault zone physical and chemical properties, dynamic rupture processes and physically, and observationally, consistent numerical modeling of fault zone during seismic rupture. This volume examines questions such as: What are the dynamics processes recorded in fault gouge? What can we learn on rupture dynamic from laboratory experiments? How on-fault and off-fault properties affect seismic ruptures? How do they evolve trough time? Insights from physically, and observationally, consistent numerical modeling Fault Zone Dynamic Processes: Evolution of Fault Properties During Seismic Rupture is a valuable contribution for Earth’s scientists, researchers and students interested in the earthquakes processes and properties of on-fault and off-fault zones. Its multidisciplinary content is relevant to a broad audience: structural geologist, experimentalists, rocks mechanicians, seismologist, geophysicists and modelers.

Цена: 17886.25 руб.
ISBN: 9781119156918


Fieldwork Ready
Fieldwork Ready

Автор: Sara E. Vero

Discover how to  plan, conduct, and interpret field research with this essential new guidebook   Good field research is the driving force behind advancement in the agronomic, environmental, and soil sciences. Nevertheless, many undergraduate and graduate scientists have limited opportunity to develop hands-on experience before undertaking projects in the field. With  Fieldwork Ready , Dr Sara Vero maps out the fundamental principles, methods, and management techniques that underpin this crucial practice, offering trainee researchers an accessible introduction to the world of on-site investigation.  This instructive text includes:  Guidance on the essential aspects of environmental monitoring and soil, water, plant, and wildlife research Insights into the methods behind experiment planning and effective fieldwork Tips for team management and safety Explanations of how to select and correctly use soil sampling equipment Offering new researchers a primer that is practical and easy to follow,  Fieldwork Ready  is the ideal starting point for all those beginning a career in the agricultural sciences.

Цена: 5563.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780891183808


From Genes to Genomes
From Genes to Genomes

Автор: Jeremy W. Dale

The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing technologies and enhanced treatment of bioinformatics. Clear, two-colour diagrams throughout. A dedicated website including all figures. Noted for its outstanding balance between clarity of coverage and level of detail, this book provides an excellent introduction to the fast moving world of molecular genetics.

Цена: 5918.68 руб.
ISBN: 9781119953159


From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 2
From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 2

Автор: Brigitte Chebel-Morello

This book is the second volume in a set of books dealing with the evolution of technology, IT and organizational approaches and what this means for industrial equipment. The authors address this increasing complexity in two parts, focusing specifically on the field of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). Having tackled the PHM cycle in the first volume, the purpose of this book is to tackle the other phases of PHM, including the traceability of data, information and knowledge, and the ability to make decisions accordingly. The book concludes with a summary analysis and perspectives regarding this emerging domain, since without traceability, knowledge and decision, any prediction of the health state of a system cannot be exploited.

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119436867


Fundamentals of Financial Instruments
Fundamentals of Financial Instruments

Автор: Sunil K. Parameswaran

In the newly revised Second Edition of Fundamentals of Financial Instruments: An Introduction to Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Exchange, and Derivatives , renowned finance trainer Sunil Parameswaran delivers a comprehensive introduction to the full range of financial products commonly offered in the financial markets. Using clear, worked examples of everything from basic equity and debt securities to complex instruments—like derivatives and mortgage-backed securities – the author outlines the structure and dynamics of the free-market system and explores the environment in which financial instruments are traded. This one-of-a-kind book also includes: New discussions on interest rate derivatives, bonds with embedded options, mutual funds, ETFs, pension plans, financial macroeconomics, orders and exchanges, and Excel functions for finance Supplementary materials to enhance the reader’s ability to apply the material contained within A foundational exploration of interest rates and the time value of money Fundamentals of Financial Instruments is the ideal resource for business school students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as anyone studying financial management or the financial markets. It also belongs on the bookshelves of executive education students and finance professionals seeking a refresher on the fundamentals of their industry.

Цена: 8284.84 руб.
ISBN: 9781119816638


Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling
Gene Regulation, Epigenetics and Hormone Signaling

Автор: Группа авторов

The first of its kind, this reference gives a comprehensive but concise introduction to epigenetics before covering the many interactions between hormone regulation and epigenetics at all levels. The contents are very well structured with no overlaps between chapters, and each one features supplementary material for use in presentations. Throughout, major emphasis is placed on pathological conditions, aiming at the many physiologists and developmental biologists who are familiar with the importance and mechanisms of hormone regulation but have a limited background in epigenetics.

