книги о войне (страница 44)

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Я скучаю
Я скучаю

Автор: Александр Александрович Чечитов

В декабре тысяча девятьсот сорок третьего года, в самый разгар великой отечественной войны почти сто тысяч калмыков были депортированы. Разбросанные по обширной, восточной части страны, люди столкнулись с тяготами и лишениями, а многие по просту не доехали, умерев по пути следования. Это событие стало черным пятном в истории калмыцкого народа. Рассказ попытка представить, что чувствовали и о чём мечтали люди, оторванные от родины.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 89 руб.
Год: 2023


Я скучаю
Я скучаю

Автор: Александр Александрович Чечитов

В декабре тысяча девятьсот сорок третьего года, в самый разгар великой отечественной войны почти сто тысяч калмыков были депортированы. Разбросанные по обширной, восточной части страны, люди столкнулись с тяготами и лишениями, а многие по просту не доехали, умерев по пути следования. Это событие стало черным пятном в истории калмыцкого народа. Рассказ попытка представить, что чувствовали и о чём мечтали люди, оторванные от родины.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Я слышу гимн
Я слышу гимн

Автор: Андрей Римайский

История одной из множества трагедий, которые толкают обычного человека к сложному выбору.Чаша весов колеблется и клонит то в одну, то в другую сторону. Как знать, не от всех ли нас вместе взятых зависит окончательное решение?

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Я стал ведьмой
Я стал ведьмой

Автор: Луна Искрящаяся

Эта война длится две тысячи лет. Две тысячи лет они не могут найти язык между собой. Казалось, вроде бы два народа, что произошли от одной крови двух братьев, но такие разные. Остров, что раскололся надвое. Светлое королевство, что прозвали Милидия, и тёмное королевство Элдария. В обоих творится чёрт-те что… Но во всей этой истории замешано прошлое и настоящее. Прошлое графа и Белого Феникса Эмильхана, а также его названного сына Элиана, который отправляется учиться в школу военных искусств Гьюме. Пока один пытается узнать правду о смерти своего друга бывшего короля Элдарии, то его сын Элиан пытается бежать из Гьюме, желая стать магом. Что сокрыто в этом прошлом и настоящем? И что связывает обоих этих людей? И почему эти серые глаза названного сына так напоминал глаза другого?

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2024


Я тебя отправлю в Сталинград
Я тебя отправлю в Сталинград

Автор: Бёрнер Вася

Истории бойцов горнострелкового батальона 682 полка в/ч 86997, 1984 год, Афганистан, провинция Парван, ущелье Панджшер, н/п Руха операция против вооруженных сил Ахмад Шаха Масуда.

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023


Яблоко и яблоня
Яблоко и яблоня

Автор: Ника Никина

Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает. А что если далеко? Жизнь сладка, поэтому её сравнивают с яблоком, или она наборот – полна неожиданностей, как гниль внутри этого фрукта?

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2023



Автор: Евгений Зиберт

Даже, когда мы попадаем в безвыходные ситуации, надежда умирает последней…

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Японская пытка
Японская пытка

Автор: Максим Шахов

Харбин, 1944 год. В городе безраздельно хозяйничают японские военные, а с недавних пор на улицах орудует таинственный отряд 731, в результате регулярных рейдов которого бесследно исчезают местные жители. В один прекрасный день в руки бойцов отряда попадает Николай Галицкий – известный в среде эмигрантов доктор, бывший белогвардеец, прибывший в Харбин в годы Гражданской войны. Его привозят в секретную лабораторию и пытаются заставить провести несколько чудовищных медицинских экспериментов над живыми людьми. Галицкий понимает, что отказаться от работы нельзя – убьют. Но и становиться палачом он не собирается. Доктор приходит к выводу, что единственный приемлемый выход из сложившейся ситуации – совершить побег с японской фабрики смерти…

Цена: 129 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 978-5-699-65513-7


