химия полимеров

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НаименованиеЦенаАвторГодКод ISBN
1101 Ways to Save Money on Your Tax - Legally! 2021 - 20221736.15Adrian Raftery 9780730391616
2Астрономичекий календарь для школьников на 2022/2023 учебный год279М. Ю. Шевченко2022978-5-17-148223-7

Астрономичекий календарь для школьников на 2022/2023 учебный год
73-й выпуск этого классического ежегодного издания станет помощником для школьников, а также для всех увлеченных астрономическими наблюдениями. Он поможет выбрать наилучшее время для наблюдения астрономических объектов и не пропустить важные астрономические события. Календарь дополнен развернутым словарем терминов и разделом «Памятные даты», знакомящим с историей одной из древнейших наук.

Серия: Как наблюдать за звездами


3Итоги совещания производителей бутадиен-стирольных каучуков, отраслевых научно-исследовательских организаций и Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета320А. П. Рахматуллина2013 

Итоги совещания производителей бутадиен-стирольных каучуков, отраслевых научно-исследовательских организаций и Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета
Содержание книги отражает состояние отрасли производства эмульсионных каучуков, латексов, эмульгаторов, текущее состояние и перспективы производства бутадиен-стирольных каучуков на российских предприятиях, достижения научно-исследовательских организаций по улучшению технологии производства эмульсионных каучуков, основные направления научных исследований в области эмульсионной полимеризации.


4Оператор лесопильных линий. Повышение квалификации. Учебное пособие для СПО624И. Т. Глебов2023978-5-507-47146-1

Оператор лесопильных линий. Повышение квалификации. Учебное пособие для СПО

Серия: Среднее профессиональное образование (Лань)


5Секрет Нового года319Орьол Каноза2019978-5-17-123247-4

Секрет Нового года
Огоньки и звёзды, гирлянды и подарки… Скорее присоединяйтесь к семейству Полевых, чтобы раскрыть Секрет Нового года. До праздника осталось всего три дня, и маленький городок Верхние Горы занят подготовкой не покладая рук. Господин и госпожа Угловые, хозяева универмага, очень недовольны, что семья Градоначальниковых в этом году не потрудилась украсить ёлку на центральной площади. Господин Градоначальников тоже негодует: почему Угловые забыли про ель? Обе семьи даже не догадываются, кто на самом деле создаёт праздничное настроение в городе. Орьол Каноза – популярный испанский автор и владелец маленького книжного магазинчика в Барселоне. Когда он устаёт от покупателей, то идёт гулять. И между прочим, Орьол уже дважды успел обойти пешком всю Европу. «Секрет Нового года» – это загадочная и волшебная история о поддержке, дружеской помощи и, конечно, о самом любимом празднике в мире.

Серия: Книжка под ёлку


6Синтонимы. Большой дневник349Мирай Медина2020978-5-17-127102-2

Синтонимы. Большой дневник
Перед вами большой дневник по вселенной «Синтонимов»! На его страницах вас ждут увлекательные задания, интересные факты о любимых персонажах, новые авторские иллюстрации и недатированный ежедневник для ваших записей. Составленный и отрисованный лично Мединой Мирай, этот творческий блокнот перенесет вас в яркий мир ее книг, а компанию вам составят Ангела, Рейден и их друзья.

Серия: Медина Мирай. Молодежные хиты


7Физика и химия полимеров. Учебное пособие для вузов787А. А. Леонович2023978-5-507-47179-9

Физика и химия полимеров. Учебное пособие для вузов
Приводится классификация природных и синтетических высокомолекулярных соединений, методы синтеза и химические превращения полимеров, физические и химические свойства, структурно-морфологические особенности, определяющие полимерное состояние вещества. Рассматриваются физические (релаксационные) состояния, реология растворов, прочность и стабилизация полимерных материалов. Учебное пособие содержит именной указатель ученых, внесших важный вклад в становление и развитие предмета. Пособие предназначается для студентов лесотехнических и химикотехнологических вузов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки: «Химическая технология», «Энерго- и ресурсосберегающие процессы в химической технологии, нефтехимии и биотехнологии», «Технология лесозаготовительных и деревоперерабатывающих производств». Окажется полезным для инженерно-технических и научных работников предприятий деревообрабатывающей, мебельной и химической промышленности.

Серия: Высшее образование (Лань)


8A Companion to Dental Anthropology20514.15Joel D. Irish 9781118845516

A Companion to Dental Anthropology
Companion to Dental Anthropology presents a collection of original readings addressing all aspects and sub-disciplines of the field of dental anthropology—from its origins and evolution through to the latest scientific research. Represents the most comprehensive coverage of all sub-disciplines of dental anthropology available today Features individual chapters written by experts in their specific area of dental research Includes authors who also present results from their research through case studies or voiced opinions about their work Offers extensive coverage of topics relating to dental evolution, morphometric variation, and pathology


9A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art6978.13Группа авторов 9781118391501

A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art
A Companion to Renaissance and Baroque Art provides a diverse, fresh collection of accessible, comprehensive essays addressing key issues for European art produced between 1300 and 1700, a period that might be termed the beginning of modern history. Presents a collection of original, in-depth essays from art experts that address various aspects of European visual arts produced from circa 1300 to 1700 Divided into five broad conceptual headings: Social-Historical Factors in Artistic Production; Creative Process and Social Stature of the Artist; The Object: Art as Material Culture; The Message: Subjects and Meanings; and The Viewer, the Critic, and the Historian: Reception and Interpretation as Cultural Discourse Covers many topics not typically included in collections of this nature, such as Judaism and the arts, architectural treatises, the global Renaissance in arts, the new natural sciences and the arts, art and religion, and gender and sexuality Features essays on the arts of the domestic life, sexuality and gender, and the art and production of tapestries, conservation/technology, and the metaphor of theater Focuses on Western and Central Europe and that territory's interactions with neighboring civilizations and distant discoveries Includes illustrations as well as links to images not included in the book


