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Mistress Masquerade
Mistress Masquerade

Àâòîð: Juliet Landon

UNEXPECTED TREASURE…Humiliated and betrayed by men, Lady Annemarie Golding has isolated herself from society. After a chance discovery of some intimate letters that could tarnish the Prince Regent's name she sees an opportunity to get revenge on erring husbands everywhere.Only Lord Jacques Verne stands in her way. An aide to the Prince, he has his orders to obtain the letters–at any cost. His pursuit of Annemarie is deliciously persuasive…but if she agrees to become his mistress can she be sure it's truly her he wishes to possess?"Charming, romantic…a feast for the history lover."–RT Book Reviews on Scandalous Innocent

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472043573


Mistress Of Madderlea
Mistress Of Madderlea

Àâòîð: Mary Nichols

How could she put things right without a scandal?Miss Sophie Roswell wanted to marry. But as she was an heiress, surely her money would attract the wrong kind of man? Her ingenious solution–to switch places with her cousin Charlotte for the Season! When she met Richard, Viscount Braybrooke, she knew she'd made a terrible mistake. Although he was looking for a wife, he had to fulfill his duty as heir to a dukedom. And Sophie was now apparently ineligible….

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474016094


Mistress to the Crown
Mistress to the Crown

Àâòîð: Isolde Martyn

A Royal Mistress Elizabeth Lambard was to become known as the notorious whore, 'Jane Shore' – lover of King Edward IV. The day Lord Hastings came into her husband's shop, Elizabeth saw a vital opportunity to separate herself from her dull, impotent husband, William Shore. The handsome stranger might be her only chance to partake in the dance of desire and annul her marriage. She did not, however, foresee her introduction to the King of England, nor her future at his side…and in his bed.From this unlikely alliance, Elizabeth is granted severance from Shore, and flourishes due to the Yorkist King's admiration. But her new position comes at a terrible price – her family shun her, the people of London label her a harlot and the White Queen's family are powerful enemies.So long as King Edward and Hastings stay close, Elizabeth is safe. But her beloved Ned falls ill and Richard III’s supporters gather. Can Elizabeth’s beauty keep her out of trouble? Or will it lead her to the hangman’s noose?‘Rich and vivid… Passion, drama, glamour and wit turn this story of a woman who challenges her world into an unforgettable experience.’ –ANNA CAMPBELL International bestselling historical romance author

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472015402


Mistresses: The Consequences Of Desire
Mistresses: The Consequences Of Desire

Àâòîð: Îëèâèÿ Ãåéòñ

It Takes Two To Make Three!Beach Bar Baby by Heidi RiceElla jets off to sunny Bermuda for a bit of solo R&R… Why say no to a casual date with ripped, tanned and enigmatic Cooper Delaney? Now Coop can’t get the sweet London girl out of his head. A business trip is the perfect chance to see her. Only he finds Ella curvier and keeping a secret…Walk on the Wild Side by Natalie AndersonA fling with sinfully hot champion snowboarder Jack Greene isn’t Kelsi Reid’s normal behaviour…but one glimpse of his wicked eyes has Kelsi throwing caution to the winds. After all, who better to go crazy with than a man who deserves a gold medal for his physical prowess?Claiming His Own by Olivia GatesFrom their first explosive night, Caliope Sarantos and Russian tycoon Maksim Volkov agreed to no commitment. Then her pregnancy changed everything. Though Maksim made the baby his heir, he disappeared. Now he’s back, offering Caliope everything…

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon M&B

Öåíà: 603.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474066150


Mit Dem Wind
Mit Dem Wind

Àâòîð: Elizabeth Johns

Schon l?ngst heimlich verheiratet, entscheidet sich die dritte Drillingsschwester dazu, ?ber das Meer zu reisen, um ihren vermissten Ehemann zu suchen. Die Reise und die geheimen Nachforschungen liefern schmerzvolle ?berraschungen. Wird der Kapit?n des Schiffes der R?ckkehr ihrer verlorenen Liebe im Weg stehen? F?nf Jahre sind vergangen seit Lady Anjou Winslow, eine der Drillingsschwestern des Marquess Ashbury, zusehen musste, wie ihre gro?e Liebe, Lieutenant Gardiner, nach Amerika in den Krieg zog. Vor seiner Abreise hatten sie heimlich geheiratet und obwohl das Kriegsministerium ihn f?r tot erkl?rt hatte, weigert sie sich daran zu glauben. Von ihm selbst fehlt jede Spur. Lord Ashbury hatte Privatdetektive beauftragt, aber auch sie hatten keinerlei Erfolg bei der Suche. Einer inneren Stimme folgend weigert sich Anjoy an den Tod ihres Ehemanns zu glauben. Obwohl sie gro?e Angst vor dem Ozean hat, ?berzeugt sie ihren Bruder davon, sie auf ihre lange Reise nach Amerika zu begleiten. Captain Edward Harris, der ruppige Kapit?n der Wind, will sie nicht auf seinem Schiff haben. Auf ihre verzweifelten Bitten hin gestattet er ihr dennoch die ?berfahrt. W?hrend Anjou und Charles nach Lieutenant Gardiner suchen, kommen Dinge ans Tageslicht, mit denen sie nicht gerechnet hatten. Wird Edward der R?ckkehr ihrer verlorenen Liebe irgendwie im Wege stehen?