Японские сказки
Японские сказки

Автор: Сборник

Япония самая загадочная и непонятная для европейцев страна мира. Для того, чтобы лучше понять древние традиции, обычаи и философию этой великой державы нам на помощь, кроме многочисленных лекций, туристических пособий и советов бывалых путешественников, придут сказки. Ведь именно в них отражается вся вековая мудрость японского народа, особенности быта, характера и даже одежды. Поэтичные, оригинальные, неординарные сюжеты японских сказок погрузят в особый мир и атмосферу и будут интересны и познавательны не только детям, но и их родителям. Краб и обезьяна 0:05:40 Воробей с обрезанным языком 0:08:31 Про человека, который заставлял цвести засохшие деревья 0:09:36 Момотаро – персиковый мальчик 0:12:47 Щебенник 0:09:04 Заколдованная принцесса 0:04:44 Диковинный чайник 0:03:34 Мальчик-богатырь Кин-Таро 0:04:28 Японские дети 0:05:09 Светлячок 0:04:13 Длинное имя 0:05:00 Стана дураков 0:05:00 Три телки 0:13:17 Исполняет: Александр Бордуков ©&℗ ИП Воробьев В.А. ©&℗ ИД СОЮЗ – В старые годы жили-были в глуши высоких гор старики муж и жена. Не походили они друг на друга, – муж был добрый, хороший человек, а у жены был злобный, завистливый характер, – вот и ссорились, и перекорялись они между собою да на том и состарились. Раз сидел старик, по обыкновению, перед своей хибаркой и видит вдруг – ворона преследует одного воробушка. Жалобно пикает воробушек, а ворона бьет своими страшными крыльями и готова вот-вот клюнуть своим страшным носом несчастную птичку. Вот старик подбежал к ним и отогнал злую ворону. Потом старик заботливо поднял воробушка и осторожно понес его домой. Сердчишко билось у воробья, и весь он дрожал, так что старик всячески уговаривал его из сострадания, отнес его домой и посадил в клетку, и воробушек скоро пришел в себя и поправился… – Много-много лет тому назад жили-были в одном селении старик да старуха японцы. Хорошие люди были они, а так как боги не дали им детей, то всю любовь они обратили на свою маленькую собачку. Они ласкали и холили ее, и собака понимала это и так к ним привязана была, что ни на шаг от них не отходила. Работал раз японец в саду, и когда он опустил кирку, чтобы пот со лба утереть, заметил он, что его собачка в траве что-то нюхает и царапает лапами землю, потом бросилась с лаем к нему, снова отбежала на то место и давай его скрести… И повторяла она это несколько раз, так что японец, наконец, поднял кирку и подошел к собаке. А собачка-то лает, танцует на задних лапках; – радуется, что и японец, и японка смеются над ней… Ударил японец киркой по тому месту раз, другой, – и что же? Вдруг что-то звонко звякнуло под острием кирки, и из-под земли блеснула целая груда старинных золотых монет. – Много-много лет тому назад жили в одной деревне старик-японец со своей женой. Хоть и бедствовали они, но все-же могли бы жить бедные люди счастливо, если бы только у них были дети. Вот так-то и жили они в полном одиночестве и до того скорбели, что даже соседи разделяли их горе и старались всячески утешить их. И случилось раз, что пошла старуха-японка на реку. А день был солнечный, и река с великим шумом катила свои воды через камни… Достала японка платье да белье и стала усердно полоскать их в реке. И так она занялась своим делом, что и не заметила, как огромный, прекрасный персик внезапно подплыл к ней по воде… Старушка поспешно схватила его. Такие чудные, спелые персики попадались редко, – круглый, наливной, он, казалось, испускал розовое сияние от себя на солнце. Вернулась она домой и отнесла мужу найденный персик,– пусть и старик полакомится… Обрадовался и тот находке, поскорее достал нож и осторожно разрезал персик на две равные части, – и что же случилось тогда!

Серия: Японская литература

Исполнители: Александр Бордуков

Цена: 162 руб.


Японский бог
Японский бог

Автор: Ольга Николаевна Йокай

Вторая мировая война в самом разгаре. По деревням японской глубинки ездит комиссия, отбирает талантливых учеников. Вот только для каких целей? Впрочем, Ичиро это не слишком заботит: он рад оказаться подальше от дома, ведь здесь он столкнулся с древним монстром. Но на чужбине,в оккупированной японскими войсками Маньчжурии, происходят вещи, по сравнению с которыми меркнут любые страшные легенды прошлого. Основано на реальных исторических событиях. Отряд 731 – специальное подразделение японских вооружённых сил, занимавшееся исследованиями в области биологического оружия во время второй мировой войны.

Цена: 49.9 руб.
Год: 2020


A Christmas Promise
A Christmas Promise

Автор: Annie Groves

An emotional and heart-warming portrayal of the lives of four women living in wartime London.For the girls living at No.13 Article Row, the war years have never been tougher…Tilly is heartbroken when Drew, the love of her life, returns to America and doesn’t come back. Tilly can’t believe that he would break their solemn promise to love each other for ever. Olive. Tilly’s mother, knows the real reason that he has never been in touch but fears the truth will hurt her daughter even more.For Tilly’s friends, Agnes and Sally, the war has also dealt them a cruel hand and, along with the rest of the country, they have had their share of pain. But they say that it is always darkest just before the dawn, so could it be that this war, and the girl’s fortunes, are finally beginning to turn?

Цена: 549.76 руб.
ISBN: 9780007464289


A Companion to World War I
A Companion to World War I

Автор: John Horne

A Companion to the First World War brings together an international team of distinguished historians who provide a series of original and thought-provoking essays on one of the most devastating events in modern history. Comprises 38 essays by leading scholars who analyze the current state of historical scholarship on the First World War Provides extensive coverage spanning the pre-war period, the military conflict, social, economic, political, and cultural developments, and the war's legacy Offers original perspectives on themes as diverse as strategy and tactics, war crimes, science and technology, and the arts Selected as a 2011 Outstanding Academic Title by CHOICE

Цена: 25953.65 руб.
ISBN: 9781444323641


A Crown Imperilled
A Crown Imperilled

Автор: Raymond E. Feist

The penultimate volume of the mighty Riftwar CycleWar rages in Midkemia but behind the chaos there is disquieting evidence of dark forces at work.Jim Dasher’s usually infallible intelligence network has been cleverly dismantled; nowhere is safe. He feels that the world is coming apart at the seams and is helpless to protect his nation.Quiet palace coups are underway in Roldem and Rillanon; and King Gregory of the Isles has yet to produce an heir. In each kingdom a single petty noble has risen from obscurity to threaten the throne.Lord Hal of Crydee and his great friend Ty Hawkins, champion swordsman of the Masters’ Court, are entrusted with the task of smuggling Princess Stephan? and her lady-in-waiting, the lovely but mysterious Lady Gabriella, out of Roldem to a place of greater safety. But is there any safe haven to be found?Meanwhile, Hal’s younger brothers Martin and Brendan are attempting to hold the strategic city of Ylith against an onslaught of Keshian Dog Soldiers, and a mysterious force from beneath the sea. The Kingdom might lose Crydee and recover; but if Ylith falls, all is lost.An unknown player appears to orchestrating these conflicts. Can Pug and the Conclave of Shadows track down this source before Midkemia is destroyed?

