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Ñòðàíèöû: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
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Daughter of the House
Daughter of the House

Àâòîð: Rosie Thomas

A stunning novel from the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author of THE KASHMIR SHAWLLondon 1919Born into a down-at-heel family, Nancy Wix is more than her past dictates – more ambitious than the daughter of a faded showman, more original than a woman who will be confined by polite conventions. The end of the Great War has left a stricken London on the brink of an uncertain future, and with their hard-won freedoms now in doubt Nancy and her fellow suffragettes must strive all over again for the right to control their own destinies.At a time when shattered families are struggling to let go of their dead, Nancy discovers she has a gift that offers hope to the loved ones of the lost generation, and a chance encounter reveals a way in which she might use it for her own ends.As Nancy struggles to break free from the rigid bonds of society and find her place in the world, the only thing that could hold her back is her love for an unattainable man…

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007512072


Dead Spy Running
Dead Spy Running

Àâòîð: Jon Stock

Re-inventing the spy story for the 21st Century.John Le Carre meets Jason Bourne!Suspended MI6 agent Daniel Marchant is running out of time. He’s alongside a man strapped with explosives at the London Marathon. If they drop their speed the belt will detonate, killing all around them. But is Marchant secretly working for the terrorists?Marchant’s father, ex-chief of MI6, was accused by the CIA of treachery. To prove his innocence, Marchant must take a perilous journey via Poland and India to unearth his father’s dark past, test his relationship with fellow spy Leila and challenge the heavy hand of America’s war on terror.Most of all, he has to learn to trust no one.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007335725


Death Note, Folge 4: Treuebeweis
Death Note, Folge 4: Treuebeweis

Àâòîð: Tsugumi Ohba

Eine der beliebtesten Manga-Serien endlich als H?rspiel-Blockbuster Folge 4: Treuebeweis Eine Live-?bertragung des Fernsehsenders Sakura TV ersch?ttert ganz Japan: vor laufenden Kameras k?ndigt Kira den unmittelbaren Tod eines Nachrichtensprechers an. Als ein Polizist die weitere Ausstrahlung der Sendung zu verhindern versucht, stirbt auch er. Doch Kiras Wahl der Opfer scheint ver?ndert und unmoralischer als zuvor. Er t?tet pl?tzlich nach Lust und Laune. Sind das die Taten eines neuen Kira? L bleibt bei seinen Ermittlungen keine andere Wahl – er muss sich mit Light verb?nden, um die Wahrheit herauszufinden.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: David Turba

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838788999


Death or Victory: The Battle for Quebec and the Birth of Empire
Death or Victory: The Battle for Quebec and the Birth of Empire

Àâòîð: Dan Snow

An epic history of the battle of Quebec, the death of Wolfe and the beginnings of Britain’s empire in North America. Military history at its best.Perched on top of a tall promontory, surrounded on three sides by the treacherous St Lawrence River, Quebec – in 1759 France's capital city in Canada – forms an almost impregnable natural fortress. That year, with the Seven Years War raging around the globe, a force of 49 ships and nearly 9,000 men commanded by the irascible General James Wolfe, navigated the river, scaled the cliffs and laid siege to the town in an audacious attempt to expel the French from North America for ever.In this magisterial book which ties in to the 250th anniversary of the battle, Dan Snow tells the story of this famous campaign which was to have far-reaching consequences for Britain's rise to global hegemony, and the world at large. Snow brilliantly sets the battle within its global context and tells a gripping tale of brutal war quite unlike those fought in Europe, where terrain, weather and native Indian tribes were as fearsome as any enemy. 'I never served so disagreeable campaign as this,' grumbled one British commander, 'it is war of the worst shape.'1759 was, without question, a year in which the decisions of men changed the world for ever. Based on original research, and told from all perspectives, this is history – military, political, human – on an epic scale.

Öåíà: 1483.62 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007342952


Den of Thieves
Den of Thieves

Àâòîð: David Chandler

Enter a world of darkness and danger, honour, daring and destiny in David Chandler’s magnificent epic trilogy: The Ancient Blades.Croy is a knight errant, and bearer of an ancient blade with a powerful destiny. He's also kind of, well, dim. He believes in honour. He believes that people are fundamentally good, and will do the right thing if you give them a chance.Unfortunately, Croy lives in the city of Ness. A thriving medieval city of fifty thousand people, none of whom are fundamentally even decent, and who will gleefully stab you in the back. If you give them a chance.Ness is also the home to Malden. Malden is a thief. He lives by his wits, disarming cunning traps, sneaking past sleeping guards, and running away very fast whenever people are trying to kill him. Which is often. One time Malden stole a crown. And then he had to steal it back to avoid a civil war. Croy got the credit, of course, because he's a noble knight. Another time the two of them went into the tomb of an ancient warrior race, and Croy accidentally started a barbarian invasion. Guess who had to clean that up?They probably wouldn't be friends at all if it wasn't for Cythera. Cythera is a witch. A mostly-good witch. And despite herself she can't stop thieves and knights falling in love with her… At the same time.

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007384198


Der taube Himmel
Der taube Himmel

Àâòîð: Herbj?rg Wassmo

Ganz allein hat die f?nfzehnj?hrige Tora Johansen in Breiland, weit weg von zu Hause, ihre Schwangerschaft geheim gehalten, ihr Kind zur Welt gebracht und es vergraben. Tora ist fast daran zerbrochen. Dann ist es – wie schon so oft – ihre klarsichtige Tante Rakel, die ihr hilft, aus dem Abgrund herauszufinden. Es gelingt Rakel, Tora aus ihrer traumatischen Starre zu l?sen. Doch den Kampf gegen den Krebs verliert sie: Sie, die Unerschrockene, Aufrechte, sp?rt nur allzu deutlich, dass sie den kommenden Winter nicht mehr erleben wird. Rakels Tod rei?t eine L?cke in die Gemeinde auf Toras Heimatinsel. Und in ihr Leben. Tora versucht die L?cke zu schlie?en, indem sie selbst zu Rakel wird …

Öåíà: 1478.68 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783867548700


Der tut nix, der will nur morden! - Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live, Folge 6 (Ungek?rzt)
Der tut nix, der will nur morden! - Tatort Schreibtisch - Autoren live, Folge 6 (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Peter Godazgar

