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Internet of Healthcare Things
Internet of Healthcare Things

Àâòîð: Ãðóïïà àâòîðîâ

Öåíà: 22775.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119792451


Inversi?n En Bienes Ra?ces: Casas Rodantes
Inversi?n En Bienes Ra?ces: Casas Rodantes

Àâòîð: Timothy Willink

?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… ?Qui?n no ha visto un programa de renovaci?n en la televisi?n? Se est? volviendo cada vez m?s popular: una casa vieja con potencial se arregla para terminar pareciendo un palacio. En la vida real, sin embargo, voltear casas requiere el conocimiento y la estrategia. Este libro ”Inversi?n en bienes ra?ces: casas rodantes” te ense?ar? los trucos y secretos de la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces. Este libro le ense?ar? c?mo encontrar, financiar, arreglar y vender una casa. Aprender? todos los peque?os secretos que la gente no comparte en la televisi?n. Usted podr? prever posibles problemas y sabr? c?mo resolverlos si se presentan. Esta gu?a te ahorrar? tiempo y dinero. ”No espere para comprar una propiedad. Compre bienes ra?ces y espere”. – Will Rogers. En promedio, una persona tarda 10 semana ?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… ?Qui?n no ha visto un programa de renovaci?n en la televisi?n? Se est? volviendo cada vez m?s popular: una casa vieja con potencial se arregla para terminar pareciendo un palacio. En la vida real, sin embargo, voltear casas requiere el conocimiento y la estrategia. Este libro ”Inversi?n en bienes ra?ces: casas rodantes” te ense?ar? los trucos y secretos de la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces. Este libro le ense?ar? c?mo encontrar, financiar, arreglar y vender una casa. Aprender? todos los peque?os secretos que la gente no comparte en la televisi?n. Usted podr? prever posibles problemas y sabr? c?mo resolverlos si se presentan. Esta gu?a te ahorrar? tiempo y dinero. ”No espere para comprar una propiedad. Compre bienes ra?ces y espere”. – Will Rogers. En promedio, una persona tarda 10 semanas en encontrar su casa perfecta despu?s de 10 visitas. Pi?nselo por un segundo: Al tener un conocimiento previo, usted sabr? exactamente qu? buscar cuando busque una casa. Invertir su dinero en una casa antigua puede ser muy rentable si se hace de la manera correcta. Sin embargo, puede haber muchas situaciones inesperadas y, a menos que est? preparado para ellas, comenzar? a perder dinero. Hay una gran brecha de conocimiento en la inversi?n de bienes ra?ces. Es por eso que los ricos se est?n haciendo m?s ricos y los pobres m?s pobres. Usted puede arriesgarse y seguir este camino a ciegas, o puede leer este libro y establecer una fuerte base de conocimiento. Millones de personas en todo el mundo lo est?n haciendo. ?A qu? esperas? Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse hasta la parte superior de esta p?gina. P.S. ?Qu? es lo que le detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversi?n que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para dar un salto cu?ntico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. ?Act?e ahora!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835401889


Inversi?n En Bienes Ra?ces: Propiedad En Alquiler
Inversi?n En Bienes Ra?ces: Propiedad En Alquiler

Àâòîð: Timothy Willink

?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… El ingreso pasivo es algo que usted construye para durar por a?os para que pueda tener dinero entrando a?n cuando duerme. Alquilar propiedades es una sabia elecci?n si usted est? buscando un ingreso pasivo s?lido a largo plazo. Este libro comparte contigo todos los secretos y te prepara para cualquier evento para que puedas dominar el mundo de los bienes ra?ces. Actualmente, el 36,6% de los hogares est?n alquilando sus casas. Cada a?o este n?mero aumenta, y muchas personas est?n eligiendo vivir en una casa alquilada por varias razones. Invertir en una propiedad de alquiler es definitivamente una decisi?n inteligente que le permite ganar m?s dinero. ?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… El ingreso pasivo es algo que usted construye para durar por a?os para que pueda tener dinero entrando a?n cuando duerme. Alquilar propiedades es una sabia elecci?n si usted est? buscando un ingreso pasivo s?lido a largo plazo. Este libro comparte contigo todos los secretos y te prepara para cualquier evento para que puedas dominar el mundo de los bienes ra?ces. Actualmente, el 36,6% de los hogares est?n alquilando sus casas. Cada a?o este n?mero aumenta, y muchas personas est?n eligiendo vivir en una casa alquilada por varias razones. Invertir en una propiedad de alquiler es definitivamente una decisi?n inteligente que le permite ganar m?s dinero. Por supuesto, alquilar una propiedad puede ser todo un reto, hay que tener en cuenta la zona donde se encuentra la casa, su estado y su mantenimiento. Este libro le ense?a paso a paso estrategias para ayudarle a dar forma a su negocio de propiedades en alquiler y maximizar sus beneficios de forma segura. ”No esperes para comprar una propiedad. Compra bienes ra?ces y espera”. —Will Rogers— El alquiler es una gran soluci?n y se est? volviendo a?n m?s popular. El refr?n es tan cierto que debemos comprar y esperar para que podamos empezar a recibir los ingresos de alquiler. ?Tener dinero en el banco que ni siquiera est? ganando el 1% de inter?s? Es hora de hacer un movimiento m?s inteligente. Encuentre toda la ayuda que necesita para comenzar a invertir en bienes ra?ces comenzando a leer ”Inversi?n en bienes ra?ces”: Propiedades de alquiler”. Construye tu propia renta pasiva y disfruta de tu tiempo familiar mientras el dinero sigue entrando! Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina. P.D. ?Qu? le detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerda, la mejor inversi?n que puedes hacer es en ti mismo. Invierte el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para dar un salto cualitativo en tu vida, riqueza, amor y felicidad. ?Act?e ahora!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835401919


Inversi?n Inmobiliaria Para Principiantes
Inversi?n Inmobiliaria Para Principiantes