Цена: 840.45 руб.
ISBN: 9780007290185


A Daughter’s Secret
A Daughter’s Secret

Автор: Anne Bennett

A moving and gritty saga of loss, separation and finally hope, set in wartime BirminghamAgnes Sullivan is fifteen when her young brother Tom finds her drunk and crying in the lane near their farm. Her dancing teacher has raped her and abandoned her. Aggie is forced to leave home when she discovers she’s pregnant and Tom, barely a teenager himself, decides the teacher must pay for his actions.Aggie flees to Birmingham, but the safe haven she’s been promised turns out to be too dangerous to stay in. She’s left with few options until someone she would never have spoken to in her former life gives her the help she so desperately needs. But will World War One ruin her precarious hopes of a future?Anne Bennett’s sagas of Birmingham during the wars have won her many fans, as they are packed full of emotion, determination and authenticity. Regional sagas don’t come any better than this.

Цена: 657.96 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283576


A Girl Can Dream
A Girl Can Dream

Автор: Anne Bennett

A dramatic and emotional story of one woman’s story to keep her family together. For fans of Dilly Court and Kitty Neale.When Meg’s mother dies in childbirth, she is determined to keep the promise made on her mother’s deathbed – keep the family together. But her father has descended into drink and resents the baby, Ruth, who he believes cost him his wife.Though struggling financially, Meg resists the offer of help from their unscrupulous and sinister landlord, Richard Flatterly. Things get worse when her father returns home one night with a woman called Doris and announces he intends to marry her. When war breaks out three of the children are evacuated to the country while little Ruth must stay with Meg’s father and his new wife as she is too young.Meg and her friend Joy sign up for the Land Army and go to work on the farm where she meets Stephen, home on leave after fighting the Nazi’s – the attraction is instant and she and Stephen fall in love. But when she returns to the family home for a visit, she is horrified to discover the house in squalor and that worst of all, Little Ruth has been sent to an orphanage. With no options, Meg must turn to the only man who can help her, Richard Flatterly, but in return for his help, she must pay a very high price…

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007383313


A Good Land
A Good Land

Автор: Nada Jarrar Awar

Small truths, white lies; the many shades of friendship, all impacted by the harsh legacy of war…The old neighbourhood block in Beirut was home to an ever- changing population as the fighting intensified and lessened. But three people were almost always there. The older Polish woman, Margo, refugee from her past, her country and family after another war, spinning her tales of freedom fighters, itinerant peoples, despair and courage. And Lebanese born and bred Layla, only recently returned from Australia after fleeing the earlier civil war to teach her students again. Palestinian Kamal; refugee, writer and lecturer, whose cherished faith in a free, tolerant, democratic Lebanon has been shattered by difficulties of living there now. Among their friends are older politicians, university friends often visiting from lucrative posts in Europe or the USA, and local political activists.The retaliation raids by Israel and the political aftermath further shatter their community: some flee to the mountains, many leave the country. Some like Layla try to identify more deeply what it is that holds her to this place, why she cannot leave.Nada Awar Jarrar has written a powerful and moving novel, full of character and insight, of joy and tears, which makes us understand how people can stand such daily fear of violence and can continue to have faith in the country of their heart.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283309


A History of Food in 100 Recipes
A History of Food in 100 Recipes

Автор: William Sitwell

The ingredients, cooks, techniques and tools that have shaped our love of food.We all love to eat and most of us have a favourite ingredient or dish. In today's world we can get the food we want, when we want it, but how many of us really know where our much-loved recipes come from, who invented them and how they were originally cooked? In this book William Sitwell, culinary expert on BBC2's 'A Question of Taste' and editor of Waitrose Kitchen magazine, takes us on a colourful, whirlwind journey as he explores the fascinating history of cuisine.This book is a celebration of the great dishes, techniques and above all brilliant cooks who have, over the centuries, created the culinary landscape we now enjoy. Any lover of fine food who has ever wondered about the origins of the methods and recipes we now take for granted will find A History of Food in 100 Recipes required reading. As well as shining a light on food's glorious past, there are contributions from a glittering array of stars of British cuisine, including Marco Pierre White, Delia Smith, Heston Blumenthal, Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver.In an incisive and humorous narrative, Sitwell enters an Egyptian tomb to reveal the earliest recipe for bread and discovers the greatest party planner of the Middle Ages. He uncovers the extraordinary and poetic roots of the roast dinner and tells the heart-rending story of the forgotten genius who invented the pressure cooker. And much, much more.

Цена: 1318.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780007412013


A Long December
A Long December

Автор: Donald Harstad

In Donald Harstand’s most compelling novel yet, Deputy Sheriff Carl Houseman returns for the latest installment in this fast-paced crime series.In a rural part of Nation County the body of a dead male is discovered in a ditch, one gunshot wound to the head. A routine investigation for Carl Houseman and his team, perhaps. Except strangely there is no way of identifying him: no fingerprint records, no dental records, nothing. Enter an FBI investigator, a new face from the bureau, who suspects it is the body of a Columbian terrorist.Meanwhile, a local meat-packing plant has been accused of passing off contaminated produce. In a town straining under the pressure of mass immigration, the Jewish plant owners suspect foul play. Can there be a connection with the Columbian corpse? Houseman and FBI agent Hester Gorse chase the leads once again in another nail-biting race to discover the truth.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007402038


A Mind of Your Own
A Mind of Your Own

Автор: Betty Shine

A Book for Life.‘Book for Life’, is a book which can be read once and then repeatedly dipped in to, a book wholly appropriate for the age of the soundbite and the ‘quick fix’.Arranged alphabetically, over 200 carefully selected keywords covering every eventuality lead the reader to a little of Betty’s unique philosophy of life, gathered over 40 years as a professional vitamin and mineral therapist and healer. This is followed by a short visualization – as you read it, it acts as a trigger for the imagination and for the self-healing process. Each keyword is also accompanied by a classic quotation to inspire the reader with age-old wisdom and demonstrate a certain stability in the human spirit, plus an affirmation to take with you when the book is closed.A Mind of Your Own is a book which will be welcomed by Betty Shine’s previous readers as well as an inspiration for those unfamiliar with her work. It will unlock the doors to your mind and the whole range of its emotions, and is probably the most significant work of Betty Shine’s long and distinguished career.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780008219468