Ein Einbrecher mit Hexenschuss, ein fanatischer Toilettenpapiersammler, zwei Dumpfbacken, die eine Sex-Hotline f?r Damen mit gehobenem Anspruch er?ffnen: Es sind, gelinde gesagt, etwas schr?ge Typen, die Peter Godazgars Short Stories bev?lkern. Die meisten Akteure f?hren nichts B?ses im Schilde, wie etwa Manni Schibulski, der gr??te Udo-Lindenberg-Fan der Welt, der einfach nur in Ruhe den Geburtstag seines Stars feiern m?chte. Oder Helga, die Politesse, die in ihrem Eifer nicht merkt, dass es eben keine ganz normalen Falschparker sind, mit denen sie sich da anlegt. Allesamt vertr?gliche Typen, die wirklich niemandem etwas tun. Eigentlich. Man darf sie nur nicht ?rgern – Die Stories von Peter Godazgar geh?ren zum Lustigsten, was die deutsche Krimiszene zu bieten hat. Vom Autor gelesen, sind sie noch lustiger! «Tatort Schreibtisch – Autoren live» ist eine H?rbuch-Reihe, in der renommierte und beliebte Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller ihre eigenen B?cher vorstellen. Jeden Monat erscheint ein Roman, ungek?rzt und wie bei einer Autoren-Lesung vom Autor selbst eingesprochen. Das ist f?r Fans eine Chance, ihre Lieblingsautoren ganz neu kennenzulernen, und f?r alle anderen eine gute Gelegenheit, neue und besondere Autoren zu entdecken.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Peter Godazgar

Öåíà: 985.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838786360


Deserter: The Last Untold Story of the Second World War
Deserter: The Last Untold Story of the Second World War

Àâòîð: Charles Glass

The extraordinary story of the deserters of the Second World War. Who were they? What made them run? And what happened once they made the decision to flee?During the Second World War, the British lost 100,000 troops to desertion, and the Americans 40,000. Commonwealth forces from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Britain's colonial empire also left the ranks in their thousands. The overwhelming majority of deserters from all armies were front-line infantry troops; without them, the war was harder to win. Many of these men were captured and court martialled, while others were never apprehended. Some remain wanted to this day. Why did these men decide to flee their ranks?In ‘Deserter’, veteran reporter and historian Charles Glass follows a group of British and American deserters into the heat of battle and explores what motivated them to take their fateful decision to run away. The result is a highly emotional and engaging study of an under-explored area of World War II history.

Öåíà: 1566.48 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007476503


Diary Of A War Bride
Diary Of A War Bride

Àâòîð: Lauri Robinson

The land girl and the US OfficerJuly 1942Dear Diary, Despite the war raging around me, I find I can’t stop thinking about the American officer Sergeant Dale Johnson. I’ve never known anyone as brave, kind and handsome! But I promised myself I wouldn’t care this much about a man again—especially when he could be transferred at any time. Yet that only makes me want to relish our time together. Now, fighting my heart feels like the biggest battle…

Öåíà: 161.78 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474073868


Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill
Die Memoiren der Fanny Hill

Àâòîð: Anonym

Es w?hrte nicht lange, und schon sch?ttelte und schwang der junge Galan sein Ger?t zwei- oder dreimal; er warf sich auf Madame, und da er mir jetzt seinen R?cken zuwandte, konnte ich mir nur vorstellen, dass er sich in sie versenkt hatte, denn seine Bewegungen und die Unm?glichkeit, ein derart auffallendes Ziel zu verfehlen, schienen diesen Schluss als selbstverst?ndlich zuzulassen. Nun wankte das Bett, und die Vorh?nge raschelten so sehr, dass ich kaum das St?hnen, Fl?stern, Seufzen und Keuchen h?ren konnte, die das Treiben von Anfang bis Ende begleiteten. Der Anblick und die Ger?usche erregten mein Innerstes, und ich f?hlte fl?ssiges Feuer in meinen Adern brennen. Die Erregung wurde so heftig, dass mir der Atem stockte.

Ñåðèÿ: Cupitora

Öåíà: 788.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783958417809


Die unsichtbare Sammlung – Eine Episode aus der deutschen Inflation (Ungek?rzt)
Die unsichtbare Sammlung – Eine Episode aus der deutschen Inflation (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Stefan Zweig

Die unsichtbare Sammlung ist eine Novelle von Stefan Zweig aus dem Jahr 1927. Handlung: Der renommierte Berliner Kunstantiquar R. sucht aus rein beruflicher Neugierde «in einer der unm?glichsten Provinzst?dte, die es in Sachsen gibt», einen alten Kunden auf. Der Veteran mit Vornamen Herwarth, ein Forst- und ?konomierat a. D., Leutnant a. D. und Tr?ger des Eisernen Kreuzes erster Klasse, hatte seine regelm??igen K?ufe der „herrlichsten Bl?tter Rembrandts neben Stichen D?rers und Mantegnas“ seit Kriegsbeginn eingestellt. Ein Verkauf der 27 Mappen umfassenden Sammlung war dem Antiquar nicht aufgefallen. Also sucht R. erwartungsvoll den „gr??ten Sammler Deutschlands“ auf. Ohne Probleme dringt er zu Herwarth vor. Der alte Mann ist erblindet. Alle 27 Mappen sind vorhanden. Herwarth pr?sentiert die Bl?tter stolz, doch alle sind leer. Frau und Tochter Annemarie haben die Kostbarkeiten w?hrend der wirtschaftlich schwierigen 1920er Jahre St?ck f?r St?ck verschleudert und somit die kinderreiche Familie mit M?he und Not ?ber Wasser gehalten. Antiquar R., kurz vor der „Pr?sentation“ von den verunsicherten beiden Frauen ?ber ihren Betrug ins Bild gesetzt, spielt mit. Auf gener?ses Anerbieten Herwarths verspricht R. zudem, dessen ausgeraubte Mappen nach dem Ableben des gro?en Sammlers zu verwalten. Mit einem einsamen Stern im Blick legt sich Fran?ois auf die Schienen und l?sst sein Leben durch den Zug, in dem seine Angebetete sitzt, beenden.

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Karlheinz Gabor

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783991177579


Domes of Fire
Domes of Fire

Àâòîð: David Eddings

Here begins a David Eddings trilogy, set a few years after the events of The Elenium…At the conclusion of The Elenium the company of Pandion Knights led by Sir Sparhawk, having freed Queen Ehlana of Elenia from the spell which threatened her life, had marched on Zemoch, routed their enemies and defeated or destroyed the evil god Azash. Sparhawk returned to Elenia, where he and Ehlana were married.But their peaceful reign is destined not to last long. A few years later, in the Tamul Empire far to the east, unrest is brewing which threatens the nation’s stability. Investigations show that the trouble is clearly of paranormal origin, and suspicion at first falls upon the Styrics. These suspicions prove unfounded, and indeed it is the pre-eminent Styric magician Zalasta who suggests that the Empire look westwards for assistance in solving their problems… specifically, to the legendary warrior Sparhawk.