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835425090


Mon Vicomte Pour Toujours
Mon Vicomte Pour Toujours

Àâòîð: Dawn Brower

Et si les contes de f?es ?taient r?els ? Et si les contes de f?es ?taient r?els ? Donovan Turner, Vicomte de Warwick, est un s?duisant d?prav?. C'est devenu tout un art de cacher les lambeaux de son cœur bris?. Le brandy fran?ais est son plus proche ami et il fait toujours en sorte d'en avoir ? port?e de main. Lady Estella Simms a ?t? contrainte ? l'exil par son diabolique beau-p?re sans aucun moyen de subsistance. A l'aide de ses maigres ressources, elle se lance dans une aventure qu'aucune demoiselle ne prendrait en compte pour sa survie… la contrebande. Ironie du sort, Donovan ?choue comme passager clandestin ? bord de son navire… trop saoul pour se rappeler comment il est arriv? l?, et choqu? de tomber sur la seule femme qu'il ait jamais aim?e et qui a ?galement failli le d?truire. Le danger est proche et ils doivent compter l'un sur l'autre pour survivre. Lord Warwick et Lady Estella doivent apprendre ? se faire confiance ? nouveau, et d?cider si l'amour est assez puissant pour conqu?rir le mal qui contrecarre leur happy-end.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835415572


Monas braune Augen
Monas braune Augen

Àâòîð: Lutz Hatop

Mike lernt kurz vor seiner Hochzeit in Berlin die Afrikanerin Mona kennen. Die Liebe beider steht schnell vor einer ersten Bew?hrungsprobe: Absage der Hochzeit und Vorstellung von Mona in Mikes Familie. Monas Mutter Thelma verbirgt eine dunkle Vergangenheit, die sie nach 25 Jahren einholt und ihre Familie in den Abgrund zu rei?en droht. Eine d?stere Vergangenheit, in der sie als junges M?dchen in die F?nge eines Menschenh?ndlerringes geriet. Mit der Hilfe eines M?dchens konnte sie fliehen, fand in Deutschland eine neue Heimat. Dank ihrer Aussage konnte nun, 25 Jahre sp?ter, der Boss des Ringes verhaftet werden. F?r die Verurteilung sollte sie vor einem Gericht in Windhuk aussagen. Der intrigante Stiefsohn bringt Thelma in Misskredit. Sie wird durch Initiative Mikes entlastet. Ihr Stiefsohn scheitert, muss gehen und schw?rt Rache. Er verr?t seine Stiefmutter Thelma an die Organisation des Menschenh?ndlerringes. Und jetzt ger?t nicht nur sie, sondern auch ihre Familie in das Visier dieser Organisation. Ein Anschlag geschieht in Berlin. Ihre Familie wird unter Polizeischutz gestellt. Mona und Mike begleiten Thelma nach Windhuk. Mike ?berlebt in der Namibw?ste nur knapp einen Mordversuch und f?llt ins Koma. Mona zerbricht fast an dieser Situation, wehrt selbst unter Einsatz ihres Lebens einen zweiten Anschlag auf ihn ab. Doch die Organisation greift zu immer drastischeren Mitteln: Thelma wird entf?hrt.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783957444073


Montana Bride
Montana Bride

Àâòîð: Jillian Hart

CAN TWO STRANGERS BE A MATCH MADE IN THE WEST?Willa Conner learned a long time ago that love is only in fairytales. She’s been left widowed, pregnant and penniless, and her last hope is the stranger who answers her ad for a husband. Austin Dermot, a hardworking Montana blacksmith, doesn’t know what to expect from a mail-order bride.It certainly isn’t the brave, beautiful, but scarred young woman who cautiously steps off the train… Trust won’t come easily for Willa – it’s hard for her to believe she’s worthy of true love. But she doesn’t need to worry about that, because this is just a marriage of convenience…isn’t it?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 449.8 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408943687


Montana Cowboy Daddy
Montana Cowboy Daddy

Àâòîð: Linda Ford

The Rancher's Ready-Made FamilyWith a little girl to raise, widowed single father Dawson Marshall could sure use some help—he just didn't expect it to come from city girl Isabelle Redfield. Dawson has encountered city women before. He even married one. What if his little girl grows attached to Isabelle and the woman tires of ranch life just like his late wife did?For heiress Isabelle, the fledgling Western town of Bella Creek, Montana, offers something more meaningful than her wealth: a chance to forge a useful life. But if she wants the townsfolk to value her for more than her money, she has to keep her identity hidden. A difficult feat, especially when it comes to the cynical cowboy whose sweet daughter she cares for after school. But will hiding the truth ruin her chance of earning Dawson's love?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474058612


