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Ярмарка чудес
Ярмарка чудес

Автор: Барбара Макмаон

Известная скрипачка Анжелика Кэннон приезжает в тихое местечко Смоки-Холлоу, чтобы отвлечься от суеты большого города, концертов и повышенного внимания публики. Познакомившись с Кирком, привлекательным скульптором, она влюбляется в него. Теперь Анжелика стоит перед выбором: продолжить карьеру или отказаться от амбиций ради чего-то более важного…

Исполнители: Авточтец

Цена: Бесплатно
Год: 2010


A B?blia Do Investimento Em Criptomoeda
A B?blia Do Investimento Em Criptomoeda

Автор: Alan T. Norman

Antes de definir metas nos neg?cios de criptomoeda, primeiro vamos revisar alguns equ?vocos comuns sobre criptomoeda. MITOS SOBRE AS CRIPTOMOEDAS Admito francamente que tamb?m quase fui infectado pelo ceticismo em rela??o ? criptomoeda no in?cio da minha jornada, pois muitas pessoas me assustaram ao dizer que a criptomoeda ? um empreendimento selvagem, uma pir?mide financeira ou algo semelhante. Essas falsas cren?as muitas vezes afastam muitas pessoas de um poss?vel sucesso. Apenas um pequeno n?mero de defensores verifica tais declara??es sobre criptomoeda em vez de acreditar nelas cegamente. Estou certo de que voc? tamb?m ouviu alega??es de que nenhum pa?s jamais reconhecer? as criptomoedas, portanto, elas n?o t?m futuro. Para refutar isso, basta recordar o recente aumento no valor da criptomoeda. Alguns pa?ses j? as reconheceram como meio de pagamento. Assim, esse chamado “entretenimento para geeks” evoluiu para neg?cios muito reais para investidores e v?rias corpora??es. Portanto Criptomoeda, Bitcoin, ICO, blockchain, minera??o … Ao ouvir essas palavras h? apenas alguns anos, as pessoas costumavam dizer: ? uma farsa; bolha financeira; n?o faz sentido investir; o pre?o ? muito baixo; nenhum pa?s nunca reconhecer? a criptomoeda; obviamente ? um esquema de pir?mide; ? divers?o para nerds; n?o ? s?rio; entrar? em colapso em alguns anos… At? recentemente, a criptomoeda era vista como uma esp?cie de divers?o para um punhado de escolhidos que compravam e vendiam algo e acreditavam que a nova moeda seria bem sucedida um dia! Voc? certamente tamb?m estava entre as pessoas que n?o levaram o Bitcoin e a criptomoeda a s?rio, mas os eventos atuais atormentam at? os maiores c?ticos. O pre?o atual do Bitcoin ? US$ 8.640. O pre?o da criptomoeda mais popular quebra repetidamente todos os recordes inimagin?veis. A capitaliza??o ? de cerca de US$ 120 bilh?es. Reconhecimento mundial. As maiores economias do mundo – ?ndia e Jap?o – reconheceram o Bitcoin como a moeda oficial. As autoridades dos EUA reconheceram a criptomoeda como ativo. Minera??o em escala industrial. Isso ? s? o come?o. O mercado de criptomoedas est? mudando extremamente r?pido e ? quase imposs?vel monitorar a situa??o e tomar as decis?es corretas por conta pr?pria. A maioria das pessoas n?o tem experi?ncia, tempo ou dinheiro para isso. Meu livro fornece informa??es b?sicas, mas bastante abrangentes, n?o para pessoas que andam perseguindo arco-?ris, mas para as que desejam construir um neg?cio lucrativo a longo prazo em uma das ?reas de criptomoeda: da minera??o ao investimento. Portanto, este livro n?o trata de: maneiras ilegais de ganhar dinheiro, elogiando a criptomoeda e incentivando voc? a investir nela at? o ?ltimo centavo; t?cnicas de fraude para ganhar dinheiro rapidamente; teoria chata e sem sentido; maneiras de ganhar milh?es sem investimentos nem riscos. Aqui o ajudarei a aprender a maneira de ganhar dinheiro no mercado de criptomoedas que melhor combina com voc?: onde voc? deve come?ar se tiver apenas US$ 500; quais informa??es sobre criptomoeda os especialistas ret?m (tire os ?culos de cor rosa!); como elaborar uma estrat?gia pessoal, configurar seu pr?prio neg?cio de criptomoedas e ganhar seus primeiros US$ 3.000 a 10.000 dentro de um ou dois anos. Tamb?m posso garantir que voc? vai: decifrar a principal tend?ncia atual da moeda, mesmo que n?o tenha no??o de economia, finan?as e tecnologia; entender se realmente deseja investir em criptomoeda (talvez esse tipo de neg?cio n?o seja o seu preferido e voc? n?o vai perder seu tempo); aprender a verificar os riscos e a n?o investir na primeira moeda dispon?vel; experimentar, protejer-se de poss?veis falhas e evitar despejar dinheiro pelo ralo, o que inevitavelmente acontecer? se voc? ficar cego. Assim, meu objetivo ? bastante simples: ajud?-lo a configurar e desenvolver neg?cios em uma das ?reas de criptomoeda. Descubra 7 estrat?gias de investimento em criptomoeda + 2 estrat?gias perfeitas hoje!

Цена: 245.63 руб.
ISBN: 9788835402046


A Companion to Greek Lyric
A Companion to Greek Lyric

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 19732.89 руб.
ISBN: 9781119122647


A Companion to the Global Renaissance
A Companion to the Global Renaissance

Автор: Группа авторов

Цена: 20064.33 руб.
ISBN: 9781119626251


A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues
A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues

Автор: Steven S. Rogers

Learn how to address racial wealth disparity in the United States today From the life, professional experiences, and research of former Harvard Business School professor Steven Rogers, comes his boldly stated, A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues . This informative epistle investigates the causes of racial wealth disparity in the United States and provides solutions for addressing it. Through extensive data and historical research, anecdotes, teaching, and case studies, it presents practical ways White people can work with and help the Black community. It teaches readers that eliminating the $153,000 wealth gap between Black and White people is the solution to over 75% of our problems and offers solutions to help improve Black-White racial relations in the United States. In straightforward language, filled with facts, stories, advice, and sometimes even humor, A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues encourages every White person to share his/her wealth with the Black community—plain and simple. This book recommends that you spend a portion of your annual household budget with Black-owned companies. If more money is spent at Black-owned businesses, those companies can grow and create more jobs for Black people. Rogers also proposes White people make large savings deposits into Black-owned banks. These are the financial institutions that are the backbone of the Black community that provide loans to the Black community for businesses, education, automobiles, and home mortgages. And finally, he resolutely encourages White people to support government reparations to Black Americans who are descendants of Black men and women, who were enslaved from 1619 to 1865. Those who read the book will: Understand the root causes of racial disparities in America Discover how you can personally contribute to reducing the inequality between Black and White people in the United States today Get concrete recommendations on how to redirect your spending to Black-owned institutions to help decrease the racial wealth gap This groundbreaking book provides financial recommendations that you can put into practice today, using his helpful instructions in most of the chapters, to address the systemic inequality between White and Black Americans. Read A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues and be part of the path forward.

