домашние животные (страница 7)

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Автор: Дарья Нестерова

На страницах данной книги представлена исчерпывающая информация о содержании хомячков в домашних условиях. В издании содержатся важные советы по выбору, покупке, приручению, кормлению, разведению, дрессировке и лечению этих забавных зверьков. Приведенные в книге рекомендации будут особенно полезны для тех, кто только собирается приобрести пушистого грызуна. Однако опытные любители, а также разводчики хомячков обязательно найдут для себя в ней немало нового и познавательного.

Серия: Твое зверье

Цена: 109 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9533-2563-9


Хорошая собака плохой породы не бывает
Хорошая собака плохой породы не бывает

Автор: Екатерина Кастрицкая

Эта книга необходима тем, кто хочет понимать свою собаку. Чтобы вы приобрели лучшего друга, а не клубок неразрешимых проблем. А совместное проживание превратилось не в мучительное сосуществование, а в прекрасное ежечасное времяпрепровождение. Вы найдете ответы на множество вопросов о психологии и поведении собак, о выборе породы, содержании, дрессировке и воспитании. Никакой воды, все только по существу! А еще здесь собрано множество историй, красочных фотографий и замечательных иллюстраций.

Цена: 690 руб.
Год: 2020


Чего окрысилась?! Как понимать своего питомца
Чего окрысилась?! Как понимать своего питомца

Автор: Иришка МиМи

Декоративные крысы – очень умные зверьки, которые могут выражать свои чувства, эмоции и ощущения так, чтобы люди их поняли. Для этого нужно только научиться правильно интерпретировать их поведение. Эта книга поможет вам в этом нелегком деле! В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Бла-Бла-Pets

Цена: 349 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-17-153688-6



Автор: Евгения Сбитнева

Книга рассказывает о содержании в неволе пресноводных и сухопутных черепах, об особенностях их питания и размножения, а также об образе их жизни в естественной среде обитания. Приведенные в данном издании рекомендации будут полезны как для тех, кто только собирается приобрести черепаху, так и для тех, у кого дома уже живут эти удивительные рептилии.

Серия: Твое зверье

Цена: 109 руб.


Черная башня
Черная башня

Автор: Филлис Дороти Джеймс

Мрачное расследование в духе Агаты Кристи. Смерть провинциального священника Бэддли выглядит вполне естественно… но опытный детектив Адам Дэлглиш подозревает, что это убийство. Однако кому и зачем понадобилось лишать жизни пожилого человека? Вскоре Дэлглиш приходит к шокирующему выводу: убийство его друга – лишь звено в цепи загадочных смертей, к которым причастен безжалостный убийца. © P.D. James, 1975, 1977 © Перевод, А. Кабалкин, 2015 © Школа перевода В. Баканова, 2017 © Оформление ООО «Издательство АСТ»., 2022 © & ℗ ООО «Издательство АСТ», «Аудиокнига», 2022

Серия: Ф. Д. Джеймс с/с

Исполнители: Игорь Князев

Цена: 299 руб.
Год: 1975
ISBN: 978-5-17-140825-1


Чудесная страна Оз (спектакль)
Чудесная страна Оз (спектакль)

Автор: Лаймен Фрэнк Баум

Оказывается, с помощью волшебного порошка из тыквы и нескольких жердей можно сделать настоящего тыквоголового друга, а из столярных козел отличного быстроногого коня. Ну, а что случится, если волшебный порошок окажется в руках старой колдуньи Момби? Тогда и девочка может превратиться в мальчика, а мальчик – в мраморную статую или принцессу.

Серия: Страна Оз

Исполнители: Геннадий Храпунков

Цена: 129 руб.
Год: 2015


Чушь собачья. Как не испортить удовольствие от появления собаки в твоей жизни
Чушь собачья. Как не испортить удовольствие от появления собаки в твоей жизни

Автор: Ирина Макаренкова

Как доказать ребёнку, что ему ещё рано иметь собаку? Как путешествовать с собакой? Что нужно знать о породах при выборе щенка? Существуют ли правила дрессировки? Биолог, кинолог и страстная любительница собак Ирина Макаренкова представляет слушателям самое полное руководство в жизни собаковода! Ирина Макаренкова – биолог, эколог, кинолог. Работала сельским агрономом, микробиологом, а сейчас успешно занимается бизнесом. Увлекается дайвингом с акулами, ездит на мотоцикле и играет на гитаре. Но главная ее страсть – собаки! Со своими любимицами в течение многих лет принимала участие в крупных российских и международных выставках, собрав серьезную коллекцию престижных трофеев. Трудно не согласиться, что большинство из нас обожает собак. При этом приходится признать и тот факт, что ответственное отношение к питомцу знакомо очень не многим. «Чушь собачья» расскажет вам о мире собаковода. В книге будут затронуты этические, моральные и юридические аспекты ответственного владения собакой. Автор подготовит вас к ситуациям, которые непременно возникнут с появлением собаки в вашей жизни, и расскажет о возможных ошибках на основе личного опыта. Самое полное и понятное пошаговое руководство собаковода, снабженное забавными иллюстрациями, удобными таблицами, чек-листами и полезными советами, станет прекрасным помощником для вас и особенно для ваших детей, мечтающих о маленьком друге. • Как доказать ребенку, что ему еще рано иметь собаку? • Хватит ли у меня ресурсов? • Какие права есть у собаки? • Какие обязанности есть у ее владельца? • Какую роль играет собака в моей жизни? • Что нужно знать о породах при выборе щенка? • Как правильно ухаживать за собакой: чем кормить, сколько гулять, нужно ли стричь и как лечить? • Правила дрессировки: что должна уметь каждая собака? • Выставки: смотрим или участвуем? • Как путешествовать с собакой? • Как получать удовольствие от жизни в компании собаки? «Я не хендлер, не тренер и не инструктор, хотя знакома с этими профессиями не понаслышке. У меня нет интереса заполучить читателя в качестве клиента. Я не заводчик и не занимаюсь коммерческим разведением собак. Я, будучи биологом по профессии и человеком, уже многие годы беззаветно любящим собак, мечтаю, чтобы отношение людей к собакам и собаководам изменилось, чтобы собаки и их владельцы стали лучше понимать друг друга и получали максимум радости и удовольствия от общения», – Ирина Макаренкова . «Почему я начинаю с наиболее неприятной стороны совместной жизни с животными? Потому что степень вашей готовности мириться с приносимым ими беспокойством говорит о силе вашей любви к ним» , – Конрад Лоренц . Эта книга содержит дополнительный материал в виде ПДФ-файла, который вы можете скачать на странице аудиокниги на сайте после её покупки. © Оформление. ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2023