Цена: 36334.79 руб.
ISBN: 9783527697243


Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease
Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781119104087


Genetic Disorders and the Fetus
Genetic Disorders and the Fetus

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 29427.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781119676959


Genetics For Dummies
Genetics For Dummies

Автор: Tara Rodden Robinson

Your no-nonsense guide to genetics With rapid advances in genomic technologies, genetic testing has become a key part of both clinical practice and research. Scientists are constantly discovering more about how genetics plays a role in health and disease, and healthcare providers are using this information to more accurately identify their patients' particular medical needs. Genetic information is also increasingly being used for a wide range of non-clinical purposes, such as exploring one's ancestry. This new edition of Genetics For Dummies serves as a perfect course supplement for students pursuing degrees in the sciences. It also provides science-lovers of all skill levels with easy-to-follow and easy-to-understand information about this exciting and constantly evolving field. This edition includes recent developments and applications in the field of genetics, such as: Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing Precision medicine and pharmacogenetics Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for health risks Ancestry testing Featuring information on some of the hottest topics in genetics right now, this book makes it easier than ever to wrap your head around this fascinating subject.

Цена: 1943.3 руб.
ISBN: 9781119633082


Genetics? No Problem!
Genetics? No Problem!

Автор: Kevin O'Dell

The analysis and interpretation of data is fundamental to the subject of genetics and forms a compulsory part of the undergraduate genetics curriculum. Indeed, the key skills that a genetics student requires are an ability to design and understand experimental strategies and to use problem-solving skills to interpret experimental results and data. Genetics? No Problem! provides students with a graded set of problems that aim to enthuse, challenge and entertain the reader. The book is divided into three sections – introductory; intermediate and advanced – each with 10 problems. For first level students there will be short genetics problems embedded in a wide range of scenarios, such as murder mysteries. As the book progresses, the stories will get longer and the science will get progressively more complex to challenge final year students and enable the reader to identify genetic disease in obscure organisms as well as designing and testing treatments and cures. Genetics? No Problem!: Takes a unique, innovative approach that provides students with a set of graded problems designed to develop both their skills, and their ability to tackle problems with confidence Includes problems embedded in a narrative, written in an interesting, informative and entertaining style by an Author with a proven track record in teaching, research and communication Is well illustrated in full colour throughout. The book will prove invaluable to all students of genetics across a range of disciplines needing to get to grips with the analysis and interpretation of data that is fundamental to the subject.

Цена: 12038.6 руб.
ISBN: 9781118833841


Genetik kompakt f?r Dummies
Genetik kompakt f?r Dummies

Автор: Tara Rodden Robinson

Sie suchen einen schnellen und leicht verst?ndlichen Einstieg in die Genetik? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige f?r Sie! Tara Rodden Robinson erkl?rt Ihnen die wichtigsten Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre: Wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie kopiert und richtig in Proteine ?bersetzt wird, was es mit den Mendelschen Regeln auf sich hat, wozu Gentechnik gut ist, wie Genmutationen und Erbkrankheiten entstehen und vieles mehr. So ist dies Ihr perfekter Nachhilfelehrer f?r die Tasche: verst?ndlich, kompetent, g?nstig.

Цена: 1207.41 руб.
ISBN: 9783527833450


Genome Editing in Drug Discovery
Genome Editing in Drug Discovery

Автор: Группа авторов

GENOME EDITING IN DRUG DISCOVERY A practical guide for researchers and professionals applying genome editing techniques to drug discovery In Genome Editing in Drug Discovery, a team of distinguished biologists delivers a comprehensive exploration of genome editing in the drug discovery process, with coverage of the technology’s history, current issues and techniques, and future perspectives and research directions. The book discusses techniques for disease modeling, target identification with CRISPR, safety studies, therapeutic editing, and intellectual property issues. The safety and efficacy of drugs and new target discovery, as well as next-generation therapeutics are also presented. Offering practical suggestions for practitioners and academicians involved in drug discovery, Genome Editing in Drug Discovery is a fulsome treatment of a technology that has become part of nearly every early step in the drug discovery pipeline. Selected contributions also include: A thorough introduction to the applications of CRISPRi and CRISPRa in drug discovery Comprehensive explorations of genome-editing applications in stem cell engineering and regenerative medicine Practical discussions of the safety aspects of genome editing with respect to immunogenicity and the specificity of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing In-depth examinations of critical socio-economic and bioethical challenges in the CRISPR-Cas9 patent landscape Perfect for academic researchers and professionals in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, Genome Editing in Drug Discovery will also earn a place in the libraries of medicinal chemists, biochemists, and molecular biologists.

