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Kissed by Cat
Kissed by Cat

Автор: Shirley Jump

The Cat RulesRule #1: Cats have nine lives.Catherine Wyndham had used up her first eight avoiding mishaps and romantic misadventures. Now she had only one more left…and one last chance to find true love.Rule #2: Cats always land on their feet.Catherine usually did too, until she was waylaid one night by a purrfectly irresistible veterinarian, Garrett McAllister. He was so kind to her that soon her finicky heart began to melt, even though her inner feline told her she might be headed for a romantic crash landing!Rule #3:Good little kittens grow up, get rescued by the tom of their dreams and live happily ever after.Is that really a rule…or is it just another romantic furry tail?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474011068



Автор: Elizabeth Bailey

From governess… to viscountess!Fanciful governess Kitty Merrick daydreams of a whirlwind marriage to a dashing lord or of being the daughter of aristocratic parents. Then Claud, Viscount Devenick, briefly mistakes her for his cousin, and in doing so uncovers a scandalous family secret!Suddenly Kitty's wishes are granted and she and Claud are married. Claud, in his single-minded pursuit of the truth behind her heritage, will give her anything she desires. But Kitty soon realizes all she truly wants is his love– the one thing she cannot ask of him…

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474016940


Klondike Medicine Woman
Klondike Medicine Woman

Автор: Linda Ford

Dr. Jacob Calloway was the answer to her prayers–whether he liked it or not.Teena Crow is desperate to learn his scientific healing methods to help her people. But Jacob is too suspicious of Teena's native remedies to allow her near Treasure Creek's clinic. So she decides to earn his respect–and teach the good doctor to see beyond surface differences to their common goal.But it's not just Teena's medicines that render Jacob uncomfortable. Her warm gaze and determination dare him to open his heart. But can their fledgling love weather a town's disapproval, or the secrets they both hide?

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781472023124


Knight of Grace
Knight of Grace

Автор: Sophia James

She was his – signed, sealed and delivered! Ordered to marry, his betrothal to homely, timid Lady Grace Stanton was hardly worth the trouble of protest. Yet, despite everything, Laird Lachlan Kerr found there was something about her that was…brave. All his life he had been surrounded by betrayal, and this woman, who believed there was still goodness in him, was special indeed. Grace knew that the safety of her home depended on her betrothal – signed, sealed and delivered!Lachlan’s strength and unexpected care of her were dangerously appealing. She could fall for this man with secrets in his eyes…

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 331.04 руб.
ISBN: 9781408908181


Knight To The Rescue
Knight To The Rescue

Автор: Miranda Lee

Damsel in DistressAudrey needed someone on her side for once and Elliot Knight appointed himself. But playing gallant rescuer for someone as vulnerable as Audrey – fresh on the rebound and tempting as sing. Audrey knew she was deliberately playing on Elliot's capacity for compassion, but she couldn't let him walk out of her life, good deed done.The oh-so-brief feel of his lips on hers had been heaven. Somehow she had to convince her enigmatic hero that this was no fairy tale – but the real thing.

Цена: 451.79 руб.
ISBN: 9781408985519


Knight s Move
Knight's Move

Автор: Jennifer Landsbert

A Husband ReturnedWed as a young girl to Sir Guy of Abbascombe, Hester had never known true married life, for after a fight with his father, her lord husband had left for the Crusades. After several years, Hester assumed her husband was dead, and looked forward to a lifetime of managing the land and the people she loved. So she was shocked to her toes when Guy returned! There was no doubt he was a man in the prime of his life, fully intending to take back control of his domain–including his wife! But the question was–would she have him as her husband once more?

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781472040138


Knight s Move
Knight's Move

Автор: Jennifer Landsbert

A Husband ReturnedWed as a young girl to Sir Guy of Abbascombe, Hester had never known true married life, for after a fight with his father, her lord husband had left for the Crusades. After several years, Hester assumed her husband was dead, and looked forward to a lifetime of managing the land and the people she loved. So she was shocked to her toes when Guy returned! There was no doubt he was a man in the prime of his life, fully intending to take back control of his domain–including his wife! But the question was–would she have him as her husband once more?

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 460.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781472040138


Knight s Rebellion
Knight's Rebellion

Автор: Suzanne Barclay

'Twas Said That The Sommervilles Loved Only OnceYet Alys Sommerville was no heir to this legacy of passion, for the Fates had sent her along a very different road. One that led straight into the arms of Gowain FitzWarren, the leader of a desperate rebel band…Though the highborn Alys was seemingly a bride of the church, Gowain could not fail to note the radiant beauty that her simple garb did nothing to conceal. But he was intent on recovering his birthright, and could scarce afford any distraction, no matter how compelling!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408988800


Knitting. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби 2/2024
Knitting. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби №2/2024

