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1Амбулаторная эхокардиография у детей600А. С. Воробьев2009978-5-299-00401-4

Амбулаторная эхокардиография у детей
В руководстве представлена методика эхокардиографического обследования детей и подростков. Отражен стандартный ход ультразвукового исследования сердца, описаны современные эхокардиографические технологии. Книга может служить пособием для самостоятельного обучения, а врач, уже владеющий эхокардиографией, найдет в ней полезный материал по частным вопросам ультразвукового исследования сердца при различной патологии. Руководство предназначено для детских кардиологов, врачей функциональной и ультразвуковой диагностики, а также для педиатров.


2Биение жизни. Почему сердце – наш самый важный орган чувств449Рейнхард Фридль2019978-5-17-126726-1

Биение жизни. Почему сердце – наш самый важный орган чувств
Во всем мире и во все времена сердце ассоциировалось с такими понятиями, как любовь, сочувствие, радость, отвага, сила и мудрость. Почему так? Этим вопросом задался кардиохирург Рейнхард Фридль, знакомый с сердцем не понаслышке. Результаты современных исследований его потрясли. Спустя двадцать два дня после зачатия «гормон любви» окситоцин запускает первый удар сердца, и сердцебиение сопровождает нас всю жизнь. Но сердце – не только насос! Благодаря его нервной системе, состоящей из десятков тысяч нейронов, сердце способно воспринимать намного больше, чем мы полагали до сих пор, – и у него есть что сообщить мозгу. Из этой книги вы узнаете, посредством каких сложных связей человеческие сердца общаются друг с другом и почему здоровый сердечный ритм имеет право быть хаотичным. Доктор Фридль убежден, что ключ к здоровью и исцелению сердца заключается в принятии его как разумного органа чувств.

Серия: Призвание. Истории от первого лица


3Бунтари элитной академии239Кэрри Прай2023140570024478

Бунтари элитной академии
Не смотри в их сторону. Опускай глаза. Будь невидимкой, если не хочешь проблем. Остерегайся, ведь дьявольская пятёрка может сделать тебя мишенью и тогда пощады не жди. Обаятельные. Порочные. Влиятельные и крайне загадочные студенты. Здесь, в элитной академии закрытого типа, для новичков существуют негласные правила, но я не готова им следовать. А всё потому, что мой лучший друг, в которого я тайно влюблена, стал частью опасного братства. Теперь он один из них. Теперь он проходит мимо, словно никогда меня не знал. Но я должна вернуть его, даже если это будет стоить мне жизни. История Дани и Арины (читается отдельно) История родителей Арины: Вредина для мажора История родителей Дани: Ты – Моя Ошибка © Литнет

Серия: Я в тебя никогда не влюблюсь

Исполнители: Лилия Галиуллина


4Внезапная сердечная смерть в жизни каждого299Сергей Яшин2020978-5-8370-0779-8

Внезапная сердечная смерть в жизни каждого
Сергей Михайлович Яшин – кардиолог, профессор, эксперт по хирургическому лечению нарушений ритма сердца. В своей книге он в доступной форме излагает современные представления о причинах, механизмах и способах профилактики внезапной сердечной смерти. Автор дает описание основных форм врожденных и приобретенных болезней сердца, их возможного участия в возникновении угрожающих жизни человека аритмий. Читатель узнает о методах оценки и модификации персонального риска внезапной смерти, а также о возможности коррекции и лечения ведущих факторов. Книга рассчитана не только на специалистов-медиков и студентов медицинских университетов, но может оказаться полезной и широкому кругу читателей.


5Записки кардиохирурга549Самер Нашеф20199785961470628

Записки кардиохирурга
Книга озвучена искусственным интеллектом. Он был разработан специально для чтения текста, умеет учиться и постоянно становится лучше. Всегда ли оперирующий хирург может предсказать исход сложной операции? Застрахован ли пациент от неприятных сюрпризов и последствий оперативного вмешательства в сердце? Перед вами необыкновенная книга практикующего британского кардиохирурга, в которой просто и понятно рассказано об устройстве человеческого сердца – его силе, уязвимости, особенностях и о том, как сложно его вылечить. Автор делится случаями из практики, в которой было немало выдающихся побед, досадных промахов и озарений. Опираясь на свой многолетний опыт и данные современных исследований сердечно-сосудистой системы и методов ее лечения, Самер Нашеф пишет о том, как сделать наши сердца сильнее и выносливее, риск хирургического вмешательства – ниже, а помощь специалистов – эффективнее.

Исполнители: Искусственный интеллект Ivan


6Как разумные люди создают безумный мир. Обновлённое издание379Александр Свияш2022978-5-17-141404-7

Как разумные люди создают безумный мир. Обновлённое издание
В этой аудиокниге максимально доступно изложены основные идеи методики «Разумный путь», разрабатываемой автором вот уже 20 лет. Александр Свияш – мастер позитивного мышления, кандидат наук, сопредседатель Ассоциации профессионалов развития личности, автор книг-бестселлеров, научный руководитель Центра позитивной психологии «Разумный путь». Люди вроде бы разумные существа. Но все время создают себе сложности и проблемы. И все потому, что мы не понимаем, как мы думаем и как принимаем решения. Оказывается, внутри нас имеется как минимум четыре Центра принятия решений, которые конкурируют между собой. Если вы осознаете это, вы поймете, что управляет людьми в разных ситуациях, и научитесь управлять своим поведением. Из первой части обновленного издания книги «Как разумные люди создают безумный мир» вы узнаете, какие проблемы нам могут создать наши Центры управления. А во второй части даны инструменты, которые сделают вашу жизнь более управляемой и счастливой. Жизнь в целом прекрасна, и все мы рождены для счастья и благополучия. И если у вас пока не получается жить именно так, то это потому, что вы выбрали неверный путь. Неразумный. Попробуйте сделать другой выбор. Разумный. Начните жить так, как хочется. А не так, как получается. В книге «Как разумные люди создают безумный мир»: • О чем говорят проказы Рептильного мозга и Инстинктов • Как формируются привычные программы поведения • Что делать с установками • Как проработать эмоциональные блоки • Как управлять негативными эмоциями • Как выйти из борьбы за свои идеализации и достигать реальных целей. Эта книга содержит таблицы, графики и иллюстрации в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. © Свияш А. © ООО «Издательство АСТ»

Серия: Пространство саморазвития

Исполнители: Алексей Данков


7Кардиология. Профессиональные секреты249Фарид Белялов2019978-5-98811-510-6

Кардиология. Профессиональные секреты
В книге представлены сложные или редко обсуждаемые вопросы, важные для клинических решений, принимаемых практикующими кардиологами. Информация основана на опыте автора в области диагностики и лечения заболеваний сердца, экспертизы качества медицинской помощи и анализа данных научных исследований. Для кардиологов и врачей других специальностей.