Àâòîð: Timothy Willink

?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… Si tiene dinero en el banco y est? buscando invertirlo, los bienes ra?ces son una gran opci?n. Aunque no tenga dinero en el banco, puede comprar una propiedad. ?Suena incre?ble? Eso es porque no tienes el conocimiento adecuado. Vivimos en un mundo con una gran brecha de conocimiento hoy en d?a. Por eso los ricos se est?n haciendo m?s ricos y los pobres m?s pobres. Recuerde: No se trata de los recursos, sino de su ingenio. En el contexto actual, el 50% de las casas vendidas se eligen en l?nea. ?Qu? te dice esto? OPORTUNIDADES. Estamos viviendo en una ?poca sin precedentes. Nuestros abuelos no tuvieron las mismas oportunidades que nosotros tenemos hoy. Mira, antes de comprar cualquier propiedad, tendr?s que considerar muchos factores. La ubicaci?n de la casa, las condiciones estructural ?Qu? le impide ganar dinero con la inversi?n en bienes ra?ces? ?Sab?a usted que los bienes ra?ces crearon m?s millonarios (personas ricas en otras palabras) que cualquier otra cosa? Siga leyendo… Si tiene dinero en el banco y est? buscando invertirlo, los bienes ra?ces son una gran opci?n. Aunque no tenga dinero en el banco, puede comprar una propiedad. ?Suena incre?ble? Eso es porque no tienes el conocimiento adecuado. Vivimos en un mundo con una gran brecha de conocimiento hoy en d?a. Por eso los ricos se est?n haciendo m?s ricos y los pobres m?s pobres. Recuerde: No se trata de los recursos, sino de su ingenio. En el contexto actual, el 50% de las casas vendidas se eligen en l?nea. ?Qu? te dice esto? OPORTUNIDADES. Estamos viviendo en una ?poca sin precedentes. Nuestros abuelos no tuvieron las mismas oportunidades que nosotros tenemos hoy. Mira, antes de comprar cualquier propiedad, tendr?s que considerar muchos factores. La ubicaci?n de la casa, las condiciones estructurales y los posibles lugares de inter?s que se construir?n cerca. Este libro, ”Inversi?n en bienes ra?ces para principiantes” le proporcionar? las herramientas adecuadas para que no cometa ning?n error costoso. ”No espere para comprar bienes ra?ces. Compre bienes ra?ces y espere”. – Will Rogers. Hay miles de casas listas para comprar. Al elegir su casa sabiamente y teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos, puede construir un s?lido negocio de bienes ra?ces. No tiene que recorrer este camino solo. Especialmente si reci?n est? comenzando, necesita toda la ayuda posible. Hacer negocios de bienes ra?ces puede parecer aterrador al principio, pero sus metas tienen que gritar m?s alto. Este libro construir? los cimientos de su conocimiento sobre inversiones en bienes ra?ces. Piense en grande y convi?rtase en un maestro de los bienes ra?ces. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina. P.S. ?Qu? lo detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de las personas se detienen ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerde, la mejor inversi?n que puede hacer es en usted mismo. Invierta el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para dar un salto cu?ntico en su vida ☄, la riqueza, el amor y la felicidad. ?Act?e ahora!

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835401926


Invest in Charity. A Donor s Guide to Charitable Giving
Invest in Charity. A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving

Àâòîð: Ron Jordan

A Complete Guide to Personal Philanthropy Are you one of the newly wealthy with an interest in «giving back» . . . an heir to money you'd like to share with a favorite cause . . . or simply someone who would like to do good in your community? There are more opportunities than ever for people of every financial station to make a difference through charitable giving. But how do you choose among the many options available, and how do you know which type of gift is best for you? Invest in Charity: A Donor's Guide to Charitable Giving will teach you everything you need to know to devise and follow an effective charitable giving plan. It explains how to find the right charity; understand the tax, estate, and financial considerations; and select a gift-whether it's a one-time cash gift or a lifelong annuity. Covering everything from researching the legitimacy of a nonprofit organization to navigating the tax and estate laws that apply to you, this guide will help you make your bequest with complete confidence that it's right for your charity and for you.

Öåíà: 3308.41 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471217374


Investing 101
Investing 101

Àâòîð: Kathy Kristof

People wanting basic advice about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement planning, and tax strategies are often frustrated by information overload. Picking the right book seems as daunting as deciding what to do with their savings and investments. Investing 101: Updated and Expanded removes both roadblocks, putting people on a path that they can understand and stick with. Kristof is renowned for taking the mystery and anxiety out of investing by keeping choices manageable. Kristof walks readers through the entire investment cycle and the way they think of their financial lives, rather than presenting stand-alone concepts like stocks and real estate. This expanded edition has new information about 529 college savings plans, annuities, Roth IRAs, reverse mortgages, and why declining markets can be good for you. It includes a cautionary look at home mortgages as investments. There's even a portfolio for the lazy investor. Kristof's loyal readership and the success of this book's first edition demonstrate that she understands what's on the minds of investors as intimately as she knows what’s happening in financial markets. Winner: Cover and Interior Design, The Bookbinders Guild of New York/2009 New York Book Show Awards

Öåíà: 2093.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470883303


Investing Amid Low Expected Returns
Investing Amid Low Expected Returns

Àâòîð: Antti Ilmanen

Öåíà: 2367.46 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119860211


Investing For Canadians All-in-One For Dummies
Investing For Canadians All-in-One For Dummies

Àâòîð: Eric Tyson

Öåíà: 2959.34 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119736677


Investing For Dummies
Investing For Dummies

Àâòîð: Eric Tyson

Pick winning stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs Develop and manage your portfolio through all economies Invest in real estate and small business Time-tested investing advice to secure your future Investing for your future is wise and essential. Of course, you want to make solid investment choices and minimize mistakes. This updated, best-selling guide educates you on investing concepts and lingo so you can make the best decisions in all economies and markets. Understanding how to find and make smart investments is a skill that can be learned, and this book by money-pro Eric Tyson will help you by discovering how to weigh risk vs. return, offering tips on choosing stocks and funds, getting started in real estate and small business, and so much more. Inside… Selecting investments wisely Increasing your wealth through stocks and funds Understanding tax laws and their impact on investing Choosing a brokerage firm Investing in a home and other real estate Discovering how politics and policy affect your money

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119716518


Investing for Dummies - UK
Investing for Dummies - UK

Àâòîð: Tony Levene

The easy way to demystify the intimidating world of investing in the UK market Think investing is only for the super-rich? Think again! Packed with tons of expert advice, Investing For Dummies UK 4th edition shows you step-by-step how to make sound, sensible investment choices—whatever your budget. All the major investment categories are covered for the smart beginner, while more advanced and alternative investments are presented for the more adventurous and experienced. Wherever you fall on the investing spectrum, there's something for you! This new UKeditionof Investing For Dummies has been updated with the latest financial information, including all the new trends and developments that have affected the world of investment, with an emphasis on the new pensions legislations and changes to Individual Savings Accounts. Whether you're interested in assessing your financial means, gauging risks and returns or increasing your personal wealth, with the help of this friendly guide, you no longer need to work in finance to make sense of the facts and figures behind your investments! Offers tips on how to minimize the risk of investment gambles Covers the FCA's more stringent risk analysis for investors using advisers Contains new sections on pensions, ISAs, the DIY/self-directed investor, and ultra-low interest rates Includes new online templates to help simplify the investing process If you want to go it alone in the investment arena, but need the support of a straightforward, reassuring guide to help you make the best decisions—and get the highest returns from your investments—this is the book for you.

Öåíà: 2116.32 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119025788


Investing For Dummies
Investing For Dummies

Àâòîð: Eric Tyson

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Àëëà ×îâæèê

Öåíà: 2111 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119716419


Investing in Cannabis
Investing in Cannabis

Àâòîð: Dan Ahrens

Öåíà: 2535.17 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119691006


Investing in Resources. How to Profit from the Outsized Potential and Avoid the Risks
Investing in Resources. How to Profit from the Outsized Potential and Avoid the Risks

Àâòîð: Adrian Day

How to analyze and understand investment opportunities in the resources market Investing in resource markets is quite different from other sectors–extreme cyclicality; very long cycles; huge corrections; continual mergers and acquisitions; and, huge capital needs. Written by industry pioneer Adrian Day, Investing in Resources: How to Profit from the Outsized Potential and Avoid the Outsized Risks details the factors that affect investing in resource markets, and how, if an investor understands those factors, the resource market can be a great place to realize very strong gains. The book: Explains the major factors driving resource prices higher, including new demand from China and the difficulty in finding new economic resources Discusses how the resource industry is changing, and addresses where we are in the «Super Cycle» Details how to profit by investing in base metals, gold, silver, and agriculture, while explaining the peculiar political, environmental, and social risks inherent in resource markets In recent years, deciding how to minimize the excessive risks of investing in resource markets has proven difficult for even the most experienced investors. Thanks to Investing in Resources, the task of how and where to invest in this lucrative market is made easier.

