основы строительства

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Английский язык для студентов экономического профиля. English for Economics
Английский язык для студентов экономического профиля. English for Economics

Автор: Р. М. Марданшина

Учебное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для организации практических занятий и самостоятельной работы студентов экономических специальностей средних профессиональных образовательных организаций. Структуризация содержания обучения в соответствии с программой курса «Иностранный язык» и на основе профессионально-ориентированного материала нацелена на системное изучение дисциплины и комплексное развитие коммуникативных навыков студентов. С целью активизации учебно-познавательной деятельности студентов, повышения мотивации к изучению дисциплины предусмотрено использование интерактивных методов обучения иностранному языку. Для более эффективного усвоения учебного материала рекомендуется использовать разделы «Grammar Backup», «Home Reading Texts».

Цена: 345 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-8058-6


Геодезическое обеспечение строительства
Геодезическое обеспечение строительства

Автор: А. Ю. Михайлов

Раскрыты практические вопросы геодезического обеспечения строительства с использованием современных технологий. Рассмотрены основные геодезические приборы и оборудование, изложены принципы построения сетей. Приведены примеры решения задач, даны задачи для самостоятельного решения с целью закрепления изученного материала. Для студентов вузов строительных специальностей. Может быть полезно преподавателям, слушателям курсов повышения квалификации и начинающим геодезистам.

Цена: 980 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9729-0676-5


Конструкционная безопасность зданий и сооружений
Конструкционная безопасность зданий и сооружений

Автор: Александр Максимов

Рассмотрены вопросы обеспечения конструкционной безопасности зданий и сооружений на стадии изысканий, проектирования строительства, реконструкции, ремонта и эксплуатации. Освещена тема уязвимости мест конструкций зданий и сооружений, которые влияют на их конструкционную безопасность. Приведены тесты, варианты заданий и контрольные вопросы для проверки по разделам дисциплины. Для студентов строительных направлений подготовки. Может быть полезно специалистам строительной отрасли при повышении квалификации.

Цена: 850 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9729-0748-9


Кровельная изоляция. Кровельное озеленение. Гидроизоляционные материалы: Сравнение более 100 материалов
Кровельная изоляция. Кровельное озеленение. Гидроизоляционные материалы: Сравнение более 100 материалов

Автор: Вольфганг Эрнст

Серия книг Вольфганга Эрнста по кровельной изоляции знакомит читателя с современными стандартами кровельного дела и позволяет без ошибок проектировать и правильно эксплуатировать кровли, в том числе с озеленением. Эта книга посвящена анализу материалов для гидроизоляции и рекомендациям по их использованию. Будучи признанным теоретиком и практиком в области кровельной изоляции и озеленения, Эрнст уделяет равное внимание научным исследованиям различных материалов и их практическим испытаниям. В книге можно найти результаты проверки материалов на гибкость, устойчивость к воздействию различных веществ и температур, уровень естественного и искусственного старения, уровень токсичности для окружающей среды, в том числе растений и рыб. «Биоциды и прочие добавки в стройматериалы с точки зрения охраны окружающей среды или защиты водных ресурсов требуют особо пристального внимания, когда ожидается, что они могут нанести вред окружающей среде и в связи с этим представляют риск токсического воздействия на организмы. Такое имеет место в тех случаях, когда материалы подвергаются постоянному атмосферному воздействию. Если добавки из таких незащищенных материалов вымываются, то можно ожидать, что такие вещества прежде всего через ливневые сточные воды смогут попасть в городские дренажные и канализационные системы». Выводы автора помогут сориентироваться в категориях материалов для гидроизоляции кровли, подобрать оптимальный вариант для конкретного здания, оценить качество материала при покупке, обеспечить герметичность швов и правильную эксплуатацию конструкции. «Независимо от конкретного обозначения материала или его классификации, на практике на всю продукцию распространяются одинаковые требования или вся она подвергается аналогичным атмосферным воздействиям, а также связанному с этим неизбежному естественному старению». Зачем читать • Оценить состав гидроизоляционных материалов разных типов; • Использовать безопасные для окружающей среды материалы и продлить срок службы кровель; • Познакомиться с новыми Европейскими стандартами производства гидроизоляционной продукции. Для кого Для специалистов по кровельной изоляции, архитекторов, проектировщиков, застройщиков и владельцев зданий.

Цена: 749 руб.
ISBN: 9785206001051


Медицинская психология. Курс лекций
Медицинская психология. Курс лекций

Автор: О. Н. Якуничева

Данное учебное пособие дает возможность сформировать знания об учебной дисциплине «Психология», в частности о разделе медицинской психологии. Учебное пособие создано в соответствии с Федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами среднего профессионального образования по медицинским специальностям. В курс лекций включены различные темы, в том числе освещены вопросы психологии проведения сестринских манипуляций, психопрофилактики болезней в работе медицинской сестры, психологического ухода за умирающими. Материалы данного издания могут быть полезны студентам для подготовки к теоретическим и практическим занятиям. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов медицинских колледжей.