Исполнители: Eckart Dux


8Наука и жизнь №01/2019150Группа авторов2019 

Наука и жизнь 01/2019

Серия: Журнал «Наука и жизнь» 2019

Исполнители: Рустам Османов


9Чистилище святого Патрика – и другие легенды средневековой Ирландии589Дильшат Харман2020978-5-17-116723-3

Чистилище святого Патрика – и другие легенды средневековой Ирландии
В Средние века верили, что именно на озере Лох Дерг, расположенном на севере Ирландии, в графстве Донегол, находится вход в чистилище – место, где пребывают души, слишком грешные для рая, но слишком праведные для ада. По преданию, проход туда открыл первый и великий святой Ирландии Патрик, специально для убеждения маловерных, чтобы они могли зайти в чистилище и живыми выйти оттуда. Сейчас входа больше нет, однако каждый год Лох Дерг посещает от 8 до 10 тысяч паломников – и это при том, что пребывание на нем включает в себя обязательный трехдневный пост и 24-часовое бодрствование. Кто и зачем совершал долгие и опасные паломничества и отваживался спуститься в загробный мир? Чего ищут на острове пилигримы сегодня? Как средневековые европейцы представляли себе устройство ада, чистилища и рая? Верят ли в чистилище сегодня? Наконец, как в легендах о Чистилище святого Патрика переплелись ирландские мифы с христианской верой? На эти вопросы отвечает Дильшат Харман – кандидат искусствоведения, старший научный сотрудник Центра визуальных исследований Средних веков и Нового времени (РГГУ), соавтор бестселлера «Страдающее Средневековье. Парадоксы христианской иконографии».

Серия: Проект «Страдающее Средневековье»


10A Companion to Renaissance Poetry16690.68Группа авторов 9781118585122

A Companion to Renaissance Poetry
The most comprehensive collection of essays on Renaissance poetry on the market Covering the period 1520–1680, A Companion to Renaissance Poetry offers 46 essays which present an in-depth account of the context, production, and interpretation of early modern British poetry. It provides students with a deep appreciation for, and sensitivity toward, the ways in which poets of the period understood and fashioned a distinctly vernacular voice, while engaging them with some of the debates and departures that are currently animating the discipline. A Companion to Renaissance Poetry analyzes the historical, cultural, political, and religious background of the time, addressing issues such as education, translation, the Reformation, theorizations of poetry, and more. The book immerses readers in non-dramatic poetry from Wyatt to Milton, focusing on the key poetic genres—epic, lyric, complaint, elegy, epistle, pastoral, satire, and religious poetry. It also offers an inclusive account of the poetic production of the period by canonical and less canonical writers, female and male. Finally, it offers examples of current developments in the interpretation of Renaissance poetry, including economic, ecological, scientific, materialist, and formalist approaches. • Covers a wide selection of authors and texts • Features contributions from notable authors, scholars, and critics across the globe • Offers a substantial section on recent and developing approaches to reading Renaissance poetry A Companion to Renaissance Poetry is an ideal resource for all students and scholars of the literature and culture of the Renaissance period.


11A Practical Approach to Cardiovascular Medicine7232.63Группа авторов 9781444393873

A Practical Approach to Cardiovascular Medicine
Written, reviewed, and edited in a collaborative effort by cardiology fellows and faculty of one of the most prestigious academic centers in the country, this concise volume gives cardiology fellows the book they have long needed. Keeping coverage of the underlying pathophysiology and mechanism of disease to a minimum, the authors focus on the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac disorders. Practical and easily accessible at the time of decision making, the book relays important concepts through concise and to-the-point pearls and by utilizing algorithm charts and illustrations.


12ABC of Complementary Medicine4723.1Группа авторов 9781444312478

ABC of Complementary Medicine
This revised and updated edition of the ABC of Complementary Medicine offers an authoritative introduction to complementary therapies. Taking an independent standpoint, neither promoting nor disparaging complementary therapies, this second edition includes the latest information on efficacy of treatments and provides a new emphasis on patient management. The ABC of Complementary Medicine is an invaluable guide to any doctor who encounters complementary medicine in clinical practice.


13Advances in Bioceramics and Biotechnologies II13991.76Группа авторов 9781118771426

Advances in Bioceramics and Biotechnologies II
A collection of papers from the below symposia held during the 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim10), June 2-7, 2013, in Coronado, California 2012: • Advances in Biomineralized Ceramics, Bioceramics, and Bioinspired Designs • Nanostructured Bioceramics and Ceramics for Biomedical Applications


14Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease26314.46Группа авторов 9781118768129

Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease
Highly Commended at the British Medical Association Book Awards 2016 The third edition of Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease, the recognized gold-standard reference in this field, offers a major update and expansion of the textbook to reflect the ongoing development of the practice of pediatric and congenital cardiac anesthesia and the burgeoning knowledge base in this exciting field. Includes two new chapters addressing key areas; anesthetic and sedative neurotoxicity in the patient with congenital heart disease, and anesthesia in the patient with pulmonary hypertension Now in full color, with over 200 illustrations and photographs Multiple-choice questions accompany each chapter covering the most crucial learning points to optimize the learning experience for readers at all levels


