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1Вопросы развития туризма в регионе и зональная политика. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография.790Халим Разикович Хамраев20249785466034776

Вопросы развития туризма в регионе и зональная политика. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат). Монография.
Туризм как хозяйственная сфера служит интересам много миллиардного населения нашей планеты. Благодаря развитию туристской индустрии, в 2018 году более 1,3 миллиард людей путешествовали по всему миру. Посредством развития сферы туризма во многих страна мира создается новые рабочие места, туризм непосредственно способствует сохранению национальной культуры каждого региона нашей страны, стимулирует производство народных промыслов и продуктов общественного питания. Сегодня туризм оказывает положительное влияние и на экономику Узбекистана. Например, ощущается определенный рост ВВП за счет данного сектора, возрастает в иностранной валюте денежный поток. В 2018 году создана в стране более 375 тысяч дополнительных рабочих мест. Анализ статистических данных показывают, что в целях реализации Концепции развития сферы туризма в период до 2025 года, в стране осуществлена тщательная и успешная работа по увеличению численности туристов. В результате по состоянию на 1 октября 2019 года количество иностранных туристов по сравнению с аналогичным периодом прошлого года возросло на 26 и составило 4,9 млн. человек. При этом, количества иностранных туристов из Центральной Азии составило 24,1 и других стран СНГ 26,3 , а также из стран дальнего зарубежья составили 54,8 процентов. Для развития экономики и туризма в частности, центральной проблемой является увеличение объема въездного туризма. Решения названной проблемы во многом зависит от осуществления необходимых коренных изменений в процессе оказании сервисных услуг на местах, изменений в ценообразовании, а также от развития инфраструктуры туризма на международном уровне. В будущем одним из перспективных направлений экономики нашей страны является прогрессивное развитие туристической индустрии. Достижения хороших результатов обеспечивают решения многих социально-экономических проблем, существующих в стране. Данная монография рассчитана для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также других читателей, интересующихся актуальными вопросами развития туризма. Данная монография рассчитано для студентов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также других читателей, интересующихся актуальными вопросами развития туризма.


2Коммуникативные навыки в стоматологической практике. (Специалитет). Учебное пособие.999Елена Юрьевна Васильева20249785406128428

Коммуникативные навыки в стоматологической практике. (Специалитет). Учебное пособие.
Включает в себя материал, овладение которым позволит ординаторам освоить принципы и коммуникативные навыки партнерской модели общения с пациентами на различных этапах медицинской консультации и в ситуации сообщения пациенту о врачебной ошибке. Каждая глава содержит информационный, практический и контрольно-оценочный блоки, а также вопросы для самоконтроля и списки рекомендуемой литературы. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов специалитета, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология».


3Международное экономическое право. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебное пособие.1200Александр Николаевич Вылегжанин20249785406131138

Международное экономическое право. (Аспирантура, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебное пособие.
Охарактеризовано содержание важнейших договорных источников международного экономического права, показаны межгосударственные механизмы регулирования торговых, инвестиционных, финансовых отношений, а также современные средства урегулирования споров государств, связанных с такими отношениями, в том числе тех, в которых участвуют юридические и физические лица. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для магистрантов и аспирантов, обучающихся по направлениям «Международное экономическое право» и «Зарубежное регионоведение».


4Методы изучения охотничьих и охраняемых животных в полевых условиях1599Виктор Машкин 978-5-8114-5647-5

Методы изучения охотничьих и охраняемых животных в полевых условиях
В пособии приведены прижизненные методы изучения охотничьих животных в полевых условиях: учеты численности и обездвиживание животных, живоотлов и строение убежищ, мониторинг состояния ресурсов животных и методы индивидуального мечения, определение пола и возраста и др. Пособие предназначено для студентов колледжей, обучающихся по специальности «Охотоведение и звероводство», а также может быть использовано экологами, учителями средних школ и преподавателями средних специальных учреждений, практическими работниками охотничьего хозяйства, природоохранных организаций, охотниками и любителями природы.


5Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. (Специалитет). Учебник.990Владимир Васильевич Русановский20249785466046366

Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. (Специалитет). Учебник.
Курс «Основы медицинской генетики и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы» позволит изучить общие принципы и положения необходимые для усвоения знаний по проведению клинико-генетической и молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. Изложены основные положения классической и молекулярной генетики: наследственные заболевания, генетические особенности человека, методы проведения молекулярно-генетической экспертизы. Соответствует ФГОС ВО последнего поколения. Для студентов специалитета, обучающихся по специальности «Лечебное дело».


6Основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг. Учебное пособие для СПО1872С. В. Дмитриенко2022978-5-507-44768-8

Основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг. Учебное пособие для СПО
В учебном пособии представлены материалы, раскрывающие основные морфологические и морфометрические особенности зубов и зубо-челюстных дуг человека. Описаны основные формы зубочелюстных дуг при физиологической окклюзии. Показана взаимосвязь формы и размеров зубочелюстных дуг с основными параметрами краниофациального комплекса. Представлены классификации аномалий формы и размеров зубов и зубочелюстных дуг. Показаны основные методы исследования зубов и зубных дуг в клинической стоматологии и основы моделирования зубов и построения зубных дуг при различных вариантах формы и размеров зубных дуг с учетом индивидуальных особенностей челюстно-лицевой области. Издание иллюстрировано фотографиями, в том числе на основе собственных материалов авторов. Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с новыми учебными планами и программами по клинической анатомии челюстно-лицевой области, по пропедевтике стоматологических заболеваний, ортопедической стоматологии и ортодонтии, предусматривающими повышение качества обучения и по зубопротезной технике и полному съемному протезированию. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся медицинских колледжей по специальности «Ортопедическая стоматология» и является дополнением к учебникам по соответствующим дисциплинам специальностей.