Öåíà: 3677.55 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470890295


Investing in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies
Investing in Your 20s & 30s For Dummies

Àâòîð: Eric Tyson

Öåíà: 1943.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119805410


Investing Without Borders. How Six Billion Investors Can Find Profits in the Global Economy
Investing Without Borders. How Six Billion Investors Can Find Profits in the Global Economy

Àâòîð: Daniel Frishberg

An insightful examination of the skills needed to be a proactive investor and find diverse investment opportunities in the emerging economy There is no little league on Wall Street and no white belts. Here or abroad, you are put in immediately with the black belts – the best and the brightest. Think like an amateur and they will eat your lunch in China or in the U.S. Attempting to invest overseas like a robot and following the leader will produce results just as bad as investing that way at home. While many investors are smart, creative individuals, when exposed to the herd, they tend to follow group mentality and succumb to what the people around them believe. Avoiding this trap can mean big profits for you. With The Investment Warrior, author Daniel Frishberg-a financial professional with more than thirty years experience in the industry-shows you how to break from the pack and build a winning portfolio. The investor in the old economy didn't think critically about changing economic or political conditions around the world. He never really had to. He was lulled to sleep by the enduring dominance of the U.S. economy. This book teaches you to be an awake and aware investor, ready for the changing financial environment. Throughout the book, Frishberg discusses what it takes to successfully invest both domestically and abroad and provides practical examples. This book Goes beyond the current crisis and explores the importance of diversifying and escaping the «herd» mentality that hinders most investors Contains insights into investing for the long term and taking advantage of the growing world economy Details the staggering amount of resources being applied to the global boom and what this means for your investments The lessons of this book go beyond today's economic crisis. Frishberg will provide you with insights to be used in all investing circumstances. Everyone wants to oversimplify. This is one of the most costly human foibles. You can capture considerable profits by going out on your own, and with The Investment Warrior as your guide, you'll quickly discover how.

Öåíà: 2572.9 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470609286


Investing without Wall Street. The Five Essentials of Financial Freedom
Investing without Wall Street. The Five Essentials of Financial Freedom

Àâòîð: Sheldon Jacobs

Praise for Sheldon Jacobs «Sheldon Jacobs is a level-headed gentleman who is a cross between Albert Einstein, the Dalai Lama, and Vanguard founder Jack Bogle and who had a solid record editing and publishing The No-Load Fund Investor financial newsletter for over a quarter-century.» —MarketWatch «King of no-loads.» —Investor's Business Daily «Dean of the no-load fund watchers.» —USA Today «Among financial experts who are able to think with a small investor's perspective, no one is more level-headed than Sheldon Jacobs.» —Bottom Line/Personal In July of 1993, Sheldon Jacobs was one of five nationally recognized mutual fund advisors chosen by The New York Times for a mutual fund portfolio competition. The portfolio that he selected produced the highest return of all contestants for almost seven years, and the Times quarterly publication of this contest helped him become one of the best-known mutual fund advisorsin America. Investing without Wall Street shows investors how to achieve the greatest wealth with the least effort. It details the five essentials that even a kid could master and shows that they are all you need to be a successful investor. With this knowledge, the average investor can invest on his or her own and make $252,000 more than a person investing the same way who shares his or her profits with professionals. This book will teach you how.

Öåíà: 2296.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118228395


It s All About Who You Hire, How They Lead...and Other Essential Advice from a Self-Made Leader
It's All About Who You Hire, How They Lead...and Other Essential Advice from a Self-Made Leader

Àâòîð: Morton Mandel

American business leader, entrepreneur, and noted philanthropist Morton Mandel shares lessons he gleaned from co-founding and leading, along with his brothers Jack and Joe, Premier Industrial Corporation, a major industrial parts and electronic components manufacturer and distributor. Now for readers everywhere who are interested in studying leadership development, It’s All About Who describes Mandel’s approach to finding, recruiting and cultivating “A” players. In his book, Mandel shares his fine-tuned set of practices to develop leaders that have proven to deliver dramatically better results. Containing sixteen core sections, “It’s All About Who” covers key strategic topics from “Building a Rich, Deep, and Ethical Culture” to “Killing Yourself for Your Customer” to “Using Business Ideas in the Social Sector.” What makes Mandel unique is his selflessness in pursuing a life of purpose. Mandel has lived in two worlds: the world of profit and the world of social impact. Even as chairman and CEO of a New York Stock Exchange company for more than three decades, he spent as much as a third of his time in the social sector. Mandel has personally founded more than a dozen non-profit organizations. His deep-seated passion is evident in the mission of his Foundation: “To invest in people with the values, ability and passion to change the world.”

Öåíà: 2572.9 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118461419


It s the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused
It's the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused

Àâòîð: Jeffrey Gitomer

Ruthlessly focus on what's convenient for customers, not what's convenient for you Ninety percent of dissatisfied clients will take their business elsewhere and never tell you why. However, ninety-five percent will become loyal customers again if their needs and problems are addressed and remedied. Speaker and salesperson Michael Aun shares these secrets and many more in It's the Customer, Stupid!, a guide to growing any business by gaining new customers, and, more importantly, by keeping the ones you have happy and coming back for more. This fun-to-read book explains common myths about sales and customer satisfaction, starting with the fact that most businesses think they're customer-centric, but they just aren't. Get proven steps to REALLY put your customer at the center of what you do Distinguish your business from the competition by understanding the principle that good sales ARE good service Author received the Toastmasters «World Championship of Public Speaking» award and is also a full-time businessman practicing what he preaches daily It's the Customer, Stupid! reveals key actions that will shake up your business approach. Your customers will love you for them, and you'll love the effect on sales!

Öåíà: 2296.73 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118001264


It s Your Money, Honey. A Girl s Guide to Saving, Investing, and Building Wealth at Every Age and Life Stage
It's Your Money, Honey. A Girl's Guide to Saving, Investing, and Building Wealth at Every Age and Life Stage

Àâòîð: Laura McDonald J

Turning smart girls golden; the women's guide to personal finance Rebranding finance with a feminine spin, It's Your Money, Honey is designed to encourage women of all ages to take a greater interest—and play a greater role—in the financial issues that affect their everyday lives and financial futures. Conversational, irreverent, and intelligent, this guide to wealth creation, wealth management, and financial protection as it relates to women and their families provides exactly the kind of advice that smart women today need to know in order to take charge of their finances. Organized by decade and the events—from childrearing to retirement—that need to be planned for, presently enjoyed, or recovered from, It's Your Money, Honey is packed with expert information in the no-nonsense style of a girlfriend who knows her stuff. Finances aren't that hard, you just have to deal with them yourself. Finally, a book that understand that every woman needs to make time for a personal finance education Highly accessible, the book is designed to be read whenever you find yourself with a spare second, providing important information in bite sized chunks Helps women prepare for major life events with the help of real life stories, helpful checklists, and easy-to-apply Golden Rules Born out of the notion that too many smart women let their financial situations be ignored, swept under the rug, or dictated by others, It's Your Money, Honey is everything you need to know about money but were too busy to ask. www.goldengirlfinance.ca

Öåíà: 2761.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118157497


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2010. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2010. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

A straightforward guide to taking tax breaks and deductions Completely revised to reflect important changes in this year's tax laws, J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2010 will help you take advantage of every tax break and deduction you may be entitled to. This comprehensive guide is clearly organized by subject matter so you can easily find situations that may apply to you. Each tax benefit is also clearly explained-along with the eligibility requirements for claiming the benefit-while planning tips and common pitfalls associated with the benefit in question are discussed in detail. New tax law alerts are also included throughout the book, so you can make the most informed decisions possible. Discusses deductions and tax breaks with regard to your family, home, car, job, investments, charitable giving, health coverage, and much more Packed with hundreds of updated examples, practical advice, and real-world examples Other titles by Weltman: J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2010 J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2010 is a book every taxpayer should own.