15Argument Writing, Teacher Guide, Grades 9-123639.81PCG Education 9781119229575

Argument Writing, Teacher Guide, Grades 9-12
Paths to College and Career Jossey-Bass and PCG Education are proud to bring the Paths to College and Career English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum and professional development resources for grades 6–12 to educators across the country. Originally developed for EngageNY and written with a focus on the shifts in instructional practice and student experiences the standards require, Paths to College and Career includes daily lesson plans, guiding questions, recommended texts, scaffolding strategies and other classroom resources. The Paths Writing Units, Argument Writing, Informative Writing, and Narrative Writing, complement the full instructional program and can also be used independently, providing in-depth writing instruction to support all students in grades 9–12 in meeting grade level standards. To emphasize the relationship between reading and writing, each Writing Unit includes accessible model texts that exemplify key elements of each text type, and source texts that provide a topic for the unit writing assignment. Individual lessons guide students through the writing process, providing instruction on grammar and conventions and highlighting collaboration and reflection as key elements of effective writing. Students' final essays are assessed using a checklist developed by the class over the course of the unit. The organization and distinctive content of the model and source texts in each unit afford teachers the flexibility to implement each unit independently of the others, and at any point during the curriculum. For example, a unit may be implemented to assess students' writing prior to implementation of the standard curriculum, to scaffold writing instruction leading into a writing assessment, or to support struggling writers by addressing gaps in skills as demonstrated in previous assessments. The Paths Writing Units provide teachers with invaluable opportunities to engage students as active participants in their own learning at every stage of the writing process, and to customize instruction to meet the varying needs of all students.


16Audit and Accounting Guide: Investment Companies, 201717571.58AICPA 9781119477570

Audit and Accounting Guide: Investment Companies, 2017
Whether a financial statement preparer or auditor, it is critical to understand the complexities of the specialized accounting and regulatory requirements for investment companies. This guide supports practitioners in a constantly changing industry landscape. It provides authoritative how-to accounting and auditing advice, including implementation guidance and illustrative financial statements and disclosures. Packed with continuous regulatory developments, this guide has been updated to reflect certain changes necessary due to the issuance of authoritative guidance since the guide was originally issued, and other revisions as deemed appropriate. The updates for this 2017 edition include extensive changes to the illustrated financial statements for registered investment companies that result from SEC's issuance of the release Investment Company Reporting Modernization and related amendments to Regulation S-X. Other updates to the 2017 edition include changes to illustrated attestation reports that result from AICPA's issuance of Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 18, Attestation Standards: Clarification and Recodification. Further updates include: References to appropriate AICPA Technical Questions and Answers that address when to apply the liquidation basis of accounting Appendixes discussing the new standards for financial instruments, leases, and revenue recognition Appendixes discussing common or collective trusts and business development companies


17Bennett's Cardiac Arrhythmias3900.41David H. Bennett 9781118432402

Bennett s Cardiac Arrhythmias
Reviews of previous editions: «…a well conceived practical guide to the interpretation and treatment of the main cardiac rhythm disturbances.» —Lancet «This book presents a concise and simplified approach to the diagnosis and management of abnormalities in cardiac rhythm.... One of the book's strengths is the number and quality of electrocardiographic tracings» —New England Journal of Medicine «…this book provides an excellent foundation for all those involved in the care of arrhythmia patients» —British Journal of Hospital Medicine «…would recommend it unreservedly to anaesthetists who wish to improve their knowledge of cardiac arrhythmias» —British Journal of Anaesthesia «This book about cardiac arrhythmias is of much educational value» —European Heart Journal A trusted source for junior doctors, students, nurses and cardiac technicians for over 30 years, the new edition of this classic reference continues the winning formula of previous editions while at the same time incorporating essential new content on today's most important clinical topics, including: Atrial fibrillation: ablation, drugs, rate control versus rhythm control, risk of systemic embolism, prognosis Indications for and management of implantable defibrillators including complications such as arrhythmia storms Indications for pacemaker implantation Anticoagulant therapy (for atrial fibrillation) Long QT syndromes and other channelopathies Recently-approved anti-arrhythmia drugs The 8th edition also features the latest guidelines on ECG screening of athletes and clear guidance for anaesthetists and surgeons dealing with patients with arrhythmias an/or implantable devices. Rich with example ECGs and designed for ease of access to information, Bennett's Cardiac Arrhythmias is the reference you can trust to help you master arrhythmia diagnosis and provide optimal treatment of any patient under your care.


18Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion16193.51Группа авторов 9781119671534

Blackwell s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion
Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion<b> Equine Toxicology</b> <p><b>A clinical quick-reference guide to managing toxicants in horses </b> <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> provides crucial information for managing toxicants in horses in a quick-reference format. The book begins with foundational information on clinical toxicology, including emergency management, antidotes, sample analysis, and necropsy. It then discusses specific toxicant categories and toxicants of concern, organized alphabetically for fast access in emergency situations. <p>The identically formatted topics offer key information relevant to managing toxicants in horses, plus clinical photographs depicting plants and drugs to help clinicians and students identify toxicants. A companion website presents the figures from the book for download in PowerPoint. <p>This book is the ideal clinical resource for busy practitioners seeking immediate access to life-saving information in time-sensitive emergencies. It places all the information the reader needs to manage toxicants in horses at their fingertips, with full color images and concise bullet points. <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> features: <ul><li>A thorough introduction to emergency management of the poisoned equine patient, as well as general principles of toxicants, antidotes, lab sample analysis, and necropsy analysis </li> <li> An exploration of specific toxins and toxicants, including illicit and pharmaceutical drugs, envenomations, insecticides, herbicides, and farm chemicals </li> <li>Practical discussions of metal, mycotoxin, rodenticide, and plant toxicology in horses</li> <li>In-depth discussion of intoxication by poisonous trees and miscellaneous toxins, like carbon monoxide, nitrates, nitrites, salt, smoke, and tropical materials </li> </ul> <p><i>Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Equine Toxicology</i> is an indispensable reference for veterinary clinicians and students dealing with equine medicine, as well as for anyone seeking concise and comprehensive information about equine toxicology.


19Cardiac Arrhythmia Management10831.19Группа авторов 9780470959312

Cardiac Arrhythmia Management
Cardiac Arrhythmia Management: A Practical Guide for Nurses and Allied Professionals provides a much-needed resource for nurses and other professionals who work directly with patients being treated for cardiac arrhythmias. Comprehensive in scope, the book covers cardiac arrhythmia conditions and the issues surrounding implantable devices from implant surgery to remote monitoring and troubleshooting. Edited by a team of doctors and nurses, the book addresses key patient management issues in a practical way. Fundamentals for understanding the anatomy and physiology of cardiac arrhythmias and the technology behind cardiac devices are covered in preliminary chapters followed by more specific chapters devoted to cardiac conditions and treatments. Both novices and experienced health professionals will find the book useful and easy to use on a day-to-day basis.


20Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy22129.95Группа авторов 9781119409830
21Cardiac Rehabilitation4888.83Christine Jones 9780470684689

Cardiac Rehabilitation
This easy-to-use manual provides a practical framework for a multi-disciplinary team to deliver a successful cardiac rehabilitation programme. Despite evidence that cardiac rehabilitation programmes reduce risk, there is no standard for hospital-based multidisciplinary programmes – which are thus complex and costly to design and implement Based on the cardiac rehabilitation work that has been carried out at in Gloucestershire over the past fifteen years, developing and constantly evaluating the evidence base for the programme Includes client handouts such as food and exercise diaries


22Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy12381.88Группа авторов 9781444300253

Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Growing clinical experience and additional clinical trials are resulting in changes in how patients are selected for CRT. This new edition of the successful Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy builds on the strengths of the first edition, providing basic knowledge as well as an up-to-date summary of new advances in CRT for heart failure. Fully updated to include information on technological advances, trouble shooting and recent key clinical trials, and with nine new chapters, this expanded text provides the latest information, keeping the reader up-to-date with this rapidly evolving field. The second edition of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy is an essential addition to your collection.


23Cardiology Board Review11594.7Группа авторов 9781119423256
24Cardiovascular Hemodynamics for the Clinician6741.38Группа авторов 9781119066507

Cardiovascular Hemodynamics for the Clinician
Cardiovascular Hemodynamics for the Clinician, 2nd Edition, provides a useful, succinct and understandable guide to the practical application of hemodynamics in clinical medicine for all trainees and clinicians in the field. Concise handbook to help both practicing and prospective clinicians better understand and interpret the hemodynamic data used to make specific diagnoses and monitor ongoing therapy Numerous pressure tracings throughout the book reinforce the text by demonstrating what will be seen in daily practice Topics include coronary artery disease; cardiomyopathies; valvular heart disease; arrhythmias; hemodynamic support devices and pericardial disease New chapters on TAVR, ventricular assist devices, and pulmonic valve disease, expanded coverage of pulmonary hypertension, fractional flow reserve, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and valvular heart disease Provides a basic overview of circulatory physiology and cardiac function followed by detailed discussion of pathophysiological changes in various disease states


25Cardiovascular Imaging16560.47Группа авторов 9781405171724

Cardiovascular Imaging
This book is focused on the use of non-invasive imaging in clinical cardiology. Its central theme is the use of different imaging modalities in the routine clinical problems that physicians encounter on a regular basis. Many different clinical issues are discussed, including valvular disease, coronary artery disease, and myocardial and pericardial disease. In these various pathologies, the applications of echocardiography, nuclear imaging, CMR and MSCT are highlighted. The majority of chapters are illustrated with a clinical case study and with moving images, which are contained on the accompanying CD. These case studies offer excellent examples of how to use the imaging modalities in clinical cardiology. Contributors are from Europe, the US and Asia to provide a global perspective. The ESC Education Series This book with its supporting CD is part of the ESC Education Series. The series is designed to provide medical professionals with the latest information about the understanding, diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases. Where available, management recommendations are based on the established European Guidelines, which encompass the best techniques to use with each cardiac disease. Throughout the series, the leading international opinion leaders have been chosen to edit and contribute to the books. The information is presented in a succinct and accessible format with a clinical focus.


26Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation in Practice7451.62Группа авторов 9781118458679
27Chronic Total Occlusions14323.21Группа авторов 9781118542460

Chronic Total Occlusions
"Chronic total occlusions continue to represent one of the greatest challenges to interventional cardiologists." – Cardiovascular Research Foundation – Chronic Total Occlusions or CTOs can be found in 30% of patients with coronary artery disease. Despite advances, CTOs remain one of the most frequently identified lesions in interventional cardiology yet least likely to be successfully treated. The prevalence of the disorder is vexing. The threat to your patients is significant. The condition is complex. And, treatment remains a challenge. Learn how to approach CTOs from internationally-recognized physician-educators Turn to Chronic Total Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization, 2e for expert insight into the world of CTOs and clear, practical guidance you can apply directly and immediately in your cath lab. Offering the most comprehensive information available, this completely updated second edition provides you wih: Full-color images from the diagnostic modalities that are essential in identifying CTOs Data on indications and efficacy from the most recent clinical trials Practical guidance on the selection and use of the latest wires and devices Even more tips and tricks from leading operators from the world’s busiest centers Clinical cases to illustrate some of the more complex scenarios and common complications And more! Chronic Total Occlusions: A Guide to Recanalization, 2e is the guide you can count on to improve the CTO success rate at your facility. Order your copy today!


28Clinical Arrhythmology16560.47Antoni Bay?s de Luna 9781119212836

Clinical Arrhythmology
The second edition of Clinical Arrhythmology provides a fresh, clear, and authoritative overview that will guide readers from a solid understanding of the mechanisms behind cardiac arrhythmias – which is fundamental to their identification – to diagnosis via electrocardiograms and other tools, to specific management options for each of the arrhythmias that cardiologists and other clinicians will encounter in clinical practice. Organized in a clear, intuitive manner; introducing the reader to an understanding of the anatomical and electrophysiological bases of arrhythmias, then to a comprehensive review of how to diagnose the full range of rhythmic abnormalities, and then to a discussion of specific clinical syndromes in which arrhythmias play a part Highly illustrated chapters ensure key concepts are simpler to understand Detailed appendices provide quick reference values for diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, and pharmacotherapeutic agents, and Recommendations