Серия: Лидер Рунета

Исполнители: Наталья Мальцева

Цена: 479 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-17-143938-5


Чушь собачья. Как не испортить удовольствие от появления собаки в твоей жизни
Чушь собачья. Как не испортить удовольствие от появления собаки в твоей жизни

Автор: Ирина Макаренкова

Трудно не согласиться, что большинство из нас обожает собак. При этом приходится признать и тот факт, что ответственное отношение к питомцу знакомо очень не многим. «Чушь собачья» расскажет вам о мире собаковода. В книге будут затронуты этические, моральные и юридические аспекты ответственного владения собакой. Автор подготовит вас к ситуациям, которые непременно возникнут с появлением собаки в вашей жизни, и расскажет о возможных ошибках на основе личного опыта. Самое полное и понятное пошаговое руководство собаковода, снабженное забавными иллюстрациями, удобными таблицами, чек-листами и полезными советами, станет прекрасным помощником для вас и особенно для ваших детей, мечтающих о маленьком друге. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.

Серия: Лидер Рунета

Цена: 449 руб.
Год: 2023
ISBN: 978-5-17-150290-4



Автор: Юлия Рычкова

В книге «Шиншиллы» содержится полная информация об этом интересном животном, необходимая для начинающего шиншилловода. Данное пособие познакомит вас с родословной шиншилл и особенностями их характера, позволит наилучшим образом организовать их содержание, научит максимально эффективно ухаживать за ними, составлять специальное меню, соответствующее потребностям зверьков в разные периоды их жизни. Вы получите полезные советы по размножению, уходу за шиншиллами, а также лечению и профилактике некоторых заболеваний. Кроме того, в книге представлены сведения о правилах ведения племенной работы с шиншиллами и способах фиксирования жизненно важных показателей их роста и развития.

Серия: Твое зверье

Цена: 109 руб.


Шотландские вислоухие кошки
Шотландские вислоухие кошки

Автор: Ирина Некрасова

Шотландская вислоухая кошка – довольно необычная порода кошек. Перед ее приобретением необходимо уточнить некоторые вопросы, касающиеся содержания, кормления, ухода, а также профилактики и лечения заболеваний. Все эти вопросы освещены в данной книге. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг читателей.

Серия: Всё о кошках

Цена: 109 руб.
ISBN: 5-9533-1431-0


Шьем одежду для собак. 30 выкроек платьев
Шьем одежду для собак. 30 выкроек платьев

Автор: Лариса Леонидова

Если вы хотите попробовать свои силы в шитье для любимой собаки, то в этой книге вы найдете выкройки интересных моделей платьев для домашних животных, которые станут модными элементами гардероба вашего четвероногого любимца.

Цена: 249 руб.
Год: 2021


Щенок по кличке значок
Щенок по кличке значок

Автор: Владимир Минеев

Приключения маленькой собаки, с необычной кличкой, подаренной мальчику на день рождения.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2022


Экзотическая короткошерстная кошка
Экзотическая короткошерстная кошка

Автор: Л. А. Чиликина

Ни для кого не секрет, что экзотическая короткошерстная кошка – самая лучшая порода для городской квартиры. Книга посвящена одной из самых необычных и красивых пород кошек – экзотам. Она включает в себя сведения о генетике, рекомендации по кормлению животных в разные физиологические периоды жизни. В ней содержится описание внешнего вида и стандартов породы экзотическая короткошерстная, из книги читатель узнает, как правильно подготовить животное к участию в выставке. Книга предназначена для всех любителей кошек.

Цена: 39.9 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-98435-785-2


Янки при дворе короля Артура
Янки при дворе короля Артура

Автор: Марк Твен

Аудиостудия «Ардис» предлагает вашему вниманию знаменитый роман Марка Твена «Янки при дворе короля Артура» – одно из первых литературных описаний путешествий во времени. Предисловие. Несколько слов в пояснение Рассказ незнакомца Глава 1. Камелот Глава 2. Двор короля Артура Глава 3. Рыцари Круглого Стола Глава 4. Сэр Дайнадэн-Забавник Глава 5. По вдохновению свыше Глава 6. Затмение Глава 7. Башня Мерлина Глава 8. Босс Глава 9. Турнир Глава 10. Начатки цивилизации Глава 11. Янки в поисках приключений Глава 12. Медленная пытка Глава 13. «Вольные люди» Глава 14. «Защищайся, лорд!» Глава 15. Рассказ Санди Глава 16. Фея Моргана Глава 17. Королевский банкет Глава 18. Королевские темницы Глава 19. Странствование рыцарей как профессия Глава 20. Замок людоеда Глава 21. Паломники Глава 22. Святой источник Глава 23. Восстановление источника Глава 24. Конкурент-чернокнижник Глава 25. Конкурсный экзамен Глава 26. Первая газета Глава 27. Янки и король путешествуют инкогнито Глава 28. Дрессировка короля Глава 29. Хижина оспенных Глава 30. Трагедия помещичьей усадьбы Глава 31. Марко Глава 32. Посрамление Дауни Глава 33. Политическая экономия шестого века Глава 34. Янки и король проданы в рабство Глава 35. Душу раздирающий инцидент Глава 36. Встреча во мраке Глава 37. Ужасное положение Глава 38. Сэр Ланселот и рыцари приходят на выручку Глава 39. Поединок янки с рыцарями Глава 40. Три года спустя Глава 41. Интердикт Глава 42. Война! Глава 43. Бой в Песчаном Поясе Глава 44. Постскриптум Кларенса Послесловие

