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НаименованиеЦенаАвторГодКод ISBN
1Гендерная революция349Андрей Буровский2019978-5-9717-0342-8

Гендерная революция
На наших глазах происходит гендерная революция. Мы сами создали проблему, развиваясь и усложняясь. Кардинально изменились отношения двух полов. Настолько, что мы буквально не знаем, что нам делать и как жить дальше. Данная от века модель семьи сломалась без малейшего шанса ее «починить». Точно так же сломалась и модель «нормальной» сексуальности человека. Социальных полов, гендеров, на глазах сделалось несколько. Впервые за всю историю человечества встал вопрос – а зачем женщинам вообще нужны мужчины? Любую революцию всегда пытаются оседлать рвущиеся к власти личности. Сейчас к власти рвется крайне агрессивное меньшинство: не самая лучшая часть наших милейших дам, провозгласивших себя феминистками, и не самые вменяемые геи. Им хочется к кормушке, им хочется руководить большинством. Гендерная революция опасна – она чревата исчезновением достигнутого уровня сложности. Так что нам делать, как во всем этом разобраться и сориентироваться, как не дать собой манипулировать? Об этом рассказывается в книге. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Библиотека «Мужского клуба»


2Женщина модерна. Гендер в русской культуре 1890-1930-х годов. Коллективная монография659Коллектив авторов20229785444820599

Женщина модерна. Гендер в русской культуре 1890-1930-х годов. Коллективная монография
Период с 1890-х по 1930-е годы в России был временем коренных преобразований: от общественного и политического устройства до эстетических установок в искусстве. В том числе это коснулось как социального положения женщин, так и форм их репрезентации в литературе. Культура модерна активно экспериментировала с гендерными ролями и понятием андрогинности, а количество женщин-авторов, появившихся в начале XX века, несравнимо с предыдущими периодами истории отечественной литературы. В фокусе внимания этой коллективной монографии оказывается переломный момент в истории искусства, когда представление фемининного и маскулинного как нормативных канонов сложившегося гендерного порядка соседствовало с выходом за пределы этих канонов и разрушением этого порядка. Статьи, включенные в монографию, предлагают рассмотреть русский модернизм в пока еще новом для отечественной науки гендерном измерении; они поднимают вопросы о феномене женского авторства, мужском взгляде на «женский вопрос», трансформации женских и мужских образов в произведениях искусства в условиях менявшихся границ гендерных норм.

Серия: Гендерные исследования


3Как сказать маме, что вы гей Борис Ильич Смирнов2021 

Как сказать маме, что вы гей
Признаться маме в своей нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации может быть очень тяжело, и вполне нормально переживать по поводу потенциальной реакции. Заранее определитесь, где вы проведете этот разговор и что вы скажете. Дайте маме время разобраться в своих эмоциях и задать вопросы. Возможно, вам придется непросто, однако, будем надеяться, этот разговор поможет вам лучше понять друг друга. Даже если мама не сразу поймет вас, гордитесь собой за то, что вы сделали смелый шаг и честно признались в том, кто вы есть.


4Лекция «Мозг и его различия по половому признаку»279Т. В. Черниговская2015978-5-535-00493-8

Лекция «Мозг и его различия по половому признаку»
«Только не думайте, что я буду рассказывать (что вы, вероятно, сами знаете и ошибаетесь), что у мужчины мозг аналитический, а у женщины интуитивный и логика ей недоступна… Я могу привести примеры «расплывчатого» поведения мужчин, неструктурированного и даже – истеричного, экзальтированного. И сколько вокруг женщин с жестким умом, осмысленной, сильной позицией, которые диктуют свое мнение социуму! Тут все очень неоднозначно».

