органическая химия

Электронные книги

Категория: - знания и навыки - учебная и научная литература - естественные науки - химия

Формат посмотра: Полный многострочный, Полный в две строчки, Полный без аннотации, Наименование-Цена-Автор, Наименование-Цена

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150 Great Myths of Human Sexuality9469.89Pepper Schwartz 9781118611609

50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality
50 Great Myths of Human Sexuality seeks to dispel commonly accepted myths and misunderstandings surrounding human sexuality, providing an enlightening, fascinating and challenging book that covers the fifty areas the author’s believe individuals must understand to have a safe, pleasurable and healthy sex life. Dispels/Explores commonly accepted myths and misunderstandings surrounding human sexuality Includes comparisons to other countries and cultures exploring different beliefs and how societies can influence perceptions Areas discussed include: pre-marital sex, masturbation, sexual diseases, fantasy, pornography, relationships, contraception, and emotions such as jealousy, body image insecurity, passionate love and sexual aggression Covers both heterosexual and same-sex relationships


2Аналитическая химия и физико-химические методы анализа. Лабораторные занятия. Учебное пособие для СПО566З. Ш. Мухидова2024978-5-507-48304-4

Аналитическая химия и физико-химические методы анализа. Лабораторные занятия. Учебное пособие для СПО
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов колледжей и техникумов, в учебной программе которых предусмотрена дисциплина «Аналитическая химия». При выполнении лабораторных заданий студенты приобретут навыки проведения экспериментальных работ, интерпретации результатов анализа и их оформления в виде отчетов, что будет способствовать углублению теоретических знаний. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям.

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)


3Космос. От Солнечной системы до далёких галактик: самые удивительные секреты Вселенной449Нудл Фьюэл20219785001954132

Космос. От Солнечной системы до далёких галактик: самые удивительные секреты Вселенной
Космос – загадочный и непонятный. Или не очень? Вместе с этой книгой ребенку будет совсем не сложно разобраться в секретах Вселенной, будь то далекие галактики или наша Солнечная система. Благодаря поразительным фактам узнавать о звездах, планетах и освоении космоса станет куда проще и интереснее, чем просто читая учебник, а остроумные иллюстрации помогут лучше вникнуть в тему и надолго закрепить в памяти новые знания. «Взрывные факты» – серия веселых познавательных книг, которые в легкой и увлекательной форме познакомят ребенка с самыми интересными темами: от мира зверей и насекомых до динозавров и космоса. Для кого эта книга Для детей от 5 лет.

Серия: МИФ Детство


4Новая история (из «Всеобщей истории, обработанной „Сатириконом“»)159Аркадий Аверченко  

Новая история (из «Всеобщей истории, обработанной Сатириконом“»)
«Всеобщая история» вышла в таком составе: 1. Древняя история – Н.А. Тэффи. 2. Средняя история – Осипа Дымова. 3. Новая история – Аркадия Аверченко. 4. Русская история – О.Л. Д’Ора. «… Хотя наша „Всеобщая история“ и не будет рекомендована ученым Комитетом, состоящим при м-ве народного просвещения, – как руководство для учебных заведений, но эта книга даст подписчикам единственный случай взглянуть на историческое прошлое народов – в совершенно новом и вполне оригинальном освещении… »

Исполнители: Светлана Шандр


5Общая химия982И. А. Пресс 978-5-8114-7073-0

Общая химия
В учебном пособии изложены теоретические основы современной химии. Учебный материал модульно структурирован. Раздел «Строение вещества» охватывает такие модули, как «Строение атома», «Периодическая система Д. И. Менделеева», «Химическая связь и строение молекул». В разделе «Превращение вещества» обсуждаются закономерности протекания химических реакций (модули «Химическая термодинамика», «Химическая кинетика», «Химическое равновесие», «Растворы», «Окислительно-восстановительные реакции», «Электрохимия»). Представлено большое количество материалов для самостоятельной учебной работы и самоконтроля. Приведены решения типичных задач и тестовых заданий. Cодержание и методическое решение учебного пособия нацелены на самостоятельную работу по изучению учебной дисциплин «Химия» и «Общая и неорганическая химия», преподаваемых в средних профессиональных учебных заведениях.


6Органическая и биологическая химия. Лабораторные занятия. Учебное пособие для СПО566З. Ш. Мухидова2024978-5-507-48306-8

Органическая и биологическая химия. Лабораторные занятия. Учебное пособие для СПО
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов колледжей и техникумов. При выполнении лабораторных заданий студенты приобретут навыки проведения экспериментальных работ, интерпретации результатов анализа и их оформления в виде отчетов, что будет способствовать углублению теоретических знаний. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям.

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)


7Органическая химия. Учебник для СПО1619А. И. Артеменко2023978-5-507-45412-9

Органическая химия. Учебник для СПО
В книге особое внимание уделено основным классам органических соединений. На современном уровне изложены вопросы взаимного влияния атомов в молекуле, изомерии, теории гибридизации орбиталей, механизмов некоторых реакций и т.п., содержатся все сведения о ВМС, ПАВ, красителях и т. д. Соответствует современным требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования и профессиональным квалификационным требованиям. Предназначен для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений.

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)


8Оценочные средства по биохимии. Учебное пособие для студентов ветеринарных специальностей399Татьяна Александровна Лобаева2022978-5-532-92499-4

Оценочные средства по биохимии. Учебное пособие для студентов ветеринарных специальностей
Учебное пособие «Оценочные средства по биохимии» подготовлено сотрудниками кафедры биохимии им. академика Т.Т. Берёзова РУДН в соответствии с ФГОС для специальностей «Ветеринария», «Ветсанэкспертиза». Представленные авторами оценочные средства предназначены для проверки и углубления знаний по биохимии при подготовке к текущему и рубежному контролю. К предложенным тестовым заданиям в конце сборника приведены ответы. Помимо заданий, связанных с определённой темой, в книге содержатся примеры задач с решениями, перечень задач для самостоятельного решения, вопросы для самоподготовки, структурные формулы аминокислот. Рецензенты: Радыш Иван Васильевич – д.м.н., проф., зав. кафедрой управления сестринской деятельностью МИ РУДНСмирнова Ксения Валерьевна – к.б.н., зав. лабораторией вирусного канцерогенеза НИИ канцерогенеза ФГБУ "НМИЦ онкологии им. Н.Н. Блохина" Минздрава России, доцент кафедры биохимии и молекулярной биологии РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова


9Профессор Газизов Мукаттис Бариевич. Библиография320Группа авторов2013978-5-7882-1409-2

Профессор Газизов Мукаттис Бариевич. Библиография
Библиографический указатель посвящен Мукаттису Бариевичу Газизову – доктору химических наук, академику Российской академии естествознания, члену Национального географического общества США, члену Нью-Йоркской академии наук, Заслуженному деятелю науки Республики Татарстан, Заслуженному работнику высшей школы РФ, Заслуженному деятелю науки и образования РАЕ.