Цена: 527 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-8114-8427-0


Осознанное Отцовство
Осознанное Отцовство

Автор: Ренат Минаждинов

Сегодня можно встретить немало литературы о подготовке к крайне серьезному шагу в жизни человека – родительству. Стоит ли говорить, что большинство трудов создано скорее для мам и пап вместе, а то и вовсе только для первых? Перед вами оригинальная работа, обращенная к мужчинам, уже папам и тем, кто планирует ими стать. Автор не просто делится опытом, наблюдениями и рекомендациями, но призывает читателя к обратной связи, чтобы проект жил, развивался и пополнялся практикой ответственных отцов. ОЧЕНЬ КОРОТКОЕ ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ СТАТЬ ОТЦОМ МИССИЯ ОТЦА (ВЗГЛЯД СТАРИКА ДАРВИНА) КАК ДОРАСТИ ДО ЭТОГО ТА САМАЯ ЖЕНЩИНА ОТ СХОДСТВА К КОМПЛЕМЕНТАРНОСТИ МНОЖЕСТВЕННОСТЬ ПАРАМЕТРОВ В ИСТОРИЧЕСКОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЕ МАТЕМАТИКА ГИПОТЕЗА О МИНИМАЛЬНЫХ НЕОБХОДИМЫХ УСЛОВИЯХ СОХРАНЕНИЕ СЕБЯ: ГИБКАЯ ОТКАЗОУСТОЙЧИВАЯ АРХИТЕКТУРА РАЗНООБРАЗИЕ, РЕЗЕРВИРОВАНИЕ И ВЗАИМОЗАМЕНЯЕМОСТЬ МЕЖКОМПОНЕНТНАЯ СВЯЗЬ ОБРАТНАЯ СВЯЗЬ УЧЕТ КОМПЛЕКСНЫХ ФАКТОРОВ ВЛИЯНИЯ ОБУЧЕНИЕ ВОВЛЕЧЕНИЕ УЧАСТНИКОВ ПРИОРИТИЗАЦИЯ ПОЛИЦЕНТРИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ВМЕСТО ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЯ – ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ

Исполнители: Константин Гайчук

Цена: 400 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-0053-5549-2


A Companion to American Agricultural History
A Companion to American Agricultural History

Автор: Группа авторов

Provides a solid foundation for understanding American agricultural history and offers new directions for research    A Companion to American Agricultural History  addresses the key aspects of America’s complex agricultural past from 8,000 BCE to the first decades of the twenty-first century. Bringing together more than thirty original essays by both established and emerging scholars, this innovative volume presents a succinct and accessible overview of American agricultural history while delivering a state-of-the-art assessment of modern scholarship on a diversity of subjects, themes, and issues.  The essays provide readers with starting points for their exploration of American agricultural history—whether in general or in regards to a specific topic—and highlights the many ways the agricultural history of America is of integral importance to the wider American experience. Individual essays trace the origin and development of agricultural politics and policies, examine changes in science, technology, and government regulations, offer analytical suggestions for new research areas, discuss matters of ethnicity and gender in American agriculture, and more. This  Companion:   Introduces readers to a uniquely wide range of topics within the study of American agricultural history Provides a narrative summary and a critical examination of field-defining works Introduces specific topics within American agricultural history such as agrarian reform, agribusiness, and agricultural power and production Discusses the impacts of American agriculture on different groups including Native Americans, African Americans, and European, Asian, and Latinx immigrants Views the agricultural history of America through new interdisciplinary lenses of race, class, and the environment Explores depictions of American agriculture in film, popular music, literature, and art  A Companion to American Agricultural History  is an essential resource for introductory students and general readers seeking a concise overview of the subject, and for graduate students and scholars wanting to learn about a particular aspect of American agricultural history.

Цена: 20372.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781119632245


ABC of Emergency Radiology
ABC of Emergency Radiology

Автор: Группа авторов

Rapid acquisition and interpretation of radiographs, portable ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) are now the mainstay of initial successful management of sick and traumatized patients presenting to Accident and Emergency Departments. The ABC of Emergency Radiology is a simple and logical step-by-step guide on how to interpret radiographs, US and CT. It incorporates all the latest technological advances, including replacing plain radiographs with digital radiographs, changes in imaging protocols and the role of portable US and multidetector CT. With over 400 illustrations and annotated radiographs, this thoroughly revised third edition provides more images, new illustrations, and new chapters on emergency US and CT that reflect current practice. Each chapter starts with radiological anatomy, standard and then additional views, a systematic approach to interpretation (ABC approach) and followed by a review of common abnormalities. The ABC of Emergency Radiology is an invaluable resource for accident and emergency staff, trainee radiologists, medical students, nurses, radiographers and all medical personnel involved in the immediate care of trauma patients. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.

Цена: 5090.07 руб.
ISBN: 9781118495193


ABC of Sleep Medicine
ABC of Sleep Medicine

Автор: Paul Reading

A practical illustrated guide to sleep disorders which will give health professionals confidence in this complex area of diagnosis and management. It explains the differences between normal and abnormal sleep, and looks in depth at individual disorders such as sleep apnoea, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless legs syndrome and the parasomnias, as well as sleep disorders as a comorbidity of neurodegenerative and psychiatric disease. Common sleep disorders in children are addressed in detail before concluding with an overview of pharmacological treatments and how commonly used drugs might affect sleep.

Цена: 3480.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781118523322


Advanced Biomaterials and Biodevices
Advanced Biomaterials and Biodevices

Автор: Группа авторов

This cutting-edge book focuses on the emerging area of biomaterials and biodevices that incorporate therapeutic agents, molecular targeting, and diagnostic imaging capabilities The design and development of biomaterials play a significant role in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases. When used with highly selective and sensitive biomaterials, cutting-edge biodevices can allow the rapid and accurate diagnosis of disease, creating a platform for research and development, especially in the field of treatment for prognosis and detection of diseases in the early stage. This book emphasizes the emerging area of biomaterials and biodevices that incorporate therapeutic agents, molecular targeting, and diagnostic imaging capabilities. The 15 comprehensive chapters written by leading experts cover such topics as: The use of severe plastic deformation technique to enhance the properties of nanostructured metals Descriptions of the different polymers for use in controlled drug release Chitin and chitosan as renewable healthcare biopolymers for biomedical applications Innovated devices such as “label-free biochips” and polymer MEMS Molecular imprinting and nanotechnology Prussian Blue biosensing applications The evaluation of different types of biosensors in terms of their cost effectiveness, selectivity, and sensitivity Stimuli-responsive polypeptide nanocarriers for malignancy therapeutics

Цена: 21153.37 руб.
ISBN: 9781118774014


Advanced Construction Project Management
Advanced Construction Project Management

Автор: Christian Brockmann

Цена: 12068.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781119554745


Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials IV, Volume 31, Issue 8
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials IV, Volume 31, Issue 8

Автор: Группа авторов

This issue contains 25 invited and contributed papers, all peer reviewed according to the American Ceramic Society Review Process. The latest developments in processing and manufacturing technologies are covered, including green manufacturing, smart processing, advanced composite manufacturing, rapid processing, joining, machining, and net shape forming technologies. These papers discuss the most important aspects necessary for understanding and further development of processing and manufacturing of ceramic materials and systems.