Цена: 19732.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119671398


Genomic Selection in Animals
Genomic Selection in Animals

Автор: Joel Weller

The field of whole genome selection has quickly developed into the breeding methodology of the future. As efforts to map a wide variety of animal genomes have matured and full animal genomes are now available for many animal scientists and breeders are looking to apply these techniques to livestock production. Providing a comprehensive, forward-looking review of animal genomics, Genomic Selection in Animals provides coverage of genomic selection in a variety of economically important species including cattle, swine, and poultry. The historical foundations of genomic selection are followed by chapters that review and assess current techniques. The final chapter looks toward the future and what lies ahead for field as application of genomic selection becomes more widespread. A concise, useful summary of the field by one of the world’s leading researchers, Genomic Selection in Animals fills an important gap in the literature of animal breeding and genomics.

Цена: 15791.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119213611


Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections
Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections

Автор: Группа авторов

Emerging and re-emerging pathogens pose several challenges to diagnosis, treatment, and public health surveillance, primarily because pathogen identification is a difficult and time-consuming process due to the “novel” nature of the agent. Proper identification requires a wide array of techniques, but the significance of these diagnostics is anticipated to increase with advances in newer molecular and nanobiotechnological interventions and health information technology. Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections covers the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, clinical features, and public health risks posed by new viral and microbial infections. The book includes detailed coverage on the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis, development of various diagnostic tools, diagnostic assays and their limitations, key research priorities, and new technologies in infection diagnostics. Volume 1 addresses viral and parasitic infections, while volume 2 delves into bacterial and mycotic infections. Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections is an invaluable resource for researchers in parasitologists, microbiology, Immunology, neurology and virology, as well as clinicians and students interested in understanding the current knowledge and future directions of infectious diseases.

Цена: 47349.46 руб.
ISBN: 9781118644829


Industrial Environmental Management
Industrial Environmental Management

Автор: Tapas K. Das

Provides aspiring engineers with pertinent information and technological methodologies on how best to manage industry's modern-day environment concerns This book explains why industrial environmental management is important to human environmental interactions and describes what the physical, economic, social, and technological constraints to achieving the goal of a sustainable environment are. It emphasizes recent progress in life-cycle sustainable design, applying green engineering principles and the concept of Zero Effect Zero Defect to minimize wastes and discharges from various manufacturing facilities. Its goal is to educate engineers on how to obtain an optimum balance between environmental protections, while allowing humans to maintain an acceptable quality of life.  Industrial Environmental Management: Engineering, Science, and Policy covers topics such as industrial wastes, life cycle sustainable design, lean manufacturing, international environmental regulations, and the assessment and management of health and environmental risks. The book also looks at the economics of manufacturing pollution prevention; how eco-industrial parks and process intensification will help minimize waste; and the application of green manufacturing principles in order to minimize wastes and discharges from manufacturing facilities. Provides end-of-chapter questions along with a solutions manual for adopting professors Covers a wide range of interdisciplinary areas that makes it suitable for different branches of engineering such as wastewater management and treatment; pollutant sampling; health risk assessment; waste minimization; lean manufacturing; and regulatory information Shows how industrial environmental management is connected to areas like sustainable engineering, sustainable manufacturing, social policy, and more Contains theory, applications, and real-world problems along with their solutions Details waste recovery systems  Industrial Environmental Management: Engineering, Science, and Policy is an ideal textbook for junior and senior level students in multidisciplinary engineering fields such as chemical, civil, environmental, and petroleum engineering. It will appeal to practicing engineers seeking information about sustainable design principles and methodology.

Цена: 18726.71 руб.
ISBN: 9781119591566


Introduction to Nonlinear Oscillations
Introduction to Nonlinear Oscillations

Автор: Vladimir I. Nekorkin

A systematic outline of the basic theory of oscillations, combining several tools in a single textbook. The author explains fundamental ideas and methods, while equally aiming to teach students the techniques of solving specific (practical) or more complex problems. Following an introduction to fundamental notions and concepts of modern nonlinear dynamics, the text goes on to set out the basics of stability theory, as well as bifurcation theory in one and two-dimensional cases. Foundations of asymptotic methods and the theory of relaxation oscillations are presented, with much attention paid to a method of mappings and its applications. With each chapter including exercises and solutions, including computer problems, this book can be used in courses on oscillation theory for physics and engineering students. It also serves as a good reference for students and scientists in computational neuroscience.