Öåíà: 1744.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470573013


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2012. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2012. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

A straightforward guide to taking tax breaks and deductions on your 2011 tax return Completely revised to reflect important changes in this year?s tax laws, J.K. Lasser?s 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2012 will help you take advantage of every tax break and deduction that you may be entitled to. This comprehensive guide is clearly organized by subject matter so you can easily find situations that may apply to you. Each tax benefit is also clearly explained?along with the eligibility requirements for claiming the benefit?while planning tips and common pitfalls associated with the benefit in question are discussed in detail. New tax law alerts are also included throughout the book, so you can make the most informed decisions possible. Discusses deductions and tax breaks with regard to your family, home, car, job, investments, retirement, medical expenses, charitable giving, health coverage, and much more Packed with hundreds of updated examples, practical advice, and real-world examples Explains tax changes that are set to apply after 2011 that may affect your planning decisions Includes a free online supplement at JKLasser.com, which contains up-to-the-minute tax law changes Other titles by Barbara Weltman: J.K. Lasser?s Small Business Taxes 2012 Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, J.K. Lasser?s 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2012 is a book every taxpayer should own.

Öåíà: 1836.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118176498


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2006. The Complete Guide to Everything Deductible
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2006. The Complete Guide to Everything Deductible

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Stop worrying and start saving with J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2006 Fully updated to reflect important changes in this year's tax laws, J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2006 will help you take advantage of every tax break and deduction that you may be entitled to. This comprehensive guide is clearly organized by subject matter so you can easily find situations that may apply to you. Each tax benefit is clearly explained–along with the eligibility requirements for claiming the benefit–while planning tips and common pitfalls associated with the benefit in question are discussed in detail. New tax law alerts are also included throughout the book, so you can make the most informed decisions possible. With this book as your guide, you'll find deductions and tax breaks with regard to: * You and your family * Your home * Your car * Your job or business * Retirement savings * Education costs * Medical expenses * Health savings accounts * Real estate * Investing * Borrowing and interest * Insurance and catastrophes * Gifts and inheritances * Charitable giving * Travel * Entertainment J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2006 is packed with hundreds of updated deductions and credits, practical advice, and real-world examples. It's a book every taxpayer should own.

Öåíà: 1872.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471784289


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

The definitive guide to all income-tax deductions and credits for the everyday taxpayer Millions of Americans overpay their taxes by billions of dollars every year. J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022: Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible provides an invaluable tool by thoroughly explaining and keeping track of the constantly advancing tax law code for the ordinary taxpaying Americans. The fifth edition of this popular book has been fully updated to reflect the latest rulings and laws, allowing the reader to easily refer to the appropriate deductions for their particular needs. This guidebook answers the most common tax questions regarding deductions and credit in a clear, and easy-to-follow guide. It provides readers with: Answers to the most common tax questions regarding deductions and credit Comprehensive information on each deductible expense, including dollar limits and record-keeping requirements An e-supplement with the latest tax developments from the IRS and Congress Information regarding the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA) Ideal for taxpayers and tax professionals, 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks, 2022 helps the American taxpayer claim what is rightfully yours and keep more of your hard-earned money.

Öåíà: 2022.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119838548


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Öåíà: 2022.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119838531


J.K. Lasser s Guide to Self-Employment. Taxes, Tips, and Money-Saving Strategies for Schedule C Filers
J.K. Lasser's Guide to Self-Employment. Taxes, Tips, and Money-Saving Strategies for Schedule C Filers

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Tax facts and strategies every self-employed person needs to know If you're thinking about starting a business, or have already begun one, you are not alone. There are more than 23 million workers who are already self-employed and file Schedule C to report their income and expenses. As a self-employed person you have to handle many, if not all, of the aspects of running your business. J.K. Lasser's Guide to Self-Employment is intended to help you with some business aspects with which you may not be familiar—but which have a great impact on your bottom line. It skillfully focuses on taxes as well as many legal and financial matters that may pertain to your business. Informative and accessible, J.K. Lasser's Guide to Self-Employment is designed for you, the self-employed person working alone as a service provider, to help pin down all of the tax breaks to which you may be entitled. Divided into three comprehensive parts, this reliable resource will help you: Learn the basics of tax reporting: from what it means to be self-employed and an overview of what you have to report—as well as where and when—to becoming familiar with Schedule C Discover the various types of deductions and credits you can claim to reduce revenue that's taxed Become familiar with an array of planning strategies that you can use to make better business decisions throughout the year as well as other strategies you can employ as your business grows And much more Don't be intimidated by taxes and other responsibilities of being self-employed. Instead, embrace the opportunities that a better understanding of tax, legal, and financial responsibilities can produce. Let J.K. Lasser's Guide to Self-Employment show you how. Don't forget to view the free online supplement to this book at JKLasser.com for late tax changes made by Congress and other up-to-the-minute developments.

Öåíà: 1652.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118812761


J.K. Lasser s New Rules for Small Business Taxes
J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Small Business Taxes

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

STOP PAYING MORE TAXES ON YOUR BUSINESS-TODAY! Small businesses are big news. They are profitable, flexible, and productive. But come tax time, most small business owners are at a loss. Let small business and tax expert Barbara Weltman help you maximize your deductions and minimize your payments with J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Small Business Taxes. With the new tax law in effect, many favorable tax changes have been made for small business owners-but unless you're a tax expert, you might not realize all the ways a small business can benefit from both new and current tax laws. J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Small Business Taxes gives you a complete overview of small business tax planning in an accessible and friendly manner. Focusing on strategies that help you use deductions, business income, and other aspects of your small business to save during tax time, this comprehensive guide is all you need to keep up with Uncle Sam. The invaluable advice and guidance in this book will show you how your actions in business today can affect your bottom line from a tax perspective tomorrow. In this volume, you'll find: * Detailed coverage of new tax laws and IRS rules * A complete rundown of available business expenses * Comprehensive information on each deductible expense, including dollar limits and record-keeping requirements * Clear instructions on where to report income and claim deductions on your tax forms * Sample forms and helpful checklists that will keep you organized during tax time * Planning strategies that can help you run a tax-smart business all year long-and avoid problems with the IRS J.K. Lasser-Practical Guides for All Your Financial Needs Please visit our Web site at www.jklasser.com

Öåíà: 1560.31 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471273424


J.K. Lasser s New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning
J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning

Àâòîð: Stewart H. Welch, III

A complete guide to planning an estate under today's tax rules When it comes to your estate–no matter how big or small it may be–you shouldn't leave anything to chance. Proper planning is necessary to protect both your assets and your heirs. Estate Planning Law Specialist Harold Apolinsky and expert financial planner Stewart Welch III know this better than anyone else, and in the Revised and Updated Edition of J.K. Lasser's New Rules for Estate and Tax Planning, they offer valuable advice and solid strategies to help you plan your estate under today's tax rules as well as preserve your wealth. Packed with up-to-the-minute facts, this practical resource covers important issues, such as: * How new legislation will impact inheritances and trusts * Estate and generation-skipping tax planning * The role of wills, executors, and trusts * Treatment of charitable contributions * The do's and don'ts of gifting * Life insurance and retirement planning Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, this book will show you how to efficiently arrange your estate today so that you can leave more to those you care about tomorrow.