10Фосфин-катализируемая реакция Михаэля299А. В. Салин2021978-5-94836-625-8

Фосфин-катализируемая реакция Михаэля
В монографии рассмотрены возможности использования третичных фосфинов в качестве катализаторов в реакции Михаэля. Материал структурирован в соответствии с природой используемого в реакции непредельного электрофильного соединения и нуклеофила. Монография предназначена для химиков, занимающихся органокатализом, асимметрическим катализом, синтезом биологически активных соединений, а также для студентов и аспирантов, специализирующихся в области химии элементоорганических соединений и катализа.


11Экспериментальные методы в химии99.9Н. В. Кутяшева2023978-5-4263-1197-8

Экспериментальные методы в химии
Учебное пособие составлено на основе многолетнего опыта работы студенческого практикума по химии кафедры органической химии Института биологии и химии МПГУ. В пособии изложены общие правила и методы работы в лаборатории, описываются основная лабораторная посуда и вспомогательное оборудование, а также основные методы выделения и очистки веществ вместе с соответствующим практикумом. Является методическим указанием к лабораторным работам по курсу «Экспериментальные методы в химии» для студентов очного отделения по специальности 44.03.05 «Химия и экология» и «Биология и химия». Пособие может быть полезно студентам химических специальностей вузов, школьникам специализированных классов, а также всем интересующимся химией.


12Языковые единицы и категории русского языка. Грамматическое описание249С. М. Колесникова2022978-5-4263-1193-0

Языковые единицы и категории русского языка. Грамматическое описание
Монография представляет актуальные и спорные вопросы русской грамматики: разноуровневые языковые единицы и категории, которые, с одной стороны, отражают динамические процессы и явления в языковой системе; с другой стороны, определяют характер их описания в современной научной парадигме (от фундаментального до методологического), свидетельствующий об их самостоятельности и грамматической состоятельности. В настоящем издании рассматривается языковая личность автора художественного текста с разных точек зрения, позволяющих представить многоаспектный характер образной системы; выявляются способы построения текста как средства передачи интенций повествователя; описана семантика текста и особенности перевода, представлены разные виды передачи информации; определены языковые особенности национального мировосприятия текстового смысла и его влияния на языковую организацию текста и т.д. Монография адресуется ученым-лингвистам, молодым исследователям, преподавателям-филологам, учителям-словесникам, аспирантам, магистрантам, студентам вузов, школ и лицеев. Монография издается при поддержке Министерства просвещения России в рамках реализации гранта «Международная научно-методическая сессия „Русский язык: образование, наука, культура“ (Соглашение № 073-15-2022-1224 от 6 сентября 2022).


13A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance2130.73Miriam Carver Mayhew 9780470481035

A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's «owners,» whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Evaluating CEO and Board Performance offers board members information on the importance of evaluation as part of a greater systematic view of governance. The guide includes principles for effectively and honestly evaluating CEO and board performance. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.


14A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value18063.82Группа авторов 9781119677123

A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value
A singular collection of original essays exploring the varied intersections of motion pictures and public value A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value presents a cross-disciplinary investigation of the past, present, and possible future contributions of the moving image to the public good. This unique volume explores the direct and indirect public value developed through motion pictures of different types, genres, and screening sites. Essays by world-renowned scholars from diverse disciplines present original conceptual work, philosophical arguments, historical discussion, empirical research, and specific case studies. Divided into seven thematically organized sections, the Companion identifies the various kinds of values that motion pictures can deliver, amongst them artistic, ethical, environmental, cultural, political, cognitive, and spiritual value. Each section includes an introduction in which the editors outline main themes and highlight connections between individual chapters. Throughout the text, probing essays interrogate the issue of public value as it relates to the cinema and provide insight into how motion pictures play a positive role in human life and society. Featuring original research essays on a pioneering topic, this innovative reference text: Brings together work by expert authors in disciplines such as Philosophy, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Film Studies, Sociology, and Environmental Studies Discusses a variety of institutional landscapes, policy formations, and types and styles of filmmaking Provides wide and inclusive coverage of cinema’s relation to public value in Africa, Asia, China, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas Explores the role of motion pictures in community formation, nation building, and the construction of good societies Covers new and emerging topics such as cinema-based fields focused on health and wellbeing A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Film, Media, and Cultural Studies, and is a valuable resource for scholars across a variety of disciplines


15A Companion to Television5563.56Группа авторов 9781119269441
16A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry11375.71Stephen W. S. McKeever 9781119646921

A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry
A Course in <b>Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry</b> <p><b>A complete approach to the three key techniques in luminescence dosimetry</b> <p>In <i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry,</i> expert researcher Stephen McKeever delivers a holistic and comprehensive exploration of the three main luminescence techniques used in radiation dosimetry: thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiophotoluminescence. The author demonstrates how the three techniques are related to one another and how they compare to each other. <p>Throughout, the author’s focus is on pedagogy, including state-of-the-art research only where it is relevant to demonstrate a key principle or where it reveals a critical insight into physical mechanisms. The primary purpose of the book is to teach beginning researchers about the three aforementioned techniques, their similarities and distinctions, and their applications. <p><i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry </i>offers access to a companion website that includes original data sets and problems to be solved by the reader. The book also includes: <ul><li>A thorough introduction to the field of luminescence applications in radiation dosimetry, including a history of the subject.</li> <li>Comprehensive explorations of introductory models and kinetics, including the concepts of thermoluminescence, optically stimulated luminescence, and radiophotoluminescence.</li> <li>Practical discussions of luminescence curve shapes, including the determination of trapping parameters from experimental thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence data.</li> <li>In-depth examinations of dose-response functions, superlinearity, supralinearity, and sublinearity, as well as the causes of non-linearity.</li> <li>Detailed examples with well-known materials.</li></ul> <p><i>A Course in Luminescence Measurements and Analyses for Radiation Dosimetry</i> is an invaluable guide for undergraduate and graduate students in the field of radiation dosimetry, as well as faculty and professionals in the field.