Цена: 2111 руб.
ISBN: 9781119794783


A Manager s Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management
A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management

Автор: Daniel Cassidy

"Daniel Cassidy has written a detailed, comprehensive guide for managers to understand and succeed at the ongoing process of managing a company retirement plan. If motivating your employees is important to you as a manager, this book is an essential key to your success." –Josh Gordon, author of Presentations That Change Minds and Selling 2.0 Written by renowned retirement benefits planning specialist Daniel Cassidy, A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management focuses on current best practices regarding company-sponsored retirement plans within the United States. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this valuable guide will aid managers in applying strategic thinking to their retirement plan management activities–whether it be a 401(k) plan, investing in company stock, or a traditional defined benefit plan. It will also help you to view retirement plans in a holistic manner–ever more necessary given the unpredictable economy and recent troubles with companies such as Enron and WorldCom. Covering everything from administrative issues to financial and legal responsibilities, A Manager's Guide to Strategic Retirement Plan Management will allow you to make the best decisions possible while managing this ongoing process and help you find solutions that best fit your organization's specific needs.

Цена: 5517.7 руб.
ISBN: 9780470039229


A Treatise on Domestic Economy; For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
A Treatise on Domestic Economy; For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School

Автор: Beecher Catharine Esther

Цена: Бесплатно


A Wealth of Common Sense. Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan
A Wealth of Common Sense. Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan

Автор: Ben Carlson

A simple guide to a smarter strategy for the individual investor A Wealth of Common Sense sheds a refreshing light on investing, and shows you how a simplicity-based framework can lead to better investment decisions. The financial market is a complex system, but that doesn't mean it requires a complex strategy; in fact, this false premise is the driving force behind many investors' market «mistakes.» Information is important, but understanding and perspective are the keys to better decision-making. This book describes the proper way to view the markets and your portfolio, and show you the simple strategies that make investing more profitable, less confusing, and less time-consuming. Without the burden of short-term performance benchmarks, individual investors have the advantage of focusing on the long view, and the freedom to construct the kind of portfolio that will serve their investment goals best. This book proves how complex strategies essentially waste these advantages, and provides an alternative game plan for those ready to simplify. Complexity is often used as a mechanism for talking investors into unnecessary purchases, when all most need is a deeper understanding of conventional options. This book explains which issues you actually should pay attention to, and which ones are simply used for an illusion of intelligence and control. Keep up with—or beat—professional money managers Exploit stock market volatility to your utmost advantage Learn where advisors and consultants fit into smart strategy Build a portfolio that makes sense for your particular situation You don't have to outsmart the market if you can simply outperform it. Cut through the confusion and noise and focus on what actually matters. A Wealth of Common Sense clears the air, and gives you the insight you need to become a smarter, more successful investor.

Цена: 3682.15 руб.
ISBN: 9781119024897


AARP JK Lasser s New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning
AARP JK Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning

Автор: Stewart H. Welch, III

AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. A complete guide to planning an estate under today's tax rules When it comes to an estate (no matter how big or small it may be) nothing should be left to chance. Proper planning is necessary to protect both your assets and your heirs. Estate Planning Law Specialists Harold Apolinsky and Craig Stephens and expert financial planner Stewart Welch III know this better than anyone else, and in the revised and updated edition of J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning, they offer valuable advice and solid strategies to help you plan your estate under today's tax rules as well as preserve your wealth. Packed with up-to-the-minute facts, this practical resource covers a wealth of important issues. Reveals how new legislation will impact inheritances and trusts and offers guidance for estate and generation-skipping tax planning Explains the role of wills, executors, and trusts and shows how to treat charitable contributions Outlines the do's and don'ts of gifting and explains life insurance and retirement planning Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this book will show how to efficiently arrange your estate today so that you can leave more to those you care about tomorrow.

Цена: 1836.47 руб.
ISBN: 9781118278437


AARP Probate Wars of the Rich and Famous. An Insider s Guide to Estate and Probate Litigation
AARP Probate Wars of the Rich and Famous. An Insider's Guide to Estate and Probate Litigation

Автор: Russell Fishkind J

AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. Surrogate Court dockets are filled with cases involving family members fighting over the assets and intentions of a deceased parent or spouse. Probate Wars of the Rich & Famous: An Insider’s Guide to Estate Planning and Probate Litigation tracks the estate litigation cases of Anna Nicole Smith, Brooke Astor, Michael Jackson, Nina Wang, Jerry Garcia and Leona Helmsley and identifies the five universal factors that caused such disputes. Each chapter provides estate planning insights designed to help individuals plan their estates without causing litigation. If, however, probate litigation cannot be avoided, the book also provides invaluable lessons about undue influence claims, how to remove a fiduciary, demanding an estate accounting and claims seeking to set aside lifetime transfers that undermined the decedents intentions. Few – if any – estate planning books utilize colorful celebrity accounts to provide meaningful insights and actionable advice.

Цена: 2757.01 руб.
ISBN: 9781118373538


AARP The Debt-Free Millionaire. Winning Strategies to Creating Great Credit and Retiring Rich
AARP The Debt-Free Millionaire. Winning Strategies to Creating Great Credit and Retiring Rich

Автор: Anthony Manganiello

AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. The desire to get out of debt can sometimes be smothered by the sheer volume of information, and misinformation, available. To overcome such obstacles, what you need is one place to find the right answers, right away. That's why author Anthony Manganiello—founder and creator of DebtFREE.com and President and CEO of Centricity, Inc.—has created The Debt-Free Millionaire. Since 1995, Manganiello has helped hundreds of thousands of people get out of debt, and now, he'll show you how to do the same. Throughout these pages, he skillfully outlines a plan that will allow you to eliminate debt, develop better credit, and retire comfortably. You'll learn everything from how to perform a Cash-FLOW AnalysisTM—a straightforward approach to assessing your financial standing—to putting your plan into action. Along the way, Manganiello reveals how debt and credit should fit into your financial life and addresses how to employ specific strategies that will lead you to accumulate wealth instead of what you're most likely doing now, consuming it. No matter what your current financial situation, the five simple steps comprising this plan will put you in a better position to prosper in the years ahead. You'll also find that as you progress through the Debt-Free Millionaire Plan, you'll be fairly well insulated from the economic ups and downs experienced by others who are stumbling through life without a plan. After reading this book, when you think of what a millionaire is, you'll realize that the only difference between you and becoming a millionaire is a matter of time and distance. The strategies outlined here will help you close that gap as quickly as possible.

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9781118241660


AARP The Secret of Shelter Island. Money and What Matters
AARP The Secret of Shelter Island. Money and What Matters

Автор: Alexander Green

AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. In The Secret of Shelter Island, nationally renowned financial analyst and bestselling author Alexander Green explores the complicated relationship we all have with money and reveals the road map to a rich life. Drawing on some of today's best minds and many of history's greatest thinkers, The Secret of Shelter Island is both a much-needed source of inspiration and an insightful look at the role of both money and values in the pursuit of the good life. Addresses what really matters when it comes to money and how to make smarter decisions with what you have Describes the profound connection between money, character, personal philosophy, and outlook Other bestselling titles by Green: The Gone Fishin' Portfolio If you want to understand what ultimately provides meaning, contentment, and the satisfaction of a life well-lived, then read The Secret of Shelter Island.