Öåíà: 2093.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471731085


J.K. Lasser s New Tax Law Simplified 2010. Tax Relief from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and More
J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified 2010. Tax Relief from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and More

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Straightforward explanations of the new tax laws Things have changed radically in the world of housing, education, employment, and other areas where a firm understanding taxes can benefit you financially. While these changes can, and will, have a dramatic effect on taxpayers, all is not lost. J.K. Lasser provides the tips and tools needed to gain a better grip of what is going on and help you save money on your 2009 return as well as plan ahead for future tax savings. Written by the recognized authority in taxes, J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified 2010 transforms the complex new tax laws into simple English that any taxpayer can understand. Filled with up-to-the-minute facts and figures, this book makes it easier for you to learn about-and profit from-the laws that govern your taxes. Outlines various tax relief strategies Filled with numerous examples and tables Helps you understand and utilize the new tax programs and regulations that have been passed While you may be concerned with the current state of the economic and financial world, this can be a time of great opportunity-if you take advantage of the guidance found in J.K. Lasser's New Tax Laws Simplified 2010.

Öåíà: 1376.2 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470589861


J.K. Lasser s New Tax Law Simplified
J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified

Àâòîð: J.K. Institute Lasser

The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001-this big tax law with the big name is going to change the way you live your financial life. Find out how in J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified: the concise, authoritative guide from the trusted experts who bring you J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax. Packed with up-to-the-minute facts and figures, this book makes it easy for you to understand-and profit from-the most significant tax legislation of the last decade. Learn what the new law means for you and your family, and find out how to use it to keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. With this book you'll understand: * The key tax changes that affect you right now * Phased-in rules for the next ten years * Faster, easier retirement savings options * New tax breaks to improve your family's education * Deductions, tax breaks, and planning tips * And much, much more!

Öåíà: 1430.52 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471216490


J.K. Lasser s New Tax Law Simplified 2004. Get a Bigger Refund
J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified 2004. Get a Bigger Refund

Àâòîð: J.K. Institute Lasser

Plain-English explanations of the new tax laws Each year, complicated new tax laws are created-and this year is no exception. From alternative minimum tax relief through higher exemption amounts to higher standard deduction amounts for nonitemizers, the rules of the tax game are constantly changing. The question is: will you have a strategy in place to make the most of these changes? Written by the recognized authority in taxes, J.K. Lasser's New Tax Law Simplified 2004 transforms the complex new tax laws into simple English that any taxpayer can understand. Filled with up-to-the-minute facts and figures as well as numerous examples and tables, this book makes it easy for you to understand-and profit from-the laws that govern your taxes. With this book, you'll understand: * The new tax treatment of capital gains and dividends * The key tax changes that affect you right now * Rules being phased-in over the next several years * Changes to various deductions, tax breaks, and credits * New tax breaks to improve your family's education * Faster, easier retirement savings options * And much, much more!

Öåíà: 1872.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471647027


J.K. Lasser s Online Taxes
J.K. Lasser's Online Taxes

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

A FAST, ACCURATE, EASY WAY TO FILE YOUR TAXES The best guide to making tax season and year-round planning easier and cheaper is finally here! With a growing number of taxpayers filing online and the recently passed Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, J.K. Lasser's Online Taxes is the perfect answer for all your online tax filing questions. Whether you're a beginner or experienced online tax filer, this practical guide provides accessible information regarding the best tax resources on the Internet, including the IRS Web site. You will also learn how online tax tools offer practical tax strategies and advice at a fraction of what a consultant would cost. With step-by-step instructions on how to file electronically and helpful tips on the new tax law, this book makes filing your taxes simple. J.K. Lasser's Online Taxes will make April 15th seem like just another day. Critical coverage will help you: * Incorporate the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 into your electronic preparation * Pinpoint tax resources on the Web to minimize the need for a consultant * Compare electronic preparation products, including TurboTax and TaxCut * Download necessary tax forms and file your taxes online * File federal and state returns for individuals and small business owners J.K. Lasser-Practical Guides for All Your Financial Needs Please visit our Web site at www.jklasser.com

Öåíà: 1872.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471228059


J.K. Lasser s Small Business Taxes 2012. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2012. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

The tax facts and strategies that every small business owner needs to know Owning a small business is a big responsibility. While all small business owners seek to improve their bottom line, few realize all the ways that both current and new tax laws can help them do so. With J.K. Lasser?s Small Business Taxes 2012, you?ll quickly discover how. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable resource offers a complete overview of small business tax planning and provides you with the information needed to make tax-smart decisions throughout the year. Focusing on strategies that help you use deductions and tax credits effectively, shield business income, and maximize other aspects of small business taxes, this practical guide will show you how your actions in business today can affect your bottom line from a tax perspective tomorrow. Includes detailed coverage of the newest tax laws and IRS rules Reveals strategies that can help you run a tax-smart business all year long Contains comprehensive information on each deductible expense, including dollar limits and record-keeping requirements Offers clear instructions on where to report income and claim deductions on your tax forms Includes a free online supplement at JKLasser.com, which contains up-to-the-minute tax law changes Other titles by Barbara Weltman: J.K. Lasser?s 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2012 Making the right tax moves can make your business better. Let J.K. Lasser?s Small Business Taxes 2012 show you how, with strategies and advice that will help you understand and plan for both today?s and tomorrow?s tax laws.

Öåíà: 1836.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118176443


J.K. Lasser s Small Business Taxes 2021
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2021

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Öåíà: 1943.3 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119740063


J.K. Lasser s Small Business Taxes 2019. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Maximize your bottom line with the nation's most trusted small business tax guide J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019 is the small business owner's ultimate guide to a money-saving, stress-free tax season. Providing straightforward advice from the nation's most trusted tax expert on small business taxes, this book gives you the answers you need quickly, with clear, concise guidance. Updated to cover changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other legislation, this edition also includes an e-supplement covering additional developments from Congress and the IRS to keep you fully up-to-date. A complete listing of all available business deductions and credits helps you identify those you qualify for, and includes critical information on dollar limits, recordkeeping requirements, and how to actually take the write-off—all the way down to the IRS form to use. Organizational and planning strategies help you get through the process quickly and with fewer headaches, and this year's changes to the tax laws are explained in terms of how they affect your filing. Keeping up with the intricacies of tax law and filing is a full-time job—but it's not your full-time job. You have a business to run. This book gives you the guidance you need in the time that you have so you can get taxes out of the way and get back to work. Learn which expenses qualify for deductions—and which ones don't Adopt a more organized recordkeeping system to streamline the filing process Explore small-business-specific strategies for starting or closing a business, running a sideline business, and operating in multiple businesses Decode the various forms and worksheets correctly with step-by-step guidance Audit-proof your return Review obligations for the “other taxes,” including payroll and excise taxes Every year, millions of small business owners overpay their taxes because they lack the time and expertise to make tax-sensitive business decisions throughout the year only to learn that it’s too late to act when it comes to tax time. Now you can put your money back where it belongs—in your business. J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019 helps you take wise actions during the year and tells you how to file completely and accurately while maximizing your bottom line.