Цена: 10523.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470944059


Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologiesfor Structural and Multifunctional Materials VI, Volume 33, Issue 8
Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologiesfor Structural and Multifunctional Materials VI, Volume 33, Issue 8

Автор: Группа авторов

The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies for Structural and Multifunctional Materials and Systems was held in January 2012 during the 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites. This symposium examined progress resulting from the research and development of advanced processing and manufacturing technologies for a wide variety of non-oxide and oxide-based structural ceramics, particulate and fiber-reinforced composites, and multifunctional materials. This issue features seventeen of those papers, representing some of the most important developments in processing and manufacturing technologies.

Цена: 9268.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781118530207


Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 159
Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 159

Автор: Группа авторов

This volume of Advances in Chemical Physics is dedicated, by the contributors, to Moshe Shapiro, formerly Canada Research Chair in Quantum Control in the Department of Chemistry at the University of British Columbia and Jacques Mimran Professor of Chemical Physics at the Weizmann Institute, who passed away on December 3, 2013. It focuses primarily on the interaction of light with molecules, one of Moshe’s longstanding scientific loves. However, the wide range of topics covered in this volume constitutes but a small part of Moshe’s vast range of scientific interests, which are well documented in over 300 research publications and two books.

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119096313


Advances in Energy Systems
Advances in Energy Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119508335


Aluminum Surfaces
Aluminum Surfaces

Автор: L. William Zahner

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119541776


An Effective Strategy for Safe Design in Engineering and Construction
An Effective Strategy for Safe Design in Engineering and Construction

Автор: David England

Цена: 11357.95 руб.
ISBN: 9781119832041


An Introduction to Quantum Physics
An Introduction to Quantum Physics

Автор: Stefanos Trachanas

This modern textbook offers an introduction to Quantum Mechanics as a theory that underlies the world around us, from atoms and molecules to materials, lasers, and other applications. The main features of the book are: Emphasis on the key principles with minimal mathematical formalism Demystifying discussions of the basic features of quantum systems, using dimensional analysis and order-of-magnitude estimates to develop intuition Comprehensive overview of the key concepts of quantum chemistry and the electronic structure of solids Extensive discussion of the basic processes and applications of light-matter interactions Online supplement with advanced theory, multiple-choice quizzes, etc.

Цена: 11476.32 руб.
ISBN: 9783527676651


An Introduction to Thermogeology
An Introduction to Thermogeology

Автор: David Banks

This authoritative guide provides a basis for understanding the emerging technology of ground source heating and cooling. It equips engineers, geologists, architects, planners and regulators with the fundamental skills needed to manipulate the ground's huge capacity to store, supply and receive heat, and to implement technologies (such as heat pumps) to exploit that capacity for space heating and cooling. The author has geared the book towards understanding ground source heating and cooling from the ground side (the geological aspects), rather than solely the building aspects. He explains the science behind thermogeology and offers practical guidance on different design options. An Introduction to Thermogeology: ground source heating and cooling is aimed primarily at professionals whose skill areas impinge on the emerging technology of ground source heating and cooling. They will be aware of the importance of the technology and wish to rapidly acquire fundamental theoretical understanding and design skills. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover new technical developments and now includes end-of-chapter study questions to test the reader's understanding.

Цена: 14198.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781118447499


Analytical Sociology
Analytical Sociology

Автор: Группа авторов

Demonstrates the power of the theoretical framework of analytical sociology in explaining a large array of social phenomena Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networks presents the most advanced theoretical discussion of analytical sociology, along with a unique set of examples on mechanism- based sociology. Leading scholars apply the theoretical principles of analytical sociology to understand how puzzling social and historical phenomena including crime, lynching, witch-hunts, tax behaviours, Web-based social movement and communication, restaurant reputation, job search and careers, social network homophily and instability, cooperation and trust are brought about by complex, multi-layered social mechanisms. The analyses presented in this book rely on a wide range of methods which include qualitative observations, advanced statistical techniques, complex network tools, refined simulation methods and creative experimental protocols. This book ultimately demonstrates that sociology, like any other science, is at its best when it dissects the mechanisms at work by means of rigorous model building and testing. Analytical Sociology: • Provides the most complete and up-to-date theoretical treatment of analytical sociology. • Looks at a wide range of complex social phenomena within a single and unitary theoretical framework. • Explores a variety of advanced methods to build and test theoretical models. • Examines how both computational modelling and experiments can be used to study the complex relation between norms, networks and social actions. • Brings together research from leading global experts in the field in order to present a unique set of examples on mechanism-based sociology. Advanced graduate students and researchers working in sociology, methodology of social sciences, statistics, social networks analysis and computer simulation will benefit from this book.

Цена: 7931.03 руб.
ISBN: 9781118762721


Anti-Money Laundering Transaction Monitoring Systems Implementation
Anti-Money Laundering Transaction Monitoring Systems Implementation

Автор: Derek Chau

Цена: 4212.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781119381969


Architectural Acoustics Illustrated
Architectural Acoustics Illustrated

Автор: Michael Ermann

Unite the science of sound and the principles of design to enhance any space Architectural Acoustics Illustrated translates the quantitative and qualitative content of acoustics into the graphic language of architecture. This highly-visual guide includes over 350 illustrations that outline the physics of sound and the best design practices for limiting or mitigating noise in buildings by using the latest in materials and techniques. Each chapter includes a summary checklist of design guidelines to help prevent mistakes and oversights, and the Instructor's website offers video animations demonstrating acoustical concepts. Designed as a «first look» at the interaction of sound and space, the book explains the principles of architectural acoustics and their practical applications, providing a comprehensive guide for designing with acoustics in mind. Architectural acoustics is more than just concert halls – it may determine building placement, division of interior space, exterior construction, and even siting. When addressed early in the design process, the resulting space can be free of unwanted sound and promote good hearing; if left unaddressed, the problems with the space can lead to lawsuits and costly post-construction remediation. Architectural Acoustics Illustrated helps designers solve most acoustical problems in advance, by enabling readers to: Understand the physical science underlying the behavior of sound Consider the interactions of sound and space in the initial design approach Mitigate building sounds such as those produced by HVAC and plumbing with early design planning Design spaces for listening, and incorporate acoustics best practices into every plan The highly visual format of the book helps readers grasp complex concepts quickly, and thorough discussion of each concept's real-world application ties the science directly into the design process. All design professionals need to have a fundamental understanding of acoustics, and Architectural Acoustics Illustrated is a comprehensive, practical guide in an easy-to-read format.