17ACCUPLACER For Dummies with Online Practice Tests2693Mark Zegarelli 9781119514572
18Advances in Metallodrugs31167.78Группа авторов 9781119641018
19Aerosol Science17128.66Группа авторов 9781118675366

Aerosol Science
Aerosols influence many areas of our daily life. They are at the core of environmental problems such as global warming, photochemical smog and poor air quality. They can also have diverse effects on human health, where exposure occurs in both outdoor and indoor environments. However, aerosols can have beneficial effects too; the delivery of drugs to the lungs, the delivery of fuels for combustion and the production of nanomaterials all rely on aerosols. Advances in particle measurement technologies have made it possible to take advantage of rapid changes in both particle size and concentration. Likewise, aerosols can now be produced in a controlled fashion. Reviewing many technological applications together with the current scientific status of aerosol modelling and measurements, this book includes: • Satellite aerosol remote sensing • The effects of aerosols on climate change • Air pollution and health • Pharmaceutical aerosols and pulmonary drug delivery • Bioaerosols and hospital infections • Particle emissions from vehicles • The safety of emerging nanomaterials • Radioactive aerosols: tracers of atmospheric processes With the importance of this topic brought to the public’s attention after the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallaj?kull, this book provides a timely, concise and accessible overview of the many facets of aerosol science.


20Air Bearings14672.41Farid Al-Bender 9781118927236
21Alkynes in Cycloadditions17128.66Irina A. Maretina 9781118709337

Alkynes in Cycloadditions
Acetylene systems present a new route to cyclic compounds as an alternative to more traditional methods employed in classical organic chemistry. The synthesis of cyclic structures based on acetylene systems has important applications in the formation of nanostructures, naturally occurring compounds and chemosensory materials for the design of nonlinear optics, electronic and photonic devices. Alkynes in Cycloadditions presents a modern review of regioselective synthesis of aromatic and non-aromatic carbocyclic and heterocyclic ring systems based primarily on [2+2+2] and [4+2] cycloadditions, and other reactions of acetylenic units including enediynes and enyne-allenes. Topics covered include: New strategies for the formation of aromatic and polynuclear hydrocarbons based on (Z)-hex-3-en-1,5-diyne and (Z)-hepta-1,2,4-triene-6-yne blocks. One-step synthesis of benzene derivatives, β-substituted naphthalenes and acenes by the cycloaromatization of enediynes and enyne-allenes by Bergman, Myers-Saito and Shmittel. Mechanisms of cycloaromatization resulting in the formation of fulvene and indene systems. Heterocyclization involving enyne-carbodiimides. New achievements in classical cycloaddition reactions such as the Diels-Alder condensation with acetylenic dienophiles and [2+2] cycloadditions with acetylene components Alkynes in Cycloadditions presents a comprehensive summary of the literature on methods for the synthesis of ring systems from acetylenes for academic researchers working in the fields of organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, catalysis, materials science, nanomaterials and biochemistry.


22An Introduction to Textile Coloration9031.91Roger H. Wardman 9781119121572

An Introduction to Textile Coloration
An Introduction to Textile Coloration: Principles and Practice The Publications Committee of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (SDC) has been aware for some time of the need to produce a book at an introductory level aimed at personnel working in textile dyeing or printing companies as well as those interested in entering into the field. The SDC runs a course for dyehouse technicians leading to the award of its Textile Coloration Certificate and this book is intended to be helpful for candidates following the course. Additionally, it will be helpful for professionals in textile companies who do not have a strong scientific background, so that they may attain a better understanding of the chemical principles of colour application. Starting with the basic science underlying dyeing and printing processes, this comprehensive book explains the fundamentals of dye and pigment chemistry and the various application techniques and processes. It offers chapter coverage of the general chemistry related to textiles, textile fibres, chemistry of dyes and pigments, industrial coloration methods, textile printing, theoretical aspects of dyeing, the measurement of colour and fastness testing. Reference is made to developments that have taken place in the coloration industry in recent years, not least of which have been the challenges imposed by the drive towards environmentally-friendly processes and restrictions on the use of certain chemicals. An Introduction to Textile Coloration: Principles and Practice Covers atomic structure, chemical reactions, and acids, bases, and salts Explains the nature of fibre-forming polymers and the conversion of synthetic polymers into fibre filaments Educates on the classification of colorants and the commercial naming of dyes and pigments Introduces readers to the dye application processes and dyeing machinery Instructs on dye aggregation, factors affecting colour appearance, the principles of colour fastness testing, and more


23Analytische Chemie6025.22Matthias Otto 9783527814879

Analytische Chemie
Der «Otto» hat sich zu einem Standardwerk f?r Studenten der Chemie, Pharmazie, Lebensmittelchemie und anderer chemischer Disziplinen entwickelt, das auch von Nicht-Chemikern und Chemieingenieuren wegen seines didaktischen Aufbaus und seiner klaren Darstellung gesch?tzt wird. In f?nfter, nochmals aktualisierter und um neueste Analysemethoden erg?nzter Auflage, wird das gesamte Analytik-Wissen auf Bachelor-Niveau dargestellt. Mit dem Blick f?r das Wesentliche erkl?rt der Autor, worauf es bei den vielen heute gebr?uchlichen Analysemethoden wirklich ankommt. Von den Grundlagen der qualitativen und quantitativen Analyse bis zu modernen Hochdurchsatz-Analyseger?ten und der Qualit?tssicherung wird die gesamte Bandbreite der modernen Analytik vorgestellt. Die f?nfte Auflage bietet noch mehr Aufgaben und L?sungen zur Selbstkontrolle, au?erdem zahlreiche Beispielrechnungen. Die Begriffe und Konstanten sind nach harmonisierten IUPAC-Definitionen aktualisiert. Eine blaue Schmuckfarbe wird im Buch verwendet, um einen noch effizienteren Lernprozess zu erm?glichen.


24Anesthesia and the Fetus14323.21Группа авторов 9781118477069

Anesthesia and the Fetus
Anesthesia and the Fetus integrates into one volume the multidisciplinary components of: fetal development fetal pharmacology assessments of fetal and neonatal outcome anesthesia and analgesia during pregnancy anesthesia and analgesia during labor ethics and law Written by an internationally renowned group of clinicians and scientists, Anesthesia and the Fetus provides a contemporary guide and reference to the role of anesthesia, and the anesthesiologist, in protecting the mother and her unborn child during pregnancy.