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)

Исполнители: Александр Аравушкин


7Полисахариды в разработке биомедицинских материалов. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография.790Светлана Федоровна Андрусенко20249785466045710

Полисахариды в разработке биомедицинских материалов. (Аспирантура, Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Монография.
В данной монографии рассматриваются важнейшие представители полисахаридов и вопросы их использования в медицинской практике, приводятся структурные формулы и некоторые свойства описываемых полисахаридов, В монографии отражен современный уровень знаний о некоторых возможностях физической и химической модификации полисахаридов. Изложены общие вопросы направлений и способов комбинации полисахаридов при создании биоматериалов для медицинских целей. Рассмотрены достоинства и недостатки полисахаридов, при применении их как компонента в разработке биомедицинских материалов. Работа будет интересна широкому кругу читателей и предназначена для студентов, аспирантов, научных работников и специалистов в области биотехнологии, химии полисахаридов, регенеративной медицины.


8Психология общения для гигиенистов стоматологического профиля (с практикумом). (СПО). Учебник.1400Константин Вячеславович Зорин20249785406121429

Психология общения для гигиенистов стоматологического профиля (с практикумом). (СПО). Учебник.
Представлен современный взгляд на психологические аспекты поддержания стоматологического здоровья. Собранный материал призван помочь специалистам данной области ориентироваться в психологических категориях и терминах, выявлять и решать психологическими методами проблемы, связанные с предупреждением заболеваний и сохранением здоровья полости рта. В связи с этим важно понимать основы психологии общения, а также цели, принципы и методы пропаганды стоматологического здоровья. Содержание поможет осознать значение психологических знаний и умений для профессионального развития будущих медицинских работников. Соответствует ФГОС СПО последнего поколения. Для студентов среднего профессионального образования, обучающихся по специальности «Стоматология профилактическая», и практикующих гигиенистов.


9A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics20514.15Pierre Destr?e 9781119009788

A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics
The first of its kind, A Companion to Ancient Aesthetics presents a synoptic view of the arts, which crosses traditional boundaries and explores the aesthetic experience of the ancients across a range of media—oral, aural, visual, and literary. Investigates the many ways in which the arts were experienced and conceptualized in the ancient world Explores the aesthetic experience of the ancients across a range of media, treating literary, oral, aural, and visual arts together in a single volume Presents an integrated perspective on the major themes of ancient aesthetics which challenges traditional demarcations Raises questions about the similarities and differences between ancient and modern ways of thinking about the place of art in society


10A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time2675.24Группа авторов 9781119789178

A Feminist Urban Theory for Our Time
What does a feminist urban theory look like for the twenty first century? This book puts knowledges of feminist urban scholars, feminist scholars of social reproduction, and other urban theorists into conversation to propose an approach to the urban that recognises social reproduction both as foundational to urban transformations and as a methodological entry-point for urban studies. Offers an approach feminist urban theory that remains intentionally cautious of universal uses of social reproduction theory, instead focusing analytical attention on historical contingency and social difference Eleven chapters that collectively address distinct elements of the contemporary crisis in social reproduction and the urban through the lenses of infrastructure and subjectivity formation as well as through feminist efforts to decolonize urban knowledge production Deepens understandings of how people shape and reshape the spatial forms of their everyday lives, furthering understandings of the 'infinite variety' of the urban Essential reading for academics, researchers and scholars within urban studies, human geography, gender and sexuality studies, and sociology


11A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry15743.69Gordon B. Gray 9781119608448

A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry
Perfect your transferable dental clinical skills with this new and highly practical reference A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry delivers a thorough exploration of the theoretical and practical aspects of operative dentistry, followed by an illustrated step-by-step guide of common clinical procedures. Designed to remind students of the key steps of a variety of operative procedures, it is heavily illustrated with over 400 images of clinical procedures and covers core topics such as: Instruments and matrices, isolation, dental charting, and the use of minimally invasive dentistry Treatment of intracoronal restorations, including pit and fissure caries, posterior approximal restorations, anterior restorations and restorations in the cervical third Exploration of extracoronal restorations, including gold restorations, porcelain fused to metal and ceramic crowns A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry is the perfect textbook for undergraduate dental students. It is also useful to dentistry graduates undertaking clinical rotations during their Dental Foundation Training, and overseas graduates preparing to take the Overseas Registration Examination (ORE) held by the General Dental Council, or the License in Dental Surgery (LDS) exam of the Royal College of Surgeons.


12A Practical Approach to Operative Dentistry15743.69Gordon B. Gray 9781119608431
13ABC of Child Protection5883.17Sir Roy Meadow 9781444312676

ABC of Child Protection
The fourth edition of this important and highly praised guide has been substantially revised and updated, providing concise, practical information on a difficult and distressing area of paediatric medicine. This new edition of the ABC of Child Protection now includes additional chapters on abdominal injury, neglect and failure to thrive. It presents the latest information on the diagnosis and investigation of abuse, and explains the current roles of social services and the law in safeguarding children. Written by leading paediatricians, psychiatrists, social workers and lawyers, this comprehensive book is an invaluable reference for professionals concerned with children’s welfare, including general practitioners, emergency staff, paediatricians, police surgeons, psychiatrists, health visitors, social workers, and lawyers.


