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Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies
Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies

Автор: Audrey Pavia

Want to know the best ways to care for your horse? Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies gives you up-to-the-minute guidance on keeping horses healthy at all stages of life. It provides the latest information on equine nutrition and healthcare, explaining how your horse’s body functions and how to keep it in good working order. Packed with practical advice on equine first aid and alternative therapies, this completely practical, plain-English guide explains exactly what to feed your four-legged “hayburner” and how much. You’ll find out what kind of preventive care is vital to keeping your horse in good physical shape and how to recognize signs of illness when things go wrong. You’ll get the low-down on the diseases and conditions most likely to plague the domestic horse and find help in deciding whether to treat problems yourself or call the vet. Discover how to: Manage your horse’s diet House your horse safely and comfortably Tend to the daily details of horse care Examine coat, eyes, hooves and manure Identify, control, and prevent equine diseases Understand links between horse behavior and health Practice good horse nutrition Grow your own horse food Cover horse-health-care costs Breed your horse Care for pregnant mares and newborns A healthy horse is a happy horse. Keep your horse fit with a little help from Horse Health and Nutrition For Dummies, and you’ll be happy too!

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470378465


Horseback Riding For Dummies
Horseback Riding For Dummies

Автор: Audrey Pavia

You’ve always dreamed of riding horses. So what are you waiting for? It’s time you realized your equestrian dreams and learned to ride like a pro on the back of a noble steed. And Horseback Riding for Dummies shows you how. Don’t know a horse’s head from its tail, a trot from a canter, withers from a fetlock? No problem. Coauthored by a medal-winning equestrian and nationally respected equestrian trainer, it tells you what you need to know about that elegant animal, body and soul, to become an accomplished rider. And it trains you in all the technical basics of riding for fun or competition, including how to: Find a good stable and instructor Select riding gear Warm up and keep riding muscles fit Establish a rapport with a horse Cue a horse to walk, jog, trot, lope, and cantor Ride in the ring and on trails Improve your balance and timing Compete in horse shows Buy and care for your own horse Stop dreaming about it and learn to ride like the wind with Horseback Riding for Dummies—the ultimate beginner’s guide to all things equestrian.

Цена: 2429.3 руб.
ISBN: 9780470174234


Housetraining For Dummies
Housetraining For Dummies

Автор: Susan McCullough

The latest information and tips on making housetraining easier for your pet and yourself Did you know that what you feed your dog can effect help or hinder the housetraining process? That's just one of the valuable tips you'll find in Housetraining For Dummies 2nd Edition, the authoritative housetraining reference for new and veteran pet owners alike. This new edition features plenty of new and revised material on everything from the latest housetraining equipment to the latest information on diet and nutrition and the crucial role it plays in housetraining. You'll also find useful tips and techniques for creating environmentally safe cleaners from natural products found in the home and alternatives you can use if you have a sensitive pet. Features the latest findings on how pet nutrition can influence housetraining success Offers proven housetraining strategies Introduces new methods for housetraining multiple pets at once Reviews new housetraining equipment and products Shows you how to make environmentally safe stain and odor removers from products already in your home Susan McCullough is a columnist for Dog Fancy magazine and the author of several books including Beagles For Dummies and the award-winning Senior Dogs For Dummies Housetraining can be a difficult and stressful process for both you and your puppy, adult, or senior dog. Housetraining For Dummies 2nd Edition is the resource you need to make it faster and easier for both of you.

Цена: 1876.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470555354


It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet
It’s Me or the Dog: How to have the Perfect Pet

Автор: Victoria Stilwell

Victoria Stilwell provides her successful programme for perfect dog training.Do they ignore every word you say? Have they started coming in at all hours? Are they wrecking your home? No, it’s not the nation’s teenagers – it’s our pets. Nearly five million homes in the UK own a dog – but who really calls the shots? With bad behaviour rife, it’s time to put the pets in their place – move over power nannies and parenting, this is Supernanny for pets.The Channel 4 series It’s Me or the Dog has established expert dog trainer Victoria Stilwell as a major TV talent.Her accompanying book offers a superb, practical manual for pet owners – whether faced with training a new puppy or with correcting the bad habits of an existing pet. Seeing the world from the dog's point of view is key and at the heart of Victoria's highly successful philosophy. She explains how dogs learn and provides a timed, structured programme for both puppies and older dogs, plus a wealth of problem-solving advice – from how to handle persistent barking to dealing with car journeys and interaction with children. Absolutely packed with info on everything from dog talk to diet, It's Me or the Dog is the must-have manual for every dog owner.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007279258


Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide
Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Автор: Robert Killick

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Jack Russell Terrier, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Jack Russell Terriers are very intelligent, high-energy dogs whose compact size and friendly nature make them great pets. If you are considering getting a Jack Russell, or are an existing owner who wants to learn more about the care of your dog, then this book will be an invaluable resource.Contents include:• History of the breed• Acquiring a puppy• Behaviour and training• Showing a Jack Russell• Healthcare

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544325


Jonathan Wackelzahn
Jonathan Wackelzahn

Автор: Petra Genthe

Der f?nfj?hrige Jonathan Wackelzahn verbringt die Sommerferien bei seinem Opa auf dem Bauernhof. M?chtig stolz ist er auf die ersten Wackelz?hne! Beim Fr?hst?ck bei?t er kr?ftig ins Marmeladenbr?tchen. Und da passiert es: Die Z?hnchen stecken in der Br?tchenh?lfte fest! Ein farbenfroh illustriertes, lustiges und interessantes Kinderbuch ?ber Jonathan Wackelzahn – bestens zum Vorlesen oder zum Selbstlesen f?r Erstleser geeignet.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783957446985


Ka is. Lieto anas instrukcija
Kaķis. Lietošanas instrukcija

Автор: Jolanta Auziņa

Cilvēki un kaķi gadsimtiem ilgi ir dzīvojuši līdzās. Diemžēl cilvēki ne vienmēr saprot savus mīluļus, tāpēc "attiecībās" rodas problēmas. "Sliktā" mājdzīvnieka uzvedība ir tikai mēģinājums kaut ko jums paziņot, un, ja kaķis izmanto savas izsmalcinātākās metodes, tas vienkārši nezina, kā citādi pievērst jūsu uzmanību problēmai. Grāmata stāsta par mājas plēsēja patieso dabu un vajadzībām un palīdz nodibināt komunikāciju starp kaķi un viņa cilvēku.

Серия: Dzīvnieku draugs

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2024


Kitchenella: The secrets of women: heroic, simple, nurturing cookery - for everyone
Kitchenella: The secrets of women: heroic, simple, nurturing cookery - for everyone

Автор: Rose Prince

A passionate, personal account of the battle to feed and nourish family and friends.The continuing story of the rise and fall of good food finds us at the end of a decade of exceptional growth and opportunity, yet once again in crisis. Our food culture has taken a turn for the worse. Recession has slowed the good food revolution as shoppers cut back on quality ingredients and head for the budget lines.Education about food is limited to the voices of TV chefs, mostly men, whose testosterone driven pursuits include hunter gathering, butchery, deep sea fishing and cooking inimitably difficult recipes. Their programmes do nothing to solve the everyday predicament of real people: putting economical, common sense food on the table. Even when a woman gets her small piece of TV airtime, she is either the love interest that licks her chocolaty fingers to camera, or she is a former author of kitchen bibles advising viewers to cobble together meals using unhealthy and expensive processed ingredients. Progress is slowing down, thanks to food television.We believe in food icons, from Delia to Jamie, but their philosophies are no longer convincing, because they cannot possibly understand the predicament of the average family, living through recession and trying to do it right in the kitchen.Where are the cooks with wit, who work out the budget and plan an easy dish that efficiently feeds family and friends? In A Taste of Real Life Rose Prince calls for a return to a system of cooking that is nourishing and energy efficient. Food addressed to real people in real life situations.Full of logical, economical and imaginative recipes that solve the modern cook's dilemma, A Taste of Real Life will teach you the skills of those teachers who work without books, the 'mothers' and the cooks who subsequently learned from them, to decisively show you the easy way to cook and shop.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007328901