Серия: Цикл лекций «Зачем мы мозгу»

Исполнители: Т. В. Черниговская


5Мультидисциплинарный анализ становления фонематического навыка письма у младших школьников400О. Б. Иншакова2013978-5-4481-0730-6, 978-5-88923-359-6

Мультидисциплинарный анализ становления фонематического навыка письма у младших школьников
Монография посвящена лонгитюдному изучению процесса овладения фонематическим принципом письма младшими школьниками общей образовательной школы. В исследовании представлена авторская стандартизированная методика изучения и оценки фонематического навыка письма учащихся, которая может быть использована на протяжении всего этапа начального обучения. Автор монографии Иншакова Ольга Борисовна, профессор кафедры логопедии МПГУ, директор Центра коррекции речи «Педагогика и психология развития». Монография адресована специалистам различных научных областей, занимающихся изучением формирования навыка письма и его нарушением.


6Отношения между мужчиной и женщиной Галина Михайловна Касперович2021 

Отношения между мужчиной и женщиной
Основы брака и семьи, отношений между супругами и основные различия между мужчиной и женщиной, которые надо всем знать и учитывать в жизни.


7Состояние здоровья, условия жизни и медицинское обеспечение детей в России252Коллектив авторов2008978-5-9292-0172-1

Состояние здоровья, условия жизни и медицинское обеспечение детей в России
«Обеспечение здоровья детей – главная задача общества. Основной проблемой здоровья детей страны является высокая смертность, и в современных условиях общественные усилия должны быть сконцентрированы на преодолении этой проблемы и спасении детских жизней, во всяком случае, от предотвратимых причин. Определение таких путей требует многоаспектной достоверной информации как по широкому спектру параметров здоровья (заболеваемость, физическое развитие), так и оценки условий, в которых живут и воспитываются дети в различных слоях общества и, соответственно, формируется их здоровье…»


8Философия и социология гендерных образов и ценностных ориентаций149Олег Владимирович Павенков2020978-5-532-05871-2

Философия и социология гендерных образов и ценностных ориентаций
В монографии рассмотрены проблемы гендера, гендерных образов и ценностных ориентаций в контексте философского и социологического знания. Особенностью данной работы является то, что в ней дается развернутый анализ теории ценностных ориентаций в свете развития гендерологии, что позволяет воссоздать основные подходы к пониманию проблем пола, гендера и гендерных образов в философии, богословии и социологии. Издание предназначено для специалистов в области гендерологии, философии пола, социологии гендера и семьи и широкого круга читателей, интересующихся данными вопросами.


9A Companion to Global Gender History19525.73Группа авторов 9781119535782
10Candlestick Charting For Dummies2535.17Russell Rhoads 9781119869962
11Elements of Environmental Chemistry8096.76Ronald A. Hites 9781119434887
12Feminist City - A Field Guide (Unabridged)1675.97Leslie Kern 9781771135337

Feminist City - A Field Guide (Unabridged)
Feminist City: A Field Guide combines memoir, feminist theory, pop culture, and geography to expose what is hidden in plain sight: the social inequalities built right into our cities, homes, and neighbourhoods. Focusing on gendered experiences of the city, the books grapples with the challenge of claiming urban space amongst barriers designed to keep women «in their place.» From the geography of rape culture to the politics of snow removal, the city is an ongoing site of gendered struggle. Yet the city is perhaps also our best hope for shaping new social relations based around care and justice. Taking on fear, motherhood, friendship, activism, and the joys and perils of being alone, Kern maps the city from new vantage points, laying out a feminist intersectional approach to urban histories and pathways towards different urban futures. Feminist questions about safety and fear, paid and unpaid work, and rights and representation prompt us to dismantle what we take for granted about cities and open space to ask how we can build more just, sustainable, and care-full cities together.

Исполнители: Nathalie Toriel


13Gender and Social Movements2142.56Jo Reger 9781509541348

Gender and Social Movements
How does gender influence social movements? How do social movements deal with gender? In Gender and Social Movements , Jo Reger takes a comprehensive look at the ways in which people organize around gender issues and how gender shapes social movements. Here gender is more than an individual quality, it is a part of the very foundation of social movements, shaping how they recruit, mobilize and articulate their strategies, tactics and identities. Moving past the gender binary, Reger explores how movements can shift understandings of gender and how backlash and countermovements can often follow gendered movement successes. Adopting both an intersectional and global lens, the book introduces readers to the idea that gender as a form of societal power is integral in all efforts for social change. With a critical overview across different types of movements and gender activism, such as the women’s liberation, #Metoo and transgender rights movements, this book offers a solid foundation for those seeking to understand how gender and social movements interact.