A Mother’s Spirit
A Mother’s Spirit

Автор: Anne Bennett

From rural rags to brief riches and back to ruin, this is a moving saga of hard work, bad luck and finally hope for a family’s future.Gloria Sullivan can’t quite believe where she has ended up.Growing up with no money worries, she fell head over heels in love with the handsome, hardworking Irishman employed by her father. They were the golden couple – until the Wall Street crash, when everything was lost. Finally she agreed to start again in London with husband Joe and their small son.World War Two was raging, and Joe laboured on the docks by day and fighting fires by night. He was a hero – but one dreadful fire left him terribly injured. Once more Gloria resolved to leave everything behind and to take Joe home to his family farm in Ireland, his only hope of recovery.Gloria now dutifully nurses her husband, but she can’t settle in the countryside. Then a nearby American base begins recruiting civilians. Gloria tells everyone it’s her chance to do her bit – but will she be tempted to do much more?

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780007287680


A Nanny For Keeps
A Nanny For Keeps

Автор: Janet Barton Lee

A Family in NeedWith no teaching positions open, Georgia Marshall agrees to become the temporary nanny for the two little girls next door. But she soon becomes enamored of the precocious children and their dashing but distant widowed father. Though she’s falling for him, she can’t help but think that the nobleman is out of her reach.After the tragic loss of his wife, Tyler Walker swore he’d never again give his heart away. Until his neighbor brightens his home and brings some much-needed stability to his motherless family. But he refuses to allow this arrangement with the pretty teacher to become permanent…no matter how much he wants Georgia by his side—forever.Boardinghouse Betrothals: Hearts taking shelter—and forging new beginnings

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781474054683


A Reunion of Ghosts
A Reunion of Ghosts

Автор: Judith Mitchell Claire

‘A triumphant, beautiful, and devastating novel about coincidences, family, and the sins of our fathers’ Anthony Doerr, author of All The Light We Cannot See‘Had me devouring the pages … Tragic, touching and – against all odds – strangely uplifting’ Stylist Magazine, 5 StarsMeet the Alter sisters: Lady, Vee and Delph. These three mordantly witty, complex women share their family’s apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. They love each other fiercely, but being an Alter isn’t easy. Bad luck is in their genes, passed down through the generations. Yet no matter what life throws at these siblings, they always have a wisecrack – and each other.In the waning days of 1999, the sisters decide it’s time to close the circle of the Alter curse. But first, as the world counts down to the dawn of a new millennium, Lady, Vee and Delph must write the final chapter of a saga generations in the making – one that is inexorably intertwined with that of the twentieth century itself. Unspooling threads of history, personal memory and family lore, they weave a mesmerising account of their lives that stretches back decades to their great-grandfather, a brilliant scientist whose professional triumph became the sinister legacy that defines them.Magnificent and heartbreaking, A REUNION OF GHOSTS is an epic novel about three unforgettable women, bound to each other and their remarkable family through the blessings and the burdens bestowed by blood.

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9780007594368


A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas
A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas

Автор: Вирджиния Вулф

HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind…’Based on a lecture given at Cambridge and first published in 1929, ‘A Room of One’s Own’ interweaves Woolf’s personal experience as a female writer with themes ranging from Austen and Bront? to Shakespeare’s gifted (and imaginary) sister. ‘Three Guineas’, Woolf’s most impassioned polemic, came almost a decade later and broke new ground by challenging the very notions of war and masculinity.This volume combines two inspirational, witty and urbane essays from one of literature’s pre-eminent voices; collectively they constitute a brilliant and lucid attack on sexual inequality.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007558070


A Season of Hopes and Dreams
A Season of Hopes and Dreams

Автор: Lynsey James

A heart-warming romance about hopes and dreams, perfect for fans of Carole Matthews, Milly Johnson and Cathy Bramley.A season of second chances…It’s been a difficult year for Cleo Jones. The car accident that crushed her leg didn’t just destroy the village baker’s dreams of becoming a dancer, but crushed her confidence too. And recovering from that has been harder than healing from any number of broken bones…But this season is going to be different. Life is turning around for Cleo! Maybe it’s the invitation from her childhood bully to their high-school reunion that’s shocked her out of a ten-year slump. Or joining Carb Counters and finally starting to shed the weight she’d piled on during her recovery – or maybe it’s catching the eye of her gorgeous personal trainer!Whatever the answer, this is going to be a feeling she never forgets… watch out world, Cleo Jones is finally fighting back!Praise for Lynsey James'I loved that Lynsey made me so invested in the characters. They all have their quirks and their flaws; they made me laugh, they made me cry and they made me want to scream at my Kindle. Fantastically real.' – Jenny in Neverland‘A feel-good contemporary romance with a difference. Lynsey’s writing style kept me captivated, right to the very end.’ – Reviewed the Book‘Just the Way You Are is a beautiful little story with an ending that was sublime.’ – Book Addict Shaun‘A breath of fresh air. Lynsey James has a flare for writing captivating characters, and has produced wonderful novels.’ – Into the Bookcase‘This charming story is heart-warming, witty and romantic!’ – Rae Reads‘It was a wonderful festive tale absolutely perfect for this time of year!’ – Becca’s Books‘I loved this book and finished it in two days, it is very much unputdownable!’ – Whispering Stories‘An enjoyable summer read’ – The Belgain Reviewer‘A lovely read, which would be perfect for some light holiday reading.’ – Portobello Book Blog

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008236960


A Short History of H.M.S. Victory
A Short History of H.M.S. Victory

Автор: William James Lloyd Wharton

Цена: Бесплатно


A Sleep and A Forgetting
A Sleep and A Forgetting

Автор: Gregory Hall

A suicide letter from a young woman with everything to live for plunges her sister into a sinister investigation – uncovering the shared past they tried so hard to conceal.In this complex mystery which will delight all fans of Robert Goddard, the horrors of the past disrupt the lives of two sisters – and of everyone who is close to them.Catriona is a well-respected academic, specialising in the Romantic Poets at a prestigious London college. Everything revolves around her work, leaving no space for personal relationships. She’s the exact opposite of her sister Flora, who enjoys a rural existence in the Cotswolds with her scientist husband and teenage daughter. Then Catriona receives Flora’s suicide letter.Catriona races to the picturesque village, but there is no body to be found. Has Flora really killed herself, or is this an excuse to vanish -and if so, why? The sisters have spent their adult lives trying to bury what happened in their childhood, but Catriona must now face a very different kind of oblivion before the truth comes out.