Los Secretos Del Rubic?n
Los Secretos Del Rubic?n

Автор: Ivo Ragazzini

Hubo un tiempo en el que el Rubic?n no era solo un r?o y a la Roma?a se la llamaba Flaminia debido a una v?a que llevaba a Roma. Y cuando en el a?o 49 a.C. Julio C?sar lleg? delante se encontr? con que lo esperaba una empalizada de madera pintada de «r?bico», es decir, rojo p?rpura, el color oficial de Roma, que el imped?a el paso hacia Roma. ?Pero por qu? motivo se hab?a construido, incluso antes de que naciera C?sar, una l?nea roja defensiva que llegaba hasta el mar para cerrar el paso a los enemigos de Roma? ?Y c?mo consiguieron C?sar y sus legionarios superarla y atacar Roma? Hasta ahora nadie hab?a llegado a investigar estas y muchas otras cosas. Un libro que trae por primera vez una nueva luz sobre la oscuridad hist?rica que ha cubierto al Rubic?n. Hubo un tiempo en el que la Roma?a se llamaba Flaminia y el Rubic?n no era solo un r?o. Y cuando en el a?o 49 a.C. Julio C?sar lleg? delante se encontr? con que lo esperaba una empalizada de madera pintada de rojo p?rpura y coloc? durante varios meses a sus legiones sobre aquella frontera defendida por los legionarios de Pompeyo. ?Pero qu? era y por qu? raz?n se hab?a construido, aun antes de que naciera C?sar, una l?nea roja defensiva que llegaba hasta el mar y qu? hicieron C?sar y sus legiones para superarla? Hasta ahora nadie hab?a llegado a descubrir esto y muchas otras cosas. Nacido de datos hist?ricos nunca observados antes, este libro os llevar? a descubrir por primera vez qu? era verdaderamente el Rubic?n, qu? idearon los legionarios de C?sar cuando se decidi? a atacar Roma y muchas otras novedades in?ditas que no sospechabais y que os llevar?, paso a paso, a descubrir por primera vez: • ?Qu? era realmente el Rubic?n? • ?Qui?n y con qu? objetivo cre? esa frontera antes de que naciera C?sar? • ?Por qu? los historiadores no se ponen de acuerdo sobre d?nde estuvo el Rubic?n? • ?Qu? planes y estrategia usaron C?sar y sus legionarios para cruzarla? • ?Y los legionarios de Pompeyo para defenderla? • ?Alguien hab?a lanzado una maldici?n contra cualquiera que se atreviera a cruzarla armado? • ?C?sar y muchos legionarios romanos tuvieron pesadillas de «Malanoche» antes de atravesarla? • ?Qu? era la Roma?a y qu? s?mbolos ten?a en los tiempos de C?sar? • ?Qu? era la fiesta del «a?o nuevo» en que se celebraba en Roma? • ?Qu? insultos en lat?n intercambiaban los legionarios? Y muchas otras novedades in?ditas que ni siquiera sospechabais. Un libro que lanza por primera vez novedades y una nueva luz sobre la oscuridad hist?rica que ha cubierto esos acontecimientos.

Цена: 393.59 руб.
ISBN: 9788835419501


Memelihara Ikan Koi
Memelihara Ikan Koi

Автор: Owen Jones

Kandungan e-buku ini mengenai kolam Koi dalam taman dan subjek yang berkaitan disusun dalam lapan belas bab, yang akan membantu anda memilih tapak Kolam Ikan Koi anda, menyiapkan dan menyelenggarakannya sepanjang tahun dan menjaga ikan berharga anda dalam pelbagai musim dan walaupun dalam keadaan cuaca yang sangat buruk. Malahan ia mungkin juga dapat membantu anda menceburkan diri dalam kerjaya baharu. Kandungan e-buku ini mengenai kolam Koi dalam taman dan subjek yang berkaitan disusun dalam lapan belas bab, yang akan membantu anda memilih tapak Kolam Ikan Koi anda, menyiapkan dan menyelenggarakannya sepanjang tahun dan menjaga ikan berharga anda dalam pelbagai musim dan walaupun dalam keadaan cuaca yang sangat buruk. Malahan ia mungkin juga dapat membantu anda menceburkan diri dalam kerjaya baharu. Paling tidak ia dapat menjimatkan ratusan wang untuk nasihat profesional. Sebagai bonus tambahan, saya memberikan anda kebenaran untuk menggunakan kandungan ini di tapak sesawang anda atau di blog dan buletin anda sendiri, walaupun lebih baik jika anda menulisnya semula dengan kata-kata anda sendiri terlebih dahulu. Anda juga boleh membahagi-bahagikan kandungan buku dan menjual semula artikelnya. Sebetulnya, satu-satunya hak yang tidak anda miliki adalah menjual semula atau memberikan buku tersebut kepada orang lain kerana ia telah dihantar kepada anda. Translator: Kirari Kassy

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9788835429456


Molly’s Game: The Riveting Book that Inspired the Aaron Sorkin Film
Molly’s Game: The Riveting Book that Inspired the Aaron Sorkin Film