Автор: Группа авторов

Представляем любителям рукоделия новый журнал, в котором собраны лучшие работы дизайнеров из Великобритании и других стран. Вы можете сами воплотить в пряже эти замечательные проекты, используя различные техники: от традиционного жаккарда и интарсий до вязания замысловатых аранов, «кос» и ажура. Наряду с более простыми вещами вы найдете здесь совершенно виртуозные модели – как для женщин, так и для мужчин. Почувствуйте радость творчества! Модели в номере: В плену красоты. Кардиган с фантазийным декором Больше солнца! Пуловер с отделкой на рукавах Сияние коралла. Пуловер с круглой кокеткой Чудесное плетение. Шаль с миксом узоров Поездка в Анды. Пончо с жаккардовым орнаментом Небесная ласточка. Нежно-голубой пуловер Сплошной соблазн. Пуловер с глубоким вырезом на спинке Всем хорош. Пуловер с ажурными зигзагами Живи свободно! Рельефный пуловер оверсайз и многое другое

Серия: Журнал «Knitting. Вязание. Моё любимое хобби» 2024

Исполнители: Наталья Фролова

Цена: 109 руб.
Год: 2024


Kostas s Convenient Bride
Kostas's Convenient Bride

Автор: Люси Монро

Her boss needs a bride… Can she step out of the shadows and down the aisle?Discovering that her boss, billionaire tycoon Andreas Kostas, must marry is devastating for Kayla. Then Andreas proposes that Kayla wears his ring! Having experienced the incandescent pleasure of his touch, she’s hidden her yearning for him ever since. It’s the proposal Kayla’s always dreamt of, but does she dare risk her body and her heart to become a convenient wife?

Серия: Mills & Boon Modern

Цена: 343.64 руб.
ISBN: 9781474072021


Krone - Psalme, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)
Krone - Psalme, Band 3 (ungek?rzt)

Автор: Jan Primke

Исполнители: Martha Kindermann

Цена: 981.51 руб.
ISBN: 4251703569349


Kubernetes для DevOps. Развертывание, запуск и масштабирование в облаке
Kubernetes для DevOps. Развертывание, запуск и масштабирование в облаке

Автор: Джон Арундел

Kubernetes – один из ключевых элементов современной облачной экосистемы. Эта технология обеспечивает надежность, масштабируемость и устойчивость контейнерной виртуализации. Джон Арундел и Джастин Домингус рассказывают об экосистеме Kubernetes и знакомят с проверенными решениями повседневных проблем. Шаг за шагом вы построите собственное облачно-ориентированное приложение и создадите инфраструктуру для его поддержки, настроите среду разработки и конвейер непрерывного развертывания, который пригодится вам при работе. После покупки предоставляется дополнительная возможность скачать книгу в формате epub.

Серия: Бестселлеры O’Reilly (Питер)

Исполнители: Martina Treger

Цена: 599 руб.
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-5-4461-1602-7


L Angelo Dalle Ali Nere
L'Angelo Dalle Ali Nere

Автор: Amy Blankenship

Alcune leggende lo descrivevano come un dio, altre lo vedevano come un diavolo che voleva uccidere gli dei per ottenere la propria libert?. Gli avevano dato un nome… Darious. Il suo piano era quello di rimandare tutti i demoni all’inferno e la sua arma era la rabbia che infuriava dentro di lui. Salvando gli esseri umani che lo evitavano come un flagello pericoloso, Darious rimase sorpreso nel trovare degli occhi verde smeraldo che lo fissavano senza paura. Kyoko non sapeva che uno sguardo ardente potrebbe tentare un dio e accendere la sua passione, che conosceva soltanto rabbia. Circondata dai guardiani che la amano e la proteggono, avranno una possibilit? contro l’angelo dalle ali nere o i demoni che avevano silenziosamente invaso la citt?? Kyoko scopre che ? difficile scappare da Darious quando lui ? pi? veloce di lei.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835412038


L Origine De L H?ritage
L'Origine De L'H?ritage

Автор: Dawn Brower

Suivez les aventures d’une famille accus?e de sorcellerie au XVIe si?cle. Qu'est-ce qui fait qu'une personne est une sorci?re ? Pour les personnes vivant en ?cosse au 16e si?cle , le mot m?me de sorci?re est terrifiant. Tout le monde a peur des sorci?res, ? la fois d’?tre accus? d'en ?tre une et d’?tre maudit par cette derni?re. Lors d'une s?rie d’?v?nements ind?pendants de leur volont?, une famille doit faire face ? sa peur ultime et aux cons?quences auxquelles elle ne peut ?chapper. L'id?e m?me de sorcellerie devient bien r?elle pour la famille Dalais. Caitr?ona Dalais Guaire, Sorcha Dalais Creag et Niall Dalais sont arrach?es de leurs maisons et emprisonn?s. Leur vie est en jeu et tout laisse ? penser que leur disparition est d?finitive. En d?sespoir de cause, l’un d’eux s’arrange pour que les enfants soient cach?s en secret. Seul le temps nous dira s'ils ont r?ussi et si leur h?ritage perdurera…

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788893987455


L.a. Woman
L.a. Woman

Автор: Cathy Yardley

Ever moved to a city you didn't know, for a guy who wasn't worth it…all because you thought you were in love?Sarah Walker has.She's just moved to L.A. and changed her whole life in anticipation of cohabitation with her fianc?, Benjamin. But he stalls, again. Pushed to the limit, the stability-seeking Sarah snaps and actually finds herself dumping him. Now she's in free fall: no fianc?, no job. No idea what to do next.According to her new roommate Martika, Sarah is now in the perfect place to start life in L.A.Before she knows it, Sarah becomes Martika's project, getting pulled headlong into a crazy, chaotic world of nightclubs and day jobs, where the only constant is change. Sarah's about to discover that «single» isn't a dirty word. Not that she'll be staying single for long….