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9780007441068


A Slice Of Heaven
A Slice Of Heaven

Автор: Sherryl Woods

Dana Sue might run the best little restaurant in Serenity, but when you're feeding a small town of neighbors, busybodies and best friends, things can get a bit hot in the kitchen.Never mind that she's putting on too many pounds (an occupational hazard for a chef)-she's worried about her too-skinny teenage daughter, Annie, who has been slowly starving herself since the loud, suitcase-tossing, name-calling fit on her front lawn that left Dana Sue minus one cheating husband.But sometimes life picks strange ways to mend fences. When Annie lands in the hospital, Dana Sue reaches out to the man she loves to hate: Ron, the husband who took her heart when she tossed him out. Ron is still Annie's white knight, even if he's decidedly more tarnished in Dana Sue's eyes. But he still looks good enough to eat, and maybe, just maybe, to forgive.Once, Ron made the mistake of letting go without a proper fight. But now Dana Sue is about to get another taste of sweet devotion from a man tired of feeling like a fool, hungry for that slice of heaven he found with her.

Цена: 327.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781408956182


A Watcher in The Woods
A Watcher in The Woods

Автор: Sharp Dallas Lore

Цена: Бесплатно


A Woman of War: A new voice in historical fiction for 2018, for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz
A Woman of War: A new voice in historical fiction for 2018, for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Автор: Mandy Robotham

For readers of The Tattooist of Auschwitz and Kate Furnivall comes a gritty tale of courage, betrayal and love in the most unlikely of places.Germany, 1944. Taken from the camps to serve the Fuhrer himself, Anke Hoff has been assigned as midwife to one of Hitler’s inner circle. If she refuses, her family will die.Torn between her duty as a caregiver and her hatred for the regime she’s now a part of, Anke is quickly swept into a life unlike anything she’s ever known – and she discovers that many of those at the Berghof are just as trapped as she is. Soon, she’s falling for a man who will make her world more complicated still.Before long, the couple is faced with an impossible choice – for which the consequences could be deadly. Can their forbidden love survive the horrors of war – and, more importantly, will they?

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780008324230


Accidental Tourist
Accidental Tourist

Автор: Энн Тайлер

How does a man addicted to routine – a man who flosses his teeth before love-making – cope with the chaos of everyday life? With the loss of his son, the departure of his wife and the arrival of Muriel, a dog trainer from the Meow-Bow dog clinic, Macon's attempts at ordinary life are tragically and comically undone.A heartfelt novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Amateur Marriage and Breathing Lessons, now available as an audiobook.

Исполнители: Joe Barrett

Цена: 1053.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781473513181


Across the Mersey
Across the Mersey

Автор: Annie Groves

From the author of ‘The Grafton Girls’ comes the story of one Liverpool family preparing for the onslaught of World War Two, while trying not to fight among themselves.Jean and Vi are twins but couldn’t be more different. Jean’s proud of her honest, hardworking husband and their children, but there’s never a penny to spare. Vi’s equally proud of her husband’s new role as a local councillor and their elegant new house, and has raised her children to expect the best.As war breaks out, agonising decisions must be faced. Should the oldest children enlist? Should the youngest be evacuated? All the traditional certainties are overturned. Then the twins’ own younger sister, singer Francine, returns home unexpectedly and stirs up the past, even in the midst of present danger.This is a tremendous saga of fighting spirit and family closeness, and the belief that even though today is full of destruction and pain, there is hope for a better tomorrow.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007283736


After the Lockout
After the Lockout

Автор: Darran McCann

An ambitious and compelling first novel about a key moment in Irish history.November 1917. With tensions in Ireland, war in Europe and revolution in Russia, Victor Lennon returns to his home village after a long exile. Radicalised by his experiences in the Dublin Lockout and Easter Rising, Victor is a hero to many but a danger to some.Those closest to Victor know his true nature: his father, Pius, now drinking himself to death; his oldest friend, Charlie, wounded in the trenches; and the love of his life, Maggie, who he left behind years before. But soon Victor and the fearsome parish priest, Stanislaus Benedict, are on a collision course, with the very souls of the people caught between religion and socialism.Told from the perspectives of these two equally strong-willed characters, After the Lockout is a first novel of tremendous ambition and achievement. At its heart is a conflict emblematic of a recurring faultline in Irish history, and of one more eternal and universal: between hope and experience; between ideals and human weakness.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007429486


Against the Storm
Against the Storm

Автор: Kat Martin

Redheads like Maggie O'Connell are nothing but trouble. But Trace Rawlins, a former army ranger turned private investigator, takes the case anyway. After all, he knows a thing or two about women. Trace can sense that something is wrong—Maggie isn't telling him everything. If these menacing calls and messages are real, why won't the police help her? And if they aren't real, what is she hiding?As Trace digs deeper to find the source of Maggie's threats, he discovers a secret that no one was meant to uncover. And the only puzzle left to be solved is whether the danger comes from an unknown stalker…or from the woman he's trying his hardest not to fall for.