14Advanced Portfolio Management3373.65Giuseppe A. Paleologo 9781119789819
15Algebra and Applications 216702.52Группа авторов 9781119880905

Algebra and Applications 2
This book is part of <i>Algebra and Geometry</i>, a subject within the SCIENCES collection published by ISTE and Wiley, and the second of three volumes specifically focusing on algebra and its applications. Algebra and Applications 2 centers on the increasing role played by combinatorial algebra and Hopf algebras, including an overview of the basic theories on non-associative algebras, operads and (combinatorial) Hopf algebras.<br /><br />The chapters are written by recognized experts in the field, providing insight into new trends, as well as a comprehensive introduction to the theory. The book incorporates self-contained surveys with the main results, applications and perspectives. The chapters in this volume cover a wide variety of algebraic structures and their related topics. Alongside the focal topic of combinatorial algebra and Hopf algebras, non-associative algebraic structures in iterated integrals, chronological calculus, differential equations, numerical methods, control theory, non-commutative symmetric functions, Lie series, descent algebras, Butcher groups, chronological algebras, Magnus expansions and Rota–Baxter algebras are explored.<br /><br /><i>Algebra and Applications 2</i> is of great interest to graduate students and researchers. Each chapter combines some of the features of both a graduate level textbook and of research level surveys.


16Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics20739.06Susana Palma Moya 9781119607236

Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics
An essential guide to the theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques in orthodontics Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics is filled with the theoretical and practical clinical information on the popular aligner techniques with a focus on Invisalign. Written by practicing orthodontists and noted experts on the topic, the book is designed to help practitioners develop their skills in using aligners in orthodontics. The authors describe in detail the clear and simple methods for treating patients using different aligner techniques, as well as material on treating any given malocclusion. The book is filled with descriptive illustrations and includes helpful suggestions and ideas for implementing the various aligner techniques. This important guide: Provides theoretical and practical clinical information on different aligner techniques including Invisalign Offers clear and simple methods to treat patients using different aligner techniques Explains how to use clear aligners to treat a given malocclusion Written by two renowned experts in Align and Invisalign technology Written for practicing orthodontists and general dentists, Aligner Techniques in Orthodontics provides an invaluable resource for practicing orthodontists.


17Amplifiers2199.78Tom Finegan 9781119794578
18An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques14915.08Anil Bangalore Shivappa 9781119573616

An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques
Learn the basics of dental morphology while improving your cognitive and psychomotor skills with one authoritative resource An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques combines important information on dental morphology, and tooth carving and wax-up techniques. This book provides those who wish to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills with a comprehensive and authoritative resource essential to aesthetic and restorative procedures. Containing clear diagrams and detailed explanations on dental morphology and tooth carving, this book is invaluable for the improvement of manual dexterity in undergraduate and graduate students, particularly in the area of aesthetic procedures and restorative procedures. Contains information on the pre-carving preparation of wax blocks Provides a description of anatomical landmarks Offers a complete and stepwise guide to the carving and wax-up of each tooth Includes video resources, located on the companion website, to assist students in the procedure An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students in dentistry who aim to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills.


19Animal Influenza19993.31Группа авторов 9781118924327

Animal Influenza
Animal Influenza, Second Edition is a comprehensive text on animal influenza. Organized by species, coverage includes avian, swine, equine and mammals, with each section including data on influenza viruses, the infection and disease they cause, and strategies used in control. Covers the full range of topics within avian, swine, equine and mammalian influenzas in one comprehensive and authoritative text Provides a summarization of peer-reviewed and empirical data on influenza viruses, the infection, and diseases they cause Discusses strategies used in control of the disease Leading experts are drawn together to provide an international and multi-disciplinary perspective Fuses latest developments in basic scientific research with practical guidance on management of the disease


20Applied Bayesian Modelling8132.27Peter Congdon 9781118895054

Applied Bayesian Modelling
This book provides an accessible approach to Bayesian computing and data analysis, with an emphasis on the interpretation of real data sets. Following in the tradition of the successful first edition, this book aims to make a wide range of statistical modeling applications accessible using tested code that can be readily adapted to the reader's own applications. The second edition has been thoroughly reworked and updated to take account of advances in the field. A new set of worked examples is included. The novel aspect of the first edition was the coverage of statistical modeling using WinBUGS and OPENBUGS. This feature continues in the new edition along with examples using R to broaden appeal and for completeness of coverage.


21Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement6025.22Werner Kunz 9783527806218

Artenschutz durch Habitatmanagement
Ein wichtiger Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte uber die Zukunft des Natur- und Artenschutzes, der zeigt, wie durch aktive Gestaltung von Lebensraumen die historische Artenvielfalt in Mitteleuropa erhalten werden kann.


22Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews13163.15Marjan Askari 9781119303763

Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews
Atlas of Orthodontic Case Reviews offers a comprehensive resource to the treatment of orthodontic malocclusions with a case-based approach. Discusses and illustrates the treatment of orthodontic malocclusions using actual clinical cases Presents more than 800 clinical photographs showing the stages of each treatment, to act as a visual reference Includes a description of each malocclusion, an explanation of the desired treatment outcomes, an account of the changes, and review questions for each case


23Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications9469.89Группа авторов 9781118988039

Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications
Complications from dental procedures are inevitable and encountered by all dental professionals. Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications: Best Practices in Dentistry is designed to address proper management of these situations in everyday practice. Covers a range of dental issues and complications found in daily practice Written by experts in each specialty Features tables and charts for quick information Includes clinical photographs and radiographs


24Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing6031.14Nicola Rogers 9781119525882

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing
Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing offers a complete resource for information about dental sedation nursing. Updated to reflect the current National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) curriculum, the new edition provides essential information on the subject in an accessible format. The book starts by defining conscious sedation and discusses why dental sedation is used before moving on to discuss topics such as the medico-legal aspects, the dental nurse’s role, equipment, patient selection, types of sedation, medical emergencies, and anatomy. Presents essential evidence-based information on dental sedation nursing Reflects the current NEBDN curriculum Supported by images to demonstrate the concepts discussed Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing is a useful manual for sedation nurses undertaking any of the NEBDN sedation qualifications, including the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing, City and Guilds or CACHE Dental Nursing qualifications, as well as for dental hygienists and therapists.


25Basic Guide to Dental Procedures3900.41Carole Hollins 9781118924563

Basic Guide to Dental Procedures
Basic Guide to Dental Procedures, Second Edition provides an essential introduction to the core preventative and restorative treatments routinely carried out in the modern dental practice. Written as a guide for the whole dental team, ‘before and after’ colour photographs enable the reader to understand and explain the procedures to their patient with confidence. Each section is clearly structured to cover the reasoning behind the treatment described, the relevant dental background, the basics of how each procedure is carried out and any necessary aftercare information. Key features include: Colour photographs throughout combined with concise text to highlight the crucial points of each procedure Suitable for the whole dental team, from office support staff to the dentist explaining procedures to a patient Thoroughly updated and revised in line with the substantial changes to the role and professional obligations of the dental nurse, including a new chapter detailing extended duties The new images of tray set-ups means it is an ideal companion for trainee dental nurses studying for the NEBDN OSCE exam


26Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry5202.52Caroline L. Pankhurst 9781119164968

Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry
A practical step-by-step guide for all members of the dental team Thoroughly updated, this new edition ensures all members of the dental team are up to speed on the practical aspects of infection prevention and control. It provides step-by-step guidance on the safe running of a dental practice, clear and concise explanations of the key issues and concepts, an overview of the evidence base, and coverage of legal and regulatory issues about which all staff members need to be aware. With more colour photographs and illustrations than the first edition, it also includes appendices full of useful practical and clinical information, and a companion website offering helpful instructional videos and self-assessment questions. Key topics include communicable diseases, occupational health and immunization, sharp safe working, hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, disinfection of dental instruments, surface decontamination, dental unit waterlines, clinical waste management, and pathological specimen handling. An indispensable working resource for the busy dental practice, Basic Guide to Infection Prevention and Control in Dentistry, 2nd Edition is also an excellent primer for dental students.


27Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice4729.03Philip Jevon 9781118688823

Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice
The Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice is a must-have book for all dental care professionals and general dentists. Written in a clear and accessible style, this second edition has been fully revised and updated in line with the latest guidelines. Chapters cover such key topics as the ABCDE approach to patient assessment, resuscitation equipment, respiratory and cardiac disorders, paediatric emergencies, and legal and ethical issues. Readers will also find two brand new chapters on the principles of first aid, and drugs for medical emergencies. Follows Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines Companion website with self-assessment exercises, serving as revision as well as non-verifiable CPD credit Over 50% new images Student friendly colourful layout with learning outcomes


28Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery4729.03Nicola Rogers 9781118925065

Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
An illustrated guide to oral and maxillofacial surgery, written by dental nurses for dental nurses Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will help you understand the role of the dental nurse in oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures. Written in a highly accessible style, comprehensive coverage includes anatomy of the head and neck, pain and anxiety control, assessment clinics, equipment selection, extractions, soft tissue lesions, and trauma and more complex procedures. Key features include: Learning outcomes at the start of each chapter, and full-colour photographs and line drawings throughout An overview of the maxillofacial team, the referral process and the legal aspects of maxillofacial procedures Clear explanations of the various duties performed by dental nurses during oral and maxillofacial surgery Basic Guide to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is suitable for dental nurses working in practice or specialist maxillofacial units, and is also ideal for student dental nurses working towards the NEBDN National Diploma in Dental Nursing.


29Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion5918.68Alison Chapman 9781119591597
30Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion5918.68Alison Chapman 9781119591702

Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion
The thoroughly revised third edition of a Basic Guide to Oral Health Education and Promotion is an essential guide to help dental nurses prepare for a qualification in Oral Health Education and thereafter practice as an Oral Health Educator. It will help readers confidently educate patients about diseases and conditions that affect the oral cavity, and support their prevention, treatment, and management. Designed with an accessible layout to enhance learning, this course companion is divided into six sections covering: the structure and functions of the oral cavity; diseases and conditions; disease prevention; effective communication; treating specific patient groups, and oral health promotion and society. Invaluable to all members of the dental team and other health professionals involved in educating and promoting oral health, this key text: Offers a guide for dental nurses taking a post-registration Certificate in Oral Health Education Is fully updated to reflect changes in the industry, science, and course syllabus Incorporates information on the new classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases Contains new information on topics including dementia, denture advice, and burning mouth syndrome Includes an expanded section on promotion


31Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing6747.3Fiona Grist 9781119573708

Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing
An updated second edition of the essential reference for any dental nurse undertaking the NEBDN qualification in Orthodontic Dental Nursing The revised second edition of Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is a comprehensive guide that offers an introduction for students seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of this core area of clinical practice. Written in a clear and accessible format, it covers key subjects such as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding and retention. It also contains information on care prior to treatment including the requirements for a first appointment and a helpful guide on maintaining motivation particularly for young patients and their parents. Presents essential information on orthodontic dental nursing Is written for trainee dental nurses undertaking the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) qualification in Orthodontic Dental Nursing Covers key topics such as tooth eruption patterns, removable and fixed appliances, de-bonding and retention Includes colour illustrations and updated photographs throughout Designed to reflect sections of the syllabus of the NEBDN Certificate in Orthodontic Dental Nursing, the second edition of Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is an invaluable resource for all dental nurses with an interest in orthodontics.


32Basics of Dental Technology5563.56Tony Johnson 9781118886243

Basics of Dental Technology
Now available in a second edition, Basics of Dental Technology is a complete reference for the current techniques and materials used in dental technology. Retains the accessible, task-based approach and step-by-step guidance of the first edition Features updates throughout, as well as a new chapter on digital dental technology and an interactive student website to support self-assessment Explains key competencies, concepts, instruments, and equipment, and also introduces more specialist techniques and procedures, such as denture prosthetics, fixed prosthodontics and orthodontic work Provides essential information for trainee dental technicians and students learning about dental technology, including study tips and strategies for working effectively within a dental team


33BBQ For Dummies2111Carey Bringle 9781119592280

BBQ For Dummies
The complete year-round guide to BBQ and smoking! The BBQing and smoking industry is heating up! No longer reserved for warm weather occasions or backyard gatherings, firing up the grill or smoker is becoming ever-more popular in everyday American cooking.  Written by America’s Pit Master and award-winning restaurant owner Carey Bringle of Peg Leg Porker , one of the most famous BBQ spots in Nashville, this book features more than 50 recipes and provides tried-and-true advice on BBQing and smoking all types of meat, seafood, chicken, pork, and veggies.  Choose the right wood and get the best smoker or grill Get recipes for marinades, rubs, injections, and sauces Cook up hog, ribs, brisket, and chicken, and more Work with certain cuts of meat If you’re looking for a new guide to classic barbeque and more, look no further.


34Biodegradable Green Composites21046.83Группа авторов 9781118911150

Biodegradable Green Composites
This book comprehensively addresses surface modification of natural fibers to make them more effective, cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly. Topics include the elucidation of important aspects surrounding chemical and green approaches for the surface modification of natural fibers, the use of recycled waste, properties of biodegradable polyesters, methods such as electrospinning, and applications of hybrid composite materials.


35Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement26752.44Группа авторов 9781119608929

Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement
This new edition continues to be an authoritative reference to the scientific foundations underpinning clinical orthodontics The newly and thoroughly revised Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement delivers a comprehensive reference for orthodontic trainees and specialists. It is fully updated to include new chapters on personalized orthodontics as well as the inflammatory process occurring in the dental and paradental tissues. It is heavily illustrated throughout, making it easier for readers to understand and retain the information discussed within. The topics covered range from bone biology, the effects of mechanical loading on tissues and cells, genetics, tissue remodeling, and the effects of diet, drugs, and systemic diseases. The Third Edition of Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement features seven sections that cover subjects such as: The development of biological concepts in orthodontics, including the cellular and molecular biology behind orthodontic tooth movement Mechanics meets biology, including the effects of mechanical loading on hard and soft tissues and cells, and biological reactions to temporary anchorage devices Inflammation and orthodontics, including markers for tissue remodeling in the gingival crevicular fluid and saliva Personalized diagnosis and treatment based on genomic criteria, including the genetic influences on orthodontic tooth movement Rapid orthodontics, including methods to accelerate or decelerate orthodontic tooth movement Perfect for residents and PhD students of orthodontic and periodontal programs, Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement is also useful to academics, clinicians, bone biologists, and researchers with an interest in the mechanics and biology of tooth movement.