Автор: Molly Bloom

NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTUREMolly Bloom reveals how she built one of the most exclusive, high-stakes underground poker games in the world – an insider’s story of excess and danger, glamour and greed.Molly Bloom formed the most elite high-stakes poker game Hollywood had ever seen – she was its mistress, its lion tamer, its agent, and its oxygen. Everyone wanted in, few were invited to the table.In the late 2000s, Molly Bloom, a twentysomething from Loveland Colorado, ran the highest stakes, most exclusive poker game in existence. Hundreds of millions of dollars were won and lost at her table. Molly’s game became the game for those in the know-celebrities, business moguls, and millionaires. Molly staged her games in palatial suites with beautiful views and exquisite amenities. She flew privately, dined at exquisite restaurants, hobnobbed with the heads of Hollywood studios, was courted by handsome leading men, and was privy to the world’s most delicious gossip, until it all came crashing down around her and she lost everything.Molly’s Game is a behind the scenes look at Molly’s game, the life she created, the life she lost, and what she learned in the process.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008274436


My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again
My Boy Butch: The heart-warming true story of a little dog who made life worth living again

Автор: Jenni Murray

Much beloved broadcaster Dame Jenni Murray recounts her great love affair with Butch the Chihuahua.There was always a dog. If not real, then imagined.As a lonely only child, Dame Jenni Murray longed to have a dog. She had only Timmy her imaginary pooch for company until her fifth birthday when her parents bought her a beautiful little puppy – Taffy the Corgi. This was to be the start of a life-long passion for man's best friend.Having been a small dog owner all her adult life, in her fifties the arrival of Butch the Chihuahua coincided with the devastating discovery that she had breast cancer. Butch proved to be a devoted source of comfort, love and hilarity at the most difficult time in her life. Making her smile when she wanted to cry and laugh when she needed to the most, Butch was an invaluable source of support and the reassuring presence of this special little dog helped Jenni to make a full recovery.Heartwarming, moving and hilarious at turns, My Boy Butch is a tribute to this oft maligned breed, and to a little dog who made life worth living again.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007395323


Odd Thomas
Odd Thomas

Автор: Dean Koontz

The 400 million copy worldwide bestseller Dean Koontz is at his very best in this critically-acclaimed page-turner – soon to be a major motion picture. Find out why Odd Thomas is the master storyteller’s most-loved creation.Odd by name, a hero by nature.He’s Odd. Odd Thomas, to be precise. Genius fry-cook at the Pico Mundo grill; boyfriend to the gorgeous Stormy Llewellyn – and possibly the only person with a chance of stopping one of the worst crimes in the bloody history of murder…Something evil has come to the desert town that Odd and Stormy call home. It comes in the form of a mysterious man with a macabre appetite, a filing cabinet full of information on the world’s worst killers, and strange, hyena-like shadows following him wherever he goes. Odd is worried. He knows things, sees things – about the living, the dead and the soon to be dead. Things that he has to act on. Now he’s terrified for Stormy, himself and Pico Mundo. Because he knows that on Wednesday August 15, a savage, blood-soaked whirlwind of violence and murder will devastate the town.Today is August 14. And Odd is far from sure he can stop the coming storm…

Цена: 782.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780007318209


Pink Elephant – A Superhero Story. Глава 3
Pink Elephant – A Superhero Story. Глава 3

Автор: Александр Кондратьев

В третьем, заключительном выпуске комикса Pink Elephant – A Superhero Story следователь Граундхог сталкивается со старым знакомым и демонстрирует ему специально заготовленные для этой встречи опасные предметы. Прошлое настигает Граундхога. Разгадка оказывается гораздо хуже, чем он ожидал… В наличии – фирменная ирония, интермедиальность, полифония, арт-хаус и прочие словечки, которые были в моде, когда автор был молодым.

Серия: Pink Elephant – A Superhero Story

Цена: 49 руб.
Год: 2018



Автор: Carlo Collodi

Hab?a una vez un h?bil carpintero llamado Gepetto que un d?a encontr? un bonito tronco y decidi? hacer un mu?eco de madera. «?Lo llamar? Pinocho!» dec?a mientras trabajaba. «?Ser? un t?tere que saltar? y hablar?!»La colecci?n Cuentos de bolsillo re?ne los cuentos y f?bulas de toda la vida relatados con una visi?n muy actual y acompa?ados por magn?ficas ilustraciones de artistas de primera l?nea. La redacci?n de los textos en letra ligada es ideal para iniciar a los m?s peque?os en el placer de la lectura.