Öåíà: 2535.16 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119511502


J.K. Lasser s Small Business Taxes 2022
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2022

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

Öåíà: 2022.22 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119838609


J.K. Lasser s Your Income Tax 2007. For Preparing Your 2006 Tax Return
J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2007. For Preparing Your 2006 Tax Return

Àâòîð: J.K. Institute Lasser

Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2007 is the nation’s all-time top-selling tax guide. It’s filled with expert advice and guidance—including over 2,500 easy-to-follow tax tips and strategies—that will help you plan and file your 2006 tax return in the most efficient way possible.

Öåíà: 1652.37 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470105962


J.K. Lasser s Your Income Tax 2012. For Preparing Your 2011 Tax Return
J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2012. For Preparing Your 2011 Tax Return

Àâòîð: J.K. Institute Lasser

America's number one bestselling tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability For over half a century, more than 39 million Americans have turned to J.K. Lasser for easy-to-follow, expert advice and guidance on planning and filing their taxes. Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2012 includes all the outstanding features that have made this book the nation's all-time top-selling tax guide. It covers some of the most important topics associated with your taxes, from what must you report as income and strategies that will save you on taxes to how much tax you actually owe and what deductions can you claim. As an added value, you can gain direct access to bonus materials through jklasser.com, including links to the latest tax forms from the IRS, up-to-the-minute tax law changes, small business help, and much more. Filled with in-depth insights and timely advice, this is the guide of choice for today's serious taxpayer. Contains over 2,500 easy-to-use tax planning tips and strategies and easy-to-understand coverage of the year's tax law changes Includes filing tips and instructions to help you prepare your 2011 return Comprised of a quick reference section that highlights what's new for 2011 as well as a topic index to help pinpoint the biggest money-saving deductions Offers instruction for customers who use software or CPAs to file their taxes Filled with practical tax guidance you can't find anywhere else, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2012 will help you plan and file your 2011 tax return in the most efficient way possible.

Öåíà: 2112.63 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781118219300


J.K. Lasser s Your Income Tax 2010. For Preparing Your 2009 Tax Return
J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2010. For Preparing Your 2009 Tax Return

Àâòîð: J.K. Institute Lasser

America's number one bestselling tax guide offers the best balance of thoroughness, organization, and usability For over half a century, more than 39 million Americans have turned to J.K. Lasser for easy-to-follow, expert advice and guidance on planning and filing their taxes. Written by a team of tax specialists, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2010 includes all the outstanding features that have made this book the nation's all-time top-selling tax guide. As an added value, you can gain direct access to dozens of bonuses through jklasser.com, including links to the latest tax forms from the IRS, up-to-the-minute tax law changes, small business help, and much more. The book of choice for today's serious taxpayer Your Income Tax 2010 contains Over 2,500 easy-to-use tax planning tips and strategies Easy-to-understand coverage of the year's tax law changes Filing tips and instructions to help you prepare your 2009 return Quick reference section that highlights what's new for 2009 Quick topic index to help pinpoint the biggest money-saving deductions Advice for customers whose use software or CPAs to file their taxes Filled with expert advice and guidance, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2010 will help you plan and file your 2009 tax return in the most efficient way possible.

Öåíà: 1836.47 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470730522


J.K. Lasser s 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2007. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2007. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

If you're unfamiliar with the ever-changing tax laws or frightened by the threat of an audit, you've probably missed out on taking perfectly legal write-offs in the past. With J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2007 as your guide, you can stop worrying, and start saving, because you'll learn exactly how to take advantage of every tax break and deduction that you may be entitled to–without running afoul of the IRS. Fully updated and completely revised to reflect important changes in this year's tax laws, J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2007 can help you save more than ever before on your tax bill. Chapters are clearly organized by subject matter so you can easily find situations that may apply to you. Each tax benefit is also clearly explained–along with the eligibility requirements for claiming the benefit–while planning tips and common pitfalls associated with the benefit in question are discussed in detail. New tax law alerts are also included throughout the book, so you can make the most informed decisions possible. With this book as your guide, you'll find deductions and tax breaks with regard to: * You and your family * Your home and car * Your job or business * Your investments and retirement savings * Medical and dental expenses * Health savings accounts * Education costs * Real estate * Borrowing and interest * Insurance and catastrophes * Gifts and inheritances * Charitable giving * Travel * Entertainment J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2007 is packed with hundreds of updated deductions and credits, practical advice, and real-world examples. It's a book every taxpayer should own. You will also get access to an online supplement to this book, bringing you up-to-the-minute tax law changes. J.K. Lasser–Practical Guides for All Your Financial Needs Please visit our Web site at www.jklasser.com

Öåíà: 1982.84 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470113035


Janice VanCleave s Science Through the Ages
Janice VanCleave's Science Through the Ages

Àâòîð: Janice VanCleave

How much would you weigh on Mars? What can exploding balloons tell us about weather? Why do heavy ships stay afloat on water? How can you lift an elephant with one finger? You'll discover the answers to these and many other fascinating questions when you journey through science history with Janice VanCleave as your guide. Packed with fun facts, activities, and experiments, Janice VanCleave's Science Through the Ages introduces you to the amazing stories behind some of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time. Each chapter provides easy-to-follow instructions for hands-on experiments, as well as clear explanations that reveal the many ways science has helped people–from ancient times right up through today! You'll find out how to use Stone Age tools to make art, build a simple telescope, look at your own blood vessels (did you know you have thousands of miles of them?), construct a stethoscope, create a model of Galileo's gas thermometer, and much more. As with all of Janice VanCleave's books, the materials are safe, inexpensive, and easily found around the house. So take a time-traveling tour of discovery and get ready for hours and hours of fascinating science fun–at home or in the classroom.

Öåíà: 1472.86 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471208303


JK Lasser s Small Business Taxes 2010. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line
JK Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2010. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line

Àâòîð: Barbara Weltman

The tax facts and strategies that every small business owner needs to know Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this reliable resource offers a complete overview of small business tax planning and provides you with the information needed to make tax-smart decisions throughout the year. Focusing on strategies that help you use deductions and tax credits effectively, shield business income, and maximize other aspects of small business taxes, this practical guide will show you how your actions in business today can affect your bottom line from a tax perspective tomorrow. Includes detailed coverage of the newest tax laws and IRS rules Reveals strategies that can help you run a tax-smart business all year long Contains comprehensive information on each deductible expense, including dollar limits and record-keeping requirements Offers clear instructions on where to report income and claim deductions on your tax forms Provides help with state taxes and a guide to information returns you may need to file Other titles by Weltman: J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions & Tax Breaks 2010 Owning a small business is a big responsibility. While many small business owners seek to improve their bottom line, few realize all the ways that both current and new tax laws can help them do so. With J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2010, you'll quickly discover how.