36Bioverfahrensentwicklung9943.39Winfried Storhas 9783527673865

Zukunft sichern durch Nachhaltigkeit? Bioverfahrenstechnik bedeutet einen wichtigen Schritt auf dem Weg dorthin. Sie ersetzt klassische chemische Syntheseverfahren durch nachhaltige biologische Verfahren und vereint unterschiedliche Gebiete aus dem naturwissenschaftlichen und ingenieurtechnischen Bereich. Mit diesem Buch wird allen, die an der Entwicklung biotechnologischer Prozesse beteiligt sind, ein Werk an die Hand gegeben, das die einzelnen Aspekte der Bioverfahrensentwicklung darstellt und zu einem Gesamtbild zusammenfugt: Mikrobiologie, Molekularbiologie, Zellbiologie und Biochemie sowie die ingenieurtechnischen Bereiche Elektrotechnik, Informatik, Steuerungstechnik, Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik – jeweils aus dem Blickwinkel der Verfahrensentwicklung betrachtet. Mit klaren, praxisorientierten Verfahrensbeispielen werden die beschriebenen Prozesse erklart. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei Verfahren, die in der Industrie eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen, die bei der Entwicklung eines Verfahrens schon im Anfangsstadium eine entscheidende Rolle spielen, ist ein ganzes Kapitel gewidmet. Die zweite Auflage des Erfolgstitels von 2003 ist ein Muss fur alle Studenten der Biotechnologie und Verfahrenstechnik und das ideale Nachschlagewerk fur Ingenieure der Verfahrenstechnik, Biochemiker und Pharmazeuten. Stimmen zur 1. Auflage: 'Das Buch ist ein nutzlicher Begleiter in der taglichen Praxis und kann sowohl als Lehrbuch wie auch als Nachschlagewerk verwendet werden.' BIO WORLD, Dr. C. Andretta 'Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines biotechnologischen Prozesses leisten mochten. Es informiert sehr ausfuhrlich uber die Bioverfahrensentwicklung und ermoglicht, sich ein Gesamtbild zu verschaffen. Es ist auch als Lehrbuch fur das Gebiet Bioverfahrenstechnik gut geeignet.' F & S (Filtrieren und Separieren)


37Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Reptile and Amphibian15080.8Javier G. Nevarez 9781119233855
38Blind Source Separation15388.57Xianchuan Yu 9781118679869

Blind Source Separation
A systematic exploration of both classic and contemporary algorithms in blind source separation with practical case studies The book presents an overview of Blind Source Separation, a relatively new signal processing method. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, the book has been written so as to appeal to an audience from very different backgrounds. Basic mathematical skills (e.g. on matrix algebra and foundations of probability theory) are essential in order to understand the algorithms, although the book is written in an introductory, accessible style. This book offers a general overview of the basics of Blind Source Separation, important solutions and algorithms, and in-depth coverage of applications in image feature extraction, remote sensing image fusion, mixed-pixel decomposition of SAR images, image object recognition fMRI medical image processing, geochemical and geophysical data mining, mineral resources prediction and geoanomalies information recognition. Firstly, the background and theory basics of blind source separation are introduced, which provides the foundation for the following work. Matrix operation, foundations of probability theory and information theory basics are included here. There follows the fundamental mathematical model and fairly new but relatively established blind source separation algorithms, such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and its improved algorithms (Fast ICA, Maximum Likelihood ICA, Overcomplete ICA, Kernel ICA, Flexible ICA, Non-negative ICA, Constrained ICA, Optimised ICA). The last part of the book considers the very recent algorithms in BSS e.g. Sparse Component Analysis (SCA) and Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF). Meanwhile, in-depth cases are presented for each algorithm in order to help the reader understand the algorithm and its application field. A systematic exploration of both classic and contemporary algorithms in blind source separation with practical case studies Presents new improved algorithms aimed at different applications, such as image feature extraction, remote sensing image fusion, mixed-pixel decomposition of SAR images, image object recognition, and MRI medical image processing With applications in geochemical and geophysical data mining, mineral resources prediction and geoanomalies information recognition Written by an expert team with accredited innovations in blind source separation and its applications in natural science Accompanying website includes a software system providing codes for most of the algorithms mentioned in the book, enhancing the learning experience Essential reading for postgraduate students and researchers engaged in the area of signal processing, data mining, image processing and recognition, information, geosciences, life sciences.


39Burket's Oral Medicine27829.64Группа авторов 9781119597780
40Business Basics for Dentists6735.46David O. Willis 9781118581650

Business Basics for Dentists
Dr. David Willis combines his experience as a practicing dentist, educator, MBA, and certified financial planner in this breakthrough text about managing a dental business. Rather than a checklist of steps for success, Business Basics for Dentists describes business, economic, marketing, and management principles and explains how to apply them to the dental practice. Dental students and new practitioners will learn how to use the core strategic and operational business philosophies to develop an effective dental practice. He provides the essential elements of a business course–management principles, economics, business finance, and financial analysis–without bogged down in too much detail. These are then related specifically to various aspects of running and managing a dental practice, including office communications, billing, inventory, and marketing the practice. All aspects of practice transition are approached: career opportunities, buying a practice, starting a new practice, multi-practitioner arrangements, practice valuation, and planning and developing a practice. Last, Willis included personal financial planning to ensure that the dentist is also planning for his own finances and retirement beyond the bounds of the practice.


41Canine Lameness12654.14Группа авторов 9781119474036
42Careers in Mental Health3906.33Kim Metz 9781119221111

Careers in Mental Health
Accessible and unbiased, Careers in Mental Health introduces upper-level high school students and beginning undergraduates to the different aspects of various mental health professions. Contains essential career advice for anyone considering an advanced degree in one of the “helping” professions within mental health Covers clinical psychology, counseling psychology, social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, substance abuse counseling, and school psychology Clarifies the distinctions between professions by discussing the history and philosophy of each field, requirements for advanced education, licensing, available jobs, salary potential, and more Includes a section with practical information applicable to all the professions, such as characteristics for success, ethical issues, the importance of critical thinking, applying to graduate school, and current issues affecting the field of mental health


43CASP+ CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide5060.47Jeff T. Parker 9781119477716
44Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology10523.42Группа авторов 9781118983034

Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology
Digital equipment in all dental practices is commonplace. From digital imaging through electronic recordkeeping, general dentists and specialists are seeing more accurate diagnoses, faster treatment times, and lower costs for equipment. Here in one volume is a comprehensive look at the digital technology available, describing indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages, limitations, and applications in the various dental fields. Included are digital imaging, digital impressions, digital operative dentistry, digital prosthodontics, digital implant fabrication and placement, and digital applications in endodontics, orthodontics, and oral surgery. The book is ideal for dental students seeking a reference for digital dental technology and for seasoned practitioners and specialists interested in incorporating digital technology in their daily practice.


45Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics16726.2Группа авторов 9781119509219
46Clinical Cases in Gerodontology8878.02Группа авторов 9781119226604
47Clinical Cases in Orthodontics10298.51Martyn T. Cobourne 9781118292457

Clinical Cases in Orthodontics
Wiley-Blackwell's Clinical Cases series is designed to recognize the centrality of clinical cases to the profession by providing actual cases with an academic backbone. Clinical Cases in Orthodontics applies both theory and practice to real-life orthodontic cases in a clinically relevant format. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from Class I malocclusions to orthognathic surgery. Highly illustrated in full color, Clinical Cases in Orthodontics' format fosters independent learning and prepares the reader for case-based examinations.


48Clinical Dentistry Daily Reference Guide16702.52William A. Jacobson 9781119690757
49Clinical Guide to Oral Diseases8280.24Crispian Scully 9781119328131
50Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volume Set27829.64Группа авторов 9781118940488

Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volume Set
Now in its sixth edition, Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry is the must-have resource for practitioners specialising in periodontal care and implant dentistry. The chapters have been extensively revised with 40% of the content new to this edition. Maintaining the widely praised two-volume format introduced in the previous edition, the editorial team has once again brought together the world’s top international specialists to share their expertise on all aspects of periodontology, periodontal health and the use of implants in the rehabilitation of the periodontally compromised patient. Seamlessly integrating foundational science, practical clinical protocols, and recent advances in the field, Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, Sixth Edition enhances its stellar reputation as the cornerstone reference work on periodontology.


51Clinical Research in Oral Health10831.19Группа авторов 9780813820552

Clinical Research in Oral Health
Clinical Research in Oral Health surveys the essentials of clinical research in oral health, anchoring these principles within the specific context of the oral health arena. Addressing research questions exclusively applicable to dentistry and oral health, the book thoroughly illustrates the principles and practice of oral health clinical research. Clinical Research in Oral Health also clarifies the framework of regulatory issues and presents emerging concepts in clinical translation, relating the research principles to clinical improvement.


52Clinical Supervision for Nurses5989.71Judith Parker 9781444309492

Clinical Supervision for Nurses
Clinical supervision provides a framework within which nurses can reflect on their practice, enabling them to face professional challenges with renewed energy and a clearer perspective. Clinical Supervision for Nurses is an accessible, practical guide to clinical supervision itself and implementing the supervision process in nursing practice. Clinical Supervision for Nurses explores the role of clinical supervision, its contribution to practice development and implementation in practice. It discusses the range of approaches to clinical supervision and models of supervision, organisational readiness and other factors influencing success, legal and ethical issues, and perspectives of supervisors and the supervisees.


53Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms22775.09Группа авторов 9781119792093
54Comets And Their Origin14713.84Uwe Meierhenrich 9783527412785

Comets And Their Origin
Divided into two parts, the first four chapters of Comets and their Origin refer to comets and their formation in general, describing cometary missions, comet remote observations, astrochemistry, artificial comets, and the chirality phenomenon. The second part covers the cometary ROSETTA mission, its launch, journey, scientific objectives, and instrumentations, as well as the landing scenario on a cometary nucleus. Along the way, the author presents general questions concerning the origin of terrestrial water and the molecular beginnings of life on Earth, as well as how the instruments used on a space mission like ROSETTA can help answer them. The text concludes with a chapter on what scientists expect from the ROSETTA mission and how its data will influence our life on Earth. As a result, the author elucidates highly topical and fascinating knowledge to scientists and students of various scientific backgrounds, allowing them to work with ROSETTA's data.


55Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics20111.68Sunil D. Kapila 9781118646748

Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics
Since its introduction to dentistry, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has undergone a rapid evolution and considerable integration into orthodontics. However, despite the increasing popularity of CBCT and progress in applying it to clinical orthodontics, the profession has lacked a cohesive, comprehensive and objective reference that provides clinicians with the background needed to utilize this technology optimally for treating their patients. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics provides timely, impartial, and state-of-the-art information on the indications and protocols for CBCT imaging in orthodontics, clinical insights gained from these images, and innovations driven by these insights. As such, it is the most current and authoritative textbook on CBCT in orthodontics. Additionally, two DVDs include more than 15 hours of video presentations on related subjects from the 39th Annual Moyers Symposium and 38th Annual International Conference on Craniofacial Research. Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Orthodontics is organized to progress sequentially through specific topics so as to build the knowledgebase logically in this important and rapidly evolving field. Part I provides the foundational information on CBCT technology, including radiation exposure and risks, and future evolutions in computed tomography. Part II presents the Principles and Protocols for CBCT Imaging in Orthodontics, focusing on developing evidence-based criteria for CBCT imaging, the medico-legal implications of CBCT to the professional and the protocols and integration of this technology in orthodontic practice. Part III provides critical information on CBCT-based Diagnosis and Treatment Planning that includes how to interpret CBCT scans, identify incidental pathologies and the possible other uses of this technology. Part IV covers practical aspects of CBCT’s Clinical Applications and Treatment Outcomes that encompasses a range of topics, including root morphology and position, treatment of impacted teeth, virtual surgical treatment planning and outcomes, and more.