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472092151


La Insensatez De Olivia
La Insensatez De Olivia

Автор: Amanda Mariel

William y Olivia se enfrascaron en una batalla de voluntades, pero cuanto m?s se resiste ella y ?l la persigue, m?s se encienden sus pasiones. Una vez que el coraz?n est? comprometido, la resistencia se hace dif?cil, pero ?se rendir?n a la felicidad para siempre? Un alhel? obstinado… Durante a?os, el prometido de Lady Olivia Montague la ha ignorado, a ella y a su contrato. Mientras tanto, ella ha decidido permanecer soltera, abrazando la vida de una solterona. Lo ?ltimo que espera es que su prometido vuelva a su vida. Un duque decidido… Tras la muerte de sus padres, William Breckenridge se convierte en el Duque de Thorne, a cargo de sus tres hermanas menores. Necesita ayuda en forma de madre y gu?a para sus hermanas. Por suerte para William, ya est? prometido. Todo lo que necesita hacer es ir por su futura duquesa. Un amor imparable… William y Olivia se enfrentan a una batalla de voluntades, pero cuanto m?s se resiste ella y ?l la persigue, m?s se encienden sus pasiones. Una vez que el coraz?n se compromete, la resistencia se hace dif?cil, pero ?se rendir?n a la felicidad para siempre?

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835402589


La sabidur?a recobrada
La sabidur?a recobrada

Автор: M?nica Cavall?

Parecen quedar lejos de nosotros aquellos tiempos en que la filosof?a ten?a un profundo impacto en la vida de quienes la cultivaban, cuando era una pr?ctica que conllevaba toda una ejercitaci?n cotidiana y un estilo de vida.La palabra filosof?a ha llegado a ser sin?nimo de «especulaci?n», de pura teor?a, de reflexi?n est?ril, y casi hemos olvidado que durante mucho tiempo fue considerada el camino hacia la plenitud y una fuente inagotable de inspiraci?n para la vida pr?ctica. Esta convicci?n de que sabidur?a y vida son indisociables hac?a de la filosof?a el saber terap?utico por excelencia.Este libro es una invitaci?n a conocer y cultivar esa sabidur?a. Se dirige a quienes siempre han sospechado que la filosof?a les ser?a ?til, que deber?a ser algo mucho m?s relevante y directamente concerniente a la propia vida que lo que se ense?a habitualmente.

Серия: Sabidur?a Perenne

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9788499881645


La se?ora Bovary
La se?ora Bovary

Автор: Гюстав Флобер

Серия: Biblioteca de Grandes Escritores

Цена: 97.66 руб.
ISBN: 9783959281270


Lady Arabella s Scandalous Marriage
Lady Arabella's Scandalous Marriage

Автор: Кэрол Мортимер

You are cordially invited to the marriage of DARIUS WYNTER, DUKE OF CARLYNE to LADY ARABELLA ST CLAIRE What is Lady Arabella letting herself in for? Sinister whispers surround the death of Darius’ first wife – could Arabella be in jeopardy? Or will the infamous Duke prove all Society wrong?One thing’s for sure – after the compromising situation that led to this marriage, Arabella will soon discover the exquisite pleasures of the marriage bed…The Notorious St Claires Scandal is in their blood

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408923108


Lady Beneath the Veil
Lady Beneath the Veil

Автор: Sarah Mallory

SECRETS AT THE ALTAR…When Gideon Albury lifts his new bride's veil he can't believe his eyes–this dark-haired dab of a girl isn't the blonde beauty he's been courting! Stunned, Gideon resolves to seek an annulment at the earliest opportunity, but to do so he must first make sure Dominique Rainault's virtue stays intact….Blackmailed into marrying Gideon by her despicable cousin, Dominique is just as keen to keep her distance from her unsettling husband. But despite their good intentions the marital bed beckons–and a stolen kiss could prove to be their undoing!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781472043559


Lady Beneath the Veil
Lady Beneath the Veil

Автор: Sarah Mallory

SECRETS AT THE ALTAR…When Gideon Albury lifts his new bride's veil he can't believe his eyes–this dark-haired dab of a girl isn't the blonde beauty he's been courting! Stunned, Gideon resolves to seek an annulment at the earliest opportunity, but to do so he must first make sure Dominique Rainault's virtue stays intact….Blackmailed into marrying Gideon by her despicable cousin, Dominique is just as keen to keep her distance from her unsettling husband. But despite their good intentions the marital bed beckons–and a stolen kiss could prove to be their undoing!