Цена: 8960.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118986899


Architectural Detailing
Architectural Detailing

Автор: Edward Allen

The industry-standard guide to designing well-performing buildings Architectural Detailing systematically describes the principles by which good architectural details are designed. Principles are explained in brief, and backed by extensive illustrations that show you how to design details that will not leak water or air, will control the flow of heat and water vapor, will adjust to all kinds of movement, and will be easy to construct. This new third edition has been updated to conform to International Building Code 2012, and incorporates current knowledge about new material and construction technology. Sustainable design issues are integrated where relevant, and the discussion includes reviews of recent built works that extract underlying principles that can be the basis for new patterns or the alteration and addition to existing patterns. Regulatory topics are primarily focused on the US, but touch on other jurisdictions and geographic settings to give you a well-rounded perspective of the art and science of architectural detailing. In guiding a design from idea to reality, architects design a set of details that show how a structure will be put together. Good details are correct, complete, and provide accurate information to a wide variety of users. By demonstrating the use of detail patterns, this book teaches you how to design a building that will perform as well as you intend. Integrate appropriate detailing into your designs Learn the latest in materials, assemblies, and construction methods Incorporate sustainable design principles and current building codes Design buildings that perform well, age gracefully, and look great Architects understand that aesthetics are only a small fraction of good design, and that stability and functionality require a deep understanding of how things come together. Architectural Detailing helps you bring it all together with a well fleshed-out design that communicates accurately at all levels of the construction process.

Цена: 8960.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118882603


Architecture Workbook
Architecture Workbook

Автор: Sir Peter Cook

Organised into 9 parts that highlight a wide range of architectural motives, such as ‘Architecture as Theatre’, ‘Stretching the Vocabulary’ and ‘The City of Large and Small’, the workbook provides inspiring key themes for readers to take their cue from when initiating a design. Motives cover a wide-range of work that epitomise the theme. These include historical and Modernist examples, things observed in the street, work by current innovative architects and from Cook’s own rich archive, weaving together a rich and vibrant visual scrapbook of the everyday and the architectural, and past and present.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118965207


Arene Chemistry
Arene Chemistry

Автор: Jacques Mortier

Organized to enable students and synthetic chemists to understand and expand on aromatic reactions covered in foundation courses, the book offers a thorough and accessible mechanistic explanation of aromatic reactions involving arene compounds. • Surveys methods used for preparing arene compounds and their transformations • Connects reactivity and methodology with mechanism • Helps readers apply aromatic reactions in a practical context by designing syntheses • Provides essential information about techniques used to determine reaction mechanisms

Цена: 20514.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781118754955


BIM for Design Coordination
BIM for Design Coordination

Автор: Fernanda L. Leite

A tactical guide to successful Virtual Design and Construction project coordination, featuring case studies from leading VDC firms. Virtual Design Coordination (VDC) employs information-rich Building Information Modeling (BIM) to enable specialty designers and contractors to create a single, coordinated set of designs that can prevent cost overruns, avoid schedule delays, and identify issues in the field. Although BIM-based design coordination is widely used in the commercial construction industry, there remains a need for a standardized practice. BIM for Design Coordination formalizes industry best practices and provides structured guidelines to the process. Helping readers gain the benefits of BIM-based design coordination, this practical guide covers areas such as setting up a project for success, model quality impacts on design coordination, carrying out a successful VDC session, and more. Specific guidelines for various project stakeholders are laid out in detail, while real-world examples of project design coordination workflows and templates for BIM Project Execution Plans (PxPs) are provided throughout the text. Written by a leading expert and educator in the field, this book: Provides a formal set of BIM-based design coordination guidelines that emphasize construction-stage coordination Features real-life case studies that illustrate how leading firms approach design coordination Covers BIM-based design coordination in other industries, such as infrastructure and industrial sectors Presents guidelines for all project stakeholders, including subcontractors, architects, engineers, fabricators, and owners Includes chapters on teaching BIM-based design coordination and the future of the field BIM for Design Coordination: A Virtual Design and Construction Guide for Designers, General Contractors, and MEP Subcontractors is a much-needed resource for general contractors and members of VDC teams, as well as academics, students, and professionals new to BIM-based design coordination.

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119515784


Bergin and Garfield s Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
Bergin and Garfield's Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781119536512