Цена: 410.36 руб.
ISBN: 9781408968680


Agent Ren Bryce Thriller Series Books 1-3: Blood Runs Cold, Time of Death, Blood Loss
Agent Ren Bryce Thriller Series Books 1-3: Blood Runs Cold, Time of Death, Blood Loss

Автор: Alex Barclay

Three thrillers featuring FBI Agent Ren Bryce, from bestselling author, Alex Barclay. Perfect for fans of Karin Slaughter and Patricia Cornwell.BLOOD RUNS COLD:When an FBI agent is found dead on the white slopes of Quandary Peak in Colorado, Ren Bryce is brought in to lead the investigation. Fighting personal demons, pressure from Washington and dwindling leads, the case stalls and her career falters.But as summer comes, Quandary Peak has disturbing new secrets to give up. And as one agent fights failure and hopelessness, another has left behind a trail that leads to a man with a dark past and even darker intentions.TIME OF DEATH:FBI agent Ren Bryce’s hunt for some of the country’s most dangerous killers is about to turn into a nightmare. There’s unfinished business between Ren and those she is pursuing, and soon she’s forced to confront both personal and professional traumas.Then someone close to Ren is murdered and secrets from her past look set to be revealed, throwing her into a world of fear, paranoia and danger.Time is running out and Ren must catch a killer before he catches her…BLOOD LOSS:When an eleven-year-old girl and her teenage babysitter vanish without a trace from their hotel room, FBI agent Ren Bryce is drafted in to lead the investigation.Faced with conflicting evidence and inconsistent witnesses, Ren works obsessively to unravel the dark family secrets at the heart of the case, before it’s too late.But Ren’s behaviour becomes increasingly reckless. Putting her own safety at risk, she enters a world where innocent lives are ruined for profit – and kidnap, rape and murder are all part of the deal.

Цена: 1318.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780007557523


Alamein: The turning point of World War Two
Alamein: The turning point of World War Two

Автор: Iain Gale

The superb novelist of men at war moves into the twentieth century and World War Two, telling the story of the eleven days in the sands of North Africa that would change history foreverThere are some battles that change the course of history: Alamein is one of those.In October 1942, Britain and its allies were in real difficulties: Germany and its Axis partners seemed to be triumphant everywhere – in Europe, in Russia, in the Atlantic and were now poised to take the Suez Canal. It was in North Africa that the stand was made, that the tide of World War Two began to turn.It was a battle of strong characters: the famous battle commander Rommel and the relatively untested new British commander, Montgomery, leading men who fought through an extraordinary eleven day battle, in an unforgiving terrain, amid the swirling sandstorms and the desert winds.Iain Gale, author of the outstanding historical novel Four Days in June on the battle of Waterloo, tells the dramatic story through seven characters, almost all based on real people. Drawn from both sides of the conflict, they include a major from a Scottish brigade, the young lieutenant in the thick of the tank battle, the Australian sergeant with the infantry, the tank commander of the Panzer Division and the charismatic Italian commander of a parachute battalion. Through them and others we see the flow of battle, the strategies, the individual actions and skirmishes, the fear, the determination, the extraordinary courage on both sides.

Цена: 332.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780007365975


All Cheeses Great and Small: A Life Less Blurry
All Cheeses Great and Small: A Life Less Blurry

Автор: Alex James

This is the story of Alex James’s transition from a leading light of the Britpop movement in the 1990s, to gentleman farmer, artisan cheese-maker and father of five.All Cheeses Great and Small is the follow-up memoir to Alex James's first book, Bit of a Blur, the story of his excessive pop star lifestyle during the nineties. But now Alex has grown up, fallen in love and got married. He has also fallen passionately for his new home, an enormous rambling farmhouse in the Cotswolds, set in two hundred acres of beautiful British countryside.The farm represents not just a new house for Alex, but also a new career. As he breathes new life into the old farm he chances across an unexpected calling: making cheese. His cheeses, Blue Monday, Farleigh Wallop and Little Wallop have received widespread media interest and are now sold through many outlets.The story culminates with an account of the triumphant reformation of Blur for Glastonbury 2009.

Цена: 661.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780007453139


All Eyes On Her
All Eyes On Her

Автор: Poonam Sharma

In this town, nice gets you nowhere… As a junior associate at the most-sought-after marital mediation and divorce boutique in Beverly Hills, Monica is part mediator, part lawyer, part marriage therapist and all celebrity babysitter. She’s so good at her job that she’s handling the fi rm’s superstar clients Cameron and Lydia Johnson—Hollywood It couple Camydia.Although things would be easier if the only other female associate would stop sabotaging her career, and if the drama queen she refers to as mother wasn’t moving back home! When the latest Camydia scandal breaks wide open, it’s time for Monica to save the day, to don her Prada cape and matching bag, then wreak havoc on her offi ce rival and run circles around the paparazzi. Everyone’s watching to see what Monica will do… hey, are those claws on that French manicure?

Цена: 161.78 руб.
ISBN: 9781408997222


All Quiet on the Western Front / На Западном фронте без перемен. Книга для чтения на английском языке
All Quiet on the Western Front / На Западном фронте без перемен. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Автор: Эрих Мария Ремарк

Эрих Мария Ремарк – один из самых известных немецких писателей ХХ века. Роман «На Западном фронте без перемен» рассказывает о поколении, которое погубила война, о тех, кто стал ее жертвой, даже если спасся от пуль. Это отчет о реальных событиях Первой мировой войны, рассказ о солдатском товариществе. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей, владеющих английским языком, для студентов языковых вузов, а также может быть рекомендована всем, кто самостоятельно изучает английский язык.