25Animal Cruelty Investigations10120.95Группа авторов 9781119764908

Animal Cruelty Investigations
Animal Cruelty Investigations: A Collaborative Approach from Victim to Verdict provides a framework for the experts who respond to animal cruelty cases: veterinarians, law enforcement agencies, animal care and control organizations, and prosecutors. This book is a practical guide which provides insight and direction for every phase of an animal cruelty investigation. The step-by-step guidance on responding to particular issues and challenges related to animal cruelty cases is bolstered by the extensive library of checklists, form templates, specific case protocols, and lists of available resources. This book is designed to empower readers to respond to animal cruelty cases confidently and effectively by: Introducing veterinarians to their critical role in animal cruelty investigations including forensic examination and necropsy, crime scene response, report writing, and testimony. Included are detailed Specific Case Protocols for common animal cruelty scenarios. Helping animal shelters navigate the challenges of holding animals in protective custody, housing unusual species, and placing evidence animals in foster care. Offering law enforcement agencies useful methods for investigating animal cruelty such as search and seizure protocols, witness interview techniques, and valuable forms and templates necessary to strengthen and ensure proper search warrant execution, evidence collection and handling, and chain of custody; all with a focus on animals as both victims and evidence. Guiding prosecutors through the steps necessary to utilize the veterinarian’s findings during trial and providing insight into issues to be considered when reviewing search warrants, filing charges, proposing plea agreements, or filing pre-conviction forfeiture motions. This book is a must-have reference and guide for veterinarians, technicians, law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and all those involved in the protection of animals’ health and wellbeing. The successful investigation of animal crimes relies on each of these disciplines, not only carrying out their professional duties, but having a collective understanding of what each other needs in order to meet that expectation.


26Antimicrobial Peptides14050.95Frederick Harris 9783527652884

Antimicrobial Peptides
In this text, the small team of expert authors presents the field in a comprehensive and accessible manner that is well suited for students and junior researchers. The result is a highly readable and systematically structured introduction to antimicrobial peptides, their structure, biological function and mode of action. The authors point the way towards a rational design of this potentially highly effective new class of clinical antibiotics on the brink of industrial application. They do this by discussing their design principles, target membranes and structure-activity relationships. The final part of the book describes recent successes in the application of peptides as anticancer agents.


27Antiviral Drug Strategies18726.71Группа авторов 9783527635979

Antiviral Drug Strategies
By focusing on general molecular mechanisms of antiviral drugs rather than therapies for individual viruses, this ready reference provides the critical knowledge needed to develop entirely novel therapeutics and to target new viruses. It begins with a general discussion of antiviral strategies, followed by a broad survey of known viral targets, such as reverse transcriptases, proteases, neuraminidases, RNA polymerases, helicases and primases, as well as their known inhibitors. The final section contains several cases studies of recent successful antiviral drug development. Edited by Erik de Clercq, the world authority on small molecule antiviral drugs, who has developed more new antivirals than anyone else.


28Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies2111Laura L. Smith 9781119867449

Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies
Tackle anxiety and depression head-on with this practical workbook If you're one of the millions of people affected by—or whose loved ones are affected by—anxiety and depression, you're probably looking for strategies to help subdue or even transcend these debilitating and painful disorders. In that case, Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies is a great place to start. This book is filled with chapters that cut across diagnostic categories, incorporating treatment techniques based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Emotion Focused Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. Use the techniques explored in this book to start making real changes, which can quickly lead to you feeling better. It also includes: Practical and hands-on descriptions of mindfulness-based practices you can implement immediately Brand-new updates to reflect modern changes in technology, social media, and the prevalence of loneliness Consideration of the pros and cons of medications and other biological interventions for depression and anxiety, including exploration of the placebo effect Additional worksheets online available for download Perfect for anyone trying to work through the challenging issues presented by anxiety and depression, for those trying to help a loved one do the same thing, or for those in therapy, this book is an excellent supporting resource that can help contribute to positive changes in the lives of people affected by emotional distress.


29Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds62205.35Группа авторов 9783527651764

Applied Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds
The completely revised third edition of this four-volume classic is fully updated and now includes such topics as as CH-activation and multicomponent reactions. It describes the most important reaction types, new methods and recent developments in catalysis. The internationally renowned editors and a plethora of international authors (including Nobel laureate R. Noyori) guarantee high quality content throughout the book. A «must read» for everyone in academia and industry working in this field.


30Applied Mixed Models in Medicine10292.59Helen Brown E. 9781118778234

Applied Mixed Models in Medicine
A fully updated edition of this key text on mixed models, focusing on applications in medical research The application of mixed models is an increasingly popular way of analysing medical data, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. A mixed model allows the incorporation of both fixed and random variables within a statistical analysis, enabling efficient inferences and more information to be gained from the data. There have been many recent advances in mixed modelling, particularly regarding the software and applications. This third edition of Brown and Prescott’s groundbreaking text provides an update on the latest developments, and includes guidance on the use of current SAS techniques across a wide range of applications. Presents an overview of the theory and applications of mixed models in medical research, including the latest developments and new sections on incomplete block designs and the analysis of bilateral data. Easily accessible to practitioners in any area where mixed models are used, including medical statisticians and economists. Includes numerous examples using real data from medical and health research, and epidemiology, illustrated with SAS code and output. Features the new version of SAS, including new graphics for model diagnostics and the procedure PROC MCMC. Supported by a website featuring computer code, data sets, and further material. This third edition will appeal to applied statisticians working in medical research and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as teachers and students of statistics courses in mixed models. The book will also be of great value to a broad range of scientists, particularly those working in the medical and pharmaceutical areas.