Beton-Kalender 2019 - Schwerpunkte
Beton-Kalender 2019 - Schwerpunkte

Автор: Группа авторов

Der neue Beton-Kalender 2019 mit den Schwerpunkten Parkbauten sowie Geotechnik und EC 7 bietet eine solide Arbeitsgrundlage und ein topaktuelles und verl?ssliches Nachschlagewerk f?r die fehlerfreie Planung dauerhafter Betonkonstruktionen. Zahlreiche Parkh?user und Tiefgaragen werden im Rahmen des Ausbaus der Verkehrsinfrastruktur und im innerst?dtischen Bauen errichtet. Hierbei sind viele Besonderheiten in Bezug auf Funktionalit?t und Dauerhaftigkeit zu beachten, die gerade in der Planung ein hohes Ma? an speziellem Wissen erfordern. Die relevanten Regelwerke f?r Deutschland, ?sterreich und die Schweiz werden in dieser Ausgabe vorgestellt und erl?utert. Vertiefende Beitr?ge behandeln die Instandsetzung von Tiefgaragen und Parkh?usern, den chemischen Angriff auf Beton und den kathodischen Korrosionsschutz. Die Abdichtungen bei unterirdischen Bauwerken werden in einem aktualisierten Beitrag gesondert behandelt. F?r Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik werden Erl?uterungen und Hintergr?nde zum Eurocode 7 auf aktuellem Stand gegeben. Flachgr?ndungen und Pfahlgr?ndungen werden dabei mit zahlriechen Beispielen behandelt. Au?erdem ist zur Vervollst?ndigung neben den Gr?ndungen an Land ein umfassendes Kapitel den marinen Gr?ndungsbauwerken gewidmet. In bew?hrter Weise wird die Eurocode-Kommentierung in Kurzfassungen f?r einfache Anwendungsf?lle und die schnelle Orientierung fortgef?hrt: passend zum Schwerpunkt ist DIN EN 1997 Teil 1 «Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik» (Eurocode 7) mit den zugeh?rigen Nationalen Anwendungsdokumenten in konsolidierter Form und auf aktuellem Stand in dieser Ausgabe enthalten. Die Innovationskraft der Betonbauweise muss sich auch bei der Gewichtsminimierung von tragenden Betonbauteilen beweisen. Hierzu wird die Technologie des Gradientenbetons vorgestellt. Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der bewussten Gestaltung des Bauteilinnern mit dem Ziel einer Homogenisierung der Spannungsfelder und damit verbunden einer signifikanten Masseneinsparung unter der Ber?cksichtigung einer rezyklierf?higen Bauweise. Der Beton-Kalender 2019 ist wiederum eine besondere Fundgrube f?r Ingenieure in Planungsb?ros und in der Bauindustrie.

Цена: 8025.73 руб.
ISBN: 9783433609361


Building Construction Illustrated
Building Construction Illustrated

Автор: Francis D. K. Ching

The #1 visual guide to building construction principles, updated with the latest materials, methods, and systems For over four decades, Building Construction Illustrated has been the leading visual guide to the principles of building construction. Filled with rich illustrations and in-depth content by renowned author Francis D. K. Ching, it offers students and practicing professionals the information needed to understand concepts in residential and commercial construction, architecture, and structural engineering. This Sixth Edition of Building Construction Illustrated has been revised throughout to reflect the latest advancements in building design, materials, and systems, including resilient design, diagrids, modular foundation systems, smart fa?ade systems, lighting sources, mass timber materials, and more. It features new illustrations and updated information on sustainability and green building, insulation materials, and fire-rated wall and floor assemblies. This respected, industry standard guide remains as relevant as ever, providing the latest in codes and standards requirements, including IBC, LEED, and CSI MasterFormat. This Sixth Edition: The leading illustrated guide to building construction fundamentals, written and detailed in Frank Ching's signature, illustrative style Includes all new sections on resilient design; diagrids; modular foundation systems; smart fa?ade types and systems; lighting sources and systems; and mass timber materials, cross laminated timber (CLT) and nail laminated timber (NLT) Revised to reflect that latest updates in codes and standards requirements: 2018 International Building Code (IBC), LEED v4, and CSI MasterFormat 2018 Includes updated information on sustainability and green building; insulation materials; stair uses; stoves and inserts; and fire-rated wall and floor assemblies Offers instructors access to an Instructor's Manual with review questions Building Construction Illustrated, Sixth Edition is an excellent book for students in architecture, civil and structural engineering, construction management, and interior design programs. Ching communicates these core principles of building construction in a way that resonates with those beginning their education and those well into their careers looking to brush up on the basics. Building Construction Illustrated is a reliable, lifelong guide that practicing architects, engineers, construction managers, and interior designers, will turn to time and again throughout their careers.

Цена: 5267.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781119583165


Building Information Modeling for a Smart and Sustainable Urban Space
Building Information Modeling for a Smart and Sustainable Urban Space

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 16702.52 руб.
ISBN: 9781119885450


Cable-Stayed Bridges
Cable-Stayed Bridges

Автор: Holger Svensson

The need for large-scale bridges is constantly growing due to the enormous infrastructure development around the world. Since the 1970s many of them have been cable-stayed bridges. In 1975 the largest span length was 404 m, in 1995 it increased to 856 m, and today it is 1104 m. Thus the economically efficient range of cable-stayed bridges is tending to move towards even larger spans, and cable-stayed bridges are increasingly the focus of interest worldwide. This book describes the fundamentals of design analysis, fabrication and construction, in which the author refers to 250 built examples to illustrate all aspects. International or national codes and technical regulations are referred to only as examples, such as bridges that were designed to German DIN, Eurocode, AASHTO, British Standards. The chapters on cables and erection are a major focus of this work as they represent the most important difference from other types of bridges. The examples were chosen from the bridges in which the author was personally involved, or where the consulting engineers, Leonhardt, Andra and Partners (LAP), participated significantly. Other bridges are included for their special structural characteristics or their record span lengths. The most important design engineers are also presented. Note: The lecture videos which are attached to the print book on DVD are not part of the e-book.

Цена: 14713.84 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602294


Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction
Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction

Автор: Chimay J. Anumba

An organisation’s competitive advantage lies in the knowledge of its employees and the organisation’s ability to harness that knowledge to meet business objectives. Knowledge management is recognised in the construction industry as a potential tool for providing organisational benefits, but for a number of reasons – particularly the project based nature of construction, where teams are transient, multidisciplinary and often from different organisations – implementation has been only marginally successful. Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction describes a methodology for the 'live' capture of reusable project knowledge that reflects both the organisational and human dimensions of knowledge capture and reuse, as well as exploiting the benefits of technology. This methodology was developed in response to the shortcomings of current practices in managing project knowledge, the benefits offered by capturing and sharing knowledge immediately after it is generated, and the organisational benefit of reusing knowledge within a project based environment.