Цена: 7362.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783527685431



Автор: David A. Sinclair

Исполнители: David A. Sinclair

Цена: 2758.7 руб.
ISBN: 9781508296058


Molecular Ecology
Molecular Ecology

Автор: Joanna R. Freeland

Цена: 7339.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119426165


Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics
Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics

Автор: Hasan Khatib

Animal genetics is a foundational discipline in the fields of animal science, animal breeding, and veterinary sciences. While genetics underpins the healthy development and breeding of all living organisms, this is especially true in domestic animals, specifically with respect to breeding for key traits. Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics is a new textbook that takes an innovative approach, looking at both quantitative and molecular breeding approaches. The bookprovides a comprehensive introduction to genetic principles and their applications in animal breeding. This text provides a useful overview for those new to the field of animal genetics and breeding, covering a diverse array of topics ranging from population and quantitative genetics to epigenetics and biotechnology. Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics will be an important and invaluable educational resource for undergraduate and graduate students and animal agriculture professionals. Divided into six sections pairing fundamental principles with useful applications, the book's comprehensive coverage will make it an ideal fit for students studying animal breeding and genetics at any level.

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118677322


Mom s Got Money
Mom's Got Money

Автор: Catherine Alford

Mom's Got Money  is a mother’s guide—an instruction manual to help them use the skills they already possess to become extraordinarily confident managers of their money.  Alford won't pretend mothers don't have a lot on their plate. She already knows they're pressed for time. The weight of their daily decisions takes a toll. Sometimes, it feels like they manage everything, whether they have a supportive spouse or not. She knows this because it's that way in her house too. However, we all have a choice on how to handle that responsibility, and Alford thinks we can flip the script. Instead of being frustrated or feeling resentful, Alford teaches moms how to recognize their own strengths and develop true financial confidence. Once readers master Alford's money lessons, they'll start to truly enjoy money. Vacations are more fun when they're already planned and paid for. Christmas shopping is a breeze when you have a fully funded holiday spending account. Never worry about the worst that can happen because you have a fully funded emergency fund and life insurance. Feel in control of your bills, caught up, and with room to spare. In this book, you'll learn how to: Become an exceptional leader of your family with a growth mindset Calculate your net worth Effectively budget and manage your household cash flow Work with your spouse or partner on financial goals Understand what impacts your credit score Ensure you pay all your bills on time, every time Make sure you plan for emergencies Protect your family by buying term life insurance Do the math on childcare costs vs. career costs when having a family Plan and save for holiday spending, birthdays, and special events Learn the art and joy of giving Ideal for moms everywhere, but especially new and millennial moms, Mom's Got Money is an indispensable guide to taking financial control of your life.

Цена: 1686.82 руб.
ISBN: 9781119759188


Neue Schweizer Bildung (E-Book)
Neue Schweizer Bildung (E-Book)

Автор: Andreas Pfister

Dieses E-Book enth?lt komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergr?ssern lassen.
Strukturwandel, Digitalisierung, Industrie 4.0 – die Arbeit und die Gesellschaft sind im Wandel. Um hier mithalten zu k?nnen, gilt es, das Schweizer Bildungssystem auszubauen und voranzubringen. Dieses Buch pr?sentiert Vorschl?ge, wie das Potenzial der Jugendlichen besser gef?rdert werden kann: Berufs- und Fachmaturit?t als neuer Standard, mehr Jugendliche an die Gymnasien, terti?re Bildung ausbauen
Nur gemeinsam k?nnen der duale und der akademische Bildungsweg die Schweizer Bildung auf ein neues Niveau heben, mehr Fachkr?fte bereitstellen und Jugendliche bef?higen, den Wandel aktiv mitzugestalten.

Цена: 2563.78 руб.
ISBN: 9783035520118


Omics in Plant Breeding
Omics in Plant Breeding

Автор: Группа авторов

Computational and high-throughput methods, such as genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, known collectively as “-omics,” have been used to study plant biology for well over a decade now. As these technologies mature, plant and crop scientists have started using these methods to improve crop varieties. Omics in Plant Breeding provides a timely introduction to key omicsbased methods and their application in plant breeding. Omics in Plant Breeding is a practical and accessible overview of specific omics-based methods ranging from metabolomics to phenomics. Covering a single methodology within each chapter, this book provides thorough coverage that ensures a strong understanding of each methodology both in its application to, and improvement of, plant breeding. Accessible to advanced students, researchers, and professionals, Omics in Plant Breeding will be an essential entry point into this innovative and exciting field. • A valuable overview of high-throughput, genomics-based technologies and their applications to plant breeding • Each chapter explores a single methodology, allowing for detailed and thorough coverage • Coverage ranges from well-established methodologies, such as genomics and proteomics, to emerging technologies, including phenomics and physionomics Alu?zio Bor?m is a Professor of Plant Breeding at the University of Vi?osa in Brazil. Roberto Fritsche-Neto is a Professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding at the University of S?o Paulo in Brazil.