Montana Cowboy s Baby
Montana Cowboy's Baby

Àâòîð: Linda Ford

Stand-in DaddyConner Marshall knows the baby on the doorstep isn’t his—despite what the note says—but little Ellie needs a protector…and urgent medical care. Turning to the doctor’s daughter and capable assistant, Kate Baker, for help, he keeps the truth to himself. Why should he care if Kate believes the worst of him? The wary rancher can’t afford feelings for a woman who’ll soon be moving east for medical school.A promise to her dying grandmother decided Kate’s future. She’ll become a doctor, and forgo a family of her own. Now, tending to Ellie at the Marshall ranch, she sees just what she’s sacrificing, especially when Ellie’s mother returns. But the littlest matchmakers can sometimes make the biggest dreams come true…Big Sky Country: Love takes root in Montana’s wide open spaces.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474068079


Montana Groom Of Convenience
Montana Groom Of Convenience

Àâòîð: Linda Ford

Their Marriage BargainCarly Morrison’s father issues an ultimatum: get married or lose her ranch. But while she can rope and ride as well as any man, leading one to the altar is another matter—until newcomer Sawyer Gallagher suggests a marriage of convenience. Their arrangement might be a sensible solution to her predicament but Carly’s growing feelings are a genuine complication.Desperate to provide a home for his orphaned sister, Sawyer takes a chance on lassoing himself to headstrong cowgirl Carly. He’s convinced he’s too hardened by life to love anyone…until their union is threatened. Is it too late to turn this practical partnership into a real Big Sky family?

Ñåðèÿ: Big Sky Country

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474080385


Montana Groom Of Convenience
Montana Groom Of Convenience

Àâòîð: Linda Ford

Their Marriage BargainCarly Morrison’s father issues an ultimatum: get married or lose her ranch. But while she can rope and ride as well as any man, leading one to the altar is another matter—until newcomer Sawyer Gallagher suggests a marriage of convenience. Their arrangement might be a sensible solution to her predicament but Carly’s growing feelings are a genuine complication.Desperate to provide a home for his orphaned sister, Sawyer takes a chance on lassoing himself to headstrong cowgirl Carly. He’s convinced he’s too hardened by life to love anyone…until their union is threatened. Is it too late to turn this practical partnership into a real Big Sky family?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474080385


Montana Lawman Rescuer
Montana Lawman Rescuer

Àâòîð: Linda Ford

Falling For Her ProtectorAfter a stagecoach robbery nearly kills her and the small boy she's travelling with, Emily Smith can’t remember who she is or where she’s going. Lost and with only wisps of her memory, she must rely on the handsome, dark-eyed sheriff who saved her.Jesse Hill protects his heart as fiercely as he protects the small Montana town of Bella Creek. How did Emily's kindness and beauty get past his armor? But Jesse knows well his own tainted past—one that means he could never marry a woman like Emily… even if her love could prove his redemption.Big Sky Country: Love takes root in Montana's wide-open spaces.

Ñåðèÿ: Big Sky Country

Öåíà: 464.75 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474082563


Montana Legend
Montana Legend

Àâòîð: Jillian Hart

Happily Ever After Wasn't Much To Wish ForYoung widow Sarah Redding swore that if Providence sent her another man to love, he would definitely have to love her back. Then into her life rode Gage Gatlin, a rugged jewel of a man who could offer her everything–except his heart!Gage Gatlin Knew Love Was A Fairy TaleBut devotion and desire–those were things he knew he could build a life around. One he could share with Sarah Redding, a woman practical yet passionate, caring to both of their daughters, a woman he wanted forever. If only she didn't want love…!

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472039637


Montana Man
Montana Man

Àâòîð: Jillian Hart

Miranda Mitchell wasn't looking for a hero. In fact, this eastern miss was well ahead of the bounty hunters until she saw handsome doctor Trey Gatlin coaxing his reluctant niece onto a departing train.But the man's tenderness tugged at her heart like a thousand midnight dreams and Miranda knew that she had to help. Trey's warmth and caring made her wish for the impossible, and, for the first time since leaving Philadelphia, Miranda found herself telling him her secrets. Yet, when Trey promised to protect her, would Miranda finally have the courage to face her family and risk losing the man she loved…?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 323.26 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472039644


Montana Twins
Montana Twins

Àâòîð: Charlotte Maclay

From Bachelor Sheriff To Daddy Of Two? What A Day!Sheriff Eric Oakes didn't know the first thing about babies, and now he had to prove himself worthy of raising his twin nieces. Taking care of those little girls was one thing, but taking on the woman who controlled their fate was another thing entirely!Laura Cavendish had promised she'd find the twins' uncle, but she hadn't expected to find him so…irresistible. She had to make sure he'd be a suitable dad, and that meant finding this bachelor a wife. Her love for the little girls was so great that she agreed to take on the role. Would Eric and Laura learn that sometimes love comes after marriage?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474020756