Цена: 13080.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781444315455


Cognitive Psychology For Dummies
Cognitive Psychology For Dummies

Автор: Peter J. Hills

Demystify the core concepts of cognitive psychology Written specifically for psychology students – and not other academics – Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is an accessible and entertaining introduction to the field. Unlike the dense and jargon-laden content found in most psychology textbooks, this practical guide provides readers with easy-to-understand explanations of the fundamental elements of cognitive psychology so that they are able obtain a firm grasp of the material. Cognitive Psychology For Dummies follows the structure of a typical university course, which makes it the perfect supplement for students in need of a clear and enjoyable overview of the topic. The complexities of a field that explores internal mental processes – including the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems – can be overwhelming for first-year psychology students. This practical resource cuts through the academic-speak to provide a clear understanding of the most important elements of cognitive psychology. Obtain a practical understanding of the core concepts of cognitive psychology Supplement required course reading with clear and easy-to-understand overviews Gain confidence in your ability to apply your knowledge of cognitive psychology Prepare for upcoming exams or topic discussions Cognitive Psychology For Dummies is the perfect resource for psychology students who need a clear and readable overview of the core concepts of cognitive psychology.

Цена: 2572.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781119953906


Complete Book of Framing
Complete Book of Framing

Автор: Scot Simpson

Цена: 2781.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781119528500



Автор: Edmund Neill

Conservatism is often labelled as a ‘disposition’, ‘tradition’, or even a set of knee-jerk reactions, rather than an ideology, and its suspicion of grand theorising has lent itself to this characterization. In this book, leading political theorist Edmund Neill challenges this view. He argues that conservatism is better identified as an ideology, albeit one that, rather than putting forward positive values like ‘liberty’ or ‘equality’, conceptualizes human conduct as being partially dependent on forces beyond human volition, and prioritizes the cautious management of change. He charts the evolution of conservative thought from the French Revolution to the present, examining how conservatives responded to disruptions to traditional order across the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Drawing on examples from Britain, France and the United States, Neill concludes with some reflections on the challenges (and opportunities) that contemporary populism presents for conservatism. This accomplished overview is essential reading for any student or scholar working in political theory and political philosophy, especially those with a particular interest in ideologies and conservatism.

Цена: 2012.35 руб.
ISBN: 9781509527090


Construction Innovation
Construction Innovation

Автор: Группа авторов

Construction innovation is an important but contested concept, both in industry practice and academic reflection and research. A fundamental reason for this is the nature of the construction industry itself: the industry and the value creation activities taking place there are multi-disciplinary, heterogeneous, distributed and often fragmented. This book takes a new approach to construction innovation, revealing different perspectives, set in a broader context. It coalesces multiple theoretical and practice-based views in order to stimulate reflection and to prepare the ground for further synthesis. By being clear, cogent and unambiguous on the most basic definitions, it can mobilise a plurality of perspectives on innovation to promote fresh thinking on how it can be studied, enabled, measured, and propagated across the industry. This book does not gloss over the real-life complexity of construction innovation. Instead, its authors look explicitly at the challenges that conceptual issues entail and by making their own position clear, they open up fresh intellectual space for reflection. Construction Innovation examines innovation from different positions and through different conceptual lenses to reveal the richness that the theoretical perspectives offer to our understanding of the way that the construction sector actors innovate at both project and organizational levels. The editors have brought together here leading scholars to deconstruct the concept of innovation and to discuss the merits of different perspectives, their commonalities and their diversity. The result is an invaluable sourcebook for those studying and leading innovation in the design, the building and the maintenance of our built environment.

Цена: 13482.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781118655597


Construction Project Management
Construction Project Management

Автор: Jerald L. Rounds

A thoroughly updated edition of the classic guide to project management of construction projects For more than thirty years, Construction Project Management has been considered the preeminent guide to all aspects of the construction project management process, including the Critical Path Method (CPM) of project scheduling, and much more. Now in its Sixth Edition, it continues to provide a solid foundation of the principles and fundamentals of project management, with a particular emphasis on project planning, demonstrated through an example project, along with new pedagogical elements such as end-of-chapter problems and questions and a full suite of instructor's resources. Also new to this edition is information on the Earned Value Analysis (EVA) system and introductory coverage of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Lean Construction in the context of project scheduling. Readers will also benefit from building construction examples, which illustrate each of the principles of project management. This information, combined with the case studies provided in the appendix, gives readers access to hands-on project management experience in the context of real-world project management problems. Features two integrated example projects—one civil and one commercial—fully developed through the text Includes end-of-chapter questions and problems Details BIM in scheduling procedures, Lean Construction, and Earned Value Analysis, EVA Provides teaching resources, including PowerPoint slides, interactive diagrams, and an Instructor's Manual with solutions for the end-of-chapter questions Construction Management and Civil Engineering students and professionals alike will find everything they need, to understand and to master construction project management in this classic guide.

Цена: 13151.31 руб.
ISBN: 9781118745250


Construction Project Scheduling and Control
Construction Project Scheduling and Control

Автор: Saleh A. Mubarak

Цена: 13660.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119499824



Автор: Eric Parry

Demonstrates how a building's setting should inform and inspire rather than constrain architectural design Context-Architecture and the Genius of Place is a highly engaging, informative discussion of context in architectural theory and practice. Eric Parry, one of the UK's most highly regarded architects – whose work has been widely lauded for its innovative response to its setting – addresses the contemporary definition of context and its importance for sustainable everyday living and urban design. Looking beyond the formal agenda to explore the fundamentals that give new social and cultural perspective to this vital point of departure for designers, this book turns the urban statistician's telescopic focus on global trends inside out for a better understanding of the cultural and physical conditions that make archetypes like the Parisian Caf?, the London High Street, the Baltic City Square, and the Mumbai Market part of the architect's lexicon. From pavement to landscape, readers will examine how context must be taken into account at every stage in the design process. This book draws on the author's extensive experience within complex urban settings to show how the existing fabric and social conditions can provide an essential starting point for new design, offering a framework for thinking about design responses and their relationship to cultural origins of place. Discover the importance of orientation Develop a sequential understanding of urban space Hear the dialogue between parts within a whole Differentiate the uses of formal and informal Whereas existing urban settings, particularly historic city centers, are generally regarded as limiting to architectural creativity, this book presents context as grounds for inspiration rather than constraint. When used correctly, these techniques create the feeling that a new building has always been there, simply because it «fits». Context explains the methods behind brilliant architecture, helping designers create buildings that not only belong, but can provide a catalyst to urban life.