Цена: 10831.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118821053


Pain Genetics
Pain Genetics

Автор: Группа авторов

Pain Genetics: Basic to Translational Science is a timely synthesis of the key areas of research informing our understanding of the genetic basis of pain. The book opens with foundational information on basic genetic mechanisms underlying pain perception and progresses recently discovered complex concepts facing the field. The coverage is wide-ranging and will serves as an excellent entry point into understating the genetics of pain as well as providing a single resource for established researchers looking for a better understanding of the diverse strands of research going on in the area. With contributors painstakingly selected to provide a broad range of perspectives and research, Pain Genetics will be a valuable resource for geneticists, neuroscientists, and biomedical professionals alike.

Цена: 16820.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781118398883


Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics
Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics

Автор: Erich Grotewold

Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of plant gene expression. Unique in explaining the subject from a plant perspective, it highlights the importance of key processes, many first discovered in plants, that impact how plants develop and interact with the environment. This text covers topics ranging from plant genome structure and the key control points in how genes are expressed, to the mechanisms by which proteins are generated and how their activities are controlled and altered by posttranslational modifications. Written by a highly respected team of specialists in plant biology with extensive experience in teaching at undergraduate and graduate level, this textbook will be invaluable for students and instructors alike. Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics also includes: • specific examples that highlight when and how plants operate differently from other organisms; • special sections that provide in-depth discussions of particular issues; • end-of-chapter problems to help students recapitulate the main concepts; • rich, full-colour illustrations and diagrams clearly showing important processes in plant gene expression; • a companion website with PowerPoint slides, downloadable figures, and answers to the questions posed in the book. Aimed at upper level undergraduates and graduate students in plant biology, this text is equally suited for advanced agronomy and crop science students inclined to understand molecular aspects of organismal phenomena. It is also an invaluable starting point for professionals entering the field of plant biology.

Цена: 7214.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118539378


Political Ecology
Political Ecology

Автор: Paul Robbins

Цена: 4261.45 руб.
ISBN: 9781119167464


Population Genetics
Population Genetics

Автор: Matthew B. Hamilton

Цена: 10215.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781118436929


Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory
Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory

Автор: Alan R. Templeton

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118504369


Principles of Microbial Diversity
Principles of Microbial Diversity

Автор: James W. Brown

Every speck of dust, drop of water, and grain of soil and each part of every plant and animal contain their own worlds of microbes. Designed as a key text for upper-level undergraduates majoring in microbiology, genetics, or biology, Principles of Microbial Diversity provides a solid curriculum for students to explore the enormous range of biological diversity in the microbial world. Within these richly illustrated pages, author and professor James W. Brown provides a practical guide to microbial diversity from a phylogenetic perspective in which students learn to construct and interpret evolutionary trees from DNA sequences. He then offers a survey of the «tree of life» that establishes the necessary basic knowledge about the microbial world. Finally, the author draws the student's attention to the universe of microbial diversity with focused studies of the contributions that specific organisms make to the ecosystem. Principles of Microbial Diversity fills an empty niche in microbiology textbooks by providing an engaging, cutting-edge view of the «microbial zoo» that exists around us, covering bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses.

Цена: 9102.93 руб.
ISBN: 9781683673415


Simple Gone South - Love Gone South 3 (Unabridged)
Simple Gone South - Love Gone South 3 (Unabridged)

Автор: Alicia Hunter Pace

Исполнители: Amy Rubinate

Цена: 1675.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781624613579


Sociology For Dummies
Sociology For Dummies

Автор: Jay Gabler

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119772828


Stahltragwerke im Industriebau
Stahltragwerke im Industriebau

Автор: Dieter F?g

The book deals with a significant area of steel construction ? industrial building. The eight chapters describe all the important aspects of this field. A reference book for daily tasks and for rapid introduction into new fields of work.

Цена: 9363.35 руб.
ISBN: 9783433600542


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