Montana Wife
Montana Wife

Àâòîð: Jillian Hart

Man and wife–facing the rigors of high country ranchingThat was the simple, solid ideal that Daniel Lindsay willingly offered Rayna Ludgrin. But she'd lived a grand passion, he knew, and he could promise only a quiet, steady brand of love…!Her soul raw with a new widow's grief, Rayna Ludgrin vowed she'd never feel love again. Still, life under the wide Montana sky was hard for a woman alone–and she pledged herself to Daniel Lindsay out of a desperate need to save her sons and her ranch. But though she'd taken him into her home as husband, could she ever welcome him into her heart?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 331.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472039651


Moonlight And Mistletoe
Moonlight And Mistletoe

Àâòîð: Dawn Temple

“I can’t be bought. For any price. ” Kyle Anderson was the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on, but Shayna Miller wasn’t about to be taken in by him. Until an ice storm stranded them in her Tennessee cabin…and Shayna discovered how persuasive – and passionate – the powerful lawyer could be.With her laid-back southern charm, the small-town social worker was tempting Kyle to rethink his big-city dreams. Yet it would take more than mistletoe and moonlight to earn Shayna’s trust. With help from this magical season, could he turn their fling into a forever after?

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408901267


Moonlight and Roses
Moonlight and Roses

Àâòîð: Jackie Braun

Buying the Monroe family winery gave Zack Holland the fresh start he needed. But the business came with one determined woman, and he could see she wasn't going to hand over the reins easily. Jaye Monroe knew they had to work together to make the winery a success. But she couldn't bear to give up everything her family had worked for–to an outsider.Yet the attraction sizzled and, what's more, the mood was set with the heady mix of moonlight and the scent of roses! Soon Jaye started to wonder whether they could develop the perfect relationship–business and personal….

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Cherish

Öåíà: 259.99 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408945926


More Than A Dream
More Than A Dream

Àâòîð: Emma Richmond

Too Much, Too Soon…To the outside world, it looked as though all of Melissa Morland's dreams had come true – she was married to gorgeous Charles Revington, was pregnant with his child and live in a palatial home in France. But Melissa craved the one thing she did not have: her husband's love. Perhaps someday… .Then, in one shattering moment, Charles learned the truth about the night their child was conceived. His anger and disillusionment created chasms impossible to bridge – except perhaps by one small miracle!

Öåíà: 451.79 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408986974


More Than A Gift
More Than A Gift

Àâòîð: Josie Metcalfe

After waiting forever to find love Laurel was devastated when she had to leave consultant Dmitri behind without even telling him why.Now, eight months pregnant and trapped in a snowbound car, she can only wonder whether she'll ever see Dmitri again. Unaware that Laurel is in danger or that more than one life is at stake, Dmitri is searching for her. But will he find her in time…?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Medical

Öåíà: 258.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474057349


More Than A Governess
More Than A Governess

Àâòîð: Sarah Mallory

Stern and unyielding, Major Damon Collingham was prepared to pay a king’s ransom for someone who could stay the course as governess to his two motherless children.In her straitened circumstances, Miss Juliana Wrenn needed this post and could not allow herself to be intimidated by him–or his colorful reputation. A devil on the battlefield and in the bedroom. Juliana knew what was said about her employer.She would not fall under his spell. But then those harsh features could sometimes soften to something so much more attractive. . .

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 453.25 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408933350


More Than A Lover
More Than A Lover

Àâòîð: Ann Lethbridge

Will he unlace all of her secrets?Former captain Bladen Read knows respectable Caroline Falkner would never look twice at an illegitimate ruffian like him. But when he’s suddenly thrown into the role of her protector he discovers the undercurrent of tension runs both ways…At first Caro tries to resist the pull of attraction, for Blade is a link to the scandalous past she buried long ago to protect her son. Although when the opportunity to explore this rake’s expertise in the bedroom presents itself, temptation proves too much to resist!

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 431.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474042321


More Than a Mistress
More Than a Mistress

Àâòîð: Ann Lethbridge

Public Gentleman, Private Rogue!Charles Mountford, Marquis of Tonbridge, has long felt the weight of responsibility. He knows he must do his duty and take a wife. But when he’s left snowbound with the unconventional Miss Honor Meredith Draycott, he finds his inner rogue wants to come out to play…Merry doesn’t need a man – no matter how handsome he is! Sadly society takes a different view. Charlie is more than happy to make her socially acceptable, but only if she acts publicly as his betrothed and privately as his mistress!

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408923313


Morrow Creek Marshal
Morrow Creek Marshal

Àâòîð: Lisa Plumley

Dylan Coyle is all man. Tall. Handsome. Not to be trusted…Dancing girl Marielle Miller makes sure no cowboy steps his spurred boots out of line. But then one night she tumbles from the stage into the arms of Dylan Coyle… Marielle doesn’t need a man in her life – especially not a wandering gunslinger unwilling to put down roots. Except as Morrow Creek’s new stand-in lawman Dylan will be around to vex her for a while yet. And when she becomes embroiled in his latest case Marielle starts to hope this particular drifter will stick around for good!