31Applied Soil Chemistry19732.89Группа авторов 9781119711490
32Arene Chemistry20514.15Jacques Mortier 9781118754955

Arene Chemistry
Organized to enable students and synthetic chemists to understand and expand on aromatic reactions covered in foundation courses, the book offers a thorough and accessible mechanistic explanation of aromatic reactions involving arene compounds. • Surveys methods used for preparing arene compounds and their transformations • Connects reactivity and methodology with mechanism • Helps readers apply aromatic reactions in a practical context by designing syntheses • Provides essential information about techniques used to determine reaction mechanisms


33Assessing and Improving Your Teaching4462.68Phyllis Blumberg 9781118419533

Assessing and Improving Your Teaching
In order to make appropriate changes to improve your teaching and your students’ learning, first you need to know how you’re teaching now. Figure it out for yourself and invigorate your teaching on your own terms! This practical evidence-based guide promotes excellence in teaching and improved student learning through self-reflection and self-assessment of one’s teaching. Phyllis Blumberg starts by reviewing the current approaches to instructor evaluation and describes their inadequacies. She then presents a new model of assessing teaching that builds upon a broader base of evidence and sources of support. This new model leads to self-assessment rubrics, which are available for download, and the book will guide you in how to use them. The book includes case studies of completed critical reflection rubrics from a variety of disciplines, including the performing and visual arts and the hard sciences, to show how they can be used in different ways and how to explore the richness of the data you’ll uncover.


34Asymmetric Synthesis in Organophosphorus Chemistry16051.47Oleg I. Kolodiazhnyi 9783527341511

Asymmetric Synthesis in Organophosphorus Chemistry
Authored by one of the leading experts in the field, this is the only comprehensive overview of chiral organophosphorus compounds, from asymmetric synthesis to catalysis and pharmacological applications. As such, this unique reference covers the chemical background as well as spectroscopical analysis of phosphorus compounds, and thoroughly describes all the various synthetic strategies for these substances. Metal-, organo- and biocatalyzed reactions for the introduction of phosphorus are explained as are asymmetric oxidation and reduction methods for the preparation of all possible oxidation states of phosphorus. The text also includes industrial applications for these compounds. Of particular interest to chemists working in the field of asymmetric synthesis, as well as to the pharmaceutical industry due to the increasing number of phosphorous-containing drugs.


35Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics15779.21John H. Seinfeld 9781119221166

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Expanded and updated with new findings and new features New chapter on Global Climate providing a self-contained treatment of climate forcing, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity New chapter on Atmospheric Organic Aerosols and new treatment of the statistical method of Positive Matrix Factorization Updated treatments of physical meteorology, atmospheric nucleation, aerosol-cloud relationships, chemistry of biogenic hydrocarbons Each topic developed from the fundamental science to the point of application to real-world problems New problems at an introductory level to aid in classroom teaching


36Autonomy2545.03Beate Roessler 9781509538010

In everyday life, we generally assume that we can make our own decisions on matters which concern our own lives. We assume that a life followed only according to decisions taken by other people, against our will, cannot be a well-lived life – we assume, in other words, that we are and should be autonomous. However, it is equally true that many aspects of our lives are not chosen freely: this is true of social relations and commitments but also of all those situations we simply seem to stumble into, situations which just seem to happen to us. The possibility of both the success of an autonomous life and its failure are part of our everyday experiences. In this brilliant and illuminating book, Beate Roessler examines the tension between failing and succeeding to live an autonomous life and the obstacles we have to face when we try to live our life autonomously, obstacles within ourselves as well as those that stem from social and political conditions. She highlights the ambiguities we encounter, examines the roles of self-awareness and self-deception, explores the role of autonomy for the meaning of life, and maps out the social and political conditions necessary for autonomy. Informed by philosophical perspectives but also drawing on literary texts, such as those of Siri Hustvedt and Jane Austen, and diaries, including those of Franz Kafka and Sylvia Plath, Roessler develops a formidable defense of autonomy against excessive expectations and, above all, against overpowering skepticism.


37Bayesian Signal Processing14725.68James V. Candy 9781119125471

Bayesian Signal Processing
Presents the Bayesian approach to statistical signal processing for a variety of useful model sets This book aims to give readers a unified Bayesian treatment starting from the basics (Baye’s rule) to the more advanced (Monte Carlo sampling), evolving to the next-generation model-based techniques (sequential Monte Carlo sampling). This next edition incorporates a new chapter on “Sequential Bayesian Detection,” a new section on “Ensemble Kalman Filters” as well as an expansion of Case Studies that detail Bayesian solutions for a variety of applications. These studies illustrate Bayesian approaches to real-world problems incorporating detailed particle filter designs, adaptive particle filters and sequential Bayesian detectors. In addition to these major developments a variety of sections are expanded to “fill-in-the gaps” of the first edition. Here metrics for particle filter (PF) designs with emphasis on classical “sanity testing” lead to ensemble techniques as a basic requirement for performance analysis. The expansion of information theory metrics and their application to PF designs is fully developed and applied. These expansions of the book have been updated to provide a more cohesive discussion of Bayesian processing with examples and applications enabling the comprehension of alternative approaches to solving estimation/detection problems. The second edition of Bayesian Signal Processing features: “Classical” Kalman filtering for linear, linearized, and nonlinear systems; “modern” unscented and ensemble Kalman filters: and the “next-generation” Bayesian particle filters Sequential Bayesian detection techniques incorporating model-based schemes for a variety of real-world problems Practical Bayesian processor designs including comprehensive methods of performance analysis ranging from simple sanity testing and ensemble techniques to sophisticated information metrics New case studies on adaptive particle filtering and sequential Bayesian detection are covered detailing more Bayesian approaches to applied problem solving MATLAB® notes at the end of each chapter help readers solve complex problems using readily available software commands and point out other software packages available Problem sets included to test readers’ knowledge and help them put their new skills into practice Bayesian Signal Processing, Second Edition is written for all students, scientists, and engineers who investigate and apply signal processing to their everyday problems.


38Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principles of Color Technology15187.34Roy S. Berns 9781119367192
39Bioactive Natural Products17389.09Goutam Brahmachari 9783527684410

Bioactive Natural Products
Natural compounds, which have evolved their function over millions of years, are often more efficient than man-made compounds if a specific biological activity is needed, e.g. as an enzyme inhibitor or as a toxin to kill a cancer cell. This book comprising of sixteen technical chapters, highlights the chemical and biological aspects of potential natural products with an intention of unravelling their pharmaceutical applicability in modern drug discovery processes. Key features: Covers the synthesis, semi-synthesis and also biosynthesis of potentially bioactive natural products Features chemical and biological advances in naturally occurring organic compounds describing their chemical transformations, mode of actions, and structure-activity relationships 40 expert scientists from around the world report their latest findings and outline future opportunities for the development of novel and highly potent drugs based on natural products operating at the interface of chemistry and biology Forward-looking: Addresses opportunities and cutting-edge developments rather than well-documented basic knowledge, pinpoints current trends and future directions in this rapidly-evolving field Application-oriented: Throughout the book, the focus is on actual and potential applications in pharmacology and biotechnology This book is an essential resource for natural products chemists, medicinal chemists, biotechnologists, biochemists, pharmacologists, as well as the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.