Цена: 2480.85 руб.
ISBN: 9781118231036


AARP The Seven S.E.C.R.E.T.S. of the Money Masters
AARP The Seven S.E.C.R.E.T.S. of the Money Masters

Автор: Robert Shemin

AARP Digital Editions offer you practical tips, proven solutions, and expert guidance. The fact is information is power. And, the truth is there's lots of financial advice available. Unfortunately, it's often either too confusing or biased. The Seven S.E.C.R.E.T.S. of the Money Masters cuts through the clutter, clearly presenting the seven most important questions you must be able to answer before making any investment decision. The book offers you some of the information that true money masters know, understand, and use to their advantage—but that hasn't necessarily been passed along to the rest of us. Engaging and informative, the book: Shines a light on the much broader issues of attaining wealth and getting your retirement plans back on track Offers access to the S.E.C.R.E.T.S. website which includes additional resources and access to exclusive debt reduction software The Seven S.E.C.R.E.T.S. of Money Masters goes where most personal finance books – and financial advisors – fear to tread, revealing the S.E.C.R.E.T.S. of Safety, Expense, Cash Flow, Rate of Return, Economy, Tax Efficiency and (common) Sense.

Цена: 2112.63 руб.
ISBN: 9781118241691


Accounting Guide. Brokers and Dealers in Securities 2018
Accounting Guide. Brokers and Dealers in Securities 2018

Автор: AICPA

Цена: 13123.19 руб.
ISBN: 9781119578857


Aftershock. Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown
Aftershock. Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown

Автор: David Wiedemer

Secure your financial future before the next big bubble bursts Aftershock provides a definitive look at the economic climate still ahead in 2015—and beyond—and details the steps you can take now to secure your financial future. Written by the authors who accurately predicted the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, this book serves as both a warning and a game plan for investors looking to avoid catastrophic loss. This updated fourth edition has been expanded with new actionable insights about protection and profits in an increasingly confusing investment environment, and includes the latest data, updated charts and tables, and brand new coverage of monetary stimulus. With a look back at the domino fall of the conjoined real estate, stock, and private debt bubbles that triggered the last major crisis, this book paints a vivid picture of what to expect the next time the world's economy pops. You'll learn how to protect your assets before and during the coming fall, and how to capitalize on the opportunities everyone else is missing. The housing bubble has popped, toppling banks and sending shockwaves of stock market misery around the world. It may seem like the worst is over. It's not. This book shows you what's still to come, and how to ride the crest instead of being sucked under. Learn when, why, and how the global bubble will burst Understand the repercussions that will reach into your accounts Get up to date on the data, with expert analysis and insight Start protecting yourself now with a few smart investment moves The stock market, real estate, consumer spending, private debt, dollar, and government debt bubbles will burst, driving up unemployment, devaluing the dollar, and causing deep global recession. Aftershock helps you fortify your assets before the wave so you can enjoy clear skies after the storm.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781119122777


Algorithms For Dummies
Algorithms For Dummies

Автор: John Paul Mueller

Цена: 2535.17 руб.
ISBN: 9781119869993


American Gridlock. Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong - Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises
American Gridlock. Why the Right and Left Are Both Wrong - Commonsense 101 Solutions to the Economic Crises

Автор: H. Brock Woody

A sensible solution to getting our economy back on track Pessimism is ubiquitous throughout the Western World as the pressing issues of massive debt, high unemployment, and anemic economic growth divide the populace into warring political camps. Right-and Left-wing ideologues talk past each other, with neither side admitting the other has any good ideas. In American Gridlock, leading economist and political theorist H. Woody Brock bridges the Left/Right divide, illuminating a clear path out of our economic quagmire. Arguing from first principles and with rigorous logic, Brock demonstrates that the choice before us is not between free market capitalism and a government-driven economy. Rather, the solution to our problems will require enactment of constructive policies that allow «true» capitalism to flourish even as they incorporate social policies that help those who truly need it. Brock demonstrates how deductive logic (as opposed to ideologically driven data analysis) can transform the way we think about these problems and lead us to new and different solutions that cross the ideological divide. Drawing on new theories such as game theory and the economics of uncertainty that are based upon deductive logic, Brock reveals fresh ideas for tackling issues central to the 2012 U.S, Presidential election and to the nation’s long-run future: Demonstrating that the concept of a government “deficit” is highly problematic since it blinds us to the distinction between a good deficit and a bad deficit – where a deficit is good if it results from borrowing dedicated to productive investment rather than to unproductive spending. Deriving the need for a U.S. Marshall Plan dedicated to very high levels of profitable infrastructure spending as the solution to today’s Lost Decade of high unemployment Drawing upon a logical extension of the Law of Supply and Demand to demonstrate how the health-care spending crisis can be completely resolved by letting supply increase at a faster rate than demand Utilizing the theory of bargaining inaugurated by the “Beautiful Mind” mathematician John F. Nash, Jr., to help us avoid being repeatedly duped in our negotiations with China Making use of a completely new theory of market risk recently developed at Stanford University to demonstrate why dramatically limiting leverage is the key reform to preventing future Perfect Storms, whereas hoping to banish “greed” amounts to whistling Dixie Deducting from first principles a solution to the contentious issue of fair shares of the economic pie, a solution that integrates the two fundamental norms of “to each according to his contribution” and “to each according to his need.” Profound, timely and important, American Gridlock cuts through the stale biases of the Right and Left, advances new ways of thinking, and provides creative solutions to the problems that threaten American society.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118220795


Amerika mal anders - Corvette
Amerika mal anders - Corvette

Автор: Thomas Riegler

Lucky geh?rt zu den Leuten, die sich im Urlaub nicht gerne auch nur um irgendwas k?mmern wollen. Vor allem, wenn es darum geht, Englisch sprechen zu m?ssen. Was sich in den USA kaum vermeiden l?sst. Dennoch musste f?r Lucky eine Testfahrt mit einer Chevrolet Corvette drin sein. Ehe es sich seine begleiter versehen konnten, waren sie mitten in den vermeintlichen Kaufverhandlungen derselbigen. Ist Lucky Besitzer seines Traumwages, wenn er von der Testfahrt zur?ck kommt?

Цена: 196.3 руб.
ISBN: 9783752949353


Aperture 3 Portable Genius
Aperture 3 Portable Genius

Автор: Ellen Anon

Get the latest tips, facts, and secrets that help you make the most of Aperture 3 Aperture offers a full range of tools to help serious photographers organize and manipulate images and manage workflow. This little guide is packed with hip tips, secrets, and shortcuts that help you get even more functionality from the software. Find out more than you ever knew about vignetting, RAW fine-tuning, Quick Preview mode, Command Editor, and using the integrated iPhoto Browser. Learn new ways to streamline your workflow, get tips on publishing albums online or as customized photo books, and take advantage of many more Genius techniques. Designed for the Apple enthusiast, this handy, colorful guide is packed with ingenious and innovative tips for getting the most from Aperture 3, and the latest version 3.3 Offers advice on using the new streamlined interface, using advanced RAW image processing, and streamlining workflow with keyboard shortcuts Shows how to maximize the effectiveness of vignetting, using Quick Preview mode and Command Editor, and working with the integrated iPhoto Browser Provides helpful hints on creating web-based albums and print photo books Aperture 3 Portable Genius, 2nd Edition gives you the professional tips and tricks that help you squeeze all the functionality from this cool software.