Серия: Cuentos de bolsillo

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9788413309941


Puppies For Dummies
Puppies For Dummies

Автор: Sarah Hodgson

Everything you need to train a puppy Bringing home a puppy? This fun, friendly guide to puppies prepares you for this tough but terrific time. From the basics of puppy training—housebreaking, feeding, crating—to the latest on doggie day care, traveling with a puppy, and the new designer breeds, you'll get everything you need to help your puppy grow up to be a healthy, playful, well-mannered dog. In this new edition, noted authority Sarah Hodgson offers trusted information on caring for a new puppy, including the newest dog training tools and gadgets, the best treats and dog food suppliers, and new insight into positive reinforcement training. Everything you need to start out right from day one Trusted and proven advice from an authority The latest information on positive reinforcement training Includes a completely new 8-page color insert If you're one of the lucky people getting ready to bring home a canine kid, this fun, informative guide gives you everything you need to smoothly integrate a puppy into your life and home.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9781118206362


Salivary Gland Pathology
Salivary Gland Pathology

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 30351 руб.
ISBN: 9781119730149


Ser loco sin estar loco
Ser loco sin estar loco

Автор: Emilio Vaschetto

Qu? es la locura no es muy dif?cil decirlo, lo dif?cil es pensar c?mo es que no estamos locos. Por qu? no alucinamos si el lenguaje est? fermentando en nuestra cabeza y c?mo es que no deliramos si es que continuamente interpretamos el mundo con la torsi?n de nuestro deseo. No estaba muy errado Raymond Queneau cuando supon?a que el primer hombre habr?a sido un mono que se volvi? loco . El lenguaje lo hace todo, desde enloquecernos hasta deshacernos de nuestros padecimientos, desde so?ar hasta imaginar, hacer vibrar las palabras en el amor hasta congelarlas en el odio inveterado. El lenguaje lo hace todo, todo menos uno: gozar. La lecci?n antisegregativa de Jacques Lacan es que se puede ser psic?tico sin ser loco. Y extendiendo nuestras posibilidades idiom?ticas diremos mejor que es posible ser loco sin estar loco. Solo el psicoan?lisis contempla la extraordinaria alternativa de una locura sin locura.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9789878372525


Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, Evidence and Practice
Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, Evidence and Practice

Автор: Bearman Margaret

Simulated Patient Methodology is a timely book, aimed at health professional educators and Simulated Patient (SP) practitioners. It connects theory and evidence with practice to ensure maximum benefit for those involved in SP programmes, in order to inform practice and promote innovation. The book provides a unique, contemporary, global overview of SP practice, for all health sciences educators. Simulated Patient Methodology: • Provides a cross-disciplinary overview of the field • Considers practical issues such as recruiting and training simulated patients, and the financial planning of SP programmes • Features case studies, illustrating theory in practice, drawn from across health professions and countries, to ensure relevance to localised contexts Written by world leaders in the field, this invaluable resource summarises the theoretical and practical basis of all human-based simulation methodologies.

Цена: 6401.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781118760802


Sph?renwechsel – Tagebuch eines inkarnierten Engels
Sph?renwechsel – Tagebuch eines inkarnierten Engels

Автор: Sybilla Seraphina Mewes

Schon als Kind f?hlt sich die sensible Sybilla oft gelangweilt, unverstanden und fremd unter den Menschen. Als dann noch ?bersinnliche Wahrnehmungen wie Hellsichtigkeit, Vorahnungen, au?erk?rperliche Erfahrungen und Kontakte zu anderen Welten hinzukommen, begibt sich Sybilla auf eine jahrelange Suche – auf eine Suche nach dem Sinn ihres Daseins, nach ihrer seelischen Herkunft, nach einem geeigneten Platz in dieser oft so rauen und konsumorientierten Welt. Ihr Weg f?hrt sie ?ber B?cher zu Seminaren, Meditationen, Gurus, zu den Weltreligionen – doch zun?chst gibt es keine zufrieden stellenden Antworten auf ihre Fragen. Frustriert m?chte sie schon aufgeben, als eines Tages etwas Wundervolles geschieht – Sybilla entdeckt bei ihren Reisen in andere Dimensionen von selbst, wer sie wirklich ist und alles ergibt pl?tzlich einen Sinn. … und dass es nun Zeit ist, ihre Botschaft der Welt zu verk?nden – eine Botschaft, die davon erz?hlt, dass es viel mehr Welten gibt, als die, die der gr??te Teil der Menschen auf der Erde als real annimmt.