Цена: 4012.87 руб.
ISBN: 9781118946732


Copper, Brass, and Bronze Surfaces
Copper, Brass, and Bronze Surfaces

Автор: L. William Zahner

Цена: 7587.75 руб.
ISBN: 9781119541677



Автор: Monica T. Whitty

An important new BPS Textbook in Psychology exploring the interactions between individuals, societies, and digital technologies Outlines key theories and empirical research within cyberpsychology and provides critical assessments of this rapidly changing field Identifies areas in need of further research and ways to use digital technologies as a research tool Covers topics such as online identity, online relationships and dating, pornography, children’s use of the internet, cyberbullying, online games and gambling, and deception and online crime Engaging and accessible for students at the undergraduate and graduate level with real life examples, activities, and discussion questions

Цена: 4616.57 руб.
ISBN: 9781118321072


Das Alte Spital und die Spitalapotheke in Solothurn
Das Alte Spital und die Spitalapotheke in Solothurn

Автор: Claudia Hermann

Das Alte Spital mit der Kirche zum Heiligen Geist in Solothurn ist ein eindr?ckliches Beispiel eines Spitalbaus aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. 1788 kamen die in Frankreich und im Jura ausgebildeten Sœurs grises nach Solothurn. Dank dem Engagement der Schwestern ist die einzigartige Spitalapotheke von 1789 aussergew?hnlich gut erhalten und zeugt vom einstigen Spitalbetrieb. Nach drei Standortwechseln ist sie nun im heutigen Kultur- und Kongresszentrum, wieder im ehemaligen Spitalbau am Oberen Winkel, ?ffentlich zug?nglich.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783037976951


Delivering Sustainable Buildings
Delivering Sustainable Buildings

Автор: Mike Malina

The UK government has committed to reducing the nation’s carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Buildings currently use almost half of the UK’s generated energy and they are now the focus of an unprecedented drive to cut energy use in our homes, offices, schools, libraries – in fact in almost every building, public or private. Delivering Sustainable Buildings: an industry insider’s view offers peer-to-peer insights and advice from a leading practitioner in this field and brings together in one book an overview of the main issues to consider when creating energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. A resource to dip into for practical advice, which is both highly readable and also backed up by in-depth technical knowledge, giving the important points to note and common pitfalls to avoid. Based on observations of an author with hands-on experience of dealing with the various elements of the building services engineering industry, the book gives a unique insight into the particular challenges faced by designers, project managers, contractors and installers working to deliver lower carbon and sustainable building projects and operation. There is a lot of guidance on sustainable buildings available from reputable sources including BRE, CIBSE, B&ES, ECA and BSRIA. This book is different in that it speaks directly to contractors and practitioners, with practical messages dealing with real on-site challenges, offering practical advice based on experience. Many contractors are now faced with a business choice of offering services related to issues of the energy hierarchy, minimising energy use, providing good building automation and controls and then looking further at microgeneration/renewables. Here they must decide what technologies might be suitable for their businesses, as well as considering what level of training is required before they or their employees can start to work with these technologies. Delivering Sustainable Buildings: an industry insider’s view will help specialist contractors and facilities managers understand sustainable buildings at the strategic level (legislation, finance, training) and then to offer practical advice on various aspects of sustainable buildings (water use, energy-efficient building services, commissioning and keeping the building maintained to optimum performance) to their clients.

Цена: 8203.29 руб.
ISBN: 9781118511046


Design Engineering Refocused
Design Engineering Refocused

Автор: Hanif Kara

The contents of the book will highlight the differences between the design and engineering disciplines – strengths and flaws. It will also illustrate examples of interdisciplinary interactions. Any false dichotomies will be revealed and the many non-linear processes borne out of challenging conventions between traditional and new modes of practice will be revealed. Projects based on a body of experience spanning many years will be selected to support experimentation that goes beyond an undisciplined search for originality, innovation and creativity. In addition to writings from Hanif Kara and Daniel Bosia contributions will be sought from specialists in the field who have played a role in the operations of P.art® at AKT II – past and present – qualifying them to disseminate and distribute a particular form of ‘knowledge’. Features work of architectural practices: Adjaye Associates, Foster + Partners, Heatherwick Studio, HOK, Serie Architects, Wilkinson Eyre Architects and Zaha Hadid Architects. In addition to AKT II, it will encompass the work of engineers and engineering consultants such as: Arup, Cecil Balmond, Buckminster Fuller, Buro Happold, Pier Luigi Nervi and Peter Rice.

Цена: 6031.14 руб.
ISBN: 9781119164869


Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

Автор: J?rgen Schnell

Despite all the efforts being put into expanding renewable energy sources, large-scale power stations will be essential as part of a reliable energy supply strategy for a longer period. Given that they are low on CO2 emissions, many countries are moving into or expanding nuclear energy to cover their baseload supply. Building structures required for nuclear plants whose protective function means they are classified as safety-related, have to meet particular construction requirements more stringent than those involved in conventional construction. This book gives a comprehensive overview from approval aspects given by nuclear and construction law, with special attention to the interface between plant and construction engineering, to a building structure classification. All life cycle phases are considered, with the primary focus on execution. Accidental actions on structures, the safety concept and design and fastening systems are exposed to a particular treatment. Selected chapters from the German concrete yearbook are now being published in the new English «Beton-Kalender Series» for the benefit of an international audience. Since it was founded in 1906, the Ernst & Sohn «Beton-Kalender» has been supporting developments in reinforced and prestressed concrete. The aim was to publish a yearbook to reflect progress in «ferro-concrete» structures until – as the book's first editor, Fritz von Emperger (1862-1942), expressed it – the «tempestuous development» in this form of construction came to an end. However, the «Beton-Kalender» quickly became the chosen work of reference for civil and structural engineers, and apart from the years 1945-1950 has been published annually ever since.