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474006385


Mortal Coil
Mortal Coil

Àâòîð: Derek Landy

Meet Skulduggery Pleasant: detective, sorcerer, warrior.Oh yes. And dead.Skulduggery Pleasant is back, and reunited with his original head. But all is not well in the magical world – for one thing, foreign powers are conspiring to take over the Irish Sanctuary, and for another thing, Valkyrie has discovered she might be the sorceress set to destroy the world. The problem is, she doesn’t feel she can tell Skulduggery what she’s learned… and that’s how all the trouble starts.With Valkyrie on a quest of her own, to seal her name and prevent her evil destiny from coming to pass, Skulduggery and the gang are even more vulnerable. Which is a shame, because remember those thousands of remnants, imprisoned in the Midnight Hotel? Well, now they’re out. Not only that but they believe Valkyrie is their messiah. And that means thousands of wicked souls, desperate to get to Valkyrie, willing to kill anyone in their way… Oh, and because they can possess any body, they could be ANYONE.Now Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Ghastly and Tanith can trust no one. Not even each other…

Ñåðèÿ: Skulduggery Pleasant

Öåíà: 690.23 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007414352


Mother of the Bride
Mother of the Bride

Àâòîð: Kate Lawson

3 women. 1 wedding. Whose big day is it anyway…?Grab your big hat and pearls for the funniest read of the year, a must-read for fans of Carole Matthews and Jane Green.Molly Foster's daughter Jess is getting married…To Molly's delight – and surprise. And with Molly's show featuring a wedding countdown, the whole town of Wells-next-the Sea is ecstatic – even as Molly worries that groom-to-be Max's commitment may not be all it seems…Meanwhile, Jess's control freak step-mother Marnie is determined to turn the event into a chi-chi society bash – a world away from the day that Jess envisaged.But does Jess really know what she wants? Especially when she meets the gorgeous Oliver… Though there's no going back now – is there?Can Jess take back control of her wedding – or will the mothers of the bride run the show?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007370979


Mother’s Day on Coronation Street
Mother’s Day on Coronation Street

Àâòîð: Maggie Sullivan

‘A wonderfully nostalgic tale’ Choice MagazineIt’s 1942 and Annie Walker is the landlady of the Rovers Return on Coronation Street.With her husband, Jack, away fighting for King and Country, Annie must juggle lone motherhood with keeping the regulars happy.Gracie Ashton works behind the bar at the Rovers and thinks all the girls swooning at the American soldiers flooding into Weatherfield are plain daft. But when she meets the handsome GI, Chuck Dawson, Gracie wonders if she has her own head screwed on right.With rationing, air raids and blackouts, the wives and mothers of Coronation Street are determined to count their blessings, but when an unwelcome face from the past turns up at the Rovers it looks like Annie will have more to worry about than Hitler’s bombs…Full of Coronation Street’s trademark humour and warmth, it’s the perfect gift for Mother’s Day.

Ñåðèÿ: Coronation Street

Öåíà: 643.05 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008255169


Mountain Shelter
Mountain Shelter

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

A mountain hideaway is all that stands between a bodyguard and the killer after his beautiful client…As a highly skilled cyber security expert and bodyguard, there are few dangers Dylan Timmons can't handle. But his next assignment brings unexpected risks. Hired to protect brilliant–but socially reclusive–neurosurgeon Jayne Shackleford, Dylan seeks answers in what he suspects was a foiled kidnapping attempt. As the daughter of an oil tycoon, Jayne is the perfect target for ransom so retreating to the mountains is the first step in keeping her safe. The second step is remaining vigilant in their secluded surroundings–and resisting the beautiful brunette with a target on her back.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474040020


Mr Fairclough s Inherited Bride
Mr Fairclough's Inherited Bride

Àâòîð: Georgie Lee

Facing the past…To build a future together!Silas Fairclough’s new life in America is dramatically changed when he learns his mentor’s dying wish is for him to wed his ward. Silas’s marriage to beautiful, quiet Lady Mary Weddell will be a practical, sensible arrangement. But now his family in England need him – and that means taking his bride back to the land of scandal and ruin she’d left behind…!

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 575.19 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008901172


Mr Unbelievable
Mr Unbelievable

Àâòîð: Chris Kamara

High jinx and japes from Soccer Saturday's roving reporter extraordinaire, Chris «Kammy» Kamara, whose boyish enthusiasm and often baffling, at-the-ground football reportage has given him cult status and an army of fans.Over the past decade, football results programme Soccer Saturday has become a television phenomenon, delivering goals and drama via a raft of ex-professional players positioned in TV studios and on precarious gangplanks in rusting stadiums around the country.At the heart of this success is free-wheeling pundit and roving reporter extraordinaire, Chris «Kammy» Kamara, the former footballer-turned-manager-turned-cult hero who has astounded and dumbfounded a legion of armchair fans with his crackpot catchphrases, hyperactive reporting style and Lionel Richie haircut.Mr Unbelievable is his rags to riches tale. As a player, Kammy trawled football's outposts with the likes of Bradford City, Stoke City and Portsmouth where he suffered the slings, arrows and hurled bananas of racial abuse. Later, during the autumn of his career, he played in Howard Wilkinson's swashbuckling Leeds team where he rubbed shoulders with the likes of Eric Cantona and Lee Chapman.On hanging up his boots, he moved into the dugouts at Bradford and Sunderland as manager before joining the Sky football revolution as roving reporter on Soccer Saturday and Goal On Sunday's eagle-eyed analyst, amassing a raft of catchphrases along the way.Mr Unbelievable is a hugely entertaining, moving, shocking and laugh out loud funny story of a genuine cult hero.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007363155