40Bioanorganische Chemie6025.22Peter Kl?fers 9783527675494

Bioanorganische Chemie
Mit dieser Einfuhrung in die faszinierende Welt der Metalloproteine lernen Chemiker, Biochemiker und Biotechnologen Mechanismen, Methoden und Modellvorstellungen der bioanorganischen Chemie kennen. In einer Synthese aus aktuellen Arbeiten an Metalloenzymzentren und den Grundlagen der Koordinationschemie fuhren die Autoren in dieses spannende und im Wortsinne komplexe Thema ein. Der erste Teil des Buches stellt anhand ausgewahlter Metalloproteine dar, dass die Natur die koordinationschemischen Prinzipien «kennt» und in einer Weise nutzt, die vorbildhaft fur die Entwicklung synthetischer Katalysatoren sein kann. Einige der verwendeten Konzepte werden in Einschuben naher beleuchtet. Der zweite Teil vermittelt die Grundlagen der verschiedenen instrumentellen Methoden fur die Untersuchung von Metalloproteinen, von der Kristallographie uber die Vielfalt an spektroskopischen Methoden (UV, Raman, Fluoreszenz, EPR, Mo?bauer etc.) bis hin zu elektrochemischen und computerchemischen Methoden. Durch die Betonung der koordinationschemischen Grundlagen biochemischer Funktion ist dieses Lehrbuch eine wichtige Erganzung zu den Standardlehrbuchern der Biochemie und der anorganischen Chemie. Der modulare Aufbau erleichtert dabei den Einsatz fur unterschiedliche Lehrveranstaltungen und Studiengange.


41Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation14317.29Gerhard Krauss 9783527667505

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
Originally based on a graduate course taught by the author, this true classic has once again been extensively updated to incorporate key new findings in biological signaling. With over half of the content re-written, plus 70 brand new and 50 revised figures, this is the most up-to-date textbook on signaling available anywhere. Thanks to its clear structure, hundreds of illustrative drawings, as well as chapter introductions and newly added study questions, this text excels as a companion for a course on biological signaling, and equally as an introductory reference to the field for students and researchers. Generations of students and junior researchers have relied on «the Krauss» to find their way through the bewildering complexity of biological signaling pathways.


42Bioorganometallic Chemistry16051.47Группа авторов 9783527673469

Bioorganometallic Chemistry
An up-to-date reference reflecting the significant advances and important breakthroughs made in this emerging discipline over the last decade. As such, the book provides an overview of the latest developments and future trends in the field, focusing on such applications as the development of potentially active organometallic drugs against incurable diseases, as well as in such areas as catalysis, energy, analytical chemistry, and imaging. The renowned editor, who established the term «bioorganometallics», and his international team of experts have put together a valuable resource for researchers in organometallic, inorganic, medicinal, and biochemistry.


43Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Environmental Systems24089.04Группа авторов 9780470944462

Biophysico-Chemical Processes of Anthropogenic Organic Compounds in Environmental Systems
In contrast to the classical books which largely focus on separate, individual physicochemical and biological aspects, this book aims to integrate the frontiers of knowledge on the fundamentals and the impact of physicochemical and biological interactions and processes of AOCs in soil, sediment, water and air. The specific objectives of this book are to address: (1) fundamental biophysico-chemical processes of AOCs in the environment, (2) occurrence and distribution of AOCs in air, water, and soil, and their global cycling, (3) the state-of-the-art analytical techniques of AOCs, and (4) restoration of natural environments contaminated by AOCs. The book also identifies the gaps in knowledge on the subject matter and as such provides future directions to stimulate scientific research to advance the chemical science on biophysico-chemical interfacial reactions in natural habitats. By virtue of complex nature of the interactions of AOCs with different environmental components and matrixes, no single available technique and instrument is satisfactory yet for determining their fate, transport, availability, and risk in the environment. In order to fully understand the biophysico-chemical interactions and processes of AOCs in the environment, it is critical to know chemical, physical and biological properties of AOCs and their analytical techniques. The book is unique because of its multidisciplinary approach as it provides a comprehensive and integrated coverage of biophysico-chemical reactions and processes of AOCs in various environments, associated analytical techniques, and restoration of natural environments contaminated by AOCs.


44Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult13843.8Группа авторов 9781119513155
45Carbohydrates17389.09Группа авторов 9783527654574

Closing a gap in the literature, this comprehensive book presents the utility of carbohydrate derivatives as chiral auxiliaries, reagents, complex ligands and organocatalysts, together with details of their preparation, as well as their successful application in stereoselective synthesis. Divided into four parts: * Carbohydrate Auxiliaries * Carbohydrate Reagents * Carbohydrate Ligands * Carbohydrate Organocatalysts It is an indispensable source for every organic chemist.


46Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems13920.74Группа авторов 9781118676349

Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems
Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems presents a comprehensive overview of how cellulosic energy crops can be sustainably produced and converted to affordable energy through liquid fuels, heat and electricity. The book begins with an introduction to cellulosic feedstocks, discussing their potential as a large-scale sustainable energy source, and technologies for the production of liquid fuels, heat and electricity. Subsequent chapters examine miscanthus, switchgrass, sugarcane and energy cane, sorghums and crop residues, reviewing their phylogeny, cultural practices, and opportunities for genetic improvement. This is followed by a detailed focus on woody crops, including eucalyptus, pine, poplar and willow. Critical logistical issues associated with both herbaceous and woody feedstocks are reviewed, and alternate strategies for harvesting, transporting, and storing cellulosic materials are also examined. The final sectionof the booktackles the challenge of achieving long-term sustainability, addressing economic, environmental and social factors. Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems is a valuable resource for academics, students and industry professionals working in the field of biomass cultivation and conversion, bioenergy, crop science and agriculture. Topics covered include: Identifying suitable cellulosic energy crops that are adapted to a wide range of climates and soils Best management practices for sustainably growing, harvesting, storing, transporting and pre-processing these crops The development of integrated cellulosic energy cropping systems for supplying commercial processing plants Challenges and opportunities for the long-term sustainability of cellulosic energy crops This book was conceived and initiated by David I. Bransby, Professor of Energy and Forage Crops in the Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences at Auburn University, USA. For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable Resources, visit