Серия: Modern Prose

Цена: 238 руб.
ISBN: 978-5-9925-1372-1


All the Light We Cannot See
All the Light We Cannot See

Автор: Anthony Doerr

WINNER OF THE 2015 PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTIONNATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALISTNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR FICTIONA beautiful, stunningly ambitious novel about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War IIOpen your eyes and see what you can with them before they close forever.’For Marie-Laure, blind since the age of six, the world is full of mazes. The miniature of a Paris neighbourhood, made by her father to teach her the way home. The microscopic layers within the invaluable diamond that her father guards in the Museum of Natural History. The walled city by the sea, where father and daughter take refuge when the Nazis invade Paris. And a future which draws her ever closer to Werner, a German orphan, destined to labour in the mines until a broken radio fills his life with possibility and brings him to the notice of the Hitler Youth.In this magnificent, deeply moving novel, the stories ofMarie-Laure and Werner illuminate the ways, against all odds, people try to be good to one another.

Цена: 822.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780007548682


America and the Great War
America and the Great War

Автор: D. James Clayton

In America and the Great War, 1914-1920, the accomplished writing team of D. Clayton James and Anne Sharp Wells provides a succinct account of the principal military, political, and social developments in United States History as the nation responded to, and was changed by, a world in crisis. A forthright examination of America's unprecedented military commitment and actions abroad, America and the Great War includes insights into the personalities of key Allied officers and civilian leaders as well as the evolution of the new American «citizen soldier.» Full coverage is given to President Wilson's beleaguered second term, the experience of Americans-including women, minorities, and recent arrivals-on the home front, and the lasting changes left in the Great War's wake.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9781118822937


Amiel s Journal
Amiel's Journal

Автор: Henri Fr?d?ric Amiel

Цена: Бесплатно


An Ember in the Ashes
An Ember in the Ashes

Автор: Sabaa Tahir

‘Tahir spins a captivating, heart-pounding fantasy’ Us WeeklyRead the explosive New York Times bestselling debut that’s captivated readers worldwide. Set to be a major motion picture, An Ember in the Ashes is the book everyone is talking about.What if you were the spark that could ignite a revolution?For years Laia has lived in fear. Fear of the Empire, fear of the Martials, fear of truly living at all. Born as a Scholar, she’s never had much of a choice.For Elias it’s the opposite. He has seen too much on his path to becoming a Mask, one of the Empire’s elite soldiers. With the Masks’ help the Empire has conquered a continent and enslaved thousands of Scholars, all in the name of power.When Laia’s brother is taken she must force herself to help the Resistance, the only people who have a chance of saving him. She must spy on the Commandant, ruthless overseer of Blackcliff Academy. Blackcliff is the training ground for Masks and the very place that Elias is planning to escape. If he succeeds, he will be named deserter. If found, the punishment will be death.But once Laia and Elias meet, they find that their destinies are intertwined and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire.In the ashes of a broken world one person can make a difference. One voice in the dark can be heard. The price of freedom is always high and this time that price might demand everything, even life itself.

Цена: 492.24 руб.
ISBN: 9780008125073


An Old Woman and Her Cat
An Old Woman and Her Cat

Автор: Дорис Лессинг

From the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing, a short story about a woman’s gradual drift outside the limits of society.An old woman, with gipsy blood, begins to find the conventions of society stifling – when her husband dies, and her children leave home, she embraces a marginal, unconventional existence, accompanied by her faithful cat.‘An Old Woman and Her Cat’ brilliantly combines Doris Lessing’s unforgiving examination of our society – and those it cannot accommodate and ulitmately fails – with a wonderful portrait of her favourite animal – the cat.This story also appears in the collection The Temptation of Jack Orkney.

Цена: 246.61 руб.
ISBN: 9780007525768


An Orphan’s War: One of the best historical fiction books you will read in 2018
An Orphan’s War: One of the best historical fiction books you will read in 2018

Автор: Molly Green

War rages, but the women and children of Liverpool’s Dr Barnardo’s Home cannot give up hope. An Orphan’s War is a gripping saga about love and loss on the Home Front.LIVERPOOL, 1940When her childhood sweetheart Johnny is killed in action, Maxine Grey loses more than her husband – she loses her best friend. Desperate to make a difference in this awful war, Maxine takes a nursing job at London’s St Thomas’s hospital.A BROKEN HEARTShe takes comfort in the attentions of a handsome surgeon, but Edwin Blake isn’t all he seems. And as the Blitz descends on the capital, Maxine faces more heartache. When she returns to Liverpool, she harbours a secret.A BRAVE SPIRITWhen Maxine is offered a job at a Dr Barnardo’s orphanage, she hopes this is the second chance she has been looking for. Do the orphans know that she needs them as much as they need her?A gripping story of love, friendship and hope in the darkest of places. Molly Green is an exciting new voice in saga fiction, perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries and Katie Flynn.

Цена: 439.62 руб.
ISBN: 9780008238988


An Unsafe Haven
An Unsafe Haven

Автор: Nada Jarrar Awar

'Captivating …There's a breadth of humanity in An Unsafe Haven which is very moving. I loved the sense of Lebanon and of what is unique and precious about the Arab world' Helen DunmoreSet in contemporary Beirut, a rich, illuminating and deeply moving novel about a group of friends whose lives are shaped and affected daily by the war in Syria.Imagine trying to live a normal life in a world which changes daily and where nothing is certain …Hannah has deep roots in Beirut, the city of her birth and of her family. Her American husband, Peter, has certainty only in her. They thought that they were used to the upheavals in Lebanon, but as the war in neighbouring Syria enters its fifth year, the region’s increasingly fragile state begins to impact on their lives in wholly different ways.An incident in a busy street brings them into direct contact with a Syrian refugee and her son. As they work to reunite Fatima with her family, her story forces Hannah to face the crisis of the expanding refugee camps, and to question the very future of her homeland.And when their close friend Anas, an artist, arrives to open his exhibition, shocking news from his home in Damascus raises uncomfortable questions about his loyalty to his family and his country.Heartrending and beautifully written, An Unsafe Haven is a universal story of people whose lives are tested and transformed, as they wrestle with the anguish of war, displacement and loss, but also with the vital need for hope.