14Gender Theory in Troubled Times2414.82Rachel Alsop 9780745683058

Gender Theory in Troubled Times
Theorizing gender is more urgent and highly political than ever before. These are times, in many countries, of increased visibility of women in public life and high-profile campaigns against sexual violence and harassment. Challenges to fixed, traditional gender norms have paved the way for the recognition of gay marriage and gender recognition acts allowing people to change the gender assigned to them at birth. Yet these are also times of religious and political backlash by the alt right, the demonization of the very term ‘gender’ and a renewed embrace of the ‘naturalness’ of gendered difference as ordained by God or Science. <br /> <br />A follow-up to the authors’ 2002 text, <i>Theorizing Gender</i>, this timely and necessary intervention revisits gender theory for contemporary times. Refusing a singular ‘truth about gender’, the authors explore the multiple strands which go into making our gendered identities, in the context of materialist and intersectional perspectives interwoven with phenomenological and performative ones. The resulting critical overview will be a welcome and invaluable guide for students and scholars of gender across the social sciences and humanities.


15Introduction to Programming with C++ for Engineers11363.87Boguslaw Cyganek 9781119431176
16J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 20211943.3Barbara Weltman 9781119740063
17Kind Words, Cruise Missiles, and Everything in Between2662.42Barbara Kunz 9783838270654

Kind Words, Cruise Missiles, and Everything in Between
According to general Realist premises, after the end of the Cold War, the United States took an interest in remaining the only super power. Accordingly, it was attempting to maintain and manage unipolarity. The pursuit of this Grand Strategy, however, required the U.S. to adapt its various strategies to the various receiving states.
Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus played very unalike roles in that configuration: Whilst Poland was labeled “America’s best friend” by President George W. Bush, Belarus was not seeking alignment with the U.S., whereas Ukraine-U.S. relations were subject to many ups and downs. The three countries’ diverging attitudes towards Washington led to very different policy approaches from a U.S. vantage point. As this study shows, the U.S. did not have an overall strategy for the region. Rather, Washington managed its relations with European states through a set of mainly bilateral relations.
Madeleine Albright once described the tools of foreign policy as including “everything from kind words to cruise missiles”. This book is a comparative case study of the United States’ use of these tools in its approaches towards Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus after the end of the Cold War. As the “only remaining superpower”, Washington played a key role in the formation of post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. Yet, its actions and policies have received comparatively little attention. This book contributes to filling that gap by providing three in-depth case studies.


18Nomography1337.62Eloy Fern?ndez Porta 9781509543960

What if the most joyful act was not to transgress a norm but to erect it? What if creativity consisted in enunciating a law under the pretext of violating it? And what if it turned out that you, who claim to prefer exceptions, only talk about them because they allow you to imagine the rules? <br /><br />This book proposes a provocative interpretation of the dynamic relationship between the normative and the transgressive. Combining sociology, biopolitics and satire, it offers a surprising theory of normative imagination as a cognitive mode characteristic of the era of emotional capitalism. Gender, fashion, artistic creation and surveillance are analyzed from the perspective of a regulatory drive, a continuously renovated and imperative push for normalcy that no longer comes from factual powers but from citizens themselves. These, united in a spontaneous popular court, armed with smartphones and driven by juridical compulsion, become the axis of societies of control. In this way the affective ways of constructing subjectivity are replaced by the distinctive pathology of our times, the name of the globalized game: normopathy for all.


19One Beat More2142.56Kevin Aho 9781509546916

One Beat More
A keen athlete in his late forties, philosophy professor Kevin Aho hadn’t given much thought to his own mortality, until he suffered a sudden heart attack that left him fighting for his life. Confronted with death for the first time, he realized that the things he thought gave his life meaning, such as his independence or his ability to plan his own future, were in tatters. Aho turned to those thinkers who have reflected deeply on the meaning of life and the anxiety of living when every heartbeat might be your last: the existentialists. Armed with insights from the likes of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Nietzsche, and de Beauvoir, he found new meaning and comfort in a view of life that strives for authenticity and accepts aging and death as part of what makes life worthwhile. Existentialism asks us to face the frailty of our existence and to live with a sense of urgency and gratitude toward its manifold beauties. It is only then that we can be released from patterns of self-deception and begin to appreciate what truly matters in our fleeting, precious lives.