Цена: 5350.49 руб.
ISBN: 9783433602744


Developing BIM Talent
Developing BIM Talent

Автор: Dana K. Smith

Цена: 10014.41 руб.
ISBN: 9781119687306


Diagnostic Tests Toolkit
Diagnostic Tests Toolkit

Автор: Matthew Thompson

This new volume in the Toolkit series is designed for clinicians and junior researchers who need to interpret the evidence for the effectiveness of the many diagnostic tests now available. Exceptionally user-friendly, this pocket-sized textbook realizes readers are not experts in diagnostic test interpretation. The authors cover a variety of issues, from how to design diagnostic test studies to understanding the results of diagnostic tests and interpreting the findings for clinical practice and health care policy.

Цена: 3054.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781119951797


Die Nydeggkirche in Bern und ihr Quartier
Die Nydeggkirche in Bern und ihr Quartier

Автор: Jan Straub

Die Nydeggkirche und ihr Quartier liegen an der wohl malerischsten Stelle des Weltkulturerbes Bern. Die pittoreske Altstadtpartie in der Aareschlaufe mit der monumentalen klassizistischen Hochbr?cke und der mittelalterlichen Untertorbr?cke ist urs?chlich mit der Geschichte der Stadt verbunden: hier befand sich seit der Gr?ndungszeit im 12. Jahrhundert der einzige Fluss?bergang und hier erhob sich auch die z?hringische Stadtburg, die Nydegg. Ihre Stelle nimmt seit dem 14. Jahrhundert die heutige Kirche ein. Der Innenraum des sp?tgotischen Baus wurde anfangs der F?nfzigerjahre auf exemplarische Weise umgestaltet und gilt nun als charakteristisches Beispiel einer Regotisierung im 20. Jahrhundert. Kurz darauf, zwischen 1956 und 1961, erfolgte der Totalneubau des umgebenden Quartiers: Was sich heute als idyllisch-mittelalterlich pr?sentiert, ist eine Neusch?pfung. Zum Einsatz kam ein Stil, der traditionelle, altstadtspezifische Elemente mit zeitgen?ssischen Formen verkn?pft. Diese historisierende Neuinterpretation, die allerdings auch Widerspruch weckte, half entscheidend mit, die Einheitlichkeit des einzigartigen Stadtbildes zu wahren.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783037973721


Die Villa B?hler und das M?nzkabinett in Winterthur
Die Villa B?hler und das M?nzkabinett in Winterthur

Автор: Regula Michel

Die 1866–1869 nach Pl?nen des in M?lhausen t?tigen Architekten Friedrich Ludwig von R?tte f?r den Textilfabrikanten Eduard B?hler-Egg erstellte Villa geh?rte in ihrer Zeit zu den prunkvollsten und modernsten Wohnbauten im Kanton Z?rich. Anhand reich vorhandener bauzeitlicher Quellen und am?santer Lebenserinnerungen von Tochter Fanny entsteht ein buntes Bild des damaligen Z?rcher Bauwesens und der Lebensweise der Hausbesitzer. Der gut erhaltene, von Kunstg?rtner Conrad L?we entworfene und angelegte Park sowie ein paar Innenr?ume mit der numismatisch bedeutenden Sammlung M?nzkabinett sind ?ffentlich zug?nglich.

Цена: 936.14 руб.
ISBN: 9783037976852


Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment

Автор: Lee Bosher

Disaster Risk Reduction for the Built Environment provides a multi-facetted introduction to how a wide range of risk reduction options can be mainstreamed into formal and informal construction decision making processes, so that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) can become part of the ‘developmental DNA’. The contents highlight the positive roles that practitioners such as civil and structural engineers, urban planners and designers, and architects (to name just a few) can undertake to ensure that disaster risk is addressed when (re)developing the built environment. The book does not set out prescriptive (‘context blind’) solutions to complex problems because such solutions can invariably generate new problems. Instead it raises awareness, and in doing so, inspires a broad range of people to consider DRR in their work or everyday practices. This highly-illustrated text book provides a broad range of examples, case studies and thinking points that can help the reader to consider how DRR approaches might be adapted for differing contexts.

Цена: 6261.97 руб.
ISBN: 9781118921500



Автор: Sir Peter Cook

Focusing on the creative and inventive significance of drawing for architecture, this book by one of its greatest proponents, Peter Cook, is an established classic. It exudes Cook's delight and catholic appetite for the architectural. Readers are provided with perceptive insights at every turn. The book features some of the greatest and most intriguing drawings by architects, ranging from Frank Lloyd Wright, Heath-Robinson, Le Corbusier, and Otto Wagner to Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Coop Himmelb(l)au, Arata Isozaki, Eric Owen Moss, Bernard Tschumi, and Lebbeus Woods; as well as key works by Cook and other members of the original Archigram group. For this new edition, Cook provides a substantial new chapter that charts the speed at which the trajectory of drawing is moving. It reflects the increasing sophistication of available software and also the ways in which 'hand drawing' and the 'digital' are being eclipsed by new hybrids—injecting a new momentum to drawing. These 'crossovers' provide a whole new territory as attempts are made to release drawing from the boundaries of a solitary moment, a single-viewing position, or a single referential language. Featuring the likes of Toyo Ito, Perry Culper, Izaskun Chinchilla, Kenny Tsui, Ali Rahim, John Berglund, and Lorene Faure, it leads to fascinating insights into the effect that medium has upon intention and definition of an idea or a place. Is a pencil drawing more attuned to a certain architecture than an ink drawing, or is a particular colour evocative of a certain atmosphere? In a world where a Mayer drawing is creatively contributing something different from a Rhino drawing, there is much to demand of future techniques.

Цена: 4255.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781118700617


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