Исполнители: Илья Акинтьев

Цена: 229 руб.
Год: 1889


A Cat Called Alfie
A Cat Called Alfie

Автор: Rachel Wells

**The follow-up to the smash-hit Sunday Times bestseller, ‘Alfie the Doorstep Cat’. Alfie’s back – and more adventurous than ever!**Edgar Road used to be your typical London street; a road full of people who barely said a word to one another. Then Alfie came along – a big grey ball of fur who changed the lives of every family he met, and brought a community together.But now a new family have moved into Edgar Road and they, more than anyone else, need Alfie’s help. Can he bring light to their darkest times? Or is it already too late to stop them from falling apart?Warm, uplifting and inspiring, this is a book to remind us how a pet can change a life. The perfect read for fans of ‘A Street Cat Named Bob’ and ‘Alfie the Doorstep Cat’.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008142209


A Friend Like Ben: The true story of the little black and white cat that saved my son
A Friend Like Ben: The true story of the little black and white cat that saved my son

Автор: Julia Romp

Originally published as Ben’s Gift.The heart-warming true story of a little boy and the cat that changed his life.Nine-year-old George was severely autistic; quiet and withdrawn, he appeared lost in his own world most of the time. His mother Julia despaired as she couldn’t bring George out of his shell. But when a black-and-white stray cat appeared in their garden, everything changed.George’s new four-legged friend, Ben, had a wonderful and unexpected side-affect. George and Ben bonded and George began to open up, making up stories about their adventures together to recount to Julia. Finally, Julia could communicate with her son – and Ben had made it possible.But then disaster struck – Ben went missing. The cat who had coaxed George out of a world of silence had disappeared, and George began to retreat. Determined to reunite George with his furry friend, Julia knew she had to do everything in her power to bring Ben home again …A Friend Like Ben is the remarkable true story about the extraordinary empathy between a boy and his cat, and a mother’s determined journey to make her son whole again.

Цена: 906.54 руб.
ISBN: 9780007382750


A Pug Like Percy: A heartwarming tale for the whole family
A Pug Like Percy: A heartwarming tale for the whole family

Автор: Fiona Harrison

A furry festive miracle who’s there for you with a helping paw. Percy definitely isn’t just for Christmas…Percy is homeless, abandoned by his owner at an animal rescue centre on a cold winter’s night. So when he finds a loving new home with Gail and her family, his deepest wish is that this time, it’s forever.Gail hopes that Percy will be the little miracle that her family so desperately needs. Her young daughter, Jenny, is in and out of hospital and she’s only just holding things together with her husband, Simon.With the family at breaking point, and Christmas just around the corner, is Percy the furry friend they’ve all been waiting for?Full of hope and utterly heartwarming, A Pug Like Percy is the perfect read for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and Alfie the Doorstep Cat.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780008195717


A Small Boy’s Cry
A Small Boy’s Cry

Автор: Rosie Lewis

A heartbreaking and shocking short story from foster carer Rosie Lewis.Toddler Charlie falls from the second floor window of his tower block home while his mother is busy shooting up in their dirty council flat.Laying alone on a pile of rubbish until concerned neighbours hear him whimpering, Charlie is taken to hospital by police officers who are unable to rouse his mother.With a gash to his head, a terrified Charlie is delivered to foster carer Rosie Lewis’s home. As Charlie opens up about his past, a picture of the traumatic life the little boy has endured so far becomes clear.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007541836


Alex Barclay 4-Book Thriller Collection: Blood Runs Cold, Time of Death, Blood Loss, Harm’s Reach
Alex Barclay 4-Book Thriller Collection: Blood Runs Cold, Time of Death, Blood Loss, Harm’s Reach

Автор: Alex Barclay

Four thrillers featuring FBI Agent Ren Bryce, from bestselling author, Alex Barclay. Perfect for fans of Karin Slaughter and Patricia Cornwell.BLOOD RUNS COLD:When an FBI agent is found dead on the white slopes of Quandary Peak in Colorado, Ren Bryce is brought in to lead the investigation. Fighting personal demons, pressure from Washington and dwindling leads, the case stalls and her career falters.But as summer comes, Quandary Peak has disturbing new secrets to give up. And as one agent fights failure and hopelessness, another has left behind a trail that leads to a man with a dark past and even darker intentions.TIME OF DEATH:FBI agent Ren Bryce’s hunt for some of the country’s most dangerous killers is about to turn into a nightmare. There’s unfinished business between Ren and those she is pursuing, and soon she’s forced to confront both personal and professional traumas.Then someone close to Ren is murdered and secrets from her past look set to be revealed, throwing her into a world of fear, paranoia and danger.Time is running out and Ren must catch a killer before he catches her…BLOOD LOSS:When an eleven-year-old girl and her teenage babysitter vanish without a trace from their hotel room, FBI agent Ren Bryce is drafted in to lead the investigation.Faced with conflicting evidence and inconsistent witnesses, Ren works obsessively to unravel the dark family secrets at the heart of the case, before it’s too late.But Ren’s behaviour becomes increasingly reckless. Putting her own safety at risk, she enters a world where innocent lives are ruined for profit – and kidnap, rape and murder are all part of the deal.

Цена: 2060.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780008108687


Alfie the Doorstep Cat
Alfie the Doorstep Cat

Автор: Rachel Wells

For all fans of A Street Cat Named Bob, this is the only book to find in your stocking this Christmas.Can a pet really change your life?Alfie is homeless, abandoned after his elderly owner passes away. But when he stumbles on to Edgar Road, Alfie knows he’s found his new home.However, the street’s residents don’t agree – the last thing they need is another stray cat, and he is shooed away from many doorsteps.But as life throws its worst at the residents of Edgar Road, they soon realise how much they all need Alfie – a cat who brings hope to the darkest times, and who will always be a friend to those in need.Heart-warming and uplifting, Alfie the Doorstep Cat is the perfect read for fans of ‘A Street Cat Named Bob’ and ‘Solomon’s Tale’.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008101619


Archaeology For Dummies
Archaeology For Dummies

Автор: Nancy White Marie

An objective guide to this fascinating science of history and culture Archaeology continually makes headlines–from recent discoveries like the frozen Copper-Age man in the Italian Alps to the newest dating of the first people in America at over 14,0000 years ago. Archaeology For Dummies offers a fascinating look at this intriguing field, taking readers on-site and revealing little-known details about some of the world's greatest archaeological discoveries. It explores how archaeology attempts to uncover the lives of our ancestors, examining historical dig sites around the world and explaining theories about ancient human societies. The guide also offers helpful information for readers who want to participate in an excavation themselves, as well as tips for getting the best training and where to look for jobs.