Цена: 2761.61 руб.
ISBN: 9781118333341


Asking Questions
Asking Questions

Автор: Seymour Sudman

Since it was first published more than twenty-five years ago, Asking Questions has become a classic guide for designing questionnaires?the most widely used method for collecting information about people?s attitudes and behavior. An essential tool for market researchers advertisers, pollsters, and social scientists, this thoroughly updated and definitive work combines time-proven techniques with the most current research, findings, and methods. The book presents a cognitive approach to questionnaire design and includes timely information on the Internet and electronic resources. Comprehensive and concise, Asking Questions can be used to design questionnaires for any subject area, whether administered by telephone, online, mail, in groups, or face-to-face. The book describes the design process from start to finish and is filled with illustrative examples from actual surveys.

Цена: 4418.58 руб.
ISBN: 9780787973438


Asset Allocation For Dummies
Asset Allocation For Dummies

Автор: Dorianne Perrucci

An easy-to-understand how-to guide to the single most important thing you can do in investing – choosing and mixing your assets successfully. You don’t need to be an expert analyst, a star stock-picker, or a rocket scientist to have better investment results than most other investors. You just need to allocate your assets in the right way, and have the conviction to stick with that allocation. The big secret behind asset allocation – the secret that most sophisticated investors know and use to their benefit – is that it’s really not all that hard to do. Asset Allocation For Dummies serves as a comprehensive guide to maximizing returns and minimizing risk – while managing taxes, fees and other costs – in putting together a portfolio to reflect your unique financial goals. Jerry A. Miccolis (Basking Ridge, NJ), CFA®, CFP®, FCAS, MAAA is a widely quoted expert commentator who has been interviewed in The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and appeared on CBS Radio and ABC-TV. He is a senior financial advisor and co-owner of Brinton Eaton Wealth Advisors (www.brintoneaton.com), a fee-only investment management, tax advisory and financial planning firm in Madison, N.J. Dorianne R. Perrucci (Scotch Plains, NJ) is a freelance writer who has been published in The New York Times, Newsweek, and TheStreet.com, and has collaborated on several financial books, including I.O.U.S.A, One Nation, Under Stress, In Debt (Wiley, 2008).

Цена: 2300.42 руб.
ISBN: 9780470522547


Audel Welding Pocket Reference
Audel Welding Pocket Reference

Автор: Rex Miller

Featuring updated charts dealing with the most common situations welding workers face on the job , this comprehensive, pocket-sized reference is based on recommendations from working professionals and covers welding symbols and definitions, types of joints and welds, typical welding station configurations, oxygen cylinders, arc-welding charts, U.S metric measures, and more.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470117040


Audit and Accounting Guide Depository and Lending Institutions
Audit and Accounting Guide Depository and Lending Institutions

Автор: Коллектив авторов

The financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations. Updated for 2019, this industry standard resource offers comprehensive, reliable accounting implementation guidance for preparers. It offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues, and in-depth coverage of audit considerations, including controls, fraud, risk assessment, and planning and execution of the audit. Topics covered include: Transfers and servicing; Troubled debt restructurings; Financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses; and, Fair value accounting This guide also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters. The financial services industry is undergoing significant change. This has added challenges for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations. Updated for 2019, this industry standard resource offers comprehensive, reliable accounting implementation guidance for preparers. It offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues, and in-depth coverage of audit considerations, including controls, fraud, risk assessment, and planning and execution of the audit. Topics covered include: Transfers and servicing; Troubled debt restructurings; Financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses; and, Fair value accounting This guide also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters.

Цена: 11032.42 руб.
ISBN: 9781119679110



Автор: Timothy Willink

?Por qu? las personas exitosas siempre dan consejos como ”Despierta a las 5 de la ma?ana”, ”Lee todos los d?as” o ”Ten un ritual matutino”? Las personas exitosas son personas disciplinadas. Contin?e leyendo… La autodisciplina es la habilidad m?s asombrosa que puedes desarrollar. Tiene la extraordinaria habilidad de darte el enfoque para que nunca te des por vencido en tus metas. Todo lo que hagas en tu vida debe tener autodisciplina. Requiere dedicaci?n y voluntad, pero despu?s de leer ”Autodisciplina” te sentir?s listo para desarrollar la tuya como nunca imaginaste. Usted puede cambiar su vida desarrollando una sola disciplina: Autodisciplina. Esta caracter?stica por s? sola es capaz de cambiar totalmente la forma en que usted percibe todo. En el trabajo, usted producir? m?s y perseguir? sus metas m?s activamente. En su vida personal, puede ser la ayuda que necesitaba para pasar por alguna dieta. ?Por qu? las personas exitosas siempre dan consejos como ”Despierta a las 5AM”, ”Lee todos los d?as” o ”Ten un ritual matutino”? Las personas exitosas son personas disciplinadas. Contin?e leyendo… La autodisciplina es la habilidad m?s asombrosa que puedes desarrollar. Tiene la extraordinaria habilidad de darte el enfoque para que nunca te des por vencido en tus metas. Todo lo que hagas en tu vida debe tener autodisciplina. Requiere dedicaci?n y voluntad, pero despu?s de leer ”Autodisciplina” te sentir?s listo para desarrollar la tuya como nunca imaginaste. Usted puede cambiar su vida desarrollando una sola disciplina: Autodisciplina. Esta caracter?stica por s? sola es capaz de cambiar totalmente la forma en que usted percibe todo. En el trabajo, usted producir? m?s y perseguir? sus metas m?s activamente. En su vida personal, puede ser la ayuda que necesitaba para pasar por alguna dieta. Es la raz?n por la que te levantas de la cama cada ma?ana y te dedicas a ser una mejor persona. ”La disciplina es el puente entre las metas y la realizaci?n” —Jim Rohn— La autodisciplina es particularmente prominente en el ej?rcito. Es el rasgo n?mero uno que un soldado aprende a desarrollar. Su autodisciplina es su fuerza frente al enemigo. Los grandes l?deres deben tener una inmensa autodisciplina. El camino m?s dif?cil siempre lleva a la mayor recompensa. La autodisciplina requiere de sacrificio, pero es algo que nunca se apartar? de tu lado, a menos que elijas abandonarlo. ?Encuentras insoportablemente dif?cil alcanzar tus metas? Dentro de este libro, aprender?s los m?todos correctos para desarrollar tu autodisciplina. No tienes que obsesionarte con el por qu? no puedes, en vez de eso debes disciplinarte para hacerlo. Deja que ese sea tu lema. Deja que la concentraci?n gu?e tus pensamientos. Rechaza la tentaci?n en todo momento. Toma la extrema propiedad de tu autodisciplina hoy. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”A?adir al carro” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina. P.S. ?Qu? le detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de la gente se detiene ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversi?n que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para dar un salto cu?ntico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. Act?e ahora!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835401872


Automatic Wealth. The Six Steps to Financial Independence
Automatic Wealth. The Six Steps to Financial Independence

Автор: Michael Masterson

"I have known Michael for over twenty years. He has one of the smartest business minds I know. When he gives me advice, I pay attention, and you should, too. Automatic Wealth is full of wisdom and insight filtered by a master and brought to you in a well-written and delightful style." -John Mauldin, Editor of the bestselling book, Just One Thing: Twelve of the World's Best Investors Reveal the One Strategy You Can't Overlook «I am not usually a fan of this kind of book. One entitled Automatic Wealth made me suspicious. But I am a fan of Michael Masterson, and when I read the book, I was impressed. Masterson manages to go beyond the theory to tell you exactly how real people make real money in the real world. That, I think, is his genius. He's able to open his own eyes and see for himself what actually works. The result is original, clever, and very helpful to anyone who is serious about building wealth.» -Bill Bonner, coauthor of Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis «Michael Masterson has been a great friend of mine for over twenty years. I know for a fact that the strategy he teaches is the exact same strategy he has personally used to amass extraordinary wealth and prosperity for himself. He's reduced a normally daunting process down to six simple and unfailing steps YOU can absolutely use to vastly and rapidly increase your financial situation, often times doubling and redoubling your wealth every few years. This book will become your financial bible.» -Jay Abraham, author of Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition «Michael Masterson's book is brilliant and concise, packed with breakthrough insights and unique wealth-building tips. Best of all, it's practical because it combines proven investment and financial planning advice with street-smart business and real estate secrets.» -Robert Ringer, author of Action!, Looking Out for #1, and To Be or Not to Be Intimidated?