29Community Mental Health8132.27Группа авторов 9781119979210

Community Mental Health
There are wide inconsistencies between, and even within, countries in how community-orientated care is defined and interpreted. The analysis presented in this book take as a starting point an evidence-based balanced care model in which services are provided in community settings close to the populations served, with hospital stays being reduced as far as possible, usually located in acute wards in general hospitals. The surprising conclusion from the research is that the same problems arise in all countries, regardless of resource status, and thus the recommendations of this book apply to mental health provision everywhere. This book reviews the implementation of community-orientated care using the balanced care model. It summarizes the steps, obstacles and mistakes that have been encountered in the implementation of community mental health care worldwide and presents guidelines on how to avoid them. It proposes realistic and achievable recommendations for the development and implementation of community-orientated mental health care over the next ten years. These guidelines will be of practical use to psychiatrists and other mental health and public health practitioners at all levels worldwide, including policy makers, commissioners, funders, non-governmental organisations, service users and carers. A core message of the book is that the mental health sector will more powerfully advocate for better services in future through strong and unified alliances, especially with powerful representation from consumer/service user and carer groups. Community-orientated care draws on a wide range of practitioners, providers, care and support systems (both professional and non-professional), though particular components may play a larger or lesser role in different settings depending on the local context and the available resources, especially trained staff. Research by a WPA task force has demonstrated that most of the challenges are common and global, but with local variations. The book is therefore relevant to psychiatrists and mental health workers in developed countries who are trying to deliver better health care on reduced budgets and for those in the developing economies who are in the position to modernise their mental health care. It provides clear, concise guidance on policy and practice decisions, learning from what has and has not worked in regions in the world. The book contains many tables documenting the evidence, supported by an essential reference list, and a Key Points summary for each chapter. Highly Commended in the Psychiatry section of the 2012 BMA Book Awards.


30Data Analytics in Bioinformatics22775.09Группа авторов 9781119785613
31Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design III, Volume 33, Issue 109268.66Группа авторов 9781118530542

Developments in Strategic Materials and Computational Design III, Volume 33, Issue 10
Exploring the latest findings, new materials, and applications, this issue keeps readers current with some of the most important developments in strategic materials and the computational design of ceramics and composites. It features select contributions from one symposium and three focused sessions that took place in January 2012 during the 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC). This issue represents one of nine CESP issues published from the 36th ICACC meeting.


32Die Feuer von Krell146.97Logan Kenison 9783754173824

Die Feuer von Krell
Menschenjagd! Die M?nner des Landbarons Richard Olson Kwont I. sind hinter Owen Richter her. Richter hatte die Tochter des m?chtigen Mannes gek?sst, dabei wurde er ?berrascht und musste Fersengeld geben. In der Wildnis des Planeten Krell stellen sie ihn, und der Feuertanz beginnt. Doch w?hrend um ihn herum die Geschosse explodieren, z?gert Owen Richter. Will er wirklich aus sicherer Deckung heraus auf die M?nner schie?en – und so zum M?rder werden? Und waren es wirklich ein paar K?sse, die den unverzeihlichen Zorn Kwonts I. auf sich zogen? Richter ?berlegt … und dabei z?gert er zu lange …


33ECG from Basics to Essentials6859.75S. Serge Barold 9781119066439

ECG from Basics to Essentials
This brand new guide assists students, interns and residents in developing a functional understanding of the set-up, workings and interpretation of ECGs Step-by-step graphics and short, bite-sized explanations Covers all major cardiac abnormalities including hypertrophy, arrhythmias, conduction blocks, and pre-excitation syndromes Begins with a section on physiology of the heart and the basic set up of ECG recording Features top tips on what to look for, complete with illustrated examples Supported by a companion website featuring additional practice tracings


34Electrocardiography in Ischemic Heart Disease21419.71Miquel Fiol-Sala 9781119422297
35Electrochemical Methods16051.47Larry R. Faulkner 9781119334071
36Essential Manual of 24 Hour Blood Pressure Management5291.3Kazuomi Kario 9781119087274

Essential Manual of 24 Hour Blood Pressure Management
It is well known that cardiovascular events occur more frequently in the morning as blood pressure (BP) levels have been shown to increase during the period from night to early morning. In recent years, clinical research using ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) or home BP monitoring has clarified that morning BP and BP surge are more closely related to the cardiovascular risk than clinical BP. This practical manual from field leading expert, Dr. Kazuomi Kario, reviews recent evidence on ?morning? and ?nocturnal? hypertension and the IT technologies physicians can use to support patients in home monitoring BP. Guidance on management via antihypertensive drugs is also discussed and with the aim of promoting ?perfect 24 hour BP control?.


37Field Guide to the Arrhythmias3349.97Ellis Lader 9781118386149

Field Guide to the Arrhythmias
…The cardiac unit is a jungle, inhabited by fierce nurses, killer intensivists, marauding attendings, various flesh-eating specialists, sick patients, and lots of arrhythmias. –from the Preface Can you recognize the call of the normal sinus rhythm? Name the natural habitat of Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia or Ventricular Fibrillation? Are you well-versed in the proper care and feeding of Asystole and Atrial Flutter? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then you need this trusty guide to help you identify and respond to arrhythmias in the veritable wilderness of the busy hospital ward. Created by a seasoned physician educator at a major urban medical center and inspired by the “field guides” used by birders, botanists and the like to identify flora or fauna in the wild, this new book offers a unique – and uniquely humorous – approach to mastering the ever-vexing challenge of arrhythmia identification. Each arrhythmia is covered beginning with a sample ECG strip, followed by brief text describing its significant characteristics; where and when it is likely to be encountered (its “Habitat”); comments, questions and queries likely to be heard from physicians and other colleagues on the ward (the “Call”); and finally what steps the reader needs to take upon identifying the arrhythmia in a patient (“Care and Feeding”). Dr. Lader’s approach brings the sights and sounds of a modern hospital to life, enabling you to understand arrhythmia diagnosis and clinical response in context, and his offbeat, sometimes irreverent humor makes each detail memorable. Fifty self-assessment questions are included to help you master arrhythmia essentials and test your knowledge.


38Haematology4616.57Deborah Hay 9781119264262

As the science and practice of haematology continues to advance at a considerable rate, Haematology Lecture Notes remains a comprehensive guide to this diverse subject, and provides support in understanding the pathogenesis and management of haematological disorders. Successfully integrating the physiological, pathological, and clinical aspects of haematology, this new edition includes new material on molecular and cellular diagnostics, expanded coverage on haemostasis, malignant haematology and transplant, and features self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter. Thoroughly revised and updated, Haematology Lecture Notes provides the core subject knowledge required by students and junior doctors to excel in this specialty.