Mr. Miracle
Mr. Miracle

Àâòîð: Carolyn McSparren

By the Year 2000: CELEBRATE!What have you resolved to do by the year 2000?Victoria Jamerson's waiting for a miracle.Unfortunately, she doesn't believe in miracles.But she has to admit that Scotsman Jamey McLachlan's arrival at her Tennessee home couldn't have come at a better time. She needs all the help she can get to keep her riding school and boarding stables in operation. And Jamey certainly knows his way around horses.Fortunately–for Jamey, anyway–Vic doesn't suspect that his appearance at ValleyCrest is anything more than a happy coincidence. Now he has to find a way of keeping a promise he made to his stepfather without hurting the woman he's beginning to love.It's probably going to take a miracle. And that would be something to celebrate! For both of them….

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472063830


Mrs P’s Book of Secrets
Mrs P’s Book of Secrets

Àâòîð: Lorna Gray

The war is over but the survivors are haunted by those they have lost…‘If you’re a lover of literary fiction then you’ll be right at home with this book. You’ll enjoy the intricate play on words and it will take you back to a time when writing was an art form’ Netgalley reviewerWar widow Lucy Peuse is content in her quiet life as secretary for her uncle and his dashing young partner, Robert Underhill, at their Cotswold book press. But rations still rule and paper is the golden egg, and when Robert is found using the skills he gleaned as a British POW to give the business a leg up, Lucy is suddenly a player in a dark world where everyone has an eye on the ledger and will do whatever it takes to prevent their neighbour’s gain. Caught between society’s expectations and her own dreams, Lucy will have to break free of the ghosts of the past in order to find answers she needs to secure the future … for her and Robert both.Mrs P’s Book of Secrets will be published in the US as The Book Ghost.

Öåíà: 274.94 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008368241


Ms. Taken
Ms. Taken

Àâòîð: Jo Leigh

Single female in love with the boss. Please return favor…This is the ad secretary Jane Dobson secretly wanted to place in «The Personal Touch!» column. Instead, shy but sexy Charles Warren had her tracking down his old college girlfriend with the goal of proposing. If he figures this is in Jane's job description, he is sorely mistaken!Charles is secretly attracted to Jane, but is clueless about her feelings. Until the day she gets conked on the head by a plaster cupid–and he's there for the fallout! Suddenly Jane's now convinced that he's her fianc? and they are passionately in love. Worse, she wants to start the honeymoon…early. Of course, she's mistaken.But is this a mistake any red-blooded, loving man would want to correct?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Temptation

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474027427


Mustang Wild
Mustang Wild

Àâòîð: Stacey Kayne

No smooth-talking man is going to outwit her!With the deed to her land and a kid brother to protect, mustanger Skylar Daines shouldn't have tangled with the likes of Tucker Morgan. But his stolen kiss scatters her senses and, quicker than a whirling dust devil, they're wed!To her relief, Tucker's keen to fix the marital slipup–and then he tells her the deed she holds belongs to him, and him alone. Maybe she shouldn't rush to have their marriage annulled. No man, no matter how good-looking, is going to swindle Skylar out of the one thing she yearns for most–a home.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 331.04 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472040268


My Baby, My Bride
My Baby, My Bride

Àâòîð: Tina Leonard

Liberty Wentworth may have abandoned Duke Forrester on their wedding day, but when she returns to Tulips, Texas, pregnant with his child, Duke knows he'll do anything to win her back. But how? Liberty's claiming he's as ornery as ever, and she can't live with a bullheaded man like him for the rest of her life.So Duke takes some advice from an unlikely source–the ladies of the Tulips Saloon. These women have brought him much pain with their meddling, but if he's ever going to marry the woman he loves, he'll have to follow their «recipe» for success. Because no matter what it takes, Duke is going to spend his life with Liberty–even if that means softening up around the edges. After all, a man has to do what a man has to do!

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472075475


My Baby, My Love
My Baby, My Love

Àâòîð: Dani Sinclair

SHE WOKE UP PREGNANT!When Sydney Edwards woke in the hospital, she couldn't believe her eyes–or her ears. The most tempting man she'd ever seen sat by her side and told her she was pregnant! Then he insisted she needed his protection….Noah Inglewood had never met his brother's widow, but now they shared a bond that couldn't be broken. His brother's actions had placed Sydney in great danger–and Noah in an impossible situation. Sydney was the only eyewitness to murder, and Noah had to keep her safe. But he was falling in love with Sydney–and keeping one precious little secret….