47Chemical Marine Monitoring16690.68Группа авторов 9781119990833

Chemical Marine Monitoring
Wide- scale chemical monitoring programmes are required by international conventions and European Union policies such as the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the new EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This entails all waters, including transitional and coastal waters, sediments and biota. The final volume in the Water Quality Measurement Serieshighlights policy frameworks and analytical trends with an emphasis on laboratory methods and quality control. Within this comprehensive text, the following sections are included: Setting the Scene; monitoring of pollutants Policy Settings; international conventions and EU marine strategy Marine monitored parameters; trace elements, chemical species, organic micropollutants, and nutrients Types of monitoring; classical chemical monitoring, biomonitoring and in-situ methods Quality assurance; certified reference materials for marine monitoring Research and developments; the role of sediments in coastal monitoring, and passive sampling technologies Chemical Marine Monitoring: Policy Framework and Analytical Trends is intended for postgraduates and researchers working in analytical chemistry and its application to environmental and health analyses. Those interested in developing new methods and materials in relation to drinking water regulations with also find this book beneficial.


48Chemical Synthesis Using Highly Reactive Metals15791.04Reuben D. Rieke 9781118929148

Chemical Synthesis Using Highly Reactive Metals
Written by the creator of Rieke metals, valuable for chemical reaction methods and efficiency, this groundbreaking book addresses a significant aspect of organic and inorganic chemistry. The author discusses synthetic methods, preparation procedures, chemical reactions, and applications for highly reactive metals and organometallic reagents. • Addresses a new generation of chemistry that goes beyond the standard use of metals and activation • Provides step-by-step guidelines, chemical equations, and experimental descriptions for handling metals including zinc, magnesium, copper, indium, nickel, manganese, calcium, barium, iron, palladium, platinum, uranium, thorium, aluminum, cobalt, and chromium • Uses a unique approach to highlight methods and techniques that make chemical synthesis and activation of Rieke metals more safe and efficient • Discusses novel applications and special topics, such as highly reactive metals for novel organometallic reagents, semiconducting polymers, plastics electronics, photovoltaics, and the Reformatsky reagent


49Chemistry of Biologically Potent Natural Products and Synthetic Compounds22763.25Группа авторов 9781119640974
50Chiral Drugs17992.79Группа авторов 9781118075623

Chiral Drugs
An integrated view of chiral drugs—from concept and synthesisto pharmaceutical properties Chirality greatly influences a drug's biological and pharmacological properties. In an effort to achieve more predictable results from chiral drugs, the Food and Drug Administration now requires that these medicines be as pure as possible, which places great demands on drug synthesis, purification, analysis, and testing. To assist researchers in acquiring the essential knowledge to meet these rigid guidelines, Chiral Drugs focuses on three vital chiral technologies—asymmetric synthesis, biocatalytic process, and chiral resolution—to offer details on the basic concepts, key developments, and recent trends in chiral drug discovery, along with: The history of chiral drugs development and industrial applications of chiral technologies A section listing twenty-five approved or advanced-trial chiral drugs that lists each drug name, chemical name and properties, a representative synthetic pathway, pharmacological characterizations, and references An interdisciplinary approach combining synthetic organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacology Nearly two-thirds of the drugs on today's market are chiral drugs. Reducing and eliminating their negative characteristics is an ongoing and serious challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. With its well-balanced approach to covering each important aspect of chirality, Chiral Drugs champions important strategies for tipping the medical scale in a positive direction for the production of more effective—and safer—drugs.


51Chitin and Chitosan22485.07Группа авторов 9781119450498

Chitin and Chitosan
Offers a comprehensive guide to the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan Chitin and Chitosan: Properties and Applications presents a comprehensive review of the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan. These promising biomaterials have the potential to be broadly applied and there is a growing market for these biopolymers in areas such as medical and pharmaceutical, packaging, agricultural, textile, cosmetics, nanoparticles and more. The authors – noted experts in the field – explore the isolation, characterization and the physical and chemical properties of chitin and chitosan. They also examine their properties such as hydrogels, immunomodulation and biotechnology, antimicrobial activity and chemical enzymatic modifications. The book offers an analysis of the myriad medical and pharmaceutical applications as well as a review of applications in other areas. In addition, the authors discuss regulations, markets and perspectives for the use of chitin and chitosan. This important book: Offers a thorough review of the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan. Contains information on the wide-ranging applications and growing market demand for chitin and chitosan Includes a discussion of current regulations and the outlook for the future Written for Researchers in academia and industry who are working in the fields of chitin and chitosan, Chitin and Chitosan: Properties and Applications offers a review of these promising biomaterials that have great potential due to their material properties and biological functionalities.


52Coastal Storms12512.09Группа авторов 9781118937082

Coastal Storms
A comprehensive introduction to coastal storms and their associated impacts Coastal Storms offers students and professionals in the field a comprehensive overview and groundbreaking text that is specifically devoted to the analysis of coastal storms. Based on the most recent knowledge and contributions from leading researchers, the text examines coastal storms’ processes and characteristics, the main hazards (such as overwash, inundation and flooding, erosion, structures overtopping), and how to monitor and model storms. The authors include information on the most advanced innovations in forecasting, prediction, and early warning, which serves as a foundation for accurate risk evaluation and developing adequate coastal indicators and management options. In addition, structural overtopping and damage are explained, taking into account the involved hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes. The monitoring methods of coastal storms are analyzed based on recent results from research projects in Europe and the United States. Methods for vulnerability and risk evaluation are detailed, storm impact indicators are suggested for different hazards and coastal management procedures analyzed. This important resource includes: Comprehensive coverage of storms and associated impacts, including meteorological coastal storm definitions and related potential consequences A state-of-the-art reference for advanced students, professionals and researchers in the field Chapters on monitoring methods of coastal storms, their prediction, early warning systems, and modeling of consequences Explorations of methods for vulnerability and risk evaluation and suggestions for storm impact indicators for different hazards and coastal management procedures Coastal Storms is a compilation of scientific and policy-related knowledge related to climate-related extreme events. The authors are internationally recognized experts and their work reflects the most recent science and policy advances in the field.


53Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 1321153.37Michael B. Smith 9781118791554

Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 13
The Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods serves as a handy desktop reference for organic chemists to browse new reactions and transformations of interest, facilitating the search for functional group transformations in the original literature of organic chemistry. Volume 13 contains both functional group transformations and carbon-carbon bond forming reactions from the literature in the years 2005-8. It presents examples of published reactions for the preparation of monofunctional compounds. The Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods series facilitates the search for quality, selected functional group transformations, organized by reacting functional group of starting material and functional group formed, with full references to each reaction Presents examples of published reactions for the preparation of monofunctional compounds from the literature of 2005-8 Provides a handy reference and a valuable tool to the working organic chemist, allowing a quick check of known organic transformations Stringent criteria for inclusion of reactions, including real synthetic utility of reactions, reagents readily available or easily prepared and handled in the laboratory


54Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis16726.2Группа авторов 9783527664603

Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis
This book reflects the increasing interest among the chemical synthetic community in the area of asymmetric copper-catalyzed reactions, and introduces readers to the latest, most significant developments in the field. The contents are organized according to reaction type and cover mechanistic and spectroscopic aspects as well as applications in the synthesis of natural products. A whole chapter is devoted to understanding how primary organometallics interact with copper to provide selective catalysts for allylic substitution and conjugate addition, both of which are treated in separate chapters. Another is devoted to the variety of substrates and experimental protocols, while an entire chapter covers the use on non-carbon nucleophiles. Other chapters deal with less-known reactions, such as carbometallation or the additions to imines and related systems, while the more established reactions cyclopropanation and aziridination as well as the use of copper (II) Lewis acids are warranted their own special chapters. Two further chapters concern the processes involved, as determined by mechanistic studies. Finally, a whole chapter is devoted to the synthetic applications. This is essential reading for researchers at academic institutions and professionals at pharmaceutical or agrochemical companies.


55Decisively Digital2111Alexander Loth 9781119737483
56Dendrimer Chemistry11375.71Gabriele Richardt 9783527626960

Dendrimer Chemistry
Written by internationally acclaimed authors, this textbook contains everything you need to know about this versatile class of compounds. Starting with a historical overview, definitions and other fundamentals, it goes on to look at characterization, analysis and properties of dendrimers. While the focus is on synthesis and applications, it also contains chapters on analytics and other applications. Essential reading for organic and polymer chemists, undergraduate and graduate students, students and lecturers in chemistry.


57Desalination25201.75Jane Kucera 9781119407881
58Designing a World-Class Architecture Firm7587.75Patrick MacLeamy 9781119685456
59Digital Color16820.89Группа авторов 9781118562697

Digital Color
In this book the authors identify the basic concepts and recent advances in the acquisition, perception, coding and rendering of color. The fundamental aspects related to the science of colorimetry in relation to physiology (the human visual system) are addressed, as are constancy and color appearance. It also addresses the more technical aspects related to sensors and the color management screen. Particular attention is paid to the notion of color rendering in computer graphics. Beyond color, the authors also look at coding, compression, protection and quality of color images and videos. Individual chapters focus on the LMS specification, color constancy, color appearance models, rendering in synthetic image generation, image sensor technologies, image compression, and quality and secure color imaging. Ideal for researchers, engineers, Master’s and PhD students, Digital Color: Acquisition, Perception, Encoding and Rendering offers a state of the art on all the scientific and technical issues raised by the different stages of the digital color process – acquisition, analysis and processing. Contents 1. Colorimetry and Physiology – The LMS Specification, Fran?oise Vi?not and Jean Le Rohellec. 2. Color Constancy, Jean-Christophe Burie, Majed Chambah and Sylvie Treuillet. 3. Color Appearance Models, Christine Fernandez-Maloigne and Alain Tr?meau. 4. Rendering and Computer Graphics, Bernard P?roche, Samuel Delepoulle and Christophe Renaud. 5. Image Sensor Technology, Fran?ois Berry and Omar Ait Aider. 6. From the Sensor to Color Images, Olivier Losson and Eric Dinet. 7. Color and Image Compression, Abdelhakim Saadane, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi and Christophe Charrier. 8. Protection of Color Images, William Puech, Alain Tr?meau and Philippe Carr?. 9. Quality Assessment Approaches, Mohamed-Chaker Larabi, Abdelhakim Saadane and Christophe Charrier.


60Digital Interface Design and Application9600.1Jonathan A. Dell 9781118974346

Digital Interface Design and Application
Many computer applications require microprocessors to reliably interconnect and communicate with other peripherals in order to perform their intended functions. Interface design, which includes the development of the methods and processes by which two or more components communicate, is a crucial step in the deployment of microprocessors in an embedded computing environment. ARM-based microprocessors are a leading technology in this field, offering a wide range of performance for different applications. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of interface design from basic logical and theoretical principles to practical implementation on an ARM-based microprocessor, addressing both hardware and software considerations. The microprocessor’s high level of complexity is carefully analysed in the text to provide clear guidance for the reader in the design of new applications, resulting in an invaluable reference resource for graduates and engineers involved in the design of electronic products and systems. Key Features: Brings together aspects of digital hardware, interface design and software integration in a single text to make clear the link between low and high level languages for interface control Categorises interface techniques into easily distinguished chapters, progressively involving greater complexity, enabling the reader to quickly find relevant material for a particular application Provides many practical C-coded examples showing both the preparation and use of complex programmable subsystems implemented in a typical commercial product Presents in each chapter an introduction to the essential theoretical aspects and the development of simple interface designs using basic logical building blocks


61Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials16726.2Группа авторов 9783527652723

Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials
A one-stop resource for researchers, developers, and post graduate students in pharmaceutical science. This handbook and ready reference provides detailed, but not overloaded information – presenting the topic without unnecessarily complex formalism. As such, it gives a systematic and coherent overview of disordered materials for pharmaceutical applications, covering fundamental aspects, as well as preparation and characterization techniques for the target-oriented development of drug delivery systems based on disordered crystals and amorphous solids. Special attention is paid to examine the different facets and levels of disorder in their structural and dynamic aspects as well as the effect of disorder on dissolution and stability. Chapters on processing induced disorder and on patenting issues round off the book. As a result the book helps overcoming the challenges of using these materials in the pharmaceutical industry. For pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists, materials scientists, clinical physicists, and pharmaceutical laboratories looking to make better and more potent pharmaceuticals.


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