Цена: 2296.73 руб.
ISBN: 9780471737193


Average Current-Mode Control of DC-DC Power Converters
Average Current-Mode Control of DC-DC Power Converters

Автор: Marian K. Kazimierczuk

Цена: 14974.27 руб.
ISBN: 9781119525561


Beat The System. 11 Secrets to Building an Entrepreneurial Culture in a Bureaucratic World
Beat The System. 11 Secrets to Building an Entrepreneurial Culture in a Bureaucratic World

Автор: Robert MacDonald W

Smart guidelines for building flexible, innovative companies Beat the System is a follow-up to Robert MacDonald's controversial but successful first book, Cheat to Win. Packed with proven, real-life advice, Beat the System shows readers how to deal with the bureaucracy that can smother the creativity and entrepreneurship essential to long-range business success. Beat the System teaches readers how to beat the bureaucratic system by building entrepreneurial cultures in their businesses, their departments, or even their individual jobs. MacDonald skillfully describes how business cultures develop, how bureaucratic procedures and processes seep into them, and how to build an entrepreneurial culture even as we live in a bureaucratic world. At the heart of his system are practical steps that create a sense of ownership among employees, invites their participation, creates a common mission, fosters an entrepreneurial atmosphere, and shares the rewards with all. Robert W. MacDonald (Wayzata, MN) is a true visionary in the financial services industry who rose from a door-to-door insurance salesman to the CEO of Allianz Life of North America. He was also the founder, CEO, and chairman of LifeUSA.

Цена: 2756.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780470192542


Beekeeping For Dummies
Beekeeping For Dummies

Автор: Howland Blackiston

Everything you need to 'bee' a successful backyard beekeeper If you've ever thought about becoming a backyard beekeeper—or have already tried a hand at it and want to be better one—then this is the book for you! In Beekeeping for Dummies, 4th Edition you'll find everything you need to know in order to start your own colony, including how to assemble and maintain beehives, handle every phase of honey production, purchase and use all the latest tools, and what to do beyond your first season. This hands-on guide provides all the tools, tips, tricks, and techniques needed to become a real backyard beekeeper. You'll learn to identify the queen from her workers and drones, properly open and close the hive, distinguish one type of honey from another, and preserve your colony if disaster should strike. Keep bees on a small urban rooftop or in a large country yard Assemble your own hive and sustain it for years to come Safely inspect and manage your colony Harvest and sell your own honey Becoming a backyard beekeeper isn't as hard as people think—and with this hands-on guide, you'll be able to create one honey of a colony that will have the neighbors buzzing.

Цена: 2116.32 руб.
ISBN: 9781119311027


Benjamin Bl?mchen, ASMR, Folge 1: Klangreise Abendrunde im Zoo
Benjamin Bl?mchen, ASMR, Folge 1: Klangreise Abendrunde im Zoo

Автор: Том Вильямс

Исполнители: J?rgen Kluckert

Цена: 291 руб.
ISBN: 4001504147099


Beyond Booked Solid. Your Business, Your Life, Your Way--It s All Inside
Beyond Booked Solid. Your Business, Your Life, Your Way--It's All Inside

Автор: Michael Port

In Beyond Booked Solid, Michael Port returns with new tactics for growing your business even bigger. Port's Book Yourself Solid was a huge hit among professional service providers and small business owners who learned to master the art of attracting clients and keeping them happy. In this book, he helps your business keep growing by taking the next step, beyond booked solid. That means maximizing your business while working less and earning more. This is the ultimate guide for your growing business.

Цена: 3590.1 руб.
ISBN: 9780470282106


Bitcoin: Биткоин – цифровое золото и финансовая революция
Bitcoin: Биткоин – цифровое золото и финансовая революция

Автор: Артем Демиденко

Это захватывающее исследование величайшей финансовой инновации XXI века. Автор погружается в мир криптовалюты, начиная с загадочного создателя Bitcoin'а, Сатоши Накамото, и раскрывает удивительную историю её возникновения и развития.Через страницы книги читатели узнают о технологии блокчейн и её революционных возможностях, которые лежат в основе Биткоина. Автор детально исследует роль Биткоина в мировой экономике и финансовой системе, объясняя, как криптовалюта изменила парадигмы доверия и децентрализации.Книга также затрагивает этические и правовые аспекты Биткоина и обсуждает вопросы безопасности, инвестирования и рисков, связанных с криптовалютой. Автор анализирует влияние Биткоина на мировой финансовый ландшафт и дает прогнозы относительно будущего криптовалюты.

Исполнители: Авточтец ЛитРес

Цена: 199 руб.
Год: 2023


Black and White Digital Photography Photo Workshop
Black and White Digital Photography Photo Workshop

Автор: Chris Bucher

How to create stunning black and white photos in a digital format Shooting pictures in black and white presents unique challenges for beginners and experienced digital photographers alike. A strong understanding of photography’s fundamentals is crucial to capturing great black and white images, and factors such as contrast and lighting are much more integral to black and white photography than to color. Black and White Digital Photography Photo Workshop teaches digital photographers the skills they need to master black and white photography. Focuses on the rules of photography and how they apply differently to black and white photography Offers guidance for properly uploading digital images to a computer Explains insider tips and tricks for using Photoshop and Lightroom to successfully enhance black and white images Black and white photography presents different challenges than color photography. In Black and White Digital Photography Photo Workshop, photographers learn how to identify great opportunities for black and white photographs and how to turn those opportunities into stunning monochrome images they can be proud to display.

Цена: 2760.69 руб.
ISBN: 9781118090336


Brand Rewired. Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy
Brand Rewired. Connecting Branding, Creativity, and Intellectual Property Strategy

Автор: Jennifer Wolfe C

Discover how the world's leading companies have added value to their company by rewiring the brand creation process Brand Rewired showcases the world's leading companies in branding and how they have added value to their company by rewiring the brand creation process to intersect strategic thinking about intellectual property without stifling creativity. Features interviews with executives from leading worldwide companies including: Kodak, Yahoo, Kraft, J.Walter Thompson, Kimberly Clark, Scripps Networks Interactive, the Kroger Company, GE, Procter & Gamble, LPK, Northlich and more Highlights how to maximize return on investment in creating a powerful brand and intellectual property portfolio that can be leveraged economically for many years to come Reveals how to reduce costs in the brand creation and legal process Illustrates how a brand strategy intersecting with an equally powerful intellectual property strategy produces a greater economic return and more rewards for the brand project leaders Innovative in its approach, Brand Rewired shows you how how leading companies are abandoning the old school research-and-development-driven innovation philosophy and evolving to a Brand Rewired approach of innovating at the consumer level, using multi-disciplinary teams to build a powerful brand and intellectual asset to maximize return on investment.