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781472043559


Lady Cecily And The Mysterious Mr Gray
Lady Cecily And The Mysterious Mr Gray

Автор: Janice Preston

Love or family…How can she choose between them?Lady Cecily Beauchamp has always put her family first. Until she falls under the spell of the mysterious Zachary Gray—a man of Romany descent. Knowing her family will forbid their match, Cecily steels herself to do her duty and marry elsewhere. Only she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Zach as the spark between them ignites a passion neither can deny!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474073660


Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lady Chatterley’s Lover

Автор: D. H. Lawrence

LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER was banned on its publication in 1928, creating a storm of controversy. Lawrence tells the story of Constance Chatterley’s marriage to Sir Clifford, an aristocratic intellectual who is paralyzed from the waist down after the First World War. Desperate for an heir and embarrassed by his inability to satisfy his wife, Clifford suggests that she have an affair. Constance, troubled by her husband’s words, finds herself involved in a passionate relationship with their gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors.Lawrence’s vitriolic denunciations of industrialism and class division come together in his vivid depiction of the profound emotional and physical connection between a couple otherwise divided by station and society.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007516995


Lady Drusilla s Road to Ruin
Lady Drusilla's Road to Ruin

Автор: Christine Merrill

MAD DASH TO GRETNA!Considered a spinster, Lady Drusilla Rudney has only one role in life: to chaperon her sister. So when her flighty sibling elopes Dru knows she has to stop her! She employs the help of a fellow travelling companion, who looks harmless enough…Ex-army captain John Hendricks is intrigued by this damsel in distress. Once embroiled with her in a mad dash across England, he discovers that Dru is no simpering woman. Her unconventional ways make him want to forget his gentlemanly conduct…and create a scandal all of their own!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408923450


Lady Isobel s Champion
Lady Isobel's Champion

Автор: Carol Townend

HIS LADY IN WAITING In her long years at the convent, waiting for her betrothed, Lady Isobel de Turenne has built the Comte d’Aveyron into a fantasy – a man who will rescue, protect and love her… But when the Comte finally returns to claim his bride Isobel finds instead a man of contradictions – one who masks dark secrets with desire.Wary of a man’s touch, but desperate to grasp her new freedom, Isobel must decide if it’s solely duty forcing the Comte to marry or whether he is truly her longed-for champion.Knights of Champagne Three swordsmen for three ladies

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781472003935


Lady Knightley s Secret
Lady Knightley's Secret

Автор: Anne Ashley

Miss Elizabeth Beresford had become an heiress upon her grandmother's death. Her sister, Evadne, thought she was very clever when she engineered that Elizabeth would be trapped overnight in the cellars with Evadne's brother-in-law.Except that the plot misfired and it was Sir Richard Knightley who became entrapped with Elizabeth! Richard was not unwilling to marry, for Elizabeth had changed beautifully from the young girl he remembered. It was Elizabeth who was reluctant, for she loved him and there was something she couldn't tell him.…

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 460.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781474016889


Lady Lavender
Lady Lavender

Автор: Lynna Banning

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesLynna Banning is an «older,» retired woman who loves history, particularly the medieval and Old West periods. She was a professional editor for 30-plus years, taught high school English and upon early retirement in 1993, she began writing fiction. She found it wasn't easy. How-to books, workshops, conferences and sweaty hours with pen in hand finally led to a completed novel, which was rejected. But they asked for «what else did she have?» and thus was born her first published book, Western Rose, a tale of the Old West (Oregon frontier) and, loosely, the story of her grandparents' courtship.An amateur pianist and harpsichordist, Lynna performs on harp, psaltery and percussion instruments in a medieval music ensemble.She enjoys hearing from her readers; you may write directly to P. O. Box 324, Felton CA 95018, or e-mail carolynw@cruzio. com.You can also visit Lynna's Web site at www. lynnabanning. com.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408938287


Lady Lavinia s Match
Lady Lavinia's Match

Автор: Mary Nichols

When their parents married, James, Earl of Corringham, and Lady Lavinia Stanmore became as close as brother and sister. Now, years later, James has outgrown his rakish ways and is burning with a love for her that he longs to reveal.However, he faces a rival in the mysterious Lord Wincote. Torn between James and the handsome stranger, Lavinia's feelings are thrown into turmoil. But is this man really what he seems? The more Lord Wincote persists, the more Lavinia wonders if she should be looking for love a little closer to home….

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781474035729


Lady Love
Lady Love

Автор: Diana Palmer

Merlyn Forrest Steele couldn't refuse the offer–work for a living for one month, and her father would stop his clumsy matchmaking attempts. Maybe she'd somehow find a man who had eyes for her, not her bank account, and meanwhile, she could prove she was no dilettante heiress.So it was ironic that the first man to penetrate her defenses in her new life would be the one who was looking for just that…Not that she'd have the sardonic, arrogant Cameron Thorpe, even if he asked her. Let him go ahead and marry some insipid little heiress–he'd get exactly what he deserved…But why did this thought give Merlyn no comfort at all?

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474013062


Lady Lyte s Little Secret
Lady Lyte's Little Secret

Автор: Deborah Hale

Felicity Lyte Was In a QuandaryHow could she tell her cherished paramour of his impending fatherhood? Hawthorn Greenwood, despite his straitened circumstances, would surely make a responsible, honorable offer of mariage–which Felicity could never accept. For she would only wed him in truebound love–or not at all!Thorn Greenwood had thought to but share an idyllic Season with Lady Lyte–and instead found his soul's partner. But Felicity had abruptly ended their liaison. Did she think him a fortune hunter? A rank falsehood that, for the only wealth he sought was the bounty of her love!