20S?? - Eine feministische Kritik (Ungek?rzte Lesung)1578.32Ann-Kristin Tlusty 9783948674748

S?? - Eine feministische Kritik (Ungek?rzte Lesung)

Исполнители: Camilla Renschke


21Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder4610.64Hannie van Genderen 9781119101178

Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
Provides clear guidance on utilizing Schema Therapy to reduce BPD symptoms and bring about lasting changes in the patient's personality People with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) struggle with a range of problems that negatively impact virtually every aspect of their lives, such as constantly changing moods, blurred personal identities, impulsive behaviors, interpersonal problems, and episodes of rage. BPD patients are at high risk of self-harm and substance abuse, with approximately 10% of BPD patients dying from suicide. BPD severely affects the education, employment, personal relationships, and physical and emotional wellbeing of those suffering from the disorder. Schema Therapy (ST), based on cognitive behavioral therapy and techniques derived from experiential therapies, has been shown to achieve substantial personality improvements in BPD patients. Shema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder describes the pioneering BPD therapy based on insights from cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, and developmental theories. Schema Therapy emphasizes the emotional processing of traumatic experiences and the use of the therapeutic relationship to bring about positive change. The text describes ST treatment for BPD in detail, covering the aims and phases of the therapy, treatment planning, cognitive and behavioral methods, specific techniques appropriate to each schema mode, behavioral pattern-breaking, termination of therapy, and more. This authoritative volume: Describes a treatment for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) that yields substantial clinical improvement or recovery in most cases Explains the schema mode model of BPD that helps both patients and therapist understand the problems experienced by BPD patients, and that is central in ST for BPD. Explains Schema Therapy (ST) for BPD based on the schema mode model, discussing different treatment methods and techniques geared to specific schema modes Covers the latest developments in the field of ST, such as Group Schema Therapy and the application of ST for couples. Includes handouts to give to patients, including a biographical diary, forms for homework assignments and problem solving, and a positive self-statement log Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder is essential reading for clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, psychopathologists, psychiatrists, mental health practitioners, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in relevant fields.


22The New Gender Paradox2012.35Judith Lorber 9781509544370

The New Gender Paradox
Today, in Western countries, we are seeing both the fragmentation of the gender binary (the division of the social world into two and only two genders) and its persistence. Multiple genders, gender-neutral pronouns and bathrooms, X designations, and other manifestations of degendering are becoming common, and yet the two-gender structure of our social world persists. Underneath the persistence of the binary and its discriminatory norms and expectations lurks the continuance of men’s power and privilege. So there is the continued need to valorize the accomplishments of women, especially those of denigrated groups. This succinct and thoughtful book by one of the world’s foremost sociologists of gender shines a light on both sides of this paradox – processes in the fragmentation of gender that are undermining the binary and processes in the performance of gender that reinforce the binary, and the pros and cons of each. The conclusion of the book discusses why we haven’t had a gender revolution and how degendering would go a long way in creating gender equality.


23The Son's Secret1740.09Massimo Recalcati 9781509531783

The Son s Secret
This new book by Massimo Recalcati focuses on the psycho-social life of the son. Comparing and contrasting the tragic story of Oedipus by Sophocles and the parable of the prodigal son, Recalcati argues that all common parenting strategies, whether authoritarian or democratic, are attempts at sealing the fate of sons – that is, they are designed to ensure that sons realize the dreams and fantasies of the parents. But all that sons want – and this is their secret because they generally do not want, or are unable, to confront their parents directly – is to be recognized as unique, as different, as independent, free-thinking individuals who are able to chart their own path in life, rather than extensions of their parents' fantasies. The parents' task is to acknowledge this, and to create the space for this desire to flourish. Continuing his remarkable reflections on parents, children and family life, this new book by one of Italy's leading and bestselling public intellectuals will be of interest to a wide general readership.