Цена: 4510.64 руб.
ISBN: 9780470648827


Break Down Your Money. How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets
Break Down Your Money. How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets

Автор: Tracy Byrnes

Praise for Break Down Your Money «Tracy Byrnes writes like she speaks on FOX-clearly, passionately, and yes, lovingly. She is that rare expert who helps enrich your portfolio and your soul. You can do both, and Tracy shows you how. Others talk about what your goals should be. For the first time, finally, someone who shows you how to reach them in finances, and in life.» —Neil Cavuto, FOX News Channel, FOX Business Network «Break Down Your Money is unique-smart, wisecracking market insights. You'll learn and laugh, a lot.» —Dan Colarusso, Managing Editor, Conde Nast Portfolio.com «Tracy Byrnes is truly one of the best at helping investors get a grip on their finances. In Break Down Your Money, she delivers on that promise so eloquently-with the kind of bite-size information and entertaining flair that makes her a TV standout. This is one money book you won't want to put down.» —Jennifer Openshaw, author, The Millionaire Zone, host of ABC Radio's Winning Advice «Being in the financial business, I have read plenty of books about the markets, and would never use the word 'fun' to describe any of them. Until now. Tracy paints a colorful picture of the markets. Her book is an entertaining, well-informed, fun read for the expert and the novice alike.» —Steven Grasso, Floor Governor at the NYSE, Managing Director, Stuart Frankel & Co. «Tracy offers a comprehensive walk through the basics of finance in an easy-to-understand manner. A great read!» —Todd Harrison, founder and CEO, Minyanville Publishing and Multimedia, LLC «As a money manager, university professor, financial writer, and frequent media guest, I am constantly challenged with the objective of explaining complex concepts to an audience that is trained to focus on sound bites and instant messages. You have to boil down these complex concepts to a quick and digestible form accented by down-to-earth language and humor when necessary. Tracy Byrnes has accomplished these goals in Break Down Your Money and, in the process, makes learning about financial and money management more enjoyable to the reader. I wholeheartedly recommend Break Down Your Money to readers of all ages and investment skill levels.» —Scott R. Rothbort, founder and President, LakeView Asset Management, LLC, Professor of Finance, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall University, founder and Manager, TheFinanceProfessor.com «Tracy has a unique knack of explaining the market to folks who are not 'in the market.' It is really a wonderful gift. A must-read for anyone wanting to invest and who is too overwhelmed to dive in.» —John Layfield, CEO, Layfield Energy, and, as WWE wrestler John «Bradshaw» Layfield, the longest reigning World Champion in SmackDown history

Цена: 3308.41 руб.
ISBN: 9780470379455


Breakthrough Business Negotiation
Breakthrough Business Negotiation

Автор: Группа авторов

Breakthrough Business Negotiation is a definitive guide to negotiating in any business situation. This smart and practical book by Michael Watkins, a leading expert in negotiation at Harvard Business School, presents principles that apply to any negotiation situation and tools to achieve breakthrough results. Step by step, Breakthrough Business Negotiation demonstrates how to diagnose a situation, build coalitions, manage internal decision making, persuade others, organize a deal cycle, and create strategic alliances. Watkins also explains how to prevent disputes from poisoning deals.

Цена: 6075.55 руб.
ISBN: 9780787965235


Breakthrough Trading
Breakthrough Trading

Автор: Группа авторов

Leon Wilson has been trading shares for a living for 11 years. He is a firm believer that to succeed in any business it is necessary to always be looking for a better way of doing things. Part of his trading approach is to question conventional wisdom and push the boundaries of accepted technical analysis theory. The contents of this fascinating new book reveal what Wilson believes to be a major breakthrough in technical analysis. He tests the edge that this new charting analysis can offer any serious trader – and the results are astounding. In what he believes to be a world-first, Wilson has succeeded in adapting common and popular indicators (including volume) to price action. Instead of viewing a non-price based indicator such as the relative strength indicator in a separate box at the bottom of the chart, Wilson explains how it can be plotted as a channel on price action – creating the Wilson channel. Moving beyond default settings and combining the channels with various entry and exit strategies, Breakthrough Trading can dramatically improve your yearly returns.

Цена: 4081.67 руб.
ISBN: 9781118320525


Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies
Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Andrew Bell

The comprehensive, six-books-in-one package Canadian investors can trust with their money Designed for those investors who are already familiar with the fundamentals of the investment process and are looking to take their finances to the next level, Building Wealth All-in-One For Canadians For Dummies, is a higher-end title that will make diversifying your portfolio—the key to successful investing—a cinch. Offering readers a wealth of information on investment techniques, along with options ranging from stocks and mutual funds to trading on the Foreign Exchange and buying investment properties, the book is: Fully up-to-date and packed with current content Written by Canadian authors who understand Canadian finances Filled with everything you need to know about investing The ultimate resource for Canadian investors looking to make more profitable investment decisions, Building Wealth For Canadians For Dummies All-in-One is the book you need to take the next step towards increasing your wealth.

Цена: 4141.5 руб.
ISBN: 9781118223932


Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies
Building Websites All-in-One For Dummies

Автор: Doug Sahlin

Ten minibooks in one! The perfect reference for beginning web builders This hefty, 800+ page book is your start-to-finish roadmap for building a web site for personal or professional use. Even if you're completely new to the process, this book is packed with everything you need to know to build an attractive, usable, and working site. In addition to being a thorough reference on the basics, this updated new edition also covers the very latest trends and tools, such as HTML5, mobile site planning for smartphones and tablets, connecting with social media, and more. Packs ten minibooks into one hefty reference: Preparation, Site Design, Site Construction, Web Graphics, Multimedia, Interactive Elements, Form Management, Social Media Integration, Site Management, and Case Studies Covers the newest trends and tools, including HTML5, the new Adobe Create Suite, and connecting with social media Offers in-depth reviews and case studies of existing sites created for a variety of purposes and audiences, such as blog sites and non-profit sites Walks you through essential technologies, including Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and more Plan, build, and maintain a site that does exactly what you need, with Building Web Sites All-In-One For Dummies, 3rd Edition.

Цена: 3220.96 руб.
ISBN: 9781118287255


Bulletproof Investing
Bulletproof Investing

Автор: James FitzGerald

Цена: 1740.09 руб.
ISBN: 9780730394570


Bulletproof Investing
Bulletproof Investing

Автор: James FitzGerald

Take the reins of your financial future with this powerful and insightful new resource  In  Bulletproof Investing , real estate expert, investor, entrepreneur, and author James Fitzgerald, delivers a collection of personal stories and experiences that will show how you too can gain and retain financial control of your life. You’ll learn how to spend less than you earn, find a mentor, identify a purpose for your financial wellbeing, and, ultimately, learn to achieve financial independence.  This important book shows you how to:  Improve your mental health by removing the stress and anxiety of financial insecurity Familiarise yourself with the right tools to control your financial destiny Minimise and manage risk, rather than trying fruitlessly to eliminate it Take advantage of the miracle of compound growth and watch your investment portfolio flourish Stop working hard and start working smart, letting your money do much of the work for you Perfect for millennials, adults with children, and those nearing retirement aiming for financial control and stability,  Bulletproof Investing  will also earn a place in the libraries of anyone hoping to gain a firmer grasp of their financial reality and investment portfolio.