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781474017350


Lady Of Lyonsbridge
Lady Of Lyonsbridge

Автор: Ana Seymour

Men wanted one thing–and noblewomen had no choiceCertainly her forced betrothal did nothing to convince Lady Alyce Sherborne otherwise. Would that she could choose how to live her life–and with whom! But given that freedom, would she turn down the subtly seductive Sir Thomas? The man who'd secured a king's ransom–and taken her heart in the bargain?Women, he was learning, were dangerousand of that lesson, there could be no better teacher than the deceptively sweet, distractingly beautifyl Lady Alyce. Truly she was a maid who bore watching–and Thomas Brand was only too happy to keep his eyes ever upon her!

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 460.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781474016162


Lady Of Lyonsbridge
Lady Of Lyonsbridge

Автор: Ana Seymour

Men wanted one thing–and noblewomen had no choiceCertainly her forced betrothal did nothing to convince Lady Alyce Sherborne otherwise. Would that she could choose how to live her life–and with whom! But given that freedom, would she turn down the subtly seductive Sir Thomas? The man who'd secured a king's ransom–and taken her heart in the bargain?Women, he was learning, were dangerousand of that lesson, there could be no better teacher than the deceptively sweet, distractingly beautifyl Lady Alyce. Truly she was a maid who bore watching–and Thomas Brand was only too happy to keep his eyes ever upon her!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474016162


Lady Of The Knight
Lady Of The Knight

Автор: Tori Phillips

SIR ANDREW FORD WAS NOBODY'S FOOLHe knew that looks could be deceiving. And though his friends warned him that Rosie would be nothing but trouble, there was something very special about the woman beneath the tangled mane of hair and the dirt-smudged face.Indeed, something so special that he brazenly wagered he could teach the seemingly ordinary strumpet to be a lady fit to meet the king in less than a fortnight. But little did the jaded knight suspect that Rosie would be the first woman to teach him the true meaning of love!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408989654


Lady Olivia And The Infamous Rake
Lady Olivia And The Infamous Rake

Автор: Janice Preston

'He’s completely unsuitable… he’s a rake.'Part of The Beauchamp Heirs: After being plucked from peril by resolute bachelor Lord Hugo Alastair, Lady Olivia Beauchamp is secretly outraged that he doesn’t even try to steal a kiss! He’s a notorious rake amongst the ton and as a result, utterly forbidden to an innocent debutante like her. But their attraction is magnetic. Will she risk her reputation for a passionate encounter?

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 517.66 руб.
ISBN: 9781474074025


Lady Outlaw
Lady Outlaw

Автор: Stacy Henrie

THE LADY HAS A SECRET.… No one would ever imagine a fresh-faced young woman could be robbing stage bandits of their ill-gotten fortunes. But Jennie Jones is desperate to save her family’s ranch from foreclosure. And the risks seem worth it, until her upright new ranch hand offers a glimpse of how much is really at stake.Former bounty hunter Caleb Johnson is ready for a new, clean start. With a woman like Jennie, he could build that future here in Utah territory. But only if his gentle faith can guide her in a choice between the land she’s fought so hard to save, and a future by his side.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408997567


Lady Priscilla s Shameful Secret
Lady Priscilla's Shameful Secret

Автор: Christine Merrill

A PROPOSAL SHE HAS TO RESIST Outspoken Lady Priscilla is the only woman in London brave enough not to simper at Robert Magson. As the Duke of Reighland he needs a wife to secure succession, and this captivating woman would surely keep life interesting!Despite the obvious sexual attraction between them, Lady Priscilla doesn’t wish to marry – ever – for she hides a shameful secret. Surely a duke deserves more than a ruined woman? But Robert is not to be dissuaded. Once he sets his sights on something beautiful, he will do anything in his power to claim it!LADIES IN DISGRACE Three women, breaking every one of society’s rules

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781408943427


Lady Priscilla’s Shameful Secret
Lady Priscilla’s Shameful Secret

Автор: Christine Merrill

A PROPOSAL SHE HAS TO RESIST Outspoken Lady Priscilla is the only woman in London brave enough not to simper at Robert Magson. As the Duke of Reighland he needs a wife to secure succession, and this captivating woman would surely keep life interesting!Despite the obvious sexual attraction between them, Lady Priscilla doesn’t wish to marry – ever – for she hides a shameful secret. Surely a duke deserves more than a ruined woman? But Robert is not to be dissuaded. Once he sets his sights on something beautiful, he will do anything in his power to claim it!LADIES IN DISGRACE Three women, breaking every one of society’s rules

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408943427


Lady Renegade
Lady Renegade

Автор: Carol Finch

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesCarol is an Oklahoma resident, with Native American heritage. She attended Odessa College in Texas on a tennis scholarship, then graduated from Oklahoma State University with a B. Sc. degree. She has earned hours toward a masters at Southwestern University, Oklahoma. Before making a full-time career of writing, Carol taught high school biology.Carol began writing while her children were preschool age. She gave up her teaching career to be a stay-at-home-mom on their isolated family ranch. After reducing life to the simplest explanations to answer her young children's questions, she decided to try her hand at writing to see if she could still communicate intelligibly with adults. After two years of keeping vampire hours to write after the children were tucked in bed, her first book was published.She progressed to writing during the day when her children were in school. During her 20-year career, Carol has penned 73 books under five pseudonyms in several genres. In her spare time and there hasn't been much of it because she never missed her children's school activities or baseball and basketball games.Carol likes to garden, do carpentry projects, and help her husband, Ed, with farming chores on their 400-acre ranch. Over the years they have raised cattle, wheat, sheep, pigs, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, and peacocks, plus dozens of cats, dogs, and horses. The place is a zoo and that's the way Carol likes it.Carol, formerly a nationally ranked tennis player in high school and college, traded her racket for golf clubs. She's still the outdoorsy type at heart, although writing has become one of her greatest passions right behind her husband, children, and young grandchildren.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408938188