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470476161


Aventurile Lui Alex i Alvaro
Aventurile Lui Alex Și Alvaro

Автор: Javier Salazar Calle

Povești interactive despre aventurile a doi șoareci care descoperă lumea și ?și lasă imaginația să zboare. Povești ?nc?ntătoare pe care copiii le vor iubi și cu activități ?n care ?i pot ajuta pe protagoniști și pot ?nvăța ?n același timp: color?nd, număr?nd obiecte, contur?nd linii punctate sau prin ghicitori… Recomandat pedagogic pentru fete și băieți cu v?rsta cuprinsă ?ntre 5 și 8 ani. O mare aventură pentru ?ntreaga familie!

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9788835416173


Beagles For Dummies
Beagles For Dummies

Автор: Susan McCullough

Beagles are an extraordinary breed—no bones about it. They’re cute, compact, fun-loving, and great with kids. (Not to mention those soulful eyes!) But their sense of humor, independence, and stubborn nature isn’t for everyone. So whether you’re thinking about getting your very own Snoopy-dog, or if you’ve already opened your heart and home to one, Beagles for Dummies answers important questions like: What are Beagles supposed to look like and how should they behave? Should I choose a puppy or an adult dog? Male or female? How do I correct my Beagle’s behavior problems? What do I need to do to survive my Beagle’s puppyhood? How can I Beagle-proof my house to keep him (and my stuff) safe? What should I teach my Beagle to do? How do I teach him? What health problems is my Beagle likely to have when he’s young? How about when he grows up—or gets old? Life with these little hounds can lead to years of merriment, entertainment, and love—but if you think Beagles are just another hound dog, think again! Whether you want to know everything there is to living with a Beagle, or just want to skip to a relevant subject (like how to keep him out of the hamper), Beagles for Dummies gives you everything you need to choose and raise your Snoopy soul mate.

Цена: 1876.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470125267


Boston Terriers For Dummies
Boston Terriers For Dummies

Автор: Wendy Bedwell-Wilson

Has a Boston Terrier stolen your heart? Whether you’re thinking about adding one of these “American Gentlemen” to your home or you already have one, this fun, friendly guide is the key to becoming a responsible and happy puppy parent! Boston Terriers For Dummies gives you all the basics on raising and living with this intelligent, affectionate breed. You’ll learn where and how this dog originated, what it needs, and how to determine if a Boston Terrier is the right dog for you and your family. From feeding and grooming to basic training, you get all the tips any Boston owner needs to make their dog feel welcome, loved, and well-cared for. You’ll discover how to: Understand the breed’s origin and history Choose the right Boston Terrier for you Puppy-proof your home and yard Teach your Boston basic commands Housetrain and socialize your puppy Correct Boston behavior gone bad Handle breed-specific health concerns Enhance your dog’s quality of life Travel with your Boston—or find a reputable sitter Care for the senior dog Complete with sections on nutrition, first aid, and exercise and play, Boston Terriers For Dummies is the only guide you need to raise a happy, healthy dog!

Цена: 1876.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470198902


Canine Good Citizen Test In A Day For Dummies
Canine Good Citizen Test In A Day For Dummies

Автор: Jack Volhard

Help your four-legged friend pass the Canine Good Citizen Test in a day? Easy! The AKC's Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program is one of the most rapidly growing programs in the American Kennel Club. With useful tips and quick fixes that will put a stop to all sorts of bad habits, Canine Good Citizen Test In A Day For Dummies helps owners build solid relationships with their dog based on positive reinforcement, trust, and obedience. This handy little guide gives you a better understanding of the test itself, the essential skills tested, and the benefits of this unique training program. It covers the test's requirements and various elements, and is packed with expert tips and advice for mastering all ten sections of the test. A detailed description of the entire test's requirements and elements Tips and tricks for mastering each the of 10 sections of the test The do's and don'ts of taking the test Online component takes you beyond the book with bonus content and features Canine Good Citizen Test In A Day For Dummies gives you everything you need to help your dog master the skills and proficiencies necessary to pass the AKC's Good Canine Test.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9781118377017


Cantata Bolivia
Cantata Bolivia

Автор: Manfred Eisner

Im letzten Teil dieser Trilogie begleiten wir unsere Freunde aus der Kleinstadt Oldenmoor in den Elbmarschen Schleswig-Holsteins auf den Weg in ihr Exil in Bolivien, jenes Land, das sie nach ihrer in letzter Minute noch gegl?ckten, abenteuerlichen Flucht aus den F?ngen der nationalsozialistischen H?scher schlie?lich aufgenommen hat. Gemeinsam mit ihnen erleben wir nun ihre ersten Begegnungen und die dabei gewonnenen Eindr?cke einer f?r sie bis dahin unbekannten und bizarren, neuen Welt. Dabei haben sich viele der geschilderten Begebenheiten wirklich oder so ?hnlich abgespielt; einige sind aber auch frei erfunden, um Leserinnen und Lesern die wahren Orte sowie die Landesszenerie und deren Bewohner – erg?nzt durch einige Abbildungen – ein wenig n?her zu bringen. Nur z?gernd gelingt unseren Protagonisten, ebenso wie den vielen anderen gefl?chteten Immigranten, eine allm?hliche Ann?herung an die fremde Umgebung mit Einheimischen, die nach deren Empfinden oft ganz anders ticken. ?brigens sind neben manchen fiktiven auch mehrere Personen, von denen hier die Rede ist, real und aus der damaligen Zeit gegriffen, einige unter imagin?rem, aber so mancher auch unter seinem tats?chlichen Namen.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783957446794