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007368037


Double Entry
Double Entry

Àâòîð: Margaret McKinlay

John Leith is an easy-going Edinburgh accountant, a widower with a young son, and a long-standing relationship with an attractive woman which neither wants to turn into marriage.Suddenly his life is disturbed when he is attacked in his office, his flat searched and vandalised, and his sister’s home broken into. John can discern no reason for the incidents but as the violence against him steps up he begins to feel like a tethered goat and is drawn willy-nilly into the activities of his uncle’s detective agency, which seems to offer his best hope of protection, to say nothing of discovering what lies behind these unprovoked attacks.But when his unknown enemies turn their attention to those who matter most to him, John Leith discovers that he too can use violence when necessary, and Margaret McKinlay’s first novel reaches a shattering climax as the identity of the villains and their true motive are finally unmasked.

Öåíà: 1103.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008252731


Dreams of Water
Dreams of Water

Àâòîð: Nada Jarrar Awar

Set during the 1980s civil war in Lebanon, ‘Dreams of Water’ is complusively readable, deceptively simple and overwhelmingly moving.'If you could tell me just one thing about yourself, what would it be?'She begins, 'I would say that I once lost a brother.'As a young man disappears, his family is left wondering, hoping, fearing for what may have become of him. It is only through his loss that they begin to truly understand the deep bond of love that ties their family together.Aneesa, his sister, feels the loss of her brother intensely and, unable to live in the vacuum left by his disappearance, she leaves her home and all she holds dear. She moves to London seeking a new life, new friends, and a release from her sorrow. There she meets an older man, another exile who reminds her of home. Brought together by their shared feeling for their homeland, they form an unlikely friendship. Yet, Aneesa finds she cannot mourn without knowing the truth about her brother's death, she cannot get on with her life without some certainty.Meanwhile, back home, Aneesa's mother is grieving for her son. Unable to cope with his loss, she resorts to her community's traditional beliefs and imagines he has been reincarnated. Aneesa reluctantly returns home, determined to uncover the truth behind her brother's disappearance, and rekindle the sense of belonging that she left behind.‘Dreams of Water’ is a moving story of love, loss and family. Set against a backdrop of upheaval and violence, it reminds us of the importance of hope, of love, and of the strength of family.

Öåíà: 740.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007547029


Dunkirk: The History Behind the Major Motion Picture
Dunkirk: The History Behind the Major Motion Picture

Àâòîð: Joshua Levine

THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERTHE EPIC TRUE STORY OF DUNKIRK – NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE, WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY CHRISTOPHER NOLAN, AND STARRING KENNETH BRANAGH, TOM HARDY, AND MARK RYLANCE.In 1940, at the French port of Dunkirk, more than 300,000 trapped Allied troops were dramatically rescued from destruction at the hands of Nazi Germany by an extraordinary seaborne evacuation. The true history of the soldiers, sailors, airmen and civilians involved in the nine-day skirmish has passed into legend. Now, the story Winston Churchill described as a 'miracle' is narrated by bestselling author Joshua Levine in its full, sweeping context, including new interviews with veterans and survivors.Told from the viewpoints of land, sea and air, Joshua Levine’s Dunkirk is a dramatic account of a defeat that paved the way to ultimate victory and preserved liberty for generations to come.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008227883


Dunkle Flut - Jack Deveraux 5 (Inszenierte Lesung)
Dunkle Flut - Jack Deveraux 5 (Inszenierte Lesung)

Àâòîð: Xenia Jungwirth

Er ist jung. Er ist mutig. Und er ist auf der Jagd: Jack Deveraux – der D?monenj?ger. Wasser ist die Quelle des Lebens – und des Todes – Was sind das f?r merkw?rdige Pf?tzen, die Jack Deveraux und seine Assistentin Emma in ihren Wohnungen entdecken? Als Jack mitten auf der Stra?e beinahe in seinem Auto ertrinkt, wird klar: Sie m?ssen den Kampf mit einem Wesen aufnehmen, das weitaus gef?hrlicher ist als alles, gegen das sie je angetreten sind. Dieser D?mon kann das Wasser beherrschen. Er will Jacks Tod. Und es scheint nichts zu geben, was ihn aufhalten kann. Muss Emma von nun an allein gegen die dunklen M?chte bestehen?

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Patrick Roche

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783838785349


El arte de acompa?ar desde la experiencia de la JOC
El arte de acompa?ar desde la experiencia de la JOC

Àâòîð: Emiliano Almod?var

Ñåðèÿ: EMAUS

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Ñåðãåé Äåìèäîâ

Öåíà: 590.88 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788498058161


El inconsciente escolar
El inconsciente escolar

Àâòîð: Guillermo Federico Sperr

La presente obra intenta realizar un aporte a la elaboraci?n de un modelo conceptual que permita la lectura del fen?meno educativo desde una perspectiva ecl?ctica. Esto quiere decir que el autor recurre a l?neas de pensamiento de diferentes campos, principalmente la filosof?a del lenguaje, el an?lisis institucional, el psicoan?lisis, el esquizoan?lisis y la sociolog?a para poner en tensi?n aquello que se ha gestado en el ?mbito escolar como «saber no sabido» y que de este modo se dispone como inconsciente institucional al momento que se toma a ese «saber» como textura que condiciona o determina las pr?cticas en todos los ?mbitos de la vida humana. En este caso, analizamos espec?ficamente algunas de las pr?cticas educativas instituidas desde el modelo propuesto, lo que permite, a docentes, estudiantes, y sobre todo, a responsables de gesti?n, intervenir sobre la vertiente intitucionalizada de la pr?ctica educativa para poder producir l?gicas alternativas a la «reproducci?n de la ideolog?a dominante» descripta por los desarrollos sociol?gicos y pol?ticos cr?ticos del dispositivo escolar tal y como se encuentra en nuestros d?as y en nuestras latitudes.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789878717999



Àâòîð: Alexander Smith McCall

Beloved and bestselling author Alexander McCall Smith lends his delightful touch to the Austen classic, Emma.‘It's comfort reading at its most soothing’ IndependentPrepare to meet a young woman who thinks she knows everything.Fresh from university, Emma Woodhouse triumphantly arrives home in Norfolk ready to embark on adult life with a splash. Not only has her sister, Isabella, been whisked away on a motorcycle up to London, but her astute governess, Miss Taylor is at a loose end, abandoned in the giant family pile, Hartfield, alongside Emma’s anxiety-ridden father. Someone is needed to rule the roost and young Emma is more than happy to oblige.As she gets her fledging design business off the ground, there is plenty to delight her in the buzzing little village of Highbury. At the helm of her own dinner parties and instructing her new little prot?g?e, Harriet Smith, Emma reigns forth. But there is only one person who can play with Emma’s indestructible confidence, her old friend and inscrutable neighbour George Knightley – this time has Emma finally met her match?You don’t have to be in London to go to parties, find amusement or make trouble. Not if you’re Emma, the very big fish in the rather small pond. But for a young woman who knows everything, Emma has a lot to learn about herself.Ever alive to the uproarious nuances of human behaviour, and both the pleasures and pitfalls of village life, beloved author Alexander McCall Smith’s Emma is the busybody we all know and love, and a true modern delight.