Lady Rosabella s Ruse
Lady Rosabella's Ruse

Автор: Ann Lethbridge

A LADY NEVER REVEALS HER SECRETS… None of the women at an ‘anything goes’ house party catches Garth Evernden’s jaded eye. The only one worth noting is a covered-up lady’s companion with an intriguing hint of exotic beauty the eighth Baron Stanford would like to uncover… …DOES SHE?Rose is in fact posing as a widow to find her inheritance – without it, she and her sisters will surely perish! The Baron is known for his generosity, and he is so very handsome.A new solution springs to Rose’s mind…surely becoming mistress to this rake would bring definite advantages?

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 357.39 руб.
ISBN: 9781408923740


Lady Rosabella s Ruse
Lady Rosabella's Ruse

Автор: Ann Lethbridge

A LADY NEVER REVEALS HER SECRETS… None of the women at an ‘anything goes’ house party catches Garth Evernden’s jaded eye. The only one worth noting is a covered-up lady’s companion with an intriguing hint of exotic beauty the eighth Baron Stanford would like to uncover… …DOES SHE?Rose is in fact posing as a widow to find her inheritance – without it, she and her sisters will surely perish! The Baron is known for his generosity, and he is so very handsome.A new solution springs to Rose’s mind…surely becoming mistress to this rake would bring definite advantages?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408923740


Lady Rowena s Ruin
Lady Rowena's Ruin

Автор: Carol Townend

Stolen from the convent!Kidnapped by a masked horseman, Lady Rowena despairs. Her cloistered convent life is in tatters, her reputation surely ruined – until she discovers her abductor is her father’s favoured knight… Loyal, honourable Sir Eric de Monfort has done as Rowena’s father commanded. And though his body might crave her, he will not bed an innocent maiden. But as danger circles there is only one way for Eric to protect Rowena…by making her his lady in every sense! Knights of ChampagnePowerful swordsmen for passionate ladies

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

Цена: 449.8 руб.
ISBN: 9781474006378


Lakeside Romance
Lakeside Romance

Автор: Lisa Jordan

A Recipe for RomanceSarah Sullivan will do whatever it takes to make her summer youth program permanent. But when she’s tasked to teach the teens basic kitchen skills, her hope goes up in flames. Not knowing the first thing about cooking, Sarah needs help. Smelling the delicious aromas coming from her neighbour’s apartment one night, she thinks she’s found her answer. Alec Seaver might know his way around pots and pans, but the lone-wolf widower doesn’t want anything to do with the free-spirited beauty next door. But after he becomes Sarah's reluctant partner, Alec realises that she might just be the key ingredient missing from his life.

Серия: Mills & Boon Love Inspired

Цена: 258.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781474056786


Land Girls: The Homecoming: A moving and heartwarming wartime saga
Land Girls: The Homecoming: A moving and heartwarming wartime saga

Автор: Roland Moore

Your favourite Sunday teatime drama brought to life on the page!Land Girl Connie Carter thought she’d finally left her past behind once and for all when she married Henry Jameson, Helmstead’s vicar and the love of her life. Headstrong Connie and mild-mannered Henry might be different as chalk and cheese, but she’s determined to be the best wife she can be and prove the village gossips wrong! But Connie doesn’t really believe that she belongs in Henry’s genteel world of tea-drinking and jam-making, and the cracks are already starting to show.When Connie’s heroism makes her front page news, her past comes back to haunt her in a terrifying way. A different kind of war has come to Helmstead, and soon it’s a fight for both their marriage and their lives…Follow the lives and loves of the Land Girls in this moving saga from the creator and writer of the popular, award-winning BBC drama

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008204402


Land im Sturm (Ungek?rzt)
Land im Sturm (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Ulf Schiewe

Исполнители: Reinhard Kuhnert

Цена: 1380.04 руб.
ISBN: 9783838789514


Lasso Her Heart
Lasso Her Heart

Автор: Anna Schmidt

She'd always lived a charmed life, so when Bethany Taft's fiance was killed, she thought her chance for happiness was gone forever.But after her beloved aunt got engaged – at sixty! – Bethany found joy in her role as wedding planner. Spending time with Cody Dillard, the groom's son, was a given – the rancher flew Bethany to Chicago and back in his private plane.And between Cody's charming nature and her aunt's matchmaking attempts, Bethany found herself wondering if the God she'd turned her back on meant for her to be a bride, as well.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781408963142


Last Summer in Ireland
Last Summer in Ireland

Автор: Anne Doughty

Can she unlock the secrets of her past?Deirdre Weston, a London journalist, returns to her family home in Armagh to come to terms with the death of her mother. Faced with painful memories of her own past, Deirdre despairs of the task she has set herself.In her deepest need she encounters Deara, the handmaiden of the Lady Merdaine from the capital of ancient Ulster. During her stay, Deirdre unearths what happened in Deara’s fifth-century life, a time as turbulent and troubled in Ireland as the late twentieth century has been.As events unfold, both women discover the strength which flows from the love and support of the other – and the transforming power of courage.Prepare to be spirited away to rural Ireland in this stunning new saga from Anne Doughty.Previously published as Summer of the HawthornReaders LOVE Anne Doughty:‘I love all the books from this author’‘Beautifully written’‘Would recommend to everyone’‘Fabulous story, couldn't put it down!’‘Looking forward to the next one.’