Цена: 788.17 руб.
ISBN: 9783954888054


SPSS For Dummies
SPSS For Dummies

Автор: Arthur Griffith

SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is a data management and analysis software that allows users to generate solid, decision-making results by performing statistical analysis This book provides just the information needed: installing the software, entering data, setting up calculations, and analyzing data Covers computing cross tabulation, frequencies, descriptive ratios, means, bivariate and partial correlations, linear regression, and much more Explains how to output information into striking charts and graphs For ambitious users, also covers how to program SPSS to take their statistical analysis to the next level

Цена: 3313.02 руб.
ISBN: 9780470169506


Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide
Staffordshire Bull Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

Автор: Alison Smith

A comprehensive guide to all aspects of owning a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, this highly illustrated book is full of practical information and expert advice for pet owners and breeders.Staffordshire Bull Terriers are renowned for their loyalty to their owners and stability of temperament which makes them great pets. When properly socialised and trained they are playful, energetic and have a real love of people. If you are considering getting a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or are an existing owner who wants to learn more about the care of your dog then this book will be an invaluable resource.Contents include:• History of the breed• Acquiring a puppy• Socialization and training• Behaviour• Showing and obedience work• Healthcare

Цена: 110.37 руб.
ISBN: 9780007544301


The Cowboy Crashes a Wedding - Cowboys of Horse Thief Mountain, Book 3 (Unabridged)
The Cowboy Crashes a Wedding - Cowboys of Horse Thief Mountain, Book 3 (Unabridged)

Автор: Anne McAllister

Исполнители: Brett Galliford

Цена: 2169.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781624617805


The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government
The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

Автор: David Talbot

Based on explosive new evidence, bestselling author David Talbot tells America’s greatest untold story: the United States’ rise to world dominance under the guile of Allen Welsh Dulles, the longest-serving director of the CIA.Drawing on revelatory new materials – including exclusive interviews with the children of prominent CIA officials, the personal correspondence and journals of Allen Dulles’s wife and mistress, newly discovered U.S. government documents, and U.S. and European intelligence sources – Talbot reveals the underside of one of America’s most powerful and influential figures.Dulles’s decades as the director of the CIA – which he used to further his public and private agendas – were dark times in American politics. Calling himself ‘the secretary of state of unfriendly countries’, Dulles saw himself as above the elected law, manipulating and subverting American presidents in the pursuit of his personal interests and those of the wealthy elite he counted as his friends and clients – colluding with Nazi-controlled cartels, German war criminals, and Mafiosi in the process. Targeting foreign leaders for assassination and overthrowing nationalist governments not in line with his political aims, Dulles employed those same tactics to further his goals at home, culminating in the assassination of his political enemy, John F. Kennedy.Indeed, The Devil’s Chessboard offers shocking new evidence in the killings of both President Kennedy and his brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy. This is an expose of American power that is as disturbing as it is timely, a provocative and gripping story of the rise of the national security state – and the battle for America’s soul.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008159672


The Power of Verbal Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your verbal genius
The Power of Verbal Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your verbal genius

Автор: Тони Бьюзен

From the international bestselling author Tony Buzan, simple techniques to help improve your recall and be brilliant with words.How to be brilliant with words – reading, speaking, remembering and understanding them!Includes the best of Buzan's world-famous techniques for improving recall and understanding.Increase your vocabulary.Learn to speed read.

Цена: 988.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780007386055


The Puppy Listener
The Puppy Listener

Автор: Jan Fennell

An indispensible guide to raising your new puppy from the author of The Dog Listener. From teething to training, this book follows the development of your puppy from new pet to best friend.In The Puppy Listener Jan Fennell presents a simple-to-follow yet detailed handbook for puppy owners. Whether this is your first pup or you are a seasoned dog-owner, the hints and tips in this concise guide are valuable and well informed.This handy guide follows the life of your puppy from weaning to walking. Jan Fennell covers every aspect of caring for your new best friend – from introducing a puppy into its new home and handling it in public, to dealing with behavioural problems. With detailed sections on everything from exercise to diet, there are problem-solving guides dealing with worries such as biting or anxiety.Once again Jan illustrates her points with entertaining and inspiring real-life cases from her own work with damaged and delinquent dogs. Her love of animals is contagious and she inspires owners to persevere with their pups and show them who is boss.