Capital Ideas Evolving
Capital Ideas Evolving

Автор: Peter L. Bernstein

"A lot has happened in the financial markets since 1992, when Peter Bernstein wrote his seminal Capital Ideas. Happily, Peter has taken up his facile pen again to describe these changes, a virtual revolution in the practice of investing that relies heavily on complex mathematics, derivatives, hedging, and hyperactive trading. This fine and eminently readable book is unlikely to be surpassed as the definitive chronicle of a truly historic era." —John C. Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group and author, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing «Just as Dante could not have understood or survived the perils of the Inferno without Virgil to guide him, investors today need Peter Bernstein to help find their way across dark and shifting ground. No one alive understands Wall Street's intellectual history better, and that makes Bernstein our best and wisest guide to the future. He is the only person who could have written this book; thank goodness he did.» —Jason Zweig, Investing Columnist, Money magazine «Another must-read from Peter Bernstein! This well-written and thought-provoking book provides valuable insights on how key finance theories have evolved from their ivory tower formulation to profitable application by portfolio managers. This book will certainly be read with keen interest by, and undoubtedly influence, a wide range of participants in international finance.» —Dr. Mohamed A. El-Erian, President and CEO of Harvard Management Company, Deputy Treasurer of Harvard University, and member of the faculty of the Harvard Business School «Reading Capital Ideas Evolving is an experience not to be missed. Peter Bernstein's knowledge of the principal characters-the giants in the development of investment theory and practice-brings this subject to life.» —Linda B. Strumpf, Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, The Ford Foundation «With great clarity, Peter Bernstein introduces us to the insights of investment giants, and explains how they transformed financial theory into portfolio practice. This is not just a tale of money and models; it is a fascinating and contemporary story about people and the power of their ideas.» —Elroy Dimson, BGI Professor of Investment Management, London Business School «Capital Ideas Evolving provides us with a unique appreciation for the pervasive impact that the theory of modern finance has had on the development of our capital markets. Peter Bernstein once again has produced a masterpiece that is must reading for practitioners, educators and students of finance.» —Andr? F. Perold, Professor of Finance, Harvard Business School

Цена: 2093.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470149089


Cat Carlisle Book 2
Cat Carlisle Book 2

Автор: Terry Thomas Lynn

Readers LOVE Terry Lynn Thomas:‘Intriguing and page-turning.’‘I really enjoyed this fascinating historical thriller.’‘an absorbing novel’‘a marvellous historical suspense that had me engrossed from the start.’‘I read it in just one sitting.’Get ready for another gripping read from USA Today bestselling author of THE SILENT WOMAN!

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780008328900


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: An Owner’s Guide

Автор: Nick Mays

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are affectionate, playful, extremely patient and eager to please. As such, these dogs are usually good with children and are not shy about mixing with much larger dogs. If you are considering getting a Cavalier King Charles or are an existing owner who wants to learn more about this breed, then this book will be invaluable.Contents include:• History of the breed• Acquiring a Cavalier puppy• Behaviour and training• Showing your Cavalier• Healthcare

Цена: 1103.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544318


Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin: A heart-warming and feel-good read
Christmas at the Log Fire Cabin: A heart-warming and feel-good read

Автор: Catherine Ferguson

Curl up by the fire this Christmas with the ebook bestseller Catherine Ferguson.When Poppy’s boyfriend Harrison proposes the week before Christmas and gives her twelve days to decide, she doesn’t know what to do. With the festive season in full swing, it’s make or break time for the couple and the clock is ticking…Meanwhile, Poppy’s best friend Erin is desperate for the pair of them to fulfil their dream of setting up a dinner party catering company – and when an opportunity arises at a luxury log fire cabin, the girls take their chance to impress. But they hadn’t bargained on the owner of the cabin being quite so attractive – or having quite such a sexy voice.As the twelve days tick on, will Poppy realise that Harrison is the one for her? Or will it be love in the lodge when the new year comes?Lose yourself this Christmas in the new novel from the brilliant Catherine Ferguson, perfect for cosying up with by the fire.

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780008215743


Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day
Christmas Wish Come True: All I Want For Christmas / Dreaming of a White Wedding / Christmas Every Day

Автор: Gina Rochelle

All I Want for Christmas by Gina RochelleDitching her faithless fianc?, schoolteacher Isabella plans to spend the holidays alone. But when she unintentionally inspires a young pupil to make an impossible wish, she joins forces with his – totally gorgeous – uncle to put things right! Could two wishes come true this Christmas?Dreaming of a White Wedding by Misty ShawWhen Scarlet discovered her husband-to-be in a passionate clinch with her bridesmaid, she called off her Valentine’s wedding and ran away to London. But when her sister asks for her help, she can’t refuse…even if it means coming face-to-face with her ex – the man she never stopped loving!Christmas Every Day by Jaimie AdmansEmma loves bumping into Gorgeous Dog Walker, Nick, every evening. But when he ends up in a coma (partly her fault), she ends up taking care of ‘his job’…and his dog! Emma stopped believing in Santa years ago, but this Christmas her world is about to be turned upside down!Christmas Wish Come True is a gift for you this December, snuggle up by the fire, leave the stresses of Christmas shopping behind you…and relax!

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9781474047319


Clean Eating Alice Eat Well Every Day: Nutritious, healthy recipes for life on the go
Clean Eating Alice Eat Well Every Day: Nutritious, healthy recipes for life on the go

Автор: Alice Liveing

Alice shares a fabulous selection of over 100 recipes in her new book, guiding you to be the best version of yourself with a range of meals, smoothies, sweets and treats that are easy to make and perfect for life on the go.Hundreds of thousands on Instagram have already been inspired by Alice’s meals that are both healthy and delicious. When people aren’t obsessing over her recipes, they are checking out her amazing abs. For Alice clean eating is all about developing a healthy relationship with food, and she believes that everyone can make permanent changes to their body with the right combination of diet and exercise. Alice will share her tips for creating enticing lunchboxes, breakfasts and dinners that fit your daily routine and will help you feel fantastic from the inside out. Arranged around your workout, Alice sets out what to eat post-work out, on rest days – and also your cheat day of course! Each recipe is tagged with dietary information on whether recipes are gluten-free or vegetarian, and there is an amazing variety of carb-free and low fat options too. Give your day a kick-start with crispy courgette fritters with smoked salmon for breakfast, spice your lunch up with chilli and coconut crusted turkey steaks, and give yourself a post-workout treat with grilled steak with balsamic puy lentils and feta for dinner. Alice’s cookbook also includes meal planners that will help you make those simple swaps to transform your lifestyle for the better.Don’t forget to check out Alice’s newly-launched YouTube channel where she shares her motivational tips and shows you how to prepare her favourite nourishing recipes!