Цена: 478.56 руб.
ISBN: 9780008328825


Last s Temptation
Last's Temptation

Автор: Tina Leonard

He may be a grown man, but daredevil Last Jefferson is running away from home. Yet in escaping his own family, he runs right smack into another! Esme Hastings casts a spell under the big top as sexy magician Poppy Peabody–but being mom to her orphaned niece and nephew is her most important job.Unfortunately, convincing a judge she can provide a stable home will take more than a wave of her magic wand.Before Last takes off halfway around the world, he brings Esme and the kids back to the Malfunction Junction ranch in Texas. There's room to spare and they need to settle down, but Last can't stay. Sure, he and Esme have fun together, but it could never work. Besides, this cowboy isn't ready to be a family man. Right?

Серия: Mills & Boon American Romance

Цена: 363.11 руб.
ISBN: 9781472075437



Автор: Laurie Grant

Olivia Didn't Believe in Second ChancesShe and Cal Devlin had been in love a lifetime ago, before she'd lost everything and been branded a «scarlet woman.» And though she longed for nothing more than to be back in Cal's arms, their passion could only mean his ruin… !Caleb had learned that some Texans never forgave their native sons who fought for the Union, but as the new lawman in town, he was determined to prove himself worthy of respect, and win back the heart of the woman he'd left behind.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9781408988640


Lawman In Disguise
Lawman In Disguise

Автор: Laurie Kingery

The Lawman’s SecretWhen her son discovers an injured outlaw in their barn, the mysterious stranger instantly turns widow Daisy Henderson’s world upside down. But Daisy senses Thorn Dawson’s a good man…and there’s more to his story than he can tell her. So she can’t turn him away before he heals, even if she’s falling for him—something she swore she’d never do again after her husband died.An undercover lawman, Thorn never lets himself get too close to anyone. But that's before he meets single mother Daisy and her spirited son. Now Thorn has to protect them from the Griggs gang—a gang that's come to accept him as one of their own. And if he can't keep up the charade, the woman of his dreams might just pay the price.Brides of Simpson Creek: Small-town Texas spinsters find love with mail-order grooms!

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474056205


Le Ciel De Nadira
Le Ciel De Nadira

Автор: Giovanni Mongiov?

Sicile, XI si?cle, Nadira est une jeune fille innocente d’origine berb?re, qui vit en se soumettant aux d?cisions de son fr?re; comme lorsqu’on lui annonce qu’elle devra devenir une des ?pouses de l’?mir de sa ville. Cependant, ses yeux sont tellement ?tranges et envo?tants qu’ils attirent l’attention de plus d’un pr?tendant. Bien vite la renomm?e d’une mal?diction se r?pandra : les hommes qui croiseront son regard ne pourront plus ?viter de la d?sirer et essayer de l’avoir. Les yeux de Nadira et ce ciel sans limite qu’ils rappellent, provoqueront la seconde guerre que la Sicile musulmane vivra. En attendant , les fr?res de Hauteville, de terribles guerriers normands, attendent n’importe quel pr?texte pour pouvoir traverser la mer, dans le but de commencer une croisade contre les maures. “ Quelque chose de si extraordinairement irr?sistible et maudit au point de secouer irr?m?diablement les d?sirs de celui qui le regarde, peut-il r?ellement exister ? “ Les yeux bleus atypiques de Nadira semblent prouver qu’il en est ainsi. Sicile, XI si?cle. Nous nous trouvons aux derniers actes de la domination arabe : les ?mirs des principales villes de l’?le sont en guerre entre eux et les forces chr?tiennes, attendent une excuse pour intervenir et entreprendre leur guerre sainte contre l’ennemi musulman. Nadira est une jeune fille innocente d’origine berb?re qui vit en se soumettant aux d?cisions de son fr?re ; comme lorsqu’on lui annonce qu’elle devra devenir une des ?pouses de l’?mir de sa ville. Cependant, ses yeux sont tellement ?tranges et envo?tants qu’ils attirent l’attention de plus d’un pr?tendant. Bien vite la renomm?e d’une mal?diction se r?pandra : les hommes qui croiseront son regard ne pourront plus ?viter de la d?sirer et essayer de l’avoir. Les yeux de Nadira et ce ciel sans limite qu’ils rappellent, provoqueront la seconde guerre que la Sicile musulmane vivra. En attendant , les fr?res de Hauteville, de terribles guerriers normands, attendent n’importe quel pr?texte pour pouvoir traverser la mer, dans le but de commencer une croisade contre les maures. Conrad se trouve dans tout cela, lui aussi normand, mais ayant grandi parmi les siciliens chr?tiens. Son ambition est sans limite et sa vengeance envers les dominateurs musulmans d?passe le bon sens. Le destin de Conrad finira par croiser ce “ciel de Nadira” et le myst?re qui se cache derri?re la nature de ces yeux l?. Cependant, il parviendra ? vaincre le danger que la beaut? de Nadira repr?sente,    uniquement s’il saura d?voiler ce qui lie le coeur d’un homme au d?sir qui le soumet au mal. La guerre est encore en pleine rage, devenue d?sormais une bataille de cultures et de religions, lorsque du terrain de la haine, commence ? na?tre la tol?rance…. une esp?rance entretenue par celui qui a su mettre de l’ordre dans les inqui?tudes de son ?me. Un environnement multiculturel, une aventure racont?e de tous les points de vue, une histoire objective et d’une saveur actuelle, un roman que les amants de fictions historiques et d’aventures ne peuvent ignorer.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835411437