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007553877


Emotional Confidence: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence
Emotional Confidence: Simple Steps to Build Your Confidence

Àâòîð: Gael Lindenfield

Knowing how our feelings work allows us to tame our temperament. Gael Lindenfield takes the latest research into the body/mind/behaviour cycle and explores how we can control our body, mind and behaviour to have healthy relationships, happy selves and successful working lives. Many who are emotionally highly-strung are given tips to

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007568888


Empire of Silver
Empire of Silver

Àâòîð: Conn Iggulden

The 4th novel in the bestselling Conqueror series, continuing the life and adventures of the mighty Khan dynasty.Genghis Khan is dead, but his legend and his legacy live on. His son Ogedai has built a white city on a great plain and made a capital for the new nation. Now the armies have gathered to see which of Genghis' sons has the strength to be khan. The Mongol empire has been at peace for two years, but whoever survives will face the formidable might of their great enemy, China’s Song dynasty.The great leader Tsubodai sweeps into the west: through Russia, over the Carpathian mountains and into Hungary. The Templar knights have been broken and there is no king or army to stop him reaching France. But at the moment of Tsubodai's greatest triumph, as his furthest scouts reach the northern mountains of Italy, Tsubodai must make a decision that will change the course of history forever.

Öåíà: 1104.82 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007285426


Empire of the Sun
Empire of the Sun

Àâòîð: John Lanchester

The heartrending story of a British boy’s four year ordeal in a Japanese prison camp during the Second World War.Based on J. G. Ballard’s own childhood, this is the extraordinary account of a boy’s life in Japanese-occupied wartime Shanghai – a mesmerising, hypnotically compelling novel of war, of starvation and survival, of internment camps and death marches. It blends searing honesty with an almost hallucinatory vision of a world thrown utterly out of joint.Rooted as it is in the author’s own disturbing experience of war in our time, it is one of a handful of novels by which the twentieth century will be not only remembered but judged.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007283132


Empires of the Dead: How One Man’s Vision Led to the Creation of WWI’s War Graves
Empires of the Dead: How One Man’s Vision Led to the Creation of WWI’s War Graves

Àâòîð: David Crane

Before WWI, little provision was made for the burial of the war dead. Soldiers were often unceremoniously dumped in a mass grave; officers shipped home to be buried in local cemeteries.The great cemeteries of WWI came about as a result of the efforts of one inspired visionary. In 1914, Fabian Ware, at 45, was too old to enlist. Instead, he joined the Red Cross, working on the frontline in France. There he was horrified by the ignominious end to the lives of many of the soldiers who, buried hastily, were often lost as the battlelines moved backward and forward over the same ground. He recorded their identity and the position of their graves, and his work was quickly officially recognised, with a Graves Registration Commission being set up. As reports of their work became public, the Commission was flooded with letters from grieving relatives around the world.Critically acclaimed author David Crane gives a profoundly moving account of the creation of the great citadels to the dead, which involved leading figures of the day, including Kipling, Lutyens and Gertrude Jekyll. It is the story of both cynical political motivation, as governments sought to justify the sacrifices made, as well as the outpouring of great personal grief, following the ‘war to end all wars’.

Öåíà: 549.76 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007552733


Enchanter: Book Two of the Axis Trilogy
Enchanter: Book Two of the Axis Trilogy

Àâòîð: Sara Douglass

Epic fantasy in the tradition of Trudi Canavan, Fiona McIntosh and Robert Jordan. Sara Douglass returns us to a world in the grip of prophecy and war …‘Welcome Axis, into the House of SunSoar and into my heart… Sing well and fly high and may nothing and no-one tear your feet from the path of the Star Dance again.’Axis has fled to Talon Spike, the home of the Icarii, where he must learn to wield his Enchanter powers to fulfil the Prophecy.Somehow he must lead the Icarii and the Avar back into Achar, defeat his half-brother Borneheld and reunite the former kingdom of Tencendor under his rule.Meanwhile, Gorgrael waits impatiently for winter, to continue his destructive drive into the heart of Achar…

Öåíà: 988.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007381364


Erfolglose Job-Bewerbungen als Chance sehen!
Erfolglose Job-Bewerbungen als Chance sehen!

Àâòîð: Antonio Rudolphios

Sie haben bereits ?ber einhundert Bewerbungen verschickt und auf die meisten nicht eine Antwort erhalten. Es hagelt nur so von Absagen. Sie wollen arbeiten und nicht «auf St?tze gehen». Sie sind v?llig am Boden zerst?rt, sehen absolut keine Perspektive mehr. Ihr Selbstwertgef?hl ist bei null. Sie sind v?llig frustriert.
Frage: Spiegelt das in etwa Ihre Situation wieder?
Falls Ihre Antwort «Ja» lautet, hier ein echter Geheimtipp: Sehen Sie Ihre aktuelle Job-Krise nicht als etwas Negatives, sondern als eine neue Chance! Ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen! Bestimmt sind Sie jetzt verwundert!? Denn daran, Ihre Job-Absagen als etwas Positives zu sehen, haben Sie bisher sicherlich noch gar nicht gedacht, stimmt's?
Wenn Sie neugierig geworden sind und nun erfahren wollen, wie Sie Ihre berufliche Krise ganz konkret als Chance nutzen k?nnen, dann sollten Sie sich dieses Ratgeber-eBook sichern! Erhalten Sie darin zahlreiche, weitere ?berraschende Denkanst??e – damit auch Sie Ihre berufliche Situation trotz der vielen Absagen erfolgreich meistern und neu durchstarten k?nnen!