Цена: 772.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780008167226


Cloister Cats
Cloister Cats

Автор: Richard Surman

Stories of Cats with real character, living in some of the most interesting buildings and communities in the UK. A beautifully presented gift book and a great companion volume to Cathedral Cats.Cloister Cats explores a wide range of cats and their buildings that are now, or have historically, been home to ecclesiastical communities.From traditional monasteries in ancient settings to modern-day communities in suburban houses, and from followers of Celtic Christianity, via Anglican and Catholic monasticism, to Buddhists, the spread of geography, style and history here is wonderfully appealing.With the addition of a “quick guide” to each place featured, and using quirky descriptions of the cats’ lives in and around the grounds to get across key points of interest about the buildings and gardens, this is not just a lovely gift, but also a fascinating insight into monastic life historically and today.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008144609


Collins Arabic Visual Dictionary
Collins Arabic Visual Dictionary

Автор: Collins Dictionaries

Use your senses to learn the most important words and phrases in Arabic! With colourful images this attractive and practical guide to Arabic language and culture helps you find what you need quickly and easily. Also contains an Arabic-English and English-Arabic Index.Everyday words are arranged by theme with attractive, up-to-date images to guide you.Each topic presents the most practical phrases to support your first steps in Arabic.Helpful cultural and country information is included to enhance your appreciation of Arabic culture and people.Sections Include:The EssentialsTransportIn The HomeAt the ShopsDay to Day LifeLeisureSport and FitnessHealthTechnologyPlanet EarthCelebrations and Festivals

Цена: 990.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780008319953


Collins Complete Dog Manual
Collins Complete Dog Manual

Автор: Collins Dictionaries

A comprehensive, beautifully illustrated guide to all aspects of owning a dog.All of the aspects of dog ownership are covered in the comprehensive Collins Complete Dog Manual. From choosing which breed is right for you, to all elements of looking after your dog, training your dog and building a meaningful relationship with your dog, this book is the most complete and most authoritative guide to caring for and living with your beloved pet.The book offers an appealing combination of accurate and practical information and stunning photography.Includes:Which Breed?Finding a DogRescue DogsThe Perfect PuppySettling into a New HomeDog Breed GuideThe Most Popular BreedsDog BehaviourHuman/Dog RelationshipCommunication MechanismsCuring Common ProblemsTrainingDaily CareHealthcareAdvanced Dog Care

Цена: 1977.83 руб.
ISBN: 9780007513116


Come Allevare Le Carpe Koi
Come Allevare Le Carpe Koi

Автор: Owen Jones

Il contenuto di questo ebook sui laghetti da giardino per carpe Koi e i temi correlati ? suddiviso in diciotto capitoli che vi aiuteranno a scegliere un posto per il vostro laghetto, ad allestirlo e a mantenerlo tutto l’anno, nonch? a prendervi cura dei vostri preziosi pesci durante le varie stagioni, persino in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse. Potrebbe inoltre aiutarvi a intraprendere una nuova carriera. Il contenuto di questo ebook sui laghetti da giardino per carpe Koi e i temi correlati ? suddiviso in diciotto capitoli che vi aiuteranno a scegliere un posto per il vostro laghetto, ad allestirlo e a mantenerlo tutto l’anno, nonch? a prendervi cura dei vostri preziosi pesci durante le varie stagioni, persino in condizioni climatiche particolarmente avverse. Potrebbe inoltre aiutarvi a intraprendere una nuova carriera. Il minimo che pu? fare ? risparmiarvi centinaia di consigli professionali. Come bonus aggiuntivo, vi concedo il permesso di utilizzare i contenuti sul vostro sito web o sui vostri blog e newsletter, anche se ? meglio riscriverli prima a parole vostre. Potete anche dividere il libro e rivendere gli articoli, ma l'unico diritto che non avete ? quello di rivendere o regalare il libro cos? come vi ? stato consegnato. Translator: Marco Massa Trucat

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788835430148


Das Gespenst im Sumpf - Rolf Torring - Neue Abenteuer, Folge 10 (Ungek?rzt)
Das Gespenst im Sumpf - Rolf Torring - Neue Abenteuer, Folge 10 (Ungek?rzt)

Автор: Thomas Ostwald

Исполнители: Alex Wolf

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9783991178156


Die kleine Insel unserer Fantasie
Die kleine Insel unserer Fantasie

Автор: Susanne Zeitz

Ich lade Sie ein, mit mir Die kleine Insel unserer Fantasie zu besuchen. Begleiten Sie mich auf dieser fantasievollen Reise. Dort werden Sie die Nebelgeister vom Bodensee und die Mainauk?nigin kennenlernen. In Husum l?dt uns eine geheimnisvolle Teestube zum Verweilen ein und ein Sch?fer erz?hlt uns dort seine r?hrende Geschichte. Nat?rlich darf der Froschk?nig nicht fehlen, doch auf unserer Insel verwandelt sich ein kleiner Frosch in einen K?nig des Herzens und das H?hnchen Poulette erkennt erst sehr sp?t, dass die Welt gar nicht so schlecht ist, wie es immer gedacht hat. Erfahren Sie die Geschichte der Elfen, die ihre Kugel der Erkenntnis verloren haben oder begleiten Sie einen Mann, der sich auf einen schmerzhaften Weg begibt, um sein wahres Ich wieder zu finden und noch viele andere spannende Geschichten.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960082088


Die Kunst des richtigen Ma?es
Die Kunst des richtigen Ma?es

Автор: Johannes Huber

Medizin, Biologie und Psychologie best?tigen jahrtausendealtes Wissen, das sich in fast allen spirituellen Schriften und Traditionen wiederfindet: Menschen, die sich in der Kunst des richtigen Ma?es ?ben, sind k?rperlich und geistig ges?nder, beruflich und privat erfolgreicher und in jeder Hinsicht kreativer. Warum ist das so? Wie k?nnen auch wir vom ?berfluss Gepr?gten uns in dieser Kunst ?ben? Und warum weist gerade sie uns den Weg zur Harmonie mit dem Universum? Der Arzt, Theologe und Bestsellerautor Johannes Huber zeigt anhand vieler Zitate aus der Philosophie und den Weltreligionen sowie aktueller wissenschaftlicher Studien, wie wir gr??ere Menschen werden k?nnen.