Цена: 1450.08 руб.
ISBN: 9780730394563


Burda 07/2022
Burda №07/2022

Автор: Группа авторов

Секрет популярности журнала Burda (Бурда) в том, что благодаря ему каждая женщина может осуществить свою мечту одеваться модно и красиво. Журнал Burda – это европейская мода высокого класса. Издание с мировым именем, хорошо известное всем женщинам, которые хотят быть образцом безупречного вкуса для окружающих. На страницах журнала Burda – самые последние тенденции мировой моды, новости с европейских подиумов, советы по стилю и модные торговые марки. Каждый месяц – новая коллекция одежды от ведущих дизайнеров мира. (Электронная версия журнала не содержит выкроек. Приобрести выкройки можно на сайте http://burdastyle.ru/vikroyki/ ) В номере: Мода Экошик. Комбинируем натуральные оттенки и блестящие эффекты У самого синего моря. Женственные вариации на тему морского стиля Отличного отпуска! От топа до шорт: яркая коллекция в розово-желтых тонах Дети. Легкие наряды для девочек. Размеры 104–128 Школа шитья Изящный летний жакет из жаккарда и многое другое

Серия: Журнал Burda 2022

Цена: 139 руб.
Год: 2022


Buy Now
Buy Now

Автор: Lloyd Edge

Turn your property dreams into reality What's stopping you from buying property? Is it the changing markets? The needless jargon? The rising costs? Buying property doesn't have to be difficult; you just need to step up on that ladder. In Buy Now, you'll get the simple, straightforward, easy-to-understand advice to help you not only enter the property market, but to launch and grow your own portfolio. With bestselling author and award-winning buyer's agent Lloyd Edge by your side, you have everything you need to stop dreaming, step up, and grab that property ladder with both hands. In the book, you’ll find newcomer-friendly advice designed to walk you through how anyone can budget and save for a deposit, understand the market, and secure a mortgage. The author breaks down the jargon and tells you what you need to know in straightforward and easy-to-understand language, offering tips and strategies for those setting out on their property investing journey. You'll also find: Step-by-step guidance on creating a financial plan for your property hunt, finding your dream home or investment property, renovating, equity creation, and upsizing How-to guides, case studies, and interactive exercises that help you build the skills you'll need to conquer property investment Your ticket to going from no knowledge or experience in real estate to property master Nobody ever got what they wanted by waiting. Take the first step toward financial freedom through property with practical advice from one of Australia's leading buyer's agents.

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780730395249


Buy Now
Buy Now

Автор: Lloyd Edge

Цена: 1736.15 руб.
ISBN: 9780730395256


Buy, Hold, and Sell!. The Investment Strategy That Could Save You From the Next Market Crash
Buy, Hold, and Sell!. The Investment Strategy That Could Save You From the Next Market Crash

Автор: Ken Moraif

Protect your retirement from the next big crash with a New Twist on the Old Investment Strategy. For years, advisors have recommended that investors take a «buy and hold» approach to the market, but people over fifty can't afford to rely on this strategy. Buy, Hold, & SELL! uncovers the myth of the «buy and hold» investment philosophy, and explains why it's dangerously incomplete. Written by Ken Moraif, one of Barron’s top 100 Financial Advisors in the United States three years a row and who called the 2008 market crash in November of 2007, this book outlines an alternative strategy that better serves investors who are at retirement age. Written in easy-to-understand language and buoyed by Ken's trademark humor, this guide shoots down the myths that keep investors in risky markets, and arms readers with the knowledge, motivation, and strategies that may help them survive-and even thrive-during the inevitable next bear market. Too many retirees lost a large percentage of their investments during the market collapse of 2008 and spent years trying to regain their footing. During the collapse, many advisors told their clients to stay in the market. Ken did the opposite, advising his clients and listeners of his popular radio show “Money Matters” to get out of the market in November of 2007-before the economic meltdown. With this book, Ken shares his 26 years of experience to help investors prepare for the imminent bear market that could devastate their retirement plans. For those looking to build a sound financial plan for the long run, this book provides expert insight and solid advice with supporting charts, graphs, statistics, and anecdotes. Understand the buy-hold-SELL strategy Learn how to design a sell strategy to protect principal in the next bear market Find clear-cut information regarding retirement finances Discover the benefits of a diversified portfolio This book expands upon old advice to provide the most important part of the equation: a sell strategy designed to protect principal. The goal of Buy, Hold, & SELL! is not to make investors rich quick, but to help keep them from becoming poor.

Цена: 2572.9 руб.
ISBN: 9781118951514


Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies
Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies

Автор: Tony Ioannou

Buying and selling a home are the biggest financial transactions most people will ever tackle. Well, help has arrived. This revised edition of Buying and Selling a Home For Canadians For Dummies prepares you to get what you need and want when buying a new home or selling the one you're in. Everything from arranging your finances and hiring an agent, to inspecting prospective homes and assessing home values, to making or fielding offers is presented in a clear and humorous way to help you get the most out of the process.

Цена: 3221.88 руб.
ISBN: 9780470951972


Buying Time. Trading Your Retirement Savings for Income and Lifestyle in Your Prime Retirement Years
Buying Time. Trading Your Retirement Savings for Income and Lifestyle in Your Prime Retirement Years

Автор: Dick Diamond

DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT, AND STILL COVER EVERYTHING YOU NEED, IN RETIREMENT. Buying Time begins where most other retirement books end. Instead of covering how to accumulate money for your retirement, it gives you direction from that point forward-how to draw upon your assets most efficiently to create the income you will need throughout retirement. It provides an integrated approach to planning your income in retirement, so that you can do everything you want and still cover everything you need. Buying Time will help you to make better use of your resources, and make the best of your prime retirement years. Explains how to set your lifestyle objectives and plan for the best use of your money in retirement. Cover different strategies for different stages of retirement, so that you can make the best of your prime years while still providing for contingencies and long-term health considerations. Fully updated, this revised edition includes information on: adjustments in tax rates and tax credits; new and amended tax legislation; major changes to the pension income-splitting rules; new financial products and investment options for people in retirement; and more. A proven, integrated, four-part approach to retirement planning: structuring and planning income, investing during retirement, health-risk management, and wealth transfer. Offers advice on how to work with an advisor to create and implement a plan that's right for you. Includes practical examples, illustrations, forms, and checklists. Buying Time offers practical, proven strategies that readers can apply at every stage of retirement, from the "golden years' to the «olden years.»

Цена: 3087.48 руб.
ISBN: 9780470156483


C/C++. Программирование на языке высокого уровня. Учебник для вузов
C/C++. Программирование на языке высокого уровня. Учебник для вузов

Автор: Татьяна Александровна Павловская

Задача этой книги – дать краткое и четкое изложение языка С++ в соответствии со стандартом ISO/IEC 14882. Она предназначена для студентов, изучающих язык «с нуля», но будет полезна и более искушенным в программировании. Цель, которая ставилась при написании книги – дать правильное представление о возможностях языка С++ и способах их применения, толчок к дальнейшему изучению этого и других языков программирования и ключ к пониманию современных объектно-ориентированных технологий. Контрольные задания по ключевым темам представлены в 20 вариантах, и автор надеется, что преподаватели оценят проявленную о них заботу.