Öåíà: 689.53 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783752904215


Escada De Cristal
Escada De Cristal

Àâòîð: Alessandra Grosso

Apenas os sonhadores movem montanhas. Bem vindo ? minha hist?ria. Este livro ? uma mera cole??o de pesadelos, sem qualquer pretens?o a n?o ser para deix?-lo entrar nas intrincadas dobras de minha mente. Acho que todo mundo j? teve pesadelos na vida, dormindo ou acordado; Posso dizer que sou um impressionante especialista e em terrores adormecidos. Pesadelos de olhos fechados s?o minha maldi??o pessoal: eu os tenho desde crian?a e nunca consegui explicar o porqu?. Minha inf?ncia sempre esteve relacionada ao medo de que algo catastr?fico estivesse para acontecer, seja para mim ou para as pessoas que eu amava. Bem vindo ? minha hist?ria. Este livro ? uma mera cole??o de pesadelos, sem qualquer pretens?o a n?o ser para deix?-lo entrar nas intrincadas dobras de minha mente. Acho que todo mundo j? teve pesadelos na vida, dormindo ou acordado; Posso dizer que sou um impressionante especialista e em terrores adormecidos. Pesadelos de olhos fechados s?o minha maldi??o pessoal: eu os tenho desde crian?a e nunca consegui explicar o porqu?. Minha inf?ncia sempre esteve relacionada ao medo de que algo catastr?fico estivesse para acontecer, seja para mim ou para as pessoas que eu amava. Eu geralmente sentia algo semelhante a uma respira??o fria em meu pesco?o que fazia meus cabelos ficarem em p?; aquela m?o gelada e viscosa tocando suas costas que o deixa assustado, horrorizado. De vez em quando, minha vis?o escurecia completamente e, para me sentir mais ? vontade, eu tinha que ir e me deitar na cama. No entanto, mesmo entrando em meu quarto, eu temia o que encontraria quando finalmente fechasse os olhos. As coisas n?o melhoraram nada na minha adolesc?ncia: logo depois de um sonho, sempre acordava suando, tremendo. De manh?, ent?o, obviamente, eu teria que encarar a vida novamente como todo mundo, embora ainda duvidasse do meu futuro. Mas sempre que eu tinha escolhas pessoais a fazer que os pesadelos pioravam. Naqueles momentos, minha vida se tornava um inferno facilmente; eu me fechei totalmente e sempre me perguntei o que havia conquistado at? agora e o que queria da minha vida em seguida. Com o tempo, comecei a escrever meus sonhos, junto com meus desejos, a fim de analis?-los e ver se um dia se realizaram. Isso me ajudou a lan?ar alguma luz sobre essas quest?es mais de uma vez. Ent?o pensei comigo mesmo que contaria tudo sobre meus terrores, embelezando cada um e incluindo-os em uma cole??o de todas as emo??es arrepiantes que j? experimentei. Pe?o desculpas por este presente frio da minha parte, mas minha mente tamb?m ? um lugar frio e bagun?ado. ? a mente de uma mulher, de uma lutadora que enfrentou o mal abertamente e optou por falar sobre ele. Embora minhas palavras possam ?s vezes ferir as almas mais suscet?veis, n?o pretendo reivindicar uma posi??o moral elevada sobre quaisquer um de voc?s. Todos tem sua pr?pria vis?o de mundo; sentimos e moldamos tudo de acordo com o que nos cerca. E depois de todas as prova??es que suportei ao longo da vida, agora me esfor?o para usar meu olhar interior para criar uma vis?o mais frut?fera do futuro. Gostaria de ver um futuro cheio de sonhos, estudos, viagens: os sonhos s?o basicamente desejos que o nosso cora??o faz. Quanto aos pesadelos, por?m… Pesadelos de olhos fechados sempre foram minha especialidade, e h? v?rias raz?es por tr?s desse fen?meno, mas a principal provavelmente ? que eu sou uma pessoa tolerante, mas emocional e sens?vel; ao longo de minha vida, experimentei, de fato, tanto espinhos em meu lado quanto muitos dias de chuva. Mas sempre busquei a luz e acho que a melhor maneira de ilustrar essa parte de mim ? por meio do meu poema favorito: M?e para filho, de Langston Hughes.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835425311


Every Home Needs A Balcony
Every Home Needs A Balcony

Àâòîð: Rina Frank

This international bestseller tells the bittersweet story of one family, one home, and the surprising arc of one woman's life, from the poverty of her youth, to the intense love and painful losses of her adult years.Braiding together the past and present, Every Home Needs a Balcony relays the life story of a young Jewish girl, the child of Romanian immigrants, who lives with her family in the poverty-stricken heart of 1950s Haifa, Israel.Eight-year-old Rina, her older sister, and her parents inhabit a cramped apartment with a narrow balcony that becomes an intimate, shared stage on which the joys and dramas of the building's daily life are played out. It also a window through which Rina witnesses the emergence of a strange new country, born from the ashes of World War II. While her mother cleans houses and her father drifts from job to job, as the years pass Rina becomes desperate to escape her crowded, dirty surroundings. Eventually she falls in love with a wealthy Spaniard and moves to a luxury apartment in Barcelona.Yet although she enjoys money and status in her new land, it is not Israel. Longing for the past, Rina, now pregnant, returns to the simple life she has missed – a move that soothes her soul, but destroys her marriage. Alone, raising a new baby, comes the painful realization that no matter how much she yearns for the past, the old Haifa of her boisterous youth has gone.Told with the light touch of a humorous, incredibly dexterous writer, Every Home Needs a Balcony reveals how our choices shape us – and how we learn to survive life's most surprising turns.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007539093


Evie’s Choice
Evie’s Choice

Àâòîð: Terri Nixon

1917. Driving an ambulance through the mud in Flanders, aristocrat Evie Creswell is a long way from home. At Oaklands Manor all she had been expected to do was to look pretty and make a good marriage. But with the arrival of World War One everything changed…And Evie, to the horror of her family, does not choose a husband from her blue-blooded set; instead she weds artist Will Davies, who works as a butcher’s apprentice. Soon she is struggling nightly to transport the wounded to hospital, avoiding the shells and gas attacks – her privileged home life, and her family’s disappointment at her marriage, a lifetime away.And while Evie drives an ambulance in Belgium, Will is in the trenches in France. He withdraws from her, the trauma of his experience taking hold. Evie has the courage to deal with her war work, but it breaks her heart to think she is losing Will’s love. Can their marriage survive this terrible war? That is, if they both get out alive…Perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries, Dilly Court and Annie Murray.The story continues in Kitty’s War out now!Previously published as A Rose in Flanders Field.Praise for Terri Nixon'This is a wonderful, wonderful read. It sucked me in from the very beginning and just made me one with the story. Journey with Books 'Exciting and poignant by turns, with both laughter and tears, [it] will grip you from the first page to the last.' Shaz's Book Blog

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472096470


Fairy Magic: All about fairies and how to bring their magic into your life
Fairy Magic: All about fairies and how to bring their magic into your life

Àâòîð: Rosemary Guiley Ellen

Fairy Magic provides practical instruction for seeing, communicating and working with fairies and is a natural companion to Rosemary Ellen Guiley’s An Angel in Your Pocket and Margaret Neylon’s Angel Magic.This ebook explains the fairy realm and provides material for communicating with fairies. Drawing upon her personal experiences with fairies and scholarly research, this mini guide includes:Fairies’ relationship to angelsFairy tales and folkloreHow to see fairiesCommunicating and working with fairiesFavours for fairies, their favourite foodsHousehold fairiesGarden fairiesFairies of naturePlanetary fairiesHealing work with fairiesThe special relationship between children and fairies

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007388486


Faith - The Van Helsing Chronicles, Folge 33: Blutdurst
Faith - The Van Helsing Chronicles, Folge 33: Blutdurst

Àâòîð: Simeon Hrissomallis

Angst … Sie hatte Angst … Todesangst …! Sie atmete tief ein und versuchte, ohne den geringsten Laut von sich zu geben, aus ihrem Gef?ngnis zu entfliehen. Ganz langsam bewegte sie ihren Kopf … Nur ihre Gedanken ?berschlugen sich … Es war niemand zu sehen. Doch das t?uschte! Wie zwei m?chtige Stahlklammern packten die H?nde die Frau und zogen sie zu sich. Sie blickte in sein Gesicht, das zu einem breiten diabolischen Grinsen verzerrt war. Er ?ffnete langsam den Mund … und dann erblickte sie zwei lange, rasiermesserscharfe Vampirhauer!