Цена: 740.82 руб.
ISBN: 9780008165031


Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book
Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book

Автор: Fynn

Though her short life was vividly presented in Mister God, This is Anna, its huge success led to Fynn being inundated to write more about his experiences with her.Anna and the Black Knight introduces us to Mister John, a veteran of World War I and local schoolmaster, who was to have a profound effect on Anna. Anna's astonishing capacity for looking at things from fresh perspectives, and her fascination with mathematics and Mister God, stands her in good stead as her life is opened up to new things, such as school, priests and motor cars.This sequel also includes the full text of Anna’s Book, reproductions of her own letters and writings. Her artless and transparent conversations speak to the heart and are recorded using her own unique and colourful spellings. The book is again illustrated throughout with Papas’s unequalled drawings.

Цена: 782.25 руб.
ISBN: 9780007542901


Annie Groves 2-Book Valentine Collection: My Sweet Valentine, Where the Heart Is
Annie Groves 2-Book Valentine Collection: My Sweet Valentine, Where the Heart Is

Автор: Annie Groves

Two wonderfully heart-warming novels, available together for the first time, from the best-selling author of London Belles and As Time Goes By.My Sweet Valentine is an emotional portrayal of the lives of four women in wartime London.Tilly, Dulcie, Agnes and Sally are each making their own contribution to the Home Front. But the London of 1941 is a treacherous place, especially for the tender-hearted. As Valentine’s Day approaches, the perils of war threaten life as they know it and all matters of the heart.Where the Heart is tells the compelling drama of the Campion family, struggling to stay together as World War II rages over Liverpool.Lou Campion has joined the WAAFs, against the wishes of her parents and twin sister Sasha. Katie's plans for the future are dashed, Fran's young husband is close to death and Bella's impossible passion has to remain a secret. Yet even in the darkest hour there is hope – while their city is crumbling, the Campion’s pride is intact.

Цена: 219.35 руб.
ISBN: 9780007518487


Antenna Arrays. A Computational Approach
Antenna Arrays. A Computational Approach

Автор: Randy L. Haupt

A comprehensive tutorial on the design and practical applications of antenna arrays An antenna array is an assembly of antenna elements that maximizes a received or transmitted signal in a desired direction. This practical book covers a wide range of antenna array topics that are becoming increasingly important in wireless applications, with emphasis on array design, applications, and computer modeling. Each chapter in Antenna Arrays builds upon the previous chapter, progressively addressing more difficult material. Beginning with basic electromagnetics/antennas/antenna systems information, the book then deals with the analysis and synthesis of arrays of point sources and their associated array factors. It presents a sampling of different antenna elements that replace these point sources, then presents element configurations that do not have to lie along a line or in a plane. The complex and difficult-to-predict interactions of elements and electromagnetic waves are introduced, along with computer modeling and experiments that are necessary for predicting the performance of arrays where mutual coupling is important. Then, various approaches to getting signals to and from the array elements to a computer where the signal detection takes place are explored, as are the numerical techniques behind smart antennas. The book emphasizes the computational methods used in the design and analysis of array antennas. Also featured are signal processing and numerical modeling algorithms, as well as pictures of antenna arrays and components provided by industry and government sources, with explanations of how they operate. Fully course-tested, Antenna Arrays serves as a complete text in phased array design and theory for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in electronics and communications, as well as a reference for practicing engineers and scientists in wireless communications, radar, and remote sensing.

Цена: 17122 руб.
ISBN: 9780470937433



Автор: Ed Macy

An astonishing first book, Apache is a story of courage, comradeship, technology and tragedy, during the ongoing war in Afghanistan.‘Apache’ is the first book to come from the cockpit of the most sophisticated fighting helicopter the world has ever known. Designed in the mid 1980s to take on the Soviets, these machines have proven themselves as the perfect tool for combat in Afghanistan – the Apache is the helicopter Prince Harry pilots as a captain of the Army Air Corps.Ed Macy's account of the incredibly hard Apache selection process, tougher than that of the SAS, combined with his description of the sheer difficulty of flying one of these helicopters, provides a fascinating insight into the relationship between man and machine fighting in the toughest conditions imaginable.The climactic build-up to the rescue mission at Jugroom Fort is both dramatic and deeply moving. The rescue of Lance Corporal Mathew Ford has been hailed as one of the most remarkable and daring rescues of modern wartime and Ed's bravery on the ground at Jugroom Fort led to him being awarded the Military Cross – one of the first in the Army Air Corps' history.Taking the reader right to the heart of the war in Afghanistan, ‘Apache’ offers an unprecedented degree of proximity to the action and horror that troops in the region are faced with on a daily basis. Gripping from the first page to the last, it is utterly compelling and impossible to put down.

Цена: 576.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780007307470


Apache Mahout
Apache Mahout

Автор: Karsten Voigt

Серия: Shortcuts

Исполнители: Юрий Кузаков

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9783868025620


Apgultis 13
Apgultis 13

Автор: Tamas Dobozy

Kontrapunkto principu sudarytoje apsakymų rinktinėje vaizduojamas sovietų kariuomenės apsuptas Budapeštas baigiantis Antrajam pasauliniam karui ir šių dienų Vengrijos emigrantų išgyvenimai Vakaruose. Drastiško karo žiaurumo, jo prisiminimų ir traumų fone autorius atskleidžia aistrų dramą, poetinėmis metaforomis perteikia paradoksalią ir iš esmės prieštaringą žmogaus prigimtį; 2012 m. vengrų kilmės kanadietis Tamas Dobozy už šią knygą buvo apdovanotas Kanados rašytojų fondo grožinės literatūros prizu.

Цена: 394.58 руб.
Год: 2013
ISBN: 9789955346098


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