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007413799


The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment. A Symposium
The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment. A Symposium

Автор: Onslow Mark

The Science and Practice of Stuttering Treatment: A Symposium is a comprehensive resource for practitioners and researchers that spans the scientific basis and clinical management of stutters in people of all ages, from preschoolers to adults. Written by an international team of clinical and research leaders in the field of speech and language pathology, as well as scientists from the fields of epidemiology and neurology, the book offers a truly comprehensive coverage of contemporary stuttering management. Each chapter provides information on the 'Theoretical Basis of the Treatment', 'Outline of the Treatment', 'Scientific Evidence for the Treatment', 'Advantages and Disadvantages of the Treatment', 'Planned Future Empirical Development', and conclude with an in-depth critical review. This book is a must-have resource for speech and language pathologists, researchers and educators worldwide. FEATURES: Offers a rigorous critical review of each treatment Written by leading international experts in the field Completely up to date with the latest clinical and scientific research “This book is the output from the Research Symposium held in Croatia in 2010. This text is unusual in that it not only reflects the content of the Symposium presentations, but also reports the discussion that the presentations generated. The discussions that ensued were recorded and transcribed… The consistent organisation of each paper in the collection allows the reader to quickly access the critical information and to make direct comparisons across therapies… (and) provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of a variety of speech restructuring programs… The advantages/disadvantages and the discussion sections in each chapter help the reader with appraisal of the material presented and to make some judgements about generality and value… The reader feels exposed to the atmosphere and dynamics of the Symposium in a way that is rarely captured outside the conference auditorium.” – A review from Sharon Millard (PhD., MRCSLT), Research Lead and Expert Speech and Language Therapist, The Michael Palin Centre, Whittington Health, London, UK

Цена: 8725.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781118341612


The Willow Wren - A Novel (Unabridged)
The Willow Wren - A Novel (Unabridged)

Автор: Philipp Schott

Исполнители: Brian Webber

Цена: 1971.91 руб.
ISBN: 9781773057545


Tipps vom Fips
Tipps vom Fips

Автор: Renate Kazempour

Fips l?sst den Leser teilhaben an den Sorgen, N?ten und auch Freuden der Vierbeiner aus seiner ganz speziellen Hundesicht und hofft somit, zum besseren Verst?ndnis f?r seine Artgenossen, egal welcher Rasse, beizutragen. Gel?nge es ihm zudem die Menschen f?r Tiere und deren dringend notwendigen Schutz generell zu sensibilisieren, w?re dies eine tolle Sache.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9783957447029


Understanding Your Dog For Dummies
Understanding Your Dog For Dummies

Автор: Sarah Hodgson

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of getting a dog or nervous about caring for the one you’ve already brought home, now you can relax. Understanding Your Dog for Dummies helps you recognize not only why your dog behaves the way she does, but in a way that enables you to parlay that into a well-behaved companion who listens (and sits, and speaks, and comes, etc.). Whether your pooch is a mixed breed or purebred, she has a distinct identity that makes her unique. The first step in understanding your dog is to respect the honorable task she was originally bred for and to identify how these inbred impulses influence her personality and behavior. In essence, you need to speak her language if you expect her to learn to understand yours. Understanding Your Dog for Dummies gives you everything you need to learn to understand your pooch’s unique dialect of “Doglish”—and shows you how to take on the role as pack leader to give your dog the cues, guidance, and consistency she needs to shape and develop good behaviors. Inside you’ll discover how to: Read your dog’s body language Communicate with your dog Interpret your dog’s breed-specific traits Correct dog-behavior-gone-bad Counter anxiety-based behavior Understand and resolve aggressive behavior And so much more! Think of this book as Doglish 101—a prerequisite for every human member of your dog’s family. Now, let the training begin!

Цена: 1876.98 руб.
ISBN: 9780470179079


Vetus canis. Национальная дрессировка собак
Vetus canis. Национальная дрессировка собак

Автор: Мария Юрьевна Киселёва

Дрессированная собака в настоящее время – это не роскошь, это – необходимость. Однако следует отметить, что для каждой конкретной собаки далеко не все способы дрессуры являются универсальными, а методы обучения – понятными для владельцев. В данной книге описана методика, подтвержденная временем. Многолетние исследования различных ученых накладываются на процесс дрессировки собаки, делая его понятным для хозяев и высокоэффективным при обучении животного.