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Nana Spier

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 4260507144386


Fantastische Geschichten 2. Band
Fantastische Geschichten 2. Band

Àâòîð: Alexandre Dumas

"Das Testament von Herrn de Chauvelin": W?hrend Dumas seinen alten Freund Herrn Villenave besucht, erh?lt er einen Brief, in dem er ?ber den Tod eines lieben Freundes informiert wird, von dem er einen Pastellbesitz hatte. Aber dieses Portr?t aus dem Beh?lter fiel, wo er genau in dem Moment hing, als die Dame ihren letzten Atemzug gemacht … Diese beunruhigende Zufall erinnert dem alten Mann an eine andere merkw?rdige Geschichte, die er erlebt hat, und er vertraut sie den Autor an. Die zweite Geschichte «Die Herren der Sierra-Morena» hat zum Inhalt, dass vor dem Hintergrund der Sierra-Morena, die Dumas mit seinen Freunden durchstreift, die tragische Liebesgeschichte des Don Bernardo de Zuniga und der Anna von Ni?bla erz?hlt wird, die sich beide als Geister begegnen.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783966511018


Fighter Boys and Bomber Boys: Saving Britain 1940-1945
Fighter Boys and Bomber Boys: Saving Britain 1940-1945

Àâòîð: Patrick Bishop

Two of Patrick Bishop’s bestselling books, ‘Fighter Boys’ and ‘Bomber Boys’, are combined in one eBook edition.FIGHTER BOYS: In the summer of 1940, the future of Britain and the free world depended on the morale and skill of the young men of Fighter Command. This is their story.The Battle of Britain is one of the most crucial battles ever fought, and the victory of Fighter Command over the Luftwaffe has always been celebrated as a classic feat of arms. But, as Patrick Bishop shows in this superb history, it was also a triumph of the spirit in which the attitudes of the pilots themselves played a crucial part. Reaching beyond the myths to convey the fear and exhilaration of life on this most perilous of frontlines, Patrick Bishop offers an intimate and compelling account that is a soaring tribute to the exceptional young men of Fighter Command.BOMBER BOYS: Patrick Bishop looks at the lives and the extraordinary risks that the painfully young pilots of Bomber Command took during the air-offensive against Germany from 1940-1945.Like RAF pilots, the thousands of brave young men who joined Bomber Command took to the air to help Britain triumph in World War Two. But in the glow of victory, the fighter pilots were lauded for their efforts while the Bomber Boys faded in national memory. Crucial in the heat of combat, they were politically awkward afterwards. Yet with an average life expectancy shorter than that of soldiers on the Western front in WWI, these men faced death, injury and capture time and again to send bombs through the shrieking flak onto enemy territory. ‘Bomber Boys’ is a tribute to their strength, courage and heroism – filling in the historical blanks and immortalising their memory.

Öåíà: 1236.02 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007511037


Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45
Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940–45

Àâòîð: Ìàêñ Õåéñòèíãñ

Pre-eminent military historian Max Hastings presents Winston Churchill as he has never been seen before.Winston Churchill was the greatest war leader Britain ever had. In 1940, the nation rallied behind him in an extraordinary fashion. But thereafter, argues Max Hastings, there was a deep divide between what Churchill wanted from the British people and their army, and what they were capable of delivering. Himself a hero, he expected others to show themselves heroes also, and was often disappointed. It is little understood how low his popularity fell in 1942, amid an unbroken succession of battlefield defeats. Some of his closest colleagues joined a clamour for him to abandon his role directing the war machine. Hastings paints a wonderfully vivid image of the Prime Minister in triumph and tragedy. He describes the 'second Dunkirk' in 1940, when Churchill's impulsiveness threatened to lose Britain almost as many troops in north-west France as had been saved from the beaches; his wooing of the Americans, and struggles with the Russians. British wartime unity was increasingly tarnished by workers' unrest, with many strikes in mines and key industries.By looking at Churchill from the outside in, through the eyes of British soldiers, civilians and newspapers, and also those of Russians and Americans, Hastings provides new perspectives on the greatest Englishman. He condemns as folly Churchill's attempt to promote mass uprisings in occupied Europe, and details 'Unthinkable', his amazing 1945 plan for an Allied offensive against the Russians to liberate Poland. Here is an intimate and affectionate portrait of Churchill as Britain's saviour, but also an unsparing examination of the wartime nation which he led and the performance of its armed forces.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007344116


Fire and Sword
Fire and Sword

Àâòîð: Harry Sidebottom

‘Absorbing and brilliant … Game of Thrones without the dragons’ THE TIMESThe third book in Sidebottom’s epic series set in third century Rome; a dramatic era of murder, coup, counter-rebellions and civil war.Rome AD238. The Year of the Six Emperors.The empire is in turmoil. With the Gordiani, father and son, dead in Africa, the tyrant Maximinus Thrax vies to reclaim the throne.The Senate, who supported the revolt of the Gordiani, must act quickly to avoid the vengeance of Maximinus. They elect two Senators to share the imperial purple. But fighting erupts in the streets as ambitious men call for violent revolution.Can the new Augusti hold the city together as the empire’s farthest territories fight off bloody attacks from the Goths and the Persians in the east?In the north of Italy, Maximinus descends on Aquileia. Against the odds, Menophilus, an old friend of the younger Gordian, prepares to defend the town. In one of the greatest sieges of the empire, its fate will be decided in a fight for victory, for revenge, for Rome.Filled with intrigue, betrayal and bloody battle, Fire & Sword creates a magnificent world built on brutality and political games, where no one is safe from retribution – not even those who dare to rule.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007499946


First Man In: Leading from the Front
First Man In: Leading from the Front

Àâòîð: Ant Middleton

NUMBER 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERNo one is born a leader. But through sheer determination and by confronting life’s challenges, Ant Middleton has come to know the meaning of true leadership. In First Man In, he shares the core lessons he’s learned over the course of his fascinating, exhilarating life.Special forces training is no walk in the park. The rules are strict and they make sure you learn the hard way, pushing you beyond the limits of what is physically possible. There is no mercy. Even when you are bleeding and broken, to admit defeat is failure.To survive the gruelling selection process to become a member of the elite you need toughness, aggression, meticulous attention to detail and unrelenting self-discipline, all traits that make for the best leaders.After 13 years service in the military, with 4 years as a Special Boat Service (SBS) sniper, Ant Middleton is the epitome of what it takes to excel. He served in the SBS, the naval wing of the special forces, the Royal Marines and 9 Parachute Squadron Royal, achieving what is known as the ‘Holy Trinity’ of the UK’s Elite Forces. As a point man in the SBS, Ant was always the first man through the door, the first man into the dark, and the first man in harm’s way.In this fascinating, exhilarating and revealing book, Ant speaks about the highs and gut-wrenching lows of his life – from the thrill of passing Special Forces Selection to dealing with the early death of his father and ending up in prison on leaving the military – and draws valuable lessons that we can all use in our daily lives.