Серия: Учебник для вузов. Стандарт третьего поколения (Питер)

Исполнители: Олег Троицкий

Цена: 699 руб.
Год: 2021
ISBN: 978-5-4461-3916-3


C?mo Atraer El Dinero Usando El Poder Mental
C?mo Atraer El Dinero Usando El Poder Mental

Автор: Timothy Willink

?Por qu? algunas personas logran ser ricas a una edad temprana mientras que otras luchan por pagar sus cuentas hasta su lecho de muerte? ?Cu?l es la diferencia entre las personas? Sigue leyendo… Tal vez no tengas idea de esto, pero puede haber un millonario viviendo al lado. En Am?rica, el 7% de los hogares son millonarios. Si hay tanto dinero alrededor, ?por qu? es tan dif?cil ser rico? ?Cu?l es el secreto detr?s de esto? Hay gente que trabaja duro toda su vida y nunca llega a ganar m?s que lo suficiente para comer y pagar las cuentas. ?C?mo es que algunas personas ganan dinero con facilidad y otras no? En este libro ”C?mo Atraer Dinero Usando el Poder de la Mente” aprender?s un poderoso acelerador de la riqueza. No tienes que ser una enciclopedia de las finanzas. Atraer dinero tiene m?s que ver con la mentalidad que con el conocimiento. Una vez que definas tus metas, puedes desarrollar tus pensamientos de una manera positiva, con el fin de atraer el dinero que deseas. Alguno ?Por qu? algunas personas logran ser ricas a una edad temprana mientras que otras luchan por pagar sus cuentas hasta su lecho de muerte? ?Cu?l es la diferencia entre las personas? Sigue leyendo… Tal vez no tengas idea de esto, pero puede haber un millonario viviendo al lado. En Am?rica, el 7% de los hogares son millonarios. Si hay tanto dinero alrededor, ?por qu? es tan dif?cil ser rico? ?Cu?l es el secreto detr?s de esto? Hay gente que trabaja duro toda su vida y nunca llega a ganar m?s que lo suficiente para comer y pagar las cuentas. ?C?mo es que algunas personas ganan dinero con facilidad y otras no? En este libro ”C?mo Atraer Dinero Usando el Poder de la Mente” aprender?s un poderoso acelerador de la riqueza. No tienes que ser una enciclopedia de las finanzas. Atraer dinero tiene m?s que ver con la mentalidad que con el conocimiento. Una vez que definas tus metas, puedes desarrollar tus pensamientos de una manera positiva, con el fin de atraer el dinero que deseas. Algunos de los secretos para ello son la confianza, la fe y una inquebrantable autodisciplina. Los otros secretos ser?n revelados por ”C?mo Atraer Dinero Usando el Poder Mental”, una lectura obligada que te pone en el camino del ?xito. ”Para Atraer Dinero, Debes Enfocarte en la Riqueza. Es imposible traer m?s dinero a tu vida cuando te das cuenta de que no tienes suficiente, porque eso significa que est?s pensando que no tienes suficiente”. – Rhonda Byrne ?Qu? pasar?a si tuvieras los ingresos que siempre has querido? Imagina c?mo ser?a, atraer la riqueza y la prosperidad a tu vida. En lugar de ver un programa como ”American Millionaires” en la televisi?n, tome medidas y reclame lo que es suyo. Tratar de construir una fortuna sin creer en sus objetivos es una empresa in?til. Afortunadamente, este libro ”C?mo atraer dinero usando el poder mental” le ense?ar? todos los consejos y trucos para hacerse rico, empezando por el poder de su propia mente. No te pierdas esta lectura y no ignores tu futuro ?xito. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina. P.S. ?Qu? le detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversi?n que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para dar un salto cu?ntico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. ?Act?e ahora!

Цена: 294.95 руб.
ISBN: 9788835401902


Canning and Preserving For Dummies
Canning and Preserving For Dummies

Автор: Amelia Jeanroy

Everything you need to know to can and preserve your own food With the cost of living continuing to rise, more and more people are saving money and eating healthier by canning and preserving food at home. This easy-to-follow guide is perfect for you if you want to learn how to can and preserve your own food, as well as if you're an experienced canner and preserver looking to expand your repertoire with the great new and updated recipes contained in this book. Inside you'll find clear, hands-on instruction in the basic techniques for everything from freezing and pickling to drying and juicing. There's plenty of information on the latest equipment for creating and storing your own healthy foods. Plus, you'll see how you can cut your food costs while controlling the quality of the food your family eats. Everything you need to know about freezing, canning, preserving, pickling, drying, juicing, and root cellaring Explains the many great benefits of canning and preserving, including eating healthier and developing self-reliance Features new recipes that include preparation, cooking, and processing times Amy Jeanroy is the Herb Garden Guide for About.com and Karen Ward is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals If you want to save money on your grocery bill, get back to basics, and eat healthier, Canning & Preserving For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your ideal resource!

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470555453


Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide
Canon EOS 5D Mark II Digital Field Guide

Автор: Brian McLernon

Easy-to-understand techniques for getting the most from your Canon EOS 5D Mark II DSLR At nearly $3,000 for the body only, the Canon 5D Mark II DSLR is for amateurs and semi-professionals who are serious about taking great photos-and this go-anywhere guide shares insight for doing just that. Authors Charlotte Lowrie and Brian McLernon walk you step by step through each function on the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, going into more depth and scope than the standard manual that accompanies the camera. Portable and easy to understand, the book shows you how to get the exact show you want, when you want them, and is packed with more than 200 beautiful color photos. Includes step-by-step techniques and professional tips on taking exceptional photos with your Canon EOS 5D Mark II Reviews how to better understand the various functions and potential of your Canon EOS 5D Mark II Features samples of inspirational photos taken by the author With so much helpful advice for getting the most out of your Canon EOS 5D Mark II, you'll be referencing this guide again and again.

Цена: 1840.16 руб.
ISBN: 9780470552803


Chemical Process Engineering Volume 1
Chemical Process Engineering Volume 1

Автор: A. Kayode Coker

CHEMICAL PROCESS ENGINEERING [b]Written by two of the most prolific and respected chemical engineers in the world, this groundbreaking two-volume set is the “new standard” in the industry, offering engineers and students alike the most up-do-date, comprehensive, and state-of-the-art coverage of processes and best practices in the field today. This first new volume in a two-volume set explores and describes integrating new tools for engineering education and practice for better utilization of the existing knowledge on process design. Useful not only for students, professors, scientists and practitioners, especially process, chemical, mechanical and metallurgical engineers, it is also a valuable reference for other engineers, consultants, technicians and scientists concerned about various aspects of industrial design. The text can be considered as a complementary text to process design for senior and graduate students as well as a hands-on reference work or refresher for engineers at entry level. The contents of the book can also be taught in intensive workshops in the oil, gas, petrochemical, biochemical and process industries. The book provides a detailed description and hands-on experience on process design in chemical engineering, and it is an integrated text that focuses on practical design with new tools, such as Excel spreadsheets and UniSim simulation software. Written by two industry and university’s most trustworthy and well-known authors, this book is the new standard in chemical, biochemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and petroleum refining. Covering design, analysis, simulation, integration, and, perhaps most importantly, the practical application of Microsoft Excel-UniSim software, this is the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of all of the latest developments in the industry. It is a must-have for any engineer or student’s library.

Цена: 29853.83 руб.
ISBN: 9781119510222


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