24Variations of Suburbanism2662.42Группа авторов 9783838267098

Variations of Suburbanism
Considered to be sub-ordinated and sub-prime to the city, sub-urban areas receive little attention by researchers and designers. However, it's the rapidly growing areas outside the central cities that pose the biggest questions of the urban millennium: How can the scattered patchwork of urban areas and social spaces linked by networks of highways and public transportation function as a sustainable and livable urban environment? Answering this question requires understanding suburban spaces as heterogeneous urban areas with distinct local characteristics, qualities, and problems.
Following this path, Variations of Suburbanism explores formation, characteristics, and trends of suburban areas all over the world. It provides insights on common features and differences of suburban governance, design, and infrastructure and discusses strategies to understand and design suburban areas in an increasingly sub-urbanizing world.


25W.E.B. Du Bois2272.77Elvira Basevich 9781509535750

W.E.B. Du Bois
W.E.B. Du Bois spent many decades fighting to ensure that African Americans could claim their place as full citizens and thereby fulfill the deeply compromised ideals of American democracy. Yet he died in Africa, having apparently given up on the United States. <br /><br />In this tour-de-force, Elvira Basevich examines this paradox by tracing the development of his life and thought and the relevance of his legacy to our troubled age. She adroitly analyses the main concepts that inform Du Bois’s critique of American democracy, such as the color line and double consciousness, before examining how these concepts might inform our understanding of contemporary struggles, from Black Lives Matter to the campaign for reparations for slavery. She stresses the continuity in Du Bois’s thought, from his early writings to his later embrace of self-segregation and Pan-Africanism, while not shying away from assessing the challenging implications of his later work. <br /><br />This wonderful book vindicates the power of Du Bois’s thought to help transform a stubbornly unjust world. It is essential reading for racial justice activists as well as students of African American philosophy and political thought.


26Women in Culture4498.2Группа авторов 9781119120711

Women in Culture
The thoroughly revised Women in Culture 2/e explores the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, gender identity, and spirituality from the perspectives of diverse global locations. Its strong humanities content, including illustrations and creative writing, uniquely embraces the creative aspects of the field. Each of the ten thematic chapters lead to creative readings, introducing a more Readings throughout the text encourage intersectional thinking amongst students humanistic angle than is typical of textbooks in the field This textbook is queer inclusive and allows students to engage with postcolonial/decolonial thinking, spirituality, and reproductive/environmental justice A detailed timeline of feminist history, criticism and theory is provided, and the glossary encourages the development of critical vocabulary A variety of illustrations supplement the written materials, and an accompanying website offers instructors pedagogical resources


27Your 1682367.46Harry M. Kraemer, Jr. 9781119658764

Your 168
Put your values first and focus on what matters most Despite our good intentions, many of us experience a chronic imbalance between the desire to live our values and the distractions and never-ending to-do lists that can get in the way. In  Your 168: Finding Purpose and Satisfaction in a Values-Based Life , readers learn how to pursue a values-based life by identifying and committing to their values and priorities. The book is written by bestselling author Harry Kraemer, former Chairman and CEO of Baxter International and currently a professor of management and strategy at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, where he was a Professor of the Year. Kraemer uses personal stories and insights from others to help readers discover the dissonance between what they say is most important and where they actually devote their time. This is an eye-opener for most people, uncovering the obstacles to leading a value-based life. In Your 168 , you will learn how to make changes and build new habits that put your values first by: ● Using self-reflection to identify what matters most and become more aware of how you spend your time ● Re-evaluating priorities such as career, family, health, recreation, spirituality, and making a difference ● Avoiding unpleasant “surprises” and “hitting the brick wall” ● Experiencing better balance in real time amid shifting priorities—personally and professionally Fans of Kraemer's previous books on values-based leadership will embrace this new release – Your 168: Finding Purpose and Satisfaction in a Values-Based Life . The book provides actionable advice, filled with tips on how to live a life of meaning and experience a greater sense of purpose. Everyone will feel inspired to make lasting change. All of Harry’s proceeds from the book sales are donated to the One Acre Fund in Africa.