Öåíà: 1744.42 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780470572986


Karl Valentin - lit.COLOGNE live (Ungek?rzt)
Karl Valentin - lit.COLOGNE live (Ungek?rzt)

Àâòîð: Karl Veillodter Valentin

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Peter Lohmeyer

Öåíà: 981.51 ðóá.
ISBN: 4251888722768


Kid s Food Allergies For Dummies
Kid's Food Allergies For Dummies

Àâòîð: Mimi Tang

Öåíà: 335.39 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780730308034


Krypto-Handel Pro
Krypto-Handel Pro

Àâòîð: Alan T. Norman

Ta książka pokaże Ci najszybsze i najbardziej zyskowne narzędzia do zarabiania na kryptowalutach w 2019 r. Ta książka pokaże Ci najszybsze i najbardziej zyskowne narzędzie do zarabiania na kryptowalutach w 2021 roku. Nie wymaga prawie żadnych inwestycji i przynosi zyski, nawet gdy rynek spada. Istnieją dziesiątki sposob?w zarabiania na kryptowalutach, a nowe pojawiają się niemal każdego dnia: Inwestycje G?rnicze Sprzedaż sprzętu Ico Doradztwo Tworzenia startup?w kryptowalutowych. Jest jednak jedno narzędzie, kt?re wyr?żnia się wśr?d pozostałych. Dzięki niemu nawet nowicjusz może szybko ”wejść” na rynek kryptowalut i zacząć zarabiać przy niewielkich lub żadnych inwestycjach – to Cryptotrading.” Zapomnij o wszystkim, co wiedziałeś lub słyszałeś o tradingu. Wraz z nadejściem ery kryptowalut, zasady gry bardzo się zmieniły. I tylko ci, kt?rzy szybko dostosują się do nowego trendu, będą działać. ” W jaki spos?b kryptowaluty zmieniły zasady gry w handlu? 1. Transakcje stały się bardziej opłacalne Pomimo tego, że kryptowaluty chwilowo nie rosną, to i tak zyski z transakcji na nich są bardzo duże 2. Nie ma prawie żadnej konkurencji Co 3 osoba boi się teraz kryptowalut i im nie ufa. Tym lepiej dla odważnych trader?w, kt?rzy nie czują konkurencji. 3. Strategie handlowe stały się łatwiejsze Ze względu na fakt, że giełdy kryptowalutowe są na wczesnym etapie rozwoju, złożone strategie handlowe zanikły 4. Obniżony pr?g wejścia Nowe technologie handlu sprawiają, że kryptotrading jest otwarty dla każdego i pozwala na rozpoczęcie działalności przy minimalnych inwestycjach. Po przeczytaniu tej książki dowiesz się: – Dlaczego aktywny handel kryptowalutami jest obecnie niemal najlepszym sposobem na zarabianie pieniędzy – Plan krok po kroku, jak dalej się rozwijać, aby osiągnąć zysk w miesiąc, w p?ł roku i w rok – Konkretna strategia handlowa, kiedy kupować, a kiedy sprzedawać, aby osiągnąć zysk – Dlaczego proste metody działają w handlu kryptowalutami, podczas gdy na klasycznych giełdach przestały działać – Kluczowe zasady, jak zarabiać dużo w kryptotradingu, nawet jeśli jesteś pierwszy dzień na giełdzie – Zasoby, kt?re pomagają zrozumieć kryptotrading i dają wskaz?wki, kiedy kupować / sprzedawać.

Öåíà: 344.27 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835423539


La Ley De Atracci?n De La Riqueza
La Ley De Atracci?n De La Riqueza

Àâòîð: Timothy Willink

?Cu?les son los secretos para convertirse en una m?quina de hacer dinero? En realidad, el mayor secreto es tu mente. La Ley de Atracci?n puede ser utilizada por una poderosa mentalidad que env?a energ?a positiva, reflej?ndola en el mundo. Esta energ?a positiva es la que atraer? todo lo que desees a tu vida. Si crees en tus sue?os, y env?as un mensaje positivo al universo, tus sue?os se har?n definitivamente realidad. Todo el dinero que necesitan ya es suyo, solo tienen que creer que llegar? a ustedes y practicar el pensamiento positivo todo el tiempo. No te tortures por el dinero. ?En vez de eso, atr?elo! El poder para hacerlo reside en la Ley de Atracci?n, tu canal de comunicaci?n seguro con las energ?as del universo. Tu sistema de creencias es la base para cualquier cosa en tu vida. La creencia construye la autodisciplina, la energ?a positiva y la atracci?n. ?Cu?les son los secretos para convertirse en una m?quina de hacer dinero? En realidad, el mayor secreto es tu mente. La Ley de Atracci?n puede ser utilizada por una poderosa mentalidad que env?a energ?a positiva, reflej?ndola en el mundo. Esta energ?a positiva es la que atraer? todo lo que desees a tu vida. Si crees en tus sue?os, y env?as un mensaje positivo al universo, tus sue?os se har?n definitivamente realidad. Todo el dinero que necesitan ya es suyo, solo tienen que creer que llegar? a ustedes y practicar el pensamiento positivo todo el tiempo. No te tortures por el dinero. ?En vez de eso, atr?elo! El poder para hacerlo reside en la Ley de Atracci?n, tu canal de comunicaci?n seguro con las energ?as del universo. Tu sistema de creencias es la base para cualquier cosa en tu vida. La creencia construye la autodisciplina, la energ?a positiva y la atracci?n. Sobre todo, tienes que creer en ti mismo, en tus habilidades y sue?os. Si sue?as con tener m?s dinero, el libro ”La Ley de Atracci?n para la Riqueza” es la gu?a perfecta para transformar tu mentalidad en una que emane energ?a positiva y atraiga todas las riquezas. ?El rasgo n?mero uno que todos los millonarios comparten? Creer en s? mismos. ?nase al 1% del mundo y tenga la vida abundante que siempre ha deseado. Haz tu propio ”tablero de sue?os”. Ponga all? todos sus sue?os, fotos del coche o la casa de sus sue?os, una nueva carrera o una mejor salud. Esto le ayudar? a visualizar sus metas y nunca se aleje de ellas. El libro ”La Ley de Atracci?n de la Riqueza” terminar? con tus preocupaciones. Este asombroso libro tiene todas las ense?anzas esenciales para atraer la abundancia a su vida solo con el poder del pensamiento positivo. No subestime el poder de su voluntad. La soluci?n a tu futuro est? en la Ley de Atracci?n. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Compre ahora con un clic” al desplazarse al principio de esta p?gina.