39Handbook of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging14050.95J?rg Enderlein 9783527633517

Handbook of Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Imaging
Providing much-needed information on fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy, this ready reference covers detection techniques, data registration, and the use of spectroscopic tools, as well as new techniques for improving the resolution of optical microscopy below the resolution gap. Starting with the basic principles, the book goes on to treat fluorophores and labeling, single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy and enzymatics, as well as excited state energy transfer, and super-resolution fluorescence imaging. Examples show how each technique can help in obtaining detailed and refined information from individual molecular systems.


40Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology6392.18A. Victor Hoffbrand 9781118408643

Hoffbrand s Essential Haematology
British Medical Association Book Award Winner – Student Textbook of the Year 2016 The definitive haematology textbook of choice for medical students Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology has built a reputation as the flagship haematology textbook for both students and junior doctors, providing an authoritative introduction to the subject. Now in its 7th edition, this classic text provides up-to-date knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features, treatment of blood and bone marrow disorders, in its concise and user-friendly style. Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology outlines the basic principles of clinical and laboratory haematology and shows how manifestations of blood diseases can be explained by new knowledge of the disease processes. It is an indispensable resource for students and trainees and an essential read for all specialists who are interested in updating their knowledge. Hoffbrand’s Essential Haematology: Provides up-to-date knowledge of the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features and treatment of all blood disorders Features detailed information on the new genetics of leukaemia and lymphoma Includes a new chapter on thrombosis, focussing on the new oral anticoagulants Is beautifully presented, with over 300 colour illustrations Comprehensively covers both theory and treatment regimes Includes a companion website at www.wileyessential.com/haematology featuring all the figures and tables from the book, and over 300 interactive multiple choice questions. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from iTunes, Google Play or the MedHand Store.


41Human Drug Targets13210.5Edward D. Zanders 9781118849835

Human Drug Targets
The identification of drug targets in a given disease has been central to pharmaceutical research from the latter half of the 20th century right up to the modern genomics era. Human Drug Targets provides an essential guide to one of the most important aspects of drug discovery – the identification of suitable protein and RNA targets prior to the creation of drug development candidates. The first part of the book consists of introductory chapters that provide the background to drug target discovery and highlight the way in which these targets have been organised into online databases. It also includes a user’s guide to the list of entries that forms the bulk of the book. Since this is not designed to be a compendium of drugs, the emphasis will be on the known (or speculated) biological role of the targets and not on the issues associated with pharmaceutical development. The objective is to provide just enough information to be informative and prompt further searches, while keeping the amount of text for each of the many entries to a minimum. Human Drug Targets will prove invaluable to those drug discovery professionals, in both industry and academia, who need to make some sense of the bewildering array of online information sources on current and potential human drug targets. As well as creating order out of a complex target landscape, the book will act as an ideas generator for potentially novel targets that might form the basis of future discovery projects.


42Impaired Vision19732.89Edward de Haan 9781119423928
43Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography29628.92Andrew P. Miller 9781444320312

Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography
This comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of both live/real time 3D transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography illustrates both normal and pathologic cardiovascular findings. With more than 800 images that detail the technique of performing these studies and demonstrate various cardiovascular pathologies, as well as a DVD containing more than 350 moving images, it is a valuable compendium for both novice and experienced practitioners. The book opens with chapters on the history of 3D echocardiography and basic and technical aspects of live/real time 3D transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiograpy, then considers: normal anatomy, examination protocols, and the technique for performing live/real time 3D transthoracic echocardiography abnormalities affecting the mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary valves and the aorta prosthetic heart valves 3D echocardiographic assessment of left and right ventricular function, ischemic heart disease, and cardiomyopathies congenital cardiac lesions tumors and other mass lesions pericardial disorders live/real time 3D transesophageal echocardiography It concludes with coverage of some of the most recent advances in 3D technology, real time full-volume imaging, and 3D wall tracking, including 3D assessment of strain, strain rate, twist, and torsion. Vividly demonstrating the superiority of 3D echocardiography over conventional 2D imaging in several clinical situations, this carefully produced volume shows how to use the most recent technology for better assessment of cardiovascular disease.


44Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems8369.02Группа авторов 9781118965047

Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems
Patients with complex cardiovascular problems pose a special management challenge for both the specialist and the non-specialist. This book helps you approach difficult cases with the confidence to strategically map care, understand the risk profile of your patient, and make effective treatment decisions. Dependable and succinct content provides high yield information for the busy cardiologist Take home call outs, and critical thinking boxes provide candid advice on incorporating guidelines and evidence based medicine into your practice New convenient pocket-sized format New chapter addressing cardiovascular problems in women Discussion of high risk factors for and strategic care mapping encourage clinical focus Clinical pearls offer expert advice on topical issues Includes emerging trends and clinical trials keeping you up to date


45Management of Heart Failure13488.68Группа авторов 9780470669419

Management of Heart Failure
This volume presents a fresh international perspective on current approaches to treating heart failure. An accessible reference for hospital-based specialists, the book provides an update on recent advances in therapeutics and pharmacology, as well as ongoing trials. Four major sections concentrate on a review of screening, assessment and diagnosis; an update on drug treatments; an update on device therapy; and a description of best practice recommendations for managing clinically challenging cases


46Manual of STEMI Interventions12512.09Группа авторов 9781119095439

Manual of STEMI Interventions
Benefit from this concise yet comprehensive manual, designed to improve the practice and process of STEMI interventions Understand the varied pharmacological options available in managing STEMI patients, including newer anti-coagulants Improve your STEMI procedure technique through expert guidance, including stent choice, and other techniques such as trans radial procedures Provides an overview of STEMI networks internationally and how to set up a STEMI program Reviews future perspectives for STEMI and the role of telemedicine for STEMI procedures