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon M&B

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472051837


My Baby, Your Son
My Baby, Your Son

Àâòîð: Anne Peters

Fabulous FathersHER CHILD?April Bingham had just discovered that the baby she'd thought she'd lost was alive–and living with his father, Jared O'Neal. Now she was back in her hometown to become a real mother to little Tyler, but Jared hadn't exactly welcomed her home with open arms….The stubborn man evoked longings April hadn't felt in years–not only for heart and home, but for an enduring happiness she'd never thought possible. Could April convince mistrustful Jared that the passion they'd once shared had not only created a wonderful little boy, but a love to last a lifetime?Fabulous Fathers. First he'll have to open his heart.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472069177


My Daring Seduction
My Daring Seduction

Àâòîð: Isabel Sharpe

Dared to seduce the man she’s most attracted to, independent Boston bar owner Lindsay Beckham is nervous.Is she really ready to give in to her dirtiest fantasies and entice tantalisingly tempting Denver Langston, her best friend and employee, into her bed?

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Blaze

Öåíà: 363.11 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472056610


My Guilty Pleasure
My Guilty Pleasure

Àâòîð: Jamie Denton

Eager to shed her good-girl reputation lawyer Joey Winfield spends the night with her boss, powerful and sexy Sebastian.But when she takes a Martini dare, can she reveal her most intimate feelings – and her deepest desires – to him?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472056603


My House Or Yours?
My House Or Yours?

Àâòîð: Lass Small

MARRY ME… AGAIN!Josephine Morris hadn't seen her ex-husband in almost four years when the storm of the decade hit. Suddenly they were stranded in the last hotel room in Dallas – together. Chad Wilkins had been a master in the bedroom, and now the seducing scoundrel was intent on wooing her back into his life – and his bed!He swore that he'd changed. And a horrified Jo was this close to succumbing. Jo knew she should be strong, but how could she resist a veritable force of nature? And what would she do when her relentless ex decided he was ready to play house – full-time?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408990599


My Lady Reluctant
My Lady Reluctant

Àâòîð: Laurie Grant

THESE WERE DANGEROUS TIMESAnd none knew it better than Brys de Balleroy as he played a deadly game in the service of his queen. 'Twas an honorable but lonely life, until the night the Lady Gisele stood naked and determined by his bedside&#13!Gisele de L'Aigle would be no man's property, yet she'd brought upon herself the royal decree that would see her wed tot he Baron of Balleroy. And though her spirit rebelled, Brys had saved her from certain death, and roused her passion in a way no man had done before.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 460.15 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474017336


My Lady s Choice
My Lady's Choice

Àâòîð: Lyn Stone

SHE'D SAVED HIS LIFE AND NOW SHE OWNED HIM!Lady Sara Fernstowe claimed as her due marriage with Richard Strode, the knight she'd rescued from death's icy embrace. For surely this marvel of a man could look past her scars to her warrior's heart and create both their lives anew!RICHARD AWOKE MARRIED TO A STRANGER–and under royal command to stay that way! But 'twould be a marriage in name only, he swore. Though could he keep such a vow when his own pulsing desire marked Sara of Fernstowe the most valorous, exotic woman in England?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474016261


My Lady s Dare
My Lady's Dare

Àâòîð: Gayle Wilson

Valentine Sinclair, the Earl of Dare, was an enigma, even to those who professed to know him well. For while his morals seemed suspect and his leisure pursuits as reckless as any of his well-heeled peers', there was something lurking beneath the facade of good looks, wit and charm that he so skillfully hid behind.Or so it had seemed, until the night Dare wagered a small fortune for a French gambler's English mistress, and won. Now, with the stunning widow installed at his town house, even the Matchmaking Mamas of the ton were doubting that the Earl of Dare would ever recover his good name, for it appeared that the infamous Mrs. Carstairs was destined to become a Sinclair Bride.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474016483


My Lady s Honor
My Lady's Honor

Àâòîð: Julia Justiss

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesUpon meeting the young lady who'd bedazzled his best friend, Gilen de Mowbry was surprised to find her hauntingly familiar. But surely this demure ton miss couldn't be the violet-eyed Gypsy who had danced for him in the firelight-and still taunted his dreams. . . . Desperate to save herself and her brother from her odious cousin's schemes, Gwennor Southford spirited him away by night-in a Gypsy caravan!Now they were in her aunt's care, and only one thing stood between her and the safe haven of a proper marriage-one unforgettable evening with Gilen de Mowbry. . . .

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Historical

Öåíà: 453.25 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408938270


My Lord Protector
My Lord Protector

Àâòîð: Deborah Hale

TORN BETWEEN DUTY… AND DESIREFitzhugh was willing to thrust his head back into the matrimonial noose to protect Julianna from her wicked stepbrother. But the maiden was betrothed to his nephew, gone at sea. So their forbidden union was secretly a marriage in name only., sharing his home with the much younger beauty fueled a passion he'd thought long buried… . Julianna Ramsay was at sixes and sevens! Who would have thought that Edmund's gentle care could ignite in her a woman's ardor that far eclipsed her girlish fancy for his absent nephew? And what of the day when her fiance returned? Would she then have the courage to choose love over duty?