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Virtualization For Dummies
Virtualization For Dummies

Автор: Bernard Golden

Virtualization has become a “megatrend”—and for good reason. Implementing virtualization allows for more efficient utilization of network server capacity, simpler storage administration, reduced energy costs, and better use of corporate capital. In other words: virtualization helps you save money, energy, and space. Not bad, huh? If you’re thinking about “going virtual” but have the feeling everyone else in the world understands exactly what that means while you’re still virtually in the dark, take heart. Virtualization for Dummies gives you a thorough introduction to this hot topic and helps you evaluate if making the switch to a virtual environment is right for you. This fun and friendly guide starts with a detailed overview of exactly what virtualization is and exactly how it works, and then takes you on a tour of the benefits of a virtualized environment, such as added space in overcrowded data centers, lower operations costs through more efficient infrastructure administration, and reduced energy costs through server consolidation. Next, you’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to: Perform a server virtualization cost versus benefit analysis Weigh server virtualization options Choose hardware for your server virtualization project Create a virtualized software environment Migrate to—and manage—your new virtualized environment Whether you’re an IT manager looking to sell the idea to your boss, or just want to learn more about how to create, migrate to, and successfully manage a virtualized environment, Virtualization for Dummies is your go-to guide for virtually everything you need to know.

Цена: 3533.95 руб.
ISBN: 9780470277195


VoIP For Dummies
VoIP For Dummies

Автор: Timothy Kelly V

Put your phone system on your computer network and see the savings See how to get started with VoIP, how it works, and why it saves you money VoIP is techspeak for «voice over Internet protocol,» but it could spell «saving big bucks» for your business! Here's where to get the scoop in plain English. Find out how VoIP can save you money, how voice communication travels online, and how to choose the best way to integrate your phone system with your network at home or at the office. Discover how to: Use VoIP for your business or home phone service Choose the best network type Set up VoIP on a wireless network Understand transports and services Demonstrate VoIP's advantages to management

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9780471776246


We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere
We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere

Автор: Gillian Anderson

Imagine a sisterhood – across all creeds and cultures. An unspoken agreement that we, as women, will support and encourage one another. That we will remember we don't know what struggles each of us may be facing elsewhere in our lives and so we will assume that each of us is doing our best…So begins WE: an inspiring, empowering and provocative manifesto for change. Change which we can all effect, one woman at a time. Change which provides a crucial and timely antidote to the 'have-it-all' Superwoman culture and instead focusses on what will make each and every one of us happier and more free. Change which provides an answer to the nagging sense of 'is that it?' that almost all of us can succumb to when we wake in the dead of night.Written by actress Gillian Anderson and journalist Jennifer Nadel – two friends who for the last decade have stumbled along together, learning, failing, crying, laughing and trying again – WE is a not a theoretical treatise but instead a rallying cry to create a life that has greater meaning and purpose. Combining tools which are practical, psychological and spiritual, it is both a process and a vision for a more fulfilling way of living. And a truly inspiring vision of a happier, more emotionally rewarding future we can all create together…

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780008147945


Weight Management. A Practitioner s Guide
Weight Management. A Practitioner's Guide

Автор: Grace Clare

An increasingly wide range of patients of different age, ethnicity and social background often combined with other clinical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis now find themselves battling against obesity and many health professionals become frustrated, feeling ill-equipped to handle each unique case with the one-size-fits-all approach offered by the «eat less, exercise more» mantra. Weight Management: A Practitioner′s Guide explains how effective evidence-based programmes structured in a manner addressing the key components of diet and physical activity integrated with a behavioural approach could offer the solution to the obesity epidemic. This exciting new book from renowned experts Dympna Pearson and Clare Grace provides practitioners and those studying to become practitioners and public health professionals with a much needed modern guide that clearly presents the latest evidence underpinning treatments and uses a step-wise approach to implementing programmes and building skills and confidence. Written with the express needs of practitioners and related health professionals at its core, this book will be a ready reference for those working in both acute and community settings throughout the different and demanding stages of the weight management process. ∗ A practical guide to tackling weight management ∗ Covers diet, exercise and behavioural therapy ∗ Written for health professionals, by health professionals ∗ Includes advice on continuity of care and handling group programmes

Цена: 7621.13 руб.
ISBN: 9781118343340


Weird Canadian Laws - Strange, Bizarre, Wacky & Absurd (Unabridged)
Weird Canadian Laws - Strange, Bizarre, Wacky & Absurd (Unabridged)

Автор: Lisa Wojna

Исполнители: Bobbi Goddard

Цена: 689.53 руб.
ISBN: 9781989209004


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