47Modern Clinic Design8960.87Группа авторов 9781118765081

Modern Clinic Design
Shift Clinic design to keep pace with the evolving healthcare industry Modern Clinic Design: Strategies for an Era of Change is a comprehensive guide to optimizing patient experience through the design of the built environment. Written by a team of veteran healthcare interior designers, architects, and engineers, this book addresses the impacts of evolving legislation, changing technologies, and emerging nontraditional clinic models on clinic design, and illustrates effective design strategies for any type of clinic. Readers will find innovative ideas about lean design, design for flexibility, and the use of mock-ups to prototype space plans within a clinic setting, and diagrammed examples including waiting rooms, registration desks, and exam rooms that demonstrate how these ideas are applied to real-world projects. Spurred on by recent healthcare legislation and new technological developments, clinics can now offer a greater variety of services in a greater variety of locations. Designers not only need to know the different requirements for each of these spaces, but also understand how certain design strategies affect the patient's experience in the space. This book explores all aspects of clinic design, and describes how aesthetics and functionality can merge to provide a positive experience for patients, staff, and healthcare providers. Understand how recent industry developments impact facility design Learn how design strategies can help create a positive patient experience Examine emerging clinic models that are becoming increasingly prevalent Analyze the impact of technology on clinic design A well-designed clinic is essential for the well-being of the patients and health care providers that occupy the space every day. The healthcare industry is shifting, and the healthcare design industry must shift with it to continue producing spaces that are relevant to ever-evolving patient and worker needs. For complete guidance toward the role of design, Modern Clinic Design is a thorough, practical reference.


48Nutritional and Metabolic Bases of Cardiovascular Disease16690.68Группа авторов 9781444318463

Nutritional and Metabolic Bases of Cardiovascular Disease
Extraordinary advances in the understanding of the links between nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular disease have prompted a systematic reappraisal of knowledge in the field. As a result, it is now imperative that clinicians who care for patients with CVD or its key risk factors have a solid understanding of the often complex interrelationships between cardiovascular health and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Written by a team of international thought leaders in cardiology, endocrinology, diabetology and nutritional science, this important new book: Examines and updates the role of obesity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, thrombosis, and aging in atherogenesis Describes in detail the scientific and clinical evidence of the etiopathogenesis of ischemic heart disease as well as of peripheral and cerebrovascular disease Focuses on the 6 topics that will be of greatest interest to readers: 1) general nutrition, 2) metabolic syndrome and diabetes, 3) hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis, 4) hypertension and cerebrovascular disease, 5) hemostasis and thrombosis, 6) aging Throughout the book, in clear and accessible text, contributors illuminate the close relationship between dietary habits, the metabolic processes of nutrients, and their impact on the cardiovascular system, always with an eye on how the physician can use this information to implement better cardiovascular prevention and improve patient care. Nutritional and Metabolic Bases of Cardiovascular Disease is ideal for those who need to update their knowledge of the links between nutrition, metabolism and CVD, from trainees, clinicians and clinical investigators in cardiovascular medicine to endocrinologists, diabetologists, and nutritionists.


49Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital, and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease13210.5Franklin B. Saksena 9781118469743

Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital, and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease
Test your knowledge or prepare for Boards with this collection of unusual and challenging patient studies focused on detecting valvular, congenital or vascular disease. Contains over 90 case histories with self-test questions designed to test the reader’s knowledge and reinforce clinical best practices Focuses on diseases of valvular, vascular or congenital origin, and on comparatively rare disorders/diseases, rather than coronary artery disease, to help readers improve their skills at interpreting and making decisions based on physical examination and basic, non-invasive imaging modalities Each case is paired with original materials – e.g. x-rays, echocardiograms, lab reports, charts – so readers can work through their diagnosis using the same information as the physician who treated the patient originally An ideal companion for those approaching board review or recertification or who want to improve skills in physical diagnosis of cardiovascular disease


50Pediatric Drug Development13920.74Andrew E. Mulberg 9781118312131

Pediatric Drug Development
Most medicines have never been adequately tested for safety and efficacy in pediatric populations and preterm, infants and children are particularly vulnerable to adverse drug reactions. Pediatric Drug Development: Concepts and Applications, Second Edition, addresses the unique challenges in conducting effective drug research and development in pediatric populations. This new edition covers the legal and ethical issues of consent and assent, the additional legal and safety protections for children, and the appropriate methods of surveillance and assessment for children of varying ages and maturity, particularly for patient reported outcomes. It includes new developments in biomarkers and surrogate endpoints, developmental pharmacology and other novel aspects of global pediatric drug development. It also encompasses the new regulatory initiatives across EU, US and ROW designed to encourage improved access to safe and effective medicines for children globally. From an international team of expert contributors Pediatric Drug Development: Concepts and Applications is the practical guide to all aspects of the research and development of safe and effective medicines for children.


51Perfusion for Congenital Heart Surgery18418.93Gregory S. Matte 9781118900857

Perfusion for Congenital Heart Surgery
Confidently devise a safe and successful ‘plan for the pump run’ for patients undergoing surgery for congenital heart disease. This practical guide for perfusionists and other members of the cardiac surgical team provides information on the devices, technology and techniques required for successful bypass of patients with congenital heart defects A practical, spiral-bound, go-to reference designed to answer the most frequently-posed questions about bypass for CHD, the surgical treatment of which is often complicated Focuses on the latest technology and techniques and provides clear, matter-of-fact guidance based on specific diagnoses Written by a seasoned perfusionist who is co-chief and educator at one of the world’s leading children’s hospitals Spiral binding allows the book to be laid flat for easy referral in the operating room A notes section following each diagnosis enables readers to add institution and/or surgeon-specific information to tailor a bypass plan for each CHD lesion


52Perinatal Stem Cells17353.58Группа авторов 9781118497876

Perinatal Stem Cells
Perinatal Stem Cells, 2nd Edition builds on the first edition to provide an updated tutorial on perinatal stem cells, including stem cells harvested from the amniotic fluid, placenta, maternal blood supply, umbilical cord and Wharton's Jelly. As in the first edition, coverage includes the underlying biology of each of the sources of pregnancy related stem cells, cell culture, and potential therapeutic uses, as well as insights on the impact of these stem cells from obstetricians and gynecologists, cardiologists, hematologists, tissue engineers, and cord blood bankers. Normally discarded as medical waste, perinatal stem cells offer a powerful therapeutic tool box alternative to the controversial embryonic stem cells. Since publication of the first edition, a burgeoning commerical industry has developed around various sources of perinatal cells, and the second edition now includes an overview of this growing industry. With contributions from some of the top academic stem cell laboratories in the United States as well as new chapters from international stem cell scientists, Perinatal Stem Cells presents an update on the cutting-edge research in the field while maintaining its signature clinical focus.