Öåíà: 294.95 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835402343


La Mentalidad Del Empresario
La Mentalidad Del Empresario

Àâòîð: Willink Timothy

?Qu? te impide el ?xito que tanto deseas? ?Es tu mentalidad o tus habilidades? Contin?a leyendo… Siempre has querido empezar tu propio negocio. Pero el miedo, la duda y la falta de confianza en ti mismo siempre se te quedan grabados en la mente. Para ser un empresario, tienes que pensar como tal. Y eso requiere los pasos y el conocimiento necesarios. Este libro ”La mentalidad del empresario” revela un m?todo efectivo que puedes aplicar f?cilmente para empezar a reinventarte. Una vez que trabaje en una nueva mentalidad, sus objetivos ser?n m?s f?ciles de alcanzar, y estar? listo para comenzar su nuevo negocio. ?Sab?as que el salario promedio de un fundador es de alrededor de 50.000 d?lares al a?o? Hay 400 millones de empresarios en todo el mundo y, en contra de la creencia popular, los pa?ses m?s emprendedores no son los m?s desarrollados. Uganda y Tailandia encabezan la lista. En estos pa?ses hay m?s necesidades y por eso la gente es m?s inventiva para encontrar soluciones y crear e ?Qu? te impide el ?xito que tanto deseas? ?Es tu mentalidad o tus habilidades? Contin?a leyendo… Siempre has querido empezar tu propio negocio. Pero el miedo, la duda y la falta de confianza en ti mismo siempre se te quedan grabados en la mente. Para ser un empresario, tienes que pensar como tal. Y eso requiere los pasos y el conocimiento necesarios. Este libro ”La mentalidad del empresario” revela un m?todo efectivo que puedes aplicar f?cilmente para empezar a reinventarte. Una vez que trabaje en una nueva mentalidad, sus objetivos ser?n m?s f?ciles de alcanzar, y estar? listo para comenzar su nuevo negocio. ?Sab?as que el salario promedio de un fundador es de alrededor de 50.000 d?lares al a?o? Hay 400 millones de empresarios en todo el mundo y, en contra de la creencia popular, los pa?ses m?s emprendedores no son los m?s desarrollados. Uganda y Tailandia encabezan la lista. En estos pa?ses hay m?s necesidades y por eso la gente es m?s inventiva para encontrar soluciones y crear empresas. Por lo tanto, el secreto para ser un excelente empresario no es la cantidad de diplomas que cuelgan en la pared. En cambio, se trata de la forma en que piensas, tu nivel de confianza y tu deseo inquebrantable de convertirte en un empresario. ”Una vez que tu mentalidad cambie, todo en el exterior cambiar? junto con ella.” – Steve Maraboli Para empezar, este libro ”The Entrepreneur Mindset” te ense?a 7 secretos esenciales para construir una base fuerte de creencias. Aprender?s a eliminar los pensamientos negativos, a tener una actitud fuerte hacia tus metas y sue?os, y a construir una autodisciplina inquebrantable. Si has so?ado despierto con tener tu propio negocio durante mucho tiempo, debes saber que es hora de actuar. Tu futuro depende solo de tu habilidad para creer en ti mismo y luchar por tus metas. Vive la vida que siempre has querido y s? el empresario que siempre supiste que pod?as ser. Act?e ahora haciendo clic en el bot?n ”Comprar ahora” o ”Leer ahora” despu?s de desplazarse a la parte superior de esta p?gina.P.S. ?Qu? te detiene? En la vida, la mayor?a de la gente se detiene ya sea por su miedo o su pereza. Recuerda, la mejor inversi?n que puedes hacer es en ti mismo. Invierte el tiempo y el precio de menos de un caf? para hacer un salto cu?ntico en tu vida, riqueza, amor y felicidad. ?Act?a ahora!

Öåíà: 393.59 ðóá.
ISBN: 9788835403340


Las Conversaciones de Jes?s
Las Conversaciones de Jes?s

Àâòîð: Simon J. Kistemaker

La gente ven?a de todas partes de Israel y a?n de m?s all? para escuchar a Jes?s, cautivados por sus palabras. La gente entend?a su mensaje directo y profundo. De acuerdo con el Evangelio de Juan, Jes?s no pronuncia la palabra arrepentirse. En su lugar, ?l introduce a las personas en un di?logo en el que expone sus pecados, por caminos cortos y sin nociones de error. Cuando Jes?s remueve sus m?scaras, ?l les dice palabras de restauraci?n en vez de castigo. ?l se prueba a s? mismo como el pastor m?s gentil que encuentra a la oveja perdida y la lleva de nuevo al grupo. Sus palabras contin?an atrayendo hoy grandes cantidades de seguidores a trav?s del mundo. Durante su ministerio en la Tierra, Jes?s se encontr? con una gran variedad de personas y le prest? atenci?n a cada una de ellas. Las conversaciones de Jes?s son un muy vivo retrato de esas importantes y conmovedoras interacciones y aprender de ellas nos ayudar? a profundizar en la relevancia que tienen las palabras de Jes?s para nosotros. "No podemos apartarnos de Las Conversaciones de Jes?s sin sentir como si estuvi?ramos all?, escuchando escondidos las inspirantes, instructivas y desafiantes palabras del m?s grande de todos los maestros." EUGENE MERRILL Distinguido profesor de estudios de Antiguo Testamento Seminario Teol?gico de Dallas"

Èñïîëíèòåëè: Òàòüÿíà Ìàíåòèíà

Öåíà: 1084.1 ðóá.
ISBN: 9789584410382


Las Finanzas Personales y la Vida
Las Finanzas Personales y la Vida

Àâòîð: Maurisio Pantokha Agirre

Este libro trata de las finanzas y asuntos con los que se chocan las personas comunes y corrientes en la vida diaria, desde los ni?os hasta los ancianos, familias, propietarios de bienes, emprendedores, etc, en lo que concierne a la satisfacci?n de sus necesidades vitales relacionadas a sus actividades y a las interacciones con los bancos, seguros, etc… Cada lector podr? elegir el tema de mayor inter?s para poder manejar inteligentemente su econom?a en las diferentes fases de su vida.

Öåíà: 400 ðóá.
Ãîä: 2015
ISBN: 978-5-4474-2775-7


Last Chance to Get It Right!. How to Avoid Eight Deadly Mistakes Made with Money
Last Chance to Get It Right!. How to Avoid Eight Deadly Mistakes Made with Money

Àâòîð: J. Moore Thomas

Praise for Last Chance to Get It Right! «Tom Moore is one of the capable professionals who made me look good in the last thirty years of my forty-five year career at A.G. Edwards & Sons. He has put together a primer which should help both new and veteran investors understand financial markets and alternatives, and gain a direction and common-sense approach to their estate planning.» -Benjamin F. Edwards III, Chairman Emeritus A. G. Edwards & Sons «Tom Moore's grasp of the problems of retirement planning is superb; his methods of solving those problems unrivalled.» -Richard Austin, past president of Templeton Funds Annuity Company currently a Retirement Income Planning Consultant «Tom has spelled out in plain English, just what it takes to create and implement a successful retirement plan. Boomers and non-boomers alike, will find his step-by-step road map very helpful.» -M. Ellen Simmons, JD, CPA Between Social Security uncertainty and uneasiness in the stock market, Americans today face a more uncertain financial future than at any time in decades. Ironically, our response to this growing emergency is to spend more, save less, and put off necessary preparations until tomorrow. Buckle up, because tomorrow has arrived. Last Chance to Get It Right! outlines a step-by-step program designed to help you: * Increase the size of your nest egg-for a long, enjoyable retirement * Slash your income tax bill-both today and throughout your life * Reduce your estate taxes-to preserve the assets you fought so hard to build Are you truly prepared for the financial future facing you and your family? Let Last Chance to Get It Right! give you the knowledge and tools you need to stop making financial mistakes today-and put more money in your pocket tomorrow.

Öåíà: 2756.09 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780471650881


Launching Financial Grownups
Launching Financial Grownups

Àâòîð: Bobbi Rebell

Öåíà: 2357.61 ðóá.
ISBN: 9781119850083


Leadership Agility. Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change
Leadership Agility. Five Levels of Mastery for Anticipating and Initiating Change

Àâòîð: William Joiner B

Leadership Agility is the master competency needed for sustained success in today’s complex, fast-paced business environment. Richly illustrated with stories based on original research and decades of work with clients, this groundbreaking book identifies five levels that leaders move through in developing their agility. Significantly, only 10% have mastered the level of agility needed for consistent effectiveness in our turbulent era of global competition. Written in an engaging, down-to-earth style, this book not only provides a map that guides readers in identifying their current level of agility. It also provides practical advice and concrete examples that show managers and leadership development professionals how they can bring greater agility to the initiatives they take every day.

Öåíà: 3860.74 ðóá.
ISBN: 9780787987466


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