Цена: 1577.33 руб.
ISBN: 9783990015339


Dog Grooming For Dummies
Dog Grooming For Dummies

Автор: Margaret H. Bonham

Handle grooming yourself to save money and bond with your dog Brush, bathe, and clip your dog like a pro! Whether your dog is destined for a career in the show ring or a spot on the living room couch, good grooming is important. This friendly guide shows you how to develop a grooming routine that will keep your dog clean – and strengthen the bond between you. It includes detailed, step-by-step grooming instructions for all types of coats. Discover how to Train your dog for grooming Care for nails, teeth, and ears Use clippers and scissors Groom specific types of coats Prepare a dog for the show ring

Цена: 2208.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780470044186


Dog Training For Dummies
Dog Training For Dummies

Автор: Jack Volhard

Make training fun and effective This friendly guide shows you how to select the right training method for your dog, based on his unique personality, to reach your desired goals. Whether you want to teach Buddy to sit or master retrieving, you'll get expert training tips and techniques for you and your dog – to ensure a mutually respectful relationship with your four-legged friend. Concentrate on canines – discover why your dog acts the way she does, understand her nutritional needs, and ready yourself for the task of training your dog Prep for your pup – prepare your home for your puppy's arrival, discover the importance of socialization, and get started on housetraining Put your best paw forward – teach basic commands like Sit, Stay, and Down, and get the scoop on how to deal with doggie don'ts like chewing, digging, and excessive barking Take training to the next level – get involved in organized dog activities and competitions, where you'll both show off impressive tricks like retrieving, figure 8s, and much more Open the book and find: Step-by-step instructions for teaching your dog basic commands Helpful advice on crate training Safe ways to address aggression and separation anxiety Tips for teaching Buddy to behave himself around people and other dogs Techniques to keep your senior dog feeling young Health issues that can interfere with training Experts to turn to for training help Learn to: Use positive reinforcement as an effective teaching tool Select the gear you need for training success Teach the basics including Sit, Stay, and Down Eliminate unwanted behavior

Цена: 2024.26 руб.
ISBN: 9780470602270


Elisabeth, Erbin von Toggenburg. Oder Geschichte der Frauen von Sargans in der Schweiz
Elisabeth, Erbin von Toggenburg. Oder Geschichte der Frauen von Sargans in der Schweiz

Автор: Christiane Benedikte Naubert

Fr?he historische Romane – Christiane Benedikte Naubert: Elisabeth. Erbin von Toggenburg. Oder Geschichte der Frauen von Sargans in der Schweiz. Mit einem Nachwort von Sylvia Kolbe Die Grafen von Toggenburg, von Werdenberg und von Montfort, die Freiherren von Vaz: Schweizer Adelsgeschlechter, die ?ber Jahrhunderte die Geschicke der Helvetier beeinflussten. Die Geschichtsschreibung erfasst zumeist nur die M?nner – wie erging es den Frauen? Der hier vorliegende Roman erz?hlt die Geschichte von Frauen in der Zentral- und Ostschweiz im Zeitraum vom 13. bis 15. Jahrhundert und l?sst teilhaben am Schicksal nicht nur der Adligen, sondern auch am Leben der freien Schweizer B?rgerinnen an der Seite solcher M?nner wie Tell, Baumgarten, Staufacher und Melchthal. – Christiane Benedikte Naubert (1752-1819) ist eine Schriftstellerin der Goethezeit. Sie gilt als die Begr?nderin des modernen historischen Romans in Europa. Der hier vorliegende Roman »Elisabeth Erbin von Toggenburg« erschien 1789 anonym in Leipzig im Verlag Weygand und inspirierte schriftstellerischen Gr??en wie Matthew Gregory Lewis »The Monk« und Friedrich Schiller. – Seit 2006 erscheinen die Werke von Christiane Benedikte Naubert als Neuauflagen im Engelsdorfer Verlag, herausgegeben von Sylvia Kolbe.

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9783957448064


Environmental Psychology. An Introduction
Environmental Psychology. An Introduction

Автор: Linda Steg

The updated edition of the essential guide to environmental psychology Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition, Environmental Psychology: An Introduction offers an overview of the interplay between humans and their environments. The text examines the influence of the environment on human experiences, behaviour and well-being and explores the factors influencing environmental behaviour, and ways to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. The revised edition is a state-of-the art review of relevant theories and research on each of these topics. With contributions from an international panel of noted experts, the text addresses a wealth of topics including the main research methods in environmental psychology; effects of environmental stress; emotional impacts and meanings of natural environment experience; aesthetic appraisals of architecture; how to measure environmental behaviour; cognitive, emotional and social factors explaining environmental behaviour; effects and acceptability of strategies to promote pro-environmental factors; and much more. This important book: Discusses the environmental factors that threaten and promote human wellbeing Explores a wide range of factors influencing actions that affect environmental conditions Discusses the effects and acceptability of approaches that aim to encourage pro-environmental behavior Presents research results conducted in different regions in the world Contains contributions from noted experts Written for scholars and practitioners in the field, the revised edition of Environmental Psychology offers a comprehensive review of the most recent research available in environmental psychology.

Цена: 6163.92 руб.
ISBN: 9781119241041


Fibromyalgia For Dummies
Fibromyalgia For Dummies

Автор: Christine Adamec

The pain you suffer from fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is not in your imagination. FMS is a real medical problem that can be as debilitating and demoralizing as it is mysterious. Fibromyalgia For Dummies, Second Edition, brings you the latest scientific findings on the symptoms and causes of this disease and guides you toward proven, practical steps you can take reduce or eliminate FMS-related pain. This plain-English guide is fully updated with the latest fibromyalgia treatment options, and evaluations of new medications that have shown great promise in reducing pain. You'll discover how to spot an array of symptoms and their possible causes, work with your physician to develop a treatment plan, and manage your pain at home and in the office. You'll learn how to: Identify your FMS trigger points Cope with chronic pain and sleep problems Find medications that work for you Locate a physician who can really help you Make healing lifestyle changes Use hands-on therapies to alleviate pain Find effective over-the-counter and prescription medications Choose among alternative therapies and treatments Reduce the emotional distress caused by FMS Help a child with FMS Featuring moving and inspiring stories from fellow FMS sufferers who share their stories and offer invaluable tips on working your way back to wellness, Fibromyalgia for Dummies, Second Edition offers serious and sensitive guidance to help you overcome FMS and start being yourself again.