56Conscious Sedation for Dentistry6628.92N. M. Girdler 9781119274483

Conscious Sedation for Dentistry
A comprehensive textbook on the principles and practice of sedation in dentistry Drawing on the success of Clinical Sedation in Dentistry, this new edition covers all aspects of conscious sedation in dentistry. Written by experienced educators and internationally renowned researchers in the field, Conscious Sedation for Dentistry, Second Edition has been fully updated to include new national guidelines and equipment recommendations, and a companion website featuring self-assessment questions. Clear, concise, and reader-friendly throughout, chapters cover anxiety management, applied anatomy and physiology, patient assessment, pharmacology of sedation agents, oral and intranasal sedation, inhalation sedation, intravenous sedation, complications and emergencies, sedation and special care dentistry, and medico-legal and ethical considerations. Conscious Sedation for Dentistry, Second Edition is ideal for undergraduate dental students and dentists undertaking conscious sedation, as well as dental nurses completing post-registration sedation courses.


57Dental Management of Sleep Disorders14169.32Ronald Attanasio 9781119014621

Dental Management of Sleep Disorders
DENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS [b]A clinically focused, updated, and expanded edition of the leading resource on the dental management of sleep disorders The newly revised Second Edition of Dental Management of Sleep Disorders delivers a focused and authoritative exploration of the dentist’s role in managing patients with sleep problems, especially sleep-related breathing disorders and bruxism. Full discussions of the use of appliances, overviews of current treatment modalities, and investigations of the relationship between sleep disorders and dental and orofacial features accompany detailed chapters on oral appliance therapy, pharmacological, and behavioral management of symptoms. The book includes a variety of revealing case studies that examine the treatment of different sleep disorders, as well as: Thorough introductions to the societal impact of sleep disorders and human sleep architecture and functional anatomy of the airway Comprehensive explorations of the pathophysiology and classification of sleep disorders and sleep disorders in the pediatric population Practical discussions of medical disorders related to obstructive sleep apnea and the dental and orofacial consequences of sleep-related breathing disorders In-depth examinations of the role and interaction of the dentist with the sleep physician and sleep study center Offering practical advice for diagnosis and treatment, Dental Management of Sleep Disorders, Second Edition is a valuable resource for dental practitioners as well as students.


58Dental Management of Sleep Disorders14169.32Ronald Attanasio 9781119014676
59Dental Public Health at a Glance3906.33Ivor G. Chestnutt 9781118629376

Dental Public Health at a Glance
Dental Public Health at a Glance presents a richly-illustrated introduction to dental and oral health issues in communities and populations. Each topic is presented in an easy-to-comprehend two-page spread with essential facts clearly summarized and accompanied by tables, illustrations and diagrams Comprehensive coverage of wide range of key concepts including: evidence-based dentistry, oral health promotion, the relationship of fluoride, diet, smoking, and alcohol to oral health, and considerations for a dental public health career Written by an expert in dental public health and offering illuminating insights into oral health at the population level A must-have introductory textbook and revision guide for dentistry and dental hygiene and therapy students


60Diagnosis and Treatment of Furcation-Involved Teeth12068.19Группа авторов 9781119270669

Diagnosis and Treatment of Furcation-Involved Teeth
Diagnosis and Treatment of Furcation-Involved Teeth offers dental professionals a comprehensive review of the aetiology and diagnosis of furcation defects, including treatment options. Provides a practical manual for the successful diagnosis and treatment of a therapeutic challenge for general dentists and periodontists Presents illustrative photographs of clinical cases and procedures Offers a helpful chapter on patient-reported outcomes Includes a companion website with video clips and case studies


61Digital Dentistry20064.33Группа авторов 9781119852018

Digital Dentistry
An indispensable introduction to using digital technology in dentistry Digital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas provides basic information on the use of digital resources to find a diagnosis, create a treatment plan, and execute that strategy within different dental specialisms. This manual includes the science behind all procedures that use digital technology and provides a clinical step-by-step guide toward the use of these developments for every dental specialty area. Users will find a wide range of areas covered, from prosthodontics, restorative dentistry, and endodontics to oral and maxillofacial surgery and public health. This book also includes: A guide to all current basic digital imaging and CAD-CAM procedures, with an emphasis on the most popular systems and software programs. An atlas of multidisciplinary cases that were treated with digital dentistry, from diagnosis and treatment planning to execution and follow-up, in order of complexity Assessment of the scientific basis for using digital dentistry in each category A presentation of clinical cases to support the use of digital methodologies in all relevant scenarios An exploration of the role of digital dentistry in dental public health, preventive dentistry, and dental education Ideal for dental clinicians—general practitioners and specialists—as well as all other dental professionals, such as dental technologists, dental hygienists, and dental students, Digital Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide and Case Atlas is an essential tool and reference work to help dental practitioners streamline and update their practice with the most up-to-date technologies.


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