Le Tessere Del Paradiso
Le Tessere Del Paradiso

Автор: Giovanni Mongiov?

Il Regnum ? un enorme mosaico variopinto in cui gente di culture, lingue e religioni diverse convive l’una accanto all’altra. Siamo intorno alla met? del XII secolo e sul trono di Sicilia siede Guglielmo il Malo. In questa storia si muovono sei protagonisti, ognuno facente parte di una delle razze che compongono l’enorme mosaico del Regno. Alessio, maestro d’arte bizantino, dal carattere remissivo e alla ricerca dell’amata figlia; Amjad, potente eunuco saraceno, votato segretamente alla causa dell’Islam; Vittore, figlio del popolo di Palermo, innamorato di una donna musulmana; Manfredo, nobile lombardo ambizioso e vendicativo; Chana, vedova di un prestadenari ebreo, alla ricerca di giustizia per l’assassinio del marito; e Roberto di Rossavilla, ago della bilancia delle controversie del Regno. In particolare quest’ultimo viene messo di fronte ad una complicata scelta: sposare la bella Rocca, figlia del dissidente Eraldo, oppure accettare l’offerta del Re, ripudiando la promessa spos Il Regnum ? un enorme mosaico variopinto in cui gente di culture, lingue e religioni diverse convive l’una accanto all’altra. ? stato il potere forte e accentrato dei sovrani normanni a rendere possibile tale creatura unica al mondo, prospera e potente. Pende tuttavia sul Regno una pericolosa legge di natura: ci? che ? bello ? spesso anche fragile… ci? che riesce ? spesso anche precario! Siamo intorno alla met? del XII secolo e sul trono di Sicilia siede Guglielmo, detto “il Malo”. Questi preferisce l’ozio e il vizio all’esercizio di governo. Emergono perci? uomini senza scrupoli intenzionati ad accrescere il proprio prestigio. Majone, Ammiraglio del Regno, punta subdolamente al trono, mentre Matteo Bonello, giovane e valoroso barone, intende sovvertire il sistema con la forza. Le tensioni sfociano in una vera e propria guerra tra razze, che mette contro i saraceni, rappresentati dai potenti eunuchi di corte, e i lombardi, interessati al potere degli eunuchi e capeggiati dalla nobilt? dissidente. Intanto approfittano di questa debolezza le potenze confinanti, il papa cos? come i musulmani d’Africa, pronti a colpire al cuore il regno pi? avanzato d’Europa. In questo contesto si muovono sei protagonisti, ognuno facente parte di una delle razze che compongono l’enorme mosaico del Regno. Alessio, maestro d’arte bizantino, dal carattere remissivo e alla ricerca dell’amata figlia; Amjad, potente eunuco saraceno, votato segretamente alla causa dell’Islam; Vittore, figlio del popolo di Palermo, innamorato di una donna musulmana; Manfredo, nobile lombardo ambizioso e vendicativo; Chana, vedova di un prestadenari ebreo, alla ricerca di giustizia per l’assassinio del marito; e Roberto di Rossavilla, ago della bilancia delle controversie del Regno. In particolare quest’ultimo viene messo di fronte ad una complicata scelta: sposare la bella Rocca, figlia del lombardo Eraldo, oppure accettare l’offerta del Re, ripudiando la promessa sposa ed infrangendo gli accordi col nobile dissidente. Roberto potrebbe lasciar decidere il cuore, ma c’? un problema: non ama Rocca! Si sviluppa cos? una storia piena di colpi di scena, in cui le vicende dei singoli influenzeranno il destino di tutti. Sar? qualcuno dei sei protagonisti a salvare il Regnum dall’odio e dall’intolleranza, o forse finalmente il Re si render? conto che il futuro del suo trono passa dalle sue mai compiute scelte? Nel frattempo, in una delle sale del Palazzo Reale, tessera dopo tessera, un abile mosaicista sta per portare a termine una delle opere pi? emblematiche del periodo normanno. Su quelle mura ? raffigurato il Paradiso, meta che accomuna tutti gli uomini di ogni razza e cultura, e immagine stessa del Regnum. Un romanzo storico di ambientazione medievale moderno come pochi. Capace di affrontare in chiave diacronica argomenti attuali come l’integralismo islamico, il suprematismo razziale e la tutela dei diritti individuali; a dimostrazione che nella storia umana non si inventa mai nulla di nuovo.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835406471


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