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470233146


Firefox For Dummies
Firefox For Dummies

Автор: Blake Ross

Firefox For Dummies gives you the inside scoop on the exciting new browser from the Web wizard that got it started. The book's author, Blake Ross, began developing Firefox as a teenager. Once available to the world, the simple and powerful tool was an instant hit claiming a sizable share of the Web browser market with over 140 million downloads. In this book Blake not only gives you the lowdown on how to use Firefox for safe Web searching, but he also shares his insight into how the product came to life. It's a combination of practical tech insight and a good story that is rare in computer books. Topics covered include downloading and installing Firefox, creating a home page, searching with Google, creating customized themes and toolbars, using tabbed browsing, downloading and saving files, maintaining security and privacy, eliminating annoying popups, and adding Firefox extensions.

Цена: 2981.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780471793168


Gedanken und Erlebtes zu Wald, Wild und Jagd
Gedanken und Erlebtes zu Wald, Wild und Jagd

Автор: G?nther Klahm

G?nther Klahm, Jahrgang 1952, ist mit Wald und Wild aufgewachsen und versteht sie als Einheit. Vehement verwahrt er sich dagegen, insbesondere das Schalenwild zum S?ndenbock abzustempeln und »es zu bejagen, als wolle man es ausrotten« (Zitat eines Forstdirektors). In seinem 2. Jagdbuch ?u?ert er seine Gedanken ?ber die Entwicklung von Wald, Wild und Jagd speziell im Saarland, aber auch im ?brigen Deutschland, mitunter bissig und satirisch. Wie viel ihm Wald, Wild und Jagd bedeuten, spiegeln auch seine Jagderlebnisse wider. Er ist ein Waidmann, der aber wie jeder andere Mensch auch, St?rken und Schw?chen unterliegt und dazu auch auf der Jagd steht. Sein Herz schl?gt auch f?r Namibia, das er bereits zweimal in seiner Sch?nheit und Vielfalt kennen lernen durfte. Ein wahres Jagd-»M?rchen« aus dem Pf?lzer Wald rundet das Buch ab.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783957442147


Glauben du musst
Glauben du musst

Автор: Sebastian Moll

Die Star Wars-Filme z?hlen zu den popul?rsten Leinwand-Erz?hlungen der Neuzeit. In der Auseinandersetzung zwischen der Dunklen Seite und den Rebellen spiegelt sich der ewige Kampf zwischen Gut und B?se. Da ist es kaum verwunderlich, dass zahlreiche ?berschneidungen zum christlichen Glauben bestehen. Beispiel gef?llig? Da ist die starke Hoffnung auf eine unsichtbare Macht, die Verf?hrung durch die dunkle Seite, die Regeln, die ein Leben als K?mpfer f?r das Gute mit sich bringt, und nicht zuletzt die Frage, ob ein B?sewicht am Ende doch noch Erl?sung finden kann.

Цена: 985.46 руб.
ISBN: 9783961400942


Google Earth For Dummies
Google Earth For Dummies

Автор: David Crowder A

This interesting guide covers all aspects of Google Earth, the freely downloadable application from Google that allows users to view satellite images from all points of the globe Aimed at a diverse audience, including casual users who enjoy air shots of locales as well as geographers, real estate professionals, and GPS developers Includes valuable tips on various customizations that users can add, advice on setting up scavenger hunts, and guidance on using Google Earth to benefit a business Explains modifying general options, managing the layer and placemark systems, and tackling some of the more technical aspects, such as interfacing with GPS There are more than 400,000 registered users of Google Earth and the number is still growing

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470126981


Heart Songs
Heart Songs

Автор: Энни Пру

A highly acclaimed collection of short stories set in the great outdoors of New England, by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of ‘The Shipping News’ and ‘Brokeback Mountain’.Just outside town, beyond the drugstore and the diner, there's another world – a wilderness – waiting to be explored. On the high, wooded hillsides there are deer to be stalked; far upriver there are quiet pools of trout, and grouse to be shot and traplines to be laid for fur. In the far-flung settlements of New England, life revolves around hunting.Whether they are yuppies from the town who think that country life is improving or natives who know all too well that it isn't, the men and women of these stories are all hunting for something better – though getting by at all is hard enough. These are men and women who live, love and lose; men and women who fall apart and who pick up the pieces, who dream useless dreams and go on dreaming whatever the disappointments.Tough and tender and irresistibly humorous, this unforgettable book takes its reader on a trail through the great outdoors to the innermost places of the heart.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780007498314


Herbststurm bei Fiete Frosch
Herbststurm bei Fiete Frosch

Автор: Nicola Vorderw?lbecke

Ein derber Herbststurm vertreibt Familie Feldmaus aus ihrem Haus. Fiete und seine Freunden wollen selbstverst?ndlich helfen! Ob sie das schaffen?

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783960086727


Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies
Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies

Автор: Audrey Pavia

Want to know the best ways to care for your horse? Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies gives you up-to-the-minute guidance on keeping horses healthy at all stages of life. It provides the latest information on equine nutrition and healthcare, explaining how your horse’s body functions and how to keep it in good working order. Packed with practical advice on equine first aid and alternative therapies, this completely practical, plain-English guide explains exactly what to feed your four-legged “hayburner” and how much. You’ll find out what kind of preventive care is vital to keeping your horse in good physical shape and how to recognize signs of illness when things go wrong. You’ll get the low-down on the diseases and conditions most likely to plague the domestic horse and find help in deciding whether to treat problems yourself or call the vet. Discover how to: Manage your horse’s diet House your horse safely and comfortably Tend to the daily details of horse care Examine coat, eyes, hooves and manure Identify, control, and prevent equine diseases Understand links between horse behavior and health Practice good horse nutrition Grow your own horse food Cover horse-health-care costs Breed your horse Care for pregnant mares and newborns A healthy horse is a happy horse. Keep your horse fit with a little help from Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies, and you’ll be happy too!

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470378465


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