53Peripheral Artery Disease11138.96Группа авторов 9781118776070

Peripheral Artery Disease
A comprehensive, quick-reference guide to the diagnosis and management of peripheral artery disease for non-specialists With an aging population subject to an increasing number of health risks, peripheral artery disease (PAD) is on the rise throughout the world. Because of PAD's direct links to heart attack and stroke, it is critical that internists, surgeons, cardiologists, radiologists, gerontologists, GPs, and family practitioners know how to recognize it and make the best treatment recommendations for their patients. This book provides all the expert, practical information and guidance they need to do just that. Edited by two thought leaders in PAD diagnosis and treatment, and comprising chapters written by subject matter experts, Peripheral Artery Disease, Second Edition provides clinicians with guidance on how to diagnose and treat one of the most under-diagnosed conditions affecting millions of patients. This updated and revised edition of the popular guide distills the complexities of PAD into clear, actionable advice for busy medical practitioners, providing them with the information they need—when they need it. Provides clinicians with essential information for recognizing and treating this under-diagnosed condition that affects millions of patients Distills the complexities of PAD, from diagnosis to traditional and emerging treatment options, into clear, actionable advice for clinicians Covers PAD epidemiology, office examination, imaging, laboratory evaluation, medical therapy, surgical interventions, endovascular treatments, and much more Reflects the latest PAD Guidelines and Performance Measures established by leading specialty societies Features contributions from internists and surgeons, all recognized experts in PAD Peripheral Artery Disease, Second Edition is an important working reference for internists, cardiologists, radiologists, and surgeons, as well as fellows and residents in those fields.


54Pocket Guide to Stress Testing10410.95Группа авторов 9781119481799
55Powder-actuated Fasteners and Fastening Screws in Steel Construction3018.53Hermann Beck 9783433602027
56Practical Cardiovascular Medicine10440.56Elias B. Hanna 9781119233534

Practical Cardiovascular Medicine
Prepare yourself for success with this unique cardiology primer which distils the core information you require and presents it in an easily digestible format. Provides cardiologists with a thorough and up-to-date review of cardiology, from pathophysiology to practical, evidence-based management Ably synthesizes pathophysiology fundamentals and evidence based approaches to prepare a physician for a subspecialty career in cardiology Clinical chapters cover coronary artery disease, heart failure, arrhythmias, valvular disorders, pericardial disorders, and peripheral arterial disease Practical chapters address ECG, coronary angiography, catheterization techniques, ecnocardiography, hemodynamics, and electrophysiological testing Includes over 650 figures, key notes boxes, references for further study, and coverage of clinical trials Review questions at the end of each chapter help clarify topics and can be used for Board preparation – over 375 questions in all!


57Practical Handbook of Echocardiography15382.65Группа авторов 9781444320374

Practical Handbook of Echocardiography
Practical Handbook of Echocardiography: 101 Case Studies Echocardiography is now one of the most commonly used diagnostic imaging tools, yet many clinicians remain unaware of the range of conditions echo can reveal or how echo can be used to help plan therapy. Moreover, it can be quite challenging even for the most seasoned practitioners to spot unusual conditions. Compiled by three echocardiographers with more than 100 years of clinical experience between them, Practical Handbook of Echocardiography uses a case-based approach to explain in detail the full spectrum of echocardiographic modalities and how to optimize their use in the clinical setting. This practical new book: Covers the full gamut of echocardiographic modalities, including M-mode, 2-D,3-D and Doppler (PW, CW, color flow, tissue and strain), transesophageal (intra-operative and routine) and contrast Describes cases in both clinical and echocardiographic terms including very interesting cases and the new clinical techniques Features beautifully reproduced, well-labeled, full color echocardiograms Includes accompanying DVD with real-time video clips Appropriate for physician echocardiographers and all cardiologists, as well as echocardiographic technicians, Practical Handbook of Echocardiography is the ideal concise guide to using echocardiography to make definitive diagnoses and improve patient outcomes.


58Practical Handbook of Advanced Interventional Cardiology10410.95Группа авторов 9781119382669
59Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance4616.57William H. Seligman 9781118829950

Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance
Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance offers healthcare students and trainees the essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills relevant to the provision of immediate care outside of the hospital. This concise text provides information on the principles of managing acutely unwell patients with life-threatening injuries at the scene of their accident, all in highly-illustrated double-page spreads to help explain key messages. This brand new title: Looks at the ways in which pre-hospital care is organised and delivered in the United Kingdom Explores some of the most common incidents that pre-hospital care teams attend to, including major trauma as well as cardiac arrests Includes an illustrated introduction to some of the many practical procedures pre-hospital care teams must be able to perform including resuscitative thoracotomy and rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia Takes into account the multi-disciplinary nature of the specialty Features a section on careers within pre-hospital care for doctors and paramedics Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance is the perfect companion for medical students and junior doctors interested in learning more about pre-hospital care, as well as for paramedic students and paramedics who practise in the pre-hospital environment every day.


60Predicting Heart Failure17389.09Группа авторов 9781119813026
61Pulmonary Embolism14749.36Paul D. Stein 9781119039099

Pulmonary Embolism
A must have resource for clinicians and investigators interested in pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis Highly illustrated with numerous tables and graphs alongside clear concise text Includes chapters addressing pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in relation to diseases and disorders such as; chronic heart failure, cancer, diabetes, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and many more Discusses the role the different tools offered in imaging for PE, including echocardiography, multidetector computed tomography (CT), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), ventilation-perfusion (V-Q) imaging, dual energy CT, and magnetic resonance angiography Contains 29 new chapters and includes new content on epidemiology of deep venous thrombosis; use of the new anticoagulants (dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and apixaban) for DVT and PE; indications and results with thrombolytic therapy and with vena cava filters; and information and indications for invasive mechanical thrombectomy and thrombolysis Written by an internationally recognized and respected expert in the field


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