10A Companion to Translation Studies20827.84Группа авторов 9781118613467

A Companion to Translation Studies
This companion offers a wide-ranging introduction to the rapidly expanding field of translation studies, bringing together some of the best recent scholarship to present its most important current themes Features new work from well-known scholars Includes a broad range of geo-linguistic and theoretical perspectives Offers an up-to-date overview of an expanding field A thorough introduction to translation studies for both undergraduates and graduates Multi-disciplinary relevance for students with diverse career goals


11A Companion to Woody Allen22514.67Группа авторов 9781118514863

A Companion to Woody Allen
Edited by two renowned Allen experts, A Companion to Woody Allen presents a collection of 26 original essays on the director’s films. Contributions offer a number of divergent critical perspectives while expanding the contexts in which his work is understood. A timely companion by the authors of two of the most important books on Allen to date Illuminates the films of Woody Allen from a number of divergent critical perspectives Explores the contexts in which his work should be understood Assesses Allen’s remarkable filmmaking career from its early beginnings and investigates the conflicts and contradictions that suffuse it Discusses Allen’s recognition as a global cinematic figure


12A Handbook for DNA-Encoded Chemistry13589.29Robert A. Goodnow, Jr. 9781118832691

A Handbook for DNA-Encoded Chemistry
This book comprehensively describes the development and practice of DNA-encoded library synthesis technology. Together, the chapters detail an approach to drug discovery that offers an attractive addition to the portfolio of existing hit generation technologies such as high-throughput screening, structure-based drug discovery and fragment-based screening. The book: Provides a valuable guide for understanding and applying DNA-encoded combinatorial chemistry Helps chemists generate and screen novel chemical libraries of large size and quality Bridges interdisciplinary areas of DNA-encoded combinatorial chemistry – synthetic and analytical chemistry, molecular biology, informatics, and biochemistry Shows medicinal and pharmaceutical chemists how to efficiently broaden available “chemical space” for drug discovery Provides expert and up-to-date summary of reported literature for DNA-encoded and DNA-directed chemistry technology and methods


13A New Companion to Digital Humanities8522.9Susan Schreibman 9781118680629
14Adhesive Bonding23414.31J?rgen Klingen 9783527623938

Adhesive Bonding
Both solid knowledge of the basics as well as expert knowledge is needed to create rigid, long-lasting and material-specific adhesions in the industrial or trade sectors. Information that is extremely difficult and time-consuming to find in the current literature. Written by specialists in various disciplines from both academia and industry, this handbook is the very first to provide such comprehensive knowledge in a compact and well-structured form. Alongside such traditional fields as the properties, chemistry and characteristic behavior of adhesives and adhesive joints, it also treats in detail current practical questions and the manifold applications for adhesives.


15Advanced Distillation Technologies14749.36Anton A. Kiss 9781118543672

Advanced Distillation Technologies
Distillation has historically been the main method for separating mixtures in the chemical process industry. However, despite the flexibility and widespread use of distillation processes, they still remain extremely energy inefficient. Increased optimization and novel distillation concepts can deliver substantial benefits, not just in terms of significantly lower energy use, but also in reducing capital investment and improving eco-efficiency. While likely to remain the separation technology of choice for the next few decades, there is no doubt that distillation technologies need to make radical changes in order to meet the demands of the energy-conscious society. Advanced Distillation Technologies: Design, Control and Applications gives a deep and broad insight into integrated separations using non-conventional arrangements, including both current and upcoming process intensification technologies. It includes: Key concepts in distillation technology Principles of design, control, sizing and economics of distillation Dividing-wall column (DWC) – design, configurations, optimal operation and energy efficient and advanced control DWC applications in ternary separations, azeotropic, extractive and reactive distillation Heat integrated distillation column (HIDiC) – design, equipment and configurations Heat-pump assisted applications (MVR, TVR, AHP, CHRP, TAHP and others) Cyclic distillation technology – concepts, modeling approach, design and control issues Reactive distillation – fundamentals, equipment, applications, feasibility scheme Results of rigorous simulations in Mathworks Matlab & Simulink, Aspen Plus, Dynamics and Custom Modeler Containing abundant examples and industrial case studies, this is a unique resource that tackles the most advanced distillation technologies – all the way from the conceptual design to practical implementation. The author of Advanced Distillation Technologies, Dr. Ir. Anton A. Kiss, has been awarded the Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs 2013. Find out more (website in Dutch)…


16Advances in Battery Manufacturing, Service, and Management Systems13163.15Группа авторов 9781119060871

Advances in Battery Manufacturing, Service, and Management Systems
Addresses the methodology and theoretical foundation of battery manufacturing, service and management systems (BM2S2), and discusses the issues and challenges in these areas This book brings together experts in the field to highlight the cutting edge research advances in BM2S2 and to promote an innovative integrated research framework responding to the challenges. There are three major parts included in this book: manufacturing, service, and management. The first part focuses on battery manufacturing systems, including modeling, analysis, design and control, as well as economic and risk analyses. The second part focuses on information technology’s impact on service systems, such as data-driven reliability modeling, failure prognosis, and service decision making methodologies for battery services. The third part addresses battery management systems (BMS) for control and optimization of battery cells, operations, and hybrid storage systems to ensure overall performance and safety, as well as EV management. The contributors consist of experts from universities, industry research centers, and government agency. In addition, this book: Provides comprehensive overviews of lithium-ion battery and battery electrical vehicle manufacturing, as well as economic returns and government support Introduces integrated models for quality propagation and productivity improvement, as well as indicators for bottleneck identification and mitigation in battery manufacturing Covers models and diagnosis algorithms for battery SOC and SOH estimation, data-driven prognosis algorithms for predicting the remaining useful life (RUL) of battery SOC and SOH Presents mathematical models and novel structure of battery equalizers in battery management systems (BMS) Reviews the state of the art of battery, supercapacitor, and battery-supercapacitor hybrid energy storage systems (HESSs) for advanced electric vehicle applications Advances in Battery Manufacturing, Services, and Management Systems is written for researchers and engineers working on battery manufacturing, service, operations, logistics, and management. It can also serve as a reference for senior undergraduate and graduate students interested in BM2S2.