Öåíà: 1656.05 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008245740


Five Sites, Five Stages: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff
Five Sites, Five Stages: A Story from the collection, I Am Heathcliff

Àâòîð: Lisa McInerney

A story from Lisa McInerney to stir the heart and awaken vital conversations about love.Heidi wanders around the market to by fudge for her girlfriend, Cass. But why can she not deliver it to the hospital herself? What has she done?

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008303198


For Five Shillings a Day: Personal Histories of World War II
For Five Shillings a Day: Personal Histories of World War II

Àâòîð: Dr. Campbell-Begg Richard

An amazing collection of eyewitness accounts of the British experience in World War II. First-hand narratives are drawn from every rank of the army and every corner of the conflict to create a moving and illuminating story of the greatest war of this century.Fascinating, moving, frightening, sometimes comic, this selection of eyewitness accounts has been edited into chronological order to form a magnificent oral history of the British and Commonwealth forces at war.We follow some 60 interviewees from the Army, RAF and Navy from 1939 to the Battle of Britain, the Desert War, the fall of Singapore, the Italian campaign, D-Day, to the occupation of Germany and the war in Burma. We hear from fighter pilots, nurses, gunners, commandos, Chindits and paratroopers. Their experiences on land, sea, in the air…and in some cases as prisoners of the Germans or Japanese are unique testimony from some remarkable men and women.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007555826


For The People
For The People

Àâòîð: Anelia Schutte

A true story of small-town apartheidAnelia Schutte grew up in Knysna – a beautiful town on the coast of South Africa, centred around a picturesque lagoon and popular with tourists. But there was another side to Knysna that those tourists never saw. In the hills surrounding the town with its exclusively white population lay the townships and squatter camps where the coloured and black people were forced to live.Most white children would never go to the other side of the hill, but Anelia did. Her earliest memories are of being the only white girl at a cr?che for black children that her mother, Ow?na, set up in the 1980s as a social worker serving the black community.Thirty years on, Anelia, now living in London, yearns to find out more about her mother’s work, and to understand the political unrest that clouded South Africa at the time. She returns to Knysna to find the truth about the town she grew up in, from the stories and memories of the people who were there.For the People is an exploration of apartheid South Africa through the eyes of Ow?na – a white woman who worked tirelessly for the black people of Knysna and found herself swept up in their struggle. They called her Nobantu: ‘for the people'.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472090980



Àâòîð: Nicola Cornick

Scandal isn't just for rogues, as the daring women in USA TODAY bestselling author Nicola Cornick's scintillating new series prove….As maid to some of the most wanton ladies of the ton, Margery Mallon lives within the boundaries of any sensible servant. Entanglements with gentlemen are taboo. Wild adventures are for the Gothic novels she secretly reads. Then an intriguing stranger named Mr. Ward offers her a taste of passion, and suddenly the wicked possibilities are too tempting to resist….Henry Atticus Richard Ward is no ordinary gentleman. He’s Lord Wardeaux and he is determined to unite Margery with her newfound inheritance by any means—including seduction and deception. But when the ton condemns the scandalous servant-turned-countess and an unknown danger prepares to strike, will Margery accept Henry's protection in exchange for her trust?

Öåíà: 410.36 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781472010315


Force 10 from Navarone
Force 10 from Navarone

Àâòîð: Alistair MacLean

The thrilling sequel to Alistair MacLean’s masterpiece of World War II adventure, The Guns of Navarone.The guns of Navarone have been silenced, but the heroic survivors have no time to rest on their laurels. Almost before the last echoes of the famous guns have died away, Keith Mallory, Andrea and Dusty Miller are parachuting into war-torn Yugoslavia to rescue a division of Partisans … and to fulfil a secret mission, so deadly that it must be hidden from their own allies.

Öåíà: 661.58 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007289288


Forest Mage
Forest Mage

Àâòîð: Ðîáèí Õîáá

‘Fantasy as it ought to be written’ George R.R. MartinThe King's Cavalla Academy has been ravaged by the Speck plague.The disease has decimated the ranks of both cadets and instructors, and even the survivors remain sickly. Many have been forced to relinquish their military ambitions and return to their families to face lives of dependency and disappointment.As the Academy infirmary empties, Cadet Nevare Burvelle also prepares to journey home, to attend his brother Rosse's wedding. Far from being a broken man, Nevare is hale and hearty after his convalescence. He has defeated his nemesis, Tree Woman and freed himself of the Speck magic that infected him and attempted to turn him against his own people. A bright future awaits him as a commissioned officer betrothed to a beautiful young noblewoman.Yet his nights are still haunted by dreams of the voluptuous Tree Woman, dreams in which his Speck self betrays everything he holds dear in his waking life. Has the plague infected him in ways far more mysterious than the merely physical?Despite his fears, Nevare will journey back to Widevale in high spirits, in full expectation of a jubilant homecoming and a tender reunion with his beautiful fianc?e, Carsina. But his life is about to take a shocking turn, as the magic in his blood roars to life and forces him to recognize that his most dangerous enemy, an enemy that seeks to destroy all he loves, might dwell within him.

Öåíà: 822.7 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007279463


Found: One Secret Baby
Found: One Secret Baby

Àâòîð: Nancy Holland

Uncovering her secret…LA lawyer Rosalie Walker will do whatever it takes to protect her adopted son. She promised his mother before she died that she’d look after him and keep him safe from his paternal family. So when delectable Morgan Danby walks into her office in search of his nephew, she must keep the baby in her care a secret—even if one look from Morgan makes her want to share everything with him…As a favour to his step-mother— the woman who actually raised him, unlike his real mother who abandoned him as a child—successful businessman, Morgan is searching for the son of his incarcerated step-brother. He can tell Rosalie is hiding something and the temptation to seduce her for her secret is strong, but will he be able to handle the consequences once all is revealed…?