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408989616


My Lord s Desire
My Lord's Desire

Àâòîð: Margaret Moore

A Scandalous VowLady Adelaide swore never to allow any man to claim her or her lands. Nevertheless, when thrown into the arms of a valiant knight, the beautiful heiress rethinks her solemn vow…A Brazen Betrothal To ransom his captive brother, Armand de Boisbaston has great need of a wealthy – and willing – wife. Fate sends him the Lady Adelaide instead. A woman claiming she wishes to avoid the marriage bed, yet whose lips tell a different tale!Now dangerous intrigues force them into a match as inescapable as the burgeoning passion that grows between them…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408914069


My Midsummer Morning
My Midsummer Morning

Àâòîð: Alastair Humphreys

A Financial Times Summer Book of 2019Seasoned adventurer Alastair Humphreys pushes himself to his very limits – busking his way across Spain with a violin he can barely play.In 1935 a young Englishman named Laurie Lee arrived in Spain. He had never been overseas; had hardly even left the quiet village he grew up in. His idea was to walk through the country, earning money for food by playing his violin in bars and plazas.Nearly a century later, the book Laurie Lee wrote – As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning – inspired Alastair Humphreys. It made him fall in love with Spain – the landscapes and the spirit – and with Laurie's style of travel. He travelled slow, lived simply, slept on hilltops, relished spontaneity, and loved conversations with the different people he met along the hot and dusty road.For 15 years, Alastair dreamed of retracing Laurie Lee’s footsteps, but could never get past the hurdle of being distinctly unmusical. This year, he decided to go anyway. The journey was his most terrifying yet, risking failure and humiliation every day, and finding himself truly vulnerable to the rhythms of the road and of his own life. But along the way, he found humility, redemption and triumph. It was a very good adventure.

Öåíà: 1294.83 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008331832


My Royal Sin / Playing Dirty
My Royal Sin / Playing Dirty

Àâòîð: Lauren Hawkeye

My Royal Sin by Riley PineShe’s totally off-limits……which makes her even more irresistible!Famed for his iron control, Prince Benedict is unprepared for the chemistry that ricochets through him when he meets Ruby. She is temptation personified…but couldn’t be more inappropriate for a royal fling! Except after years of choosing duty over desire, his control has finally snapped—he’s choosing pleasure, of the most X-rated kind. After all, if he’s going to indulge in the forbidden, the higher the stakes, the greater the thrill!Playing Dirty by Lauren HawkeyeHis guiltiest pleasureShe's wild, wicked…and pure, sexy troubleIt takes a nanosecond for Beth Marchande to see that Ford Lassiter worships rules and order. Yet behind his leonine eyes this gorgeous but tightly wound man is hiding something much deeper than lust. He's hiding a deliciously raw, hungry need to take control while Beth relinquishes hers. But for this wild, fierce woman there'll be no holding back his heart…no matter the cost.

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Dare

Öåíà: 517.66 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474095860


My Sweet Valentine
My Sweet Valentine

Àâòîð: Annie Groves

An emotional portrayal of the lives of four women as Valentine’s day approaches, in 1941 wartime London‘Life brought enough problems and upsets for young hearts, especially young female hearts, without them having to carry the added burden of the war…’Tilly is passionately in love with the dashing American journalist, Drew. But he is harbouring a secret that threatens their burgeoning love. At the same time, Dulcie’s brother Rick walks back into her life, the man who she longed for all those years ago…Agnes is comforted by the loving arms of her caring train driver fianc? Ted. And Sally could not be happier with her talented surgeon boyfriend at her side, especially since he’s risked his life to visit her at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve.For Tilly’s mother, Olive, the cold heart that had been frozen since her partner died, is beginning to thaw. But the man she pines for is betrothed to another. The net curtains on the well-to-do Article Row have been twitching, and prying eyes have seen the way she’s been looking at Sergeant Dawson…When the clock strikes midnight at the Hammersmith Palais, three couples stare deeply into their lovers’ eyes. The confident and stunningly beautiful East Ender, Dulcie, is left alone once more, abandoned by her boyfriend at this most precious of precious moments.But the women of No. 13 Article Row know that joy is short lived in the London of 1941. It’s a treacherous place, especially for the tender-hearted. As Valentine’s Day approaches, the perils of war threaten life as they know it and all matters of the heart.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007419401


Mysterious Millionaire
Mysterious Millionaire

Àâòîð: Cassie Miles

The maid and the millionaire Liz Norton’s private investigations were run-of-the-mill – until she went undercover on the wealthy Crawford estate. Posing as an unobtrusive housekeeper in what was supposed to be a routine case, she soon found herself in serious danger.She was forced to turn to Ben Crawford, an enigmatic single father fighting to keep his young daughter. Partnering the ruggedly handsome businessman only made Liz yearn to drop the charade. But there was a killer prowling the darkest corners of the mansion and Liz didn’t know who to trust…

Ñåðèÿ: Mills & Boon Intrigue

Öåíà: 282.99 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781408907528


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