17Advances in Ceramic Armor X, Volume 35, Issue 416323.72Группа авторов 9781119040613

Advances in Ceramic Armor X, Volume 35, Issue 4
A collection of 14 papers from the Armor Ceramics symposium held during The American Ceramic Society’s 38th International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 26-31, 2014.


18Aesthetics2949.48Группа авторов 9781119116813
19Aggregation-Induced Emission14619.14Anjun Qin 9781118701584

Aggregation-Induced Emission
Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE) is a novel photophysical phenomenon which offers a new platform APPLICATIONS for researchers to look into the light-emitting processes from luminogen aggregates, from which useful information on structure–property relationships may be collected and mechanistic insights may be gained. The discovery of the AIE effect opens a new avenue for the development of new luminogen materials in the aggregate or solid state. By enabling light emission in the practically useful solid state, AIE has the potential to significantly expand the technological applications of luminescent materials. Aggregation-Induced Emission: Applications is the first book to explore the high-tech applications of AIE luminogens, including technological utilizations of AIE materials in the areas of electroluminescence, mechanochromism, chiral recognition, ionic sensing, biomolecule detection, and cell imaging. Potential applications in room temperature phosphorescence, liquid crystals, circularly polarized luminescence, and organic lasing are also introduced in this volume. Topics covered include: AIE materials for electroluminescence applications Liquid crystals with AIE characteristics Mechanochromic AIE materials Chiral recognition and enantiomeric differentiation based on AIE AIE and applications of aryl-substituted pyrrole derivatives New chemo-/biosensors with AIE-active molecules AIE luminogens for in vivo functional bioimaging Applications of AIE materials in biotechnology This book is essential reading for scientists and engineers who are designing optoelectronic materials and biomedical sensors, and will also be of interest to academic researchers in materials science, physical and synthetic organic chemistry as well as physicists and biological chemists.


20Agitator Design for Gas-Liquid Fermenters and Bioreactors15175.5Gregory T. Benz 9781119650539

Agitator Design for Gas-Liquid Fermenters and Bioreactors
This book is concise reference to designing mechanically sound agitation systems that will perform the process function efficiently and economically. Currently, all the books on bioreactor and fermenter design do not focus specifically on agitation. Sections cover agitator fundamentals, impeller systems, optimum power and air flow at peak mass transfer calculations, optimizing operation for minimum energy per batch, heat transfer surfaces and calculations, shaft seal considerations, mounting method, mechanical design, and vendor evaluation.


21Aircraft Propulsion8972.71Saeed Farokhi 9781118806753

Aircraft Propulsion
New edition of the successful textbook updated to include new material on UAVs, design guidelines in aircraft engine component systems and additional end of chapter problems Aircraft Propulsion, Second Edition follows the successful first edition textbook with comprehensive treatment of the subjects in airbreathing propulsion, from the basic principles to more advanced treatments in engine components and system integration. This new edition has been extensively updated to include a number of new and important topics. A chapter is now included on General Aviation and Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Propulsion Systems that includes a discussion on electric and hybrid propulsion. Propeller theory is added to the presentation of turboprop engines. A new section in cycle analysis treats Ultra-High Bypass (UHB) and Geared Turbofan engines. New material on drop-in biofuels and design for sustainability is added to refl ect the FAA’s 2025 Vision. In addition, the design guidelines in aircraft engine components are expanded to make the book user friendly for engine designers. Extensive review material and derivations are included to help the reader navigate through the subject with ease. Key features: General Aviation and UAV Propulsion Systems are presented in a new chapter Discusses Ultra-High Bypass and Geared Turbofan engines Presents alternative drop-in jet fuels Expands on engine components' design guidelines The end-of-chapter problem sets have been increased by nearly 50% and solutions are available on a companion website Presents a new section on engine performance testing and instrumentation Includes a new 10-Minute Quiz appendix (with 45 quizzes) that can be used as a continuous assessment and improvement tool in teaching/learning propulsion principles and concepts Includes a new appendix on Rules of Thumb and Trends in aircraft propulsion Aircraft Propulsion, Second Edition is a must-have textbook for graduate and undergraduate students, and is also an excellent source of information for researchers and practitioners in the aerospace and power industry.


22Alginates22775.09Группа авторов 9781119487982
23Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors15328.4Группа авторов 9781119715610
24An Introduction to Social Psychology7457.54Группа авторов 9781119486343
25An Introduction to Testing for Drugs of Abuse6688.11William E. Schreiber 9781119794066
26Analytical Food Microbiology8605.76Ahmed E. Yousef 9781119428015

Analytical Food Microbiology
The new edition of the highly regarded laboratory manual for courses in food microbiology Analytical Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual develops the practical skills and knowledge required by students and trainees to assess the microbiological quality and safety of food. This user-friendly textbook covers laboratory safety, basic microbiological techniques, evaluation of food for various microbiological groups, detection and enumeration of foodborne pathogens, and control of undesirable foodborne microorganisms. Each well-defined experiment includes clear learning objectives and detailed explanations to help learners understand essential techniques and approaches in applied microbiology. The fully revised second edition presents improved conventional techniques, advanced analytical methodologies, updated content reflecting emerging food safety concerns, and new laboratory experiments incorporating commercially available microbiological media. Throughout the book, clear and concise chapters explain culture- and molecular-based approaches for assessing microbial quality and safety of diverse foods. This expanded and updated resource: Reviews aseptic techniques, dilution, plating, streaking, isolation, and other basic microbiological procedures Introduces exercises and relevant microorganisms with pertinent background information and reference material Describes each technique using accessible explanatory text, detailed illustrations, and easy-to-follow flowcharts Employs a proven “building block” approach throughout, with each new chapter building upon skills from the previous chapter Provides useful appendices of microbiological media, recommended control organisms, available supplies and equipment, and laboratory exercise reports With methods drawn from the authors’ extensive experience in academic, regulatory, and industry laboratories, Analytical Food Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual, Second Edition, is ideal for undergraduate and graduate students in food microbiology courses, as well as food processors and quality control personnel in laboratory training programs.