Öåíà: 332.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008127381


France and England in North America, Part VI : Montcalm and Wolfe
France and England in North America, Part VI : Montcalm and Wolfe

Àâòîð: Francis Parkman

Öåíà: Áåñïëàòíî



Àâòîð: Ìýðè Øåëëè

In the most famous gothic horror story ever told, Shelley confronts the limitations of science, the nature of human cruelty and the pathway to forgiveness.‘The rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open…’Victor Frankenstein’s monster is stitched together from the limbs of the dead, taken from ‘the dissecting room and the slaughter-house’. The result is a grotesque being who, rejected by his maker and starved of human companionship, sets out on a journey to seek his revenge. In the most famous gothic horror story ever told, Shelley confronts the limitations of science, the nature of human cruelty and the pathway to forgiveness.Begun when Mary Shelley was only eighteen years old and published two years later, this chilling tale of a young scientist’s desire to create life – and the consequences of that creation – still resonate today.

Öåíà: 110.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007382613


Franky Furbo
Franky Furbo

Àâòîð: Óèëüÿì Óîðòîí

A welcome reissue of this wartime classic from the author of Birdy.During WW II, a dying American soldier, William Wiley, and his German captor, Wilhelm Klug, are miraculously rescued by a fox endowed with extraordinary powers, Franky Furbo.For William, the experience is indisputably true but when he discovers later that neither his wife nor children believe in Franky, he endures a crisis of faith and searches desperately for the truth.Franky Furbo is a modern fable with a remarkable twist, quite unlike anything Wharton wrote before or since.

Öåíà: 327.5 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007458158


Free Fall
Free Fall

Àâòîð: Rick Mofina

CRISIS IN THE SKIESPilots with no control…High above the Adirondack Mountains, a commuter flight to New York City turns into a rolling, twisting nightmare, plunging from the sky before the crew regains control. Then, in London, a jetliner crashes into the runway, killing fifteen people.Investigators with no answers…Reporter Kate Page believes something beyond mechanical—or human—error is behind the incidents that have air investigators baffled. But the mystery deepens as teams scramble to pinpoint a link between the tragedies, and Kate receives an untraceable message from someone boasting responsibility and threatening another event.A looming disaster…As Kate, the FBI and the NTSB race to find answers, the shadow figures behind the operation launch their most devastating plan yet, and time ticks down on one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever known.

Öåíà: 492.24 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781474057134


Garden of Venus
Garden of Venus

Àâòîð: Eva Stachniak

An alluring, exotic novel based on the life of the famous and much-painted courtesan, La Belle Phanariote. Perfect for fans of Painting Mona Lisa.‘Stories precede her. Whispers of delighted amusement at her exotic beauty, her mysterious past. Some swear she has been a Sultan’s odalisque. Others that she is a Greek princess. Princes praise her exquisite manners and her pleasing ways. And the King of Poland leads her in the polonaise.’Sophie, the Countess Potocki, is travelling with her entourage from St Petersburg to Paris, to consult with French doctors, when she stops at the Berlin palace of her friend, the Graf von Haefen.There, her whole extraordinary life during one of the most turbulent periods of European history comes back to haunt her – the many strands of her life, the many roles in which she has presented herself, the many biographies she has made up, the many lovers and protectors she has cherished and deceived. And still she continues to attempt to manipulate the lives of those around her.Brilliantly written, cleverly constructed with a strong cast of characters, both real and fictional, and vivid scenes, Garden of Venus is an alluring, sensuous and exotic saga which will delight readers of Tracy Chevalier, Philippa Gregory and Isabelle Allende.

Öåíà: 576.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007390298



Àâòîð: Isabel Wolff

‘A deeply moving read – I loved it’ Dinah Jeffries, author of The Tea Planter’s WifeAs a child in the Second World War, Klara was interned in a Japanese prison camp on Java during the occupation. Her childhood years became an extraordinary and harrowing story of survival, a story that few people have heard.Jenni is a ‘ghost’: she writes the lives of other people – and Klara is her latest subject. Haunted by a childhood tragedy, Jenni finds it easier to take refuge in the memories of others than to dwell on her own.But as Jenni and Klara begin to get to know each other, Jenni begins to do much more than shed light on Klara’s family and girlhood in a neglected part of Second World War history. She is forced to examine her own devastating memories, too. Perhaps, finally, the two women will be able to lay the ghosts of their pasts to rest…Gripping, poignant and beautifully researched, Ghostwritten is a story of survival and love, of memory and hope.

Öåíà: 657.96 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007455072


Giftmischer und andre Detektivgeschichten
Giftmischer und andre Detektivgeschichten

Àâòîð: Mathias McDonnell Bodkin

Die Detektivgeschichten des irischen Politikers und Schriftstellers Mathias McDonnell Bodkin (1850-1933) kreisen um den privaten Ermittler Paul Beck, dem es mit Hilfe origineller und unorthodoxer Methoden gelingt, selbst die kniffeligsten F?lle zu l?sen. Der Verfasser z?hlt zu den popul?rsten Kriminalautoren des fr?hen zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts, seine Detektivfigur wird vielfach als der «irische Sherlock Holmes» bezeichnet. Der von Ihm erschaffene Charakter Paul Beck hat ?hnlichkeit mit Sherlock Holmes mit einer ihm eigenen, aber logischen Art, Verbrechen aufzukl?ren. Der vorliegende Band enth?lt die Geschichten 'Giftmischer', 'Ein Wettlauf', 'Verbrieft und versiegelt', 'Gel?st und gebunden', 'Ein M?nzverbrechen', 'Staatgeheimnisse' und 'Zwei K?nige'.

Öåíà: 196.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9783961188703


Good Morning Nantwich: Adventures in Breakfast Radio
Good Morning Nantwich: Adventures in Breakfast Radio

Àâòîð: Phill Jupitus

What possesses a right-minded comedian to quit the day job for life as a breakfast radio DJ?The opening DJ on the Beeb’s new alternative radio channel, 6Music, Phill Jupitus was a maverick on the flat landscape of inane commercial breakfast radio. Disregarding the prescriptive chart-led schedule and showing no fear in the face of BBC management, this ex-performance poet’s personal crusade against the bland, the predictable and the smug self-satisfaction ensured that he never had any trouble practising what he preached.Not one to pull punches, Phill recounts with acerbic wit, honesty and more affection than he would care to admit, his encounters with petulant band members, tedious showbusiness jargon, colossal salaries and four-letter firewalls.Inviting world-weary media cynics and radio enthusiasts to sit back and revel in a heady dose of painful banter ensuing from the absent interview technique, The Clash, the perils of idols as on-air guests, Black Umfolosi and The Coasters, Nantwich remorselessly dissects the limply beating heart of breakfast radio and reconstructs it one playlist, anecdote and transcript at a time.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780007313884


Good Wives
Good Wives

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HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.‘Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.’In mid-nineteenth-century Massachusetts, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March continue to encounter both joys and sorrows along life’s path, as they journey into womanhood both close to home and further away. The highs and lows of the four young women’s lives are shared with each other, and supported by the bond of their sisterhood.This second part of ‘Little Women’ – sometimes published in a single volume – contains all the warmth and charm for which Louisa May Alcott’s writing is universally admired.

Öåíà: 219.35 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780008166748


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