27Antibacterial Agents15862.07Rosaleen Anderson 9781118325438

Antibacterial Agents
Antibacterial agents act against bacterial infection either by killing the bacterium or by arresting its growth. They do this by targeting bacterial DNA and its associated processes, attacking bacterial metabolic processes including protein synthesis, or interfering with bacterial cell wall synthesis and function. Antibacterial Agents is an essential guide to this important class of chemotherapeutic drugs. Compounds are organised according to their target, which helps the reader understand the mechanism of action of these drugs and how resistance can arise. The book uses an integrated “lab-to-clinic” approach which covers drug discovery, source or synthesis, mode of action, mechanisms of resistance, clinical aspects (including links to current guidelines, significant drug interactions, cautions and contraindications), prodrugs and future improvements. Agents covered include: agents targeting DNA – quinolone, rifamycin, and nitroimidazole antibacterial agents agents targeting metabolic processes – sulfonamide antibacterial agents and trimethoprim agents targeting protein synthesis – aminoglycoside, macrolide and tetracycline antibiotics, chloramphenicol, and oxazolidinones agents targeting cell wall synthesis – β-Lactam and glycopeptide antibiotics, cycloserine, isonaizid, and daptomycin Antibacterial Agents will find a place on the bookshelves of students of pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, drug design/discovery, and medicinal chemistry, and as a bench reference for pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers in academia and industry.


28Antimicrobial Polymers15885.74Jose Maria Lagaron 9781118150856

Antimicrobial Polymers
The pioneering guide on the design, processing, and testing of antimicrobial plastic materials and coatings The manifestation of harmful microbes in plastic materials used in medical devices and drugs, water purification systems, hospital equipment, textiles, and food packaging pose alarming health threats to consumers by exposing them to many serious infectious diseases. As a result, high demand for intensifying efforts in the R&D of antimicrobial polymers has placed heavy reliance on both academia and industry to find viable solutions for producing safer plastic materials. To assist researchers and students in this endeavor, Antimicrobial Polymers explores coupling contaminant-deterring biocides and plastics—focusing particular attention on natural biocides and the nanofabrication of biocides. Each chapter is devoted to addressing a key technology employed to impart antimicrobial behavior to polymers, including chemical modification of the polymers themselves. A host of relevant topics, such as regulatory matters, human safety, and environmental risks are covered to help lend depth to the book's vital subject matter. In addition, Antimicrobial Polymers: Discusses the design, processing, and testing of antimicrobial plastic materials Covers interdisciplinary areas of chemistry and microbiology Includes applications in food packaging, medical devices, nanotechnology, and coatings Details regulations from the U.S. (FDA and EPA) and EU as well as human safety and environmental concerns Achieving cleaner and more effective methods for improving the infection-fighting properties of versatile and necessary plastic materials is a goal that stretches across many scientific fields. Antimicrobial Polymers combines all of this information into one volume, exposing readers to preventive strategies that harbor vast potential for making exposure to polymeric products and surfaces a far less risky undertaking in the future.


29Applications of Combinatorial Optimization19046.32Группа авторов 9781119015222

Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim to cover a wide range of topics in this area. These topics also deal with fundamental notions and approaches as with several classical applications of combinatorial optimization. Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization, is divided into three parts: – On the complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and randomized complexity; – Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming; – Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins of this field.


30Applications of Polymer Nanofibers19732.89Группа авторов 9781119267706

Applications of Polymer Nanofibers
APPLICATIONS OF POLYMER NANOFIBERS Explore a comprehensive review of the practical experimental and technological details of polymer nanofibers with a leading new resource Applications of Polymer Nanofibers delivers a complete introduction to the basic science of polymer nanofibers as well as a review of their diverse applications. The book assesses their potential for commercialization and presents contributions from leading experts emphasizing their practical and technological details. New and up to date research findings are presented throughout the book in areas including filters, fabric, energy, fuel cells, batteries, sensors, biomedicine, drug delivery, tissue engineering, and wound dressings. The book also presents a fulsome analysis of the technology of electrospinning, the most convenient and scalable technique for nanofiber production. It also provides readers with practical information on relevant surface modification techniques. Applications of Polymer Nanofibers effectively balances theoretical background with practical applications of the technology, including insights into polymer nanofiber materials that will be useful for advanced students and researchers. Students, researchers, and industry professionals will also enjoy the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to electrospinning parameters and resulting nanofiber characteristics, including theoretical and practical considerations An exploration of textile applications of nanofibers, like protective clothing, filter fabrics, wearable devices, functional fabrics, and biomedical textiles A review of nanofiber mats as high-efficiency filters, including filtration developments, filters made with nanofibers, and the future outlook for nanofiber filters A treatment of nanofiber-based chemical sensors, including sensor materials, approaches to nanofiber sensor design, and gravimetric nanofiber sensors Perfect for researchers and graduate students studying polymer science and engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology. Applications of Polymer Nanofibers will also earn a place in the libraries of industrial researchers concerned with electrospinning, air filtration, fabrics, drug delivery, catalysis, and biomedicine.


31Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB16193.51Won Y. Yang 9781119626718
32Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)3373.65Mark Zegarelli 9781119867265

Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online)
Absolutely everything you need to get ready for Algebra Scared of square roots? Suspicious of powers of ten? You’re not alone. Plenty of school-age students and adult learners don’t care for math. But, with the right guide, you can make math basics “click” for you too! In Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies, you’ll find everything you need to be successful in your next math class and tackle basic math tasks in the real world. Whether you’re trying to get a handle on pre-algebra before moving to the next grade or looking to get more comfortable with everyday math—such as tipping calculations or balancing your checkbook—this book walks you through every step—in plain English, and with clear explanations—to help you build a firm foundation in math. You’ll also get: Practice quizzes at the end of each chapter to test your comprehension and understanding A bonus online quiz for each chapter, with answer choices presented in multiple choice format A ton of explanations, examples, and practice problems that prepare you to tackle more advanced algebraic conceptsFrom the different categories of numbers to mathematical operations, fractions, percentages, roots and powers, and a short intro to algebraic expressions and equations, Basic Math & Pre-Algebra All-in-One For Dummies is an essential companion for anyone who wants to get a handle on the foundational math concepts that are the building blocks for Algebra and beyond.


33Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals16690.68Группа авторов 9781118696330

Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals
In the nematic liquid crystal phase, rod-shaped molecules move randomly but remain essentially parallel to one another. Biaxial nematics, which were first predicted in 1970 by Marvin Freiser, have their molecules differentially oriented along two axes. They have the potential to create displays with fast switching times and may have applications in thin-film displays and other liquid crystal technologies. This book is the first to be concerned solely with biaxial nematic liquid crystals, both lyotropic and thermotropic, formed by low molar mass as well as polymeric systems. It opens with a general introduction to the biaxial nematic phase and covers: • Order parameters and distribution functions • Molecular field theory • Theories for hard biaxial particles • Computer simulation of biaxial nematics • Alignment of the phase • Display applications • Characterisation and identification • Lyotropic, thermotropic and colloidal systems together with material design With a consistent, coherent and pedagogical approach, this book brings together theory, simulations and experimental studies; it includes contributions from some of the leading figures in the field. It is relevant to students and researchers as well as to industry professionals working in soft matter, liquid crystals, liquid crystal devices and their applications throughout materials science, chemistry, physics, mathematics and display engineering.


34Billmeyer and Saltzman's Principles of Color Technology15187.34Roy S. Berns 9781119367192
35Bio-Based Plastics17986.87Группа авторов 9781118676783

Bio-Based Plastics
The field of bio-based plastics has developed significantly in the last 10 years and there is increasing pressure on industries to shift existing materials production from petrochemicals to renewables. Bio-based Plastics presents an up-to-date overview of the basic and applied aspects of bioplastics, focusing primarily on thermoplastic polymers for material use. Emphasizing materials currently in use or with significant potential for future applications, this book looks at the most important biopolymer classes such as polysaccharides, lignin, proteins and polyhydroxyalkanoates as raw materials for bio-based plastics, as well as materials derived from bio-based monomers like lipids, poly(lactic acid), polyesters, polyamides and polyolefines. Detailed consideration is also given to the market and availability of renewable raw materials, the importance of bio-based content and the aspect of biodegradability. Topics covered include: Starch Cellulose and cellulose acetate Materials based on chitin and chitosan Lignin matrix composites from natural resources Polyhydroxyalkanoates Poly(lactic acid) Polyesters, Polyamides and Polyolefins from biomass derived monomers Protein-based plastics Bio-based Plastics is a valuable resource for academic and industrial researchers who are interested in new materials, renewable resources, sustainability and polymerization technology. It will also prove useful for advanced students interested in the development of bio-based products and materials, green and sustainable chemistry, polymer chemistry and materials science. For more information on the Wiley Series in Renewable Resources, visit www.wiley.com/go/rrs


36Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry14713.84Группа авторов 9780470823156

Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Biocatalysis is rapidly evolving into a key technology for the discovery and production of chemicals, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, where high yielding chemo-, regio-, and enantioselective reactions are critical. Taking the latest breakthroughs in genomics and proteomics into consideration, Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry concisely yet comprehensively discusses the modern application of biocatalysis to drug discovery, development, and manufacturing. Written by a team of leading experts, the book offers deep insight into this cutting edge field. Covers a wide range of topics in a systematic manner with an emphasis on industrial applications Provides a thorough introduction to the latest biocatalysts, modern expression hosts, state-of-the-art directed evolution, high throughput screening, and bioprocess engineering Addresses frontier subjects such as emerging enzymes, metabolite profiling, combinatorial biosynthesis, metabolic engineering, and autonomous enzymes for the synthesis and development of chiral molecules, drug metabolites, and semi-synthetic medicinal compounds and natural product analogs Highlights the impact of biocatalysis on green chemistry Contains numerous graphics to illustrate concepts and techniques Biocatalysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry is an essential resource for scientists, engineers, and R&D policy makers in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries. It is also an invaluable tool for academic researchers and advanced students of organic and materials synthesis, chemical biology, and medicinal chemistry.


37Biochemical Engineering9463.96Shigeo Katoh 9783527684991

Biochemical Engineering
Completely revised, updated, and enlarged, this second edition now contains a subchapter on biorecognition assays, plus a chapter on bioprocess control added by the new co-author Jun-ichi Horiuchi, who is one of the leading experts in the field. The central theme of the textbook remains the application of chemical engineering principles to biological processes in general, demonstrating how a chemical engineer would address and solve problems. To create a logical and clear structure, the book is divided into three parts. The first deals with the basic concepts and principles of chemical engineering and can be read by those students with no prior knowledge of chemical engineering. The second part focuses on process aspects, such as heat and mass transfer, bioreactors, and separation methods. Finally, the third section describes practical aspects, including medical device production, downstream operations, and fermenter engineering. More than 40 exemplary solved exercises facilitate understanding of the complex engineering background, while self-study is supported by the inclusion of over 80 exercises at the end of each chapter, which are supplemented by the corresponding solutions. An excellent, comprehensive introduction to the principles of biochemical engineering.


38Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers for Environmental and Biomedical Applications23674.73Susheel Kalia 9781119117346

Biodegradable and Biobased Polymers for Environmental and Biomedical Applications
This volume incorporates 13 contributions from renowned experts from the relevant research fields that are related biodegradable and biobased polymers and their environmental and biomedical applications. Specifically, the book highlights: Developments in polyhydroxyalkanoates applications in agriculture, biodegradable packaging material and biomedical field like drug delivery systems, implants, tissue engineering and scaffolds The synthesis and elaboration of cellulose microfibrils from sisal fibres for high performance engineering applications in various sectors such as the automotive and aerospace industries, or for building and construction The different classes and chemical modifications of tannins Electro-activity and applications of Jatropha latex and seed The synthesis, properties and applications of poly(lactic acid) The synthesis, processing and properties of poly(butylene succinate), its copolymers, composites and nanocomposites The different routes for preparation polymers from vegetable oil and the effects of reinforcement and nano-reinforcement on the physical properties of such biobased polymers The different types of modified drug delivery systems together with the concept of the drug delivery matrix for controlled release of drugs and for antitumor drugs The use of nanocellulose as sustainable adsorbents for the removal of water pollutants mainly heavy metal ions, organic molecules, dyes, oil and CO2 The main extraction techniques, structure, properties and different chemical modifications of lignins Proteins and nucleic acids based biopolymers The role of tamarind seed polysaccharide-based multiple-unit systems in sustained drug release


39Biodegradable Polymers in the Circular Plastics Economy18063.82Группа авторов 9783527827565
40Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry16323.72Группа авторов 9781118310069

Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry
Can we emulate nature's technology in chemistry? Through billions of years of evolution, Nature has generated some remarkable systems and substances that have made life on earth what it is today. Increasingly, scientists are seeking to mimic Nature's systems and processes in the lab in order to harness the power of Nature for the benefit of society. Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry explores the chemistry of Nature and how we can replicate what Nature does in abiological settings. Specifically, the book focuses on wholly artificial, man-made systems that employ or are inspired by principles of Nature, but which do not use materials of biological origin. Beginning with a general overview of the concept of bioinspiration and biomimicry in chemistry, the book tackles such topics as: Bioinspired molecular machines Bioinspired catalysis Biomimetic amphiphiles and vesicles Biomimetic principles in macromolecular science Biomimetic cavities and bioinspired receptors Biomimicry in organic synthesis Written by a team of leading international experts, the contributed chapters collectively lay the groundwork for a new generation of environmentally friendly and sustainable materials, pharmaceuticals, and technologies. Readers will discover the latest advances in our ability to replicate natural systems and materials as well as the many impediments that remain, proving how much we still need to learn about how Nature works. Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry is recommended for students and researchers in all realms of chemistry. Addressing how scientists are working to reverse engineer Nature in all areas of chemical research, the book is designed to stimulate new discussion and research in this exciting and promising field.


41Biomass Valorization16726.2Группа авторов 9783527825011
42Biomass Valorization16726.2Группа авторов 9783527825035

Biomass Valorization
Biomass Valorization Explore the potential of biomass-based chemicals with this comprehensive new reference from leading voices in the field With the depletion of fossil raw materials a readily ascertainable inevitability, the exploitation of biomass-based renewable derivatives becomes ever more practical and realistic. In Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals , accomplished researchers and authors Davide Ravelli and Chiara Samori deliver a thorough compilation of state-of-the-art techniques and most advanced strategies used to convert biomass into useful building blocks and commodity chemicals.Each chapter in this collection of insightful papers begins by detailing the core components of the described technology, along with a fulsome description of its advantages and limitations, before moving on to a discussion of recent advancements in the field. The discussions are grouped by the processed biomass, such as terrestrial biomass, aquatic biomass, and biomass-deriving waste.Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of:A thorough introduction to the role of biomass in the production of chemicalsAn exploration of biomass processing via acid, base and metal catalysis, as well as biocatalysisA practical discussion of biomass processing via pyrolysis and thermochemical-biological hybrid processesA concise treatment of biomass processing assisted by ultrasound and via electrochemical, photochemical and mechanochemical meansPerfect for chemical engineers, catalytic chemists, biotechnologists, and polymer chemists, Biomass Valorization: Sustainable Methods for the Production of Chemicals will also earn a place in the libraries of environmental chemists and professionals working with organometallics and natural products chemists.


43Biomedical Mass Transport and Chemical Reaction. Physicochemical Principles and Mathematical Modeling16564.16Harihara Baskaran 9781119184638

Biomedical Mass Transport and Chemical Reaction. Physicochemical Principles and Mathematical Modeling
Teaches the fundamentals of mass transport with a unique approach emphasizing engineering principles in a biomedical environment Includes a basic review of physiology, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, mass transport, fluid mechanics and relevant mathematical methods Teaches engineering principles and mathematical modelling useful in the broad range of problems that students will encounter in their academic programs as well as later on in their careers Illustrates principles with examples taken from physiology and medicine or with design problems involving biomedical devices Stresses the simplification of problem formulations based on key geometric and functional features that permit practical analyses of biomedical applications Offers a web site of homework problems associated with each chapter and solutions available to instructors Homework problems related to each chapter are available from a supplementary website (


44Biopolymer Nanocomposites20750.9Группа авторов 9781118609873

Biopolymer Nanocomposites
Sets forth the techniques needed to create a vast array of useful biopolymer nanocomposites Interest in biopolymer nanocomposites is soaring. Not only are they green and sustainable materials, they can also be used to develop a broad range of useful products with special properties, from therapeutics to coatings to packaging materials. With contributions from an international team of leading nanoscientists and materials researchers, this book draws together and reviews the most recent developments and techniques in biopolymer nano-composites. It describes the preparation, processing, properties, and applications of bio- polymer nanocomposites developed from chitin, starch, and cellulose, three renewable resources. Biopolymer Nanocomposites features a logical organization and approach that make it easy for readers to take full advantage of the latest science and technology in designing these materials and developing new products and applications. It begins with a chapter reviewing our current understanding of bionanocomposites. Next, the book covers such topics as: Morphological and thermal investigations of chitin-based nanocomposites Applications of starch nanoparticle and starch-based bionanocomposites Spectroscopic characterization of renewable nanoparticles and their composites Nanocellulosic products and their applications Protein-based nanocomposites for food packaging Throughout the book, detailed case studies of industrial applications underscore the unique challenges and opportunities in developing and working with biopolymer nanocomposites. There are also plenty of figures to help readers fully grasp key concepts and techniques. Exploring the full range of applications, Biopolymer Nanocomposites is recommended for researchers in a broad range of industries and disciplines, including biomedical engineering, materials science, physical chemistry, chemical engineering, and polymer science. All readers will learn how to create green, sustainable products and applications using these tremendously versatile materials.


45Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers16323.72Группа авторов 9781118641835

Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers
Sets the stage for large-scale production of biofuels and bio-based chemicals In response to diminishing supplies as well as the environmental hazards posed by fossil fuels and petrochemicals, interest and demand for green, sustainable biofuels and bio-based chemicals are soaring. Biomass may be the solution. It is an abundant carbon-neutral renewable feedstock that can be used for the production of fuels and chemicals. Currently, biorefineries use corn, soybeans, and sugarcane for bioethanol and biodiesel production; however, there are many challenges facing biorefineries, preventing biomass from reaching its full potential. This book provides a comprehensive review of bioprocessing technologies that use lignocellulosic biomass for the production of biofuels, biochemicals, and biopolymers. It begins with an overview of integrated biorefineries. Next, it covers: Biomass feedstocks, including sugar, starch, oil, and energy crops as well as microalgae Pretreatment technologies for lignocellulosic biomass Hydrolytic enzymes used in biorefineries for the hydrolysis of starch and lignocelluloses Bioconversion technologies for current and future biofuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, butanol, hydrogen, and biogas Specialty chemicals, building block chemicals, and biopolymers produced via fermentation Phytochemicals and functional food ingredients extracted from plant materials All the chapters have been written and edited by leading experts in bioprocessing and biorefining technologies. Contributions are based on a thorough review of the literature as well as the authors' firsthand experience developing and working with bioprocessing technologies. By setting forth the current state of the technology and pointing to promising new directions in research, Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers will enable readers to move towards large-scale, sustainable, and economical production of biofuels and bio-based chemicals.


46Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds25189.91Группа авторов 9781118733479

Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds
Bioactive compounds play a central role in high-value product development in the chemical industry. Bioactive compounds have been identified from diverse sources and their therapeutic benefits, nutritional value and protective effects in human and animal healthcare have underpinned their application as pharmaceuticals and functional food ingredients. The orderly study of biologically active products and the exploration of potential biological activities of these secondary metabolites, including their clinical applications, standardization, quality control, mode of action and potential biomolecular interactions, has emerged as one of the most exciting developments in modern natural medicine. Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds describes the current stage of knowledge on the production of bioactive compounds from microbial, algal and vegetable sources. In addition, the molecular approach for screening bioactive compounds is also discussed, as well as examples of applications of these compounds on human health. The first half of the book comprises information on diverse sources of bioactive compounds, ranging from microorganisms and algae to plants and dietary foods. The second half of the book reviews synthetic approaches, as well as selected bioactivities and biotechnological and biomedical potential. The bioactive compounds profiled include compounds such as C-phycocyanins, glycosides, phytosterols and natural steroids. An overview of the usage of bioactive compounds as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, anti-allergic compounds and in stem cell research is also presented, along with an overview of the medicinal applications of plant-derived compounds. Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds will be an informative text for undergraduate and graduate students of bio-medicinal chemistry who are keen to explore the potential of bioactive natural products. It also provides useful information for scientists working in various research fields where natural products have a primary role.


47Business Ethics10523.42Mark S. Schwartz 9781118393406

Business Ethics
Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach presents a practical decision-making framework to aid in the identification, understanding, and resolution of complex ethical dilemmas in the workplace. Focuses exclusively on three basic aspects of ethical decision making and behavior—how it actually takes place, how it should take place, and how it can be improved Uses real-life examples of moral temptations and personal ethical dilemmas faced by employees and managers Discusses the biases, psychological tendencies, moral rationalizations, and impact of self-interest as impediments to proper ethical decision making Includes relevant examples of ethical misconduct and scandals appearing in the news media


48Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies2535.17Douglas Gray 9781119716198
49Caliphs and Kings. Spain, 796-10318729.07Roger Collins 9781118273982

Caliphs and Kings. Spain, 796-1031
Roger Collins, a leading historian, investigates a time in Spanish history known for its multi-religious society – when Christians, Jews and Muslims lived in apparent harmony – revealing a fuller, more complex picture of this fascinating period. Presents new ideas and interpretations of a fascinating yet much misunderstood period of Spanish and Islamic history A broad and complex treatment of the tenure of the Umayyad dynasty in Spain Debunks myths and investigates the historiography of existing scholarship of the period


50Carbon Dioxide Emission Management in Power Generation12304.94Prof. Lars O. Nord 9783527826650

Carbon Dioxide Emission Management in Power Generation
Provides an engaging and clearly structured source of information on the capture and storage of CO2 <br> <br> Designed to bridge the gap between the many disciplines involved in carbon dioxide emission management, this book provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-understand introduction to the subject of CO2 capture. Fit for graduate students, practicing process engineers, and others interested in the subject, it offers a clear understanding and overview of thermal power plants in particular and of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) in general. <br> <br> Carbon Dioxide Emission Management in Power Generation starts with a discussion of the greenhouse effect, climate change, and CO2 emissions as the rationale for the concept of CCS. It then looks at the long-term storage of CO2. A chapter covering different fossil fuels, their usage, and properties comes next, followed by sections on: CO2 generation, usage and properties; power plant technologies; theory of gas separation; power plant efficiency calculations; and classification of CO2 capture methods. Other chapters examine: CO2 capture by gas absorption and other gas separation methods; removing carbon from the fuel; pre- and post-combustion CO2 capture in power cycles; and oxy-combustion CO2 capture in power cycles. <br> <br> -Discusses both CO2 capture technologies as well as power generation technologies <br> -Bridges the gap between many different disciplines?from scientists, geologists and engineers, to economists <br> -One of the few books that covers all the different sciences involved in the capture and storage of CO2 <br> -Introduces the topic and provides useful information to the academic as well as professional reader <br> <br> Carbon Dioxide Emission Management in Power Generation is an excellent book for students who are interested in CO2 capture and storage, as well as for chemists in industry, environmental chemists, chemical engineers, geochemists, and geologists. <br>


51Carbon Dioxide Emission Management in Power Generation12304.94Prof. Lars O. Nord 9783527826643
52Carotenoids15317.55Группа авторов 9781118622254

Carotenoids are an essential component of the human diet. Bioactive by nature, they are rich in antioxidants, promote vitamin A activity and lower the development of chronic illnesses. As such they are an area of growing interest to researchers and scientists who are working to design, develop and launch new functional food products, dietary supplements and other nutritional solutions. Carotenoids: Nutrition, Analysis and Technology is an up-to-date overview of the key areas of carotenoids in nutrition, therapy and technology. In the first section, the authors present a functional food perspective, outlining the therapeutic applications of the bioactive pigments. The second part is dedicated to the spectroscopic analysis of carotenoids, providing in-depth scientific methods and real research findings. In the final section, various technological applications of carotenoids are considered, including biotechnology and future prospects. Written by international experts in the field, this comprehensive book will be of interest to food scientists and researchers, nutritionists and health food companies. It will be of particular use to anyone involved in the spectroscopic analysis of carotenoids and other related bioactives.


53Catalytic Process Development for Renewable Materials16726.2Группа авторов 9783527656660

Catalytic Process Development for Renewable Materials
Green, clean and renewable are the hottest keywords for catalysis and industry. This handbook and ready reference is the first to combine the fields of advanced experimentation and catalytic process development for biobased materials in industry. It describes the entire workflow from idea, approach, research, and process development, right up to commercialization. A large part of the book is devoted to the use of advanced technologies and methodologies like high throughput experimentation, as well as reactor and process design models, with a wide selection of real-life examples included at each stage. The contributions are from authors at leading companies and institutes, providing firsthand information and knowledge that is hard to find elsewhere. This work is aimed at decision makers, engineers and chemists in industry, chemists and engineers working with/on renewables, chemists in the field of catalysis, and chemical engineers.


54Cathodic Protection19685.54Volkan Cicek 9781118737774

Cathodic Protection
A companion to the title Corrosion Chemistry, this volume covers both the theoretical aspects of cathodic protection and the practical applications of the technology, including the most cutting-edge processes and theories. Engineers and scientists across a wide range of disciplines and industries will find this the most up-to-date, comprehensive treatment of cathodic protection available. A superb reference and refresher on the chemistry and uses of the technology for engineers in the field, the book also provides a tremendous introduction to the science for newcomers to the field.


55Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in the Food Industry16726.2Tanja Wuestenberg 9783527682959

Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in the Food Industry
Cellulose and its derivatives can be found in many forms in nature and is a valuable material for all manner of applications in industry. This book is authored by an expert with many years of experience as an application engineer at renowned cellulose processing companies in the food industry. All the conventional and latest knowledge available on cellulose and its derivatives is presented. The necessary details are elucidated from a theoretical and practical viewpoint, while retaining the focus on food applications. This book is an essential source of information and includes recommendations and instructions of a general nature to assist readers in the exploration of possible applications of cellulose and its derivatives, as well as providing food for thought for the generation of new ideas for product development. Topics include gelling and rheological properties, synergistic effects with other hydrocolloids, as well as nutritional and legal aspects. The resulting compilation covers all the information and advice needed for the successful development, implementation, and handling of cellulose-containing products.


56Change Leadership in Higher Education4557.39Jeffrey L. Buller 9781118762233

Change Leadership in Higher Education
Initiate innovation and get things done with a guide to the process of academic change Change Leadership in Higher Education is a call to action, urging administrators in higher education to get proactive about change. The author applies positive and creative leadership principles to the issue of leading change in higher education, providing a much-needed blueprint for changing the way change happens, and how the system reacts. Readers will examine four different models of change and look at change itself through ten different analytical lenses to highlight the areas where the current approach could be beneficially altered. The book accounts for the nuances in higher education culture and environment, and helps administrators see that change is natural and valuable, and can be addressed in creative and innovative ways. The traditional model of education has been disrupted by MOOCs, faculty unions, online instruction, helicopter parents, and much more, leaving academic leaders accustomed to managing change. Leading change, however, is unfamiliar territory. This book is a guide to being proactive about change in a way that ensures a healthy future for the institution, complete with models and tools that help lead the way. Readers will: Learn to lead change instead of simply «managing» it Examine different models of change, and redefine existing approaches Discover a blueprint for changing the process of change Analyze academic change through different lenses to gain a wider perspective Leading change involves some challenges, but this useful guide is a strong conceptual and pragmatic resource for forecasting those challenges, and going in prepared. Administrators and faculty no longer satisfied with the status quo can look to Change Leadership in Higher Education for real, actionable guidance on getting change accomplished.


57Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and Microsystems21774.83Группа авторов 9781119414032
58Chemical Analysis7362.84Francis Rouessac 9781119701354
59Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Calculations Using Python7895.52Jeffrey J. Heys 9781119267089

Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Calculations Using Python
Presents standard numerical approaches for solving common mathematical problems in engineering using Python. Covers the most common numerical calculations used by engineering students Covers Numerical Differentiation and Integration, Initial Value Problems, Boundary Value Problems, and Partial Differential Equations Focuses on open ended, real world problems that require students to write a short report/memo as part of the solution process Includes an electronic download of the Python codes presented in the book


60Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry25296.45Группа авторов 9781119285519
61Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry35417.39Группа авторов 9781119285885
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